Author Topic: Wild ARMs 2 (Bosses)  (Read 4822 times)


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Wild ARMs 2 (Bosses)
« on: December 25, 2007, 05:20:24 PM »
Note: I realize that you wanted to combine the two, but the PC stat topic was done by someone else.  In any event, here you go or something.

YEP! Another Boss Stat topic, cause these are fun and such. Basically, getting all bosses just for the shear fun of it. Why? Cause I said so. Same basic idea of listing stats, damages, what have you, and then commenting on thier scrubby/godliness. Mind, I am using HP Plus PPS, though, supposedly, Gourry has the HP per level w/out them, so...yeah...anyway, here we go!

Note that I don't have Brad and Ashley's first boss, as I beat them already, so we're starting wtih Lilka's, so...uhh...yeah <_<

Note: Any damage in Bold means it was hitting a weakness of sorts. Won't be listing damage's done if they are hitting a resistance. In WA2, hitting Weakness = 3x damage, for the record, hence why damage values might appear high.
Note 2: Since WA2 bosses have very unnoticeable defenses (like all of WA2 in general), assume average unless said otherwise

Olivier, the Boundless Glutton Monster:
HP: 300
Lilka's Level: 2
Lilka's HP: 75
Weak to Fire, Resists Ice

Speed: Slower than Lilka

Olivier Juice: 20 damage
Horse Field Kick: 25 damage
Bufooooooh!: 30 damage

Lilka's Damage done to him:
Physical: 20
Flame: 129

Comments: Sucks ass. 3HKOs Lilka, and is slower than her, a character with LIMITLESS healing. Not to mention she 3HKOs him quite soundly with Flame. For non ranked tourney, this guy is complete and utter Light bait.

More to come later. Would have gotten at least the next boss if it wasn't late...

Gaonim, the Escapee Capture Robot:
HP: 2000
Average Level: 5
Average HP: 184

Speed: Slower than Brad

Physical: 25 damage
Chew Up: 65 damage
Hammer Swing: 60 damage

Damage's done to him:
Ashley's Physical (Moor Gault Medium on): 101
Ashley's Smash Hit: 158
Ashley's Shot Weapon: 200
Brad's Physical: 114
Brad's Bazooka: 240
Brad's Lock On Bazooka: 370
Lilka's Physical: 49
Lilka's Magic: 75
Note: Ashley's Shot Weapon is being twinked for Bullets (yes, Full Clip <_<), so if damage from it seems low that would be why.

Comments: His damage is surprisingly not that bad. Chew Up is enough to make Lilka cry, at least. And he can take a hit. Not much else besides that though. Middle.

Vagesta, Mysterious Phantom Being:
HP: 2500
Average HP: 448
Average Level: 9

Speed: Faster than Lilka

Physical: 100 damage
Diseased Cloud: Adds Diseased status, 50%~ hit rate
Life Returner: Heals 270 HP
Poison Bubble: 60 damage, Magical (Lilka took less than Brad w/ Grudiev), small chance of adding Poison status
Distortion: Makes him immune to all damage for a turn

Damage's done to him:
Ashley's Physical w/ Moor Gault: 160
Ashley's Smash Hit: 240
Ashley's Shot Weapon: 310
Brad's Physical: 180
Brad's Bazooka: 500
Brad's Lock On Bazooka: 750
Lilka's Physical: 90
Lilka's Spells: 190

Comments: Scrubby. Some minor status, and pisspoor damage. Worse is that now you've had time to build up Brad's ARMs a bit, making his damage quite uber, offsetting that HP too. Distortion is a neat trick with his speed, but...not much else. Light bait.

Ptolomea, Special Cocytus Squad Member:
HP: 3000
Average HP: 544
Average Level: 10

Speed: Slower than Brad
20% Counter attack rate

Physical: 80 damage
Iron Saber: 240 damage, physical
Ptolomea Dynamite: 180 damage, MT, Magical

Damage's done to him:
Ashley's Physical w/ Moor Gault: 165
Ashley's Smash Hit: 277
Ashley's Shot Weapon: 330
Ashley's Multiblast: 420 (estimate, was out of shots for him
Brad's Physical: 190
Brad's Bazooka: 530
Brad's Lock On Bazooka: 800
Lilka's Physical: 90
Lilka's Magic: 170

Comments: Ptolomea has decent damage, just below 2HKO, and has a magic move for variety. But...his durability still isn't too hot (Blame Brad), and that "Slower than Brad' part really holds him back. Eh, I'll be generous and give him Middle. Though, a note about his in game performance is that he is likely the first boss that might require you to Heal, possibly with Mystic at that.

Elebart, Thunderbolt Battle Monster:
HP: 2500
Average HP: 659
Average Level: 11
Weak to Earth

Speed: Slower than Brad

Physical: 150 damage
Stun Gun Blow: 120 damage, magical
Elebalt Corrida: 240 damage, magical

Damage's done to him:
Ashley's Physical w/ Moor Gault: 175
Ashley's Smash Hit: 280
Ashley's Shot Weapon: 370
Ashley's Multiblast: 450
Brad's Physical: 210
Brad's Bazooka: 560
Brad's Lock On Bazooka: 820
Lilka's Physical: 105
Lilka's Spells: 225
Lilka's Break: 675

Note: Multiblast is doing more based on how I'm raising Ashley's ARMs. If you think its odd that his strongest damage is coming from a certain ARMs, its probably cause one of those ARMs is being raised for Full Clip. As far as Brad goes...his best damage comes from his ST ARMs in general since Power = Power for him (whereas Ashley benefits from more Ammo in Full Clip) Note that, however, later on, I might list several ARMs for him as some of his ARMs have little ammo *looks at Rail Gun*

Comments: Elebart...well, Elebalt Corrida isn't too shabby...but yeah, that durability sucks. And being weak to Earth, combined with possibility of Lilka having Break, kind of makes him die faster combined with Brad's usual Lock On Cheese. Oh, and of course, shit speed. Middle.

Trask, Poisonous Armored Dragonoid:
HP: 3600
Average HP: 929
Average Level: 13
Weak to Ice

Speed: Slower than Brad

Physical: 100 damage
Bio Missile: 267 damage, physical, adds Paralysis (unknown hit rate, only used it twice, hit once)
Poison Breath: Adds Poison, 33% Hit rate

Damage's done to him:
Ashley's Physical w/ Moor Gault: 195
Ashley's Smash Hit: 310
Ashley's Multiblast: 500
Brad's Physical: 220
Brad's Bazooka: 625
Brad's Lock On Bazooka: 940
Lilka's Physical: 110
Lilka's Spells: 260
Lilka's Freeze: 810

Comments: Scrubby. Paralysis + Damage is his only trick. Not much else to say about him really. Light/Middle

HP: 3600
Ashley's HP: 1112
Ashley's level: 14

Speed: Slower than Knight Blazer (like THAT says a lot -_-)

Physical: 0!!!
Bio Missile: 110 damage, physical, adds Paralysis
Poison Gas: Adds Poison, 33% Hit rate

Damage's done to him:
Knight Blazer's Physical w/ Moor Gault: 375
Knight Blazer's Hot Fencer: 750
Knight Blazer's Banisher: 2100 <_< >_>

Comments: Uhh...its the same guy...only this time, he's fightning KNight Blazer...well, ok, he CAN fight Ashley if you are stupid enough as to use Banisher on him, but...well, yeah, we all know how things end up when its scrubby boss vs. Knight Blazer with healing. Oh, it should ALSO be pointed out that his damage IS worse here. Ashley took 38 while NOT in Knight Blazer, when he took nearly 100 last fight. Complete and utter Light bait, would be puny if not for paralysis.

As a side note, said damage difference is proof KNight Blazer DOES increase defences, for those curious. Seeing as this is a forced KB fight, I take his damage vs. Knight Blazer >_> Not that it'd save him if I took it vs. Ashley.

Undines, the Elemental Spirit:
HP: 4000
Average Level: 14
Average HP: 1137
Weak to Fire, Resists Ice

Speed: Faster than Knight Blazer (O.o)
25% Counter attack rate

Physical: 115 damage
Reject all Fools: Uhh...not sure what this does...
Intifada: 340 damage, Physical
Shocking Guinea: Cancel's Actions
Hooky Bust: 545 damage, physical

Damage's done to him:
Ashley's Smash Hit: 350
Ashley's Multiblast: 550
Brad's Bazooka: 675
Brad's Lock On Bazooka: 1025
Lilka's Spells: 280
Lilka's Flame: 860
Knight Blazer's Physical: 350
Knight Blazer's Hot Fencer: 780
Knight Blazer's Banisher: 2250

Comments: His damage is actually not bad, and his speed is EVIL. But...that's about all I can say about him. Bad durability, and no other interesting tricks (ph34r cancellation!) Eh, High Middle.

Liz, the Lead Scientific Researcher (Self Styled):
HP: 2000
Average HP: 1423
Average Level: 16

Speed: Slower than Ashley, Faster than Brad
10% Counter attack rate

Physical: 50
Blue Bug Liquid: Adds Poison status, used only on Ard (...)
Homemade Bomb: 240 damage, Magical. 140 Damage to self

Damage's to Him:
Ashley's Smash Hit: 395
Ashley's Bolt Action: 610
Ashley's Multiblast: 600
Brad's Bazooka: 760
Brad's Lock On Bazooka: 1175
Lilka's Spells: 198

Comments: Clearly a godlike. I mean look at the HP! The Speed! and the damage is so high, HE HURTS HIMSELF! ...ok, fine, Liz fanboyism aside, he sucks, beyond comic relief value. Light.

Ard, his assistant:
HP: 3000
Average HP and Level are same as Liz

Magic Defense: Bad
Speed: Slower than Brad
25% Counter attack rate
Note that Ard is basically always poisoned, as Liz uses "Blue Bug Juice" on him at the beginning of the fight. This makes him take 210 damage a turn.

Physical: 80 damage
Dump Truck Tackle: 155, physical
Bomb Punch: 250 damage, physical, usable only on turns Liz uses "Blue Bug Juice"

Damages to Him:
Ashley's Smash Hit: 395
Ashley's Bolt Action: 610
Ashley's Multiblast: 600
Brad's Bazooka: 760
Brad's Lock On Bazooka: 1175
Lilka's Spells: 350

Comments: Well, he...takes hits better than his partner...not that this says anything at all. However, he DOES have noticeably BAD Magic defense, which is surprising considering the game he's from. He also has worse damage, but it doesn't get him killed either! He's a slug too! yay! ...yeah, I think we all know where he's going. Fine boss to go into Light

(Note that Both HP's are SO SAD, I am NOT even going to bother trying to get Knight Blazer against them -_-Wink

Alphael, Progenitor Birds with Wings of Life:
HP: 5000
Average HP: 1484
Average Level: 16 (Ashley was 17, for reference)
Weak vs. Earth

Speed: Slower than Brad (given he's a giant flying bird...-_-Wink

Physical: 135 damage
Leg Claw: 260 damage, physical
RF Blade: 170 damage, magical, very low chance of Instant Death

Damage's done to him:
Ashley's Smash Hit: 385
Ashley's Multiblast: 660
Brad's Bazooka: 760
Brad's Lock On Bazooka: 1100
Lilka's Spells: 325
Lilka's Break: 960
Knight Blazer's Physical: 400
Knight Blazer's Hot Fencer: 840
Knight Blazer's Banisher: 2545

Comments: Pretty standard for a WA2 boss, and that's not necessarily a good thing. Oh well, that incredibly rare instant death might scare the likes of Raja...maybe...Light.

Note: Due to laziness, I'm...not going to bother with Knight Blazer's damage from hence forth. Its not enough of an increase over Ashley's ARMs to care about.

Reguleus, Compound Plant Monster:
HP: 5000
Average HP: 1589
Average Level: 18
Weak vs. Fire, Resists Ice

Speed: Slower than Tim/Brad

Physical: 115 damage
Napweed Extract: 200 damage, magical, small chance of adding Sleep
Wormyweed Extract: 50 damage, physical, adds Poison status
Elewood Extract: 200 damage, magical, adds Confusions.

Damage's Done to him:
Ashley's Smash Hit: 410
Ashley's Multiblast: 730
Brad's Bazooka: 825
Brad's Lock On Bazooka: 1225
Lilka's Spells: 355
Lilka's Flame: 1100
Tim's Physical: 140

Comments: Well, he's a status whore...and not much else. Yeah, very sad damage, bad durability, slow...we've seen this before. Due to being a status whore, I'll give him High Light.

Skipping Gehenna Neros only cause its so obviously a plot fight, its not even funny. That, and I'm lazy <_<

Antenora, Special Cocytus Squad Member:
HP: 6000
Average HP: 1796
Average Level: 18

Speed: Slower than Brad
50% COunter attack rate

Physical: 235 damage
Epheromon: 600 damage, magical, roughly 40% chance of adding Poison and Misery.
Shockwave: 320 damage, magical

Damage done to her:
Ashley's Smash Hit: 410
Ashley's Multiblast: 750
Brad's Bazooka: 850
Brad's Lock On Bazooka: 1250
Lilka's Spells: 360

Comments: Well, her damage isn't total ass, and she has some minor status...and that's about it. She's happy Tim isn't around with Pooka, meaning she can't eat the new fonud summons, otherwise, her durabilty would seem even worse. Good thing she has that Diablo Pillar form. Low Middle.

Juddecca, Special Cocytus Squad Member:
HP: 3600
Tim's HP: 1100
Tim's Level: 19

Speed: Slower than Tim

Physical: 74 damage
Sidewinder: 36!!! damage, magical (I assume so anyway, thus would explain its damage to Tim)
Miriam: 326 damage, physical, 50% Hit rate
Douglass: 35 damage, physical (random assumption based off animation. Later fights should fix this)

Tim's damage to him:
Physical: 155
Magnetron Bomb: 1425

Comments: He sucks beyond all reason. Slow, can't counter, and ass damage. His Best character wiht game worst HP and defense by a fair amount (he did have Grudiev on to be fair)...and it has accuracy issues. SAD. Light Bait. Also thankful for his Diablo Pillar form.

Blastodon, Explosive Red Thunder Toad:
HP: 7500
Average HP: 1622 (yes, Tim brings the HP down)
Average Level: 18 (Tim at 19)
Weak to Fire and Ice, resists water

Speed: Slower than Brad

Physical: 250 damage
Paralyzer: Adds paralysis, low hit rate
Evil Quasar: 220 damage, magical
Poison Bubble: 250 damage, magical, 75% chance of adding Green Poison (which is same as Grey, only more damage per turn)

Damage's done to him:
Ashley's Smash Hit: 410
Ashley's Multiblast: 750
Ashley's Vapor Blast: 2050
Brad's Bazooka: 850
Brad's Lock On Bazooka: 1250
Lilka's Spells: 360
Lilka's Freeze and Flame: 1050
Tim's Rock Bolt: 310
Tim's Magnetron Bomb: 1400
Note: Yes, Tim Learned Rock Blast from Juddecca.

Comments: Well, his durability is better than other bosses, but only by a small amount. Being weak to fire REALLY hurts him, especially if you give Tim Moor Gault (See Magnetron Bomb? That's likly to be closer to 4500 with Vapor Blast) Ass damage, of course. Scrub boss, all things considered, despite having one of the best Subnames EVER. Light.

Ptolomea, REVISITED!:
HP: 7500
Average HP: 1963
Average Level: 20 (Tim is at 21)

Speed: Slower than Brad
33% Counter attack rate

Physical: 110 damage
Iron Saber: 355 damage, physical
Ptolomea Dynamite: 150 damage, magical

Damage's done to him:
Ashley's Smash Hit: 445
Ashley's Multiblast: 800
Ashley's Vapor Blast: 825
Brad's Bazooka: 875
Brad's Lock On Bazooka: 1300
Brad's Magnetron Bomb: 800 (...yeah, waste of FP)
Lilka's Spells: 415
Lilka's Assault Tide: 1175
Tim's Level 1 Spells: 400
Tim's Level 2 Spells: 620

Comments: He...may have very well have gotten worse in this form. Same in all regards but his damage took a HUGE drop. Yeah, no way he wants this form, not for anything, especially since his moves are all the same. Light.

HP: 3500
Average HP: 2171
Average Level: 21.5 (Tim and Ashley are 22, Brad and Lilka are 21)

Speed: Slower than Brad
20% Counter attack rate

Physical: 380 damage
Red Bug Liquid: Adds Diseased status, used on Ard only
Strange Bomb: 570 damage to party, 600 to self and Ard, Magical

Damage's done to him:
Ashley's Smash Hit: 510
Ashley's Dead Or Alive: 850
Ashley's Vapor Blast: 930
Brad's Bazooka: 900
Brad's Lock On Bazooka: 1375
Brad's Magnetron Bomb: 890 (I...think at this point, I'll ignore Brad's summons, they're worse than his ARMs)
Lilka's Spells: 430
Lilka's Assault Tide: 1250
Tim's Level 1's: 400
Tim's Level 2's: 590
Tim's Dash Corrida: 1625
Note tha Tim was using Nova Sarx (+20% Res) while Lilka was using Schturdark (+10% Sor), so ones damage might be a little high/low, depending on how you view things.

Comments: Much the same mold as his previous form. Hell, its not at all difference, besides maybe raw damage. Light Bait.

HP: 4000
Party stats same as Liz

Speed: Slower than Liz
20% Counter Rate

Physical: 430 damage
Anti Tank Punch: 1200 damage, physical, used only on turns Liz uses "Red Bug Liquid"
Dump Truck Tackle: 720 damage, Physical

Damage's done to him:
See Liz

Comments: He, on the otherhand, got noticiably better. MInd, his durability still sinks him, but his damage is at least decent (if you allow Anti Tank Punch, its close to 2HKO) That's a lot more than just about every other boss up to this point of the game can say. Still Light though.

Trask 2.0, Biogenic Dragoid:
HP: 5000
Average HP: 2256
Average Level: 22

Speed: Slower than Tim/Brad

Physical: 450 (randomly assuming he has one, and random estimate based on Blink Around)
Bio Missile: 980 damage, physical, adds paralysis (assumption based on previous Trasks)
Sonic Howl: 400 damage, Magical
Blink Around: 950 damage, physical

Damage's done to him:
Ashley's Smash Hit: 525
Ashley's Dead Or Alive: 850
Ashely's Vapor Blast: 950
Brad's Bazooka: 925
Brad's Lock On Bazooka: 1400
Lilka's Spells: 475
Lilka's Assault Tide: 1300
Tim's Level 1's: 400
Tim's Level 2's: 610
Tim's Dash Corrida: 1725

Comments: You know, he had potential to be a good boss. He really did. His damage isn't bad, and he uses it consistnatly, just...well, LOOK AT THE HP. Like all WA2 bosses before him, he gets killed fast, and thus, loses any ability to be decent. Hell, that HP is bad even compared to WA2 bosses, as a few of the ones before him had more HP. Yeah, he sucks. I'll give him Low Middle cause his damage isn't total ass.

HP: 5500
Average HP: 2425
Average Level: 23

Speed: Faster than Knight Blazer

Physical: 430
Pike Kick: 1300
Left Edge: 1020
Drive Cut: 1730

Damage's done to her:
Ashley's Smash Hit: 570
Ashley's DeadOrAlive: 1050
Ashley's Vapor Blast: 980 (yeah...I think I'll start ignoring Ashley's Summons from here as well)
Brad's Bazooka: 1000
Brad's Lock On Bazooka: 1500
Lilka's Spells: 500
Lilka's Saber: 830
Lilka's Assault Tide: 1375
Tim's Level 1's: 410
Tim's Level 2's: 625
Tim's Dash Corrida: 1780

Comments: First, I'll mention her flaws. She can't take hits, at all, like any WA2 boss before her. Her durability sucks. That said...Kanon's Boss form is...well, Chibi Kefka, all things considered. Insanely fast, and great damage (we're looking at a fight where Accellerator MIGHT be useful...or not...) Sure, its not OHKO to anyone but Tim, but...still, she 2HKOs even the likes of Brad w/ Grudiev quite soundly. If you allow this form, it'd be a Heavy/God Like, the durability being the only thing that keeps it out from being full Godlike.

Antenora, REVISITED!:
HP: 7000
Average HP: 2423 (note that Brad is gone, hence the lower HP)
Average Level: 25

Speed: Faster than Ashley, slower than Lilka
25% Counter Attack Rate

Physical: 450 damage
Epheromon: 1000 damage, Magical, roughly 20% chance of adding sleep
Shockwave: 560 damage, Magical

Damage's done to her:
Ashley's Smash Hit: 580
Ashley's DeadOrAlive: 1125
Lilka's Spells: 525
Lilka's Saber: 925
Lilka's Assault Tide: 1400
Tim's Level 1s: 465
Tim's Level 2s: 700
Tim's Dash Corrida: 1800

Comments: MUCH better than her first form. This one has passable speed, worse status odds, but the status move is better. Oh, and she has actual damage, which isn't too bad. A huge improvement over her previous form, she could not have the Diablo Pillar form and still be a fine Middle.

Caina, Special Cocytus Squad Member:
HP: 7200
Average HP: 2423
Average Level: 25

Speed: Faster than Lilka, Slower than Knight Blazer
25% Counter Attack Rate

Physical: 460 damage
4D Hypno Blast: 800 damage, magical
Gate of Isolde: 450 damage, magical, randomly adds Misery, Silence, Disease, Sleep or Poison

Damage's to him/her:
Ashley's Smash Hit: 610
Ashley's DeadOrAlive: 1150
Lilka's Spells: 520
Lilka's Saber: 900
Lilka's Assault Tide: 1500
Tim's Level 1s: 430
Tim's Level 2s: 690
Tim's Dash Corrida: 1815

Comments: Not much on damage, nor on durability, but s/he has excellent speed, and Gate of Isolde is neat trick. Can't see him/her as much better than Low Middle, though.

HP: 8000
Average HP: 2423
Average Levels: 25

Speed: Faster than Knight Blazer

Physical: 475 damage
Left Edge: 1150 damage, physical
Pike Kick: 1600 damage, physical
Drive Cut: 2000 damage, Physical

Damage's done to her:
See Caina, more or less

Comments: More or less the same mold as her first form. Only difference is this time you don't have Brad, and his consistently high damage, and ability to take her hits. Yeah, basically, refer to her previous form, this one is more or less identical.

HP: 9000
Average HP: 2588
Average Level: 26 (Tim at 27)

Speed: Faster than Lilka

Physical: 575 damage
Left Edge: 1300 damage, physical
Pike Kick: 1850 damage, physical
Drive Cut: 2200 damage, Physical

Damage's done to her:
Ashley's DeadOrAlive: 1200
Lilka's Level 1s: 600
Lilka's Level 2s: 1200
Lilka's Saber: 980
Lilka's Assault Tide: 1525
Tim's level 1s: 535
Tim's Level 2s: 810
Tim's Negative Zone: 2170

Comments: Not much to say, just slightly improved over her other forms. Incredibly fast, great damage, only flaw is her suspect durability. Not else to her. If you allow this form, its a clear Godlike.

At this point, I'm ignoring all lesser spells from Tim and Lilka, and only using thier Level 2's and summons, as it saves sanity, and such. If you must know, Lilka's level 1's are roughly half power of a level 2, Tim's are about a ratio of 3:2, and Saber is about 80% the damage of a level 2, or so.

Juddecca, REVISITED!:
HP: 5000
Kanon's HP: 2470
Kanon's Level: 27

Speed: Slower than Kanon (oh, like THAT says a lot)
33% Counter rate

Physical: 180
Sidewinder: 260 damage, magical (?)
Miriam: 700 damage, physical, 50% hit rate
Douglas: 250 damage, physical

Kanon's Damage to him:
Physical w/ Moor Gault: 300
Smash Hit: 510
Left Edge: 355
Pike Kick: 530
Drive Cut: 700
Wire Fist: 850
Arc Kick: 1000
Gat Drive Cut: 1500
Gat Arc Kick: 2050

Comments: Not much to say about him here. He got better, at least, since now he's fighting someone with actual durability (namely Kanon), and manages to still do decent passable damage. Though, his durability still sucks ass, since Kanon can rip apart that 5k HP in no time, despite being a solo fight.

Note: From here on in, for Kanon, I'm only going to be testing her strongest Gat of each level, and her strongest Bionic Command I have at the time (So in the case of Juddecca, it'd be Arc Kick, Gat Drive Cut, and Gat Arc Kick)

Liz, the end of the Beginning!:
HP: 4500
Average HP: 2701
Average Level: 28 (Lilka and Ashley at 27)

Speed: Faster than Lilka, slower than Kanon

Physical: 480 damage
Mixed Bug Liquids: Adds Diseased and Poisoned status, used only on Ard
Chef's Whimsy Bomb: 1000 damage to all, including Self, magical

Comments: Well, he has Speed! And that's about all I can say. His damage, while good, kind of kills him just as fast as the enemy, likly faster when you consider both are attacking. And of course, he can't take hits. Light.

Ard, and his dramatic finish:
HP: 5000
Average HP: 2701
Average Level: 28 (Lilka and Ashley at 27)

Speed: Slower than Tim

Physical: 550 damage
Dump Truck Tackle: 870 damage, physical
Alter Ego Punch: 1900 damage, usable only on turns Liz uses Mixed Bug Liquid

Comments: He, however, is a total slug. His damage isn't TOO shabby, I guess, and is in fact quite good if you let him use Alter Ego Punch at will. He also dies to a sneeze however, like his comrad. Pity, both are such cool characters. Light.

Note: Not testing damage vs. him, frankly, you can tell how durable both are based on thier HP scores alone, just assume damage is a bit higher from previous fights.

Arms Killer, Robotic Monster Assassin:
HP: 8000
Average HP: 2743
Average Level: 28 (Lilka at 27)
Weak vs. Darkness

Speed: Slower than Lilka, Faster than Ashley

Physical: ??? (if he has one, he never used it on me)
Coldray Gimlet: 860 damage, magical, Ice elemental (?)
Biolaser: 900 damage, magical
Rayxander: 850 damage, magical, Lightning elemental (?)
Repulser Blast: 1500 damage, magical, wind elmental (?)
Black Heart: 1600 damage, magical, dark elemental (?)
Tranquilizer Gun: Adds Paralyis or Sleep (dunno which one), Abysmal hit rate (he used it a total of 3 times, and it never hit -_-Wink
Fire Crystal: 800 damage, magical, fire elemental (?)

Damage's done to it:
Ashley's DeadOrAlive: 1375
Lilka's Level 2s: 1200
Lilka's Assault Tide: 1550
Tim's Level 2s: 830
Tim's Dark Star: 2400
Tim's Negative Zone: 7200
Kanon's Arc Kick w/ Aru Sulato: 1200
Kanon's Gat Drive Cut: 1735
Kanon's Gat Arc Kick: 2270

Comments: Well, he has good damage. And his speed isn't totally bad either. Mind, he of coures, lacks durability. Still, nice to see bosses are slowly improving. High Middle.

Note about Mediums: Assume Kanon has the strongest Attack Boosting Medium around from now on. She benefits from these more so than anyone else. Tim and Lilka should be quite easy to figure out what Mediums they have on based on thier summon (so for now, Lilka has Schturdark, for example) Ashley and Brad basically don't care about Mediums, as thier ARMs are independant (mind, KB cares, but we don't care about him <.<) Yeah, thought I'd throw this in, as Mediums are actually starting to make a reasonable impact, and such.

Belleclaire, Explosive Emperor Monster:
HP: 9600
Average HP: 3199 (Remember, Brad is back, hence the jump in HP)
Average Level: 29 (Brad at 28)
Absorbs Earth, weak vs. Wind

Speed: Slower than Brad

Physical: 650 damage
Drill Drager: 2400 damage, physical
Megaton Attack: 3200 damage, physical, 90%~ hit rate (less accurrate than a basic physical, is what I'm trying to get at, but not by a large amount)
Resonance Quake: 1100 damage, magical
Weakness: Lowers defense and Mgr

Damage's done to her:
Ashley's DeadOrAlive: 1350
Brad's Bazooka: 1100
Brad's Lock On Bazooka: 1600
Brad's Lock On Rail Gun: 3000
Lilka's Level 2s: 1230
Lilka's Hi Vortex: 3700
Tim's Level 2s: 850
Tim's Tempest: 2550
Kanon's Arc Kick: 1250
Kanon's Gat Drive Cut: 1800
Kanon's Gat Arc Kick: 2500

Comments: OW. This thing has damage, and lots of it. Hell, even with HP Up, only Brad and Ashley could survive Megaton Attack without defending. And its MT Damage is pretty scary at that. Basically, she's Kanon trading in Speed for better damage and a (respectable) MT attack. Only flaws are its shit speed and typically bad durability. I'll just say Heavy, for her.

Note: I'm never listing Rail Gun by itself, EVER, if only cause any sane person would at LEAST use Rail Gun with Lock On.

Ptolomea, THE FINALE!:
HP: 20000
Average HP: 3212
Average Level: 29

Speed: Slower than Brad/Tim
80% Counter attack rate

Physical: 650 damage
Ptolomea Dynamite: 1100 damage, magical
Iron Saber: 1600 damage, physical

See Belleclaire, more or less, only add the following changes
Brad's Bazooka: 1150
Brad's Lock On Bazooka: 1800
Brad's Lock On Rail Gun: 3100
Kanon's Phalanx: 1500

Comments: Well, his speed sucks, that's for sure. HOWEVER, his damage is no longer crap! Its just a hair below 2HKO level. Even better, he has *gasp* GOOD HP! Best of any boss at this point of the game BY FAR. Granted, that doesn't say much, but a WA2 boss who can take hits is almost as rare as finding a Grandia Boss with damage. About time the guy improved, and this form isn't that bad either, once you get beyond the suspect speed, which granted, does hold him back. High Middle

Drawdo, Shapeless Slime Monster:
HP: 9600
Average HP: 3354
Average Level: 30
Weak vs. Fire and Earth, Immune to Dark

Speed: Slower than Brad/Tim

Physical: 650 damage
Gas Pressure: 470 damage, magical, randomly adds green poison
Optochemical Bomb: 470 damage, magical, randomly adds poison or confusion status
Mercury-Cadmium: Randomly adds Disease, Downhearted, Amnesia, Silence, or sleep status
Slimy Bind: Lowers Res and Parry

Damage's done to him:
Ashley's DeadOrAlive: 1400
Brad's Bazooka: 1200
Brad's Lock On Bazooka: 1800
Brad's Lock on Rail Gun: 3200
Lilka's Level 2s: 1300
Lilka's Hi Flame/Break: 4000
Tim's Level 2s: 900
Tim's Graviton/Napalm hit: 2700
Kanon's Phalanx: 1600
Kanon's Gat Drive Cut: 1900
Kanon's Gat Arc Kick: 2500

Comments: Pure status whore, nothing more, nothing less. Also contains typical WA2 boss problems, of course, such as low damage, bad speed, and of course, no durability whatsoever. Hard to place him anywhere due to being based entirely around status to kill yeah...

Caina, FINALE (or is it???):
HP: 18000
Average HP: 3453
Average Level: 31 (Brad and Lilka at 30)
Weak vs. Dark

Speed: Slower than Tim/Brad
33% Counter Attack Rate

Physical: 650 damage
4D Hypno Blast: 1700 damage, magical
Gate of Isolde: 1000 damage, magical, randomly adds Misery, Silence, Disease, Sleep or Poison

Damage's done to her:
See the previous boss, add about 100 damage to each attacks (nixing the weakness ones of course) not from Brad or Lilka. Too lazy to go through it all again. At this point, besides some ARMs upgrading, there isn't much extra damage being done, only 100 points more, at most, from level ups.

Comments: Good damage, good durability, and a nice status attack, as well as good Counter attack rate. A mage version of Ptolomea, only with some status too, all things considered. Is that status enough to get another division? Probably not, as its too random to be reliable. High Middle.

Prisnum, Humanoid Mirage:
HP: 9600
Average HP: 3461
Average Level: 31 (Brad at 30)

Speed: Slower than Brad


Coldray Gimlet: 600 damage, magical, Ice elemental (?)
Kirlian Buster: 650 damage, magical
Tidal Wave: 1350 damage, magical, water elemental (?)

Damage's done to him:
See Notes vs. Caina, more or less

Comments: Scrubby. Only decent thing is its MT damage, and beyond that, not much else...

Antenora, FINALE!:
HP: 16000
Average HP: 3601
Average Level: 32 (Brad at 31)

Speed: Slower than Brad
10% Counter Attack Rate

Physical: 600
Shockwave: 850 damage, magical
Epheromon: 1600 damage, magical, randomly adds Poison, Misery, Silence, or Sleep, roughly 10% Chance

Damage's done to her:
See Caina's notes again. At this point, besides some ARMs upgrading, there isn't much extra damage being done, only 100 points more, at most, from level ups.

Comments: Well, she got some damage! ...beyond that, she's likly the worst of the Cocytus Members thus far, assuming Diablo Pillar forms, since her damage is standard, and well, her "trick" being status is incredibly unreliable. Not to mention she has the worst HP of them all thus far. Mind, being the worst of the Cocytus members isn't a bad thing, persay, as they do own all the other bosses in this game. She can still take hits well, and do alright damage. Its enough to get her out of Light, that's for sure. Meh, even though I think she's worse than Ptolomea, its not by enough to matter, so...High Middle.

Jasoul, Aggressive Poltrgeist:
HP: 9200
Average HP: 3600
Average Level: 32 (Brad at 31)
Succeptible to Turn Undead (does NOT ID him), Absors Dark, Resists Earth, Water, Fire, Lightning, Wind and Ice

Speed: Slower than Brad

Spark: 370 damage, magic, Lightning elemental
Armor Down: Lowers defense by 16%
Life Force: This damage seems to flucuate A LOT. Saw it do 600 damage once, and then OHKO Brad (O_o) So...yeah...heals him for damage done
Kirlian Buster: 400 damage, magical
Caloric Nova: 1600 damage, magical

Damage's done to him:
See notes vs. Caina, will the Following Changes:
Brad's Lock On Rail Gun: 3600
Tim's Turn Undead: 1900
Note: Tim's Turn UNdead is a special case for THIS fight only. Brad's Rail Gun, however, is a universal change and such

Comments: Resisting all elements and Life Force makes him nasty. Caloric Nova is some decent damage to. Beyond that? Nothing else really.

Magmalizer, Red Hot Lava Monster:
HP: 9500
Average HP: 3728
Average Level: 33 (Brad at 32)
Absorbs Fire, Weak vs. Ice and Water (I'm just assuming this based on what he is, Mirror Coat makes magic testing a bitch)

Speed: Slower than Brad

Physical: 630 damage
Mirror Coat: Adds reflect status
Maglash: 650 damage, magical, fire elemental (?)
Fire Crystal: 650 damage, magical, fire elemental

Damage's done to him:
See notes on Caina

Comments: Mirror Coat is his only trick. He sucks completely beyond that. Note its possible I missed some attacks from him, but...yeah, he's otherwise a joke boss. Light bait.

Judecca, FINALE!:
HP: 18000
Average HP: 3728
Average Level: 33 (Brad at 32)

Speed: Slower than Brad
50% Counter Attack Rate

Physical: 650 damage
Douglas: 550 damage, magical, randomly inflicts Paralysisl
Miriam: 1850 damage, physical, 75% hit rate
Sidewinder: 600 damage, magical

Damage's done to him:
See Caina's notes'

Comments: The worst Cocytus Member by a fair margin. Best damage move, unlike the other 3, has accurracy issues, and his status move is very unreliable (He spammed Douglas once...and the Paralysis hit once -_-) Nothing really worth noting about him. On the plus side, he DOES have typical cocytus qualities, having decent durability from HP. Middle

Vinsfeld Rhamadantus, Leader of Odessa:
HP: 24000
Average HP: 3853
Average Level: 34 (Brad at 33)

Speed: Faster than Ashley, slower than Lilka
50% Counter Attack Rate

Physical: 400
4D Hypno Blast: 800 damage, magic
Incur My Wrath: 1000 damage, magic, about 5% Chance of Instant Death
Void Effect: Dispels all stat buffers

Damage's done to him:
See Caina's Notes, but make the following Change
Brad's Lock On Rail Gun: 4150

Comments: Well, he's got HP! And his speed isn't half bad either. And as most of us know, he has complete lack of damage. And no, Incur My Wrath's instant death won't really help much unless he fights someone like Raja or Bannon. He's not as bad as been advertised in the past, but...he's sure quite scrubby considering his position. Light/Middle seems like a good place for him.

Vinsfeld Rhamadantus, FINAL DUEL STYLE, Ph34r OMG!:
HP: 12000
Ashley's HP: 4661
Ashley's Level: 35

Speed: Faster than Ashley
50% Counter Attack Rate

Physical: 220 damage
4D Hypno Blast: 600 damage, magical
Void Effect: Dispels all stat buffers

Ashley's damage's to him:
DeadOrAlive: 1500
Knight Blazer's Physical: 825
Hot Fencer: 1900
Banisher: 5200

Comments: This form is inferior to his first form in everyway, mind, for good plot reasons. Here, he is just barely gathering his last ounce of strength to slow Ashley down as one last stand so he doesn't lose entirely (take Ashley down with him, at least, in the HG's explosion) For that reason alone, I do not hold Vinsfeld to this form, as it has decent plot reasons for being considerably weaker.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Wild ARMs 2 (Bosses)
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2008, 02:58:14 AM »
A mostly irrelevant fact for the DL, but Caina's Gate of Isolde is multi-target.  This only actually matters for going up against multi-part bosses, mostly, but since the issue did just come up in a recent RPGMon match, probably best to note that here.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Wild ARMs 2 (Bosses)
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2013, 07:36:10 AM »
Because it somehow matters this week for likely the first time ever, Caina's listed weakness to dark in this thread is a typo.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.