Author Topic: A memes to an end(Meme Mafia: Game Over)  (Read 130874 times)

Princess Leia

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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #400 on: March 10, 2010, 11:09:19 PM »
The "no way all three can be town" refers to me/Touhou/Cake generally, methinks.
Yes it does. The part of my post where I'm repeating one of Astley's points - the second paragraph - is talking about them. The part of my post I'm talking about in the brackets is not the part immediately before the brackets. Sorry if it's unclear.

Li Syaoran

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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #401 on: March 10, 2010, 11:27:15 PM »
Relax guys. I've been busy, but I have time to post, and if I do, of course it's going to have actual content. Considering how often I complain about other people and lack of content, last thing I want to do is be a hypocrite. Anyway. C-C-C-Combo Breaker is obvious. And annoying. And needs to hang. We all know that.

First, Astley/Air: them being unconfirmed masons makes me really wonder why they put any trust in each other at all. Not to mention I have no clue what thing managed to get Astley to correctly recruit Air N1, as he does not say. Of the two, BelAir looks notably worse yesterday just from a pure vote record/argument perspective: the hop from Breaker to Soviet looks notably awful, blaming your mason buddy on it is awful considering he's unconfirmed, and he continues being lackluster today. Astley, on the other the end of D2, what was that? As a general rule, scum wouldn't pull such a stunt, it makes no sense, especially when they could just, y'know, nightkill Advice Dog instead, with a greater success rate than trying to convince town of a conspiracy, and while most of the points are just "what", similarly to Soviet, they don't make sense motivationally from a scum perspective - leading me to think that if only one of the two are scum, it's more likely to be BelAir than Astley.

Quote from: Cake
Touhou is interesting in that people jumped to lynch her very quickly, when the evidence against her - namely that she targeted me - probably isn't enough to put her ahead of the Astley/BelAir pair.
Yes, I do find this interesting, especially considering the 2g1canalysis: it is possible for all three of them to be town (after a bit of thought, I retract my earlier opinion about this being an impossibility), and someone else to be the bus driver, and this would all go through. Keep in mind that we are dealing with role madness here. Anyway, my take on the whole situation:

Demotivational Poster - almost certainly not scum. A 1/1 trade would make more sense if it wasn't for the fact that scum is already down two people. As it stands, losing a third is either game over for them, or bringing them down to one remaining scum - either way, not worth it for only a single townie mislynch, at best. Cake - definetly not scum, for the reasons of giving scum two nightkills being absolutely broken game-balance-wise. Town or Third-Party. We can straighten the latter point out after we're certain that all the scum are gone. Until then, not worth looking at. Touhou - not sure. Before Demote's claim, I didn't have anything on Touhou in terms of scumminess - content generally checks out, seems to agree with what I thought, seems to agree with what other confirmed townies (Advice Dog, Yo Dawg, etc) thought, and voted for Breaker and stayed on there even when he could have potentially switched to Soviet without *too* much trouble. Given this, I don't think he's worth lynching until at least another set of night actions, at minimum.

Keep in mind that we are dealing with insanity and role madness here. Someone being tracked/watched does not push them ahead in terms of scumminess over people who have actually been blatantly scummy in the thread, such as BelAir. Apart from BelAir, my main target for potential scumminess is actually the XBox 360: terrible reasoning yesterday, trying to start a case on Demotivational Poster when there are <12 hours left in the day, for terrible reasoning at that, pressure vote nonsense (not only are pressure votes bad and scummy (see Combo Breaker for instance), but they also don't work if you tell everyone that they're a pressure vote) terrible reasoning for voting Soviet Russia, etc. Really, the case on him is about as huge as...well, an XBox.

The roleswapper thing worries me a bit. Sadly the original model XBox is gone, and thus we cannot figure out why he tried to use his original power on Soviet Russia. Who knows.

Incidentally, the only person right now confirmed to me is Soviet Russia, for being a competing wagon to a scum train + multiple other reasons that I have discussed to death by now. ShikiShana and 2g1c are looking pretty good as well. Touhou looks fine apart from the aberrant tracker/watcher/etc rolemadness that transpired last night. somewhat cleared due to role and risk/reward. Everyone else looks various shades of bad, really.

Anyway, time to go reread over Rick Astley and see if I can glean anything interesting out of the switch between the two players. Bleh.


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #402 on: March 10, 2010, 11:39:08 PM »
Aw man. It occured to me in the time my internet was down that I have yet to present a case today! I should rectify that, so here goes. I'll start with the case on me.

From the beginning.

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« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 04:03:22 PM by Halbarad »


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #403 on: March 10, 2010, 11:39:21 PM »
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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #404 on: March 10, 2010, 11:39:29 PM »
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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #405 on: March 10, 2010, 11:39:36 PM »


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #406 on: March 10, 2010, 11:39:42 PM »
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« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 04:03:50 PM by Halbarad »


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #407 on: March 10, 2010, 11:39:48 PM »
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« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 04:03:58 PM by Halbarad »


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #408 on: March 10, 2010, 11:40:04 PM »
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« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 04:04:06 PM by Halbarad »


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #409 on: March 10, 2010, 11:40:16 PM »
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« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 04:04:33 PM by Halbarad »


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #410 on: March 10, 2010, 11:40:28 PM »
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« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 04:04:42 PM by Halbarad »


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #411 on: March 10, 2010, 11:40:40 PM »
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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #412 on: March 10, 2010, 11:40:52 PM »
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« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 04:04:58 PM by Halbarad »


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #413 on: March 10, 2010, 11:41:03 PM »
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« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 04:05:12 PM by Halbarad »


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #414 on: March 10, 2010, 11:41:15 PM »
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« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 04:05:20 PM by Halbarad »


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #415 on: March 10, 2010, 11:41:29 PM »
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« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 04:05:30 PM by Halbarad »


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #416 on: March 10, 2010, 11:41:42 PM »
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« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 04:05:38 PM by Halbarad »


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #417 on: March 10, 2010, 11:41:52 PM »
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« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 04:05:46 PM by Halbarad »


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #418 on: March 10, 2010, 11:42:02 PM »

Damn, how could I have been blind enough to miss that.  You're right, PMs lock stuff in.

That said...  as much as I hate to say it, there's one thing we both missed.  Namely, what Demo's said has been confirmed.  I mean, regardless of Touhou's status, Touhou has stated that they did visit !Cake.  And that's all that Demo claimed.  There is something I'm looking for there, but it's really more curiosity about Touhou at this point than about Demo.

The more I think on it...  I don't think it rules him out as scum, though it does make things more, complicated.  There's also a few things about how their stories mix and match that seem odd.  Yes, I know my language is vague, but, I can't really get any clearer right now, also for a few reasons.

There's also the option that both of them are telling the truth, which...  also leads us to WIFOM about whether or not !Cake is incomprehensible third party, or there's a busser completely unrelated to the two of them.

Hmm...  Touhou?  Here's a question for you.  If you say that Demo is a busser, then how did he know you targetted Cake?  In fact, how does his knowing you did something you confirmed you did make him look bad?
Damn, how could I have been blind enough to miss that.  You're right, PMs lock stuff in.

That said...  as much as I hate to say it, there's one thing we both missed.  Namely, what Demo's said has been confirmed.  I mean, regardless of Touhou's status, Touhou has stated that they did visit !Cake.  And that's all that Demo claimed.  There is something I'm looking for there, but it's really more curiosity about Touhou at this point than about Demo.

The more I think on it...  I don't think it rules him out as scum, though it does make things more, complicated.  There's also a few things about how their stories mix and match that seem odd.  Yes, I know my language is vague, but, I can't really get any clearer right now, also for a few reasons.

There's also the option that both of them are telling the truth, which...  also leads us to WIFOM about whether or not !Cake is incomprehensible third party, or there's a busser completely unrelated to the two of them.

Hmm...  Touhou?  Here's a question for you.  If you say that Demo is a busser, then how did he know you targetted Cake?  In fact, how does his knowing you did something you confirmed you did make him look bad?
Damn, how could I have been blind enough to miss that.  You're right, PMs lock stuff in.

That said...  as much as I hate to say it, there's one thing we both missed.  Namely, what Demo's said has been confirmed.  I mean, regardless of Touhou's status, Touhou has stated that they did visit !Cake.  And that's all that Demo claimed.  There is something I'm looking for there, but it's really more curiosity about Touhou at this point than about Demo.

The more I think on it...  I don't think it rules him out as scum, though it does make things more, complicated.  There's also a few things about how their stories mix and match that seem odd.  Yes, I know my language is vague, but, I can't really get any clearer right now, also for a few reasons.

There's also the option that both of them are telling the truth, which...  also leads us to WIFOM about whether or not !Cake is incomprehensible third party, or there's a busser completely unrelated to the two of them.

Hmm...  Touhou?  Here's a question for you.  If you say that Demo is a busser, then how did he know you targetted Cake?  In fact, how does his knowing you did something you confirmed you did make him look bad?
Damn, how could I have been blind enough to miss that.  You're right, PMs lock stuff in.

That said...  as much as I hate to say it, there's one thing we both missed.  Namely, what Demo's said has been confirmed.  I mean, regardless of Touhou's status, Touhou has stated that they did visit !Cake.  And that's all that Demo claimed.  There is something I'm looking for there, but it's really more curiosity about Touhou at this point than about Demo.

The more I think on it...  I don't think it rules him out as scum, though it does make things more, complicated.  There's also a few things about how their stories mix and match that seem odd.  Yes, I know my language is vague, but, I can't really get any clearer right now, also for a few reasons.

There's also the option that both of them are telling the truth, which...  also leads us to WIFOM about whether or not !Cake is incomprehensible third party, or there's a busser completely unrelated to the two of them.

Hmm...  Touhou?  Here's a question for you.  If you say that Demo is a busser, then how did he know you targetted Cake?  In fact, how does his knowing you did something you confirmed you did make him look bad?
Damn, how could I have been blind enough to miss that.  You're right, PMs lock stuff in.

That said...  as much as I hate to say it, there's one thing we both missed.  Namely, what Demo's said has been confirmed.  I mean, regardless of Touhou's status, Touhou has stated that they did visit !Cake.  And that's all that Demo claimed.  There is something I'm looking for there, but it's really more curiosity about Touhou at this point than about Demo.

The more I think on it...  I don't think it rules him out as scum, though it does make things more, complicated.  There's also a few things about how their stories mix and match that seem odd.  Yes, I know my language is vague, but, I can't really get any clearer right now, also for a few reasons.

There's also the option that both of them are telling the truth, which...  also leads us to WIFOM about whether or not !Cake is incomprehensible third party, or there's a busser completely unrelated to the two of them.

Hmm...  Touhou?  Here's a question for you.  If you say that Demo is a busser, then how did he know you targetted Cake?  In fact, how does his knowing you did something you confirmed you did make him look bad?
Damn, how could I have been blind enough to miss that.  You're right, PMs lock stuff in.

That said...  as much as I hate to say it, there's one thing we both missed.  Namely, what Demo's said has been confirmed.  I mean, regardless of Touhou's status, Touhou has stated that they did visit !Cake.  And that's all that Demo claimed.  There is something I'm looking for there, but it's really more curiosity about Touhou at this point than about Demo.

The more I think on it...  I don't think it rules him out as scum, though it does make things more, complicated.  There's also a few things about how their stories mix and match that seem odd.  Yes, I know my language is vague, but, I can't really get any clearer right now, also for a few reasons.

There's also the option that both of them are telling the truth, which...  also leads us to WIFOM about whether or not !Cake is incomprehensible third party, or there's a busser completely unrelated to the two of them.

Hmm...  Touhou?  Here's a question for you.  If you say that Demo is a busser, then how did he know you targetted Cake?  In fact, how does his knowing you did something you confirmed you did make him look bad?
Damn, how could I have been blind enough to miss that.  You're right, PMs lock stuff in.

That said...  as much as I hate to say it, there's one thing we both missed.  Namely, what Demo's said has been confirmed.  I mean, regardless of Touhou's status, Touhou has stated that they did visit !Cake.  And that's all that Demo claimed.  There is something I'm looking for there, but it's really more curiosity about Touhou at this point than about Demo.

The more I think on it...  I don't think it rules him out as scum, though it does make things more, complicated.  There's also a few things about how their stories mix and match that seem odd.  Yes, I know my language is vague, but, I can't really get any clearer right now, also for a few reasons.

There's also the option that both of them are telling the truth, which...  also leads us to WIFOM about whether or not !Cake is incomprehensible third party, or there's a busser completely unrelated to the two of them.

Hmm...  Touhou?  Here's a question for you.  If you say that Demo is a busser, then how did he know you targetted Cake?  In fact, how does his knowing you did something you confirmed you did make him look bad?
Whoever said I would get tired of this was nuts. Like this guy:

But we know he's totally:





These questions and more are what we try to answer here.

Tonight's episode:

More posts? Only more to C-C-C-COMBO BREAK, my dear!

By the way, Killer Instinct sux. You should have offered...

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« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 04:07:15 PM by Halbarad »


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #419 on: March 10, 2010, 11:42:19 PM »
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« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 04:07:31 PM by Halbarad »


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #420 on: March 10, 2010, 11:42:30 PM »
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« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 04:07:40 PM by Halbarad »


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #421 on: March 10, 2010, 11:44:19 PM »

So am I town yet?

Nathan Greaves

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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #422 on: March 10, 2010, 11:46:11 PM »
I think Combo's post count must have trebled today or something.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #423 on: March 10, 2010, 11:53:48 PM »

I'd assumed that much, yeah. I'm not attacking you for time restraints either, I'm attacking you for saying "At a quick glance, flips change nothing" when it was blindingly obvious that they would and did. If you'd simply said "No time to mention them now, more later" or something, I'd not think it was a problem.

Except they did not, unless you count me changing my mind from "hmm, Cake might be third party" to "yeah Cake's third party". Cake's night action did not make me think him any more scum, and scummy players were the point of my post. It seemed obvious to me at the time that other people were going to question Cake about Momizi's death anyway, so I didn't bother putting off leaving to mention it myself.

Second point was me suddenly going from third to first without much (if any) reasoning throughout the day.

You said yourself that opinions need to be given so we can be held responsible for them later. I've already said that a lack of role knowledge is my main reason for being pretty much certain you were scum - not so sure now, with the alternative scenario presented. This was essentially me saying "Cake's target was changed, only Touhou targeted Cake. I think the answer is obvious." You'd line up lynches for 2x Cop results, and that was what I was seeing this as.

You were certain I was scum based on a lack of knowledge? What. Please tell me I'm reading this wrong.

You were also apparently certain that Cake's target was changed. What made you so sure that Cake wasn't a lying third party that you were willing to assume I was scum without my input?

If it is bad to speculate, then don't do it. If it is not, don't tell others that it is a bad idea to. Hypocrisy is bad.

What is this I don't even. Stop putting words in my mouth. "Fruitless" does not equate to "bad". I said the exercise was likely to be fruitless because role madness + bastard mod = any number of possible unorthodox combinations leading to what happened last night. This does not say doing so is bad, only that it is unlikely to yield the exact truth.

Box: Just as one example of what could have happened last night, I think it's possible Demote is some sort of Watcher/Redirector combination. We've already been shown a Rolecop/Roleblocker, and this is role madness, so why not?

I generally question the idea of being paranoid about the Breaker being at L-1 when a mod vote and his own vote were contributing to the count, but whatever.


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Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« Reply #424 on: March 11, 2010, 12:03:51 AM »
You know what musical doesn't get enough credit?

Damn Yankees.

Who came along in a puff of smoke

Shoeless Joe From Hannibal Mo.

Strong as the heart of a mighty Oak

Shoeless Joe From Hannibal Mo.
Lucky are we to be having him

Shoeless Joe From Hannibal Mo.

Just when the future was lookin' grim

Shoeless Joe From Hannibal Mo.

Came a long long way to be
With us today

With arms of steel like Hercules


Feet as fleet as Mercury's


He'll fight
For us, do right for us

He'll be a beacon light for us
He's Shoeless Joe From Hannibal Mo.
Go, go, go, go, go, go

Go like a bat out-a you know where

Shoeless Joe From Hannibal Mo.

Strike at the foe, let 'em know you're there

Shoeless Joe From Hannibal Mo!
Shoeless Joe From Hannibal Mo!
Shoeless Joe From Hannibal Mo!

Came upon the scene

As fresh as Listerine

He sneezed and blew away a calf
His laughter ripped a barn in half

Go, go, go, go, Joe

Like sevens come, elevens come

Like manna from the heavens come!
It's Shoeless Joe From Hannibal Mo.
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go,
Go like a bat out-a you know where

Shoeless Joe From M.O.
Strike at the foe
Let 'em know you're there

Shoeless Joe from M.O.
Look out, look out, look out, look out for Shoeless Joe

The barefoot boy
From Hannibal Moe!

Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe!