Author Topic: Cthulu Mafia - TOWN (drunk) WIN, MADNESS SOMEWHAT AVERTED  (Read 95249 times)

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #75 on: April 19, 2010, 03:44:38 PM »
Quote from: Moses Bike
Nathan, can't say you'll find prying eyes welcome here, but you speak of this fugitive like it's the sixth trout of the day. My man, is this fugitive dangerous? A threat to the community we should be on the lookout for? You would do us better service with this, it would seem, as I see nothing wrong with poor Chad's vote for the Hellcat. No law of three out here, you'll find.
"Hell if I know. I'm not exactly the richest journalist around, and details kinda cost extra. That means for all I know, it could be anyone here. As for why he came to Marbury, maybe he's got companions here. Who knows?

Anyway, the way I see it the old man shouldn't be getting voted for his story, because we've all got somethin' to contribute to this discussion, don't we? ((Voting Bike for explaining backstory is silly. It's flavour.)) Mr. Salesman over there is pressing way too hard on that in particular, and I think it's nowhere near as good as he's making out. ((It's been specified that everyone has that sort of flavour in the opening post. The point is moot, Kyle/Sopko.))

Meanwhile, Ty...the hell is he even talking about anymore? Holding the drunkard responsible for one random accusation at the start of the game, and accusing Bike of the same thing Handley's been doing? Yeah, this may be a murder case we're dealing with, but some early accusations flying around are what we need to break the ice and start some serious talking. ((Ty holding Jack responsible for a joke vote as well as the lolflavour case on Bike are both pretty terrible.))

Chad, though, is still worth my vote. He goes off his third-vote thing and then walks off to vote on gut when there's plenty of serious discussion going around. In particular I don't like how he says 'Yeah, Bike was spouting crazy theories and all, but I'm voting you on gut anyway' because it feels like it's giving him an opening to backtrack and say he was suspicious of Bike all along. Flipflopping's a sign of a bad journalist, y'know."

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #76 on: April 19, 2010, 04:31:28 PM »
Now see here, Callahan!  I don't mean to stick on you, friend - or maybe I do, on account of you're acting a damned sight more suspicious than anyone else here.

Drunkenness is no defense - there've been plenty of drunken murders over the years -, but it sure isn't any kind of... well, it IS a crime, but it ain't the one we're concerning ourselves with.  And if Mr. Daniels is faking by drunk, why, he's a better actor than I, by God, and I've yet to meet one on Broadway or off.

As for Mr. Bike, well, I'm none too sure about coming to his defense after he's seemed more than a mite jumpy, but there WAS a murder none too long ago.  A little jumpiness seems in order.  Whether you're guilty or not, eh?  Calling on the Almighty to exonerate you don't bother me, mind, it just seems a little excessive.

A little.  Mr. Kyle and Mr. Callahan - again, Callahan?  Really?  They seem to think it's more'n a little.  I'd like to know how you gentlemen expect to get anything out of that, unless you expect the Holy Spirit to come down and speak in tongues right through you.

::Something about this last statement darkens Peyton's face and he looks quickly away.::

To hell with it.  That's a waste of time.

I hope.

This business about Mr. Daniels, that's - has to be - the crux of my point.

((And my vote STILL stays on Ty Callahan, for a PAIR of entirely new reasons. :P  I feel like I'm tunneling day 1.

But I'll lay out those reasons, nonetheless.

Pressing Bike about his appeal to PM, which is clearly paraphrased since the Hand of Mod has not descended on him, is worthless.  On the one hand, I agree it was unnecessary to pull out such a heavy-handed OOC explanation so early in the day.  On the other hand, the explanation itself is a null tell, since we began the game with the knowledge that the Mod would lie for us at request.

You're definitely not the worst offender in terms of making a stink about this, Sopko/Kyle is.  But his argument seems to hinge more on it being an asspull, which it was.  I have a major problem with the AGGRESSIVENESS of Sopko's case on a near-null-tell, but that's another matter.  Consider it a suspicion.

Anyway, the Bike issue is secondary to why I'm voting Callahan.  The main thing is this nonsense about poking Jack Daniels on a joke vote.  He didn't drop his early joke vote in the joke voting phase in order to do... what, exactly?

I was going to ask that rhetorically, but you know what, let's make it a real question.

What do YOU think Jack should've done when he got called on his jokevote by Pietro, in the jokevote phase?))

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #77 on: April 19, 2010, 04:39:04 PM »
my vote seems quite unlikely to change any time today. Think I'ma spend the rest of today looking at other people's posts; more time spent on the Bike front is just time wasted at this rate.)).
I love America. In this great country, the jury usually listens to the evidence before hanging the man, not after. You've been arguing this and that Mr. Callahan, but I don't feel like you've been contributing nothing, see? Nothing constructive anyway. I really don't feel that your case on Mr. Bike is as warranted as you make out. The man gave us his story, and that's his right.
There's been a lot said about Tyrone already, that's my little addition after taking it all on board.
##Vote Tyrone Callahan

As they say in my home country: nella vita - chi non risica - non rosica.

Ah, Hadley, don't sneak up on me like that and say all that stuff really quickly just as I start talking, you have surprised me!


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #78 on: April 19, 2010, 04:41:42 PM »
Ronald Dale;

I ain't likin' the look of his thinkin' though. I ain't really a people's person an' all, but I know a thing or two about sales from them markets, and pickin' at ol' Kyle and Pietro for jus' introducin' themselfs, jus' bad practice, y'know? Seems like he's just blowin' a joke(phase) outta proportion here, and I 'appen to like my jokes.

Never said it was the best reason for getting on someone's case ever, uh, guy... who were you? Hayles, I think, was it... Ethan Hayles. That sounds right.

Fact of the matter is I wanted to push things outta jokevote phase. Didn't exactly work, but I had to start somewhere and No Joke Vote made a heck of a more appealing case than Joke Voted. Least to me, but doesn't look like it works for you, eh?

So I've been sitting here, looking at you folk really hard but I figure it's about time I spoke up. Figure I ain't making much... progress, hell, when did I ever make progress... on that damn book of mine. What was it about anyway? I don't know. My head hurts. Fact of the matter's I'm gunna put down my work for a minute here and contribute with a serious vote.


##VOTE: Kyle Handley

I don't like this Kyle feller here. That was his name, wasn't it? I think it was. Harps on the ole man here for... what exactly? Ah. Right. Bringing information into the midst and clarifying it. Sure as hell could be a liar, but I dunno, doesn't really feel like too important a-something to be hanging people for.

Sure thing there'll... hell, I should incorporate that in my book... there'll be a mastermind who no one suspects, but hell if I'll convict someone fer thinking there's chanting.

Other guy I don't like's the journalist type for... being a journalist. But really, somewhere near the start he's yapping about someone dropping a third vote afore everyone's had a chance to speak up and chiding 'em fer it. I dunno 'bout you, but I don't see why people oughta be waitin' fer everyone to speak to make votes here.

Sure, could be smokescreenin' some scum to let 'em lurk and jus' jump on a big case, but it's a non-tell to me, 'cuz we can't sit 'round twiddling our thumbs waiting for Russia to invade. Vaguely don't like your way of repeating what people've been saying.

I don't even understand Tyrone's arguments. How did Moses say he wasn't scum because it wasn't a real vote?

PS: holy hell all this roleplay so many worsd to read aaah what did i begin

five ninjas ohwhat!

Li Syaoran

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #79 on: April 19, 2010, 05:07:52 PM »
Well I certainly never. Sometimes us mathematicians have work to do, work that is done by ourselves, and can't just stick around for the inane babble. Being accused of murder? Why I never! If you're going to accuse me of crimes, at least have the decency of being respectful and accuse me of something more fitting, like interplanetary genocide. Planets? What are those? Y'know, those things in the sky that you all stare at blindly every night with no understanding, you fat lot of oafs.

Well then. Seems like things have gone a bit причудливые 'round these parts, and I'm certainly not referring to the drinks around here, which, if I were to export back to where I'm from and replace the normal vodka with them, would incite another revolution overnight from the sheer outrage. Ah well, when in Rome, do as the Interdimensional Horrors do? Was that how the saying went? Doesn't sound quite right - I'd have to double-check that.

Товаришь Peyton brings up a good point - most of what we have from Bike is based off of flavour, which is really quite something. Long posts, but there's little factual information in them, and any logic in them is an utter failure. It's almost as if I'm working with the New Math - and don't make me do that again, nobody will like it. Whoever invented the New Math should be ashamed of themselves. More to the point, your vote for Hellsnake seems based on...again, flavour. The problem I have with quoting a supposed NPC death this early on in the game is that it gets others to on wild goose chases - is it really relevant? Is it just Bike making things up? Is it the mod trolling us all? This is why I'd like to not focus on that until we have at least some more in-game information - first-order logic and all that is vastly superior to pointless speculation.

That being said, the wonderous thing about this much information is that it also has a good chance of getting verified later, in the subsequent days. On top of that, while dancing a fine line of suspicion, Bike hasn't done anything that would actually make me think that he's actually done something wrong thusfar, and therefore while he's someone to watch out for, I believe everyone else's votes are best placed somewhere else. Like, for instance...

Callahan, Callahan, Callahan. What are you doing? It's utterly baffling - first you think a jokevote is a serious vote, then you claim that Bike's role PM quoting was him trying to feign innocence (while there are many reasons for doing that - quoting a role PM to feign innocence? Really only makes one more suspicious, really. Look at the backlash from that one action, for instance). And then he goes on to know, for so many posts, they're fairly sparse in terms of content.

##Vote: Tyrone Callahan

Somewhat disconcerted about Daniels' accusation of Hutchins - in fact, most people's accusations of Hutchins. I've had to tutor the man once, and while a little...lacking in some aspects, he's a good man, merely quiet at first. Of course, if he persists in his silence, that's another story, but I'm pretty confident he won't (yes I'm using player meta *is teleported away by Yithians*). Can't say third vote is any more suspicious than the second, nobody's in any danger at that point, and really, I have to wonder if some of you are merely attacking the easy target.

Lastly, my good friend Handley. You have some good points, but you need to relax sometimes - Bike might be bafflingly dumb, but he hasn't done anything outright bad beyond spew bollocks around as if it's the день радио bollocks sale, and people like that are best countered with more bollocks, and not votes. Speaking of which, aren't Monorails cheap these days? Bike might be interested in one, considering how he lives там где дяволь говорит "Спокойной ночи", so to speak. In other words, lighten up - but at least you aren't being suspicious, imho.

All Russian I post is strictly flavour and not game-related at all - that being said, if you guys want me to put translations alongside in brackets or not use it at all, just mention that and I will do thusly as recommended by the other players in this game.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #80 on: April 19, 2010, 05:19:56 PM »
"Gotta second yer worries 'bout the kid, Nathan, though mainly cuz he admits Bike's story's not all there 'n' still votes on the one who said the same I'm gettin' pretty worried 'bout that lil' group o'Bike, Giovanni, Sam, and recently Chad here. At leas' one o'em's up to sumin', prob'ly more'n one. Bike's still toppa my list, though.

((Peyton, to answer your question, he should've dropped it, but)) "Peyton, I mentioned that Jack here was a lil' suspicious an' he got all defensive 'n' blew it way outta proportion. I never direc'ly accused him o'nothin' ((and still got an OMGUS reaction -- yay, I'm learning online-mafia terminology slowly!)). So if that part o'the discussion's yer worry, then ya should be worryin' more about his reaction than about what I said. Think about it, an' maybe read o'er what Nathan's been recordin' o'what we've all said.

"Giovanni, I ne'er said I wouldn't change my vote if'n a good reason came up, just said I don't expect one to. Feel free to fix that if ya can; I'll be all ears. But as the sun drops, we gotta make some decisions fer good soon; won't be safe to drag this out another day. So 'less ye've got a better suggestion, I've prob'ly made mine."

((Translations would be nice, Niko. And you're making two very extraordinary claims. First you're assuming a potentially serious vote is a jokevote which is extraordinarily dangerous and the trap into which so many others seem to be falling, and then you're somehow declaring that because an action is suspicious it's not suspicious anymore. I really don't know what to say to something as ridiculous as the latter claim, but as for the first one...Have you guys all been trying to say that, in the DL, even scum make only joke votes on the first day? That sounds really implausible given their informational advantage, but if that's what you're all saying, then I can see your problems with the argument. I just find that ridiculously, utterly impossible to believe.))

Tron Bonne

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #81 on: April 19, 2010, 05:21:27 PM »
((There should be a period after "same" in the first line. Apologies for the uneditable typo.))

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #82 on: April 19, 2010, 05:35:50 PM »
"Gotta second yer worries 'bout the kid, Nathan, though mainly cuz he admits Bike's story's not all there 'n' still votes on the one who said the same I'm gettin' pretty worried 'bout that lil' group o'Bike, Giovanni, Sam, and recently Chad here. At leas' one o'em's up to sumin', prob'ly more'n one. Bike's still toppa my list, though.

((Peyton, to answer your question, he should've dropped it, but)) "Peyton, I mentioned that Jack here was a lil' suspicious an' he got all defensive 'n' blew it way outta proportion. I never direc'ly accused him o'nothin' ((and still got an OMGUS reaction -- yay, I'm learning online-mafia terminology slowly!)). So if that part o'the discussion's yer worry, then ya should be worryin' more about his reaction than about what I said. Think about it, an' maybe read o'er what Nathan's been recordin' o'what we've all said.

"Giovanni, I ne'er said I wouldn't change my vote if'n a good reason came up, just said I don't expect one to. Feel free to fix that if ya can; I'll be all ears. But as the sun drops, we gotta make some decisions fer good soon; won't be safe to drag this out another day. So 'less ye've got a better suggestion, I've prob'ly made mine."

((Translations would be nice, Niko. And you're making two very extraordinary claims. First you're assuming a potentially serious vote is a jokevote which is extraordinarily dangerous and the trap into which so many others seem to be falling, and then you're somehow declaring that because an action is suspicious it's not suspicious anymore. I really don't know what to say to something as ridiculous as the latter claim, but as for the first one...Have you guys all been trying to say that, in the DL, even scum make only joke votes on the first day? That sounds really implausible given their informational advantage, but if that's what you're all saying, then I can see your problems with the argument. I just find that ridiculously, utterly impossible to believe.))

Maybe you don't have a whole lot of experience holding your liquor, friend, but a man in his cups taking a thing out of proportion ain't exactly rare.

Besides, you made a nudge in the way of Mr. Daniels being complicit in MURDER.  Ain't much a gentleman can do to blow that OUT of proportion.  For him to turn it back around on you when you start spouting off crackpot theories seems plenty reasonable to me.

((To answer your question, it's traditional around here for everyone to lay a jokevote before the game really kicks off, although that seems to have somewhat faded recently to "everyone lays a jokevote until someone gets a random bee in their bonnet and starts This Are Serious Mafia.))

((It's not unheard of for scum to "hide" a serious vote in the jokevote phase - which is why I'm personally uncomfortable with multiple jokevotes on the same person, and mentioned such in my first post - but I'll admit it's damned rare, and essentially never EFFECTIVE.  It gets Scum nothing unless they drop that early jokevote, then shift into hardcore lurking for the next thirty or so hours and see if a townie latches onto that person so the Scum can piggyback the train.))

((Not to mention, your whole argument reeks of WIFOM (Wine in Front of Me, a reference to the Princess Bride meaning you're trying to second-guess someone who has more information than you).  Scum play is Scum play, and even on the vanishingly rare chance there's something relevant in the jokevote phase, if you're Town you have no reason to even TRY to guess such a subtle ploy.))

Tron Bonne

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #83 on: April 19, 2010, 05:49:12 PM »
"Long as we're all in this room, we're all murder suspects, Peyton. A bit o'suspicion from one suspect to another ain't reason to fly off the handle.

"But really, if this issue's botherin' ya so much, I'll take even my lil' suspicions offa the table if'n it makes all o'ya feel better 'bout it. Jack ain't my worry, I've said plenty o'times right now. Ain't even in th'top five. He's just made all o'ya think that cuz he's been blowing shit outta proportion like I said, and tha's the reason he has."

((What you described is exactly what I said was my minor suspicion about Jack: dropping a vote, then hiding behind drunken rambles as he didn't actually remove it, seeing if anyone else would latch onto it. So what's your issue here?))

Asuka Langley

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Ash Pike Snow
« Reply #84 on: April 19, 2010, 05:58:46 PM »
Tyrone, Son, I think you...

Son, don't you...


Sorry son, I just can't stop laughing. Sounds more'n more like you're speaking in tongues the way you go on about this nonsense. The only thing I can't really resolve is just why the culprit would act so crazed. There ain't no reason to want an old fisherman dead so badly like this. Ain't no insanity plea going to save you if it comes down to it, though, no sir.

Screw you, Commie. I've made more meaningful input than at least most, and resent the implication I've been a ball of gas, much less unlearned. At best I'm thinking you've got the reading comprehension of a mathematician. My voting finger is pointing at the Hellrabbit for damn good reasons as well, not for disliking the cut of his suit. Well, the cut of his... outfit. No clue where you're pulling that claim from. My pointer still hasn't moved from him to Tyrone even with this growing madness is that while I can't fathom why anyone would act the way Tyrone has, I sure can see the guilt in the way the Hellguppy's been movin'.

I ain't holding much of a grudge for Kyle's vote on me. I think he's dressed his argument up like a pig in braces with all sorts of unnecessary trimmings that have just been distractions ('how can we trust you', me supposedly being anti-RP and the like), but I can at least see the core to swear by - I can see why'n he'd see a potential flustered culprit behind it. He's wrong, of course, but it's a darn sight better than the two crazed 'gotcha' arguments that are on the table otherwise (plus it's day one). The only thing that gets me about it all is just how much it's been dressed up and pushed strongly from mostly the wrong directions. Chad I'm thinking is on him for the right reason, but Ronald I'm thinking is a plot twist or two behind.


Oh man, son, you're still talking? 'N back to that oddly specific set of suspects despite'n your cases being so vague. I'm sorry son, but I'm pretty much done talking to you if all you've got is this ankle-biting madness.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #85 on: April 19, 2010, 06:11:48 PM »

William Hellsnake [2]: Ethan Hayles, Ty Callahan (Eternal Lurker), Chad Hutchins, Seamus O'Malley (Excal), Moses Bike
Nikolai Kolmogorov [ 0]: Sam Hargreaves
Kyle Handley (Hunter Sopko) [2]: Jack Daniels, Chad Hutchins, Ronald Dale (Bardiche)
Seamus O'Malley (Excal) [1]: Bill Hellsnake, Pietro, Bill Hellsnake, Sam Hargreaves
Pietro [ 0]: Ronald Dale (Bardiche)
Ronald Dale (Bardiche) [1]: Peyton Hadley, Ethan Hayles
Ty Callahan (Eternal Lurker) [5]: Peyton Hadley, Moses Bike, Jack Daniels, Martin Andrews, Pietro, Nikolai Kolmogorov
Peyton Hadley [ 0]: Nathan Greaves
Moses Bike [3]: Ty Callahan (Eternal Lurker), Seamus O'Malley (Excal), Kyle Handley (Hunter Sopko), Bill Hellsnake
Chad Hutchins [1]: Nathan Greaves

There's 24 hours left in the day.  With 15 investigators, it takes 8 to lynch.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #86 on: April 19, 2010, 06:41:12 PM »
"Long as we're all in this room, we're all murder suspects, Peyton. A bit o'suspicion from one suspect to another ain't reason to fly off the handle.

"But really, if this issue's botherin' ya so much, I'll take even my lil' suspicions offa the table if'n it makes all o'ya feel better 'bout it. Jack ain't my worry, I've said plenty o'times right now. Ain't even in th'top five. He's just made all o'ya think that cuz he's been blowing shit outta proportion like I said, and tha's the reason he has."

((What you described is exactly what I said was my minor suspicion about Jack: dropping a vote, then hiding behind drunken rambles as he didn't actually remove it, seeing if anyone else would latch onto it. So what's your issue here?))

If he ain't even in the top five, how'd it come to be that we're still talking about it?

Seems to me it's because you mentioned it again here after the matter was a hair from dropping.

Seems to me this is the crux of your argument on Daniels and no small part of your beef with Bike as well: folks who just come into the matter and laid down the first thought they had before any of us knew a damned thing, you're holding to those first thoughts.  You're implying - implying, hell, voting! - they're a pack of dirty scum trying to slip in under the radar.

Who knows.  Maybe they are.

But you sure don't have any evidence.  The only thing you've got that's LIKE evidence is Mr. Bike's appeal to the heavens, and between you and Kyle you've managed to act a lot more suspicious on that account than Bike his own self.

((Yes, what I described is something Scum sometimes do.  It's even possible ScumDaniels did it.  But TownDaniels would play it exactly the same way if he's sticking to flavor, maybe even if he wasn't.  It's WIFOM as all hell.))

((The jokevote phase is for jokes, man.  I don't like it for exactly that reason, but most here DO, Town or Scum.  If you don't believe me, take a peek at past DL Mafia games and you'll see.  People like to have fun with it at the beginning of day 1 and don't want to play incredibly subtle mind games that have a near-zero chance of either working or being meaningful.))

((Now, with that said, on a reread I'm a bit taken aback by something Bike said here.  He calls his initial vote for Tyrone a jokevote, and... eh, I can't say the jokephase was definitively over and I've seen people here get upset if they don't get the chance to participate in it, but if genuinely a jokevote, it feels late TO ME.  Defending it as such seems unneccessary, and maybe even a little disingenuous?  Better to say it was a "flavor vote" than a "jokevote," but perhaps that's just semantics.))

((But then, going overboard in defense of what seemed reasonable to begin with has become something of a theme with Bike and I'm liking it less as I go on.  The flip side of this is that the overreactions in response have been even MORE extreme.  Gah.))

((Back up a second.  Let's go back to this?  Your answer to my question here.))

((I asked:))

What do YOU think Jack should've done when he got called on his jokevote by Pietro, in the jokevote phase?

((And you answered:))

Peyton, to answer your question, he should've dropped it

((Dropped it.  Meaning his vote.  Meaning removed his vote and either voted for, uh, a different jokevote since at the time Pietro "called him on it" absolutely nothing had happened - or removed his vote for being "called on it" and had no vote down at all in the jokevote phase, despite posting?))

((Happen to notice what happened to the first person NOT to vote?  He attracted the first real suspicion of the day.  Not having a vote down is pretty much asking to get lynched, which is bad whether you're Town or Scum.))

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #87 on: April 19, 2010, 06:44:13 PM »
((Crap, just noticed I left a "radar" reference in the supposedly in-character section of the post. :( ))


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #88 on: April 19, 2010, 07:12:59 PM »
If he ain't even in the top five, how'd it come to be that we're still talking about it?

Seems to me it's because you mentioned it again here after the matter was a hair from dropping.
"Just addressed that, Peyton. When he an' Bike brought up my lil' beef with Daniels like you're doing, I answered; there's a reason fer my suspicion and I'm not gonna pretend there ain't. But I'm not acting on th'reason oth'r'n clarifyin' it when people ask, cuz it ain't a strong one yet. What yer quoting was when I was speaking to Bike cuz he'd just brought it up again; I wouldn've mentioned it otherwise, cuz I only have whenever someone's overreacted 'bout it. I will drop it if'n ya don't mention it, unless Daniels gives me some other reasons to suspect'm. An' he hasn't so far."

You're implying - implying, hell, voting! - they're a pack of dirty scum trying to slip in under the radar. Who knows.  Maybe they are. But you sure don't have any evidence. The only thing you've got that's LIKE evidence is Mr. Bike's appeal to the heavens, and between you and Kyle you've managed to act a lot more suspicious on that account than Bike his own self.
"If'n you're just saying 'tain't enough evidence (well, that an' his votes for two people I'm pretty sure'r innocent), I c'n understand that, and frankly I agree. But it is evidence, enough'r not, an more'n I've seen on anyone else. Best place fer my vote'd be no one cuz I'd rather not get anyone lynched hastily, but if'n we gotta get the killer today before he gets someone else, I'ma put my vote on the best suspect, even if it ain't a perfect one. An' that'd be Bike."

((The jokevote phase is for jokes, man.  I don't like it for exactly that reason, but most here DO, Town or Scum.  If you don't believe me, take a peek at past DL Mafia games and you'll see.  People like to have fun with it at the beginning of day 1 and don't want to play incredibly subtle mind games that have a near-zero chance of either working or being meaningful.))


((Dropped it.  Meaning his vote.  Meaning removed his vote and either voted for, uh, a different jokevote since at the time Pietro "called him on it" absolutely nothing had happened - or removed his vote for being "called on it" and had no vote down at all in the jokevote phase, despite posting?))

((Happen to notice what happened to the first person NOT to vote?  He attracted the first real suspicion of the day.  Not having a vote down is pretty much asking to get lynched, which is bad whether you're Town or Scum.))
((Not having a vote before any evidence at all is just as easily not wanting to lynch a fellow townie, in my books. Again I'm apparently unfamiliar with how you guys do it here at DL, where you seem to have set town/scum voting patterns on day 1, but not wanting to give a random accusation seems a lot more like a townie decision than a scum decision; the former takes a risk with any vote, while the latter's got plenty of voting options that are favorable without seeming suspicious at all. So if you guys don't take that into account here, that explains my issue with Daniels, I guess, in which case my suspicion of him is significantly less. I'll take a look through older Mafia threads here and see if I can figure out why you guys are so much more liberal with accusations on day 1, on both sides. Just a matter of playstyle I suppose.))

Tron Bonne

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #89 on: April 19, 2010, 07:13:42 PM »
((Damnit. Accounts. That is me. Fml.))

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #90 on: April 19, 2010, 08:10:46 PM »
You know, Callahan, I'm done with you.  Either you're a killer or a damned fool.  But you know what?  Even if you ARE a killer, I don't rightly believe you're the only one here, and I didn't come to this Godforsaken town to do things by halves.

::Peyton slowly, deliberately turns his back on Tyrone.::

We've got a room full of folks here and I'm willing to bet it wasn't just one who murdered Mr. Hutchins.  Let's see those notebooks, Greaves.  It's time I took a trip down memory lane.

((I've had no less than four different reasons to be on you and I'm willing to allow at least some leeway for Player Meta.  Even if I still think you're the scummiest player so far, I don't have any more to say about your play than what I've said so far, and I have no bead on the rest of the game.  It's time to rectify that.))

((In other words, get your hanfu on, vote Yao to the All-Star Game and start studying your Analects, 'cause the Great Wall of Text is probably coming... ;)))

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #91 on: April 19, 2010, 08:16:57 PM »

I appreciate these fine libations you've provided us, Mr. Giovanni, but you haven't provided a great deal more.  Looking back, you were the one talking folks down early on, leading to my brief spat with Mr. Dale and, from the opposite direction, Mr. Callahan's suggestion Mr. Daniels swallow his suspcions.  You poke Mr. O'Malley regarding his vote on Mr. Bike, on account of it's specious reasoning - agreed.  Then, finally, you voted for Mr. Callahan, which I can't rightly blame you for, seeing as how it's for the same general reasons I did.

It ain't much, but what's there ain't bad, either.


Peyton Hadley may think what's there ain't bad because he can be a bit narcissistic when people agree with him, but Bobbin Cranbud has a different take.  Three posts, only two with game content, and of those, while I agree with both, NEITHER INTRODUCES A SINGLE NEW THING TO THE GAME.  That COULD be innocent, but it's also absolutely IDEAL lurkscum play.  Doubly so because no one else seems to have noticed it.

SO going to watch you on this count, because DAMN.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #92 on: April 19, 2010, 08:41:29 PM »
((Flavor's gonna suffer because I don't have as much time as I thought.  Sorry. :( )


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,

There are four points here.

One, Hellsnake sits on no vote for a long time while stirring the pot with Ty and Bike and throwing vague accusations at Chad.  This is bad play and when he gets called on it, he defends it.  Once you're out of the jokevote phase, if you suspect someone, put a vote down.  Hell, vote/unvote half the pair and then vote the other half, if you want to show you seriously want people looking at them.  This is important because it generates a vote record we can judge in latter days.

Two, the vote Hellsnake DOES put down is on O'Malley, the same person he jokevoted, and it's OMGUS.  But, despite ample reason to suspect Hellsnake at that point, O'Malley's actual accusation seems to be inaccurate and I'm not sure where he got it.  So I can sympathise with the reciprocal vote.

Third, in this same post, Hellsnake mentions a "Seamus/Chad buddy system," which... see below.

Finally, Hellsnake correctly points out that Bike voted him for not having a vote down AFTER he had done so, and votes Bike for it.  Hellsnake's reaction is severe but he immediately notes it and backs off on his attitude, but not his stance.

My views on Hellsnake will probably come out of my views of Seamus and Chad, once I get to them.  If he's right about their buddying up, his voting pattern makes some sense despite early playstyle complaints.  Otherwise, he has been, at best, playing poorly.

Lower on my suspicions list than Callahan for the reasons stated many times, and Pietro for slipping so smoothly under the radar, which I can say all I like OOC, dammit!

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #93 on: April 19, 2010, 08:54:08 PM »

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Votes for me!  Oh My God U Scum! ;-)  Seriously, though, I can see where he's coming from on my initial "two jokevotes on the same person" vote and can only disagree, however mildly.  In other news, I agree with him about overpressing Bike and Callahan saying a lot of nothing, no news there.  (IRONY!)

Pretty much the only other thing going on is his case on Chad.  It's interesting because it's basically a more extreme version of the case he originally called ME on.  But, the vote in question comes after the jokevote phase is over and it's #3 rather than #2, which makes Greaves's case a lot stronger than mine was.

Not seeing anything problematic here.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #94 on: April 19, 2010, 09:04:23 PM »

1, 2

Votes for Bike for little to no reason, but I guess that's the requisite flavor/jokevote?

Then votes for Hellsnake, not - or not just - for not voting, not - or not just - for cheerleading the burgeoning Ty/Bike rift... but for accusing Chad of doing the "same thing" Hellsnake is doing.  Which... Hellsnake hadn't done.  He'd thrown a (possibly flavor?) accusation, to that point.  Weird.

So, O'Malley's one substantive post contains a vote on what appears to be an inaccurate basis.  On the other hand, it was a reasonable DIRECTION for a vote and it does introduce/expose new content, even the CORRECT content.

Not as poisonous a job of lurking as Pietro because of that one decent post.  I can't make a judgment on this much content, so... POST MOAR.

(Even though O'Malley doesn't look good, on this reread I think Hellsnake looks worse because there's only one mention of Chad in O'Malley's post and it's not especially defensive of Chad.)

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #95 on: April 19, 2010, 09:05:30 PM »
And with that I'm out of time.  Crap. :(

Sick dog is sick, work soon, NBA Playoffs tonight, unsure when I'll be able to continue.  Hopefully this analysis so far will be useful and I'll be back before deadline.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #96 on: April 19, 2010, 09:18:08 PM »
Quote from: EL
Not having a vote before any evidence at all is just as easily not wanting to lynch a fellow townie, in my books.
((But by that logic, best play for Town on D1 start is not to random-vote because you're more likely to vote a Townie, and that obviously means that discussion never starts.))

"Hey, the Russian speaks English after all! A few things that you probably oughta talk about in more detail, though."

Quote from: Kolmogorov
More to the point, your vote for Hellsnake seems based on...again, flavour.
"I dunno, this quote I have of the old man here seems to make it pretty clear he was on Hellsnake for not being enough of a man to put a vote down. Where does flavour play into that?"

Quote from: Kolmogorov
I've had to tutor [Chad] once, and while a little...lacking in some aspects, he's a good man, merely quiet at first
((How much of this connection between your characters is flavour, and how much is just Alex!meta? I've only played three games here, and all three were anonymous so yeah.))

"Not sure if there's much point hanging around on Chad today - guess he's too popular round these parts to get accused D1, plus the deceased is sorta his father and he isn't gonna be around for a while. I'm watching him, though.

I'm willing to go along with voting for Ty (who's still being completely nonsensical) and Kyle (for being way way WAAY too aggressive over flavour) today, but in particular I don't think Bike's done anything to be worth sticking up on the gallows today. Or shooting, or burning at the stake, or however you guys execute your criminals here in Marbury. Sorry, I was sorta in a rush on the way here and I didn't do the background research."

##Unvote, Vote: Tyrone (L-2)


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #97 on: April 19, 2010, 10:54:16 PM »
"Gotta second yer worries 'bout the kid, Nathan, though mainly cuz he admits Bike's story's not all there 'n' still votes on the one who said the same I'm gettin' pretty worried 'bout that lil' group o'Bike, Giovanni, Sam, and recently Chad here. At leas' one o'em's up to sumin', prob'ly more'n one. Bike's still toppa my list, though.

((Peyton, to answer your question, he should've dropped it, but)) "Peyton, I mentioned that Jack here was a lil' suspicious an' he got all defensive 'n' blew it way outta proportion. I never direc'ly accused him o'nothin' ((and still got an OMGUS reaction -- yay, I'm learning online-mafia terminology slowly!)). So if that part o'the discussion's yer worry, then ya should be worryin' more about his reaction than about what I said. Think about it, an' maybe read o'er what Nathan's been recordin' o'what we've all said.

"A l'il suspicious?  A l'il suspicious?  You no-good sausage suckin' democracy-hatin' kraut-lovin'..." he trails off, not-so-subtly looking at Peitro and shutting up immediately afterwards.  Another drink down the hatch, and he regains his courage. "Heck, if you go by yer numbers you placed me at the second or third most scummy sumbitch out o' the lot, after Moses and Pietro.  An' fer what?  A drunken outburst?  Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit."

"Way I sees it, there are two ways this can go.  The... the one I s'spect?  You's kickin' up dust, tryin' to earn the trust of the good folk o' Marbury by fakin' at bein' a good soldier, tryin' a find the killer.  Mebbeh yer wrong, mebbeh yer right, but the point is yer always lookin' fer the shit on the shoe.  Now placin' me so high?  If it'd'd worked you'd get folks accusin' me of the crime since I was so high up on yer list.  Whoever dun the crime's got to play the field, make the troops be where 'e wants 'em.  's as close as I done seen to that so far.

Naahh ((Now, not No)), maybe I'm wrong.  Maybe this just is yer first hand and yeh don't know the house rules. ((OOC Translation:  Seriously.  Go look at any other mafia game.  DL Mafia games almost always start out with a bunch of nonsense joke votes that get tossed out once people have something more to go on; frankly, never having played on another board before, I'm not sure what else you think we're SUPPOSED to do.  That instead of doing some very minor legwork and checking into this, you're beating a dead horse really doesn't help your case.)) If'n yer arguments against anyone else made a lick o sense to me, well I reckon I'd be more inclined to let you stay in the trenches."

"And, if y'will, I held my "real" vote til the moment I found someone who stank enough to warrant it."

He shakes his bottle of moonshine, and a bit of liquid sloshes around in the bottle.  "Almost empty. T'ain't a good thing atall.  I can't afford mor'n three bottles a day and this is the third one.  If you think I'm an asshole now, just watch me when I'm sober."  Daniels looks around at the people still millin' about.  "I dun forgot what I said about you, Nathan.  Read it back, if'n you please."

Then, a lightbulb.  "Ah, yeh, the third vote.  Just don't strike me as much of a tell.  Holdin' the line and keepin' to the trenches is all well and good but we t'wern't in such a danger that the Kaiser could sneak up on us just 'cuz-o-that.  Still, 'sides that I ain't got nothin' on yeh, least not mor'in on Tyrone, and..."

"Speakin' o' which, Chad.  Kid's got instincts.  Knows the field.  Little out of it at times but he knows what he's doing.  Question is, what is he doing?"

"An' Lyle... Kyle... shit, don't matter.  The salesman.  See, I don't like Moses' ramblin none the more than any o' you all.  Man can talk at a guy til his bottle's empty if you let him.  But shit, you all seen it.  Ain't no substance to it.  Ain't much good at makin' shit up so detailed, either.  No novelist, for damn sure.  If I'm gettin' at Tyrone for makin' a mountain out of a molehill, may's well get on you too."

((OOC:  I don't think the backstory tells us much one way or the other, but I don't think it's completely made up.  Too many details that could be easily contradicted, etc.  At the same time it's not a direct quote since Moses isn't modkilled, and omission is still _very_ possible, not to mention easier and less likely to contradict someone else's role PM.  That said, I think too much has been made out of it; at the risk of meta, it's Xanth, dudes.  I watched Meme mafia.  That's how the guy talks.  Moreover, airing out as much information as possible only helps town.  

AT THE SAME (META) TIME, I don't really think Kyle/Sopko's reaction implies that he's scum, either.  Sopko likes RP.  Sopko dislikes when RP is broken unnecessarily.  I don't know which way to go on this, since Sopko knows these things as well and it all might be misdirection.  Frankly, I think Chad Alex has a greater possibility of being scum at this point, but none of these 3 strike me as scummier than Tyrone right now.  Perhaps a later lynch for information may be necessary, but I'm not willing to gamble that quite yet.))

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #98 on: April 19, 2010, 11:04:30 PM »
((Back for at least a little while, sick dog is less sick, thankfully, but still not out of the woods.  Work can wait till after dinner.))

((But before I get back to my character by character analysis, a moment to address Greaves.))

By God, Greaves, you're right.  Mr. Bike's accusation toward Hellsnake makes a sight more sense than I originally though.  Not an accusation of 'not having a vote down,' but of 'not having had one, and defended that inaction.'

::Peyton winces.::

What's this business of hanging, burning and assorted and sundry mayhem, though?  I was under the impression we were meaning to deliver our suspect up to the proper authorities?  Unless, that is, the locals have some reason to believe that wouldn't exactly see justice done...?

If that's so, well, it wouldn't be the first time I've had to take matters into my own hands.  Suppose I can only pray it'll be the last, or there'll BE a last.

I... suppose if it has to come to that, Callahan still looks the worst to me so far.  But neither Hellsnake nor Giovanni have been anything like squeaky clean, and that's just out of a handful of folks I've read your scribblings on.  I sure ain't ready see a hammer dropped just yet.

((Needless to say, not advocating No Lynch OOC, just playing up the shock in character.  Good spot on Bike/Hellsnake and Kolmogorov's reaction to it.))

::Peyton is dimensional shambler'd by Jack Daniels::

((But there's nothing to comment on in Daniels' post except to say I agree with it.))

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #99 on: April 19, 2010, 11:14:07 PM »
Russkie's back'n town, I see. No doubt figured we'd send a posse after him elseways. An' blatherin' in' fancy forein' tounges no less. If we did'nae have a murd'rer t' catch here I'd be askin' 'im t'step outside right now, talkin' 'bout good ol' Marbury beer like 'at. But we do, an' we shoul' be findin' 'im firs'. Not that Ruskie's contributin' much t' 'at either, truth be tol'. Jumpin' on Callahan's easy, an' defendin' poor Hutchins's hardly goin' t'be unpop'l'r.

What 'e say's 'bout Handley's true 'nough though. I'll say this fer t' salesm'n, 'e's keepin' thin's more con-cise like 'n some others I coul' name - but fer a guy who's speakin' up often enough, 'andley's said nothin' other'n 'bout two peoples, an' one o' them's 'isself. I think t' kid's jumpin' t' gun a little; what 'e's said about Bike's been reas'nable enough (And young Hutchins even seemed t' be agreein' wit it - and yet voted 'im fer't anyway? Callin' out those as is bein' unhelpful is good fer all've us, 'less you've somethin' t'hide). I want t' see Handley broad'nin' is gaze, but 't's minor in t' scheme o' tings.
(An' this may sound callous of me, but I don' like us givin' t'kid a free pass on account of who 'e is. Not that I could ever tell what 'e was thinkin' myself, but 't's unhealt'y placin' anyone above suspic'n, day 1 or no).

Callahan were all over t' place earlier; I near voted 'im back 't lunch, but 'e's readin' like 'e coul' jus' be an ign'rant outsider of late. Not that them's any kinda good folks t' be havin' either, but 's not 'nough t'say 'e's a murderer. Yet. Greaves' surprisin' me jus' makes; I don' wan' no outsiders thinkin' they shoul' bes givin' ol' Ty a li'l "accident" afore 'is time's due. It may well be we'll see fit t' 'ang 'im 'ere sundown, but democr'cy mus' serve i's course firs'. Hadley has the right of it; 'e's a fool either way, an' I'd miss 'im less than most of t'rest'f you's, but 't's worth lookin' f'r an' outrigh' killer firs', an' we's gettin' nowhere jus' starin' a' Callahan all focus-like. ('Less, o' course, one of you's seen somethin' tha' says he's bein' more'n jus' foolish?)

Speakin' o' Hadley, th' man sure does like to talk pow'rf'l much. Haven't read 'im closely enough t'say more'n't yet though, an I've been starin' 't this long enough. O'Malley's done nothin' t' make 'isself any better, an' while the... magnitude of Callahan's clownin' is more, I's not yet convinced 'ts truly sin'ster. What little we've ha' from O'Malley is more vill'n than fool, so I'm... satisfied enoug' with my's vote f'now.

An' I've been ruminatin' so long, even t' boozehound's gotten t' jump on me. Hadley too. Clearly my fac'lties aren' wha' theys use' t'be.