Author Topic: Best Scenes Round 8 - THE STAGE IS SET!  (Read 2349 times)


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Best Scenes Round 8 - THE STAGE IS SET!
« on: June 07, 2010, 03:23:18 AM »
"Love Lost" Ending (Silent Hill: Shattered Memories)|||| vs. Laughing Scene (FFX) ||
"Ridley kept fighting while looking for you" (Suikoden II) || vs. Cointoss (FFVI) |||| ||||

Lucifer (DMC4) |||| | vs.  Opening (Xenogears) |||
Defeat at Ostagar (Dragon Age) vs.  Thanatos Summoned (Persona 3) |||| ||

L'arachel/Ephraim B Support (FE8) ||  vs. Camping Trip! (Persona 4) |||| ||||
"A Sailor is a Man's Man!" |||| || vs. 'Happy Birthday' (Koudelka) ||

EXPLODING FROG (Final Fantasy Tactics) |||| ||| vs. Sophia's Sacrifice (Xenogears)

Indiana Bart  || vs. Simpson's Flinstones ||||

So now we move onto...well, I don't know.  I guess I should start off by apologizing for how mess this bracket is going to look.  There's a lot of scenes that are dialog based and well, you know how that ends up!  So yeah, early apologies!

Also, there are some weird complex scenes which have gameplay related stalling factors (the gameplay is part of the scene) which...well, you'll see!

Aira's Big Secret Revealed (Grandia II) ( vs. Bye Bye arm (WA1) ( - until about 2:55)
"We will live without false hope" (FFX) ( vs. *Belly Stab, Meul's Cosmosphere 5 (AT2)

*Two Videos:
(Supposedly, a stopping point probably exists in second video at 3:20, but we really do not have time to sit through and confirm this)

*Final sequence of fighting (Crisis Core) ( vs. **Eph vs. Lyon, Eph Path (FE8) (see dialog below)
POISON CHIHUAHUA (God hand) ( vs. Opening (BoF5) (

*This video is the best we could find, unfortunately, so please follow directions if you don't wanna waste too much time:
Everything until about 21:00 from the starting point (ie where its time-stamped) is relevant.  From 21:00~ to 28:00, its pretty much just the player showing off.  Feel free to skip this if you want.

**Lyon: Tell me, Ephraim: do I look like I've grown stronger? The last time we dueled, I was too weak to test you. Why, I was so weak, I even lost to Eirika...
Ephraim: ......
Lyon: I've sacrificed the lives of many good people. I've committed many unforgivable sins. The caring heart I once possessed died long ago... And I've grown stronger because of it. I've grown strong enough to defeat even you, Ephraim.
Ephraim: ...No, you haven't. You're still no match for me. You were never one for combat. It's not in you. You should never have chosen this path.
Lyon: ......
Ephraim: ...... Here I come, Lyon.

*Ike/Reyson, B Support (FE9) (see Dialog below) vs. "THERE'S NOTHING LIKE DRINKING TEA IN OUTER SPACE!"  (Disgaea) ( - until about 2:25)
Asgard's Arm fall (WA5) ( vs. Ghido Ultimate Bartz Mockery (FF5 Advanced) (see quoted section below)

Ike and Reyson B Support
Ike: Reyson!
Reyson: I'm here, Ike.
Reyson: Do you wish to talk strategy?
Ike: Yes. Your participation in the next few battles will be critical... How are you feeling?
Reyson: Well...I found that the negative energy isn't so bad when I fly. Even feeling a breeze can be a huge help. I can hold up. Don't worry about me.
Ike: You look tired. Exhausted, even. I think I know how King Phoenicis must feel... I'm sorry for pushing you like this.
Reyson: Saying so is an insult. I choose to be here.
Ike: Look, that's not what I meant... I apologize. I know that you hate having people fuss over you. It's just--
Reyson: Ike? Be quiet. If you were anyone else, I'd punch you in the nose and make you be quiet.
Ike: Whoa, easy, Reyson! That's not necessary! And hey... I didn't think that herons could attack.
Reyson: ...I know how to punch! Although...
Ike: Yes?
Reyson: I suffer more damage than my target.
Ike: What?!
Reyson: When I bashed Duke Tanas's face, he only suffered a bloody nose, but it cracked the bones in the back of my hand.
Ike: Holy...
Reyson: Indeed.
Ike: ...But it felt good, right?
Reyson: Oh, yeah.

Ghido Scene
Ghido: Now, let us begin the strategy meeting! As you have probably noticed, the
two worlds have recombined into one. Also, the Void is trying to break free from
where it has been sealed within the Rift!
Bartz: Then we'd better hurry there and stop it!
Ghido: Bartz, Bartz, Bartz... so enthusiastic and yet so stupid. Along with the
Void, many fearsome monsters were sealed in the Rift a millenium ago. They are
all incredibly evil, and incredibly strong. I feel safe in saying that as you
are now, you kids wouldn't stand a chance.
Bartz: Then, what do we do?
Ghido: Elemntary, my dear Bartz; the legendary weapons used to defeat the
warlock Enuo a thousand years ago!
Bartz: Legendary weapons?
Ghido: Sometimes I wonder if you say thinkgs like this to spite me... Yes, the
twelve legendary weapons. They are weapons. They are legendary. There are even
twelve of them. Now that we have both halves of the Sealed Tome, if all goes
according to legend- and I'm certain it will- the book will show us the way.

RINOA IN SPACE!!! (Final Fantasy 8) ( vs.LiiiiiIIIIIIIGHHHTT (Devil May Cry) (

Stylish Entrance of Stylishness...IN STYLE! (Terror of Mechagodzilla) ( vs. Physics Defying Dropkick of AWESOME!?!?(Godzilla vs. Megalon) (

Aira's Big Secret Revealed (Grandia II)  vs. Bye Bye arm (WA1)
"We will live without false hope" (FFX)  vs. Belly Stab, Meul's Cosmosphere 5 (AT2)

Final sequence of fighting (Crisis Core)  vs. Eph vs. Lyon, Eph Path (FE8)
POISON CHIHUAHUA (God hand)  vs. Opening (BoF5)

Ike/Reyson, B Support (FE9) vs. "THERE'S NOTHING LIKE DRINKING TEA IN OUTER SPACE!"  (Disgaea)
Asgard's Arm fall (WA5)  vs. Ghido Ultimate Bartz Mockery (FF5 Advanced)


Stylish Entrance of Stylishness...IN STYLE! (Terror of Mechagodzilla) vs. Physics Defying Dropkick of AWESOME!?!?(Godzilla vs. Megalon)

Yes, I apologize for the bonus match but I couldn't resist <.<

Note for the WA1 scene, we tried to find the ACF version, but sadly it fails.  We figured at least showing the scene in some manner was better than just deleting the entry altogether
And yes, this is the LAST TIME you will see the FF10 scene in the first round. I PROMISE!
« Last Edit: June 11, 2010, 11:09:50 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Best Scenes Round 8 - THE STAGE IS SET!
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2010, 03:47:51 AM »
Second note on the Crisis Core scene, it ends at 31:55 (the rest of the ending is a separate nom, so)

Additionally, for the At2 scene, I didn't look for it while counting up noms and just left Niu's name since I was just kinda going.  Meul is among the Japanese names for Jacqli, apparently, so "Jacqli Cosmosphere 5" would a be a better title.

Edit: Also also, there's a timestamp on the WA5 scene.  2:20 to 4:10.  Sorry about that one, I took the link from Bard's nom but missed his time stamp.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 04:59:35 AM by Cmdr_King »
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Re: Best Scenes Round 8 - THE STAGE IS SET!
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2010, 04:33:04 AM »
Aira's Big Secret Revealed (Grandia II)  vs. Bye Bye arm (WA1): Uh, the original WA1 version of that scene is one of the dumbest things I can ever recall, frankly. AHAHAHA THAT WIRE IS UNBREAKABLE!!!! What contrived bullshit. Anyway, the former is part of my favourite arc of Grandia plot ever (I know it says so much).
"We will live without false hope" (FFX)  vs. Belly Stab, Meul's Cosmosphere 5 (AT2)

Final sequence of fighting (Crisis Core) vs. Eph vs. Lyon, Eph Path (FE8): ... you know what? I'm not going to watch the former because I want to experience it for myself eventually. I kinda expect I'll like it at least some, but even if I don't... yeah, I actively dislike the latter scene, it has Eph being Eph and the content of the speech is basically "man I'm so awesome, Lyon you're not as awesome as I am". Yeah I don't really dig Eph. Sorry to be negative two comments in a row!
POISON CHIHUAHUA (God hand)  vs. Opening (BoF5): POISON CHIHUAHUA. So random and awesome.

Ike/Reyson, B Support (FE9) vs. "THERE'S NOTHING LIKE DRINKING TEA IN OUTER SPACE!"  (Disgaea): Awwww yeah tea in outer space. Genius.
Asgard's Arm fall (WA5)  vs. Ghido Ultimate Bartz Mockery (FF5 Advanced): Awwww yeah Ghido mocking Bartz.

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Re: Best Scenes Round 8 - THE STAGE IS SET!
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2010, 04:46:57 AM »
Aira's Big Secret Revealed (Grandia II)  vs. Bye Bye arm (WA1)
"We will live without false hope" (FFX)  vs. Belly Stab, Meul's Cosmosphere 5 (AT2)

Final sequence of fighting (Crisis Core)  vs. Eph vs. Lyon, Eph Path (FE8)
POISON CHIHUAHUA (God hand)  vs. Opening (BoF5)

Ike/Reyson, B Support (FE9) vs. "THERE'S NOTHING LIKE DRINKING TEA IN OUTER SPACE!"  (Disgaea)
Asgard's Arm fall (WA5)  vs. Ghido Ultimate Bartz Mockery (FF5 Advanced)


Stylish Entrance of Stylishness...IN STYLE! (Terror of Mechagodzilla) vs. Physics Defying Dropkick of AWESOME!?!?(Godzilla vs. Megalon)
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

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Re: Best Scenes Round 8 - THE STAGE IS SET!
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2010, 05:04:57 AM »
Aira's Big Secret Revealed (Grandia II)  vs. Bye Bye arm (WA1)
"We will live without false hope" (FFX)  vs. Belly Stab, Meul's Cosmosphere 5 (AT2)- y'know, I nommed this FFX scene.  And haven't played At2 (or gotten to Mir in At1).  And I'm still uncertain here.  Arghle.

Final sequence of fighting (Crisis Core)  vs. Eph vs. Lyon, Eph Path (FE8)
POISON CHIHUAHUA (God hand)  vs. Opening (BoF5)- Y'know, in general I haven't gotten much from Godhand.  It's... goofy, but not really in a way that resonates with me.  Well, the story stuff.  Gameplay is cool to watch.  BoFV opening meanwhile looks pretty cool, has good music, and sells the atmosphere pretty well.

Ike/Reyson, B Support (FE9) vs. "THERE'S NOTHING LIKE DRINKING TEA IN OUTER SPACE!"  (Disgaea)- I dunno, Gordon doesn't do a lot for me here.  
Asgard's Arm fall (WA5)  vs. Ghido Ultimate Bartz Mockery (FF5 Advanced)- not a bad match at all.

RINOA IN SPACE!!! vs.LiiiiiIIIIIIIGHHHTT (Devil May Cry)- For all I nommed it (I felt like some of the big memes should be represented), LiiiiiIIIIIGHT struck me as more mildly painful bad acting than as narmful and fun bad acting (there are better parts of the game for that, Phantom's scenes for example).  Meanwhile, I actually liked the FFVIII scene on a fresh viewing, but the sheer stupidity of "I'll jump out into space and save her!  Who cares what happens after that!" still earns it a nod on the hilarious goofiness scale.

Stylish Entrance of Stylishness...IN STYLE! (Terror of Mechagodzilla) vs. Physics Defying Dropkick of AWESOME!?!?(Godzilla vs. Megalon)
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

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Re: Best Scenes Round 8 - THE STAGE IS SET!
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2010, 09:21:16 PM »
Aira's Big Secret Revealed (Grandia II)  vs. Bye Bye arm (WA1) - Eye of Valmar arc > anything WA1 plot related.
"We will live without false hope" (FFX)  vs. Belly Stab, Meul's Cosmosphere 5 (AT2)

Final sequence of fighting (Crisis Core) vs. Eph vs. Lyon, Eph Path (FE8) - Too lazy to bother watching the Crisis Core scene, but rooting for it anyways because fuck FE8 bending over backwards to make Ephraim look awesome.
POISON CHIHUAHUA (God hand)  vs. Opening (BoF5)

Ike/Reyson, B Support (FE9) vs. "THERE'S NOTHING LIKE DRINKING TEA IN OUTER SPACE!"  (Disgaea) - Eh, Ike/Reyson support is amusing, but this is Gordon hamming it up here.
Asgard's Arm fall (WA5)  vs. Ghido Ultimate Bartz Mockery (FF5 Advanced)


Stylish Entrance of Stylishness...IN STYLE! (Terror of Mechagodzilla) vs. Physics Defying Dropkick of AWESOME!?!?(Godzilla vs. Megalon)

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Re: Best Scenes Round 8 - THE STAGE IS SET!
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2010, 09:55:28 PM »
Aira's Big Secret Revealed (Grandia II)  vs. Bye Bye arm (WA1)
"We will live without false hope" (FFX)  vs. Belly Stab, Meul's Cosmosphere 5 (AT2)

Final sequence of fighting (Crisis Core) vs. Eph vs. Lyon, Eph Path (FE8)- No vote, I don't want to watch the scene.
POISON CHIHUAHUA (God hand)  vs. Opening (BoF5)

Ike/Reyson, B Support (FE9) vs. "THERE'S NOTHING LIKE DRINKING TEA IN OUTER SPACE!"  (Disgaea)
Asgard's Arm fall (WA5)  vs. Ghido Ultimate Bartz Mockery (FF5 Advanced)

RINOA IN SPACE!!! vs. LiiiiiIIIIIIIGHHHTT (Devil May Cry)- More amusing.
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Re: Best Scenes Round 8 - THE STAGE IS SET!
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2010, 10:31:38 PM »
Aira's Big Secret Revealed (Grandia II)  vs. Bye Bye arm (WA1) - ...I...blah.  Not big on either. 
"We will live without false hope" (FFX)  vs. Belly Stab, Meul's Cosmosphere 5 (AT2) - Yuna's voice still kills it for me, for all that the overall scene is awesome.  Auron's really the scene-stealer there, to me.

Final sequence of fighting (Crisis Core)  vs. Eph vs. Lyon, Eph Path (FE8) - Eh, FE8 scene is decent, but the interactive ending is awesomeness.
POISON CHIHUAHUA (God hand)  vs. Opening (BoF5) - YES

Ike/Reyson, B Support (FE9) vs. "THERE'S NOTHING LIKE DRINKING TEA IN OUTER SPACE!"  (Disgaea) - Voices help
Asgard's Arm fall (WA5)  vs. Ghido Ultimate Bartz Mockery (FF5 Advanced) - Ninja Turtles > most

RINOA IN SPACE!!! vs. LiiiiiIIIIIIIGHHHTT (Devil May Cry) - Whatever the criteria this category now goes by, you can't deny this scene has the better voice acting here.

Stylish Entrance of Stylishness...IN STYLE! (Terror of Mechagodzilla) vs. Physics Defying Dropkick of AWESOME!?!?(Godzilla vs. Megalon) - No.

It's come to my attention that there are a lot of things I needed to nom that I forgot to because of the downtime of the tournament >_>  "Meet the Spy", TGWTG stuff, etc.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Best Scenes Round 8 - THE STAGE IS SET!
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2010, 12:53:43 AM »
Aira's Big Secret Revealed (Grandia II)  vs. Bye Bye arm (WA1)- Aira vs Aira for finals.
"We will live without false hope" (FFX)  vs. Belly Stab, Meul's Cosmosphere 5 (AT2)- Probably won't be voting here. Says something that even the topic creator didn't feel like seeing all of the second video!

Final sequence of fighting (Crisis Core)  vs. Eph vs. Lyon, Eph Path (FE8)- Will watch later (Eh, kind of odd to have a 20 minutes scene when other related scenes for other games were broken up).
POISON CHIHUAHUA (God hand)  vs. Opening (BoF5)- Big, big Antifan of the "Random modified animals are cool for being random modified animals." BoF 5's opening works.

Ike/Reyson, B Support (FE9) vs. "THERE'S NOTHING LIKE DRINKING TEA IN OUTER SPACE!"  (Disgaea)- Gordon was his worst. FE 9's one is funny.
Asgard's Arm fall (WA5)  vs. Ghido Ultimate Bartz Mockery (FF5 Advanced)- Ghido is such a fucking Genis. You make fun of someone's intelligence and then essentially say that something will definitely happen because a 1000 year old rumor said so. Yeah, you know how accurate those 1000 year old rumors are. WA 5 scene is cute.

RINOA IN SPACE!!! vs.LiiiiiIIIIIIIGHHHTT (Devil May Cry)- I'm just voting for Devil May Cry! Most everything I've seen of this game strongly, strongly implies that it would own this category (if Lily didn't exist!). Seriously, though, just for this scene, Rinoa in space wins.
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Re: Best Scenes Round 8 - THE STAGE IS SET!
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2010, 03:36:01 AM »
Well, that's just youtube for you.  Standard users have a time limit of 11 minutes (or something between 10 and 11), so when you consider that sometimes scenes happen in between other events (this is what happened for the At2 scene for example, it's a six minute segment of about 35 minutes of a longer chapter) sometimes stuff gets broken up weirdly.

The Crisis Core scene meanwhile is apparently from a premium account.  The trouble I had, though, was that other videos of this scene were either a) in Japanese or b) only showed ten minutes of the player stretching out the first battle, rather than bookending it with the intro bits and the second fight, rendering them completely useless for these purposes.
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Re: Best Scenes Round 8 - THE STAGE IS SET!
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2010, 05:47:06 AM »
Aira's Big Secret Revealed (Grandia II)  vs. Bye Bye arm (WA1) - No contest, but Mother basically cannibalizing her son Zeikfried afterwards was kinda creepy.
"We will live without false hope" (FFX)  vs. Belly Stab, Meul's Cosmosphere 5 (AT2) - Watched the AT2 scene, and it's a decent match, but FFX scene feels stronger.

Final sequence of fighting (Crisis Core)  vs. Eph vs. Lyon, Eph Path (FE8) - The FE8 scene makes me chuckle more than anything else.
POISON CHIHUAHUA (God hand)  vs. Opening (BoF5) - God Hand in Stylish.

Ike/Reyson, B Support (FE9) vs. "THERE'S NOTHING LIKE DRINKING TEA IN OUTER SPACE!"  (Disgaea) - I rather like the FE9 scene, but the sheer randomness of American Hero Gordon suddenly appearing in Disgaea had me literally rolling with laughter the first time I saw it. It's a good parody, though watching it again without the surprise factor was less awesome, so I can see voting either way.
Asgard's Arm fall (WA5)  vs. Ghido Ultimate Bartz Mockery (FF5 Advanced) - I chuckled here. Though I want to give points to the WA5 scene for not having the heroine get all pissy when the hero knocks her on her back to save her life. Dear God, she actually -thanks- him like a sane human being. It's almost like the WA5 writers knew something about how humans actually act. (And then they write villains and lolwhut.)

RINOA IN SPACE!!! vs.LiiiiiIIIIIIIGHHHTT (Devil May Cry) - No idea what I'm judging these on, but I want to see LiiiiIIIIGHHHTTT!!! in more rounds, so I'm voting for it.

Stylish Entrance of Stylishness...IN STYLE! (Terror of Mechagodzilla) vs. Physics Defying Dropkick of AWESOME!?!?(Godzilla vs. Megalon)

What is this I don't even.


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Re: Best Scenes Round 8 - THE STAGE IS SET!
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2010, 08:27:11 AM »
Well, that's just youtube for you.  Standard users have a time limit of 11 minutes (or something between 10 and 11), so when you consider that sometimes scenes happen in between other events (this is what happened for the At2 scene for example, it's a six minute segment of about 35 minutes of a longer chapter) sometimes stuff gets broken up weirdly.

The Crisis Core scene meanwhile is apparently from a premium account.  The trouble I had, though, was that other videos of this scene were either a) in Japanese or b) only showed ten minutes of the player stretching out the first battle, rather than bookending it with the intro bits and the second fight, rendering them completely useless for these purposes.

I think I just misunderstood the initial post. I'm guessing it just meant to say that "minutes 18 or so to 21" are relevant?
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Re: Best Scenes Round 8 - THE STAGE IS SET!
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2010, 08:56:05 AM »
17:40 to 21:00 and 28:00 to 31:55 are the scene in question.  The stuff between 21:00 and 28:00 is seven minutes of the video maker killing shinra grunts with Darkness to show off (the game basically has a hit counter or some similar mechanic which determines how long you go between Modulating Phases.  So if you're good, you can stretch it out for quite a long time.  When I played the game, the whole fight was closer to 2 minute in length because I blew missile dodges constantly.)
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Best Scenes Round 8 - THE STAGE IS SET!
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2010, 02:18:48 PM »
Aira's Big Secret Revealed (Grandia II)  vs. Bye Bye arm (WA1)
"We will live without false hope" (FFX)  vs. Belly Stab, Meul's Cosmosphere 5 (AT2)

Final sequence of fighting (Crisis Core)  vs. Eph vs. Lyon, Eph Path (FE8)
POISON CHIHUAHUA (God hand)  vs. Opening (BoF5)

Ike/Reyson, B Support (FE9) vs. "THERE'S NOTHING LIKE DRINKING TEA IN OUTER SPACE!"  (Disgaea)
Asgard's Arm fall (WA5)  vs. Ghido Ultimate Bartz Mockery (FF5 Advanced)


Stylish Entrance of Stylishness...IN STYLE! (Terror of Mechagodzilla) vs. Physics Defying Dropkick of AWESOME!?!?(Godzilla vs. Megalon)


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Re: Best Scenes Round 8 - THE STAGE IS SET!
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2010, 09:53:39 PM »
Aira's Big Secret Revealed (Grandia II)  vs. Bye Bye arm (WA1)
"We will live without false hope" (FFX)  vs. Belly Stab, Meul's Cosmosphere 5 (AT2) - Glad to see Lyner's legacy of Sueishness has not been disappointed.

Final sequence of fighting (Crisis Core)  vs. Eph vs. Lyon, Eph Path (FE8) - Two different styles of "awesome" protagonist, and their final showdowns.  It shall be gratifying when Eph doesn't pull off this victory.
POISON CHIHUAHUA (God hand)  vs. Opening (BoF5) - And you couldn't have put a time stamp on the Poison Chihuahua why?  This might've been a fight if it hadn't involved having to watch several minutes of Godhand gameplay first.

Ike/Reyson, B Support (FE9) vs. "THERE'S NOTHING LIKE DRINKING TEA IN OUTER SPACE!"  (Disgaea) The support is good, damn good.  But...  well...  like the guy says, there's nothing quite like drinking tea in outer space.
Asgard's Arm fall (WA5)  vs. Ghido Ultimate Bartz Mockery (FF5 Advanced) - Good localization.



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Re: Best Scenes Round 8 - THE STAGE IS SET!
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2010, 11:08:16 PM »
Huh? Weird, I thought I DID put a Time-stamp on the Poison Chihuahua.  The link suggests that.  Must have time stamped it wrong.

Sorry about that in any event.

EDIT: And fixed.  I missed the "#" symbol it seems.  Mrf.  I should really double check the time stamps next time to see if they work.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2010, 11:10:21 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Best Scenes Round 8 - THE STAGE IS SET!
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2010, 02:17:07 AM »
Aira's Big Secret Revealed (Grandia II)  vs. Bye Bye arm (WA1)
"We will live without false hope" (FFX)  vs. Belly Stab, Meul's Cosmosphere 5 (AT2)

Final sequence of fighting (Crisis Core)  vs. Eph vs. Lyon, Eph Path (FE8)
POISON CHIHUAHUA (God hand)  vs. Opening (BoF5)

Ike/Reyson, B Support (FE9) vs. "THERE'S NOTHING LIKE DRINKING TEA IN OUTER SPACE!"  (Disgaea)
Asgard's Arm fall (WA5)  vs. Ghido Ultimate Bartz Mockery (FF5 Advanced)


Stylish Entrance of Stylishness...IN STYLE! (Terror of Mechagodzilla) vs. Physics Defying Dropkick of AWESOME!?!?(Godzilla vs. Megalon)


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Re: Best Scenes Round 8 - THE STAGE IS SET!
« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2010, 10:34:57 PM »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A