
Author Topic: Cthulu Mafia - TOWN (drunk) WIN, MADNESS SOMEWHAT AVERTED  (Read 84361 times)

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #50 on: April 19, 2010, 01:58:31 AM »
##Vote: Moses Bike

I really, really, REALLY did NOT want to break character this early, but... goddamn.

You know, I'm confused here. How are you (Bike) getting away with probably almost directly quoting your role PM to us? Why do it anyway? Because you're lazy and don't want to put the effort in to roleplay properly? Is it that hard to say that in character? I get you would probably want to be as clear as possible to avoid possible misinterpretation (you said as much as well), but it almost seems like you're invoking the name of the GM as not to arouse suspicion purposefully. And you also go after anyone who is roleplaying pretty much at all, which... just seems heavyhanded at this point. People can RP and still play seriously.

Pray tell, why should we take your backstory at face value? Because if we do, then there is no possible way you could be scum. So you're either seriously pulling one over on us, or you're just short of pulling an Otter. Either way, I'm fine with my vote. Especially for Day 1.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #51 on: April 19, 2010, 02:06:30 AM »
As for feigning drunkenness... well, no shit sherlock.  It's flavor.
((You misunderstand. I was saying that the drunkenness was faked by your character to cover up the lack of evidence for your baseless accusation. As for the numbers, I just think in numbers so I wrote what I thought; wasn't trying to complicate or oversimplify things for anyone else. Sorry if I did either for you.

And yeah, Sopko basically sums up my issues with Bike that I mentioned in my first OoC post.))

Asuka Langley

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« Reply #52 on: April 19, 2010, 02:13:35 AM »
That being said, Jack, while I like much of what I'm hearing, I can't say I like your position, for much the same I had to lecture the Hellfish about. If you don't like the cut of Nathan right now, then vote for him now. If you think Chad might breakdown and confess later, then vote for him later. With positive thinking like that, I might as well hold my vote off until someone shows me their bloodstained clothes and pleads for a merciful death. That way I'd know my vote was in the right place down the line, right? Delaying's going to do Marbury no favors. (what do you expect to happen? Alex might post something terrible and trip up now? Really? Because I'd bet that this may as well be a delayed vote for Nathan)

Nathan, can't say you'll find prying eyes welcome here, but you speak of this fugitive like it's the sixth trout of the day. My man, is this fugitive dangerous? A threat to the community we should be on the lookout for? You would do us better service with this, it would seem, as I see nothing wrong with poor Chad's vote for the Hellcat. No law of three out here, you'll find.


Oh, hey there Sopko.

Don't get why you're so up in arms. It's a flavour heavy game where it's been stated incredibly clearly that anything and everything can be faked so that people can't read into flavour that way (pretty sure Snowfire said he'd even help some fake stuff on request). Not sure how me referring to information I have could possibly be used to make me look any better than neutral, as I can't believe that there's information in the provided flavour alone that could actually lead to clearing or damning people. Never intended it to make me look clear or even the positive side of neutral, and dislike it being painted that way, especially in a game where it's been quite clearly defined.

I'm presenting information that I have that may be relevant to the bigger 'story' of the game, and wanted to clarify that it was more than purely random role play. What am I supposed to be doing, just sitting on that information? Maybe if I saw a reason to keep quiet (like if mafia would want to kill me for knowing or something, I don't know) I would, but what's the point in keeping a presumed second NPC death quiet?

I even explicitly pointed out that there's no way of telling that I didn't just make the background up right here.

Saying I'm going after people for RPing is definitely misrepresentation, though. I'm going to assume that was a misreading or something poorly worded on my part, as I've made it quite clear repeatedly that I'm in favour of role play.

So, uh, yeah. Pray tell where I've tried to use this information to my gain, other than bringing it up in the first place to clarify the original misunderstanding.

Asuka Langley

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« Reply #53 on: April 19, 2010, 02:19:23 AM »
No, Tyrone, you didn't.

The closest you got was 'maybe it was the truth, maybe it was a lie' in points 3 and 4. Pure, cold neutral. Jumping onto Kyle's coattails here to limply support your weak yet consuming position against me isn't helping my position on you at all.

Asuka Langley

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« Reply #54 on: April 19, 2010, 02:33:58 AM »
Right, given there's nothing coming back at me immediately, I really need to head to sleep now. I'm supposed to be on regular hours of sleep and I'm not even pretending to live in an American time zone for once.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Ghost Library Treads
« Reply #55 on: April 19, 2010, 03:17:59 AM »
No, Tyrone, you didn't.

The closest you got was 'maybe it was the truth, maybe it was a lie' in points 3 and 4. Pure, cold neutral.
((A: I didn't wanna break character too much even in that fairly OoC post. But more importantly...

B: It might've seemed hypocritical since we were addressing my _own_ private conversations with the moderator as well. The fact is that it shouldn't've, of course, since I didn't use mine in a manner that could possibly bring suspicion upon anyone, as you did towards me. It's fairly obvious that your usage of what you claim was a true PM was intended to get me lynched (since you know I'm not scum), while mine was merely to survive, so whether we're both lying or both telling the truth, our motives still show our sides clearly.))

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Parade Melody Pudding
« Reply #56 on: April 19, 2010, 03:46:53 AM »
I don't get why you of all people don't get the logic behind it. It comes down to whether we choose to trust you or don't trust you. You yourself said this:

I even explicitly pointed out that there's no way of telling that I didn't just make the background up right here.

If we choose to trust you, then why shouldn't we trust you completely in that you're telling the whole truth for the benefit of the town? By saying "this is from my role PM Snowfire gave me to help me make it a mafia game", you're implicitly stating that you're 100% town with what follows as evidence. If we are to trust you, why would this not also go along with it, unless you're NOT being truthful about it? Is there a reason we should doubt one thing but not the other? If you're being honest for the sake of town, WHY WOULD YOU slip in untrue things for the hell of it, barring taking out some sort of role related stuff? If we take what you say at face value, then you HAVE to be town then, because there's no other explanation that makes sense if you're telling the truth from your role PM.

If we choose not to trust you, why should we just give you a pass and call it a neutral play? If we're not trusting you, then are we not free to choose to interpret it however we might come up with, including that you're just making it up to fool town into making false assumptions? (Not about the flavor of multiple scum, etc, but about your role in things). If we choose not to trust you, why are you not a legitimate target? Just saying you're not because "Anyone can make up stuff" doesn't clear you at all in that case. It doesn't change that you may be lying to us this time, and if we choose not to trust you, ergo, you are probably scum.

So what is it? We should trust you because you might be making it up, or what?

My vote stands.

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #57 on: April 19, 2010, 04:13:58 AM »
* Ethan Hayles sighs, wiping his face with his sleeve.

Now I been tryin' to stay outta this li'l spat 'cause I'm not seeing anything comin' from it, but if I sit around much longer, I'm gonna be accused of stayin' in th'shadows.
As much as I ain't likin' Moses' change o' character to quote the great voice in the sky, nothin' else he's done is strikin' me as suspicious.

Tyrone here, on the other hand, is on th'other side of th'scales. He's sayin' all these things that just don't make no sense for a guilty man t'be sayin'. This idea of ratin' suspicions seems like it could come from either side, and would be equally pointless from either. In fact, th'only t'me that seems suspicious from him so far is putting down most of the votes against him to flavour - if that ain't a misrepresentation an' a half, then I ain't Bobby Hayles' son.
Is it enough for a vote? No, sir, 'cause he still ain't striking me as one of them criminals here. Not the best o' people to have round, nome, but not a criminal. Besides, we ain't heard a peep from Ron Dale since my vote fer 'im, and I ain't likin' that. I've nothing against people starting off quiet, but once they've shown that they're list'nin'? Just don't sit well wi'me.

Ol' Kyle's jumpin' in: y'know, to me, it prob'ly is a null tell. Sure, he can be lyin' about the whole lot or tellin' the truth about the whole lot. Just 'cause they go together, though, don't mean it tells us anythin' about which one's the reality here.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #58 on: April 19, 2010, 05:31:02 AM »
As for feigning drunkenness... well, no shit sherlock.  It's flavor.
((You misunderstand. I was saying that the drunkenness was faked by your character to cover up the lack of evidence for your baseless accusation. As for the numbers, I just think in numbers so I wrote what I thought; wasn't trying to complicate or oversimplify things for anyone else. Sorry if I did either for you.

And yeah, Sopko basically sums up my issues with Bike that I mentioned in my first OoC post.))

*Hic* Now, sonny, I reckon this is the booze talkin', but that don't please me none all the same.  You may be the type to think in numbers, sure, I'll give yah that.  I think in number's all the time.  How much moonshine I can get for a week's pay, how many bottles it takes to have a party every night, all that.  Hell, I don't even give a shit that you've got to rank us all 7-9-8 for things to make sense.

What I don't like is how these numbers were thrown together durin' an out-o-body ess... espeereence, yet was takin' the real world into account. Or the other way around.  I kent make heads or tales of that right now.((OOC: Seriously, you placed me as the second or third most suspicious based on flavor, but it's based on suspicion of my character more than it is based on whether or not you think I'm scum?))

'nfact, this just placed you high up on my list o' ne'erdowells.  I's still not so sure-a who I trust atwix Chad an' Nathan, but I know this:  You ain't makin' much sense, and I reckon yer playin' on Maybury's hatred of the drunkard to make a case where there ain't none.

##Unvote: Kyle Handley
##Vote: Tyrone Callahan

We ain't so close to a decision that I feel bad about this, and you been kickin' up a lot of dust besides.  Pray onna them fools makes morofa ass o' themselves than yeh jus' did.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #59 on: April 19, 2010, 05:52:28 AM »
"Drink or act drunker'n ya are all that ya wanna do, Jack, ain't reason to suspect ya in an' of itself. It's yer loud accusation right at the start o'this whole thing, without a single fact on yer side, that seemed pretty damn rotten to me." ((Again you fail to understand. I'm saying that your initial accusation looked less like a joke vote and more like trying to get an innocent lynched, since it looks like you were trying to hide, with loud "drunken" rambles, the fact that you didn't actually take the vote back after Pietro calmed you down. Without your baseless (if you're innocent) accusation, simply being a drunkard wouldn't be anything but flavor, obviously.))

"But really, yer one o'my last worries at th'moment an' I ain't pointing fingers at ya for anything right now, so cool yer horses an' take another swig o' that stuff if ya need it. 's Bike tha's my real problem here." ((though unfortunately his story is suspicious primarily for OoC reasons that are hard to address in character))


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #60 on: April 19, 2010, 05:58:39 AM »
((OOC: Well, that's fucking retarded.  It's the joke vote phase.  If you seriously didn't understand that, then you're a moron.  And if you did, and I don't think so little of you to think that you don't know the meaning of a joke vote, then you're scum trying to build up a case against a townie where there is none.  That's all I have to say about that.))


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #61 on: April 19, 2010, 05:59:38 AM »
((OOC again:  Since I can't edit, it *WAS* the jokevote phase.  Nothing else needs to be corrected in my last statement.))


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #62 on: April 19, 2010, 06:00:10 AM »
Evening, everyone!

Sorry I'm late. Seems people still like to buy things, amnesia be damned, and if I don't attend to my store I won't have anything to go back to once this is all wrapped up. But enough about work; let's get down to brass tacks....wait, ANOTHER customer? Can't I get a bit of rest here? Oh well...

Now that' I've got five minutes to m'self, as regards Moses: If he's telling the truth, he's dancing a fine line. But it's not for us to debate whether or not he deserves divine wrath. That's a question for the Almighty. All we can do is judge him according to the laws of man, and by those laws I don't see what particular wrong he's done. Either he's telling the truth or he's lying, and he damn well might be lying, but that's true of every last one of us. This whole dust-up is about something that can't tell us jack squat. Hell, even if he is a killer, that doesn't mean it didn't happen like he says. Just means he'd be one of the ones doin' the chanting, is all. Not enough info for us to tell, yet, and I don't think this line of thought is gonna help us figure it out. Tyrone makin' a big deal out of it...well, he oughta drop it, but we're not exactly drowning in suspicious activity at the moment. Can't fault him for going after it if he thinks it could be something...but he'd be well advised to drop it once it's been shot down by the group.

Tyrone, now...he's agreed with Kyle's rather shaky case, called out the town drunk for nothing he's actually done, and also pointed a finger at Mr. Giovanni for something I can't make a lick of sense out of. The man said, and I'm quotin' here,

"Giovanni, you especially ain't makin' any sense. So Seamus makes a good point 'bout what Bike says, and you accuse him o'murder just cuz ya think it wasn't a good enough point?

But that's not what he said. Didn't say nothin' about Seamus havin' a good point. Said he was frazzled, but there's a long way between frazzled and lyin', and Seamus called him a liar. Lots o' fingers gonna be pointed before this is done, it's true, and not all of them for good reasons, but when they're not just bad reasons but outright wrong ones, that gets my hackles up. He's also puttin' his manner of speech above the job o' solvin' a murder, and that don't sit well at all. That particular screwup doesn't tell us whether he's a criminal or a townsperson, but it does make me think he needs a swift kick in the pants to set him right. Add it all up, and...

##Vote Tyrone Callahan

(OOC explanation for lurking: Got home from out of state at 8 PM, got situated around 9:30, had work keep dropping on me from then until just before midnight, in the form of two car crashes- (one of which involved a building and three drunk drivers - and a knife attack. Yeah, I'd rather have been mafia'ing. I've given more reading time to the recent cases just because that's all I've got the brainpower for, and will look harder at the rest of the cast tomorrow morning)


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #63 on: April 19, 2010, 06:13:01 AM »
((OOC again, though I haven't read Martin's input yet and probably won't until tomorrow because I'm exhausted.  Just trying to keep up with the "keep it civil" rule.  I'm not calling you retarded, EL, I'm saying your argument is full of holes and I don't like it one bit.  In case that weren't clear.)


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #64 on: April 19, 2010, 06:20:47 AM »
Upon further review, the first time I mentioned Tyrone's name, it should have been Kyle's. Told you I was overworked -- somebody get me a damn clerk to help out!


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #65 on: April 19, 2010, 06:23:04 AM »
I've prodded both our Russian friend and the shopkeeper.  It appears that Cruel Fate is playing tricks with them.  They've assured me they'll be around soon, but for the record, if they do not post by the end of Day 1 they may be modkilled / replaced / sacrificed to Cthulu, depending on circumstances.  Hopefully this point will be moot.  And...  it seems that Mr. Andrews took a previously unknown trip to Japan, where he learned the secret art of the ninja.  That only leaves the piano man.

For the record, a reminder that the Eternal Lurker post above is really "Ty Callahan."  I realize it was an accident but for the record, a reminder to just use one account to post on this thread.  Using multiple accounts screws with the "show old posts by this user" function and is in general tremendously confusing.

I don't think I can comment on the Moses issue without prejudicing it.  Let's leave it at I will not be modkilling him for that claim, note the "mod will make up bullshit on command" rule, and further note direct quotes *will* still get you modkilled (without explicit permission).  If in doubt, ask me.

William Hellsnake [3]: Ethan Hayles, Ty Callahan (Eternal Lurker), Chad Hutchins, Seamus O'Malley (Excal), Moses Bike
Nikolai Kolmogorov [ 0]: Sam Hargreaves
Kyle Handley (Hunter Sopko) [ 0]: Jack Daniels
Seamus O'Malley (Excal) [3]: Bill Hellsnake, Pietro, Bill Hellsnake, Sam Hargreaves
Pietro [1]: Ronald Dale (Bardiche)
Ronald Dale (Bardiche) [1]: Peyton Hadley, Ethan Hayles
Ty Callahan (Eternal Lurker) [3]: Peyton Hadley, Moses Bike, Jack Daniels, Martin Andrews
Peyton Hadley [ 0]: Nathan Greaves
Moses Bike [2]: Ty Callahan (Eternal Lurker), Seamus O'Malley (Excal), Kyle Handley (Hunter Sopko)
Chad Hutchins [1]: Nathan Greaves

No votes placed: Nikolai Kolmogorov

There's ~36 hours left in the day.  With 15 investigators, it takes 8 to lynch.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #66 on: April 19, 2010, 06:28:23 AM »
Now that' I've got five minutes to m'self, as regards Moses: If he's telling the truth, he's dancing a fine line. But it's not for us to debate whether or not he deserves divine wrath. That's a question for the Almighty. All we can do is judge him according to the laws of man, and by those laws I don't see what particular wrong he's done. Either he's telling the truth or he's lying, and he damn well might be lying, but that's true of every last one of us. This whole dust-up is about something that can't tell us jack squat. Hell, even if he is a killer, that doesn't mean it didn't happen like he says. Just means he'd be one of the ones doin' the chanting, is all. Not enough info for us to tell, yet, and I don't think this line of thought is gonna help us figure it out. Tyrone makin' a big deal out of it...well, he oughta drop it, but we're not exactly drowning in suspicious activity at the moment. Can't fault him for going after it if he thinks it could be something...but he'd be well advised to drop it once it's been shot down by the group.

I'm going to assume that by Tyrone there, you mean me. (Ninja clarification confirms!)

I know I'm probably making too much out of it, but the whole thing just seemed... off. I didn't particularly see anything suspect with his first in-character post. It seemed like a perfectly legitimate IC post. But a feeble riposte by Tyrone/Lurker and vague suspicion by Excal was all it took to send him running to his role PM for utter clarification. Would it have taken him that much to think of an in-character way to defend himself? I don't think so. He wasn't in THAT perilous of a position to begin with, so the desperate defense just struck me as odd, since who is most concerned with stuff like this being misinterpreted usually? Scum.

I thought a long time about bringing this up at all, and even spent a while trying to do so in character before I just dropped it.

I realize it's exactly a lot of what you could be saying, but it stinks to me, so I'm voting my conviction at the moment. Moving on and I'll happily be back in character going forward from here.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #67 on: April 19, 2010, 06:37:28 AM »
((OOC: Well, that's fucking retarded.  It's the joke vote phase. If you seriously didn't understand that, then you're a moron.))
((Talk about getting defensive. You aren't helping your case any. Obviously scum are the only ones who can make votes based on actual knowledge at the beginning of a game. It isn't a joke vote at all if it's coming from scum. So I have no reason to assume a seemingly unfounded vote that you make is a joke vote, and so when it seems like you're trying to keep the vote officially present while drawing attention away from its existence through drunken rambles, that makes me suspicious. Really, how many times do I have to explain this? You can't be this "fucking retarded".

Not sure what to say to Martin's accusation because it seems he misunderstood previous posts, primarily Pietro's post to which I referred in mine. I'll read it over again when I have less of a headache and see if it's just me misreading it rather than his fault.))

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #68 on: April 19, 2010, 08:08:44 AM »
Ah man I knew that was comin.  Every time I try an say somethin in class the book geeks all gotta stand up and say I ain't know nothin.  "Hey Chad, it's too early to lay a third vote!"  "Hey Chad, it's pretty late, how come you ain't said more?"  Eeeeeevery time we have one'a these debates.

I'd like to see some'o them bookworms come out on the field and try to call an offensive line.  They like them some readin?  Try to read which way the other guy in fronta ya is gonna move.  You gotta get a read and the way you gotta get a read is you gotta move yourself, get the QB to make a little twitch and see how the defensive line responds.  Without that first twitch you ain't got nothin but a guess.  You best not sit back and do nothin and you best not go shootin off a false start either.

(Early third vote on random train entirely intentional, reactions garnered from early train valuable, standard stuff, see also like half the games I've played in.  Nothing else really to say yet.)

Me I see a lotta wiggling.  Defensive line is nervous.  I don't see any twitches yet.  I do see one guy goin offsides.

##Unvote: Bill Hellsnake
##Vote: Kyle Handley (Soppy)

Yeah, Moses came in and started talkin bout conspiracy theories and dadgum for no reason and then got all stiff-like.  But really now what's your problem with that?  I dunno, it seems more like you could be scum jumpin on him for it than him being scum.  Just a gut call on my end again but we ain't got no real clues yet so it is what it is.  I went around the 3 vote crowd and honestly none of em are comin off too poorly.  Too soon to say on much else. 

(Also apologies, busy today and busy tomorrow, this also always seems to happen when I start a mafia game)

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #69 on: April 19, 2010, 08:41:17 AM »
Ok, what the bloody flying fuck.

Mr. Hellsnake - if that is your real name - I've tried to cut you some slack. New in town at a bad time, and confused at strange customs. But when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Here in Marbury we protect ourselves with pure democracy. Maybe you feel safe with your guns and fancy knives and trained attack snakes, but you're as safe as a turd on a stick here if you don't unsheathe your vote. No one's expecting your hands to be around someone's neck this early, but if'n we can't see you pointing fingers because they're stuck up your ass then we're all in for a load. All I can see from you is gas - all talk and no action. Not sure I'd expect that from a bounty hunter.

I'd let it all slide, but then you came back, defended your quite frankly socialist ideas and kept your finger up your ass despite professing such oddly precise opinions. A comedy of errors for sure, but it's gone too far to blind myself to it.

You vote me because I don't have a vote down, when I do. I very clearly do. I'll need to read the rest at some point (will probably be late tomorrow, as I'm busy for a good chunk of time tomorrow and it's late), but that is so god damn retarded that... ugh. And how did nobody else pick up on that? I'm about a quarter of the way through page 3, and nobody has said anything about it. It's the beginning of his god damn post.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Moses Bike

No. You are NOT getting away with that.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #70 on: April 19, 2010, 08:54:15 AM »
*sigh* Alright. Got my head on straight, managed to get a quick read of the rest of things, nothing to say yet as I've not had time to think them through. I will however make an apology for being uncivil in my last post. I just get a little... 'excited' when I see something obviously off, and nobody notices.

Asuka Langley

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Eyepatch Oasis Sedition
« Reply #71 on: April 19, 2010, 10:20:01 AM »
Hey Helldog, are you going hard of hearing before your time? I talked about things in the right course of time, and if'n you heard the whole of my little ramble you'd have seen that I started by talking 'bout your time before the vote and why continuing to hold your vote back then was serious bad (you'll even see that I put a link in to indicate the post I was talking about), an' then I move on to talk 'bout your vote and why I didn't much like that either.

Maybe, you know, when no one else notices something that's 'obviously off', you should be double checking your work before getting all excited like.

Asuka Langley

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« Reply #72 on: April 19, 2010, 11:48:27 AM »
(Oh, and we reach the crux of the problem with Tyrone: he thinks that my vote on him was initially anything more than a joke vote. No. It wasn't. It was a random little flavour way of getting a joke vote down while introducing the information I had into the game. Unsurprisingly, what I've been given doesn't actually hint that it's more likely to be some people than others, let alone be viable evidence. (the chanting wasn't necessarily coming from the lodge. I think that's possibly colouring your view a bit. It's just the easy connection to make given where the body was found. I don't even know that this was related to the murder and not just some unrelated dark ritual)

But oh, you've also taken Jack's joke vote seriously.

I'm not sure what to make of you and the Hellcarp. I'm used to Mage's instability, but this mistake you've made here is bordering on just darn cute.

Kyle: either I'm town and I know some game mechanically irrelevant titbits, or I'm scum and I've made up some game mechanically irrelevant titbits. Sure, it's all or nothing. Just because neither possibility is neutral doesn't mean it isn't a null tell. Insisting that it can be resolved and the resolution is important is practically like saying that someone at the start isn't neutral because they're either town or scum, neither of which is neutral. All I'm saying is that you can't distinguish the possibilities here. It's not like the information presented can in any way affect the core game.

Also no, of course I followed the rules regarding information from PMs. Not that this changes anything.

And sure, I could have written something up about it in character... if I'd had the time. Takes me bloody ages to write anything in role play, and it would have been a solid 24 hours after that point before I'd've had the time to wrap something like that up in role play.)

Frankly, I'm for pointing my voting finger at either the Hellmouse or Tyrone. Maybe you'd expect such awkward behavior from a newcomer like the Hellshark, and maybe Tyrone's just too much of a klutz to take as a threat to our community, but if'n I were to let every kid with crumbs on their fingers go for it bein' too stupid for a cookie thief, then soon enough every thief in the land would walk around with their fingers covered in crumbs, and after that only outlaws would have cookies. That's not a world I want to be living in, no sirree.

Let's take a look outside'a this little fishing hole we've got going over here. Oh, the party's all down here, it seems. Don't really have much to say otherwise at this point, other'n that it's starting to feel like people are getting struck dumb. I'm guessing the Russian doesn't speak a lick of English. Not much point in pointin' at the feller when the police are gonna cart him off for some crime of bein' foreign anyhow.

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #73 on: April 19, 2010, 01:57:39 PM »
Ee'n wit' this kinda game up, some folks've still got's t' make a livin'. I'll pull on my readin' glasses an' have a proper good look-see this evenin', partic'larly regardin' what's happenin' wit' Handley and Bike, but one thing I want's t' flag up afore 'en.

B: It might've seemed hypocritical since we were addressing my _own_ private conversations with the moderator as well. The fact is that it shouldn't've, of course, since I didn't use mine in a manner that could possibly bring suspicion upon anyone, as you did towards me. It's fairly obvious that your usage of what you claim was a true PM was intended to get me lynched (since you know I'm not scum), while mine was merely to survive, so whether we're both lying or both telling the truth, our motives still show our sides clearly.
This 'ere's some rather... vigorous wordin', an' I c'nae hardly see t' sense of 't. Where was yous invokin' the wor' o' th' almighty, Callahan? An' why's you's takin' Bike so darn pers'nal like? He's tellin' us what 'e saw, I don' see no how's tha's "intended t' get you's lynched".

Tron Bonne

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #74 on: April 19, 2010, 02:21:42 PM »
"Ah, this 'joke vote' defense again. 'Only scum c'n make a real vote, 'n' my vote was jus' a lil' joke, so I ain't scum, ya see?' Tha's a terrible argument in two ways, Mr. Bike. If'n you don' get it, firs' way's that 'only scum c'n make a real vote' don't mean 'not makin' a real vote means I ain't scum', and second way's that ya ain't got any proof yer vote's a joke anyhow. Still, even then 'tain't much relevant; I jus' needed to point out yet another bit o'nonsense ya spewed. My problem wi'Daniels was his vote, sure, but it ain't that big a problem; my problem wi'you's yer story cuz I couldn't care any less 'bout yer vote.

"An' now ya say yer story ain't an issue cuz it don't change who dunnit? Ain't a lick o'truth in that. If'n we believe yer story, we gotta believe other things 'bout Jon's murder, not least o'which is that ya ain't done it yerself. And that seems mighty convenient that ya want us believin' yer alibi when the only witnesses are the fish ya tried to catch, an' I reckon they ain't gonna be much help in provin' anything."

((No one else has tried to invoke GM PMs to feign innocence. Given that the GM ain't gonna verify anything, my vote seems quite unlikely to change any time today. Think I'ma spend the rest of today looking at other people's posts; more time spent on the Bike front is just time wasted at this rate.)).