
Author Topic: Cthulu Mafia - TOWN (drunk) WIN, MADNESS SOMEWHAT AVERTED  (Read 84205 times)

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #225 on: April 24, 2010, 06:06:55 AM »


Those who've seen can't unsee, but at least it will prevent it from further contaminating the game with Meta.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #226 on: April 24, 2010, 06:09:12 AM »
((Snow, I assume I'm the guilty party here?  Very sorry if I went too far, and it will not happen again.))

In this case, yes.  In fact, check your PMs.  You have permission to edit your previous post.

For reference, since this way there isn't a split behind people who saw your post before and after the edit (if you do so): Peyton claimed that I said that figuring out the role setup would be helpful to town.  This is true, I did say that (whether in PM, in scumchat, or wherever), he's not lying, and I don't want to invite meta based on whether this is true or not.  I consider this a fairly harmless statement to bring up, I just don't want to set a precedent where it's okay to quote me on unrelated matters.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2010, 06:32:28 AM by SnowFire »

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #227 on: April 24, 2010, 06:12:55 AM »
OK, edited.  My post works fine just deleting those lines.

My apologies once again.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #228 on: April 24, 2010, 07:26:55 AM »
And that's the whole story? I'm sorry to've brought up memories of the play; I was mostly asking 'bout last night. Viltu fá smá meira að drekka?

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #229 on: April 24, 2010, 07:38:31 AM »
Oh, Kyle Handley vote was pure pressure, only wanted to get information out of him.

Going back over the recent stuff since the Role spec/declarations sort of took it over and I'm in a post-Nuggets cock-up funk, this leaped out at me.


While your Miller claim is actually somewhat plausible to me, this right here?  Is terrible.  You mean you didn't ACTUALLY think it was Scummy for Kyle to drop his controversial Day 1 case like a hot potato for no apparent reason and go off after a seemingly soft target at the start of Day 2?  I don't see any reason why this ceased to be suspicious.

As I explained to Chad when he seemed to think I wasn't on Kyle's case, at the time of my big "state of the game report," I ranked him either second or third after Pietro and possibly you.

His two subsequent posts make an effort to explain his position more clearly and bring up some other stuff, but don't make me think much more highly of him.  They don't seem to add much besides Bad Play Is No Excuse which... does that really need to be said?

Where does that place him on my Scumdar now?  Signs are hazy, check back later. ;-)  Lower than Pietro, lower than you, possibly lower than Ethan (who came out swinging at me aggressively, and as far as I can tell badly, on the day after Scum tried and failed to nightkill me).

My point is, dropping Ethan for Pietro is not a move I disagree with... because if I did, I'd have probably done the opposite earlier today.

Doing it because your original vote was "pure pressure?"  That's nowhere close to OK and makes no.  Especially since AFAICT it comes BEFORE you actually do your readthrough of the topic, not just in your post but in when you made the decision?  That implies you didn't have a better target to jump to until AFTER your readthrough, and the only reason to jump OFF of Kyle was if you considered him solidly town at that point.

Did you?

::Ninja'd by the snake his own self::

::Peyton nods, a little shakily, and waves off the bounty hunter's apology.::

"That's my whole story; I checked out the old Unseen Wisdom lodge ((this was provided flavor)) and looked in to make sure Mr. Bike was safe ((my night action)).  Some time during the night ((My PM did not specify what I was doing at the time)) I got attacked, but a spell I learned from one of my previous investigations gave the attacker a right good surprise.  The lunatic who jumped me didn't seem to be after Mr. Bike ((PM did specify this)), but me."

::Peyton holds up his hand.::

"My skin ain't in the best of shape after that spell, as you can see, but... better that than dead in a ditch, and all of you not so much as knowing it."

((Skin stuff, breadcrumbed in my first post of the day, is due to flesh ward flavor and is my invention, not from my role PM.))

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #230 on: April 24, 2010, 07:39:56 AM »
That should read "dropping Kyle/Sopko for Pietro," not "dropping Ethan for Pietro."

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #231 on: April 24, 2010, 08:06:56 AM »
Well, Peyton, I only saw one lil sentence on Kyle in a big post with paragraphs about other people, so kindly forgive a kid for not takin that as "clear second place definitely on his case" material.  Weird day and I ain't know what's what anymore.

I am really not likin how Mr. Hellsnake has done gone stopped sayin anything useful.  One would expect a good man to be pushin his case for who he thinks the culprits are after droppin a claim like that to save himself.  Funny how I liked him so much this mornin but now it's like he's goin out of his way to push my buttons.  But... hm.

Anyhow it's just been the four or five of us talkin here tonight so... not a lot changin on Pietro and Handley's cases.  Hadley (not to be confused with Handley) does read a bit better to me on gettin a feel for his style some more.

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #232 on: April 24, 2010, 08:13:09 AM »
Oh and since it didn't get answered, Mr. Hellsnake...

- There any more to your miller-ness than "Bounty hunters look suspicious"?

- I understand people not claimin miller at the start of the game, even though a lotta good men would argue it's the right thing to do.  But why didn't you claim it at the end of day 1 when you had heat and knew you'd be a likely cop target?  (and if the answer is "I weren't around/didn't want to get turbolynched," then why not early today when you got heat again?  Savin the claim until AFTER someone starts talkin about maybe investigating you with something that may be a cop power is just about the worst thing you can do, ain't it?)


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #233 on: April 24, 2010, 08:40:51 AM »

Moses Bike [ 0]: Bill Hellsnake
Pietro [5]: Seamus (Excal), Peyton Hadley, Nathan Greaves, Moses Bike, Bill Hellsnake
Bill Hellsnake [3]: Moses Bike, Kyle Handley (Sopko), Pietro, Jack Daniels
Kyle Handley (Sopko) [2]: Sam Hargreaves, Bill Hellsnake, Chad Hutchins
Peyton Hadley [1]: Ethan Hayles
Ethan Hayles [1]: Ronald Dale (Bardiche)
Nikolai Kolmogorov [ 0]: Jack Daniels

No votes placed: Nikolai Kolmogorov, Martin Andrews

Mage / Bill Hellsnake: You forgot to unvote in your vote.  I've assumed an unvote this time, please remember next time, and note that I'd be enforcing that rule more strictly if this were LYLO.

There are 15 hours left in Day 2.  With 14 investigators, it takes 8 to lynch.

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #234 on: April 24, 2010, 09:08:48 AM »
Looks like I completely misread the Hellsnake/Bike interaction.

O'Malley: Your case on Hellsnake seemed remarkably bad - jokevote phase has barely ended, no-one's really been saying much of consequence, and you vote for saying a lot without really contributing goes on the one guy who's actually made a genuine insight.
Now that's very early on, but since then you've... I'm really having to rack my brains here, which is scummy in itself. You poked at Bike when he needed poking (again very early on), which counts for something, but I can't remember any real contributions after that. this post is pure defence, the two shortly after it make true but obvious points. Though now that I look back I see an actual insight on Pietro in here, it's just buried in a dense mass of nothing. Again with your latest post post I'm replying to; feels like a lot've fluff. While you standing up and saying why you disagree with some cases is something, what we really need is attack, and you've got nothing there bar a poke at Hutchins that's been made plenty've times already.
I feel better than I did about you, having now seen your reasoning against Pietro early on, but even so: you've not done a whole lot that's memorable, and your most memorable, original contribution was that case on Hellsnake which seemed very wrong.

Hutchins seems to be defending not posting often on the grounds that he gave an opinion when he did; if that were how it worked, we'd all say what we thought at the start of the day, cast our votes and then head off for some golf. Peyton may've reached the same conclusions as you at the start, but if he's also contributing on the rest of the day's events as they come up, I'm inclined to say he looks better than you do. (And sure, he's waffley, I'd prefer a lot more concise, but as long as his posts have actual content it doesn't really matter how long it takes to say it).

Greaves: If Bike is scum, he's spinning up this claim and tomorrow he'll just spin more - he's already tried to say we shouldn't lynch him straight off if he's alive tomorrow. We're never going to get absolute proof of his alignment while he's alive (even if we had a copclaim that could be faked, he could claim miller, etc.), so if we think he's scum, we should be stringing him up right away. I have plenty of issue with Handley (not to mention I don't think Bike is scum), but on this front he's dead right.

Dale, while he's keeping out of the spotlight, is making sense to me, and I don't think there's any substance to O'Malley's attack on his phrasing. Will try and have a reread of him just in case, but I'm not putting that on top priority right now.

This post from Pietro comes just before everything kicks off, and I'm not at all happy with it. "the case for Snake has been made enough, can we hurry up at lynch him already? Active scumtells = scum. Why is he getting away with this?" seems an emotional appeal, forcefully pushing a case he's done very little to actually make. If the other stuff hadn't come up I'd be voting Pietro (seems to have lost his Giovanni, which is why I couldn't find his post earlier) right now.

Posting because it's already very long and this is a good logical divide. Will make a second post covering everything after the roleclaim, and then some conclusions; apologies for the length.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #235 on: April 24, 2010, 09:18:18 AM »
What I don't even.,4828.msg105220.html#msg105220
Hellsnake lists off a bunch of 'cases'; let's look at some of his reasons for finding people scummy:
- Ignoring Petro
- Not voting for Petro
- Not finding Petro scummy
(What? Not only do they rely on the supposition that I'm scum, he's subliminally painting me scum instead of making arguments about the people he's supposedly writing about!)

His case on me has zero actual substance and just rides on what others have said. It's an excuse to say "I also find Petro really scummy!"
Then he continues with a bunch of fabricated cases on other people so it doesn't look like he just OMGUSed me, but they're obviously flimsy summaries at best.

I don't believe his claim at all. The delay till day 3 is just too circumstantially suspect;
Jack, if you really don't believe me, then you've got my throat right by the rope anyway. You can wait a couple days to make sure of it, can't you?
typical bloody scum ploy to survive a little longer, when we could already be in LYLO for all we know. The rule is never suffer scum to live.

On top of that we have a miller counter-claim, and it's a plain suspect claim.

Obviously it benefits my suvival to have people vote Hellsnake but come on, so many scumtells vs. me being quiet.
If you're online then wuld you kindly vote Hellsnake, or tell me your rebuttal for why otherwise.

Whoa Hargreaves, what a ninja. Will read in a sec.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #236 on: April 24, 2010, 09:23:22 AM »
On top of that we have a miller counter-claim, and it's a plain suspect claim.
By that I mean that Hellsnake's miller claim is suspect because of timing - the counter claim isn't suspicious, but it makes the legitimacy of Hellsnake's claim less likely.

Samuel, I've always been Pietro.
And I just noticed I did spell my name wrong in my previous post. That's what I get fo' dropping out of school to join la famille.

Asuka Langley

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« Reply #237 on: April 24, 2010, 09:51:41 AM »
So, I haven't actually read everything through yet, but the one thing that stuck out like an obvious misplaced puzzle piece was the double miller claim.

Because, you know, that would very neatly solve the information I have. From the inside there are actually four non-town roles, but looking in from the outside it seems like there are five or six. Either left as five or six so there could be no certainty, or because there's also a godfather.

Scum could have come together to cook this up by now, so it's hardly enough to clear or anything, but it's major food for thought. It also resolves the sticking point of six non-town players by any measure sounding like too many.

That however is not why I thought the Hellgazelle had asked me the question in the first place (which I'd figured had told me exactly what role he had and what he'd done with it, which would have had to be town), so lol wut.

Peyton: well, er, thank you. Would have rather you told us that you'd been attacked right at the start of the day, but I'm still inclined to believe it now. I've already talked about the flavour I received last night. Does any of it make sense to you (talking with people and then making them forget, giving them dark visions, etc. etc.), or is it all the work of another visitor? Any hint in your flavour that there might be unknown dark consequences to the power, even?

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #238 on: April 24, 2010, 10:01:10 AM »
"Kyle Handley vote was pure pressure, only wanted to get information out of him" <- Arrgh arrgh arrgh. That is Not Right (and pisses me off more for coming just after I'd decided I was happy voting Pietro). As Hadley (does anyone else object to the use of surnames? I like it just for flavour, but I can see the potential for confusion) said, please clarify: why did you want information from him in particular? And more importantly, do you not believe the arguments you made against him?

The miller claims actually make sense; if there are four scum and two millers that would fit nicely with the "four from the inside, six from the outside". (On the other hand, if there might be five... yeah). Four may be a little on the high side, but shrug; maybe we've got some killer (hah) town roles. I think at this point we want any other miller to speak up (on that fact, not on their full role), though don't take my word alone for it.

Dammit, there's no way one can really ignore this: if the almighty himself says figuring out the role setup would be helpful to town, then we should darn well be trying to figure out the role setup. I'll try and play as if it weren't there, but this certainly won't do my meta-reasoning tendencies any good (and I would point out for the record that said tendencies put me on the right people in the previous game, much as they also got me mislynched).

I'd better take a full reread of Dale, and more generally I want to have a close look at Hellsnake's big posts. This has taken a lot longer than I expected, though, and I'm about to head away for the weekend; while I might find a computer on my travels (and there's a very good chance I'll be able to at least make a quickpost once I've finished packing just before I leave), it's possible you won't hear from me for 36 hours. Very brief conclusions from the last post: O'Malley looks slightly better than before, but not enough to shift his relative position. Hutchins and Dale join Hadley in the "very slightly scummy side of neutral" bucket; Hutchins then shifts further down with the revelation that his big flavour-investigation was just flavour. Might put him above O'Malley actually, I haven't time to think that through fully. Pietro shifts out to clear #1 bad guy on that horrible phrase I quoted, and on that post being the best contribution he could give us. I'm now looking at Pietro > Handley > O'Malley ~ Hutchins , with lurkers ignored (I haven't time to come to a position on Kolmogorothingy, especially since we don't have his substantial post yet, and Andrews is looking like a modkill at this stage) and everyone not mentioned not qualifying as scummy (in particular, while Dale is slightly bad I'm not seeing a case on him yet).

While I want to look over Hellsnake, and he's got things to answer for, I didn't think he was outright scummy before the big claim explosion, and unlike Bike he's made a firm claim that he can't back away from. If he doesn't revive anyone, we lynch him, plain and simple (Hellsnake: I assume you have no objection to this?).

##Unvote, ##Vote: Pietro.

Oh dear, Pietro himself ninjas, but I really must post this at this point. Will do my best to look again before I go, but can't promise anything.

Asuka Langley

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« Reply #239 on: April 24, 2010, 10:20:57 AM »
Specifically 'non-town', Sam. If'n this is the solution to the riddle it seems like, I'd figure three scum and one ITP to be more likely than four scum. Not that I'd be tryin' to push this near so far so early, but the shoe does fit.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #240 on: April 24, 2010, 10:52:30 AM »
Bah screw it, it annoys me that Samuel Hargreaves feels he can put down a vote on me without any reasons, putting me to L-2. And neither he nor Bike seem willing to acknowledge any argument I make against Hellsnake. CBF anymore.

I'm a cop. I investigated Hellsnake last night, scum return. I've been lurking because I'm a town power-role duh.
Only proviso is that I'm not sure I'm a sane cop. Flavour seems to indicate otherwise. So if you're also a cop, don't counter claim!
You'll see that my claim is consistent with my claim and tunnelling of Hellsnake. I investigated him after his dodgy performance yesterday.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #241 on: April 24, 2010, 10:58:33 AM »
Quick as possible because I'm dead on my feet here, but I want to get this out since Pietro is in quicklynch range and the day might not go to deadline.

Moses: No, none of the flavor you posted makes sense to me.  My bodyguarding isn't even a supernatural power as far as I can tell.  The bulletproof part was called out as supernatural (casting flesh ward; anyone who's played CoC or Arkham Horror probably knows how it works :) ), but the method by which I bodyguard people wasn't beyond I take hits for others, and live through them with my spell.

If somebody did slowkill you, I guess that could be a type of kill I couldn't block, though.  Maybe I can only block non-magical attacks or something.  The only alternative explanation (aside from one of us lying, obviously) is that I'm an unwitting vessel for Hastur because of the play and he kills those I try to protect?  It is VERY hard to believe this wouldn't even be hinted at in either of my PMs, though, and it wasn't.

As for why I didn't claim about being the target of the kill and bodyguarding you immediately?  Initially I didn't want to explain how I survived right after another Bulletproof townie got lynched.  Notice the "two Millers!" reaction Hellsnake's claim initially drew?  That.  (Especially when I was the first vote on the lynched BP Townie!)  Then you came out with your slowkill worries and I was even more reluctant to say what happened the night before.  To me it seemed better to wait and see what was scared up - such as pulling Aggro from Ethan, for instance.

Pietro: If I wanted to suffer Scum to live, I'd be voting for someone OTHER than you.  Your apparent desperation to quicklynch Hellsnake would alone be enough for me to think he was non-Scum, if I hadn't previously assumed it was a bussing job.  You've still yet to show one single argument that isn't either a load of bull or repeating someone else to jump on an "easy" train.

If we had no other Scummy-looking people to hunt, I would be disinclined to let Hellsnake go.  But we do, starting with you.  I'd certainly want to poke my nose into Kyle/Sopko and Ethan, both of whom have given me serious Scumtells, before going after someone with an easily provable claim like Hellsnake's.

And seriously, "we could already be in LYLO?"  Please.  We had Mod confirmation in the very last votecount that this isn't LYLO.

The only reason I would vote Hellsnake over you is if I had reason to believe he had a very powerful Scum power role - and I've been given no such reason.

Chad: Reread the post you're talking about.  I devoted a whole section to Kyle.  This is the second time I've pointed this out, please reread it if it still concerns you.

If we are going to let Hellsnake either revive or not - and with another, at least as strong, Scum candidate, I believe we should - critiquing his play at this point is pretty much useless, IMO.  This also goes for:

Sam: 4 Scum would not surprise me in light of just the claimed Town roles so far.  I function almost like an invulnerable Doctor, and if Hellsnake is telling the truth he's arguably even MORE powerful because he could, in theory, get us back a confirmed Townie.  (Of course, Raiser CAN be a Scum role, albeit a very shitty/difficult one.)

About the rest of your post, see above about the big Hellsnake reread.  if your time is short spend it on people who haven't given us an on/off switch for whether they're lying or not.

OK, that's all I can do tonight.  It's 4am and I'm probably rambling.

IN GENERAL: Please, please, please nobody put Pietro at -1 before close to deadline!  I don't want to give Kolmogorov an excuse to be all "oh, I was going to post the next day but you ended early" (hopefully in awesome Russian mad scientist flavor, but still! :D), and if Pietro is indeed Scum he might selfhammer to end the day before we're finished hashing stuff out.  (I'm less worried about another Scumhammer because it should be little more than a 1/1 trade since that's obviously a bad move.)

I *should* be back by deadline, so see you all in my AM, Marbury's evening!

::Ninja'd by Pietro::

Can't think about this tonight except to say Cop or Scum, Sane or Mad, you're STILL LYING.  Hargreaves gives his reason: your push to quicklynch Hellsnake.  Even if you think that's a bad reason, it IS a reason.

Nonetheless I'll:

##UNVOTE Pietro Giovanni

To make sure there's a chance to talk about this in the morning.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #242 on: April 24, 2010, 11:00:44 AM »
Last thing.


Insane cop.

Investigated a claimed Miller, who is either a Miller or lying Scum.

Would return Town.

So if you're insane, you're lying.


Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #243 on: April 24, 2010, 11:05:36 AM »

Wilful omission?

Really want me mislynched Hadley?


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #244 on: April 24, 2010, 11:32:48 AM »
I think...  I think I have to do this.


Alright, starters.  Partial claim time.  I'm also a miller.

So, why am I a Miller?  Funny story, I'm here from the city not to do odd jobs, but rather, an odd job.  See, I'm in training to be a catholic priest.  Well, guess I should say, was.  Doubt they'll want me back now, and not sure I'd ever want to.  Y'see, one day in my training, I overheard my superiors talking with some strange visitors.  Turns out they worked for this group called Sapientes Gladio that occasionally works with the church.  Using the Darkness against the Darkness to protect the Light, or something else like that.  And from the sounds of it, they felt there was some threat here in Maybury, so they were going to come over and just kill whoever they felt needed killing until they felt the place was safe.  Didn't matter who, didn't matter how many.  They'd drench this place in blood, until they were done, even if they had to wipe it off the map.

I...  well...  I couldn't just let them do this.  So, I busted into their stuff to learn what I could and then came over here to stop 'em.  Turns out I didn't get anything that tells me a thing about what they're planning.  However, I did get my hands on one of their relics.  Of course, because I'm from the church, and I'm using one of their tools, I look like one of 'em to people who look for that kind of stuff.

So yeah, that's my story.  Hopefully this'll help Town in piecing together what the hell is going on here.

Now, the Hellsnake was...  not necessarily looking good.  But now I'm really wondering about him.  That kinda power makes me wonder what he's up to.  Moreover, some of the really sketchy things he was saying that weren't actually so bad in this circumstance, well...

Specifically, the rolefish.  The way it played out just screamed I want an excuse to claim miller when he told the whole story.  And while I could buy it when he first made it (Bike made it sound like the Mistaken Town option simply wasn't, so he's either Town about to die, or lying scum, and both of those you want to get as much info out of as possible, if only so it either doesn't die with 'em, or so it hold's 'em tight so they can't change their tale later), he apparently didn't believe Bike was dying when he asked.  And now we've got Payton saying he's got reason to think Bike's not dying at all.  So...  yeah.  Strike the first.

Not to mention, I think Bike's one of the people I'm willing to trust.  Which means that if this story of his does refer to non-town and millers, then we've got one too many.  And if that's true, then while I do have a bone or two to pick with Daniels, it's nothing compared to what I've got on you.

Now, I'm still suspicious of Pietro.  Especially since there's a huge difference between laying low and what he's doing.  But, between his claimed roll and how much worse you just got Hellotter, I'm thinking that the choice is clear.

##Vote: Hellsnake

Also, Peyton.  I noticed that our good friend Pietro said he thought he might be insane.  But you're acting like you know.  What's up with that?

It's unlikely I'm gonna get any more posts in before the day is done.  So, here's hoping things end well.

Princess Leia

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #245 on: April 24, 2010, 11:46:25 AM »
I've got a little longer than I thought, but not long. As Hadley has said, I've given my reasons; you've been looking bad all day due to the voteshift timing yesterday and general low content; you'll recall that my only reason for voting Handley over you was "active lurking worse than passive". And then you do post, and it's to make a frantic, emotional "why haven't people lynched today's other voteleader already", and that tipped it.

"typical bloody scum ploy to survive a little longer" goes right back at you. While being a cop would make the "why on earth isn't anyone else realising this guy is obviously scum" a tiny bit more reasonable... no, particularly since you feel the need to tell us this (it sounds like your reason for giving us the result is a lot more to justify your own behaviour than because you actually want us to act on it). And unlike Snake, who's made a specific commitment (which, while it gets him a few days' grace, also means no power on earth will save him if nothing turns up when he's said it should), you're trying to give yourself as much wiggle room in your claim as possible; you claim flavour suggests you're not sane (while carefully not committing either way), and then gotcha Hadley when he (quite reasonably) interprets that as you claiming to be insane. Heck, I'm not sure I even think that's a gotcha; your mention of paranoid now can equally read as clutching at straws now that Peyton's seen the big hole in your argument. And where does the the "I'm not sure if I'm insane don't counter-claim" come from? Two cops is just as likely or unlikely as it always was, whether or not they're sane. No, you're just trying to avoid any real cops counter-claiming to cover your own ass, just like with everything else you've said.

Vote stays.

Oh god O'Malley ninja millerclaim what. Haven't time to think about this. I'm not worried about Pietro being quickhammered given the unvotes he's picked up (and I was dead certain he was the best place for my vote up until 30 seconds ago), so I won't be moving my vote. I'll do my best to read properly and post again once I've got where I'm going, which'll be in a few hours.

Asuka Langley

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« Reply #246 on: April 24, 2010, 12:15:10 PM »
Hahahahaha. Oh wow. Oh wow oh wow oh wow.

I was going to hit Pietro for an awfully convenient cop claim.

Oh but man now three millers what.

Helleel got slack from me for what I picked up as accidentally dropping information that I could work out his role from in a manner that just clearly wasn't a deliberate trap. Then it turned out that he wasn't the role I thought he was (for what it's worth now that it clearly doesn't matter - I figured he'd only ask that question as a tracker/watcher who had seen/not seen me act on someone during night 1, and was looking to see if he could trip me up), but that was balanced by it clicking neatly in with an emerging theory regarding my information. Oh but now we have too many miller for that, and though maybe the information doesn't indicate millers or anything, it's either right and hence I want to be picking the worst of the bunch, or it's wrong and I shouldn't be giving Hellmackerel any credit by it.

Jack I trust very strongly on his claim, if some of the attached sentiments (primarily 'there can't be two millers') are misplaced. Vague potential for a gambit with Seamus that I wouldn't put past him in a hurry, but it's not even vaguely in the same league as the entirety of the Hellfalcon's actions from the start through to now.

Pietro's claim still stinks to high hills. I want them both lynched today. I'd even stay on him now so that the whole thing doesn't risk just unbalance into a landslide on the Hellbarracuda, but after being on him so much for so long, like hell am I missing out on being on this train now. Only thing I'm not so hot on is how they're on each other at the moment. Sure, there's always bussing, but the pieces don't connect as neatly as I'd like.

##Unvote: Pietro Giovanni
##Vote: William Hellsnake

Assuming I do die (even with Peyton's protection, I'm still pretty sure there's a slow kill about to activate on me), consider my vote for day 3 to be on whichever of them doesn't get lynched today.

Asuka Langley

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« Reply #247 on: April 24, 2010, 12:34:07 PM »
Oh, didn't spot the Hellelephant's full claim. Which feels like even more bull. If I'm trusting Peyton's claim of bulletproof bodyguard (know if you die on protection? Because otherwise uh, it does sound overpowered, dependent on what scum have to counter it), then this reviver business sounds ridiculous. Sounds ridiculous on its own, really.

Pretty sure the ancient cockroach up the nose trick is supposed to involve you getting mind-controlled by the ancient cockroach, if I remember correctly, but I guess in this game that could still be town. Not sure how it's supposed to give you resurrection powers, but maybe I just don't know the flavour well enough.

Anyhow, don't buy it enough to give him the time to step in the hole on his own. May mean I should reconsider the balance of the preferred order between him and Pietro, though.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #248 on: April 24, 2010, 12:49:36 PM »
Ronald Dale;

I'll come right out 'n say it. I was told at the start of the game there's a Godfather or Godfather variant on the Mafia side. I alluded to this on Day 1 saying there was definitely an innocent-looking mastermind behind these cases, but seems I oughta just come out straight'n say it.

All the Miller claiming makes my head hurt and I don't know who to believe here anymore.

Not sure what I think of Pietro's claim either. Copclaims always make me a little nervous to lynch.

Eh, screw it.

##UNVOTE: Ethan Hayles
##VOTE: Pietro Giovanni

"Not sure I'm sane so don't counter-copclaim"? If you're a towncop why the hell would you think there's another cop?

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #249 on: April 24, 2010, 02:31:53 PM »
Gee I dunno, because there's two or three millers already?

Not sure what I think of Pietro's claim either. Copclaims always make me a little nervous to lynch.

Eh, screw it.
I miss the good old days when people listed valid reasons for placing votes. Reasons which can be tied down after the mislynch flips town. I worry for you guys.