Author Topic: Breath of Fire 2 (Full)  (Read 7422 times)


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Breath of Fire 2 (Full)
« on: December 23, 2007, 10:05:14 PM »
Finally got around to redoing this. Anyway, people were complaining that the characters in the previous topci were overleveled, and that Deis (mainly) was getting far higher stats due to her growth than she should have. So...i set an EXP limit for each character, that being 1,000,000, and cut those who missed a level by less than 5,000 EXP some slack and give them that extra level. Another reason I redid Levels THIS way was cause, well, it felt wrong that someone who levels slowly like Rand should be the same level as someone like Bow who levels really friggin fast (Not to the same extent as BoF1, mind you, where Nina ends up nearly 15 levels above everyone else O_o)
I made a few changes in equips too. Mainly, I decided NoTwinRPs are illegal as well as 9-tailWP (that was decided earlier) NoTwinRPs are very rare drop from a fairly rare enemy (a hard one at that too), and can be used by *2* Characters (Ryu and Jean) This hurts Jean, yes, but the weapon just feels as legit as the GKS.
MammothCLs, though, and anything Unique, I still considered legal, since the former is gotten from a common as hell enemy (Mamot's), and the unique stuff is...yeah...
I still allow BoF2 Manillo Shops. They function like a perfectly normal shop, just the way you get to them is different.

Characters are taken when in the "Super" condition. Similar to WA, this stat fluctuates, however, it rarely ever goes down (things like Curse Status can alter this), and even when it goes down, Cond Ups are storebought, so you can always boost it back to that high. In general, when someone gets Super Condition, they tend to stay that way, it requires more work to get them to "OK" (which is average...) than it is to Super, so to speak. In general, Super condition will be the norm condition by end game, really, and throughout most of the game as well (if not Super, then probably good)

Magic Damage is taken its base value, no enemy has any real noticiable magic defense. Physical damage was taken against enemies 100 defense (that's the final bosses, and most enemies in the final dungeon have this too, so its average)

Anyways, what each stat means:

HP: Duh?
AP: BoF's name for MP
Off: Stands for Offense, stat which Physical damage is dervied from, just listed for Algorithms
Def: Physical defensive stat, higher this is, the less physical damage character takes
Vigor: Speed after taking the famous BoF Weight into account. Basically, Agility - Weight = Vigor. Yeah...its just the speed stat
Wisdom: Magic defense, basically
Luck: Determines what part of Random variance your character gets for physical damage. Basically higher luck = higher odds of doing better damage with Physicals. This is why, say, Katt is doing more with her Physical than Ryu, despite having lower Offense (basically, I took the damage I felt they'd hit most often based off thier Luck)
Guts: Determines the chance a character has to come back from death when they die with about 1/8 thier max HP. 5 Flames is effectivly Max, which means about 25% chance of coming back. 0 flames means basically "Good Luck coming back to life" Should be noted that being revived in this fashion does NOT null out a person's turn, like other "Auto Life" affects. At least, if anything, it makes the character get a free Physical hit in, if not thier command (providing they didn't already use it) Your milleage with this may vary. Chance of Revival are roughly 5% * number of flames

Anyway, onto the characters! There will be edits ni the future, keep in mind.
Anything Bolded means "Optimal Damage" which is used in the average. This is absically the best consistant damage they have (which is why Ryu's physical is used for it and not his Dragon damage), and likewise, I feel best shows how they perform outside of one shot blasts.

Level 44

EmpireSD (DragonSD)

HP: 330
AP: 77
Off: 330 (295)
Def: 282 (287)
Vigor: 101 (106)
Wisdom: 119 (124)
Luck: 105 (110)
Guts: 5 Flames
Critical Hit Rate: 50%
Counter ATtack Rate: 75%
For those who allow it, MedusaSH item casts Atk Up, doubling Ryu's Off. Stat. Both weapons Item cast as well, but generally, those are useless

Physical: 147, Lightning Elemental (125, Fire Elemental), 220 (188) Average
Physical w/ Atk Up: 358, Lightning Elemental (313 Fire Elemental), 537 (469) Average
G. Dragon: Does damage based off the formula 999 * (1/cAP^2), so at max AP, this attack does 999, at 50% AP, it does 249, etc., cost is equal to Ryu's current AP. Non elemental, ignores Defense. Personally, I consider this unblockable too, your milleage may change though.
Cure2: Heals 100 HP, 7 AP
Guts: Heals damage based on HP loss. The Lower Ryu's HP, the more he heals. Seems to be exponentially related, since at 50% HP, Ryu only heals about 20% MHP, but at about 5%, he gets about 90%. Has about 10% chance of Failing, can be used indefinatly

Evaluation: Low God Like. Seriously, while he might be the worst Ryu (which is actually debatable), he's still too damned good for Heavy. I don't think anyone can argue about G. Dragon being a OHKO, 6x Average damage is just...obscene. And his physical damage, combined with Guts, lets him take down a few bosses as well. Having a high counter attack rate makes him anti physical too.

Level 48


HP: 285
AP: 195
Off: 215
Def: 234
Vigor: 101
Wisdom: 151
Luck: 74
Guts: 4 Flames
Critical hit Rate: 20%

MedusaSH can be item cast (if you allow it) to use Atk Up, doubling Bow's Off.

Physical: 66, 79 average
Physical w/ Atk Up: 191, 229 average
Shot: 50% Chance of causing Instant Death. On failure, does 1 damage. Note that this is a RAW hit rate, its 50% Chance vs. anything that can be hit with it, so regardless of characters defensive capabilities, sans ID resistances of course, it'll have the same hit rate (Sadly, it ignores TwinBW's double hit sequence, which would make this quite scary)
Cure4: Full Healing, 14 AP
Def Up: Raises Defense stat by 20%, 5 AP
Heal: Recovers from all status affects except Slow (I consider that the equivalent of Ag-Down), 8 AP

Evaluation: Middle. Averagish durability and speed means he doesn't have any glaring flaws, while not exceeding at anything either. Healing, and defense buffing is nice, as is the Instant Death. Problem? Lacks any sort of damage if enemy is immune to Instant Death. Still, could pull out ahead with healing and physicals though.

Level 45

MotherRB (MammothCL)

HP: 233
AP: 17
Off: 327
Def: 212 (215)
Vigor: 164 (154)
Wisdom: 69
Luck: 155
Guts: 4 Flames
Critical hit Rate: 5%
Counter Rate: 67%

HolySH can item cast (if you allow it) Shield, doubling Katt's Magic Defense

Attack: 177, 185 average
Hail: 100, Ice elemental, 13.5% chance of critical, 17 AP (she can use this EXACTLY one time!)

NOTE2: Katt has a Boss form, but it generally sucks, being not much better on HP (it falls fast, despite fighting a level 8 Ryu SOLO), and having the offense of a Grandia Boss, so she generally wants her PC form

Evaluation: Middle. Katt is a true Ball Lightning physical caharacter. She Physical damage is pretty impressive, and her speed is nothing short of excellent, as well as having good evade. Problems? She can't take hits, AT ALL. Fights with her are generally short, in either end.

Level 42

KaiserKN (FinalKN)
MammothCL (SpiritRB)

HP: 437
AP: 156
Off: 279 (271)
Def: 341 (284)
Vigor: 31 (49)
Wisdom: 124
Luck: 68
Critical hit Rate: 50%

FinalKN is only listed cause of its chance of causing instant death. Unfortunatly, said Instant Death sucks really really badly (probably luck based, hence why it never hits), so chances are, he will only use it in TRUE war of attrittions (its got a 1/50 hit rate -_-)
MedusaSH can item cast Atk Up, which doubles Rand's attack

Physical: 104 (100), 156 (150) average
Physical w/ Atk Up: 266 (258), 399 (387) average
Cure 4: Full Healing, 14 AP
8.0: 70 Earth elemental damage, misses Flying enemies, 25% chance of critical
Thunder: 25 Thunder elemental damage, 25% chance of Critical,
(this move could get him into God Like *Rolls eyes*)
Heal: Cures all status sans Slow, 8 AP

Evaluation: High Middle. Rand's tankishness is nothing short of great. Game best defense by a good margin, and game best HP by a really big margin, along with all that healing, make him a real pain to take down, be it magical or physical. Problems? His speed. While his raw durability makes up for his subpar damage (since enemies damage relatively won't be much better against him), his speed really hurts him from getting to higher divisions.

Level 44


HP: 223
AP: 277
Off: 142
Def: 198
Vigor: 96
Wisdom: 183
Luck: 138
Guts: 4 Flames

Nina can Item cast Shield via HolySH, doubling her Magic Defense. Nina can item cast "Death" with the WorthRG (only reason to equip it, hence why its stats are not listed), useful (assuming you allow it) only if the enemy is an MP nuker or has Silence status

Physical: 50, critical hit rate TBA
BoltX: 170 Lightning elemental damage, 35% Critical Hit rate, 30 AP
Fireball: 120 Fire Elemental damage, 35% Critical hit rate, 20 AP
Freeze: 100 Ice elemental damage, 35% Critical hit rate, 10 AP
NOTE: If your wondering, Hail is literally just MT Freeze in game, for a duel, Freeze is better if only cause it costs less
Missile: 150 Wind elemental damage, 35% Critical hit Rate, 26 AP
Death: Instant Death, 80% Hit rate, 8 AP
NOTE: That hit rate is using Jean somewhat underleveled. The Handbook makes it sound Wisdom based, so if anything, that number is LOW.
Pwr. Down: Lowers Physical enemies physical attack stat by 13%, unsure of hit rate, (TBA in future) 5 AP
NOTE: Due to how BoF2 works, lowering a stat that much in game ultimately tends to result in a far greater damage reduction than 13% would imply, take this as you will
Ag-Down: Halves enemies Speed, unsure of hit rate, (TBA in future), 5 AP (unlike Ag-Up, Ag-down DOES work)
Def-Down: Halves enemies defense, unsure of hit rate (TBA in future), 5 AP
Sap: Does 30 damage to enemy and healing to Nina, 5 AP
Drain: Does 30 AP damage to enemy, and heals Nina for same amount, 0 AP
Will: recovers AP based off amount of AP Nina has lost, similar to how Guts works
Angel: Instant Death to Undead, 80% hit rate, 12 AP

Evaluation: Middle. She's generally the mage version of Katt, only trading in speed for much better Magic Durability, and some variety. Her main selling points are her almost game best non G. Dragon damage in BoltX (only beaten by Deis who has a better Critical hit rate), and high chance of Instant Death, along with Will to help her get around MP Nukers. Once you get around the not so stellar speed, she's pretty much everything Nina 3 WISHES she was.

Level 43

HeroAR (NinjaML)

HP: 261
AP: 70
Off: 245 (240)
Defense: 243 (242)
Vigor: 131 (146)
Wisdom: 81
Luck: 164
Guts: 2 Flames
Critical Hit Rate: 20%
Sten can use the MedusaSH to cast Atk Up, doubling his Off stat

Physical: 101 (98), 121 (117) average
Physical w/ Attack Up: 273 (267), 327 (320) average
Missile: 150 Wind damage, 16.5% Critical hit rate, 26 AP
Fireball: 120 Fire Damage, 16.5% Critical hit rate, 20 AP

Evaluation: Light. Well, he's got above average physical durability, and good speed...and that's the only good thing I can say about him. He's totally reliant on Fire d or Wind damage to kill, and he doesn't have the AP needed to take down any half decent healer. Simply put, the worst dueler of the cast.

Level 42

HeroAR (MotherRB)

HP: 317
AP: 110
Offense: 229 (224)
Defense: 267 (262)
Vigor: 46 (54)
Wisdom: 85
Luck: 181
Guts: 1 Flame
Critical hit Rate: 40%

Jean can use MedusaSH to cast Atk Up, doubling his Off stat

Physical: 100 (98), 140 (137) average damage, Holy elemental
Physical w/ Attack Up: 279, 390 average damage, Holy elemental
Jab: Physiacl attack that splits damage evenly among targets (hence, full damage on one enemy), ignores Elemental properties of the weapon, can't Critical (Useful if enemy resists Holy, since otherwise, Jean's damage takes quite a hit)
Pwr. Down: Reduces physical attack stat by 7/8s, unsure on hit rate, 5 AP (see Nina for the actual decrease in damage, so to speak)
Ag-Up: Doubles Vigor, 5 AP. Due to a bug, though, this is useless, listing it for those who consider bugs "Fixed"
Hush: Causes Silence status, unsure of hit rate, 5 AP
Idle: Causes Paralyze status, which tends to last 2 to 5 turns, unsure of hit rate, 5 AP
Death: Instant Death, 80% Accurracy, 8 AP
Angel: Instant Death to undead, 80% Accurracy, 12 AP
Cold: 30 Ice elemental damage, 33% critical hit rate, 4 AP (OMG! Ph34r!)

Evaluation: Middle. Jean is quite underrated. His damage might be subpar, and also has speed only outcrapped by Rand, but he's otherwise pretty Solid. Pwr Down lets him take down pure fighters, Hush lets him take down mages, Death lets him just outright kill (and its oddly his best status too boot), Angel good for taking down the likes of Neclord or Brahms (God save us should he be in the same division as those 2), Idle good supplement when Death fails, and he's got good physical durability to boot, and his Magic Durability isn't all that bad either.

Level 42

NatureWP (LopOffWP)

HP: 341
AP: 231
Off: 158 (92)
Def: 203
Vigor: 67
Wisdom: 193
Luck: 85
Guts: 1 Flame
Critical hit Rate: 20%

LopOffWP randomly causes ID, albeit, the rate at which it does this is so horrendously bad, its hardly useful, but still an option

Physical: 58 (non existant), 69 (non existant)
Atk Up: Doubles the Off. Stat, 6 AP
Physical w/ Atk Up: 138 (75), 165 (90) average damage
Def-Up: Ups defense by 20%, 5 AP
Ag-Up: Doubles Vigor, due to a bug, this doesn't work, listed only for those who allow Bugs to be fixed, 5 AP
Cure2: Heals 100 HP, 7 AP
Hush: Causes Silence status, unsure of hit rate, 5 AP
Pwr. Down: Reduces physical attack stat by 7/8s, unsure on hit rate, 5 AP (see Nina for the actual decrease in damage, so to speak)
Freeze: 100 Ice elemental damage, 37.5% Critical hit rate, 7 AP
Sap: Does 30 damage to enemy and healing to Spar, 5 AP
Drain: Does 30 AP damage to enemy, and heals Spar for same amount, 0 AP
Shield: Doubles Magic Defense, 6 AP
Ag-Down: Halves enemies Speed, unsure of hit rate, (TBA in future), 5 AP (unlike Ag-Up, Ag-down DOES work)
Def-Down: Halves enemies defense, unsure of hit rate (TBA in future), 5 AP

Evaluation: Low Middle. 2nd best Magic Durability, with the high wisdom score and HP, and the HP makes up for the lack in defense too. Good draw in support spells, being able to boost his own defense, while harming the Speed and Power of the other characters, along with some Status in Idle and Hush. Cure 2 is nice to have, though nothing special. Freeze brings his damage from horrid to just below average.

Level 44


HP: 299
AP: 280
Off: 188
Def: 275
Vigor: 172
Wisdom: 238
Luck: 158
Guts: 0 Flames (-_-)
Critical hit Rate: 33%
Deis can use the HolySH to item cast Shield, doubling her Magic Defense (given her base value...o.o) Like Nina, she can use the WorthRG in the same way, though, only useful for AP nukers (Shed deals with Silence status well enough)

Physical: 80 damage, 106 average damage
Atk Up: Doubles Off Stat
Physical w/ Attack Up: 193, 256 average damage
Def-Up: Ups defense by 20%, 5 AP
Ag-Up: Doubles Vigor, due to a bug, this doesn't work, listed only for those who allow Bugs to be fixed, 5 AP
Ag-Down: Halves enemies Speed, unsure of hit rate, (TBA in future), 5 AP (unlike Ag-Up, Ag-down DOES work)
Def-Down: Halves enemies defense, unsure of hit rate (TBA in future), 5 AP
Pwr. Down: Reduces physical attack stat by 7/8s, unsure on hit rate, 5 AP (see Nina for the actual decrease in damage, so to speak)
Freeze: 100 Ice elemental damage, 93% Critical hit rate, 7 AP
Sap: Does 30 damage to enemy and healing to Deis, 5 AP
Drain: Does 30 AP damage to enemy, and heals Deis for same amount, 0 AP
BoltX: 170 Lightning Elemental damage, 46.5% Critical hit rate, 30 AP
Missile: 150 Wind Elemental damage, 46.5% Critical hit rate, 26 AP
Death: Instant Death, 80% Hit rate, 8 AP
NOTE: Like with Nina, if Death is indeed Wisdom based, this number is HORRIBLY low (a low leveled Jean, whom has Low Wisdom compared to near Max...yeah...)
Fireball: 120 Fire Elemental damage, 46.5% Critical hit rate, 20 AP
Shed: Full Hp and Status Healing, unlimited use, gives Deis the "Defense Down" status (50% decrease in defense), can not fail, unaffected by silence status

Evaluation: Low God Like. what's to say? Game best non G. Dragon damage, unlimited healing in Shed, stat boosting and lowering, Instant Death, good durability both physically and magically? She's in running for game best dueler with Ryu, right now. This is form is pretty much better in everyway compared to her BoF1 Form, and probably the form she wants always. While not as good as the previous Stat topic claimed (where her stats were on crack due to higher levels), she's still damn good.

Stat Comparisons:
Average General Damage (nixing those who item cast Atk Up, since people might not allow that, including assumed Critical hits though) :
(Ryu 999, G. Dragon)
1. Ryu, Physical, 220
2. Deis, BoltX, 210
3. Nina, BoltX, 201
4. Katt, Physical, 185
5. Sten, Missile, 163
(Spar w/ Atk Up, physical, 165)
6. Rand, Physical, 156
7. Jean, Physical, 140
8. Spar, Freeze, 118
9. Bow, 79
Average: 164
NOTE: I factored G. Dragon out of this for a few reasons. One, it completely wrecks the curve. 2ndly, its a one shot blast, and counting those aren't exactly fair. On a side note, I think we can all agree that G. Dragon OHKOs ANY PC, 6.1x Average damage is not something to scoff at

1. Rand 437 (o.o)
2. Spar 341
3. Ryu 330
4. Jean 317
5. Deis 299
6. Bow 285 (Die stupid Overleveled character!)
7. Sten 261
8. Katt 233
9. Nina 223
Average: 302

1. Deis 280
2. Nina 277
3. Spar 231
4. Bow 195
5. Rand 156
6. Jean 110
7. Ryu 77
8. Sten 70
9. Katt 17 (-_-)
Average: 157

1. Rand 341
2. Ryu 282
3. Deis 275
4. Jean 262
5. Sten 243
6. Bow 234
7. Katt 212
8. Spar 203
9. Nina 198
Average: 250
Notes: Rand brings the average up a tad, though, not that much, take that as you will

1. Deis 238
2. Spar 193
3. Nina 183
4. Bow 151 *kicks Bow's level making this stat higher than it should be*
5. Rand 124
6. Ryu 119
7. Jean 85
8. Sten 81
9. Katt 69
Average: 138
NOTE: I'll mention what thier RELATIVE magic defense stats are. Basically, Deis' Magic defense isn't as obscene as it looks, while Katt's isn't as pitiful

1. Deis 172
2. Katt 164
3. Sten 131
4t. Ryu 101
4t. Bow 101
6. Nina 96
7. Spar 67
8. Jean 46
9. Rand 31
Average: 101
Standard deviation: 48

Magic Damage Modifiers:
1. Deis 76%
2. Spar 84%
3. Nina 84%
4. Bow 92%
5. Rand 92%
6. Ryu 92%
7. Jean 96%
8. Sten 96%
9. Katt 104%
Average: 90.67%
Note: This how much damage they'd take in game compared to as if an enemy fired a spell on them, not what they'd take in the DL, so for example, BoltX's base damage is 170, to Katt, it'd do 176, to Deis, it'd do 129, to an Average PC, it'd do 154.

Note: I am unsure if Bow is considered an 9 or a 10 (it matters, mind you), I considered him a 9 here, mostly cause it more reflects his in game performance, since in a NORMAL game, his levels wouldn't be anywhere near this high (a good deal of his level edge comes from a sequence of really quick levels up to get him on par with your team, after that, he levels up normally, and generally stays behind Ryu, at least)

Affective Magic Durability:
Here, 100% = Average, since that just means the character is perfectly Average for HP AND Magic Defense. Lower = Better
1. Rand 70.1%
2. Spar 80.6%
3. Deis 84.7%
4. Ryu 92.9%
5. Jean 100.8%
6. Bow 107.5%
7. Sten 122.5%
8. Nina 125.5% *kicks her HP*
9. Katt 148.7%
« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 02:56:23 PM by Dark Holy Elf »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Breath of Fire 2 (Full)
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2007, 10:31:58 PM »
Alright, BoF2 has messed up elemental defenses, so I figured I'd make my own post for this. This is how it works:

Basically there are 4 levels, you go up a level everytime you equip an elemental Protection Armor.
Levels look something like this:
Resist level Factor
0 1 (No resist)
1 13/16 ~81.25% damage
2 11/16 ~68.75% damage
3 9/16 ~56.25% damage

So, yeah, here's what level Each Character has of Protection:
Note that I'm only listing the best of what is there for each character in that particular slot, so yeah, assume everything takes a different slot (Shield, helmet, or armor)
Note that SpiritRB might be listed a lot. This is cause it resists Fire, Lightning AND Holy.

Level 2 Fire Resist. IF he uses DragonSH (5 point defense loss) instead of MedusaSH, he'll get Level 3
For Holy Defense, ShinyHT (-2 defense), MotherRB (-12 Defense, -8 Vigor), and DemonSH (-45 Defense (eww...)) will raise his Holy resistance to level 3
For Thunder damage, he can opt for EarthAR (-34 Defense, -15 Vigor, OUCH!), and ThunderGL (-28 defense) for level 2 Lightning Resistance.
For Ice resistance, Ryu gets...nothing, heh.

Level 2 Holy resist in his initial set up.
For Fire resistance, he has Sunmask (-5 Defense), and SpiritRB (-54 defense, +8 Vigor), giving Level 2 Fire Defense
For Thunder resistance, he has SpiritRB (see above), and ThunderGL (-28 defense), giving him level 2 Resistance
Bow has no options for Ice Resistance.

Level 1 Fire and Ice (MammothCL) OR Holy (MotherRB) in her initial set up.
She can optimize that Fire resistance by using a SpiritRB (-57/54 defense, +16/8 Vigor)
She can't optimize the Holy or Ice Resitsance though.
Thunder Resistance, there's ThunderGL (-14 defense), and SpiritRB (see above) for level 2 defense.

Level 1 Ice with his Default Set Up
Rand's only option for elemental protection, sadly, is the SpiritRB (-57 defense, +16 Vigor), giving him level 1 Fire, Thunder, and Holy resistance.
He can up his Holy resistance another level with a DemonSH (-45 Defense), but only useful in absolutly desperate cases (like Miranda, maybe)

Level 1 Holy and Fire in her default set up
To optimize that Fire resistance, she can use SpiritRB (-54 defense, +8 Agl) for level 2
To optimize that Holy resistance, she can use the RoyalHT (-13 Defense) giving her level 2
For Thunder resistance, she either has SpiritRB (-54 defense, +8 Vigor), OR WiseRB (-48 Defense, +4 Vigor), since chances are she only needs these vs. mages, SpiritRB is probably better if only cause of the Higher Vigor (she's dying to a sneeze either case)
Ice Resistance, she has...nothing. Ice Resistance tends to be rare in BoF2 -_-

Level 1 Fire, Holy, and Ice Resist in Default Set up (assuming NinjaML)
Sten can use MotherRB (-4 defense, -7 Vigor) and DemonSH (-45 Defense) for level 3 Holy Resist, if he chooses to optimise that element
For Fire, Sunmask (-5 Defense) and FlameSH (-37 Defense) for level 3 Fire Resistance, if he wants to Optimize that element
For Ice optimization, MoonMask (-12 Defense) boosts it up to level 2
Thunder resistance, EarthAR (-26 Defense), ThunderGL (-28 defense) yields a 2 to Lightning Resistance

Note: If Sten needs Fire AND Ice Resistance at its best, he'll use Moon Mask/NinjaML/FlameSH for level 3 Fire, and level 2 Ice resistance.

Level 1 Holy Resist
To Optimize his Holy resistance, he can use MotherRB (-5 Defense, -5 Offense, +8 Vigor), and DemonSH (-45 Defense) for level 3 Holy resistance
For Fire optimization, Sunmask (-5 defense), MagmaAr (-36 defense, +1 Vigor, -5 Offense), and FlameSH (-37 Defense) yields Level 3 Fire resistance
For Thunder damage, he can opt for EarthAR (-27 Defense, +1 Vigor), and ThunderGL (-28 defense) for level 2 Lightning Resistance.
And not suprisingly, nothing for Ice resistance.

Level 1 Holy and Fire Resist in his Default set up
For Fire resistance, SpiritRB (-54 Defense, +8 Vigor) yields level 2 Fire resistance
For Lightning, he can opt for SpiritRB as well, yielding only level 1 Lightning Resistance
He has nothing for Ice either, unfortunatly.

See Nina, basically. just for fun. Here are "Twinked" BoF2 characters...nixing equipment cause I'm lazy...anyways...yes, when I say Twinked, I mean the evils that is Shamans in BoF2. That said, I've hand picked which are the best combos for each character in a duel...that, or in Spar's case, all 3, persay <.<

Anyways, note this will take some time to complete, cause of laziness...

Side Note: HP remains the same regardless of character, not listing it cause I don't feel neccessary, so yeah. ACtually, if something isn't listed, assume it hasn't changed at all.

Bow's Robot Form (Seny + Shin):
AP: 273
Off: 322 (261 with TwinBW)
Def: 397
Vigor: 131
Wisdom: 211

Physical Damage: 128 (93 x2 (186)), 20% chance of Critical (?), 154 (112 x2, 224) average damage
Shot -> Spray: Multi Target version of Physical, doubles up with TwinBW (unlike Shot), unlike Jean's Jab, this damage does not decrease with more enemies. Catch? Can't critical.
Note: Will post damage with Attack Up (From MedusaSH) later, too lazy to do it now.

Katt's Devil Cat form (Shin + Sana):
AP: 26
Off: 511 (O_o)
Def: 296 (301)
Vigor: 246 (231)
Wisdom: 89

Attack: 287, 30% chance of critical, 374 average damage
Dare -> Keep: 699, takes one turn to charge, ITD, Phyiscal.
Hail: 100 damage, Ice elemental, Magical, 34% Critical hit rate, 117 average, 17 AP
BoltX: 170 damage, Lightning Elemental, Magic, 34% Critical hit rate, 199 average, 30 AP (that's odd, I could have sworn shamanized Katt could afford it...)
Fireball: 120 Fire Elemental damage, Magic, 34% chance critical hit rate, 140 Average damage

Rand's Armored Mouse form (Seso + Solo):
AP: 210
Off: 376 (366)
Def: 443 (o.o) (369)
Vigor: 49 (78)
Wisdom: 173

Physical: 160 (154) damage, 40% Critical hit rate, 224 (215) average damage
Rand has no new special shamanized

And...I'll get to Nina, Sten, Jean and Spar later. Why not Ryu and Deis? Cause they have none, of course <_<

Nina's Angel Form (Spoo + Seny):
AP: 416
Off: 187
Def: 277
Vigor: 124
Wisdom: 255

NOTE: because Nina's wisdom is Maxed, the critical hit rates are 100% with her spells, hence, just listing the assumed critical hit rate
Physical: 81, 20% critical hit rate, 97 average damage
BoltX: 255 Lightning elemental damage, 30 AP,
Fireball: 180 Fire Elemental damage, 20 AP
Freeze: 150 Ice elemental damage, 10 AP
Missile: 225 Fire/Wind elemental damage, 26 AP
Typhoon: 120 Wind elemental damage, 14 AP
Will -> Banish: Nina instantly defeats all enemies on screen with near 100% success rate. Defeating enemies in this manner yields no EXP or GP, and the game gives the message "Monsters fled" Basically, this is the equivalent of Alex's Black Dragon Grief, I personally totally disregard it.

Sten's Flaming Monkey form (Sana + Spoo):

AP: 105
Off: 416 (408)
Defense: 316 (315)
Vigor: 196 (219)
Wisdom: 105

Physical: 221 (216), 15% Critical hit rate, 254 (248) average damage
Missile: 150 Fire/Wind damage, 41% Critical hit rate, 181 average damage
Fireball: 120 Fire Damage, 41% Critical hit rate, 145 average damage
RIP -> Sweh: Sten resets the battle, and changes the formation. IOWs, this ability is COMPLETELY worthless in a duel, figures...
NOTE: Will post Atk Up damage, but again, too lazy (From MedusaSH)

Jean's Frog Swordsman form (Seny + Spoo):

AP: 143
Offense: 343 (336)
Defense: 374 (366)
Vigor: 71 (84)
Wisdom: 127

Physical: 185 (179), 25% Critical hit rate, Holy elemental, 230 (224) average damage
Jab -> Chop: Jean skips one turn to Charge, and follows up the next turn with an attack that does Lethal Damage to all enemies set at 90% Hit rate (it ignores MS values exactly like Shot does, and hits a few things (like K. Sludges) That Shot does not. Take this as you will)
NOTE: The game says its 999 damage, but its actually just Instant Death. Proof? OHKO's K. Sludges, who have more than 999 HP.

Spar Seed of DOOM!!! form (Earth + Water)
AP: 300
Off: 205 (119)
Def: 324
Wisdom: 255

Attack: 67 (22), 79 (26) average
Bud: 198 (88) damage, Spar skips one turn, lasts 4 turns
Freeze: 100 damage, 50% Critical Hit rate, 150 average damage

The Dragon Form is an alternative, but comes at a cost of a significant cost of Speed and Defense.  It's only use is if Spar desperately needs to keep himself under control while doing damage with Attack.  However, generally speaking, Spar is better off sticking with Seed even if he doesn't use Bud as Freeze out-damages Spar's physical more often than not.  It will only matter vs. Ice resistant/high magic defense folk, and only if Spar needs to any turn he can get. 

As a quick bit of numbers, damage is about 100 on his physical (before crits, so about 120 average), 87 speed, and 263 Defense.  It has Nature as it's special ability, which is to say, not useful.

Spar can also trade in a bit of Wisdom and AP for a slight boost to speed.  The boost is only about 2-3 points mind you, so probably not worth it, if he opts to not use the Water Shaman.

Spar has a 3rd Shamanized form in Mushroom Girl, but it's just worthless compared to the other two.  It's got the ability "Spore" but it's unreliable status that Spar isn't likely winning with ever.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2013, 07:25:30 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Breath of Fire 2 (Full)
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2007, 01:01:32 AM »

General notes

All testing is done on the SNES version of the game. I've heard the GBA versions can be slightly different.

Two boss stats of note: Vigour and MS. Vigour is just BoF2's term for speed, really. Faster bosses go before you and all that. MS is short for magic susceptibility, and ranges from -3 to +4. Lower numbers are better (for the boss). The lesser effect of low MS is that the boss takes a bit less damage from magic. The more important effect is how they take status: high enough MS means you always get statused in BoF2, while considerably below average MS makes you very hard to status. An MS of -3 means you're totally immune. MS has a third effect, and that's how accurate status attacks launched by the boss are; again, lower is better for the boss. But there will be individual tests detailing how accurate boss status is when it comes up, probably. Depends how lazy I am.

Note that I've included, in parentheses beside the boss' Def and MS stats, how much damage they take compared to an average enemy at that point in the game.

All BoF2 bosses are immune to instant death and gravity attacks. I'd probably extend this to things like Petrify and Transformation in the DL (BoF2 has neither of these). Otherwise, though, they can, in general, be hit with status. The exceptions are bosses with MS -3, as mentioned above. However, since most bosses have good MS compared to random enemies, they tend to be very status resistant. Use your own judgement with BoF2 bosses vs. status attacks, I guess.

As a note, the damage averages for PCs I'll use throughout the topic don't include criticals, since I don't know how crit rate works and am definitely not going to test crits before every boss. So the actual in-game damage average will tend to be higher than what I list, particularly the further into the game we go.


Note: You can easily reach Palo/Peach/Puti at Level 3 or even 2, but at those levels you basically stand no chance of winning. So I take 'em at Level 4, when Ryu can reliably survive all three of them hitting him.

Averages of Mt. Fubi enemies:
Defence 14, MS +2.75

Averages of your party (Ryu 4, Bow 4):
HP 38, Defence 22, MDef multiplier 116%, Vigour 16

Average damage at this point: 15
Bow's physical (17)
Ryu's physical (14)

HP 90
Defence 20 (takes 55% physical damage compared to average)
MS -1 (takes 86% magical damage compared to average)
Vigour 511 (game-best OMG)

HP 40
Defence 20 (55%)
MS -3 (79%)
Vigour 510 (slower than Palo!)

HP 40
Defence 20 (55%)
MS -3 (79%)
Vigour 509 (slower than Peach!)

Bow's physical (9)
Ryu's physical (8)

SKILLSET (identical for the three bosses):
Attack: ~9 damage

Actually a rather scary first boss fight in-game, as they're fast and gang up exclusively on Ryu. You basically need to know to heal Ryu before he starts taking punishment, and then hit either Peach or Puti (targetting defaults to Palo). That or powerlevel for the first boss. OMG.

That said, since the danger lies in the fact that there's three of them, this obviously doesn't translate well to a duel. Palo is incredibly fast, and incredibly tough physically for the time (I see her a bit over PC HP, and with that defence...). But that's still 5HKO damage there, which is sad. High Light.

Peach and Puti are the same, except with ass for HP. Well, they get status immunity (Palo's merely resistant... not that you have any status at this point besides Shot, which all bosses immune)... but yeah, not saving them. Low Light


Averages of Mt. Fubi enemies:
Defence 14, MS +2.75

Averages of your party (Ryu 6, Bow 7):
HP 53, Defence 27, MDef multiplier 116%, Vigour 23

Average damage at this point: 24
Bow's physical (26)
Ryu's physical (23)

HP 100
Defence 18 (76%)
MS +4 (105%)
Vigour 12 (slower than everyone)

Bow's physical (20)
Ryu's physical (17)

Attack: ~10 damage
Guts: Upon reaching 0 HP, Roach has a 60% chance to revive with 25-50% of his HP, at random.

Sucks ass. Decent defence is all he has; bad speed, 6HKO damage... he makes Palo look good and doesn't have her support. He'd be total status-bait if you had any, too. Even factoring in Get Up, he only has an average HP of 156, which isn't anything special. Fails at life. Low Light

You can OHKO him with the Fire Rock received in Mt. Fubi (after Palo and company, unfortunately), if you care.

BABA (Bunyan)

Averages of Tag Woods enemies:
Defence 23, MS +3.5

Averages of your party (Ryu 8):
HP 61, Defence 39, MDef multiplier 116%, Vigour 26

Average damage at this point: 26
Ryu's physical (26)

HP 169
Defence 20 (119%)
MS +2 (95%)
Vigour 20 (slower than Ryu)

Ryu's physical (31)

Attack: ~10 damage, criticals very rarely
Counterattack: 40-50% of the time, responds to physicals only

Another scrub. So much for early-game boss tankishness; while your Attack and random encounter Defence has risen, boss defence has not, and as a result, Baba no like physicals. Counters help him... a bit. In that he's probably better than Roach. But not by enough. Low Light


Averages of Tag Woods enemies:
Defence 23, MS +3.5

Averages of your party (Ryu 8):
HP 61, Defence 41, MDef multiplier 116%, Vigour 29

Average damage at this point: 26
Ryu's physical (26)

HP 220
Defence 26 (81%)
MS +4 (102%)
Vigour 511 (game-best again!)

Ryu's physical (21)

Attack: ~10 damage, 80% crit rate, average ~18
Insult: 50% chance of reducing target's Attack to 0 for one round

Huh, she... doesn't totally suck. HP's not terrible, really, decent defence, great speed, and 4HKO damage. Of course, she's complete status bait, and Insult's pretty useless. Still Light, but not a bad one. A variation on Palo, really, but Palo's better MS means she's still the best boss so far!

... that's about to change.

***Note: For all upcoming bosses (i.e. when your party size is greater than 2), the actual physical damage you dish out and receive are both modified by your position in the formation. I throw this out for the purpose of this topic.

"At the least, we would kill you in style!"

Averages of Tag Woods enemies:
Defence 23, MS +3.5

Averages of your party (Ryu 9, Katt 6, Rand 6):
HP 54, Defence 37, MDef multiplier 116%, Vigour 24

Average damage at this point: 27
Ryu's physical (32)
Katt's physical (32)
Rand's physical (17)

HP 680
AP 16
Defence 18 (133%)
MS -1 (84%)
Vigour 12 (faster than Rand, much slower than Ryu)

Ryu's physical (42)
Katt's physical (42)
Rand's physical (24)

Always Double acts
Attack: ~20 damage, criticals very rarely, good accuracy
Cure 1 (4 AP): Heals 40 HP
Save Strength: On Augus' next action, his Power is doubled for the rest of the round. If he uses Save Strength in the second half of his doubleact, his Power is doubled for all of the next round; if he uses it in the first half of his doubleact, his Power only doubles for the remainder of the current round.
Attack, after Save Strength: ~48 damage

... yikes. As a pure slugger, Augus does strong 2HKO damage with a doubleact physical. Which alone isn't bad. However, Save Strength makes him into a complete monster. Anyone who lets him live to his second turn will stare down 1.78x PCHP damage, and this is after he gets in a hit on the turn he saves strength, too. Insane HP for the time on top of that. His weaknesses are some really crappy Defence (but even with that he takes a long time to kill) and speed. High Heavy. Possibly BoF2's best boss in a duel...

"You fool, Nina! You'll pay for that insult!"

Averages of Mt.Rocko enemies:
Defence 26, MS +3.25

Averages of your party (Ryu 10, Katt 10, Nina 8):
HP 58, Defence 36, MDef multiplier 109%, Vigour 37

Average damage at this point: 41
Katt's physical (44)
Ryu's physical (43)
Nina's Cold/Tornado (38)

Takes double damage from Ice, 50% from Fire
HP 580
Defence 38 (54%)
MS +1 (92%)
Vigour 24 (slower than everyone)

Nina's Cold (70)
Katt's physical (24)
Ryu's physical (23)

Attack: ~20 damage
Poison Chop: ~20 physical damage MT, inflicts Poison with about 60% chance. Ignore evade?

It's a battle meant to show off Nina, so Joker has great Defence but a big elemental weakness. And indeed, the fat demon is a physical tank. However, that's about the only good thing to say about him. Struggles to 3HKO, slow, and his HP is substantially worse than Augus' especially considering how much damage has risen, albeit still probably better than your average PC. Poison Chop is useless except for ignoring counters and possibly evade, since Poison has no in-battle effect in BoF2. He'll beat up plenty of Lights based on his defence alone, but Middles and decent Light mages will eat him alive. Light


Averages of Capitan area enemies:
Defence 31, MS +2

Averages of your party (Ryu 11, Katt 11, Sten 9, Nina 9):
HP 62, Defence 41, MDef multiplier 111%, Vigour 39

Average damage at this point: 38
Ryu's physical (43)
Katt's physical (42)
Nina's Cold/Tornado (36)
Sten's Spark (31)

HP 1300
Defence 33 (91%)
MS -1 (89%)
Vigour 32 (faster than Nina only)

Ryu's physical (39)
Katt's physical (38)
Nina's Cold/Tornado (32)
Sten's Spark (27)

Nina's Ag-Down struck him 30% of the time, as opposed to 80% on normal enemies.

Attack: ~42 damage
Shake: ~42 physical damage MT
Firebreath: ~31 non-elemental typeless damage MT
Brainwave: Control target. Target attacks either himself/herself or an ally. If Terapin is faster than the target, target additionally loses his or her normal turn this round. (i.e. Pokemon flinch effect) This never fails in-game.

2HKO MT damage at this point in the game makes him really nasty (if he decides to spam Shake and Firebreath, you're fucked), but he doesn't translate to a duel too badly either. The HP is again monstrous, and he has 2HKO damage with his physical, falling back on the weaker Firebreath for those of massive Def or Evade. He also has a mean trick in Brainwave; while it isn't typically his best option for damage, it means he will automatically beat anyone slower than him you consider vulnerable to it (personally, I'd see Confusion immunity from other games stopping it, but your mileage may vary). Unfortunately for him he is a bit on the slow side. Still, a very solid Heavy.

***Note: From now on, bosses face Ryu's dragon summons. Note that he can only use them (to any respectable effect, that is) if his AP is full, meaning if you want to use a dragon on a boss, you either don't use his AP at all in the dungeon, or use WFruits, which restore a paltry 20 and are a pretty big hit to your wallet. Dragons -are- spammable in battle, but you basically have to use 2 WFruits per dragon, and considering both the turns you lose AND their cost AND the fact they damage your HP, it's not worth it in my opinion. Still, the option does exist. Take all this as you will. I'll list dragon damage and its effect on averages in italics.


Averages of Witch's Tower enemies:
Defence 34, MS +2

Averages of your party (Ryu 13, Katt 15, Rand 13, Nina 13):
HP 88, Defence 56, MDef multiplier 109%, Vigour 37

Average damage at this point: 50 (102)
Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Puppy (256)
Nina's Sonic Boom (57)
Katt's physical (50)
Ryu's physical (47)
Rand's physical (47)

HP 550
AP 128
Defence 40 (85%)
MS +4 (107%)
Vigour 45 (slower than Katt, faster than Nina)

Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Puppy (256)
Nina's Sonic Boom (62)
Katt's physical (45)
Ryu's physical (39)
Rand's physical (39)

Couldn't get a status to fail on her. I think this is true of MS +4 enemies in general.

Attack: ~16 damage
Sweet Breath: 50% chance of Sleep, MT
Spark (4 AP): ~31 fire magic damage
Thunder (6 AP): ~31 lightning magic damage MT
Cure 1 (4 AP): Heals 40 HP

Immense scrub, easily dispatched with both damage and status. That said, she's infinitely better in a duel than in-game. She's pretty speedy, and if you don't OHKO her or immune Sleep, you probably get hit by Sweetbreath, and lose. Why? Because BoF2 sleep never wears off and isn't cancelled by magic, so she can just Spark/Thunder a sleeping foe to death. Still, the durability is ass, relegating her to being a cute trick dueller. High Light


Averages of Simafort enemies:
Defence 41, MS +2.5

Averages of your party (Ryu 14, Katt 16, Rand 14, Nina 15):
HP 96, Defence 68, MDef multiplier 106%, Vigour 40

Average damage at this point: 54 (169)
Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon (512)
Katt's physical (58)
Nina's Sonic Boom (58)
Ryu's physical (51)
Rand's physical (51)

HP 1103
Defence 48 (92%)
MS 0 (91%)
Vigour 52 (slower than Katt, faster than Nina/Ryu)

Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon (512)
Katt's physical (54)
Nina's Sonic Boom (53)
Ryu's physical (47)
Rand's physical (46)

Status hit rate is in the 40's against him. About half what is normal.

Attack: ~24 damage, 50% crit rate, average ~36
Poison Breath 50% chance of Poison, MT
Sweet Breath: 50% chance of Sleep, MT
Counterattack: 33% of the time, responds to physicals only

A reminder: counters can not critical. He's a pure brawler, as his status is basically useless. HP is decent but not special, ditto most everything else about him. He 3HKOs with decent speed and might slip a counter in. Yay? Eh, probably a High Light.


Averages of Simafort enemies:
Defence 41, MS +2.5

Averages of your party (Ryu 15, Katt 16, Rand 15, Nina 15):
HP 102, Defence 70, MDef multiplier 106%, Vigour 42

Average damage at this point: 55 (170)
Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon (512)
Katt's physical (58)
Nina's Sonic Boom (58)
Ryu's physical (54)
Rand's physical (54)

Takes double damage from Fire, 50% from Ice
HP 1990
Defence 12 (130%)
MS -2 (84%)
Vigour 49 (slower than Katt, faster than Nina/Ryu)

Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon or Fire Puppy (512)
Katt's physical (77)
Ryu's physical (69)
Rand's physical (69)
Nina's physical (54)

Status went 10% on him. Suffice to say MS -2 means you're highly status resistant, just not entirely immune.

Attack: ~27 damage, criticals very rarely

Holy crap, that's a lot of HP! There's no boss with more until endgame, really, unscaled! Shame that's ALL HE HAS. Well, that and being nearly immune to status and resisting ice, so he can spoil things, somewhat. The defence negates some of his HP advantage, and the damage sucks ass. I suppose he makes High Light on the HP alone, even so. He'll outlast most non-healer Lights; the healers eat him for breakfast though.


Averages of Simafort enemies:
Defence 41, MS +2.5

Averages of your party (Ryu 15, Katt 17, Rand 15, Nina 16):
HP 104, Defence 70, MDef multiplier 106%, Vigour 43

Average damage at this point: 55 (170)
Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon (512)
Katt's physical (60)
Nina's Sonic Boom (58)
Ryu's physical (54)
Rand's physical (54)

Takes double damage from Wind, immunes Earth
HP 580
Defence 65 (60%)
MS -3 (80%)
Vigour 90 (faster than Katt)

Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon or Ice Puppy (512)
Nina's Tornado (59)
Katt's physical (47)
Ryu's physical (26)
Rand's physical (26)

He's immune.

Attack: ~28 damage, criticals very rarely
Eggbeater: Attack twice consecutively. Switches targets only if first attack kills.
Counterattack: 100% of the time, responds to physicals only
Interrupt: When Gold Fly is lowered below 25% HP, immediately move to the next round.

Cute. Gold Fly would be badass if he just had more HP. Great speed, defences, actual status immunity, decent damage with Eggbeater, and a perfect counter rate. Interrupt helps his sorry durability a bit, but not much... it's possible to one-round him if you have full AP on Ryu (which admittedly is somewhat unlikely) and the the second Dragon summons. Still, Low Middle, he's good at blitzing and the defence helps.

*** THIRD DEMON: KUWADORA *** (Prince Jean's impostor)
"My name is Kuwadora. This secret is mine alone."

Averages of Simafort enemies:
Defence 41, MS +2.5

Averages of your party (Ryu 15, Katt 17, Rand 15, Nina 16):
HP 104, Defence 70, MDef multiplier 106%, Vigour 43

Average damage at this point: 55 (170)
Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon (512)
Katt's physical (60)
Nina's Sonic Boom (58)
Ryu's physical (54)
Rand's physical (54)

Takes double damage from Ice, 50% from Fire
HP 1650
Defence 48 (90%)
MS 0 (91%)
Vigour 165 or greater (faster than Katt, even after hit by Ag-Down)

Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon or Ice Puppy (512)
Nina's Cold (67)
Katt's physical (56)
Ryu's physical (48)
Rand's physical (48)

He roughly halves those status odds. Power Down's really useful on him in-game if you get it to hit...

Attack: ~34 damage
Shimmy: ~34 physical damage, MT
Deadly Attack ("Wheeee"): Physical at 3x damage? Seems to average ~100.
Interrupt: When Kuwadora is lowered below 50% HP, immediately move to the next round. This happens again when he is lowered below 25% HP.

Note: Due to the nature of Deadly Attack, it does substantially less to higher defence, and substantially more to lower. Take this as you will. The reason why I didn't notice his damage was this good on my first playthrough (though I knew it was good) was because he usually hits Ryu with it, and I've seen Ryu take as little as 50 damage. Then again, I've also seen him OHKOed (~110 damage), so yeah.

Move over, Augus. Kuwadora IS BoF2's best boss in a duel, no questions asked (unless some boss down the line reaaally surprises me). Insane speed? Check. Near-OHKO damage? Check. Great HP? Check. Anti-physical or evade whores may screw him over, and highly accurate status or powerful ice elemental damage isn't his cup of tea, but other than that... wow. He's... basically another (weaker, for a variety of reasons) take on Piastol. That would make him a Godlike of some flavour. Heh, wouldn't be a BoF game without one...

"I... I... just wanted to be richer than anyone..."

Averages of Simafort enemies:
Defence 41, MS +2.5

Averages of your party (Ryu 16, Bow 9):
HP 90, Defence 69, MDef multiplier 110%, Vigour 32

Average damage at this point: Uhhh...
Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon (512)
Ryu's physical (55)
Bow's physical (1) *note: I didn't upgrade Bow's weapon*

HP 550
AP 100
Defence 10 (136%)
MS -1 (87%)
Vigour 30 (below average)

Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon (512)
Ryu's physical (75)
Bow's physical (42) *again, this is without an upgraded weapon*

Attack: ~12 damage. Steals gold equal to damage dealt.
Eggbeater: Attack twice consecutively. Switches targets only if first attack kills. He'll only use this if the party has no cash, which is incredibly unlikely in-game (you just fought randoms before him).
Def-Up (5 AP): Increases Defence by 20%, or +2! OMG. His effective physical multiplier after this is 133%. Permanent but not stackable.

Wow, you can one-round him (granted, needs a dragon, but even without that he's one third Kuwadora's HP on the dot). And he's slow and has no damage, even if you allow his questionable Eggbeater. And he has even better stat boosting than False Althena!!! Yeah, he shames the rest of the Demons, and considering one of them is Joker, that's not good. Puny

***Note: From this point on, I am considering Shamans for Nina and Rand. Since Nina is in the back position (major damage reduction, targetted only 1/16 of the time anyway) and Rand is a super-tank, it's quite easy to keep them shamanised for the length of a dungeon. For now, Rand will get Fire and Nina will get Water in rather no-brainer choices. Later, Nina will get Wind.


Averages of Whale enemies:
Defence 51, MS +3

Averages of your party (Ryu 18, Katt 19, Rand 18, Nina 18):
HP 122, Defence 77, MDef multiplier 102%, Vigour 48

Average damage at this point: 60 (175)
Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon (512)
Katt's physical (68) [HeatST]
Rand's physical (61) [IronKN + Sana]
Nina's Sonic Boom (59)
Ryu's physical (54) [SoleSD]

Takes double damage from Holy. Otherwise, halves all non-ITD damage, as well as ITD elemental damage.
HP 800
Defence 50 (102%)
MS -3 (79%)
Vigour 73 (slower than Katt, much faster than Ryu/Nina)

Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon (512)
Ryu's physical (110) [SoleSD]
Katt's physical (34) [HeatST]
Rand's physical (31) [IronKN + Sana]
Nina's Sonic Boom (23)

Attack: ~54 damage
Horror: 50% chance of Sleep, MT

Odd defensively. Fears non-elemental ITD (like second-level dragons), and fears Holy more, but otherwise, laughs at damage. Of course, to make up for the nice spirit typing he has fairly underwhelming HP. Enough about his hit-taking, though; Horror is near-useless in a duel, so all he can do is hit things, and he's not bad at that, with high 3HKO damage from excellent speed. He's Gold Fly who trades some offence for considerable defence. Middle.

***Note: From this point on you have access to the Whale, which means you could have Deis (her starting stats are 199 HP, 91 Def, 67 Vigour, 92% MDef multiplier, and her Freeze hits about twice as hard as Sonic Boom, to give you an idea on averages, though she's incredibly overlevelled). You also now have access to unlimited WiseBLs (though the method is slightly obscure), so dragon spamming becomes more practical if you're so inclined.


Averages of Tunlan area enemies:
Defence 50, MS +1.75

Averages of your party (Ryu 19, Katt 20, Rand 18, Nina 18):
HP 129, Defence 87, MDef multiplier 102%, Vigour 50

Average damage at this point: 63 (176)
Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon (512)
Katt's physical (71) [HeatST]
Rand's physical (65) [IronKN + Sana]
Ryu's physical (60) [FlameSD]
Nina's Sonic Boom (57)

HP 1549
Defence 51 (98%)
MS 0 (93%)
Vigour 51 (barely faster than Ryu/Nina)

Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon (512)
Katt's physical (70) [HeatST]
Rand's physical (66) [IronKN + Sana]
Ryu's physical (59) [FlameSD]
Nina's Sonic Boom (53)

Attack: ~50 damage, below average accuracy
Coldbreath: ~31 non-elemental typeless damage MT

Decent HP, and... uh, yeah, that's about it. Average speed inacurrate 3HKO meaning he's probably taking four or five turns to kill most of the time. Just... unimpressive. Light

He comes with a some support, Danielle and Suiky, who auto-revive after a random interval if killed. They are each total OHKO-bait (100 HP, 5 Def, MS+3), but are fast (200 speed). Danielle casts Cure 2 (100 healing) and Suiky casts Thunder (29 lightning magic MT).

"Make sure you scream and shout for the people!"

Averages of Uparupa Cave enemies:
Defence 52, MS +0.75

Averages of your party (Ryu 20, Katt 21, Rand 19, Nina 20):
HP 134, Defence 95, MDef multiplier 102%, Vigour 52

Average damage at this point: 66 (179)
Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon (512)
Katt's physical (73) [HeatST]
Rand's physical (69) [IronKN + Sana]
Nina's Flame (65)
Ryu's physical (60) [BusterSD]

Takes double damage from Fire, 50% from Ice
HP 1520
AP 500
Defence 70 (85%)
MS -1 (93%)
Vigour 66 (slower than Katt, faster than Ryu/Nina)

Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon or Fire Puppy (512)
Nina's Flame (121)
Katt's physical (118) [HeatST]
Ryu's physical (104) [FlameSD]
Rand's physical (58) [IronKN + Sana]

Attack: ~75 damage
Rumble: 48 non-elemental typeless damage MT
Cure 2 (7 AP): Heals 100 HP

A decent boss with no real tricks who runs screaming from fire damage. Anyway, the HP, speed, and 2HKO physical damage are all solid, and the 3HKOing Rumble is a decent backup for the highly defensive or evasive. Lacks the outright cruelty of Augus or Kuwadora, and just doesn't feel like he has quite enough power or versatility for Heavy, but respectable in his own right anyhow. High Middle

Bosses from the second half of the game found in the next post!

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Breath of Fire 2 (Full)
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2007, 01:03:06 AM »
***Note: I don't consider Shamans in Highfort, because during the entire (fairly lengthy) arc you are unable to leave the castle and reshamanise if necessary.


Averages of Highfort enemies:
Defence 60, MS +1.25

Averages of your party (Ryu 24, Rand 22, Sten 20, Nina 24):
HP 158, Defence 108, MDef multiplier 102%, Vigour 53

Average damage at this point: 74 (186)
Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon (512)
Nina's Freeze (108)
Sten's Flame (66)
Ryu's physical (64) [BusterSD]
Rand's physical (59) [IronKN]

All magical damage heals Portal instead.
HP 1530
AP 500
Defence 65 (97%)
MS -3 (84%... but see above)
Vigour 70 (slower than Sten, faster than Ryu/Nina)

Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon (512)
Ryu's physical (60) [BusterSD]
Rand's physical (59) [IronKN]
Sten's physical (52) [NinjaDR]
Nina's physical (4) [WizardRG] *note: somewhat obsolete weapon*

Attack: ~60 damage
Tornado (5 AP): ~34 wind magic damage
Typhoon (14 AP): ~85 wind magic damage MT
Firebreath: ~47 non-elemental typeless damage MT

It's a door. A magic-immune door! Who also happens to have some respectable damage (Typhoon's his best, but he can do physical and non-typed as well) and speed. He also has the same 1500-1600 HP most recent bosses have, and it's getting steadily less impressive. But he's not frail or anything. Magic immunity backed up by not sucking in other areas is enough for me to give him High Heavy.

"Rude fellows, disappear."

Averages of Highfort enemies:
Defence 60, MS +1.25

Averages of your party (Ryu 24, Rand 22, Sten 20, Nina 24):
HP 158, Defence 108, MDef multiplier 102%, Vigour 53

Average damage at this point: 74 (186)
Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon (512)
Nina's Freeze (108)
Sten's Flame (66)
Ryu's physical (64) [BusterSD]
Rand's physical (59) [IronKN]

Takes double damage from Holy. Otherwise, halves all non-ITD damage, as well as ITD elemental damage.
HP 980
AP 511
Defence 75 (91%)
MS -1 (88%)
Vigour 80 (faster than (somewhat underlevelled) Sten)

Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon (512)
Ryu's physical (102) [SoleSD]
Nina's Freeze (49)
Sten's Flame (30)
Rand's physical (27) [IronKN]

Attack: ~60 damage
Thunder (6 AP): ~29 lightning magic damage MT
Sonic Boom (11 AP): ~54 lightning magic damage MT
Hush (5 AP): 70% chance of Silence
Death (8 AP): 70% chance of Instant Death
Drain (0 AP): Drains 30% of target's remaining AP, 50% hit rate. Used at low HP (below half?) only.
Curse: Always inflicts Curse (greatly lowers evasion/counter/crit rates)
Refresh: Only used when Shupkay is suffering from some sort of ailment. My guess is it's status healing, but it doesn't cure stat breaks, and I don't have Hush or Idle to check. It's possible it does nothing.
Counterattack: Uh. Rate seems to be based on who attacked her; she almost always countered Katt on my first file, seems to counter Rand reasonably often on this file, and never (and I mean NEVER) counters Sten/Ryu/Nina. I can't figure this out. The following are not the reason: Damage done, element, attacker Condition, position.

A note on Silence: It seems to last four turns on average, plus the turn on which it's cast. In-game, there is no way to tell if it has worn off or not other than trying (and failing if silence is still in effect) to a cast a spell. Whether or not this matters in a DL-like setting is up to you.

Most obnoxious boss to test ever. Uh... the HP is obviously garbage, but she does half all non-Holy damage. Her own offence is... underwhelming, though she is fast, and her status is pretty good. Refresh could help, but I could see throwing it out entirely, it's so rare. Hell. She just gives me a headache. I'll just throw her in Heavy and be done with it.

"Last time, I just destroyed the memory. But this time, I will destroy you!"

Averages of Memory enemies:
Defence 73, MS -1.75

Averages of your party (Ryu 29, Katt 29, Rand 27, Mushroom Girl Spar 18):
HP 196, Defence 138, MDef multiplier 97%, Vigour 65

Average damage at this point: 90 (195)
Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon (512)
Nina's/Spar's Freeze (96) *
Katt's physical (91) [HeatST + HeroBT]
Ryu's physical (91) [BrassSD]
Rand's physical (83) [CloakKN]

*Note: I am using Freeze in the average, because (a) I'm temporarily not using Nina, who has it, and (b) If Spar weren't so underlevelled, s/he would have it. That and I didn't upgrade Spar's weapon out of laziness. <_<

HP 1600
AP 1000
Defence 75 (98%)
MS -3 (95%)
Vigour 100 (slower than Katt, faster than Ryu)

Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon (512)
Nina's/Spar's Freeze (91) *
Katt's physical (90) [HeatST + HeroBT]
Ryu's physical (90) [BrassSD]
Rand's physical (81) [CloakKN]

Attack: ~60 damage
Poison Breath 50% chance of Poison, MT
Sweet Breath: 50% chance of Sleep, MT
Cure 2 (7 AP): Heals 100 HP
Amensia: Delete 1-3 (average 2) spells/special abilities from the target, attacking most recently learned moves first, MT. Lasts for the entire battle (even if target is killed) and this can not fail in-game.

Put the target to sleep. Heal up to full. Amnesia away everything the opponent knows until all they can do is attack. Then wake 'em up and try to win a slugfest. It's a brilliant duelling strategy, but Aruhamel sorely lacks the stats to make it as dangerous as it sounds. Sure, he's fast, but he's pretty fragile outside his status immunity, and the damage is just awful. He'll own low-damage non-sleep immunes with his Sleep-heal strategy, as well as PC foes who rely entirely on their final moves. God help him if he has to test his 4HKO damage against someone who doesn't fear his tricks, though. Gimmicky to high hell, he probably fits somewhere in Middle.


Averages of Farmtown area enemies:
Defence 79, MS +1

Averages of your party (Ryu 31, Katt 31, Rand 28, Nina 30):
HP 204, Defence 148, MDef multiplier 95%, Vigour 84

Average damage at this point: 84 (194)
Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon (512)
Nina's Freeze (107)
Rand's physical (81) [CloakKN + Sana]
Katt's physical (78) [BirchST + HeroBT]
Ryu's physical (70) [GoblinSD]

Takes double damage from Ice, 50% from Fire
HP 1600
AP 500
Defence 122 (89%)
MS -3 (85%)
Vigour 1 (slower than Rand)

Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon or Ice Puppy (512)
Nina's Freeze (182)
Katt's physical (140) [BirchST + HeroBT]
Rand's physical (74) [CloakKN + Sana]
Ryu's physical (59) [GoblinSD]

Attack: ~89 damage
Fireball (20 AP): ~117 fire magic damage MT

Look, a boss with damage! We're overdue for that. Of course, this guy is about as forgettable as bosses come, and there's a reason for that: he's both slow AND frail. Just not a particularly good combination. Light

*** EIGHTH DEMON: NECROMAN *** (Father Manson)
"Now, we will take your souls!"

Averages of Bando enemies:
Defence 92, MS -1.75

Averages of your party (Ryu 36, Djinni Sten 27, Rand 34, Nina 35):
HP 239, Defence 191, MDef multiplier 95%, Vigour 91

Average damage at this point: 106 (199)
Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon (512)
Ryu's physical (138) [EmpireSD]
Sten's physical (116) [DemonDR + HeroBT]
Nina's Freeze (96)
Rand's physical (74) [CloakKN]

Undead, takes double damage from Fire and Holy
HP 2400
AP 96
Defence 132 (82%)
MS -2 (99%)
Vigour 100 (basically average since Sten is underlevelled)

Ryu's Fire/Ice/Thunder Dragon or Fire Puppy (512)
Nina's Flame (116)
Sten's Flame (116)
Ryu's physical (112) [EmpireSD]
Rand's physical (67) [CloakKN]

Attack: ~72 damage
Zombie: Physical attack; if it hits, 60% chance of inflicting Rotting.
Rotting Breath: 60% chance of Rotting, MT
Death (8 AP): 50% chance of Instant Death
Sap (5 AP): Drains 30% of target's remaining HP, capped at 30 damage, 60% hit rate. Used at low HP (below half?) only.

About Rotting: On the start of the first round after it is inflicted, the character's Attack stat doubles (until it is cured). On the start of the second round after it is inflicted, the character becomes a zombie, and will attack only himself or allies (for obvious reasons the game counts this character as defeated), so this state = win in a duel for Necroman.

Another take on a status whore boss. Death's decent enough, and Zombie is a substitute for the death immune (though it means even after it hits, he'll have to take an extra hit or two, one of which will be at greatly increased power if his foe is a fighter). Other than that, terrible damage, the worst monster typing in the game, and largely unremarkable stats define this guy. Middle on the grounds that a boss who doesn't totally fail and has two fatal status attacks is too good for Light.

***Note: From now on, I list damage with Atk-Up on fighters. Two reasons for starting now: This is around when Spar learns Atk-Up if you use him, and it's when I could first realistically afford Medusa Shields, which item-cast it. Atk-Up physicals aren't taken into the ever-averages I list (non-dragon and dragon), for now.


This battle takes place against two Fire Guardeyes and one Ice Guardeye, as well as Oldman, an "enemy" with a mere 312 HP who you must not kill if you wish to get the good ending. While the Guardeyes aren't really rankable, it's still an interesting enough fight for me to note.

Averages of Evrai enemies:
Defence 106, MS -0.5

Averages of your party (Ryu 38, Katt 37, Armadillo Rand 37, Seraph Nina 37):
HP 256, Defence 232, MDef multiplier 92%, Vigour 105

Average damage at this point: 128 (345)
Ryu's G.Dragon (999)
Ryu's/Rand's physical after Attack-Up (270)
Katt's physical after Attack-Up (257)

Nina's Bolt X (179)
Ryu's physical (132) [EmpireSD]
Rand's physical (110) [BlastKN]
Katt's physical (93) [SnakeST + HeroBT]

Takes double damage from Ice, 50% from Fire
HP 538
AP 504
Defence 169 (68%)
MS -2 (94%)
Vigour 170 (slightly faster than Katt)

Takes double damage from Fire, 50% from Ice
HP 538
AP 504
Defence 169 (68%)
MS -2 (94%)
Vigour 102 (close to average)

Ryu's Fire/Ice Puppy striking a weakness (512)
Ryu's/Rand's physical after Attack-Up (228)
Katt's physical after Attack-Up (215)

Nina's Freeze, Spark against a weakness (190, 52)
Ryu's physical (90) [EmpireSD]
Rand's physical (68) [BlastKN]
Katt's physical (72) [SnakeST + HeroBT]

Cure 3 (20 AP): Heals 120 HP to all (upper right Guardeye only)
Flame (12 AP): ~58 fire magic damage MT (lower Guardeye only)

Freeze (10 AP): ~95 ice magic damage (upper left Guardeye only)

I used to think they were the best boss in the game, but... now I'm not sure. Good elemental defence stops the Freeze+Flame combo (2HKO to one, 4-5HKO elsewhere) from kicking your ass, and Attack-Up makes it possible to mount a good offence against their otherwise scary defence, as is knowing to use puppies against appropriate weaknesses. Still a cool fight; it's very easy for them to gain the upper hand, as you start out injured by plot if you're not careful, and they're very fast and as such difficult to heal against. Obviously not particularly rankable. And if you don't care about which ending you get, G.Dragon is a OHKO to everything in this battle.

***Note: For those who use her, Devil Katt's Keep (a two-turn attack) enters play at this point; again, not included in the average, but the damage it does is listed. Note that in-game, it's advised to put Katt in the second spot of Scramble for a 20% damage boost (yes, Keep thus averages over 900 after Attack-Up. Ow).

"You destroyed the Grand Church, but you can not stop the rebirth of our god!"

Averages of Evrai enemies:
Defence 106, MS -0.5

Averages of your party (Ryu 38, Devil Katt 37, Armadillo Rand 37, Seraph Nina 37):
HP 256, Defence 247, MDef multiplier 92%, Vigour 125

Average damage at this point: 148 (364)
Ryu's G.Dragon (999)
Ryu's/Katt's/Rand's physical after Attack-Up (270)
Katt's Keep (494); after Attack-Up (781)

Nina's Bolt X (179)
Katt's physical (155) [SnakeST + HeroBT]
Ryu's physical (132) [EmpireSD]
Rand's physical (126) [KaiserKN]

HP 2500
AP 256
Defence 131 (88%)
MS -3 (92%)
Vigour 100 (bit sluggish)

Ryu's G.Dragon (999)
Ryu's/Katt's/Rand's physical after Attack-Up (253)
Katt's Keep (477); after Attack-Up (764)

Nina's Bolt X (161)
Katt's physical (138) [SnakeST + HeroBT]
Ryu's physical (115) [EmpireSD]
Rand's physical (109) [KaiserKN]

Bolt X (30 AP): ~168 lightning magic damage MT
Missile (26 AP): ~141 wind magic damage MT
Fireball (20 AP): ~113 fire magic damage MT
Hail (17 AP): ~95 ice magic damage MT
Drain (0 AP): Drains 30% of target's remaining AP, capped at 30 damage.
Hush (5 AP): Inflicts Silence. See Shupkay.
Ag-Down (5 AP): Halves target's speed.
Pwr.Down (5 AP): Reduces target's Attack stat by 1/8. Tends to result in a ~20% damage reduction.
Def-Down (5 AP): Habaruku has no physical, so this fails. It halves target defence. This would cause average defence to take about 80% more to average damage, if you care.

None of his status can fail naturally, I think. It's one of the perks of MS -3. Stat downs don't stack.

Nice damage (best in the game for his time besides Augus and Kuwadora), and Hush is a decent trick... but he has the two cardinal failings of a dueller: bad durability and pretty bad speed. You can easily two-round him in-game. He'll lose slugfests to too many people, and even mages will often get the drop on him before he can Hush them. Ag-Down would be great if he lasted longer. Cries to a strong enough anti-element/magic dueller to boot, though not sure how many of those there are. Still... Light/Middle, I think.

"Come attack me, Ryu! I'm not going to hold back like I did when you were a child!"

Averages of Infinity enemies:
Defence 140, MS -1

Averages of your party (Ryu 44, Devil Katt 45, Armadillo Rand 42, Seraph Nina 44):
HP 305, Defence 277, MDef multiplier 86%, Vigour 141

Average damage at this point: 161 (379)
Ryu's G.Dragon (999)
Ryu's/Katt's/Rand's physical after Attack-Up (247)
Katt's Keep (666); after Attack-Up (758)

Katt's physical (210) [MeowST + HeroBT]
Nina's Bolt X (176)
Rand's physical (134) [KaiserKN]
Ryu's physical (126) [EmpireSD]

HP 5000
AP 65535
Defence 140 (same as Infinity average)
MS -1 (same as Infinity average)
Vigour 90 (about halfway between Rand and Ryu)

He's utterly average in both defences, so see above.

Attack: ~85 damage MT
Attack, below half HP: ~155 damage MT
Attack, below 20% HP: ~175 damage MT
Bolt X (30 AP): ~157 lightning magic damage MT
Firebreath: ~95 non-elemental typeless damage MT
Coldbreath: ~95 non-elemental typeless damage MT
Counterattack: 25% of the time, responds to physicals only, is ST and doesn't get the low-HP powerups.

... honestly? I've ranted about him enough in the past. He's slow, not what I'd call durable, and the damage is only barely 2HKO. His upside is that he has decent variety of damage, but that's... really it. If he weren't all MT, nobody would respect him (it's what makes him not a complete joke in-game). High Middle.

"Fine... I will rend the flesh from your bones; killing you is only a start... There will be songs written about the beauty of the pain I shall inflict upon you all!"

Averages of Infinity enemies:
Defence 140, MS -1

Averages of your party (Ryu 44, Devil Katt 45, Armadillo Rand 42, Seraph Nina 44):
HP 305, Defence 277, MDef multiplier 86%, Vigour 141

Average damage at this point: 161 (379)
Ryu's G.Dragon (999)
Ryu's/Katt's/Rand's physical after Attack-Up (247)
Katt's Keep (666); after Attack-Up (758)

Katt's physical (210) [MeowST + HeroBT]
Nina's Bolt X (176)
Rand's physical (134) [KaiserKN]
Ryu's physical (126) [EmpireSD]

HP 10000
AP 1000
Defence 140 (same as Infinity average)
MS -2 (96% of Infinity average)
Vigour 138 (slightly faster than Nina)

He's utterly average in defence, so again, see above. For magic:
Nina's Bolt X (168)

Attack: ~100 damage, criticals very rarely
Death (8 AP): 40% chance of Instant Death
Disappear: At the end of this round, remove all stat and status changes from the field. (Death is not dispelled in this manner.)
God's Power: Drains 60 HP and 20 AP, MT. (Gravity; Max of 37.5% cHP, 25% cAP can be stolen from a target this way.)
Coldbreath: ~95 non-elemental typeless damage MT
Bonelaser: ~115 non-elemental typeless damage MT, useable below 40% HP only

All he can really do is cast Death and hope it hits before his opponent kills him. Fortunately, with his durability, odds of this are pretty good. He can also try to outslug things, but with 3-4HKO damage, that's not happening much in the higher divisions even with his HP. As far as his speed goes... he's probably a bit above average rather than a bit below as my numbers suggest... Shaman Katt kinda throws the average off more than Rand can compensate for. <_< Heavy. The failure BoF final boss both in-game and in a duel, but still better than Barubary. And Lenneth was a miracle draw for him.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: Breath of Fire 2 (Full)
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2013, 05:42:14 AM »
Thread necro time!
NOTE: I factored G. Dragon out of this for a few reasons. One, it completely wrecks the curve. 2ndly, its a one shot blast, and counting those aren't exactly fair. On a side note, I think we can all agree that G. Dragon OHKOs ANY PC, 6.1x Average damage is not something to scoff at

While G. Dragon does do wacky things to the curve, it *is* fair to hold it against itself at least.  (Vaguely similar to how Lenneth1 & Yuri1 usually have their own special damage average - although in Lenneth's case, she has her uber weapon for all of a single battle and it's pathsplit, while in Yuri's case his best damage is missable and FAQ-bait, making it awkward to hold against the rest of the cast.)  It is a little weird that, say, both DQ8 & BoF2 have the same kind of move in Magic Burst / G. Dragon, but one is spread out across an 8-person cast average while the other gets a 4 person cast...  but oh well.

Anyway, Ryu's 3-turn damage average with G. Dragon -> Attack -> Attack  = (220+220+999)/3 = 480.  If you assume the fight is over after G. Dragon, it's 333, of course.  Anyway, the Ryu-only damage average then becomes 192, which makes G. Dragon "only" 2.08 PCHP.  (If you use the one-shot G-Dragon hit, it's 333 and G. Dragon is 2.27 PCHP.  The stat topic as is gives 2.44 PCHP.)