Author Topic: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN  (Read 52833 times)

Li Syaoran

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #100 on: January 30, 2010, 02:32:13 AM »
* Gendo Ikari grimaces, fixing his glasses with a displeased semblance.

Oof. The last hour in the end of day 1 was absurdly ugly. Work shanghai'ed me before it got going into the disaster it turned to be and I could only even get the time to read by the time it had already ended. However inexplicable Dark Helmet's behavior was, though, now we know he was town - and now that we know Dahlia was town as well, we have two trains to look at - the Dahlia train and the Dark Helmet train. And honestly, I can't shake the feeling that there was at least a bit of heavy-handed scum maneuvering on the goings of the Rick Moranis train. I will not exempt myself from the fact I was the first one who voted for him, though, but I had my reasons (poor reasoning for his vote jumping into a train, heavy lurking and basically no substance) - and, in a sense, Dark Helmet only helped himself into the abyss further with the incomprehensibly hostile attitude and manic operations. It doesn't change the fact that the way it panned out was a mess that I'm certain scum took advantage at.

So, I'll take a look - particularly on the DH train, since it's the one I feel trainwrecked most badly. I'm still mulling over Dahliabussing, but I honestly want to see Gorgutz's hindsight on it - and he's certainly not made any favors for himself in reliability so far.

Anyhow, Dark Helmet. The one to ultimately seal the Helmet's fate was... Dr. Wily. However, I don't think he's immediately to be put into the boardwalk because of that: DH behaved hilariously badly, and that kind of attitude almost inevitably gets people lynched in the way the games roll. I'm not sure I find Wily's approach to be very agreeable in the game, but I'm willing to give them the benefit of doubt for now - particularly Wily, due to his actually participative stance. However, there are a few more people who warrant a look among those who voted on the Helm, and those worry me more.

First, Mr. Burns. He disappeared for most of the day, then reappeared and affably gave a nod to my argument on the Dahlia train being too fast and simple, just to lay his vote and then disappear back into the shadows. That was the last we heard of him for Day 1, and there's the fact he -did- visit Dahlia on Night 0, as said by Dark Helmet (if nothing else, it's been confirmed he's town, and the description seems to match his claim. I'm going to bite here). We have two possible leads coming from him here - and suddenly, I realize killing Dahlia night 1 makes sense for scum coming off from this angle: this means we won't be able to get a feedback from her to figure this picture out, so the figure is half-complete. Probably less than half-complete if Burns is scum, because then we'll have to deal with further misdirection.

Second, Edna: all she's done was basically hop from train to train, and sitting on an explanation that's yet to come. Besides that, the typical bad combo of low posting and low content overall, which doesn't help the picture. Tangentially, I wonder where did the Pie vote come from. But her issues are basically a repeat of just about every hardcore lurker in the game as of now who's in the safe range from inactivity prod/modkill. Vegeta, who was in the Dahlia train, is just as guilty of this sin, and definitely needs pressure added to the hard side of his head. Bowser also sparks a red light here. Gorgutz, honestly, seemed manically inconsistent for the whole stints of activity we had, and unabashedly reactive - even moreso than Dahlia, which can bring out some red flags given the current context (now we know Dahlia was town, he started the train. Food for thought, but not something to be relied upon until we get more content from him).Gaston essentially hasn't existed for the whole game and that is ridiculous - however, I think he's more likely to be dealt with by the mods than by us, given how long he's been inactive. I'd rather focus on the people we have.

Ninja'd by Beatrice, by the way (and she emphasized better than I could why Edna looks bad in the train-hopping business). Many people I want to extirpate, but only one vote. In order of suspicion for the ones I singled out, I'm going Mr. Burns > Edna = Vegeta > Bowser = Gorgutz so far. I very much want to hear Mr. Burns out on this wealth of current info, and an explanation from everybody else would be appreciated as well.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #101 on: January 30, 2010, 02:36:53 AM »

At the end of the day, I wanted to vote off Dahlia and onto Helmet with Wily, but on preview I saw a ninja roleclaim and reconsidered thinking "well that's provable", and then was going to go to Gorgutz but got ninja'd again, this time by the mod ending the day.  Too many ninjas in this city.  I hate, hate, HATE people with ninja training, don't you?

Gaston, Gig, Light, Edna - too many pieces on the chessboard whose movements I cannot discern well.  I must say the end of day scramble benefitted Gorgutz like an extravagant ball, especially thanks to Bowser's influence, but it seems to have done so without the conscious involvement of either of those parties.  My mind is still drawn towards Gorgutz, yet part of it says otherwise, crazily.  

AND BOY AM I CRAZY!  So I'm going to vote for those four people today barring extraordinary evidence elsewhere.

##Vote: Edna

Explain, as promised!  Take a stand!  Do something!

PS to the witch almost as crazy as I am - is it still not clear that Haruhi never was a player in the first place?  If I was allowed to bring in that insufferable fop to off as a joke with no relevance to this little tete-a-tete, and I was, I cannot help but see her as more of the same.


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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #102 on: January 30, 2010, 02:38:40 AM »
Mod Note: You will notice the wording was a very specific active non-potato votes.  There are presently 13 votes that count towards lynching thresholds.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #103 on: January 30, 2010, 02:42:27 AM »

Any reason for holding off on a vote now, Rudoooolf? It's not like they stick to people like a stake in the forehead. *cackle*cackle*

Joker: irrelevant. It could be phrased as 14 pieces with 2 down without Haruhi. My point is that the game master claims that we have 13 voices between us when I can count only 12.

Ninja game master: And aha, this observation has now proved quite interesting indeed.

Fix the topic title while you're at it, though. No potato-related excuses to be had there! Kihihihihihi!

Tron Bonne

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #104 on: January 30, 2010, 02:53:02 AM »
I do agree that some explanations are in order, ol' chap. First order of business: inactivity. I'd stick with that I said yesterday about me running the nuclear plant (aka full time job, not much time to be online, I even have to work sunday... >_<; and there's also the fact that I'm on American soil, which makes timing very bad regarding the end of day 1) Secondly, it is indeed unfortunate to see that young girl at the bottom of that cliff now. And of course that makes me a suspect seeing as I did see her on N0, I will admit to that. Maybe it's just be or my paranoia, but that just seems too convenient. And maybe not, who knows! Feel free to think of me what you will, nothing can change what happened.

And despite what happened yesterday, I don't want to pronouce myself too hastily, except for this temprorary vote:
##Vote: Bowser

You said it all too well, Beatrice. There's a non-potato vote missing. You seem to forget about the pie that gave an extra .75. Right now, if anything, I'm weary of people with extra votes. And the only one we know of is Bowser.

Li Syaoran

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #105 on: January 30, 2010, 03:08:27 AM »

Any reason for holding off on a vote now, Rudoooolf? It's not like they stick to people like a stake in the forehead. *cackle*cackle*

If you insist, Milady:

##VOTE: Mr. Burns

I'd say my withdrawal stemmed partly from paranoia over how the Dark Helmet train went, as I feel somewhat responsible for starting it in a sense, partly because I'm still gathering thoughts - and I also know that any misstep in my voting patterns could be used against me into a mad spiral much like Dark Helmet's. In my last post, I haven't even addressed other amazingly suspicious-looking people such as Light Yagami, who managed to border on safelurking for the near entirety of day 1 while being almost entirely non-commital. He also needs attention much like Edna/Vegeta/Bowser do, and it scares me that the lurking quotient in this game is so high.

To Mr. Burns: while I do understand your busy life, but when you say "make of that what you will", I will have to ask openly: what are you hiding exactly? Why can't you elaborate on this piece? You could have reason to withdraw this information both as scum and as town, and . This doesn't ease my suspicion on you, although my guts openly say that "if he was scum, couldn't he play helpful and make up a role of sorts and answer it immediately?", which still makes me withdraw a bit. Delightful mindgames, those of Mafia. Still, I feel like I need to make this point. Hence the vote. I'm willing to give you the benefit of doubt if you're able to convince me - and there's reason you could. But the half-apology by itself won't quite do.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #106 on: January 30, 2010, 03:17:38 AM »
To Mr. Burns: while I do understand your busy life, but when you say "make of that what you will", I will have to ask openly: what are you hiding exactly? Why can't you elaborate on this piece? You could have reason to withdraw this information both as scum and as town, and . This doesn't ease my suspicion on you, although my guts openly say that "if he was scum, couldn't he play helpful and make up a role of sorts and answer it immediately?", which still makes me withdraw a bit. Delightful mindgames, those of Mafia. Still, I feel like I need to make this point. Hence the vote. I'm willing to give you the benefit of doubt if you're able to convince me - and there's reason you could. But the half-apology by itself won't quite do.

We're all open to our opinions, are we not? The "make of it what you will" part says just that. You just said it yourself: "if he was scum, couldn't he play helpful and make up a role of sorts and answer it immediately?" That's precisely the reason why I didn't disclose any further information.

Furthermore, a thought came up to mind. Allow me to elaborate on my vote. We all know that Bowser had that extra vote. Now why did he use the pie on Dark Helmet, when it was clearly a tiebreaker at the time, and focus on Vegeta instead?

Li Syaoran

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #107 on: January 30, 2010, 03:30:28 AM »
I suppose, yes. I'll accept that justification for now, as I'm mulling and becoming less and less confident on the possibility of you being scum for the moment.

##UNVOTE: Mr. Burns

Now, the tiebreaker deal from Bowser does deserve some contemplation, yes. I do think that, at best, this is a fairly gross lack of foresight at best - and inelegant scum maneuvering at worst. Furthermore, while Vegeta looks terrible, assuming Scum!Bowser, this could be a maneuver to deviate focus and look better in the train while Vegeta still lives, and still have the free lynch on Dark Helmet guaranteed. Given how he already has a poor record so far...

##VOTE: Bowser

If nothing else, he desperately needs to clarify this behavior and offer his own thoughts.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #108 on: January 30, 2010, 03:34:52 AM »


..  .. 

..  ..  .. 

##VOTE: Prince Vegeta

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #109 on: January 30, 2010, 03:40:35 AM »

The old man would have us connect the dots ourselves! *cackle*cackle*cackle*

'Think of me what you will,' was it? Kihihihihi! What an amusingly terrible defence that is indeed! Belphegor of Sloth would be destined for you now if not for Satan of Wrath's need at the wretched furniture's head.

And what's this, votes for Bowser simply for bearing strength? Let's sacrifice the potato for the next twilight while we're at it! Hiiihihihihihihihihi!

And my, my, my! The dearly departed Dahlia shows her now less than lovely face! Kihihihihihihihihihi! How thrilling this day seems set to be.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #110 on: January 30, 2010, 04:18:13 AM »
The witch disappoints me in continuing a Day 1 case, despite her attention to train detail. I approve of the costume change, though! Those are pretty hoppin' threads.

I maintain that the Saiyan's action was stupid, not scummy, and came into today prepared to vote for Edna for trying to shift attention his way away from the two main trains. Admittedly, I was giving Bowser a bit of leeway due to his apparent extra three-quarters vote, but with all the extra chicanery going around (the potato, Dark Man's snooping, Dahlia's postmortem voting (well done, dear girl! Your proficiency in contingency impresses me greatly), the witch's phantom blocked role, Charles' phantom role) I'm starting to wonder if we may not be dealing with standard affairs, which would lend itself to the idea of giving scum something so out-of-the-ordinary. I must mull Bowser over for a bit. Genius intuition still suggests Edna, but we're in no rush to make a decision.

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #111 on: January 30, 2010, 04:27:30 AM »
I apologize for the long absence.

First of all: Dahlia's death. People seemed confused by her death but as I began to read the theory floated by Joker, I think that is the simplest explanation-- whoever killed her believed she was a jester or something and didn't want her to get lynched.

Second of all, I think that Helmet looked the worst in Day 1 even if it turned out wrong. His logic was pretty faulty and seemed to key in on really weird stuff.

Third of all, the potato. On Night 0 I had a choice to throw the hot potato at someone else. I chose not to because of the lack of information on any subject. I decided to throw it at someone I found moderately suspect Night 1.

I will post something more substantive in a bit, but I prefer not being modkilled, it is quite lovely. I'm off for a couple of hours to watch a movie and then I will make a larger and hopefully more in character post.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #112 on: January 30, 2010, 04:32:01 AM »
No, upon reread, I'm unconvinced that Slash Man deserves my wrath more than Edna. Nothing of his stands out as worse than hers.

##Vote: Edna

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #113 on: January 30, 2010, 04:56:32 AM »

Doctor: [The game master claims that] all players have an actual role. Testimony to that tune in a flashback. And for the wretched furniture, aside from the case at hand there is also the tremendous gain it found as the clock ticked towards midnight, and that train analysis still floats the vile thing near enough the top as can be. As fine as it would be to ignore furniture entirely, the wrath here is most calculated.

Dahlia: I fear your mouth to be too smashed up now (I fell off a cliff once myself, but it made me feel faaaar better! *cackle*cackle*) to be of any elegant use to us, but if it proves possible for you I'm most interested in whether you had any impression about the old man visiting you pre-game as we now know must have been the case. If, as seems likely, it proves impossible, your vote for Vegeta shall be interpreted as a sign that you either have no knowledge of the visit or that you hold no definite ill will against he who acted on you. Better than nothing at all, at least.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #114 on: January 30, 2010, 05:00:24 AM »
Doctor: [The game master claims that] all players have an actual role. Testimony to that tune in a flashback.

Real engineers don't need instruction manuals.

This does convince me that giving Slash Man any benefit of the doubt due to his extra three-quarters vote is misplaced, but I still believe Edna the one more worthy of my vote.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #115 on: January 30, 2010, 05:17:06 AM »
I always vote for scum: in this case Dark Helmet just wasn't mafia.  There's nothing I can really say about him.  He was my second choice (that's why I threw the pie at him and voted for Vegeta) and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get back online before the deadline (I am a busy king of evil).  Yeah, the pie was just a tie breaker, but I had no problem putting it on Dark Helmet.  If the Vegeta wagon didn't take off like I wanted it to then I wanted to make sure Dark Helmet got lynched instead of Dahlia because I didn't think she was scum.  For those of you that seriously think that I used the pie as a distraction...Look at the vote count that was posted after I voted and threw the pie.  My pie put Dark Helmet .75 votes ahead, but they were very close.  I don't get why some of you think that I could have planned that my second choice would get lynched over my first choice.  I know I'm a even genius, but COME ON.

As for small amount of posts, I DO have more important things to worry about than you people.  I even managed to take time out of my dad's birthday party to come post here tonight!  Geez, I know why you want me to say more, but after that pipe explosion and unexpected family problems I've been having trouble getting online.  I'll try to have a greater presence today.

Anyway, I need to reread the thread, but I don't have time to do that right now.  From memory Vegeta still looks bad to me so

##Vote: Vegeta

I'll have a better post up tomorrow.  I don't want to ignore my father for too long.  I mean, if you think I get angry when things don't go my way you should see him!

Princess Leia

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #116 on: January 30, 2010, 07:53:35 AM »
Hmph. I still have a bit more reading to do from this mess you ass-monkeys created, but I'd be delighted if the girl-man would care to share some information about the potato. And by 'some' I mean 'all or else I'm going to rip your throat out and feed it to you.'

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #117 on: January 30, 2010, 08:23:59 AM »
The hell happened last night, anyway? I was off fighting one of those rowdy World Eaters, so I was just a tad preoccupied.

I'm not even sure what to make of all that shit you guys flung. Damn. Let's start with the Star Wars reject's train, shall we? Four-eyes has some shifty logic there that I don't quite follow, and attempts to dismiss it as A-OK. The old man has already been covered, so I think we can skip that. The pie too. (Hey, Spike. Next time, throw some hotpods my way, okay?) Then we have Dr. Wily, flip-flopping solely between the two trains that have been confirmed as town. Not looking good. Definitely gonna have to look into that one, further. Then, we have Frogger. Not sure what to make of her, except that she's even stupider than she is ugly. And believe me, that's impressive.

Next up is the red head's train. Jaw-For-Brains kicks things off, and the reject, clown-face and I follow suite. The "Good Doctor" joins in, with Vegetable Head shortly afterwards, kicking the train dangerously close to an auto-lynch. Then, the doc, and the reject again. Blah blah blah.

The "Good Doctor" is top of my list until I see some good reason for his flip-flopping, and Jaw-For-Brains is on the chopping block for barely being around, and pursuing someone with such an obviously ass-backwards case. Especially when they had no votes! The rest should be fairly obvious.

Here's how things look to me right now:
The "Good Doctor" > Frogger = Jaw-For Brains > Vegetable Head = Japanophile (For the reasons four-eyes mentioned)

##VOTE: Dr. Wily

Oh, yeah. Old man. Why don't you just tell us what you were doing? Unless you're saying that you're actually scum. Heh. Silence gives consent, they say...

Phew. Gave a little too much energy up in that battle... I'm just gonna... lie down for a bit, ok kid?

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #118 on: January 30, 2010, 09:20:05 AM »
*flexes muscles* Now I shall woo you all!

The people who I am suspicious of are those who continue to pursue weak Day 1 cases in light of new situations; Beatrice and Bowser. I am uncomfortable with people just going about continuing with the Day 1 stuff and not taking any sort of context into Day 2. Bowser basically seems preoccupied with voting for Vegeta and that’s about it. Beatrice’s posts are just very long and full of fluff, but right now I feel like she is giving a lot of thought into her posting so I give her the benefit of the doubt even if I disagree with her methods..

I think the rationale behind hypothesizing things about Mr. Burns is pretty weak. I guess my problem is this: What are people hypothesizing happening with this? The mod said that everyone in the game has a role, so it’s not like someone visiting someone else at night is a huge deal. I know there are a lot of different roles here but I think something like scum rolecop is out of the question. Someone seemed to imply in their post that, in this wild conspiracy theory, that they found something about Dahlia and decided to kill her. I think this is pretty unlikely given her role. I don’t think Mr. Burns has been too suspicious. I think that if Dahlia were hit with something that was overtly scummy that she would be voting for Mr. Burns right now.

I generally am dissatisfied with Gendo’s logic trains. I have a hard time swallowing basing your entire debate on voting for someone who, well, stupidly got himself killed. I admittedly suspect a couple of the members of the DH train though; mainly Edna and Dr. Wily. I can’t really judge Edna too much but her only post of substance seems like a barely staying afloat post. Regurgitation. I think that, well, what I did kinda sucked (the last time I checked the topic before it closed was when I posted before, I had a very long affair yesterday that I slept like a baby when I was done with it, so no time! But I got some really important IRL stuff done so whatever, life is good!), but Edna feels like she is attempting to not be a lurker while being a lurker. Bleh.

I will think more about Dr. Wily when I am not ready to pass out.

What does the potato do? Well, it adds a vote to a person’s vote total for the entire day. I, the great Gaston, do not deserve such a curse and thus I passed it on. I kept it for a day just due to inadequate information on who to toss it to.

So anyway,

*shines white teeth*

##VOTE: Edna

Li Syaoran

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #119 on: January 30, 2010, 11:26:39 AM »
I generally am dissatisfied with Gendo’s logic trains.

That makes two of us, honestly. It makes me uncomfortable that I run into so many tangents, and I tend to pick odd details out - which gets exaggerated with the rather uncommon setup we have here. I do feel the need to toss out those odd thoughts, however, as I still kneejerk they're not irrelevant, one way or another. For Mr. Burns' night action, it still unsettles me that it must remain shrouded in mystery. However, the reasonings for it draw into a bottomless WIFOM pit that will simply draw us away from the matter at hand in the end of the day, especially now when the puzzle pieces are mostly missing, which is why I -did- ease on that line of thought for the moment. However, I'm not dismissing the idea that scum were involved with the DH train either: he certainly got himself killed like a little bitch, but those kinds of suicide blowouts are also ripe for plucking for a safe scumbet. The willingness of townies to shoot themselves in the foot is one of scum's greatest weapons against us.

Upon rereading the topic and analyzing thoughts thrown around throughout this time, I think the more I look, the less sure I am on who's deserving the most of a vote, but I think this is warranted:
##UNVOTE: Bowser

I feel his explanation is satisfactory enough for now, and I'll readily admit that I was second-guessing a bit too much over his circumstances. Still worth observing, though.

Looking at it, I already know the current lurkers (Edna, Vegeta, Gorgutz and  Light Yagami) look egregiously bad, and are honestly worth lynching right now just for the sake of LAL policy - Edna and Gorgutz looking the worst for those purposes. Edna for being so obviously trying to stay afloat while trying not to look entirely like a lurker and hilariously failing, alongside being in the infamous DH train, Gorgutz for only existing to lash out in OMGUS fashion against Dahlia and later Beatrice and providing absolutely nothing else.

Light's absence is also unsettling, as well as his content - as I mentioned before, his entirely non-commital attitude towards the day 1 debacle as a whole doesn't sit right with me. Vegeta still seemed to be stuck in joke phase with the Dahlia vote, and he managed to provide about as much content as Gorgutz while being about as idiotic with even less presence.

Inspecting closer, there's something very much off with how the end of the day panned out regarding Joker and -particularly- Dr. Wily - but I'm still willing to give, for today, the benefit of doubt on it partly resulting from Dark Helmet's hilarious meltdown if only due to how his current target looks on the chopping block and due to how many useless roots we need to cull here. Gig's concerns over Dr. Wily feel very much valid, but the circumstances make me way too uncomfortable to give a full judgment on the doctor right now.

So, I'll follow on that LAL policy and pick up the one I feel is most unsettling within these bounds:

##VOTE: Edna

You definitely need to speak up, woman. Gorgutz is a close second in this situation.

Question to mod: are any of the current lurkers (Vegeta, Gorgutz, Edna, Light) within mod prod range? I'm asking this mainly regarding Gorgutz, who feels like he disappeared the longest.

Li Syaoran

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #120 on: January 30, 2010, 11:36:27 AM »
Also, I'll give the warning with a fair headway: in about six-eight hours from now, I'm going to be absent from the game due to real-life reasons - I won't be at home from that time to Monday morning. I'll be as present as I can until then, but I can't guarantee I'll be able to post on Sunday, albeit I'll try my hardest. If I suddenly disappear midway through the day, this will be why. This also very likely means I won't be here to see deadline pan out, which is most unpleasant, but.


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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #121 on: January 30, 2010, 12:21:17 PM »
I apologise for the lack of posting, Ikari-san. I'm afraid I have had other plans to attend to.

As much as it may be odd for me to be saying this, I am agreed on the case on Edna; my main concern is her "I'll post more tomorrow!" post with no presence into this day - I'm wary of those posts regardless, although the timing of it makes it less criminal.
I'm still uncomfortable with the Warboss. His D1 posts were pathetic, with little behind them, and, once the pressure on him had mostly trailed off, so did he.

The D1 end was NOT AS PLANNED, and now we have to look at what exactly went wrong. One thing that stands out to me is Wily-san's posting record. He posts asking Joker to move back to Helmet-san, then 30 seconds later posts his vote-change. Why ask somebody else to change vote if you've no intention of waiting? I can understand that the deadline was nearing, but then why not simply change your vote back with brief reasoning then? Seems careless and panicked to me, and it inevitably led to Helmet-san's lynch.

I will withhold my vote for now, at least until there has been a count. Edna and the Warboss stand at the top of my suspicions as things stand, but I will wait for their Day 2 content before making a decision.
Also, on the real-life warnings, I will be absent in about 8 hours for approximately 22 hours. After that, I shall return here to post before suffering from a heart attack. I will be around for the majority of the next 8 hours, and will still return long before the deadline regardless.

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #122 on: January 30, 2010, 12:49:51 PM »

I'z not sure why youze thinkin' I been laklusta'. I'z not some jabberin' gretchin! Y'd do well ta' listen karefully when I'z speakin', 'coz a few words say lots! I'z not been lurkin, y'gitz!

You'ze say da case on da witch is bad but it'z a kontradikshun y'can't resolve jus by lookin' ad it. Now I ain'tz gonna WAAAAGH at 'er more now, but at da time she'z totally looked like she'z sayin' one thin' and doin' the opposite.

I'z no idea why thing'z got all scrambly at da end dere. Wot I do know iz dat Light guy'z gone on and on 'botu 'lack of input' right after I input. Ez' obviously deff or somthin'.

I'z thinkin' that Gig guyz' pretty skummy for playin' both the dahlia and the gorgutz train, m'self! And ez' sayin' it'z a grammar thing, 'eh? So y'can't read, 'eh? Funny dat e'z sayin' a doktor's flipfloppin when ez' done da same thing, y'see?

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #123 on: January 30, 2010, 03:10:32 PM »
Warboss, I believe you misunderstand my plans. Your 'input,' at that time, consisted of 3 posts which contained little more than a weak defence and pointing out that Beatrice didn't like her Day One case. Even your newest note is long and contains only one argument of any substance.

Zerg Rush

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #124 on: January 30, 2010, 03:39:17 PM »
Fwee posts! Dat's plenty! Y'got some exaggerated expektashuns! 'swot you get wen y'think killin's all about WRITING. We orks do things proper!

And dat one argiments good enuff fer me, so it's good enuff fer you too!
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