The Case on XBox, 2girls1cup style!
Day 1: Terribad lurking, crummy content when it did
post. However, common day 1 complaint there, the inactivity is more problematic than the content... or it would be if the replacement wasn't forthcoming. On a side note, CCCCC poking myself/Astley but not XBox for low posting when I had posted not too far back in the thread before XBox did his one real D1 post (I posted end of P4, XBox near top of P5, CCCCC called me out but didn't comment on XBox page 6. Interesting, at least). Also just kept his joke vote on the O9k train, saying he considered it a serious vote. Regardless. Touhou breaks down why this post is useless flimflam to the extreme
Day 2: Replaced after another long period of inactivity! Woo. Anyways, the new XBox posts more, which, well, at least means we aren't dealing with lurkertude.
Oh, right. During this part, CCCCC puts "pressure" on XBox until he posts something "substanstive" which pretty much ended up being revealed to be completely forced, kudos to people for catching that better than I did who went "ehh"... interesting to note it was on XBox, tho. Not too sure what to make of that, gonna say null tell for now but it sure ain't anything positive.
And then the replacement tags in. Okay! Let's break this shit down! I'm not going to quote your HLXBOX posts, but I -will- link each one I feel I need to, and pretty much go paragraph by paragraph. So. If there's nothing to say, I'll just put a 0 down and move on with \\\, so just search for those in this.
Link - The Legend Of Zelda 0
\\\ 0
\\\ oh noes I tell people I'm gonna be gone clearly common courtesy is scummy! Really, you've harped on that being suspicious a few different times, and it just looks bad on your end. I like to inform people when I'll be back. I consider it respectful. Apologies that you don't like it. I kindly suggest you get over it. The low presence D1 my end is correct, however (pot&kettle living together in perfect harmony).
\\\ ...Okay, I confess I glazed over like half your wall of texts for a while. I clearly, really shouldn't have, and have only incompetence and illness to blame. You're trying to provoke him into talking about town role powers...? Yeah, no, that seems very very bad.
\\\ OH NOES TOUHOU IS BEING REASONABLE THIS MAKES ME SUSPICIOUS! So glad others called you on that, this was headdesk worthy. Holy christ. Actually, you're accusing them here of being suspicious because they can direct discussion because they're reasonable... and their vote had been on you at the time. Wow. ADoggie hadn't. You call him less suspicious. Okay! Wow. I missed this. Clearly just a bit colored, eh?
\\\ Talking of percentages and vague quantifications that are pretty much pointless there anyway.
\\\ Came down on CCCCC's side in the CCCCC/Dawg's argument! Problem: Dawg was already dead and CCCCC was scum. Right. I correct him, he tries to tell me that I should be able to explain -why- scum chose to roleblock/cop me N1. Right.
A side note: ADoggie
deconstructs XBox's attack on Touhou and the vote on Soviet/about lolcat&Soviet.
Zelda II - The Adventures Of Link NNnnnnnnnooooo that's distinctly not what you're said that's pretty blatant backpedaling. Yeah, sure. You preface it with "positives". But you are very much unapologetic in painting Touhou there in a very, very fearful light.
\\\ ...if someone is saying they neither confirm nor deny X then... how does that change anything? Oh, and what's fun here? You knew the role it had at the time - your previous owner swapped with it N1! So you know he couldn't have been the secondary killer, that's not what the role you got did! And then you pressure to lynch him, who we now know is town. Interesting. But we'll put that too aside for now.
\\\ ******You're pushing for a Commie lynch in part due to info (read: he has your old role) despite the case on -me- being the best one you see. What I read from this? You want the person that had your old role -dead-. And when you failed to lynch him D2, you had him roleblocked, and then just NK'd him... but not before the pesky jackets got away. Why the jackets, I don't know, maybe you feared that getting scum roles was way too dangerous, but this reads way too bloody fishy. You wanted Commie -dead dead dead-, this is pretty much painfully obvious by the fact that you really don't seem to be interested in moving to me, who you even consider scummier by your own commentary.
******This cinches your scumminess to me, idly. But I'll keep going.
Later in the day (page 10 for reference) you posit that scum would want to -roleblock their own person-. Yeah, no. Firstly, WIFOM, but even ignoring WIFOM it's silly and kinda stupid. Why deny scum the use of all whatever roles they have in a role madness game? Yeah, not buying it even as a potential theoretical and that you're trying to smear mud on me indirectly by implying that's what happened... yeah no. Switched -off- Soviet Russia on page 11 and onto me- wait, no, onto... Demotivational? Ahahah. So wait, even though I felt like the strongest case, someone you barely commented on beforehand suddenly surged forward there after Russia seemed to falter and CCCCC seemed to be surrendering, -and- you avoided the CCCCC lynch lineup (that dissolved due to Milhoussandra)? Haaaah.
I want people to -fucking comment- on this case. Tell me where I'm stupid. Tell me where I'm being outright denser than the XBox's own gravitational pull (this is entirely a reference to your huegness, dude. Not meant as a personal insult). I -do not want- people to just go "oh okay", vote him, we get a scum lynch and day ends. No. I want not only conversation so that I can be sure on this, but I want to finish not only this case but a few other cases. I personally believe Day 2 is the lynchpin - we track down who was aiming for Soviet Russia hardcore, we may yet have this.
Finally, unless someone can outright convince me that XBox is town beyond a shadow of a freakin' doubt, honest to Gomorrah and there's absolutely no flaw in the logic because at this point I don't think I could buy -any- roleclaim produced, I want XBox down today. I am convinced of him being scum right now. But this is why I want people to comment. I am flawed, I need people to look shit over because I'm hardly consistent. I do my best under pressure, sadly, and hopefully this makes up for a long time of mediocrity. I'll get to D3/4 stuff next post, and then move on to the next player.
EDIT: Touhouninja! Hi! Please read and comment you beautiful Nitori you AUGH DAMNIT STAY STILL FOR MY CAMERA JAMIE DOESN'T MOVE AS FAST AS AYA DOES DAMNIT!