First things first, I already said this but I'll say it again: out of the big green oaf and the wussy girl, I chose the ogre thing. Why? He's a fellow warrior, and a true warrior doesn't turn down kindred for strange women!
Warboss Gorgutz and Dahlia were both at 5 votes; I didn't want to see Gorgitz dead over Dahlia, so knowing that I probably wouldn't be around for hammer, I voted Dahlia. It's as simple as that.
Even simple minded Earthlings like you should be able to get it.
Hah, it seems she's back from the dead, what a petty woman, I must have really pissed her off. I'm assuming her vote is an actively counted vote, but that can only be confirmed with a votecount. Anyway, a woman that can't fight is bad enough, let alone one that can't even talk. Actually, I kind of like her better this way, hopefully she can cook too. The perfect woman!
This Light kid is an annoying brat. Just because he has some magic book he thinks he can go toe-to-toe with the big boys? Pah. Look how weak he is, 'withholding his vote' indeed. I disagree with his stance on Warboss, but agree with his stance on the ugly woman, yes she does need to come back and explain a few things.
The one with the beard and the gloves and the giant robots is looking dodgy. There's all that WIFOM dodgy second guessing scum's night actions, which is worse than useless. Also switching votes so easily is one thing (Burns/Bowser/Edna.. actually switching votes is unmanly too. No conviction, no pressure, just fighting the easy targets. Letting others do all the work for you), but advocating a LAL strategy is another. LAL is easily harnessed by scum. Fighting those who aren't around to defend themselves? What will you do when they come back? Change vote and retreat again? This is not the Saiyan way, I won't stand for it! I'll show you how a true Saiyan fights, face to face!
##Vote Gendou
And now I must get some rest, so that my Saiyin power will regereate.
~Argh blasted ninjas! That's what happens when I spend so long powering up my attack! Well then, I'll blast them all away!
GALLICK GUN!I'll blast them all hahahahahah

So Edna is back. Completely unimpressive 'explanation'. I expected a lot more.
The old Doctor's explanation isn't much better, I'd better keep an eye on him or he might start making androids or something. He seems harmless for now though.
Pfft, Light voting Gorgutz huh, I guess I'm not surprised.
Gendou's points on Edna are better, but doesn't clear him of prior scummy behavior.
Now it's past 4am, gotta get up soon, fuuuuuuck. Busy life