
Author Topic: A memes to an end(Meme Mafia: Game Over)  (Read 130788 times)

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #600 on: March 17, 2010, 09:21:22 AM »
Bolding things I really want looked at. If it's crap, tell me, but I'd appreciate feedback.

While I don't want to push this too hard, I don't see why I'm even under consideration when we have one of Touhou or AyB is definitely scum, but whatever.

That sprung right up while reading over the post. I'm gonna throw my support (so, uhh, one half of Rick Roll) behind lynching the guy who's been hinting at more information and whatnot more than once or twice. 2g1c has covered the other stuff. But not even mentioning me as a possibility, or Bel-Air, smells far too off to just be a verbal gaff.

Touhou: I'll respond to those in order, as best I can.
- You're gonna have to talk to Rick about that
- Where... did I even once give a name about that? Link if you can find it, please
- I was more trying to create any sort of case I could, because I didn't want to come in from charges of lurking, only to... not have anything to offer. And while bad, I still believe it to be better than literally nothing.
- I find it rather amusing that the night after I admit wanting Dog's head on a silver platter, and talk about directing NK's, both just so happen to come out as I'd wanted them the day before. Gonna theorize that either Scumbox got something like that from Russia, or it becomes relevant only after something that happened D2, like talking about directing Night Actions. But, what do I know, right? Aside from that, there's no way to defend against that charge, so next.
- I thought he was scum, what can I say?
- You can ask Bel-Air. XBox and Breaker were both headaches that I didn't even want to consider at the time, because they were, far as I was concerned, a big clusterfuck. I didn't want to wade through all that slog any more than necessary to try and decipher bad town from scum, and I had already convinced myself of both Dog and Russia.
- Again, thought they were scum.

As for my thing on AYB, well, I've kinda been looking at him funky for a while now, and his first post of the day is actually quite the contradiction, if you'd be so pleased as to note it. First thing he says is that you need to claim your night results immediately. This shows he's been paying attention to how we're keeping tabs on you. Then, he goes on to make a night action claim of his own, and berate !cake for using his, despite him knowing it wouldn't work. This shows that he has not been paying attention to how we're keeping tabs on you. (And as for people wondering why I'm "convinced that was what was going to happen" I wasn't. I just wanted to make sure you didn't have any sort of avenue for escape, because scumTouhou could have then easily claimed following !cake to AYB, and nobody but scum would've known it was a lie) Also want to point out that he mentioned having a case on XBox, which has now been lost over 24 hours past when he mentioned it would "be done very soon." And that he has posted twice since then.

I'm going to say that the only suspects, really, are me, Bel-Air, Touhou, XBox, and AYB. I know I'm Town (which isn't helpful to anyone else, blah) so I'm looking at Bel-Air, Touhou, XBox, and AYB. Scum Bel-Air means scum Touhou. Town Touhou means Town Bel-Air. Nothing else confirms or denies anything else about them. I am... more lenient to believe TownTouhou after Demo flipped his role name, but role madness has me staying my hand from making it absolute. However, this does lead me to believe that we almost definitely have scumpairings of Bel-Air/Touhou or Box/AYB.

I'm sorry to skip out on you guys now, but my head really isn't with me right now, and I don't trust myself to go through things nearly as much as I do some others. (Most notably 2g1c) Could you please go through those theories more thoroughly for me? If they're at all believable, I mean. (If they are, you'll probably be doing it anyway, so I mostly mean vocalizing them for me) If not, then you can just say so to my face. S'all good. Anyway, night.

Princess Leia

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #601 on: March 17, 2010, 01:47:26 PM »
Rick, I think you've missed something important. Town Touhou means Scum AYB, because neither you, me or bel-air could be a busdriver. Conversely, Town AYB means Scum Touhou. Which is why I said "we have one of Touhou or AyB is definitely scum".


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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #602 on: March 17, 2010, 04:14:53 PM »
Edited something I missed into my last votecount, just so everyone knows.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #603 on: March 17, 2010, 05:40:36 PM »
I still don't get where you don't think I could be a busdriver. We've already seen that role madness is, indeed, role madness. Also, this has been Roll all day, not Rick. Don't really know where Rick's been...

Anyway, gonna make sure that I get my intention to vote for XBox or AYB today, barring a true revelation, out there.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #604 on: March 17, 2010, 06:08:13 PM »

The box sort of jumps the gun on my thoughts regarding CATS' outburst - I had wished to hear Astley talk about it first, just to make sure that was his reasoning - but ultimately it's a relatively minor point. That was the conclusion I came to myself, yes. I do not understand why he claims Mr. Astley could not be the redirectional role, though.

You never explicitly stated my name, Mr. Astley, but you used Miss Whiterock's words in your rebuttal, emphasized in bold added by me for the purposes of this post:

However, after that, I got pestered a whole bunch to make a "meaningful vote" so I did. With about an hour left in the day, anyway. Got a problem with it? Don't take it up with me.

Next, about my content. That self-proclaimed 'worthless' vote also had a reason behind it, and the hammervote was as sudden as the people yelling at me for not doing it earlier.

This is why I felt you were trying to shift the blame for your hammer vote to me. I felt referencing this unnecessary when you could have just said "I had already declared an intent to hammer" (because you did) and left it at that.

It is very unlikely that the box received a redirectional role from the Russian; if nothing else, the Russian would have said so on Day 3, given he firmly believed the redirection to be a scum tool.

I think that, while your theorizing about the nature of CATS' day-opening post may be true, it may have also been an honest mistake. CATS needs to address that himself, however - I'm not going to posit specific theories that he himself can then use in defense. It is also true that he needs to get in here and post his Xbox case, which is going on far more than 24 hours since first promised. Anything from Bel Air would also be nice, if you can prompt him in mason chat or something, as I would really rather not be lynched due to his indiscretions.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #605 on: March 17, 2010, 06:18:30 PM »

Actually, in looking back at Miss Whiterock's post, she used "meaningful train" instead of "meaningful vote", and I can possibly see how you also felt pressured by CATS, so I suppose you may have chosen "meaningful vote" yourself.

The whole thing still feels like trying to unnecessarily shift the blame for the hammer, though.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #606 on: March 18, 2010, 12:04:16 AM »
Gonna be blunt here, and tell you that I talked to Rick about that before I said anything. His words (paraphrased, because I can't remember them exactly) were, "I didn't want to hammer yet, but people kept me pestering me for not doing it, so I did. That's all there was to it." I wasn't referencing anyone when I was explaining the hammer vote, aside from Rick a couple of times. I also said that, instead of just saying that an intent had been declared, because I didn't feel it anything actually valid to be concerned about. Oh no. We lost an hour. Boo hoo. Do I need to pull out the world's tiniest violin?

As for the rest of what you said... XBox talks about AYB's outburst? Must have missed that. (Though, really, I missed most of what was said after what I quoted in my previous post)

Gonna re-read Box's latest posts, then, to see what he said about not-role-theory.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #607 on: March 18, 2010, 12:20:04 AM »
* Rick Astley twitches a little bit

You did not just partial-quote me to make me look worse/make your defense look better, did you? Oh yes you did. (Also, yes. Please do use the one-link technique, or at least the link technique. It is so very much easier to read, and reduces the clutter)
God. Damn. First point you have for me. If you're going to quote, quote the whole damn thing. See this? That's the post you quote from. If people would be so kind as to look in the middle of the first paragraph, you'll notice that there is more to what I said than what XBox quotes. Seriously, though. Don't. Fucking. Misrepresent what I say. I will slit your throat and feed you your own organs. And then, when they all slip out and are useless, I will make you new organs to feed you. But I'll make them originally part of you, so I get the pleasure of ripping them out of you again. Got that? Do ya'? You'd better.

As for the thing about AYB, yeah, I mostly skipped over that. Reading through what XBox says is difficult and mostly pointless. His posts are almost always 99% noise, and a complete waste of my time to read. (Turns out that one wasn't, as there were two things I was able to pull out of it)

Anyway, after some cooling off... I am more sold on AYB and XBox. They both seem to be the only ones creating more noise than anything else (unless I'm doing the same. Sorry if I am) and they are both throwing theories and information out there they shouldn't be, when I honestly believe that everyone should know better than to do that by now.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #608 on: March 18, 2010, 12:30:28 AM »
Hmph. Life hits like a hurricane. Present for a bit regardless, and kinda frustrated, some decent discussion but not much more in terms of actually trying to ferret out the remainder of the scum. Kinda worrisome, to me; yes, I've sorta taken the lead via pretty much roaring like a tiger out the gate, sure, but uh uhm further participation from the rest of the game might help, yanno?

Promised responses to XBox, gonna keep this brief: saying you're Town doesn't move me. The reason why is basic and logical. Putting emphasis on claiming you're town in your posts reads, uh... I don't really know a good way to put it so I just won't say anything there and move on.

A few comments that really are null points (no, people pointed out my lack of content early on. You just chose to comment on my choosing to say when I'd be back around. IOW the two do not connect, one does not manage to Optical Camo the other, etc.,.) ... uh... okay, dude, either you're really really bad at throwing up things that trigger my "wait WHAT"dar or you just tripped up -again-... Link to the post is here.

Quote from: Hueg Liek XBox, second paragraph
I had already decided I was going to track people I was suspicious of (and stated this publicly when I announced my Bel Air results)
This was your public position, but had you decided to track cake for the sake of clearing yourself to town (which frankly would have been of more benefit to town, it would've given us one confirmed scum (AyB) wheras you only had a 1/3 chance by going for someone suspicious), you would hardly have announced the fact and told the busdriver who to target.

Okay. Maybe I'm being stupid. Again, this reads seriously like a trip (how the hell would you know that AyB would be confirmed scum by this (not in general, I acknowledge that you seem to be drawing on logic here but this just seem really really sour here) in a role madness game, again?), but go ahead and explain your logic, whatever it might be.

Reading on, disagreement in general with you but whatever on multiple of the points, skimming skimming...

I don't believe you yet on one of AyB or Touhou being determinedly scum! Relies too much on believing we can read the mod's mind/know the setup/staring into the mind of bastard moddery, IOW I don't believe we can reduce the busdriver to one of those two. About the three people that the busdriver can't be as of right now? You, me (though I can't prove this, mind. So let's just ignore this one for now), Touhou (jackets!). 5/7, 4/7 if you take my word. Numbers game, woooooo~ Outside of Touhou who arguably might have just lost it and me, 6/7. You're relying way too much on theorycruft and trying to stare into the mind of the mod to reduce this down. And that's yet another reason why I don't hesitate to keep the pressure up on you - you're trying to pare this down way too hard and way too fast in role madness when we don't have all the details in role madness to just one or two targets to the exclusion of all rest in role madness.

Skimming bit more, arguments pointless to get into honestly, gameplay style argument, we can keep that to aftergame, but yeah I disagree kinda bluntly put. That's it for now, gonna quickly assemble a few more arguments though I'm -not- getting into as much detail, I just don't have the time.


God. Damn. First point you have for me. If you're going to quote, quote the whole damn thing. See this? That's the post you quote from. If people would be so kind as to look in the middle of the first paragraph, you'll notice that there is more to what I said than what XBox quotes. Seriously, though. Don't. Fucking. Misrepresent what I say. I will slit your throat and feed you your own organs. And then, when they all slip out and are useless, I will make you new organs to feed you. But I'll make them originally part of you, so I get the pleasure of ripping them out of you again. Got that? Do ya'? You'd better.

"I think I just lost my position as most crude meme. Back in a bit, working on those arguments."

Li Syaoran

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #609 on: March 18, 2010, 01:25:52 AM »
Ack. Sorry about that. Meant to have that post done awhile ago, wound up doing multiple assignments that were due earlier than I thought instead. Sorry about that. Catching up and posting cases in a bit.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #610 on: March 18, 2010, 02:43:21 AM »

Bel-Air Breakdown!

Day One: One post, really, here. ...this isn't bad, honestly. Points out the big flaw in Soviet's no-lynch - rely on power role stirrup, using reasoning that IIRC hadn't been pushed yet. Checking, semi-confirmed - logic was kinda brushed on but this is probably the best elaboration that was given on this end. Rest of the post, uh, looks fine for what was presented in day 1, if minimal on anything else going on.

No wait I'm wrong, my memory failed me! Second post yo, and... hum. Calls out Milhouse and Breaker, too, and while I don't quite agree with the Milhouse counter (Milhouse was reading town in general all game to me, though admittedly there was a bit of meta there as I figured out who he was pretty soon in. I know. I shouldn't rely on meta, but this is one of the few cases I'm ever comfortable doing that. And then he suicided and I facepalm'd quietly.), the Breaker poke... huh, he kinda has a point, and it's kinda amusing - he's calling out Breaker before most others started to, as well. Mmm. Someone else verify that this call-out looks valid? At a quick glance through it seems like Bel-Air caught this correctly, though.

Day 2: sup? Okay, that post? Pretty much "me too!". On the other hand it votes for Combo Breaker (who he had established suspicions for before, mind) and does so at a decently important point (this is the first in a series of... four votes? to move to CCCCC.) Mmmm.

Then... present this. Objects to problematic Russian logic, switches votes to him. Not quite sure what to say here. On the other hand, did some vote breakdown analysis, not sure how much of it holds water... mmm. Switches his vote based on info which I always find kinda problematic, even as tiebreaker which is what he claimes it as. Moving on for now.

(As a note, referencing Touhou Hijack's commentary on these two posts here: greetings. I'm not sure I -agree-, mind; note that Bel-Air had been eyeing CCCCC for longer than Touhou gives credit for, as well as Soviet. Yes, it's still suspicious, as Touhou points out, but this is relevant for something else I wanted to point out - the Bel-Air track was somewhat foreshadowed by this.)

Day 3, mason claim, no real content there of relevance but here's the link guten tag for reference. Another post same page contentless moving on this was day 3 I'm not sure anyone cared.

Oh, wait, right. This bonjour and this hola, the posts that led to my own train of suspicions regarding the whole jacket shenanigan events and all that, and honestly I agree in part with his logic even though it does rely (like mine does) on some theorycrufting on its own. Regardless, this... it's new reasoning that no one else brought out on someone that was kinda under suspicion but not really since Touhou/multiple others were the primary under fire people at the time. Gets marks for it, at least to me.

Day 4 represent! annnnd back to being incredibly iffy on a lot of points. Joy. Theorycruft on jacket. Disapproval, even though the end conclusion I agree with; sure, scum could keep it, doesn't feel like optimal decision for scum, does kinda for town. But again, theorycruft, I shouldn't indulge that side of me, I'm bad at not indulging me. At the least he's logical on the Touhou thing, though the lack of any other opinion worries from there.

Then holla, critiques the focus narrow to busdriver hunt (yay, small little part of heart warmed up), comments on the tunnel vision on the then-present behavior of Touhou (mmm. Some people were, some weren't. Note to self, go check and see who was. I know I'd been neutral on her all game as opposed to the rest of you who seemed to think she'd been doing good commentary but, hey! I was wrong in voting for her. :/ Really wish she hadn't given up like that.), reiterates the touhou comment, expresses... disapproval of the rolename? Uh, okay, whatever. Mmm.

So! Minimal content, even day content's not too impressive by any stretch of the word at all. But... Day 1 and day 3 do not read that bad to me, honestly. Yes, he is low on content. But what is there? Seems pretty decent overall. While by no means clearing him, I'm surprisingly thinking he's town (I came into this expecting to be making my argument for the final scum, my impression all game had been much along the lines of "no content lurking". That's not quite the case, I'd contend. He's actually put forth stuff no one else has. Sparse content, though, sure.)

The case I'd present on Bel-Air: lurking, tunnel-vision, the day 2 swap off of CCCC to Russia, some light mudslinging day 4 toward Touhou via being suspicious of the name. The theorycrufting here is being used to partially back a case, while I feel Bel-Air lets it take up too much of the weight of the case he's actually honing the focus and thus I'm willing to null tell it. However, to avoid hypocrisy, let's include that too.

However, good day 1/3 content (yes, I'm willing to call the day 3 theorycruft that. Even if it ends up town!XBox, he raised a logical extension of a case to push forward his views.), the swap on day 2 -was- shadowed more than people have admitted... really, he's mainly just lurker-level, and this goes back to an argument that was going on day 1-2 either here or Hero Mafia. It's not just lurking that's scummy - it's lurking and doing nothing with it that's scummy. I'd argue he doesn't fit that. Any arguments to the contrary?

Helga Pataki

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #611 on: March 18, 2010, 02:45:33 AM »
Astley: Augh, sorry. Will get to your bolded commentary at the top of the page probably tomorrow. I'm sorry to drag this day out, but when you don't know if you'll live to see tomorrow and you want to try and win this and no one's really talking too much, it's not too much to ask, I figure. I haven't missed those comments, though. I just haven't gotten to them yet and I wanted that case out.

Li Syaoran

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #612 on: March 18, 2010, 04:32:42 AM »
A lot of the points against Xbox 360 have already been covered by 2G1C, so in the interests of keeping my posts as brief as possible, this post will first talk about the major/interesting points that I found myself and then comment on 2G1C's case. Incidentally, XBox 360 is beyond horrible. In what aspects? Well, let's see:

#1) "Gotcha!" games: for instance, take his Soviet Russia vote post. Plenty of terrible things about Soviet Russia (though not too many of them are actually ones that imply scumminess, as I mentioned multiple times D2), and he goes for...a sentence which is explaining that an obvious joke is, in fact, y'know, a joke? The Too Townie bollocks he follows up with doesn't make this post look any better. But let's see what XBox 360 does with his vote and "case" on Soviet: a post stating that he actually wants to lynch 2G1C, but wants to put the Commie under pressure. Now, the reasoning behind why pressure votes are stupid has been covered multiple times in this game so I won't repeat it, but it's especially stupid if you outright claim that your vote is, in fact, a pressure vote because it removes any and all pressure that was attempted to be placed on that person, thus making the vote basically 100% useless. Then he backpedals and states that it wasn't a pure pressure vote, that he still wouldn't mind Russia lynched. Which is it, XBox 360?

Now let's look at his vote jump onto Demote. What does it take to make XBox 360 switch his vote from someone he is "pressuring" onto someone else, someone who is not their preferred lynch target for the day, for that matter? Um, I'm not even sure. That post seems to be implying that XBox 360 thinks that Demote's vote is a pure pressure vote (insert obvious pot/kettle/black statement here), and completely ignores the statement from Demote that "I'm somewhat amazed that 2g1c can't see the case on -2C. The weak vote switching is by far the worst thing to me, and am happy to see him go today based on that alone, to be honest.". Good job. Isn't the first time you've done selective quoting, and evidently it certainly won't be the last, either. Sigh. Anyway, now that I realised that Demote was voting for Breaker, his votejump makes sense: attempt to target a townie that looks weak enough to start a case on, while staying off the townie Soviet train so as not to look terrible once Soviet would flip as town if he were to be lynched D2, which makes sense considering his reasoning for being on Soviet was terribad in the first place! Even though there was good reasoning! Anyway, let's go over to a third case of his, and then note what all of these three cases have in common:

His "XBox-sized poast", wherein he votes me. Reasoning? Misrep, due to a typo. So fine, no issue for the initial accusation, though it's interesting that the relevant typo is hardly actually relevant for the majority of my case on him, and if anything makes it a bit weaker. Defers people to Astley's case, which he later admits he did not read. Sigh. Then, again, does a reread and claims I come out of it looking better than he thought (though he still leaves his vote on me because...sure.) Today's casing isn't any better, he has yet to form any solid case on anyone.

But! What do all of these three cases have in common with each other? (other than the fact that they're awful.) They're all based around Gotcha-Games(TM) at their core. The Soviet Case/Vote is as a result of a "gotcha!" on Soviet's obvious In Soviet Russia, Town Nightkill Scum! joke, the Demote Case/Vote is as a result of a "gotcha!" on Demote specifying that he was bringing Breaker up to L-2, i.e. "using post numbers to justify his case" (even when that wasn't the justification and you clearly missed the justification two paragraphs above the vote, goddamnit), and his Case/Vote on me is as a result of a "gotcha!" on me accidentally claiming that he jumped from Soviet to Breaker instead of Soviet to Demote. Now, why are gotcha-games terribad? Because they aren't scumhunting, all they catch are minor mistakes, which quite often aren't even potential scumtells, let alone definite scumtells. Moreover, why are they scummy? Because they're easy for scum to use (just skim poasts until you find something that stands out), on the surface they seem convincing ("holy crap XBox 360 found a potential scum slip-up!"), and they make it easier to justify voting for someone who at the time is potentially an unpopular lynch candidate, such as in this case, Demote.

#2) The interaction between Breaker and XBox 360. First, on Breaker's end: interesting how his D1 post doesn't mention XBox 360 among the lurker pool. Then D2 he does his infamous place-a-vote-he's-going-to-move-anyway-on-XBox-360 and then awkwardly backpedals to Soviet once poked about this by Advice Dog. Now, on XBox's end: D1 he basically was Not Exist, D2 he...doesn't really mention Breaker at all until Meelhouse's post. Seriously, he not only does not see the case on Breaker, he pretty much ignores Breaker completely. Even after stating that he was going to look at Breaker in his initial post, he never returns to it once it is pointed out to him that Dawg is, in fact, dead. Considering that this was the competing train to the Soviet Russia train for most of the day, um, wtf? Seriously.

#3) Setupcruft. So many of his posts are setup speculation, and trying to clear people on setup/role alone. Discounting the fact that people can potentially lie about roles, we're playing a bastard mod role madness setup. Setup speculation and "analysis" thus has the potential to lead us to large amounts of failure. So why is XBox going on about it all the time? Good fucking question. He even goes as far as to state that this is useful in this post, or at least attempt to, because I'm not even sure what point he tries to make there. Fine, so you're better at theory than scumhunting. Okay. Theory is not enough on its own, it must be backed up by scumhunting, as pointed out by 2G1C. Furthermore, the sheer ludicrous VOLUME of your theorycrufting is just astounding. Seriously, at least prune some of that shit before posting it, a good chunk of it is irrelevant, nonsensical or ultimately just pointless and won't catch scum at all, and could even doom town if by accident you cleared a scum as town and persisted in this opinion as long as you were alive.

So why post so much of it? Especially after accusing me of being too wordy? Especially after wondering if you yourself were posting too much meaningless garbage here, for that matter.

But hey, giving yourself the illusion of being both extremely active and extremely helpful for town is great from a scum standpoint! Which is why this is scummy. As opposed to sticking to "truths" that are most of the time irrelevant and more importantly don't actually tell us where you stand on any players! This playstyle is extremely good if you want a playstyle that is totally nonconducive to determining alignment, which seems to be what you're doing.

There are even more things, such as misrep on your own part (see: Astley), and attempting to tie together potential scumpartners for extremely non-obvious reasons, as well as implying that one person being town makes another person scum and vice-versa, similarly for extremely questionable reasons (see, again: Astley, 2G1C), but those 3 are the main ones.

This post is already long enough and I need to go do something else right now, so will get to commentary in my next post.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #613 on: March 18, 2010, 05:08:08 AM »

There is no need to pull the world's tiniest violin out on my account, Mr. Astley, as I have been able to invent it myself in the time since my last post. The whole process was surprisingly speedy, even for me. Anyway, I still think your Day 1 consciousness might be overblowing the outside circumstances of his hammer a little, but that particular point is relatively minor in the grand scheme of things I hold against you.

I expect I will vote for the box over Mr. Astley at this point. I have spoken my piece about him in days past with some more today/at the end of yesterday, and multiple other parties have brought forth their own issues with/solid cases on him, issues/cases with which I find myself agreeing (though I think Mr. Astley could do with a little less vitriol, as amusingly jarring as it is when mentally read in the man's voice). The two things restraining me from putting my vote down now are an explanation for the theory that Mr. Astley can't be the redirector (because I really want to hear this) and a desire to hear anything from the Bel Air Academy, which has now gone over 48 hours in silence.

Princess Leia

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #614 on: March 18, 2010, 08:25:13 AM »
Ok, I'll try this way. Post from AyB.

I thought demote was vote-switching too easily, and that he was voting to get in on whatever lynch was happening; his move onto C-C-C-C came after everyone else's, and I didn't see much justification, particularly when as you've dug up, "weak vote-switching" is the main part of his case.

No, I didn't say much about C-C-C-C. I had nothing to say. I didn't see the case against him, which I said; after that, I had nothing to add.

Yes, I have been posting a lot of theory. Given how complex the reasoning is and how easy it is to get it wrong or miss something, I maintain that it's worth having the reasoning out in the open. Avoiding the possibility that I would "doom town if by accident you cleared a scum as town and persisted in this opinion as long as you were alive" is precisely why I post the full reasoning rather than just the conclusions, so that any mistakes are obvious.

an explanation for the theory that Mr. Astley can't be the redirector (because I really want to hear this)]/quote]
It's simply that whether or not he's scum, he's still a mason - if he's scum and bel-air is scum then you must also be scum, which is too many. And while a scum-mason-busdriver is not absolutely impossible, it does seem very unlikely.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #615 on: March 18, 2010, 04:06:54 PM »
More unlikely than a Town Busdriver?


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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #616 on: March 18, 2010, 04:30:58 PM »

So I just got a message from Bel Air asking for a replacement. In potential LYLO. That's...seventeen shades of not fair, to be frank. D1 or 2 replacements, fine. Even day 3 isn't unreasonable. Day 5? Ugh.

Buuuut, Modkill ending the day rule in potential LYLO is badness. I can't do that either. This rule was pretty much just to prevent people from pulling any "oh I'll force a modkill on myself so town doesn't mislynch me today" antics. That and because of the Cassandra role.

So this leaves me doing this:

Bel Air will be modkilled at the end of the day, regardless of who gets lynched. I'll flip him right now though, Town Albino Tomato.

And that turns today into definate LYLO instead of merely potential LYLO.

Sorry about this, but that seems like the best possible option for the game.

EDIT: It's been pointed out to me that giving his flip is the same thing as modkilling him now, but since the flip turns it into Official LYLO instead of Potential LYLO, I kinda have to. So yeah, for all intents and purposes, consider him dead. No more posts from Bel Air, his alignment is clear, etc. I'll just do the 'official' flip along with whoever is lynched at the end of the day.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2010, 04:42:15 PM by Gatewalker »
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist

Helga Pataki

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #617 on: March 18, 2010, 04:58:08 PM »
In light of this, requesting all votes off until we are determined in our choice. While this does not change my opinion on XBox, it's just good play and I'm cautious and nervous and all that jazz.

Bel-Air being town is a slight relief - I wasn't misreading him. Disappointed we won't here more from him, though, and kinda frustrated about the whole situation in general. This doesn't say much about anything else, but.

I'll likely toss together a quick analysis on the remaining two people I think need to be covered (Astley and AYB) and then head off for a while. Why not Touhou? Uh, partially theorycruft, partially other than the Demotivate spat I've seen nothing to convince me Touhou might be malign and that argument struck me as TvT, partially just that all the moves thus far strike me as townie - and if they were just claimed out of convenience, I'd expect more fabricated cruft. It's possible they're scum, and in point of fact if they're alive tomorrow I'd definitely consider it a strong possibility - as I would anyone alive at an effective 4-way that isn't effectively clear. But today? Conduct, play, actions - I'm not convinced at all, and the arguments brought to bear have been bad enough as to convince me away from even considering it for now.

EDIT WHILE THINKING: Well, doesn't matter so much, 4 still needed to hammer, but it's still good LYLO policy damnit.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #618 on: March 18, 2010, 05:04:08 PM »
And that turns today into definate LYLO instead of merely potential LYLO.
Well, damn.

How long do we have left in the day, exactly? It's starting to look like people are just repeating points now, and I don't think we've been given an extension following Bel-Air's exit. So I'm holding my vote on Xbox unless it becomes clear there's still time for discussion, and indeed there's still relevant discussion going around.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #619 on: March 18, 2010, 05:06:47 PM »
EBWOP: Oh wait, there is no time limit on Lylo. I'm not thinking straight.

Still, is there anyone here other than the man himself who doesn't like the look of an Xbox lynch? I don't see anyone speaking in his defense, to be perfectly honest.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #620 on: March 18, 2010, 05:27:51 PM »

My vote shall remain withheld for obvious reasons.

In regards to the box positing that a scum mason/redirector combination is unlikely, I will point out that both Bel Air and Mr. Astley claim Mr. Astley had to find Bel Air with a night action. If Mr. Astley is scum, only giving him the power of trying to find a mason partner seems unlikely to me, and I think it very possible he would be given something else on top of that, possibly the redirectional role. As Mr. Astley himself also comments, I don't think this is any less unlikely than your theory that a role dedicated to confusion was/is in the hands of town.

I would also like to see you build another case you would feel would properly power a vote, as it felt to me like your vote for me stemmed a lot from the idea of Bel Air being scum.

Li Syaoran

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #621 on: March 18, 2010, 07:31:23 PM »
@Gatewalker: ugh. Lovely.

Quote from: The Cake is a Lie
Still, is there anyone here other than the man himself who doesn't like the look of an Xbox lynch? I don't see anyone speaking in his defense, to be perfectly honest.
Honestly, if it wasn't for the fact that you're probably the only person here who is somewhat rolecleared I would be highly tempted to vote for you for this comment alone. Seriously. Are you absolutely certain of XBox's scumminess, to the point where you believe the chance of messing up and thus costing town the goddamn game are small enough that you'd comfortably vote him?

Also, what do you think of Touhou, given the recent BelAir flip?

I personally think XBox 360 is scummy and at the moment he's my top pick for person-to-lynch, but I'm going to have to go over everyone again before voting because: A) the stakes are now higher, B) we have additional information, i.e. BelAir's flip. Notably, it's interesting that 2G1C was right in their belief that he was town, and it pretty much confirms Touhou for me, due to the near-complete absence of anything that's all that scummy from Touhou's posts.

I thought demote was vote-switching too easily, and that he was voting to get in on whatever lynch was happening; his move onto C-C-C-C came after everyone else's, and I didn't see much justification, particularly when as you've dug up, "weak vote-switching" is the main part of his case.
So you can't see the case on Breaker, which is principally that Breaker was vote-switching too easily, and you blast Demote for vote-switching too easily? Huh?

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #622 on: March 18, 2010, 08:11:42 PM »
Honestly, if it wasn't for the fact that you're probably the only person here who is somewhat rolecleared I would be highly tempted to vote for you for this comment alone. Seriously. Are you absolutely certain of XBox's scumminess, to the point where you believe the chance of messing up and thus costing town the goddamn game are small enough that you'd comfortably vote him?
This seems very reactionary to me. Asking me 'am I certain I want Xbox lynched?' is a bit of a moot point, because of course we have to lynch someone, and I've seen no reason not to vote for Xbox. Just about everyone's reread and laid out the case against him, no-one's satisfied by his defense - I think the better question is 'why are you so uncertain about Xbox's scumminess, to the point where you attempt to fearmonger on the one case which everyone seems universally decided upon?'
If you want a straight answer to your question, though? Yes. He's been scummy all game, and I let him off for the D2 jump, but he's done nothing of use since then. Honestly, we're more or less down to three suspects now given the role clears - Xbox, AYB, and Rick. And of those three, Xbox is definitely the one I'm the most suspicious of.

Also, what do you think of Touhou, given the recent BelAir flip?
I never really put much against Touhou, to be honest - if Bel-Air was scum I was assuming it was based on him having a role that couldn't be tracked. Regardless, this puts her basically in the 100% clear segment for me.

Princess Leia

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #623 on: March 18, 2010, 08:20:18 PM »
More unlikely than a Town Busdriver?
To put it bluntly, yes.
##Unvote because people are paranoid about LYLO. In any case I need a rethink given town Bel-Air. Not sure what happened to the Writer/Paparazzi to give us an Albino Tomato, but whatever.

I initially ignored rick's (or roll's, whatever) outburst - we've had one of those already, after all, and concluded it didn't really mean anything. (Rick, if you want to go on with claiming I was misrepresenting you, then you'd better clear up what that paragraph actually meant.) But thinking about it the hypocrisy of his position is staggering; Astley starts the massive rolespeculation back here, and has hardly been avoiding it thereafter. That he was posting similarly to myself was part of what convinced me he was town. (and as for not reading my posts, if you're going to do that why are you even playing?)

Will have a reread and try and come up with a proper case on someone.

AyB ninja:
So you can't see the case on Breaker, which is principally that Breaker was vote-switching too easily, and you blast Demote for vote-switching too easily? Huh?
Yes. The Breaker had more justification for the switching (demote sounded like he was explicitly doing it on the numbers), and didn't have the added edge of hypocrisy.

Cakeninja. I don't think Touhou is by any means 100% clear; certainly the rolestuff doesn't make her so.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Why you gotta be so meme?(Meme Mafia, Day 5)
« Reply #624 on: March 18, 2010, 08:26:00 PM »
I don't think Touhou is by any means 100% clear; certainly the rolestuff doesn't make her so.
I think that as scum she could have found another target to track, because Bel-Air was pretty much set to be lynched D4 if it weren't for her tracker result. She could've, say, tracked Demotivational, but the decision that basically linked her irrevocably to Bel-Air effectively cleared him in the eyes of many, so it seems like a very bad move for scum.