Author Topic: Best Scenes Round 4 - YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP!  (Read 3056 times)


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Best Scenes Round 4 - YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP!
« on: May 10, 2010, 01:21:49 AM »
"Millenia's speech re: Eye of Valmar" (Grandia II) |||| ||||  vs. Yumei's Story (Valkyrie Profile) |||
Kato Owns Nicholai (Shadow Hearts 2) |||| |||| | vs.  Intro Scene (Wild ARMs 1) |

Opening (Parasite Eve) || vs. Opening (Left 4 Dead) |||| ||
Team protects Souji from Plot Death |||| vs. Asellus Mystic Ending (SaGa Frontier) |||| ||

Cross-Examining Moe (Phoenix Wright 2) ||| vs. Joachim/Ana spying on Yuri/Karin (Shadow Hearts 2) |||| ||
Bar Fight (Dragon Quest VIII) |||| ||| vs. Maderas Battle Opening (Disgaea) |||

Man Eating Spores (Suikoden) |||| vs. Serph rips Vritra a new one (Digital Devil Saga 2) ||||
(Tie Break determined by the fact that Sera fails more than Gremio)

Team Four Star Dragon Ball Z "Over 9000" |||| ||  vs. Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged "SCREW THE RULES I HAVE GREEN HAIR!" |||

MOVING ON IN OUR QUEST FOR...something or other...


Vs. Zeno (Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter) ( - Until the fight) vs. Killer/Lady scene, pre-final dungeon (Shadow Hearts 3) (
Lighthouse backstory (Xenogears) ( - 2:31) vs. Virgil's Exit (Xenosaga 3) (


Miror B Fights (Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness) (  vs. Intro (Starfox 64) (
Rose's Flasback in Kadessa (Legend of Dragoon) ( vs. Rofel and Dycedarg chat villainous things (Final Fantasy Tactics) (


Ryudo Mocks Selene (Grandia II) ( - til 8:00) vs. Zetta Opening (Disgaea 2) ( - Until 1:25~)
Lily Character Quest 3  (Mana Khemia 2) ( vs. Jade i'm SOOOOOOORRRYYYYYYYYYYY (Tales of the Abyss) (


The Day the Shovel Died (Wild ARMs 5) ( vs. CHRONO CROSS PLOT!!! (Chrono Cross) (

Wine In Front Of Me (Princess Bride) ( vs. Men In Tights (Robin Hood: Men In Tights) (



Vs. Zeno (Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter) vs. Killer/Lady scene, pre-final dungeon (Shadow Hearts 3)
Lighthouse backstory (Xenogears) vs. Virgil's Exit (Xenosaga 3)


Miror B Fights (Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness)   vs. Intro (Starfox 64)
Rose's Flasback in Kadessa (Legend of Dragoon) vs. Rofel and Dycedarg chat villainous things (Final Fantasy Tactics)

Ryudo Mocks Selene (Grandia II) vs. Zetta Opening (Disgaea 2)
Lily Character Quest 3  (Mana Khemia 2) vs. Jade i'm SOOOOOOORRRYYYYYYYYYYY (Tales of the Abyss)


The Day the Shovel Died (Wild ARMs 5)  vs. CHRONO CROSS PLOT!!! (Chrono Cross)

Wine In Front Of Me (Princess Bride)  vs. Men In Tights (Robin Hood: Men In Tights)

I apologize ahead of time for failures in scenes thanks to LPs; please do not hold this against the scene in question, but instead, blame the person who nommed the hard scene to begin with!
« Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 01:36:38 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Best Scenes Round 4 - YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP!
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2010, 01:30:47 AM »

Vs. Zeno (Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter) vs. Killer/Lady scene, pre-final dungeon (Shadow Hearts 3): Battle of games with shoddy plot! But Killer/Lady scenes are pretty impactful and belonged in a better plot game, while Zeno... well, it's one of the more memorable BoF5 moments, but still lacks significant impact.
Lighthouse backstory (Xenogears) vs. Virgil's Exit (Xenosaga 3): Wow, XS3 winning a drama scene, crazy. I kinda like the XG backstory scene because it just sheds added light on what a complete and total bitch Miang is, but the XS3 scene was certainly more powerful.


Miror B Fights (Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness)  vs. Intro (Starfox 64): Heh, dancing pokemon crime boss. What will they think of next? Meanwhile it's competition is another opening I don't really care about.
Rose's Flasback in Kadessa (Legend of Dragoon) vs. Rofel and Dycedarg chat villainous things (Final Fantasy Tactics): Former is flashy but the substance isn't much. Feels weird to vote for the one with substance in style, but *shrug*


Ryudo Mocks Selene (Grandia II) vs. Zetta Opening (Disgaea 2)
Lily Character Quest 3  (Mana Khemia 2) vs. Jade i'm SOOOOOOORRRYYYYYYYYYYY (Tales of the Abyss): I love Dist but this isn't one of my favourite Dist scenes, and it'd take the absolute best of Dist to have a chance against the raw unbalance that is Lily CQ3.


The Day the Shovel Died (Wild ARMs 5)  vs. Balthasar's big reveal (Chrono Cross): What the hell, former is actually funny. Latter is trainwreck, yes. CHRONO CROSS PLOT.

Wine In Front Of Me (Princess Bride) vs. Men In Tights (Robin Hood: Men In Tights): Songs are funny, but they don't beat real scenes as classic as the Princess Bride wine scene.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 02:20:22 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Best Scenes Round 4 - YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP!
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2010, 01:42:32 AM »

Vs. Zeno (Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter) vs. Killer/Lady scene, pre-final dungeon (Shadow Hearts 3) - Easy.
Lighthouse backstory (Xenogears) vs. Virgil's Exit (Xenosaga 3) - Easy.


Miror B Fights (Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness)   vs. Intro (Starfox 64) - Pass.
Rose's Flasback in Kadessa (Legend of Dragoon) vs. Rofel and Dycedarg chat villainous things (Final Fantasy Tactics) - Oddly easy this week.


Ryudo Mocks Selene (Grandia II) vs. Zetta Opening (Disgaea 2) - I take it back, I love both of these scenes.
Lily Character Quest 3  (Mana Khemia 2) vs. Jade i'm SOOOOOOORRRYYYYYYYYYYY (Tales of the Abyss) - Sigh. No MK2 for me, yet.


The Day the Shovel Died (Wild ARMs 5)  vs. Balthasar's big reveal (Chrono Cross) - Best part of WA5 doesn't belong here.

Wine In Front Of Me (Princess Bride)  vs. Men In Tights (Robin Hood: Men In Tights) - Inconceivable!


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Re: Best Scenes Round 4 - YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP!
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2010, 03:40:18 AM »

Vs. Zeno (Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter) vs. Killer/Lady scene, pre-final dungeon (Shadow Hearts 3) - I can't currently watch any of these as a refresher, so subject to change.  No comments majorly on this one!
Lighthouse backstory (Xenogears) vs. Virgil's Exit (Xenosaga 3) - Man, XG disc 2 >_>


Miror B Fights (Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness)   vs. Intro (Starfox 64)
Rose's Flasback in Kadessa (Legend of Dragoon) vs. Rofel and Dycedarg chat villainous things (Final Fantasy Tactics)


Ryudo Mocks Selene (Grandia II) vs. Zetta Opening (Disgaea 2) - Need a refresher on the Grandia II scene.
Lily Character Quest 3  (Mana Khemia 2) vs. Jade i'm SOOOOOOORRRYYYYYYYYYYY (Tales of the Abyss) - Haven't...seen...Lily...character scene.  Guess this one will have to wait.


The Day the Shovel Died (Wild ARMs 5)  vs. CHRONO CROSS PLOT!!! (Chrono Cross) - Because this scene marked the eventual worsening of the damn game - BRING BACK THE FUCKING SHOVEL!

Wine In Front Of Me (Princess Bride)  vs. Men In Tights (Robin Hood: Men In Tights) - Princess Bride is awful...this is the best scene in the damn movie, but that's not close enough to touch Men in Tights, a real classic - plus, musical numbers > all.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Best Scenes Round 4 - YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP!
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2010, 04:00:13 AM »

Zeno (Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter) vs. Killer/Lady scene, pre-final dungeon (Shadow Hearts 3)  Both are good. BoFV has some really good scenes, but it'd need to be one of the best ones to compete with Lady's big scene and Zeno's scene isn't the best the game has to offer.
Lighthouse backstory (Xenogears) vs. Virgil's Exit (Xenosaga 3)


Miror B Fights (Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness)   vs. Intro (Starfox 64) Neither are that special. Mirror B would win if they used his theme for the fight instead of some other crappy theme.
Rose's Flasback in Kadessa (Legend of Dragoon) vs. Rofel and Dycedarg chat villainous things (Final Fantasy Tactics) The Rofel and Dycedarg scene is delightfully evil. I can just imagine them sipping wine and trying to maintain composure as more and more plot is revealed.


Ryudo Mocks Selene (Grandia II) vs. Zetta Opening (Disgaea 2)
Lily Character Quest 3  (Mana Khemia 2) vs. Jade i'm SOOOOOOORRRYYYYYYYYYYY (Tales of the Abyss)


The Day the Shovel Died (Wild ARMs 5)  vs. CHRONO CROSS PLOT!!! (Chrono Cross)

Wine In Front Of Me (Princess Bride)  vs. Men In Tights (Robin Hood: Men In Tights)


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Re: Best Scenes Round 4 - YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP!
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2010, 05:19:48 AM »

Vs. Zeno (Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter) vs. Killer/Lady scene, pre-final dungeon (Shadow Hearts 3)
Lighthouse backstory (Xenogears) vs. Virgil's Exit (Xenosaga 3)


Miror B Fights (Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness)  vs. Intro (Starfox 64) - SF64 intro is good, but Mirror B cracks me up.
Rose's Flasback in Kadessa (Legend of Dragoon) vs. Rofel and Dycedarg chat villainous things (Final Fantasy Tactics) - The whole seventeen xanatos pileup political ploting pretzel was a large part of the style of FFT. So yeah, this scene is not only fitting for style, but damn good at it.


Ryudo Mocks Selene (Grandia II) vs. Zetta Opening (Disgaea 2)
Lily Character Quest 3  (Mana Khemia 2) vs. Jade i'm SOOOOOOORRRYYYYYYYYYYY (Tales of the Abyss) - Man, Lily > anything in TotA for humor, hands down.


The Day the Shovel Died (Wild ARMs 5)  vs. CHRONO CROSS PLOT!!! (Chrono Cross) - Elf covers it nicely.

Wine In Front Of Me (Princess Bride)  vs. Men In Tights (Robin Hood: Men In Tights) - See above.

Ones I have to watch later.

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Re: Best Scenes Round 4 - YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP!
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2010, 05:34:15 AM »


Vs. Zeno (Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter) vs. Killer/Lady scene, pre-final dungeon (Shadow Hearts 3)
Lighthouse backstory (Xenogears) vs. Virgil's Exit (Xenosaga 3)


Rose's Flasback in Kadessa (Legend of Dragoon) vs. Rofel and Dycedarg chat villainous things (Final Fantasy Tactics)

Ryudo Mocks Selene (Grandia II) vs. Zetta Opening (Disgaea 2)


The Day the Shovel Died (Wild ARMs 5)  vs. CHRONO CROSS PLOT!!! (Chrono Cross)- What OK said.

Wine In Front Of Me (Princess Bride)  vs. Men In Tights (Robin Hood: Men In Tights)
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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Re: Best Scenes Round 4 - YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP!
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2010, 05:51:01 AM »

Vs. Zeno (Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter) vs. Killer/Lady scene, pre-final dungeon (Shadow Hearts 3)
Lighthouse backstory (Xenogears) vs. Virgil's Exit (Xenosaga 3)


Miror B Fights (Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness)   vs. Intro (Starfox 64)
Rose's Flasback in Kadessa (Legend of Dragoon) vs. Rofel and Dycedarg chat villainous things (Final Fantasy Tactics) - See Gate.


Ryudo Mocks Selene (Grandia II) vs. Zetta Opening (Disgaea 2)
Lily Character Quest 3  (Mana Khemia 2) vs. Jade i'm SOOOOOOORRRYYYYYYYYYYY (Tales of the Abyss) - Jesus Christ Lily is unbalanced.


The Day the Shovel Died (Wild ARMs 5)  vs. CHRONO CROSS PLOT!!! (Chrono Cross)

Wine In Front Of Me (Princess Bride)  vs. Men In Tights (Robin Hood: Men In Tights) - See NEB, more or less.


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Re: Best Scenes Round 4 - YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP!
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2010, 07:03:02 AM »
Miror B Fights (Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness)  vs. Intro (Starfox 64): :( I have to vote on my two noms at the start of a prelims? Damnation. On one hand, you have man with afro doing backflips and Ludicolos, ON THE OTHER HAND, the SF64 intro scene is super nostalgic for me and something about the way the camera pans around to show the characters with the entire build up really gets to me. Soooooo....just going to Hatbot it.

Lily Character Quest 3  (Mana Khemia 2) vs. Jade i'm SOOOOOOORRRYYYYYYYYYYY (Tales of the Abyss): Going with the one that actually made me giggle a bit when I was playing it >_>

The Day the Shovel Died (Wild ARMs 5)  vs. Balthasar's big reveal (Chrono Cross): Game is worst off without the shovel (:( Should've given Dean a skin with the shovel), but the only thing that can really beat CC plot for trainwreck is XS3 plot. This is pretty much an autowin.

Wine In Front Of Me (Princess Bride) vs. Men In Tights (Robin Hood: Men In Tights): Echoing NEB. WiFoM is a classic scene.

In other news, I am voting primarily because Meeple made me.
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Re: Best Scenes Round 4 - YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP!
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2010, 07:53:01 AM »

Vs. Zeno (Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter) vs. Killer/Lady scene, pre-final dungeon (Shadow Hearts 3)- Lady: always brings out the best of SH3.
Lighthouse backstory (Xenogears) vs. Virgil's Exit (Xenosaga 3)- Mmm.  Y'know, when I nommed this scene, I really thought it had the bloody corridor scene at the end to tie everything back together.  I mean, yeah, we had seen it at least twice by then, but still, feels weird without it.  Hmph.  I dunno, I feel like I want to think of Virgil's exit as stronger than it really is because it's basically the last remotely good thing that entire series did, whereas there's great scenes all over in Xenogears.  Meanwhile, Emmy is one of my favorite characters and a lot of that is on the simple sadness underscoring this scene.... yeah.  


Miror B Fights (Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness)   vs. Intro (Starfox 64)- Miror B, much like hippopressor, isn't about style in any standard sense.  It's really about the concept.  Obviously, disco dancing man with a gigantic pokeball afro is awesome, but it's more than that.  What are his pokemon?  Why, Ludicolos of course.  Who else could dance with him but the mexican meepleduck?  What do they do?  Well, they dance around.  Then they cast Rain Dance so they can DANCE FASTER AND LONGER.  Hee.
Rose's Flasback in Kadessa (Legend of Dragoon) vs. Rofel and Dycedarg chat villainous things (Final Fantasy Tactics)- Mmm.  Honestly, I think I like the flashback more.  Buuuut... some of that is because it has some unintentional cheese mixed in with the pretty stuff (MELBU FRAHMA!!!).  Meanwhile, quite apart from a more general "exemplifies something FFT did really well" credit other people are giving, this scene does what a lot of the other Shrine Knight scenes failed to; establish these guys as credible threats beyond RARR WE ARE DEMONS stuff.  I mean, Dyce has been an unrepentant, untouchable bastard the entire game to here, then you have this weird Rofel guy wander in, do a nice "oh, by the way, I think we could EASILY prove you killed your father, beloved over all of Ivalice", then set the stage for drawing him into their ranks without ever letting him realize he had no control of the situation.  Pretty solid.


Ryudo Mocks Selene (Grandia II) vs. Zetta Opening (Disgaea 2)- Hmm.  Vaporize Tink, call out Selene for a bloodthirsty bitch... hmmmm.  Eh, we'll just tiebreak for the game I like more.
Lily Character Quest 3  (Mana Khemia 2) vs. Jade i'm SOOOOOOORRRYYYYYYYYYYY (Tales of the Abyss)- Well, two things.  Firstly, when I had to go look for the TotA scene, I just immediately smiled when I found it.  Lily didn't quite get that same kneejerk.  And... actually, I think Lily CQ4 is the good one, actually.  Like... accidentally changing into a puni, that's just how Chloe rolls, and Lily is clearly distressed at it.  So not all that unbalanced beyond having the puni fetish to start with.  When CQ4 reveals she later does it again on purpose so she could touch herself, THAT'S supreme unbalance.


The Day the Shovel Died (Wild ARMs 5)  vs. CHRONO CROSS PLOT!!! (Chrono Cross)- Y'know, in retrospect I wished I'd looked up this scene before nomming it.  I probably would have switched to the next one on the beach, since I was really going for "break Niu with CHRONO CROSS PLOT" as my real nom.  That said, this scene does capture some of the sheer unlikelihood of the entire plot, even if not getting into the "IT WAS ALL BALTHASAR.  ALL OF IT." that I was hoping for, so it does serve it's purpose to some degree.  The Day the Shovel Died meanwhile... well... I'm 99% sure they meant it to be both silly, cheesy, but also serious, all of which it was.  So y'know.

Wine In Front Of Me (Princess Bride)  vs. Men In Tights (Robin Hood: Men In Tights)- Mmm.  Not my favorite scene from either movie, but both acceptable.  The Men in Tights song thrives on the sheer random of it, so it loses a little power having seen the movie as much as I have.  Wine in Front of Me does lose a little something knowing the solution to the puzzle, but I do enjoy the acting there, so we'll give it the nod.
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Re: Best Scenes Round 4 - YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP!
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2010, 02:38:08 PM »
Wine In Front Of Me (Princess Bride)  vs. Men In Tights (Robin Hood: Men In Tights) - Argh. Alright. I'll vote for this one.
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Re: Best Scenes Round 4 - YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP!
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2010, 04:34:32 PM »
I thought Lily CQ4 was pretty boring actually. I didn't think it revealed anything you didn't already know. (The fact she turns herself into a Puni to touch herself is obvious enough.)

Also, Meeple, you foolish fool: <-- Dycey and Rofel without that crap.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 04:36:50 PM by Ciato »
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Re: Best Scenes Round 4 - YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP!
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2010, 07:30:15 PM »

Vs. Zeno (Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter) vs. Killer/Lady scene, pre-final dungeon (Shadow Hearts 3)
Lighthouse backstory (Xenogears) vs. Virgil's Exit (Xenosaga 3)


Miror B Fights (Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness)   vs. Intro (Starfox 64)
Rose's Flasback in Kadessa (Legend of Dragoon) vs. Rofel and Dycedarg chat villainous things (Final Fantasy Tactics)- This is one of my favorite scenes in video games period. It's so very to the point and at the end you feel like Dycedarg, for the first time in the game, has been owned. So hard.


Ryudo Mocks Selene (Grandia II)
vs. Zetta Opening (Disgaea 2)
Lily Character Quest 3  (Mana Khemia 2) vs. Jade i'm SOOOOOOORRRYYYYYYYYYYY (Tales of the Abyss)- Hmm. It is not the letter or REVENGE JOURNAL, so no contest.


The Day the Shovel Died (Wild ARMs 5)  vs. CHRONO CROSS PLOT!!! (Chrono Cross)- fdsfdsfds

Wine In Front Of Me (Princess Bride)  vs. Men In Tights (Robin Hood: Men In Tights)- I'll make a confession; I picked both of these so this is very difficult. But I love the randomness of the song.
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Re: Best Scenes Round 4 - YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP!
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2010, 09:38:52 PM »

Vs. Zeno (Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter) vs. Killer/Lady scene, pre-final dungeon (Shadow Hearts 3) - Killer/Lady is a bit more stylish than dramatic, but still works well enough against Zeno.
Lighthouse backstory (Xenogears) vs. Virgil's Exit (Xenosaga 3)- Admittedly, I can't disconnect this scene from at the very least the two right before it (Right directly before his battle, Exit is right directly after). But damn, this was awesomeness 3 games in coming, and the high point (the only one maybe!) of XS 3.


Rose's Flasback in Kadessa (Legend of Dragoon) vs. Rofel and Dycedarg chat villainous things (Final Fantasy Tactics)- Type of thing that characterizes the category for me. Sure, FFT's style could be argued to be the Rofel/Dyce scene, but probably still fits in better with drama ( terms of pure style of manipulation, Delita kind of owns their asses in style anyways!)


Ryudo Mocks Selene (Grandia II) vs. Zetta Opening (Disgaea 2)- One has some amusing lines. The other's humor...solely rests on "Haha, the overlord is a book!"
Lily Character Quest 3  (Mana Khemia 2) vs. Jade i'm SOOOOOOORRRYYYYYYYYYYY (Tales of the Abyss)


The Day the Shovel Died (Wild ARMs 5)  vs. CHRONO CROSS PLOT!!! (Chrono Cross) - So odd. The WA 5 scene...uh...really isn't out of line with a lot of scenes that have been nommed in humor so far. Certainly funnier than "Haha, the overlord is a book!"

Wine In Front Of Me (Princess Bride)  vs. Men In Tights (Robin Hood: Men In Tights)
« Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 10:39:09 PM by Dhyerwolf »
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Re: Best Scenes Round 4 - YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP!
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2010, 10:31:46 PM »
Dhyer, I don't think you're allowed to vote for everything.


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Re: Best Scenes Round 4 - YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP!
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2010, 10:39:28 PM »
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Best Scenes Round 4 - YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP!
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2010, 03:01:22 AM »
Actually, it's not "haha book overlord".  It's "haha vaporized tink".  Tink deserves a good vaporization.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Best Scenes Round 4 - YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP!
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2010, 03:26:10 AM »
Tink spent the majority of the game being mocked/hit/made fun of. Unless the vaporization was so thorough that he actually plot dies and can't be used in the battle, this seems more par for the course.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Best Scenes Round 4 - YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP!
« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2010, 08:55:51 PM »

Vs. Zeno (Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter) vs. Killer/Lady scene, pre-final dungeon (Shadow Hearts 3)
Lighthouse backstory (Xenogears) vs. Virgil's Exit (Xenosaga 3)


Miror B Fights (Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness)   vs. Intro (Starfox 64)
Rose's Flasback in Kadessa (Legend of Dragoon) vs. Rofel and Dycedarg chat villainous things (Final Fantasy Tactics)
- Hmm...  it's like that round one match, except both entries are better examples of their definition of style.

Ryudo Mocks Selene (Grandia II) vs. Zetta Opening (Disgaea 2)
Lily Character Quest 3  (Mana Khemia 2) vs. Jade i'm SOOOOOOORRRYYYYYYYYYYY (Tales of the Abyss) - 4 is definately better.  But most Lily stuff would win here.


The Day the Shovel Died (Wild ARMs 5)  vs. CHRONO CROSS PLOT!!! (Chrono Cross) - Any scene that involves mocking physics the way this scene does before it all ends in glorious, glorious failure does not belong here.  Bonus points for the serious bits not making me want to roll my eyes.

Wine In Front Of Me (Princess Bride)  vs. Men In Tights (Robin Hood: Men In Tights) - Yeesh, best fight in the bracket.


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Re: Best Scenes Round 4 - YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP!
« Reply #19 on: May 15, 2010, 09:01:12 PM »
Update Tomorrow as usual.

...actually, that sounds like a good schedule.  Just assume that, unless said otherwise, Sunday = Day this tourney updates!  I might still post reminders though.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Best Scenes Round 4 - YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP!
« Reply #20 on: May 16, 2010, 10:45:58 PM »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A