
Author Topic: Tales of Phantasia Original  (Read 3160 times)


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Tales of Phantasia Original
« on: December 24, 2007, 08:24:10 PM »
Eh, why not.  It's a consideration for ranking, and both ToD and ToE have topics up, and I think they're not as well-played.  Oh, and this topic will piss Meep off, so it's all well and good!

So...where to begin:

I. Stats
*Stats are taken at level 65.  It was hard to get that low, with having gone through Morlia Gallery and everything, as well as doing a few sections of the arena*
HP - Multiply these by 45, add 124, then subtract 100, divide by 2, then multiply by 0, and you'll find the exact chance of the Chameleon summon working
TP - MP, for all intents and purposes
STR - Physical power
LUC - This stat flucuates constantly; don't take it very seriously

II. Equipment
Alright, for default equipment ( which is what is used for the averages ), I went with purely best offensive/defensive ( Star Robe for Arche, being the best example ).  While some items are clearly better for them in a fight ( Dark Robe > Star Robe, for Arche ), I feel that they should take a minor defensive hit to switch to something more powerful.  Yeah, arbitrary, but it doesn't change too much.  Extra, potentially useful equipment is listed below their defaults.  Note that there is enough of everything to go around: Shield Rings for non-Cless characters, Cute Mittens for Arche and Mint, Gaea Armour, etc.

However...I think I'll pull a Meep here, and just justify the equipment real quick.  This is mostly for the special stuff, i.e., the Rare Gauntlets won't be listed here.  Without further ado:

Swords, Axes, Polearms - Unique to Cless
Bows - Unique to Chester
Staves - Unique to Mint
Books - Unique to Klarth
Brooms - Unique to Arche

Golden Armour - Unique to Cless; it's found in the lower levels of the Morlia Gallery ( level 21, to be precise )
Gaea Armour - Usable by Cless and Chester; 2 are found in Future Dhaos's Castle
Reflect Plate - Usable by Cless and Chester; there are 2 total, one in Odin's Tower and one in the lower levels of Morlia Gallery ( level 21 )
Star Cloak - Usable by Mint, Arche, Klarth; there are 5 total, one in Volt's Cave, Fenrir's Cave, Odin's Tower, Future Dhaos's Castle, and the 8th round of the arena
Dark Robe - Unique to Arche; bought in the Future Elf Village

Shield Ring - Usable by Klarth, Arche, Mint, Chester; there are 4 total, one in Volt's Cave, one in Fenrir's Cave, and two in Odin's Tower
All Other Shields - Unique to Cless

Gold Helm - Unique to Cless; found in the Treasure Hunt Sidequest
Star Cap - Usable by Klarth, Mint; there are 4 total, one in Odin's Tower, one in the lower levels of the Morlia Gallery ( level 21, IIRC ), one in Future Dhaos's Castle, and the 8th round of the arena
Mage Ribbon - Unique to Arche; found after completing the 7th round of the arena

Cute Mittens - Usable by Mint and Arche; there are 2 total, one in Fenrir's Cave and one in Odin's Tower
Hyper Gauntlet - Unique to Cless; found in the Treasure Hunt Sidequest
Star Gloves - Usable by Cless and Chester; there are 2 total, one in Future Dhaos's Castle and one from completing the 9th round of the arena

Combo Command - Unique to Cless; bought in Aegis' Workshop in the Future
Gemstone Rings - Unique to Klarth; all of them except for the Amethyst, Emerald and Sapphire Rings are required to complete the game
Mana Earring - Unique to Mint; given to her in a plot sequence right before the last dungeon

III. Characters
*All damage was tested on Beastmen in the Future Morlia Gallery; note that I skipped most of the spells for the mages, only using the highest level ones; as well, Cless's skills fall under the same principle, and also those that require positioning ( Gale Shield, part of Soul Wave, etc. ) I either avoided testing ( Gale Shield ) or assumed an arbitrary "average" of hits ( 8 in the case of Soul Wave )*

Cless Alvein
HP - 6556
TP - 652
STR - 100
CON - 28
AGL - 109
LUC - 119

Slice - 1500
Stab - 1500
Def - 172
Acy - 157
Run - 221

Weapon: Excalibur - +1390/1390 Slash/Thrust, +50 Accuracy, Darkness Element
Armour: Golden Armour - +65 Defense, Absorbs Fire, Thunder, Wind, and Darkness elements, as well as Non-elemental magic
Shield: Blue Line Shield - +25 Defense, +100 Run
Helmet: Golden Helm - +20 Defense, +28 Run
Gauntlet: Hyper Gauntlet - +26 Defense
Accessory1: Combo Command - +10 Attack, Allows Cless to use any technique during battle

Other Equips
1) Eternal Sword - +910/910 Slash/Thrust, +10 Accuracy
2) Saint's Rapier - +300/1600 Slash/Thrust, +10 Accuracy, Holy Element
3) Muramasa - +910/780 Slash/Thrust, +100 Accuracy, +5 Defense, Earth Element
4) Arc Wind - +860/720 Slash/Thrust, +50 Accuracy, +1 Defense, Wind Element
5) Tidal Axe - +840/640 Slash/Thrust, +10 Accuracy, Water Element

1) Gaea Armour - +60 Defense, Halves Fire and Water, Nulls Thunder, Absorbs Holy and Darkness elements
2) Reflect Plate - +35 Defense, Halves Water, Thunder, Wind and Darkness elements

1) Rare Shield - +15 Defense, +100 Run, Halves Water element

1) Rare Gauntlet - +15 Defense, Halves Earth element

Physical Attack - 1000

Tiger Teeth - 2000 (7 TP)
Dual Kick - 1100 (4 TP)
Fury Slash - 3800 (12 TP)
Blade Storm - 4000 (15 TP)
Firebrand - 4600, Fire element (10 TP)
Magma Rift - 5300, Fire element (9 TP)
Soul Wave - 3200 (30 TP)
Lionheart - 3000 (14 TP)
Teleport - 5600 (30 TP)
Psion Bolt - 200 (2 TP)
Phoenix - 2400, Fire Element (8 TP)
Soul Edge - 4200 (30 TP)
Lightning Bolt - 5200, Thunder Element (8 TP)
Eir's Love - Heals 1600 HP (6 TP)
Focus More - Approximately doubles damage dealt (20 TP)

Psion Kick - 3100 (9 TP)
Mecha Blade - 5300 (15 TP)
Psion Storm - 5000 (16 TP)
Magma Bolt - 8900, Fire Damage (10 TP)
Lion Lunge - 5400 (12 TP)
Lion Teeth - 5600 (13 TP)
Lion Claws - 4000 (28 TP)
Lion Flare - 10000, Fire Damage (13 TP)
Bolt Crash - 7500, Thunder Damage (17 TP)
Thor's Wrath - 8000, Thunder Damage (20 TP)
Tempest - 10000, Thunder Damage (21 TP)
Earth's Rage - 10500, Fire/Thunder Damage (17 TP)
Flare Talon - 8200, Fire Damage (20 TP)
Odin's Wrath - 8500, Fire Damage (25 TP)
Burning Soul - 8000, Fire Damage (21 TP)
Cinder Hawk - 10100, Fire Damage (18 TP)
Soul Forge - 7800 (50 TP)
Soul Strike - 5900 (40 TP)

Chester Barklight
HP - 6186
TP - 0
STR - 101
CON - 30
AGL - 109
LUC - 218

Atk - 1921
Def - 134
Acy - 197
Run - 222

Weapon: Berserker Bow - +1820 Attack, +95 Accuracy, Fires 2 arrows at once
Armour: Gaea Armour - +60 Defense, Halves Fire and Water, Nulls Thunder, Absorbs Holy and Darkness elements
Shield: Shield Ring - +20 Defense, +100 Run
Gauntlet: Star Gloves - +24 Defense

Other Equips
1) Soul Stealer - +1700 Attack, +60 Accuracy, Darkness Element
2) Elven Bow - +1590 Attack, +200 Accuracy
3) Crescent Bow - +1320 Attack, +10 Accuracy, Thunder Element
4) Flare Spread - +800 Attack, +50 Accuracy, Fire Element, Fires 2 arrows at once
5) Gale Spread - +800 Attack, +50 Accuracy, Wind Element, Fires 2 arrows at once
6) Sand Spread - +800 Attack, +50 Accuracy, Earth Element, Fires 2 arrows at once
7) Wave Spread - +800 Attack, +50 Accuracy, Water Element, Fires 2 arrows at once

1) Reflect Plate - +35 Defense, Halves Water, Thunder, Wind and Darkness elements

1) Rare Gauntlet - +15 Defense, Halves Earth element

Physical Attack - 4000

Mint Adnade
HP - 5552
TP - 641
STR - 34
CON - 37
AGL - 105
LUC - 232

Atk - 554
Def - 163
Acy - 130
Run - 250

Weapon: Blue Crystal Rod - +420 Attack, +10 Accuracy
Armour: Star Cloak - +55 Defense, Halves Water and Darkness elements
Shield: Shield Ring - +20 Defense, +100 Run
Helmet: Star Cap - +16 Defense
Gauntlet: Cute Mittens - +15 Defense
Accessory1: Mana Earring - +100 Attack, +20 Defense, +50 Accuracy, +50 Run, and nulls Non-elemental magic

Other Equips
1) Holy Rod - +180 Attack, +10 Accuracy, Holy Element
2) Unicorn Horn - +135 Attack, +10 Accuracy, +12 Defense
3) Rune Rod - +85 Attack, +10 Accuracy, Dark Element

1) Holy Cloak - +25 Defense, Nulls Thunder element
2) Mithril Mesh - +18 Defense, Nulls Holy element

Physical Attack - 300

Hammer - Stuns an enemy (4 TP)
Deep Mist - Lowers all enemies' hit rate (3 TP)
Delay - Lowers all enemies' walk speed by half (14 TP)
Acid Rain - Reduces all enemies' defense by 20% or so (7 TP)
Antidote - Cures poison (8 TP)
Haste - Doubles an ally's walking speed (16 TP)
Silence - Silences an enemy; seems quite accurate, as in I haven't seen it fail after about 30 tests so far (6 TP)
Dispel - Dispels negative effects, like stat-downs (14 TP)
Barrier - Increases all allies' defense by 20% or so (15 TP)
Cure - Heals 4600 HP (22 TP)
Valkyrie - Raises all allies' attack power by 20% or so (15 TP)
Recover - Recovers all status effects (18 TP)
Raise Dead - Brings an ally back from the dead to ~25% max HP (26 TP)
Resurrection - Heals 3700 HP to all allies (32 TP)

Klarth F. Lester
HP - 5952
TP - 631
STR - 71
CON - 37
AGL - 108
LUC - 25

Atk - 836
Def - 129
Acy - 104
Run - 205

Weapon: Namco Gamer - +765 Attack, +1 Accuracy, +1 Defense, +1 Run, +1 Luck
Armour: Star Cloak - +55 Defense, Halves Water and Darkness elements
Shield: Shield Ring - +20 Defense, +100 Run
Helmet: Star Cap - +16 Defense
Accessory1: *See below
Accessory2: *See below

Other Equips
1) Seventh Sun - +500 Attack, +50 Run
2) Grimorum - +350 Attack, +10 Accuracy, Wind Element
3) Porno Magazine - +3 Attack, +10 Accuracy

1) Rare Plate - +38 Defense, Halves Fire element
2) Holy Cloak - +25 Defense, Nulls Thunder element
3) Mithril Mesh - +18 Defense, Nulls Holy element

1) Emerald Ring - Raises Max HP by 30%
2) Ruby Ring - +50 Attack
3) Opal Ring - +15 Defense
4) Turquoise Ring - Raises Max TP by 30%
5) Topaz Ring - Raises Critical Hit Rate
6) Diamond Ring - +100 Attack, +20 Defense, +40 Accuracy, +40 Run, +50 Luck, Nulls Fire, Water elements, and halves Non-elemental magic
7) Amethyst Ring - Absorbs Earth element
8) Aquamarine Ring - Absorbs Water element
9) Garnet Ring - Absorbs Fire element
10) Moonstone Ring - Absorbs Holy element
11) Sapphire Ring - Absorbs Lightning element
12) Sardonyx Ring - Absorbs Wind element

Physical Attack - 750

Sylphs - 400 Wind Damage to an enemy (5 TP)
Undine - 700 Water Damage to all enemies (8 TP)
Gnome - 1000 Earth Damage to all enemies (14 TP)
Efreet - 2000 Fire Damage to all enemies (16 TP)
Maxwell - Random Damage: varies from ~500 per hit to ~3000 per hit, totalling ~8 hits (20 TP)
Volt - 4200 Thunder Damage to all enemies (32 TP)
Aska - 5400 Holy Damage to all enemies (28 TP)
Shadow - 3200 Darkness Damage to all enemies (24 TP)
Chameleon - ~50% ID chance to one enemy, see later post in topic (40 TP)
Gremlin - 6300 Non-elemental Damage to all enemies (44 TP) 

Arche Klaine
HP - 5280
TP - 675
STR - 35
CON - 35
AGL - 106
LUC - 6

Atk - 675
Def - 150
Acy - 109
Run - 218

Weapon: Star Broom - +640 Attack, +10 Accuracy
Armour: Star Cloak - +55 Defense, Halves Water and Darkness elements
Shield: Shield Ring - +20 Defense, +100 Run
Helmet: Mage Ribbon - +25 Defense
Gauntlet: Cute Mittens - +15 Defense

Other Equips
1) Dark Robe - +50 Defense, +50 Accuracy, +50 Run, Absorbs Thunder, Water, Earth, Fire, and Wind elements
2) Mithril Mesh - +18 Defense, Nulls Holy element

Physical Attack - 550

Stone Wall - 700 Earth Damage to an enemy (10 TP)
Ray - 1100 Holy Damage to all enemies (15 TP)
Indignation - 4000 Thunder Damage to all enemies (30 TP)
God Breath - 2500 Wind Damage to all enemies (18 TP)
Explode - 3700 Fire Damage to all enemies (24 TP)
Tidal Wave - 4500 Water Damage to all enemies (24 TP)
Meteor Storm - 5500 Non-elemental Damage to all enemies (40 TP)
Extinction - ~40% ID chance to all enemies, see later post in topic (50 TP)


HP: 5905
1) Cless - 6556
2) Chester - 6186
3) Klarth - 5952
4) Mint - 5552
5) Arche - 5280

Def: 150
1) Cless - 172
2) Mint - 163
3) Arche - 150
4) Chester - 134
5) Klarth - 129

Damage: 5260
1) Cless - 10500 (Earth's Rage)
2) Klarth - 6300 (Gremlin)
3) Arche - 5500 (Meteor Storm)
4) Chester - 4000 (Physical Attack)
5) Mint - 300 (Physical Attack)

Average using Cless's Soul Forge: 4740

Average using Cless's Magma Bolt: 4960

Average using Cless's Tempest: 5160

Comments: Not sure which average I'd take - Soul Forge is way more useful in-game, and never gets resisted.  While Earth's Rage is strongest, it does tend to be resisted by most foes, and really eats that average up, so it makes some of the characters look weaker than they were in-game.  However, using Soul Forge turns Cless into a real monster when Earth's Rage isn't resisted.  Magma Bolt does solid damage nonetheless, and keeps the average from going too damn high; Tempest makes for a decent average as well.  Probably either Magma Bolt or Tempest make for a better average.

Boss Time!  The only boss, really >_>

Dhaos 3 - Human Form
HP - 56000
Defense Notes: Dhaos reduces physicals by ~50% ( Cless's basic attack did 450 damage instead of 850 )
Magic Defense Notes: Dhaos voids all elemental magic, as well as skills like Phoenix and Lightning Bolt ( but not attacks from elementally-aligned weapons ); non-elemental spells take about a 50% decrease in power ( Gremlin only does 3000 to him )
Speed Notes: Quite fast, actually; his skills have no casting time, and his spells have enhanced speed as well ( like maybe 3x normal speed ); he also walks about the field faster than hasted Cless, and his jumping can traverse it in a second or two

Average HP faced: 5905

Pwnage Abilities
Physical Attack - 1200, inflicts dizziness on target ~75%, stones target ~50%
Dhaos Laser - 1200 to all targets on screen
Dhaos Corridor - 3000 to all targets on screen
Para Triangle - Inflicts dizziness to all targets on screen ~50%
Delay - Lowers all enemies' walk speed by half
Acid Rain - Reduces all enemies' defense by 20% or so
Meteor Storm - 6000 non-typed magic damage to all targets
Ice Tornado - 1500 water damage to one target
Fire Storm - 2000 fire damage to all targets
God Breath - 2500 wind damage to all targets
Tetra Assault - 4800 damage to one target, heavy-knockback ( this is basically his physical attack used 4 times at once ), same status-infliction rate per hit as his physical attack
Tetra Spell - 2800 water/fire/earth/thunder damage ( ~700 damage of each element )

Final Dhaos I'm skipping.  It's...insanely broken (unbeatable, basically), and a bitch and a half to test.  Besides, most people don't allow it anyway >_>
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Tales of Phantasia Original
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2007, 10:15:29 PM »
Boss notes I took down while playing the game. Note that I didn't use Holy Bottles/did use +30% HP Black Onxy gems as soon as I got them. I fought them in the order listed, just know that the elemental summons and Fangwolf/Flambelk can be fought in mixed up order.

BIG NOTE: I took physical defense against Cless' best techniques (Valkyried if appicable). If you take boss defense without buffs/against all party members, then most bosses are just crazy defense gods in this game. Dhaos 3, for example, reduces physical damage thrown at him to about 1/4th if taken unbuffed.

Demitel: (fights with two golems and two ghosts)
HP: 2700
Damage taken from physicals: 27%

Summon Lich: 763 Non-elemental Magic Damage, MT
Hell gem: 450 physical damage over 2 hits.
Whip attack: 400 physical damage over 2 hits.
Thunderbolt: 250 Thunder magic damage.

Average HP: 936
Damages: (average 320)
Cless' Blade Storm: 810 damage over 9 hits.
Klarth's Sylph: 130

Comments: What is there to say? Demitel is a physical tank who smashes stuff with a high 2HKO. One of the harder fights in the game, actually. Heavy. Doesn't translate well due to most of his durability coming from resisting your best damage. On the other hand, you can't just put him up to a wall and spamlock him in the DL... (this isn't very easy in-game, mind).

Meia: (Fights Cress alone)
HP: 2400
Damage taken from physicals: 45%
Regular attack: 24
Jumping Strike: 148
3 hit combo attack: 250

Cress' HP: 1058
Cress Blade Storm: 820 damage over 9 hits.

4-5HKO solo fight who resists physical damage? Light I guess. Doesn't like healers but can take down scrubby fighters. In-game the best strategy is to gradually push forward until she's against the wall and then Blade Storm lock her. Note that you can continue the game if you lose here.

HP: 3400
Damage from physicals: 25%
Weak to Air, Immune to Lightning, Absorbs Ice,

Physical: 200. She can spam this pretty relentlessly.
Tractor Beam: 600 non-elemental magic damage, MT. (Arche is immune due to flying?)
Ice Wall: 450 Ice magic damage.
Thunder Blade: 700 Lightning Magic damage, MT.
Barrier: Jahmir immunes physical attacks, deals 250 damage to anyone who comes in contact with her (owns Berserked fighters!!!!!)

Average HP: 945
Cless' Blade Storm: 850 damage over 9 hits.
Mint's STAFF WHACK OF DOOM: Haha no.
Arche's Eruption: 305
Klarth's Slyph: 132

Comments: 2HKO Lightning and Non-elemental magic damage combined with... solid enough magic durability and crazy Physical durability. Another Heavy boss. In-game mostly frightening for the phase where she'll spamlock you with that physical.

HP: 3400
Damage taken from physicals: 10%

Missile Bombardment: 360 damage over 4 hits. Invincible while attacking in this form. Yes, he can spam it for long periods of time.

Average HP: 1175
Cless' Blade Storm: 870
Arche's Thunder Blade: 450
Klarth's Sylph: 134
Mint: Fails to count.

Comments: Well... if you've fought Gnome, you remember what he does. Either you have healing/can wall or he just rapes you. Annoying. As. All. Hell. Unrankable as far as I'm concerned, but I'll say Heavy who beats those who lack plentiful healing and those reliant on physicals. In-game? Try and smash him with Cless' Lightning Bolt and Arche's Thunder Blade when he pops up. Mint will handle the rest...

HP: 5500
Damage taken from physicals: 30%

Fireballs: around 250 fire magic damage.

Average HP: 1691
Cress' Tempest: 1400
Arche's Thunder Blade: 470
Klarth's Gnome: 450
Mint: lol

All fire. Bad damage. Good Pdef. Light.

HP: 6450
Damage taken from physicals: ~10%
Immune to Earth, Absorbs Ice/Water, halves wind, Weak to Fire. Floats.

Physical: 200
Wave Sword: 550 physical damage in a straight line.
Wave Swordx2: 1100 physical damage in a straight line.
Wave Swordx3: 1650 physical damage over 3 hits
Ice Wall: 400 Ice/Water magic damage.
Heal: 700 healing.

Average HP: 2033
Cless' Tempest: 1500
Arche's Thunder Blade: 510
Klarth's Ifrit: 700

Undine can be either stupidly easy or annoyingly hard, depending on whether or not she uses her Wave Sword combo. For what its worth, Wave Swordx3 is extremely rare (shakes fist at the time she used it to start out the fight). Nigh immunity to physical damage definitely helps her case. Heavy. Doesn't like that fire weakness one bit.

HP: 7500
Damage taken from physicals: 15%... what is it with ToP bosses and physical defense?
Halves all elements.


Molecular Attack: Turns into a ball and goes around the screen. 350 damage per hit, about 2-3 hits on average if not stopped. Can be broken from this by magic attacks. ~800 damage average.
Teleport: 350 damage in a straight line.
Heal: cures 938 HP.

Average HP: 2226
Cless' Burning Strike/Tempest: 1500
Arche's Thuner Blade: 530
Klarth's Ifrit: 710

Well, Maxwell is kind of a wall. Not due to HP, but due to defenses. His freaking HEAL can be annoying, and he reams pure fighters. Middle? Wanted offense to be effective.

HP: 5000 (TP 100)
Halves Thunder,
Damage taken from physicals: 50%

Physical: 100
Thunder Blade: 780 thunder magic damage, MT.
Fire Storm: 1450 fire magic damage, MT.
Fire Shield: 30 fire damage if you walk into it. This is beyond pathetic.

Average HP: 3010
Cless' Burning Strike/Tempest: 2500
Arche's Ray: 750
Klarth's Maxwell: 2500+

Comments: The first boss to meet Mr. Maxwell, proving once again that electromagnetics > puny fantasy monsters. Yeah, he really sucks. Light.

Ishrantu 2: (fights Arche and Mounted Cless in the sky)
HP: 5000
Damage taken from physicals: 50%
Halves Thunder

Physical: 30 (...)
Fire Storm: 1450 Fire magic damage.
Thunder Blade: 750 Thunder magic damage.
Fire Shield: 30 fire damage if you move into it. Pathetic.

Average HP: 3400
Cless attack: 325
Arche's Ray: 850

Comments: Ishrantu really really wants you to let him use this form. Kind of durable and the physical halving actually means something now with HP! Best is 3HKO fire damage though... Middle.

Dhaos 1:
HP: 49900
Damage taken from physicals: ~50%
Weak to Thunder (INDIGNATION SMASH) and holy. Halves non-elemental magic, fire, wind, and water. Nulls earth. Whew.
Note: Dhaos is a fast bastard.

Physical: 550
Dhaos Laser: 1250 non elemental magic damage.
Dhaos Corridor: 2500 Non elemental magic damage to all on screen.
Tetra Assault: His physical 4 times, apprently. Never connects 4 times unless you're against a wall.
God Breath: 2500 Wind elemental magic damage.

Average HP: 3900 (whee Black Onyxs)
Cless' Tempest/Burning Soul: 2820
Arche's Indignation: 3000
Klarth's Maxwell: 2500+

Comments: Wow, look at that HP score! The truth is, he comes with two Dark Lords and won't attack until they're both dead. If you wanted to kill him easy? Just smack him with Indignation and let his support live. He's lucky if he actually begins the fight with half that HP score, and its entirely possible to kill him before he makes a move. Take THAT as you will. If you give him full HP and everything he's pretty decent. His defense would have been better, but by now you have stronger lower-mult moves to penetrate that defense.

Dhaos 2:
HP: 16250 ( has 65000 as max HP)
Damage taken from physicals: ~50%
Halves Thunder (awww), fire, Wind, Holy, Water/Ice, and non-elemental. Immune to earth.

Physical: 800, 45% chance of Stone, 45% stun rate.
Explode: 4365 fire magic damage.
Dhaos Corridor: 2500 NE magic damage.
Dhaos Laser: 1350 NE magic damage.
God Breath: 2500 wind magic damage.

Average HP: 4160
Cless' (Valkyried) Earth's Rage: 4200
Arche's Indignation: 3000
Klarth's Maxwell: 2500+

Comments: Okay, 1/4th the HP and now Dhaos doesn't suck. In fact, he's pretty devastating, with OHKO damage, resists up the wazoo, status, and plenty of nastiness all around. Not much on HP, but he makes up for it in defenses. And speed if you respect that. Pretty harsh. Loses NE resist at half HP, however. I'd say Godlike of some flavor?

HP: 28000
Damage taken from physicals: 50%
Absorbs Thunder and Holy. Nulls earth. Halves fire, wind, and Water/Ice,

Thunder Line attack: 520 Lightning magic damage.
Thunder Blade: 1200 Lightning magic damage.

Average HP: 4510
Cless' (Valkyried) Earth's Rage: ~4500
Arche's Indignation: 3100
Klarth's Maxwell: ~4500

Lots of resists, suckass damage of a commonly resisted element. Light.

HP: 30000
Damage taken from physicals: 70%
Absorbs Water/Ice, Nulls Lightning, Wind, Light, Dark, and Earth. Halves Fire,

Physical: 1300 damage, low stun rate.
Rush: Physicalx3: 3900 damage. ~70% stun rate.
Howling frostbite: Summons snowflakes that deal 2000 physical Ice/water damage over ~2 hits.
Ice Glaciers: 7000 Physical Ice damage over multible hits. Unblockable.

HP: 5070
Cless' (Valkyried) Earth's Rage: 10000 (Best can actually do to Fenrir is 1500 with Valkyried Magma <_<)
Arche's Tidal Wave: 4100 (Best can actually do to Fenrir is 1100 with Explode)
Klarth's Maxwell: 4500

Icy Icy overkill. Walls things too damn well, even with the poor HP. Heavy/Godlike. Really really doesn't like NE magic (Without Maxwell to hurt him he'd be absolutely devastating). Proably one of the harder bosses in the game, right up there with Demitel and Dhaos 2. Though you can really ream him if you manage to lock him up. he can really ream you if he locks you up <_<

HP: 45710
Damage taken from physicals: 100% (well thats a first)
Absorbs fire, Nulls Lightning, Wind, and Light. Halves Water
Note: Her spells definitely qualify as slow, as she's unlikely to actually get them off in-game.

Sword Wave: 800 physical damage in a straight row.
Physical: 900 physical damage
Indignation: 3856 Thunder Lightning damage.
Explode: 3500 Fire magic damage

Average HP: 5718
Cless' (Valkyried Earth's Rage): 11000
Arche's Tidal Wave: 4100
Klarth's Maxwell: 4500

What a terrible boss. She's unlikely to do much other than get spamlocked in-game. DL... She's decent enough, with acceptable HP and resistances. Heavy of some flavor.

HP: 45000
Damage taken from physicals: 70%
Absorbs Holy and Non-elemental. Halves fire.

Forge of the Cosmos: 2300 NE magic damage
Indignation: 4483 Lightning magic damage
Wave swords around: Immunity to physicals.

Average HP: 6000
Cless' Valkyried Earth's Rage: 12000
Klarth's Maxwell: 4500
Chester's Elven Bow shot: 1670

Comments: Most dangerous in-game when he spams Forge of the Cosmos like a champ. But then sometimes he'll sit there charging it up forever and a day... Anyways, 2HKO lightning damage off of a standardish boss. Heavy. Absorbing NE magic is a neat trick.

Evil Eye:
HP: 56000
Damage taken from physicals: 95%
Nulls Lightning, Water/Ice, Fire, Wind, Light, Shadow, and Earth. Halves Non-elemental


WHIRLWIND OF DEATH: 7000 physical damage over ~7 hits. Seems unblockable.
Tidal Wave: 5500 water/ice magic damage
Ressurection: 4276 healing.

Average HP: 6600
Cless' Valkyried Earth's Rage: 14000
Klarth's Origin: 4500
Arche's Tidal Wave: 4200

Comments: Wow, random Godlike filler boss. 2HKO water damage and OHKO physical with full elemental immunity. Note that he's terribly easy to lock up, so isn't much of an actual threat. The whirlwind attack is canceled by being hit with magic (has to be NE though...) He can kill you all with it if he gets lucky, however. Pretty good even if you don't allow the dizzying doom.

Seal Eye: (fights as a pair)
HP: 62600
TP: 50 (...)
Damage taken from physicals:
Absorbs Fire and Earth. Halves Lightning, Water/Ice, Wind, Light, and Shadow.

WHIRLWIND OF DEATH: 8000 physical damage over ~7 hits. Seems unblockable.
Meteor Storm: 6300 Non-elemental magic damage. Costs 50 TP...
Explode: 4364 Fire magic damage. Costs 25 TP...
Cure: 5500 healing. Costs 22 TP...

Average HP:7639
Cless' buffed Earth's Rage: 16000
Klarth's Origin: 4500
Arche's Meteor Storm: 5500

Comments: Redux of the last boss, except with less TP to waste on spells. Once again dependant on how you take that physical spamming merry-go-round.

Dhaos 3:
HP: 56000
Damage taken from physicals: 68% (40% taken against unbuffed/whole party)
Nulls Lightning, Water/Ice, Dark, Light, Earth, Fire, Shadow, and Wind (All ToP elements). Halves Non-elemental.
Note: Immediately regens all damage done to him physically until 75% HP, then regens half until 50% HP.

Dhaos Laser: 1250 Non-elemental magic damage.
Dhaos Corridor: 2400 Non-elemental magic damage, MT. Stupidly fast.
Physical: 1200, 45% chance of petrification, 45% chance of stun.
Tetra-Spell: 4 random low-end spells, about 1600 average damage.
Tetra Assault: his physical 4 times. The first hit knocks you back pretty hard, so this can only connect when the opponent is pinned.
Para-Triangle: Stuns opponent, 75%
Stone Wall: 600 Earth damage
Meteor Storm: 6050 non-elemental magic damage.
Delay: Lowers walking speed.

Party stats:
Average HP: 8080
Average damage: 6416
Cless' buffed Earth's Rage: 18000
Klarth's Origin: 4500
Arche's Meteor Storm: 5500
Mint's Staff whack: 80
Chester's Valkyried attack: 4000

Shuts you down unless you have non-elemental magic damage, and he halves that. Also has speed if you care about action time in ToP? About a turn 1 match-winning status option in his physical too. Yeah, Godlike. Note that it IS possible to kill him physically if you use Chrono Glasses. How odd.

HP: 64675
Damage taken from physicals: 80%
Halves non-elemental, Fire, Lightning, Water/Ice, Light, Dark.

Hallation: Invincibility. Wears off with time. Can only use Oscillation, Acid Rain, and his physical under it. You can just stand at the other end of the screen and he can't do anything but Acid Rain until he lets it down.
Oscillation: 800 physical damage. Shitty accuracy.
Chaos: NeoDhaos creates a 3 rows of 3 flares, which deal 500 per hit. At close range this deals about 2500-3000 damage, long rane 0-1500.
Last Ray: 2400 Non-elemental magic damage
Physical: 1000
Acid Rain: defense down.
Cure: 5690 healing.
Meteor Storm: 6300 non-elemental magic damage, MT. Usable below 50% HP.
Tried: 1640 MT physical damage, ITE. Usable below 50% HP.

Player Stats: See Dhaos 3.

Comments: Gnomes. With more durability. ARGHETHLFUCKWHY. Anyways, he can use Hallation at will with no real acting time, and he can let it down, instantly use Last Ray, and then put it back up again with next to no delay. The only other thing I'm going to say on him is that its a very good idea to beat him to death with Chrono Glasses while his Invincibility is down. My advice is to not allow this form, but if you do I'd day its retardedly fast no matter how you cut it.


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Re: Tales of Phantasia Original
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2016, 05:22:18 AM »
Tales of Phantasia SNES:

- Levels taken at 75 (Right before Dhaos, not using much in the way of Holy Bottles). This may be a tad high but offsets not using any stat-boosting items on the party. Arche is taken at 74 (she misses some exp by being barred entry into the Elf forest) and Chester is taken at 72 (he misses a bunch of exp for reasons that are obvious if you played the game).

- Ignoring the Pirate Treasure Hunt gear and the Moria depths. Both of these require leaving the final dungeon after entering it (very reasonable) and then going to a place that has no hint whatsoever or any reason to revisit. This removes Cress' Golden Armor, the Reflect Plate as an option for Cress/Chester, the Star Gloves as an option for Cress/Chester, Chester's Berserk Bow, Klarth's Chameleon/Gremlin summons, and Arche's Black Hole/Extinction spells. Doing this stuff also spikes the endgame level above 90. It's a pain the rear. Mostly Chester and Cress are hurt by not doing it. If there is demand I will do a listing for that.

- Tales of Phantasia has an element system with several elements like most games. The cast can do a number on most elements, absorbing, nulling, or halving most things in some way. There is also a 'non-elemental' element that I will refer to as Void/Star. It is resisted, nulled, or absorbed like any other element and there are indeed true non-elemental magic that isn't affected by these resistances (Dhaos' laser/Collider).

- Cress has several techs that do elemental damage and these tend to ignore defense and evade. One could see them as magic (the game has no magic defense) but I would tend to consider them physical as they rely on Cress' attack stats. Also these definitely qualify as physical to Dhaos, who regens physical damage.

- I am assuming default accessories of Attack Symbol/Black Onyx for fighters and Mystic Symbol/Black Onyx for mages. The exception is Mint, who trades the Mystic Symbol for the Mana Earring as her spells are already fast and she really wants the attack boost.

- I am assuming that physical attacks (except for Cress' Teleport and long-range techs) are used twice for every one spell. This is about right for how frequently someone can attack. This is reflected in the damage average rather than a speed average.

- To elaborate on Cress' techniques, he has 'short range' techs that can be used up close to an enemy, and 'long range techs' which must be initiated from a distance. That doesn't mean the long-range are melee attacks (they aren't) as they require running up to an enemy and thwacking them, then running back. A competent physical foe can restrict Cress to using only short-range techs by going into melee with him. Spellcasters are susceptible to him running back and forth. However these moves are slower than using the short-range techs, as in half as time-effective.

- There is an Evade stat but I am unsure exactly how it functions. It allows a PC or enemy to block an attack for 0 damage taken. A good general rule of thumb for evasion is that PCs don't usually do it much unless Mint cast's her accuracy debuff, Mint's accuracy is not good vs. high evasion, and Cress/Chester have good accuracy vs. evasion unless they change weapons. Evade does not work vs. magic and Cress' elemental techs (which are also ITD).

- Enemy stats are taken as 390 defense and 330 Atk. This seems in keeping with most enemies in the endgame balancing bosses and randoms.

- The game features a blocker for Stone, Poison, and Paralysis. This would require a PC to drop an accessory.

- Averages:
HP: 9236
TP: 612
Accuracy: 185.8
Evade: 230
Defense: 151.2

Damage: 4900 (keeping in mind short range techs and basic physicals are 2x. Assuming one Long-range Cress Tech and 4x Short Range)

Cress Albane:
HP: 9999 (8424 w/o Black Onyx) (108.3%)
TP: 762
Str: 112
Con: 44
Agl: 125
Accuracy: 216
Evade: 205
Slash: 1124, Thrust: 981
Defense: 173 (113.9% Modifier)
Physical durability: 123.3% (170.2% after Focus)

Weapon: Muramasa: 910 Slice/780 Thrust, +100 Accuracy, +5 Def, Earth-elemental
Body: Gaia Armor: 60 Def, Halves Fire and Water, Nulls Thunder, Absorbs Holy and Dark
Shield: Star Shield: 23 Def, +100 Evade, Halves Void/Star elemental
Head: Star Helm: 26 Defense
Hand: Rare Gauntlet: 15 Defense, Halves Earth.
Acc1: Battle Rune: +10% Attack
Acc2: Black Onyx: +30% Max HP

Alternate Equips: (note that Cress' weapon element only impacts non-elemental aspects of his techs, ones that already have an element are unaffected)
Eternal Sword: 910 Slash/Thrust, +10 Accuracy.
Arc Wind: 860 Slash/ 720 Thrust, +50 Accuracy, +1 Def, Wind-elemental
Laser Blade: 850 Slash/ 650 Thrust, +60 Accuracy, Holy-Elemental
Spinesheath: 700 Slash/1200 Thrust, +10 Accuracy, Dark-Elemental

Physical Attack: 734

Short-Range Skills: All except Teleport, Blade Storm, and Firebrand are 'fast' actions that can be used twice per 'turn'
Teleport (30TP): 4394 damage, 1226 of which is ITD.
Fury Slash (12TP): 4697 damage.
Blade Storm (15TP): 949 (assuming 6 hits)
Firebrand (10TP): 2697 fire damage (NOT ITD).
Dual Kick (4TP): 931 Thrust damage.
Magma Rift(9 TP): 5287 damage, 2360 of which is Fire ITD
Soul Wave (30 TP): 3343 ITD damage, 983 of which is Holy ITD.

Both-Range skills: (these take a 'full' turn except Focus)
Eir's Love (6TP): Heals 1532 HP to Cress.
Focus (6TP): Defense x 1.25 for the remainder of the battle.
Focus More (20 TP): Slash and Thrust x1.5 for remainder of battle.

Long-Range skills:  (fun fact: The physical part of Magma Rift hits TWICE when it is a component of a combo tech!)
Soul Forge (50TP): 5829 damage, 2360 of which is ITD
Soul Edge (25TP): 3468 damage.
Lightning Bolt (8 TP): 3541 ITD Lightning damage.
Lionheart (14TP): 2060 ITD damage.
Phoenix (8TP): 1886 fire ITD damage.
Lion Flare (13TP): 10273 damage, 2360 of which is Fire ITD
Earth's Rage (17TP): 11754 damage, 2360 of which is Fire ITD.
Cinder Hawk (18TP): 10099 damage, 4246 of which is Fire ITD

After Focus More:
Earth's Rage: 18245 damage (3541 Fire ITD, 9393 physical, 5311 Lightning ITD)
Lion Flare: 16025 damage (3541 fire ITD, 9393 physical, 3091 Phys ITD)
Soul Forge: 9664 damage, (6123 Physical, 3541 ITD phys)
Magma Rift: 8237 damage (3541 fire ITD, 4696 physical)
Fury Slash: 7352 damage

Comments: Cress comes close to OHKOing with Earth's Rage. Or two Magma Rifts. A lot of his damage is ITD. He nerfs several elements and can hit several of them. Do note that if he wants to use a non Murasame sword his accuracy will suffer, although his damage isn't too affected by most of his options as Slash is much more represented than Thrust (only Lion Flare is representing for Thrust...). He has decent durability and can buff is phys durability a fair bit. He is just very solid. Probably a Heavy and one of the best Tales mains.

Mint Adenade:
HP: 9006 (97.5%)
TP: 763
Str: 48
Con: 41
Agl: 126
Accuracy: 140
Evade: 253
Attack: 568
Defense: 167 (109.7% modifier)
Physical Durability: 107%
(Phys Dur with Mithril Mesh: 89.4%, 106.7% after Barrier)

Weapon: Blue Crystal Rod: +420 Atk, +10 Accuracy
Body: Star Cloak: +55 Def, Halves water, Darkness, and star/void. Immunes status, Instant Death, buffs, and debuffs
Shield: Shield Ring: +20 Def, +100 Evade
Head: Star Cap: +16 Def
Hand: Cute Mittens: +15 Def
Acc1: Mana Earring: +100 Atk, +20 Def, +50 Accuracy, +50 Evade, Nulls star/Void
Acc2: Black Onyx: +30% Max HP

Alternate Equips:
Holy Cloak: +25 Def, Nulls Thunder, immunes status/buffs/debuffs
Mithril Mesh: +18 Def, Nulls Holy
Silver Cloak: +12 Def, +25 Evade
Panama Hat: +5 Def, +5 Evade

Attack: 187 (485 after Valkyrie) [690 after both Valkyrie and Acid Rain]

Hammer (4TP): 2/3rd Chance to stun enemy. Worth One Turn.. (makes phys ITE)
Silence (6TP): 50% chance to silence enemy for remainder or the battle (no spells)
Cure (22TP): Heals 5000 HP.
Valkyrie (15TP):   Attack up 50% to all allies for the remainder of the battle
Dispel (14TP):   Removes buffs and debuffs from the party.
Acid Rain (7TP): 2/3rds chance to Reduces enemy defense by 50% for the remainder of the battle.
Deep Mist(3TP):   2/3rd chance to reduce enemy accuracy by 50% for the remainder of the battle.
Antidote (8TP): Removes POIZN   
Barrier (15TP): +25% defense for the remainder of the battle to all allies.

Note: Mint evade after Deep Mist: 60%
When twinked for Evasion: 75%

Comments: A status immune healer with tons of healing, buffing, and decent Silence/Blind! What could possibly go wrong! Her damage. Mint is legendary for having horrible damage, a reputation that is well-earned. Fortunately after buffing/debuffing she can do 1380 damage/turn, which is... not competent but not as laughable as one could imagine! Too bad buffing herself requires going to a lesser robe. There are interps which make Mint's healing better (No Black Onyx's, or subbing an alternate accessory for them...). In general it does decline at endgame relative to max HP, unlike other Tales games where it is a straight % based healing. Suffice to say she belongs in Light.

Klarth Lester:
HP: 9927 (107.5%)
TP: 762
Str: 81
Con: 45
Agl: 125
Accuracy: 121
Evade: 252
Attack: 581
Defense: 136 (92.2%)
Physical Durability: 99%

Weapon: Seventh Sun (+500 Atk, +50 Evade, +10 Accuracy)
Body: Star Cloak: +55 Def, Halves water, Darkness, and star/void. Immunes status, Instant Death, buffs, and debuffs
Shield: Shield Ring: +20 Def, +100 Evade
Head: Star Cap: +16 Def
Acc1: Mystic Symbol: Halves casting times
Acc2: Black Onyx: +30% Max HP

Alternate Equips:
Holy Cloak: +25 Def, Nulls Thunder, immunes status/buffs/debuffs
Mithril Mesh: +18 Def, Nulls Holy
Rare Plate: +38 Def, Halves fire
Silver Cloak: +12 Def, +25 Evade
Panama Hat: +5 Def, +5 Evade

Alternate Accessories:
Diamond Ring: +100 Atk, +40 Acc, +40 Eva, +50 Luck, Nulls Fire and water, halves Star/Void
Amethyst/Aquamarine/Garnet/Moonstone/Sapphire/Sardonyx rings: Absorbs Earth/Fire/Holy/Water/Lightning/Wind

Physical Attack: 201 damage, Book elemental.

Origin (40 TP): 4410 non-elemental magic damage, MT.
Volt (32 TP): 3570 Lightning magic damage, MT
Aska (28 TP): 4410 Holy magic damage, MT.
Maxwell (20 TP): 8 hits of random damage. Averages ~4324 Non-elemental damage when focused. (assuming 7.75 hits)
Ifrit (16 TP): 2705 fire damage, unfocuses vs multiple targets
Shadow (25 TP): 3360 Holy magic damage, MT (Yes. Holy.)

Comments: While his damage could stand to be better, he at least brings great equipment options for nerfing a variety of foes. And his durability is not bad. Probably a Middle.

Arche Klein:
HP: 7878 (85.3%)
TP 771
Str: 48
Con: 43
Agl: 122
Accuracy: 122
Evade: 222
Attack: 668
Defense: 151 (99.9% modifier)
Physical Durability: 85.2%

Weapon: Star Broom: +640 Atk, +10 Accuracy
Body: Star Cloak: +55 Def, Halves water, Darkness, and star/void. Immunes status, Instant Death, buffs, and debuffs
Shield: Shield Ring: +20 Def, +100 Evade
Head: Festive Ribbon: +18 Def, +20 Evade
Hand: Cute Mittens: +15 Def
Acc1: Mystic Symbol: Halves casting times
Acc2: Black Onyx: +30% Max HP

Alternate Equips:
Dark Robe: +50 Def, +15 Accuracy, +15 Evade, Absorbs Earth/Water/Fire/Thunder/Wind
Mithril Mesh: +18 Def, Nulls Holy
Silver Cloak: +12 Def, +25 Evade

Physical Attack: 313 damage

Meteor Storm (40TP): 5636 Star/Void magic damage, MT
Tidal Wave (25TP): 4586 Water magic damage, MT
Indignation (30TP): 4061 Lightning magic damage, MT
Explosion (25TP): 3536 Fire magic damage, MT
God Breath (18TP): 1978 wind magic damage, MT
Death Cloud (25TP): 33% Chance of Instant Death.
Ray (15TP): 1147 Holy magic damage, MT

Comments: Arche has good defensive options in blocking status/elements. Her damage is above average but not fantastic. Her durability isn't great. Her Instant Death isn't very reliable. Probably a Middle. Wishes she brought her melee immunity from other games along with that element brick walling.

Chester whose sister died tragically:
HP: 9372 (101.5%)
TP: 0
Str: 113
Con: 34
Agl: 120
Accuracy: 322
Evade: 218
Attack: 1873
Defense: 129 (89% Modifier)
Physical Durability: 90.3%

Weapon: Elven Bow: +1590 Atk, +200 Accuracy
Body: Gaia Armor: 60 Def, Halves Fire and Water, Nulls Thunder, Absorbs Holy and Dark
Shield: Shield Ring: +20 Def, +100 Evade
Hand: Rare Gauntlet: +15 Def, Halves earth damage.
Acc1: Battle Rune: +10% Attack, +8 Accuracy
Acc2: Black Onyx: +30% Max HP

Alternate Equips:
Soul Stealer : +1700 Atk, +10 Accuracy, Dark elemental. Chester takes 10 damage every attack he makes.
Wave/Sand/Gale/Flare Spread: +800 Atk, +50 Accuracy, Attacks twice. Water/Earth/Wind/Fire elemental
Crescent Bow: +1320 Atk, +10 Accuracy, Lightning elemental

Physical Attack: 1557 ranged physical damage. (3114 per turn)

Comments: Chester has... Accuracy! And range! He's fortunate that he can get 2 arrows out but still his damage isn't going to win many slugfests. Light. He can get slightly better Dark damage but the cost in accuracy is going to be painful so it isn't advisable unless he faces something with poor evasion.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 05:26:19 AM by Pyro »