Author Topic: A memes to an end(Meme Mafia: Game Over)  (Read 130781 times)

Li Syaoran

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #500 on: March 13, 2010, 07:00:54 AM »

Seriously, ShikiShana, seriously? Role names? Setup meta? You're using these as evidence at all, let alone as important points of your case? And yes, tracking BelAir was far from worthless as, in case you haven't noticed, it removed him off of people's suspicion lists, when before this, he was easily one of the most suspicious people in the game and would likely have been, assuming Touhou is telling the truth, mislynched?

Wow, just when I think cases can't get any worse from Astley's on me and on Advice Dog, they actually do. Need to reread ShikiShana and reconsider my lack of suspicion on him...but honestly from what I recall of his past posts, this reads terribly out-of-character, the past ones usually all had decent reasoning, and this simply beyond awful. Wow. Seriously, wow.


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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #501 on: March 13, 2010, 07:05:58 AM »
Seriously, I am.


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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #502 on: March 13, 2010, 07:08:41 AM »
I mean.

You can go 'oh no it's rolemeta' all you like, but in what way does this fall apart? The odds are tremendously against Touhou just happening to pick the people out who have already claimed their effects, so I'm calling bullshit on it.

I can easily lynch people by picking apart their posts and focusing on stupid aspects to them, but when I do that it catches scum insanely unreliably so I don't even like doing it that much. I do still try to assess people, but in this case I think it all speaks for itself.


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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #503 on: March 13, 2010, 09:47:27 AM »
The prince is here,I was away for the day on some unexpected business, kind of tired now, but I'll at least get a brief post of my summarized thoughts out for now.

While I'm hesitant to entirely believe Toujou's claim, I DO believe that the nature of it means we can at least put it on the back burner for at least one more day.  The way I see it, the longer we wait, the more chances for Toujou to either be confirmed, or caught in a lie through night actions, so why take a chance now when we could aim for people whom we can't glean information from through night actions.

I'm still feeling that Xbox is the worse violator for today, his posts today are pretty much pure WIFOM, and he honestly doesn't strike me as actively trying to make an actual case/scumhunting.  The dismissal of my theory with "wouldn't scum save the jacket" is just more WIFOM, but in response to this I feel like I need to clarify my thoughts on the matter somewhat.

I personally view the jacket as a not inherently townie power, since it has the potential to cause confusion.  I'm of the opinion, that if I were scum, I would want to get it out in the ranks of the townies as quickly as possible, since trying to use the jacket only after finding a good role to steal would mean the scum wouldn't actually have access to a power until day 3, assuming they found a power they considered worth stealing.  I don't think waiting until a mafia game is potential half over would be a good use of a power that could cause potential confusion in the town ranks.  Anyways, moving away from speculation.

I'm pretty much thinking Xbox is still the worse, there has been alot of bad play and other things that have already been explained so:


I'm honestly getting fairly neutral reads from everyone else so far, though out of the rest of the people who are up for suspicion I'm leaning ever so slightly towards AYB being the worse, though it could honestly slide either way.

Getting this out then going to sleep, will maybe have one post out in 10 hours or so, and then after that probably won't be able to post for another 10ish or so.

Princess Leia

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #504 on: March 13, 2010, 10:09:11 AM »
Right, morning all. Xbox-sized post time.

Demotivator attacks me for WIFOM where my whole point is that we don't know. I'm not saying the busdriver is town, or even probably town; I'm saying that we shouldn't dismiss the possibility that he's town. When we're at the stage of people trying to clear half the game based on rolestuff (as Astley is doing), it's vital not to let our assumptions go unchallenged, and I haven't seen anyone post actual grounds. Claimed role is ludicrous but that doesn't make it false; still, claiming JoAT when it's never going to be tested isn't great. Bottom line is that his truthful-unless-touhou-scum claim is the main thing keeping him off my hitlist. Correction: 2g1c puts him in the clear; for demotivate to be scum he would either have to be lucky, or both Touhou and the girls be scum too. Guessing someone who's said their role is useless won't be targeting anyone... there are bigger risks, but it would still be a huge gamble. Side note: I'd think it's better for 2g1c and especially Cake to target random people than none at all (we all know to refuse any trinkets in the night, right?), just because that would put more information out there for the town to use in verifying claims; I'm open to being convinced otherwise on this point though.
(Waffle: the right thing for demotivate to do was make 2g1c claim first, so that we had Touhou -> Demotivate -> 2g1c and could add to both ends; instead we've got 2g1c/Touhou -> Demotivate, where the arrows indicate who clears who. But too late for that now)

@XBox 360: The reason I said that it does not follow is that: Cake targeted Breaker, and Dog got hit. Thus we are assuming a swap of Breaker and Dog. Actually, the part that doesn't follow is the earlier bit. A Dog/Breaker swap makes sense as Dog was likely to get NK'd due to playing extremely pro-Townie, and hitting Breaker with scum's own NK would have been remarkably fitting. However, the earlier logic doesn't hold: if Breaker was going to block Cake, then swapping him with Dog would still have his action...being aimed at Cake, and thus doing nothing.

Not doing nothing. Roleblocking the cake, meaning there's less reason for a townie busdriver to worry about Cake's NK hitting dog. The soviets argued that a townie busdriver was impossible because he would cause dog's death in the same way it happened - but I think assuming cake would be roleblocked makes perfect sense at that stage. And basically agreed with you on rolespeculation in rolemadness; my point is that if we're using "there are only two scum, one of whom is the busdriver and the other was the killer, so anyone who didn't target anyone last night is town" as grounds to clear people, we'd better be damn sure all those things are true.

XBox haphazardly jumps off the Soviet train and onto Combo
I did not jump onto Combo; I called him on a couple of very obvious things wrong with his post, which I would do for anyone. I was not seriously pressing him by any means. AyB's claim that I was being tsundere on him is entirely false; I was pure dere, simply not seeing the case against him until the Millhouse thing.

Almost certainly getting out of order in my responses now, but 2g1c: what I wanted to hear was not the air/hijack comment, but why I must be the killer if scum. I read your post as saying you'd give a full theory later, and you seemed to think the same was true for some other people.

I want to trust Touhou, but I still can't. I'm starting to think we learn more from them dead than alive, which is a terrible route to go down. They've got to keep producing results, which I think keeps them off today's lynch possibilities, but I'd be considering drastic measures if tomorrow's result still hasn't told us anything. Not sure at what stage it becomes worth wasting a night on testing. How far are we from LYLO anyway? (Answer: the day after tomorrow, if I'm counting right.) Following this reasoning, Bel-Air can wait until after we know Touhou's alignment for sure; it's not worth risking the game's final result to try and win quicker.

So. Touhou and Bel-Air postponed. Demote outright cleared, Cake pretty much confirmed town; 2g1c tentatively cleared, under the assumption the busdriver is scum (which I do believe, but think needs a little more thought). Yours truly town, not that you can take my word for it. Leaves Shiki, Rick, and AyB.

Shiki I've said all along looks townie, but is flying a bit low; I had no problem with this on D2 assuming it was going to pick up, but consistently low content is starting to bite. Last posts focusing too much on Touhou; throwing one theme name in could be bastardmoddery and rolename argument is generally so meta it hurts. Tracker is ordinary, yes, but not too ordinary for this game (my own current role, if nothing else, proves that).

Rick has been giving reason and insight. Posting fairly similar to me, as I think others have noticed, which it would be hypocritical for me to see as bad.

AyB always sneaking under the radar, and I don't like his misrepresentation of me as per above. More of the thing Astley said. Might be OMGUSy, but it's the best I've got. ##Vote: All your Base.

Just so I'm not dodging giving opinions on those I put off 'till later, an overall order, from most townie to least, and ignoring those I would call outright cleared:
Rick > Touhou > Shiki > 2g1c if ignoring rolestuff > AyB > Bel-Air

Explanations: Touhou I struggle to place properly, because the clear reasoning inclines me trust them, which I don't know how much to compensate for - the very thing I was worried about right at the start. Role result claim that semi-clears Bel-Air and does nothing to cover theirself makes a poor scum move, but WIFOM.
Rick > Shiki because I don't see anything outright scummy in his posts (there's plenty of bad, of course, the dog rant being the most obvious, but bad =/=> scum), and a lot of neutral posts is better than a few slightly townier posts. I could do with having another look through rick, but I've already spent an hour and a half writing this, so I probably won't get time to.
Shiki > a probably irrelevant 2g1c-if-still-a-suspect; 2g1c has been equally low content, not even sounding townie when it is there, and far too many "I'll say more later's.
Shiki/2g1c > AyB, who is low content and not even neutral when it's there; misrepresentation of my good self may be affecting judgement more than it should, but it's certainly not good
AyB > Bel-Air, who is pretty much zero content. As Rick says, seems to be trying to coast on an unconfirmed mason claim. Last post I remember from him was a case on me consisting of the obvious and the false.

Yes, this means my vote is not on my scum #1, but since scum Bel-Air gives us Touhou's head on a platter as the last scum (modulo scum busdriver assumption), game theory says I'm happy to leave him be for today. If anyone has a counterargument to this do please speak up, because I feel uncomfortable doing it, but I've learned to trust logic more than gut, and I can't imagine any remotely balanced role power that would prevent the town lynch.

Bel-air ninja. Sensible reasoning puts him at slightly better, but only slightly, given little new actual content and the promise of little to follow; at least he's committed to concrete times though (and having managed to post neither before my concert nor between it and bed yesterday, I can't come down on him too hard for that). Will see what he comes up with in 20 hours.

Will post now as I've spent long enough. If I have time, will follow up shortly after a systematic look at the roles and a reread of rick. (Of course, now that I've said this there won't be anything more to say based on either)

Li Syaoran

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #505 on: March 13, 2010, 11:31:41 AM »
Er. Whoops. That'll teach me to write mafia posts while severely sleep dep'd. Major correction:

XBox haphazardly jumps off the Soviet train and onto Combo
Should be: XBox haphazardly jumps off the Soviet train and onto Demote.

That being said, the tsundere-ness between you and Breaker was more evident on Breaker's end. You were more clueless than anything, it was Breaker who simultaneously tried to jump between voting you and saying you were town.

Furthermore, the above scenario does have the bus driver's action doing nothing, because the situation before vs. the situation after was identical: either way, Cake would get roleblocked, regardless of whether Cake and Dog were interchanged or not.

Also, XBox, please tell me what part of Astley's "case" on me actually applies? I thought I did a pretty decent job at showing why it's rather...senseless.

@ShikiShana: the reason I take issue with it is that there's no grounding in reality, "this is too convenient to occur therefore it did not!" is terrible reasoning imho. If there is additional justification etc, then I could see voting for Touhou right now. But if your only reasoning is "the night actions are too convenient", then I'm not sure why someone like that gets higher priority over someone who is actually scummy. The thing with scum fakeclaims is that they are forced to keep generating original results every single day, and thus as the game goes on, the chance of scum finally messing up a result somehow increases exponentially, thus it makes sense to defer the Touhou/Demote debate at least another day.

Princess Leia

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #506 on: March 13, 2010, 11:33:21 AM »
Right, haven't had chance to look over rick, but I do have one thought on the roles. We can assume for the moment that the busdriver isn't town, since if they are town and we're about to lynch someone based on assuming the busdriver is scum then they'll claim (probably. 2g1c as town-busdriver had crossed my mind, but even without checking their posts, I'd assume a busdriver can't target himself). Whether town or not, neither of the masons (and they are confirmed co be masons) is the busdriver barring a crazy combo role. Nor can Touhou be the busdriver (having been seen to target cake), and nor am I (though whether you can get that from soviet's statements on the role I don't know).
Which, assuming I've counted correctly, means only Shana or AyB could be the busdriver. Corollary: at least one of them is scum.
I have to leave briefly now, so I haven't had as long to think this through as I'd like, but it's just logic and no revelations, so we lose nothing if it's wrong (other than me looking a bit silly), so I'll post it. Back in a few hours. Ignoring AyB ninja entirely, no time.

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #507 on: March 13, 2010, 12:48:14 PM »
Star Wars! And... wait, that's not right...

Bottom line is that his truthful-unless-touhou-scum claim is the main thing keeping him off my hitlist. Correction: 2g1c puts him in the clear; for demotivate to be scum he would either have to be lucky, or both Touhou and the girls be scum too.
Two things. 2g1c don't clear me at all - if we're assuming they were roleblocked N1 by Combo, then it's likely scum know their role as well, which could be a non-target one. However, second thing, I can only be scum if you assume there are three left. My claim on Touhou cleared me unless we were both scum, and their claim on Bel Air cleared them unless they were both scum. By extension, me and Bel Air are basically clear unless you're assuming three scum left. (I... think this logic holds out? Every time I consider it, I get a different result, so if someone could check over that, it'd be great.)
Agreed on anyone with roles using them, though, for the extra information it provides.

Shikiana has me hitting my head on the wall with their "Touhou is Scum!" logic... partially because one of the points crossed my mind, and I dismissed it for being terrible, TERRIBLE logic. (The 'Tracker is too normal!' thing.)
Anyway, assume that the roles were to be themed initially - what would you give most of the players? I can't think of many roles that really fit with Advice Dog, Demotivators, Xbox, etc. Either way, at the very least, Touhou's play really gives them another day while we go for... well, I'm willing to buy Xbox's logic. I doubt Russia would have not mentioned the Bus Driver role being his old one if it was, so I'd say we're down to Shikiana and AYB for that, and I'm happy having a 50/50 today. As bad as the role meta is, it's the worst thing to come from Shikiana all game, off the top of my head, and AYB's been... well, cruise control. Previous days have been low profile, and today's had some pretty weak logic. This post is padded out waaaay too much, with entire paragraphs to reiterate what's already been said in one line by others. The logic of "Rick seems more confused Town, since Scum could just NK Advice Dog" is adsfdgfdgh since scum would presumably not want to use an NK where it's not needed, and presumably already had their plan to bus Dog into Cake's kill set out. Of course, this is more WIFOM, which we've both argued against, and that's why it's bad logic to begin with. Everything else is seemingly defensive and is too little, too late for me.

##Unvote, Vote: All Your Base
L-2, and I can't wait to see Cake/2g1c's reactions to all of this. I think Combo Breaker said it best with this:

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #508 on: March 13, 2010, 01:30:08 PM »
Recap of what I missed.

Touhou goes for Shana for hypocrisy on D2, Shana OMGUS votes through FORGET GIVING ACTUAL REASONING IMMA PLAY ROLE META IN A BASTARD MOD ROLE MADNESS GAME, AYB clears Rick for being an idiot and jumps on Xbox despite him, uh, also being sort of an idiot, Bel-Air spells Touhou incorrectly about 3 times (though to be fair j and h are next to each other) as he goes for Xbox, who is STILL TRYING TO ARGUE THAT THE BUS DRIVER MIGHT BE TOWN as he OMGUS votes AYB, and suddenly the entire game collapses into 'One of these two players must be the bus driver because everyone else HAS to be telling the truth about their role!'

Is that a good enough summary?

Dammit, this is one of those magnificent scenarios where half the players are obscenely scummy for different reasons but you know they can't all be scum. Shana's latest 'case' on Touhou, if it even qualifies as a case, is so thoroughly meta that it makes my brain hurt, and Xbox basically buys into this logic by saying that the goddamn tracker might be more valuable dead than alive. And all the while, genuine scuminess takes a back seat to OH YOU HAS ROLE? NEVER MIND THEN!

##Vote: Shana

Okay, seriously. Reading into roles in order to produce a case is bad. Doing so without any evidence based on actual play is worse. Doing so without any evidence based on play in a bastard mod game is just taking it too far.

Helga Pataki

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #509 on: March 13, 2010, 01:45:11 PM »
My reaction is to vomit into the trashcan I have nearby, mainly because oh hey guess who probably picked up the flu?

Okay. Few things. Demotive. Your logic, mm... I can't validate it one way or another. Off the top of my head, I agree with you being clear, not with Boxxyel Air, but I do agree that the latter is unlikely to be.
Second, yeah, if Soviets had swapper role, to not say anything day 3 was silly. Thusly, they're cleared of swapper role, as Soviet, after day 2 at least, was not stupid, IMO.

I said I was looking at Touhou/Shikiana, Touhou came out of reread generally looking good still, no real questionable shit, and Shikiana, well. D2 I had neutral read when I finished breakdown, and now... there's... speculation on Touhou because their role is too normal and they targeted Bel-Air last night.


Few issues, here. One, using the tracker ability to -check a shaky, suspicious mason pair- is hardly a horrible use of the ability. You are correct in that they are not cleared by this, by any means, but nor can the jump to omgscum be made as it makes sense for both scum to choose this to run off of and town to choose to try and validate or deny a suspicious mason.

Two, a role being too normal? Bastard moddery. I do not look into the abyss of bastard moddery, for fear it looks back into me. The case holds no water in that regard. Also oh hey masons who have to find each other. That sounds vaguely traditional too. Must be scum. Or something.

Finally, it's not totally accurate that Touhou has taken the safest option. In point of fact... N2. Safe? Say !cake targeted CCCCC, whinge something about how bizarre the switched target is. Not safe? Say they saw !cake target the dog While it's a claim that's demonstrated by the actions that happened (and which they were forced into by Demotive), yes, it's still not something a scum Touhou needed to do, pretty much at all. So, yeah. This just reads... It reads incredibly poorly to me. Combined with somewhat light content, and your tendency to not be reading posts (I reference pretty much every single time during day 2 that you asked me a question about what I was doing)? And... augh, okay, one more issue here; you pretty much treated the lynch for today set in stone yesterday (Touhou); this makes me wonder if you were banking on killing another power role today with a mislynch, which... yeah.


I don't totally disagree with anti-AYB sentiments but I need to relook through that, maybe I'm easily fooled by walls of text but he seemed at least passable when he did post. Will be kinda around for a while, not consistently though I suspect due to flue.

And as a side note my rolename is connected to my theming but not to my ability, pretty much. Bonus points if you can guess what the role name is.

Li Syaoran

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #510 on: March 13, 2010, 01:51:56 PM »
The logic of "Rick seems more confused Town, since Scum could just NK Advice Dog" is adsfdgfdgh since scum would presumably not want to use an NK where it's not needed, and presumably already had their plan to bus Dog into Cake's kill set out.
That was one very tiny part of why I claim he's confused town, the main part is that the Advice Dog case is: A) Terrible, B) Comes at a terrible time in the day, C) Had absolutely no hope of progressing to a lynch. Why does this imply that Astley is more likely to be confused town than scum? Because it was clear that Advice Dog wasn't going to get lynched that day, or anytime soon. He was easily the most townie player around. All that post did was attract attention. If you're a scum, you know this, and thus will avoid it. On the other hand, if you're a townie, suddenly Dog's alignment is uncertain, and if you're extremely paranoid, then posting something like that isn't all that weird all of a sudden.

Li Syaoran

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #511 on: March 13, 2010, 01:56:08 PM »
I doubt Russia would have not mentioned the Bus Driver role being his old one if it was.
All this means is that XBox is extremely unlikely to be the Bus Driver. Assuming 3 scum, this clears him. Assuming 4, it doesn't. Given that we started out with 17 people, 3 scum seems a bit on the low side. Is there any other reason as to why you're clearing him today, or is that it?

Alice Margatroid

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #512 on: March 13, 2010, 02:15:45 PM »

Ugh. Need coffee. Project deadlines coming soon. Not much time to spend here.

I have nothing else to say to Shana's accusation, primarily because it's not even anything I can defend against, and the girls and Cake have done an adequate job discussing why it's ridiculous.

Demote and CATS, it is true that Xbox does not have the redirectional role; Russia claimed yesterday that Xbox must be the killer if he is scum. However, Demote, I think you're a bit premature in discounting Mr. Astley. I believe it was either you or Cake that asked why this redirectional role didn't surface until Night 2. I don't recall anyone stepping up to claim they had their role redirected Night 1 after this question. If Mr. Astley was busy with Bel Air Night 1, that could conceivably be why.


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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #513 on: March 13, 2010, 02:24:39 PM »
I changed my mind yesterday on voting Touhou on account of misunderstanding exactly what the claims were. I changed it back today based predominantly on the convenience of his/her/it's prior claims. It looks like a textbook scum fakeclaim in the face of being forced into it by Demotivator- although it does beg the question of what exactly was done with regard to cake, since it obviously wasn't a roleblock or kill or something like that, so the possibility of being wrong increases, I guess (scum hijacker? Mmmmph.)

It is somewhat surprising to hear both arguments for 'you can't make presumption/rolegame when bastard modding', yet see others (above, AYB springs to mind) practically clearing Bel-Air for not taking an action and generally assuming there must be 4 scum and all of that.

Of the responses to my case, AYB and bel-air have the worst (bel-air is saying that deciding on Touhou can be deferred to later on account of rolestuffs; I find this highly questionable, because scum-Touhou has a multitude of claims to make that will not permit further investigation. If the convenience argument isn't good enough today it ain't gonna be good enough tomorrow either.) AYB is sort of playing footsie, saying "That's TERRIBLE... but if you find something else on Touhou I'll consider it." Is my line of argument valid at all, or not?

I am going to partial claim now and save people some timewastin' later if half the game decides to lynch me; an additional vote is required to hammer me than usual (but I can still be defeated at a 3-man lylo, I believe.) I have an additional power which I will not disclose.

Li Syaoran

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #514 on: March 13, 2010, 02:34:50 PM »
Of the responses to my case, AYB and bel-air have the worst (bel-air is saying that deciding on Touhou can be deferred to later on account of rolestuffs; I find this highly questionable, because scum-Touhou has a multitude of claims to make that will not permit further investigation. If the convenience argument isn't good enough today it ain't gonna be good enough tomorrow either.) AYB is sort of playing footsie, saying "That's TERRIBLE... but if you find something else on Touhou I'll consider it." Is my line of argument valid at all, or not?
Really? So you claim that a fakeclaimed tracker can keep up giving results every night that will never contradict another role's in a role madness game and are practically forced to be unique every night so they can't just re-scan the same person over and over? It's certainly possible, but not only is it implausible, but also the possibility of a messup increases with each day, and we are in a position where we can defer role clears at least a day (and if not, then suddenly the suspect list for today grows enormously).

As for the second point, um, I thought I made my point clear? Role meta and setup meta are fine for suspicion. They are not fine for a case. Find scummy behaviour, or something based on hard evidence instead of speculation towards Touhou being scum, and then your argument is valid, in your current line of argument where the only thing to support it is speculation, it is not valid for a case, no.

Going to be away for the next 8-10 hours, back then.

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #515 on: March 13, 2010, 02:40:52 PM »
Aimed at all those who don't have someone else clearing them~

AYB, on Xbox: I'm only clearing him for today, not completely - narrowing down the scum team to take out the bus driver first means we have a higher chance of hitting scum. He could still be the killer, and that's definitely a matter to take into consideration, just... not today.

I have considered one very weird thing about Shikiana's bad post coming now, but I'll warn you all now that it's riddled with meta.
All the way through this game, even up to the last few posts, people have been using the argument of "But that's so stupid that scum wouldn't do it!" So.. why does Shikiana play brilliantly in her (albeit limited) content throughout, and then pull out ROOOOLE META! when we're presumably coming to a close?

Also don't agree with 2g1c on Touhou taking the risky claim - saying they'd targeted Combo would've been the riskier claim, since there was no evidence on that one. Everyone knows they ended up targeting Advice Dog, so that's the safe-claim.

This is a mess. I honestly can't make heads nor tails of AYB/Shikiana. As much as I wouldn't do this if I wasn't confirmed, the only logical move I can make right now is to not have a vote down.

Touhou/Shiki Ninjas: Touhou, fair point on Astley, hadn't considered that one.
Shiki, there's a huge world of difference between 'There are probably 4 scum' and 'Their role is character-specific, hence scum'. Your partial-claim does nothing for your credibility, as I'm sure you know. And, uhh, AYB is saying your case is weak on its own, but could be justified if Touhou had played badly as well.
Well, that Unvote lasted long.

Wouldn't mind a votecount around now to confirm whether or not Shiki is at L-1. (We'd presumably be told, right? Votecounts have always included L-1 throughout, so no idea why it wouldn't..)

AYB Ninja says part of what I'm saying and also defends Bel Air. Yeah, definitely justifies me voting for Shikiana, based mostly on today's content.

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #516 on: March 13, 2010, 02:42:29 PM »
Furthermore, the above scenario does have the bus driver's action doing nothing, because the situation before vs. the situation after was identical: either way, Cake would get roleblocked, regardless of whether Cake and Dog were interchanged or not.

The busdriver didn't swap Cake and Dog, he swapped Combo and Dog. Which (and this is becoming increasingly irrelevant, but I feel obliged to explain my logic when it's been so badly misunderstood) could have been done with the intent of directing the scum NK onto Dog.

(Where does cake being roleblocked come into it, I hear you cry? Unless the busdriver assumed Cake was going to be roleblocked, the above makes no sense, because Cake was obviously going to NK Combo and so swapping Combo and Dog at best gets you the same two people dead who were going to die anyway, and at worse gets, well, what actually happened. But assuming that Cake was going to be roleblocked was entirely reasonable, I think.)

I'll look at Rick's case on AyB when I do the big rick reread; I wasn't depending on it for my vote (said vote does need reconsidering now that AyB has corrected the claim I was moving onto Combo. Will try and reread AyB at the same time).

if we're assuming they were roleblocked N1 by Combo, then it's likely scum know their role as well, which could be a non-target one.
Hadn't thought of that; what the girls have said so far didn't seem to imply that, and they have no reason to mislead given that scum know their role already. I think the best thing is to ask them directly: 2g1c, assuming you can answer this, does your role have a target?
I can only be scum if you assume there are three left. My claim on Touhou cleared me unless we were both scum, and their claim on Bel Air cleared them unless they were both scum. By extension, me and Bel Air are basically clear unless you're assuming three scum left. (I... think this logic holds out? Every time I consider it, I get a different result, so if someone could check over that, it'd be great.)
No, it doesn't hold. Imagine Bel-Air is a genuine townie mason, and you and Touhou are scum; Touhou's claim that Bel-Air didn't target anyone is true but doesn't prove anything, since Bel-Air had already claimed mason.
There is a superficial element of my role which is themed to my character, which makes me wonder whether it was different originally for Russia. The name is certainly not connected to either of us, but as I've said already, bastardmod game.

One of these two players must be the bus driver because everyone else HAS to be telling the truth about their role
No, I was careful to avoid that; I only considered roles which are confirmed. It depends on assuming there are no crazy combo roles, e.g. the whole logic breaks down if you declare rick a scum combination mason/busdriver, which is not an impossibility in this game. But to my mind busdriver is rolemadness enough as it is.

the goddamn tracker might be more valuable dead than alive
The goddam tracker who, as was pointed out, has not told us one thing that wasn't already claimed. But yes, you're right; I'm just frustrated because if I could trust Touhou it would make this a lot easier.

Not safe? Say they saw !cake target the dog While it's a claim that's demonstrated by the actions that happened (and which they were forced into by Demotive), yes, it's still not something a scum Touhou needed to do, pretty much at all.
ScumTouhou still doesn't want to get caught in a lie, and at that point we don't know what half people's capabilities are, so I don't think that option's really any safer than claiming they saw cake target Combo. Will think more on this.

All this means is that XBox is extremely unlikely to be the Bus Driver. Assuming 3 scum, this clears him. Assuming 4, it doesn't. Given that we started out with 17 people, 3 scum seems a bit on the low side. Is there any other reason as to why you're clearing him today, or is that it?
As I read it, he's following my previous rolelogic, in which case the bus driver must be one of me, you, and Shana. Whence his "I'm happy having a 50/50 today." line. But I might be misunderstanding.

Quadruple ninja ignored for now


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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #517 on: March 13, 2010, 02:47:22 PM »
He's saying my presumptions are bad, unless I have unrelated evidence from elsewhere, in which case they somehow become okay.

Helga Pataki

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #518 on: March 13, 2010, 02:51:41 PM »
Vaguely present, head is spinning so I'm not going to jump to conclusions here but one thing doeeeeeeeeees jump out at me.

Quote from: XBox
if we're assuming they were roleblocked N1 by Combo, then it's likely scum know their role as well, which could be a non-target one.
Hadn't thought of that; what the girls have said so far didn't seem to imply that, and they have no reason to mislead given that scum know their role already. I think the best thing is to ask them directly: 2g1c, assuming you can answer this, does your role have a target?

Oh, so scum -do- know my role already, XBox? And here I'd been openly wondering earlier, but you say they do? I don't know if that's a scum slip or just a logic slip, but mmmmm, jumping from "likely" in the quoted line to "and they have no reason to mislead given that scum know their role already"...

Will be back later, thinking, but this jumped out at me as I skimmed through.


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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #519 on: March 13, 2010, 02:55:05 PM »
Quote from: AYB
Really? So you claim that a fakeclaimed tracker can keep up giving results every night that will never contradict another role's in a role madness game and are practically forced to be unique every night so they can't just re-scan the same person over and over? It's certainly possible, but not only is it implausible, but also the possibility of a messup increases with each day, and we are in a position where we can defer role clears at least a day (and if not, then suddenly the suspect list for today grows enormously).

Actually yeah I think it's really easy for them to do this since they know everything we know, and a bit more, and a lot of roles are already in the open, and for all we know LYLO is tomorrow.

Princess Leia

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #520 on: March 13, 2010, 03:08:00 PM »
Oh, so scum -do- know my role already, XBox? And here I'd been openly wondering earlier, but you say they do? I don't know if that's a scum slip or just a logic slip, but mmmmm, jumping from "likely" in the quoted line to "and they have no reason to mislead given that scum know their role already"
Logic slip or logic insight? No-one's claimed two roleblockers, no-one's claimed to have been roleblocked after Combo died, and assuming Combo roleblocked you then of course scum would know, unless Milhouse was lying or... I could continue over the even less likely possibilities. Do you actually think the matter's in doubt at this point, and if so, why?
No, I do not know for absolute certain that scum know 2g1c's role. I assumed, given the Combo, that they do, and imagined 2g1c would think so as well. Were you trying to mislead us over your role, then? Do you actually want to hide whether or not it has a target, when that information makes the difference between whether or not Demotivate is confirmed town?

Apologies if I'm overreacting, but this seems like ridiculous nitpicking from the girls.

Helga Pataki

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #521 on: March 13, 2010, 03:23:47 PM »
Oh, so scum -do- know my role already, XBox? And here I'd been openly wondering earlier, but you say they do? I don't know if that's a scum slip or just a logic slip, but mmmmm, jumping from "likely" in the quoted line to "and they have no reason to mislead given that scum know their role already"
Logic slip or logic insight? No-one's claimed two roleblockers, no-one's claimed to have been roleblocked after Combo died, and assuming Combo roleblocked you then of course scum would know, unless Milhouse was lying or... I could continue over the even less likely possibilities. Do you actually think the matter's in doubt at this point, and if so, why?
No, I do not know for absolute certain that scum know 2g1c's role. I assumed, given the Combo, that they do, and imagined 2g1c would think so as well. Were you trying to mislead us over your role, then? Do you actually want to hide whether or not it has a target, when that information makes the difference between whether or not Demotivate is confirmed town?

Apologies if I'm overreacting, but this seems like ridiculous nitpicking from the girls.

Rolecops usually get role names, is why the ambiguity. We don't actually know that scum's rolecop allowed them to get role info. Or at least, Town doesn't. Scum would. And no, it wouldn't make a difference either way as to whether or not Demotive is town; whether my role has no action at night, or I deliberately did not act last night, as I said earlier today, is irrelevant. It cannot clear him due to the -potential- that scum knows my role. Due to the ambiguity of what we've been given info-wise, we do not know for sure, and thus Demotive cannot be cleared by my role. (And... why would it matter if I had no action or didn't take an action? Demotive got it correct, there was no action from me during the night phase. That my role could somehow prove Demotive's own seems highly, highly fallacious, as my role actively has nothing to do with his accuracy; only my night actions could. Understood?)

I have kept my role info deliberately hidden from town -because- I was hoping a scum would slip up and reveal they knew more about me than I had put out there. This is why I have leapt onto your comment, why I felt and feel it suspicious. This seems very much off, honestly.

Princess Leia

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #522 on: March 13, 2010, 03:34:56 PM »
Rolecops usually get role names, is why the ambiguity.
I wasn't aware of that; I was going solely on the example of Milhouse, who told us precisely what Combo did. Surely a name-only rolecop would be pretty useless in this game?

And no, it wouldn't make a difference either way as to whether or not Demotive is town; whether my role has no action at night, or I deliberately did not act last night, as I said earlier today, is irrelevant. It cannot clear him due to the -potential- that scum knows my role.
Only if it has no night action. If your role does have a night action then it puts Demotive in the clear, because there's no way he could have known you'd target no-one last night. (And we think there were only busdriver and killer last night, so he can't be a scum tracker.) No?


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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #523 on: March 13, 2010, 04:33:04 PM »

I'm fully aware that everyone wants to be funny in this game, but when you start stealing my jokes, it's over the line. I don't expect this to happen again, but consider it a warning. You mess with the bull, you get the horns.

If I have to come in here again, I'm cracking skulls.

Rick Astley (1): The Cake is a Lie, Touhou Hijacker, Demotivator, O R'LYEH?!
HUEG LIKE XBOX (0): Demotivator, All Your Base
All Your Base (2): Demotivator, Rick Astley, XBOX
ShikiShana (4): , Touhou Hijacker, Cake, 2g1c, Demotivator
Touhou Hijacker (1): ShikiShana

With 9 Memes alive, it takes 5 spam mails to give someone a virus!

ShikiShana is at 4 votes!

Mod Note: This is an official mod done votecount, COMBO BREAKER just wanted me to let him zombie post it. This is C/Pd directly from a PM I sent him with the count.

Princess Leia

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Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« Reply #524 on: March 13, 2010, 05:00:08 PM »
Big reread done, from start of day 3 on.

Demotive: I see no need to rely on the mod's L-1 detail (particularly given bastardmod); under the circumstances we can surely simply push Shiki to "L-0" and see what happens. Just make sure AyB is one of the votes on her, so that any quickhammer would reveal a definite new scum. Obviously we should not implement this plan yet; I definitely want more people looking over my logic first.

I know I'm being overly defensive here, but still, I see 2g1c's own day 3 statement goes:
No roblock, obviously - since it was attached to rolecop they know my role, which... depending on info given to scumsquad, means that it's near-worthless. However, I've got a Cassandra-ish (ish) restriction, so please pardon me if I don't just loosen my tongue just yet.

I'm as happy with Astley as I ever was.
AyB asks what part of Rick's case is valid. In early D3, Rick attacks AyB for long, recappy posts, repeating others' points, with no solid opinion; AyB seems to think "of course no solid opinion, it's D1" is a good enough response to this. Similarly, when Rick makes the same point for AyB's D3 stuff:
As for the stuff cribbed from Shiki, I posted late in the day phase, and happened to have the same opinions on most things. What's your point? There wasn't much to discuss D3 anyway beyond the Touhou/Cake/Demote night action debacle, as the end action of the day (lynching Breaker) was already decided before the day even began
Explains why there was very little original opinion, but seems to think that's the only charge he had to answer. AyB, having no firm opinions on D1, or having no original things to add late on D3, is one thing, but making long posts where you report what's happened and repeat others' opinions is bad for other reasons; it seems like you're trying to make it appear you're offering more opinion than you are. Which is a scummy thing to do.
(I'm well aware I'm not the most concise of posters myself; I'm not trying to make my own case on AyB here, just explaining why I think Astley's reasoning is sound.)

Honestly AyB looks better than I remembered; has been posting more since late D3. Not enough to make him look better than Touhou/Rick, but might put him above Shiki; will need a little more time to mull over shiki's crazy rolename meta argument. However, pseudomod pseudoninja, assuming it's not more combo games, reminds me that voting Shiki at this point would be too far, which means there's no better place for my vote. (Of course, if 2g1c's role actually doesn't have a target, pretty much everything I've said ceases to be valid; while the fact that Demote would point this out speaks in his favor, that's just WIFOM and ultimately he's not in the clear yet.) What I think we want to happen at this point is for AyB to check those counts are accurate (because like hell do I trust the "mod comment" in a combo post to be real. Fool me once, etc.) and then vote Shiki. But someone else should probably confirm this before it happens.