-Random boss stats-
Yes I am doing this, because none of you are cool enough to =(. Prototype gear cries from his grave. More importantly, I am mainly doing this because I need Ragu4 stats so Neph can put him into the dungeon.
Forewarning: Damage figures/set ups are based from what I am using. Read: Someone with a pretty good deal of experience. Your views on the damage dealt/HP and what not may vary. Also, since I am doing this on a new game+, some stats may be inflated - I'll note this in particular. For the most part though, I am skipping randoms, so one or two extra levels will probably happen, but should not effect bosses that much.
IMPORTANT NOTE UPDATE: Okay, so as today, I found out some REALLY interesting factoids about boss elemental attacks. I'll be editting bits and pieces when appropriate, but basically, the rule is this:
Enemy spells get powered up if they are on a LP that is either corresponding to the element used OR directly opposing the element used (...). Yeah. Don't ask why about the last part, it just does. This is how Miscreation's opening Stone Bullets hurt like holy hell, but Goldrake kinda fails it up with his Sky Twisters if he moves out of the Earth HEX.
all bosses are vulnerable to POIZN, Disease and Misery status. POIZN is described earlier and Disease does the same thing as the PC version (rarely matters for bosses). As for Misery, they effectively cause the boss to skip turns (they end up using Assessing the Situation, which passes their current turn).
Okay, let's get started:
Turasque -
BIOGENIC DRAGONOID...version 4HP: 7430
Defense: 232 (should be below average)
Resistance: 360
RFX: 298 (approx. 265% average speed)
EVA: 35 (Never barring negative accuracy)
NOTE: Turasque reduces physical damage by approx. 66.67%. This reduction can be nulled if he is standing in a HEX with Fragile or if the attacker has the Personal Skill "Smash Hit"
NOTE 2: Turasque has the Blocker ability, which out of 11 tests, blocked a total of 1 attack (godlike omg)
Party's Average HP: 2177
Damage done:
Jude's Phantom Line - 500
Arnaud's boosted Gem damage - 2378
Yulie's boosted Gem damage - 1776
Raquel's Comet Strike - 2161
Average: 1702
Toxic Breath - Adds WA4 POIZN to a HEX. POIZN takes off 25% MHP each time the PC's turn comes around. Must be absolutely nulled in order to stop the damage.Comments: The physical reduction is nice - it makes Jude's damage fail it up (it would otherwise be a lot higher). However, there is one teensy weensy tiny problem. Can you see it? Yes, that's right. This version of Turasque is basically Evil GAIA's long lost brother. He uses POIZN, doubles you of 265% average speed and keeps on using POIZN until you die a POIZNing death. If you block POIZN (which is like every other RPG out there), he can't damage you. Awesome? Hell yes.
LightEarthbound Dead -
Defense: 268
Resistance: 591
RFX: 325 (approx. 293% average speed)
EVA: 70 (3% effective evasion again average Hit)
HIT: 266 (Will not miss against average evasion)
NOTE: Earthbound Dead resists all elements (namely Water/Earth/Wind) except Fire.
NOTE 2: Earthbound Dead's HEX layout has no Fire HEX. However, due to the way it is set up, he has to spend a turn to move into the Earth HEX, otherwise, he is vulnerable to eating boosted gems from Arnaud. Assuming the AI makes randomized moves, it will have a 33% chance to remove this vulnerability. Whether you hold him to this is up to you.
Party's Average HP: 2247
Damage done:
Jude's Phantom Line - ~1600
Arnaud's boosted Fire gem - 1750
Yulie's Sanctify - ~2300
Raquel's Comet Strike - ~2500
Average: 2037 (with boosted gems). If you do not hold his vulnerability to eating boosted gems, average drops to 1825 (Arnaud deals ~900 with Blast)
Attack - Deals 943 damage on average to one HEX's targetsAbsorb - Absorbs a fixed 12 MP. At this point, party's MP pool average is 160 or so. Earthbound dead does not have a MP pool of his own
Counter: Slow Down - Approximately a 56.25% chance to counter any damage with Slow Down (based on 16 tests). Note that due to the way WA4 speed works, Slow Down's effect as of now is much more devastating. If an average speed party member gets hit by Slow Down, they will be reduced down to 22% of their original speed. Hint: You are FUCKED
Comments: Early WA4 bosses actually have some smidge of durability as the damage spiking hasn't appeared yet. And while he's no durability god, he's probably at least 1xPCHP. Which is important since otherwise he can't capitalize on his Slow Down counters. Oh dear lord. If you trigger a Slow Down counter (and chances are you WILL), he will nuke your speed all the way to kingdom come. And then after he runs circles around you, he can either mass drain your MP with his shoddy Absorb (He can do this thanks to being 13x faster) or just beat you to death with his 3HKO. Even if you don't take that view of Slow Down and just say, nuke 56.25% of the target's speed, he will still get like 6 turns before you. Yeah. You either have really good evasion, physical immunity, or just outright OHKO/solidly high 2HKO. Don't let him capitalize on those counters and you're good. Probably
Low Godlike?Miscreation -
Want Stone Bullet counters with that?HP: 10500
Defense: 268 (probably below average >_>)
Resistance: 378 (definitely below)
RFX: 333 (approx. 296% average speed)
EVA: 1 (Never)
NOTE: Miscreation starts on a Wind LP. This makes him vulnerable to eating boosted Earth gems from Arnaud and Yulie. However, for the most part, he will prefer staying on the LP if he got to choose because that LP powers up his Stone Bullets by 50% before defense.
Party's Average HP: 2279
Damage done:
Jude's Phantom Line - ~1700
Arnaud's boosted Earth gem - ~2200
Yulie's boosted Earth gem - ~1999
Raquel's Comet Strike - ~3000
Average: 2232 (with boosted gems)
Attack - Deals 800 damage on average to one HEX's targets
Stone Bullet - Deals 1680 Earth based damage on average. Power up bonus from LP already factored in. Toxic Breath - Adds POIZN to one target HEX
Counter: Stone Bullet - Approximately a 45% chance to counter any damage with Stone Bullet (based on 11 tests, can always use more here).
Comments: His durability is worse than Earthbound Dead. But in someways, he is possibly more dangerous. For starters, Stone Bullet? It hurts. A lot. High 2HKOs without problem and easily does so in game as well. Thankfully, Yulie has Resist Earth by then. Next, he also has WA4's potent POIZN as well as WA4 boss speed in that he practically triples right off the bat. Oh and he can always counter you with Stone Bullet which isn't fun either. Hope you have some Earth Protection. Then he's more tame with a 3HKO physical, although he can always throw in POIZN to make things more troublesome. But since it's like the most common status ever? Yeah. Probably
Godlike. Note to self: 800*3 > 2279. I gj'd
Incubator -
I am Spammy mcSpam spam...in monster form!HP: 11000
Defense: 362 (Average or so)
Resistance: 482 (Pretty good)
RFX: 321 (approx. 265% average speed)
EVA: 100 (Around 25% evasion against average HIT)
HIT: 281 (Will miss around 3% against average evasion)
NOTE: Incubator starts on a Earth LP. This makes him vulnerable to eating boosted Wind gems from Arnaud and Yulie. However, for the most part, he will prefer staying on the LP if he got to choose because that LP powers up his Stone Bullets by 50% before factoring in Resistance.
NOTE 2: There is a Wind HEX on field. As such, it is possible to use Wind Blast while he is standing in Earth LP for 2x the damage. However, keep in mind that if you do this, his damage also rises from Stone Bullet by 2x.
NOTE 3: The team starts together in the same HEX and you likely have FP Advantage by now. As such Incubator is in prime position of eating Joint Struggles. Situational damage, so YMMV. I'm listing actual damages instead of just averages, so you can use what you think is adequate.
Party's Average HP: 2281
Damage done:
Jude's Joint Struggle - ~4500
Arnaud's boosted Wind gem - ~2442
Yulie's boosted Wind gem - ~1970
Raquel's Comet Strike - ~3000
Average of above: 3001 (with boosted gems)
Jude's Phantom Line - 2115
Arnaud's Wind Blast - 4543
Taking Jude's PL into the average instead of JS with everything else being the same: 2398
Attack - Deals 785 damage on average to one HEX's targets
Stone Bullet - Deals 1514 Earth based damage on average. Power up bonus from LP already factored in. Shout - Spawns a Larvae which acts independently on its own (get its own turns/movements, etc). He can have as many as 4 on the field at the same time. Note that Larvae must all be defeated for battle to end. You can Game Over if one of the Larvae ends up killing your team.
Larvae statsHP: 4950
RFX: 281 (approx. 202% average speed)
HIT: 251 (Will miss around 33% against average evasion. Average EVA at this point FYI is 184)
Larvae's other stats - such as Defense and Evade - are either very close or exactly the same as Incubators (as seen from his damage below). As such, not listing them.
Attack: Deals 795 damage on average to one HEX's targetsComments: Larvae spawns problems for anybody who is a staller. Most likely goes first, then spawns clones that have a little less than half his HP and low durability. However, these clones are freaking fast. And since he's so fast himself, he can easily get several of these out, then spam Stone Bullet along with his clone attacks to quickly dish out the pain. He can deal a max of 9308 WA4 damage before an average speed dueller's turn if he sets up everything correctly. Thankfully, he most likely won't. For 1) His durability, factoring in JS or Wind Blast starts becoming standard WA4 boss territory. That is to say, he dies pretty quick. You should probably factor at least one of those since it's not difficult to set up 2) The clones themselves when spawned will be 0 CT. And even though they get turns quick, they have little to no durability and their physical attacks are not very accurate by default. Still, blitzing potential + potential to overwhelm is very high on this one.
Low Godlike at worst. Probably higher.
Grabboid -
I get promoted to a Super boss in WA5!HP: 20950
Defense: 539 (Average?)
Resistance: 1026.6 (Very good - effective cuts down magic damage by close to 36%)
RFX: 344 (approx. 277% average speed)
EVA: 105 (Around 25% evasion against average HIT, which is 180)
HIT: 286 (Will miss around 10% against average evasion.)
NOTE: Grabboid resists Earth damage and starts on an Earth HEX. Effectively, this gives him 50% resistance before defense. Hence he's very strong against Earth damage at the start. However, this LP gives him a vulnerability to Wind gems around 2x in addition to his Wind weakness. Thus he is very weak (x4) to Wind damage at the onset. Although his Stone Bullet gets powered up by the Earth HEX, he may actually prefer moving since it effectively brings down his weakness.
NOTE 2: Grabboid can move to any space on the field regardless of PCs blockading his path (ie: he moves similar to Jump)
NOTE 3: Grabboid is further vulnerable to % based damage at a 25% rate of hitting. He can further be PROVOKE'd by Jude which tends to force him to use physicals. I've never seen him use Stone Bullet against Jude when he was provoked.
Party's Average HP: 2460
Damage done:
Jude's Joint Struggle - ~5000
Arnaud's boosted gems - 1344
Yulie's boosted gems - 953
Raquel's Physical - ~3000
Average of above: 2574
Other damages:
Jude's Phantom Line - 1900
Jude's 3 man Joint Struggle - 3800
Arnaud's boosted Wind gem - 4443
Yulie's boosted Wind gem - 3850
Attack - Deals 979 damage on average to one HEX's targets
Stone Bullet - Deals 1356 Earth based damage on average. Power up bonus from LP already factored in. Illusion - Adds a -100 HIT penalty to target HEX. This drops average HIT down to 80, basically making Grabboid unhittable
Counter: Stone Bullet - Approximately a 16% chance to counter any damage with Stone Bullet (based on 38 attacks)
HP has nearly doubled from the last plotless boss, definitely doubles Belial's! In fact, if it wasn't for the Wind weakness and starting on Earth LP, he's actually pretty durable for a WA4 boss (this says something). A couple of things - one, the game hands you a couple of sun badges at this point. Since you don't have very many other offensive badges barring drops, you would mostly be using these, raising average HP up. This ends up making his Stone Bullet a more borderline 2HKO then his compatriots. Next his stone bullet counters - they're actually *not* that frequent. In a long match however, one of them might come up to tilt things. This is actually potentially possible since Grabboid is not as much of a glass cannon as the later WA4 bosses. Still, its existence makes things trickier for opponents since a counter + going off that speed means he can finish up the job with his physical or Stone Bullet.
Aside from that, everything else is pretty standard of what we know from him. Spoils physicals hard core with Illusion and good blitzing power. Kiting is useless since he can just recast it thanks to double turning. Most likely
Godlike. Note that in actual practice he still dies pretty quickly due to weakness hitting + Joint Struggles and what not.
Kraken -
I get demoted from a Super boss in WA3
!HP: 24500
Defense: 475 (Below Average)
Resistance: 640.2
RFX: 348 (approx. 258% average speed)
EVA: 104 (Around 14% evasion against average HIT)
HIT: 286 (This figure does not matter because...)
NOTE: Kraken starts in the centre of the field. However, because he is so fast, in the DL his best option is usually to move someone off a LP with his physical, move to the Water LP, then start spamming Hydro Pressure. Whether or not you let him do this is up to you.
NOTE 2: Kraken is Active to Water. Active bonuses are currently not exactly known outside of a bonus +100 to RFX and increased an overall increase in stats
Vulnerable to Petrify (25%), Gravity damage (50%) and Provoke (75%). SI's guide states that Kraken should also be vulnerable to Sleep (50%), but I couldn't get it to connect on him.
Party's Average HP: 2520
Damage done:
Jude's physical (2.25 hits) - ~2325
Arnaud's Elemental Blasts - 2700
Yulie's boosted gems - 1736
Raquel's Physical - 3100
Average of above: 2472
Other damages:
Jude's 3 man Joint Struggle - ~3600
Attack - Deals 938 damage on average to one HEX's targets. This attack has an Isolate effect and will move PCs to any possible randomized HEXes afterwards. ITEHydro Pressure - Deals 705 Water based damage on average. If powered up from Water LP, damage rises to 1522
Slumber Fog - Hits a HEX as well as any adjacent HEXes to the target's with Sleep. 37.5% success rate based on him using it 35 times
You'll notice I changed best damages here for Arnaud and Jude. At this point Arnaud's Blasts are starting to outpace gems while Jude's Joint Struggle is really hard to set up here due to his Isolate like physicals. So, let's see what bad about him. Well, he's a little more disappointing compared to the previous 4. His speed is still good, but not as bad as the others (only 2.5x? Really?). In addition, his defense is kinda bad, although at least his raw HP is not in lol territory. The vulnerabilities are problematic - especially the petrify susceptibility - but at least he brings along decent resistances to them. Also, his Sleep hit rate is not as good as we thought (turn 3 or so) and his damage isn't in the 2HKO range at all unless you allow LPs.
On the other hand? His speed while "not as good" is still WA4 level boss speed. Meaning he will lap the crap out of most other duellers. ITE 3HKOing off that speed is pretty good considering his raw HP will probably let him get at least another turn. In fact, that HP gives him a lot to work with. The shoddy sleep rates suddenly don't look as bad when you remember he's getting 2.5x the number of turns an average speed dueller would. So he's very likely going to get the chance to sleep someone and then sleep lock them forever and ever. Of course, absorbing Water/Ice and then getting stronger and having no elemental weakness is also nice to boot. Another
Godlike? You bet. He might have gotten demoted, but he's definitely a better fight here then his WA3 form.
Spriggan -
Why don't I get promoted in WA5?! You suck Grabboid ;_;HP: 13250 (...)
Defense: 540
Resistance: 720
RFX: 256 (approx. 135% average speed)
EVA: 117 (Around 24% evasion against average HIT)
HIT: 296 (Around 13% chance to miss against average EVA)
NOTE: Spriggan is a multi part fight. There is no healing in between (as evidenced by the MP not being refilled). But the 3 parts before hand are so pathetic they are not worth mentioning. I guess they can matter against PUNY bosses >_>.
NOTE 2: Spriggan fights with 2 other Spriggans (who I will call mini Spriggans since they have different stats). Whether or not you give him support credit is up to you.
NOTE 3: Each fight features the same LP structure: One Water/Fire/Earth HEX. This matters mostly for the big Spriggan himself since he can power up his Stone Bullets that way. Note that it takes him 2 moves to normally do it and it is possible for a PC or one of his support to move into that HEX before hand. Note that Spriggan is listed as size "XL" which means that only one of him can fit into the HEX. Hence, even if his support capture the HEX, he won't be able to move into it. He does however have Isolate, if you do consider LPs in the DL, so it is not impossible for him to reach it..
Party's Average HP: 2550
Damage done:
Jude's physical (2.25 hits) - ~2500
Arnaud's Elemental Blasts - 2850
Yulie's boosted gems - 1800
Raquel's Physical - 4900
Average of above: 3018
Other damages:
Jude's Joint Struggle - ~6000
Arnaud's Elemental Blasts on opposing elemental HEXes - ~6000
Yulie' Physical - 1100
Attack - Deals 1047 damage on average to one HEX's targets.
Stone Bullet - Deals 1200 Earth based damage on average. If powered up from Earth LP, damage rises to 2005
Hyperion Blaster - Deals 1553 Non elemental damage on average. Line FireFocused Fire - Performs a standard physical (1047). Automatically allows the two Mini Spriggans to take an immediate turn and attack. They must target the same HEX
Isolate - Randomly displaces party members into any other HEXes at random
Mini SpriggansHP: 6480
Defense: 496
Resistance: 666 (OMG)
RFX: 190 (approx. 74% average speed)
EVA: 105 (Around 12% evasion against average HIT)
HIT: 281 (Around 28% chance to miss against average EVA)
Attack - Deals 841 damage on average to one HEX's targets.Comments:
Weird fight, but not a horrible interp headache. First, if you give him support, he's much better. His speed isn't much, but Focused Fire is deadly. He can pump out OHKO damage with it if the target doesn't have good evasion the moment he gets his turn. The key thing with Focused Fire - it does not reset the CTB for the Mini Spriggans, so they can follow up and finish the job. Physically durable duellers give this some trouble, but he still packs 2HKO Non elemental damage. He can't revive the Mini Spriggans so good MT also sends him packing quick. His support has half his HP, which means they are pretty much OHKO bait in game.
On the other hand, don't give him support credit, he can't pump out that OHKO damage the moment he gets his turn. In game he gets 2 turned notably easily - Joint Struggle/Elemental Blast on opposing HEX is very easy to do since he starts on the Fire HEX and the entire team groups together. So using Jump gets you into prime position for pumping out huge damage. Although I haven't included those in the average, keep this in mind. Either way, his HP is definitely not as good and since the damage average has jumped a bit he doesn't like this. Durability and his speed are some key issues here. Although he can still 2HKO he's a notable step down as dueller compared to his teammates.
Support'd Spriggan is probably some flavour of
Heavy. Non support Spriggan is basically Fiore and is hence
MiddleGuardian Chimera -
RAR I EAT BABIES. No, I really do!HP: 21500
Defense: 1008 (Very good. Highest we've seen so far!)
Resistance: 808
RFX: 378 (approx. 260% average speed)
EVA: 123 (Around 12% evasion against average HIT)
HIT: 309 (Around 15% chance to miss against average EVA)
NOTE: Guardian Chimera starts one space away from both a Fire LP and a Earth LP. Thanks to his speed, he can easily move into either one of these without trouble. There is also a Water LP on the field, but since Jude/Raquel start on it, he's not likely to step in there unless you give him the opportunity. How much you want to hold this against him is up to you
Guardian Chimera is Active to all elements (Fire/Water/Earth/Wind)
Party's Average HP: 2697
Damage done:
Jude's Phantom Line - 2300
Arnaud's Blast - 2146
Yulie's Physical - 811
Raquel's Physical - 4737
Average of above: 2498
Attack - Deals 997 damage on average to one HEX's targets.
Material Code: O - Heals himself for around 2250 HP. Must be on a non elemental HEX.
Material Code: M/S/G - Deals 1603 Water/Fire/Earth elemental damage. Full MT. Guardian Chimera must be on the corresponding elemental LP in order to use this attack.Comments:
Last of the durable bosses in WA4 before super bosses! His physical defense is definitely noteworthy and while the raw HP has gone down from Kraken, he's probably around equal in terms of being able to take physical hits. His healing is pretty shoddy, but going off at 260% average speed saves him so, as does of course, the full elemental spoiling. The real kicker of course, are his Material attacks. They hurt a lot, and being full MT at that makes them very dangerous in game. If you allow LPs, he easily has a choice between Fire/Earth attacks and can 2HKO off that of his great speed, everything else is pretty much a bonus.
If you don't give him those LPs...physical still 3HKOs (granted borderline), so he can only get so bad. Still has his shoddy healing and elemental resists along with decent defense and HP though. Of course, then he runs into problems against physical spoilers! But no, probably still a
Low Godlike since the elemental spoilage is pretty nasty and his defense will make it likely for him to survive at least one round of physical attacks (barring extreme damages of course).
Tank Vehicle -
I am the thing that Belial drops and makes the peoples fall down!HP: 18200
Defense: 932
Resistance: 1432 (Want to say this is pretty good! Especially compared to prior bosses just shortly before)
RFX: 372 (approx. 239% average speed)
EVA: 130 (Around 13% evasion against average HIT)
HIT: 302 (Around 28% chance to miss against average EVA)
NOTE: All allies are grouped in the same starting HEX with Tank Vehicle directly adjacent to the party. This leaves him open to 4 man Joint Struggles.
Party's Average HP: 2761
Damage done:
Jude's Joint Struggle - 7173
Arnaud's Elemental Blasts - 3297
Yulie's Physical - 1255
Raquel's Physical - 5589
Average of above: 4328
Attack - Deals 1737 damage to all targets in an adjacent HEX.Revolver Cannon - Deals 1249 damage to all targets in selected HEX. Line Fire.
I might have gotten a bit of level boost here; I'm at level 33-34. Memory is that you should be around 29-30ish with Balgaines then boosting you to 31 before fighting Tony at Garra De Leon. So, use your discretion if necessary. I doubt he changes much though, because his game plan is still the same. Go first, run into you for high 2HKO damage. That's around it. He's all physical and there's really no tricks (unlike all the bosses so far), so he's pretty bland. Needless to say, good evade/defense or even damage will own him. He's not particularly durable thanks to the starting formation, so OHKOing him before he completes the 2HKO is quite possible.
Heavy I want to say
You've got some guts challenging a professional warriorHP: 13800
Defense: 950.4 (Below Average)
Resistance: 1830 (Above average! See Tony 3 from NEB, note that this fight is right afterwards)
RFX: 377+25 (approx. 225% average speed. With RFX Up bonus, gains an extra 25 RFX for 402 total. Ends up being 256% average speed )
EVA: 145 (Around 17% evasion against average HIT. With EVA UP bonus, gains 25 EVA for 170 total. Effective 42% evasion against average accuracy)
HIT: 316 (Around 25% chance to miss against average EVA. With HIT UP bonus, gains 25 HIT for 341 total. Ends up not missing against average evasion)
NOTE: All allies are grouped in the same starting HEX. This allows Joint Struggle to be easily set up
NOTE 2: Super Soldier starts with DEF/RES/HIT/EVA/RFX UP boosts at the start of the battle. These buffs cannot be dispelled and do not wear off over time and are already factored into his stats.
NOTE 3: Super Soldier starts on an Earth LP. There is a Fire HEX and a Water HEX on the field which he can reach. However, typically, in game, one of your PCs will get to move before he can get to them - how you want to treat this is up to you. In addition, Super Soldier fights with 3 randoms as support. These support units typically die before doing much (so I don't have the stats for them >_>) so they should not matter too much in the grand scheme of things.
Party's Average HP: 2773
Damage done:
Jude's Joint Struggle - 8809
Arnaud's Elemental Hi-Blasts - 6690
Yulie's Hi-Gems - 3972
Raquel's Dragon Edge - 5747
Average of above: 6304
Other damages:
Yulie's Material - 2940
Jude's Phantom Line - 3631
Attack - Deals 1394 damage to all targets in an adjacent HEX.
Sword Thrust - Deals ~1400 damage to all targets in an adjacent HEX. ITD.Blast (Earth) - Element changes depending on HEX. From his starting position, 1116 Earth based damage to a targeted HEX
Blocker - Super Soldier has a 82% chance (based on a sample of 50 tests) to block standard physical attacks. Blocked physicals deal no damage. This can be pierced by physical attack techniques in-game (such as Joint Struggle or Dragon Edge). Note that type of physical (so range from Jude/Arnaud or melee from Yulie/Raquel) does not affect the rate. Counter Attacks also do not change the rate.
Same thoughts on level boost. Around 35 for Jude/Yulie and 37/38 for Arnaud and Raquel. Anyway, SUPER SOLDIER is...well...super. Sans his durability anyway. The Perma boosts are nice and keeps him relatively strong even though some of his other stats are weaker. Sword Thrust being ITD is great since it lets him 2HKO thanks to his speed as well as decent accuracy. And should his enemies be immune to physicals, he still has Earth Magic to fall back on to. Blocker is the real gimmick here though. 82% chance to block physicals + an additional 42% evasion means that he will wreck physical duellers unless they have good raw HPs and some way to pierce through it since going that route just wouldn't work. On the other hand, durable and high HP mages probably wreck him since that durability says pretty much everything.
Defense: 1548.4 (Notably Above Average!)
Resistance: 1793 (Still above average!)
RFX: 392 (approx. 235% average speed)
EVA: 140 (Around 8% evasion against average HIT)
HIT: 321 (Around 24% chance to miss against average EVA)
NOTE: Prototype Gear is resistant to all elements (most likely 25% before defense like all others. Ends up around halving the damage in practice)
As a reminder, Prototype Gear is vulnerable to Short Circuit (like most machine enemies). If you take this into consideration, Jude deals ~5600 approx. Phantom Line is used in this fight due to Radious Breath. With only 1PC able to block it normally, putting 4 PCs in the same HEX is incredibly risky.
Party's Average HP: 2751 (went down due to abilities purchasing)
Damage done:
Jude's Phantom Line - 2829
Arnaud's Hi-Blasts - 3956
Yulie's Hi-Gems - 847
Raquel's Physical - 4700
Average of above: 3083
Other damages:
Yulie's Physical - 0
Jude's Physical (3.0 hits, 610 ATP) - 627
Arnaud's Elemental Hi Blast - 3027
Attack - Deals 1838 damage to all targets in an adjacent HEX.
Shoot - Deals 1080 damage a hit at 2 hits. Total 2160 to all targets in targetted HEX. Long range. Cannot be used to target HEXes not in line of fire. ie: an obstruction in the way (like a dead PC), will prevent Prototype Gear from using this attack Radious Breath - Deals 399 Non elemental Magic damage. 36% ID rate (from 25 tests). Damage is dealt if ID fails. Attacks all HEXes in a line.
From here until Reclaimer Dragon, just assume I have a level advantage than normal (Around +3 or so). Anyway, PROTOTYPE GEAR!!! What can we say about him? Well, the bad stuff? If he is caught against a physical/ID immune target, he is up shit creek without paddle. 7HKO magic damage! Ends up having epic slap fights with MALIK as a result. The good? Pretty much everything else. The raw HP can use work (same level as Kraken?), but his defenses are notably impressive. The elemental resists make him much more durable in game (yay Arnaud and Yulie dealing low damage!) and in the DL, it makes him a spoiler to those that heavily rely on elements. The physical damage is just nasty of course and off that speed makes it much nastier. His HIT may not be so good, but he's getting 2 hits from that single Shoot command. The ID could be better, but WA4 boss level speed to the rescue again. Spamming that 3 turns in a row = around a 74% chance to ID. And thanks to his defenses, he's likely seeing at least 3 turns if not more. Non-surprisingly?
Godlike, to the cheering of elfs everywhere
Kesaran Pasaran -

HP: 23100
Defense: 1395
Resistance: 1161
RFX: 381 (approx. 212% average speed)
EVA: 143 (Around 1% evasion against average HIT)
HIT: 299 (Around 47% chance to hit against average EVA)
NOTE: Kesaran Pasaran starts on an Earth HEX, which makes him vulnerable to taking extra Wind damage at the start. He can move out of this HEX to remove the vulnerability. How you want to treat this is up to you.
NOTE 2: Kesaran Pasaran has First Strike, but will always waste his first turn with Best Smile
NOTE 3: Kasaran Pasaran can only occupy the same HEX as 3 other clones. Any other clones produced will spill over to other HEXes.
Party's Average HP: 2933
Damage done:
Jude's Silver Launcher - 6411
Arnaud's Elemental Hi-Blasts - 6485
Yulie's boosted Hi-Gems - 5603
Raquel's Physical (3.5 hits) - 10937
Average of above: 7359
Other damages:
Arnaud's Elemental Hi-Blast if enemy is on opposing HEX - ~ 13000
Best Smile - Wastes a turn
Split - Spawns a Kesaran Pasaran clone, which...see belowClone stats:
- All defensive stats (HP/DEF/RES) are at 1
- All other stats are the same as that of Kesaran Pasaran himself (so yes, they are also 212% average speed, have the same accuracy issues, etc.)
- All clones are 100% vulnerable to Gravity and HP-1 attacks (...so very useful). More importantly, they are vulnerable to Petrify at a 100% rate.
- Kesaran Pasaran can have a max of 11 clones on field at once.
Attack - Deals 1003 damage to all targets selected in targetted HEXExplode - When the clones die, they will deal 25% MHP damage to the attacker's HEX. All targets inside that HEX will also take damage.

has a few problems. Most noteworthy of course is his horrible durability (worse raw HP, defenses, Evade than the previous two bosses) and how his stats look on paper. This is no thanks to the fact that the team just got a weapons/armor upgrade or a Cat's Paw being available and thus given to Raquel. The fact that he himself cannot attack is also a problem. Wasting his first strike turn doesn't help. Bad news? Sure. Of course,

ends up being better than the other cloner (HI ENIL) in the game because his gimmick is better.
First, his clones have the same speed as him. Given how they will run off at 212% average speed as well, it can be pretty overwhelming fast for duellers who end up being crap on damage. The accuracy is garbage, but with 4 clones attacking at the same time, it becomes problematic quick. Of course, the explosion gimmick also ends up better than Enil because 3 of those + attack connecting is usually enough. Given his speed, he will spawn two of these against an average speed attacker and well if they attack him and don't OHKO, he spawns a few more, they will get turns and...yeah. Stallers have problems and counter attacks may have problems. Buffers may not. The max amount of explosion damage IS 100% MHP, but since

can only occupy a HEX with 3 of these with him, in practice, a PC should only take 75% MHP. Weird rank? Yep. Ballparking some form of
Middle. Really needs to spawn more :)s so he can get the pressure going. He can't rely purely on his clones attack or explosion damage to win. Basically will always need some combination to beat others.