Author Topic: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN  (Read 47473 times)

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #175 on: February 02, 2010, 07:49:31 PM »

No no no, there's something very wrong here indeed.

A slow killing power that can be stopped at the drop at the hat? Well let's do a jig and come to the good apothecary whenever we feel the oncoming death syndrome. Maybe he could just dole out cures to everyone at the start of days just to be safe. No no no, I don't see that.

A power that can only create votes on people already doomed to die? Plus some other presumably unlikely situation? And it's not even a full vote. I don't see that.

What I do see is Siesta 1073741824 mentioning the Xanatos connection before Gaston did. No prior attempts at testing the role out or anything like that, either. The whole thing reeks of Bernkastel's influence.

##Vote: Gig

You're going to have to try harder than that.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #176 on: February 02, 2010, 08:11:48 PM »
Oh hey forums are back.

.... what the Solomon Grundy is going on.  I'm too drained to even try to stay in character that much.

- Someone MAYBE delaykilled Gaston.  That would be retarded for scum to do, pretty retarded for an SK to do, and understandable for a townie vig but townie vigs being delayed is weird.
- OR MAYBE NOT since Gaston, with full knowledge he was going to die, didn't say so at the beginning of the day, didn't roleclaim beyond the potato (and I have a sneaky suspicion that's not all he's got), and didn't dump information and suspicions and helpfulness, just kind of voted Edna.  That's kind of weird for someone who knows they're on their last legs.
- Except he wasn't after all, thanks to Gig coming in!  With a "summon" that saves people from delayed kills?  But it also puts a 0.75 vote on them?
- OR DOES IT?  This whole thing is incredibly fishy, I think neither Gig nor Gaston are telling the whole truth here, and they seem to be using it to do things like cast a flavor argument at Light.  But I can't see it as being a wholly scum gambit either.  I don't know what to think, except that I'm not extending any credit to either of them and "Light is from Death Note and uses Xanatos Gambits in that so he must be behind it" is really silly.

Tempted to vote Gig for that flavor stuff but I don't know.  I don't get the actual case on Vegeta.  Edna came out and made a coherent post or two but then vanished again, I'm suspicious of that but then again the forums being down messed up everyone.  Wily and Beatrice seem to have their heads on straight.  Ambivalent on Gendou.  Bowser needs to get back in here and post more.  Gorgutz... keeps dropping the ball and saying things like "Whoops misread ignore my whole previous argument" and "Pfft three posts are enough for anyone shut up".

I don't know what to make of anything right now!


As bad as it is to make anti-flavor arguments vs Light?  I tried to target him with a night action last night and my action failed.  I do not know why.  I assumed it was a roleblock, but then Beatrice claimed to be roleblocked as well, and no one claimed being blocked night 0, and the description I got was not clear in the slightest.  It could be a roleblock, it could be my role randomly failing (it doesn't say it can fail, but there's some Joker flavor mixed in which might be interpreted that way (but does that lend actual credence to the flavor vs Light?  Ugh)), or it could be some other interference from Light or someone else acting on him or me or something.  It's weird!  This is why I held off on claiming it a bit, there's not too much that I can see to get out of it, but there it is.

And beyond ALL of that?  Light's posting just doesn't strike me well.  Voting him for now, I don't really get "SCUM" vibes from him or anyone but I guess my gut would like to see him gone more than anyone else.  Except maybe Bowser... argh second guessing.

##Unvote: Gorgutz
##Vote: Light

Beatrice ninja - I'm also up for Gig if we don't get some better explanation of all this madness.  I guess.  I'm getting paranoid that Gaston and Gig are a pair of town roles or masons or something trying to pull a crazy gambit with how convenient this all is... but argh why nothing makes sense.

Princess Leia

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #177 on: February 02, 2010, 08:25:55 PM »
Try harder than what, you ugly old hag? I can summon people out of harm's way. (so long as there isn't a damn Crimson Tear involved) You got a problem with that? 'sides. It only works with Xanatos Gambits and Roulettes. If your tiny little brain still can't process the why, well, here it is. I didn't want to throw around a partial vote that might or might not have put a bull's-eye on me before I knew it would do any good. Once I saw that the original potato-holder was to die the next day, after tossing the potato, I realized something was up. Get it now? I didn't want to reveal my hand before I knew what it could do. It's still a dangerous tool, giving that tie-breaker to whoever I use it on, but hey. A little chaos is good for the soul, right soulmate?


Anyway. More important matters to attend to. There might be some brains in some of you, after all. (OOC: Makes sense, Wily. Not looking scummy any more) Although I'm still waiting for the pretty boy to come back and tell us just what this whole potato thing is about. Or did nobody else have the teeny-tiny bit of brainpower needed to make that connection? Y'know, the part where the potato chip lover, user of Xanatos Gambits, might be related to the possibly potato-related Xanatos Gambit? No? Didn't think so.

I'm also disappointed that nobody else has mentioned the buddy-buddy teamplay going on between Jaw-For-Brains and Vegetable Head. You. Hag. If you're done pointing fingers at the guy trying to keep (some of) us alive, then maybe you could take a look at something beyond your own shit-for-brains.

Oh yeah. Before I forget. Do your pies do anything similar to what my summoning does, Spike?

OOC: Again, low on time now. (I'm coming here whenever I damn well can, so chill out. Some of us have lives, after all) But the potato seemed very likely to be a Xanatos, as it's something that gives a full vote on the holder, and the last holder signed his death warrant when he threw it away. The potato, and the delayed death, fit Light's character. Still not liking Vegeta and Gorgutz. Gorgutz has no real case on me, either, as he said I had no reason for either of my votes day 1, when I did. Better?

Zerg Rush

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #178 on: February 02, 2010, 10:02:47 PM »
Quote from: Gig
-Jaw-For-Brains is the only one to beat him out in my suspicions right now, but again, not comfortable with placing him that far ahead.

do people have some issue with voting people they think are scummy or something, this game shouldn't be rocket science

unless in fact you DON'T think I'm scummy


It's nice that you're giving me more reasons to think so though, it only tells me that my ORKY INTOOISHUN is on the ball.
Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke!

Tron Bonne

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #179 on: February 02, 2010, 10:30:17 PM »
My, another meltdown to add to the record and a lot seems to have it. I need to read up a bit. Just wanted to let you all know that these old bones of mine are still alive.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #180 on: February 02, 2010, 10:30:33 PM »
"have it".... --> happened >_<

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #181 on: February 02, 2010, 10:50:41 PM »
Normally I wouldn't do this but considering the time considerations and general nondirection of the game at this point: 

Gorgutz, are you gonna claim something or what?

You're obviously drawing attention and votes to yourself, so unless you're some sort of day 2 jester, you've got something up your sleeve that makes you confident you won't be lynched to the point where you're actively trying to piss people off.  I don't really think putting town through the wringer like that is worth it right now so how about you just come out and say it?


Princess Leia

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #182 on: February 02, 2010, 11:08:07 PM »
I've already tipped my hand, clown. There's nothing left to reveal.

Though I gotta admit. That stupid piece of shit called "Gorgutz" is starting to piss me right the hell off. He now claims I'm suspicious because I didn't want to give him a huge headstart in terms of trains? The hell is wrong with you!? You've been flailing at me from your first post of Day 2. If you want me to die so bad, why don't you just come the hell out and say why, you ugly old sack of shit? And if you really don't have any other reasons, then back off before I'm forced to kick your ass, once and for all. Got it? Good.

But seriously. Back the hell off. It's obvious you're flailing, and all you're doing is making me want to lynch you now, instead of waiting.

Li Syaoran

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #183 on: February 02, 2010, 11:27:35 PM »
Okay, after doing some rereading, I think I've come to a few realizations, as well as a few theories. Bear with me.

In my head, the idea that one of Warboss/Vegeta/Bowser almost had to be scum was brewing in my head (and quite possibly all of them being scum). Warboss and Vegeta's uncomfortably obvious backrubbing, as pointed out by Gig, is an alarm call in my head in a lot of senses, and Bowser's willingness to give both Vegeta and Warboss the time of the day (Vegeta moreso) and neglecting Edna's issues while hammering Wily's waffling. Vegeta's only claim for being townie is being braindead stupid, which makes me want to stab live kittens and doesn't make me feel he's any more of a townie for that. The witch is right. And then, there's Gorgutz borderline trolling the whole thing, as if he simply -wanted- to get caught (and makes me want to stab live ponies in broad daylight). However, Joker's idle mumbling honestly hit a nail with my logic processes.

Gorgutz's behavior is -amazingly- odd to the point of this being an elaborate ruse. This suddenly makes the buddying with obviously inept - and quite possibly dangerous - members make sense. This makes the hilarious flailing in Day 1 make sense... which also throws a wrench in the theory about the jaw-for-heads people being scum. doesn't really clear Bowser/Vegeta -at all-, but it's enough for me to draw away from those two for a moment, especially since the whole behavior really reeks of WIFOM in that "they would think the buddy-buddying is too stupid for scum to try" way.

So, assuming Gorgutz isn't scum, but just being jester-like or something else. It leaves way, in my mind, for the Gig/Gaston/Light mess. I... honestly feel like Gig clarified himself satisfactorily in this little play, as much as I don't like the whole metagaming on the potato and the Light argument. On the other hand, something about Mr. Yagami threw me off since the beginning, and he seems entirely content in not making way for any clarification - even to openly dismiss the whole thought process aimed at him. His particularly non-commital, Edna-like approach to day 1's lynch also sits poorly with me even now. All those factors, paired up with Joker's claim cast a very unsettling light to him, and I'm going to follow suit on Joker's cue here:

##UNVOTE: Edna
## VOTE: Light Yagami

Urgh, this trainwreck.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #184 on: February 02, 2010, 11:38:36 PM »
Well, what I'm looking at now:

At the possibility of Gaston getting delayed killed... Gig's summon did prove effective seeing as Gaston did get saved. Now if it was planned or not, hard to say. I do think that it was quite gutsy for Gig to pull that stunt of his. I mean, why bother actually saving Gaston? He hasn't posted much on Day 1, and today it's been only about that potato business. His behavior was suspect, so why not just let him die? Plus, if you hadn't saved him... With the whole thing coming out of the blue like that, can't say I believe that the delayed kill would actually happen, just brought some attention onto the two of you.

And as far as the train forming itself on Light right now... I don't like the potato argument used on him. After all, roles are supposed to be random and not have much to do with our personas; Dahlia being an exception here. But I don't know... the focus is on Light right now and I do feel tempted to join in, I just can't look away from this mise en scene between Gig and Dahlia.

##Unvote: Gorgutz
##Vote: Gig

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #185 on: February 03, 2010, 12:33:09 AM »

That does nothing to dispel the overarching issue, Siesta 1073741824, that you're claiming that there's a slow-acting killing power out there rendered useless so long as we come crying at your door. Else you're claiming you don't actually save them in which case your power serves only to add votes to the condemned, and not even full votes. A pox on both the options.

The Xanatos killing power to one side, the posed potato argument is completely out of the question as well. Gaston claims to have acted with the potato on the night before the game began. Unless your theory allows for a Night -1, this completely mechanically removes interaction from all parties except from Gaston and perhaps the whims of the game master himself. Not that it matters as of Gaston's claim, I pointed out the potato connections almost as soon as the pieces were placed on the board, not that you spotted the other, more obvious one. *cackle*cackle*.

And now you're answering questions that were forwarded to the wretched furniture? You're not going to make a theory like Kanon = Shannon next, are you? Kihihihihihihihihi!

By my light, I would place Siesta 1073741824 as Lady Lambdadelta's sole agent, and the vile furniture as one of Bernkastel's, the bunny edging out the vote because of what appears to be a very red-handed screw up.

The smoke and mirrors leading votes elsewhere draws my eye. Joker has enough credit and credence for it to slide, but Rudolf continues to slowly worry away at me, amusing though his attempts at logic may be. What was thaaat? 'Gorgutz can't be scum because it'd be too obvious'? Fu, fufufufufufuhahahahahahahaha!!!! No wonder you leave the thinking to Kyrie!

And Goldsmith! Which alternate fragment are you playing from? Why are you making an argument based on Gig's power being exactly as claimed? Where is the notice that Gaston has been saved? Surely the game master would have sent a letter his way telling him as much when the summon took effect (which was well before Gaston's latest missive)? Travelling from one fragment to the other is the realm of Lady Bernkastel, so I do not take well to such actions.


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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #186 on: February 03, 2010, 12:39:10 AM »
Note from the management: While it is great that you guys have a bunch of completely incomprehensible names for each other, any votes made using nicknames WILL NOT COUNT.  Votes must be made for the official name so that there is no ambiguity as to who you are aiming for.

Also, to answer a question I have received.  Roleblockers can target any active player.  But that player will only be told they were roleblocked if they have an active role to be blocked.

Day 2 Vote

Gorgutz (2): Potato, Beatrice, Light, Mr. Burns, Joker
Bowser (0): Mr. Burns, Gendo
Mr. Burns (0): Gendo, Gorgutz
Vegeta (0): Dahlia, Bowser
Edna (2): Joker, Dr. Wily, Gaston, Gendo
Dr. Wily (1): Gig, Edna
Gig (4): Gorutz, Gorgutz, Dahlia, Beatrice, Mr. Burns
Gendo (2): Vegeta, Bowser
Gaston (0.75): Summon
Light (2): Joker, Gendo

No Vote: Gig
With 13 active votes in play, it takes 7 votes to lynch.

There are 48.4 hours remaining in Day 2.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #187 on: February 03, 2010, 12:54:14 AM »
Granted, it wasn't specifically said that Gaston was saved. But from what I understood while reading that Gig posted, one goes with the other. If the summon was successful, as shown in the vote count, than the Xanatos must've been removed. Granted, we have no warranty of the summon actually saving Gaston. Not sure if he's to receive a letter to that effect as well. I'm just relying on what I understood from Gig's statements.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #188 on: February 03, 2010, 01:04:01 AM »


Li Syaoran

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #189 on: February 03, 2010, 01:12:01 AM »
By my light, I would place Siesta 1073741824 as Lady Lambdadelta's sole agent, and the vile furniture as one of Bernkastel's, the bunny edging out the vote because of what appears to be a very red-handed screw up.

The smoke and mirrors leading votes elsewhere draws my eye. Joker has enough credit and credence for it to slide, but Rudolf continues to slowly worry away at me, amusing though his attempts at logic may be. What was thaaat? 'Gorgutz can't be scum because it'd be too obvious'? Fu, fufufufufufuhahahahahahahaha!!!! No wonder you leave the thinking to Kyrie!

I feel I need to clarify myself - upon reread, I see I skimmed a few corollaries. First, I didn't say "Gorgutz isn't scum outright" - and the obviousness issue isn't meant necessarily for Gorgutz, but more at Vegeta, although the backpatting applies two-fold in that conundrum. I meant that this theory would fly in case Gorgutz wasn't scum. However, this is yet another case of WIFOM (is this just a given in a game of role madness? It... really just nags at me because of the sheer amount of loose threads going on here). And that's the problem. The more I -try- to think about this, the less sense it makes in this thing.

As a tangent, regarding the Gig thing... honestly, I only believe we can call out for his blood with certainty once Day 2 resolves - then, we can make actual analysis on the claims. I don't know, but trying to crucify Gig before we can actually have -some- clues to whether he's telling the truth or not feels like potentially missing a link, although, if he -is-, I can't really say he has very good odds of getting out of Night 2 alive. I really don't want to close -this- case hastily, and I feel we need Night 2 to happen with him alive for a stronger read.


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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #190 on: February 03, 2010, 01:20:58 AM »
Apologies for my absence, I have had other... PLANS!
And, on this note, my talk of plans is no more than mere flavour, much like the flavour of... POTATO CHIPS! The potato has nothing to do with me, and I can clarify what my role does entail.
As bad as it is to make anti-flavor arguments vs Light?  I tried to target him with a night action last night and my action failed.  I do not know why.  I assumed it was a roleblock, but then Beatrice claimed to be roleblocked as well, and no one claimed being blocked night 0, and the description I got was not clear in the slightest.
I will clarify now that roleblocking is a side-effect of my role, if you will. I would rather not reveal my PLANS now by saying what the main effect of the role is, but I targeted you last night, so... my apologies, Joker-san.
Ikari-san. Where have I "dismissed an entire thought process" against me, as you say? Raise the concerns, and I will tell you why your argument is misplaced.
Burns-san, please reassess your view on Gig/Gaston, considering we have had no evidence that this summon has gone... JUST AS PLANNED!

My vote remains on the Warboss. The only ones to have raised suspicions during my absence have been those without much of a presence, and Gendo's WIFOM logic for dismissing him does not sit well with me at all.
Yes, Ikari-san is suspicious as well. Not only does he clear the Warboss based on WIFOM, he then uses the fact that he's dismissed the case to dismiss those on the Saiyan and Koopa-san without providing any actual argument.
They're called ninjas, Ryuk. They intercept our discussions with their own, it seems...

Burns-san, I'm curious as to your reasoning for voting. Gig and Dahlia? Day 1 reveals many people affiliated with the case on Dahlia, so what exactly is it you are referring to? And if you believe Gaston has already been saved, would it not be wise to keep hold of the person capable of doing it?
Another meaningless post from Ikari-san. WIFOM arguments are mostly meaningless, and the fact that you are aware of this does not help your position. I am, however, agreed on leaving Gig/Gaston alive overnight, at least. If we are to look at role information, we should do so with the most information available possible, and there are more viable lynching targets today.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #191 on: February 03, 2010, 01:34:12 AM »
Ahaaaaaaaa.  Yeah, I'll buy that, Light.  Not sure I'm agreed entirely on leaving Gaston/Gig off till tomorrow but there are certainly other cases.  Bowser and Edna really need to show up, and Burns and Gorgutz are BOTH doing their level best to get lynched now.  Burns has a role reason to not die right now, so...

##Unvote: Light
##Vote: Gorgutz
until or unless I get a reason to take it off.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #192 on: February 03, 2010, 01:51:47 AM »
First off, I would admit that my better nature got the best of me. Ask questions first, shoot later as they say? Not so sure an actual truth will be learned tomorrow, but if the consensus approves...
##Unvote: Gig

Now Kira, why do you want to bring up Dahlia here I wonder. My motivations? Same as anyone else: None. It was Night 0, no one said a word. I picked her as I could've easily picked anyone else. And you say I actually voted for her. You need to recheck the statistics, sir.

Heh... I need to see things through again it seems.

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #193 on: February 03, 2010, 02:01:34 AM »
The Xanatos killing power to one side, the posed potato argument is completely out of the question as well. Gaston claims to have acted with the potato on the night before the game began. Unless your theory allows for a Night -1, this completely mechanically removes interaction from all parties except from Gaston and perhaps the whims of the game master himself. Not that it matters as of Gaston's claim, I pointed out the potato connections almost as soon as the pieces were placed on the board, not that you spotted the other, more obvious one. *cackle*cackle*.

By my light, I would place Siesta 1073741824 as Lady Lambdadelta's sole agent, and the vile furniture as one of Bernkastel's, the bunny edging out the vote because of what appears to be a very red-handed screw up.

And Goldsmith! Which alternate fragment are you playing from? Why are you making an argument based on Gig's power being exactly as claimed? Where is the notice that Gaston has been saved? Surely the game master would have sent a letter his way telling him as much when the summon took effect (which was well before Gaston's latest missive)? Travelling from one fragment to the other is the realm of Lady Bernkastel, so I do not take well to such actions.

Actually, I passed the potato on Night 1, not Night 0. I specifically said I did not pass it on Night 0 because I didn't know what to do with it.

I think that lynching someone who can potentially save people from being lynched is illogical and I don't understand why anyone is doing it.

I didn't mention the Xanatos Gambit thing originally because I figured Light would get some shit for the entire thing when it is probably unrelated. From what I interpreted, I got it naturally or whatever, before Night 0. That's why I don't think it has anything to do with Light.

I have gotten no word with regards to the status of the death sentence. I guess it didn't work?

Mr. Burns' logic on Gig is particularly ridiculous; trying to piece together the puzzle is a good enough reason to reveal an ability that (in his belief) serves no other purpose, so why use this as a really crappy argument for voting someone? Your Gig/Dahlia argument is just nonsensical. Taking back the vote won't save you. You are just a follower.

##UNVOTE: Edna
##VOTE: Mr. Burns

The main reason I haven't been involved is: Day 1 I happened to be busy for one entire day, which is like 24 hours during the non-joke phase of the 48 hour day. Day 2 I am told I am going to die at the beginning of the next day, and I can't handle reading all these posts with nonsensical names that annoy me and people like Warboss who are just incomprehensible. By the time I could get into the game I am already death sentenced. Meh.


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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #194 on: February 03, 2010, 02:05:32 AM »
Now Kira, why do you want to bring up Dahlia here I wonder. My motivations? Same as anyone else: None. It was Night 0, no one said a word. I picked her as I could've easily picked anyone else. And you say I actually voted for her. You need to recheck the statistics, sir.

Burns-san, may I request that you read the notes carefully? I was asking about you voting for Gig based on the fact that he had voted for Dahlia when many others had, and that was based on this statement:
I just can't look away from this mise en scene between Gig and Dahlia.
Some clarification on your reasoning would be appreciated.
Looking back, it looks like you may also be referring to Dahlia's vote? This came at a time when Gig was highly suspicious, so I see no reason to take more from this than any other vote.
Yes, Gaston-san is the newest ninja, Ryuk. We'd both assumed that the reason for absence, at least into Day 2, was apathy regarding the death sentence. I'm going to assume, having seen the joys moderator-san finds in tormenting us, that we won't know if this summon has saved you until the Night. Perhaps he truly is a Shinigami! An apple, Moderator-san?

Helga Pataki

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #195 on: February 03, 2010, 02:09:04 AM »
Quote from: Beatrice
Regardless of his alignment, Gaap's (Dr. Wily's) movements at the end of the first day are not scummy.

Hm...I'm going to need to think about this some more.  Give me awhile to reread D1 again.

Quote from: Wily
I don't like how Slash Man has thrown a bunch of rehash and buzzwords (but no explanations) at the case against me.

I was saying "I agree."  People always seem to ask me what I agree with when I say that, so I thought I should say what I agree with.

Quote from: Wily
EBWOP: Since Slash Man is looking for reasons why people are voting Edna, he can find mine here with further explanation here.

I don't see an explanation on Edna in either of those posts.

Quote from: Gendou
and neglecting Edna's issues

I still don't get the case Edna.  I told you how I saw it.  What am I missing?

Quote from: Gig
Oh yeah. Before I forget. Do your pies do anything similar to what my summoning does, Spike?

I dunno.  Mine also adds the .75 vote to someone.  But I don't summon pies out of a Xanatos Gambit and they don't save anyone from a delayed kill.


I want to make this clear: I am NOT clearing Vegeta. 

I'm going to reread the thread again.  I feel like I'm missing somethng.  I don't think I'll be able to do that before tomorrow though.

OOC: I think I'm coming down with the flu.  I'm going to do my best to play well, but my brain isn't functioning and I feel absolutely miserable right now.  Please bare with me.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #196 on: February 03, 2010, 02:19:24 AM »

##VOTE: Prince Vegeta


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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #197 on: February 03, 2010, 02:38:07 AM »
By request.

Day 2 Vote

Gorgutz (3): Potato, Beatrice, Light, Mr. Burns, Joker, Joker
Bowser (0): Mr. Burns, Gendo
Mr. Burns (1): Gendo, Gorgutz, Gaston
Vegeta (1): Dahlia, Bowser, Dahlia
Edna (1): Joker, Dr. Wily, Gaston, Gendo
Dr. Wily (1): Gig, Edna
Gig (2): Gorutz, Gorgutz, Dahlia, Beatrice, Mr. Burns
Gendo (2): Vegeta, Bowser
Gaston (0.75): Summon
Light (1): Joker, Gendo

No Vote: Gig, Mr. Burns
With 13 active votes in play, it takes 7 votes to lynch.
44.5 hours remaining.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #198 on: February 03, 2010, 02:45:00 AM »
I just can't look away from this mise en scene between Gig and Dahlia.

How the F*** did that get in there. The Mafia dare hack into my account???? I was meant to be referring to Gig and Gaston there >_<

Gaston, granted my argument for Gig was... well... there really was no argument, I concede. But to brand me as a follower? Granted I showed little activity on Day 1, and voted for someone who already had some votes to his account. And Gorgutz today? A bunch of reasons have been given already today, surely you won't want me to go through them all. What next, you'll continue rambling on about that if I vote for someone since everyone has at least a couple of votes?

Fine, let's just put out some reasoning:
1) Usually, talkers are town because the day is town's strength, they stir up discussion and it's the best way to get things done. That takes out Gendo and Beatrice.
2) The potato incident. It's best to keep you alive. So that takes out voting for Gig and Gaston.
3) Wise reasoning = Joker, Light (even though he doesn't take much action towards those he suspects)
4) Wily and Vegeta haven't been around much, but for now, they don't seem to be too harmful.
5) Edna has barely been around, still need to hear from her.

Feel free to correct me if I've misinterpretated things, or missing things. As far as I know, there are 44 hours left in this day. Pretty pointless now for me to vote without having things develop a bit.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #199 on: February 03, 2010, 02:52:49 AM »
Guts Man/Gig baffles me to no end. I must admit Guts Man making his identity so incredibly obvious is tainting my view of him because his attacks on Gig (and posts in general) are exactly what I'd expect from him when he's town, but given who it is that means I expect precisely the same thing from him when he's scum. Frustrating.

I do agree that Gig should have his vote down on Guts Man if he thinks Guts Man is the most scummy. I can understand why he held off initially but this post really should have contained a vote change since two people had just hopped off of Guts Man.

If I had to pick one right now...I think I would pick Gig, because of that little non-vote wurgle as well as being able to see where Guts Man is coming from in his posts aside from the Charles misread.

Slash Man, my apologies, my second link was wrong. This is the correct post.

Just to make sure there is no further confusion (my first link was correct), here is a transcript of my records:

I maintain that the Saiyan's action was stupid, not scummy, and came into today prepared to vote for Edna for trying to shift attention his [the Saiyan's] way away from the two main trains.

Now then. I do indeed not trust you for trying to shift attention away from the Dahlia/Gorgutz competing trains, and the fact that Dahlia flipped town is irrelevant, there's nothing saying you couldn't try to shift attention away from a town/scum or town/town train duel onto another townie. Hell, I've done pushed away from town/town onto third town myself as scum in past games and gotten away with it. The idea is that pushing a stupid/inactive townie to the forefront prevents a flip of either of the notable competing trains, disallowing for great analysis of them the next day when all we have to look at was "yep, they sure were a moron/lurker!".

These are my deductions, and they can be found in both linked post. Edna also has the additional charge of claiming Charles looks the worst to her and yet putting a vote down on me.

Speaking of Edna, it pains me to see her train has all but disappeared and that she did not actually do anything to make that happen.