Author Topic: Wild Arms 4  (Read 12099 times)

Dark Holy Elf

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Wild Arms 4
« on: December 22, 2007, 07:14:23 AM »
Yay, damage notes/etc. are done! Or started anyway, and done enough to be worth showing.

First of all, everyone is at Level 50. This is the Level of the last boss, and works as a decent average for endgame. It's the Guest's level (fixed) as well, so that's another argument in its favour. Also, everyone has spent 30 GC towards getting to Class Level 7. They lose HP/MP from this, but everything else gets much better: stats, damage, and healing. Suffice to say it's a trade all are willing to make. (This shows fairly prominently when we get to the Guest.)

The Guest PC is also in here. His identity is a spoiler, though a fairly minor one. So yeah, spoiler! warning from here on in.

The four main PCs all have some abilities gained after Level 50. None are too far away. It's up to you whether to just Yamikei Clause them, or if you want to charge the PCs GC points to learn them. If you do, the characters lose HP/MP per level away the skill is, as follows:

Jude: 25 HP, 1 MP
Yulie: 17 HP, 2 MP
Arnaud: 22 HP, 2 MP
Raquel: 19 HP, 1 MP

Tests are done against final dungeon averages: 170 Eva, 350 Hit, 1387 Def, 1635 MDef, 317 RFX

Okay, about the stats I use here:

HP/MP: Duh.

Defence, MDef: These are the actual stats used by the game, arrived at by multiplying the PC's base stats with their armour's DFP and MGR, and dividing the result by 100.

Hit: Accuracy. Used for all physical attacks, although some OCs may modify this (Gatling Raid and Assault Buster may be exceptional, or every OC could have their own modifier). Average enemy EVA is about 170, and chance to hit is calculated as (HIT-EVA)%, so anything over 270 is accurate, anything under inaccurate. Average HIT is 263. All physical damage figures in this post include accuracy factored in.

Evade: Evasion. Again, chance to hit is (HIT-EVA)%. Average enemy HIT is about 350, so anything over than 250 can be taken as the literal evade percentage.

Rfx: The square root of linear speed. Explained elsewhere.


Weapons and armours are all character-specific. For now, I'm not allowing synthed equips, but anything else is fair game. Tal has a post later in this thread with synthed equips allowed, if you're curious.

Accessories... well, the single statusblockers are the only relevant ones. You get one of each normally through chests, I believe, and can get more through steals easily enough. However, what's most relevant from them is that they're storebought... for eight levels at the Black Market. This makes them clearly legal to me, but you could slap a level penalty on the PC using one fairly enough. I dunno if I'd go with 0 (they're easy enough to get), 2 (the penalty split four ways), or 8 (the penalty in its entirety), or anything in between.

Here they are, regardless:
Memo Pen: Immunity to Amnesia, THEIR EXPS ARE SAFE NOW.
Hazel Sprig: Immunity to Disease (heal blocking, basically just a WA thing).
Moonstone: Immunity to Poison.
Heart Leaf: Immunity to Misery (Silence).
Alarm Clock: Immunity to Sleep.
Clear Chime: Immunity to Confuse.
Holy Ankh: Immunity to Petrify.
Holy Grail: Immunity to Instant Death.

Status duration

WA4 status duration is weird, and there is more than one way to take it in the DL.

Basically, it's based on actions. Actions gotten by anyone. Most statuses seem to last around 20 actions; Sleep lasts much less, maybe around 6-9. Now, in a duel, this is great. However, duel situations come up rarely in-game (some arena fights, mainly), and some may prefer to take status duration as it is in-game... that is, with a large number of turns happening every round. It's up to you.

FP Gains
From Talaysen

Attack: 4 FP
Get attacked: 4 FP
Kill: 10 FP
Dodge: 12 FP
Counter: 8 FP? (Not sure on this.)

Onto the characters!

Note on formatting: DL-relevant attacks are italicised. Best damage is bolded. Anything marked with an asterisk needs more testing. There are many, many asterisks. Most of the important stuff is done, though. Notes in square brackets refer to optional equipment; you can usually tell which.

Jude Maverick

Default equipment:
-XERD_003SS "Shapeshifter" (7 alter parts: 1100 ATP, 1.75 ACN)
-Ignia Guard (500 DFP, 190 MGR, +5 EVA, nulls damage below 15% max HP)

Note: Yes, this means Jude is immune to Raja. OMG.

Alternate equipment:
-XERD_033SS "Shapeshifter" (8 alter parts: 960 ATP, 3.00 ACN)
[Duh, he wants this if you allow the eighth alter part. See discussion later in the topic for reasons to allow this or not.]
-Mithral Guard (435 DFP, 265 MGR, -5 EVA)

HP 3700
MP 190
Str 324
Mag 240
Defence 1470 [1278]
MDef 543 [757]
Hit 274 (+50) (154% except where otherwise noted)
Eva 256 (+5) [-5]
Rfx 338
Counter rate 9%
Critical rate 12.5% (10.4% on counter)

Shoot: 3810 [5170] physical damage on average. Chance of automatically defending and reloading (needs testing). Consumes 1 bullet; amount he has depends on ARM. With Rapid Attack, Jude's effective speed rises by 56.25% until next turn. Long range.

FORCE ABILITY Mystic: Uses an item and makes it multitarget. Potion Berries are 2000 HP healing, if you allow them this way.
Silver Launcher (36 MP): 6800 physical damage to a line.
Assault Buster (24 MP): Does more hits to slower enemies, 81% hit rate (factored in). Average damage in-game is 7929. Benefits from increases to Jude's speed as well. If Rapid Attack was used the turn previous, 17365 average instead.
Pile Bunker (8 MP): 1800 + 2x(Jude's max HP - Jude's current HP) physical damage. 9200 damage at 1 HP.
*Gatling Raid (24 MP): Fails. Uses all remaining bullets, damage is based on that, accuracy issues.
*Apoptosis (16 MP): Beats Emeralda, otherwise useless (4000? Triple against nanomachines).
*Circular Volley (16 MP): Physical damage to all adjacent hexes. (4000?)
*Funny Pose (6 MP): Chance of getting enemy to attack Jude, godlike.
*Short Circuit (8 MP): 2000 physical damage, triple vs. machines.
*Item Steal (6 MP): TEH STEALING.
*Joint Struggle (16 MP): Does more damage if Jude has allies in his hex. Fails horribly if he is alone.
Ley Boost (8 MP) [neutral hex]: Restores 18 MP to Jude, for a net gain of 10.
Phantom Line (16 MP): 3300 physical damage to a line.

Relevant passive abilities not already covered:
*Defender - Jude has a chance (25%?) of defending when his hex is targetted by a physical attack (unless it is full MT). This reduces the attacker's power by 25% (before defence; actual reduction is around ~60%), and protects all allies in the same hex.
Emergency MP - Jude regains 18 MP if he begins a turn at critical HP (below 25%).
Resist Wind - Jude resists Wind damage by approximately 50%.
Shield Guard - When guarding physicals, Jude resists attacker's power by 50% instead of the usual 25%. This tends to null out physicals entirely.
*Counter, Critical Hit - Jude has increased chances to do both of these.
*Heat Up - Jude gains more FP than usual on activation of criticals, counters, and Defender. (25?)

The following abilities are gained past Level 50:
Assault Buster (52), Rapid Attack (54), Critical Hit (56), Silver Launcher (58), Heat Up (62).

Yulie Ahtreide

Default equipment:
-Angel's Halo (1090 ATP, 4.00 ACN, +10 HIT, recovers MP when attacking)
-Sapphire Ring (330 DFP, 535 RES, +15 EVA, defence up by 83 when statused)

Note: Sapphire Ring's exact boost needs testing.

Alternate equipment:
-Gaia Hoop (1260 ATP, 4.00 ACN, +15 HIT, Yulie suffers 10% damage dealt)

HP 2740
MP 286
Str 242
Mag 350
Defence 851
MDef 1829
Hit 254 (+10) [+15] (94%) [99%]
Eva 236 (+15)
Rfx 274
Counter rate 8%
Critical rate 3.6%

Attack: 4703 [6582] physical damage on average. [Yulie suffers damage equal to 10% of the damage she deals. This can be fatal.]

FORCE ABILITY Material - Code O: MT healing. ~4000 or so, easily full for her. With Healing Plus, this also revives.
Sacrifice (9 MP): Converts all but 1 of Yulie's HP into damage, dropping her to 1 HP as a result. Damage dealt is 10000 at full HP, drops linearly to 0 with her HP converted. Ignores defence/reflect/etc. and generally isn't a normal spell.
*Absorb (3 MP): Drains MP. Not sure how much, it varies by enemy, this needs more testing.
Hi-Heal (12 MP): 2600 HP healing. (Basically full, for her.)
Quicken (18 MP): Raises RFX by 100 for a time. (This nearly doubles her effective speed.)

*Hi-Sanctify (6 MP): Damages undead! Somewhere in high 4 digits for damage, should actually test this, too. <_< Chance of ID vs. undead, too.
Gather (12 MP): Brings all allies to her hex!
Replace (12 MP): Switches hexes with a target. Due to most WA4 statuses being hex-based you might be able to argue this as being like Rippler. Maybe.
*Turn Shift (6 MP): Gives her turn to the person who would have the next turn otherwise. Yulie's effective speed rises (by 56.25%?) until next turn.
*Revive (18 MP): Revives. Don't have the amount of HP it restores tested, but it is very powerful revival. With Healing Plus, this also heals living PCs in the same hex.
*Sanctify (3 MP): Hi-Sanctify but weaker.
Protect: Raises both defences by a value equal to the DFP and MGR gained from armour (330 and 535 in her case) for a time. See durability rankings for what this translates to.
*Heal (6 MP): Weaker healing than Hi-Heal.

Relevant passive abilities not already covered:
Resist Earth - Yulie resists Earth damage by approximately 50%.
*Crisis Speed - Yulie's speed increases for every ally she has who is dead or in critical. Great ability; sadly useless in a duel.
FP Advantage - Yulie begins the battle with 25 FP.
*Counter Aid - If Yulie would counter, she instead restores her HP (bit less than Hi-Heal), 5% of her MP, and heals her status. Note that she can turn this off if she'd prefer regular counters. Too bad her counter rate sucks.
Magic Guard - When guarding magic, Yulie resists attacker's power by 50% instead of the usual 25%. This tends to null out magic entirely.
Conserve MP - Reduces Yulie's MP costs by 25%. Already factored in.
*Magic Defender - Yulie has a chance (25%?) of defending when her hex is targetted by a magical attack (unless it is full MT). This reduces the attacker's power by 25% (before defence; actual reduction is close to nulling), and protects all allies in the same hex.

The following abilities are gained past Level 50:
Hi-Heal (52), Magic Defender (54), Absorb (56), Healing Plus (58), Sacrifice (62)

Arnaud G. Vasquez

Default equipment:
-Aglaia (1080 ATP, 3.00 ACN, +15 HIT, +30 MAG)
-Duke Garb (280 DFP, 485 MGR, +20 EVA, +30 MAG, doubles MP useage)

Note: Both the MAG boost and the MP useage doubling are already factored into the figures below.

Alternate equipment:
-Ge Ramtos (1 ATP, 3.00 ACN, chance of ID on each hit)
-Parcelsus Dirk (1280 ATP, 5.00 ACN, -10 HIT, uses MP when attacking)
-Wizard Garb (205 DFP, 470 MGR, +30 EVA)

Note: Ge Ramtos' ID seems to be roughly 1/8 per successful hit (note it has 3 ACN, but Arnaud has poor accuracy, so it averages about two hits per attack), but needs more testing.

Note: Arnaud's optimum damage is actually achieved with Parcelsus Dirk, but the horrid accuracy means it suffers incredibly against any remotely decent evade, so I'm not inclined to treat it as his default. Aglaia powers the more reliable Hi-Blast.

HP 3340
MP 310
Str 272
Mag 406 (+60) [+30]
Defence 660 [483]
MDef 1455 [1410]
Hit 238 (+15) [0] [-10] (83%) [68%] [58%]
Eva 302 (+20) [+30]
Rfx 306
Counter rate 7%
Critical rate 6.3% (3.6% on counter)

Attack: 3861 [2, 15% ID per hit = 28% overall] [6074, costs 6 MP] physical damage on average.

FORCE ABILITY Jump: Arnaud and anyone with him instantly move to another non-enemy hex. The Jump&Act ability allows him to act again.
Hyper (36 MP): Doubles physical damage dealt for a time.
Extend (36 MP): Ups the duration of statuses by 20 turns. Statuses can not wear off naturally while Extend is in effect, and they start their normal countdown to wearing off when Extend disappears.

Hi-Blast (36 MP): 5215 [4774] [4333] magic damage
*Sleep (18 MP): Inflicts Sleep for a short time, ~50%. Sleep isn't cancelled by damage.
Dispel (12 MP): Removes all positive and negative statuses from the target hex.

Reinforce (24 MP): Doubles FP gain by PCs in the target hex.
Illusion (12 MP): Halves target's HIT stat for a time. This will inevitably causes afflicted foes to have the minimum possible chance to hit (5%?).
Isolate (6 MP): All characters in the target hex are moved to random unoccupied hexes.
Shut Out (18 MP): Locks movement in or out of target hex.
Slow Down (12 MP): Reduces target's RFX by 100 for a time. This reduces an average speed opponent to 42% of their initial speed. Its absolute effect is greater on faster enemies but the relative effect is less.
Fragile (12 MP): Reduces target's defences for a time by an amount equal to their armour (~600 on an average endgame enemy). This adds that amount of damage per hit to Arnaud's attacks, physical or magical.
Blast (24 MP): 3724 [3379] [3034] magic damage.

Relevant passive abilities not already covered:
*Crisis Evade - When Arnaud is in critical HP (below 25%), his evade rises.
*Magic Blocker - Arnaud has a chance (25%) of nulling magic attacks against his hex. Only works against reflectable attacks.
Reflect - When Magic Blocker kicks in, any damage the spell would do is instead done to its caster.
MP Charge - Arnaud regains 10% of his maximum MP (31) by defending.
Resist Water - Arnaud resists Water by approximately 50%.
*Crisis Magic - Arnaud's Magic increases for every ally she has who is dead or in critical. DL-useless.
Exploit Weakness - If Arnaud hits an elemental weakness, his damage is doubled (after the normal weakness boost).
Conserve MP - Reduces Arnaud's MP costs by 25%. Already factored in.

The following abilities are gained past Level 50:
Exploit Weakness (52), Hi-Blast (54), Conserve MP (56), Extend (58), Hyper (62)

Raquel Applegate

Default equipment:
-Princess Sabre (860 ATP, 4.00 ACN, -15 HIT, penetrates defence)
-Lone Wolf (480 DFP, 380 MGR, defences up by 360/285 when alone in her hex)

Note: Lone Wolf's bonuses are already factored in, as we can assume they will be active at all times in the DL or DL-like settings.

Alternate equipment:
-Morrigan Brand (1050 ATP, 3.00 ACN, -10 HIT, chances of skill activation are doubled)

HP 2980
MP 178
Str 386
Mag 324
Defence 1944
MDef 1281
Hit 286 (-15) (101%)
Eva 280 (+15)
Rfx 232
Counter rate 17% [34%]
Critical rate 10.4% [20.8%] (15.6% [31.2%] on counter)

Attack: 14938 physical damage on average. Ignores defence. [9517 physical damage on average.] With Rapid Attack, Raquel's effective speed rises by 56.25% until next turn.

FORCE ABILITY Intrude: Raquel immediately takes two turns. Unlike FF Quick, this can be chained.
Iron Divide (24 MP): 10000 physical damage.

*Exorcism (24 MP): Physical damage to all adjacent hexes. (6000?)
Moonlight (6 MP): Raquel's FP increases by 25. Can be chained with Intrude to double her physical damage at the cost of most of her MP.
*Mighty Wind (8 MP): Physical damage, poor damage and accuracy, cancels an enemy's turn on a hit. This would be much more useful if Raquel were faster.
Dragon Edge (20 MP): 6000 physical damage. Raquel regains one quarter of the damage she deals as HP. (By default 1500, just over half her max.)
*Poison Bite (8 MP): Crappy physical damage, 100% chance of inflicting Poison (even if the damage misses). WA4 Poison does 25% max HP damage at the start of the afflicted character's turn. (Most bosses are vulnerable but only take 5%.)
*Comet Strike (16 MP): Iron Divide, but much weaker.
*Evil Blossom (16 MP): Exorcism, but much weaker.

Relevant passive abilities not already covered:
*Counter, Critical Hit - Raquel has increased chances to do both of these.
Hi-Counter: Raquel does 50% more damage on counterattacks.
Move&Attack: Raquel can move and attack on the same turn (unlike everyone else). This could matter for some interpretations, maybe. I personally don't care.
Red Zone: If Raquel drops to critical HP (less than 20%), she immediately gets a turn.
Power Charge: Raquel gains power every turn she gets. When she uses an offensive action, this power is used up; otherwise it is stored until next turn. Note that she does gain power for the current turn, so she will always be a "Power Charge Level 1" so to speak. This bonus is already factored in. Power Charge seems to increase her Strength by about 1/8.
Resist Fire - Raquel resists Fire damage by approximately 50%.
*Blocker (Parry): Raquel has a chance (25%) of parrying her opponent's attack, cancelling it. Only active against melee attacks.
*Retaliate: If Raquel parries an attack, the damage it would have done is dealt to her opponent instead.
Exploit Weakness - If Raquel hits an elemental weakness, his damage is doubled (after the normal weakness boost).
Penetrator - Raquel's crits are ITD. Pointless with the Princess Sabre.

The following abilities are gained past Level 50:
Penetrator (52), Exorcism (54), Rapid Attack (56), Retaliate (58), Iron Divide (62)

Kresnik Ahtreide

Default equipment:
-XERD_001HS "Howling Spike" (locked at 1250 ATP, 1.00 ACN)
-Alpha Omega (530 DFP, 570 MGR, doubles effect of FP Advantage)

Alternate equipment:
None whatsoever, although he can equip accessories like the other PCs.

HP 3650
MP 275
Str ?
Mag ?
Defence 1298
MDef 1578
Hit 261
Eva 257
Rfx 289

A note on Kresnik's stats:
-He can't adjust his extra HP/MP. I don't let the other PCs do this anyway, but even if you do, you can't for him.
-He's stuck at Class Level 5 (too bad, he has better Strength than Jude, but without those C-Lvs Jude actually has better damage even with the same moves). This is good for his HP/MP, but bad for his other stats and damage.

Shoot: 3000 physical damage on average. Consumes 1 of 3 bullets. Kresnik's ARM has a terrible Useability stat so Auto-Reload should be very rare (I've never seen it). Long range.

FORCE ABILITY Lock-On: Use Shoot or an ARM attack (Apoptosis, Circular Volley, Gatling Raid, Pile Bunker) at 125% damage and perfect accuracy.
Pile Bunker (6 MP): 1200 + 2x(Kresnik's max HP - Kresnik's current HP) physical damage. 8500 damage at 1 HP.

*Gatling Raid (18 MP): Fails. Uses all remaining bullets, damage is based on that, accuracy issues (though even Lock-On doesn't save it, with only three bullets).
Apoptosis (12 MP): 3200 physical damage to a line. Triple against nanomachines.
Circular Volley (12 MP): 3000 physical damage to all adjacent hexes.
Adrenaline Rush: Raises RFX by 100, and MDef by an amount equal to armour's MGR. See stat comparisons for what this translates to for Kresnik.
Healing Factor: 1700 healing. (A little under half, for him.)

Note: I still need to get the costs on his defensive spells. They're both really, really low, though. (Want to say they're 5 and 3 respectively or something like that.)

Relevant passive abilities not already covered:
*Counter, Critical Hit - Kresnik has increased chances to do both of these.
Hi-Counter: Kresnik does 50% more damage on counterattacks.
*Crisis Evade - When Kresnik is in critical HP (below 25%), his evade rises.
Shield Guard, Magic Guard - When guarding either type of damage, Kresnik resists attacker's power by 50% instead of the usual 25%. This tends to null out damage entirely.
MP Charge - Kresnik regains 10% of his maximum MP (27) by defending.
Conserve MP - Reduces Kresnik's MP costs by 25%. Already factored in.
*Crisis Speed - Kresnik's speed increases for every ally he has who is dead or in critical. Useless in a duel.
Emergency MP - Kresnik regains 18 MP if he begins a turn at critical HP (below 25%).
Penetrator - Kresnik's crits are ITD.
FP Advantage - Kresnik begins the battle with 25 FP. His armour doubles this to 50.

Stat comparisons

1. Raquel 14938
2. Jude 7929
3. Arnaud 5215
4. Yulie 4703
(Kresnik 3200)

Average: 8196

1. Jude 3700
(Kresnik 3650)
2. Arnaud 3340
3. Raquel 2980
4. Yulie 2740

Average: 3190

1. Raquel 1944
2. Jude 1470
(Kresnik 1298)
(Mithral Guard Jude 1278)
(Protected, statused Yulie 1264)
(Protected Yulie 1181)
(Statused Yulie 934)
3. Yulie 851
4. Arnaud 660

Average: 1240

Magic Defence
(Protected Yulie 2363)
(Adrenalined Kresnik 2148)
1. Yulie 1829
(Kresnik 1578)
2. Arnaud 1455
3. Raquel 1296
(Mithral Guard Jude 757)
4. Jude 543

Average: 1272

Physical durability
1. Raquel 0.47
2. Jude 0.70
(Kresnik 0.82)
(Mithral Guard Jude 0.83)
(Protected, statused Yulie 1.13)
(Protected Yulie 1.21)
3. Arnaud 1.38
(Statused Yulie 1.44)
4. Yulie 1.51

Magical durability
(Protected Yulie 0.18)
(Adrenalined Kresnik 0.28)
1. Yulie 0.66
(Kresnik 0.66)
2. Arnaud 0.82
3. Raquel 1.06
(Mithral Guard Jude 1.22)
4. Jude 1.36

Evasion, vs. 350 (average) Hit
1. Arnaud 72%
2. Raquel 45% (effectively ~59% when Blocker is an option)
3. Jude 11%
(Kresnik 7%)
(Mithral Guard Jude 1%)
4. Yulie 1%

Effective speed
(Adrenailned Kresnik 184%)
(Quickened Yulie 170%)
1. Jude 139%
2. Arnaud 114%
(Kresnik 101%)
3. Yulie 90%
4. Raquel 65%
« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 03:31:29 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

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Re: Wild Arms 4
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2007, 08:04:10 AM »

Jeremy 1-2 stats and commentary are from Namagomi, Hauser's are from OblivionKnight. All other boss entries are from yours truly.

Some stuff you should know if you haven't played the game: WA4 uses a hex-grid system on which battles are fought, somewhat like a SRPG. There are seven hexes on the field (one in the centre, six forming a ring around it). While multiple characters can occupy one hex, they must all be on one team (no PCs and enemies sharing a location). The vast majority of attacks target a hex (or hexes) instead of an individual, and affect all characters in them. Additionally, movement works like this: You can move to an adjacent hex not occupied by enemies on your turn, but it counts as an action. Both enemies and PCs are bound by this rule. The ability to move and attack on the same turn is open to only a very few enemies and Raquel. A few bosses use the hex battlefield in strange ways which leads to some interpretation issues, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

About the damage you do to bosses in-game... Raquel possesses a Force ability, Intrude, that consumes 25 FP and gives her two turns instead of one. This can be chained (unlike FF Quick), and this typically allows Raquel (who tends to have cast-best damage by a huge margin) to do horrible, horrible things to bosses if you save FP for her. If you want to hold that against bosses, by all means, though I don't think I do, since FP is such a finicky thing. They're already fragile as is anyway. EDIT: Removing the damage figures for non-Raquel PCs until I figure out how things work. For now... Raquel tends to do similar damage to the other three PCs put together, so average hovers -roughly- around half of her damage.

Almost all physical attacks in this game are evadable, including techs. Keep this in mind. That said, a few enemies have 999 Hit, which I take as a flag that means evade-ignoring (so goes through perfect evasion. Judgement call, you may decide otherwise). Additionally, if I don't list a range for a boss' physical attack, assume it is short range (can only be used on an adjacent hex). Similarly, assume all enemy magic attacks are long range (can target any hex).

It's possible I'm a bit underlevelled for the later bosses, but fortunately, levels in this game don't make too large a difference... apart from ~20 HP and +1 to all other stats, they're mainly good for unlocking abilities (either directly or through the GC system, which vaguely resembles personal skills from WA2). I'll note my levels anyway (they'll probably tend to be in the format of non-Raquel/Raquel).

WA4 bosses are generally vulnerable to Poison, Shut Out (Don't Move), and all forms of stat downs, but are immune to all other statuses. While they are vulnerable to Poison, they are highly resistant its damage (taking 5% max HP instead of 25%). Exceptions will be noted.

On with the show!

Jeremy Non
"Is that what you think? That the war's over? What'll it take to open your eyes?"

First form

HP: 9800
RFX: 370 (388% average)
DEF: 315
RES: 410
HIT: 276 (high)
EVA: 75 (13%)

Party stats:
Party level: 10/11
HP average: 2175

Damages to him:
Raquel's physical: ~1945

Attack: ~1000
Vulcan Missile: ~1150

Comments: ... If these stats are what I'm reading, then his speed is downright insane.  HP sits at around 1x PCHP to me, though his damage is a low 2HKO.  No Inertial Canceller, though he counters at some rate that I don't quite know yet.

Second form

HP: 11000
RFX: 289 (228% average)
DEF: 268
RES: 433
HIT: 254 (below average)
EVA: 87 (23%)

Party stats:
Party level:11/12
HP faced:2175 average (2600 Jude/2300 Arnaud/1800 Yulie/2000 Raquel)
Damages to him:
Raquel's physical/Comet Strike(they do about the same): ~2140

Inertia Cancel +1: Jeremy always double-acts.

Attack:1325 average. There is some arguable variance here.
Vulcan Missile:1416 average(?) See above on variance.

Comments: Still overkill! Psychotic speed! that a semblance of durability I see? Looks like he sits at just above 1x PCHP. Other than that, still hates people who can counter, still hates evasive types. Having a modicum of durability helps his cause a good deal, though, and I put him as a solid Heavy.  Might even champ.

Note: I don't have a save before Scythe, so his stuff is all from memory/FAQs/asking people. Sorry. I'll redo him eventually.

Scythe Riebauer
"After all, I am a Crimson Noble. I won't be dying that easily."

HP 9000
Rfx 321 (268% average)
Def 242
MDef 482
Hit 999 (perfect)
Eva 1 (never*)

*Despite the evade stat, Scythe has a special ability that allows him to dodge about a third of ALL attacks sent his way, both physicals and magic.

Party level: 14/15
HP faced: 2290

Damages to him:
Raquel's physical - 2828

Blast: 700 magic damage, reflectable
Isolate Darkness: 400 magic damage, moves each target to a random hex, reflectable
Suction: ID, drains target's HP to Scythe, physical. Only useable below 50% HP. (Never did see it myself for that reason...)

Comments: Fairly standard WA4 boss to start things off. He has a gimmick or two (in this case, his universal evade, though it's not really significant), makes Orlandu and Myria look slow, and crappy HP. Odd limit boss, although Blast spam off that speed is pretty decent offence otherwise. High Middle?

"You, who protect those you care about, and I, who failed to do so... Show me the difference between your fight and mine!"

HP 9900
Rfx 325 (272% average)
Def 338
MDef 468
Hit 293 (high)
Eva 112 (39%)
Immune to Shut Out

Party level: 15/16
HP faced: 2311

Damages to her:
Raquel's physical - 2742

Distortion Cancel: Creates a "Distortion", a shield made out of subspace that blocks most damage. It's a lot like Ghaleon's Chaos Shield, except it is pierced by full MT (i.e. strikes the entire battlefield... partial MT, such as group/line attacks, don't go through). It will absorb an entire attack, even a multi-hit one, however, even if the first hit kills it. The Distortion roughly halves incoming damage after defences and damage reduction (more info on this later), and has 5250 HP.

4D Pocket: Removes target from the battlefield. If all PCs are removed this way and/or dead, game over. The effect wears off naturally, after some random(?) interval, and the PC returns with an empty CTB gauge (so even if you don't let it instant win battles, anyone vulnerable to it is screwed anyway, unless they are faster than Beilal (AHAHA)).

Distortion Assault ~ Agony Effect: 1100 magic damage
Tank Drop: 1400 physical damage, long range
Attack: 900 physical damage

Comments: Badass, despite the HP. Her Distortion Cancel and insane speed to use it with will keep her safe against all but double-acters and those with MT, she's a brutal PC killer, and the offence is great, too. WA4's version of Ghaleon, but the hole in her damage shield keeps her from being as cheap. Still Godlike.

Hugo Hewitt
"Huh? That's not possible! My sword attacks executed within compressed time... she blocked them all?"

HP 11250
Rfx 348 (283% average)
Def 475
MDef 640
Hit 290 (above average)
Eva 109 (27%)
Immune to Shut Out

Party level: 19/21
HP faced: 2532

Damages to him:
Raquel's physical - 3209

System Chronos: If Hugo would take damage (even from a counter), he will immediately attempt to move to another hex where he will not take damage. In-game, you get around this by boxing him in with multiple PCs so he can't move, sending Raquel to the centre hex and using Evil Blossom (hits all adjacent hexes, nowhere to run), or using true MT damage like Material. This could make him totally immune to non-MT in the DL... or just be thrown out entirely, given the boxing strategy.

Spirit Blade Gan: 1100 physical damage
Blood Blade Diva: 1100 physical damage, ignores defence
Magic Bow Gandiva: 1350 magic damage

Comments: Decent mix of attacks, and the usual HP/speed split we've gotten used to. Heavy on his blitzing powers if you throw out System Chronos. If you allow it? Godlike. HugoAll gets High Godlike, of course.

"We're Fiore and Asia. Our job is to secure that girl and finish off the rest of you nobodies."

HP 13500
Rfx 245 (127% average)
Def 693
MDef 868
Hit 1
Eva 116 (25%)

Party level: 22/24
HP faced: 2572

Damages to her:
Raquel's physical - 5163

Banned Spell?!: 1700 magic damage, useable only if Asia is alive.
Fragile: Lowers base DEF and RES by 100, 100% chance. This increases magic damage done by an average of 345 points. Reflectable.
Hi-Blast (Ice): 1700 ice magic damage, reflectable

Fiore always starts on a water leypoint, which elementalises her Blast spell as well as increasing its power. Given she's guaranteed to be on it in-game, I allow it in the DL, though if she moves off, she can't get back on (since her opponent could in theory block her). Your mileage may vary. There are also fire and wind leypoints on the battlefield, which Fiore can move twice to reach, but I don't allow her access to those for similar reasons.

Move: Gets off her water leypoint, changes Hi-Blast's effect.
Hi-Blast (neutral): 900 magic damage, reflectable

Comments: The uber speed is gone, the crappy HP remains. Bad news? Yeah. But she's still pretty fast with a solid 2HKO... unless you block Ice. Middle. Better if you give her support credit, of course (although in-game she's the logical choice to kill first).

"I must warn you, if you choose to challenge us, you'd best be prepared."

HP 13500
Rfx 205 (89% average)
Def 693
MDef 868
Hit 1
Eva 116 (25%)

Party level: 22/24
HP faced: 2572

Damages to her:
Raquel's physical - 5163

Banned Spell?!: 1700 magic damage, useable only if Fiore is alive.
Illusion: Halves HIT, 100% chance. This is far worse than it sounds, lowering average PC accuracy by 95 at this point. This raises Asia's effective evade to 120%, i.e. immune to all but the very accurate. Reflectable.
Hi-Blast: 900 magic damage, reflectable

She doesn't start on a leypoint, but she does start beside a Fire and a Wind one (and within two moves of her twin's water). Again, I don't think I allow her to move onto them, but if you do, her Hi-Blasts will do the same damage as Fiore's.

Comments: Worse damage and speed than her twin, but Illusion just rapes fighters who don't OHKO her (which isn't hard in the higher divisions, but she doesn't belong there for a reason). Sucks ass against mages and those who ignore evade, though, rendering her a spoiler. Light/Middle.

Enil Aidem
"No one is free from doubts and fears. They must learn to live with them every day. None are immune to this curse..."

HP 11800
Rfx 225 (106% average)
Def 482
MDef 680 (note that these are both a significant drop from the twins)
Hit 28
Eva 114 (18%)

Party level: 24/27
HP faced: 2672

Damages to her:
Raquel's physical - 5690

Materialise Fear: Creates a copy of one of the characters Enil is fighting. The "copy" has fixed stats, but assuming you're at my levels all copies are slower than the PCs they are duplicating. The copy appears on Enil's hex. If the copy takes damage from anyone EXCEPT its original, the original takes the damage dealt. Copies have defensive stats (including HP) of 1 across the board. Only one copy per character can be created. If that's all too confusing for you, a simpler explanation of this move is MASSIVE DL FAILURE.
Assessing the situation: If Enil can not make a copy, she will skip her turn. She can't attack in any way.

Copy's attack: Depends on the copy, but around 700 on average. Physical.

Comments: Summon a copy, copy is guaranteed to be killed before it can attack. Except perhaps by a VP mage with only 2+ CT spells? Whatever. Someone Jogurt and maybe even Hrist can beat. This isn't even getting into her own awful stats. Puny.

Balgaine Ales
"Don't forget... it was only through fighting... that you were able... to open up your path."

HP 35000 (!)
Rfx 235 (103% average)
Def 861
MDef 861 (below average)
Hit 999 (perfect)
Eva 121 (12%)

Party level: 27/30
HP faced: 2760

Damages to him:
Raquel's physical - 5128
He's weak to Short Circuit, so if you factor that in, Jude can do quite a number to him too (~4000?). I don't.

Baron of Gore: Passive ability. Balgaine is immune to all reflectable and status-inducing magic. Unreflectable magic (Material) and physical status (Poison Bite) still hit.

Detonation Charge Lv 1: Charge for Nidhogg, Half Moon.
Detonation Charge Lv 2: Charge for Nidhogg, Straight.
Move to centre: Balgaine begins in one of the outer hexes, this gets him to the centre (only can be used if centre is unoccupied, obviously). Needed for...
Detonation Charge MAX: Charge for Nidhogg, Full Moon. Can only be used if Balgaine occupies the centre hex.
Nidhogg, Half Moon: 9999 fixed damage to all adjacent hexes, physical
Nidhogg, Straight: 9999 fixed damage to a line, physical
Nidhogg, Full Moon: 9999 fixed damage, MT, physical. YOU LOSE!

In-game, Balgaine must use the first two detonation charges before he can move in and use Detonation Charge MAX. Whether you hold him to this restriction or not is a judgement call.

Comments: Holy spoiler boss, Batman! Balgaine's a real oddball. He actually has HP, for one. Not incredible, but it breaks past the PC margin at least. The Baron of Gore ability is a nice trick, and Nidhogg... well. If his opponent is faster than him, he'll never be able to use it successfully (moving in and out of his range to alternatively dodge Nidhogg and stop him from moving to the centre, attacking on doubleturns, it works in-game). But slower opponents will be in a fair bit of a pickle... how much of one depends on if you let him move to the centre as his first action. Hell if I know where to rank him. Middle? He could work anywhere, really.

Third Class Pilot Tony
"I can't let ya... I won't... let you... No way I can let this war end just yet!"

HP 14500
Rfx 374 (235% average)
Def 1185
MDef 1685 (both these values are noticeably above average, but not really special)
Hit 304 (roughly average)
Eva 138 (21%)

Tony halves all elements (Fire, Water/Ice, Wind, Earth)

Party level: 28/31/35 (guest PC is 35)
HP faced: 2998

Damages to him:
Raquel's physical - 4436
He's weak to Short Circuit, so if you factor that in, Jude can do quite a number to him too (~3500?). I don't.
The guest PC does much more damage than the PC s/he replaces (duh, it is one of the mages). About 3000-3500.

Attack: 900 physical damage
Shoot: 700 physical damage, 70% crit rate for 1400, average 1190
Rocket Launcher: 900 physical damage to a line
Micro Missile: 1000 physical damage, long range

Comments: Uh oh, it's everyone's favourite recurring WA character, TONY! This time Tony sports a bad attitude and a crappy boss form, although it actually enjoys the translation to where it isn't guaranteed to face an evade whore and his elemental resists matter. Good blitzing power, element halving is nice, though he is easy to wall with good evade/defence. Middle. Probably a DNR since he fights in a mech, though.

Augst Henriksen
"I'm afraid I'm in no shape to be telling jokes right now."

HP 17920
Rfx 0 (0% average <_<)
Def 782 (below average)
MDef 4 (sucks)
Hit 36
Eva 0 (never)
Immune to Poison

Augst reduces physical damage taken by 30%
Augst absorbs all elements (Fire, Water/Ice, Wind, Earth)
If Augst is hit with an elemental attack, he will temporarily gain a speed boost that takes him up to about ~1/3 average. He will skip any turns he manages to get, however.

Party level: 31/36
HP faced: 2923

Damages to him:
Raquel's physical - 3945 (resisted)

Flames erupt from Augst's body: Although Augst will never act, he will counter any damage with this. 25% cHP gravity damage, rounds down.

Comments: Hey, it's a WA4 boss who COUNTERS YOU TO DEATH! Even better, he's all gravity, and can't actually kill! All is not lost for Brionac's resident comedian, however: elemental absorption and godly physical reduction to the rescue! He may actually be worse than Enil after all. But hey, if he faces someone entirely elementally reliant, he may be able to win a fight by default by being the only one who can deal damage? Maybe? Puny.

Jeremy Non
"This time it's got nothing to do with no mission... it's personal! And we're about to have a whole... lotta... fun!"

Jeremy's last two forms are fought back to back (full healing in between, so no formchaining hype). They're pretty similar... in the second, though, he's beat up and desperate. The HP and speed drop, but the offence goes through the roof. Your call which form(s) you allow. Listing both.

Third form

HP 17800
Rfx 328 (170% average)
Def 890
MDef 1140
Hit 327 (roughly average)
Eva 161 (34%)
Vulnerable to Provoke

Party level: 35/39
HP faced: 3028

Damages to him:
Raquel's physical - 9132 (ouch, 2HKOed)

Inertia Cancel +2: Jeremy always triple-acts.
Attack: 1000 physical damage
Vulcan Missile: 1450 physical damage, long range but requires line of sight

Comments: Overkill damage! Good speed! Dies to a sneeze! Yes, Jeremy's back to deliver everything we expect out of a WA4 boss. Good defence or evade will own him, however (he just fails against Arnaud in-game, and isn't much better off against Raquel). In fact, the evade doesn't even need to be that good, since if you stop even one of his attacks you're probably set. Still, wow. High Heavy.

Fourth form

HP 15600
Rfx 256 (104% average)
Def 890
MDef 1140
Hit 327 (roughly average)
Eva 161 (34%)
Vulnerable to Provoke

Party level: 35/40
HP faced: 3044

Damages to him:
Raquel's physical - 9163 (see above)

Inertia Cancel +3: Jeremy always quadruple-acts.

Attack: 1100 physical damage
Vulcan Missile: 1600 physical damage, long range but requires line of sight
Wild Savate: 950 physical damage, ignores defence

Comments: Double overkill! But the HP's gone down (not much), and the speed's in the toilet, meaning he'll be losing a lot of quickdraws now (he hates this). Wild Savate's a cute alternative, but unless he's facing Mog or Seymour it'll probably be pretty useless. This form feels worse than the last overall. Heavy.

Gawn Brawdia
"I've become such a pathetic adult... I no longer have the right to speak as if my actions are just..."

HP 96100
Rfx 295 (133% average)
Def 1034
MDef 1309
Hit 999 (perfect)
Eva 110
Immune to Poison

None of Gawn's defensive stats matter anyway, thanks to one of his abilities. They could all be 1 or 1 million, and it wouldn't make a difference.

Party level: 37/43
HP faced: 3172

Damages to him:
None. Raquel's physical would do 13584, if it could hit.

Finest Art: 50% mHP damage MT. Used automatically as an initiative move at the start of the battle.

Don't even think about it!: If an enemy action would affect Gawn OR his hex in ANY way, the action is cancelled and Gawn attacks for 600 physical damage instead. Consumes 1 bullet.

Shoot (Answerer & Fragrach): 9999 fixed damage, physical. Consumes 2 bullets.

At the start of the battle, Gawn possesses 12 bullets. As soon as all of his bullets are spent, the battle ends in his opponents' favour (you receive Exp/Gella, etc., as per usual)... assuming they survived.

Comments: Gawn is the most badass man alive. To beat him, you'll have to hack through up to 6 shots of unblockable 3x PC overkill... and although you can get him to waste some on counters, it probably won't be enough, in a duel, given that even hardier Godlike bosses will crumple after two or three shots. Unrankable High Godlike.

Farmel Arianrhod
"I won't let you past me, or to carry out your convictions. As Asgard, the citadel of the gods, I shall repel your every action!"

HP 21600
Rfx 410 (257% average on paper, probably ~280% in practice?)
Def 1136 (when vulnerable to physicals)
MDef 1415 (when vulnerable to magic)
Hit 999 (perfect)
Eva 1 (never)
Immune to Poison

Party level: 38/43
HP faced: 3180

Damages to her:
Raquel's physical - 13584

Darkness Stance: Farmel will spam this until you move her out of her starting hex. She is immune to all damage, and will use Finest Art in response to any attempt to damage her. This move is broken.
Finest Art: 9999 fixed damage, physical

Fortress Stance: Farmel becomes immune to any form of physical damage, and will counter it with Blink Shot. Her speed drops to 235 (86% average).
Blink Shot: 2300 physical damage

Barrier Stance: Farmel becomes immune to any form of magical damage, and will counter it with Surprised Heart. Her speed drops to 235 (86% average).
Surprised Heart: 1500 magic damage

Comments: Darkness Stance is a gimmick move with a gimmick solution in-game, so I will ignore it. Besides that? She completely shuts down either magic or physicals... but not both. A spoiler to the highest degree, she wins or loses based on the answer to the question "does the opponent have both types of damage?" She's a lot like Ramsus, really... if Mirror Stance blocked evade-ignoring attacks as well, and with the added ability to shut down FE/VP mages, etc., at the cost of losing any hope of winning a pure slugfest whatsoever. Someone else who could fit in any division, but Heavy feels right.

Lambda Zellweger
"To protect the world for the people of this world, I will bear any shame and condemnation!"

HP 24700
Rfx 411 (244% average on paper, but tested to be closer to ~265%)
Def 1156
MDef 1451 (both negligibly below average)
Hit 375 (about 125%)
Eva 1 (never*)
Immune to Poison

Party level: 42/48
HP faced: 3210

Damages to him:
Raquel's physical - 14152

Blue Destiny: Lambda has a ~77% (based on a sample of 100 tests) chance to null any damage unless attacked from behind. Note that his vision will always track one of your PCs (which one appears to randomly change, but in a duel this doesn't matter), so no, even with Move&Attack it isn't possible to sneak attack him. He doesn't null status this way, only damage.

Attack: 1300 physical damage
Claimh Solais, Type L: 1300 physical damage to a line
Claimh Solais, Type R: 1250 magic damage

Comments: Damage is a bit of a disappointment, really (less than Belial unscaled? Whoa). Speed's nice, HP isn't... but the real kicker's his gimmick. While without it, he's probably some sort of Middle (and I could see throwing it out, for all that you have to be crafty to get around it in-game... I bludgeoned him to death without knowing it, for instance), with it, it turns those OHKOs against him into 4-5HKOs on average... much better. Funny, he makes enemy damage largely not matter (unless it is really bad). Multi-acters/hitters will probably benefit against him, too. Low Godlike.

Hauser Blackwell / Divine Weapon
"Kindness changes...nothing!"

Hizzie has 3 forms he chains directly into.  The first and third form have support units that fight with him.  He has 2 in the first form, and can resummon them; the 3rd form starts with 4 out, but can't resummon them.

Form 1

HP 48900
Rfx 335 (156% average)
Def 1125
MDef 1415
Hit 365 (about 115%)
Eva 186 (23%)

Party level: 50
HP faced: 3613
Rfx faced: 268

Damages to him:
Raquel's physical - 15000

Attack Order: Automatically causes all living Devices to attack a specific hex; they take their turn immediately after this attack is used
Power Booster: 1100 magic damage
Punishing Ray: 1300 magic damage, line effect
Twin Device: Summons two Devices; max of two may exist at any one time


HP 12450
Rfx 260 (94% average)
Def 1125
MDef 1415
Hit 360 (about 110%)
Eva 164 (1%)

Party level: 50
HP faced: 3613
Rfx faced: 268

Damages to it:
Raquel's physical - 15000

Attack: 500 physical damage
Quicken: Adds RFX +100 to a hex; this boosts the Device's effective speed to 180% average, and Hizzie's effective speed to 263% average
Defender: When the hex is targetted by a physical attack (unless it is full MT), this reduces the attacker's power by 25% (before defence; actual reduction is around ~60%), and protects all allies in the same hex

Comments: Uh...worse Lambda?  Worse Scythe?  I really don't know how to define him here.  He's basically got Lambda's damage, so he 3HKOs, and his speed is "only" 150% or so.  The Devices kind of help, at least to take physical damage.  Still not bad, but this form alone is High Middle at best.

Form 2

HP 59000
Rfx 351 (171% average)
Def 1156
MDef 1451
Hit 366 (about 116%)
Eva 167 (4%)

Party level: 50
HP faced: 3613
Rfx faced: 268

Damages to him:
Raquel's physical - 15000

Claymore: 1200 magic damage, cancels target's next turn ~50%-75%, MT (or close enough - it's an AoE the same size as the battlefield, 7 hexes, so depending on where he aims it, it's likely to hit everyone); note that this seems to be all or nothing, either it hits for damage and inflicts turn cancel, or it doesn't do anything
Napalm Flare: 1800 fire magic damage (Elfboy's note: This probably hit fire resistance, since I saw it do 4200 to Jude multiple times.)
Prismatic Laser: 1000 magic damage, adds Amnesia, Poison, Disease and Misery status 100%, inflicts Sleep, Stone and Confusion at ~33% rate each, MT
Dead Heat: Randomly teleports characters to different hexes, inflicts ID ~1% (uh...didn't hit until after the 80th time for me >_>)

Comments: Mmmm...much better than last form.  Damage is still EVER SO SLIGHTLY 3HKO, but he's faster, and has status, as well as Claymore for potential turn-locking.  Dead Heat, however, fails massively.  Low Heavy.

Form 3

HP 65500
Rfx 349 (170% average)
Def 1188
MDef 1488
Hit 410 (about 160%)
Eva 191 (28%)

Party level: 50
HP faced: 3613
Rfx faced: 268

Damages to him:
Raquel's physical - 15000

Handy Cannon: 600 physical damage
Energy Sabre: 1200 physical damage
Accelerator: Gets a free, random turn.  See below (coming soon!) for more notes on this. (based on many things - how much damage you do to him in a hit, time elapsed, support dead, etc.)
ABM Launcher: Fires multiple missiles that land randomly on each hex throughout the battlefield, dealing ~750 magical damage per each missile; typically, 2-3 missiles will land on a hex, though this number can vary a bit both ways
Arch Smasher: 1500 magic damage, MT
Boost Attack: Next attack deals 3x damage

Comments: Mmmm...loses the status, gains better damage, Accelerator and a good healer buster.  Durability is improved, speed is still decent (1% less than the previous form!).  Overall, High Heavy for this form.  The full form-chain probably hits Low Godlike
« Last Edit: April 26, 2015, 08:22:18 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Wild Arms 4
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2007, 06:30:02 AM »
Critical hit rates!

These don't factor in the Critical skill, though.

Numbers in parentheses are when countering.

Jude: 1/20 (1/24)
Yulie: 1/28 (1/28)
Arnaud: 1/16 (1/28)
Raquel: 1/24 (1/16)

Crits are 1.5x damage, except Jude can tweak that with Dragon Fossils and Raquel has a weapon Avenger that is 1200 ATP, 2 ACN, +10 HIT and increases critical damage to 3x (or maybe 3.5x, I'm not sure, the FAQ isn't very clear).

Yulie's and Arnaud's weapons that recover and deplete MP when attacking are both 2% mMP.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2008, 08:53:27 AM by Talaysen »


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Re: Wild Arms 4
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2007, 02:21:20 AM »
Assault Buster!

So Tide ran some tests and we tried to figure out a formula for Assault Buster.  Here's what we've come up with.

The base damage per hit is equal to:


TC is 255 for Assault Buster, and we determined A-mod is equal to 500 for Jude at level 50 with 7 Class levels.

The number of hits is:

(Jude's RFX+Jude's LV-Enemy's RFX)*13/100

This works for levels that are divisible by 10, but seems to be off at other levels.  Fortunately, 50 is divisible by 10.

So the final formula for damage is:

((TC+A-mod)*STR/100-Defense)*(Jude's RFX+Jude's LV-Enemy's RFX)*13/100

Plugging in with values from the topic... (324 for STR and 338 for RFX).

Damage = (2446.2-Defense)*(388-EnemyRFX)*13/100
« Last Edit: December 30, 2007, 02:28:23 AM by Talaysen »


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Re: Wild Arms 4
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2007, 05:09:57 AM »
Because Tal didn't include it. Also porting stuff over that is important or relevant I feel.

Assault Buster Tests - CONTINUED
From the equation we theorized, Elfboy's tests should have shown 11 hits instead of the 5 he listed. So naturally, we assumed there had to be some sort of accuracy penalty. The other tests before were done on Gagisons and Que Sara Saras, both of which should have little to no chance against evading an end game Jude.

So! I did a little test. There's another enemy in game that has close to average evasion - Suicidal Bomb. This beats Gargoyle, who is flat average since the latter is a flyer. Tal also suggests Nosferatu, which is a brilliant idea, except I'm pretty sure the hits don't even register since they are automatically overridden with a no effect. But the biggest reason for using these guys, is because they come in a pack of 6, making the tests less tedious in general. Tests were done with 7 class levels on Jude, resulting in 274 HIT, 324 ATK, 338 RFX.

First, results with a +50 HIT bonus to Jude's ARM (number of hits):
11, 13, 12, 9, 12, 9, 10, 12, 10, 13, 9, 10, 8, 10, 12, 14, 10, 10, 7, 12, 9, 11, 14, 10, 11, 8

Total sum: 276. The equation predicts 14 hits to be dealt. As you can see, 14 appears twice, but only 2/26 times basically. From this, the average number of hits results in 10.6 or rounded, 11.

Next, results with only a +25 HIT bonus to Jude's ARM (number of hits) against the same enemy:
8, 9, 7, 11, 9, 7, 10, 10, 7, 12, 6, 8, 8, 9, 13, 9, 8, 10, 8, 13, 10, 11, 9, 11, 13, 8, 10, 9, 8, 12, 6, 6, 7, 11, 9, 10, 9, 13, 6, 7, 10, 6, 8, 9, 10, 10, 9, 12.

49 tests. The average is exactly 9 hits. So it fell by around 2 hits or so. What Tal I theorized then is as follows:

The accuracy of assault buster is determined as 0.775*(Jude's HIT + ARM HIT Bonus) - Enemy EVA. This is then checked against each hit to determine the final number of hits that actually make contact with the enemy. We determined it wasn't a Hit penalty, since the former case with +50, requires a -80 penalty, but this one with only +25 requires only a -65 penalty. Unless this move FLUCTUATES constantly, 0.775 seems to get the results on average for both tests. Tal says though that is probably either 0.78 or 0.77 and not in between. Myself? I think 0.775 sounds more reasonable. This move is always insane enough to use something odd like 13 >_>.

OK also adds that if this move is used against a flyer, the accuracy is further halved. Makes sense, since Jude is using a melee attack.

A conclusion and summary of the tests so far: Jude's damage rises, but is still below average. Assault Buster should deal on average 7929 damage or so. Average damage then with this new figure becomes 7932. Yes, Jude's damage is still below average (albeit, neglibly so now!) >_>. So uh, all that work for close to nothing! If you include Kresnik into the average? Average drops to 6945. But Elfboy's original average didn't include him, so I would use 7844 personally. That is assuming everything we found so far is right.

One final thing needs to be tested on this move, and that's if Rapid Attack's RFX boost will increase the number of hits being done to the enemy. If yes, Attack --> Assault Buster seems to be a good bet for him. This further makes Jude want to boost his own ARM's HIT stat if you allow it.

EDIT: Tentative testings shows the following. Using a level 100 Jude, against Que Sara Sara, the Frog enemy in Autumn River and Evil Dead

Que Sara Sara - 43
Evil Dead - 40
Ranunculus - 43

After Rapid attack
Que Sara Sara - 56
Evil Dead - 53
Ranunculus - 56

Notice the trend? It's 13 extra hits, which again makes sense since Rapid attack's RFX boosts the same amount of speed as Slow Down/Quicken.

EDIT 2: I went back and used a level 50 Jude. The results:

Que Sara Sara - 25
Evil Dead - 24
Ranunculus - 26

After Rapid attack
Que Sara Sara - 39
Evil Dead - 37
Ranunculus - 39

So, its pretty much confirmed that Rapid attack's RFX boost effects Assault Buster. Jude cheers. Boost is similar to Slow Down/Quicken, raising another 13-14 hits. Calculating this out then, a boosted Rapid Attack Assault Buster, with a bonus +50 HIT to his ARM, will deal 17365 at level 50 with 7 class levels after factoring in evasion (thanks to Tal for this figure). If so, Jude's two turn damage equals to roughly 20865. Obviously, he likes this.

Now, this is assuming all Dragon Fossils and ARM tuning goes towards HIT. There are 5 Dragon fossils in game before you have to actively hunt them in random battles, so that's a free 25 HIT. Along with two tuning notches, 50 HIT should be reasonable. But for those that don't think so (you could have placed them into bullets for example), I asked Tal for a +35 HIT figure. Under the same conditions, but changing the ARM's Hit bonus to 35, we get 69% accuracy and 6792 damage before Rapid Attack. 14876 after it has been boosted.

Auto Reload
I also ran tests for Jude's auto-reload.
At max usability (6.0), out of a sample of 46 tests, he reloaded 11 times. This is around 24%. Since each "twink" or movement for the Tuning adjusts Usability by +/- 0.5, each 1.0 point of Usability results in a 4% increase in Auto Reload.

Since Jude's standard Usability is 2.5, that translates to 10% or so. Maximum Usability would be 5.5 on a normal game (4 Dragon Fossils). Keep in mind if this is done, Jude has only 1 Bullet in his ARM. Under 5.5, he has a 22% chance to auto reload.

Kresnik has 1.3 Usability I'm told. That translates to roughly 5.4%. Unlike Jude, his cannot be twinked.

Keep in mind that for both characters, Auto Reload only triggers upon a standard physical and not OCs. So no Gatling Raid --> Auto Reload hype.

Ge Ramtos Test
Ran some tests with the Ge Ramtos' ID rate. Tested against enemies in Illsveil Prison; namely Venus, Entoma, Caltiki, Al Gebar and Myrmidon. There were one or two fights with Disasters and Tactical Gears. Except for those two, all other enemies have a 25% chance of being inflicted with ID (as per SI's FAQ). The other two have 60 and 90 respectively. Averaging this out then, the success rate for ID against these enemies is 39.28%

Assuming pefect accuracy for Arnaud (so 3/3 hits on the Ge Ramtos), out of 83 attacks, 32 of them were Instant Death hits. This leads to around a 39.5% chance of ID, so its negligibly higher than 3/8. Basically Elfboy's original assessment that 1/8 chance of ID being inflicted per hit seems to be accurate.

If the ID is indeed 1/8 per hit, then the effective chance of ID assuming all 3 hits connect is 33%.

Rare Equipment list
Ignia Guard - Illsveil Prison. Seems to be dropped by Wild ARM enemies.

Aglaia - Blue Amity Beach/Chest in Verklerung. Requires Detector.
Parcelsus Dirk - Fallen Bridge
Ge Ramtos - Airport/Illsveil Prison both have this. Seems to be dropped by Myrmidons/Tactical Gears.
Duke Garb - Airport

Angel Hoop - Blue Amity Beach.
Big Bang Hoop - Illsveil Prison; Second portion of the dungeon (the one where its all blue and funky). Airport seems to have it too.
Dark Nebula - Illsveil Prison. Same as above. Tactical Gears have this
Sapphire Ring - Devas Airport.

Princess Sabre - Fallen Bridge
Morrigan Brand - Confirmed at Illsveil Prison, Second portion of the level. Saw Tactical Gears carrying it again.
Avenger - Illsveil Prison. First portion of the level.
Lone Wolf - Illsveil Prison. First portion of the level.

Raquel's Power Charge Infinite - From Pyro
Was playing around a little and found a neat (albeit probably useless) trick for Raquel.

If she gets 25 FP, she can use Intrude. Then, for 6 MP, she can use Moonlight and get back the FP. Then she uses Intrude again to get an extra turn. Then Moonlight again... She can do this for as long as she has MP. Useless normally, but it has the bonus effect of letting temporary stat-ups/stat-downs/status effects wear out without letting her opponent take advantage of them.

It also seems to activate her Power Charge skill with each use, since she's using non-damage actions. Wasting all her MP like this, I found her damage just about doubled when she finally attacked. So I suppose she could use the trick to get some extra damage if she ever had 25 FP.

Tide's note: If Raquel has 25 FP in a duel, she can essentially get a hit at Double her regular power after 8 Intrude - Moonlights. Moonlight's MP cost is 6, so one of those double powered hits requires 48 MP to do.

Leypoint quirks:
Apparantly, using a gem of the opposite element when standing on a HEX strengthens it by a bit, while using the same element gem decreases its power. Why? I don't know. It just does. For example, if you're on a Wind HEX and use an Earth gem, it will deal around 1.25 more. If you use a Wind Gem, it would deal 0.75 more. The damage IS noticable. However, since no character can theoretically have any gems in a duel (except possibly Arnaud/Yulie on a really large stretch), this is really pointless information. But I felt it needs to be said anyway >_>. Enemy spells are not effected in the same way.

Attack RFX boost
Even without Rapid Attack, all PCs get a small RFX boost after a regular physical. I think it's around 6.25% or so. This has been witnessed by myself and Tal, so we're pretty sure it exists >_>.

Belial's Distortion
This can be pierced with gems or attack items. Of course, also useless DLwise. If a PC is faster, they probably want to just OHKO her. Those that don't have eat 4D pocket, and I can't think of many bosses that use attack items myself.

Along the same lines, a quirk with Belial's AI discovered by Tal - she won't summon a distortion if she has double. Meaning, if the turn order looks like PC --> Belial --> Belial, her first turn will be wasted doing something else. THEN, on her second turn she will summon the distortion.

Trump Card notes - From MC and Tal
- Trump Card's standard attack uses 2 Bullets and not 1
- Trump Card's counters cancel out Intrude turns
- Trump Card's counters do NOT cancel out Rapid Attack's effect
- Trump Card always has initiative and his first move is always Finest Arts. Afterwards, he always reloads. Finest Arts deals 50% MHP or so. This was confirmed in my Arnaud solo and Tal's Raquel solo.
- Trump Card's counters do NOT cancel out Tiny Flower's first turn Detonation

Crisis Ability notes
Did some testing on Crisis RFX today for Yulie (might come up for dungeon purposes) and had NEB and Tal help me out with this.

If ally is in Crisis (20% MHP or less), then add 5% RFX
If ally is dead, add 25% RFX.

Note that Crisis RFX can trigger if Yulie herself is in crisis (which means she gets a 5% boost under crisis). Of course, she can't get the dead bonus for herself, since...well...she would be dead >_>

In game, maximum speed boost (with 3 allies dead and Yulie in crisis) effectively, brings her to nearly 3x as much as her regular speed (so around 270% average speed) as it raises the raw RFX number by 1.8x.

In the DL...some numbers factoring in Kresnik into the averages... (NEB/Tal can correct me on this):

Crisis Yulie: 1.0x average speed
Crisis Quicken'd Yulie: 1.81x average speed

As an aside, Tal and I theorized that all Crisis abilities (such as Crisis Evade) must be working the same way. Crisis Evade in particular, I know, does. Because otherwise, there is no way to evade Ragu4's attacks without the Detonation boost. Although Crisis Evade is likely a bit different since it only activates when the PC with the skilll in question is under crisis, so it should be a flat 25% EVA boost under Crisis. No reason for Crisis Magic not to work similarly as Crisis RFX though.

Kresnik notes
So the WA4 master guide doesn't list them for Kresnik. And, apparently, I am masochistic (no news here), so I went, did some raw grunt work to figure some rates out.

Raw Critical Hit: 1/14
Raw Counter rate: 1/28

Both were based on a sample of 28 tests. Someone can correct these those, if they actually care.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2009, 04:01:40 AM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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Re: Wild Arms 4
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2007, 08:54:06 PM »
For convenience.  Since speed is quadratic with RFX, the Assault Buster formula is kind of screwy when converting from other games.  So I've figured out a formula that converts speed as a percentage to WA4 RFX using average enemy RFX (317).

number of hits = (388-317*(enemy speed)^(1/2))*13/100

After Rapid Attack it is:

number of hits = (472.5-317*(enemy speed)^(1/2))*13/100

You'd then multiply this by the base damage per hit (1059.2 against average defense) and accuracy (81.11% against average evade).
« Last Edit: May 09, 2008, 06:05:44 AM by Talaysen »


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Re: Wild Arms 4
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2008, 11:13:26 PM »
Critical Hit notes!

The Critical Hit passive skill appears to multiply critical rates by 2.5.  So Jude's would be 1/8 (5/48 on a counter) and Raquel's would be 5/48 (5/32 on a counter).

Morrigan Brand!

Morrigan Brand appears to multiply critical and counter rates by 2.  So Raquel's critical rate is 5/24 (5/16 on a counter) and counter rate is 1/3.  (Actual numbers were a little higher than these, 23% for crit rate and 36% for counter rate, 50% for crit on a counter.)


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Re: Wild Arms 4
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2008, 06:25:29 AM »
Sapphire Ring and Lone Wolf defense boosts are actually known and the topic is incorrect on them, so here's the info.

Sapphire Ring increases DEF by 25 when Yulie is statused.  This raises effective defense to 934.

Lone Wolf increases DEF/RES by 25 for every character fewer than 4 that is in Raquel's hex.  So if she's a lone, that's +75.  This means her effective defense is 1944 and effective magic defense is 1296.

Defense average: 1231
Magic defense average: 1281

Physical durabilities:
Raquel: 0.47
Jude: 0.7
(Protected Statused Yulie: 1.13)
(Protected Yulie: 1.21)
Arnaud: 1.38
(Statused Yulie: 1.44)
Yulie: 1.51

Magical durabilities:
(Protected Yulie: 0.18)
Yulie: 0.66
Arnaud: 0.82
Raquel: 1.06
Jude: 1.36

Yeah, not much changes, but whatever.


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Re: Wild Arms 4
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2008, 12:58:51 AM »
Came up in chat. But Fiore and Asia have one extra move that is not listed. It's called Uncensored Spell?! It deals around 1100 on average? 1500 to Jude/1000 to Arnaud/700 or so to Yulie. They both have to be in the same HEX to use it.

Yes, the attack is weaker than Hi Blast and Banned Spell?! So what's the catch? It's MT. Full MT at that. Anyways that's that. So its not a super sekrit move of death that deals 9999 damage (awww)
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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Re: Wild Arms 4
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2009, 07:53:22 PM »
It occured to me that we had no stats with the ultimate equips, and since I allow them I figured I'd do them.  This also has stats for GC HP/MP twinking.  I assumed 20 GC points were unused still, but pushed them all into HP, since no one wants them in MP for the DL in general.  If you ignore GC stuff, then the averages for HP/MP in the first post would still apply.

Jude Maverick
-XERD_003SS "Shapeshifter" (9 alter parts: 1100 ATP, 3 ACN)
-Nine Lives (630 DFP, 370 MGR, +10 EVA)

--3200-4200 HP
--170-210 MP
--16% evasion
--1521 Defence (Takes 92% or -117 from physical)
--1058 MDef (Takes 138% or +543 from magical)

Attack: 5900 damage over 3 hits, 109-154% accuracy.

Yulie Ahtreide
-Paladienne's Heart (1260 ATP, 5 ACN, +15 HIT)
-Haute Conture (450 DFP, 680 MGR, +25 EVA)

--2400-3080 HP
--246-326 MP
--11% evasion
--1161 [1611 under Protect] Defence (Takes 117% [86%] or +243 [-207] from physical)
--2326 [3006 under Protect] MDef (Takes 50% [3%] or -725 [-1405] from magical)

Attack: 7300 damage over 5 hits, 99% accuracy.

Arnaud G. Vasquez
-Gullwing (1150 ATP, 5 ACN, +20 HIT)
-Labyrinthos (420 DFP, 580 MGR, +40 EVA)

--2900-3780 HP
--270-350 MP
--92% evasion
--991 Defence (Takes 129% or +413 from physical)
--1740 MDef (Takes 90% or -139 from magical)

Attack: 7600 damage over 5 hits, 88% accuracy.

Raquel Applegate
-Equites (2000 ATP, 5 ACN, +50 HIT)
-Lone Wolf (480 DFP, 380 MGR, +15 EVA, defences up by 360/285 when alone in her hex)

Alternate equip:
-Cromwell (590 DFP, 470 MGR, +20 EVA)

--2600-3360 HP
--158-198 MP
--45 [50%] evasion
--1944 [1947] Defence (Takes 63% [62%] or -543 from physical)
--1281 [1231] MDef (Takes 122% [126%] or +320 [+370] from magical)

Attack: 31000 damage over 5 hits, 166% accuracy.

Damage: 13450
HP: 3605
MP: 211
Defence: 1404.25
MDef: 1601.25
« Last Edit: June 08, 2011, 01:23:26 AM by Talaysen »


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Re: Wild Arms 4
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2009, 10:30:11 PM »
We actually did!  I did them, but they didn't get carried over <_<

Oh well.  Still cool and sexilicious.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Wild Arms 4
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2009, 01:02:59 AM »
We actually did!  I did them, but they didn't get carried over <_<

Oh well.  Still cool and sexilicious.

Yeah, but they weren't here and I was too lazy to go find them.


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Re: Wild Arms 4
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2009, 03:43:28 AM »
-Random boss stats-

Yes I am doing this, because none of you are cool enough to =(. Prototype gear cries from his grave. More importantly, I am mainly doing this because I need Ragu4 stats so Neph can put him into the dungeon.

Forewarning: Damage figures/set ups are based from what I am using. Read: Someone with a pretty good deal of experience. Your views on the damage dealt/HP and what not may vary. Also, since I am doing this on a new game+, some stats may be inflated - I'll note this in particular. For the most part though, I am skipping randoms, so one or two extra levels will probably happen, but should not effect bosses that much.

IMPORTANT NOTE UPDATE: Okay, so as today, I found out some REALLY interesting factoids about boss elemental attacks. I'll be editting bits and pieces when appropriate, but basically, the rule is this: Enemy spells get powered up if they are on a LP that is either corresponding to the element used OR directly opposing the element used (...). Yeah. Don't ask why about the last part, it just does. This is how Miscreation's opening Stone Bullets hurt like holy hell, but Goldrake kinda fails it up with his Sky Twisters if he moves out of the Earth HEX.

Also, all bosses are vulnerable to POIZN, Disease and Misery status. POIZN is described earlier and Disease does the same thing as the PC version (rarely matters for bosses). As for Misery, they effectively cause the boss to skip turns (they end up using Assessing the Situation, which passes their current turn).

Okay, let's get started:

Turasque - BIOGENIC DRAGONOID...version 4
HP: 7430
Defense: 232 (should be below average)
Resistance: 360
RFX: 298 (approx. 265% average speed)
EVA: 35 (Never barring negative accuracy)

NOTE: Turasque reduces physical damage by approx. 66.67%. This reduction can be nulled if he is standing in a HEX with Fragile or if the attacker has the Personal Skill "Smash Hit"

NOTE 2: Turasque has the Blocker ability, which out of 11 tests, blocked a total of 1 attack (godlike omg)

Party's Average HP: 2177

Damage done:
Jude's Phantom Line - 500
Arnaud's boosted Gem damage - 2378
Yulie's boosted Gem damage - 1776
Raquel's Comet Strike - 2161

Average: 1702

Toxic Breath - Adds WA4 POIZN to a HEX. POIZN takes off 25% MHP each time the PC's turn comes around. Must be absolutely nulled in order to stop the damage.

Comments: The physical reduction is nice - it makes Jude's damage fail it up (it would otherwise be a lot higher). However, there is one teensy weensy tiny problem. Can you see it? Yes, that's right. This version of Turasque is basically Evil GAIA's long lost brother. He uses POIZN, doubles you of 265% average speed and keeps on using POIZN until you die a POIZNing death. If you block POIZN (which is like every other RPG out there), he can't damage you. Awesome? Hell yes. Light

HP: 10350
Defense: 268
Resistance: 591
RFX: 325 (approx. 293% average speed)
EVA: 70 (3% effective evasion again average Hit)
HIT: 266 (Will not miss against average evasion)

NOTE: Earthbound Dead resists all elements (namely Water/Earth/Wind) except Fire.

NOTE 2: Earthbound Dead's HEX layout has no Fire HEX. However, due to the way it is set up, he has to spend a turn to move into the Earth HEX, otherwise, he is vulnerable to eating boosted gems from Arnaud. Assuming the AI makes randomized moves, it will have a 33% chance to remove this vulnerability. Whether you hold him to this is up to you.

Party's Average HP: 2247

Damage done:
Jude's Phantom Line - ~1600
Arnaud's boosted Fire gem - 1750
Yulie's Sanctify -  ~2300
Raquel's Comet Strike - ~2500

Average: 2037 (with boosted gems). If you do not hold his vulnerability to eating boosted gems, average drops to 1825 (Arnaud deals ~900 with Blast)

Attack - Deals 943 damage on average to one HEX's targets
Absorb - Absorbs a fixed 12 MP. At this point, party's MP pool average is 160 or so. Earthbound dead does not have a MP pool of his own

Counter: Slow Down - Approximately a 56.25% chance to counter any damage with Slow Down (based on 16 tests). Note that due to the way WA4 speed works, Slow Down's effect as of now is much more devastating. If an average speed party member gets hit by Slow Down, they will be reduced down to 22% of their original speed. Hint: You are FUCKED

Comments: Early WA4 bosses actually have some smidge of durability as the damage spiking hasn't appeared yet. And while he's no durability god, he's probably at least 1xPCHP. Which is important since otherwise he can't capitalize on his Slow Down counters. Oh dear lord. If you trigger a Slow Down counter (and chances are you WILL), he will nuke your speed all the way to kingdom come. And then after he runs circles around you, he can either mass drain your MP with his shoddy Absorb (He can do this thanks to being 13x faster) or just beat you to death with his 3HKO. Even if you don't take that view of Slow Down and just say, nuke 56.25% of the target's speed, he will still get like 6 turns before you. Yeah. You either have really good evasion, physical immunity, or just outright OHKO/solidly high 2HKO. Don't let him capitalize on those counters and you're good. Probably Low Godlike?

Miscreation - Want Stone Bullet counters with that?
HP: 10500
Defense: 268 (probably below average >_>)
Resistance: 378 (definitely below)
RFX: 333 (approx. 296% average speed)
EVA: 1 (Never)

NOTE: Miscreation starts on a Wind LP. This makes him vulnerable to eating boosted Earth gems from Arnaud and Yulie. However, for the most part, he will prefer staying on the LP if he got to choose because that LP powers up his Stone Bullets by 50% before defense.

Party's Average HP: 2279

Damage done:
Jude's Phantom Line - ~1700
Arnaud's boosted Earth gem - ~2200
Yulie's boosted Earth gem -  ~1999
Raquel's Comet Strike - ~3000

Average: 2232 (with boosted gems)

Attack - Deals 800 damage on average to one HEX's targets
Stone Bullet - Deals 1680 Earth based damage on average. Power up bonus from LP already factored in.
Toxic Breath - Adds POIZN to one target HEX

Counter: Stone Bullet - Approximately a 45% chance to counter any damage with Stone Bullet (based on 11 tests, can always use more here).

Comments: His durability is worse than Earthbound Dead. But in someways, he is possibly more dangerous. For starters, Stone Bullet? It hurts. A lot. High 2HKOs without problem and easily does so in game as well. Thankfully, Yulie has Resist Earth by then. Next, he also has WA4's potent POIZN as well as WA4 boss speed in that he practically triples right off the bat. Oh and he can always counter you with Stone Bullet which isn't fun either. Hope you have some Earth Protection. Then he's more tame with a 3HKO physical, although he can always throw in POIZN to make things more troublesome. But since it's like the most common status ever? Yeah. Probably Godlike. Note to self: 800*3 > 2279. I gj'd :(

Incubator - I am Spammy mcSpam monster form!
HP: 11000
Defense: 362 (Average or so)
Resistance: 482 (Pretty good)
RFX: 321 (approx. 265% average speed)
EVA: 100 (Around 25% evasion against average HIT)
HIT: 281 (Will miss around 3% against average evasion)

NOTE: Incubator starts on a Earth LP. This makes him vulnerable to eating boosted Wind gems from Arnaud and Yulie. However, for the most part, he will prefer staying on the LP if he got to choose because that LP powers up his Stone Bullets by 50% before factoring in Resistance.

NOTE 2: There is a Wind HEX on field. As such, it is possible to use Wind Blast while he is standing in Earth LP for 2x the damage. However, keep in mind that if you do this, his damage also rises from Stone Bullet by 2x.

NOTE 3: The team starts together in the same HEX and you likely have FP Advantage by now. As such Incubator is in prime position of eating Joint Struggles. Situational damage, so YMMV. I'm listing actual damages instead of just averages, so you can use what you think is adequate.

Party's Average HP: 2281

Damage done:
Jude's Joint Struggle - ~4500
Arnaud's boosted Wind gem - ~2442
Yulie's boosted Wind gem -  ~1970
Raquel's Comet Strike - ~3000

Average of above: 3001 (with boosted gems)

Jude's Phantom Line - 2115
Arnaud's Wind Blast - 4543

Taking Jude's PL into the average instead of JS with everything else being the same: 2398

Attack - Deals 785 damage on average to one HEX's targets
Stone Bullet - Deals 1514 Earth based damage on average. Power up bonus from LP already factored in.
Shout - Spawns a Larvae which acts independently on its own (get its own turns/movements, etc). He can have as many as 4 on the field at the same time. Note that Larvae must all be defeated for battle to end. You can Game Over if one of the Larvae ends up killing your team.

Larvae stats
HP: 4950
RFX: 281 (approx. 202% average speed)
HIT: 251 (Will miss around 33% against average evasion. Average EVA at this point FYI is 184)

Larvae's other stats - such as Defense and Evade - are either very close or exactly the same as Incubators (as seen from his damage below). As such, not listing them.

Attack: Deals 795 damage on average to one HEX's targets

Comments: Larvae spawns problems for anybody who is a staller. Most likely goes first, then spawns clones that have a little less than half his HP and low durability. However, these clones are freaking fast. And since he's so fast himself, he can easily get several of these out, then spam Stone Bullet along with his clone attacks to quickly dish out the pain. He can deal a max of 9308 WA4 damage before an average speed dueller's turn if he sets up everything correctly. Thankfully, he most likely won't. For 1) His durability, factoring in JS or Wind Blast starts becoming standard WA4 boss territory. That is to say, he dies pretty quick. You should probably factor at least one of those since it's not difficult to set up 2) The clones themselves when spawned will be 0 CT. And even though they get turns quick, they have little to no durability and their physical attacks are not very accurate by default. Still, blitzing potential + potential to overwhelm is very high on this one. Low Godlike at worst. Probably higher.

Grabboid - I get promoted to a Super boss in WA5!
HP: 20950
Defense: 539 (Average?)
Resistance: 1026.6 (Very good - effective cuts down magic damage by close to 36%)
RFX: 344 (approx. 277% average speed)
EVA: 105 (Around 25% evasion against average HIT, which is 180)
HIT: 286 (Will miss around 10% against average evasion.)

NOTE: Grabboid resists Earth damage and starts on an Earth HEX. Effectively, this gives him 50% resistance before defense. Hence he's very strong against Earth damage at the start. However, this LP gives him a vulnerability to Wind gems around 2x in addition to his Wind weakness. Thus he is very weak (x4) to Wind damage at the onset. Although his Stone Bullet gets powered up by the Earth HEX, he may actually prefer moving since it effectively brings down his weakness.

NOTE 2: Grabboid can move to any space on the field regardless of PCs blockading his path (ie: he moves similar to Jump)

NOTE 3: Grabboid is further vulnerable to % based damage at a 25% rate of hitting. He can further be PROVOKE'd by Jude which tends to force him to use physicals. I've never seen him use Stone Bullet against Jude when he was provoked.

Party's Average HP: 2460

Damage done:
Jude's Joint Struggle - ~5000
Arnaud's boosted gems - 1344
Yulie's boosted gems - 953
Raquel's Physical - ~3000

Average of above: 2574

Other damages:
Jude's Phantom Line - 1900
Jude's 3 man Joint Struggle - 3800
Arnaud's boosted Wind gem - 4443
Yulie's boosted Wind gem -  3850

Attack - Deals 979 damage on average to one HEX's targets
Stone Bullet - Deals 1356 Earth based damage on average. Power up bonus from LP already factored in.
Illusion - Adds a -100 HIT penalty to target HEX. This drops average HIT down to 80, basically making Grabboid unhittable

Counter: Stone Bullet - Approximately a 16% chance to counter any damage with Stone Bullet (based on 38 attacks)

HP has nearly doubled from the last plotless boss, definitely doubles Belial's! In fact, if it wasn't for the Wind weakness and starting on Earth LP, he's actually pretty durable for a WA4 boss (this says something). A couple of things - one, the game hands you a couple of sun badges at this point. Since you don't have very many other offensive badges barring drops, you would mostly be using these, raising average HP up. This ends up making his Stone Bullet a more borderline 2HKO then his compatriots. Next his stone bullet counters - they're actually *not* that frequent. In a long match however, one of them might come up to tilt things. This is actually potentially possible since Grabboid is not as much of a glass cannon as the later WA4 bosses. Still, its existence makes things trickier for opponents since a counter + going off that speed means he can finish up the job with his physical or Stone Bullet.

Aside from that, everything else is pretty standard of what we know from him. Spoils physicals hard core with Illusion and good blitzing power. Kiting is useless since he can just recast it thanks to double turning. Most likely Godlike. Note that in actual practice he still dies pretty quickly due to weakness hitting + Joint Struggles and what not.

Kraken - I get demoted from a Super boss in WA3 :(!
HP: 24500
Defense: 475 (Below Average)
Resistance: 640.2
RFX: 348 (approx. 258% average speed)
EVA: 104 (Around 14% evasion against average HIT)
HIT: 286 (This figure does not matter because...)

NOTE: Kraken starts in the centre of the field. However, because he is so fast, in the DL his best option is usually to move someone off a LP with his physical, move to the Water LP, then start spamming Hydro Pressure. Whether or not you let him do this is up to you.

NOTE 2: Kraken is Active to Water. Active bonuses are currently not exactly known outside of a bonus +100 to RFX and increased an overall increase in stats

Vulnerable to Petrify (25%), Gravity damage (50%) and Provoke (75%). SI's guide states that Kraken should also be vulnerable to Sleep (50%), but I couldn't get it to connect on him.

Party's Average HP: 2520

Damage done:
Jude's physical (2.25 hits) - ~2325
Arnaud's Elemental Blasts - 2700
Yulie's boosted gems - 1736
Raquel's Physical - 3100

Average of above: 2472

Other damages:
Jude's 3 man Joint Struggle - ~3600

Attack - Deals 938 damage on average to one HEX's targets. This attack has an Isolate effect and will move PCs to any possible randomized HEXes afterwards. ITE
Hydro Pressure - Deals 705 Water based damage on average. If powered up from Water LP, damage rises to 1522
Slumber Fog - Hits a HEX as well as any adjacent HEXes to the target's with Sleep. 37.5% success rate based on him using it 35 times

You'll notice I changed best damages here for Arnaud and Jude. At this point Arnaud's Blasts are starting to outpace gems while Jude's Joint Struggle is really hard to set up here due to his Isolate like physicals. So, let's see what bad about him. Well, he's a little more disappointing compared to the previous 4. His speed is still good, but not as bad as the others (only 2.5x? Really?). In addition, his defense is kinda bad, although at least his raw HP is not in lol territory. The vulnerabilities are problematic - especially the petrify susceptibility - but at least he brings along decent resistances to them. Also, his Sleep hit rate is not as good as we thought (turn 3 or so) and his damage isn't in the 2HKO range at all unless you allow LPs.

On the other hand? His speed while "not as good" is still WA4 level boss speed. Meaning he will lap the crap out of most other duellers. ITE 3HKOing off that speed is pretty good considering his raw HP will probably let him get at least another turn. In fact, that HP gives him a lot to work with. The shoddy sleep rates suddenly don't look as bad when you remember he's getting 2.5x the number of turns an average speed dueller would. So he's very likely going to get the chance to sleep someone and then sleep lock them forever and ever. Of course, absorbing Water/Ice and then getting stronger and having no elemental weakness is also nice to boot. Another Godlike? You bet. He might have gotten demoted, but he's definitely a better fight here then his WA3 form.

Spriggan - Why don't I get promoted in WA5?! You suck Grabboid ;_;
HP: 13250 (...)
Defense: 540
Resistance: 720
RFX: 256 (approx. 135% average speed)
EVA: 117 (Around 24% evasion against average HIT)
HIT: 296 (Around 13% chance to miss against average EVA)

NOTE: Spriggan is a multi part fight. There is no healing in between (as evidenced by the MP not being refilled). But the 3 parts before hand are so pathetic they are not worth mentioning. I guess they can matter against PUNY bosses >_>.

NOTE 2: Spriggan fights with 2 other Spriggans (who I will call mini Spriggans since they have different stats). Whether or not you give him support credit is up to you.

NOTE 3: Each fight features the same LP structure: One Water/Fire/Earth HEX. This matters mostly for the big Spriggan himself since he can power up his Stone Bullets that way. Note that it takes him 2 moves to normally do it and it is possible for a PC or one of his support to move into that HEX before hand. Note that Spriggan is listed as size "XL" which means that only one of him can fit into the HEX. Hence, even if his support capture the HEX, he won't be able to move into it. He does however have Isolate, if you do consider LPs in the DL, so it is not impossible for him to reach it..

Party's Average HP: 2550

Damage done:
Jude's physical (2.25 hits) - ~2500
Arnaud's Elemental Blasts - 2850
Yulie's boosted gems - 1800
Raquel's Physical - 4900

Average of above: 3018

Other damages:
Jude's Joint Struggle - ~6000
Arnaud's Elemental Blasts on opposing elemental HEXes - ~6000
Yulie' Physical - 1100

Attack - Deals 1047 damage on average to one HEX's targets.
Stone Bullet - Deals 1200 Earth based damage on average. If powered up from Earth LP, damage rises to 2005
Hyperion Blaster - Deals 1553 Non elemental damage on average. Line Fire
Focused Fire - Performs a standard physical (1047). Automatically allows the two Mini Spriggans to take an immediate turn and attack. They must target the same HEX
Isolate - Randomly displaces party members into any other HEXes at random

Mini Spriggans
HP: 6480
Defense: 496
Resistance: 666 (OMG)
RFX: 190 (approx. 74% average speed)
EVA: 105 (Around 12% evasion against average HIT)
HIT: 281 (Around 28% chance to miss against average EVA)

Attack - Deals 841 damage on average to one HEX's targets.

Weird fight, but not a horrible interp headache. First, if you give him support, he's much better. His speed isn't much, but Focused Fire is deadly. He can pump out OHKO damage with it if the target doesn't have good evasion the moment he gets his turn. The key thing with Focused Fire - it does not reset the CTB for the Mini Spriggans, so they can follow up and finish the job. Physically durable duellers give this some trouble, but he still packs 2HKO Non elemental damage. He can't revive the Mini Spriggans so good MT also sends him packing quick. His support has half his HP, which means they are pretty much OHKO bait in game.

On the other hand, don't give him support credit, he can't pump out that OHKO damage the moment he gets his turn. In game he gets 2 turned notably easily - Joint Struggle/Elemental Blast on opposing HEX is very easy to do since he starts on the Fire HEX and the entire team groups together. So using Jump gets you into prime position for pumping out huge damage. Although I haven't included those in the average, keep this in mind. Either way, his HP is definitely not as good and since the damage average has jumped a bit he doesn't like this. Durability and his speed are some key issues here. Although he can still 2HKO he's a notable step down as dueller compared to his teammates.

Support'd Spriggan is probably some flavour of Heavy. Non support Spriggan is basically Fiore and is hence Middle

Guardian Chimera - RAR I EAT BABIES. No, I really do!
HP: 21500
Defense: 1008 (Very good. Highest we've seen so far!)
Resistance: 808
RFX: 378 (approx. 260% average speed)
EVA: 123 (Around 12% evasion against average HIT)
HIT: 309 (Around 15% chance to miss against average EVA)

NOTE: Guardian Chimera starts one space away from both a Fire LP and a Earth LP. Thanks to his speed, he can easily move into either one of these without trouble. There is also a Water LP on the field, but since Jude/Raquel start on it, he's not likely to step in there unless you give him the opportunity. How much you want to hold this against him is up to you

Guardian Chimera is Active to all elements (Fire/Water/Earth/Wind)

Party's Average HP: 2697

Damage done:
Jude's Phantom Line - 2300
Arnaud's Blast - 2146
Yulie's Physical - 811
Raquel's Physical - 4737

Average of above: 2498

Attack - Deals 997 damage on average to one HEX's targets.
Material Code: O - Heals himself for around 2250 HP. Must be on a non elemental HEX.
Material Code: M/S/G - Deals 1603 Water/Fire/Earth elemental damage. Full MT. Guardian Chimera must be on the corresponding elemental LP in order to use this attack.

Last of the durable bosses in WA4 before super bosses! His physical defense is definitely noteworthy and while the raw HP has gone down from Kraken, he's probably around equal in terms of being able to take physical hits. His healing is pretty shoddy, but going off at 260% average speed saves him so, as does of course, the full elemental spoiling. The real kicker of course, are his Material attacks. They hurt a lot, and being full MT at that makes them very dangerous in game. If you allow LPs, he easily has a choice between Fire/Earth attacks and can 2HKO off that of his great speed, everything else is pretty much a bonus.

If you don't give him those LPs...physical still 3HKOs (granted borderline), so he can only get so bad. Still has his shoddy healing and elemental resists along with decent defense and HP though. Of course, then he runs into problems against physical spoilers! But no, probably still a Low Godlike since the elemental spoilage is pretty nasty and his defense will make it likely for him to survive at least one round of physical attacks (barring extreme damages of course).

Tank Vehicle - I am the thing that Belial drops and makes the peoples fall down!
HP: 18200
Defense: 932  
Resistance: 1432 (Want to say this is pretty good! Especially compared to prior bosses just shortly before)
RFX: 372 (approx. 239% average speed)
EVA: 130 (Around 13% evasion against average HIT)
HIT: 302 (Around 28% chance to miss against average EVA)

NOTE: All allies are grouped in the same starting HEX with Tank Vehicle directly adjacent to the party. This leaves him open to 4 man Joint Struggles.

Party's Average HP: 2761

Damage done:
Jude's Joint Struggle - 7173
Arnaud's Elemental Blasts - 3297
Yulie's Physical - 1255
Raquel's Physical - 5589

Average of above: 4328

Attack - Deals 1737 damage to all targets in an adjacent HEX.
Revolver Cannon - Deals 1249 damage to all targets in selected HEX. Line Fire.

I might have gotten a bit of level boost here; I'm at level 33-34. Memory is that you should be around 29-30ish with Balgaines then boosting you to 31 before fighting Tony at Garra De Leon. So, use your discretion if necessary. I doubt he changes much though, because his game plan is still the same. Go first, run into you for high 2HKO damage. That's around it. He's all physical and there's really no tricks  (unlike all the bosses so far), so he's pretty bland. Needless to say, good evade/defense or even damage will own him. He's not particularly durable thanks to the starting formation, so OHKOing him before he completes the 2HKO is quite possible. Heavy I want to say

SUPER SOLDIER - You've got some guts challenging a professional warrior
HP: 13800
Defense: 950.4 (Below Average)  
Resistance: 1830 (Above average! See Tony 3 from NEB, note that this fight is right afterwards)
RFX: 377+25 (approx. 225% average speed. With RFX Up bonus, gains an extra 25 RFX for 402 total. Ends up being 256% average speed )
EVA: 145 (Around 17% evasion against average HIT. With EVA UP bonus, gains 25 EVA for 170 total. Effective 42% evasion against average accuracy)
HIT: 316 (Around 25% chance to miss against average EVA. With HIT UP bonus, gains 25 HIT for 341 total. Ends up not missing against average evasion)

NOTE: All allies are grouped in the same starting HEX. This allows Joint Struggle to be easily set up

NOTE 2: Super Soldier starts with DEF/RES/HIT/EVA/RFX UP boosts at the start of the battle. These buffs cannot be dispelled and do not wear off over time and are already factored into his stats.

NOTE 3: Super Soldier starts on an Earth LP. There is a Fire HEX and a Water HEX on the field which he can reach. However, typically, in game, one of your PCs will get to move before he can get to them - how you want to treat this is up to you. In addition, Super Soldier fights with 3 randoms as support. These support units typically die before doing much (so I don't have the stats for them >_>) so they should not matter too much in the grand scheme of things.

Party's Average HP: 2773

Damage done:
Jude's Joint Struggle - 8809
Arnaud's Elemental Hi-Blasts - 6690
Yulie's Hi-Gems - 3972
Raquel's Dragon Edge - 5747

Average of above: 6304

Other damages:
Yulie's Material - 2940
Jude's Phantom Line - 3631

Attack - Deals 1394 damage to all targets in an adjacent HEX.
Sword Thrust - Deals ~1400 damage to all targets in an adjacent HEX. ITD.
Blast (Earth) - Element changes depending on HEX. From his starting position, 1116 Earth based damage to a targeted HEX

Blocker - Super Soldier has a 82% chance (based on a sample of 50 tests) to block standard physical attacks. Blocked physicals deal no damage. This can be pierced by physical attack techniques in-game (such as Joint Struggle or Dragon Edge). Note that type of physical (so range from Jude/Arnaud or melee  from Yulie/Raquel) does not affect the rate. Counter Attacks also do not change the rate.

Same thoughts on level boost. Around 35 for Jude/Yulie and 37/38 for Arnaud and Raquel. Anyway, SUPER SOLDIER is...well...super. Sans his durability anyway. The Perma boosts are nice and keeps him relatively strong even though some of his other stats are weaker. Sword Thrust being ITD is great since it  lets him 2HKO thanks to his speed as well as decent accuracy. And should his enemies be immune to physicals, he still has Earth Magic to fall back on to. Blocker is the real gimmick here though. 82% chance to block physicals + an additional 42% evasion means that he will wreck physical duellers unless they have good raw HPs and some way to pierce through it since going that route just wouldn't work. On the other hand, durable and high HP mages probably wreck him since that durability says pretty much everything. High Heavy

HP: 24000
Defense: 1548.4 (Notably Above Average!)  
Resistance: 1793 (Still above average!)
RFX: 392 (approx. 235% average speed)
EVA: 140 (Around 8% evasion against average HIT)
HIT: 321 (Around 24% chance to miss against average EVA)

NOTE: Prototype Gear is resistant to all elements (most likely 25% before defense like all others. Ends up around halving the damage in practice)

As a reminder, Prototype Gear is vulnerable to Short Circuit (like most machine enemies). If you take this into consideration, Jude deals ~5600 approx. Phantom Line is used in this fight due to Radious Breath. With only 1PC able to block it normally, putting 4 PCs in the same HEX is incredibly risky.

Party's Average HP: 2751 (went down due to abilities purchasing)

Damage done:
Jude's Phantom Line - 2829
Arnaud's Hi-Blasts - 3956
Yulie's Hi-Gems - 847
Raquel's Physical - 4700

Average of above: 3083

Other damages:
Yulie's Physical - 0
Jude's Physical (3.0 hits, 610 ATP) - 627
Arnaud's Elemental Hi Blast - 3027

Attack - Deals 1838 damage to all targets in an adjacent HEX.
Shoot - Deals 1080 damage a hit at 2 hits. Total 2160 to all targets in targetted HEX. Long range. Cannot be used to target HEXes not in line of fire. ie: an obstruction in the way (like a dead PC), will prevent Prototype Gear from using this attack
Radious Breath - Deals 399 Non elemental Magic damage. 36% ID rate (from 25 tests). Damage is dealt if ID fails. Attacks all HEXes in a line.

From here until Reclaimer Dragon, just assume I have a level advantage than normal (Around +3 or so). Anyway, PROTOTYPE GEAR!!! What can we say about him? Well, the bad stuff? If he is caught against a physical/ID immune target, he is up shit creek without paddle. 7HKO magic damage! Ends up having epic slap fights with MALIK as a result. The good? Pretty much everything else. The raw HP can use work (same level as Kraken?), but his defenses are notably impressive. The elemental resists make him much more durable in game (yay Arnaud and Yulie dealing low damage!) and in the DL, it makes him a spoiler to those that heavily rely on elements. The physical damage is just nasty of course and off that speed makes it much nastier. His HIT may not be so good, but he's getting 2 hits from that single Shoot command. The ID could be better, but WA4 boss level speed to the rescue again. Spamming that 3 turns in a row = around a 74% chance to ID. And thanks to his defenses, he's likely seeing at least 3 turns if not more. Non-surprisingly? Godlike, to the cheering of elfs everywhere

Kesaran Pasaran - :) :) :)
HP: 23100
Defense: 1395  
Resistance: 1161  
RFX: 381 (approx. 212% average speed)
EVA: 143 (Around 1% evasion against average HIT)
HIT: 299 (Around 47% chance to hit against average EVA)

NOTE: Kesaran Pasaran starts on an Earth HEX, which makes him vulnerable to taking extra Wind damage at the start. He can move out of this HEX to remove the vulnerability. How you want to treat this is up to you.

NOTE 2: Kesaran Pasaran has First Strike, but will always waste his first turn with Best Smile

NOTE 3: Kasaran Pasaran can only occupy the same HEX as 3 other clones. Any other clones produced will spill over to other HEXes.

Party's Average HP: 2933

Damage done:
Jude's Silver Launcher - 6411
Arnaud's Elemental Hi-Blasts - 6485
Yulie's boosted Hi-Gems - 5603
Raquel's Physical (3.5 hits) - 10937

Average of above: 7359

Other damages:
Arnaud's Elemental Hi-Blast if enemy is on opposing HEX - ~ 13000

Best Smile - Wastes a turn
Split - Spawns a Kesaran Pasaran clone, which...see below

Clone stats:
- All defensive stats (HP/DEF/RES) are at 1
- All other stats are the same as that of Kesaran Pasaran himself (so yes, they are also 212% average speed, have the same accuracy issues, etc.)
- All clones are 100% vulnerable to Gravity and HP-1 attacks ( very useful). More importantly, they are vulnerable to Petrify at a 100% rate.
- Kesaran Pasaran can have a max of 11 clones on field at once.

Attack - Deals 1003 damage to all targets selected in targetted HEX
Explode - When the clones die, they will deal 25% MHP damage to the attacker's HEX. All targets inside that HEX will also take damage.

:) has a few problems. Most noteworthy of course is his horrible durability (worse raw HP, defenses, Evade than the previous two bosses) and how his stats look on paper. This is no thanks to the fact that the team just got a weapons/armor upgrade or a Cat's Paw being available and thus given to Raquel. The fact that he himself cannot attack is also a problem. Wasting his first strike turn doesn't help. Bad news? Sure. Of course, :) ends up being better than the other cloner (HI ENIL) in the game because his gimmick is better.

First, his clones have the same speed as him. Given how they will run off at 212% average speed as well, it can be pretty overwhelming fast for duellers who end up being crap on damage. The accuracy is garbage, but with 4 clones attacking at the same time, it becomes problematic quick. Of course, the explosion gimmick also ends up better than Enil because 3 of those + attack connecting is usually enough. Given his speed, he will spawn two of these against an average speed attacker and well if they attack him and don't OHKO, he spawns a few more, they will get turns and...yeah. Stallers have problems and counter attacks may have problems. Buffers may not. The max amount of explosion damage IS 100% MHP, but since :) can only occupy a HEX with 3 of these with him, in practice, a PC should only take 75% MHP. Weird rank? Yep. Ballparking some form of Middle. Really needs to spawn more :)s so he can get the pressure going. He can't rely purely on his clones attack or explosion damage to win. Basically will always need some combination to beat others.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2009, 03:55:46 AM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: Wild Arms 4
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2009, 02:40:31 AM »
-WA4 rando bosses (continued)-

Think I hit the page cap. So...! New Post. Moving on.

Goldrake - I am looking for a man with glasses carrying a Sniper Rifle so I can get plot owned. Directions? kthx.
HP: 26320
Defense: 1656  
Resistance: 2556 (Very good)  
RFX: 383 (approx. 214% average speed)
EVA: 1* (Never...barring special circumstances. See below)
HIT: 316 (Around 64% chance to hit against average EVA)

NOTE: Goldrake starts on an Earth HEX. This powers up his Stone Bullet and Sky Twister damage. While on this HEX, he gains extra defense to Earth damage and increased damage to Wind. For the most part, he wants to stay on the HEX. This is important because...well, you'll see

NOTE 2: Goldrake starts off with a weakness to Wind attacks

Party's Average HP: 2960

Damage done:
Jude's Silver Launcher - 6373
Arnaud's Elemental Hi-Blasts - 5248
Yulie's boosted Hi-Gems - 3123
Raquel's Physical (3.5 hits/980 ATP) - 8442

Average of above: 5796

Other damages:
Jude's physical (/w flyer bonus. 3.0 ACN/610 ATP) - 396
Yulie's Material - 2876

On Ground
Attack - Deals 959 damage to all targets in an adjacent HEX.
Stone Bullet - Deals 2636 Earth based damage on average with power up bonus. If off the Earth LP, damage is reduced to 1320. Must be on Earth LP to receive bonus
Toxic Breath - Adds POIZN at a 100% rate to selected HEX. Widespread effect (hits other adjacent HEXes if those HEXes have PC in them).
Flies - Performs an action (any of the above) and enters "In Air" mode. Wind weakness remove, but gains Earth Weakness as a tradeoff. Note that Goldrake acts and then changes mode on the same turn.

In Air
Attack - Deals 959 damage to all targets in an adjacent HEX.
Sky Twister - Deals 2636 Wind based damage on average with power up bonus. If off the Earth LP, damage is reduced to 1320. Must be on Earth LP to receive bonus
Toxic Breath - Adds POIZN at a 100% rate to selected HEX. Does not have Widespread effect like the grounded counterpart
Lands - Performs an action (any of the above) and enters "On ground" mode. Earth Weakness removed, gains Wind weakness. Note that Goldrake acts and then changes mode on the same turn

*Melee Evasion -  Passive for "In Air" mode. While in air, Goldrake reduces end accuracy of all melee attacks by 50% (thus maximum Hit against him with melee attacks is 50%)

Counterattack - Attack: Goldrake has a 30% chance (based off a sample of 30 attacks) to counter attack close range attacks with his physical. Applies to both modes.

Testing him was a giant pain in the rear (can you tell?). However, he does end up being fairly neat in practice. Like all WA4 bosses, good speed, bad durability. So what makes Goldrake more interesting? Mode switch.

Mode Switch does some interesting things. First,  he starts on the Earth LP. If he mode switchs to in Air, he will lose that Wind Weakness. This basically greatly reduces Weakness hitting on him. In game, you have Exploit Weakness by now. So Hi-Vortex off his Wind Weakness and Earth LP wind vulnerability means he ends up eating a x8 damage attack. His durability ends up increasing from a weakness perspective since using an Earth attack to hit his Earth weakness will run into the Earth LP adding resistance (thereby reducing damage dealt to him). Mode Switch further gives him some evasion instead of none. Ranged attackers don't really care, but melee ones will have fits against it since it halves the end hit rate.

Of course, Mode switch does have some few disadvantages. Firstly, while it doesn't effectively cost him a turn, he can't utilize moves in the other form unless he decides to form switch. Pretty basic, but it is there. Next, there is also the flyer bonus that is added when he takes flight. His POIZN also becomes weaker, losing its Widespread effect (...) and becomes single HEX target instead.

Regardless, all that doesn't save him from being pure OHKO bait in game. However, being able to take off 85% PCHP off of 214% speed is pretty damn nasty regardless. His counters can mess people up too, pity his accuracy is kinda shoddy though (but not horrible horrible failure like :) ). End Result? Godlike.

HP: 24500
Defense: 1637
Resistance: 1770
RFX: 291 (approx. 113% average speed)
EVA: 159 (Never against average accuracy)
HIT: 335 (Misses average EVA around 16%)

Attack - Deals 1473 damage to all targets inside selected HEX
Cutting Edge - Deals 1823 ITD physical damage to all targets inside selected HEX.
Gather - Pulls all allies into the same HEX as caster. Can be rendered useless via Shut Out
Dispel - Removes all stat buffers or debuffers and status conditions off of selected HEX

Jane Doe GN - What is that power you have?
HP/Defense/Resistance/Hit: Same as Jane Doe SW
RFX: 240 (approx. 77% average speed)
EVA: 164 (Will dodge around 7% against average accuracy)

Attack - Deals 1111 damage to all targets inside selected HEX
Misery Attack - Adds Misery status to a HEX at 100% rate. Deals 1020 damage
Amnesia Attack - Adds Amnesia status to a HEX at 100% rate. Deals 984 damage
Dispel - Removes all stat buffers or debuffers and status conditions off of selected HEX

Jane Doe AX - Just what exactly are we up against!?
HP/Defense/Resistance/Hit: Same as Jane Doe SW and Jane Doe GN
RFX: 200 (approx. 53% average speed)
EVA: 154 (Never against average HIT)

Attack - Deals 1836 damage to all targets inside selected HEX
Severing Axe - Deals 2132 physical damage to all targets inside selected HEX.
Hyper - Doubles the amount of physical damage dealt
Dispel - Removes all stat buffers or debuffers and status conditions off of selected HEX

NOTE: Jane Doe AX starts on a Water LP, Jane Doe GN starts on an Earth LP. All three Does are resistant to all elements by 50% sans Fire, which will hit them at 100% of their regular power. It is possible to hit them with boosted Fire Gems thanks to them using Gather. However, this requires some Isolate shinenagans - how much you hold this vulnerability to other Does not AX is up to you.

NOTE 2: All three Does fight together in this battle. All three are further classified as "undead"

NOTE 3: If all three Jane Does are in the same HEX (and alive), they can utilize an attack called Triple Threat. Triple Threat deals 1633 Magical damage on average to any selected HEX. Needless to say, this is irrelevant in a duel.

Party's Average HP: 3039

Damage done:
Jude's Silver Launcher: 6782
Arnaud's Hi Blast: 4863
Yulie's Hi Sanctify: 8190
Raquel's Physical: 13004

Average: 8209.75

Other damages:
Jude's physical (710ATP/2.25 ACN): 1764
Arnaud's physical: 2442
Yulie's boosted Mega Fire Gems: 6930
Arnaud's boosted Hi Fire Gems: 6791
*Jude's Finest Arts: 21445

*Only occurs on a crit at a 25% chance. The badges are available and it is not unreasonable for it to be equipped on Jude at this point. Make of this as you will.

Comments: Well I changed the formatting a little here (enemy attacks before PCs!), hopefully that makes things easier to read. If not, I can do something else with it. But anyway, more important matters.

This special. It is a really pathetic fight in game, and well, I think the stats show everything that needs to be said. Speed's pretty much gone, crappy durability still remains. Probably even WORSE now though since at this point, synthesis is open. And while you may not be able to synth high tier badges/weapons right now, you can still get things like Gold Suns, which can make their relative damage look worse. You may want to consider this when looking at their damage levels and how much damage you deal to them.

Everyone basically has gotten some upgrade since Goldrake at this point. Yulie's gotten Mega Gems, Raquel has a new Sword (yes, another one), Jude's probably the best person to slap the Punching Glove by Blue Amity Beach. Heck, even Arnaud's gotten a boost (although his is argubly worst). As a result, this unimpressiveness is kinda expected. As a team, they're not that much better since it requires SW Doe to pull everyone in, and then waiting for someone who is 77% average speed to get their turn before they can even use Triple Threat. They can't even FINISH the 2HKO until SW gets his second turn. Epic. Support credit...I wouldn't give much. In fact, this is a fight where there might be negative support credit since pulling everyone in actually gets them killed even FASTER. Their individual skills are better as a result, although even then are still owned horribly because they are all physical (granted more accurate than some prior bosses).

By themselves, SW Doe is probably the best. Not good, but definitely not as bad as AX. ITD 2HKO damage off decentish speed. The frail durability makes him emo, but still probably the best here. Meanwhile GN is probably the next best. Neither him or AX are anything but bad no doubt, but at least GN has Misery attack, which can cause problems for mages. WA4 Misery shuts off all OCs (spells/physical techs) and Force abilities, so its pretty potent. God help him if the opposition can fully block it though. Now AX...what a sad bastard. 55% average speed is just bad. 2HKO damage which can become OHKO damage against average? Better. But the speed burns. And off of that durability? It burns EVEN MORE than usual. An average speed dueller can probably get 3 turns in on him and I think once you scale him down, unless you really fail at damage, 3 turns is enough for almost anyone even remotely competent. Heck, 3 turns of average damage brings them down IN GAME. SW is likely Middle, GN is Low Middle, AX is some flavor of Light

Reclaimer Dragon - Psh, just because you paint me green doesn't mean I'm a dragon!
HP: 35320
Defense: 2086
Resistance: 2411 (both of these values high compared to enemies in part 1 of Illsveil)
RFX: 411 (approx. 237% average speed)
EVA: 182 (Decent. 38% against average)
HIT: 361 (Above average. Won't miss against average evasion)

NOTE: Reclaimer's starting position is on a Fire HEX, which gives him a Water/Ice vulnerability at the start of the battle. He can take one turn to move off of it to remove it. Unlike previous bosses, he doesn't have much of a reason to stay on the HEX either.

NOTE 2: Reclaimer is classified as a Wild ARM and is thus vulnerable to Apoptosis (although you don't have the move yet). He is further vulnerable to provoke at a 50% chance. However, this should matter little as all of his attacks are physical in nature.

Party's Average HP: 2894

Damage done:
Jude's Silver Launcher - 5963
Arnaud's Elemental Hi Blast - 5332
Yulie's boosted Mega Gems - 5980
Raquel's Physical - 10861

Average: 7034

Other damages:
Jude's Physical: 282
Arnaud's Physical: 197
Arnaud's Elemental Hi Blast when enemy is on opposing HEX: 12877
* Jude's Finest Arts: 32881

*Only occurs on a crit at a 25% chance. The badges are available and it is not unreasonable for it to be equipped on Jude at this point. Make of this as you will.

Attack: Deals 1569 physical damage to all targets inside the selected HEX.
Rushing Beat: Deals 2570 physical damage to all targets inside the selected HEX. May ignore defense boosting properties (such as Shield Guard)
Slumber Fog: Adds Sleep at a 33% chance (from a sample of 24 tests. Likely 37.5% like Kraken's in actuality) to all targets selected inside effected HEXes. Widespread effect.
Toxic Breath: 100% POIZN to one HEX

Counter attack - Rushing Beat: From a sample of 34 tests, a 17.6% chance to counter attack with Rushing Beat. Attacks must be at melee range for counter to activate

Comments: I don't know what SI is smoking, but Reclaimer is damn competent in game, and he is still competent DL wise. Well okay, being all physical kinda hurts, but at least POIZN. And well...POIZN and Sleep don't really mix due to how WA4 POIZN works, but neither of these things really matter. His standard strategy is likely just to bumrush you with his 89% PCHP Rushing Beat attack. Since he is so fast and decently accruate, this ends up being a really effective way for him to win matches. So much so that the status might not even be necessary. Good evade will own this though! And that's where the Sleep status comes in. Packing counter attacks with that makes him even better too since eating one of those even if he just POIZNs you, it will probably do you in. His durability is below averagish, but not frail enough that he's going to die to a stiff breeze (yay Defenses). Godlike. Rushing Beat may ignore defense boosting properties, but even if not, that raw damage is already pretty damn nutsy.

Reinseige - I AM BIG. MWAHAHA. So naturally I must be the powerhouse! Wait...I suck more than Reclaimer? What?!
HP: 23820
Defense: 1215 (Bad)
Resistance: 1525 (Also bad)
RFX: 386 (approx. 199% average speed)
EVA: 183 (Decent. 32% evade against average accuracy)
HIT: 362 (Misses average evasion by 3%)

NOTE: Reingsiege does not start on an elemental HEX. The team however, does start grouped together. As such, setting up Joint Struggles is made easier.

NOTE 2: Reclaimer is classified as a Wild ARM and is thus vulnerable to Apoptosis (although you don't have the move yet).

Party's Average HP: 2912

Damage done:
Jude's Joint Struggle: 8405
Arnaud's Elemental Hi Blast - 6713
Yulie's boosted Mega Gems - 8133
Raquel's Physical - 15540

Average: 9697

Other damages:
Jude's Physical: 2750
Jude's Silver Launcher - 5790
Arnaud's Physical: 4312

Charge - Adds Hyper status to his own HEX, which doubles physical damage dealt for around 20 actions (his or his enemies')
M.A.P ARM - Deals 1312 physical damage. Full MT. Reinseige does not use this move unless Charge has been used and is in effect
Sky Twister - Deals 1184 Wind elemental magic damage to all targets inside selected the HEX. Can be boosted to 1763 if standing on Earth LP

Counter attack - Sky Twister: From a sample of 20 tests, a 10% chance to counter attack with Sky Twister. Can counter from any range. Triggers upon receiving damage

Comments: Reinseige sucks. Plain and simple. See the damage average? See his durability? Yeah. Now note that his damage is also worse than Reclaimer's. Good job. Since M.A.P ARM requires at least 1 turn to charge up and he's so damn frail, he usually won't be able to afford giving up that one turn to use it. However, if he does, he can effectively cause Heal locks since setting up Charge allows him to use M.A.P. ARM whenever as long as the boost does not wear off. Spamming Sky Twister's 3HKO damage first is usually more preferable as long as the enemy doesn't resist Wind. That way, he can actually get a turn and set up Charge if his enemy risks getting KO'd next turn. His counter attacks can activate from any range as opposed to Reclaimer's close range, but it deals less and has a lower trigger. He's also not durable enough for them to really make a difference. To provide a comparison...he's like Wiess if you removed Weiss' durability and OHKO damage off his charge move. Yeah. Probably some flavor of Middle still. Not durable enough in Heavy, but probably too much for some Lights to handle. Speed totally saves his ass. He can OHKO frailer targets after charging but heavily risks getting OHKO'd back throughout.

Cyanoides - Blue Blue - wait. I mean...ROAR
HP: 43700
Defense: 2236
Resistance: 2561
RFX: 410 (approx. 177% average speed)
EVA: 159 (Never evades against average)
HIT: 361 (Above average. Won't miss against average)

NOTE: This fight is only fought with Jude and Kresnik, hence the averages for speed will look better (as Raquel and Yulie aren't in the average). In addition, Kresnik has an Auto +30 HIT on his ARM, giving him effective 291 HIT. Thus, he is very accurate.

NOTE 2: Cyanoides is classified as a Wild ARM and is thus vulnerable to Apoptosis. He is furthermore weak to Fire (although no one in this team can effectively hit him) but Active to Water.

Party's Average HP: 3550

Damage done:
Jude's Silver Launcher - 6814
Kresnik's Physical - 2055

Average: 4434

Other damages:
Jude's Physical: 0
Kresnik's Apoptosis: 7913
*Kresnik's Lock On Physical: 3828
*Kresnik's Lock On Apoptosis: 11987

** Combination Art - Gadget Crush: 17711

* Kresnik has a bonus Lock On function on this file, effective raising the power of his attacks by 75% instead of 25% like normal due to ACF transfer bonus
** This can only be used at 50 FP if Jude and Kresnik are both still alive. Although you start with 50 FP, it more efficient per FP to have Kresnik use Lock On Apoptosis. This damage if considered, should be backlogged.

Attack: Deals 1115 physical damage to all targets inside the selected HEX.
Hydro Pressure: Deals 1077 Water damage to all targets inside selected HEX. Powers up to 2436 if standing on Water or Fire LP

Comments: Hey! That HP is pretty decent. PCish level at least! Helps that's he also 2 characters instead of 4 and Jude fails without FP or MP here. In game, he's fast enough to capture the Water HEX and then spam Hydro Pressures all day long if his AI is smart. DLwise, that's probably his best tactic as well, since it gives him 2HKO damage off good speed. On the other hand, no LPs means he has to use his high 4HKO physical to gain effective ground, which makes him less effective. Banking some flavour of Heavy. Goes to the top of the border if LPs are allowed.

Erythron - Well since you had Water, you obviously need FIRE now.
HP: 43700
Defense: 2236
Resistance: 2574
RFX: 410 (approx. 252% average speed)
EVA: 159 (9% against average)
HIT: 360 (Misses 17% against average)

NOTE: This fight is only fought with Arnaud, Yulie and Raquel hence the averages for speed will look worse. Keep this in mind for EVA, HIT and durability as well.

NOTE 2: Erythron is classified as a Wild ARM and is thus vulnerable to Apoptosis (although no one in this team can use it). He is furthermore Weak to Water, but Active to Fire.

Erythron starts with an ATK bonus that can be dispelled. This boosts his damage slightly but wears off after around 2 of his turns. Erythron starts on the centre HEX, while the team starts in the 3 LPs. Thus, it is theoretically impossible for him to get to a LP.

Party's Average HP: 2832

Damage done:
Arnaud's Elemental Hi Blasts - 7229
Yulie's boosted Mega Gems - 6998
Raquel's physical - 10124

Average: 8117

Other damages:
Arnaud's Water Hi Blast: 26955 (with Exploit Weakness)

Attack: Deals 1773 physical damage to all targets inside the selected HEX. More in the first 2 turns
Blast: Deals 1004 Non elemental magic damage to all targets inside the selected HEX. Unlike other bosses, Erythron's Blast will remain non elemental even if he is standing on a LP.
Cremation: Deals 1036 Fire damage to all targets inside the selected HEX. Powers up to 1802 if standing on the Water HEX
Magic Drain: Drains 75 MP from all targets inside a targetted HEX. Average MP pool of the three characters at this point is 220.
Slumber Fog: Might be a dummied move. I've waited close to 100+ turns and never saw him use it. If it exists, it may effectively function the same way as Kraken's Slumber Fog (widespread, 37.5% accuracy)

Comments: Better speed! Worse durability! That's what happens when you go up against the team with actual damage behind it. Erythron kind of dies horribly in game since both Raquel and Arnaud have Exploit Weakness. And a Water Hi Blast or Water Dragon Edge make his HP disappear ridiculously quick. DL wise, he wants to spam the attack anyway since he's not likely getting a LP boost. Being able to drain MP at a quick pace gives him some spoilage potential. Probably Low Godlike
« Last Edit: November 06, 2009, 04:38:24 AM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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Re: Wild Arms 4
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2009, 04:04:22 AM »
Was going to include this in Rando bosses, but he's not really a random :|

Without further ado...BOSS KRESNIK STATS

Kresnik - A natural born gene driver? Yet is that the extent of your ARM's power?
HP: 9500
Defense: 394
Resistance: 539
RFX: 200 (approx. 90% average speed if everyone is factored in. 61% of Jude's speed)
HIT: 255 (Around 20% chance of missing Jude)
EVA: 106 (Never dodges when Jude's ARM HIT bonus is applied)

Jude's HP: 2750

Damages done:
Jude's Phantom Line: 1980

Attack: Deals 640 damage to a target HEX. Can only be used on adjacent HEXes
Shoot: Deals 946 damage to a target HEX. Line Fire
Circular Volley: Deals 986 to all surrounding HEXes
Finest Arts - Brings target HP down to 1. Used when his HP goes to 0

Look at that damage. And that speed. Beats target down with his 3HKO and below average speed and mehish durability. Oh and accuracy of the heavens! He only occassionally misses Jude! And no special tricks either! Yeah, this form is useless compared to his PC form >_>
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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Re: Wild Arms 4
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2009, 06:42:11 AM »
And now...for SUPER BOSSES. Because we are so totally ranking them!

Actually this post made for easier reference. Also, potential dungeon stuff. So!

Forewarning: Damage figures/set ups are based from what I am using. Read: Someone with a pretty good deal of experience. Your views on the damage dealt/HP and what not may vary. Especially so since this is aftergame. You can level up to 100 before smashing bosses and make them look less threatening, but you don't need to. You can grind for ultimate equipment first, but you don't need to, etc.

So some standards...
1) I will be sticking with DL legal armors and what not for the first few instead of ultimates. I feel this is reasonable enough. Set up is basically Jude with 7 Alter Parts/End game armor, Arnaud with Aglaia/Duke Garb, Yulie with Angel Halo/Sapphire Ring and Raquel with Princess Sabre/Lone Wolf. I will note the switch over once I actually do it. It will likely be before fighting Buckbaird though. Just as a further note, NO SHERIFF STAR WAS USED EVER IN THE TESTING OF THIS TOPIC, although all other badges near the end, were fair game.

2) Next, order of superbosses is important too. I talked it over with NEB/Tal and Snow as well I think, and we ended up going with Wyvern first, followed by an increasing level order based on what the bosses level is. If you disagree with this ordering, obviously some bosses are going to feel worse. I will note my average levels though so you can see when I tackled them.

3) Discussed this with Tal, and I felt a note should be added here. I have not considered backlogged FP effects (mainly Intrude) when calculating the averages. If you want to (YMMV ), take Raquel's reported physical and multiply it by 1.5x. The team should be able to generate enough FP in 2 turns so she can effectively Intrude every other turn.

So onward!

Wyvern - I am not an airship. Please do not try to exchange your silly plane and ask me to fly you around

Party's Average level: 51 (Wyvern is 65)

Boss stats:
HP: 130000 (Twice that of Divine Weapon!)
Defense: 1710 (Below Average)  
Resistance: 2085 (Avergish)  
RFX: 464 (approx. 263% average speed)
EVA: 202* (38% against average. Note that Wyvern can get a passive ability to this. See below)
HIT: 378 (Will not miss aveage evasion)

NOTE: Wyvern starts on a neutral HEX but has a Fire HEX standing beside him that he can easily fly into as it is unoccupied at the start of the battle. Doing so will up the power of his Cremation spell and will cause him to take double the damage to Water/Ice attacks

NOTE 2: Wyvern halves all elements

Party's Average HP: 2972

Damage done:
Jude's Silver Launcher - 7533
Arnaud's Hi-Blasts - 5988
Yulie's Physical - 2961
Raquel's Physical (5.0 hits) - 17500

Average of above: 8495

Other damages:
Arnaud's physical - 3710
Yulie's Sacrifice - 9090

On Ground
Attack - Deals 2317 damage to all targets in an adjacent HEX.
Cremation - Deals 1906 Fire based damage on average. Can be powered up on the Fire HEX to 3371 damage with power up bonus.
Hypnotizer - Deals 1661 damage and adds Sleep at a 30.5% rate to all PCs in line of fire. Piercing. (Again, I suspect true Sleep rate is 37.5%, but this is what testing from 26 samples show)
Hyper - Doubles physical damage for the next 20 actions (either from player or by him)
Quicken - Adds a +100 RFX bonus to self, effectively raising his speed to 388% average (...)
Flies - Performs an action (any of the above) and enters "In Air" mode. Gains a flyer weakness in this mode. Note that Wyvern acts and then changes mode on the same turn.

In Air
Hyperion Blaster - Deals 2112 damage to all targets in line of fire. Piercing
Hypnotizer - Deals 1661 damage and adds Sleep at a 30.5% rate to all PCs in line of fire. Piercing.
Stone Ray - Deals 1766 damage and adds Stone at a 90% rate to all PCs in line of fire. Piercing
Lands - Performs an action (any of the above) and enters "On ground" mode. Note that Wyvern acts and then changes mode on the same turn. If an action is *not* possible, passes turn, and then reverts. Otherwise, always acts.

*Melee Evasion -  Passive for "In Air" mode. While in air, Wyvern further reduces end accuracy of all melee attacks by 50% (thus maximum Hit against him with melee attacks is 50%)

Whee 8 attacks altogether! Wyvern's main notable weakness in game is Shut Out (and shitty AI, but anyway!). A lot of his attacks as you can see are line fire attacks. DLwise, this weakness isn't really present and oh boy is he beastly. First, that HP is awesome. Best thing we've seen thus far, double that of the final and will be the highest HP we will see for a little while. Next, his damage. He starts off with 2HKO damage, and can get it to OHKO level in one turn (either moving or casting Hyper does fine). And given how fast he is, getting it to OHKO level isn't exactly a problem. And just as an insult to injury, his line fire attacks often have status attached to them, because you know, he just wasn't good enough to begin with. Finally, he has a speed buffer. Because you know, he wasn't fast enough to begin with either.

On the off chance his opponent can fight back a bit, Wyvern can choose to enter "In Air" mode, and gain Melee evasion, which can royally mess them up. Spamming Stone Ray in this form and then waiting for WA4's Petrify to kick in or just repeatedly spamming it for its high damage is another strategy if he needs it, but he's likely just going to kick your ass off the bat. If you won't get OHKO'd, he has no qualms with pressuring you to death by running loops around you. He just might be a High Godlike guys!

Omen Fish - You do not need to believe me, but just so you know, I AM curiously attractive for a fish[man]

Party's Average level: 55 (Omen Fish is 70)

Boss stats:
HP: 80000
Defense: 2448 (Avergish)  
Resistance: 3298 (Good)  
RFX: 500 (approx. 276% average speed)
EVA: 226 (47% against average)
HIT: 412 (Good. Does not miss against average. Hits Arnaud pretty frequently too!)

Omen Fish is weak to Fire but is Active to Water/Ice
Omen Fish has innate Magic Blocker effect that triggers around 30% of the time. When activated, damage of magic attack is completely nullified

Vulernerable to Petrify/HP-1 and Gravity, but heavily resists all three (25%)
Vulernable to Confusion, but resists it (50%)
Vulernable to Provoke (100%)

NOTE: Omen Fish's starting HEX position is not set unlike previous bosses. The HEX formation is randomized, so there is always a chance he starts on a corresponding opposing LP or have a corresponding/opposing LP beside him. Party members are all grouped on the same starting HEX for the battle however.

Party's Average HP: 3270

Damage done:
Jude's Silver Launcher - 10358
Arnaud's Elemental Hi-Blasts - 11626
Yulie's Boosted Mega Gems - 6087
Raquel's Physical (5.0 hits) - 19799

Average of above: 11967

Other damages:
Jude's Joint Struggle - 16846
*Jude's Finest Arts - 44747

* Occurs only on a critical hit at a 25% rate. Whether or not you want to consider it is up to you.

Attack - Deals 1897 damage to all targets in an adjacent HEX.
Hydro Pressure - Deals 2192 Water based damage on average. Can be powered up on a Fire/Water HEX to 3906 damage with power up bonus.
Asphyxiation - Inflicts Instant Death at a 72.7% rate (from a sample of 22 tests, I suspects its actually a 75% rate) to all PCs in a HEX. Widespread effect.
Replace - Allows Omen Fish to swap places with another combatant on the field. Can be rendered useless with Shut Out.

HP's gone down, PC damages have gone up. On top of that, he has a weakness to a common element and has several crippling vulnerabilities even though he heavily resists it. Not off to a terribly good start. Then again, the rest of his stats as well as his attacks are quite complementary in how he functions.

First, he's kind of a pain to hit physically thanks to his good evasion. The innate magic blocker effect gives mages similar problems, and in effect these things prolong his lifespan in battle. Next, his damage is good - both 2HKO and he's got good accuracy on that physical to consider worth using. His Hydro Pressure in particular is incredibly devastating. While HEX formation is randomized, if there is a Water/Fire HEX beside him, he can move to it, and then start spamming OHKO Hydro Pressures. Meanwhile, if the PCs start on a Water/Fire HEX, he can use Replace and then start spamming OHKO Hydro Pressures. In fact, Replace gives him some spoilage potential since it also means PCs can't enter Water HEXes to defend themselves. On top of that, it can switch HEX conditions too (debuffers/buffs/POIZN/Misery to give a few). Asphyxiation is there, and is in effect, GT Instant Death off a good hit rate. He can kill most PCs that can't block it without problem. Against, bosses, he's in a bit more trouble, especially if they block Water/Ice. Still, he's quite a nasty fellow for a strangely attractive fish[man].  Some form of Godlike, I suspect.

Charybidis - Money makes the world go round~ Drink it down, you stupid clown~

Party's Average level: 59 (Charybidis is 55)

Boss stats:
HP: 55000
Defense: 1677 (Bad by Superboss standards)  
Resistance: 2002 (Below average)  
RFX: 436 (approx. 195% average speed)
EVA: 181 (0% against average)
HIT: 357 (In practice this number does not matter because...)

Party's Average HP: 3370

Damage done:
Jude's Silver Launcher - 10443
Arnaud's Elemental Hi-Blasts - 11527
Yulie's Boosted Mega Gems - 7105
Raquel's Physical (5.0 hits) - 18910

Average of above: 11993

Gella Eater - Consumes 10% of the party's total Gella currently on hand
Gella Shooter - Deals damage equivalent to Gella previously consumed to all targets inside selected HEX. This damage is ITD and ITE. If fought on a New Game+ Charybidis starts with a Gella total equivalent to the prior playthrough and can use Gella Shooter as soon as the fight begins (Damage would be 1/10th the total Gella). Can deal anywhere from 0 to 999999 damage. On average, would deal 499999.5 as all figures between 0 and 999999 theoretically have a chance of appearing.

Comments -
Why hello there Gimmick boss! How strong Charybidis in a duel totally depends on how much you view end game Gella should flutter around. If you fight him when the team has no Gella, his damage will suck and continue to suck forever. His stats aren't that impressive. HP is especially bad, and since he requires a turn to charge up that damage normally (assuming non new game+), he is probably a Low Light if 0 to low amounts of Gella are assumed. Whee, taking 2 turns to deal out mildly undamaging attacks and getting killed in like 2 hits.

On the other hand, assuming a reasonable amount of Gella (like 300000 for the party), and he begins to get insane overkill damage. Of course, it gradually gets worse since as he keeps eating your Gella, he will have less Gella to keep shooting. Giving him anything else above say 300000 Gella just ends up providing him with even more overkill damage to a maximum overkill of around 148x PCHP >_> (but this is about as reasonable as 0). In this variant, he is basically a less durable monster version of Weiss. Takes a turn to charge up his super damage, and then you die more or less.  Still prone to biting it to a OHKO, but hey, at least he gets damage this way. Probably some form of Heavy under this interp.

Biber Zher - Poisonous, Murderous Baby Birdie

Party's Average level: 61 (Biber Zher is 70)

Boss stats:
HP: 60000
Defense: 1904 (Below average)  
Resistance: 3104 (High)  
RFX: 515 (approx. 260% average speed)
EVA: 206* (15% against average for ranged physicals)
HIT: 402 (Above average. Will miss 2% against average)

Biber Zher is weak to Earth, but Active to Wind. He further immunes POIZN
Biber Zher is vulnerable to Petrify and Confusion (25%), Gravity (70%), Provoke (75%) and HP-1 (90%)

NOTE: HEX formation against Biber Zher is randomized, but the party will always start together

Party's Average HP: 3332

Damage done:
Jude's Silver Launcher (if no flyer bonus) - 10150
Arnaud's Elemental Hi-Blasts - 9984
Yulie's Boosted Mega Gems - 5375
Raquel's Physical (5.0 hits, assuming all 5 hit) - 20167

Average of above: 11419

Attack: Deals 2230 damage to all targets in an adjacent HEX
Venomous Gas (ST): Adds POIZN and Disease status 100% of the time to selected HEX. Single Target
Slumber Fog: Inflicts Sleep 1/3 of the time to the selected HEX. Widespread effect.
Asphyxiation (ST): Inflicts Instant Death 16/27 (around 59%) to all targets inside selected HEX. Single Target
Assessing the Situation: Passes his current turn. Godlike.

*Melee evasion: Passive ability. Biber Zher reduces end accuracy of all melee attacks by 50% (thus maximum Hit against him with melee attacks is 50%)

Comments -
Durability has not improved, although his M.dur is nice. P.dur is game is covered off by making Raquel's accuracy halved. DL wise, he's not going to last against ranged physical fighters. His entire game is pretty obvious. Go first, double turn and spam a status of choice. Between Sleep/POIZN/Instant Death, he has his choices and opponents are likely going to find themselves unable to block everything. If he's up against a Melee fighter, he can probably just use POIZN and rely on Melee evasion to buy him a win. People who can't block ID bite it to Asphyxiation spam. Slumber Fog gives him a fall back to incapicitate someone. His physical is pretty strong too, and like all super bosses, decently accurate. So he's not completely screwed against the status immune and it gives him a nice way of adding pressure. As for rank? Low Godlike is my kneejerk.

Blaze Toad - I am Malak's SEKRIT Cousin. Please do not throw explosives at me, or I will spontaneously combust

Party's Average level: 61 (Blaze Toad is 70)

Boss stats:
HP: 85000
Defense: 3042 (Good)  
Resistance: 3492 (Good)  
RFX: 480 (approx. 221% average speed)
EVA: 226 (21% against average)
HIT: 427 (Good. Does not miss average.)

Blaze Toad starts with a HIT bonus, effectively raising it to 452 (should be a +25 boost like other starting bonuses), which basically means his accuracy for the first three turns is super high. He does not miss Arnaud with the bonus in effect to give you an idea.

Blaze Toad is weak to Water/Ice but is Active to Fire

Vulernerable to HP-1 and Gravity, but heavily resists (25%)
Vulernable to Provoke (100%)

NOTE: Blaze Toad starts with a Fire HEX beside him. If you allow LPs, he can stand on the LP and boost the power of his Cremation spell 50% before defenses. Note that if he does so, his Water/Ice weakness increases to x4.

Party's Average HP: 3144

Damage done:
Jude's Silver Launcher - 9008
Arnaud's Elemental Hi-Blasts - 10014
Yulie's Boosted Mega Gems - 5794
Raquel's Physical (5.0 hits) - 20439

Average of above: 11313

Attack: Deals 1931 damage to all targets in an adjacent HEX
Cremation: Deals 1983 Fire based damage on average. Can be powered up on a Fire/Water HEX to 3631 damage with power up bonus.
Luminous Moss: Inflicts Confusion at a 75% rate (based off 28 samples). Widespread effect.

Confusion in WA4 causes targets to move or attack to random HEXes. Confusion lasts anywhere between 2-9 turns. During Confusion, evade is reduced to 0 and PCs can target friendly HEXes with their regular attacks. There is a chance to break out of confusion anytime the target receives damage. There is also a chance for a PC to act normally, but it is fairly slim. Note that Confusion can cause PCs basically to do things that sometimes break the rules - for example: Confused Raquel can Move, but can Move again during the Move and Attack turn if the PC is made not to act normally during that turn.

Blaze Toad is pretty deadly in game. You might think, "Oh sweet, two of my PCs are in the Water HEX. Now I can hit his weak point for massive damage" but no. You're wrong. See that damage from Cremation? Yeah. Multiply that by 2 since you're standing in the Water HEX. Instant OHKO to basically any average PC and then some overkill added on to it. DL wise, this doesn't change when LPs are allowed. He moves, and then spams it until you die or you block fire. No LPs? Well he can still use it twice in a row and KO average without much fuss. On the off chance you do block fire, he's got some notable back ups. His physical is equally good and his accuracy is incredibly high for the first few turns. Drops afterwards, but it shouldn't matter by then, because chances are, his enemy is dead. If he can't go for a quick kill, he will probably just spam Luminous Moss and confuse lock as the opposition continues to run back and forth like an idiot. Having good defenses help the low raw HP some, but not by much. So durability is still an issue for him (like several of the above). He has some bad status holes (HP-1 is the main one), but at least he heavily resists those. Godlike. Was there any doubt? Well I guess being Malak's SEKRIT cousin might make you think he sucks!

Adult Mag - Hi there, Yulie. COME to papa~

Party's Average level: 64 (Adult Mags are 75)

Boss stats:
HP: 58000
Defense: 1984 (Bad)  
Resistance: 1776 (Bad)  
RFX: 329 (Dead Average)
EVA: 222 (23% against average)
HIT: 75 (Never. But this does not matter.)

Party starts surrounded in the centre. As such, Jude's Joint Struggle is a very viable option.

Each Adult Mag is weak to Fire. There are 12 Adult Mags in total and they fight together in the same battle

Vulernerable to HP-1 and Gravity, mildly resists (75%)

Party's Average HP: 3298

Damage done:
Jude's Silver Launcher - 11812
Arnaud's Elemental Hi-Blasts - 14036
Yulie's Boosted Mega Gems - 9459
Raquel's Physical (5.0 hits) - 20400

Average of above: 13926

Other damages:
Jude's Joint Struggle: 15429
Yulie's Sacrifice: 10635
Raquel's Exorcism: 10373
Yulie's Material: 17651 (Full MT)
Arnaud/Raquel's damage if hitting weakness: Around 45000

Hi Material - 45780 (Full MT). Requires all party members in the HEX and is a combination art. Damage varies based on party member's MAG. Consumes 100 FP

Hi-Blast: Deals 825 Non Elemental Magic damage on average. Can be powered up on any LP to 1761 damage. Gains said LP's elemental attribute
Graviton: Deals 25% CHP damage
Quicken: Adds a +100 RFX bonus to their own HEX. Effectively raises their speed to 171% average
Dispel: Removes all HEX based status, buffers and debuffers on target HEX
Assessing the situation: Godlike

They're deadly in game due to numbers...kind of anyway. The best way to neutralize them in game is to have Jude use HP-1 item with Mystic, followed by Tiny Flower Raquel coming up and using Exorcism to wipe out at least 8-9 of them in one shot. If not, you get spammed on with Graviton chippage before getting offed by Hi Blast, assuming the AI acts smart. It's not very difficult to take a few of them out of fight quickly when you get three people on offense and their durability sucks so bad. DL wise...they don't really improve unless you give them some form of support credit. Status holes are there, and the resistance this time is pretty bad. Worst yet is how the damage doesn't impress and the speed's not there. They only get competent with LPs since they can get 2HKO damage that way, cast Quicken and then proceed to spam it. Assuming of course, they don't die in a hit...which may be asking for too much. High Light of some sort I'm guessing. Just way too frail to take advantage of their tricks.

Buckbaird - Giant Robotic Mecha with Eye Lasers

Party's Average level: 68 (Buckbaird is 80)

Boss stats:
HP: 160000
Defense: 2997 (Above Average)  
Resistance: 3897 (High)  
RFX: 513 (approx. 228% average speed)
EVA: 236 (25% against average)
HIT: 412 (Decent. Misses 12% against average)

The team starts together in the same HEX. As such, using Joint Struggle is a viable choice.

Buckbaird has first strike in this battle. He will always get the first turn regardless of your RFX.
Buckbaird is weak to Water/Ice. He halves all other elements otherwise.
Buckbaird is classified as a Machine, so he also gains machine hitting weakness (Short Circuit in-game, for all that you have better damage choices)

Vulnerable to Petrify and Confusion, has resistance to it (50%)
Vulnerable to Provoke (100%)

NOTE: Although Buckbaird cannot get boosts to his damage, there is a Water HEX on the field that he would consider walking into to reduce the damage done to his weakness. YMMV here.

Party's Average HP: 3105

Damage done:
Jude's Silver Launcher - 9605
Arnaud's Hi-Blasts - 6267
Yulie's Mega Devestate - 2427
Raquel's Physical (5.0 hits) - 18449

Average of above: 9187

Other damages:
Yulie's Sacrifice - 10043
Jude's Joint Struggle - 14400

Attack - Deals 2377 damage to all targets in an adjacent HEX.
Hyperion Blaster - Deals 2939 non elemental magic damage to all PCs in line of fire. Piercing.
Hypnotizer - Deals 2601 damage and adds Sleep at a 50% rate to all PCs in line of fire. Piercing.
Psychedelicer - Deals 2601 damage and adds Confusion to all PCs in line of fire. Piercing. Rate not conclusive - only have 3 samples. For what its worth, hit 3/3 times.
Radious Breath -  Deals 2601 damage and adds Instant Death 100% to all PCs in line of fire. Piercing.

Counter Attack: Replace - Allows Buckbaird to swap places with another combatant on the field. Can be rendered useless with Shut Out. 10% chance to activate when struck with weakness (Water). This move is not used otherwise.

First strike + 228% average speed = 3 turns before an opponent's one. At that point, he spams Hyperion Blaster which deals 95% PCHP for ridiculous damage. If the enemy is really magically tanky, he can opt to use one of his statuses instead. All three are equally deadly, although Psychedilicer may be buggy. I have not seen him decide to use this move on his own will - I actually had to CONFUSE him before he was willing to use it. Still, its there. Not certain on the rate, but its probably 75-100% range. His Counter Attack is the best thing ever though. REPLACE OFF 10% CHANCES. YESZ. DL-wise, potentially High Godlike. He's spoiled in game by Shut Out - I can't think of many DL legal set ups/duellers that will kill him. Even bosses will have some trouble since, outside of the Water weakness, he's not even that frail. Some status holes exist as well, but you're going to have to get a turn first, and even then, only 50% chance to connect before he continues spamming his stupid damage attacks. Ow.

IMPORTANT For these last 5 bosses, the PCs have all upgraded their armors and weapons to their final synthesized versions. As such, if you don't agree with this notion, then take the evade and hit values with a grain of salt. In particular, Raquel has the Equites, which ups her HIT by +50. Jude has gained his 8th Alter Part and all of it has gone into ACN to boost the strength of his Finest Arts when it triggers. Furthermore, all badges sans the Sheriff Star are much more reasonable for use now (it is in fact possible to do things like the arena fights without missing a beat as an example for getting resources). So...take that into consideration.

Sapphire Drake - Hi, I'm Sapphire Drake. You may remember me eating that fish in the Cerulean Tunnel.

Party's Average level: 73 (Sapphire Drake is 85)

Boss stats:
HP: 170000
Defense: 3496
Resistance: 3496 (Both of these are solid)  
RFX: 520* (approx. 216% average theory. Read on!)
EVA: 251 (16% against average)
HIT: 457 (Pretty solid Does not miss against average)

The team starts together in the same HEX. As such, using Joint Struggle is a viable choice.

Sapphire Drake has first strike in this battle. He will always get the first turn regardless of your RFX. He will furthermore always use this First Strike to revert back to "On ground" mode.

Sappire Drake DOES have a set of stats for when he is in the air, but he does not transform back to this form ever during battle. Thus despite some statisical differences, they are essentially dummied out.

Vulnerable to Sleep (10%)
Vulnerable to Provoke (25%)

NOTE: Sapphire Drake starts on an Earth LP, effectively raising the power of his Stone Bullet to 1.5x its power before defense. There are also Water and Wind LPs that he can use to power up his spells, but PCs can typically get there before him. How you want to take this is up to you.

Party's Average HP: 3157

Damage done:
Jude's Silver Launcher - 12149
Arnaud's Hi-Blasts - 12281
Yulie's Boosted Mega Gems - 5184
Raquel's Physical - 31338

Average of above: 15238

Other damages:
Yulie's Sacrifice - 10701
Jude's Joint Struggle - 14904
Jude's Finest Arts - 87019**

**25% chance on a crit. With the King's Crown, first attack will always be a crit, so flat 25% chances the first time, and then each subsequent time would be Jude's crit rate * 25% chances for a FA

Attack - Deals 1985 damage to all targets in an adjacent HEX.
Stone Bullet - Deals 3802 earth elemental damage with LP boost. If he moves off it, damage drops to 1909
Hydro Pressure - Deals 1909 water elemental damage. Can be raised to 3802 if standing in Water LP. Due to the way the HEX grid is set up, it is unlikely for him to get into that HEX since PCs on average would reach it first.
Downhearted - Adds Misery status to a target HEX at a 100% rate. Misery in WA4 shuts off OCs and Force abilities. Widespread effect.

* Rapid Action - Passive ability. Increases Sapphire Drake's raw RFX by 17.5% after any action. This in practice raises his speed to become 2.98x that of average (raw RFX score of 611)

Welp. I'm not sure if Rapid Action actually exists or if WA4's RFX system goes screwy beyond 500 RFX. However, the 17.5% boost to RFX does make the turn orders as I saw in game make sense (2.5x Jude/Arnaud, 3.0x Yulie), so at the very least, I know his RFX isn't a raw 520 in practice. Anyway, pretty much the same thing we've seen. WA4 boss speed, plenty of damage (OHKO Earth or 2HKO Water or 2HKO physical) and a pretty nasty status effect in the form of misery. PCs that cannot block it ( or silence like equivalent) are in big trouble. Status holes exist, but he heavily resists both, so he's in good shape. Durability is not horrible, but he's feeling the effects of Equites Raquel for certain. One full Intrude chain destroys him more or less. And thanks to FP Advantage, he's definitely eating two of her attacks at some point. High Godlike.

Michlantecuhtli - Absurd! How could I lose to a bunch of fools?!

Party's Average level: 77.5

Boss stats:
HP: 180000
Defense: 3030
Resistance: 4280 (Holy M.Def, Batman!)  
RFX: 541* (approx. 229% average speed. In practice this number is multiplied by a modifier of 1.25x, effectively giving him 676 RFX or 300% average)
EVA: 251 (Around 21% against average)
HIT: 457 (Does not miss against average. HIT is just a little above average party evade)

Immune to POIZN
Active to Fire and Water, Immunes Earth and Wind damage

Michlantecuhtli is classified as undead, as such, he is vulernable to moves such as Sacrifice

NOTE: Michlantecuhtli starts on an Earth LP, and there is a Water LP and a Wind LP on the field. However, these are occupied by PCs, as such he cannot reach them unless PCs move of them first.

Party's Average HP: 3633

Damage done:
Jude's Silver Launcher - 11753
Arnaud's Hi-Blasts - 6167
Yulie's Hi-Sanctify - 12048
Raquel's Physical - 28309

Average of above: 14569

Petrify Touch - Deals 1156 damage to all targets in an adjacent HEX. Has a 95% chance of adding Petrify on hit.
Cremation - Deals 2069 fire elemental damage. Can be raised to 4051 if standing on Water LP. See below.
Hydro Pressure - Deals 2069 water elemental damage. Can be raised to 4051 if standing in Water LP. Due to the way the HEX grid is set up, it is unlikely for him to get into that HEX since a PC occupies it at the start of the battle.
Stink Cloud - Adds Disease status to a target HEX at a 100% rate. Prevents healing. Widespread effect.

* Auto-Guard: Approximately 62.5% chance of automatically blocking any attack that hits Michlantecuhtli. This guard effect reduces the damage Michlantecuhtli receives by around 33%

Counterattack: Michlantecuhtli has a 56.25% chance to counter attack with either Petrify Touch or one of his attack spells whenever he receives damage.

Pretty damn badass in a straight up duel. HP hasn't improved noticably, but it doesn't have to. Auto-Guard is the name of the game and it triggers on every damage type (Magical, physical, even Sacrifice), effectively giving him a durability boost of around 25%. Oh, and while he's at it, he also counters around 50%+ of the time and those counters deals 2HKO damage. Plus he has elemental choice on countering, so if his opponent blocks one element, he can go the other.  Then just in case that wasn't enough, he also has 3x average speed AND a physical that adds Petrify for kicks. Godlike. Like you were expecting anything else.

Black Box - You won today, but what about tomorrow~?

Party's Average level: 81.25

Boss stats:
HP: 190000
Defense: 6100
Resistance: 6700 (!)  
RFX: 548* (approx. 230% average speed. In practice this number is multiplied by a modifier of 1.25x, effectively giving him 685 RFX or 300% average)
EVA: 251 (Around 18% against average)
HIT: 457 (100% exactly against average)

Immune to POIZN
Weak to Fire, Immunes Water, Halves Earth and Wind damage

Black Box is classified as a machine, as such, he is vulernable to moves such as Short Circuit (...However, it still loses to Jude's best damage)

NOTE: The HEX formation for Black Box is randomized. As such he can start with or on any elemental HEX.

Party's Average HP: 3900

Damage done:
Jude's Silver Launcher - 9166
Arnaud's Hi-Blasts - 4324
Yulie's Sacrifice - 12533
Raquel's Physical - 27720

Average of above: 13435

Other damages:
Jude's physical/Yulie's Mega Devastate:  0
Arnaud/Raquel when hitting weakness: ~45000

Attack - Deals 651 damage to all targets in an adjacent HEX.
Magic Hand - Deals 2670 physical damage to all targets in an adjacent HEX. ITD.
Agony Effect - Deals 3053 non-elemental magic damage.
Hyper - Doubles physical damage dealt after defense

Counterattack: Black Box has a 33% chance to counter any damage with Agony Effect

Um...ow. A little less variety than you'll expect, but like most good WA4 bosses, he doesn't need it. Go off at 300% average speed and fire Agony Effects dealing 79% PCHP each time. He also has incredibly high defenses (even higher than RAGU), so he can take a few hits and let loose with a few of those devastating counters. On the off chance you are magically tanky, Hyper --> Magic Hand for a OHKO. Although Black Box isn't super accurate, it's enough against those with average evade. He does have an elemental weakness, so he CAN fall faster in practice. Granted, your average dueller also probably won't last long enough for it to matter. Godlike

AND NOW, the moment you've all been waiting for...

RAGU O RAGLA - Bane of Vegh Esthers everywhere. Cannot be defeated even with 12 Sheriff Stars

Party's Average level: 100

Boss stats:
HP: 650000
Defense: 5376
Resistance: 5976
RFX: 658* (approx. 299% average speed. In practice this number is multiplied by a modifier of 1.5x, effectively giving him 987 RFX or 674.6% average)
EVA: 381 (100%+ against average)
HIT: 572 (200% accuracy against average)

Active to Fire

Ragu starts the fight with EVA Up, giving him a 25 EVA boost for the first few turns.

NOTE: There is Fire HEX besides Ragu that he can take at the start of the fight. He can spend a turn and capture the HEX before anyone else (just look at his speed!), and it effectively ups his damage with One Trillion Degrees by 50%. How you want to take this is up to you.

Party's Average HP: 5150

Damage done:
Jude's Silver Launcher - 9302
Arnaud's Elemental Hi-Blasts - 12857
Yulie's Sacrifice - 18252
Raquel's Physical - 23036

Average of above: 15861

Other damages:
Jude's fully boosted Assault Buster (ATK/RFX UP + Rapid attack effect and Slow Down on Ragu): 15861

Attack - Deals 5041 damage to all targets in an adjacent HEX.
Agony Effect - Deals 4071 non-elemental magic damage to any HEX.
One Trillion Degrees (OTD) - Deals 25512.2 Fire elemental magic damage to all HEXes (full MT). Can be further strengthened if on Fire HEX to 39274.

Counterattack: Ragu has a 53% chance to counter with either his regular attack or Agony Effect, depending on the range the target attacked him from.

Self-freaking explanatory. The big guy's trademark move is ridiculously stupid, dealing 4.95x PCHP overkill when unboosted, 7.62x PCHP otherwise. This combined with his 674.6% average speed pretty much means you are dead, dead, dead unless you outright immune fire. If you do block fire, you're in better shape, but still facing someone who is super fast, super accurate, super evasive, and deals high 2HKO damage in both flavours. The defenses along with 650k HP is noticably good (it takes a while to bring him down even with Raquel getting all hits in constantly) which means he gets more chances to lob those counters at you, and probably LAP you right afterwards several times to boot too, just because he is just so ridiculously fast. Unrankable High Godlike Bluelike Joey's Rattalike
« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 05:07:00 AM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: Wild Arms 4
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2011, 10:25:09 PM »
Out of curiosity, how much are the boosts provided by the Crisis X skills that require an ally to be dead?


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Re: Wild Arms 4
« Reply #17 on: June 27, 2011, 04:44:15 PM »
Out of curiosity, how much are the boosts provided by the Crisis X skills that require an ally to be dead?

I think 25% to the stat per ally dead.


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Re: Wild Arms 4
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2012, 12:11:29 PM »
The effective speeds previously listed are a bit high for everyone. The fact that real speed is RFX^2 means that simply taking (PC RFX / 'Avg RFX')^2 isn't appropriate for averaging linear speeds (this is why the speed average was ~103% instead of 100%). What you should be doing for averaging linear speed is taking the average of all RFX ^2 values.

Linear speeds (and effective speeds) follow.
Jude: 114244      (135.69%)
Arnaud: 93636    (111.21%)
Yulie: 75076        (89.17%)
Raquel: 53824    (63.93%)

Avg: 84195 (100%)

For those curious, This is the formula that Arnaud applies to someone's Speed with Slow Down:


Where X is effective speed (100 for average, 125% for 1.25x average speed, etc...)

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Wild Arms 4
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2015, 05:18:38 PM »
Just a random note, Riesenge consistently instantly doubled a 292 RFX Arnaud (as well as a 282 RFX Arnaud), which shouldn't be possible by the numbers listed. Either its listed speed is wrong (and/or it has a hidden RFX Up boost) or the speed of fast bosses is screwier than we think (and we do know something is up with the really fast, so...). I'll investigate Lambda later and see if I can figure it out.

EDIT: Tested Lambda. He is approximately 9±1% faster than the stats say he should be, which I suspect is just due to the effect of very high numbers, based on what Tide observed from the ever-faster superbosses. To be clear, this means that Lambda's actual speed is probably ~265%.

Riesenge outperformed his expected number by considerably more, which makes no sense (at least 15% faster than listed, >230% average speed). Perhaps he has a +25 RFX boost like Super Soldier, which would make him the same speed as Lambda? Hardly matters since he's not going to be nommed in tournaments or anything, but does raise more question marks as to exactly how WA4 speed works.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2015, 08:17:59 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.