Author Topic: Cthulu Mafia - TOWN (drunk) WIN, MADNESS SOMEWHAT AVERTED  (Read 95249 times)

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #25 on: April 18, 2010, 02:37:46 AM »
If it's fire yer needin', I think I might got some spare with me. The unsold stock from th'market, an' all that.

Then again, don't think we be needin' any more fuel in all this now, hunh?
* Ethan Hayles eyes Ty and 'Snake, looking side to side between them.
How about we move on from them's fightin' and try to get down to workin' out what's what here, like Ron done before. I ain't likin' the look of his thinkin' though. I ain't really a people's person an' all, but I know a thing or two about sales from them markets, and pickin' at ol' Kyle and Pietro for jus' introducin' themselfs, jus' bad practice, y'know? Seems like he's just blowin' a joke(phase) outta proportion here, and I 'appen to like my jokes.

##Unvote, Vote: Ronald Dale (Bardiche)

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #26 on: April 18, 2010, 03:44:07 AM »
Well off?  Not very, after payin for Ma's funeral, rest her soul.  Ain't nobody gonna kill Pop for money, unless t'were the coroner gettin a taste for more.  ... sorry, I'm a little out of sorts right now.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #27 on: April 18, 2010, 03:55:36 AM »
Hellsnake, I do have ta say, that's a pretty lot o' words fer precious little gain.

Though, good Mr. Moses.  That's a most curious tale ye be tellin'.  That ye happen to hear, all convenient like this odd chantin', right before lettin us know that ye don't know ye neighbours at all.  'Tis a troublin' thing, and not one I be keen on lettin' slide.

##Vote: Moses Bike

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #28 on: April 18, 2010, 04:20:44 AM »
What c'n I say? I don't like to deal with this shady business unless I have myself a cool drink in my hands, or a bounty to go after. And now that things have gotten interestin', I'm willin' to forego the bounty in favor of a nice drink. 'sides, not much to go on here until we get a li'l more from both parties.
* Bill Hellsnake leans back against the wall, smirking

Well, gentlemen?


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #29 on: April 18, 2010, 04:34:45 AM »

William Hellsnake [1]: Ethan Hayles, Ty Callahan (Eternal Lurker), Chad Hutchins
Nikolai Kolmogorov [1]: Sam Hargreaves
Kyle Handley [1]: Jack Daniels
Seamus O'Malley (Excal) [ 0]: Bill Hellsnake
Pietro [1]: Ronald Dale (Bardiche)
Ronald Dale (Bardiche) [1]: Peyton Hadley, Ethan Hayles
Ty Callahan (Eternal Lurker) [2]: Peyton Hadley, Moses Bike
Peyton Hadley [1]: Nathan Greaves
Moses Bike [2]: Ty Callahan (Eternal Lurker), Seamus O'Malley (Excal)

There's ~60 hours left in the day.  With 15 investigators, it takes 8 to lynch.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 04:48:32 PM by SnowFire »

Asuka Langley

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Parade Melody Pudding
« Reply #30 on: April 18, 2010, 12:34:36 PM »
Spring cleaning here today, which will keep me busy for most of the day. Role play can come back then, but I don't have the time now to work out how to role play this stuff.

Joke vote target reveals non-intuitive information that wasn't previously public knowledge that contradicts the nature of the joke vote. Gain two votes for contradiction and flavour text. Oh okay. Yeah, I love that. I'd care more if it weren't so early in day 1, but I will not be happy if carpet pulling on information people 'should' know carries far into the game.

I mentioned the chanting and such because the game needed a good reason to actually turn this into a game of mafia rather than just looking for one culprit. This information was actually in my role PM, but apparently I even cocked that up. Turns out that I was fishing near the lodge two weeks ago when I heard the chanting and a scream, which strongly implies there was some other NPC death back then that was covered up. I figured it was scum given the oddly precise-yet-vague mention of the chanting being '2-3 people', but I guess given the theme it could be the dark secret of some cultists who aren't scum. Either way it's irrelevant to the greater game, and just more flavour to play with.

Oh, and Snowfire was kind and said that to cover this miscommunication I did also hear the chanting and a scream last night as well as two weeks ago, which I suppose does imply that both were scum events as much as it matters, but eh. Maybe I was supposed to keep these cards close to my chest or something, but I didn't see any point in withholding it.

And while I'm breaking character I should explain the background a little so people don't make presumptions and fall into traps like I've unwittingly managed to do. The main thing is that Moses is someone who has retired and spends most of his time now fishing, rather than someone who was a fisherman and has now retired. He's probably been in Marbury for a year or two now, though intends to spend his retirement travelling to several large lakes, not just Silver Lake. American born and bred, the only other thing that's possibly relevant is that he's come here from Arkham, so I imagine he has the smell of the city on him or something.


In terms of the actual game so far, my vote on Tyrone / EL is now serious, for what appears to be a secondary joke vote that is also bogglingly OMGUS. Either that or there was actually serious intent behind it regarding flavour text. In either case lol wut. Especially when it's his other accuser Peyton who made a serious vote on him for an arbitrary null tell (sorry Peyton, but a second joke vote on the same person is about as meaningful as the first one) and just gets a pat on the back for it. Not exactly the strongest of cases, but I'll take it at this point in day 1.

Hellsnake takes the silver medal at this point. I'm willing - and I bet everyone else is as well - to make huge allowances for flavour and role play making posts longer, entire dialogues that are 'pointless' and so on. That's great fun and all, and excuses plenty that would have been flagged up already in other games. But. But but but. Hellsnake has already managed to hit cruise control on the far side of joke allowances. Nothing actually said other than cheerleading the first seemingly real fissure. Combine that with removing the joke vote without actually putting it back anywhere (the emerging cases may be crap, but that's like the whole point of the start of day 1, come on) and a call for more participation this early (although not the only one, Tyrone) and he's on course for a scumtastic day. Only silver because it's Mage. Please don't kill me for player-meta.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #31 on: April 18, 2010, 05:32:41 PM »
Well then Mr. O'Malley, that doesn't sound like a whole lot of evidence. Looks a bit odd to be poking at one guy then voting another. Moses Bike is looking frazzled for sure, but I aint got no idea if he's an honest man or not. But I don't much like your remark there.
So then O'Malley, why do you find it so hard to believe?
##Vote Seamus O'Malley Since I aint put any names down yet, and that's what a good citizen ought to do.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #32 on: April 18, 2010, 05:55:19 PM »
Hmph. I'm not likin' you accusing me of something because I'm not jumpin' the gun, old man. I thought I made myself perfectly clear that I'm lookin' at both you and Ty. I just don't know enough to decide which one I like worse; not yet. The kid's also raised my suspicions ((Ty = Moses > Chad > Everyone else)), but not as much as you two. Now if you'll excuse me, I do believe we have one more side of the story to hear before we go gung-ho.

Non-roleplay: I suspect both of you equally. There's no reason for me to put down a vote on one of you willy-nilly when it could easily just get flipped to the other after the stories came around. Besides, I haven't exactly hit cruise-control when I've called you two out on your stories; I've thrown myself into the middle of that, and I'm ok with that, because I figure it's important. AKA: I'm taking it slow and letting people, y'know, explain themselves before I throw them into the fire. We get absolutely NOTHING from just blindly accusing others. (Outside of the joke vote phase, that is)


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #33 on: April 18, 2010, 08:28:15 PM »
I agree, my reasons are scant.  But there be naught here that has reasons to truly cause alarm, save the fact that at least one man here did do bloody murder.  My thoughts for Mr. Bike might be that he simply told the tale afore any others could tell it, that he would then have it told his way.  As for poking at one man and voting another, as uncertain as I am, digging around a bit is a good thing to do.

But, I'm thinking that despite my mama always saying that if a boy looks as guilty as all that, he's done something even if it's not the thing ye be sayin' he did, that I'll be taking my attention from Mr. Bike.  Mr. Hellsnake, I understand that ye think yer a fine upstanding member of the establishment fer deigning to take note that these two gents are not on the best of terms.

The funny thing bein' that yer issue with the Hutchinson boy is that he's doin' the same thing ye are. Or at least, tha' he did it once.  Namely, notin' two folks pickin' a fight wit each other, and then offerin' nae else but the notice.  Cept, while he did it once and moved on tae other things.  Ye've made it a point o' pride tha' ye've noted them, and ye'll move nae an inch until they've solved it tae yer satisfaction.  And tae make matters worse, ye also demand they do so with details that be more the province of the good constable, with the specifics of time and place.

##Unvote: Bike, ##Vote: Hellsnake

While I may have some misgivin's about tha old man, at least they're jus misgivins.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #34 on: April 18, 2010, 08:49:38 PM »
((1. Busy here too until tomorrow, so quick paragraph-by-paragraph OoC responses to Bike's post ensue:

2. I do apologize for what may have seemed like an asspull. Apparently I forgot to mention in my public bio that his parents are new to Marbury despite having discussed it with SnowFire via forum and IRC PMs, and I assumed you just hadn't read carefully enough due to not caring about what people here seem to call the joke vote phase. Entirely my fault, silly me.

3. I can't comment on what you mentioned about the role PM because when you say it in an OoC post it's hard to know if you're using that as cover to pretend you've gotta be telling the truth, and SnowFire certainly wouldn't want to say anything about it one way or the other.

4. Same thing here.

5. I guess I'll do the same for Ty: he moved into Marbury in his early teens, got a job working for the kind, familyless old man who owned the stable, and took over it for him when the latter was in poor health and died a few months later, about nine years ago. Bike being so new in town (a couple years, you say), I find it strange that he'd presume to know much about the families of town residents, doubly so for the person whose bio makes him out to be a fairly secretive loner, and it's not at all strange that he'd be wrong in making a guess based on what a frightened Peyton portrayed as Ty's supposed distrust of newcomers. Therefore, I don't think anything OoC has happened yet on anyone's part.


6. It _was_ flavor. As for Peyton, Ty tends to be fairly polite and helpful to newcomers; when the White Mountains were open tourists and hikers were part of his income, so it's a habit.

7. So asking for participation from others makes me more likely to be mafia? You confuse me.))

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #35 on: April 18, 2010, 09:00:25 PM »
Well this is a fine mess!  If I'm inclined to believe Mr. Bike, we're not looking for one murderer but a band of 'em.  That business about chanting, and a ceremonial dagger in a man's back?

::Peyton's eyes flick around as though he expects further trouble... or, perhaps, remembers troubles gone by.::

Gentlemen, we ain't dead yet, and this world still looks something like sane.  If you'll forgive my saying so, I'm inclined to believe that means that whatever happened out there, ain't done.  Whoever did this, ain't finished.  We may have more than justice calling us to action - may be our lives are at stake here, and maybe more lives than ours.

So lets get our cards on the table and our acts together, and find who - or what - did this thing.  Before it does it to us.

Mr. Kolmogorov still hasn't put in his piece yet, and I'd like to hear from him before I start throwing around any accusations.  Now I mention it, has anyone seen that Russkie?  I didn't much care for picking him out early, but to not even respond to being called a murderer?  Either the man's got Siberian ice in his veins or he'd rather not have it tested.

::Peyton frowns and looks around the room, seeing no sign of the Russian Kolmogorov.::

Still, no use crying over folks who ain't here, when them who are do themselves no favors at all.  All I see is gentlemen shooting their gums without anything to go by, unless we're inclined to believe Mr. Bike or inclined to believe he's lying.

Let's all calm down and lay out the facts of the case, before we hie off any further in ways we can't know are right or wrong.  I'm not inclined to see an innocent man hanged, especially when there's plenty of reason to suspect we'll be dying off soon enough without our doing a thing:

((Out of character: Running out of time here.  I'm going to be gone the rest of the afternoon and possibly into the evening.  Will hopefully post more tonight, more in character.

Ty Callahan: I'm leaving my vote here because, well, no other case looks *better* yet and I don't feel like I understand his arguments, such as they are.  In particular, I'm weirded out by his referencing *me* in his post here:

"Hey, I ain't sayin' it's gotta be you, and I don't think it is, neither." Ty raised his hands apologetically. "I'm just trying to figure out what evidence we've got here, and it's damn near none says the Sheriff. And instead of facts'n ideas, all I'm hearin' is people whining they don't like each other. So how's about we get some thought outta people here, like Peyton asks?"

Attacks on Bike feel entirely flavor-driven so far, but on the flip side, pretty much all he's provided is flavor despite a lot of posts - including, oddly enough, his post explaining his previous posts.  Since I wasn't suspicious of him to begin with, a post explaining why I shouldn't be suspicious actually makes me more than I was.

Overall, I feel like the heavy flavor makes it very hard to differentiate between what's "in character" and what's actual Mafia play.))

::Peyton is dimensonal shambler'd by the very man he's accusing.::

((Still OOC for speed's sake.

I can sort of see what you're saying here, EL/Ty, but polite or not your referencing me still feels off.

My background, real quick:

Peyton is an out of towner, a washed-up off-broadway actor who became involved with investigating the Mythos through a certain infamous play.  He came to Marbury specifically to investigate rumors of occult activity.))

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #36 on: April 18, 2010, 09:10:03 PM »
Hmph. And this is why kids ain't supposed to get mixed up in these things. Too hot-blooded t' tell up from down.
* Bill Hellsnake glares at Seamus

Why don't ya' take a minute to think things through, kid. Nothin' odd stands out to ya' about th'other kid's actions? 'sides, what you said ain't what he said, or why I got an issue with him. If'n ya' really want t' know why I got m'eye on th'other kid, it's 'cause he threw a third vote on me 'fore I could even get ma' head on straight, and when it obviously wasn't such a great idea. ((Third vote on me, obviously supposed to be a jokevote, jokevote phase had ended before it happened, and somebody had already gotten called out for being the second vote on the train.)) How's that fer suspicious?
* Bill Hellsnake begins smiling softly, scratching his chin

Now, what I do find interestin' is that you call me out for ma' reason behind suspectin' th'other kid, when... I hadn't given one. Closest thing I had was askin' 'bout their financial woes. I also be findin' it interestin' that ya' give the kid more credit than he's due. If I'm not mistakin', he has yet to contribute more than a small bit of vengeance on yer behalf, ((Jokevote)) and a quick apology without removin' me from his ballot. This buddyin' up don't sit well with me. Don't sit well at all...

##Vote: Seamus O'Malley (Because active deception is worse than passive, IMHO)


Ahh, glad t' see Ty's found his voice again. Unfortunately, it sounds like the whole mess was just one big ol' misunderstanding. *Though this does bring us to the conclusion that there must be more than just one person we be lookin' for. Hmm... gonna have t' chew on this one fer a spell.

* Entirely flavour, after this point.

Blagh, another ninja. Gonna respond to this OoC, so I can MAYBE get my thoughts out before the day ends...
Yeah, personally, I'm seeing the buddy system of Seamus and Chad to be more suspicious.

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #37 on: April 18, 2010, 09:51:20 PM »
Callahan, askin' th' other folks t' speak up this quick's jus' windblowin', an' tha's th' act 'f a man's got somethin' t' hide. There's plenty time f'reach man t' speak 's piece ere sundown, so 's better t' turn our ears to those's are speakin'. 'Specially if they's lips're movin', but t'aint but nawt comin' out.

Handley, I knows you's from outta town, but y' got's t' be 'bit more... reasonin' 'bout this. Y've spoken up twice, and I realises y'were nervous those fir's few hours, but there was more'n'nuff time t' think an' put a name down, and y' didn't mention any but y'rown.

Snake makes a point, Callahan's been a mite bit hypocritical in what he's goin' after th' fisherman for. 'S a tiny thing, mos' likely nothin', but 't's the first thing I's heard all day that was actually sorta... insightful, like. So wha's O'Malley doin' goin' after him fer 'at? An' bein' kinda' indecisive 'bout 't, not that snake's been too hot on that side've thin's either. But I can fergive 'im a little nervousness this early. An' yer stuff 'bout Snake bein' too pleased with 'isself simply ain't addin' up.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Seamus O'MalleyRusskie's run off, 'opefully fer good. Don' think I won' have my eye on 'im if we's sees 'is face agin.

Hadley's caught me on the hop like, an' so's the Snake 'isself. I'll be readin' they's pieces next.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #38 on: April 18, 2010, 10:28:37 PM »

William Hellsnake [2]: Ethan Hayles, Ty Callahan (Eternal Lurker), Chad Hutchins, Seamus O'Malley (Excal)
Nikolai Kolmogorov [ 0]: Sam Hargreaves
Kyle Handley [1]: Jack Daniels
Seamus O'Malley (Excal) [3]: Bill Hellsnake, Pietro, Bill Hellsnake, Sam Hargreaves
Pietro [1]: Ronald Dale (Bardiche)
Ronald Dale (Bardiche) [1]: Peyton Hadley, Ethan Hayles
Ty Callahan (Eternal Lurker) [2]: Peyton Hadley, Moses Bike
Peyton Hadley [1]: Nathan Greaves
Moses Bike [1]: Ty Callahan (Eternal Lurker), Seamus O'Malley (Excal)

No votes placed: Nikolai Kolmogorov, Martin Andrews

There's ~44 hours left in the day.  With 15 investigators, it takes 8 to lynch.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2010, 12:49:31 AM by SnowFire »

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #39 on: April 18, 2010, 10:39:23 PM »
"Well, things are getting a lot more talkative around here. This is gonna be hell to keep up with - they're coming up with all sortsa gadgets to record speech now, dictaphones and things. Sometimes I wish you could fit 'em in one hand, but that's crazy talk."

Nathan has to make do with taking scribbled notes of the discussion as it unfolds. After a few minutes of writing, he looks up into the crowd.

"So, the farmer boy presses the old man for his story, and then switches onto the first decent looking case he can find? That feels awfully shifty, but if what Bike says is true we're dealing with more than one guy here."

He looks toward Hutchins.

"Not to speak ill of the dead, pal, but you were the third guy to jump on Hellsnake. The way he backed you up like a chainsaw doesn't reflect too well on you, either, and that's before we get to the fact you were pushin' for him before the old man and the Russian even spoke up. It's good journalistic policy to make sure everyone gets a say, and you seemed to go outta your way to start real heavy discussion before that could happen."

##Unvote, Vote: Chad Hutchins

"Callahan is speaking a lot but not saying much I could really publish. Not enough content, sorta fluffy, like a really crappy souffle. And where is that Russian, anyway?"

After finishing his point, Nathan gets back to scribbling, murmuring to himself.

"...Dammit. The lead I got said there was only one criminal hiding in Marbury...what the hell have I managed to walk in on?"

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #40 on: April 18, 2010, 10:41:40 PM »
EBWOP OOC: Before I get grilled on it, yes, that's why Nathan came to Marbury. Looking for a scoop on a wanted fugitive who apparently snuck into this quiet little place.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #41 on: April 18, 2010, 11:41:42 PM »
* Jack Daniels stands up, a little more steady, a little more sober. 

"Right now the lot of us ain't doin' much but pissin' on krauts.  *Hic.*  I ain't one to trust nobody from outside Marbury, but I reckon that this ain't got nothin' to do with it.  We got a buncha loudmouths bickerin' and blowin things out of proportion, a few of us that ain't contributed much a tall, self included, and a few folks who done sat back and kept quiet."
* Jack Daniels takes a swig of the hooch and wipes it from his beard.

"Now, which group's the most suspicious?  On the one hand, whoever done the crime knows damn well to keep quiet and let others draw attention to themselves, avoidin' the axe tonight and maybe tomorrah since us good natured folk won't have much to put again'em 'cept their silence.  With that in mind I think Martin and Nick-o-lai best start contributin' somethin'.  We got a lot o' daylight left but the bottle's only gonna get emptier."

He moves over to Chad and places his hand on the boy's shoulder.  "This goes for you too, sonny.  Yer pa was a good man and I know it's hard on ya, losin' him so soon after yer ma, but the best way to take care of this is to start helpin' with the investigation.  Mopin' about never did no good for nobody," he says, not without a twinge of self aware irony.

"Pietro, you ain't said much since tellin' me to back off on Kyle.  F'give me if this means I start associatin' the two of you as compadres until you speak up some."

"The only one I'm inclined to believe at this point is ol' Moses.  His story's detailed and, I don't think enough of his imagination to make somethin' like that up.  The contradiction's a small thing, and hell, I know enough that the memory confuses things.  Now maybe that contradiction'll play a bigger role once we got more to go on, but right now I'll let it slide."

Another drink.  "Don't think this means I trust yeh.  I just ain't got enough to jump on yeh yet, and I ain't so drunk as to start another fight jes yet."

He belches, and stumbles, using Chad to hold himself upright.  "Nah, on the other hand?  Maybe the criminals know the game.  Maybe they been through this so many times they dun picked up some tricks, tryin' to obfuscate folk's suspicions.  Seems to me the Hellsnake just got caught up in it all, and the boys kickin' up dust the most ah slightly more suspicious.  Three votes on a man ain't so close to a majoritah that we need to be makin' a mountain out of a molehill jus' yet."

"I ain't movin' my vote jus' yet, made in drunken instinct though it may be.  Plenty of booze left afore last call, and I'm so suspicious of all y'all that my (joke)vote ain't no worse a choice than anythin' else."


tl;dr: Lurkers, speak up.  We've got plenty of time and just started, so maybe Imm and Shale just haven't had time to check in yet.  Another day or two and I'll get more LAL on people, though.  For the people posting content, I'm frankly more suspicious of the people jumping on multiple people voting for the same person than the people who did the voting.  We're nowhere near hammer time yet.  Not even half way there on votes.  Sheesh.

Right now, Alex seems the most suspicious to me, though, since he posts without saying much and may likely be using his character's flavor to lay low.

As an aside, I would REALLY REALLY appreciate it if those who haven't made a separate account for this do so soon.  It's rather hard to keep things organized for me when people are referring to Seamus while the username is Excal, etc.  I know Snowfire said it was optional but given the flavor-heavy nature of this game, it will help a lot if I can just look at the SN and see whose post I'm reading instead of having to flip back to page 1 to see WTF Excal's character is.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #42 on: April 19, 2010, 12:29:26 AM »
OOC again: I'm realising my case on Chad is sort of incomprehensible given that I tried too hard to write it in flavour. Apologies, and making it clear in plain English:

Chad looks bad for dropping the third vote on Hellsnake before Moses and Russian-Whose-Name-I-Can't-Remember-Right-Now got a chance to talk. In addition, Seamus went for a Chainsaw Defence in attacking Hellsnake after Snake suggested Chad as a suspect.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #43 on: April 19, 2010, 12:31:29 AM »
EBWOP OOC again: Gah, and apparently I was losing track of everyone's occupations as well by calling Seamus/Excal 'farmer boy'. 14 new names and occupations to learn is hard. (Except Jack Daniels, for obvious reasons. :V)

That should be just about it for my babbling. Apologies for using 4 posts where I should have used one.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #44 on: April 19, 2010, 12:45:24 AM »
OOC because I'm trying to write a Japanese presentation at the same time and can't be arsed to flavour it up:  Egh, that just doesn't strike me as good scum play, though.  Keep in mind, scum are working together, and they KNOW we're going to be drooling over any chance to lynch with a reason.  If Alex/Chad IS scum, then this was a really terrible maneuver because it draws too much attention to him.  Keep in mind we're also NOWHERE NEAR HAMMER TIME. 

I'm suspicious of Chad because of the lack of content in his posts, and perhaps it really just is poor scum play.  At the same time I'm growing more suspicious of you, Nathan, since harping on a third vote like that smells of scum trying to act like town.  Now if Chad had added his vote bringing Hellsnake close to the hammer, then I wouldn't think this way.

Before I change my vote I'm going to wait for Chadalex to post something content-heavy, since at this point it is the crux of whether or not I find him more suspicious than you.  Either moves could be scummy right now, but we've got plenty of time to wait as it is.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #45 on: April 19, 2010, 12:46:55 AM »
((Made one right at the beginning, kept forgetting to post with it. Sorry 'bout that. Hopefully I'll remember from here on out.))

"All o'ya jumping on Seamus here don't strike me as havin' very good reasons," Ty growled, glaring in particular at Pietro. "Giovanni, you especially ain't makin' any sense. So Seamus makes a good point 'bout what Bike says, and you accuse him o'murder just cuz ya think it wasn't a good enough point? An' Sam, too. You two...frankly, you two look like yer trying to cover fer Bike. An' that worries me. Iunno about everyone else, but it sure worries me."

He smirked wryly at the self-proclaimed bounty hunter. "Hellsnake o'course is just accusing Seamus cuz Seamus suspects him, and I c'n understand that even if I don't like it. But you two...ya better not be in cahoots with Bike, trying to support his story so's ya can make people in the Order look suspicious, or somethin' like that. Cuz tha's sure's hell what it looks like t'me. 'Less we get someone else who heard what he did, that just seems way too convenient for th'old man's mem'ry to perk up so well around that story, so the two o'ya believin' it so easily 'n' calling Seamus out for bein' rightfully skeptical...doesn't sit right wi'me. Not at all."

((Dunno how old Moses Bike actually is, but Callahan's under 30 -- 28 at the moment -- so if Bike's of retiring age Tyrone'll consider him old.))

Tron Bonne

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #46 on: April 19, 2010, 01:02:21 AM »
((Apologies for the double-post...For the record, this means my current suspicions on a 1-10 scale, where 5 is complete indifference, are
Bike: 9
Giovanni: 7
Sam: 6
Hellsnake: 5.5
Seamus: 5

Also of note:
Daniels: 7, feigning drunkenness is an easy coverup for distracting accusations and someone who's _really_ drunk so often can do it well
Nathan: 4
Chad: Iunno, pretty high
People who haven't posted yet: rising rapidly))

Asuka Langley

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« Reply #47 on: April 19, 2010, 01:18:43 AM »
Mr. Hellsnake - if that is your real name - I've tried to cut you some slack. New in town at a bad time, and confused at strange customs. But when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Here in Marbury we protect ourselves with pure democracy. Maybe you feel safe with your guns and fancy knives and trained attack snakes, but you're as safe as a turd on a stick here if you don't unsheathe your vote. No one's expecting your hands to be around someone's neck this early, but if'n we can't see you pointing fingers because they're stuck up your ass then we're all in for a load. All I can see from you is gas - all talk and no action. Not sure I'd expect that from a bounty hunter.

I'd let it all slide, but then you came back, defended your quite frankly socialist ideas and kept your finger up your ass despite professing such oddly precise opinions. A comedy of errors for sure, but it's gone too far to blind myself to it.

##Unvote: Tyrone Callahan (Eternal Lurker)
##Vote: William Hellsnake

And now that Seamus wants his hands round your neck your hand is forced in that direction? Color me unsurprised. Color me unimpressed with the bluster itself. At worst I think Seamus misheard you when you said:

I don't like you making them fingers into a triangle of suspicion, boy,

To poor young Chad. Don't think it matters much when it was to point out how you've been sitting on your hands all that time. Call me cynical that you just so happened to fall in against the man who was pointing most strongly against you after holding off for so long.

I'm hearing some voices out against Chad for his vote of Mr. Hellsnake made out of pure emotion at the start. The third for the bounty hunter. This is no sign of guilt, friends. No more than the first or second.  (and come on guys, this is Alex. He pulls this sort of weird shit all of the time on both sides of the game)

Tyrone, I can't say I'm not uneasy with the vote based solely on not knowing my neighbors well enough. What can I say, can't blame me for assuming that stable master would be passed from father to son for generations. You know, maybe I'd feel better about the whole thing as some sort of miscommunication pie, but I'm looking at you now and you're still pointin' at me. Some sort of testimony that can't be proven either way (you're right there, by the design of the game I could have made the PM stuff up, but it's game mechanically irrelevant and was just intended to get flavour going down the right path), and now because you think people might be covering my tracks? Son, you're sounding awfully paranoid. I've heard my share of conspiracy theories - some of them even true - but this is grade A delusion right here. Now, we're all entitled to our opinions here even if they're wrong, but I'm thinking yours is going unjustified at this point, especially with the angry motioning at Giovanni. I mean, is my memory quite so murderous that it's worth your vote more than things that you seem to care about like that?

(oh, and calling for more participation is a minorly scum-leaning action. It's a completely meaningless action, especially quite so early on when some people just plain haven't seen the game's started yet. Basically it lets someone look active without actually doing anything or helping town at all)

More in a bit to look at the paths less travelled.

Oh, and there you are again, Tyrone. My, that's a lovely high score you have for me there on the back of something you haven't actually supported. You're awfully laid back for someone who's also somehow quite so sure of someone's guilt as early as this. Can't say I see you actually trying to pass the case on to anyone else.

Come now, I've only just moved over to Mr. Hellsnake. Don't make this choice look like folly quite so quickly by inflating a case full of nothing like this.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #48 on: April 19, 2010, 01:29:01 AM »
OOC once again:

Re: Ty: That's so meaningless I don't know what to say.  I know the DL is filled with people with hardons for math, but do we really need to quantify suspicions in numbers in order to understand each other?

As for feigning drunkenness... well, no shit sherlock.  It's flavor.  In the one content-heavy post I've made I even did an OOC/tl;dr summary just in case my in-character analysis was too opaque for people to understand.  Hell, my last post wasn't even in character.  Unless you have anything else aside from character flavor to harp on, I'm not too sure I understand your suspicion of me. 

I got ninja'd by Xanth but I don't have much to comment on his post at this time, so.... uh. Yeah.

Asuka Langley

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« Reply #49 on: April 19, 2010, 01:32:06 AM »
Jack: It's because you said something nice about me at some point. The conspiracy theory is easy to follow at the moment. It could do with aliens or a giant fish monster for a twist at the end, though.