Author Topic: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn  (Read 9441 times)


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Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
« on: December 18, 2007, 11:07:24 PM »
Yep! Its time for another Meeple Stat Topic! This time, its about Gen...
Wait, right, its Not Pokemon this time <.<;

Anyway, its the latest FE game. I'm sorry I can't get a nice looking spreadsheet like the others have but, well...this cast is really freaking big, and those Spreadsheets don't let me do fun stuff like PICTURES!

FE10 follows the same formula as other FE games, more or less. Weapon Triangle Advantage of Sword > Axe > Lance > Sword, where an advantage is +1 Attack and +15% Hit (and vice versa if on the receiving end.) There's also the Magic Triangle of Fire > Wind > Thunder > Fire, which follows the same rules, just like in FE9. There's a second Magic Triangle again, which follows the GBA series of Anima (Fire/Thunder/Wind) > Light > Dark > Anima.

I assume most of you know the basics of FE at this point, so I'll get to stuff specific to this stat topic!

-Levels were taken at Level 10 of Tier 3, assumed promoted at level 20 for both of the other tiers. FE10 has 3 tiers of promotions, not just 2 like most games, and most PCs actually start in Tier 2, so calling it 20/20/10 would be wrong in some cases. If a character starts higher than that level, they are given their starting stats.
-Laguz are taken at level 30. Unlike Beorc PCs (aka Humans), Laguz have a level cap of 40, so level 30 is somewhat similar to a Tier 3 Level 10. Likewise, any Laguz above level 30 is given that starting stat.

-Equipment fun time! First off, I allow forging. Unlike FE9, you can forge as many weapons per chapter as you want, so long as you can afford it. However, I allow it only to a degree, which is to say, I only allow Might of a weapon to be maxed.
-Naturally, some PCs have unique weapons. In most cases, like Ike's Ragnell or Elincia's Amiti, its pretty much their ideal weapon. Granted, there are exceptions (Mist's Florete), but yeah.
-For Initial weapons, like Stefan's Vague Katti, as well as weapons that are defaulted into the characters inventory (like Jill's Brave Axe), I did *NOT* assume were equipped, since they are a very grey area.
-For weapons that provide special boosts, like Ragnell's +5 Def, I have listed it alongside the stat in parentheses.

-Laguz start every fight untransformed. Just to get it out of the way, the Royals (and Kurthnaga) all have Formshift, thus ignore all this nonsense as they can have Permanent Transformation with no downsides. None of this, barring the weakness aspect, applies to them as such. Volug has legal Wild Heart, which is Perma transformation with half the boosts (ie Skill version of a Demi Band); personally view this as default, so this doesn't apply to him either.
-Laguz start every fight with 0 to their Transformation gauge. Every turn AFTER the first, they gain a value to their gauge depending on their class. Similarly, when attacked, they gain more, providing the counter fails one way or another (either a miss or was never triggered.) Once this gauge hits 30, they can transform, and they start to lose an amount depending on their class for every turn and every battle they get into. They can choose to Revert at will, and maintain whatever their gauge is currently at.
-The actual values of transformation, listed in an order of Turn/Battle progression, first is untransformed, second is transformed, is as follows:
Wolf, Raven: 6/10 gained, 4/3 lost
Tiger, Hawk: 8/15 Gained, 4/3 Lost
Cat: 10/15 Gained, 5/4 Lost
Lion: 5/10 Gained, 3/2 Lost
Red Dragon: 5/6 Gained, 2/1 Lost
White Dragon: 4/5 Gained, 2/1 Lost
Heron: Are outright screwed in a duel as is, and thus don't matter...though for teams. Why might you ask?
-Herons can't attack, EVER. They are the equivalent of the standard FE Bard/Dancer. I'm listing them purely for curiosity purposes.
-Laguz can use Olivi Grass to boost their gauge by 15 each turn. Olivi Grass is very common (almost always found in Aimee's Bargains), and even store bought in the last chapter. This...makes them not all completely suck as duelers as a result, yet makes them not overpowered at the same time (they still have issues.) Personally, I'm leaning towards alliowing them, but your mileage may vary. Note that each grass can be used 8 times, though Laguz tend to have 7 Free slots available anyway. Also, it can be used mid transformation to extend its length as well.
-Nealuchi, Lethe, Kyza, Skrimir, Ena, and Gareth all start with Laguz Stones. A Laguz stone instantly transforms the Laguz regardless of the gauge, and sets it at 30. I personally don't allow these for a variety of reasons, but again, make of this as you will. These can be used 3 times before disappearing.
-Similarly, Giffca and Nasir start with Laguz Gems. They act like Laguz Stones, except when used, the Laguz is transformed the rest of the fight. Like Laguz Stones, I do not allow these either, for similar reasons.
-Laguz cannot attack directly while in untransformed. They CAN however Counter Melee.
-I have 2 sets of stats listed for Laguz; their transformed stats, and their untransformed stats. The stats in parentheses are transformed, while the unbracketed ones are not. Note that the boosts are FAR more significant in FE10 than they were in FE9, so they really cannot be ignored.
-All Laguz have some sort of innate weakness. Birds (Ravens, Hawks, etc.) are weak to Wind Magic and Bows, Beasts (like Wolves or Cats) are weak to Fire, and Dragons are weak to Lightning. There's also some skills and weapons that hit this species weakness specifically, but they'll be listed when necessary. These weaknesses are Tripling the Might of the weapon (NOT Damage or Strength)

-Characters all have special skills. All skills a character has is listed right below their stats, and their effects are listed in a post later on courtesy of OK. Ones allowed are naturally Occult Skills for Beorc (since whenever you promote to Tier 3, they learn them instantly), innitial skills like Nephenee's Wrath, and plot given skills like Kurthnaga's Formshift (which also happens to be locked <_<.) Laguz Occult skills are a grey area, as there's about 6 Satori signs, and something like 3x the PCs who'd want it (though ALL Laguz Royals come with their Occult learned anyway, even Naesala who is below the minimum requirement for an Occult skill, the cheater >_>)
-Just cause I feel I should note it, here are the list of skills that give DIRECT stat boosts, and what gets them...most of them are self explanatory, I'll explain the ones that are not:
Reavers: Crit+5.
Sentinels: Crit+10
Marksmens: Crit+15
Trueblades: Crit+20
Assassins: Crit+25
Ulki: Viglinace, boosts Avoid and Dodge (aka Crit Evade) by 20
Jannaf: Insight. Boosts Hit by 20, and SIGHT!!!! by 5 (Sight being Fog of War thing only, basically.)
-Much like Laguz, Dragonlords, Seraph Knights and Queen all have a weakness as well. Dragonlords are weak to Lightning and Seraph Knight and Queen are weak to Wind and Bows the same way Birds were. Note that Wyrmkillers also work on Dragonlords, but NOT Dragonfoe, similarly, Bird Foe does not work on Seraph Knight or Queen.
-Sanaki has a unique item (the Rudol Gem), that when equipped , it gives her +10 Defense. I have this listed as an equipment boost, just noting in case you were wondering where this Defense Boost comes from.
-Authority Boosts! Ok, some characters have unique thing called Authority. When this character is a leader of a group, everyone in that team gains a boost to Hit and Avoid equal to 5 per every Star they have. Offhand, at very least, I allow these boosts for characters who actually make use of them in game (some of them are purely just for show, sadly.) These boosts are listed in Square Brackets. Here's a list of characters and their Authority levels, Bolded Characters are those who actually use their Authority in at least someway (even if for one chapter):
5 Stars: Caineghis
4 Stars: Sanaki, Tibarn, Renning
3 Stars: Elincia, Geoffrey, Nailah, Ike, Naesala
2 Stars: Kurthnaga, Lucia, Skrimir
1 Star: Pelleas
-Lastly, back to skills.  I am listing all skills a character gets legally (be it occult, initial or some sort of plot gained ability ala Ike's Nihil), though, if you want to know what they do, see OK's Post a bit down.  For the Laguz that don't get Occult skills naturally (which is basically all but Giffca and the Royals (not including Kurthnaga)), I'll be listing those in parentheses.  Whether you allow these skills is up to you, so just noting they are there.

Whoo, ok, all that boring info is out of the way, now for the last of this nonsense!

HP: Hit Points. Lose these, you die.
Str: Strength. The base for Physical damage. Also, for every point that weight exceeds your characters Strength, it gives a -1 Speed Penalty. Note that just about every character barring Sanaki has high enough strength to never care about weight, and in Sanaki's case, she gets a weapon light enough for her to not care anyway. Every point of Strength = 1 Point of damage, if its not obvious.
Mag: Magic. The base behind Magic damage. This stat is practically worthless for Fighters, since the only use it had in game for them was Imbue (which is illegal for all characters barring Fiona and Black Knight anyway.) Every point of Magic = 1 Point of damage, for respective attacks.
Skl: Skill. Every point of Skill yields 2 Hit and 0.5 Crit (so 2 Skill = 1 Crit.)
Spd: Speed. For every point of Speed, a character gains 2 Avoid. This value is also the base for AS, however, given that weight penalties are practically nonexistent, there's no need to list AS, so Speed and AS are essentially the same thing in this game. Like previous modern installments, 4 points of speed difference between 2 fighters yields the fighter attacking twice.
Luck: Luck. Every point of Luck is 1 point of Hit and 1 point of Avoid, and lowers enemies Crit by 1. In FE10, there is actually a stat called "Dodge" which is used to indicate Crit Evade, but outside of Ulki (who gets a +20 Bonus due to Vigilance), this is equal to their Luck, thus not worth noting.
Def: Defense. Every point of this means 1 less damage you take from physicals.
Res: Resist. Magic version of Defense! Has an added bonus of resisting Status, 1 Resist = -5 to Status Hit, I believe.
Avoid: Evasion to both Physicals and Magic. This stat is *NOT* to be taken literally (as shown by how many people break 100), given hit stats are in the upper 100 range. Every point of avoid subtracts from the opponents hit.
Hit: Accuracy and such. Also not to be taken literal.
Attack: Weapon + respective stat (Magic or Strength). This Stat - Defense/Res = Damage.
Crit: Critical Hit rate. This is the value against 0 Luck, as a result, it should not be taken completely literal, as enemies have noticeable Luck in this game. A Critical Hit is 3x damage, on that note.
Damage: Um, damage <_<? This is Attack - Def/Res (depends on attack, naturally) and how much they, you know, actually do. For those wondering, Defense that was used was 22, and Res was 18. These aren't perfect, but it was agreed that 25 was too high for defense and 20 was a bit too low, and Res should be something around 5 less than Def, so...yeah.

With all that mumbo jumbo out of the way, THE NEXT POST HAS THE STATS!
« Last Edit: February 08, 2008, 06:04:38 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2007, 11:07:50 PM »

Micaiah (Light Priestess):
39.8 HP, 17 Str, 39.2 Mag, 29.8 Skl, 26.45 Spd, 40 Luck, 19.4 Def, 40 Res
92 Avoid, 200 Hit, 47 Attack, 15 Crit, 29 Damage
Skills: Sacrifice, Shove, Corona
Weapon Classes: Light Magic, Staves

Edward (Trueblade):
51.65 HP, 31.4 Str, 8.35 Mag, 37.85 Skl, 37.4 Spd, 30 (38) Luck, 23.45 Def, 15.4 Res
112 Avoid 199 Hit, 46 Attack, 44 Crit, 24 Damage
Skills: Wrath, Critical +20, Shove, Astra
Weapons: Swords

Leonardo (Marksmen):
51.2 HP, 29.8 Str, 13.05 Mag, 38.75 Skill, 29.45 (34.45) Spd, 30 Luck, 24.45 Def, 25 Res
98 Avoid, 210 Hit, 46 Attack, 39 Crit, 24 Damage
Skills: Cancel, Shove, Critical +15, Deadeye
Weapons: Bows, Crossbows

Nolan (Reaver):
58.4 HP, 32.55 Str, 10 Mag, 34.3 Skl, 34.4 Spd, 18.7 Luck, 25.65 (29.65) Def, 20 Res
87 Avoid, 187 Hit, 51 Attack, 22 Crit, 29 Damage
Skills: Nihil, Shove, Critical+5, Colossus
Weapons: Axes, Crossbows

Laura (Saint):
43.15 HP, 20.4 Str, 33.3 Mag, 30 Skl, 31 Spd, 31.5 Luck, 19.4 Def, 29.45 Res
94 Avoid, 191 Hit, 41 Attack, 15 Crit, 23 Damage
Skills: Shove, Corona
Weapons: Light Magic, Staves

Sothe (Whisper):
46.7 HP, 28 Str, 13.6 Mag, 35.2 Skl, 34.6 Spd, 33.2 Luck, 22.6 Def, 21.4 Res
103 Avoid, 188 Hit, 40 Attack, 22 Crit, 18 Damage
Skills: Guard, Steal, Shove, Bane
Weapons: Knives

Illyana (Arch Sage):
45 HP, 24 Str, 32.5 Mag, 30.4 (33.4) Skl, 26.8 Spd, 20.4 Luck, 20.8 Def, 30 Res
74 Avoid, 181 Hit, 45 Attack, 31 Crit, 27 Damage
Skills: Shade, Flare, Shove
Weapons: Thunder Magic, Wind Magic, Fire Magic, Staves

Aran (Sentinel):
50.5 HP, 34.75 Str, 20 Mag, 34.75 Skl, 27.35 Spd, 20.35 Luck, 33.3 Def, 18.25 Res
74 Avoid, 170 Hit, 53 Attack, 27 Crit, 31 Damage
Skills: Shove, Impale
Weapons: Lances

Meg (Sword Marshall):
54 HP, 30.75 Str, 13.75 Mag, 28 Skl, 29.85 Spd, 30 Luck, 30.75 Def, 30.5 Res
90 Avoid, 156 Hit, 48 Attack, 14 Crit, 26 Damage
Skills: Fortune, Shove, Luna
Weapons: Swords, Lances, Axes

Volug (Wolf):
63.25 HP, 22.125 Str, 6.375 Mag, 25.875 Skl, 27 Spd, 26.5 Luck, 16.875 Def, 9.75 Res
81 Avoid, 169 Hit, 42 Attack, 13 Crit, 20 Damage
Skills: Howl, Wildheart, Shove (Savage)
Weapons: Wolf Fang

Tauroneo (Lance Marshall):
50.25 HP, 32 Str, 16.75 Mag, 31 Skl, 29.5 Spd, 21 Luck, 29.75 Def, 26.5 Res
81 Avoid, 153 Hit, 51 Attack, 15 Crit, 29 Damage
Skills: Resolve, Shove, Luna,
Weapons: Lances, Axes, Swords

Jill (Dragon Lord):
46.5 HP, 31.3 Str, 10 Mag, 30.3 Skl, 32.85 Spd, 34.4 Luck, 28.9 Def, 22 Res
100 Avoid, 178 Hit, 51 Attack, 15 Crit, 29 Damage
Skills: Canto, Stun
Weapons: Axes, Lances

Zihark (Trueblade):
48.3 HP, 28.1 Str, 12.6 Mag, 38.75 Skl, 38.3 Spe, 21.4 Luck, 21.5 Def, 22.15 Res
95 Avoid, 189 Hit, 45 Attack, 39 Crit, 23 Damage
Skills: Shove, Adept, Critical+20, Astra
Weapons: Swords

Fiona (Silver Knight):
48.55 HP, 27.6 Str, 17.85 Mag, 26.6 Skl, 31.4 Spd, 28.45 Luck, 28 Def, 26.5 Res
90 Avoid, 162 Hit, 48 Attack, 13 Crit, 26 Damage
Skills: Canto, Imbue, Savior, Sol
Weapons: Lances, Bows

Tormod (Arch Sage):
48.5 HP, 23.95 Str, 28.6 Mag, 28.8 Skl, 31.95 Spd, 20 Luck, 24.15 Def, 26.8 Res
84 Avoid, 168 Hit, 39 Attack, 19 Crit, 21 Damage
Skills: Celerity, Shove, Flare
Weapons: Fire Magic, Wind Magic, Thunder Magic, Staves

Muarim (Tiger):
64.6 HP, 24.05 (48.1) Str, 3.55 (7.1) Mag, 18.95 (37.7) Skl, 13.2 (26.4) Spd, 13.4 Luck, 18.85 (37.7) Def, 12.3 (24.6) Res
39 (67) Avoid, 141 (179) Hit, 44 (68) Attack, 9 (19) Crit, 22 (46) Damage
Skills: Shove (Roar)
Weapons: Tiger Fang

Vika (Raven):
48.2 HP, 13.25 (26.5) Str, 13.5 (27) Mag, 21.2 (42.4) Skl, 22.2 (44.4) Spd, 24.2 Luck, 9.55 (19.1) Def, 18.05 (36.1) Res
68 (112) Avoid, 156 (200) Hit, 30 (44) Attack, 10 (21) Crit, 8 (22) Damage
Skills: Shriek, Shove, Canto (Tear)
Weapons: Raven Beak

Nailah (Wolf Queen):
66 HP, 34 Str, 10 Mag, 46 Skl, 38 Spd, 35 Luck, 32 Def, 26 Res,
111 [126] Avoid, 227 [242] Hit, 54 Attack, 23 Crit, 32 Damage
Skills: Glare, Shove, Savage, Guard, Formshift
Weapons: Great Wolf Fang

*Rafiel (Heron):
41.8 HP, 1 (2) Str, 13.2 (26.4) Mag, 2.8 (5.6) Skl, 9.6 (19.2) Spd, 41.8 Luck, 4.8 (9.6) Def, 22 (44) Res
52 (80) Avoid, -- Hit, -- Attack, -- Crit, -- Damage
Skills: Blessing, Galdr, Shove
Weapons: MORE GIRLY THAN LEANNE Appearance

*Black Knight (Black Knight):
70 HP, 38 Str, 18 Mag, 40 Skl, 30 Spd, 20 Luck, 35 (40) Def, 25 Res
80 Avoid, 185 Hit, 56 Attack, 25 Crit, 32 Damage
Skills: Eclipse, Nihil, Imbue, Shove
Weapons: Swords, Lances


Elincia (Queen):
40.05 HP, 24.85 Str, 20.6 Mag, 25.5 Skl, 28.3 Spd, 34.4 Luck, 19.8 (22.8) Def, 27.15 (30.15) Res
90 [105] Avoid, 174 [199] Hit, 40 Attack, 12 Crit, 18x2 Damage
Skills: Mercy, Stun, Renewal, Canto
Weapons: Swords, Staves

Marcia (Seraph Knight):
50 HP, 26.2 Str, 14.8 Mag, 28.6 Skl, 34.85 Spd, 24 Luck, 27.4 Def, 27.4 Res
94 Avoid, 162 Hit, 44 Attack, 14 Crit, 22 Damage
Skills: Canto, Stun
Weapons: Lances, Swords

Nealuchi (Raven):
57.4 HP, 12.8 (25.6) Str, 4.8 (9.6) Mag, 12.2 (24.4) Skl, 21.2 (42.4) Spd, 30.4 Luck, 13 (26) Def, 12 (24) Res
72 (116) Avoid, 144 (170) Hit, 30 (43) Attack, 6 (12) Crit, 8 (21) Damage
Skills: Wrath, Shove, Canto (Tear)
Weapons: Raven Beak

*Leanne (Heron):
40 HP, 0 Str, 13 (26) Mag, 3.5 (7) Skl, 11 (22) Spd, 47 Luck, 4.5 (9) Def, 21 (42) Res
69 (91) Avoid, -- Hit, -- Attack, -- Crit, -- Damage
Skills: Blessing, Galldrar, Shove, Canto
Weapons: MANLIER THAN RAFIEL Aesthetics

Haar (Dragon Lord):
55.4 HP, 37.3 Str, 6.9 Mag, 34.3 Skl, 27.4 Spd, 21.1 Luck, 33.85 Def, 14.6 Res
75 Avoid, 159 Hit, 56 Attack, 17 Crit, 34 Damage
Skills: Cancel, Stun, Canto
Weapons: Axes, Lances

Brom (Axe Marshall):
56.2 HP, 31.8 Str, 9.35 Mag, 29.8 Skl, 26.1 Spd, 30 Luck, 36 Def, 19.75 Res
82 Avoid, 160 Hit, 51 Attack, 15 Crit, 29 Damage
Skills: Luna, Disarm, Shove
Weapons: Axes, Swords, Lances

Nephenee (Sentinel):
48.6 HP, 27.8 Str, 14.2 Mag, 34.3 Skl, 34 Spd, 23.2 Luck, 27.8 Def, 26.05 Res
91 Avoid, 171 Hit, 46 Attack, 27 Crit, 24 Damage
Skills: Wrath, Impale, Shove, Critical+10
Weapons: Lances

Heather (Whisper):
44.8 HP, 22.4 Str, 17.4 Mag, 31.5 Skl, 38.3 Spd, 32.5 Luck, 19.6 Def, 24.6 Res
109 Avoid, 192 Hit, 34 Attack, 21 Crit, 12 Damage
Skills: Pass, Steal, Shove, Bane
Weapons: Knives

Lucia (Trueblade):
48.5 HP, 24.75 Str, 17 Mag, 38.3 Skl, 37.4 Spd, 23.5 Luck, 19.25 Def, 25.5 Res
98 [108] Avoid, 180 [190] Hit, 42 Attack, 39 Crit, 20 Damage
Skills: Parity, Critical+20, Shove, Astra
Weapons: Swords

Lethe (Cat):
57.8 HP, 11.8 (23.6) Str, 6.4 (12.8) Mag, 15.4 (30.8) Skl, 16 (32) Spd, 21.6 Luck, 11.8 (23.6) Def, 11.6 (23.2) Res
54 (88) Avoid, 142 (174) Hit, 30 (42) Attack, 7 (15) Crit, 8 (20) Damage
Skills: Shove (Rend)
Weapons: Cat Claw

Mordecai (Tiger):
69.6 HP, 18.9 (37.8) Str, 2.4 (4.8) Mag, 12.5 (25) Skl, 11.1 (22.2) Spd, 26.2 Luck, 22 (44) Def, 6.1 (12.2) Res
48 (70) Avoid, 140 (166) Hit, 39 (58) Might, 6 (12) Crit, 17 (36) Damage
Skills: Shove, Smite (Roar)
Weapons: Tiger Fang

Geoffrey (Silver Knight)
49.4 HP, 31.5 Str, 13.4 Mag, 31.4 Skl, 26.9 Spd, 23.2 Luck, 24.2 Def, 24.95 Res
77 [92] Avoid, 160 [175] Hit, 52 Attack, 15 Crit, 30 Damage
Skills: Paragon, Canto, Sol
Weapons: Lances, Bows

Kieran (Gold Knight):
55.75 HP, 33.4 Str, 12.7 Mag, 29.2 Skl, 27.4 Spd, 21.4 Luck, 30 Def, 19.5 Res
75 Avoid, 149 Hit, 52 Attack, 14 Crit, 30 Damage
Skills: Gamble, Canto, Sol
Weapons: Axes, Swords

Astrid (Silver Knight):
48.95 HP, 26.8 Str, 17.4 Mag, 30.15 Skl, 27.8 Spd, 35 Luck, 21.1 Def, 28.5 Res
91 Avoid, 170 Hit, 47 Attack, 15 Crit, 25 Damage
Skills: Canto, Paragon, Sol
Weapons: Bows, Lances

Makalov (Gold Knight)
53.1 HP, 28.8 Str, 12.3 Mag, 27.8 Skl, 33 Spd, 29.9 Luck, 30 Def, 18.5 Res
96 Avoid, 156 Hit, 48 Attack, 14 Crit, 26 Damage
Skills: Canto, Sol
Weapons: Swords, Lances

Danved (Sentinel):
55.75 HP, 27 Str, 16 Mag, 30.7 Skl, 32 Spd, 30 Luck, 26 Def, 21 Res
96 Avoid, 172 Hit, 45 Attack, 25 Crit, 23 Damage
Skills: Critical+10, Shove, Impale
Weapons: Lances

Calill (Arch Sage):
44.05 HP, 19.75 Str, 31.05 Mag, 30.4 Skl, 31.95 Spd, 28.65 Luck, 19.45 Def, 30.5 Res
93 Avoid, 179 Hit, 41 Attack, 15 Crit, 23 Damage
Skills: Flare, Nihil, Shove
Weapons: Fire Magic, Wind Magic, Thunder Magic, Staves


Ike (Vanguard):
59.7 HP, 33.95 Str, 7.8 Mag, 37.4 Skl, 31.3 Spd, 19.4 Luck, 30.2 (35.2) Def, 13.7 Res
81 [96] Avoid, 173 [188] Hit, 52 Attack, 23 Crit, 30 Damage
Skills: Aether, Shove, Nihil
Weapons: Swords, Axes

Titania (Gold Knight):
47.8 HP, 34 Str, 15.95 Mag, 31.15 Skl, 29.5 Spd, 24.2 Luck, 25.6 Def, 21.9 Res
84 Avoid, 156 Hit, 53 Attack, 15 Crit, 31 Damage
Skills: Counter, Canto, Sol
Weapons: Axes, Swords

Soren (Arch Sage):
41.6 HP, 19 Str, 36.2 Mag, 30.4 Skl, 28.15 Spd, 19.4 Luck, 19 Def, 31.3 Res
73 Avoid, 169 Hit, 46 Attack, 15 Crit, 28 Damage
Skills: Adept, Shove, Flare
Weapons: Wind Magic, Thunder Magic, Fire Magic, Staves

Mist (Valkyrie):
43.2 HP, 20 Str, 27.6 Mag, 30.4 Skl, 30.5 Spd, 35 Luck, 19 Def, 29.2 Res
97 Avoid, 185 Hit, 37 Attack, 15 Crit, 15 Damage
Skills: Miracle, *Shove , Canto, Sol
Weapons: Swords, Staves
*Shove is an initial skill, however when she promotes, she loses it and gains Canto instead.  Why does this matter? It doesn't, figure I'd list it for completion sake (and if someone wants to use Unpromoted Mist <_< >_>?)

Boyd (Reaver):
64.2 HP, 37.65 Str, 6.05 Mag, 31.45 Skl, 29.45 Spd, 21.4 Luck, 27.5 Def, 14.1 Res
79 Avoid, 153 Hit, 56 Attack, 20 Crit, 34 Damage
Skills: Colossus, Critical+5, Shove
Weapons: Axes, Crossbows

Oscar (Silver Knight):
50.5 HP, 27.95 Str, 14.4 Mag, 31.85 Skl, 31.4 Spd, 27.35 Luck, 24.1 Def, 20.4 Res
89 Avoid, 166 Hit, 48 Attack, 15 Crit, 26 Damage
Skills: Sol, Canto
Weapons: Lances, Bows

Rolf (Marksmen):
56.65 HP, 35.75 Str, 9.8 Mag, 34.6 Skl, 32.05 Spd, 22.8 Luck, 24.8 Def, 18.6 Res
87 Avoid, 168 Hit, 56 Attack, 32 Crit, 34 Damage
Skills: Critical+15, Shove, Deadeye
Weapons: Bows, Crossbows

Gatrie (Lance Marshall):
53.5 HP, 34.4 Str, 9.95 Mag, 28.55 Skl, 30.4 Spd, 20.7 Luck, 37 Def, 21.65 Res
81 Avoid, 149 Hit, 53 Attack, 14 Crit, 31 Damage
Skills: Shove, Luna
Weapons: Lances, Axes, Swords

Shinon (Marksmen):
55 HP, 29.4 Str, 13.4 Mag, 38.3 Skl, 33.85 Spd, 19.8 Luck, 29.2 Def, 21.2 Res
88 Avoid, 181 Hit, 49 Attack, 34 Crit, 27 Damage
Skills: Critical+15, Shove, Provoke, Deadeye
Weapons: Bows, Crossbows

Rhys (Saint):
41.4 HP, 18.5 Str, 32.85 Mag, 27.1 Skl, 25.1 Spd, 35 Luck, 16.2 Def, 38.75 Res
85 Avoid, 189 Hit, 41 Attack, 13 Crit, 23 Damage
Skills: Shove, Corona
Weapons: Light Magic, Staves

Mia (Trueblade):
50 HP, 29.9 Str, 12.3 Mag, 37.4 Skl, 37.85 Spd, 25.7 Luck. 24.8 Def, 17.5 Res
102 Avoid, 180 Hit, 47 Attack, 38 Crit, 25 Damage
Skills: Vantage, Astra, Critical+20, Shove
Weapons: Swords

Ranulf (Cat):
57.8 HP, 15.2 (30.4) Str, 6.6 (13.2) Mag, 17.6 (35.2) Skl, 16.4 (32.8) Spd, 25.2 Luck, 13.6 (27.2) Def, 10.4 (20.8) Res
57 (91) Avoid, 151 (185) Hit, 33 (48) Attack, 9 (17) Crit, 11 (26) Damage
Skills: Shove (Rend)
Weapons: Cat Claw

Kyza (Tiger):
65.2 HP, 14.8 (29.6) Str, 3.6 (7.2) Mag, 15.4 (30.8) Skl, 15 (30) Spd, 20 Luck, 14.8 (29.6) Def, 6.8 (13.6) Res
50 (80) Avoid, 140 (170) Hit, 35 (50) Attack, 7 (15) Crit, 13 (28) damage
Skills: Quickdraw, Shove (Roar)
Weapons: Tiger Fang

Lyre (Cat):
53.5 HP, 11.55 (23.1) Str, 7.3 (14.6) Mag, 19.45 (38.9) Skl, 20 (40) Spd, 22.5 Luck, 9.6 (19.2) Def, 11.9 (23.8) Res
63 (103) Avoid, 151 (189) Hit, 30 (41) Attack, 9 (19) Crit, 8 (19) Damage
Skills: Shove (Rend)
Weapons: Cat Claw

*Reyson (Heron):
49.75 HP, 3.75 (7.5) Str, 9.5 (19) Mag, 8 (16) Skl, 14 (28) Spd, 40 Luck, 9 (18) Def, 20 (40) Res
68 (96) Avoid, -- Hit, -- Attack, -- Crit, -- Damage
Skills: Blessing, Galldrar, Shove, Canto
Weapons: HERON PAUNCH!!!!!

Janaff (Hawk):
57.7 HP, 16.3 (32.6) Str, 2.15 (4.3) Mag, 19.4 (38.8) Skl, 17.35 (34.7) Spd, 30.55 Luck, 12.15 (24.3) Def, 8.1 (16.2) Res
65 (101) Avoid, 179 (219) Hit, 34 (51) Attack, 9 (19) Crit, 12 (29) Damage
Skills: Insight, Shove, Canto (Tear)
Weapons: Hawk Talon

Ulki (Hawk):
60.3 HP, 14.5 (29) Str, 3.6 (7.2) Mag, 17.5 (35) Skl, 18.8 (37.6) Spd, 25.7 Luck, 11.6 (23.2) Def, 10.5 (21) Res
84 (122) Avoid, 152 (186) Hit, 33 (47) Attack, 9 (17) Crit, 11 (25) Damage
Skills: Vigilance, Shove, Canto (Tear)
Weapons: Hawk Talon

Sigrun (Seraph Knight):
42 HP, 25.5 Str, 18 Mag, 31 Skl, 28.5 Spd, 35 Luck, 24 Def, 31 Res
93 Avoid, 177 Hit, 44 Attack, 15 Crit, 22 Damage
Skills: Canto, Stun
Weapons: Lances, Swords

Tanith (Seraph Knight):
43.55 HP, 30.15 Str, 15.95 Mag, 32.75 Skl, 30.2 Spd, 26.55 Luck, 27.2 Def, 27.9 Res,
87 Avoid, 181 Hit, 48 Attack, 16 Crit, 26 Damage
Skills: Canto, Stun
Weapons: Lances, Swords


Sanaki (Empress):
34.3 HP, 5.6 Str, 38.4 Mag, 27.4 Skl, 26.15 Spd, 36.95 Luck, 12.7 (22.7) Def, 32.5 Res
89 [109] Avoid, 186 [206] Hit, 51 Attack, 23 Crit, 33 Damage
Skills: Shove, Flare
Weapons: Fire Magic, Wind Magic, Thunder Magic, Light Magic

Skrimir (Lion):
70.5 HP, 20.75 (41.5) Str, 3.25 (6.5) Mag, 15.75 (31.5) Skl, 14.25 (28.5) Spd, 25 Luck, 18.5 (37) Def, 9.25 (18.5) Res
53 [63] (83 [93]) Avoid, 152 [162] (184 [194]) Hit, 42 (63) Attack, 7 (14) Crit, 20 (41) Damage
Skills: Resolve, Provoke, Shove (Roar)
Weapons: Lion Fang

Tibarn (Hawk King):
68 HP, 36 Str, 4 Mag, 48 Skl, 40 Spd, 29 Luck, 32 Def, 20 Res
109 [129] Avoid, 225 [245] Hit, 56 Attack, 24 Crit, 34 Damage
Skills: Pavise, Canto, Shove, Formshift, Tear, Savior
Weapons: Great Hawk Talon

Naesala (Raven King):
61.2 HP, 36.7 Str, 14.9 Mag, 41.8 Skl, 44.7 Spd, 21.65 Luck, 26.9 Def, 30.1 Res
112 [127] Avoid, 206 [221] Hit, 55 Attack, 21 Crit, 33 Damage
Skills: Vantage, Maelstrom, Formshift, Tear, Shove, Canto
Weapons: Great Raven Beak

Stefan (Trueblade):
54.1 HP, 28 Str, 7.4, Mag, 38.2 Skl, 37.2 Spd, 20.3 Luck, 21.8 Def, 17 Res
94 Avoid, 176 Hit, 45 Attack, 39 Crit, 23 Damage
Skills: Astra, Critical+20, Shove
Weapons: Swords

Oliver (Saint):
49.3 HP, 23.1 Str, 31.7 Mag, 22.7 Skl, 20.9 Spd, 28.6 Luck, 18.8 Def, 32.4 Res
71 Avoid, 175 Hit, 40 Attack, 11 Crit, 22 Damage
Skills: Corona, Shove
Weapons: Light Magic, Staves

Bastian (Arch Sage):
45 HP, 21 Str, 35 Mag, 27 Skl, 24 Spd, 21 Luck, 20 Def, 32 Res
69 Avoid, 165 Hit, 45 Attack, 13 Crit, 27 Damage
Skills: Flare, Shove, Corrosion
Weapons: Wind Magic, Fire Magic, Thunder Magic, Staves

Volke (Assassin):
52 HP, 30 Str, 5 Mag, 36 Skl, 35 Spd, 19 Luck, 26 Def, 22 Res
89 Avoid, 176 Hit, 42 Attack, 48 Crit, 20 Damage
Skills: Critical+25, Stillness, Lethiality, Shove
Weapons: Knives

Kurthnaga (Black Dragon):
64.5 HP, 39 Str, 17 Mag, 20 Skl, 27 Spd, 27 Luck, 35 Def, 38 Res
81 [91] Avoid, 172 [182] Hit, 56 Attack, 10 Crit, 34 Damage
Skills: Formshift, Night Tide, Shove (Ire)
Weapons: Black Dragon Breath

Ena (Red Dragon):
63 HP, 11.6 (23.2) Str, 19 (38) Mag, 15 (30) Skl, 13 (26) Spd, 20 Luck, 14.2 (28.4) Def, 20 (40) Res
46 (72) Avoid, 140 (170) Hit, 30 (41) Atk, 7 (15) Crit, 8 (19) Damage
Skills: Blood Tide, Boon, Renewal, Miracle, Shove (Ire)
Weapons: Red Dragon Breath

Caineghis (Lion King):
76 HP, 44 Str, 8 Mag, 46 Skl, 34 Spd, 30 Luck, 44 Def, 20 Res
98 [123] Avoid, 222 [257] Hit, 66 Attack, 23 Crit, 44 Damage
Skills: Fortune, Shove, Formshift, Roar
Weapons: Great Lion Fang

Giffca (Lion):
73 HP, 21 (42) Str, 4 (8) Mag, 22 (44) Skl, 18 (36) Spd, 28 Luck, 20 (40) Def, 11 (22) Res
54 (90) Avoid, 172 (216) Hit, 43 (64) Attack, 11 (22) Crit, 21 (42) damage
Skills: Roar, Nullify, Shove
Weapons: Great Lion Fang

Renning (Gold Knight):
56 HP, 31 Str, 18 Mag, 32 Skl, 29 Spd, 24 Luck, 27 Def, 23 Res
82 [102] Avoid, 158 [178] Hit, 50 Attack, 16 Crit, 28 Damage
Skills: Canto, Sol
Weapons: Swords, Axes

Gareth (Red Dragon):
82 HP, 22 (44) Str, 5 (10) Mag, 10 (20) Skill, 7 (14) Spd, 20 Luck, 21 (42) Def, 9 (18) Res
34 (48) Avoid, 130 (150) Hit, 40 (62) Attack, 5 (10) Crit, 18 (40) Damage
Skills: Blood Tide, Shove (Ire)
Weapons: Red Dragon Breath

Nasir (White Dragon):
74 HP, 7 (14) Str, 24 (48) Mag, 13 (26) Skl, 8 (16) Spd, 19 Luck, 12 (24) Def, 21 (42) Res
35 (51) Avoid, 155 (171) Hit, 40 (64) Attack, 6 (13) Crit, 22 (46) damage
Skills: White Pool, Shove, Nihil, Boon (Ire)
Weapons: White Dragon Breath

*Pelleas (Arch Sage (Dark)):
42.95 HP, 21.25 Str, 32.95 Mag. 29.05 Skl, 31 Spd, 20.8 Luck, 23.1 Def, 28.65 Res
87 [92] Avoid, 149 [154] Hit, 43 Attack, 19 Crit, 25 Damage
Skills: Flare, Shove, Miracle
Weapons: Dark Magic, Thunder Magic, Staves

*Lehran (Chancellor):
50 HP, 11 Str, 40 Mag, 40 Skl, 40 (38) Spd, 40 Luck, 23 Def, 40 Res
120 (116) Avoid, 185 Hit, 52 Attack, 20 Crit, 34 Damage
Skills: Mantle, Shove, Corona
Weapons: Light Magic, Dark Magic, Staves

*These characters were not factored into the average, for one of the following reasons:
-They are Herons.  Herons are not normal PCs in that they are essentially this games equivalent to FE Dancer/Bards. 
-They are Temps.  This applies to Black Knight only.  While a normal character in general, it still remains that he is only around for a brief time.
-Only available in New Game +.  Yes, there are characters like this, but yeah.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2008, 06:07:40 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2007, 11:08:34 PM »
54.1 HP
26.8 Str
15.5 Mag
30.2 Skl
29.1 Spd
25.9 Luck
24.8 Def
23 Res
87 Avoid
174 Hit
47 Attack
19 Crit
26 Damage

A few things to note:
-Laguz were taken as though they all had Wildheart (thus, used a Half Shift instead of Shift).  This puts their stats in between that of transformed and untransformed.  It's typically hard to gauge Laguz stats otherwise, given how much they vary for them, but this felt like a reasonable compromise for average purposes. Do note that the only Character who has Wild Heart legally is Volug, and his stats are to be taken as they are listed (he CAN remove Wild Heart, mind, but for these purposes, its actually a bad move.)
-Laguz Royals all were taken Transformed, naturally.  This is cause of their ability "Form Shift" which allows them to stay Transformed at all points, with no penalties.  Do note that they do, however, technically start the fight off in their untransformed state, but this never matters as you always go first and the obvious first action is Shift with them, so yeah, I just personally assume they enter the fight as that.
-This is all factoring in Equip Boosts on their default weapons.  So yes, Ike's +5 Defense from Ragnell, Edward's +8 Luck from Caladbolg, etc. were all factored into this.  This also applies to Skill boosts like Ulki's Vigilance for his Avoid.
-This assumes Leadership boosts for every character that it can apply for (eg they have an Authority Rating.)  As a result, Average Hit and Avoid might be a touch overrated if you disagree with this.
-Hit, Avoid, Attack, Crit and Damage were all extrapolated from the other stats listed, to save time.  Essentially, I took the average of relevant stats, took the average of equipment boosts if applicable, added in Authority Boosts, etc. and worked from there.  As a result, these might not be 100% Perfect, but they're close enough.
-Crit is assuming 0 Luck here, so this value is somewhat inflated.  The realistic value should be much lower actually, as average enemy Luck is quite noticeable in this game.  Typically, Crit Rates are noticeable only on Trueblades, Assassins, Marksmen, and maybe Sentinels, as well as PCs with weapons that have noticeable Crit Boosts (like the Killing Edge.)
-For Extrapolated stats (basically, Avoid and anything lower), I rounded when necessary, so these values might be a tad off. Shouldn't be too big a difference, mind.
-Due to all the skills in this game, and Crits for that matter, Damage could be argued as being higher.  This is the bare minimum average with the weapons I have listed, not factoring in Critical Hits or Skills.  Make of this as you will.

For whatever its worth, here are some benchmarks based on these averages that people might care about!
Kill Point: 65 Damage
Minimum Requirement to Double Average PC: 33 Speed
Value where get PCs get Doubled by Average: 25 Speed
Effective Hit Rate if enemies were assumed to have Equal Avoid and Hit to Average PC: 87%
Effective Crit Rate Compared to Average Luck using Similar Logic as above: -6%!!!
Relative Damage Done by Black Knight's Eclipse: 3.2x PCHP!!! (or 800% Average damage!)
Gareth's Relative HP to Average: 150%
Caineghis' approx. Physical durability: 1004%

Noteworthy weapons:

Random Notes to avoid questions: This is all weapons with some sort of theoretical use, not necessarily ALL legal weapons (Elincia's Slim Sword or Mia's Wo Dao are examples of weapons that are completely useless in this setting.) Note that Forged Weapons are merely where the Might has been maxed (So +5 to their original value), and nothing else.  Crit can be boosted by 15 if you want, and Hit by 25, no other stats really matter for weapons.  Also, for those who don't allow forging, I'll be listing the best supplements (so for example, Silver Poleaxe will be listed despite being inferior to Forged Silver Axe in every way.)
Weapon in Bold is the weapon assumed for the character.  The Classes in bold listed means they'll be drawing from this weapon set as default.  If a weapon is unique and in bold, that means its assumed for that PC specifically.
For those wondering, there's a total of 5 levels, distributed evenly, from forging per stat, so yeah, if you only allow partial, it should be easy to adapt.  Also note that just about every PC can use their weapons with no weight penalty, so yeah, no point in listing that.

Used by: Trueblade, Vanguard, Queen, Gold Knight, Marshall, Black Knight, Valkyrie
All Swords are 1 Range unless specified otherwise
Forged Silver Sword: 17 Might, 80 Hit, 30 Uses
Silver Sword: 12 Might, 80 Hit, 30 Uses
Silver Blade: 16 Might, 60 Hit, 30 Uses
Killing Edge: 8 Might, 85 Hit, 30 Crit, 30 Uses
Wind Edge: 6 Might, 60 Hit, 1-2 Range, 20 Uses
*Vague Katti: 20 Might, 95 Hit, 5 Crit, 50 Uses, +3 Def, Stefan Only
Ragnell: 18 Might, 80 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Range, Unbreakable, +5 Def, Ike Only
**Alondite: 18 Might, 80 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Range, Unbreakable, +5 Def, Black Knight only
Caladbolg: 15 Might, 85 Hit, 5 Crit, 40 Uses, +8 Luck, Edward only
Amiti: 15 Might, 90 Hit, Unbreakable, +3 Def, +3 Res, Hits Twice, Elincia only
Florete: 14 Might, 95 Hit, 15 Crit, 1-2 Range, 45 uses, Mist only
***Tempest Blade: 18 Might, 55 Hit, 5 Crit, 20 uses, Edward only
****Storm Sword: 12 Might, 50 Hit, 1-2 Range, Tanith only
Bronze Sword: 3 Might, 95 Hit, 50 uses, Cannot Critical
Forged Iron Sword: 11 Might, 90 Hit, 50 uses
Iron Sword: 6 Might, 90 Hit, 50 uses
Forged Steel Sword: 14 Might, 85 Hit, 40 uses
Steel Sword: 9 Might, 85 Hit, 40 uses
Iron Blade: 10 Might, 70 Hit, 40 Uses
Steel Blade: 13 Might, 65 Hit, 40 uses
Ettard: 12 Might, 17 Might, 75 Hit, 10 Crit, 50 uses, Ike Only

*Stefan joins with this weapon in his inventory, but it is by no means unique to him otherwise.  As a side note, in FE9, he also started with this weapon in his inventory. If you allow this weapon, it should be his default, obviously.
**Black Knight starts with it, though he is a temp, and is the only character who can use this weapon since its locked on him (IOWs, you can't trade it).  Why justify this? Cause the weapon becomes a standard SS Class weapon later in the game.
***Edward has this forced into his inventory at one point.  Again, FE Initial equip nonsense, make of this as you will.  IN fact, from now on, assume this disclaimer whenever I bring up initial equips that aren't truly unique
****Initially in Tanith's inventory.

Used by: Sentinel, Silver Knight, Black Knight, Seraph Knight, Dragon lord, Marshall
All Spears are 1 Range unless specified otherwise
Forged Silver Lance: 18 Might, 80 Hit, 30 uses
Silver Lance: 13 Might, 80 hit, 30 uses
Silver Greatlance: 17 Might, 50 Hit, 30 Uses
Steel Greatlance: 14 Might, 70 hit, 35 uses
*Brave Lance: 10 Might, 85 Hit, 40 uses, Hits Twice, Geoffrey only
Forged Javelin: 12 Might, 65 Hit, 1-2 Range, 20 uses
Javelin: 7 Might, 65 Hit, 1-2 Range, 20 uses
**Short Spear: 10 Might, 55 Hit, 1-2 Range, 20 uses, Geoffrey and Oscar only
***Spear: 13 Might, 60 Hit, 1-2 Range, 20 uses, Sigrun only
Killer Lance: 9 Might, 80 Hit, 30 Crit, 20 uses
Bronze Lance: 4 Might, 90 Hit, 50 uses, cannot critical
Forged Iron Lance: 12 Might, 85 Hit, 50 uses
Iron Lance: 7 Might, 85 Hit, 50 uses
Forged Steel Lance: 15 Might, 80 Hit, 40 uses
Steel Lance: 10 Might, 80 hit, 40 uses
Iron Greatlance: 11 Might, 75 Hit, 40 uses
Steel Greatlance: 14 Might, 70 Hit, 35 uses

*Geoffrey gets this from a Conversation and put directly into his inventory.  Do note that the conversation gives it explicitly to him, and its suppose to be his weapon personally. If you allow this weapon, it should be his default.
**Geoffrey and Oscar start with this weapon (for all that its meaningless if you allow forging, specifically listed for those that don't.)
***Sigrun starts with this weapon.

Used By: Reaver, Marshall, Gold Knight, Dragonlord, and Vanguard
All Axes are 1 Range unless specified otherwise
Forged Silver Axe: 19 Might, 70 Hit, 30 Uses
Silver Axe: 14 Might, 70 Hit, 30 Uses
Silver Poleaxe: 18 Might, 60 Hit, 30 Uses
*Brave Axe: 11 Might, 80 Hit, 40 Uses, Hits Twice, Jill only
Tarvos: 18 Might, 100 Hit, 40 Uses, +4 Def, Nolan only
**Short Axe: 12 Might, 60 Hit, 1-2 Range, 15 Uses, Titania only
Forged Hand Axe: 14 Might, 70 Hit, 1-2 Range, 25 uses
Hand Axe: 9 Might, 70 hit, 25 uses
***Tomahawk: 15 Might, 65 Hit, 5 Crit, 1-2 Range, 15 uses
Killer Axe: 10 Might, 75 Hit, 30 Crit, 30 uses
****Urvan: 22 Might, 110 Hit, 5 Crit, +3 to Res, 50 uses, Ike only.
Bronze Axe: 5 Might, 85 Hit, 50 uses, cannot critical
Forged Iron Axe: 13 Might, 80 Hit, 50 uses
Iron Axe: 8 Might, 80 Hit, 50 uses
Forged Steel Axe: 16 Might, 75 Hit, 40 uses
Steel Axe: 11 Might, 75 Hit, 40 uses
Iron Poleaxe: 12 Might, 65 Hit, 40 uses
Steel Poleaxe: 15 Might, 60 Hit, 35 uses

*Jill has this forced into her inventory.  If you allow it, it should be her default.  Also, the weapon is explicitly given to her, so some plot claims as well.
**Titania starts with this weapon in her inventory. Do note if you allow forging, it is kind of pointless, being inferior to Forged Hand Axe in all ways.
***Nolan is given this weapon into his inventory midway through the game
****Ike gets this weapon from an Info Conversation later in the game.  Also he has minor plot claim to the weapon as well, for whatever that's worth.

NOTE: Meg can use Axes, but starts with a D in them in third tier.  As a result, it’s a bit unreasonable to get her to have Silver Axes late game unless you throw Arm Scrolls on her, so in her case, I'm assuming a Silver Lance instead.
As a side note, Gatrie and Taureono with Swords and Brom with Lances are in a similar case, but they matter somewhat less, especially the former (since Silver Lance > Silver Sword in most ways that matter.)

Used by: Marskmen and Silver Knight
Note that any NORMAL bow (so not Long Bow or Cross Bows) become 2-3 Range when used by a Marksmen.
Forged Silver Bow: 20 Might, 75 Hit, 2 Range, 25 Uses
Silver Bow: 15 Might, 75 Hit, 2 Range, 25 uses
Iron Longbow: 8 Might, 65 Hit, 2-3 Range, -30 Hit if used at 3 range, 20 uses
Crossbow: 28 Might, 100 Hit, 1-2 Range, Ignores users Strength, can also be used by Reavers, *CANNOT* be used by Silver Knights, 35 uses
*Silencer: 16 Might, 100 hit, 5 Crit, 2 Range, 50 uses, Rolf Only
Killer Bow: 8 Might, 80 Hit, 30 Crit, 2 Range, 25 Uses
Lughnasadh: 16 Might, 100 Hit, 5 Crit, 2 Range, +5 Spd, 40 uses, Leonardo only
Bronze Bow: 3 Might, 80 Hit, Cannot Critical, 50 uses
Forged Iron Bow: 11 Might, 85 Hit, 50 uses
Iron Bow: 6 Might, 85 hit, 50 uses
Forged Steel Bow: 15 Might, 80 Hit, 40 uses
Steel Bow: 10 Might, 80 Hit, 40 uses

*Rolf apparently gets this in his inventory at some point.  If you allow Forging, it doesn't really matter much granted

Used by: Whisper and Assassin
All Knives are Range 1 unless specified otherwise.
Silver Dagger: 12 Might, 85 Hit, 5 Crit, 25 uses
*Peshkatz: 13 Might, 90 Hit, 1-2 Range, 30 uses, Volke Only
Stiletto: 8 Might, 80 Hit, 20 Crit, 25 uses
Forged Silver Knife: 12 Might, 60 Hit, 1-2 Range, 15 Uses
Silver Knife: 7 Might, 60 Hit, 1-2 Range, 15 Uses
**Beast Killer: 9 Might, 65 Hit, 20 Crit, 20 Uses, 3x Might vs. Beast class enemies
Bronze Knife: 1 Might, 70 Hit, 1-2 Range, 30 uses, Cannot Critical
Bronze Dagger: 2 Might, 85 Hit, 45 uses, Cannot Critical
Forged Iron Knife: 7 Might, 65 Hit, 1-2 Range, 25 uses
Iron Knife: 2 Might, 65 Hit, 1-2 Range, 25 uses
Forged Steel Knife: 9 Might, 60 Hit, 1-2 Range, 20 uses
Steel Knife: 4 Might, 60 Hit, 1-2 Range, 20 uses
Iron Dagger: 5 Might, 80 Hit, 5 Crit, 40 uses
Steel Dagger: 8 Might, 85 Hit, 5 Crit, 35 Uses
Kard: 4 Might, 70 Hit, 10 Crit, 30 uses

*Volke comes with this initially in his inventory.  If you allow it, it should be his default.
**This weapon isn't store-bought, HOWEVER, there's only 3 PCs who can use it, and there's exactly 3 in the game (all from Aimee's Bargains too.) Make of this as you will.

Tomes: Ok, I'm splitting Tomes up into 3 Sections.  Anima (Fire, Wind and Thunder), Light, and Dark.  All Tomes are Range 1-2 unless specified otherwise.  I'm doing it this way cause it saves time, as for the most part, people who use one of Fire, Wind or Thunder will use the other 2, with the exception of one person.

Anima Tomes:
Used by: Arch Sage, Empress,
Note: Despite being an Arch Sage, Pelleas' version is special and can only use Thunder Tomes; I have indicated his class specifically as "Arch Sage (Dark)" due to being unique.
 Forged Fire: 10 Might, 90 Hit, Fire elemental, 40 uses
Arcfire: 9 Might, 80 Hit, 5 Crit, Fire Elemental, 25 uses
Forged Wind: 9 Might, 95 Hit, Wind elemental, 40 uses
Arcwind: 8 Might, 85 Hit, 10 Crit, Wind Elemental, 25 uses
Forged Thunder: 8 Might, 80 Hit, 5 Crit, Thunder elemental, 40 uses
Arcthunder: 7 Might, 70 Hit, 15 Crit, Thunder elemental 25 uses
*Rexbolt: 12 Might, 95 Hit, 15 Crit, Thunder Elemental, +3 Skl, 15 uses, Illyana only
Cymbeline: 13 Might, 95 Hit, 10 Crit, Fire Elemental, 45 uses, Sanaki only
**Meteor: 8 Might, 70 Hit, 3-10 Range,  Fire Elemental, 5 Uses, Calill and Tormod only
***Bolgannone: 11 Might, 75 Hit, Fire Elemental, 20 uses, Tormod and Sanaki only
****Rexcalibur: 13 Might, 105 Hit, 10 Crit, +3 Luck, Wind Elemental, 15 Uses, Soren Only

NOTE: Yes, El-spells do exist, but didn't feel like listing them.  They all are +2 Might compared to the original (un forged) spell,-5 Hit, and have 35 uses (this also applies to Elight for Light Magic).  Elthunder also has 5 more Crit, should you care.

*This weapon is unique to Illyana due to a quirk in FE10's weapon system.  Basically, each Arch Sage gets to have SS in one Weapon rank, which is determined by their earlier classes.  Illyana is the only Thunder Mage/Sage in the game, thus, the only character to end up with an SS in Thunder, and as a result, she is the only character who can use this weapon.
**Callil starts with this weapon, while Tormod rejoins with it.
***Tormod rejoins with this weapon.  If you allow it, it should probably be his default. Sanaki has this given to her specifically in an info conversation, granted, this is worse than Cymbeline in every way, and thus never matters (its also too Heavy for her to wield without penalties to boot)
****Soren has a shakey plot argument for this.  For what its worth, he's one of two users of this in the game, and gets it before the second joins.  If you allow this, this should be his default

Light Tomes:
Used by: Light Priestess, Saint, Chancellor, Empress
All Light Tomes are Light elemental (Um, duh?)
Forged Light: 8 Might, 100 Hit, 40 uses
Shine: 7 Might, 90 Hit, 10 Crit, 25 Uses
*Nosferatu: 6 Might, 80 Hit, Parasitic Healing effect, 20 uses, Micaiah and Oliver only
Thani: 8 Might, 100 Hit, 3x Might against Armored and Mounted units, 45 uses, Micaiah only
**Purge: 5 Might, 80 Hit, 3-10 Range, 5 uses, Micaiah only

*Micaiah and Oliver have this weapon forced into their inventory at some point in the game. If you allow it, it should be their default (Oliver especially so), as the damage and hit loss is more than made up for by the Parasitic Healing.
**Micaiah is explicitly handed this weapon at the beginning of Chap 11 in Part 3.  It is also the only weapon she can realistically use to damage enemies given the nature of this fight, and I believe the game encourages her to use it as well.

Dark Tomes:
Users: Chancellor, Arch Sage (Dark)
All Dark Tomes are Dark Elemental (um, duh?) Also, it's worth noting that the only characters who can use them are both available only in New Game+.  Make of this as you will. 
Carreau:  10 Might, 70 Hit, 5 Crit, 25 Uses
*Verrine: 12 Might, 65 Hit, 13 Weight, 20 uses
*Fenrir: 5 Might, 60 Hit, 3-10 Range, 5 uses
**Balberith: 15 Might, 75 Hit, 10 Crit, 15 Uses, +3 Strength, Pelleas only

*Pelleas starts with these Tomes in his inventory.  If you allow it, this should be his default.  Also, yes, Fenrir's weight actually matters, as another rare case.
**Balberith is a weird case.  Its gotten in Chapter 4-5, from an enemy with close ties to Pelleas even.  Pelleas is the only use of this Tome until the very last fight of the game where Lehran joins.  Its worth noting that Lehran is a very obscure PC, and pain in the ass to get (Pelleas is also NG+, but simplistic to get as it involves just making a decision on the spot from what I understand.)  FURTHERMORE, for Lehran to use this Tome, you need to hand it to him in the Final Battle, thus wasting a turn of another PC in the process.  So yeah, tehre is some gameplay back up for Pelleas to use this.  If you allow it for Pelleas, this should be his default, naturally.  Worth noting the Strength+3 is completely useless on Pelleas though (Mind, on Lehran, it means he only gets -1 Speed penalty instead of -4 <_<)
Note about Verrine: There's 2 copies of this in the game; one Pelleas comes with, the other you buy at Aimee's shop.  There's only 2 users of it in the game as well, so see Beast Killer.

Strikes are weapons used specifically by Laguz.  They are always equipped, unbreakable and their stats increase as their weapon level.  They also are all physical (as in, uses Strength and hits Defense) and are 1 Range unless specified otherwise. It's not too hard to get all Laguz weapons to SS (since they all start at A minimum), so these are the stats at weapon level SS for each.  Naturally, these are defaults for their respective characters.  Note that the weapons aren't labeled this way, but it helps for identification purposes; because I'm nice, I'm listing what characters they apply to as well <_<
There are exceptions; All Dragons that join you are a bit unreasonable to get SS weapons in.  As such, they taken at S Level.  This is cause Ena and Kurthnaga join with only an A with 5 maps left in the game, and Nasir and Gareth join with an S with only 2 left (and one of which is lacking on a lot of enemies.)  If you're wondering, Dragons gain +5 Might and +10 Hit going from S to SS.

Wolf Fang (Volug): 19 Might, 90 Hit
Great Wolf Fang (Nailah): 20 Might, 100 Hit
Tiger Fang (Mordecai, Kyza and Muarim): 20 Might, 90 Hit
Lion Fang (Skrimir): 21 Might, 95 Hit
Great Lion Fang (Giffca and Caineghis): 22 Might, 100 Hit
Cat Claw (Lyre, Ranulf, and Lethe): 18 Might, 90 Hit
Raven Beak (Vika and Nealuchi): 17 Might, 90 Hit
Great Raven Beak (Naesala): 18 Might, 100 Hit
Hawk Talon (Ulki and Janaff): 18 Might, 90 Hit
Great Hawk Talon (Tibarn): 20 Might, 100 Hit
Red Dragon Breath (Gareth and Ena): 18 Might, 90 Hit, 1-2 Range
White Dragon Breath (Nasir): 17 Might, 100 Hit, 1-2 Range, Magical
Black Dragon Breath (Kurthnaga): 17 Might, 105 Hit, 1-2 Range

Users: Light Priestess, Valkyrie, Saint, Queen, Empress, Arch Sage, Chancellor
Unlike previous Fire Emblems, you can actually equip Staves.  They are physical weapons that can only be used as counters, all with 1 Might (I think?) and crappy Hit (if any at all), so they struggle to break defense, if they do at all.  HOWEVER, they all have Passive effects that kick in while equipped.  As such, they're kind of worth mentioning for reasons outside of RPGmon.  Note that Staves cannot target the user still, so that effect is a pure Team Match thing only (unless specified otherwise.)

Recover: 25 HP Regen at the beginning of each turn when equipped.  Heals an Ally's HP completely.
Barrier: When equipped, user gains +3 Spd and +1 Def. Raises the Res of one ally for a few turns.
Restore: Fully Heals user of all status effects when at the beginning of each turn equipped (so Pseudo Status immunity!)  Heals ally of all status.
*Silence: Heals user from Silence at the beginning of each turn this is equipped.  Adds Silence Status in battle. Oliver only.
**Sleep: Heals user from Sleep at the beginning of each turn this is equipped.  Adds Sleep status in battle.  Laura only.
***Ashera Staff: Adds Defense +5.  Heals all Status and HP of allied units (User included) on the field, Lehran only.

*Initial Equip for Oliver, etc.
**Laura is given this explicitly in an Info sequence in Part 3
***Lehran joins with this and only this.

And for people who actually care what the stats were used for respective Laguz for averages...
Half Shift Laguz stats:

Gareth (Red Dragon): 82 HP, 33 Str, 7.5 Mag, 15 Skill, 10.5 Spd, 20 Luck, 31.5 Def, 13.5 Res, 42 Avoid, 140 Hit, 51 Attack, 7.5 Crit
Nasir (White Dragon): 74 HP, 10.5 Str, 36 Mag, 19.5 Skl, 12 Spd, 19 Luck, 18 Def, 31.5 Res, 43 Avoid, 159 Hit, 52 Attack, 10 Crit
Muarim (Tiger): 64.6 HP, 36.075 Str, 5.25 Mag, 28.425 Skl, 19.8 Spd, 13.4 Luck, 28.275 Def, 18.5 Res, 53 Avoid, 159 Hit, 56 Attack, 14 Crit
Vika (Raven): 48.2 HP, 19.875 Str, 20.25 Mag, 31.8 Skl, 33.3 Spd, 24.2 Luck, 14.325 Def, 27.075 Res, 90 Avoid, 178 Hit, 37 Attack, 16 Crit
Nealuchi (Raven): 57.4 HP, 19.2 Str, 7.2 Mag, 18.3 Skl, 31.8 Spd, 30.4 Luck, 19.5 Def, 18 Res, 94 Avoid, 156 Hit, 36 Attack, 9 Crit
Lethe (Cat): 57.8, 17.7 Str, 9.6 Mag, 23.1 Skl, 24 Spd, 21.6 Luck, 17.7 Def, 17.4 Res, 70 Avoid, 158 Hit, 36 Attack, 11 Crit
Mordecai (Tiger): 69.6 HP, 28.35 Str, 3.6 Mag, 18.75 Skl, 16.65 Spd, 26.2 Luck, 33 Def, 9.15 Res, 60 Avoid, 154 Hit, 48 Might, 9 Crit
Ena (Red Dragon): 63 HP, 17.4 Str, 28.5 Mag, 22.5 Skl, 19.5 Spd, 20 Luck, 21.3 Def, 30 Res, 59 Avo, 155 Hit, 35 Atk, 11 Crit
Giffca (Lion): 73 HP, 31.5 Str, 6 Mag, 33 Skl, 27 Spd, 28 Luck, 30 Def, 16.5 Res, 72 Avoid, 179 Hit, 53 Attack, 16 Crit
Skrimir (Lion): 70.5 HP, 31.125 Str, 4.875 Mag, 23.625 Skl, 21.375 Spd, 25 Luck, 27.75 Def, 13.875 Res, 67 (77) Avoid, 167 (177) Hit, 52 Attack, 11 Crit
Janaff (Hawk): 57.7 HP, 24.45 Str, 3.225 Mag, 29.4 Skl, 26.025 Spd, 30.55 Luck, 18.225 Def, 12.15 Res, 83 Avoid, 199 Hit, 42 Attack, 14 Crit
Ulki (Hawk): 60.3 HP, 21.75 Str, 5.4 Mag, 26.25 Skl, 28.2 Spd, 25.7 Luck, 17.4 Def, 15.75 Res, 102 Avoid, 168 Hit, 40 Attack, 13 Crit
Ranulf (Cat): 57.8 HP, 22.8 Str, 9.9 Mag, 26.4 Skl, 24.6 Spd, 25.2 Luck, 20.4 Def, 15.6 Res, 75 Avoid, 167 Hit, 41 Attack, 13 Crit
Kyza (Tiger): 65.2 HP, 22.2 Str, 5.4 Mag, 23.1 Skl, 22.5 Spd, 20 Luck, 22.2 Def, 10.2 Res, 66 Avoid, 156 Hit, 42 Attack, 11 Crit
Lyre (Cat): 53.5 HP, 17.33 Str, 10.95 Mag, 29.18 Skl, 30 Spd, 22.5 Luck, 14.4 Def, 17.85 Res, 86 Avoid, 171 Hit, 35 Attack, 14 Crit

And just for completion purposes...
63.25 HP, 14.75 (29.5) Str, 4.25 (8.5) Mag, 17.25 (34.5) Skl, 18 (36) Spd, 26.5 Luck, 11.25 (22.5) Def, 6.5 (13) Res
63 (98) Avoid, 151 (187), 34 (49) Attack, 8 (17) crit
« Last Edit: June 12, 2008, 12:08:13 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2007, 07:42:04 AM »
Bosses! SPOILER warning, obviously. Some pretty significant ones, even. You've been warned.

I believe all bosses in this game are immune to fatal/transformation status, but not more minor effects (so ID/HP-1/Stone are immuned, but sleep is not. This needs testing, I've just seen non-zero hit rates with the Sleep Staff, but it's possible they auto-heal at the start of turn or something silly).

All stat boosts from equipment, etc., are already factored in.

When I talk about boss' defences effect on damage, I mean average damage. Lategame, some PCs do hit notably harder than others so take the numbers with as many or as few grains of salt as you'd like.

Lv 4 Halberdier

HP 39 / Str 20 / Mag 4 / Skl 20 / Spd 19 / Luck 10 / Def 18 / Res 15

Short Spear (10 might, 55 hit, 1-2 range)
Concoction (6 uses, full healing. Item so likely not legal, but YMMV)

Critical+5: Effect is obvious.
Authority Lv3: Grants +15 Hit and Avoid to every unit on Jarod's side of the battle, including Jarod himself.
Terrain bonus: 3 HP regen

Atk 30 / Hit 125 / Avo 68 / Crit 15

-Attack: 18 damage, 1% crit rate. Also used as a counter to melee and ranged attacks.

PC averages:
-all unpromoted PCs at Level 18
-Sothe and Zihark at Level 4
-Volug and Tormod at their starting levels
-averages do not include non-Volug Laguz, Laura, or the Super Temps
-using Iron weapons for hit/weight, Steel weapons for power, the overlap of which is intended to reflect forging
-Supports and stat boosters could drive these figures up a tad

HP 31, Atk 25, Spd 17.5, Def 12, Res 9.5, Hit 136, Avo 49, Crit Avo 14

Notes: Jarod won't move. Enemy averages are 11.5 Def, 8 Res. Average damage is as such 14. Jarod's defences reduce average damage by 46% and 50% respectively.

Comments: Authority for team battle hype! Awesome ability in-game but here it's just a small boon. Besides that, well, standard non-scrub FE boss. HP's not much even by FE boss standards, but the other stats are pretty solid, 2HKOing + counters is cool, and he really destroys the slow with his above average AS. If you hold the super temps against him he gets vaguely emo as he can't damage either and both one-round him (double + 2HKO), but both feel gameplay-skip-ish to me. Middle/Heavy area?

Lv 11 General

HP 45 / Str 25 / Mag 10 / Skl 22 / Spd 18 / Luck 12 / Def 26 / Res 16

Tomahawk (15 might, 65 hit, 5 crit, 1-2 range)

Vantage: 18% chance of countering an enemy BEFORE his or her attack takes effect, instead of after. It doesn't cancel the opponent's attack or add an extra counter, just changes the order the attacks occur in.
Authority Lv2: Grants +10 Hit and Avoid to every unit on Ludveck's side of the battle, including Ludveck himself.

Atk 40 / Hit 136 / Avo 63 / Crit 16

-Attack: 23 damage. Also a counter, etc... just assume this of any move I label simply "Attack" from now on. <_<

PC averages:
-Levels are either 20/8, or two levels above their initial, whichever is higher
-Still no Laguz
-Iron Greatweapons used for Hit, Steel Greatweapons used for Might. Steel Bow, Elfire, and Amiti used instead when appropriate.
-Elincia's Lv 3 Authority (+15 to Hit and Avo) is factored in.

HP 38, Atk 32, Spd 21, Def 17, Res 15, Hit 152, Avo 76, Crit Avo 19

Notes: Ludveck is mobile, with below average Move. Enemy averages are 15 Def, 10 Res. Average damage is as such 19.5. Ludveck's defences reduce average damage by 56% and 31% respectively.

Comments: He's pretty similar to Jarod overall, sharing his solid offence of low 2HKO damage at 1-2 range. He also isn't vulnerable to last strike arguments. Other than that he's generally inferior for the time, with lower magical durability and accuracy, as well as an AS which makes being doubled a real threat. Middle.

Lv 14 Bishop

HP 45 / Str 17 / Mag 30 / Skl 24 / Spd 25 / Luck 29 / Def 17 / Res 35

Valaura (Light magic: 8 might, 95 hit, 1-2 range, 100% chance of Poison)


Atk 38 / Hit 177 / Avo 84 / Crit 12

Attack: 18 damage, inflicts Poison.

PC averages (20/2 extrapolation):
HP 49, Atk 43, Spd 26, Def 22, Res 20, Hit 179, Avo 94, Crit Avo 22

Notes: Valtome won't move. Poison does random damage (range of 1-3) at the start of the opponent's turn. Average defences at this point are around 20/16, so average damage is as such 24. Valtome's defences raise physicals by 13% and reduce magic by 79%.

Comments: Well. The physical durability really, really fails; magic is excellent though. Damage is also only a 3HKO, and the element doesn't help (nor does poison, really). Plot dictates that he must be unimpressive, and so he is! Light but he'll do well against those whose physicals are either total fail or non-existent.

Lv 16 Bishop

HP 43 / Str 19 / Mag 29 / Skl 25 / Spd 25 / Luck 23 / Def 18 / Res 33

Shine (Light magic: 7 might, 90 hit, 10 crit, 1-2 range)
Purge (Light magic: 5 might, 80 hit, 3-10 range)
Elixir (3 uses, full healing, item, etc.)


Atk 36 (34) / Hit 168 (158) / Avo 78 / Crit 22 (12)

Attack: 15 damage.
Attack, with Purge: 13 damage, long range

PC averages (20/4 extrapolation):
HP 51, Atk 44, Spd 26, Def 23, Res 21, Hit 162, Avo 75, Crit Avo 23

Notes: Numida won't move. With Purge, though, he can strike first anyway. However, Purge doesn't allow counters. Average damage is 25, Numida's defences raise physicals by 8% and reduce magic by 68%.

Comments: Didn't we just fight this boss? Only now he's down to a 4HKO! Purge might be nice for initiative, but he loses his first counter if he opens with it, so he might as well stick to Shine unless he can OHKO (which uh, isn't happening much). Another Light, worse than Valtome.

Lv 13 Summoner

HP 46 / Str 15+3 / Mag 38 / Skl 29 / Spd 25 / Luck 19 / Def 18 / Res 37

Balberith (Dark magic: 15 might, 75 hit, 10 crit, 1-2 range)
Rewarp Staff (allows Teleport)

Flare: 14.5% chance of ignoring target's defence and restoring HP equal to damage dealt
Authority Lv1: Grants +5 Hit and Avoid to every unit on Izuka's side of the battle, including Izuka himself.

Atk 53 / Hit 157 / Avo 74 / Crit 24

-Attack: 32 damage, 14.5% chance of it instead being 53 defence-ignoring damage and draining
-Teleport: Teleport anywhere, counts as an action
-Summon: Calls forth four Feral Ones to surround him at melee. The Feral Ones can not move until next turn, and can not attack (besides counters) until the turn after that. Note that while he spams this he is melee immune unless doubleturned (kill a Feral One -> attack him).

PC averages (20/4 extrapolation):
HP 51, Atk 44, Spd 26, Def 23, Res 21, Hit 182, Avo 95, Crit Avo 23

Notes: Izuka will not move, except to teleport. Average damage is 25, Izuka's defences raise physicals by 8% and reduce magic by 84%. All Feral Ones have range 1 attacks/counters except Dragons, who are range 2. Ballpark guess at how common each Feral One is, and their average stats after Izuka's Authority boost (slight variation, usually 1-2 points either way):

10/32: Cat: HP 47, Atk 32, Hit 155, AS 25, Def 17, Res 13, Avo 65, weak vs. fire
10/32: Tiger: HP 56, Atk 45, Hit 151, AS 19, Def 24, Res 7, Avo 53, weak vs. fire
5/32: Hawk: HP 47, Atk 34, Hit 170, AS 26, Def 20, Res 11, Avo 72, weak vs. wind/bows
5/32: Raven: HP 44, Atk 29, Hit 155, AS 29, Def 11, Res 19, Avo 77, weak vs. wind/bows
2/32: Red Dragon: HP 68, Atk 54, Hit 135, AS 10, Def 31, Res 15, Avo 33, weak vs. lightning

Comments: Okay, much better. Izuka's stats are pretty much the same as previous mage bosses, with one exception: offence. He 2HKOs, and Dark is a better DL element to boot. More importantly, summoning, if allowed, lets him own melee-reliant duellers who don't outspeed and OHKO him (which, granted, isn't uncommon, certainly - the Def/HP combo still sucks). Middle without summoning, Heavy with? Situational melee immunity and mocking magic in general makes him an excellent spoiler.

Lv 16 Saint

HP 47 / Str 21 / Mag 35 / Skl 28 / Spd 25 / Luck 25 / Def 33 / Res 34

Rexaura (Light magic: 12 might, 110 hit, 5 crit, 3 def, 1-2 range)
Rewarp Staff (allows Teleport)

Corona: 14% chance of ignoring target's resistance and halving his or her skill for one round

Atk 47 / Hit 191 / Avo 75 / Crit 19

-Attack: 25 damage, 14% chance of it instead being 37 resistance-ignoring damage and also halving the target's Skill (not too significant) for one round
-Teleport: Teleport anywhere, counts as an action
-Silence of Order: Inflicts Silence, hits every enemy on the map. Extremely accurate (128% hit rate if it's standard Staff accuracy). Silence lasts for five rounds.

PC averages (20/6 extrapolation, +1 attack for SS weapons):
HP 52, Atk 46, Spd 27, Def 23, Res 22, Hit 180, Avo 93, Crit Avo 24

Notes: Lekain won't move, except to teleport. He can teleport to locations which are melee immune, but I probably wouldn't take this seriously. Using the stat topic's average enemy defences of 22/18, average damage is 25. Lekain's defences reduce average damage by 44% and 64% respectively.

Comments: Yet another mage boss with 25 speed? That said, OHKOing him is at least harder now that he has real defence, and his damage is at least close to that 2HKO threshold. His big trick, is of course, his silence status, giving him a free win against those who rely on that... unless they block Holy. In fact, Holy blocking really does ruin his day, and he's not a stellar slugfester. Middle works.

And now, from your favourite Oblivion Knight

Lv 14 Saint

HP 42 / Str 17 / Mag 34 / Skl 26 / Spd 24 / Luck 28 / Def 19 (29) / Res 35

Sleep Staff (0 might, 226 hit, 35 crit, 1-17 range, cures sleep status on user, inflicts sleep at the designated hit rate, 3 uses)
Silence Staff (0 might, 226 hit, 30 crit, 1-17 range, cures silence status on user, inflicts silence at the designated hit rate, 3 uses)

Corona: 13% chance of ignoring target's resistance and halving his or her skill for one round

Atk 17 (counter only) / Hit 133 / Avo 76 / Crit 48

-Staff Attack (Counter Only): 0 damage, 24% crit rate
-Silence: 133% chance of inflicting silence status to a single target; lasts 5 turns
-Sleep: 133% chance of inflicting sleep status to a single target; lasts 5 turns

PC averages (20/6 extrapolation, +1 attack for SS weapons):
HP 52, Atk 46, Spd 27, Def 23, Res 22, Hit 180, Avo 93, Crit Avo 24

Notes: Hetzel won't move.  Ever.  He begins on a DEF+10 panel, like his partner in the battle, Lekain.  He will generally use up all his staves at range, and then, once gone, stand there and do nothing.  His defenses reduce physicals and magic by 30% and 67%, respectively.

Comments: Godly.  Tanks magic well, has hellishly accurate status...the makings of a decent boss.  Also great support, with another boss as well to help him.  Sadly...he lacks a weapon.  So...uh...Puny

And now, your regularly scheduled elf

Lv 16 Sentinel

HP 60 / Str 31 / Mag 8 / Skl 28 (42) / Spd 24 (36) / Luck 23 / Def 39 / Res 15

Wishblade (22 might, 100 hit, 5 crit, 3 luck, 1-2 range)
Elixir (3 uses, full healing, item, etc.)

Critical+10: Effect is obvious.
Resolve: Below half HP, Levail's Skill and Speed increase by 50%. In particular, raises his accuracyy, evade, crit rate, Impale rate, and makes him go from "doubled by average" to "doubles average". If an attack lowers him into this threshold, his speed is immediately recalculated and he will not be doubled and/or he will double on his counterattack, as appropriate depending on his foe's speed.
Impale: 14% (21%) chance of doing quadruple his normal damage, melee attacks only.
Authority Lv2: Grants +10 Hit and Avoid to every unit on Levail's side of the battle, including Levail himself. Has no effect in-game because Levail is not the leader of his team, but you might consider it in the DL.

Atk 53 / Hit 179 (207) (+10) / Avo 71 (95) (+10) / Crit 29 (36)

-Attack: 29 damage, 5% (12%) crit rate, 14% (21%) chance of it being 116 damage if used at melee range

PC averages (20/7 extrapolation, +1 attack for SS weapons):
HP 52, Atk 47, Spd 28, Def 24, Res 22, Hit 182, Avo 95, Crit Avo 24

Notes: Levail won't move. Average damage is 26, his defences reduce physicals by 65% and raise magic by 12%.

Comments: Limit boss. If you activate Resolve he will fuck you up so badly it isn't funny. Assuming he doubles you, he's going to hit you twice, at insane accuracy, with about a 50% chance of overkill per hit. Even worse if you lower him into low HP and then he counters, four straight attacks? What the fuck? So yeah you'd better not see that limit phase unless you have some crazy anti-physical game, and he's more than capable of just shredding you outright if you try to chip. His MDef is awful, though, so he's not hard for good mages to OHKO or status. Heavy.

Lv 20 Black Knight

HP 70 / Str 38 / Mag 18 / Skl 40 / Spd 30 / Luck 20 / Def 40 / Res 25

Alondite (18 might, 80 hit, 5 crit, 5 def, 1-2 range)

Imbue: Regenerates 18 HP at the start of each turn.
Nihil: Negates the effects of any passive skills of the opponent.
Eclipse: 20% chance of quintuple Strength (+152 damage) and ignoring the target's defence, melee attacks only.

Atk 56 / Hit 180 / Avo 80 / Crit 25

-Attack: 32 damage, 1% crit rate, 20% chance of it instead being 208 defence-ignoring damage if used at melee range
(vs. Ike: 22-27 damage to 59 HP, 6% crit rate)

PC averages (20/7 extrapolation, +1 attack for SS weapons):
HP 52, Atk 47, Spd 28, Def 24, Res 22, Hit 182, Avo 95, Crit Avo 24

Notes: Zelgius moves. He also fights Ike solo, and it's impossible to interfere with the battle in any way (i.e. attack Zelgius, or heal Ike with another PC). Ike can, however, benefit from either +10 Def terrain, or from a support (but not both), if you hold that against him. Anyway, his defences reduce average damage by 69% and 27% respectively. His Def reduces Ike's damage from 28 to 10. Alternatively Ike does 28 damage to him with the Hammer, at the cost of 5 Def.

Comments: Well, it really depends how you scale him. Taken against average he 2HKOs solidly, and Eclipse laughs at stalling tactics. Against Ike, a 3HKO of some flavour. Against Ike on +10 Def terrain, he sucks... until Eclipse! Solo means you might see his durability as awesome (Ike really struggles against that regen in-game), but maybe not. Headache! Uh. Well, definitely physically tanky regardless and the counter game is nasty, but I can't say he feels like the Godlike he is as a temp and in plot. Might be with some scaling though. High Heavy as a rough guess.

Lv 40 Black Dragon

HP 100 / Str 50 / Mag 26 / Skl 36 / Spd 30 / Luck 30 / Def 50 / Res 46
Weak to lightning (weapon might is tripled)

Black Breath (innate equip, 25 might, 115 hit, 1-2 range)

Formshift: Allows Dheginsea to remain permanently in dragon form.
Mantle: Regenerates 30 HP at the start of each turn. Also is immune to all but a single attack (chosen by the player) for each PC.
Nihil: Negates the effects of any passive skills of the opponent.
Ire: 18% chance of doing triple his normal damage, melee attacks only.
Authority Lv5: Grants +25 Hit and Avoid to every unit on Dheginsea's side of the battle, including Dheginsea himself.

Atk 75 / Hit 242 / Avo 115 / Crit 18

-Attack: 51 damage, 18% chance of it instead being 153 damage if used at melee range
-Unfocused Fury: Multitarget attack, hits all enemies within 8 range. 36 physical damage - 5 for each panel distance from Dheginsea beyond the first. Ignores evade/counters/doubles.

PC averages (20/8 extrapolation, +2 attack for SS weapons):
HP 53, Atk 48, Spd 28, Def 24, Res 22, Hit 183, Avo 96, Crit Avo 25

Notes: Dheginsea won't move. There are some Def+10 panels near him which you can abuse, take that as you will. Average damage is 27. His defences are brokenly good - even the likes of Tibarn and Nailah have their damage reduced to one sixth of their usual. Average of both types is (barely) nulled, though Blood Tide (+5 Strength, passive skill possessed by one of the PCs) can help.

Comments: Well. Near OHKO damage on an FE boss is who isn't slow is certainly a good start. But what really sells me on this guy: Defences that sum up to a hair under a hundred, with a respectable HP score at last to go with it! Even some evade, because obviously without that he'd be easy to kill. So he's hard to put down fast, and a long fight with him means you risk getting nailed with Ire... ow. and Just a complete freak of nature - the game's encyclopedia describes his power as Godlike, and he lives up to that lofty hype in a duel. Though he does fear Jade like little else. <_<

Lv 20 Chancellor

HP 50 / Str 11 / Mag 40 / Skl 40 / Spd 36->32 / Luck 40 / Def 45 / Res 40

Creiddylad (Light magic: 11 might, 100 hit, 15 crit, 15 weight, 1-2 range, unbreakable)
Rewarp Staff (allows Teleport)
Rudol Gem (10 def)

Mantle: Regenerates 40 HP at the start of each turn. Also is immune to all but a single attack (chosen by the player) for each PC.
Nihil: Negates the effects of any passive skills of the opponent.
Corona: 20% chance of ignoring target's defence and halving his or her skill for one round.
Deception: At low HP (below half?), Sephiran will redirect any attacks targetted at him to an adjacent ally if he has one.

Atk 51 / Hit 220 / Avo 119 / Crit 35

-Attack: 28 damage, 10% crit rate, 20% chance of it instead being 51 defence-ignoring damage and also halving the target's Skill (not too significant) for one round
-Teleport: Teleport anywhere, counts as an action
-Blinding Purification: Multitarget attack, hits all enemies within 8 range. 42 magic damage - 5 for each panel distance from Sephiran beyond the first. Ignores evade/counters/doubles.

PC averages (20/9 extrapolation, +2 attack for SS weapons):
HP 54, Atk 49, Spd 29, Def 24, Res 23, Hit 185, Avo 98, Crit Avo 25

Notes: Sephiran won't move, except to teleport. Average damage is 28; Sephiran's defences reduce that by 82% and 79% respectively. There are Res+10 panels scattered over Sephiran's map, but none are within two panels (standard attacking distance) of him or any of the panels he will teleport to.

Comments: Sephy is a bit of a letdown after Dheginsea. Sure, he's got two extra speed (getting him within a hair of doubling average), and you can argue he's better in-game because his multitarget is both stronger and spammable. Otherwise? Well, he's only got half the HP, and a modest crit rate is no substitute for the downgraded damage and lack of Ire. Still, he doesn't shame the Lyon mold - what he lacks in HP he makes up for with even better defences, a pinch of evade, and not being doubled. His damage could be a little better, but a combination of his MT attack plus a counter still kills most. High Heavy, like his most trusted underling.

Lv 20 Order Incarnate

Okay, Ashera's a bit different than previous bosses. In addition to her main body, she's surrounded by eight "auras" (barriers), all of which appear implied to be part of her (they're named Ashera, and if you attack them, there's an animation of your PC attacking Ashera with a glimmering barrier in the way). Ashera is not a legal target for attacks as long as even one barrier survives. Ashera will only counter if she herself, not an aura, is attacked.

Body: HP 120 / Str 8 / Mag 15 / Skl 40 / Spd 40->32 / Luck 40 / Def 35 / Res 50
Four of the auras: Same, except for: Speed of 35, HP of 90, Def of 40, Res of 30
The other four auras: As the previous four, except that Def is 30 and Res is 40

Judge (50 might, 100 hit, 16 weight, can act as either Strike or Light magic, 1-2 range, unbreakable)

Mantle: Regenerates 52 HP (40 for the Auras) at the start of each turn. Also is immune to all but a single attack (chosen by the player) for each PC.
Nihil: Negates the effects of any passive skills of the opponent.
Aurora: (barriers only) Returns half the damage received to the opponent who dealt it. Doesn't work against the killing blow.
Authority Lv5: Grants +25 Hit and Avoid to every unit on Ashera's side of the battle, including Ashera herself.

Atk 65 / Hit 245 / Avo 144 / Crit 0
(auras have Avo 135)

-Attack, magical version: 42 magic damage
-Attack, physical version: 33 physical damage
-Goddess' Wisdom: 42 magic damage, long range. Ignores evade/counters/doubles.
-Goddess' Might: 45 physical damage, long range. Ignores evade/counters/doubles.
-Annihilation: Multitarget attack, hits all enemies(?). 35 physical damage - 3 for each panel distance from Ashera beyond the first. Ignores evade/counters/doubles.
-Blinding Purification: Multitarget attack, hits all enemies(?). 42 magic damage - 3 for each panel distance from Ashera beyond the first. Ignores evade/counters/doubles.
-Silence of Order: Inflicts Silence, hits every enemy on the map. 30% accuracy? Silence lasts for five rounds.

PC averages (20/10, +2 attack for SS weapons):
HP 54, Atk 49, Spd 29, Def 25, Res 23, Hit 186, Avo 99, Crit Avo 26

Notes: Ashera won't move, but blah blah long range doesn't care. Average damage is 28. Her personal defences make her near magic-immune and reduce physicals by 54%. Auras reduce damage by either 64%/ 43% or 29%/79%. Her evade is also high enough to be worth explicit note: 65% against average. Auras have 48%. And lastly, there are a variety of Def+10 and Res+10 panels scattered over her map which can be used against her.

Comments: Without auras... mm. She's a lot like Dheginsea. Better magical, worse physical durability, but she's got a lot of evade to make up for any deficit there (she's the only FE10 boss who's a real pain in the ass to hit). She doesn't hit quite as hard (and lacks Ire), but she hits both defences well, and crappy Silence could have some occasional use... maybe. She's also not screwed on initiative thanks to her long-range attacks. With the auras... well. You'd better have one hell of a defensive game to deal with those barriers. That or multitarget. Regardless, she's Godlike, pretty obviously.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 06:42:28 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2007, 04:19:14 AM »
THIS POST CONTAINS SOME SPOILERS! Granted, due to Elfboy's post, you probably know some of them...and my posts for that matter, but in any event, be warned!

I was thinking about what might be rankable from this game and well...yeah, decided to post it here!

Anyway, lets break things down fairly easily!

First off, who is likely rankable based on FE9 merits alone?  Well, that requires sub categories in and of itself!

First off, people who should probably be ranked regardless from FE9, if the game gets ranked (and ranked separately from this too):

These are all the Greil Mercenaries, and Elincia.  Ike, Titania, Soren and Mist all have a fair amount of plot compared to the rest of the mercenaries, so they're a bit larger of a priority, and Elincia is also a rather important character, even if a late joining PC.  These are also the characters you're kind of forced to use throughout the entire early game.

Gatrie could be added to that list for similar reasons, though he leaves and comes back.  He does return after a reasonable amount of time (a few chapters), so yeah, he could probably be added in, but feels a bit different.

Shinon I left off cause well, he leaves and doesn't rejoin until much later, and is one of the more obscure PCs to recruit. So yeah, different case than Gatrie, PLUS his worth when he first joins is considerably different than his worth when he rejoins, so potential vote split, etc.

A few other PCs from FE9 that are good ranking ideas:

How good an idea each of these characters are varies.  Jill, Marcia, Nephenee and Mia are mainly just popular characters, who people are likely to use in game (Jill and Marcia are your only fliers for most of the game and both unique as a result, Nephenee is often regarded one of the best characters in the game, and Mia is probably the most used Swordmaster.)
Lethe, Mordecai and Ranulf are all Laguz that are around for a while with some plot.  Lethe and Mordecai join relatively early and are your only Laguz for at least 5 chapters or so.  Ranulf...has the most plot of the Laguz, but is an NPC for a large part of the game, IIRC.  In any event, if any Laguz is to be ranked, it'd be from this group of 3 (and personally, I think at least SOME Laguz should be ranked, if only to represent them.)

Why Volke? Volke has some plot, and he's your ONLY decent thief for like the entire game.  Yes, there's Sothe, but Sothe can't promote and is far worse as a result.  Volke is also more memorable.

Haar could be put on that list since he's generally popular for whatever reason (well, no, I KNOW why he's popular <_<), so yeah, keep him in mind or something.

Now, the Laguz Royals! First off, Tibarn feels like the best ranking idea based on FE9 merits alone; He's forced as an ally/guest in 2 Chapters, and one of those chapters is the second to last (hence no scaling issues.)  He also has the most plot of the three.
Naesala has a fair amount of plot (enough to be ranked too), and even a mid game boss form.  Iffier than Tibarn, but still reasonable enough.
Giffca...yeah, no; near plotless + split path PC that you can totally not get.  Best avoid him.

For other miscellaneous...well, bosses, we have Oliver who probably isn't quite enough to get ranked on FE9 merits alone, but is still there.  Ena could probably be though; forced boss and potential PC.  Probably best Boss ranking in any event since she has enough plot + no stupid Goddess Protection BS surrounding her.

So yeah, based on FE9 merits *ALONE*, those are probably the only PCs who'd be good ranking ideas from this game.

Now, what about factoring in FE10?
Well, of those FE9 PCs mentioned above, the following get a stronger case, if they had a shaky one (as in, people like Ike I'm not going to bother with.)

Naesala: Similar amount of plot, but now is a forced PC for a few chapters.  He's also fairly memorable as a character to boot.

Tibarn: Has probably more plot here than FE9 (heck, he's even one of the army leaders in a team split section.)

Ranulf: Forced PC in a bunch of chapters in Part 3, and is a rather plot important character.

Marcia: Mainly just gains a bit more plot than before, but not much else; she plays a prominent secondary role in Part 2, though nothing major.

Ena: Much stronger claim than before, since now she's a forced PC in the Endgame section of the game (where you choose one final team for the last bunch of chapters, so this stands out), and plays a pretty decent role as well.

Mia: Is now with the Greil Mercenaries, and you use the entire team together and no one else for a few chapters.  And again, she stands out for being probably the best Trueblade in the game.

Everyone else has about equal or less claim compared to their FE9 form, so these forms aren't really changing much.

NOW, FE9 PCs who gain an actual case to be ranked based on FE10 that didn't have one before?

Sothe is an obvious one.  One of the major plot players in the game, and now isn't a total joke character for NR purposes the way he was before (he still sucks though, just went from "Suikodog Bait" to "Can actually win matches in Light!" <_<.)

Tauroneo actually gains some plot in Micaiah's sections of the game!  Granted, probably not enough to get him ranked, but hey, its there!

Tormod and Muarim gain some plot in Part 1 as well, though, its short lived, and probably not enough to get them ranked.  Still worth noting.

Lucia and Geoffrey both play a rather large role in Part 2 and in a few small chapters in Part 3; Lucia's even a forced PC for the Hawk Army (though, unsure if you're forced to USE her, or if she's just forced to tag along.)   Both of them even have at least one moment where they are treated as Lords (ie if they die, game over.)  Yes, its a bit weird given how minor they were in FE9, but yeah, gained a fair amount of plot (Lucia even has an FMV dedicated to her or something!)

Shinon: Now one of the permanent members of the Greil Mercenaries. Basically, see Mia otherwise.  He's also a rather often used character for many people, from what I understand.  Also, Shinon has some of the most spoken (as in VA) lines in the game! <_< >_>;

Oliver: If only for being memorable as having his own battle theme and a very...random recruitment sequence.  Yeah, not much to it, but its Oliver and he's memorable for that reason alone!

Now for a unique case: BOSS IN BOTH GAMES!

Black Knight: In FE9, he was an obvious plot fight that required hax to beat. In FE10? He's now a legit fight (albeit, still a duel with Ike), who lacks Goddess Protect BS, and is very beatable unless your Ike was RNG raped badly (and I think Ike's starting stats are high enough with the forced Promotion to insure you'll always have at least SOME fighting chance?) He's also a Super PC in a few chapters.
Arguments against ranking him? Vote split.  FE9 has the stupid BS fight, FE10 has a super PC throughout the game who is 10x better than his boss form (not that his boss form is bad), due to relative stat differences.  So yeah, probably best idea to avoid him unless we can pull a Hrist or something (rank him only on FE10 Merits, make it clear he's FE10, and move on.)

Now for a weird case to cover:

Renning: In FE9, he is under a different guise in Bertram.  In FE10, it is revealed he was him and he becomes a late game PC.  He is mentioned a fair amount in both games but doesn't play a large role either.  I don't really support ranking him for a variety of reasons, just singling him out since he is indeed a weird case.

Anyway, now for NEW PCS and such (only listing people with a ranking argument):

Micaiah: One of the biggest characters, ranking her would be an obvious thing.

Nolan, Edward, and Leonardo: Basically, Micaiah's group, along with Sothe.  Feels like a decent ranking idea for similar reason as the Greil Mercenaries, and all 3 even get noteworthy unique weapons in the DL to boot (weapons that are undeniably legal at that, since they are truly unique.)

Volug: Forced PC in many parts of Part 1, also only Laguz that isn't a Royal with Halfshift, so no real Laguz issues.

Caineghis: NPC in FE9,  is the Lion King and all that jazz.  He's a borderline case, but being one of the strongest PCs in the game and not split path should have SOME merits at least.

Skrimir: Large amount of plot in Part 3, and some plot in Micaiah's section of Part 4.  Only thing against him is Laguz being completely lamers as duelers in this game (pity, he's a nice and strong character in game.)

Nailah: A Laguz Royal; right there, that gives her claim based on standing out on gameplay, and unlike FE9 Giffca, lacks Pathsplit issues.  Furthermore, she's a forced PC in at least one chapter, joins early game and late game, and has a decent amount of plot in Part 1 and at least some in Part 3 and 4.

Kurthnaga: Has a good deal of plot, and is a forced PC in Endgame.  Furthermore, has Formshift so he lacks usual Laguz issues.  He's even in FE9 for a few scenes, though plays a minor role there.  He's noteworty (as is Ena) for being completely invincible barring literally one attack in Endgame 3, and for having a unique ability Night Tide (even if its useless in the DL.)

New Bosses!
Basically, anyone in Endgame.  Lekain is the main villain for like the entire game.  Disghenia is a very memorable boss with some backstory plot, Sephiran has a fair amount of plot in BOTH games, and is a major back story character too, the final boss.  Already covered Zelgius, if you've been following Elfboy's topic <_<

Levail is a shakey case; he's basically Zelgius' right hand man,and often just another character to talk too.  He has absolutely no plot in Endgame, though, just kind of pops up for "hey, did you forget about me?" and is an obvious figure to hand the SS Lance too.  Could go either way.

Jarod and Ludvek deserve pointing out if only for being villains for their parts of the game (Jarod for Part 1 and Ludvek for part 2.)
Izuka and Valtome both are prominent figures who kind of just pop up as villains, ditto to Numida.  Of them Izuka played the largest role in the game, IIRC, and even has some FE9 back story going for him (he's not IN FE9, but he is responsible for some of the events.)

No other boss is worth mentioning.

That's about all I can think of offhand; for the most part, everyone else would just fall under "Large cast, gotta cut people down!", are unrankable (Hi Herons), or just have little to no reason to be here.

Anyway, other opinions could be appreciated or something <_<
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2007, 04:49:29 AM »
Following Elfboy's topic? Hm?

And as far as ranking The Black Knight, couldn't you just list him as Zelgius and use his helmetless picture? I think that'd keep most people from voting on his FE9 form if you really find that to be an issue. Honestly I think factoring in that you can win, that beating him gives you a different character (you get that other guy instead of Ena if you win, right?), that you've only got 5(?) turns to do it, that dying gives you a game over, and that you can even retreat, it feels less like a plot fight and more of an optional boss fight with strict requirements for victory, which I guess is still illegal but eh.

Also, what's your opinion of his super temp form's legality?


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Re: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2007, 11:43:06 PM »
Ok, I should have probably claimed a post earlier, but Dhyer's "DO NOT POST IN ANY STAT TOPICS UNTIL FULLY TRANSFERRED OVER!" thing made me wait.  Apparently, that doesn't matter for people adding stuff.

This will be skills and other miscellaneous information. 

These are all skills in the game.  Most skills are passive by nature - I have indicated those that are not.  Skills that are actually used by characters and have DL uses to most people (i.e., not me) will be listed first, with other skills later.

Raises critical rate by 5
Used by:
Nolan, Boyd

Raises critical rate by 10
Used by:
Aran, Nephenee, Danved

Raises critical rate by 15
Used by:
Leonardo, Rolf, Shinon

Raises critical rate by 20
Used by:
Edward, Zihark, Lucia, Mia, Stefan

Raises critical rate by 25
Used by:

If user CHP < 30% MHP, user's critical rate rises by 50
Used by:
Edward, Nealuchi, Nephenee

User has a Skill% chance to cancel the target's next action
Used by:
Leonardo (38.75%), Haar (34.3%)

Negates the effects of all opponents' support skills
Used by:
Nolan, Black Knight, Calill, Ike, Nasir

Negates opponent critical hits
Used by:
Meg, Caineghis

User has a STR% chance upon being attacked of preventing an attacker from moving for one turn
Used by:
Volug (22.125%)

User has a SPD% chance upon being attacked to deal damage each to user's STR to an attacker
Used by:
Kyza (15-30%)

Allows laguz user to stay transformed permanently; halves transformation bonuses (Active Command/Passive)
Used by:

User has a LUK% chance upon being attacked to reduce attacker's LUK to 0 for one turn
Used by:
Vika (24.2%)

User has a SPD% chance of attacking an additional time; may only activate once per each user attack
Used by:
Zihark (38.3%), Soren (28.15%)

If character HP drops to less than 50% of max, immediately recalculates their SPD and SKL, raising them by 50%
Used by:
Tauroneo, Skrimir

Each round, character recovers HP equal to their MAG stat
Used by:
Fiona (17.85 HP), Black Knight (18 HP)

Doubles critical rate but halves accuracy
Used by:

User has a SPD% chance of countering first against a foe; their first counter would come before an attacking opponents initial attack, if applicable
Used by:
Mia (37.85%), Naesala (44.7%)

Cancels all skills and other bonuses for both user and opponent (Active Command)
Used by:

Each round, character recovers HP equal to 10% of their max HP
Used by:
Elincia (4 HP), Ena (6.3 HP)

When damaged, user has a SKL% chance of dealing half damage received back at the attacker
Used by:
Titania (31.15%)

User has a (SKL%/2) chance of de-equipping an opponent's weapon on attack
Used by:
Brom (14.9%)

If an attack will deal fatal damage to the user's HP, the user has a LUK% chance of instead having their current HP halved
Used by:
Mist (35%), Pelleas (20.8%), Ena (20%)

Negates any effective bonuses an opponent has against user, such as weakness-hitting weapons
Used by:

Allows uer to stay transformed permanently (Active Command/Passive)
Used by:
Nailah, Tibarn, Naesala, Caineghis, Kurthnaga

Turns an enemy to stone for the rest of the chapter; affected character is more vulnerable to criticals, and skills, but gains defensive bonuses; average accuracy endgame is ~20% (Active Command)
Used by:

User has a SKL% chance to negate any damage directed at them
Used by:
Tibarn (48%)

User gains an innate +5 sight radius and +20 accuracy
Used by:

User gains an innate +20 Avo and +20 Ddg
Used by:

User has a SKL% chance upon being attack of dealing damage equal to user's STR to an attacking enemy
Used by:
Naesala (41.8%)

User is immune to non-Goddess-blessed-weapons, recovers HP equal to their LUK each turn, and negates the effects of an opponent's support skills
Used by:
Lehran (40 HP)

All occult skills are gained by beorcs upon reaching their 3rd tier of promotion.  For laguz, they require an item to be used, called a Satori Sign, after they reach level 30 or higher.  There are not enough of these to go around for everyone, so the only ones that matter are the ones that are initial.  I've noted the laguz that can learn them anyway, in case you feel like throwing them a bone (since...with all the forced characters, if you used the remaining slots for laguz, you should have enough Satoris to go around...but I'd have to check for certain).

However, if you're like me and will allow the skills to those that start with Satori Signs or are given them, here's a list of that:
Ranulf: Starts with one and is given one by Skrimir who is given one by Giffca
Ulki: Starts with one
Ok, that's actually it.  All the other Satoris are either given to people who can't use them (beorc) or to people who already have them (royals) or found and have no real claim for anyone otherwise.  There are a total of 6 Satoris and 16 people who need them (ignoring those who already have them).

User has a SKL% chance to triple their STR for an attack and halve an opponent's SKL for one turn
Used by:
Nailah (46%) (Volug - 25.875%)

User has a SPD% chance to quintuple their STR for an attack and prevent an opponent from moving for one turn
Used by:
Jack Shit (Lethe 16-32%, Ranulf 16.4-32.8%, Lyre 20-40%)

User has a STR% chance to triple their STR for an attack and prevent an opponent from moving for one turn
Used by:
Caineghis (44%), Giffca (22-44%) (Skrimir 20.75-41.5%)

User has a SKL% chance to triple their damage for an attack
Used by:
Jack Shit (Ena 15-30%, Kurthnaga - 20%, Gareth 10-20%, Nasir 13-26%)

User has a (SKL/2%) chance to deal 2 hits to an opponent at their usual power; the first hit restores HP to the user equal to damage dealt, while the second hit ignores the opponent's DEF
Used by:
Ike (18.7%)

User has a (SKL/2%) chance of attacking 5 times at their usual power
Used by:
Edward (18.925%), Zihark (19.375%), Lucia (19.15%), Mia (18.7%), Stefan (19.1%)

User has a SKL% chance to quadruple their damage for an attack
Used by:
Aran (34.75%), Nephenee (34.3%), Danved (30.7%)

User has a SKL% chance to triple their strength and ignore an opponent's DEF for an attack
Used by:
Meg (28%), Tauroneo (31%), Brom (29.8%), Gatrie (28.55%)

User has a SKL% chance to quintuple their strength and ignore an opponent's DEF for an attack
Used by:
Black Knight (40%)

User has a (SKL/2%) chance to triple their damage for an attack and recover HP equal to damage dealt
Used by:
Fiona (13.3%), Geoffrey (15.7%), Kieran (14.6%), Astrid (15.075%), Makalov (13.9%), Titania (15.575%), Oscar (15.925%), Renning (16%)

User has a SKL% chance to ignore target RES for an attack and recover HP equal to damage dealt
Used by:
Ilyana (30.4-33.4%), Tormod (28.8%), Calill (30.4%), Soren (30.4%), Sanaki (27.4%), Pelleas (29.05%), Bastian (27%)

User has a SKL% chance to ignore target RES for an attack and halve their accuracy for one turn
Used by:
Micaiah (29.8%), Laura (30%), Rhys (27.1%), Oliver (22.7%)

User has a (SKL/2%) chance to reduce an opponent's HP to 1 on an attack
Used by:
Sothe (17.6%), Heather (15.75%)

User has a (SKL/2%) chance to reduce an opponent's HP to 0 on an attack
Used by:
Volke (18%)

User has a SKL% chance to triple their damage for an attack and prevent an opponent from acting for one turn
Used by:
Jill (30.3%), Elincia (25.5%), Marcia (28.6%), Haar (34.3%), Sigrun (31%), Tanith (32.75%)

User has a (SKL/2%) chance of dealing triple their damage for an attack and inflicting sleep on their target
Used by:
Leonardo (19.375%), Rolf (17.3%), Shinon (19.15%)

User has a SKL% chance to deal triple damage and "additional" damage on an attack
Used by:
Nolan (34.3%), Boyd (31.45%)

User has a SPD% chance to triple STR for an attack and halve an opponent's SPD for one turn
Used by:
Tibarn (40%), Naesala (44.7%) (Vika - 22.2-44.4%, Nealuchi 21.2-42.2%, Janaff 17.35-34.7%, Ulki - 18.8-37.6%)

Basically, all initial skills that mean jack shit in the DL.

Allows user to push a unit 1 square forward (Active Command)
Jill, Fiona, Elincia, Marcia, Haar, Geoffrey, Kieran, Astrid, Makalov, Titania, Mist, Oscar, Sigrun, Tanith, Renning

Allows user to use any unused movement after an attack to move
Used by:
Jill, Fiona, Vika, Elincia, Marcia, Nealuchi, Leanne, Haar, Geoffrey, Kieran, Astrid, Makalov, Titania, Mist, Oscar, Reyson, Janaff, Ulki, Sigrun, Tanith, Tibarn, Naesala, Renning

Allows the user to steal a non-locked item, as long as they have enough inventory space, the item is not equipped on the target, and they have a higher AS than the target (Active Command)
Used by:
Sothe, Heather

Allows user to push a unit 1 square forward (Active Command)
Used by:

Heals target HP equal to user HP expended; cannot reduce user below 1 HP; also restores status (Active Command)
Used by:

User will take damage for an adjacent buddy
Used by:
Sothe, Nailah

Opponents will generally ignore attacking the user
Used by:

Negates SPD and SKL loss for rescuing an ally
Used by:
Fiona, Tibarn

Grants character +2 movement range
Used by:

Doubles weapon experience gained
Used by:
Jack Shit

Allows user to move through enemies, ignoring their zones of control
Used by:

Triples power of weapon versus beast laguz
Used by:
Jack Shit

Triples power of weapon versus bird laguz
Used by:
Jack Shit

Triples power of weapon versus dragon laguz
Used by:
Jack Shit

Doubles experience earned
Used by:
Geoffrey, Astrid

Attacks at half power (Active Command)
Used by:
Jack Shit

Increases stat gains, but halves experience gained
Used by:
Jack Shit

User has a (SKL%/2) chance of reducing the durability of an opponent's weapon by an amount equal to the user's level on attack
Used by:

User has a higher chance of being attacked by enemies
Used by:
Shinon, Skrimir

User cannot kill an enemy; any fatal attack will leave the target with 1 HP
Used by:

All enemies in a 3 square radius from user have their accuracy, evade and critical rate reduced by 5
Used by:
Jack Shit

Each turn, any allies around user recover HP equal to user's MAG stat
Used by:
Rafiel, Leanne, Reyson

Each turn, any allies around user recover all statuses
Used by:
Ena, Nasir

Allows user one of several options: Give an ally another turn, raise an ally's biorhythm to High, lower enemy biorhythm to Low, raise an ally's transformation gauge to max, or fully recover an ally's HP and status (Active Command)
Used by:
Rafiel, Leanne, Reyson

Blood Tide
Any alies adjacent to user have their STR and SKL raised by 5
Used by:
Ena, Gareth

White Pool
Any alies adjacent to user have their MAG and SPD raised by 5
Used by:

Night Tide
Any alies adjacent to user have their DEF and RES raised by 5
Used by:

User will not be attacked by most enemies
Used by:

These are skills from the above list that are given to characters at some point in the game, whether via info conversations or plot or whatever.  Typically tossed into the character's inventory, mentioned that they are explicitly "meant" for them, however you may take that.  So yeah, here's some fun stuff.

Given Renewal by Kurthnaga, Pass from Jill, Guard from Leanne/Rafiel/Reyson (depending on which one you brought with you)

Given Daunt by Lyre

Given Imbue by Oscar

Given Corrosion by Haar, Pavise from Sanaki

Given Howl by Ranulf

Given Shriek by a combination of Reyson, Ulki and Tibarn
« Last Edit: January 21, 2008, 01:57:40 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2008, 07:05:59 PM »
Bored, so here's how much damage each character does with their Occult kicking in!

Note: Laguz are assumed transformed, naturally, since I don't think they can use their Occults untransformed.  I'm assuming full Shift too, barring Volug whose getting Halfshift version.  Asterisked Laguz are those who don't know their Occults naturally.

The rates of these kicking in are already noted by OK, and only indicating abilities that actually effect damage (meaning stuff like Resolve = No.)  I'll get average damage...eventually, once we figure out what average enemy Luck is or something (thus know the EFFECTIVE Crit Rates.)  Leaving out Sothe, Heather and Volke too, since their abilities aren't strict damage.  Also, Partial ITD means the attack increases strength, not damage, so the actual Attack stat is going up thus better chance of breaking defense, etc.

Also listing Side Effects of abilities in case you care or something.

Micaiah's Corona: 47 damage, ITD, Halves Accuracy, Light Elemental
Edward's Astra: 120 damage spread over 5 hits
Leonardo's Deadeye: 72 damage, Adds Sleep
Nolan's Colossus: 87 damage, 108 if target is smaller than him (Not certain that's how it works, so don't quote me)
Laura's Corona: 41 Damage, ITD, Halves Accuracy, Light Elemental
Illyana's Flare: 45 Parasitic Healing damage, ITD, Thunder Elemental
Aran's Impale: 124 Damage
Meg's Luna: 111 damage, ITD
*Volug's Savage: 63 Damage, partial ITD, Halves Skill
Tauroneo's Luna: 115 Damage, ITD
Jill's Stun: 87 damage, target cannot act (including counters) for one turn
Zihark's Adept: 46 damage spread over 2 hits, with separate accuracy checks
Zihark's Astra: 115 damage spread over 5 hits
Zihark's Adept + Astra for some really unfortunate target: 230 damage spread over 10 hits
Fiona's Sol: 78 Parasitic Healing damage
Tormod's Flare: 39 Parasitic Healing damage, ITD, Fire Elemental
*Muarim's Roar: 142 damage, partial ITD, target cannot act (including counters) for one turn
*Vika's Tear: 76 damage, partial ITD, halves speed
Nailah's Savage: 100 damage, partial ITD, Halves Skill
Black Knight's Eclipse: 208 Damage, ITD

Elincia's Stun: 48 damage, target cannot act (including counters) for one turn
NOTE: Elincia attacks twice per turn due to her weapon, so in practice, should stun kick in, her damage is at least 64; if it kicks in twice its 96
Marcia's Stun: 66 damage, target cannot act (including counters) for one turn
*Nealuchi's Tear: 73 damage, partial ITD, halves speed
Haar's Stun: 102 damage, target cannot act (including counters) for one turn
Brom's Luna: 105 damage, ITD
Nephenee's Impale: 96 damage
Lucia's Astra: 100 damage spread over 5 hits
*Lethe's Rend: 116 damage, partial ITD, target cannot act (including counters) for one turn
*Mordecai's Roar: 112 damage, partial ITD, target cannot act (including counters) for one turn
Geoffrey's Sol: 90 parasitic healing damage
Kieran's Sol: 90 parasitic Healing damage
Astrid's Sol: 75 parasitic healing damage
Makalov's Sol: 78 parasitic healing damage
Danved's Impale: 92 damage
Calill's Flare: 41 parasitic healing damage, ITD, Fire Elemental

Ike's Aether: 30 parasitic healing damage on first hit, 52 ITD damage on second hit, 82 damage total
Titania's Sol: 93 parasitic healing damage
Soren's Adept: 56 damage spread over 2 hits with separate accuracy checks, Fire Elemental
Soren's Flare: 46 parasitic healing damage, ITD, Fire Elemental
Soren's rare chance of Flare + Adept: 92 parasitic healing damage, ITD, Fire Elemental
Mist's Sol: 45 Parasitic Healing damage
Boyd's Colossus: 102 damage, 127 damage if target is smaller than him (Not certain that's how it works, so don't quote me)
Oscar's Sol: 78 Parasitic Healing damage
Rolf's Deadeye: 102 damage, adds Sleep
Gatrie's Luna: 121 damage, ITD
Shinon's Deadeye: 81 damage, adds sleep
Rhys's Corona: 41 damage, ITD, halves accuracy, Light Elemental
Mia's Astra: 125 damage spread over 5 hits
*Ranulf's Rend: 146 Damage, partial ITD, target cannot act (including counters) for one turn
*Kyza's Roar: 88 damage, partial ITD, target cannot act (including counters) for one turn
*Lyre's Rend: 111 damage, partial ITD, target cannot act (including counters) for one turn
*Janaff's Tear: 94 Damage, partial ITD, halves speed
*Ulki's Tear: 81 damage, partial ITD, halves speed
Sigrun's Stun: 66 damage, target cannot act (including counters) for one turn
Tanith's Stun: 78 damage, target cannot act (including counters) for one turn

Sanaki's Flare: 51 parasitic healing damage, ITD, Fire Elemental
*Skrimir's Roar: 125 damage, partial ITD, target cannot act (including counters) for one turn
Tibarn's Tear: 106 damage, partial ITD, halves speed
Naesala's Tear: 107 damage, partial ITD, halves speed
Stefan's Astra: 115 damage spread over 5 hits
Stefan's Astra with Vague Katti allowed: 140 damage spread over 5 hits
Oliver's Corona: 40 damage, ITD, halves accuracy, Light Elemental
Bastian's Flare: 45 parasitic healing damage, ITD, Fire Elemental
*Kurthnaga's Ire: 102 damage
*Ena's Ire: 102 damage
Caineghis's Roar: 132 damage, partial ITD, target cannot act (including counters) for next turn
Giffca's Roar: 126 damage, partial ITD, target cannot act (including counters) for next turn
Renning's Sol: 84 parasitic healing damage
*Gareth's Ire: 120 damage
*Nasir's Ire: 138 damage
Pelleas's Flare: 43 parasitic healing damage, ITD, Dark Elemental
Lehran's Corona: 52 damage, ITD, halves accuracy, Dark Elemental

NOTE: Some of these damages can be a little higher, since they aren't necessarily using their strongest weapons.  Character's who can raise damage slightly are Ike (Forged Silver Axe), Nolan (Forged Silver Axe), Edward (Forged Silver Sword), and Leonardo (Forged Silver Bow.)
There's also a few other debatable legal weapons, but too lazy to get them, which can raise damage further.  Notable ones not listed above are any Brave Weapon, Ike's Urvan, Soren's Rexcalibur, Volke's Peshkatz, and Tormod's Bolgannone; might add them in later though.

Also, somethings OK didn't cover in his post (or I missed it and thus fail!):
A lot of the above skills can *ONLY* be used at 1 Range.  The ones that aren't restricted like that and are listed above are Flare, Corona,  Adept and Deadeye.  Note that Sol can be used at Range, but only if the user is using a Bow (which also happens to be their strongest weapon, go figure <_<.)  Note that this extends further to the two Occults that don't do damage, being Bane and Lethiality, which also can only be used at close range.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2008, 07:07:34 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2008, 08:46:27 PM »
Enemy averages:
LV: 17.8
HP: 57.2
Str: 17.9
Mag: 18.9
Skill: 27.3
Sp: 24.8
Lck: 25.5
Def: 25.4
Res: 25.5
Atk: 44.2
Hit: 170.8
Crit: 10.1
AS: 24.7
Avo: 86.3
Ddg: 25.5

Average of initial enemies on all of the endgame maps.

Okay, PCs assuming those Hit/Avo/Ddg values.  Also includes activation rates of skills, crits, and average damage overall.

Accuracy, evade, crit, and activation rates are obvious.  Average damage factors in activation rate and crit rate.  "chance of something activating" is the chance that the PC hits and something that changes how much damage they do activates, this factors in doubles.

Micaiah: 114% accuracy, 9% evade, -11% crit, 30% Corona. 34.4 average damage. 30% chance of something activating.
0.74 PCHP, 0.59 PDur, 3.46 MDur

Edward: 113% accuracy, 34% evade, 18% crit, 33% crit on doubling, 19% Astra, 34% Astra on doubling.  49.24 average damage.  56% chance of something activating.
0.96 PCHP, 0.89 PDur, 0.71 MDur

Leonardo: 124% accuracy, 15% evade, 13% crit, 24% crit on doubling, 19% Deadeye, 35% Deadeye on doubling.  38.17 average damage.  50% chance of activating something.
0.95 PCHP, 0.92 PDur, 1.04 MDur

Nolan: 101% accuracy, 5% evade, -4% crit, 17% Colossus, 31% Colossus on doubling.  33.88 average damage.  31% chance of something activating.
1.08 PCHP, 1.12 (1.38) PDur, 0.95 MDur

Laura: 105% accuracy, 11% evade, -11% crit, 30% Corona.  28.4 average damage.  30% chance of something activating.
0.8 PCHP, 0.63 PDur, 1.14 MDur

Sothe: 102% accuracy, 20% evade, -4% crit, 18% Bane, 32% Bane while doubling.  18 average damage.
0.86 PCHP, 0.78 PDur, 0.81 MDur

Ilyana: 99.5% accuracy, 0.18% evade, 5% crit, 33% Flare.  34.58 average damage.  37% chance of something activating.
0.83 PCHP, 0.7 PDur, 1.23 MDur

Aran: 95% accuracy, 0.18% evade, 1% crit, 35% Impale.  60.76 average damage.  34% chance of something activating.
0.94 PCHP, 1.52 PDur, 0.77 MDur

Meg: 82% accuracy, 7% evade, -13% crit, 28% Luna.  40.49 average damage.  23% chance of something activating.
1 PCHP, 1.36 PDur, 1.53 MDur

Volug: 94% accuracy, 2% evade, -13% crit, 22% Howl.  18.8 average damage.
1.17 PCHP, 0.85 PDur, 0.73 MDur

Tauroneo: 78% accuracy, 2% evade, -11% crit, 31% Luna.  43.41 average damage.  24% chance of something activating.
0.93 PCHP, 1.19 PDur, 1.11 MDur

Jill: 99% accuracy, 17% evade, -11% crit, 30% Stun, 51% Stun on doubling.  45.94 average damage.  51% chance of something activating.
Jill (Brave Axe): 102% accuracy, 30% (51%) Stun, 76% Stun on doubling.  67.2 average damage.  76% chance of something activating.
0.86 PCHP, 1.05 PDur, 0.82 MDur

Zihark: 103% accuracy, 12% evade, 13% crit, 24% crit on doubling, 19% Astra, 35% Astra on doubling, 38% Adept, 62% Adept on doubling.  61.19 average damage.  86% chance of something activating.
0.89 PCHP, 0.77 PDur, 0.86 MDur

Fiona: 88% accuracy, 7% evade, -13% crit, 13% Sol.  28.83 average damage.  12% chance of something activating.
0.9 PCHP, 1.04 PDur, 1.07 MDur

Tormod: 94% accuracy, 3% evade, -7% crit, 29% Flare.  27.1 average damage.  27% chance of something activating.
0.9 PCHP, 0.86 PDur, 1.09 MDur

Muarim: 60% (99%) accuracy, -32% (-4%) evade, -17% (-2%) crit.  13.2 (45.54) average damage.
1.2 PCHP, 0.93 (2.9) PDur, 0.8 (1.29) MDur

Vika: 82% (114%) accuracy, -3% (34%) evade, -16% (-5%) crit, 24% Shriek.  6.56 (22) average damage.
0.89 PCHP, 0.52 (0.7) PDur, 0.73 (2.27) MDur

Naliah: 141% [156%] accuracy, 32% [60%] evade, -3% crit, 46% Savage, 71% Savage on doubling.  63.28 average damage.  72% chance of something activating.
1.22 PCHP, 1.81 PDur, 1.42 MDur

Rafiel: -19% (2%) evade.
0.77 PCHP, 0.4 (0.45) PDur, 0.74 (27.87) MDur

Black Knight: 99.98% accuracy, 2% evade, -1% crit, 40% Eclipse.  92.78 average damage.  40% chance of something activating.
1.3 PCHP, 2.41 (4.24) PDur, 1.43 MDur

Elincia: 97% [113%] accuracy, 7% [23%] evade, -14% crit, 26% (44%) Stun.  53.08 [54.72] average damage.  43% [44%] chance of something activating.
0.74 PCHP, 0.6 (0.67) PDur, 0.92 (1.11) MDur

Marcia: 88% accuracy, 11% evade, -12% crit, 29% Stun, 49% Stun on doubling.  30.59 average damage.  43% chance of something activating.
0.93 PCHP, 1.04 PDur, 1.16 MDur

Nealuchi: 65% (95%) accuracy, 0.02% (40%) evade, -20% (-14%) crit.  5.2 (19.95) average damage.
1.06 PCHP, 0.68 (1.11) PDur, 0.7 (1.11) MDur

Leanne: -2% (8%) evade.
0.74 PCHP, 0.38 PDur (0.43), 0.68 (6.15) MDur

Haar: 85% accuracy, 0.32% evade, -9% crit, 34% Stun.  48.55 average damage.  29% chance of something activating.
1.03 PCHP, 1.74 PDur, 0.74 MDur

Brom: 86% accuracy, 2% evade, -11% crit, 30% Luna.  47.02 average damage.  26% chance of something activating.
1.04 PCHP, 2.12 PDur, 0.9 MDur

Nephenee: 96% accuracy, 8% evade, 1% crit, 2% crit on doubling, 34% Impale, 57% Impale on doubling.  46.84 average damage.  55% chance of something activating.
0.9 PCHP, 1.03 PDur, 1.05 MDur

Heather: 106% accuracy, 29% evade, -5% crit, 16% Bane, 29% Bane on doubling.  12 average damage.
0.83 PCHP, 0.66 PDur, 0.91 MDur

Lucia: 99% [104%] accuracy, 15% [27%] evade, 13% crit, 24% crit on doubling, 19% Astra, 35% Astra on doubling.  39.02 [39.41] average damage.  50% [51%] chance of something activating.
0.9 PCHP, 0.71 PDur, 1.02 MDur

Lethe: 61% (97%) accuracy, -17% (6%) evade, -19% (-11%) crit.  4.88 (19.4) average damage.
1.07 PCHP, 0.66 (1.01) PDur, 0.7 (1.08) MDur

Mordecai: 58% (92%) accuracy, -23% (-1%) evade, -20% (-14%) crit.  9.86 (33.12) average damage.
1.29 PCHP, 1.13 (10.71) PDur, 0.72 (0.86) MDur

Geoffrey: 86% [98%] accuracy, 1% [9%] evade, -11% crit, 16% Sol.  34.06 [38.81] average damage.  14% [15%] chance of something activating.
Geoffrey (Brave Lance): 95% [99.98%] accuracy, 16% (29%) Sol.  55.18 [58.07] average damage.  27% [29%] chance of something activating.
0.91 PCHP, 0.88 PDur, 1.01 MDur

Kieran: 73% accuracy, 0.32% evade, -12% crit, 15% Sol.  28.47 average damage.  11% chance of something activating.
1.03 PCHP, 1.34 PDur, 0.89 MDur

Astrid: 95% accuracy, 8% evade, -11% crit, 15% Sol.  30.88 average damage.  14% chance of something activating.
0.91 PCHP, 0.77 PDur, 1.22 MDur

Makalov: 82% accuracy, 13% evade, -12% crit, 14% Sol, 26% Sol on doubling.  27.29 average damage.  21% chance of something activating.
0.98 PCHP, 1.28 PDur, 0.81 MDur

Danved: 96% accuracy, 13% evade, -1% crit, 31% Impale.  42.61 average damage.  29% chance of something activating.
1.03 PCHP, 1.08 PDur, 0.94 MDur

Calill: 99% accuracy, 10% evade, -11% crit, 30% Flare.  28.12 average damage.  30% chance of something activating.
0.82 PCHP, 0.65 PDur, 1.25 MDur

Ike: 97% [102%] accuracy, 2% [13%] evade, -3% crit, 19% Aether.  36.66 [37.79] average damage.  18% [19%] chance of something activating.
1.11 PCHP, 1.46 (2.06) PDur, 0.77 MDur

Titania: 82% accuracy, 3% evade, -11% crit, 16% Sol, 31% Counter.  33.55 average damage.  13% chance of something activating.
0.89 PCHP, 0.91 PDur, 0.84 MDur

Soren: 94% accuracy, 0.08% evade, -11% crit, 30% Flare, 28% Adept.  40.19 average damage.  49% chance of something activating.
Soren (Rexcalibur): 101% accuracy, 1% evade, -1% crit.  45.44 average damage.  50% chance of something activating.
0.77 PCHP, 0.6 PDur, 1.25 MDur

Mist: 99.98% accuracy, 14% evade, -11 crit, 15% Sol, 35% Miracle.  19.5 average damage.  15% chance of something activating.
0.8 PCHP, 0.63 PDur, 1.12 MDur

Boyd: 78% accuracy, 1% evade, -6% crit, 16% Colossus.  35.01 average damage.  12% chance of something activating.
1.19 PCHP, 1.34 PDur, 0.84 MDur

Oscar: 92% accuracy, 6% evade, -11% crit, 16% Sol.  31.57 average damage.  15% chance of something activating.
0.94 PCHP, 0.9 PDur, 0.83 MDur

Rolf: 94% accuracy, 5% evade, 6% crit, 17% Deadeye.  46.01 average damage.  21% chance of something activating.
1.05 PCHP, 1.04 PDur, 0.87 MDur

Gatrie: 73% accuracy, 2% evade, -12% crit, 29% Luna.  41.85 average damage.  21% chance of something activating.
0.99 PCHP, 2.23 PDur, 0.93 MDur

Shinon: 99.5% accuracy, 6% evade, 8% crit, 15% crit on doubling, 19% Deadeye, 30% Deadeye on doubling.  40.56 average damage.  57% chance of something activating.
1.02 PCHP, 1.26 PDur, 0.94 MDur

Rhys: 103% accuracy, 4% evade, -13% crit, 27% Corona.  27.86 average damage.  27% chance of something activating.
0.77 PCHP, 0.54 PDur, 2.83 MDur

Mia: 99% accuracy, 19% evade, 12% crit, 23% crit on doubling, 19% Astra, 34% Astra on doubling.  48.37 average damage.  60% chance of something activating.
0.93 PCHP, 0.92 PDur, 0.74 MDur

Ranulf: 76% (99.98%) accuracy, -14% (8%) evade, -17% (-9%) crit.  8.36 (25.99) average damage.
1.07 PCHP, 0.7 (1.19) PDur, 0.68 (0.97) MDur

Kyza: 58% (95%) accuracy, -21% (2%) evade, -19% (-11%) crit, 15% (30%) Quickclaw.  7.54 (26.6) average damage.
1.21 PCHP, 0.82 (1.53) PDur, 0.69 (0.84) MDur

Lyre: 76% (103%) accuracy, -8% (20%) evade, -17% (-7%) crit.  6.08 (19) average damage.
0.99 PCHP, 0.58 (0.78) PDur, 0.65 (1.03) MDur

Reyson: -3% (14%) evade.
0.92 PCHP, 0.53 (0.7) PDur, 0.81 (4.33) MDur

Janaff: 99% (133%) accuracy, -6% (18%) evade, -17% (-7%) crit.  11.88 (29) average damage.
1.07 PCHP, 0.67 (1.03) PDur, 0.63 (0.81) MDur

Ulki: 77% (100%) accuracy, 3% (52%) evade, -17% (-9%) crit.  8.47 (25) average damage.
1.12 PCHP, 0.69 (1.03) PDur, 0.71 (1.02) MDur

Sigrun: 98% accuracy, 10% evade, -11% crit, 31% Stun.  34.93 average damage.  30% chance of something activating.
0.78 PCHP, 0.74 PDur, 1.24 MDur

Tanith: 99.5% accuracy, 5% evade, -10% crit, 33% Stun.  42.94 average damage.  33% chance of something activating.
0.81 PCHP, 0.9 PDur, 1.04 MDur

Sanaki: 100% [120%] accuracy, 6% [29%] evade, -3% crit, 27% Flare.  37.86 average damage.  27% chance of something activating.
0.64 PCHP, 0.4 (0.57) PDur, 1.13 MDur

Skrimir: 77% [88%] (99.92% [108%]) accuracy, -18% [-8%] (3% [10%]) evade, -14% (-12%) crit.  15.4 [17.6] (40.97 [41]) average damage.
1.31 PCHP, 1 (2.94) PDur, 0.8 (1.08) MDur

Tibarn: 139% [159%] accuracy, 29% [65%] evade, -2% crit 40% Tear, 64% Tear on doubling, 48% Pavise.  62.8 average damage.  64% chance of something activating.
1.26 PCHP, 1.86 PDur, 1.11 MDur

Naesala: 120% [135%] accuracy, 34% [61%] evade, -5% crit, 45% Tear, 69% Tear on doubling.  66.03 average damage.  69% chance of something activating.
1.13 PCHP, 1.24 PDur, 1.69 MDur

Stefan: 98% accuracy, 11% evade, 13% crit, 24% crit on doubling, 19% Astra, 35% Astra on doubling.  44.42 average damage.  49% chance of something activating.
1 PCHP, 0.87 PDur, 0.78 MDur

Oliver: 98% accuracy, 0% evade, -15% crit, 23% Corona.  25.62 average damage.  22% chance of something activating.
0.91 PCHP, 0.71 PDur, 1.62 MDur

Bastian: 91% accuracy, -2% evade, -13% crit, 27% Flare, 14% Corrosion.  28.99 average damage.  25% chance of something activating.
0.83 PCHP, 0.68 PDur, 1.43 MDur

Volke: 98% accuracy, 6% evade, 22% crit, 39% crit on doubling, 18% Lethality, 33% Lethality on doubling.  28.22 average damage.  38% chance of crit activating.
0.96 PCHP, 1.01 PDur, 0.92 MDur

Kurthnaga: 96% [99.68%] accuracy, 2% [8%] evade, -16% crit.  32.64 [33.89] average damage.
1.19 PCHP, 2.22 PDur, 3.91 MDur

Ena: 58% (95%) accuracy, -25% (0.02%) evade, -19% (-11%) crit, 20% Miracle.  4.64 (18.05) average damage.
1.17 PCHP, 0.78 (1.38) PDur, 1.02 (5.48) MDur

Caineghis: 136% [171%] accuracy, 15% [54%] evade, -3% crit, 44% Roar, 69% Roar on doubling.  82.72 average damage.  69% chance of something activating.
1.41 PCHP, 11.69 PDur, 1.24 MDur

Gifica: 96% (130%) accuracy, -17% (7%) evade, -15% (-4%) crit, 21% (42%) Roar, (66%) Roar on doubling.  28.63 (59.64) average damage.  20% (66%) chance of something activating.
1.35 PCHP, 1.1 (4.42) PDur, 0.87 (1.29) MDur

Renning: 84% accuracy, 2% evade, -10% crit, 16% Sol.  31.05 average damage.  13% chance of something activating.
1.04 PCHP, 1.14 PDur, 1.04 MDur

Gareth: 37% (74%) accuracy, -37% (-23%) evade, -21% (-16%) crit.  6.66 (29.6) average damage.
1.52 PCHP, 1.28 (7.13) PDur, 0.92 (1.23) MDur

Nasir: 81% (96%) accuracy, -36% (-20%) evade, -20% (-13%) crit.  17.82 (44.16) average damage.
1.37 PCHP, 0.86 (1.31) PDur, 1.25 (11.38) MDur

Pelleas: 73% accuracy, 5% evade, -7% crit, 29% Flare, 21% Miracle.  22.06 average damage.  21% chance of something activating.
0.8 PCHP, 0.73 PDur, 1.08 MDur

Lehran: 99.98% accuracy, 48% (41%) evade, -6% crit, 40% Flare, 64% Flare on doubles.  41.19 average damage.  64% chance of something activating.
0.93 PCHP, 0.85 PDur, 4.35 MDur

Damage averages:
25.3 (only using >50% chance of activating)
31.9 (average damage for everyone)

These both include weapons like Brave Axe/Rexcalibur.  Your mileage may vary.  Laguz without a formshift are taken to have 0 damage, and one heron is factored in (at 0 damage).

Also, Pyro wanted this.  Speed average taking laguz without Formshift untransformed.  Volug is assumed Halfshifted since that's legal for him: 27.47.  Allowing laguz with gems/stones to transform turn 1 changes it not at all.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2008, 08:04:27 PM by Talaysen »

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Re: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2008, 07:09:43 AM »
So I'm crazy.

Basically I am setting out to determine how much Exp everyone will get, if the player divides both combat exp and Bonus Exp evenly among all the units he or she plays. Mostly because I am curious, but it's also a way to get down who should have a level advantage, etc.

To pull this off I have devised a horrible, evil spreadsheet program. Here's an example of a line I have used, it's the combat Exp Micaiah earns in 1-P:


Horrible, eh? I can try to explain the inner guts of this formula if desired. <_< And it doesn't even tell close to the whole story, since laguz behave differently, healers behave differently, and then there's Bonus Exp.

Max deployment is used, i.e. in a map in which we can deploy 10 units, 10 units will be deployed, and they'll divide the kills between them.
Healers and herons are assumed in order to increase overall Exp intake.
Herons will not take any BExp.
Every enemy is killed in two rounds of attack.
Micaiah uses Sacrifice on 20% of turns if this does not reduce her ability to kill.
Pure healers use staves on 80% of turns.
Turn count is restricted by Max BExp requirement.
Reinforcements that appear near the beginning of the map towards the end of the turn count are ignored. Obviously, reinforcements appearing after the turn count expires are ignored.
In 1-5 and 1-6-2, only 2/3 of enemies are killed. Other assumptions for later maps will be detailed as I get to them.
When laguz are fought, 2/3 of them are transformed.
I've averaged enemy levels within each map, which could create some error since I round to the nearest integer.
I'm assuming the player is awesome at getting Bonus Exp in general.

Regardless, this is a work in progress; I'm going to wait until my replay is done before posting anything final. What I do have, as an example, is a tentative look at everyone's Exp leaving part 1 (or more accurately, starting 3-6).

Micaiah 21.28
Edward 19.01
Leonardo 19.01
Nolan 20.49
Laura 13.04
Sothe 25.63
Ilyana 20.97
Aran 18.97
Meg 16.79
Volug 17.12
Jill 20.19
Zihark 26.1
Tauroneo 35.14
Fiona 15.93
Tormod 26.69
Muarim 19.99
Vika 14.5
Nailah 33.62

It's a pretty decent approximation, though there's at least a couple flaws in it, one which overestimates the Exp prepromos get and another which underestimates it (they may cancel!). It's also representative of a particular playstyle; for instance, many players may try to get everyone promoted a little quicker and thus starve the prepromos for Exp and give it to the unpromoteds in order to pull this off. For a "fair" file, though, we can't assume this. It's also missing things like Sothe's stealing and Nailah's Glaring, which aren't huge effects, but they're there.

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Re: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2008, 03:14:55 PM »
Meeple forgot to add stats for the most important plot equip in the game!

Mist, wielder of Alondite, destroyer of worlds, and mama to yout babies (Valkyrie):
43.2 HP, 20 Str, 27.6 Mag, 30.4 Skl, 30.5 Spd, 35 Luck, 19 (24) Def, 29.2 Res
97 Avoid, 185 Hit, 38 Attack, 20 Crit, 16 Damage
Skills: Miracle, Canto, Sol
Weapons: Swords, Staves

Randomly, if you don't allow forging, the damage average drops by about 2 points (to 23.88).  I'm assuming Silver Swords/Lances/Axes/Bows/Arcspells/Shine.  I'll calculate it exactly, but since some characters have other weapons to default (like Mist defaulting Florete, or Ike using Rangell already) or are Laguz (weapons already assumed), it doesn't change as much.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2008, 04:58:14 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2008, 03:26:38 PM »
I think I disagree with assuming Swords/Lances/Axes in the average without forging.

Silver Blade and Silver Poleaxe I'm confident are overall better than the Sword and Axe equivalents; 4 Might > Accuracy and all that.  Silver Greatlance, admittedly, is -30 Hit and could be argued (Blade is -20, but its equal to Poleaxes, so eh)
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2008, 04:01:29 PM »
Experience formula:

Combat Exp

Ineffective Atk Exp = 1 [if a player unit participates in combat in which he or she does no damage]

Atk Exp = 10 + HM penalty + DeltaLevel/2 + Laguzfoe modifier (round up, min. 1)

HM penalty: -5 if playing on HM
Laguzfoe modifier: +10 if foe is a laguz
DeltaLevel: Foe's level minus player unit's level. Note that "level" has the following modifiers:
If unit is a tier 2 beorc, +20 to their level
If unit is a tier 3 beorc, +40 to their level
If unit is a transformed laguz, its level is doubled.

Kill Exp = Atk Exp + DeltaLevel + 15 + DeltaPower*5 + Boss modifier

Boss modifier: +40 if foe is a boss on NM, +30 if foe is a boss on HM
DeltaPower: Foe's power minus player unit's power. "Power" is defined as follows:
-Tier 1 beorc, as well as enemy-controlled laguz, have a power of 1
-Tier 2 and 3 beorc, as well as player-controlled untransformed laguz, have a power of 2.
-Player-controlled transformed laguz have a power of 3.

If Kill Exp would be less than Atk Exp, set it equal to Atk Exp instead.

Bonus Exp:

Gaining real Exp using Bonus Exp has the following cost on BExp:

(Real Exp gained)*(Level+1)/2 (round up)

Beorc levels are modified as above for combat Exp (+20, +40 depending on tier). Laguz count as their listed level x1.5, rounded down.

Staff Exp

See Serenes Forest

All modifications to combat and staff exp due to Paragon and Blossom are done at the end, and are straight multipliers. For obvious reasons these skills no longer affect Bonus Exp.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2008, 04:04:00 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2009, 09:21:43 PM »
PC stats without using Halfshift.  Same format as earlier.

Micaiah: 114% accuracy, 9% evade, -11% crit, 30% Corona. 34.4 average damage. 30% chance of something activating.
0.74 PCHP, 0.64 PDur, 5.07 MDur

Edward: 113% accuracy, 34% evade, 18% crit, 33% crit on doubling, 19% Astra, 34% Astra on doubling.  49.24 average damage.  56% chance of something activating.
0.96 PCHP, 0.99 PDur, 0.74 MDur

Leonardo: 124% accuracy, 15% evade, 13% crit, 24% crit on doubling, 19% Deadeye, 35% Deadeye on doubling.  38.17 average damage.  50% chance of activating something.
0.95 PCHP, 1.03 PDur, 1.13 MDur

Nolan: 101% accuracy, 5% evade, -4% crit, 17% Colossus, 31% Colossus on doubling.  33.88 average damage.  31% chance of something activating.
1.08 PCHP, 1.6 PDur, 1.01 MDur

Laura: 105% accuracy, 11% evade, -11% crit, 30% Corona, 51% Corona on doubling.  28.4 average damage.  51% chance of something activating.
0.8 PCHP, 0.64 PDur, 1.26 MDur

Sothe: 102% accuracy, 20% evade, -4% crit, 18% Bane, 32% Bane while doubling.  18 average damage.
0.86 PCHP, 0.86 PDur, 0.86 MDur

Ilyana: 99.5% accuracy, 0.18% evade, 5% crit, 33% Flare.  34.58 average damage.  37% chance of something activating.
0.83 PCHP, 0.77 PDur, 1.37 MDur

Aran: 95% accuracy, 0.18% evade, 1% crit, 35% Impale.  60.76 average damage.  34% chance of something activating.
0.94 PCHP, 1.84 PDur, 0.81 MDur

Meg: 82% accuracy, 7% evade, -13% crit, 28% Luna.  40.49 average damage.  23% chance of something activating.
1 PCHP, 1.6 PDur, 1.71 MDur

Volug: 94% accuracy, 2% evade, -13% crit, 22% Howl.  18.8 average damage.
1.17 PCHP, 0.92 PDur, 0.76 MDur

Tauroneo: 78% accuracy, 2% evade, -11% crit, 31% Luna.  43.41 average damage.  24% chance of something activating.
0.93 PCHP, 1.39 PDur, 1.21 MDur

Jill: 99% accuracy, 17% evade, -11% crit, 30% Stun, 51% Stun on doubling.  45.94 average damage.  51% chance of something activating.
Jill (Brave Axe): 102% accuracy, 30% (51%) Stun, 76% Stun on doubling.  67.2 average damage.  76% chance of something activating.
0.86 PCHP, 1.21 PDur, 0.88 MDur

Zihark: 103% accuracy, 12% evade, 13% crit, 24% crit on doubling, 19% Astra, 35% Astra on doubling, 38% Adept, 62% Adept on doubling.  61.19 average damage.  86% chance of something activating.
0.89 PCHP, 0.98 PDur, 0.92 MDur

Fiona: 88% accuracy, 7% evade, -13% crit, 13% Sol, 24% Sol on doubling.  28.83 average damage.  22% chance of something activating.
0.9 PCHP, 1.19 PDur, 1.17 MDur

Tormod: 94% accuracy, 3% evade, -7% crit, 29% Flare, 49.6% Flare on doubling.  27.1 average damage.  47% chance of something activating.
0.9 PCHP, 0.76 PDur, 0.96 MDur

Muarim: 60% (99%) accuracy, -32% (-4%) evade, -17% (-2%) crit.  13.2 (45.54) average damage.
1.2 PCHP, 1.02 (3.79) PDur, 0.84 (1.38) MDur

Vika: 82% (114%) accuracy, -3% (34%) evade, -16% (-5%) crit, 24% Shriek.  6.56 (22) average damage.
0.89 PCHP, 0.55 (0.76) PDur, 0.77 (2.64) MDur

Naliah: 141% [156%] accuracy, 32% [60%] evade, -3% crit, 46% Savage, 71% Savage on doubling.  63.28 average damage.  72% chance of something activating.
1.22 PCHP, 2.15 PDur, 1.54 MDur

Rafiel: -19% (2%) evade.
0.77 PCHP, 0.42 (0.48) PDur, 0.79 (nulls [34.36]) MDur

Black Knight: 99.98% accuracy, 2% evade, -1% crit, 40% Eclipse.  92.78 average damage.  40% chance of something activating.
1.3 PCHP, 6.21 PDur, 1.51 MDur

Elincia: 97% [113%] accuracy, 7% [23%] evade, -14% crit, 26% (44%) Stun.  53.08 [54.72] average damage.  43% [44%] chance of something activating.
0.74 PCHP, 0.75 PDur, 1.23 MDur

Marcia: 88% accuracy, 11% evade, -12% crit, 29% Stun, 49% Stun on doubling.  30.59 average damage.  43% chance of something activating.
0.93 PCHP, 1.19 PDur, 1.27 MDur

Nealuchi: 65% (95%) accuracy, 0.02% (40%) evade, -20% (-14%) crit.  5.2 (19.95) average damage.
1.06 PCHP, 0.73 (1.24) PDur, 0.74 (1.19) MDur

Leanne: -2% (8%) evade.
0.74 PCHP, 0.4 PDur (0.45), 0.72 (11.13) MDur

Haar: 85% accuracy, 0.32% evade, -9% crit, 34% Stun.  48.55 average damage.  29% chance of something activating.
1.03 PCHP, 2.13 PDur, 0.78 MDur

Brom: 86% accuracy, 2% evade, -11% crit, 30% Luna.  47.02 average damage.  26% chance of something activating.
1.04 PCHP, 2.72 PDur, 0.96 MDur

Nephenee: 96% accuracy, 8% evade, 1% crit, 2% crit on doubling, 34% Impale, 57% Impale on doubling.  46.84 average damage.  55% chance of something activating.
0.9 PCHP, 1.16 PDur, 1.14 MDur

Heather: 106% accuracy, 29% evade, -5% crit, 16% Bane, 29% Bane on doubling.  12 average damage.
0.83 PCHP, 0.73 PDur, 0.97 MDur

Lucia: 99% [104%] accuracy, 15% [27%] evade, 13% crit, 24% crit on doubling, 19% Astra, 35% Astra on doubling.  39.02 [39.41] average damage.  50% [51%] chance of something activating.
0.9 PCHP, 0.78 PDur, 1.1 MDur

Lethe: 61% (97%) accuracy, -17% (6%) evade, -19% (-11%) crit.  4.88 (19.4) average damage.
1.07 PCHP, 0.72 (1.13) PDur, 0.75 (1.17) MDur

Mordecai: 58% (92%) accuracy, -23% (-1%) evade, -20% (-14%) crit.  9.86 (33.12) average damage.
1.29 PCHP, 1.25 (48.81) PDur, 0.75 (0.9) MDur

Geoffrey: 86% [98%] accuracy, 1% [9%] evade, -11% crit, 16% Sol.  34.06 [38.81] average damage.  14% [15%] chance of something activating.
Geoffrey (Brave Lance): 95% [99.98%] accuracy, 16% (29%) Sol.  55.18 [58.07] average damage.  27% [29%] chance of something activating.
0.91 PCHP, 0.99 PDur, 1.09 MDur

Kieran: 73% accuracy, 0.32% evade, -12% crit, 15% Sol.  28.47 average damage.  11% chance of something activating.
1.03 PCHP, 1.56 PDur, 0.94 MDur

Astrid: 95% accuracy, 8% evade, -11% crit, 15% Sol.  30.88 average damage.  14% chance of something activating.
0.91 PCHP, 0.85 PDur, 1.34 MDur

Makalov: 82% accuracy, 13% evade, -12% crit, 14% Sol, 26% Sol on doubling.  27.29 average damage.  21% chance of something activating.
0.98 PCHP, 1.49 PDur, 0.86 MDur

Danved: 96% accuracy, 13% evade, -1% crit, 31% Impale, 52% Impale on doubling.  42.61 average damage.  51% chance of something activating.
1.03 PCHP, 1.22 PDur, 1.01 MDur

Calill: 99% accuracy, 10% evade, -11% crit, 30% Flare, 51% Flare on doubling.  28.12 average damage.  51% chance of something activating.
0.82 PCHP, 0.71 PDur, 1.39 MDur

Ike: 97% [102%] accuracy, 2% [13%] evade, -3% crit, 19% Aether.  36.66 [37.79] average damage.  18% [19%] chance of something activating.
1.11 PCHP, 2.64 PDur, 0.81 MDur

Titania: 82% accuracy, 3% evade, -11% crit, 16% Sol, 31% Counter.  33.55 average damage.  13% chance of something activating.
0.89 PCHP, 1.02 PDur, 0.9 MDur

Soren: 94% accuracy, 0.08% evade, -11% crit, 30% Flare, 28% Adept.  40.19 average damage.  49% chance of something activating.
Soren (Rexcalibur): 101% accuracy, 1% evade, -1% crit.  45.44 average damage.  50% chance of something activating.
0.77 PCHP, 0.66 PDur, 1.41 MDur

Mist: 99.98% accuracy, 14% evade, -11 crit, 15% Sol, 35% Miracle.  19.5 average damage.  15% chance of something activating.
0.8 PCHP, 0.68 PDur, 1.24 MDur

Boyd: 78% accuracy, 1% evade, -6% crit, 16% Colossus.  35.01 average damage.  12% chance of something activating.
1.19 PCHP, 1.74 PDur, 0.88 MDur

Oscar: 92% accuracy, 6% evade, -11% crit, 16% Sol, 29% Sol on doubling.  31.57 average damage.  27% chance of something activating.
0.94 PCHP, 1 PDur, 0.89 MDur

Rolf: 94% accuracy, 5% evade, 6% crit, 12% crit on doubling, 17% Deadeye, 31% Deadeye on doubling.  46.01 average damage.  37% chance of something activating.
1.05 PCHP, 1.16 PDur, 0.92 MDur

Gatrie: 73% accuracy, 2% evade, -12% crit, 29% Luna.  41.85 average damage.  21% chance of something activating.
0.99 PCHP, 2.95 PDur, 1 MDur

Shinon: 99.5% accuracy, 6% evade, 8% crit, 15% crit on doubling, 19% Deadeye, 30% Deadeye on doubling.  40.56 average damage.  57% chance of something activating.
1.02 PCHP, 1.46 PDur, 1 MDur

Rhys: 103% accuracy, 4% evade, -13% crit, 27% Corona.  27.86 average damage.  27% chance of something activating.
0.77 PCHP, 0.59 PDur, 3.77 MDur

Mia: 99% accuracy, 19% evade, 12% crit, 23% crit on doubling, 19% Astra, 34% Astra on doubling.  48.37 average damage.  60% chance of something activating.
0.93 PCHP, 1.03 PDur, 0.78 MDur

Ranulf: 76% (99.98%) accuracy, -14% (8%) evade, -17% (-9%) crit.  8.36 (25.99) average damage.
1.07 PCHP, 0.75 (1.34) PDur, 0.71 (1.03) MDur

Kyza: 58% (95%) accuracy, -21% (2%) evade, -19% (-11%) crit, 15% (30%) Quickclaw.  7.54 (26.6) average damage.
1.21 PCHP, 0.89 (1.75) PDur, 0.72 (0.89) MDur

Lyre: 76% (103%) accuracy, -8% (20%) evade, -17% (-7%) crit.  6.08 (19) average damage.
0.99 PCHP, 0.62 (0.85) PDur, 0.69 (1.1) MDur

Reyson: -3% (14%) evade.
0.92 PCHP, 0.56 (0.75) PDur, 0.86 (5.81) MDur

Janaff: 99% (133%) accuracy, -6% (18%) evade, -17% (-7%) crit.  11.88 (29) average damage.
1.07 PCHP, 0.72 (1.15) PDur, 0.66 (0.85) MDur

Ulki: 77% (100%) accuracy, 3% (52%) evade, -17% (-9%) crit.  8.47 (25) average damage.
1.12 PCHP, 0.74 (1.14) PDur, 0.74 (1.08) MDur

Sigrun: 98% accuracy, 10% evade, -11% crit, 31% Stun.  34.93 average damage.  30% chance of something activating.
0.78 PCHP, 0.83 PDur, 1.38 MDur

Tanith: 99.5% accuracy, 5% evade, -10% crit, 33% Stun.  42.94 average damage.  33% chance of something activating.
0.81 PCHP, 1.02 PDur, 1.14 MDur

Sanaki: 100% [120%] accuracy, 6% [29%] evade, -3% crit, 27% Flare.  37.86 average damage.  27% chance of something activating.
0.64 PCHP, 0.64 PDur, 1.29 MDur

Skrimir: 77% [88%] (99.92% [108%]) accuracy, -18% [-8%] (3% [10%]) evade, -14% (-12%) crit.  15.4 [17.6] (40.97 [41]) average damage.
1.31 PCHP, 1.1 (3.77) PDur, 0.84 (1.14) MDur

Tibarn: 139% [159%] accuracy, 29% [65%] evade, -2% crit 40% Tear, 64% Tear on doubling, 48% Pavise.  62.8 average damage.  64% chance of something activating.
1.26 PCHP, 2.22 PDur, 1.18 MDur

Naesala: 120% [135%] accuracy, 34% [61%] evade, -5% crit, 45% Tear, 69% Tear on doubling.  66.03 average damage.  69% chance of something activating.
1.13 PCHP, 1.41 PDur, 1.88 MDur

Stefan: 98% accuracy, 11% evade, 13% crit, 24% crit on doubling, 19% Astra, 35% Astra on doubling.  44.42 average damage.  49% chance of something activating.
1 PCHP, 0.96 PDur, 0.83 MDur

Oliver: 98% accuracy, 0% evade, -15% crit, 23% Corona.  25.62 average damage.  22% chance of something activating.
0.91 PCHP, 0.77 PDur, 1.84 MDur

Bastian: 91% accuracy, -2% evade, -13% crit, 27% Flare, 14% Corrosion.  28.99 average damage.  25% chance of something activating.
0.83 PCHP, 0.74 PDur, 1.62 MDur

Volke: 98% accuracy, 6% evade, 22% crit, 39% crit on doubling, 18% Lethality, 33% Lethality on doubling.  28.22 average damage.  38% chance of crit activating.
0.96 PCHP, 1.14 PDur, 0.98 MDur

Kurthnaga: 96% [99.68%] accuracy, 2% [8%] evade, -16% crit.  32.64 [33.89] average damage.
1.19 PCHP, 2.79 PDur, 5.02 MDur

Ena: 58% (95%) accuracy, -25% (0.02%) evade, -19% (-11%) crit, 20% Miracle.  4.64 (18.05) average damage.
1.17 PCHP, 0.84 (1.57) PDur, 1.09 (7.36) MDur

Caineghis: 136% [171%] accuracy, 15% [54%] evade, -3% crit, 44% Roar, 69% Roar on doubling.  82.72 average damage.  69% chance of something activating.
1.41 PCHP, 118.72 PDur, 1.31 MDur

Gifica: 96% (130%) accuracy, -17% (7%) evade, -15% (-4%) crit, 21% (42%) Roar, (66%) Roar on doubling.  28.63 (59.64) average damage.  20% (66%) chance of something activating.
1.35 PCHP, 1.2 (6.43) PDur, 0.91 (1.37) MDur

Renning: 84% accuracy, 2% evade, -10% crit, 16% Sol.  31.05 average damage.  13% chance of something activating.
1.04 PCHP, 1.3 PDur, 1.11 MDur

Gareth: 37% (74%) accuracy, -37% (-23%) evade, -21% (-16%) crit.  6.66 (29.6) average damage.
1.52 PCHP, 1.41 (12.83) PDur, 0.96 (1.3) MDur

Nasir: 81% (96%) accuracy, -36% (-20%) evade, -20% (-13%) crit.  17.82 (44.16) average damage.
1.37 PCHP, 0.92 (1.45) PDur, 1.34 (20.6) MDur

Pelleas: 73% accuracy, 5% evade, -7% crit, 29% Flare, 49.59% Flare on doubling, 21% Miracle.  22.06 average damage.  40% chance of something activating.
0.8 PCHP, 0.8 PDur, 1.15 MDur

Lehran: 99.98% accuracy, 48% (41%) evade, -6% crit, 40% Flare, 64% Flare on doubles.  41.19 average damage.  64% chance of something activating.
0.93 PCHP, 0.93 PDur, 5.65 MDur

Damage averages:
25.81 (only using >50% chance of activating)
31.93 (average damage for everyone)

HP: 53.7
STR: 24.58
MAG: 14.76
SKL: 27.89
SPD: 27.13
LUC: 26.8
DEF: 22.77
RES: 21.66


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Re: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
« Reply #14 on: August 18, 2009, 05:47:55 PM »
Sheesh, FE not popular enough?

What kinda annoys is me that I've only seen Ike in DL.
Why aren't the other's added in?


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Re: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
« Reply #15 on: September 18, 2009, 03:35:44 AM »
First off, we only ranked Path of Radiance; Radiant Dawn isn't played enough, and there was question as to whether PoR was well played enough among the DL when it was ranked, but its since proven itself.

Next off, we did a partial ranking.  FE7 we went overboard and ranked nearly everything but the Split Path PCs, Hector Mode only PCs, and Nilsinian (cause they can't attack, though they're still counted in averages cause they're still genuine characters.)  This got the game overexposure for the first few seasons, and people started realizing just how boring things were getting, since one season, someone like Kent could go far in a division...then next season, Sain, a VERY SIMILAR character would do the same, and it'd be monotonous.

FE8, we ranked much smaller, but had some bizarre choices there (ranking Garcia but not Ross is the big one.)  THis was generally considered a better route, since we ranked characters without being too redundant.

FE9, when we finally ranked that, we discussed who to rank a lot.  General agreement was the Greil Mercs (barring Shinon, since obscure re-recruitment + no one actually uses him and maybe Rolf, cause of apathy) + a few popular characters (Nephenee, Marcia, Mia, and Jill), as well as a few plot relevant ones like Tibarn or Volke.  Elincia got denied (though she almost made it) due to FE10 split path issues; she quite literally jumps two divisions between the games, where as everyone else its half a division at best, one way or another.  This got us a nice range of classes (only redundancy was Titania and Oscar), getting most classes represented in some manner, and kept the cast size down.
Naesala got ranked on a follow up as a FW cause he's popular enough to demand it, generally agreed to be interesting (FE PC who can potentially champ Heavy if given a good run), and has enough plot to justify...

FE10 may be ranked in the near future, but only time will tell, and a lot of the best ranking ideas from the game are already ranked.  Those who aren't ranked but good ideas are basically Micaiah, Sothe, Sanaki, Caineghis (not a lot of plot, but damn if he doesn't stand out), Nailah, Volug, Elincia, and a few others here and there, as well as some major bosses (of the ones Elfboy listed; ones I'd rank without a second thought are Lekain (primary antagonist throughout most of the game), Jarod (main antagonist of Part 1), Ludveck (main antagonist of Part 2), Zelgius (WAAAAAY too much plot between the two games to evne consider not ranking; he'd have been ranked in FE9 if not for issues with his fight), Dheginsea (HOLY CRAP A GODLIKE FE BOSS!), Sephiran (pretty much responsible for the entire game), and Ashera (final boss with enough plot to justify it))
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2011, 05:49:46 AM »
Equal experience

Whew, this was a doozy of a calculation to do. Too lazy to go through all the assumptions, but suffice to say it's pretty similar to what I did for other FE games, particularly FE9 (since it also has Bonus Exp). Normal Mode. Here's the level everyone ends up at. Generally feels pretty reasonable to me assuming no favouritism. All beorc reach tier 3 (not by much for Tormod), and have promoted at level 20 in all cases except Sothe, who promoted at Rogue Level 16. It's worth noting that Vika, Kurthnaga, and Ena aren't high enough level to learn their Satori Sign-granted mastery skills.

Micaiah 12
Edward 5
Leonardo 5
Nolan 6
Laura 5
Sothe 16/11
Ilyana 13
Aran 5
Meg 4
Volug 31
Jill 6
Zihark 9
Tauroneo 11
Fiona 4
Tormod 3
Muarim 30
Vika 28
Nailah 36
Elincia 19
Marcia 12
Nealuchi 32
Haar 15
Brom 14
Nephenee 14
Heather 14
Lucia 9
Lethe 33
Mordecai 32
Geoffrey 10
Kieran 13
Astrid 11
Makalov 12
Danved 12
Calill 12
Ike 13
Titania 16
Soren 15
Mist 17
Rolf 13
Boyd 14
Oscar 15
Shinon 15
Gatrie 15
Rhys 18
Mia 14
Ranulf 34
Kyza 32
Lyre 32
Janaff 35
Ulki 34
Sigrun 14
Tanith 13
Sanaki 13
Skrimir 32
Tibarn 34
Naesala 33
Pelleas 9
Stefan 16
Oliver 17
Bastian 19
Volke 19
Kurthnaga 27
Ena 28
Caineghis 37
Giffca 37
Renning 20
Gareth 32
Nasir 35

Of note: The average level of beorc is now 20/12, instead of 20/10. This seems reasonable enough to me, 10 may well have been a slight underestimate (but worked as the nearest round number). The average level of laguz is now 32.5, though bear in mind it was 31 before (not 30) because of the six laguz who started above 30. You can probably use these calculations to estimate how the averages change whlie looking up the new stats of each character. I think we could definitely use an equal exp topic but I'd really love if someone else would be willing to work on one, using the levels provided.

Of note: Renning's the only beorc who hits 20, but Elincia and Bastian deserve note as the most improved beorc by this interp, because they have 9 extra levels, the most of everyone (2 is average), and particularly Elincia because her growths are so high. Janaff deserves note as he gains 5 levels, so he's the laguz who benefits most (though, it's worth noting that Tibarn, Nailah, and Naesala all gain 3...). Characters who hate this interp are obviously headed up by the non-staff-using Dawn Brigade as well as a few underlevelled latejoiners like the three laguz who don't even hit 30, Tormod, and Pelleas. No shock there.

EDIT: Sothe deserves his own note. Since he promoted at Level 16... by this level, he has capped strength, skill, and HP (well, within a fraction of a point), so he isn't changing compared to his stat topic entry there. However, his other stats (speed and the three defensive stats) he is shortchanged four levels on.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2011, 06:04:42 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
« Reply #17 on: March 31, 2012, 07:05:52 AM »
A few random comments.

* Level 10 is a pretty good approximation, but for whatever it's worth, I finished up with a higher level average - a number of lvl. 20 Beorc with only a few lvl. 11 / lvl. 14 ones, so I'd probably be tempted to call endgame level more like lvl. 15.  That said, lvl. 10 has the advantage of making stat caps matter less and growths matter more, which is something.  A notable possible strategy that can cause different levels is whether you aggressively use the 3 Paragon skills.  Assuming you soul-suck Astrid / Geoffrey if you're not using them, those 3 Paragons help a -lot- for catching up any character who's behind.  Also, I didn't build for endgame in the sense of "feeding" only 3-4 characters per map during chapter 4; I didn't know what was coming, and generally helped everyone out, although I did abandon a few people.  (So, in DHE's equal XP, the equivalent of only deploying 11 characters rather than 15, say.)  If you did feed in Chapter 4, then you can easily have even crazier endgame levels.

* If somehow there are ever two herons on the same team, say in a DL match, they achieve infinite turn hax and instantly hit level 40.  It's shocking the herons never did this ages ago and then brutally subjugated Tellius under their perfectly honed beaks.  Sadly the game will always come up with an excuse why this isn't possible and never let you deploy two herons.  According to Serenes, at lvl. 40 they get a full healing + status healing galdrar.

* There can only be one FE10 status on a character at a time.  So Lekain's Silence will replace Sleep, for example.  Nothing in-game will attempt to inflict multiple statuses in the same action.  You can see this as FE10 characters are only affected by one status at once, or that FE10 status dispels any preexisting status, or both.

* On that note, FE10 Silence will stop tomes, staves, and SUPPORT CONVERSATIONS (really!), but does not stop Heron singing?!  Weird.  (So, uh, stops Sands of Destruction Quips from triggering, I guess, but not the DL's many battle bards.  Although Lekain is so screwed anyway against that cast.)

* On bosses:

"Resolve: Below half HP, Levail's Skill and Speed increase by 50%. In particular, raises his accuracyy, evade, crit rate, Impale rate, and makes him go from "doubled by average" to "doubles average". If an attack lowers him into this threshold, his speed is immediately recalculated and he will not be doubled and/or he will double on his counterattack, as appropriate depending on his foe's speed."

I don't believe this is actually true.  Both Micaiah & Sanaki for me were able to double up a deadly 2HKO, unless I'm totally crazy.  They'd hit once, Resolve would trigger, then they'd hit again despite Resolve-Levail's speed being easily enough to stop it.  I believe the speed boost might help dodge, but it won't stop a double already in progress, or presumably start a double on attack -> counter -> (get a doubled attack if counter set up Resolve?).  Screwing around in E-4 with an immediate pass of turn 1 seemed to show this was true for PCs too; Resolve Untransformed Kurthnaga got doubled by Spirits.  (Maybe Resolve wasn't enough to stop the double anyway, but still.)

It should also be noted that Levail gets punk'd by Micaiah and Sanaki.  He won't counter them at all and will just submit to death if attacked by them.  Make of it what you will, but probably worth some kind of respect penalty, similar to Jarod having 2 characters with free wins over him.  Also, Levail's Elixer is not locked, so Sothe can steal it.

This isn't news for those who played the game, but Ike gets Nihil on his Tier3 Vanguard class change which renders Eclipse 100% worthless (but Zelgie's Nihil stops Aether, unlike FE9, which is something).  And BK kills everything in Chapter 1 anyway, so he never really gets to show off how much overkill Eclipse is.  Kinda meh at him getting hype for it since it only matters if you took Nihil off Ike, and even if you did, Zelgius's in-game AI didn't seem particularly enamored of closing and was fine with Alondite spamming at range, IIRC.  (Maybe it changes if Ike doesn't have Nihil?).  Vaguely similar situation to FF3DS Cloud of Darkness, where she undoubtedly has a Bad Breath uber status attack that is almost guaranteed to be worthless in-game since the game hands you 4 Ribbons prior to the fight.  Make of it what you will.

Similar to Levail, Dheginsea (nor any enemy in E-3) won't touch Kurthnaga nor Ena, just letting them attack with no counters.  Okay, technically they might take a little damage off his MT attack, but I doubt he'll use it if Kurth & Ena are the only ones nearby.  Theoretically, you can kick your heels up and let Kurth solo most of the map, then grind to level 40 off Dheggy's regen, then use Kurth to kill him.  That said...  I wouldn't hold this against him all that much.  Level 30 Kurth isn't one of your best options for damaging Dheggy (he'll be just scratching the scales even with a SUpport + Blood Tide for 1-5 damage), so you have to do hardcore boss grinding to have Kurth be a major threat.

Same issue as Levail, who like the BK was under orders to help out Sanaki / Micaiah, Micaiah can punk Sephiran uncounterably if she wants.  (Sanaki isn't an issue as she can't attack Sephiran either.)  Sephiran also has a super dumb line about being surprised at her still being alive, but no it's too late...  assuming he's talking about a certain also dumb plot twist, not the fact that the person he's been having the BK run around help is alive, it's not clear why that would make any difference.  But I disgress.

Sephiran's Rewarp staff is basically a liability in-game, as it's a small map and it doesn't really help to teleport around.  He also loses his Creiddylad counters whenever he teleports and gets 0 damage staff thwacks in exchange.  So possibly some kind of respect penalty there.  That said, it also ups his regen to full (I knocked him to 2 HP, and he regen'd 48).  Serenes claims Rewarp is +20 HP a round (for 60 total against 50 max HP), so it's full healing even if he somehow gets Luck debuffed.  Sephiran will always change to Creiddylad being equipped when doing his MT attack, which is generally a good idea, but I'm not sure there's any reason to think it's required; he can theoretically sit behind full regen if he's willing to give up the counters.  Even if you don't let him use the MT attack, that's still a stall strategy in some matchups where he sits behind Rewarp full regen and waits for doubles, resource depletion, or some other form of good luck before acting.

Sephiran's support also sucks a lot more than Dheginsea's, but is theoretically more relevant, as it's not too hard to clean out all the dragons before focusing on Dheggy himself.

Almost all boss's weapons have lock symbols for "can't be stolen / disarmed" (or, in the DL, broken I'd say as well), but it's worth noting that Sephiran's Rudol Gem also has the lock symbol.  (And random items on bosses usually do not have the lock.)

EDIT: Ignore this, Calill has Nihil, I never noticed that.  Okay Nihil > Aurora, but that's fairly rare in the DL.  Aurora doesn't seem to always kick in even on some non-finishing blows?  I think it didn't at least twice for me, against Calill's Rexflame if it makes any difference.  Maybe thrice.  That's out of a lot of attacks, though, so we're still talking a 90% activation rate, unless it was some kind of skill stopping it.  (Not Nihil though, Ike definitely gets hit.)  Maybe based off Resistance?  Who knows.

I'm not sure, but I strongly suspect the finishing blow against Ashera is ITE.  There'll be a brief cutscene of Ike powering up to full power or something because Japan, then Ike will attack and do the Aether animation despite Nihil and 68 Hit listed.  It'd be kind of anticlimactic for Ike to miss.  (Though still kinda awesome!  "Okay, let's forget that happened, try powering me up again.")  With DL boss scaling, that makes Ashera's evade less relevant - if she's getting 2HKOed after the Auras die, the evade only matters on the first hit.  EDIT: See below, apparently they roll the hit odds then pre-emptively play the cutscene.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2012, 09:52:44 PM by SnowFire »

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
« Reply #18 on: March 31, 2012, 05:58:30 PM »
The Ike vs. Ashera cutscene doesn't trigger if the game has calcaulted that Ike will miss. Trust me, that attack is in no way ITE. :(

I don't believe this is actually true.  Both Micaiah & Sanaki for me were able to double up a deadly 2HKO, unless I'm totally crazy.

I've seen that too, yeah. My guess is that Resolve doesn't recalculate speed until the PC has an opportunity to attack, so if you're avoiding counters you can still double. It definitely stops doubles otherwise, though.

Aurora always activates against non-finishing blows unless you have Nihil (EDIT: or Parity, or Mantle). My guess is you left Calill's Nihil on but this is quite well-documented and I've witnessed this behaviour many times consistently over the ~10 playthroughs of the game I've either watched or seen.

Not that this really matters for anything DL-related, but I've always seen Zelgius close to melee, in both this game and FE9. This is very important because he will do this even if Ike has a 1-range only weapon. I've never actually seen him attack from range 2 that I can recall.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2012, 09:27:51 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2012, 03:31:57 PM »

Looks like all the Mastery skills might have (Stat/2)% activation rates. That makes all the overkill damage ones more or less balanced with each other I guess, but Flare and Corona are even more pathetic than previous believed.

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Re: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2012, 04:54:18 PM »
Good catch. That does fit better with my experience of the game, honestly... it never felt like Elincia or the royals activated masteries as often as the ridiculously high rates they were purported to have would suggest.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.