Author Topic: Cthulu Mafia - TOWN (drunk) WIN, MADNESS SOMEWHAT AVERTED  (Read 84217 times)

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #325 on: April 25, 2010, 11:08:43 PM »
I'm bulletproof because, uhh, superstrength and don't sleep. Good luck killing me by normal means. If you missed out on some neat items, try sleeping at Miskatonic U; maybe something will crawl up your nose too.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #326 on: April 25, 2010, 11:10:17 PM »

Moses Bike [ 0]: Bill Hellsnake
Pietro [5]: Seamus (Excal), Peyton Hadley, Nathan Greaves, Moses Bike, Bill Hellsnake, Sam Hargreaves, Ronald Dale (Bardiche), Ethan Hayles, Peyton Hadley, Nikolai Kolmogorov
Bill Hellsnake [7]: Moses Bike, Kyle Handley (Sopko), Pietro, Jack Daniels, Seamus (Excal), Moses Bike, Chad Hutchins, Nathan Greaves, Nikolai Kolmogorov
Kyle Handley (Sopko) [ 0]: Sam Hargreaves, Bill Hellsnake, Chad Hutchins
Peyton Hadley [ 0]: Ethan Hayles
Ethan Hayles [ 0]: Ronald Dale (Bardiche)
Nikolai Kolmogorov [ 0]: Jack Daniels

No votes placed: Martin Andrews, Nathan Greaves.

Mr. Hellsnake is at L-1.

There is 1 hour left in Day 2.  With 14 investigators, it takes 8 to lynch.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #327 on: April 25, 2010, 11:10:27 PM »
And again, if someone with more mafia knowledge than me could please tell me what Third Party shows up as to Sane cops?


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #328 on: April 25, 2010, 11:11:03 PM »
I'm pretty sure that's up to the moderator's discretion.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #329 on: April 25, 2010, 11:14:28 PM »
I can say this: If a cop or cops exist in this game, then I would have told the cop/cops the kind of results they get from Third Party.  It'd be in their role PM.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #330 on: April 25, 2010, 11:17:16 PM »
...huh. Well, crap.

Alright. Well. I'm thinking Moses' investigation only tells us that there are 4 scum, and one or two TP. Either that, or no TP, and one or two Millers. One of the two.

Either way, I'm thinking Pietro, at LEAST one of Seamus/The Russian, Kyle, and Chad are pretty safe places to look. Yes, I'm aware they're all against me, whatever. I don't care about that, I care about finding the right people. Btw, Seamus has something about his posts similar to Pietro. Can't place it yet, but somebody mind looking into that tonight/tomorrow?

Ninja'd by Mod: Still tells me nothing. Oh well.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #331 on: April 25, 2010, 11:20:16 PM »
Hey, if we're gonna lynch me for sure, anybody mind if I get the last vote?


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #332 on: April 25, 2010, 11:24:58 PM »
Just someone do it and get it over with. 30 minutes til sundown after all.

Li Syaoran

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #333 on: April 25, 2010, 11:26:39 PM »
...why do you want to self-hammer? Seriously. Don't do that unless there is actually a clear and uncontested need to do so (i.e. to guarantee a lynch instead of a No Lynch occuring in setups where a hammer must occur to lynch someone), otherwise this says that you consider yourself Anti-Town enough to vote yourself, which, erm, grate.

Either that, or there's something ELSE about your role that you haven't made up yettold us yet, in which case, kindly do inform us about anything relevant that takes place when/if someone were to hammer you.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #334 on: April 25, 2010, 11:28:18 PM »
Uhh... I want to hammer myself for shits and giggles? I said that if we are 100% lynching me, I want to have the hammer. If we're not, then awesome. I'm sorry I'm requesting to go out with style?


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #335 on: April 25, 2010, 11:31:27 PM »
Gah. Pietro and Bill both look either bad-scummy or bad-bad, and I can't decide between them. Pietro has the worse claim-timing, especially if Bill really is bulletproof and thus has nothing to fear from nightkills aimed at his ridiculous power role, but Bill's bulletproof claim smacks of scum flailing. Still torn. Still looking for something decisive I missed.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #336 on: April 25, 2010, 11:40:52 PM »
I'm not sure how the bulletproof claim 'smacks of scum flailing.' I dropped a hint shortly after Peyton revealed his role, asking not to be targeted by him. It was because I didn't need it, and was hoping that that would invite scum NKs. As for what I actually gain of claiming it?


Nothing. I gain people having even less reason to believe me. I am fully aware of how super-powered the role is. I am fully aware of how the Miller claim alone almost got me lynched. No, if I were truly flailing, I would've claimed some sort of secret ultra-super-awesome power. Like, say, saving people from slow-kills. Wouldn't that have been a much better claim? Yes, yes it would have been. Or maybe I claimed that, if one specific thing happened, I lost all my powers. But no. Now if you have some reason to honestly believe it is scumflailing, aside from lullynchtarget, then please tell me. Because this isn't the first time that people have reacted this way, and it is quite stupid to start inherently disbelieving everything someone says when they're close to a lynch, because EVERYTHING can be dismissed as flailing, and it is downright idiotic. If there is a contradiction, fine. By all means, call me out on it, and lynch me. Others, shut up, and stop treating people like they're worthless when backed against the wall. Even Town is going to freak when their new tye consists of rope and death. Now everybody who doesn't have a real, honest-to-god reason to believe I'm lying, sit down and shut up. Everybody who doesn't have a real reason to believe Pietro is lying, do the same. Everybody who didn't have one yesterday for Tyrone should've done the same. And from now on, everyone should do the same. Being near lynch and freaking out is NOT A SCUMTELL.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #337 on: April 25, 2010, 11:48:18 PM »
Well, Nikolai, considerin' we're approachin' the deadline an' he wants to make himself useful I say let him.  C'mon, folks, like, 10 minutes.  Seriously.  I don't like this at all.  Where the hell's that Nathan feller?  Nothin' more ken really be said in these next ten minutes so let's just nut up and HAMMER, okay? Okay.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #338 on: April 25, 2010, 11:48:34 PM »
((And here I was thinking MotK was the only forum where Mafia players had aneurysms. :|

Your 'I COULD HAVE CLAIMED SOMETHING EVEN STRONGER/WITH AN OBVIOUS FLAW' point is total WIFOM, and if you really wanted to selfhammer you'd have done it already. The jump from 'hurrselfhammer' to 'STOP INCRIMINATING ME' is the last straw, really.

##Hammer: Bill Hellsnake))


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Night 2
« Reply #339 on: April 26, 2010, 12:09:36 AM »
Sherrif Hutchison was clearly frazzled.  Everything had seemed okay, but now people were claiming to be depressed and to have been attacked after all?  Was Hutchins' blood not enough for Callahan's accomplices?  And Was any of this provable?  "All right then.  This's been a screwy day.  Why, it feels like the clock just wouldn't move at all after 5:00 PM, as if we were trapped just before sunset...  strange.  Let's have a final show of votes."

Moses Bike [ 0]: Bill Hellsnake
Pietro [5]: Seamus (Excal), Peyton Hadley, Nathan Greaves, Moses Bike, Bill Hellsnake, Sam Hargreaves, Ronald Dale (Bardiche), Ethan Hayles, Peyton Hadley, Nikolai Kolmogorov
Bill Hellsnake [8]: Moses Bike, Kyle Handley (Sopko), Pietro, Jack Daniels, Seamus (Excal), Moses Bike, Chad Hutchins, Nathan Greaves, Nikolai Kolmogorov, Nathan Greaves
Kyle Handley (Sopko) [ 0]: Sam Hargreaves, Bill Hellsnake, Chad Hutchins
Peyton Hadley [ 0]: Ethan Hayles
Ethan Hayles [ 0]: Ronald Dale (Bardiche)
Nikolai Kolmogorov [ 0]: Jack Daniels

No votes placed: Martin Andrews.

Pietro took a long swig of health tonic.  "Hellsnake's dirty.  I checked him out last night.  Up to no good, ain't no question."

"Look.  So, I've got a psychic roach up in my brain.  I'll admit it's strange.  But...  AŠ-AZZIGA NISSU LAL-BAL! The dead heed my commands!  Just wait, I swear, and help me find Aorako, and you shall be well-rewarded by the Master!"  Hellsnake seemed under stress.

A bustle soon broke out as large numbers of people volunteered that they, too, were extremely suspicious yet actually innocent as newborn babes.  The fisherman Moses, meanwhile, maintained a faroff look, claiming that last night was terrible and "the time was near."  The Russian mathematician Kolmogorov and the shopkeeper Andrews, meanwhile, showed up tremendously late to the discussion, complaining of unusually powerful health tonics last night.  Farmer Ethan Hayles and the writer Roland Dale bickered in a corner, and Peyton Hadley claimed he was here to save everyone from terrible beings from another dimension.

When the dust settled, the town's consensus was clear.  "How do we know this roach really is asking for...  what did you say...  'unity and peace'?!  He could be telling you to kill us all!"  

Hellsnake was taken aback.  "No.  NO!  STOP!  UNHAND ME!"  Everyone around backed off in terror.  "I only kill the bad people!  And those who get in the way of Master's orders!  Really, I'm fine!  DIB AB-BA KI NAR, this is a place of sacred importance, I must not leave it till I have found Aorako!"

Sherrif Hutchison had had enough.  "If this man isn't a killer, he's crazy.  Roaches in his nose!  Seems everyone else agrees.  Arrest him, boys."

"BACK OFF!" Hellsnake yelled.  "I... I...  ZU IGI EXŠE GUR."  And then the noise of an ear-shattering explosion went off.

When everyone turned back, there was no trace of Hellsnake but a blackened mark on the floor...  though the Sherrif thought he heard a subtle skittering even after the explosion, but one that was gone too soon to track.

"Uh.  I guess...  I guess...  he had a grenade on him!  And some kind of flashfire burned his body, and the explosion threw the remains into the air, on the wind.  That's...  that's gotta be it."

Moses returned an hour later, saying he'd found his old Ancient Sumerian dictionary from his time at Miskatonic University himself.  "I'm not entirely sure what it was he was saying, but I think...  something like...  'This vessel is insufficient.  Dance with joy.'  I...  I don't know what to make of it either."  

William Hellsnake, Town Bulletproof Miller Reviver, was lynched!  (Immune to normal nightkills.  Returns "scum" to sane cops and "town" to insane cops.  Revival is conditional on if "The Stars Are Right;" brings back a vanilla townie if Stars Are Right, but a voteless and roleless abomination which collapses in a day if "Stars Are Silent."  Revival can only happen Night 3, is informed of condition of Stars Night 2.  The Stars Are Right if no scum are dead by the end of Day 2.)


It is now Night 2.  You have 24 hours to get your night actions in.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2010, 12:59:16 AM by SnowFire »

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Night 2
« Reply #340 on: April 26, 2010, 01:27:58 PM »
Go To Hell(Snake)
Another Special Guest Article By Nathan Greaves

Title Stolen From Courtesy Of The Deceased

New twists and turns are emerging in the ongoing investigation into the death of Jon Hutchins, this reporter can reveal.

Yet more accusations were thrown between neighbours and newcomers as Marbury's plea for justice continues to grow louder. A non-local was accused of the murder this time - William 'Bill' Hellsnake, a travelling bountry hunter whose purpose for visiting Marbury lay shrouded in mystery.

Ready to find the killer once again, Marbury was torn between accusing Hellsnake and supposed mafioso Pietro Giovanni, until Hellsnake began to make supernatural claims to explain people's suspicions of him. Listeners were baffled at his claims of nigh-invincibility, and his reported ability to bring people back from death itself. After some deliberation, the town's eye finally settled on Hellsnake with the intent on testing his claim of being unkillable.

The accused man apparently was more on the ball than his would-be executioners, though, performing his own death sentence when it became clear he would not survive the day. He was reported to begin speaking in a mysterious foreign language, which resident Moses Bike has identified to be ancient Sumerian. Only a few seconds after claiming that his vessel was insufficient, Hellsnake promptly disappeared from the face of the earth, leaving only an ear-rending explosion in his wake.

The Sheriff has once again stated that the events surrounding Hellsnake's death - and by proxy, the death of Jon Hutchins two days ago - are completely explainable through logical means. Everyone else involved, though, is much less willing to accept that claim as they attempt to settle down for another night of sleep.

Police have described their own findings as 'inconclusive', but the inquiry remains ongoing.


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #341 on: April 27, 2010, 02:53:42 AM »
It had been a tough day for Pietro, with all the accusations against him.  When he was trying to do what he could!  Why didn't they understand?  He stayed at Rosie's Inn long past closing, only getting up to wander to the little home he rented while staying in Marbury very late.  That was when he saw the shadow fall across his path, the other figure barely visible in the dim light of Pietro's lamp.

"Oh.  It's you.  Whaddaya want now of all times?"


"I see.  It all makes sense now.  You were in on it too.  I'm not surprised.  This town...  not a single soul to be saved from God's brimstone.  Patrick...  I'm sorry I couldn't find your killer."


There was a minor ruckus in the morning.  Everyone knows fishers are early to rise, but they're normally...  quiet?  Not smashing around the docks.  As it happens, Marbury resident Leopold Brewster casually fishes in his retirement, and was there to witness the scene.  Moses Bike was ranting to anyone who would listen.

"Our DOOM!  I tell you!  It lies beneath these waves!  And it is by the hand of Man it was brought here!"  Bike paused to draw in more air.  "Rath'napula!  It feeds and grows every day.  Soon, the mere fish of this lake will not be enough for it.  It calls for blood.   And I say we shall give it some!  Man's mistakes shall be solved by Man!"  At this point Bike pointed to his heavy-looking backpack.  "These blasting caps are sealed and perfectly usable underwater to set off this dynamite!  All that is needed is to summon our nemesis from the depths and see which side shall win this epic clash of Man and...  not Nature, but the Other!" 

Bike then pushed a box of...  bloodied small forest animals into the lake?  The spectators were unsure what to make of it.

"Yes, Rath'napula!  You can't resist that, can you?  Now..  can you resist this?!"  And...  Bike jumped into the lake?!

"You fools!  After him!"  But before anyone could jump in as well, an underwater explosion went off...  making it quite clear what the result of any rescue attempt could be.

Only minutes later, Deputy Webster came running down to the lake for entirely coincidental reasons.

"Mr. Brewster!  It's terrible!  Pietro Giovanni's been found dead near his home, his body pushed into some bushes!  And...  someone shot my dog!  Beano was harmless and everyone loved him!  What's going on around here?!"


Deputy Webster was still beside himself when he got back.  "God.  Jon's funeral was supposed to be today...  some place he specified, up in the mountains, a stone altar the Order sometimes used.  I'm not even sure we can get there with all this to investigate."

Sherrif Hutchison wasn't sure where to begin with all that had happened, either.  But he was a man who honored his social obligations.  "We'll...  we'll just have to move the investigation up to the mountains with it, then.  Come on, fellas, we're taking a ride.  Chad, I know you were already going, but we'll be taking these other suspects along, see if they know anything about these recent killings."

Moses Bike, Town Archivist, went crazy and jumped in a lake! (Can read a single book in collection a night.  Books offer various tidbits of information about the setup of the game.)
Pietro Giovanni, Town Paranoid Cop, was murdered over night! (Knew* he was paranoid; got useless scum results from all investigations.  Appears as just "Cop" to Rolecops.  Investigation has additional property of stripping Godfather / Godfather variants permanently, and sending to true scum investigated a message that 'someone is on to you and investigated you last night!' to spread paranoia.)

*(To emphasize the above and in the spirit of full role flips, yes, *knew* he was paranoid, he had a mod-guarantee of paranoid-sanity, Tom was just playing it a bit coy when he said "flavor hinted I might not be sane")


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #342 on: April 27, 2010, 02:53:50 AM »
A few people have shot me "buh?" messages on the flips, so one other meta note, since I figure it can probably help to say it again.  To reiterate something I noted in the signup thread: there will be role madness in this game, but the effective power level of the roles is if anything slightly less than Meme Mafia, or at least comparable to it.  I stand by this sentiment; I'm definitely a fan of emphasizing scumhunting and town winning by proper lynches rather than roles dominating everything.  Make of that what you will.  (For those not in Meme Mafia, it had a fullcop, an inventor / jack-of-all-trades, a 50% odds bulletproof, and 9 players with minor roles for Town vs. a Hijacker (redirect night actions), a rolecop / roleblocker, 1 minor scum role, and a Godfather for scum vs. a 3P serial killer variant.)


It is Day 3.  It is now Potential LYLO, so there will be no deadline, and lynchs only by majority.  (yes this sucks.)

This phase is more on the "potential" side of LYLO; town stands good odds of making it to Day 4 even with a mislynch.  As such, if things bog down with no hammer after 72 hours, I may set a deadline to keep the game moving, depending on circumstances.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Night 2
« Reply #343 on: April 27, 2010, 02:57:04 AM »


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #344 on: April 27, 2010, 03:27:01 AM »
Ugh.  I don't want to think about this right now but I have an important question that must be posed:

So, Nikolai and Seamus.  How's that Miller status goin' for you?


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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #345 on: April 27, 2010, 04:16:13 AM »
*(To emphasize the above and in the spirit of full role flips, yes, *knew* he was paranoid, he had a mod-guarantee of paranoid-sanity, Tom was just playing it a bit coy when he said "flavor hinted I might not be sane")


As it is potential LYLO, I'm not going to throw around a vote willy-nilly. But ## Finger of get your ass into the topic or else: Kylo Handley. Your Day 1 fixation on flavor still looks bad to me, your Day 2 posts look worse, and you've got nothing else going for you.

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #346 on: April 27, 2010, 04:51:57 AM »
Chad nods to the Sheriff, then walks over to the side of the casket, head bowed, for a prayer and eulogy before it's loaded into the hearse.

"Pop was a good man."

Hoarse, he stands a moment longer, trying to find words.  Then he digs something out of his pocket and starts to fiddle with it.  The pallbearers notice the match being struck a second before Chad throws it into the casket; he turns around afterwards and stops them from approaching as flames begin to rise from his father's body.

"... Probably."

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #347 on: April 27, 2010, 05:09:43 AM »
Now then, folks.  How about we show our respect by not going up to any altars in the mountains, and figurin out what's goin on.

Somebody did something to me last night and I'm not sure what.  Feels like I'm on the brink of some revelation, and that somebody is helping me from the shadows.  For a given value of help.  Might be the slowkill "helping" me throw myself in the lake tomorrow, I dunno, it's a sort of positive feeling unlike what Moses described but lord knows what is up with this game now.  Anyone else had unusual stuff happen? 

I'm not hot on Kyle Handley today, which probably ain't surprisin no one.  Gonna have to do a lotta readin beyond that.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #348 on: April 27, 2010, 06:25:13 AM »
Peyton looks at the notebook in his hand.  One half is full of quotes cribbed from Nathan Greaves's record of Pietro Giovanni and William Hellsnake.  Two dead men, now.  Neither, for all their strangeness, involved in the Marbury murders.

The other half is full of sketches of a strange stoke altar and the Mythos symbology he found there last night.

Why, it almost looks like the sort of information Bill Hellsnake was after, before he was... ended.

"Hell of a time for it," Peyton mutters.  He laughs, because what else can he do?

Nothing, except cast a tired glance at the skies.  Sometimes, he can't help but wonder if the universe ain't uncaring and impersonal at all, but actively toying with men's lives for its twisted amusement.

Nothing, except leave the notebook in a rain barrel with only a match for company.


Enough flavor for now.

My last big reread that I never had time to post?  Almost completely useless now, because both people it was about are dead.  And Town.  Somehow.

There IS a silver lining to this cloud, though.

After yesterday, I very much expect we would have mislynched Pietro today.  I certainly would have wanted to!  (God, I retroactively want to even more knowing he was actually confirmed paranoid, which makes his play even worse.  Somehow.)  Ahem.

Anyway, my point is, Scum may have actually saved us a day.


Kyle Handley hasn't visibly done anything NEW, so all I have on him is his Day 1 aggressiveness against Moses on a flavor basis, followed by his weird jump to Hellsnake at the beginning of Day 2.  With a side order of lurking!

Seamus O'Malley's play at the end of Day 2 looks somewhat suspicious to me.  He switched to Hellsnake using very shaky logic right after Hellsnake announced he had a powerful role.  There was plenty bad in the snake's play at the end of Day 2, but it was anything BUT convenient.  Nor does it look "too powerful" compared to Bulletproof Bodyguard, IMO.  Hell, one game I played here Town had a FULL DAY REVIVER.  Scum would know the snake was town and PROBABLY not lying (though who knows?  See Giovanni, Pietro) and would NOT want him to stick around.  Plus, he's one of our possible extra Millers.  Seamus was on Hellsnake on Day 1, too, and in both cases his reasons were shaky.

Chad Hutchins did the same thing as Seamus, switching back to Hellsnake after he claimed a powerful role.  His actual reasoning for doing this seems stronger than Seamus's (mostly Hellsnake's bizarre play at the end of the day).  I disagreed and still do, but I can see a townie making those arguments.  But, I'm still troubled by the people who jumped onto Hellsnake when he revealed his power.  Almost everything else Chad has done (except his early Day 2 case on Kyle/Sopko) appears to be flavor-driven.

And then today Chad goes and possibly blows confirmed townie Moses's plan to see if Kolmogorov is the slowkiller.

So yeah.

(Also, Chad?  What's this about not going up to altars?  This is a relevant question.)

Nicolai Kolmogorov was one of the people who voted for Ty Callahan during what Moses felt was the critical period on Day 1.  Until the very end of Day 2 he was otherwise a non-presence; claimed he wasn't available to play, we'll see after the game I suppose.  (Martin Andrews avoids my suspicion for this because his player wasn't on at ALL.)  Possibly the slowkiller, could be Scum, 3rd Party or Town.

Pity we may not be able to test that now.

Other than that, Kolmogorov drops the cult leader bomb about Hellsnake not long after I pointed out that cult leader is a role we explicitly COULD NOT have according to the Mod's limits (no alignment switching).

And Kolmogorov is yet another person who switches to Hellsnake after seeing the power of his role.  He does it explicitly, at least, which I consider in his favor - somewhat.

Oh, also, is another possible (probable?) extra Miller.

To me these four are ahead of the pack in terms of being suspicious, but fairly close to each other.

I think Seamus probably looks the worst of the four right now, but I'll hold off on voting since we're in potential LYLO.

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« Reply #349 on: April 27, 2010, 07:36:41 AM »
I switched to Hellsnake after he claimed Miller, poorly.  Just didn't actually move vote until later (but would have anyway the way the day was goin). 

Not goin to altars is just flavor.

I did mess up with the quick claim and apologize, nobody else say nothin yet I guess.  The silver lining there is that the flavor I got is at least definitive enough to say it doesn't seem to be related to Nikolai's claimed power at all.