Author Topic: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN  (Read 47479 times)


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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #125 on: January 30, 2010, 03:42:14 PM »
I'm back from training! I shall use my scouter to evaluate your scum level. Just gotta wait for it to calculate. Your power levels are so small it might take a while to find them! Hahahaaha!

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #126 on: January 30, 2010, 04:26:15 PM »
WHAAAT!!??!!  People are training M-MEE?  What could I have ever done to deserve this.

I-I'm sorry for not h-have posted more, but this Abbot had many errands to run around the time this day started.  As for my explanation, as I stated yesterday, I had good reason to think that Dahlia was not scum.  Her trained smelled of fouler blood then most of this council and therefore I wanted to try and avoid her lynch at all cost.  When I had logged on during that frightfully chaotic hour, she had still looked to be in danger, and since Helmets play was poor, I switched to him in a moment of panic and hastily laid down my vote with disregard for ninja's since I was afraid I would not make my post in time.

I personally regret not staying on Vegeta after seeing that he would have been the one to be lynched if I had stayed, but alas.  People make mistakes, I'm innocent of my accused treachery I say!

As for my current thoughts on today.  I am still finding the barbarian with pointy hair to be untrustworthy, but for now I await his explanation since he seems to have given a customary "I'm still alive post."

As for people I find relatively suspicious on this day.  The current top three on my list are Gendo, Burns, and Wily.

Burns so far is the worst to me, heavy inactivity day 1, and now today he he attempts to justify his vote on the Kappa due to his power instead of his actions.  He made one post shortly thereafter to try and clear his name with Gendo, and has since re-disappeared into the shadows.  His posts strike me as a way to try and draw focus away from himself in the most unobtrusive way possible.

Gendo has shown a lack of commitment into this day, removing his votes on people almost as soon as they make a post to explain their position, it may just be me, but I would not place votes on other members of this council unless I felt I could stick to that vote with at least some certainty!  The unsure vote switching alone isn't so bad, but his latest actions are the worst to me, where he explains he wishes to place his votes on the people who are lurking more so then the person who he views as suspicious!  Furthermore, with this action I find him putting me unnecessarily close to the number to be lynched relatively early in this day before I even have a chance to return to this council from my abbey visit to explain myself!

I do not trust the doctor, he dismisses the barbarians behavior as if it's near irrelevant, when the barbarian, out of all of us, is the one contributing least, and has done nothing so far to prove he is not on the council's side.  He also says he does not trust ME for trying to shift attention away from the Dahlia train, one of the two trains of confirmed town, onto the Vegeta train.  His actions strike me that he is trying to justify and protect the barbarians poor play while throwing the blame around on others.  He is also taking Mr. Burns misplaced thoughts into account and contemplating holding someones power against them, instead of their actions.

Currently waiting to see if the Barbarian can come up with anything meaningful, else he is still right up there.

##Vote: Dr Wily

I find him most suspicious of my top three, with Burns in second and four eyes in third.

With all that said...P-P-Please d-don't l-lynch m-m-me, I-I'm i-inocent. I-I'll do anything!!

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #127 on: January 30, 2010, 04:27:16 PM »
I will address Gig and Junior's concerns at the same time.

We received our 5 minute warning and Dark Man reappeared with a vote for Guts Man; attached was some pile of junk about how he didn't like how the Guts Man train vanished. I found this reason odd, given one of the reasons it died was because Dahlia herself, the other major train, had moved off of him. Given Dark Man had expressed prior suspicions of Dahlia, I thought it weird that he'd find Guts Man suspicious for Dahlia moving away from him. I voted for Dahlia for reasons stated in that post - rather her than Guts Man. Dark Man then shifted right back to Dahlia himself with a "still prefer a Dahlia lynch", which just came across as crazy blatant train-hopping to me after his one-liner about Guts Man the post prior. I did ask Clown Man if he was interested in changing back, then realized after I made that post that I should put my money where my mouth was, so I decided to switch back regardless of what Joker did (I also assumed he'd see my vote and possibly follow suit). My vote and post after were made ignoring all ninjas, because I knew the deadline was rapidly approaching and I wanted to make sure I got my thoughts out there. I came back from my explanatory post, saw the role claim, went "oh christ" and started thinking about whether or not I believed it (sadly, the "that's provable, let's give him the benefit of the doubt" mentality did not actually occur to me), and in this midst of my thought process Dark Man came back with a line about how his Guts Man vote was in self-preservation, which was not at all what he had claimed it was when he cast it. This just confused me further and I ended up getting cut off by the deadline before I could form a proper conclusion.

I think this covered everything, but I'll be glad to explain anything further should either of you (or anyone else) desire it.

Ninja'd by Edna finally appearing! And with a vote for me, no less! Let's see what's to be had here.


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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #128 on: January 30, 2010, 04:51:15 PM »
Hm.. As much as I may look, there appear to be no major problems with Wily-san's actions. His other actions have also been satisfactory thus far, meaning he is no longer likely to be a hindrance to my plans.

My plans require some assistance, Ryuk. I need to eliminate those who will not stand with us.

Edna's initial suspicion is partially cleared, although she herself raises a point as to why her plans still fall through - if she had not moved her vote, then her desired target would have been eliminated instead. Her latest post contains an odd, albeit minor contradiction, where she states that Burns-san is the worst so far, before suddenly changing to Wily-san by the end of the post. Whether or not this is a scumtell remains to be seen, but the FoS is there.

As for the Warboss, he continues neglecting to post anything of worth. At least Ryuuzaki made this difficult, but you? I say you have posted a lot while saying nothing relevant. Your response is to point out that you have posted a lot. I say you have made one solid argument in two days, and your response is that one argument should be enough? We need contribution. We need results. We do not need excuses and bad planning.

Vote: Warboss Gorgutz

Just under 2 more hours until I'm gone for about a day. Anyone accusing me of lurking after that will have to deal with Ryuk.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #129 on: January 30, 2010, 04:56:13 PM »
re Edna: I'll open by pointing out that you say Charles "so far is the worst to [you]" and your post concludes with a vote for me and not him.

Now then. I do indeed not trust you for trying to shift attention away from the Dahlia/Gorgutz competing trains, and the fact that Dahlia flipped town is irrelevant, there's nothing saying you couldn't try to shift attention away from a town/scum or town/town train duel onto another townie. Hell, I've done pushed away from town/town onto third town myself as scum in past games and gotten away with it. The idea is that pushing a stupid/inactive townie to the forefront prevents a flip of either of the notable competing trains, disallowing for great analysis of them the next day when all we have to look at was "yep, they sure were a moron/lurker!".

I'm not sure at all what you're talking about in regards to Charles' powers or me holding anyone's powers against them. The only thing I can think of that you might be referencing is my summation of Slash Man, which went from "I'll give him the benefit of the doubt" due to the extra vote to "well, maybe not" after realizing this might be a role madness game to "okay, definitely not" after the witch so kindly points me to the game's manual. I'm certainly not saying "Slash Man has an extra vote he must be scum!" and I don't know why you think I am. I also don't know why you think I'm saying anything about Charles when the one time I remember mentioning him was in the long list of abilities.

Ninja'd by Junior, who has a long way to go in following Dr. Light's footsteps if he's already forgetting the practice of the Double Pound Theory Of Voting.

Li Syaoran

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #130 on: January 30, 2010, 04:58:20 PM »
Gendo has shown a lack of commitment into this day, removing his votes on people almost as soon as they make a post to explain their position, it may just be me, but I would not place votes on other members of this council unless I felt I could stick to that vote with at least some certainty!  The unsure vote switching alone isn't so bad, but his latest actions are the worst to me, where he explains he wishes to place his votes on the people who are lurking more so then the person who he views as suspicious!  Furthermore, with this action I find him putting me unnecessarily close to the number to be lynched relatively early in this day before I even have a chance to return to this council from my abbey visit to explain myself!

Well, milady, excuse me if there's heavy overlap in the immediate, straight suspicion/heavy lurking equation in the current context, but I can do nothing about this: it's just how the situation has lined up. I do agree with you in that Burns'... subsequent lurch into the shadows, even if justified partially by unfortunate timetables, is worrying, as is the mysterious role played there. However, both this and the Wily conundrum are immensely hazy -as of now-, and Occam's Razor dictates it's best to look where glaring problems -are prowling around in the open-.

Speaking of glaring problems in the open, why were you so desperate to make a lynch stick, from what you're trying to tell? As mr. Yagami noted, your desired target would quite possibly have gone through had you kept your vote - however, the switch essentially ensured Dark Helmet's lynch. It doesn't look exactly stunning on your already poor record, either, and if you find Burns the most suspicious - once again, in a ninja by Light - why are you laying down your vote on Wily? This looks more like a desperate, and honestly underhanded attempt to stay afloat, much like your entire record so far. And as much as Warboss manages to remain just as awesomely useless as he was on day 1, I find your justifications unconvincing at best. As willing as I am to lend an ear and be convinced otherwise (and some may say I'm easily convinced due to second-guessing), I'm not feeling it. My vote remains where it is.

This is also probably my last post until I have to leave. Hopefully, I'll be able to see more of this through tomorrow.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #131 on: January 30, 2010, 05:05:00 PM »
Hmph, I messed up a bit in my pre-post editing and deleted a little too much. I did not mean to list town/town as the only train duel possibility - town/scum was/is certainly viable as well.


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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #132 on: January 30, 2010, 05:20:54 PM »
First things first, I already said this but I'll say it again: out of the big green oaf and the wussy girl, I chose the ogre thing. Why? He's a fellow warrior, and a true warrior doesn't turn down kindred for strange women!
Warboss Gorgutz and Dahlia were both at 5 votes; I didn't want to see Gorgitz dead over Dahlia, so knowing that I probably wouldn't be around for hammer, I voted Dahlia. It's as simple as that.
Even simple minded Earthlings like you should be able to get it.

Hah, it seems she's back from the dead, what a petty woman, I must have really pissed her off. I'm assuming her vote is an actively counted vote, but that can only be confirmed with a votecount. Anyway, a woman that can't fight is bad enough, let alone one that can't even talk. Actually, I kind of like her better this way, hopefully she can cook too. The perfect woman!

This Light kid is an annoying brat. Just because he has some magic book he thinks he can go toe-to-toe with the big boys? Pah. Look how weak he is, 'withholding his vote' indeed. I disagree with his stance on Warboss, but agree with his stance on the ugly woman, yes she does need to come back and explain a few things.

The one with the beard and the gloves and the giant robots is looking dodgy. There's all that WIFOM dodgy second guessing scum's night actions, which is worse than useless. Also switching votes so easily is one thing (Burns/Bowser/Edna.. actually switching votes is unmanly too. No conviction, no pressure, just fighting the easy targets. Letting others do all the work for you), but advocating a LAL strategy is another. LAL is easily harnessed by scum. Fighting those who aren't around to defend themselves? What will you do when they come back? Change vote and retreat again? This is not the Saiyan way, I won't stand for it! I'll show you how a true Saiyan fights, face to face!
##Vote Gendou

And now I must get some rest, so that my Saiyin power will regereate.

~Argh blasted ninjas! That's what happens when I spend so long powering up my attack! Well then, I'll blast them all away!
I'll blast them all hahahahahah

So Edna is back. Completely unimpressive 'explanation'. I expected a lot more.
The old Doctor's explanation isn't much better, I'd better keep an eye on him or he might start making androids or something. He seems harmless for now though.
Pfft, Light voting Gorgutz huh, I guess I'm not surprised.
Gendou's points on Edna are better, but doesn't clear him of prior scummy behavior.
Now it's past 4am, gotta get up soon, fuuuuuuck. Busy life :(

Tron Bonne

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #133 on: January 30, 2010, 06:00:26 PM »
*yawns* My my, look at what happened overnight. Dahlia's return from the grave, a quick train formed on Edna based on a little inactivity, and what's this. Light making so called statements on others, yet still insists on voting for the same old person. This is all too entertaining.

First order of business:
##Unvote: Bowser

In spite of what's been said so far, I'd like to take a look back at the Day 1 votes. Why is it that Gorgutz was the only remaining vote that wasn't affiliated with a train? Sound like scum that doesn't want to draw attention to himself.

##Vote: Gorgutz


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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #134 on: January 30, 2010, 06:18:20 PM »
"So called statements," Burns-san? My posts have looked at Wily's D1 actions, and that query has been answered, and at Edna, who continues to remain suspicious (albeit now for mostly different reasons), but has amassed quite a number of votes. Until we get a vote count, I'm happy voting for the Warboss. As things stand, both rank highly in my suspicions, and I would be happy to see either eliminated.

And you're voting for the Warboss yourself based on his lack of decisive vote. I presume the fact that he essentially started one of the major trains means nothing to you then? Ryuk is telling me that I should assume that vote was there solely due to absence - a lot of votes did change in the last hour of D1.

Looking back again, this potato, deliverer of POTATO CHIPS, has caught my eye. Gaston-san, you mentioned those you found suspicious at the time you posted. Can you explain, then, why the Warboss does not make an appearance in your post, yet was worthy enough to pass the potato to?

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #135 on: January 30, 2010, 06:20:35 PM »

Kikikikikikikikiki! How far removed from reality this second iteration of the first day is! How wonderfully backwards everything is! And how sticky the whole thing has suddenly become! Hhihihihihihiiihihihiihiii!

Multiple pieces simply disregarding my case!

The ill-present Gaston hurling the potato at the wretched furniture during the night and yet immediately coming out voting for Edna instead! Even while heading his case with two entirely different names (my own among them, how foolish) and not actually backing up the thoughts behind the potato pass! That great fool Battler may love to turn the chessboard around to make his silly theories, but Gaston seems to love just flipping the chessboard right over! Kihihiihihhihihihihiiiihi!

Edna ranking the old man worst and then voting for the old doctor instead!

The prince of the vegetables justifying a previous arbitrary reason with a new arbitrary reason!

The furniture's quiet retreat while maintaining the position that was apparently so deserving of a vote yesterday that it was worth defying all sense!

The doctor receiving votes for how often he moved at the end of the day! If Bernkastel's agents desired Dahlia's blood so badly then he would have had her lynched instead. Contrarily, if the 'tiny food bombs' level of intellect behind the jester theory were true or at least a worry in Bernkastel's mind, then he would not be on her at all! It is hardly enough to in any way clear him, but it certainly makes me feel a lot better about the old fool than worse. Such an easy reason to stay on Dahlia! So much risk otherwise.

Such delicious chaos that I hardly know where to start! *cackle*cackle*cackle*cackle*!

The furniture's actions continue to warrant Satan of Wrath's careful marking, yet it is Gaston's most perplexing behaviour that has made him an apprentice to the vile furniture's displeasure. Yes, I feel that Asmodeus of Lust would be more than a measure for you should it be called for. *cackle*cackle*.

This is over Vegeta's base stupidity, and Edna's muddled return. While I find Edna's position repulsive, it does at least parse with a measure of honesty and consistency - the contradiction far more likely to be a simple Whim on writing the post.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #136 on: January 30, 2010, 06:30:32 PM »

George, it was most impolite for you to pre-empt my call out on Gaston by mere seconds. Perhaps it should do some good to recognise the same thoughts that we have had are in fact at least modestly independent.

I almost forgot! The greatest affront to my glory was Gaston's accusation of fluff. As much liberty as I will have with fun - and entertainment is what I seek most after a thousand years of life - this should not cause smoke and mirrors around my own positions. And how offensive this is, for what should an Endless Witch need of smoke and mirrors when I have actual magic at my command? *cackle*cackle*

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #137 on: January 30, 2010, 07:05:17 PM »

Good day, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Ronove. I am the 27th earl of hell, and I serve as the Golden Witch Beatrice's butler and head furniture.

What Milady forgets is that no one else is party to her own ongoing conflict at Rokkenjima, and her thoughts from there that have overlapped here have become so numerous that it is perhaps hard to follow. But then, she's always been this foolish. Please, allow me to explain these terms. Would you perhaps like a cup of tea while I do so? These notes have no direct impact on the game beyond the cosmetic, but will allow Milady to continue in her element, her mood unspoiled. She is a very sore loser, after all.

As a witch, Milady wields the red truth. Everything spoken in red is the truth. The simple, definite truth that need not be supported with evidence to justify. In these circumstances, Milady has also taken to using the blue truth. You should think of statements in blue as key theories, intended as truth unless cut down by contradictory red text. Of course, the game board here does not work in the same way as Rokkenjima and it has no deeper base in the rules than cosmetic, but it is how you should understand what Milady intends when she makes use of the red or the blue, no matter how clumsily.

You may simplify any discussion about the Stakes of Purgatory as a rather charmless reference to voting. Though Milady has seven stakes under her control, she still only has one vote, as simple as can be.

That aside, she seems far more nostalgic for Rokkenjima than she lets on, as she has attached names from Rokkenjima to several of the pieces here.

Dr. Wily of Dr. Nanjo, or simply the old doctor.
Gendo Ikari of Rudolf Ushiromiya, for they are both fathers of 'the third [grand]child,' who in turn are supposedly the principal protagonists.
Light Yagami of George Ushiromiya, both quick of wit for their age, if lacking George's taste in younger women.
Montgomery Burns of Kinzo Ushiromiya, otherwise known as the Goldsmith or simply the old man.
Warboss Gorgutz of a base summon, which are known to her as furniture.

Further regression is entirely possible, for she is a hopeless sort without Battler around, but I do believe this is currently the limit of her delusions. And now I must leave before her wrath turns on me instead.

Good day.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #138 on: January 30, 2010, 07:12:07 PM »
Well, this day is delightful trainwreck.  My resolve to concentrate attention upon the lurkers is already faltering, since Gorgutz seems to be trying his best to get lynched.  Grundy was a real stand up guy too, but... actually I don't know where I was going with that one!

Then again, Gorgutz himself is targeting Gig, one of yonder lurkers I wouldn't mind seeing more from.  Or death to.  The three way madness spiral between Gendo, Wily and Burns, however, I want no part of.  Burns in particular I think is safe for now, as he has a night claim to pin him down and our departed Dahlia seems to not hold it against him.  As much as anything in this town is safe.

So nice of Gaston to show up!  Show up more.  And Edna and Bowser, too!  Vegeta, Light and Beatrice are posting much, and I like that at least.

##Unvote: Edna
##Vote: Gorgutz

Ah, you expected me to stick to voting lurkers?  I changed my mind.  


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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #139 on: January 30, 2010, 07:28:33 PM »
With everyone voted, there will be no need for inactivity prods.  When I return, there shall also be a "message" of sorts that Dahlia's estate wished passed along.  Unfortunately, while it may answer a question, it is the management's humble belief that it also won't be of any use.

In more traditional matters.

Day 2 Vote

Gorgutz (5): Potato, Beatrice, Light, Mr. Burns, Joker
Bowser (0): Mr. Burns, Gendo
Mr. Burns (0): Gendo
Vegeta (2): Dahlia, Bowser
Edna (3): Joker, Dr. Wily, Gaston, Gendo
Dr. Wily (2): Gig, Edna
Gig (1): Gorutz
Gendo (1): Vegeta

No Vote: Noone
With 13 active votes in play, it takes 7 votes to lynch.

There are 54 hours left in Day 2.

Princess Leia

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #140 on: January 30, 2010, 07:32:26 PM »
Ahh, what a nap! What's that, kid?

"You missed a lot while you were asleep."

So I did, so I did. Looks like you retards finally started doing something. No time to read it all, but if Jaw-For-Brains had noticed the voting record, the "Good Doctor" has two votes on both the reject and the red head. I had one on each train, and switched once, halfway through the day.

OOC: I'm going to be gone for hours at a time, as you've already seen. It's not lurking, it's life. I'll try to get to this when I can, but it's a lot of reading with very little time to actually post, often. I also need to leave right now, and won't be back for a good... 8 hours or so? So, yeah. Sorry, but life calls.

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #141 on: January 30, 2010, 07:51:27 PM »
So I found out that I will be DEAD at dawn tomorrow. Tralala.

HOW COULD SOMEONE KILL SOMEONE AS ... HEROIC AS GASTON? So handsome... so charming... *smiles into the nearest mirror* I... This is more humilating than when I was thrown in the mud!!

Man, you people talk too much.

I hate reading.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #142 on: January 30, 2010, 07:54:42 PM »

A letter from the dearly departed? Oh, how I love letters in conspicuously sealed envelopes. Kihihihihi!

I have not said so before, but I have come to agree with Joker's position on the old man's activities late at night before the game truly began, which I must resign has also been partially forwarded by Gaston. This does not exempt the old man of his other sins, but they no longer draw my immediate attention.

My list of the topsy-turvy was incomplete! It missed in particular the curiosity of Rudolf's flaccid voting style! *cackle*cackle*! So easily pushed from one to another, and how fluid the suspicions are. I have found myself overlooking this from amicably allowing the sort of piece that may act thus and having unwittingly taken a liking to him, but realise how dangerous this thinking is.

And ah, Siesta 1073741824. The game master has caused time to flow at slower than one-third speed on this game board with almost those exact circumstances in mind. Time is a fickle thing, yet here there should always be enough for you, in a fashion.


Gaston. If you aim to confuse us more, then you have most certainly succeeded. *cackle*cackle*. Any chance you can expand on this, or are your lips likewise sealed by some power?

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #143 on: January 30, 2010, 08:02:33 PM »
Apparently I was hit with a killing power that kills one day after the target is marked. Delayed vig/serial killer/scum(?) of some type. I don't really know beyond that other than it sounds like no doctoring can save me.


Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #144 on: January 30, 2010, 08:20:38 PM »

That's quite the powerful move. Certainly strong enough to completely remove you from suspicion for today, as much as I expect the claim to be completely truthful.

Any reason not to mention it at the start of the day? And do you know enough of the potato to be certain it is not leaving the killing seed in some way? That would certainly bring a wonderfully sinister edge to its presence.

From my own thoughts, I believe that this supposed killing power is the work of a party unaffiliated to Bernkastel, known by the game rules as a Serial Killer. An agent from Lady Lambdadelta, perhaps. Especially given that the game master has confirmed the presence of at least one third party other than the dead troll, this would fit neatly, and would be fitting for Gaston being the target, which it wouldn't be if directed by the righteously villainous or by an agent of Bernkastel. Though I'd be guessing further regarding the inner workings of the potato, if the killing is the work of Lady Lambdadelta then I believe the relevant night actions deny the possibility of death by potato.

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #145 on: January 30, 2010, 08:35:32 PM »
There was some mis-communication between myself and the moderator, primarily. I misunderstood something and had no access to him.

 I am pretty sure the potato did not do it, it was implied that it was a person. I think scum makes little sense to do it -- why waste a powerful killing power on someone who has contributed minimally? Scum's best interest, at least in my assessment, is to keep people with poor attendance like myself around. SK theory makes sense to me.

Zerg Rush

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #146 on: January 30, 2010, 10:39:12 PM »
light: excuses and bad planning - what everyone who voted for all those dead townie people is stuck with.

burns: you actually are scummy, "Oh look he survived clearly he is scum" no no no no no that's stupid. think about why this occurence actually happened. BUT WIFOM screw wifom scum never NK anyone but people dangerous to them or 'people who's deaths won't tell people much'. and dahlia was wordy enough to seem the former and the kill is screwy enough to seem the latter. i'd vote you. actually I will gig's kinda not looking as bad now. also known targeting role that didn't die overnight = probable scum. BUT GORGUTZ IT'S ROLE MADNESS AND SCUM MAY BE TRYING TO FOOL US yeah no. have you ever played scum? ever? ##Unvote, ##Vote: Burns

gig remains scummy for vote flipflopping between the two major townie trains yesterday for non-reasons.

beatrice is probably town. my gut is telling me she is town. my gut is more right than my brain in this game.

it must be nice to say 'he's not saying anything' when I am. ha ha ha.
Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke!


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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #147 on: January 31, 2010, 03:01:26 AM »
Alright, there's apparently some sort of malfunction with the forums, and you guys certainly aren't holding back with the activity, so...

Until the forums are running properly (or I know all members have access again) the clock is stopped.  There will be no progress on the timer from about 12:30, leaving us at...

53 hours to go when the clock resumes.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #148 on: January 31, 2010, 03:13:36 AM »

I am no stranger to living in a land frozen by time, game master. That this very time-plane may not exist at all excites me all the further! Fufufufufufufu!


  • Chibi Terror That Flaps in the Night
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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
« Reply #149 on: February 02, 2010, 06:28:14 AM »
Alright, now that the board is back, the game clock will be resuming as of noon tomorrow morning west coast time.  This should give a nice spread of 5-8PM for day end in NA.  Also give you guys some time to catch up before the clock gets ticking.
