
Author Topic: Cthulu Mafia - TOWN (drunk) WIN, MADNESS SOMEWHAT AVERTED  (Read 95274 times)


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« on: April 17, 2010, 03:56:30 PM »
Town Sanity Meter: 4/60 ("'...  ...  ...")

Definitely alive and sane:

6. Jack Daniels, town drunk (Makkotah), Vanilla Town (Formerly a Miller)

Around for finale in various states of mental health when game called due to scum resigning:
4. Nathan Greaves, journalist (Roukanken), Scum Reviver Doctor (probably lynched Day 7) (Can protect one person other than himself from normal nightkills.  Can 'doc' dead players as well, and choose to revive them either fully or as voteless abominations that collapse after a day and can only talk. Can't revive scum, or at least not effectively; if he does so, the only result is flavor noting their return and prompt death, which doesn't cost town a lynch.)
13. Nikolai Kolmogorov, Russian mathematician / musician (Alice), Town Miller Rolecop (?) Self-Reviver (would go insane Night 7, after game is over)
14. Martin Andrews, prospective shop owner (Shale), Town Docproof (probably shot Night 6)

Shuffled off this mortal coil:
Jon Hutchins, Town NPC
9. Tyrone Callahan, stablemaster (EternalLurker),  Town Bulletproof Shadow (lynched Day 1)
2. William Hellsnake, roaming bounty hunter (Magetastic), Town Bulletproof Miller Reviver (lynched Day 2)
1. Pietro Giovanni, mafia bootlegger (EvilTom), Town Paranoid Cop (knew he was paranoid) (murdered Night 2)
8. Ethan Hayles, local farmer/country bumpkin (Yoshiken), Scum Psychologist (lynched Day 3)
5. Seamus O'Malley, odd jobs man (Excal), Scum Docfather (Godfather variant) (lynched Day 4)
11. Kyle Handley, traveling salesman (Hunter Sopko), Town Megalomaniac (backup of various roles as they die: started vanilla, at time of death an Archivist, one-shot Doc, one-shot sanity-kill Doc) (murdered Night 4)
13. Nick Koupitoris, impostor of Nikolai Kolmogorov and delusional Greek cook (Alice), Town Miller Rolecop (?) Self-Reviver (lynched Day 5)
12. Samuel Hargreaves, veterinarian (lmm),  Scum Roledoc (lynched Day 6)

Went crazy (and possibly also dead):
15. Moses Bike, retired fisherman (Xanth), Town Archivist (went crazy and jumped in a lake Night 2)
10. Chad Hutchins, football star (Sir Alex), Town Squeaky-Clean Doctor (went crazy and disappeared Night 3)
3. Peyton Hadley, former actor (Bobbin Cranbud), Town One-Shot Bulletproof Bodyguard (went crazy and committed to asylum Night 4)
15. Gershom Bike, Moses Bike's brother (Xanth), Vanilla Town (went crazy and shot himself Night 5)
7. Mei-Fan Chen / Ronald Dale (???), scholar / burned-out novelist  (Bardiche), Town Cop / Town Vigilante (Doesn't know he vigs his investigation targets as well) (went crazy and was devoured by Hounds of Tindalos on Night 6)

Day 0 character introduction:,4743.msg104232.html#msg104232
Day 1 final votecount:,4828.msg104808.html#msg104808
Day 2 final votecount:,4828.msg105500.html#msg105500
Day 3 final votecount:,4828.msg106211.html#msg106211
Day 4 final votecount:,4828.msg106606.html#msg106606
Day 5 final votecount:,4828.msg106920.html#msg106920
Day 6 final votecount, and final showdown:,4828.msg107184.html#msg107184

Gatewalker will be co-modding, so if I'm not around, you can ask him for votecounts or the like.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2010, 10:48:37 PM by SnowFire »


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Rules
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2010, 03:57:00 PM »
Setup notes:

* This game will have a stronger role-playing component than usual, but nothing will be required.  Call it "RP-recommended;" there'll be no post restrictions, but if you get into character, that's cool.
* In that vein, every single character - scum and town alike - will have a DARK SECRET.  This will be largely irrelevant to your in-game role and mostly fodder for the day-to-day writeups.  Your secret could be anything from "You are a gay socialist" to "you are a 200 year-old warlock who must feed on souls."  And both these characters might be townies.
* This is role madness, but hopefully not super-high-power-level role madness.  Everyone will have a role, but many roles will be functionally vanilla - very minor or actively harmful.  Flips are 100% reliable about alignment, and townie roles will have a full explanation as well, so you won't just see "Alienist" and wonder what on earth that does.  Scum roles will also have an explanation but may not mention the full details, though what details you do see will be reliable.  There'll be no alignment-switching powers nor any powers based on random chance (50% of X).
* Deadlines will be 72 hours.

Posting rules:
* Be civil.  Insulting characters is fine, insulting players is not.  Ignoring this will get you warned then modkilled.
* Don't quote PMs from the mod.  This includes your role PM.  Paraphrase it if you bring it up.
** ...and, as an extra layer of paranoia, I will offer writeups / rationalizations / flavor / etc. for any specified fake roleclaim upon request.  Even if a paraphrase looks like it was based off something from the mod, don't take this as verification of the claim.  (This rule is mostly to discourage metagaming based off which players know the setting.)
* No editing or deleting posts, and no posting at night or from beyond the grave, without mod approval.
* Rules for town: Town must lynch (barring the extremely unlikely circumstance of townies not having a majority, yet still having a win theoretically possible).  If there is no hammer by deadline, the character with the most votes will be lynched.  If there is a tie, the Day will continue in Sudden Death.  If Sudden Death lasts longer than 24 hours then Azathoth, via its minion Hatbot, will be consulted for its opinion.  If you are preparing a post / votechange near deadline and there is a huge rush of activity / ninjas, don't panic, tell the mod and there likely will be an informal 15-minute extension so you can get your post through, though nothing is guaranteed and more time than 15 minutes is unlikely.
* Rules for scum (and third parties, if any): ???

Some notes on flavor.  As noted before, every character in this game has a "Dark Secret."  Many of these will likely be revealed over the course of the game.  I'm a big fan of flavor myself, but don't want it to override the *game* aspect.  So, two disclaimers.

* I wrote up a list of characters and the Dark Secrets attached to them *before* I generated roles and alignments.  In cases where the old Secret made no sense - perhaps, say, for scum - they still kept that secret but as a "fake" secret which would be written in the flavor anyway as a red herring.  In other words, attempting to rolefish from flavor revelations will *fail miserably* here.  You have been warned.
* I may reference public roleclaims, flavorclaims, and the like in the open-the-day posts.  Do not take this as mod verification of them being true.  To the extent that they come up, I'll treat any public roleclaim as legit even when it's not.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2010, 03:58:23 PM »
Jon Hutchins, Town NPC, has been killed!

Sherrif Hutchison looked at the array of suspects.

"Let's make this easy.  If you did it, we'll find you anyway, so just confess.  We'll make the hanging quick and clean and with no errors.  Better 'n you deserve for killing a leading citizen like Jon!"

"... no takers?  Well, let's hear yeh discuss who you think did do it, then!"


Day 1 will end in 74 hours at 1:00 PM EDT, Tuesday.

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2010, 04:13:01 PM »
Yer sayin' the old man's been killed? If there's one thin' I been taught about workin' down on th'farm, it's that ye never trust a snake, nome.

##Vote: William 'Ellsnake

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2010, 04:38:23 PM »
Easy now, snakes is fine, 'long as you leav 'em be an' don' startle 'em.
Foreigners is another matter though. Don't like 'em, never have.
##Vote: Nikolai Kolmogorov


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2010, 04:41:47 PM »
"*Hic.*  A good man is dead.  I don't know about you folks, but there ain't a man in this town who wouldda done him in."
* Jack Daniels waves his bottle in the general direction of the outsiders.

"Yeah, I'm talkin' about you fucks.  Time was shit like this... shit like this just didn't happen.

Now which onna you god damn kraut-sympathizin' red slave ownin' PROHIBITIONIST COMMIE SONS OF BITCHES murdered him?
* Jack Daniels walks up to Kyle, prodding him forcefully with one hand while propping himself up on Kyle's shoulder with the other.

Never trust a salesman.  I gotta hunch.  

##Vote: Kyle Handley.

(We don't need no stinkin' Monorail thingamajigger.)

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2010, 05:27:12 PM »
* Pietro stands up and pushes between Kyle and Jack Daniels.
You drunken fool, whadya think you doing? Leave this poor fellow alone, you aint know he done nothing wrong! You better pull yourself together or I'm gonna have to do it for you, capiche?
* Pietro pushes Jack back down into a chair.
Now there's no need to kick up a racket, we just gotta be organized, see? Don't worry boys, I'll find who did this and they're gonna be sleepin' with the fishes tonight.

Jack; Jack Jack Jack. I appreciate a good customer, but you've just gotta learn to hold your health tonic. And all this cursing won't do, you'd better show a bit of respect, y'hear? And like I was sayin', you seem pretty eager to point that shaky little finger of yours. Got something to hide, Jackie-boy?

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2010, 06:17:55 PM »
Hmph. This is getting in the way of work, damn it. I have more important things to do than waste my time with you pansies.

##Vote: Seamus O'Malley

Kids ain't s'posed to be gettin' mixed up in stuff like this.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2010, 07:43:41 PM »
* Jack Daniels props himself up against the wall, setting the hooch down on a nearby table.  He looks Peitro up and down and decides that discretion is the better part of not fucking with the wrong people.

Jon was a good man, is all.  We served in the war together.
* Jack Daniels sits down at the table. 

Hearin' Jon's dead just riles me up.  But yer right, this ain't the time.  Don't think this don't mean I ain't got my eye on you, salesman.  I don't like the way you keep splittin' in two.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2010, 09:35:49 PM »
Kyle looks fairly undisturbed by Jack's accusation. On the contrary, the gears in his head begin to spin quickly as he begins to see the opportunity to make some sales here! He casually smooths out the ruffles Jack made in his suede vest and adjusts the wicker hat on his head. All told he looks more like a barber than a salesman, but he's always found that the association people make to that respected profession has always helped him in the long run.

"Now now, good sir! Who said anything about a monorail! Everyone knows that any good train has two beams to travel upon! Any less would be a fool's errand, boy howdy! Not that getting the town to connect to the rail lines wouldn't hurt it. Just look at what happened in Ogdenville, Brockway and North Haverbrook! A rail station put them on the map, by golly! No, I'm a purveyor of more pedestrian fare."

Kyle brings the large case he is carrying to the fore, extending the legs built into the side and opening it for everyone to see it's contents! As he said, fairly pedestrian. Combs, some tonics, ties of various colors, etc. "Nothing suspicious here except the prices! You'd think I were giving them away for this quality! Like this aftershave!" He brings the bottle to his nose and sniffs it appreciatively, "All the rage in New York, Boston and even gay Pari~! Sure to leave you smelling the bee's knees for your special lady! All for the low price of fifty cents a bottle, and I'd even throw in a gen-u-wine silk tie, all the way from China! But look at me going on, this is no time to be making a pitch. A poor man's lost his life and he deserves respect."


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2010, 09:59:50 PM »
There's... whoah. What's going on? I don't even... know, I guess. Bunch of jokes going 'round. Hmmm... could put those in my book... if I remembered what the damn thing's about.

God. What did I do last night? I don't know, but I know I sure ain't a killer. My books aren't even doing killer... what was the last one I wrote?

Anyway, let's push this outta them jokes, aye? There's this... what'shisname... Pietro was it? Pietro feller who's been makin' noise but not doin' much. Yeah, I get it's jokevote phase, not much to go on man but... 'least make a vote, summit, yeah? You're jus' standing there criticising people's jokevotes but no' doing much.

##VOTE: Pietro

Salesman's spending jokevote phase just giving a salespitch... what the hell's his name anyway? What was it? Lyle?


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2010, 10:17:04 PM »
"Hellsnake, you disgustin' lil' creep!" Ty roared, slamming a fist into the table at which he -- and some unfortunate others -- sat. Glasses rattled and shattered as he leapt to his feet, locking his furious gaze on the man he addressed, the fingers of his left hand twitching at his waist as if ready to grab a weapon. "You just fucking waltz into our town and think you got any right to be accusing anyone else of anything?! Can't say I know Seamus well enough yet to vouch for him, but I'd sure as hell bet on him being more innocent'n you, you lil' scum! Apologize! Ain't no one here I'd suspect more'n you anyway!"

##VOTE: William Hellsnake, barring a really good apology

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2010, 10:23:27 PM »
There's... whoah. What's going on? I don't even... know, I guess. Bunch of jokes going 'round. Hmmm... could put those in my book... if I remembered what the damn thing's about.

God. What did I do last night? I don't know, but I know I sure ain't a killer. My books aren't even doing killer... what was the last one I wrote?

Anyway, let's push this outta them jokes, aye? There's this... what'shisname... Pietro was it? Pietro feller who's been makin' noise but not doin' much. Yeah, I get it's jokevote phase, not much to go on man but... 'least make a vote, summit, yeah? You're jus' standing there criticising people's jokevotes but no' doing much.

##VOTE: Pietro

Salesman's spending jokevote phase just giving a salespitch... what the hell's his name anyway? What was it? Lyle?

Jokes, friend?

I don't see anything to laugh about - and you giving the stink-eye to Mr. Giovanni when he's provided us all with this refreshing... tonic... seems a sight ungrateful, just on account of his breaking up a fight.

I'm all for finding out who killed Hutchins, but I don't expect the truth to turn up on account of we started slinging mud like we're on the stump for Smith - or Hoover, if that's your persuasion.  Maybe it's time to play peacemaker and maybe you're right and it ain't, but give the man time to get his wits about him before he starts making a ruckus.

Not to mention that business about killer books.  I'll have you know that's no laughing matter, there... friend?

No laughing matter at all.

##VOTE: Ronald Dale (Bardiche)

::Peyton is NINJA'd (Bloody Tongue'd?) by Tyrone Callahan::

Easy there, friend!  Making this a matter of locals and loiterers doesn't do any of us any good.

Least of all my humble self.

In fact, that's the second vote on Mr. Hellsnake, ain't it?  And not a bit of thought behind either of 'em, which is more than I can say for Mr. Dale, who I don't agree with but at least gives me something to disagree on account of.  Allowing there's thought to be had in that muzzy head of his, I mean.

##UNVOTE: Ronald Dale

##VOTE: Tyrone Callahan (EternalLurker)


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2010, 10:45:14 PM »
::Peyton is NINJA'd (Bloody Tongue'd?) by Tyrone Callahan::

Maybe it's the hooch, or maybe I'm just breaking role, but what in god's name does that mean?

I'd appreciate it if this nonsense were made more clear.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2010, 11:04:23 PM »
"Aw, man. You're telling me that Hutchison wasn't even his name? Now I need to come up with another headline later..."

Nathan scribbles at his notepad, hastily running a line through the larger text at the top of the page. For a moment, he seems frustrated, but his attention soon turns to other matters.

"Hey, Mr. Hadley. Just for the record, why're you so hasty to jump on that Callahan fella? So he made the second accusation on someone - isn't it sort of early to accuse someone of trying to start a bandwagon when nearly half the men here haven't even spoken yet?"

##Vote: Peyton Hadley

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2010, 11:24:29 PM »
::Peyton is NINJA'd (Bloody Tongue'd?) by Tyrone Callahan::

Maybe it's the hooch, or maybe I'm just breaking role, but what in god's name does that mean?

I'd appreciate it if this nonsense were made more clear.

::The Cult of the Bloody Tongue is an African cult dedicated to Nyarlathotep in Call of Cthulhu.  In the beginning of the famous adventure Masks of Nyarlathotep, members of the cult sneak into an NPC's apartment and murder him - like ninjas.

I couldn't think of a more appropriate Mythos-specific term for being ninja'd, but suspect one exists.

Dimensional Shambler'd, perhaps?::

"Aw, man. You're telling me that Hutchison wasn't even his name? Now I need to come up with another headline later..."

Nathan scribbles at his notepad, hastily running a line through the larger text at the top of the page. For a moment, he seems frustrated, but his attention soon turns to other matters.

"Hey, Mr. Hadley. Just for the record, why're you so hasty to jump on that Callahan fella? So he made the second accusation on someone - isn't it sort of early to accuse someone of trying to start a bandwagon when nearly half the men here haven't even spoken yet?"

##Vote: Peyton Hadley

Too early to accuse someone of starting something?  Or early enough for someone who isn't to start it, and say it is?  What better time to start putting together a lynch mob than when half the folks who'd make it up haven't rightly got their heads straight?

For that matter, if you don't mean much of anything with your vote, why cast it somewhere someone else already did?  It doesn't do any good at all and it can do plenty of harm, if folks forget when and how those first two votes slipped on.

It may well be nothing - why, it probably is, this early - but it's more of a something than anything else I've seen so far.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2010, 11:41:24 PM »
"Ain't anythin' like that 'loiterers 'n' locals' shit, Peyton. I used to make my livin' off tourists, and I'm one of the first friendly faces travelers see here; wasn't I one o'the first to meet you too? Seamus ain't a local any more 'n' Hellsnake, but Seamus ain't the one makin' random accusations about people he doesn't even know! Ain't nothin' more suspicious'n someone who makes an accusation without evidence. Which, ya know, makes you pretty damn suspicious yourself. 's why you've got Greaves here wondering about ya."

Turning to the journalist on that final note, Ty reminded the man, with a friendly nod, "We're all a lil' tense here, Nathan. I think Peyton's just tenser'n most cuz he's worried he'll be suspected just on account of being new in town. I don't think that's reason to suspect the man."

He leaned against the nearest wall with a tired sigh, eying curiously the only person he could be (reasonably) certain was innocent. "So, let's get some reasons, then. The Sheriff tells us Jon had a fancy dagger in his back at the Order's lodge. You all know I don't really get much about the Order, so any of ya who do wanna tell me if that dagger's something the Order has lying around the place? If not...well, I gotta suggest that anyone who's willing to throw away that kinda money leaving an expensive dagger at the corpse might be...pretty rich." He motioned towards the salesman Jack had initially addressed in his (likely feigned) drunken rage.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2010, 11:41:38 PM »

William Hellsnake [2]: Ethan Hayles, Ty Callahan (Eternal Lurker)
Nikolai Kolmogorov [1]: Sam Hargreaves
Kyle Handley [1]: Jack Daniels
Seamus O'Malley [1]: Bill Hellsnake
Pietro [1]: Ronald Dale (Bardiche)
Ronald Dale (Bardiche) [ 0]: Peyton Hadley,
Ty Callahan (Eternal Lurker) [1]: Peyton Hadley
Peyton Hadley [1]: Nathan Greaves

There's ~66 hours left in the day.  With 15 investigators, it takes 8 to lynch.

EDIT: I am an idiot.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 12:07:34 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2010, 11:54:05 PM »
::Peyton is NINJA'd (Bloody Tongue'd?) by Tyrone Callahan::

Maybe it's the hooch, or maybe I'm just breaking role, but what in god's name does that mean?

I'd appreciate it if this nonsense were made more clear.

::The Cult of the Bloody Tongue is an African cult dedicated to Nyarlathotep in Call of Cthulhu.  In the beginning of the famous adventure Masks of Nyarlathotep, members of the cult sneak into an NPC's apartment and murder him - like ninjas.

I couldn't think of a more appropriate Mythos-specific term for being ninja'd, but suspect one exists.

Dimensional Shambler'd, perhaps?::

(Ah.  Thought it was some role-related thing.  That makes sense, thanks for clearing it up.  A more in-character post to come when I'm less in dire need of a nap.)

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2010, 12:08:34 AM »
He leaned against the nearest wall with a tired sigh, eying curiously the only person he could be (reasonably) certain was innocent. "So, let's get some reasons, then. The Sheriff tells us Jon had a fancy dagger in his back at the Order's lodge. You all know I don't really get much about the Order, so any of ya who do wanna tell me if that dagger's something the Order has lying around the place? If not...well, I gotta suggest that anyone who's willing to throw away that kinda money leaving an expensive dagger at the corpse might be...pretty rich." He motioned towards the salesman Jack had initially addressed in his (likely feigned) drunken rage.

"Well, well, now there's an odd accusation if ever I heard one! You might even call it a rich accusation! And if you believe it, well, I've got a bridge I can sell ya!" Haw haw. "Don't let the clothes fool you, my good man. I'm a travelling salesman for good reason. Gotta stay on the move if I'm to keep my stomach full and debts paid, after all! Haven't the time to invest in such fruitless endevours like murder. Dirty, ugly business, murder. Wholly bad for sales of any kind."


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2010, 12:22:59 AM »
"Hey, I ain't sayin' it's gotta be you, and I don't think it is, neither." Ty raised his hands apologetically. "I'm just trying to figure out what evidence we've got here, and it's damn near none says the Sheriff. And instead of facts'n ideas, all I'm hearin' is people whining they don't like each other. So how's about we get some thought outta people here, like Peyton asks?"

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #21 on: April 18, 2010, 12:30:44 AM »
... Pop's gone. 

I still can't really believe it. 

Well... well dang, man.  Dang. 

Chad, finally speaking up, walks over behind Mr. Callahan and Mr. Hayles and matches their glare towards Bill Hellsnake.

##Vote: Bill Hellsnake

I ain't got nothin on nobody yet but might as well start somewhere.  Whatcha talkin' about saying kids shouldn't get involved?  You tryin to tell me to go home when someone killed my Pop?

Asuka Langley

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Diamond Pepper Club
« Reply #22 on: April 18, 2010, 01:03:24 AM »
Yeah, I was fishing out up near the lodge last night. Silver Lake's been getting quiet of late and a change of scenery never hurt no one. I didn't see nothing out of the usual, unless you count those garpikes. We've been getting swarms of the buggers up here lately, and you don't want to be confusing them with sturgeons any time fast, oh no.

Now, if you ask me what I might have heard, then maybe I can be a little more helpful. Chanting. Out back somewhere near the lodge. Didn't pay it no mind at the time. Leave your neighbor be, right? That and I'd just got the line stuck in a tree again, but then that's what I get for mouthing off about Silver Lake. Anyway, I'm thinking now it must have been them that did the poor guy in. Weren't many of them. Must've only heard about two or three of them chanting.

Maybe this'll end nice and easy like and you can let me go back to check on the lake soon, but if I were guessin' the sort to be in this business, it'd have to be long time locals, several generations down most like. All traditional values like, and doing well for theirselves. Yeah, I reckon someone like you.

##Vote: Tyrone Callahan (Eternal Lurker)


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #23 on: April 18, 2010, 02:00:14 AM »
A burst of laughter cut off the fisherman's smug accusation. "I'm inclined to believe yer story, Bike, since it means I'm the last suspect on yer list. I wasn't even born in Marbury myself. Neither were you, right? Doesn't surprise me, then, that you're so detailed to make sure ya ain't a suspect. Frankly, I don't believe a word o'what ye just made up to cover yer own ass."

##Vote cancel: Bill Hellsnake
##New vote: Moses Bike

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #24 on: April 18, 2010, 02:12:32 AM »
* Bill Hellsnake casually leans against the nearest wall

Hmph. Trapped in a room of windbags. Just what I need.

##Unvote: Seamus O'Malley
* Bill Hellsnake spits into the nearby trash bin, then begins pointing at Chad Hutchins

I don't like you making them fingers into a triangle of suspicion, boy, but I figure Ty's got the right idea here, even if he's a li'l hot blooded. Reasons, motive, who was where, who has what. Like was mentioned, Sheriff found a real fancy dagger in 'is back, and tracks comin' out to the inn.
...come to think of it, how well off was y'r pa, boy?
* Bill Hellsnake looks over at the ruckus between Ty and Moses, smirking

Ha, well ain't this just dandy? Looks like there's a contradiction somewhere between the two of ya'. The ol' man is accusin' you of the murder, Ty, yet you say his theory puts you last on 'is list. Not only that, but weren't you complainin' jus' yesterday about how your business is goin' under, thanks to them automobiles? Don't think you're too well off f'r y'rself if that's the case. This sure is one fine piece of wood to add to the fire.
* Bill Hellsnake walks over to the door