
Author Topic: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [World is Saved]  (Read 59567 times)

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #75 on: February 15, 2010, 03:44:04 AM »
i am content with a Middleman lynch as things stand, but votes have the power to provoke discussion and denote suspicions. doing as such, I hope to make clear for future reference in votecounts that i am in support of the case as it stands, and will indeed fulfill the promise herein enacted - that of willingness to lynch Middleman - if no other data streams prove profitable. instead, i would rather use my vote's full power to further the course of data flow and provide more for analysis, present and future.

I dunno... From what I've read, people have clearly stated their dislike towards Middleman, and have been casting votes towards other suspicions while waiting for him to explain himself. I really don't see why un/voting will get us. He has enough votes as it is. Not sure that little stunt of hours will make him talk even more. Especially now with a Flay train that's begun, there's not much pression to the Middleman now.

Hesitating with that silence and Flay's train-hoppnig myself for now.

##Unvote: Planet
##Vote: Middleman

I hope that's incentive enough to make you talk, I really do.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #76 on: February 15, 2010, 03:54:26 AM »
Well, shucks. Seems a bit of moderation was taken for reluctance, or cowardice, or about seventeen different things I didn't intend.

Speaking of things bluntly, for now, since I appear to be on the receiving end of a great deal of momentum- Wait, I'm no good at this. ADA?

"Yeah, yeah, I got it.

The rabbit mention was a throw away to one of the many people who hadn't posted since jokevote check in- including Hilda, the Tick, Flay, and the Comedian. Primary interest being to pick off lurkers, to which there were a stupid amount to choose from. Many of them have showed back up, swell.

Flay is hopping from wagon to wagon, which is annoying for analysis since there's nothing to link him to anyone else's comments.

Votewise: Kirk is just playing aggressive, it seems- whether that's to lay groundwork for later or just push Day 1 on, I can't tell. Captain Planet also is setting off some sort of alarm- the timing of his voting in sequence, perhaps. Apologies for being unable to quantify at this point.

Vote's going to the Rabbit at this point, something about the phrasing of trying to make Seriouscase out of not voting in a post seems not right- again, like an attempt to look insightful.

Since the Middleman here forgot to bring anything USEFUL to this hero convention, all he's got is one of these here votes. "

Thanks, ADA. Now time to enjoy a tall, frosty glass of milk.

##Vote HazeL

Nathan Greaves

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #77 on: February 15, 2010, 05:04:21 AM »
So do men find it an acceptable practice to accuse without stating thoughts? Surely you're not that stupid. You've found plenty of ways to murder my race, and if there's one thing we're good at, it's getting away from you.

I notice the man in the Middle is maybe misunderstanding my vote for him. It is not just for hanging with no vote, but for hanging with no vote while favoring the idea of giving "the what-for to one of those silent folks". Why talk about this and then not follow it up with a vote for one of those people?

Helga Pataki

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #78 on: February 15, 2010, 05:22:38 AM »
You dare accuse me of train-hopping!? Look at the vote count, I dare you! My vote on Kirk at the time had pushed him to tie with Middleman, who was so void of action I glazed over him at the time. As for Middleman, I believe him to be the most villainous, so I voted for him! Or would you have me vote for those I believe to be innocent? If I had any other suspicions, I would have done what the rest of you have done; Vote somebody while voicing the dislike for Middleman as we wait for him to come back.

...actually, after re-reading the early-day disturbance, I do believe that the argument of slang could easily have been avoided. Not only did Smax explain why he said what he said, but Saber wrapped things up quite nicely. Kirk jumped in with a needless argument about slang, when there was a real case to go on! Gordon talks about how Batmanuel was the first to bandwagon when, if you look quite clearly, you can see that the penguins are the first to start a bandwagon. Their vote brings Planet to three before Batmanuel even says a thing! Gordon continues talking about Batmanuel being the first to start a bandwagon later on in the day. Why, just look at any of his posts after his jokevote! He talks about it every single time, like it's the key to some sort of riddle!

Kirk's forced argument still bugs me, as well as so many so-called heroes not examining what others say with their own two eyes! (And I've got my own two eyes on you, penguin. That needless insult better have been flavor--and not the Flayvor Flavor of Evil, either) I am still waiting on The Middleman to show up and explain himself, with Gordon running a close second, and Planet making little to no sense to me.

Just a few (fully) OOC thoughts on the penguin, before I forget them: - Has voted every post
- Hops onto forming trains (first Batmanuel, and now me)
- Was the first to have the third vote on someone in jokevote phase
- Has been going off on people for bandwagoning, despite doing it itself.
- Wants an answer from... comments? Seriously? What the hell.
- Already commented on the argument bit (no, it wasn't necessary)
- Says Hazel is better because there's "thought and feeling in it" despite us saying... the exact same thing.

Yeah, penguin is second now, with Gordon third.

And The Man in the Middle comes back! I see you have finally taken some action, as well! I'm not sure what to make of your talk, but at least you're finally showing yourself capable of something!

##Unvote: Middleman
##Vote: Prinny

Ahh, Hazel. Welcome back! Nothing to say about your post, however (aside from the fact he did explain that there were multiple lurkers he had his eye on). Not yet. Though I am ashamed that you managed to get my joke out before me. Clearly I must train harder!

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #79 on: February 15, 2010, 05:32:22 AM »
I know Almaz's moved on now, but I've gotta correct a mistake he made. And since there's a nicer, gentler Smax on patrol these days, this won't involve punching him through a wall or nothing like that.

Okay, even though you both voted Batmanuel for the same post,  I don't think your reasons really matched up!  When Saber pressed you, didn't you accuse Batmaneul of wanting to stir up things with his post?

Nope. The comment you're thinking of went like this:

Anyway, since Bats was the last person to toss his two cents in, I thought he might have been trying to steer things in a more serious direction and giving a pretty poor reason for doing it. Why single out Axel for doing the same thing as everyone else?

"Stir things up" is a phrase with some bad associations that don't really fit what I was saying about him. That implies, y'know, ill intent. I just thought he was making a bad case; turns out what he was actually making was a joke. And since this entire thing was a result of me taking something more seriously than it was meant to be taken, and most folks have dropped it as a misunderstanding by now, I dunno why you're still harping on it. 'course, it might be you're not paying enough attention. I dunno how else to explain this:

Tick!  Why are you only commenting on Captain Planet and why are you voting him beside
Also you look like you're trying to stir up something. You look kinda off.

"Look like" "trying to" "kinda".

Hey, I already called out the big blue bug on this one! He answered, too. Succinctly, and I admit he hasn't taken the time to look at anyone else yet, but the explanation you're asking him for was just a few posts after the one you quoted. Try and keep up, kid. You'll never catch a villain in the act if you're always five steps behind.

Now, let's see what else is on the

I'm not real clear on why a couple people suspect Gordon. Almaz sort of explained himself, but Bats? Just mentions it in passing and doesn't elaborate at all. Want to fill us in here, Batmanual?

Oh, Middlemook's talkin' again. Not sure if it's enough to change my mind. Want to see how him and the rabbit talk things out first, I guess. If I switched to anyone, it'd be Flay for bouncing between trains without paying the entry fee. I'm sure that's illegal in this state. What are you, some kind of hobo?

...Right, and as soon as I open my mouth, Flay drops a clusterbomb of words. I gotta go read this now.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #80 on: February 15, 2010, 07:34:11 AM »
Okay. This is better, Flay. Some of it I need to look into more, but at a glance a couple of the charges I can't really hold against your suspects. You make a big deal out of Gordon not acknowledging that Planet was at three votes before anyone else was, but hell, I didn't even notice that myself until you pointed it out. Things moved fast early on, with jokes flying everywhere. It's not a stretch for me to believe he just lost track of the numbers (as Prinny might have in putting Planet at three votes). Three votes isn't that big a deal anyway. I mean, it's not close to a majority right now.

The rest of, I'll look at it closer when I've got some rest and a cup of coffee behind me. Hoping some others will have spoken up by then. Saber's been quiet for a long time now.

Li Syaoran

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #81 on: February 15, 2010, 11:59:50 AM »
Allow me to set something straight. I did not mix up Almaz and Axel. My vote is truly where I wanted it to be. By 'justifcation' instead of 'revelation', I was addressing the fact that I did not believe your reason is something you actually think, and rather something you simply, ah, 'slipped in' to ensure your vote was taken legitimately. Almaz's rationale seemed far more direct and sensible.

The fact that Axel is voting merely to clean up understandings would be more suspect had it occured later in the day. As things stand, it is a tolerable offence. ##Unvote

There is a tide of sentiment towards not only voting for Middleman, but in general that not voting for him is a downright poor action; both the Comedian and Captain Gordon have espoused this, as you can see here-

Quote from: Gordon
The Middleman's convenient silence is not helping his cause, but more distressing is the number of people giving lip-service to the case! Cheerleading, even! It has been noted that he's only at L-4, so fear of a quickhammer is not a worthwhile excuse, villains! Miss Saber and Almaz have both declared him to be thoroughly suspicious, so why do they place their votes elsewhere?

Quote from: Comedian
I dunno... From what I've read, people have clearly stated their dislike towards Middleman, and have been casting votes towards other suspicions while waiting for him to explain himself. I really don't see why un/voting will get us. He has enough votes as it is. Not sure that little stunt of hours will make him talk even more. Especially now with a Flay train that's begun, there's not much pression to the Middleman now.

I must confess that whilst I am not fond of the man in the middle, I am likewise dismayed by the way in which his train is being pushed. Gordon in particular seems to be somewhat hysteric; perhaps a good quality for a lynch mob, but are we not souls of better calibur? I did indeed prefer voting for Axel, as the events surrounding Smax and Kirk seemed those most worthy of inspection. This, however, seems a better lead to follow.

##Vote: Gordon


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #82 on: February 15, 2010, 01:18:34 PM »
Prinny: Hazel put much in terms of words and little in terms of actual impact (even discounting the two parts RP which I begrudge no one) into the post; thus why Hazel fell under my suspicions.

Comedian: i have little time, so i'll elaborate on the un/vote (concise, I approve) in brief: i wished for it to be registered that i did indeed support the lynch of middleman at that point (and would still not overly mind it now). accusations in later days can revolve around who was or was not on trains etc etc and i sought to, at least in part, avoid that by making my name visible therein. i will place my vote where i feel it best, but leaving a mark of support in case i do not end up being one on the final lynch train feels the best compromise i can make, considering.

mmm. middleman posts, i confess discomfort with his vote justification. flay slightly eases my discomfort toward him with the more content filled post, hazel's post solely to defend bothers me further. agree with Smax re: Gordon, and thus one final vote for pressure before i depart for slumber...

##UNVOTE: Hazel (albeit somewhat unwillingly, I would not terribly be offended at a lynch of a rabbit at this point)
##VOTE: Saber

elaborate, Saber, and by extension all those who would vote for Gordon. i fail to see his flailing, his "hysterics". he is dramatic, but reasonable within said dramatics; please provide some source or reference as to the contrary. while i have some sympathy for not being comfortable with the speed of the train, it is, regardless, at least reasonable considering the attention Middleman's drawn to himself.

should nothing highly change i will vote toward middleman when i return near the end of the day. hazel and the anti-gordon crowd mulls below him, and then likely flay in tandem with the quieter theoretical heroes.

i regret lacking any more time to elaborate or analyze further, but this is how things are sometimes. sleep comes for all of us, be we weary, ready or neither.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #83 on: February 15, 2010, 02:24:05 PM »
I'm concerned about the triple vote on Flay in fast succession. Bat, Planet, then Prinny all in a row. I am convinced that at least one of these three are scum.

Dood, That bat demon completely ignored what I said. Not cool.

Quote from: Flay
Now stop picking on the weak, and arguing about things like fluff and slang. Forced arguments are weak arguments, and weak arguments only serve to harm town!
Umm, I hate to break it to you dood, but the argument between Kirk and Saber looks like it was a nessicery evil. Yeah, it was an argument about semantics, but can you really have stopped that argument from happening, dood? Even if you were one of the ones arguing?

Only a Prinny knows how to shut up during an argument, dood, and even then it's only because it's part of our survival instinct.

Quote from: Flay
Now stop picking on the weak, and arguing about things like fluff and slang. Forced arguments are weak arguments, and weak arguments only serve to harm town!
Whoa dood! You're pretty slow on the uptake, aren't you?



...Phew, I'm glad I still have this scarf, dood.

Quote from: Hiro
Rabbithazel concerns me for doing much the same, but with more words behind it.
I don't know, dood. The Rabbit's wording at least looks like she put thought and feeling into the vote. Flay just kind of ... hops bandwagons, dood.

##Unvote Batmanuel
Vote Flay Gunnar

Mostly fluff and barely any justifcation.
Hops on bandwagons? What, like YOU JUST DID!?

##Unvote Planet,
##Vote Prinny


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #84 on: February 15, 2010, 02:29:32 PM »
To reiterate, please Unvote if you have a vote down already (and, if you can remember who it's on, their name too). Just helps me out a little. Thanks. ;)

Current Votes:
Axel [-] - Comedian, Almaz, Batmanuel, Saber
Hazel [1] - Smax, Hiro, Middleman
Kirk [-] - Planet, Saber, Axel, Batmanuel, Flay
Planet [-] - Tick, Kirk, Prinny, Smax, Comedian
Hiro [-] - Saber
Saber [1] - Hilda, Hiro
Prinny [2] - Flay, Flay, Tick
Smax [-] - Hazel, Almaz
Comedian [-] - Gordon
Almaz [-] - Hiro, Axel
Batmanuel [-] - Middleman, Kirk, Smax, Prinny
Middleman [6] - Kirk, Axel, Gordon, Hazel, Smax, Flay, Hiro, Comedian
Flay [4] - Hilda, Batmanuel, Planet, Prinny
Gordon [2] - Almaz, Saber

9 hours 30 minutes remain. With 16 alive, it takes 9 votes to lynch.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #85 on: February 15, 2010, 03:45:00 PM »
(Okay Almaz, you're on to something here.  A hero stands true with determination and never backs down!  Go for th--hey hey!  A nickle!  Must be an omen.

Wwwwwait, you skipped over the Tick's message!  Aaaaah!!  Itsokayokayitsokay, your point still stands, Almaz!  He still initially voted with uncertainties!

Was I the only one noting the votes flying around?

There was a train before Batmanuel started one.  So did you or did you not notice votes flying around, Gordon?! 

while claiming it was a jokevote whilst pushing him ahead of the rest is suspicious (besides the old axiom of 'third on the wagon')

So I understand your next glaring eye should be on the Prinny Squad, the first to do this?  Why do you single out Batmanuel when the Prinny Squad was the first offender?  Inattention?  A hero always stands at attention!

Almaz have [both] declared him to be thoroughly suspicious, so why do they place their votes elsewhere?

I felt there was sufficient pressure on the Middleman to get him to talk.  I could've hopped the good old bandwagon on the man, but I wanted to see where this would lead me.  Ganging up on a single person just isn't a heroic style, and I'm all about heroes.

Gordon!  You said this:
For now, though, other suspects have emerged so I will hold back here until the bat in question contributes more

Why?  It looks like you're preparing to vote Batmanuel with an excuse if possible later!  As if you were suspicious of him from the beginning when it's revealed for all to see (despite Smax disagreeing with Flay) that Batmanuel was, in fact, not the first to thirdvote!  What is there to hold back on?  Explain yourself!  I said it earlier!

Keeping my vote on Gordon, despite Hiro's objections to this.  There's something here, I'm sure of it!  As a hero, I can't succumb to pressure!  A hero always stands strong!

I'm also perfectly fine with voting the Middleman, but would prefer to see Gordon go for now.  The Middleman's just too vague and indecisive for me to let him skirt by, but I feel more strongly for Gordon's weird antics!

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #86 on: February 15, 2010, 04:36:18 PM »
Closing time's not that far off, figure I should lay out the folks I think are reasonable for today's suspect. First off...

Not real sold on the case for Gordon. Saber highlights something I guess I could get behind but she also mentions that the Comedian does the same thing, and that joker looks worse to me. At least Gordon's been responsive and trying to elaborate on things. Why him and not the Comedian, Saber? Next...

I'm concerned about the triple vote on Flay in fast succession. Bat, Planet, then Prinny all in a row. I am convinced that at least one of these three are scum.

Out of those three, my bet would be Planet. I guess it's possible there could be more than one since I can kinda see the recent Prinny case too, but I dunno if the quick dogpile on Flay is convincing by itself. I suppose it's possible the scum saw a good excuse for a quick train and took it,, I think almost everyone called out Flay for the same reason even if they didn't vote for him and we can't all be villains, so. As for Planet...well, there's still that thing with Kirk and smear campaigns. He explained it away and I've been trying to give the benefit of the doubt, but in combination with the fact that he hasn't given us much else to work with since then I'm still kinda looking at him sideways here. Other people? Well...

Middleman's still iffy. The original reasons to suspect him are still there and haven't been dealt with well by him, I think.

Flay's put some more effort in now. This is good, just worries me a little that it took a lot of bad attention to get that from him. Probably at the back of the queue as far as people I think are suspicious go, though.

Couple other minor things. Hilda. Very cursory presence and mostly getting away with it so far. Bothers me. Comedian for the same reason.

I'm staying with Middleman right now--could change if he gets back to the rabbit with something good, or if there's more attention on Planet or the lurkers. People, thoughts on them?

Asuka Langley

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #87 on: February 15, 2010, 04:45:10 PM »
What!? Planet was at 3 votes before Axel?!

...Ahem. Forgive me, friends. I must have been as lost as everyone else in the mess that followed. Nothing I can offer other than I was too busy being manly and heroic to notice amongst all the chaos. Now let's settle this over something out of Pizza Shack, shall we?

Ah. So now people are seeing my actions as hysteric? My apologies, friends, but a DEFENDER OF EARTH must be spring and spry at all times if he is to maintain his constant vigil! If you truly insist, Admiral Carter made me bring several shots of what he called 'valium' in case I should at any point need to be less dramatic.

The Flay wagon reeks of a scummy intent to produce a second wagon ASAP to me. I'm willing to second the calls that one of the its members is likely scum.
On that note...*dramatic point* Miss Valentine! You were the first to drop a vote on Flay, but you've produced nothing since! Do you have nothing to contribute!?

Meanwhile, now that the little blue penguin's been brought up, rereading his posts produces an interesting series of wagon jumps. First the third vote on Planet (which again I apologise for missing), then jumping onto Manuel, then onto Flay?! Do you Prinnies not have spines beneath all that flab of yours?!

Flay just kind of ... hops bandwagons, dood.
My intergalactic translator returns this as "Hey, that kettle is black, dood!"

I find myself torn between my current vote on Middleman and switching over to the thing in the scarf. Perhaps with time (meaning a few hours) the right course of action will be clear, but for now Middleman's super-passive play earns him my vote!

Princess Leia

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #88 on: February 15, 2010, 06:38:56 PM »
Hey, bunch of activity during the night. Looking things over, I'm gonna stay right where I am on Middleman. The vote he puts on the rabbit is weaksauce, though I'll admit the rabbit's response to this isn't any better.

On non-middleman cases that are going around, I've gotta say that the Flay mob is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I'm not seeing the flailing he's been accused of. Unless that's supposed to refer to bringing Kirk/Bat/Smax back up when most everyone else had moved on? Don't see how that's a problem, myself. If he had something to say on it, he had something to say. He moved on past it himself in short order anyway.

Although the more I think about it, the more I agree with Tick here. That triplevote was entirely too convenient, there really has to be good odds of a scum hiding in it. I'm more suspicious of Prinny then Bat or Planet right now. The waterfowl is giving off two alarms here, first the hypocrisy of jumping on Flay for bandwagoning when he's doing it worse. The second is that his posts are big, and full of quotes and usually pretty funny, but at the expense of any kind of content. He's saying alot, but most of it's wacky antics instead of making cases, maybe padding out his posts to make it look like he's saying more then he is.

Man, I think I've talked myself into going for a Prinny lynch over Middleman today.

##Unvote: Middleman
##Vote: Prinny

I'll switch back to Middleman here if the Prinny lynch doesn't seem like it's going to happen. Still not happy with the guy, and I don't care for Hazel either.

Tron Bonne

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #89 on: February 15, 2010, 07:03:53 PM »
The Flay wagon reeks of a scummy intent to produce a second wagon ASAP to me. I'm willing to second the calls that one of the its members is likely scum.
On that note...*dramatic point* Miss Valentine! You were the first to drop a vote on Flay, but you've produced nothing since! Do you have nothing to contribute!?

Miss Valentine was out for the beautiful holiday that shares my name~ <3 Pretty girls have thorns! Remember that!

I dropped a vote on Flay because he said basically nothing, flip-flopped his votes around without any sort of justification, and then didn't say much else. I stand by this. I think it is strange that you are adamantly defending Flay and seem to have put on blinders regarding him.

Meanwhile, now that the little blue penguin's been brought up, rereading his posts produces an interesting series of wagon jumps. First the third vote on Planet (which again I apologise for missing), then jumping onto Manuel, then onto Flay?! Do you Prinnies not have spines beneath all that flab of yours?!

Flay just kind of ... hops bandwagons, dood.
My intergalactic translator returns this as "Hey, that kettle is black, dood!"

I find myself torn between my current vote on Middleman and switching over to the thing in the scarf. Perhaps with time (meaning a few hours) the right course of action will be clear, but for now Middleman's super-passive play earns him my vote!

I think the Prinny has not justified his votes well and has been a bandwagon jumper as well. I am torn between Flay and Prinny at this point; Flay's post reads as OMGUS and I think Gordon's defense of him is strange in the context of why the votes occurred. I'm not sure how I feel about the bandwagon on Flay right after I posted.

That post from the Middleman convinced you to not vote for him, Axel? Really? >_>

I actually think Captain Planet's post is pretty fluffy and without much content despite being rather long. Hiding behind the discussion of the semantics argument but the cases themselves got addressed very briefly.

##UNVOTE: Flay
##VOTE: C. Planet

Tee hee~


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #90 on: February 15, 2010, 07:04:40 PM »
Current Votes:
Axel [-] - Comedian, Almaz, Batmanuel, Saber
Hazel [1] - Smax, Hiro, Middleman
Kirk [-] - Planet, Saber, Axel, Batmanuel, Flay
Planet [1] - Tick, Kirk, Prinny, Smax, Comedian, Hilda
Hiro [-] - Saber
Saber [1] - Hilda, Hiro
Prinny [3] - Flay, Flay, Tick, Axel
Smax [-] - Hazel, Almaz
Comedian [-] - Gordon
Almaz [-] - Hiro, Axel
Batmanuel [-] - Middleman, Kirk, Smax, Prinny
Middleman [5] - Kirk, Axel, Gordon, Hazel, Smax, Flay, Hiro, Comedian
Flay [3] - Hilda, Batmanuel, Planet, Prinny
Gordon [2] - Almaz, Saber

Just under 5 hours remain. With 16 alive, it takes 9 votes to lynch.

Asuka Langley

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #91 on: February 15, 2010, 07:14:40 PM »
I dropped a vote on Flay because he said basically nothing, flip-flopped his votes around without any sort of justification, and then didn't say much else. I stand by this. I think it is strange that you are adamantly defending Flay and seem to have put on blinders regarding him.
The intention of this poke was not for you to clarify your Flay case, because that at the time was relatively valid (though he's offered more in terms of contribution since along with this fishy wagon on him). It was to ask why it was practically the only contribution you'd made to the post-RVS discussion!

I'm seeing the Prinny lynch emerge following Axel's swap. I'm tempted to move as well, but do we have enough time to collect 6 votes?

Game Master! Are we working on majority lynch or no lynch in the event of deadline?! If we need to get 9 votes, I'm not sure if we can get Prinny to majority in 5 hours...

Helga Pataki

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #92 on: February 15, 2010, 07:17:52 PM »
Things moved fast early on, with jokes flying everywhere. It's not a stretch for me to believe he just lost track of the numbers (as Prinny might have in putting Planet at three votes).

I made a big deal out of him mentioning it not only once, or twice, but three times! A true hero should be certain of what they say, should they not!? Although Smax, I must ask you something. Why do you ignore what I say, when you acknowledge I have said something of note? You ignored the fact, twice, that I not only pointed out Gordon's constant insistence that Batmanuel was the first to get someone to three votes (Might I point out that it wasn't that much chaos, either? The penguin's vote came almost an hour after the second Planet vote, and The Bat's vote came 2 hours after the penguin's. There was also a vote count before the penguin's vote, so no. No excuses there.) but also the point about the penguin train-hopping. Willful ignorance is not the sign of a TRUE HERO!

As for other cases, Almaz sets off some alarm bells with his latest post, using previous arguments against Gordon as if they were his own, as well as asking him questions he's already been called on. Can you not think for yourself!? Even Nikki could do better than that!

I shall ask this again, in case you skipped over the previous words: Smax, why do you ignore me!?

GRH--! Ninja'd again! At least one is only a votecount...

As for you, Ms. Valentine! Did you also not read anything I've said!? I admit that at first, I may have had too much action, and not enough, talking, but has that not since changed!? (AKA: I was having difficulties trying to RP, and wasn't managing it well. Also, that whole "more action, less talk!" thing kinda put me in a corner. Sorry about that. I'm not gonna let attempts at fluff get in the way any more, promise) And why do you accuse me, The Flay, of OMGUS? Did I not go after Gordon as well as the penguin? Did I not go over my case of The Middleman!? If you wish to point a finger at me, think again about what I have said and done!

And again, I point out that my vote on The Captain was placed after he stopped being a train.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #93 on: February 15, 2010, 07:18:37 PM »
Majority lynch in case of deadline. If there's no majority, sudden death for a maximum of one hour. If there's no decision by that time, it'll be a random one from those up for lynch.

Princess Leia

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #94 on: February 15, 2010, 07:28:44 PM »
Random lynch? Good greif. I'd rather not leave something like this up to Hatbot if we can help it.

Hilda, it wasn't Middleman that convinced me to switch. It was looking over Prinny and deciding he looked worse. I notice you don't seem to like Middleman or Prinny either, so can I interest you in putting down a vote for one of them instead of Planet? I'd prefer Prinny, but like I already said, I will switch back to Middleman if it looks like the Prinny lynch isn't going to happen.

Tron Bonne

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #95 on: February 15, 2010, 07:32:55 PM »
It's the truth. I think I have misinterpreted your intentions for a bit. I think I feel more confidence in voting for someone on your train now; thanks for the clarification.

With all things equal I will vote for Prinny as well, he has been somehow flakier than Middleman. Being a vampire, I have a bad sense of time and didn't realize it was almost deadline~

##UNVOTE: C. Planet
##VOTE: Prinny, dood

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #96 on: February 15, 2010, 07:43:13 PM »
Quote from: Flay Gunnar link=topic=4618.msg97722#msg97722
As for other cases, Almaz sets off some alarm bells with his latest post, using previous arguments against Gordon as if they were his own, as well as asking him questions he's already been called on. Can you not think for yourself!? Even Nikki could do better than that!

Well, if he'd finally answer the questions, I could move on!  The arguments argument is quite ironic, given that Gordon (and quite many by now!) use the same arguments to attack the Prinny, coated as if they are their own!  What is wrong with seeing the same things others do?  Being on the same line as other heroes just shows we're all heroes here! (except for the villains, but you know...)

Still don't like Gordon!  Especially not where he's asking Saber and me to switch to Middleman because we voiced suspicion of him!  I don't like being tunnel visioned one bit, and I don't like people who want me to place my vote somewhere.  My vote is mine and mine alone!  It is my mark of justice!

Between Middleman and the Prinny, I'm not sure who I'd prefer to see go!  The Prinny has been bandwagoning, but so have others; I really don't see a good reason to punish Prinny harder than the others!  I'm looking at Flay here.

Middleman has been vague and indecisive and only placed a vote when pressured.  His only actions today has been pressing lurkers and contributing nothing to the Day's proceedings, so seeing him go won't leave a hole in my heart!

If a Gordon lynch isn't happening today, I'll take my time to read over the other two again and see who I like least of them.  But if possible, I'd like to see Gordon go.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #97 on: February 15, 2010, 07:49:35 PM »
augh, colossal sleep failure. there will be no attempts at staying vaguely in flavor here. also will be moving vote from saber, more for lack of time than from having achieved what was desired, but i will return to that point come the morrow.

prinny, as has been noted by others, is beginning to very much rub contrariwise. i can't really add to this in part because there is so much fluff and so little actual substance, but i failed to notice this. will endeavor otherwise in future. i am actually slightly more in favor of a prinny lynch than a middleman lynch, but neither is objectionable as it stands. in point of fact middleman has done much the same - many words, light substance - but in examination a few of the points on middleman seem... off, leaning me away from him. hazel/flay*/comedian are the three who haved voted here with little content toward the vote, though flay has covered himself with commentary after the fact. still frustrated in the line of smax but whaddyagonnado.

regarding the attempt on gordon, almaz/prinny/saber cheerleader are the trio... almaz I am scratchy but willing to let lie, prinny will likely be voted on at the end of this, saber is annoying me but i can't pin down why yet.

to smax: planet is low-level bugging me, much for the reasons you outlined. little time thus far so I can't give details just yet, sincere apologies, may be able to after errands. hilda is short-post, yet, but gets to the point, in my opinion - right now not really too concerned on her. comedian, it feels, provides less, would be more supportive there.

augh i spent way too much time on this *flailflailflailflail* geeeeeeh will be back in 2.5 hrs 1.5 hrs before dedline i can't think with everything else I need to do. for now, since we approach the critical hour, vote shift.

##UNVOTE: Saber
##VOTE: Prinny

most comfortable with Prinny, middleman probably ties with a few others, augh gotta run blaaaaaaaah


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #98 on: February 15, 2010, 08:01:09 PM »
Current Votes:
Axel [-] - Comedian, Almaz, Batmanuel, Saber
Hazel [1] - Smax, Hiro, Middleman
Kirk [-] - Planet, Saber, Axel, Batmanuel, Flay
Planet [-] - Tick, Kirk, Prinny, Smax, Comedian, Hilda
Hiro [-] - Saber
Saber [-] - Hilda, Hiro
Prinny [5] - Flay, Flay, Tick, Axel, Hilda, Hiro
Smax [-] - Hazel, Almaz
Comedian [-] - Gordon
Almaz [-] - Hiro, Axel
Batmanuel [-] - Middleman, Kirk, Smax, Prinny
Middleman [5] - Kirk, Axel, Gordon, Hazel, Smax, Flay, Hiro, Comedian
Flay [3] - Hilda, Batmanuel, Planet, Prinny
Gordon [2] - Almaz, Saber

4 hours remain. With 16 alive, it takes 9 votes to lynch.

Helga Pataki

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day One]
« Reply #99 on: February 15, 2010, 08:04:19 PM »
My suspicions lie with you because you've acted as if the cases were new, and thought up by only yourself! Even Gordon acknowledges he was not the first to think of everything! And if you'd like other reasons to look at the penguin, why not check what I have already said!? I made my case on the penguin within that one post, and my mind has not since been changed!

I am also hesitant to say more on The Middleman and Hazel when they have not yet said anything.

Just a quick note about the last Almaz post: That was a long time ago. Why are you only bringing it up now? And he asked you to do it because you had voiced suspicions of him, and there weren't really any other cases at the time. Seriously? You're seriously trying to defend yourself with that?

*AHEM!* Now then. If any of you have any questions for me that I haven't already covered...?