
Author Topic: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [World is Saved]  (Read 58419 times)

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #50 on: February 13, 2010, 09:50:56 PM »
Fair enough, Captain- I don't mean to seem as if I'm attempting to cloud the crisis at hand. If you'd like names, I can point to five on the first page with witty one-liners, single votes, and not another comment since. The bunny may not be able to reach a communications device, or may be hiding in a burrow, but I don't know about the rest of them. Seeing as this is the very beginning of out arduous task of rooting out the ne'er do wells among us, I'd much prefer to give the what-for to one of those silent folks than to the talkers- the people who are investigating and one way or another, leaving a paper trail.

It's for that reason I won't dilute my praise with a vote, good Captain. Yet.

Mrgh. I gotta admit, I've read this a couple times now and I really don't know what the hell he's trying to say. It looks like a big heap of indecision to me. If you're worried about the quiet ones, vote for one, Middlemook!

Chad Hutchins

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #51 on: February 13, 2010, 11:29:51 PM »
Smear campaign, huh? Saying Kirk went out of his way to make Bats look bad is a step up from all the other folks calling it bad reasoning. Unless you can back that up with some quotes from Kirk himself that make it plain he's trying to ruin Batty's reputation, I've gotta think you're making something out of nothing here. I'm not seeing the kind of aggression that would make me believe that. Hell, he spent most of the time explaining himself to Saber. It's like you're reading Kirk's posts in the worst light for...well, I don't know what reason, so explain yourself!

Ah, apologies for not cleanly explaining myself.  My suspicions on Kirk are based off of his first serious post.

Mr. Middleman, your words are very pretty, but what do you mean?  Are you seriously saying that our words mean anything to those who are not here to hear them?

But, it's Ears that I'm looking at.  Mr. Axel was fairly clear in that he was engaged in the ancient Mafia tradition known as the "Joke Phase".  While it may be our job as explorers to look at such things from an outside perspective and study them, to uncritically judge them diminshes us all.  Ears, your accusation is one I cannot overlook, simply because of its serious response to such a trivial origin.

As we can see, he questions the Middleman's joke post in his first sentence, stating his lack of understanding of the flavor, he shows thought that he may be misunderstanding said post to be serious when it is not.  He then goes around to flat out accuse the Bat guy of making a serious accusation.  There is no questioning, no second thought that it may be an equally mis-worded joke post like the one he was referring to previously.  To flip around so fast concerning two post that two me, seemed to have a similar purpose, just strikes me as odd, and not trustworthy behavior.

His back and forth with saber was nothing more the discussing who they believed the original Bat dude post to be referencing, he did nothing he did nothing to state why he thought it was serious compared to his thoughts on the Middleman as far as I can tell, and that is why I'm suspicious of him.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #52 on: February 13, 2010, 11:55:49 PM »
multiple comments to make here, having just had time to jack in.

This post by Middleman...

...has already been well-commented upon; the removal of his vote, however, is not what strikes me, so much as his fear to put Batmanuel "to the noose". we have time, he had minimal votes, I do not quite see why he is so stressed as a result over the presence of his vote there. the fact that he has not put another vote down is not as concerning; voting reactively can toss static into the data stream, making it harder to get a coherent picture. however, his hesitation to keep his vote down over fears of Batmanuel's far-distant doom worries me. as a result, suspicion rises here. Kirk has addressed this, I belatedly notice (typed this up before seeing his comments there), but I see little other commentary on it, and thus feel that the point merits raising again.

This post by Almaz...

...somewhat confuses me. of the two who decided to attack, Kirk was more... reactive to the post, Smax more inquisitive regarding its purpose. and the Batmanuel post is odd, if only due to grammatical struggles + use of the nebulous third person. while I disagree with Cap'n Crunchplanet that Kirk was attempting to spread mud, I do agree that Smax at least seemed to be digging for an explanation, more so than Kirk. thusly, accusing Smax seems off, especially since Smax had more substance, and my suspicion of Almaz also rises.

vote stands: i am not content with Almaz's attack toward Smax, and believe that it is a sloppy approach toward building a false case. however, the Middleman also has much to explain, I feel.

regarding other cases, i lack much time and thus shall be brief:

Captain Planet's attack on Kirk: as mentioned with Almaz's commentary, I do not believe that it was meant to be an smear campaign so much as a flavorful vot-

wait, new post here spotted. and... mmm. there is one fundamental difference between the two posts, and it is the use of that third person. especially since Batmanuel switched out of it halfway through the second line of his jokevote. thusly, for Middleman's jokepost to garner less attention fails to surprise me.

also generally seconding Smax's post at beginning of page 3 here, after some thought. vote for someone who raises your hackles. while switching carelessly does produce static, not putting a vote down creates no data.

off again for a bit. y.t. just sighted raven attempting to blow up neotokyo.

Princess Leia

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #53 on: February 14, 2010, 12:46:40 AM »
Comedian, your vote on me isn't what made me call on you, just the fact that you and the rabbit hadn't said anything in awhile. That was just a generic lurker poke. Looking back over, I should have poked Flay, Hilda and the Tick the same way, but I didn't feel like typing down a whole slew of names so just picked a couple at semi-random.

Planet's reasoning is a little lacking, but I can follow it I guess. If I had to pick between him and Kirk I'd vote Planet right now. But my vote's staying on Middleman. Even when he posted to respond to Kirk he didn't exactly say much. Also didn't vote. Despite having votes down on him to get him to vote. He talks about wanting to vote for lurkers instead, but doesn't DO it. The only thing he explains is why he's not voting right back at Kirk, "yet".

Kinda sounds like a threat to vote at Kirk to me there. For what, pressuring him to actually vote? Yeah, my vote stays where it is. I don't like his refusal to vote, I don't like his fairly empty posts and now I don't like his tone.

Helga Pataki

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #54 on: February 14, 2010, 03:14:26 AM »
* Flay Gunnar reveals himself from his hiding place directly behind Almaz

Sorry for my tardiness, but Alchemy Man has been keeping me quite busy lately! Ahh, I'm so proud of him... Now then!

##UNVOTE: Prinny

You call yourselves HEROES!? A TRUE HERO proves themselves by actions, not words! Now stop all that bickering, and let's get down to business!

##VOTE: Kirk

Only EVILDOERS try to cause trouble out of nothing. Now stop picking on the weak, and arguing about things like fluff and slang. Forced arguments are weak arguments, and weak arguments only serve to harm town!

Nathan Greaves

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #55 on: February 14, 2010, 03:32:09 AM »
Wow, the humans are fighting amongst themselves now? Such strange creatures you are. I have only ever heard of such behavior on one other occasion, but that one apparently involved those white mouth sticks and I neither see nor smell any here.

My rabbit intuition has also sniffed out what hrair humans have already discovered for themselves. We rabbits are known for fleeing, certainly, but we only flee situations we have no control over. There is little sense in fleeing from a situation you can handle! In fact, we built and strengthened our new warren on this principle! If we had fled General Woundwort we would not have survived.

Middlehuman! You have the power to handle your situation! Why do you not exercise it, choosing instead to flee? Surely someone who has yet to speak is more worthy of your suspicion than no one at all. You even acknowledge that many have not spoken and yet still do not vote. Something stinks about this, and it doesn't smell like those white sticks.

##Unvote: Smax
##Vote: Middlehuman

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #56 on: February 14, 2010, 03:53:07 AM »
Captain, even a Vulcan can tell the difference between a man who desires to lynch all lurkers, even when no one's posted anything of substance, and a poorly worded joke vote.  And sometimes, in order to help the locals leave behind their outdated customs, such as this "joke phase" one must use logic that would make a Vulcan weep and just ignore the damn thing long enough to get things going.

Mr. Gunnar, you are quite interesting.  You claim to be a man of action, then come at me with logic that the weakest of Vulcans would make.  If action is preferred, then poor actions are better than no actions!  Especially when there's no good ones to take.

As for anything else you've got to say, I've been brushing up on Mr. Saber's native tongue.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #57 on: February 14, 2010, 07:22:09 AM »
I apologize for my absence, I was on morning patrol with my sidekick Arthur.

OH. MY. GOD. A talking Rabbit! How can this be?!
And yet he speaks sense...

I'm suspicious of Captain Planet. There's only enough room in this city for one Blue Hero, and that's me, The Tick!
Also you look like you're trying to stir up something. You look kinda off. Maybe you're really Captain Pollution!

A TRUE HERO Flay? I'm a TRUE HERO! Like you! YAAAY!
Come Arthur, let's be TRUE HEROES!

Tron Bonne

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #58 on: February 14, 2010, 07:35:28 AM »
A smear campaign is inevitable in these Mafias, yes? Flay criticizes the captain for making trouble out of nothing? Nothing you say? We are in a mad house of hero murder! You must have zeal to catch criminals!! Or we will be caught dead...

Hee hee hee hee... -giggle-

The person I think is most strongly trolling for a case is these people putting forth these absurd arguments on Kirk. Through the weakness of their arguments I can see... an intent to murder.

##UNVOTE: Saber
##vote Flayvor of Evil

Li Syaoran

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #59 on: February 14, 2010, 08:16:17 AM »
Verily, I am swift to lose track of todays counting.

The Middleman's phrasing is strange, for he retains nebulous suspicion on Batmanuel whilst offering nothing of substance from his own self, despite some copious conversation. He is far, far too quick in his attempt to establish guilt on those who have spent little time manifested within this world. We have not even reached the second day of this path; the expectation of haste, makes waste!

Axel has drawn a distinction between Smax and Mr. Kirk (such a man is surely not a true Captain and thus warrants a commoner's title) where I believe none truly exists; an attempt to justify voting one above the other over quibbles. Captain Planet (a servant summoned by five masters?!) is in similar straits. I would place more faith in Almaz's considerations on the matter rather than basing it on the nebulous factors of slang and precisely how the wrong conclusion was reached.

Flay's willingness to vote Mr. Kirk at this late stage for early trivialities is likewise seeming disingenuous. It seems that are many present who may be the familiars of rival Masters.

##Unvote: Kirk

##Vote: Axel It is tempting to vote for the cowardly Middleman, but his post appeared based on a justification rather than a revelation.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #60 on: February 14, 2010, 12:27:55 PM »
Mr. Saber, I know what you mean, when you're this big, it's only natural to get called Mr.  But, I really do prefer Captain, though Admiral would do if you insist.

Mr. Tick, my Tachyon Emission scanner suggests you're using a Romulan cloaking device.  The only content of your post is that my fellow captain is suspicious because he's trying to "start something".  As though we all do not have to "start something" in order to find the Klingon spies.  Have you nothing else to say?  No thoughts, no feelings, beating in your big blue heart that might help us?

Mr. Middleman, looking over your words, I noticed something odd.  While you do make a great deal of notice of those who do not speak, you have no words for those who do.  Surely you are not as mute as Mr. Tick in regards to what is going on, even as you hold to your laudible quest for those who have yet to rendezvous.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #61 on: February 14, 2010, 02:14:25 PM »
Right, I'm not happy with a bunch of you clowns at the moment, but I guess I should get back to Planet first:

I still think you're making something out of nothing here, buddy. There's not enough evidence for me to be totally confident you're doing it out of malice rather than just reading things differently than I do though. Your last post suggests the latter I'll keep my eye on you and I'd like to see you move on to something else, but there are worse offenders around by this point.

##Unvote: Captain Planet

Moving on...waitaminute, Saber. You getting mixed up with Axel and Almaz? I think you are. Almaz was the one splitting hairs over me and Kirk; Axel's voting for Middleman. You sure you're voting for who you meant to vote for? Agree that Almaz's reasoning stinks pretty bad, if that's what you had in mind.

As for the rest of you...

Flay and the Tick. Are you guys even paying attention here? Flay goes on like he didn't even notice anything that happened after the Kirk & Batty show. If you've got problems with his current case against Middleman, explain why! And the Tick? Buddy, you want to elaborate on what "feels off" with C.P.? Because that's not much of an explanation for your vote. I'd vote for both of you if I could, but unfortunately I don't have time to dole out individual beatings to everyone.

Middleman's been covered. I see a lot of waffling and indecision. I'm okay with putting a vote down here, and sticking with it if he doesn't improve.

##Vote: Middleman

And can someone get us an update on where the votes stand? I'd count 'em up myself but, eh, numbers. (Well, I did count up what we've got on Middlemarch--this should put him at five.)

Alice Margatroid

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #62 on: February 14, 2010, 02:34:07 PM »
A votecount would be... appreciated. I can do the voting part just fine, but I'll leave the counting to somebody with a finer head for numbers.

What don't I like about the other blue man? His 'establishment of the seriousness of his vote on Kirk' looks like opportunism, riding on the case in the posts immediately preceding his. It doesn't look honest, it looks bullshit. That's how it is.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #63 on: February 14, 2010, 03:06:16 PM »
Eh. I pretty much agree and I'm leery of several people on the Kirk case for that reason, C.P. included. Right now Middleman's whole lot of nothin' makes him a priority suspect, though.

Princess Leia

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #64 on: February 14, 2010, 03:57:49 PM »
The distinction between Kirk and Smax I made was real simple, lady. Kirk said something that confused me and I didn't understand what he meant by it, Smax didn't. So I voted Kirk to pressure an explanation. That's all there is to it.

But while I'm on the subject of things I don't understand, would you mind clearing up what you mean by saying my post is based on a justification instead of a revelation? At least I think you're talking about me there and not Middleman?

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #65 on: February 14, 2010, 04:37:42 PM »
And--hey, what? Almaz! I stuck around long enough to wait for a response and explained myself to Saber when she spoke. Past that, hey, a man's gotta sleep sometime (as you should know since you were out at least as long as I was). If this whole thing being a misunderstanding isn't enough for you, hell, I don't know what else to say.


(Okay Almaz, calm down now. Remember, whatever trouble awaits, a Hero faces them, face forward! Now calm down, get in there and show them who's boss!)

Okay, even though you both voted Batmanuel for the same post,  I don't think your reasons really matched up!  When Saber pressed you, didn't you accuse Batmaneul of wanting to stir up things with his post?  Kirk's just much more defensive on his point, and me-tooism over an incredibly weak argument sits wrong with me!

##UNVOTE: Smax

But you know there's better things floating around right now than just stirring up something from nothing which could be explained as inattention/being slow on the uptake...


Middleman what is wrong with you?  Indecision is unhero-like!  Only a villain'd do those kind of things, and I've read a lot about heroes so I know!  Get in here and explain yourself (please?)!

Tick!  Why are you only commenting on Captain Planet and why are you voting him beside
Also you look like you're trying to stir up something. You look kinda off.

"Look like" "trying to" "kinda".  If he wanted to train on someone wouldn't he better train on Middleman on who a serious case seems to present itself instead?  Can you give your thoughts about the Middleman case that is quickly getting momentum right now? 

##VOTE: Gordon

Why are you calling Batmanuel's vote the start of a serious train when none of the votes before it were serious at all?  You know just as well as I do that heroes don't kill people for the hell of it, that goes against everything we're meant to be!  And what is holding back on the Bat meant to mean?  Do you have any grounds to build a case on him?  Share!  The only secrecy a hero needs is his true identity and only when you're a masked hero!

Asuka Langley

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #66 on: February 14, 2010, 06:51:45 PM »
Why are you calling Batmanuel's vote the start of a serious train when none of the votes before it were serious at all?  You know just as well as I do that heroes don't kill people for the hell of it, that goes against everything we're meant to be!  And what is holding back on the Bat meant to mean?  Do you have any grounds to build a case on him?  Share!  The only secrecy a hero needs is his true identity and only when you're a masked hero!
Was I the only one noting the votes flying around? Batmanuel's vote on Axel was the third in a short period of time; thus I thought a bandwagon was emerging. Moving a wagon like that gets us out of the random voting stage and into the real action. Either Manuel wanted to get some action started by getting a wagon moving, or he wasn't paying any attention to the votes.
I didn't vote him because I felt that wasn't worth following up on in the wake of other heroes like the blue man and The Middleman. It's a matter of WIFOM, you see - while claiming it was a jokevote whilst pushing him ahead of the rest is suspicious (besides the old axiom of 'third on the wagon') without someone pushing a wagon we'd be floating around in dead space doing nothing. Which, I can tell you from experience, is both useless and boring!

The Middleman's convenient silence is not helping his cause, but more distressing is the number of people giving lip-service to the case! Cheerleading, even! It has been noted that he's only at L-4, so fear of a quickhammer is not a worthwhile excuse, villains! Miss Saber and Almaz have both declared him to be thoroughly suspicious, so why do they place their votes elsewhere?
(Mmmm...cheerleaders. If I could get Jennifer into something like that...)


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #67 on: February 14, 2010, 07:03:33 PM »
Sorry about the lack of a votecount, was away for the night. But, back now, and will definitely be around for the deadline!

Current Votes:
Axel [1] - Comedian, Almaz, Batmanuel, Saber
Hazel [-] - Smax
Kirk [3] - Planet, Saber, Axel, Batmanuel, Flay
Planet [2] - Tick, Kirk, Prinny, Smax, Comedian
Hiro [-] - Saber
Saber [-] - Hilda
Prinny [-] - Flay
Smax [-] - Hazel, Almaz
Comedian [-] - Gordon
Almaz [1] - Hiro, Axel
Batmanuel [1] - Middleman, Kirk, Smax, Prinny
Middleman [5] - Kirk, Axel, Gordon, Hazel, Smax
Flay [1] - Hilda
Gordon [1] - Almaz

No Vote: Middleman

Just under 29 hours remain. With 16 alive, it takes 9 votes to lynch.

Helga Pataki

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #68 on: February 14, 2010, 07:55:03 PM »
##UNVOTE: Kirk

I apologize for my earlier actions. There were just so many words, and so little action. (tl;dr) And now, I see that there is one man doing none of the things a TRUE hero does!

##VOTE: Middleman

Middleman, take a side, and have some conviction! If you believe somebody to be a villain, then say so, and put your vote where your mouth is!

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #69 on: February 15, 2010, 12:57:32 AM »
Batmanuel apologizes for his lack of action over the weekend.  He was, shall we say, busier than anticipated. 

Still, not a lot has really happened.  No particular arguments against lynching either major train, but neither are they particularly scummy, Kirk's acquitted himself pretty well of my weak starter case on him... typical day 1.  Conflicted feelings on Middleman, slightly scummy feelings on Flay and Gordon pressuring his case, nothing conclusive though.  Best feeling I've got is Flay's trainhop so I'll go with that.

##Unvote: Kirk
##Vote: Flay


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #70 on: February 15, 2010, 01:46:15 AM »
mmm. little new, but enough of interest to comment on.

regarding Almaz, i admit pleasure: while he does not completely allay my concerns, he shows more capability and willingness to dig both at suspicious behavior and at arguments. while that initial srsbsns post still rubs the wrong way, and Gordon seems somewhat scratchy as a new target, more suspicious actors have made their presence known and Almaz's commentary on the Tick's actions has been... acceptable, though it seems Almaz skimmed over Tick's later post which elaborated. curious, but for now...

##UNVOTE: Almaz

Gordon raises a decent point regarding "cheerleading", though in this case i disagree with Almaz being one - Almaz has ventured forth his vote and called people out with it, and such conversation stimulates the flow of data. Saber, i lack a solid read on, and have made a selfnote to look over when i next am capable of posting.

regarding Middleman. At this venture, he is high-priority to handle, one way or another. he is also, however, at L-3, with little competition and lack of commentary after the stead accumulation of votes. thusly, i will do something perhaps slightly unorthodox.

##VOTE: Middleman
##UNVOTE: Middleman

reasoning? i am content with a Middleman lynch as things stand, but votes have the power to provoke discussion and denote suspicions. doing as such, I hope to make clear for future reference in votecounts that i am in support of the case as it stands, and will indeed fulfill the promise herein enacted - that of willingness to lynch Middleman - if no other data streams prove profitable. instead, i would rather use my vote's full power to further the course of data flow and provide more for analysis, present and future.

Flay simply feels like he is jumping onto the bandwagon, but there is little more to say on the Middleman case without further posts from him - thus, a lack of commentary there is somewhat forgivable. the fact that this is the second time, however - his jump on Kirk being the first - worries me highly. Rabbithazel concerns me for doing much the same, but with more words behind it. for now, Flay's sins are laid upon him by Batmanuel and Hilda. as Flay and Rabbithazel sit equally poorly to me right now, i shall cover the ground less traveled, so to speak, and place my weight behind the other.

##VOTE: Hazel

i will return at least once between now and the hour of judgment, and will likely be around to witness the hour itself as well. for now, however, i've Metaverse to code. i would like to see more of Hazel, Hilda, Flay, Middleman, and... oh geez, there are others to be certain, but those are the freshest in my memory.

Chad Hutchins

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #71 on: February 15, 2010, 02:22:32 AM »
I have just finished rereading the thread, and while I don't entirely find Mr. Kirks' reasons for his initial vote on the bat person perfectly satisfactory, I find that he looks much better then I initially saw him, and am willing to admit I may have read into his reasons a little too deeply on my initial glances.

##Unvote: Kirk

@The tick man, my reaffirmation of my vote on Kirk was solely to express that I no longer considered my vote on him a joke.  I simply wished to make it as clear as an unpolluted blue sky that I was not simply bringing up points that I did not like on Kirk, but also meant for the vote to actually be serious.  It was there so people wouldn't think that I was simply sitting on a joke vote.

That out of the way, while the Middleman needs to come in here soon with some amount of clean decisiveness, he really doesn't need any more pressure then he is already under.  I certainly don't think he needs anymore pressure then he already has at this point.

Flay's posts however, strike me too much as going with the flow(of nature), his post carry little substance, and he just strikes me as a little too eager to jump on to the next train that forms.  And while I don't entirely agree with the poor excuse for a captains methods in stirring things up.  I find Flay's argument that forced arguments are entirely hurtful to be a bit strange, at least in the context of day 1, where we pretty much half to force arguments just to get out of the jokephase.  If anything, any argument that can be brought up will help us to hopefully better understand what people are thinking and why they are thinking the way they do.

##Vote: Flay Gunnar

The power is yours to convince me otherwise!

Zerg Rush

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #72 on: February 15, 2010, 03:08:21 AM »
Dood, That bat demon completely ignored what I said. Not cool.

I fed this entire conversation though BableDemon (translating from "Incoherrent babbling" to "dood speak", in case you wanted to know!). It was a long process, but I got everything up until now down in my Prinnybook, dood!

Quote from: Smax
And harping on about him reading Bats wrong doesn't really fly either since the penguin made the same call and no one's busting him for it.
P-penguin? I'm a Prinny, dood!

I was voting Batdood for a completely different reason, though. babledemon says you guys voted because he was being serious, dood. I voted because he talked about bandwagoning the same way our Overlord would talk about using guns, dood.

Speaking of which, dood, I'd still like an answer to that! Although I guess I don't expect one

Quote from: Flay
Now stop picking on the weak, and arguing about things like fluff and slang. Forced arguments are weak arguments, and weak arguments only serve to harm town!
Umm, I hate to break it to you dood, but the argument between Kirk and Saber looks like it was a nessicery evil. Yeah, it was an argument about semantics, but can you really have stopped that argument from happening, dood? Even if you were one of the ones arguing?

Only a Prinny knows how to shut up during an argument, dood, and even then it's only because it's part of our survival instinct.

Quote from: Flay
Now stop picking on the weak, and arguing about things like fluff and slang. Forced arguments are weak arguments, and weak arguments only serve to harm town!
Whoa dood! You're pretty slow on the uptake, aren't you?



...Phew, I'm glad I still have this scarf, dood.

Quote from: Hiro
Rabbithazel concerns me for doing much the same, but with more words behind it.
I don't know, dood. The Rabbit's wording at least looks like she put thought and feeling into the vote. Flay just kind of ... hops bandwagons, dood.

##Unvote Batmanuel
Vote Flay Gunnar

Also, the Tick doesn't sit right with me either. Bugs are sort of creepy, dood. Especially the ones that just sit there and stare at you, dood.
Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke!

Zerg Rush

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #73 on: February 15, 2010, 03:23:15 AM »
I-I mean ##Vote Flay Gunnar dood!

Please don't whip me! Or Flambe me! Or Grind my body in the ground! Or throw me across the courtyard! Or shoot me in the foot! Or stab me a few thousand times! Or chop me! Or Maul me! Please dood, I'm not ready to die!
Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke!

Princess Leia

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #74 on: February 15, 2010, 03:26:16 AM »
I've been trying to resist doing this, but it's just no use.

##Toss: Prinny