I prepared a very angry rebuttal, but on second thought I'll leave it be for now. I fail to understand why those such as Gendo call a vigorous prosecution of fools and idiots... er, wonderful yet misguided people "bad play due to applied pressure," but that's just one of those mysteries of the courtroom.
Instead I'll be quick and precise: I find the case on me *objectively* bad. The N0 ramblings is obviously a matter of different playstyles; we likely would have had the exact same discussion if we were all normal
villains witnesses. It wasn't a bad topic to get the gears moving on Day 1, though. However everything afterward has been a trainwreck. Let's recap:
* Gorgy votes me for saying nothing. Yet since we're all *still* arguing about N0 it obviously wasn't nothing.
* Joker and Wily seem to dislike me for disagreeing with my N0 post. (And, in Wily's case, exagerrating / misreading it- I made a very specific claim, "a mafia member killed Haruhi but were given no choice about it by the Mod," not a giant whiffle. I discussed all the possibilities to
dismiss some.) I don't approve but there's vaguely some Day 1ish argument here.
* Lurkers and everyone else vote me for my later actions, notably attacking Gorgy and not having an immediate vote. Perhaps the lingo is different around here, but in my courtrooms "FoS" is equivalent to a vote, just one that isn't officially entered into the Court Record. Already explained why I didn't make it official, thought Gorgy was closer to L-1 then he was.
This is a strange hypothetical, but if my soul was in a different entity's body, I'd be voting the same way. I'm standing behind the original post as about as on-topic as is possible to get early Day 1.
In any case. That's my piece on my own personal persecution train. As for who to suggest instead... first, unofficial votecount.
Gaston (1): Potato
Gorgutz (4): Light, Beatrice, Dahlia, Gig
Beatrice (1): Gorgy
Dark Helmet (3.75): Gendo, Mr. Burns, Pie, Dr. Wily
Dahlia (4): Gorgutz, Dark Helmet, Joker, Vegeta
Vegeta (2): Edna, Bowser
Correct me if I'm wrong?
Actual thoughts to follow, this took long to write already.