
Author Topic: Best Scenes: Round 1 - FIGHT!!!! *SPOILERS ABOUND!*  (Read 2570 times)


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Best Scenes: Round 1 - FIGHT!!!! *SPOILERS ABOUND!*
« on: April 19, 2010, 03:08:42 AM »
YEP! Its started! I know, its only taken me...what? A year?  But that's partially cause SOME OF YOU ARE...

...oh, right, not the place or time.  Anyway, before we get started, just recapping the rules:

-Vote on the scene only if you've seen it.  IF you haven't, you can watch it, but if you don't feel like watching it, don't go "This scene wins/loses cause I said so!" for the other.  This is common sense here.
-Please make your vote distinguishable in some way, either by bolding, deleting the other entry, etc.
-For scenes with Time notes nearbye, that's cause some of these are hard to get isolated, and people wanted to nom specific instances, so only vote based on what's there.  If only one time is listed, that means the scene starts there, more or less watch til the end (or at least, until it seems like a logical ending place in some cases).
-THERE WILL BE SPOILERS!  Assume that every topic from here on in has them.  WATCH SCENES AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION! I REPEAT! THERE WILL BE SPOILERS! (Note: I have NOT seen all the scenes in question, that's why I have a helper here!)  Note that scenes are labelled in ways that they are not spoilers.
-Some scenes were hard to find, so scripts for them were provided instead; this will only be done for those that mostly require dialog rather than visuals.

As for a reminder, its split into 4 divisions; 2 matches for the first 3, the last one gets one match cause it had half as many entries.  The Divisions are to be viewed as followed, more or less:

Drama: Genuine serious, well handled scene, with good writing, voice acting, what have you; basically its one of those "deep" nonsense things.
Style: Vote on that "Awesome" factor.  How cool it looks, how ridiculous it can get, etc.  Basically, scenes good for "Shallow" reasons.
Humor: Scenes that are funny, and are meant to be, be it for random slapstick, funny lines, what have you.  This is NOT based on stuff like "BAD VOICE ACTING!" or what not; this is INTENTIONAL humor.  That stuff goes to...
Wrong: I was debating using "AWESOME!?" for this one, but I figured that might get confused with Style, which sometimes gets referred to as "AWESOME!" Basically, scenes that are remembered for all the wrong reasons.  Unintentional ham, bad memorable voice acting, Good-Bad Translations, what have you!  This is the one where your standards don't need to make sense!

Naturally, I expect you to vote primarily based off the divisions specialty, so don't say "Scene A is funnier, but I'm giving Scene B the win cause its better drama!" when the scene in question is humor; I expect you to go for what you found more entertaining.  Of course, I can't hold you to vote that way, but please remember WHAT division you're dealing with before you make your assessment.

Also, in ALL cases, vote for which scene you think/liked more; yes, this applies to even Wrong, despite how the name may state, its NOT a division of failure.

Ark leaves Crysta (Terranigma) ( - 1:51 to 2:11) vs. Protagonist checks out (Persona 3) ( - 2:05)
"When Young Albedo Figures out he can't die" (XS2) ( - 2:00) vs. Flint gets bad news about Hanawa (Mother 3) (

Amon vs. Rasputin (Shadow Hearts Covenant) ( vs.  "In My Restless Dreams, I See That Place..." (Silent Hill 2) (
Hippopressor (Mega Man X Command Mission) (  vs. "You really smell" (Kingdom Hearts: re: Chain of Memories)  (

Nin nin! (Disgaea) ( - 2:58) vs. Flay Character Quest 5 (Mana Khemia) (
Momo gets dissed by a dragon god (Breath of Fire 3) (see Script below) vs. Silmeria and Alicia talk abouta an Escort (VP2) (

Jono: Stop calling me Elder One!! You're every bit as old as I am!!
Jono: I've had enough of talking to you! From now on, the only thing I want to see is a pretty girl! Understand? I made up my mind--I'm only going to talk to the women!
*Momo talks to Jono*
Jono: No no no no! I said pretty girls! I want the young plump ones!
Momo: Well excuuuse me. What an old crank! What do you mean, I'm not good enough!?

Asch: THIS ISN'T ABOUT LOGIC (Tales of the Abyss) ( - until about 3:00) vs. Hell Temple Treasure (La-Mulana) ( - Ignore the Audio Nonsense, this is the best I could find)
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Best Scenes: Round 1 - FIGHT!!!! *SPOILERS ABOUND!*
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2010, 03:29:06 AM »
Short Form, for people who want to c/p something to bold for voting without all the links/script clutter~
(I'll make a seperate post for my actual votes)

Ark leaves Crysta (Terranigma)  vs. Protagonist checks out (Persona 3)
"When Young Albedo Figures out he can't die" (XS2) vs. Flint gets bad news about Hanawa (Mother 3)

Amon vs. Rasputin (Shadow Hearts Covenant) vs.  "In My Restless Dreams, I See That Place..." (Silent Hill 2)
Hippopressor (Mega Man X Command Mission)  vs. "You really smell" (Kingdom Hearts: re: Chain of Memories) 

Nin nin! (Disgaea)  vs. Flay Character Quest 5 (Mana Khemia)
Momo gets dissed by a dragon god (Breath of Fire 3)  vs. Silmeria and Alicia talk abouta an Escort (VP2)

Asch: THIS ISN'T ABOUT LOGIC (Tales of the Abyss)  vs. Hell Temple Treasure (La-Mulana)
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
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Random Consonant

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Re: Best Scenes: Round 1 - FIGHT!!!! *SPOILERS ABOUND!*
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2010, 03:38:22 AM »
Ark leaves Crysta (Terranigma)  vs. Protagonist checks out (Persona 3) - Meh to both.
"When Young Albedo Figures out he can't die" (XS2) vs. Flint gets bad news about Hanawa (Mother 3) - Better match, but thinking I agree with dude on the Albedo scene.

Amon vs. Rasputin (Shadow Hearts Covenant) vs.  "In My Restless Dreams, I See That Place..." (Silent Hill 2) - The Silent Hill scene would probably do fine in drama.  However, as this is the Style category...
Hippopressor (Mega Man X Command Mission)  vs. "You really smell" (Kingdom Hearts: re: Chain of Memories) - So hey a psychadelic hippo robot just burst out of a wall that's pretty cool

Nin nin! (Disgaea)  vs. Flay Character Quest 5 (Mana Khemia) - He needs to go!  Because... he is a hero guy!
Momo gets dissed by a dragon god (Breath of Fire 3)  vs. Silmeria and Alicia talk abouta an Escort (VP2) - Meh to both

Asch: THIS ISN'T ABOUT LOGIC (Tales of the Abyss)  vs. Hell Temple Treasure (La-Mulana) - The Hell Temple Treasure may not be the ultimate insult, but it's certainly up there.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2010, 06:11:42 AM by Random Consonant »


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Re: Best Scenes: Round 1 - FIGHT!!!! *SPOILERS ABOUND!*
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2010, 04:15:00 AM »
Ark leaves Crysta (Terranigma)  vs. Protagonist checks out (Persona 3) - Um...I guess the Terranigma scene isn't bad for it's time, but this is still entirely different leagues of dramatic.
"When Young Albedo Figures out he can't die" (XS2) vs. Flint gets bad news about Hanawa (Mother 3)  - Much better match, but I'm gonna hand this one to Albedo. That scene is pretty intense.

Amon vs. Rasputin (Shadow Hearts Covenant) vs.  "In My Restless Dreams, I See That Place..." (Silent Hill 2) - the latter seems more appropriate for Drama then style
Hippopressor (Mega Man X Command Mission)  vs. "You really smell" (Kingdom Hearts: re: Chain of Memories)  - Random robotic hippo > anything to do with Ansem.

Nin nin! (Disgaea)  vs. Flay Character Quest 5 (Mana Khemia) - Flay > Flonne
Momo gets dissed by a dragon god (Breath of Fire 3)  vs. Silmeria and Alicia talk abouta an Escort (VP2) - Very nice way to start a game off on a good foot.

Asch: THIS ISN'T ABOUT LOGIC (Tales of the Abyss)  vs. Hell Temple Treasure (La-Mulana) - I admit, the latter is hilarious. But I still like the first one more.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
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Re: Best Scenes: Round 1 - FIGHT!!!! *SPOILERS ABOUND!*
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2010, 04:44:11 AM »
Ark leaves Crysta (Terranigma)  vs. Protagonist checks out (Persona 3) I can see the impact of the Terranigma scene because the world looks so weird, but there isn't enough to it to beat the P3 scene.
"When Young Albedo Figures out he can't die" (XS2) vs. Flint gets bad news about Hanawa (Mother 3) Like Gate said this is the much better match. The Albedo scene starts strong with him blowing his head off, but is then hampered by soe awkward voice acting and facial expressions. The Flint scene is powerful and is the first indication that M3 is a pretty dark game. I was still shocked when I first saw it despite all the foreshadowing before it. 

Amon vs. Rasputin (Shadow Hearts Covenant) vs.  "In My Restless Dreams, I See That Place..." (Silent Hill 2) : The SH scene is really the only one that I think fits the category so far.
Hippopressor (Mega Man X Command Mission)  vs. "You really smell" (Kingdom Hearts: re: Chain of Memories)  

Nin nin! (Disgaea)  vs. Flay Character Quest 5 (Mana Khemia): I was excited to see a Flay scene since I've played MK2 but not MK1, but I was disappointed. The Disgaea scene is a classic.
Momo gets dissed by a dragon god (Breath of Fire 3)  vs. Silmeria and Alicia talk abouta an Escort (VP2)

Asch: THIS ISN'T ABOUT LOGIC (Tales of the Abyss)  vs. Hell Temple Treasure (La-Mulana)


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Re: Best Scenes: Round 1 - FIGHT!!!! *SPOILERS ABOUND!*
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2010, 05:53:22 AM »
Ark leaves Crysta (Terranigma)  vs. Protagonist checks out (Persona 3)- Uh...really? I really hope that every scene nommed got in.
"When Young Albedo Figures out he can't die" (XS2) vs. Flint gets bad news about Hanawa (Mother 3)- This...just not even a match.

Amon vs. Rasputin (Shadow Hearts Covenant) vs.  "In My Restless Dreams, I See That Place..." (Silent Hill 2)- One of the many SH 2 scenes that just embodied this category to me (Not that it just a slouch on Drama or Humor either!) The other "SH 2"...just kind of outclassed here.
Hippopressor (Mega Man X Command Mission)  vs. "You really smell" (Kingdom Hearts: re: Chain of Memories) - Well...KH has held back by it's characters here, but hey, has characters!!

Nin nin! (Disgaea)  vs. Flay Character Quest 5 (Mana Khemia)- I'd like to think that 20 years later, Flay was still running a crime syndicate and just stepped away to mess with some high schoolers for a few minutes.
Momo gets dissed by a dragon god (Breath of Fire 3)  vs. Silmeria and Alicia talk abouta an Escort (VP2)- I quite like the VP 2 scene just for it's storyline appeal, and while I think it's mildly humorous, it doesn't strike me as funny. But unless the Momo scene is missing the follow up of Dragon God blasted with Bazooka, I guess mildly humorous wins out.

Asch: THIS ISN'T ABOUT LOGIC (Tales of the Abyss)  vs. Hell Temple Treasure (La-Mulana)- Okay, I'd vote the second one in an instant, but I just need to know that this wasn't a flat out joke game to start with?
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Re: Best Scenes: Round 1 - FIGHT!!!! *SPOILERS ABOUND!*
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2010, 06:02:28 AM »
Ark leaves Crysta (Terranigma)  vs. Protagonist checks out (Persona 3)
"When Young Albedo Figures out he can't die" (XS2) vs. Flint gets bad news about Hanawa (Mother 3)- I occurs to me that context can be a big deal for Drama.  I mean, Flint's reaction there says something, but still, hard to get emotional about a character I've not seen before.  Although I suppose Albedo's flipping out could be compelling even without knowing more about the game.

Amon vs. Rasputin (Shadow Hearts Covenant) vs.  "In My Restless Dreams, I See That Place..." (Silent Hill 2)- It's hard to say exactly what it is, but the Amon/Rasputin showdown has always looked... awkward.  Like, just in the way it's animated and flows, it kills all the tension, excitement, anything in the scene.  The whole intro to Silent Hill 2, meanwhile, really oozes atmosphere, so I think I'll take it.
Hippopressor (Mega Man X Command Mission)  vs. "You really smell" (Kingdom Hearts: re: Chain of Memories) - Hippopressor isn't really stylish in terms of the scene.  It's more concept points for "random shark missile reploid hippo".  which is fine.  Meanwhilst, aside from Ansem's master of ham being competitive with Hippopressor to begin with, it also involves a short and sweet "go to hell" sort of response to a hannibal lecture (always good), nevermind the broader contextual things like "FINALLY Riku's telling these people to stuff it".

Nin nin! (Disgaea)  vs. Flay Character Quest 5 (Mana Khemia)
Momo gets dissed by a dragon god (Breath of Fire 3)  vs. Silmeria and Alicia talk abouta an Escort (VP2)- I dunno, not feeling 'humor' from the VP2 scene.

Asch: THIS ISN'T ABOUT LOGIC (Tales of the Abyss)  vs. Hell Temple Treasure (La-Mulana)- I'm not really sure I'd have called this a "what" scene, but whatever, still like it more.
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Re: Best Scenes: Round 1 - FIGHT!!!! *SPOILERS ABOUND!*
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2010, 06:18:05 AM »
Ark leaves Crysta (Terranigma)  vs. Protagonist checks out (Persona 3)
"When Young Albedo Figures out he can't die" (XS2) vs. Flint gets bad news about Hanawa (Mother 3)

Amon vs. Rasputin (Shadow Hearts Covenant) vs.  "In My Restless Dreams, I See That Place..." (Silent Hill 2)
Hippopressor (Mega Man X Command Mission)  vs. "You really smell" (Kingdom Hearts: re: Chain of Memories)

Nin nin! (Disgaea)  vs. Flay Character Quest 5 (Mana Khemia) - Well I think the first two minutes were the most amusing part of the Flay Character Quest...
Momo gets dissed by a dragon god (Breath of Fire 3)  vs. Silmeria and Alicia talk abouta an Escort (VP2) - Schizo princesses are more amusing than most things.

Asch: THIS ISN'T ABOUT LOGIC (Tales of the Abyss)  vs. Hell Temple Treasure (La-Mulana)  - THIS DIVISION ISN'T ABOUT LOGIC

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Re: Best Scenes: Round 1 - FIGHT!!!! *SPOILERS ABOUND!*
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2010, 07:55:44 AM »
Will watch some scenes later. For now, those I can vote on without doing:

Nin nin! (Disgaea)  vs. Flay Character Quest 5 (Mana Khemia): Nin nin isn't bad, but Flay CQ5 is epic win.
Momo gets dissed by a dragon god (Breath of Fire 3)  vs. Silmeria and Alicia talk abouta an Escort (VP2): LOL WOMAN IN HER TWENTIES SO OLD god I hate Japan sometimes. I rather like Silmeria/Alicia stuff, and it is amusing on some level, and would probably vote it here even without my bias against the former.

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Re: Best Scenes: Round 1 - FIGHT!!!! *SPOILERS ABOUND!*
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2010, 12:42:02 PM »
Ark leaves Crysta (Terranigma)  vs. Protagonist checks out (Persona 3) - Ark leaving Crysta wasn't much for me when I played the game, so...uh...yeah.
"When Young Albedo Figures out he can't die" (XS2) vs. Flint gets bad news about Hanawa (Mother 3) - Both scenes have a lot of impact.  Albedo's is good, but it...feels like it's less impactful in terms of drama if you've played XS1 and seen it before.  Flint's Rage is...good, especially for the lack of voice acting and everything else the other scene has on it.

Amon vs. Rasputin (Shadow Hearts Covenant) vs.  "In My Restless Dreams, I See That Place..." (Silent Hill 2) - Don't think the Silent Hill scene is...well, I guess it depends on your definition of "style".  Mine...put Amon ahead of it >_>
Hippopressor (Mega Man X Command Mission)  vs. "You really smell" (Kingdom Hearts: re: Chain of Memories) - ...fits better to me?

Nin nin! (Disgaea)  vs. Flay Character Quest 5 (Mana Khemia) - Didn't think CQ5 stood out too much.  Nin is a classic, really, and the voice acting and generally inanity help it stand out more.
Momo gets dissed by a dragon god (Breath of Fire 3)  vs. Silmeria and Alicia talk about an Escort (VP2) - ...I'd rather vote for neither!  But if I have to, go Momo.  Didn't find the Silmeria scene...humourous at all.

Asch: THIS ISN'T ABOUT LOGIC (Tales of the Abyss)  vs. Hell Temple Treasure (La-Mulana) - To answer you question, Dhyer: La-Mulana is a, what, 20 hour platformer in the vein of Indiana Jones meets Metroid.  The Hell Temple is the optional dungeon you can play after going through a crazy amount of preparation to find it.  It is challenging, puzzling, crazy, kind of like Peewee's playhouse meets Saw meets A Clockwork Orange.  The game is pretty serious overall.  When you finally get to the end of the temple, you are rewarded with...that.  It is an awesome kick in the balls, and makes most people scream, "WHAT THE FUCK DID THIS GAME DECIDE TO DO!?!?!?!?!?!?!"   
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Best Scenes: Round 1 - FIGHT!!!! *SPOILERS ABOUND!*
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2010, 02:16:00 PM »

Nin nin! (Disgaea)  vs. Flay Character Quest 5 (Mana Khemia)- Flonne really is the best.
Momo gets dissed by a dragon god (Breath of Fire 3)  vs. Silmeria and Alicia talk abouta an Escort (VP2)- I don't think that scene was an age related diss, just a 'momo is ugly' diss. Anyway, a dragon god coming along and randomly insulting Momo was pretty funny; Rei had the same reaction I did.

Asch: THIS ISN'T ABOUT LOGIC (Tales of the Abyss)  vs. Hell Temple Treasure (La-Mulana)- So very, very wrong.
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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Re: Best Scenes: Round 1 - FIGHT!!!! *SPOILERS ABOUND!*
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2010, 10:00:10 PM »
Ark leaves Crysta (Terranigma)  vs. Protagonist checks out (Persona 3)
"When Young Albedo Figures out he can't die" (XS2) vs. Flint gets bad news about Hanawa (Mother 3) - Yeah, this is so very much the context division.

Amon vs. Rasputin (Shadow Hearts Covenant) vs.  "In My Restless Dreams, I See That Place..." (Silent Hill 2) - Two very different competing philosophies of style here.  Honestly, I agree with the kind of style put forward by the SH scene.  It's just a weak ending and too many cutins to the scrappies against a very well done atmospheric style.
Hippopressor (Mega Man X Command Mission)  vs. "You really smell" (Kingdom Hearts: re: Chain of Memories)

Nin nin! (Disgaea)  vs. Flay Character Quest 5 (Mana Khemia) - Flay 5 isn't one of his strong points.
Momo gets dissed by a dragon god (Breath of Fire 3)  vs. Silmeria and Alicia talk abouta an Escort (VP2)

Asch: THIS ISN'T ABOUT LOGIC (Tales of the Abyss)  vs. Hell Temple Treasure (La-Mulana)  - Hell Temple would have won in humour.  And probably could have held its own in style.  But it's pretty clearly on purpose.  And that is a D/Q for this division.

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Re: Best Scenes: Round 1 - FIGHT!!!! *SPOILERS ABOUND!*
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2010, 12:22:10 AM »
Quote from: Dhyer
Nin nin! (Disgaea)  vs. Flay Character Quest 5 (Mana Khemia)- I'd like to think that 20 years later, Flay was still running a crime syndicate and just stepped away to mess with some high schoolers for a few minutes.

But... that's -nearly exactly- what MK2 plot is about. >_>
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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
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Re: Best Scenes: Round 1 - FIGHT!!!! *SPOILERS ABOUND!*
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2010, 12:32:23 AM »
Ark leaves Crysta (Terranigma) vs. Protagonist checks out (Persona 3)
"When Young Albedo Figures out he can't die" (XS2) vs. Flint gets bad news about Hanawa (Mother 3)- I think it's hard to judge the second scene without context, and I think both of them are quite good. I'm going to just have to give the vote to the scene that I know the context.

Amon vs. Rasputin (Shadow Hearts Covenant) vs. "In My Restless Dreams, I See That Place..." (Silent Hill 2)
Hippopressor (Mega Man X Command Mission)  vs. "You really smell" (Kingdom Hearts: re: Chain of Memories)

Nin nin! (Disgaea)  vs. Flay Character Quest 5 (Mana Khemia)- FLAY.
Momo gets dissed by a dragon god (Breath of Fire 3)  vs. Silmeria and Alicia talk abouta an Escort (VP2)- I watched a lot of the scene and didn't find anything even mildly amusing in it... I'm quite confused. >_>

Asch: THIS ISN'T ABOUT LOGIC (Tales of the Abyss)  vs. Hell Temple Treasure (La-Mulana) <-- This other one isn't really the way I interpreted the category. It is a much better scene and much more humorous, but not really what I thought the division was about. Correct me if I'm wrong.
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Re: Best Scenes: Round 1 - FIGHT!!!! *SPOILERS ABOUND!*
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2010, 12:40:42 AM »
"When Young Albedo Figures out he can't die" (XS2) vs. Flint gets bad news about Hanawa (Mother 3)
Nin nin! (Disgaea)  vs. Flay Character Quest 5 (Mana Khemia) - The entire internet spams nin nin man
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Re: Best Scenes: Round 1 - FIGHT!!!! *SPOILERS ABOUND!*
« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2010, 05:08:45 PM »
Pool 1 ends tomorrow.  Pool 2 MAY be posted by then, but that does not mean this Pool will be necessarily closed.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Best Scenes: Round 1 - FIGHT!!!! *SPOILERS ABOUND!*
« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2010, 10:20:52 PM »
"When Young Albedo Figures out he can't die" (XS2) vs. Flint gets bad news about Hanawa (Mother 3)- I think it's hard to judge the second scene without context, and I think both of them are quite good. I'm going to just have to give the vote to the scene that I know the context.

Hmm, I think the Mother 3 scene actually is fully explained without any context (Granted, I haven't played the game, but something about it tells me that early is very early. Could even be the intro.).
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Re: Best Scenes: Round 1 - FIGHT!!!! *SPOILERS ABOUND!*
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2010, 11:05:49 PM »
"When Young Albedo Figures out he can't die" (XS2) vs. Flint gets bad news about Hanawa (Mother 3)- I think it's hard to judge the second scene without context, and I think both of them are quite good. I'm going to just have to give the vote to the scene that I know the context.

Hmm, I think the Mother 3 scene actually is fully explained without any context (Granted, I haven't played the game, but something about it tells me that early is very early. Could even be the intro.).
It's pretty early. There are a couple scenes before it but it's in about the first hour of the game. Basically, we get some scenes of Hinawa and the kids and some info about the community as a whole. We learn that Tazmily is a simple village based around community and nothing tragic has ever happened there until that scene. The kids and Hinawa went missing on their way home from their grandfather's and the entire town has been looking for them despite being slowed down by a forest fire caused by the mysterious pigmasks. The local wildlife has been acting strange since the arrival of the pigmasks and before Hinawa's death the Draco's were thought of as peaceful creatures. We even see them playing with Lucas and Claus at the start of the game. 


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Re: Best Scenes: Round 1 - FIGHT!!!! *SPOILERS ABOUND!*
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2010, 12:23:05 AM »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A