
Author Topic: Wild Arms:ACF  (Read 4771 times)


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Wild Arms:ACF
« on: December 19, 2007, 07:40:03 AM »
Defenses: Usually they are subtraction, but some enemies techs use them in different ways, so I didn’t make any durability scales.

Averages: I included multiple averages depending on who you consider. I also did several evade/damage averages depending on how you scale/factor those types of things.

Alter Parts: Used to upgrade Rudy. Zed is aftergame, so Rudy gets all the in game ones. Consequently, he can easily get at least 3 shots of his best damage.

FP Gains
Automatically receive 4 at the end of the turn
Attack- 12 FP Gained
Casting a Spell/Using a tech- 12 FP
Shot- 8 FP Gained
Criticals- 20 FP gained
Evading- 12 FP gained
Taking a Hit- 4-6 FP (Should increase when more damage is done, making this an underestimate DL wise)

Sickness- Prevents Healing
Stone- Take no actions, die on taking a hit
Sleep- Take no actions for several turns, not cancelled by damage
Poison- Does 20% MHP damage
Confusion- Enemy physically attacks

HP: 1526
Attack: 584 (274 base)
Defense: 182
Magic: 113
Resistance: 69
Reaction: 105
Accuracy: 203
Evasion: 211
Physical: 1029 with fully upgraded power
Force: Lock On, Raises Attack 75%, Makes Attack ITE, and Breaks Physical Immunity, Damage Boost in Parenthesis, 25 FP

Boosted Shell- 2197 Physical Damage, +50 Acc, Reduces Reaction Time 25% next turn (3949) (99% hit rate when the hit rate is averaged)
Snipe Bullet- 1905 Physical Damage, +100 Acc, Doubles Reaction Time the next turn (3438) (100% hit rate against all endgame randoms)
Gun Claymore- 3365 Physical Damage (5993) (94% when hit rate is averaged)
Arc Nova- 3073 Physical Damage, GT, -50 Acc, Halves Reaction Time the Next Turn  (5482) (85% Acc on to average endgame evade, 82% when the hit rate is averaged)
Mighty Avalanche- 2781 Physical Damage when used against a single target. -50 Acc. Halves Reaction Time the Next Turn (4791) (85% Acc to average endgame evade, 82% when the hit rate is averaged)

HP: 1119
MP: 204
Attack: 138
Defense: 81
Magic: 331
Resistance: 198
Reaction: 207
Accuracy: 150
Evade: 170

Physical: 137 Damage, Recovers 1 MP (Approximately 84% accuracy, 81% when hit rates are averaged)
Devastate- 884 Magical Damage, 12 MP
Elemental Spells- 388 Elemental Damage, 6 MP
Graviton- A Gravity attack where the Percentage of Damage is equal to Cecilia’s FP, 70% Hit Rate, 10 FP
Life Drain- Does Draining Damage equal to Cecilia’s Missing HP, 70% Hit Rate, 18 MP

Heal- Recovers 993 HP, 4 MP
Resurrection- Auto Revive with 1 HP, 50 MP
Restore- Heals Status, 18 MP
Reinforce- Increases FP gains by 50%, 18 MP
Retaliation- Reflects 1 Physical Attack, Not Effected for Permanence, 12 MP
Reflect- Reflects Standard Magic for 3 Turns, Including the turn its cast on, 12 MP
Protect- Raises Magic Defense by 25%, MT, Lasts 4 turns, 10 MP
Shield- Raises Defense by 25%, MT, Lasts 4 turns, 10 MP
Quick- Doubles Speed, Lasts 4 turns, 6 MP
Turbulence- Raises Evasion by 50%, Lasts 4 turns, 10 MP
Command Replay- Repeat the Action of the Turn again at the turn’s closing, 36 MP
Permanence- Makes most status effects last until the end of battle, Must be used after status is applied, 10 MP
Dispel- Dispels Positive Status, 4 MP

Hocus Pocus- Raises Luck 1 Level, which extends Buffers length by 1 turn, 12 MP
Fragile- Halves (Cuts by 25%?) Enemy Defense, Only really good against high Def enemies, 4 MP
Feeble Mind- Halves (Cuts by 25%) Enemy Mdef, Only really good against high Mdef enemies, 4 MP

Force: Material
Sacred Isolater- Cuts Elemental Damage 25%, 25 FP
Status Lock- Prevent status abnormalties except ID, Lasts 3 Turns, 25 FP
Elemental Summons- 884 Elemental Damage, 50 FP
Life Horn- Heals 1655 HP and Recovers from Status, 75 FP
Genocide Edge- 55% Base ID, 10% increase for every element the enemy is weak to, 5% resistance for every element they resist), 75 FP
Zypher’s Phantasm Heart- 2430 Magical Damage, 100 FP
Raftina’s Affection Embrace- Recovers 112 MP, 100 FP

HP: 1831
MP: 50
Attack: 273
Defense: 196
Magic: 208
Resistance: 149
Reaction: 358
Accuracy: 325 (All randoms hits 100% of the time)
Evasion: 374

Physical: 407 Physical Damage
Force: Accelerator- Gives Initiative and the Given Damage Boost in Parenthesis, 25 FP

Laser Silhoutte- 2085 Physical Damage (6386), 24 MP (Level 2)
Maximum Risk- Full HP: 452 Physical Damage (790), 20 MP (Level 2)
1 HP: 2197 Physical Damage (2535). Increases Linearly from Full HP to 1 HP.
Axle Smash- 1123 Physical Damage (1481), 12 MP (Level 3)
Speed Fang- 850 Physical Damage (1208), 6 MP (Level 3)
Acute Angle- 770 Physical Damage, Strengthens as Enemy Defense Increases (1128), 9 MP (Level 3)
Note that Jack’s techs can all be leveled up to reduce cost. They should all at least get to level 2, with really does not have many turns to use.

HP: 940
MP: 153
Attack: 63
Defense: 67
Magic: 194
Resistance: 126
Reaction: 79
Accuracy: 126
Evasion: 130

Physical- Doesn’t technically break average defense, but might average about 50 it you test against all enemies separately.
Force: Alchemic Bomb- Approximately 1000 Magical Damage (About 2000 under GB), 25 FP.
Download- If you allow this, it drains MP. 70% hit rate on suspectible enemies.

Flare Bomb- 570 Fire Magic (1249 under GB), 38 MP
Hyperion Blaster- 473 Non Elemental Magic (1055 under GB), 46 MP
Blizzard Breath- 376 Ice Magic (861 under GB), 32 MP
Elemental ST Attacks- 279 Elemental Magic, 24 MP (36 for a group)
The Uncertainty Theory- 182 Magical Damage+40% Sickness+40% Poison (473 under GB), 48 MP
Petrify- 182 Earth Damage+ 40% 1 Turn Slow Petrify (473 under GB), 20 MP
Non Elemental Spell+Status- 85 Damage+40 Status Odds (Except 50% for Sleep and 20% for ID), (279 under GB), 22 MP
Spontaneous Combustion- KOs those with no Fire resist, 30% Hit Rate, 36 MP
Hazardous Material 666- HP to 1, 30% Hit Rate, 40 MP (66 for a group)
Shriek- 40% MT Sickness and Confusion, 42 MP
Arc-En-Ciel- 40% Sickness, Poison, Confusion and 1 Turn Slow Petrify, and 50% Sleep, Puts Reaction to 0 and Kills FP Gains (not 100%, but the FAQ doesn’t list resists. I’m going to guess between 50 and 70%, but can’t be sure. 56 MP

Renovation- Heals 582 HP (1164 under GB), 8 MP
Rule of Vengeance- Sends damage done to Emma back to the enemy, 25 MP
Great Booster- Doubles Magic and Reaction, and Boosts defenses by 25%, 48 MP
Magic Zone- Raises everyone’s Magic by 50%, 24 MP (Cheaper, but less effective alternative to GB).
Contaminated Crust- Enemies take 10% of their MHP in damage at the end of the round for 4 rounds, 24 MP
Elemental Zones- Doubles damage of a specific element, and halves the opposing element. Lasts 4 turns, 15 MP
Reset- Return battle to origin. Arguably useful for trying to get status to hit (Although you could also say it erases the build up from the old tries), 4 MP

HP: 1254
MP: 86
Attack: 324 (154 base)
Defense: 73
Magic: 259
Resistance: 162
Reaction: 572
Accuracy: 339 (All randoms hit 100% of the time)
Evasion: 586
Physical- 509 Physical Damage, 9.4% crit rate, Kills ID susceptible on crits.
Force: Mystic- Changes an ST item to a GT. Unlike with Cecilia or Virginia, I don’t know of any items that have properties that can only be unlocked with this, but some might still allow it. 25 FP.
Finest Art: Some might allow her access to the Finest Art skill since she has a unique multiplier for it. Note that these only occur during criticals. Jane has a 9.4% of having a critical, and then Finest Arts would have a 38% chance of activating. It does 10180 if it activates on the first turn, and does 2036 if it only activates with one bullet left.

What can you do: If an enemy uses an ST attack on Jane, she cancels their action and attacks. This only lasts one turn, so arguably has very little use excepting for allowing Jane to double every once in a while. 6 MP.
I’ll Show You: Based on Jane’s current FP, her MP, and her number of steals. Did about 1100 at 100 FP…I just have no idea how many steals I had. So, it takes about 50 FP to make it useful (as in, better than her physical), but take this with a grain of salt. However, I did steal a fair amount with Jane. Costs all of Jane’s current MP.

HP: 2136
Attack: 425
Defense: 146
Magic: 125
Resistance: 99
Reaction: 376
Accuracy: 214 (100% hit rate to average evade, but 95% hit rate when hit rates are averaged)
Evasion: 182
Physical: 711 Physical Damage
Force: Full Power. Drop Reaction to 0, but increases power by 75%.

Secret Sword- 1561 Physical Damage (2411 Physical Damage). If this move kills the enemy, Zed takes equal damage, 5 Shots
Heaven’s Wrath- 1561 Physical Damage, Halves Status Res, and gains a damage bonus against flyers. (Based on number of Enemies Analyzed. I assumed 200), 3 Shots
Dancing Heaven- 6 chances of 37.5% ID, Note that this might be high, because I think it hits an unlisted check (Hits things that are immune to fallen, but doesn’t work on bosses). Still it’s very potent when fully focused. 2 Shots.
Star Blast- 2650 Physical Damage (Approximately 4000), Backfires if it doesn’t kill. 1 Shot

3 Turn Damage Average
1. Rudy- 3163 (Gun Claymore)
2. Zed- 1924 (One Star Blast + 2 Heaven’s Wrath)
3. Jack- 1525 (Two Laser Silhouettes + 1 Axle Smash)
4. Cecilia- 884 (Devastate)
5. Emma- 570 (Flare Bomb)
6. Jane- 509 (Shoot)
Average: 1428 (1331 without Zed) (1858 with only the core 3) (Kill Point: 3570/3328/4645)
Averages using only moves that can be used 3 times: 1335 (1290 without Zed) (1791 with only the core 3) (Kill Point: 3338/3225/4478)

3 Turn Damage Average Using Accelator
1. Rudy- 4106 (2 Gun Claymores+1 Lock On Gun Claymore)
2. Jack- 2959 (1 Attack, 1 Laser Silhouette & 1 Accel Laser Silhouette)
3. Zed- 2374 (2 Heaven’s Wrath & 1 Full Power Star Blast)
4. Cecilia- 884 (Devastate)
5. Emma- 713 (2 Flare Bombs, 1 Alchemic Bomb)
6. Jane- 509 (Shoot)
Average: 1925 (1834 without Zed) (2650 with the core 3) (Kill Point: 4813/4585/6625)

1. Zed- 2136
2. Jack- 1831
3. Rudy- 1526
4. Jane- 1254
5. Cecilia- 1119
6. Emma- 940
Average: 1467 (1334 without Zed) (1492 with only the core 3)

1. Jack 196    
2. Rudy 182  
3. Zed 146    
4. Cecilia 81  
5. Jane 73      
6. Emma 67  
Average: 124 (120 without Zed) (153 with only the core 3)

1. Cecilia 198
2. Jane 162
3. Jack 149
4. Emma 126
5. Zed 99
6. Rudy 69
Average: 134 (141 without Zed) (139 with the core 3)

1. Jane 572     (+1.68 SD) (+1.69 SD)
2. Zed 376      (+0.54 SD)
3. Jack 358     (+0.44 SD) (+0.52 SD)  (+1.3 SD)
4. Cecilia 207 (-0.44 SD)  (-0.31 SD)  (-0.15 SD)
5. Rudy 105    (-1.03 SD)  (-0.87 SD)  (-1.14 SD)
6. Emma 79    (-1.19 SD)  (-1.02 SD)
Average: 283 with an SD of 172 (264 with an SD of 182 without Zed) (223 with an SD on 104 with only the core 3)

1. Jane 586- Chance to evade 63% (63%)
2. Jack 374- Chance to evade 36% (43% averaging the hit rates of the enemies)
3. Rudy 211- Chance to evade 0% (11% averaging the hit rates)
4. Zed 182- Chance to evade 0% (4% averaging the hit rates)
5. Cecilia 170- Chance to evade 0%, 15% evade under Turbulence (1% averaging the hit rates/22% under Turbulence)
66. Emma 130- Chance to evade 0% (0%, but 7% under GB)
Average in Percent: 16.5% (20% without Zed) (12% with the Big Three)
Average in Percent averaging the hit rate: 20% (24% without Zed)(18% with the Core 3)
« Last Edit: April 17, 2010, 09:58:30 PM by Dhyerwolf »
...into the nightfall.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Wild Arms:ACF
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2007, 05:26:47 AM »

From Sei

HP- 814/814
MP- 55/55
Attack- 57
Defense- 61
Magic- 97
Resistance- 77
Reaction- 117
Accuracy- 101
Evasion- 105


Extension (25 FP)- Extends Herb Magic to whole group!

Herb Magic

Potion Berry (6 MP)- Restores 500 HP
Magic Carrot (6 MP)- Restores 50 MP
Status Apple (10 MP)- Increases all Parameter.  Works like Great Booster.  Lasts 2 turns, including the turn she casts this.
Mega Berry* (10 MP)- Restores 2000 HP
Force Carrot* (15 MP)- Raises FP Bar to 100

*Requires levels higher than 55 to get.

Due to me not knowing which monster Niu tested on, I'll just grab a whole bunch of randoms for comparison.

Attack against Blue Book (found in Sealed Library):
188 (with Status Apple and FP bar going from 16 to 36)

Attack against Zonemaker (found in Vlcannon Trap)
108 (with Status Apple and FP bar going from 16 to 28)

Attack against Amplifier (found in Demon's Lab)
80 (with Status Apple and FP bar going from 20 to 40)

Attack against Flurity (found in Arctica Region)
40 (with full FP Bar)
86 (with Status Apple and FP bar going from 75 to 87)

Attack against GigaFrost (found in Arctica Region)
0 (with Status Apple and FP bar going from 48 to 60)

Attack against Vivel (found in Arctica Region)
0 (with Status Apple and FP bar going from 41 to 53)

From Strago, updated by Dark Holy Elf

Based on Magdalen's last stint at the party. Level is 28, damage tests are against Gremlins.

HP: 660
MP: 60
ATK: 169
DEF: 43
MAG: 56
RES: 35
SPD: 132
ACC: 105
EVA: 85

Punishment: 540 physical damage (860 w/ Gamble), 2 MP
Heaven's Wrath: 260 physical (Hits a group), 4 MP
Punishing Evil: 845 physical ITD damage (1099 w/ Gamble), 8 MP

HP: 641
MP: 0
ATK: 155
DEF: 76
MAG: 47
RES: 29
SPD: 44
ACC: 85
EVA: 88

Boosted Shell: 558
Lock-On Gatling Raid: 1160

HP: 769
MP: 41
ATK: 113
DEF: 71
MAG: 86
RES: 56
SPD: 139
ACC: 135
EVA: 146

Speed Fang: 320, 4 MP
Axle Smash: 420 (550 w/ Accelerator), 16 MP

HP: 470
MP: 150
ATK: 60
DEF: 34
MAG: 137
RES: 83
SPD: 86
ACC: 63
EVA: 71

Elemental spells: 150 magical damage
Devastate: 364 magical damage

HP: 566
MP: 61
ATK: 130
DEF: 31
MAG: 108
RES: 68
SPD: 283
ACC: 137
EVA: 290

Attack: 198 physical damage

(Aaaaaaand the averages that matter for Magdalen.)

-Average HP-
1. Jack, 769
2. Magdalen, 660
3. Rudy, 641
4. Jane, 566
5. Cecilia, 470

-Average MP-
1. Cecilia, 150
2. Jane, 61
3. Magdalen, 60
4. Jack, 41
5. Rudy, 0

-Average DEF-
1. Rudy, 76
2. Jack, 71
3. Magdalen, 43
4. Cecilia, 34
5. Jane, 31

-Average RES-
1. Cecilia, 83
2. Jane, 68
3. Jack, 56
4. Magdalen, 35
5. Rudy, 29

-Average SPD-
1. Jane, 283
2. Jack, 139
3. Magdalen, 132
4. Cecilia, 86
5. Rudy, 44

-Average damage-

Axle Smash is still OPB at this point so I'm only listing it with Accelerator.

Magdalen's Punishing Evil - 845
Rudy's Boosted Shell (L4 Power) - 558
Cecilia's Devastate - 364
Jack's Speed Fang - 329
Jane's Shoot - 198
Average - 458

Rudy's Lock-On Gatling Raid - ~1160
Magdalen's Gambled Punishing Evil - 1099
Jack's Accelerated Axle Smash - 581
Three-turn average - 532

There's a decent case for taking Emma into the averages too (she was just in the party a couple dungeons ago, and balances out Jane/Magdalen a bit statistically). She should have ~81 Magic at this level by extrapolation, so does 196 damage with Hyperion Blaster. That drops the averages to 414/476 respectively.

(Taking Emma into the averages more importantly impacts speed, as it makes Magdalen above average, which IMO makes considerably more sense. Your mileage may vary. If you don't want to factor in Emma, I'd at least suggest taking Jane's speed with a grain of salt.)

Mmm yeah. There's some decent variance in there, but Magdalen's damage is, as advertised, definitely excellent. Shouldn't have any trouble 2HKOing by most scaling, and the ITD property of Punishing Evil makes him hard to stop.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Wild Arms:ACF
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2007, 05:29:34 AM »

About Def/Res/Rea comments on bosses:
-Def is how much Jack is affected. Rudy is affected less, Cecilia more.
-Res is how much Cecilia's Devastate is affected.
-Rea comments will list how much further above or below average a boss is than a certain PC. e.g. "74% better than Jack" means Zed is 1.74x further from average than Jack is.

All bosses are vulnerable to stat downs, but immune to status, death, gravity, and draining, unless otherwise noted.

I'm Level 24 for both Volcannon Trap bosses (they're fought almost consecutively, and Zed doesn't give that much Exp). Levels at this point are worth about 30 HP and 3 Speed, so if you're a bit lower/higher, adjust accordingly.

Party averages:
HP 523, Def 50, Res ?? (need to check), Rea 75

I have the HP+20% skill on Cecilia. This strikes me as a no-brainer move in-game honestly (it's a 100% boss drop, too). This is factored into the average, Rudy ends up slightly below as a result.

Damage Average
Rudy's Boosted Shell: 494
Cecilia's Devastate: 305
Jack's Speed Fang*: 274
Average: 357

Rudy's Lock-On Gatling Raid: 970~
Jack's Accelerated Speed Fang: 392
Three-turn average, assuming nobody dies: 423

*Burst Breaker does negligibly more damage, but runs into MP issues fast.

Enemy averages (last two dungeons): Def 50, Res 40

Zed (2)
"A scarf blowing in the wind! True power!"

HP 3400
Atk 130
Def 96 (17% reduction)
Mag 62
Res 56 (5% reduction)
Rea 150 (74% faster than Jack)
Acc 117
Eva 69

Doombringer: 210 physical damage
Secret Sword: 275 physical damage, does backlash damage to Zed if used as a killing blow (dunno how much)
Heaven's Wrath: 340 physical damage, halves status resistance?
Raring to Go: For the rest of this round, Zed has 100% counter rate to any damage with Doombringer.

-It's possible Secret Sword and/or Heaven's Wrath are ITE, I didn't see evidence to dispute this but I definitely didn't spend long testing. Doombringer definitely is not.
-I have no clue if HW actually lowers status resistance, I'm just listing the PC effect. Since Zed has no status himself, it would only matter in a team match.

Comments: He's got a decent 2HKO off nice speed. Durability's not great (seems like a running problem for ACF bosses), but not horrible... some shade of PC. Heavy, definitely a big improvement over the original. May or may not want/be allowed this form, since he's a secret PC later.

Berserk (4)
"I refuse to be teleported!"

HP 3200
Atk 250
Def 104 (20% reduction)
Mag 14
Res 32 (3% increase)
Rea 42 (13% faster than Rudy)
Acc 144
Eva 58

Takes 3x from Lightning. Halves Wind and Dark. Absorbs Water.

Disrupt Hammer: 450 physical damage
Berserk Break: 575 physical damage, MT, Berserk's speed doubles this round
Blaster Howl: Amnesia, 30%, MT (Amnesia = no exp gain.)
Taunt: owns all you lamers. OPB.

-Normally a bit faster than Rudy, but when he uses Berserk Break, he's a bit faster than Cecilia. I'm not certain his speed is doubling, but it seems most likely. If so, then he's 15% as far above average as Jack is, i.e. negligibly. But still above average.
-Pleasant thought #1: Plotwise, Berserk is being nerfed in this fight by outside influences. Well, his three previous forms did OHKO with Disrupt Hammer.
-Pleasant thought #2: Berserk Break's animation focusses. The damage, mercifully, does not. We could very easily have had 0.3HKO damage in Middle.

Comments: Uh... yeah. Berserk Break is ridiculously broken. Fixes the guy's speed problem, OHKOs average, and even thrashes full parties at once for great Team Match hype (not to mention in-game). Same durability concerns as above apply here (200 less HP doesn't help), lightning thrashes him in record time, and he's not hard to reduce to a 2HKO, but... yeow. Also he can give you amnesia and then taunt you. High Heavy.

"It is who I am... It is what I do... Destroy, murder, and ruin... Annihilate, consume, and exterminate..."

Party averages:
Level 30-31. HP 746, Def 67, Res 60, Rea 99

Damage average:
Rudy's Boosted Shell: 615
Cecilia's Devastate: 405
Jack's Speed Fang: 356
Average: 459

Rudy's Lock-On Gatling Raid: ~1210
Jack's Accelerated Axle Smash: 627
Three-turn average: 555

Enemy averages: 65 Def, 60 Res.

Mother's stats:
HP 6800
Atk 58
Def 98 (9% reduction)
Mag 103
Res 25 (9% increase)
Rea 73 (about 50% faster than Rudy)
Acc 125
Eva 123

Absorbs Light and Darkness. Halves all other elements.

Als-Magna: 250 dark magic damage, MT
Phatima's Miracle: 250 light magic damage, MT

Vinculum Animae - Full revival, MT

She fights with two Amadeus in play. They have their own attacks so I don't think I'd find them legal myself. Still, in case you see differently...

Amadeus has 500 HP and averagish defences, total OHKO bait after scaling (heck before honestly). 3x weak to Dark, barely above average speed (101). Attacks:
Hyperion Blaster: 190 magic damage
Melancholy Ray: 105 magic damage, 20% chance of Misery
Radiant Light: 105 magic damage, 20% chance of Amnesia (ohnoes!)
Dispel: Removes positive status
Cover: They have a high (100%?) chance of intercepting regular physicals (not techs) aimed at Mother.

Misery owns (seals all non-attack commands, as well as locks FP gain at 1), but I'd see it covered by Silence immunity.

Comments: Element SPOILAR. That's really all she has, sadly, a big disappointment. Damage rides the 3-4HKO border, and the speed is trashy. Nice HP for an ACF boss though (PC and a half to me, roughly), but that's a backhanded compliment. Middle.

If you allow her support, she improves considerably. Now spoils pure brawlers too, and gets 2HKO damage over the full turn (although that's easy to bring down), may even get off Misery in a long fight. Weird boss, probably a pretty good Heavy though.

Boomerang (2)
"I allow you a future; it's my gift to you. But, it's also a gift for my own delight."

Party averages:
Level 34-35. HP 943, Def 80, Res 73, Rea 118
(I'm now using three HP Plus skills totalling 70% bonus. The +30% was in a Duplicator chest so you may not consider it, HP drops by 7% if you throw it out.)

Damage average:
Rudy's Boosted Shell: 697
Cecilia's Devastate: 473
Jack's Speed Fang: 437
Average: 536

Rudy's Lock-On Gatling Raid: ~1520
Jack's Accelerated Axle Smash: 758
Three-turn average: 663

Enemy averages: 67 Def, 67 Res.

Boomerang's stats:
HP 6500
Atk 276
Def 163 (22% reduction)
Mag 57
Res 53 (3% increase)
Rea 153 (54% as far above average as Jack)
Acc 186
Eva 112

Takes 3x from Lightning. Halves Wind and Dark. Absorbs Water. Not immune to Drain. Vulnerable to Sleep (40%) and Confuse (30%).

Saber Fang: 470 physical damage
Boomerang Dynamic: 470 physical damage
Shadow Stitch: Cancels target's next turn, evadable
Flame of Desire: Revives Luceid, counter if Luceid is killed.

Comments: Huh, thought his damage was a bit better. Anyway, it's borderline for 2HKO, and his durability and speed are both pretty solid. High Middle.

Boomerang fights with this lovable mutt:

Luceid (2)

HP 800
Atk 166
Def 56 (3% increase)
Mag 263
Res 64 (1% increase)
Rea 210 (42% faster than Jack)
Acc 153
Eva 134

Takes 3x damage from Light. Neutral to Dark. Halves all other elements. Not immune to Drain. Vulnerable to Sleep (50%) and Confuse (35%).

Black Fang: 250 physical damage
Black Renegade: 455 magic damage, MT. This move gets more powerful against elemental resistance, about 265 extra damage for each element fully resisted (partial resists count for percentages of 265). If it's like the PC version, then absorption would count as percentage beyond 100, and elemental weaknesses would reduce the damage.
Amnesia: 20% chance of NO EXPS FOR YOU, MT

Comments: See the endgame form, same spoilery goodness applies here. While the damage is high 3HKO, she's still not going to OHKO much of anything, and she's dead easy to kill. Puny.

Too bad, the above is actually a pretty good fight in-game. If you've got any elemental resistance on then Black Renegade + Boomerang's turn is a guaranteed kill, more or less.

Lady Harken (2)
"Words are not necessary between warriors!"

Party averages:
Level 36. HP 1053, Def 84, Res 76, Rea 124

Damage average:
Rudy's Boosted Shell: 721
Cecilia's Devastate: 494
Jack's Speed Fang: 469
Average: 561

Rudy's Lock-On Gatling Raid: ~1600
Jack's Accelerated Axle Smash: 810
Three-turn average: 696

Enemy averages: 67 Def, 67 Res.

Lady Harken's stats:
HP 6400
Atk 261
Def 166 (22% reduction)
Mag 81
Res 70 (1% reduction)
Rea 240 (63% faster than Jack)
Acc 171
Eva 138

Takes 3x from Ice. Halves Wind and Light. Absorbs Fire.

Azrael: 440 physical damage, also used as a counter
Harken Tempest: 440 physical damage, MT
Burst Breaker: 180(?) physical damage, ITE?. After inflicting damage, take the target's missing HP and do that much damage to his or her allies.
Maximum Risk: 50(?) physical damage base, ITE. Gets a Valiant-like bonus of ~1/3 Harken's lost HP, ITD. At death, she'd do 2180 damage.

Blocker: Scythe parry action. 60% chance of deflecting normal physicals.
Counter: 75% chance of countering any physical damage (normal or tech) with Azrael.

Notes: I could easily be wrong on the exact formula of Burst Breaker and Maximum Risk, but they fit the numbers I have too well. Burst Breaker is only used intelligently in-game (targets PCs near death) so I didn't see it much once I figured out its gimmick. <_<

Comments: Zed and Berserk got improved with the advent of ACF, but they have nothing on the Red Quarter Knight. Once mocked for her 5HKO, Harken responded by keeping her usual good points (Defence, Speed) and getting overkill damage. Burst Breaker may be DL-useless, but Maximum Risk is a terror, crossing into OHKO territory once she's lost half her HP and climbing further into overkill as time marches on. Great anti-physical game and non-fail offence even at full HP, and spoiling fire + holy is probably worth the huge ice weakness. High Heavy.

"Stay put. The end is coming."

Party averages:
Level 37. HP 1092, Def 87, Res 78, Rea 128

Damage average:
Rudy's Boosted Shell: 741
Cecilia's Devastate: 512
Jack's Speed Fang: 486
Average: 580

Rudy's Lock-On Gatling Raid: ~1650
Jack's Accelerated Axle Smash: 838
Three-turn average: 720

Enemy averages: 67 Def, 67 Res.

Zeikfried's stats:
HP 6600
Atk 259
Def 172 (22% reduction)
Mag 252
Res 86 (4% reduction)
Rea 121 (equal to Cecilia)
Acc 182
Eva 89

Takes 3x from Wind. Halves Ice and Lightning. Absorbs Earth. Not immune to Drain.

Glumzamber: 430 physical damage
Ziek Impulse: 425 magic damage, MT
Counter Form: For the rest of this round, Ziekfried has 100% counter rate to any damage with Zamber's Revenge (Glumzamber renamed). Ziekfried's speed doubles this round.

Comments: Straightforward... and kinda bad. WA1 goes to great lengths to show that higher rank is not the same as a better fighter, as Mother and Zeik are the two worst duellers so far. Anyway, he's basically WA3 Siegfried with ACF HP, and they forgot to adjust his damage up to compensate for far better ACF healing. Oops. Hits both defences and has boss immunities, at least, but badly prefers his WA1o form. Low Middle.

Notes on the endgame bosses:
-I'm now using three HP+20% and two HP+30% skills. As always, varying degrees of obscurity here, you may want to allow slightly less.
-Emma and Jane have joined the party (optional characters, mind), which has effects on the averages. HP average drops (this is why I don't feel so bad about the large number of HP Ups), MDef rises a bit, Def drops a bit (neither of these matters), Speed... rises considerably. You may not take Jane's effect on speed completely literally, so I'm listing speed averages both with and without the optional PCs.
-I fought the endgame bosses having done sidequests (Arctica, unlocking but not entering the Abyss, Zephyr) but no superbosses (higher level/HP than the final bosses). Seems reasonable to me, but your levels can obviously fluctuate if you disagree.
-Rudy's ARM now has seven levels of Power. If you stole an MP Repair you could afford a lot more, and that's a bit more reasonable at this point... still feels aftergame to me, granted. I also picked up Lock-On Plus, which is 40% stronger than the other options.
-Emma possesses a skill called Great Booster, which (among other things) doubles the damage a PC can do. Pretty impressive buff obviously, and I shouldn't have to tell you what casting it on Rudy does. This isn't listed in the averages but you can take it as you will.
-Otherwise, damage average is still based entirely on Rudy/Cecilia/Jack. Why? Because they're the three most damaging PCs, and you can switch PCs as a free action, so the damage lesser PCs do is irrelevant. If you scale them in anyway the damage average drops a ways. (Emma does about half what Cecilia does and Jane does even less, how much depends on ARM stats.)

On with the show!

Boomerang (3)
"Luceid... We might have to go to hell together. But, don't worry. The hell I choose, with never-ending battle... It is anything but boring."

Party averages:
Level 46-47. HP 1330, Def 93, Res 109, Rea 210/172

Damage average:
Rudy's Gun Claymore: 1872
Cecilia's Devastate: 664
Jack's Speed Fang: 624
Average: 1054

Rudy's Lock-On Gun Claymore: 3276
Jack's Accelerated Axle Smash: 1098
Three-turn average: 1262

Enemy averages: 120 Def, 110 Res.

Boomerang's stats:
HP 7800
Atk 497
Def 186 (10% reduction)
Mag 117
Res 66 (7% increase)
Rea 223 (22%/52% as far above average as Jack)
Acc 275
Eva 172

Takes 3x from Lightning. Halves Wind and Dark. Absorbs Water. Not immune to Drain. Vulnerable to Sleep (40%) and Confuse (30%).

Saber Fang: 900 physical damage
Boomerang Dynamic: 900 physical damage
Double Boomerang Dynamic: 900 physical damage
Shadow Stitch: Cancels target's next turn, evadable
Flame of Desire: Revives Luceid, counter if Luceid is killed.

Comments: THREE MOVES THAT DO THE SAME THING! And two others that are useless! Awesome. Anyway, decent speed and damage, but the durability sucks (definitely sub-PC, the worst yet). Middle.

Boomerang fights with this lovable mutt:

Luceid (3)

HP 1000
Atk 298
Def 74 (7% increase)
Mag 300
Res 76 (5% increase)
Rea 360 (150%/92% faster than Jack)
Acc 224
Eva 203

Takes 3x damage from Light. Neutral to Dark. Halves all other elements. Not immune to Drain. Vulnerable to Sleep (50%) and Confuse (35%).

Black Fang: 500 physical damage
Black Renegade: 490 magic damage, MT. This move gets more powerful against elemental resistance, about 300 extra damage for each element fully resisted (partial resists count for percentages of 300). If it's like the PC version, then absorption would count as percentage beyond 100, and elemental weaknesses would reduce the damage.
Amnesia: 45% chance of NO EXPS FOR YOU, MT

Comments: Kickass speed, but she only 3HKOs. This is really horrible because she's OHKOed by everything (elemental resists are useless). Unless your accuracy is bad, because her evade is good and she might evade turn 1 then! OHKOs folks like Mother and Cyril though. SPOILAR Puny.

Alhazad (3)
"My desire is to play with toys forever ...that's all."

Party averages:
Level 47-48. HP 1371, Def 96, Res 112, Rea 217/178

Damage average:
Rudy's Gun Claymore: 1914
Cecilia's Devastate: 712
Jack's Speed Fang: 645
Average: 1090

Rudy's Lock-On Gun Claymore: 3350
Jack's Accelerated Axle Smash: 1132
Three-turn average: 1303

Alhazad's stats:
HP 7000
Atk 301
Def 84 (5% increase)
Mag 312
Res 93 (2% increase)
Rea 90 (2%/3% faster than Rudy)
Acc 246
Eva 111

Takes 3x from Earth. Halves Fire and Water. Absorbs Wind.

Attack Order: 355 physical damage
Shooting Order: 355 magic damage
Electronic Mega Crush: 510 magic damage
Alhazad Symphony: 510 magic damage, MT
Revival Charge: Fully revives either all Bastis or all Esperanza.

Alhazad starts with a bunch of small bugs in play with him, three Bastis and three Esperanza. They do not get actions, and exist only to shield him from harm. There's a decent case to allow them (they were part of him in WA1o!), but it'd be reasonable not to, also.

For every Bastis alive, Alhazad reduces physical damage by 1/3, stacking to immunity.
For every Esperanza alive, Alhazad reduces magical damage by 1/3, stacking to immunity.
Multitarget damage ignores this reduction.

Bastis and Esperanza each have 900 HP (OHKOed by everything. They're each vulnerable to the type of damage they don't protect Alhazad from and strong against the other relatively, but this doesn't matter much... outside the fact that Esperanza (the magic-shield) is immune to all elements.

Comments: If you don't allow the bugs, he sucks ass. 3HKO damage off crappy speed and HP yay. Low Light. If you allow the bugs but make him spend turns summoning them... Low Middle. He'll take a big hit but will probably get up enough resistance to deal with one-damage types for the rest of the battle. If you let him start with them? Hmm. Low Heavy. You can still cut through to him enough to hurt him a little while he alternates between resetting his defences and hitting you. That low speed/damage/durability combo is killer despite the awesome spoiler potential. And of course, MT and typeless damage both own him.

His WA1o form has a decent argument to be better then even the best of the above, with its status and durability. Another rare exception perhaps? Certainly less of a headache.

Alhazad has a much more impressive earlier form, with actual HP, a much higher 3HKO, and less failish speed. I may post it later, like with Boomerang.

Berserk (5)
"Very good! And here I thought you'd forgotten me..."

Party averages:
Level 48-50. HP 1421, Def 99, Res 116, Rea 225/184

Damage average:
Rudy's Gun Claymore: 1992
Cecilia's Devastate: 733
Jack's Speed Fang: 664
Average: 1129

Rudy's Lock-On Gun Claymore: 3486
Jack's Accelerated Axle Smash: 1163
Three-turn average: 1350

Berserk's stats:
HP 14000
Atk 564
Def 234 (17% reduction)
Mag 312
Res 25 (12% increase)
Rea 92 (equal to Rudy)
Acc 272
Eva 131

Takes 3x from Lightning. Halves Wind and Dark. Absorbs Water.

Disrupt Hammer: 1030 physical damage, also used as a counter
Berserk Break: 1310 physical damage, MT
Meteor Strike: 1310 physical damage
Blaster Howl: Amnesia, 65%, MT (Amnesia = no exp gain.)

Counter: 40% chance of countering any damage of any form with Disrupt Hammer.

Comments: He's baaack! And still badass. Berserk bucks the trend of the low-HP lategame boss, as his HP has improved over his previous form. This is good, since it means many duellers will trigger one of his counters, which are extremely painful. His damage (by a little), accuracy, and speed are all worse than before, though, and most importantly he's lost the ability to Taunt. Basically a pick'em for his best form, and he'd certainly love the form choice if you give it to him. High Heavy.

"You who are about to die... Show me your last struggle... Satisfy me..."

Same stats faced as Berserk (he doesn't give you exp).

HP 9600
Atk 115
Def 166 (7% reduction)
Mag 302
Res 91 (3% increase)
Rea 148 (42%/60% faster than Rudy)
Acc 182
Eva 139

Absorbs Light and Darkness. Halves all other elements. Vulnerable to Sleep (30%).

Als-Magna: 790 dark magic damage, MT
Phatima's Miracle: 790 light magic damage, MT

Seyfert Microcosm: 640 magic damage, MT. Low HP only, I think, not sure on the unlock point.
Vinculum Animae - Full revival, MT

She fights with four Amadeus in play. They have their own attacks so I don't think I'd find them legal myself. Still, in case you see differently...

Amadeus has 1200 HP and averagish defences, total OHKO bait after scaling (and not far from it before). 3x weak to Dark, insane speed (430). Attacks:
Hyperion Blaster: 375 magic damage
Melancholy Ray: 210 magic damage, 60% chance of Misery (no non-physicals)
Noxious Stream: 210 magic damage, 60% chance of Disease (no healing)
Harmful Wave: 210 magic damage, 65% chance of Poison (20% mHP damage per round)
Cover: They have a high (100%?) chance of intercepting regular physicals (not techs) aimed at Motherfried.

Comments: Actually a neat final boss (would have been outright excellent if Amadeus could Cover everything, not just physicals). Pretty much the same as the first Mother fight, with two big changes. One, enemy offence is up MASSIVELY. The main boss 2HKOs now, the support has been doubled, the status rate is now alarming. The other is that the boss herself no longer has good HP. That's not too bad, though, since it can be hard to find openings to simply attack her.

DL-wise, well, if you don't allow the support, she kinda sucks due to speed and HP. Still spoils elements and the damage is there, so... Middle.

If you allow the support? Four Amadeuses can kill an average PC, and they have Jane-level speed. 1.6PCHP damage per round, plus horrible status hell and the combination of spoiling physicals and elements... yeah. Godlike, although still vulnerable to a good quick beatdown from anything that gets past her defences.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Magic Fanatic

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Re: Wild Arms:ACF
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2010, 09:33:04 AM »
Personal Skills!

Right.  Since ACF completely did away with equipment, the only real equipment in the game now are Personal Skills.  For those that care, storebought PS Skills!

On an extra note about PS Skills, you can't equip two PS Skills of the exact same name.  Meaning, you can't use three of the Angel Quill 1, but you can use Angel Quill 1 and Angel Quill 2, which has the same effect anyway.

For anything not the non-MP Up PS in the Black Market, each level of a skill offers 10% resistance and costs 2 PS per level.  For example, Angel Quill 1 has 10% resistance and costs 2 PS, Angel Quill 2 offers 20% resistance and costs 4 PS.  You can equip both for 6 PS to get 30% resistance.  Add in Angel Quill 3 for a total of 12 PS cost and 60%, and then Angel Quill 4 for 20 PS and 100%.  100% resistance in this way is generally not worth it.

Some of the main exceptions to the above are things such as Life Charger (recover 10% MHP while defending - 6 PS) and the Full Libra set (protection vs. ID, 3 PS per level).

Whenever I note (Adlehyde Level X), the PS Skill can be storebought in Adlehyde after donating a certain amount of Gella to the mayor:
Level 3: 12000+
Level 4: 27000+
Level 5: 57000+
Level 6: 120000+
Level 7: 240000+
Level 8: 600000

Memoirs Pen 1 - 1000 Gella - Reduces the chance of being afflicted with Amnesia by 10% - 2 PS - Adlehyde Level 7

Clear Chime 1 - 5500 Gella - Reduces the chance of being afflicted with Confuse by 10% - 2 PS - Adlehyde Level 6

Saint Centaur
Gaia Stop 1 - 3500 Gella - Reduces Earth-elemental damage by 10% - 2 PS - Adlehyde Level 3
Windbreaker 1 - 3500 Gella - Reduces Wind-elemental damage by 10% - 2 PS - Adlehyde Level 3
Fire Break 1 - 4000 Gella - Reduces Fire-elemental damage by 10% - 2 PS - Adlehyde Level 3
Ice Break 1 - 4000 Gella - Reduces Ice-elemental damage by 10% - 2 PS - Adlehyde Level 3
Water Break 1 - 4500 Gella - Reduces Water-elemental damage by 10% - 2 PS - Adlehyde Level 5
Boom Break 1 - 4500 Gella - Reduces Thunder-elemental damage by 10% - 2 PS - Adlehyde Level 5
Ray Break 1 - 5000 Gella - Reduces Light-elemental damage by 10% - 2 PS - Adlehyde Level 5
Dark Break 1 - 5000 Gella - Reduces Dark-elemental damage by 10% - 2 PS - Adlehyde Level 5

Port Timney
Olive Branch 1 - 4000 Gella - Reduces the chance of being inflicted with Helpless by 10% - 2 PS - Adlehyde Level 7

Ship Graveyard
Silver Harp 1 - 4500 Gella - Reduces the chance of being inflicted with Sleep by 10% - 2 PS - Adlehyde Level 6

Rosetta Town
Moon Stone 1 - 2000 Gella - Reduces the chance of being inflicted with Poison by 10% - 2 PS - Adlehyde Level 7

Court Seim
Angel Quill 1 - 1500 Gella - Reduces the chance of being inflicted with Sickness by 10% - 2 PS - Adlehyde Level 7

Devil's Playground
Blue Circlet 1 - 5000 Gella - Reduces the chance of being inflicted with Paralysis by 10% - 2 PS - Adlehyde Level 6
Resist Up 1 - 8000 Gella - Raises the base RES stat by 10% - 2 PS - Adlehyde Level 8

Tarjon Village
HP Up 1 - 30 Gimel Coins - Raises the base HP stat by 10% - 2 PS - Adlehyde Level 8 (10000 Gella)

Full Libra 1 - 6500 Gella - Reduces the chance of being inflicted with Fallen (ID) by 10% - 2 PS - Adlehyde Level 6
Defense Up 1 - 6000 Gella - Raises the base DEF stat by 10% - 2 PS - Adlehyde Level 8

Now, that's the end of the storebought normally PSs, but there's one more set.

Black Market
Critical 1 - 120000 Gella - Increases the Critical rate by 9.375% for most characters, 12.5% for Zed - 4 PS
Critical 2 - 500000 Gella - Increases the Critical rate by 15.625% for most characters, 20.833...% for Zed - 8 PS
Counter Up 1 - 120000 Gella - Increases the Counter rate by 6.25% for most characters, 8.333...% for Zed - 4 PS
Counter Up 2 - 500000 Gella - Increases the Counter rate by 12.5% for most characters, 16.666...% for Zed - 8 PS
Blocker 1 - 140000 Gella - Base chance of blocking a physical attack at a rate of 9.375% for most characters, 12.5% for Zed  - 4 PS
Blocker 2 - 500000 Gella - Base chance of blocking a physical attack at a rate of 15.625% for most characters, 20.833...% for Zed - 8 PS
Defend 1 - 100000 Gella - Base chance to cover an ally at a rate of 9.375% for most characters, 12.5% for Zed - 4 PS
Defend 2 - 500000 Gella - Base chance to cover an ally at a rate of 15.625% for most characters, 20.833...% for Zed - 8 PS
MP Up 1 - 12000 Gella (Not a typo) - Raises the base MP Stat by 10% - 2 PS

For all the above skills, Luck plays a factor into their activation rates.  Luck/32 for non-Zed characters, and Luck/24 for Zed, with Luck being an integer between 0 and 5, 0 being the Worst Luck, 4 being Best, and 5 being this S-Best number.

Honestly, the only ones I'd allow the Black Market stuff are Jane and Zed, as Jane is what makes buying these at least semi-sane, and Zed has a unique formula for most of these.

Other PS arguments:

All are assuming side areas, and not directly accessed as the dungeon goes on.

Olive Branch 2 - Milama Town - Must use Rudy's Mighty Gloves to obtain.
Counter Up 1 - Guardian Shrine - Must use Rudy's Radar to access the room containing this chest.
Moon stone 2 - Port Timney - Must use Rudy's Bombs to obtain.
Defense Up 2 - Port Timney - Must use Rudy's Bombs to obtain.
Windbreaker 2 - Elw World - Must use Rudy's Radar to find (cannot be opened otherwise).
Olive Branch 2 - Elw World - Must use Rudy's Radar to find (cannot be opened otherwise).
Moon Stone 3 - Forest Prison - Must use Rudy's Radar to find (cannot be opened otherwise).
Silver Harp 3 - Forest Prison - Must use Rudy's Radar to find (cannot be opened otherwise).
Angel Quill 3 - Forest Prison - Must use Rudy's Radar to find (cannot be opened otherwise).
Memoirs Pen 3 - Forest Prison - Must use Rudy's Radar to find (cannot be opened otherwise).
Clear Chime 3 - Forest Prison - Must use Rudy's Radar to find (cannot be opened otherwise).
Blue Circlet 3 - Forest Prison - Must use Rudy's Radar to find (cannot be opened otherwise).
Full Libra 3 - Forest Prison - Must use Rudy's Radar to find (cannot be opened otherwise).
Olive Branch 3 - Forest Prison - Must use Rudy's Radar to find (cannot be opened otherwise).
Clear Chime 2 - Perpetual Engine - Must use Rudy's Mighty Gloves to obtain.
Defend 2 - Perpetual Engine - Must use Rudy's Grenades to reach.
HP Up 3 - Elw Shrine 7 - Must use Rudy's Radar to access room.
Penetrator - De Le Metallica - Must use Rudy's Mighty Gloves to solve the puzzle to obtain it
Defend 2 - De Le Metallica - Must use Rudy's Mighty Gloves to solve the puzzle to obtain it

Critical 1 - Lolithia's Coffin - Must use Jack's Jump Boots to reach.
Boom Break 2 - Lolithia's Coffin - Must use Jack's Jump Boots to reach.
Remove Trap - Mountain Path - Must use Jack's Jump Boots to reach.
Gaia Stop 3 - Mountain Path - Must use Jack's Jump Boots to reach.
Water Break 2 - Mount Zenom - Must use Hanpan to reach.
Surprise Guard - Ship Graveyard - Must use Hanpan to reach.  Rudy's Grenades can be used to make this easier, but are not strictly necessary.
Fire Break 2 - Volcannon Trap - Must use Hanpan to reach.
Fire Break 3 - Volcannon Trap - Must use Jack's Jump Boots to reach.
Blocker 1 - Volcannon Trap - Must use Jack's Jump Boots to reach.
Angel Quill 2 - De Le Metallica - Must use Hanpan to reach.
Angel Quill 2 - Perpetual Engine - Must use Jack's Wire Hook to reach.
Moon Stone 2 - Perpetual Engine - Must use Jack's Jump Boots to reach.
Remove Trap - Ka Dingel - Must use Jack's Wire Hook to reach.
Floral Arts - Perpetual Engine - Obtained in a chest after beating the boss summoned by Jack's Old Guitar

Critical 1 - Mount Zenom - Must use Cecilia's Tinder Staff to reach.
Memoirs Pen 2 - Perpetual Engine - Must use Cecilia's Change Staff to reach.
Fire Break 2 - Perpetual Engine - Must use Cecilia's Wind Staff to reach.
SOS Auto Guard - Elw Shrine 5 - Must use the Tear Drop to reach.  While the Tear Drop is an event item instead of one of Cecilia's tools this time, it is, by plot, her item.
Counter Up 1 - Elw Shrine 6 - Must use the Tear Drop to reach.  See note about above skill.
SOS FP Up - Baskar Village - Must use the Tear Drop to reach.  See note about above skill.
Moon Stone 3 - Ka Dingel - Must use Cecilia's Change Rod to reach.
MP Up 3 - Ka Dingel - Must use Cecilia's Change Rod to reach.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2011, 10:34:36 PM by Magic Fanatic »


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Re: Wild Arms:ACF
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2011, 06:47:52 AM »
RAGU O RAGOLA - The King of Monsters; Still the bane of Veghs everywhere

So yes, Ragu stats. Some ground rules here first. Much of this is constructed with my own builds and set ups. You have a lot of freedom at post game and since this is Ragu, you can theoretically do a lot of other crap such as getting HP Up 4s for everyone through drops if you want. I didn't. This is done with the file I had on hand, which had a modest amount of time put in, but not completely out of whack grinding. Some things you should know:

- The Sheriff Star is dropped immediately after Ragu's first form is defeated. He rarely wants this form as it is much more inferior to his FRUE form. Less damage, less durability, ice weakness, etc. As such, there is no reason to NOT assume the Sheriff Star being assumed on one of your characters. This is usually best equipped on Jack to take full advantage of all the stat boosts, but your milage may vary.

- HP Ups are largely favoured toward Cecilia first, Jane next and then the rest get spread around. Cecilia is by far the most important support character and it is typically a no-brainer move. Letting Cecilia live longer gives you more support power to live and buff and generally pound the enemy in. Ragu is no exception. Jane gets them next because of Follow Me. Both have lowish HP. Everyone else has some but not a ton.
(Cecilia = +90%, Jane = +60%, Everyone else = 30-50%)

- Def Up and Res Up are spread out. However, Cecilia, Jane and Emma usually get Def Ups. Zed, Rudy and Jack get Res Ups. One person on the team gets both due to Sheriff Star bonus. (Cecilia = +100% Def, Jane = +60% Def. Rudy = +70% Res, Cecilia = +60%, Zed = +30%)

Party levels are 100 except for Emma who is at 98.
Party averages: HP - 4368, MP - 252, DEF - 421, RES - 424, REA - 602, ACC - 525, EVA - 582

Abyss average enemy Def is 248. Enemy RES is 215
Luck variable is assumed Normal, which results in 1.0x multiplier for the Luck variable unless otherwise noted for attacks.

And onward!

HP: 600000
Atk: 999
Def: 720 (~50% reduction compared to average enemies in the Abyss)
Mag: 940
Res: 560 (~33% reduction)
Rea: 800 (2% Slower than Jack)
Acc: 600 (Translates to 96% hit rate against average evade)
Eva: 650 (Translates to 20% evade to average hit)

- Ragu halves all elemental attacks except for Fire (which he is Active to) and Ice (no resistance)
- Ragu immunes all status abilities and is only susceptible to Fragile and Feeble Mind (100%)

*Passive: - Multi-Act: At the end of every turn, Ragu randomly acts 0-5 times more, performing any action except OTD and Dispel. Average 1.5 action at the end of each round.

Paradigm Pollution: 1457 MT Non-elemental damage.
Giant Impact: 1577. Single target physical attack. Subject to evade
Genocidal Blow: 1577. Single target physical attack. Has boosted accuracy, but still subject to evade
Dispel: MT. Removes all positive buffers on the entire team
One trillion degrees: 8131 MT Fire elemental damage.
Counter Sweep: 1577 Subject to evade

Damage Averages:
Rudy's Lock On (Plus) Gatling Raid: 87840. Can be doubled each round with Command Replay, however, Rudy takes a 40% penalty to his damage (needing to use Active instead of Plus), dropping it to ~62000 damage per attack. 2 turn set up. 3 with Command Replay

Jack's Accelerator Laser Silhouette: 120906. Costs 6 MP (varies on how levelled the technique is). Can be doubled each round with Command Replay. 2 turn set up. 4 with Command Replay

Jane's Finest Arts: 436484. This triggers only on a crit. If using this as an attack option, assume maxed out Crit PS and S-Best luck. 14/32 chance of a crit, 50% for Finest Arts to active on a crits, average 88660 damage. 3 turn set up.

Cecilia's Phantasmal Heart: 25120. Full MT. Requires 100 FP for use. As such it is difficult to Command Replay this. S-Best Luck is assumed for this. 2 turn set up.

Zed's Heaven's Wrath: 25627.5. Varies on number of enemies analyzed. Say 50% analyzed as reasonable. 2 turn set up. 3 with Command Replay.

Emma's Hyperion Blaster: 2510. Can be Command Replayed. 1 turn set up.

Average: 59580

NOTE 1: These figures are assumed with full buffs to everyone as much as possible.
NOTE 2: Zed has an option to use Star Blast for ~51000 damage. However, this is generally inferior as if the damage does not kill, it will bounce back to Zed. Further more, it costs 10 Alter Parts to improve it's stock.

Comments: Well, he's not as dominating as his WA4 cousin or his XF brother either. He's still no slouch though, going off above average speed and having near 2x PCHP fire damage. Made better of course with his Multi-acting to push that clear into 2x PCHP damage territory. In the DL, his main benefits are the MT non-elemental attacks that he can spam from Multi-acting and of course, OTD. He's a much more MT oriented Ragu compared to WA4 here. Still, Bluelike however.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2011, 07:58:29 AM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself