
Author Topic: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [World is Saved]  (Read 58285 times)

Chad Hutchins

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #225 on: February 18, 2010, 07:03:21 PM »
Wow, talk about an eventful day so far.  First, let me do this:

##Unvote: The Tick

I'll admit I was a little overly eager to hop on the Tick case with little explanation, he wasn't sitting well with me with his persistence on my case from day one with what struck me as little to poor reasoning.  I honestly should have mentioned it sooner but I truly haven't been feeling well the past few days so it was all I could do to force myself to churn out posts at all, in the end I ended up just setting those feelings aside.

To Flay, the reason I didn't bring up the case on your early day one behavior is because your late day one behavior pretty much excused it.  I unfortunately wasn't around for the end of the day, so it struck me as mentioning what actions I would have taken, and or feelings I had at the end of that day would be entirely pointless fluff that doesn't really help to say anything due to my absence.  But yes, your late day one behavior and now the mason claim especially does excuse you to me for what that's worth.  The last line was me trying to be witty with my flavor (C. Planet pretty much says the power is yours whenever he finishes his work for those who don't know)

With that said, even with the current case on the Bat man and myself, I have no intention of voting for the Bat person, he strikes me as trying a bit too hard to stay in character, and in the process probably mis-communicating his ideas somewhat.  I know there is a case against his actions as well, however, considering there is a similar case against mine I'm not willing to hold that against him.

I never got around to thoroughly reading things over fully again like I intended since I was out of commission for most of yesterday, but I'm still suspicious of both Gordon and the Middleman, I'm going back to read over both more carefully for now before I throw down my vote on one of the two, and I'll actually be around for the rest of the day this time, so feel free to ask any questions.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #226 on: February 18, 2010, 07:17:59 PM »
augh. reality intrudes, will be gone from metaverse until right near the deadline. all i have new to say on a brief skim of topic is that Batmanuel still looks worse to me than CP, if not by much; the explanation helps a bit, but... one would think noting the results of any vote pattern you saw at beginning of D2 (if not earlier, but) would be of import. as a result i'm not really soothed by that, especially since the posts seem to be a flipflop affair of relevancies.

vote stands.

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #227 on: February 18, 2010, 07:43:58 PM »
I am back again, and while I am glad to see masons about, their ire at me is saddening.  Batmanuel just doesn't do guys, all right?  No need to hold grudges.

Still think Gordon and Planet are the best votes.  I'm not sure how my flip says anything about Gordon and it's close to downright scummy for Axel to say that it does.  Planet's reluctance to vote me even in self defense is also worrisome, but his situation seems almost the same as mine, so I don't know what to think there.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #228 on: February 18, 2010, 07:56:32 PM »
Current Votes:
Middleman [-] - Axel, Flay
Hazel [-] - Gordon
Batmanuel [5] - Comedian, Kirk, Smax, Flay, Hiro
Almaz [-] - Hazel, Hiro, Hilda, Axel
Gordon [3] - Batmanuel, Almaz, Hazel
Tick [1] - Middleman, Hiro, Middleman, Planet, Smax, Axel
Kirk [-] - Middleman
Hiro [-] - Tick
Planet [4] - Smax, Gordon, Tick, Hilda, Axel
Comedian [-] - Tick

No Vote: Planet

3 hours remain. With 14 alive, it takes 8 votes to lynch.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #229 on: February 18, 2010, 08:08:12 PM »
Augh pounding headache. Can't even roleplay right now. Will try to make something out of what's happened since I posted last.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #230 on: February 18, 2010, 08:13:42 PM »
No, I really can't do this right now. My head is splitting in half and I need to lie down. Sorry everyone, I'll try to be back in about an hour.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #231 on: February 18, 2010, 08:50:08 PM »
Augh okay here I am reading at the speed of light because I don't know how much time we have left. 

Did anyone get around to explaining how the 'trap' Gordon was laying worked?

Going to quickly read over everything again, so gimme an hour or two if we have that much time.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #232 on: February 18, 2010, 09:09:21 PM »
(I am also super exhausted. I'd much prefer a Planet lynch over a Bats, honestly. I'd write up a stronger case, but both are big time lurkers. Hazel and Almaz are both around, so I don't feel like I'm putting things in Sudden Death/no Lynch danger by doing this. This is no defense of Batmanuel, I think he's been lurking super hardcore, but I have more substantial suspicions on Planet.

##Unvote The Tick
##Vote Captain Planet.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #233 on: February 18, 2010, 09:36:19 PM »
Batsketball: Lurks less then Planet, but not much less. He mentions vote patterns at the end of day one, which is causing alot of the pressure on him, but I think he intended to answer that with this line:

As for Minuteman, what I saw there was a very standard day 1 pattern of jokevotes going around, a couple of people getting to trains of 2 or 3, then one earlier train pushing above the others.  In my experience this usually happens when scum are pushing up their decided train for the day, and that pattern was sufficient for me to judge Minuteman town.

I'd buy that if it hadn't taken so many questions to get that explanation out of him, and if he hadn't made a different excuse at the start of today about his actions yesterday.

Did anyone get around to explaining how the 'trap' Gordon was laying worked?

I think the idea was that he wanted to see if anyone else switched votes to save Prinny at the last minute. (If I'm reading things right. I remember this being said but not when, be nice if someone could point me to the right post). Not sure how much credit I give this since the obvious result of waiting is that Prinny would vote to save himself and that's just what happened. Not to mention Gordon would've had to be more confident than I think a lot of us were at the time that Prinny was scum (I know I wasn't totally sure at the time that I was doing the smart thing in moving off Middleman).

Now...Captain Planet, you're really okay with not voting for Bats when it could be you getting killed instead? You somehow have more confidence that he's town than you yourself? I know I've gone on about how I hate tie votes ending with someone voting for the sake of survival, and this is still true 'cause it makes things hard to read afterwards. But it's even weirder to see it not happen, and the obvious reason I'm coming up with here is scum thinking, "Well, someone on our team is gonna die either way, so why bother?"

I don't see Batty's problems coming from trying to stay in character. I don't think he's actually had much trouble with that (because he's funny) and this looks like an excuse.

Chad Hutchins

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #234 on: February 18, 2010, 09:59:55 PM »
Well, there's only an hour left it seems, so I'll roleclaim now so we at least have some time to go over it, I'm a town cop, I inspected the Bat last night and he came back vanilla townie, hence why I rather avoid voting him if at all possible.

Since middleman isn't likely to happen, placing vote on Gordon for now, but I'll switch to defend myself if it's really necessary.

##Vote: Gordon

Thought I had more time when I made the previous post, ugh.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #235 on: February 18, 2010, 10:03:06 PM »
Current Votes:
Middleman [-] - Axel, Flay
Hazel [-] - Gordon
Batmanuel [5] - Comedian, Kirk, Smax, Flay, Hiro
Almaz [-] - Hazel, Hiro, Hilda, Axel
Gordon [4] - Batmanuel, Almaz, Hazel, Planet
Tick [-] - Middleman, Hiro, Middleman, Planet, Smax, Axel
Kirk [-] - Middleman
Hiro [-] - Tick
Planet [5] - Smax, Gordon, Tick, Hilda, Axel, Middleman
Comedian [-] - Tick

1 hour remains. With 14 alive, it takes 8 votes to lynch.

Sorry if the hammer's a little late, guys. Running a quiz on another site and it might finish a little late. ;o

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #236 on: February 18, 2010, 10:08:41 PM »
Great, a cop claim from one of the sketchiest players saying he's cleared another of the sketchiest players. I know cops shouldn't just be dismissed out of hand (do I ever!), but...I dunno if I can believe this.

Who's around right now? Anyone. Want to see as many opinions as possible here.

I may as well ask Planet for the sake of doing some prodding with this post: why did you choose to investigate Batty last night? You never voted on him yesterday and barely talked about him. Why not investigate Middleman? Knowing what side he's on would've helped clear up a lot of things. That much was obvious just from the way day one ended. This claim just feels a little too convenient for me.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #237 on: February 18, 2010, 10:10:03 PM »
Can you substantiate those suspicions for us to see altogether?

Anyway, I've been rereading the thread.  Just about done, but getting these thoughts out before reading further. (self-note, you're at page 6)

I don't like Captain Planet.  Like I said earlier, he reads a little like a reporter.  I really can't provide anything to pinpoint what makes me feel that way though!  He has a post right after the Kirk/Smax/Batmanuel incident over the jokevote, that's the best I've got.  He's never really registered to me, since he's only said things others've already said before him.

Hilda: on a reread, you asked me why I said the pot was calling the kettle black!  My answer is that you said I had "low content".  I think you've got pretty low content.

First serious post doesn't really talk about anything else but Flay.  Part of me wants to know what you meant by "absurd arguments".

This post comes after that, and it's funny how you say that you're torn on Flay and the Prinny, but move your vote off of Flay to Captain Planet instead.  Your justification for moving to Captain Planet there... it's low content, right?

The reason you voted for Flay... it was because he didn't justify his votes but swapped targets anyway, right?  Hmm... I'm getting that vibe from you now.

This post is the next one.  I find your vote reason here nondescript.

In fact, you pretty much vote every post you make.  Your last switch from me to Captain Planet again has you mention you're "very torn".  I said it earlier and I'll say it again.

Indecision is town's bane!  Now straighten your back, face forward towards the troubles and clearly state why you suspect someone of being scum and why you move your votes!

... Refresh shows Captain Planet made a claim.  Getting this out while I continue reading.


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #238 on: February 18, 2010, 10:10:24 PM »
i am here, and have but one question, though i suppose it's open season and more than CP really should chime in on this:

he came back "vanilla townie"? claim to have gotten role as well as alignment?

considering vote switch, though right now i'm in about 90% disbelief and don't know how to approach this. on the one hand, lynching cop claim. not something i like. on the other hand, my capability to believe you got role and alignment is really really negative right now, and to think that's just a slip of the tongue... yarghlearghlerg3jrgt12gtfqw3retfgqe...2134r2we3rwqefc. moment, thinking.

Princess Leia

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #239 on: February 18, 2010, 10:15:21 PM »
Woah, woah, Vanilla Town? You're a fullcop or something? I don't think I've ever seen a fullcop in these games, and the last fullcop claim I remember was a scum fake claim.

Leaving vote where it is, this is fishy as hell and I don't buy the claim at all.

and ninja'd by Hiro asking the same question.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #240 on: February 18, 2010, 10:16:19 PM »
First line in my previous post is to Middleman.

There's something wrong with Captain Planet's claim.  He says Batmanuel returned vanilla town.  Last I checked, the Cop doesn't get told what role someone has!  Unless we have an incompetent narrator, but I think that the narrator of our heroic struggle must be at least as heroic and competent as all of us combined!

Can you explain that for me?  You also said, twice today, that you would read over Gordon and my conversations.  Can you give your opinion on that?

I also want to know why you inspected Batmanuel?  

I'll be honest, I don't trust the claim.  First off you say he's a vanilla town, and now you're painting a bullseye on yourself for scum to off you because you don't want Batmanuel to die?  WhwhwhwhWHY?!  As a Cop, shouldn't you stay hidden because you want to sniff scum out?


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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #241 on: February 18, 2010, 10:20:57 PM »
okay. in no form, presuming false claim, does this clear Batmanuel, but it does not implicate him either - he could be scum a partner is trying to cover, or town that's been chosen by scum so if Batty's lynched and flips town we think he's telling the truth. so lynching Batmanuel cannot in any way resolve this scenario.

considering a vote switch to CP. i do not buy the claim due to the "vanilla townie" comment, and i cannot but believe that if he is town cop that he would make sure to say simply "townie". don't know how a slip of "vanilla townie" would even come out if he is town, this doesn't seem like the sort of thing that would be said.

i have 30 minutes before i need to depart, so there is time to finish thinking this through. i will be present and checking for any more commentary.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #242 on: February 18, 2010, 10:22:38 PM »
Oh wow. I hadn't even caught on to the fact that he said vanilla town. I was too busy being baffled at someone calling Bats town.

And it makes even less sense for Planet to not care about preserving himself if he had an important town role. This reeks of a desperation ploy. In fact:

##Unvote: Batmanuel
##Vote: Captain Planet

Chad Hutchins

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #243 on: February 18, 2010, 10:23:01 PM »
Smax, I investigated the bat because I honestly felt like I had the worst read on him out of all people, I just did not know what to think, so I figured he would be the best person to use it on.  I honestly do not like middleman, and so I wasn't as concerned with inspecting him, though in retrospect it probably would have been a better choice for trying to clear up confusion as a whole.

And to clarify, yes, I do get both Alignment and power when I inspect someone.


Almaz, I honestly thought I had more time to read things over, when I came back today only to realize there was only about 4 hours left after I posted, I was pretty much flipping out.  I would also like to point out that my power is also no use if I'm the one to be lynched, so I deemed it worth claiming for.

Ninjad again, since I do see both, I specified his power also since, a: it is not a power role, b: I believed if I didn't people would just claim I'm scum false claiming on a townie.

Hopefully no more ninja's


Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #244 on: February 18, 2010, 10:26:27 PM »
There is a problem.

You voted Flay before the day ended, Captain Planet.  It'd make sense to go for the one you'd made obvious claims against, but come Day 2 you haven't even mentioned him.

AlsoalsoALSO!  You haven't mentioned Batmanuel even once until you said you didn't want to vote him.  Well, unless you called him something other than Bat because I pretty much used the search function to give it a quick check.  Wouldn't a real Cop have breadcrumbed?

Or at least tried to?

Nathan Greaves

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #245 on: February 18, 2010, 10:27:22 PM »
Argh okay. I still think Gordon's the best option for today and it aggravates me that exactly two men have commented on that case in recent memory, one of which was Kirk brushing the case off not because of its merit as a case, but...because it wouldn't be informational enough for his tastes. What is this hraka you're passing here? Judge a case by its validity, not by its potential future ramifications.

I've had to go back and listen to the entire discussion from today to understand the Batmanuel case as it is, and I actually must say that I don't like it very much. I agree that he looks suspicious but not for the reasons people are proclaiming him to be so. I believe he explained himself adequately regarding the Day 1 Vote Count comment. I don't like Tick once again effectively suggesting that players are not allowed to think multiple players are suspicious and trying to paint Batmanuel bad for this (especially since I think Gordon is scum and that Batmanuel's vote is better served there anyway).

This actually makes me want to vote Planet instead, who, upon reread, has been very unimpressive in his own right. Lots of fluff and waffling in the post where he hopped on the Tick bandwagon, and between that post and his latest one he has brought basically no material to the table today.

Ninjad hrairfold, by a spurious claim and unsurprisingly negative reactions thereto. I have a hard time believing a cop would have done so little today. The claim only sort of explains the lurking, and it certainly does not explain the lack of content.

As much as I hate to waste the possibility of a Gordon train picking up, this claim is far too similar to Bardiche's fakeclaim in Worms: Armageddon Mafia for me.

##Unvote: Gordon
##Vote: Captain Planet

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #246 on: February 18, 2010, 10:29:09 PM »
Don't know what to make of this!

I am indeed vanilla townie but good grief that's a hard to believe claim.  Very very hard to believe.  

With the amount of time we have left I'd still prefer Gordon to Planet (and am leaving my vote there for now seeing Hazel's ninja) so we can talk about this more tomorrow but... man I don't think I buy this with Planet's behavior.

Princess Leia

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #247 on: February 18, 2010, 10:30:17 PM »
I'm here too, but nothing left to say. Planet's claim smells worse then Mr. Director the morning after taco night. And we can only afford the cheap tacos! Unless he's got something to make that claim believeble and fast, I'm staying right where I am.

Not sure what to make of his vote on Gordon, either. If Planet flips scum, does that vote tell us anything? Could be him trying to build up that third train in time, since he brings Gordon to 4, but it could also be trying to make a scum buddy look better? Man, I should probably just drink this wine that's in front of me before I spend too much time thinking about it.  :-\

Ninja'd by Planet. Man, what? Alright, one more question for you. If you investigated Bats last night, why haven't you tried to get people off his case harder before the claim?

Ninja's by a bunch of other folks too. Oi.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #248 on: February 18, 2010, 10:33:35 PM »
I'm... still uncomfortable with lynching the Cop claim, although I feel really dubious about him!

... I'd vote/unvote Planet here, but!  He's at L-1!

I'm pretty much ready to bring Captain Planet down.  My preferred target here is Gordon, but I feel less strong about him as the Day continued.  Sorry, Flay!  I know you said to be unfaltering but I've honestly let myself get tunnel visioned far far FAR more than I'd want to be.

I've become suspicious of Hilda now, who voted every vote and doesn't look like she ever holds strongly to a case. 


... Oh!  Sorry, I was picking up a dime.  I just found one!

Chad Hutchins

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Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Two]
« Reply #249 on: February 18, 2010, 10:34:02 PM »
I managed to get all off one post prior to the one stating I did not wish to vote the bat, I pretty much wasn't feeling well at the time and not thinking straight, I can't really say anything else on the matter.

What can I say, not being able to think straight and not being used to a power role is blech >.>.