Author Topic: Tsundere Mafia - Game Over  (Read 34966 times)

Li Syaoran

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Night 1
« Reply #50 on: September 15, 2010, 09:16:23 PM »
First off, I'm not willing to condemn the Chiaki wagon just for its existence because lazy hunting is pro-scum, and Chiaki was very guilty of that in basically not reading any case other than Tanaka.

##Unvote: Captain Langly

Her answer's satisfied me enough that I don't think she should be court-marshalled just yet.
I don't care if Miss Langley has since flipped Town, I want an explanation for this. What answer did she give you here to quantify clearing her?

I'm not intending to budge on this statement, because I hold that Miss Langley's case on me was utter madness. Making a joking response about not being the only player in the game with magical powers in the first post of the game was exactly that - a joke. The fact that she even interpreted it as being 'defensive' was just outright lazy play in lieu of scumhunting.

The reasoning Miss Houlihan gave for jumping onto said wagon at #20 says that she is asking me to find players for her. This is a pretty poor reason, suggesting she didn't bother even reading the post Asuka was reprimanding to understand the context, and thus her holding this vote all the way up to deadline is a little troubling...especially given how hastily she jumped off after Sudden Death came around.

Therefore, I hold that Miss Houlihan was looking for any excuse to vote Miss Langley, then either:
a) Hold her to lynch if nothing resembling an explanation was given
b) The instant she offered a response - intelligible or otherwise - move off of her, vote someone else, hit Asuka the next night, gain credit for clearing a later-flipped Townie.

tl;dr Miss Houlihan jumped on the Asuka wagon for a bad reason, and jumped off for an equally bad reason. Therefore, ##Vote: Margaret Houlihan for now.

Also, a formal request for Miss Leia to offer more than a random vote and a last-minute vote on Tanaka, and for Miss Pataki to offer...well, anything.

Finally, to clear up a point brought up here - Li is undoubtedly easier to type, and Syaoran is a name I prefer to have used by, um, people who are close to me. I'd rather you didn't ask. >_>

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #51 on: September 15, 2010, 10:54:16 PM »
Mostly, she showed she knew about the case on Sgt. Bonne, and had some thoughts on it.  As for jumping on her for a bad reason, show me someone who had a good case, you included.  The cases at the time were Tron's possibly trying to encourage people not to vote, Captain Langly's fixation on you, and your vote on the Captain, which, frankly, smells so badly of OMGUS that it's hard to take seriously.  I mean, the winning case was on a guy who decided he didn't want to put down a vote because he didn't think anyone looked bad, and chose a bad case when he did return.

As for your grand theory, it sounds like something Klinger would come up with.  Tell me, if I wanted the Captain dead, and was trying to fly below the radar, then why would I show up again after the deadline and choose someone else?  If I was really that good, I'd either show up before deadline when I could get the same impact without the risk someone would change their mind and keep me from putting on that little show, or I'd just stay quiet.  After all, I'd either get her dead with a vote, or with my night action, all without looking any worse than the other people who aren't talking.

Now that all that's done, maybe we can all get past your fixation on a dead woman and move on to something more useful.

##Vote: Princess Leia

You got by on the first day without saying a thing.  So, now's your chance, 'Princess'.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #52 on: September 16, 2010, 12:36:15 AM »

Right now, I'm just mad at myself. I should have known better than to leave catching up for nighttime and today. The more left to untangle, the harder it is to start from scratch. Stupid, stupid, stupid Helga! Ohhhhh the vanity of my youth! But thats it! No more Ms. Nice Pigtails!

Self-tsun aside. The person who stood out most from yesterday was Li. Stood out as much as a stupid football-head I won't mention. Calling Asuka for an overreaction to the jokevote was fine... but that seemed to be his whole contribution for the day, unless you count his overreaction to Tron's throw-away line, which seemed to be trying to produce exactly the kind of reaction Mai commented on from her. Then he oddly goes "Ha! I counter your argument!" to "Eh, whatever. You're posting, I'm posting, and that's okay." in the same post. Then he just... just... LEAVES for the rest of the day. Talk about trying to fly under the radar, right? Can't say anything incriminating during sudden death when you don't post!

His first post today at least offers much more than his Day 1 content, but his case is also suspect. It ignores a large amount of Houlihan's reasoning and posts at sudden death, zeroing in on only the incriminating parts. His two so-called theories are rather large, poorly supported assumptions at best and wild accusations at worst. Especially when they don't really gel with the rest of his argument, since he's basically trying to say that the things she didn't do are what his evidence supports she was intending to do.

##VOTE: Li Syaoran

Mai is also needs to be looked at! Cause just... look at her! The tiff with Tron Bonne seemed to be the only contribution she made yesterday and also just sort of lurked through the day. I can't trust girls who look better than me that kind of behavior.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #53 on: September 16, 2010, 01:13:51 AM »
Two people stand out right now:

-Li, for making a case on Houlihan that doesn't make any sense to me. I could kind of follow it up until the wild speculation, where reading too much into things that can't be supported with other evidence commences. Point A even applies just as well for townie Houlihan since...well, that's just basic scumhunting he's describing there. "Lynch someone who can't adequately justify their actions." Point B is forging into conspiracy theory territory and I don't see anything to back it up.

-And, seconding Houlihan on Leia here. A couple hours before deadline with a four-way tie and her only input is a vote that doesn't try to affect the situation in any significant way. A vote I disagree with, too. Tanaka looks fine to me; the case on Chiaki was justifiable for the time. I do have to pull this out and throw it at him:

I don't really like the case on Tron but I do like the fact that there is a case on Tron,

Because I can't tell what it actually means. It seems like a contradiction. Just something I don't understand in context, though, doesn't really jump out as suspicious. Elaborate, Tanaka?

Also, some of you people keep throwing around acronyms I don't know. RVS? SNR?

##Vote: Leia for now, anyway. For ignoring a close race near deadline and otherwise adding nothing to the day.

Li Syaoran

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #54 on: September 16, 2010, 02:04:18 AM »
OK, screw the RP, because I'm clearly doing really badly here. Screw tsundere, it's time to go from being pretty-pretty RP to srs bzns.

That's right. I'm being deretsun.

Houlihan: Point noted about Asuka, and I'm willing to admit that I was tunneling her pretty terribly yesterday. In my defense, there really wasn't else to cover at the time except for the case on Tron, and I felt she'd explained herself well enough at the time while Asuka's most coherent explanation for her reasoning on me came after Sudden Death (up until which I had been pulled away by RL, much to my frustration). ##Unvote.

Having missed the end of D1, I missed having a chance to really comment on the tiebreak. Asuka would still have been my main port of call, though I can't be sure how I'd have responded to 43. Chiaki would be a definite second after his 'uhhhhhhhh Vote Tanaka' nonsense. Tanaka's 'dwelling on empty unvoting' case didn't really ring with me, I didn't see a case against Tron at all after 17, and for some reason I'm convinced the fifth guy in that pileup was Town. Who was it again?

As a result, the only people I have left to comment on are the people who, well, haven't done anything. Helga has, in a single post, contributed more of an opinion than Leia and Mai combined (hell, until Helga pointed her out I'd forgotten that she was playing) so the annoying thing is that there's nothing I can honestly say other than 'they need to post more'.

One point I want to raise about Leia, since it's come up - if we're to consider the idea of her ignoring the 4-way-tie entirely to avoid tipping the scale, are we assuming that it was Town/Town/Town/Town?

Since there have been a couple of votes on Leia already, ##Vote: Carth Mai Tokiha.

Finally, @Tron: RVS is Random Voting Stage. No idea about SNR.


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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #55 on: September 16, 2010, 04:31:11 AM »
zuh rpmode disengage

soooooo uh Helen didn't post anything meaningful yesterday at all!
Even Leia at least voted.


##Vote: Helen

Yeah. Replacement nothing. There was like a single page when you subbed in. One page. It would've taken all of ten minutes to read it and say *something* and I don't buy you didn't have any time at all to do at least that. There is a certain amount of slack offered to replacements, I am aware. And then there are people who blatantly abuse that status to get away with things like this.

Extra points for calling me out for lurking today (this is a LIE, what)- also note that she accuses Li of just 'Leaving' at some point, which.. seems stupid? Li was around as much as anyone during day 1, so I don't see nonposting as an acceptable charge against him/her/whatever. Don't much like how she goes 'look at Mai!' and then.. doesn't do it herself, either.

Quote from: Helga
Talk about trying to fly under the radar, right?

Yeah, Helga brought this up a lot against people who it clearly does not apply against, the only person who would fit this criteria that she discusses is Leia. I am also willing to consider voting Leia for lurking as well! But Helga seems clearly worse at this point, she's slinging a lot of mud in attempt to paint the situation as something that it is not.


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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #56 on: September 16, 2010, 09:13:17 AM »
Anata no
televy ni
Jika-net Tanaka!!!!!!
Kawu no wa
Imasi-ka nait!

Good morning, faithful viewers!!  We have some amazing, unsurpassable deals for you today!

Starting with 1x Explanation to Tron Bonne! 
The case on Tron was clearly a totally standard day 1 wording/behavior/looked at someone funny case!  I did not like it for bringing an actual lynch!  But, in early and mid day one, there is nothing else to make cases on, so I liked the activity and attempts presented to formulate such a case.  It is good for discussion and looking at how people behave, which is the true heart of sales.

Wow!  Order another explanation now and I'll include 1x Huge Fish!

Today, I am very much in agreement that Leia and Helga look scummy!  Not that that really says much, I would be honestly surprised if anyone did not find them at least marginally scummy for their relative lack of contributions.  I do however agree that Mai was not lurking day 1, she said a decent amount, Helga's post is rather nonsensical. 

But there's more!

What is up with Li?  Rode Asuka hard yesterday, then when she was put away wet, goes to Margaret claiming to see a far fetched strategy, then when confronted about that, withdraws and goes along with Helga on Mai.  That is hopping on three bad trains, and if there's anything I, Tanaka, hate more than a bad business strategy, it's a sycophant of a bad business strategy!

##Vote: Li Syaoran

Place your orders now, faithful viewers, in the form of voting Li, Helga or Leia, and receive Tanaka's seal of approval!

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #57 on: September 16, 2010, 02:26:23 PM »
Day 2 Vote Count!

Margeret Houlihan (0): Li Syaoran
Princess Leia (2): Margaret Houlihan, Tron Bonne
Li Syaoran (2): Helga Pataki, Tanaka
Mai Tohika (1): Li Syaoran
Helen Helga Pataki (1): Mai Tohika

No vote cast: Princess Leia, Rin Tohsaka, Maya Kumashiro

With 9 alive, 5 votes will lynch. You have about 54.5 hours left in the day. You know I didn't have to give you that much time, right? You better be thankful.

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #58 on: September 16, 2010, 04:45:37 PM »
I'm not intending to move my vote while Private Organa has yet to grace us with her presence.  I swear, if one of my nurses ever tried to pull a stunt like that, they'd regret it right quick.

Privates Pataki and Li, stand to attention!  Alright, I may not be wanting to call the MPs on the pair of you just yet, but things are too quiet, and I want to hear the pair of you talk more.  So tell me what you think about Private Tohsaka.  You lot seem to be good at squeezing out excuses for why other people who've only said one thing are bad, so let's hear what you have to say about her.

Finally...  there's something that's come up that needs addressing now.  Mr. Tanaka, I need to know.  Do you do deliveries to Korea?  Cause if you do, boy do I have some opportunities for you!

Li Syaoran

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #59 on: September 16, 2010, 05:17:26 PM »
Privates Pataki and Li, stand to attention!  Alright, I may not be wanting to call the MPs on the pair of you just yet, but things are too quiet, and I want to hear the pair of you talk more.  So tell me what you think about Private Tohsaka.  You lot seem to be good at squeezing out excuses for why other people who've only said one thing are bad, so let's hear what you have to say about her.
Tohsaka I let pass in the lurking charges because she cited connection issues and because unlike the Leia/Mai pair produced some actual analysis. Though giving the wall she posted another pass, the second paragraph is very...odd.

Quote from: Kaleido-Ruby
On the contrary, I dislike the people unvoting without revoting much more than the odd remaining lurker (especially because, well, why unvote Asuka? I don't think she was anywhere near danger for a quicklynch, not to mention quicklynching on D1 is stupid and counterproductive for all alignments involved and nobody would ever do that oh my god). I'll go as far as to say that Chiaki stands out worse here ("your D1 reading sucks", eh? well so does mine - and I'm not going to take that line of thought - especially given that we must lynch someone today regardless, so you're not going to get away with being lazy with your voting here), ##Vote: Chiaki, though Mai is a very close second.
Mai gets a last-minute 'oh yeah her too' mention here despite the fact that half of the points made here are on Chiaki alone. Oh, and there's also the fact that on the charge being brought up (namely in terms of empty unvoting) Mai has no relation. And she had already pointed out as much earlier. It's like Rin just took Tanaka's case and found a fancy-worded way to agree with it, without so much as bothering to check if his reasoning was actually right.

Also, Mai's contribution of the day has been reprimanding a replacement for, uh, claiming RL issues and being unable to post D1, then claiming that she is misrepping me in terms of, uh, not being around at the end of D1. Which I wasn't. So...not quite sure what you're getting at there, Mai. Or why you haven't bothered discussing anything else.

Content with my vote as is. Mai/Tohsaka scumpair makes sense given that Mai was a convenient close second on the list, but Mai's scummier on her own merits.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #60 on: September 16, 2010, 05:50:10 PM »

Yeah, okay, so I'm not liking any of this. It's hard to hold to one's convictions when no one else wants to give them anything more than maybe a pat on the head for being a good 'early day one' case, because yeah, can't just hold it to scum interference. Worse for my instincts is that the last time I caught scum red-handed like this on day one and no one much believed me I turned out to be perfectly right, but at least the scum in that game had the good manners to kill me night one there.

The other thing that really sits badly with my gut is that I've come into this day late and there's not been a single mention of me so far today. Not one. Now okay, not at the top of anyone's chopping block, that's lovely, but the arrogance in me is screaming that scum are avoiding me to reduce the odds of me going rabid on them.

So no, I'm not willing to remove my teeth from Tron's leg at this point.

##Vote: Tron Bonne

Ran around like a headless chicken, very pointedly did not respond to my expanded argument (you know, after having hated the earlier form of it at this point), and for playing daddy's little friendly helper since to blend back in. What's this, you just so happen to agree with two of the cases of the day that were made before you posted? What are the odds! Let's not forget that the actual sum content of what she did after getting all flustered - which I think is at least part of why people aren't voting for her? - was actually no better than most. The very large attitude change to the new sweetness does nothing to dissuade me either.

So I'm guessing that my position is probably also being harmed by my tunnel-vision. Well great, the trouble with most of the rest of the player base is that practically everyone else has lurked or done something dumb so it's hard to tell them apart so easily, but give me a bit to extract strands from the homogeneous blob and I'll put those thoughts in a separate post shortly.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #61 on: September 16, 2010, 08:09:11 PM »

Leia's an obvious mark from a grand total of one piece of actual input, in itself bad information, and the key to causing the end of the day to be quite such a spectacular wreckage. There's frankly nothing there to defend other than the fatally poisonous 'scum surely wouldn't act that brazenly'. It turns my gut that Tron's jumped on it nice and early, but I needn't consider that relevant. The only thing that confuses is me is why she'd move to someone completely new rather than jump to another town train, given that it was always going to draw more attention and be more dangerous (unless it was an all town sudden death) the way it was played.

I have little to say about Margaret. Everything I would mark up against her just looks like making the best of a bad situation. Not exactly happy with the implication that her current vote is little more than placeholder.

Rin's day one play was Tanaka-lite in terms of priorities, in that at the time of her post her top criterion was empty unvotes, and like Tanaka seems to have thought that Mai had one as well as Chiaki, which I'm not as quick to damn as Shaoran is. I like most of what I see, except for the irony of [correctly] accusing Tron of having a low SNR while having a fair bit of noise in her own post (yeah, sure, me too, keep the irony chain going). Would very much like to see more of her the most, as on one hand I think she'd be a big asset in active debate, and on the other hand I'm worried that that's currently the perfect level of lurking to ride this whole game out (that is, "oh, not Tousaka! At least Tousaka's doing a bit more than X, Y and Z").

Tanaka I'm happy enough with. It's easy to fall into the trap of letting him off more easily for being the most entertaining player, but even keeping that in mind he reads most fluidly and thoughtful in both days.

Having said that I disagree with his point that Mai said a decent amount in day one. Last I chipped in about Mai she was doing okay, but looking back on day one I only see one 'good' post, which I'd put somewhat below Rin. Wary of her breaking case of the day on Helga, in that she seems awfully mad for the lack of Helga posting in day one, which is nice and all, but this is after deigning not to comment on it at the time. And that's it? Not thrilled.

Helga is rude. Undeniably. Very bad grace to skip day one entirely, especially such a short day one, and worse for being so frank about it. Points back for at least getting in early today, but away again for a case I largely can't get behind, so points back to Mai for the case on Helga being on the mark if very oddly timed. I like:

Then he oddly goes "Ha! I counter your argument!" to "Eh, whatever. You're posting, I'm posting, and that's okay." in the same post.

But little else, particularly for a rather weird cherry picking of lurkers, and particularly that being quiet during sudden death is a great idea if your neck's on the line and there's an easy way for you to save yourself.

Shaoran I find to be a bull in a china shop. Conspiracy theories are so cute. You're never going to get anywhere with one, but I see them more as dumb here than scummy. The thrashing all over the place today after the tunnelling yesterday is weird sauce, but at the very least I like the way he's getting all of his thoughts on the table. I'd just appreciate it if he could think about them more clearly and didn't need to be directed. The manner of tunnelling in the first place was still bad, if I'm allowed to say that.

Yeah, great. I think most of you are pretty bad, mostly as a result of how little discussion there's been, and would even be willing to vote for Leia right now. Now back to Tron, who's flipped so many switches that my vote would feel betrayed anywhere else.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #62 on: September 16, 2010, 09:13:15 PM »
Maya, why do you keep a morningstar in your office? Never mind, I don't want to know.

To your recent posts: I didn't mention you today because I saw no point in doing so. The discussion is not going to produce any more of worth than it did yesterday. I did get home just in time for the extended sudden death and start replying to it all, but hammer happened before I could post and when day two got here I decided it was better to let it lie. There's also this:

So I'm guessing that my position is probably also being harmed by my tunnel-vision.

Very much so. I don't believe you're capable of being objective about me any more. It's neither reasonable nor healthy to be as rock-hard convinced about someone day one as you were about me. I have been in your shoes before and recognize all the signs of the obsessed townie. Probably as you're reading this post there's that hot, tense feeling in your chest, elevated heartrate, that screaming rage in your head yelling, "It's plain as day she's scum, why won't anyone else see reason?" This is what's now doing your thinking for you.

You are talking about other people now, which is good, and I may respond to that once I've reviewed some stuff. But as to your earlier charges against me, there is nothing I can say that will convince you that my day one silliness and blundering was anything but a disastrous attempt at playing in-character during a jokevote phase which apparently ended without anyone notifying me. So I won't bother responding to any of that material. The more of my limited free time I spend fruitlessly trying to debate a fanatic, the less of it I can spend on actually looking for scum. I have rereading and other people to look at right now.

Margaret Houlihan

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #63 on: September 16, 2010, 09:23:54 PM »
I didn't know you wanted people talking about you.  Didn't see the point, since you aren't a suspect, and not sure how much I buy Sgt. Bonne as one at the moment.  And, until your last post, without caring too much about one or the other, you're not worth mentioning.

As for that princess, I know what you mean about it not making sense for a commie to do that, but it doesn't make sense for a soldier to do either.  And when (if) she comes back, my vote's there to remind her that she needs to act like a soldier and show that she's thinking about where the commies are.

As for Sgt. Bonne, I'm not overly inclined to believe that she's a commie just from what she's shown so far.  I've seen American soldiers fall into that trap too much to believe only Commies do it.

Right now, I'm more interested in pressing Private Organa, and waiting to see what Private Pataki has to say about all of the questions levelled at her.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #64 on: September 16, 2010, 09:47:31 PM »
One point I want to raise about Leia, since it's come up - if we're to consider the idea of her ignoring the 4-way-tie entirely to avoid tipping the scale, are we assuming that it was Town/Town/Town/Town?

I'm not reading that much into the situation yet. Not enough information. Your supposition is likely based on the assumption that scum wouldn't want to be seen hammering a townie, but this isn't something I'd trust as an axiom. I'm merely working off the general notion that noncommittal = scummier than making a decision that people can later sift through for information.

I do find it a tad odd that you'd make the above suggestion since by inference it would make you town, as you were included in the tie vote yesterday. There is little value in someone touting their own towniness, even indirectly, and actually tends to make them look worse. I can't help but want to take a closer look at someone after seeing this kind of sideways, "Look, this is proof I'm town," business. It just fills space and isn't helpful.

And Li, I personally have trouble giving Rin much slack due for claims of RL/connection issues. Yes, these things actually happen, but: they can happen to scum just as well as town; we have no way of verifying any of the claims made; it's a great excuse for scum to keep lurking when it's taken at face value. I hate slamming someone for inaction when they claim RL issues, but such claims really don't tell us anything useful or reliable. So I take it as a null read and ignore it either way. And without that in her favor? Rin's observations are very thin on the ground, moreso than anyone but Leia.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #65 on: September 16, 2010, 10:34:54 PM »
Day 2 Vote Count!

Margeret Houlihan (0): Li Syaoran
Princess Leia (2): Margaret Houlihan, Tron Bonne
Li Syaoran (2): Helga Pataki, Tanaka
Mai Tohika (1): Li Syaoran
Helen Helga Pataki (1): Mai Tohika
Tron Bonne (1): Maya Kumashiro

No vote cast: Princess Leia, Rin Tohsaka

With 9 alive, 5 votes will lynch. You have a little over 46 hours left in the day.

Rin Tohsaka has been prodded for inactivity. Princess Leia will be prodded right after this post. Don't read too much into me getting on here at work to prod people, though. I'm not doing it for all of you.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #66 on: September 16, 2010, 10:41:48 PM »
I find myself agreeing with Houlihan a fair bit, and Helga for at least the main case she's made. Helga's posting for the first time near the end of the day and not commenting on things at all was bad (even for a replacement player), but the case on Li sums up my feelings well enough that I'll give her a pass for now. I'm also not really seeing Mai's problems with her post. Day one inactivity? Yes, a valid charge. I have misgivings about the rest, however.

Quote from: Helga
Talk about trying to fly under the radar, right?

Yeah, Helga brought this up a lot against people who it clearly does not apply against, the only person who would fit this criteria that she discusses is Leia. I am also willing to consider voting Leia for lurking as well! But Helga seems clearly worse at this point, she's slinging a lot of mud in attempt to paint the situation as something that it is not.

A lot? She said it once. And while lack of presence isn't really something I'd charge Li with either (he might not say much I agree with, but he's definitely been here and been getting attention), the above looks like you're building the comment up into a bigger deal than it actually is by emphasizing it. Unless you're including her dismissal of your day one material in your analysis as well (slight touch of OMGUS here?) In which case...To some extent, I can see how one would get that impression of you. Your main points were against me (talked about by many others), and Chiaki/Tanaka, which worked itself out more thoroughly later. It's not real hard for you to blur a bit, given that.

There's some merit to your complaint, but ultimately I find hard to hold any of the highlighted statements as a major strike. Neutral read on Helga in the end. Making a case that looks good to me vs. day one and some minor points. One more thing on her, though:

Helga is rude. Undeniably. Very bad grace to skip day one entirely, especially such a short day one, and worse for being so frank about it.

We agree that leaving looks bad, but I admit to some curiosity here: would it be better or worse if Helga hadn't outright said she was leaving and just sort of slimed away? I don't really see the manner of how she expressed her departure to be something worth holding against her. I don't see much point in mentioning it either way.

Ninja'd by modprods, aghl. Well, I'll be around off and on for a few hours. I'll wait and see if anything comes from it in the near future.

Helga Pataki

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #67 on: September 16, 2010, 11:15:22 PM »

Yeah, I kinda missed the obvious Leia lurking case due to zeroing in on my Li case. My bad.

Extra points for calling me out for lurking today (this is a LIE, what)- also note that she accuses Li of just 'Leaving' at some point, which.. seems stupid? Li was around as much as anyone during day 1, so I don't see nonposting as an acceptable charge against him/her/whatever. Don't much like how she goes 'look at Mai!' and then.. doesn't do it herself, either.

Quote from: Helga
Talk about trying to fly under the radar, right?

Yeah, Helga brought this up a lot against people who it clearly does not apply against, the only person who would fit this criteria that she discusses is Leia. I am also willing to consider voting Leia for lurking as well! But Helga seems clearly worse at this point, she's slinging a lot of mud in attempt to paint the situation as something that it is not.

I'm going to assume that by "lurking today" you mean "lurking yesterday" since I said nothing close to the former. Day 2 had just started, after all. Anyway. I really wish there WAS more to talk about with you yesterday aside from your tiff with Tron. Unless you want to count your vague poke at Chiaki or the explanation to Tohsaka which was just clarifying/more on Tron. I did mis-speak though, in that I should have said active lurking. You posted a few times... I guess it looked to people that you were posting and contributing... on one thing.

And Li did "leave". Even if someone is active, if they miss the last quarter of the day, including a sudden death with himself on the chopping block, you have to at least consider it's on purpose. It's not just actions, it's the timing of actions too. Although Maya at least brings up a good counterargument that he could have easily saved himself if he'd been around, which I hadn't considered. It's enough to give me pause, but I'm still in the purposeful camp, so I'm still decided on this for now, with Mai being my #2.

Tohsaka: We seem to agree at the very least that Li's A/B theories about Houllihan were offbase. You are working with slightly more info (Li's quick-flip to Mai afterwards), but we came to the same conclusion. Leaving out what I said about Mai, what exactly about my post is non-sensical? 

On Leia: Joke vote, unvote to vote for nigh unexplained reasons. That about sums up Leia, really. There isn't a whole lot to go on really until she posts, if she posts. I'm... okay with LAL if it comes to that, but I'm much more on Li and Mai's case.

On Rin: Her one post of the day had more content than Leia, Mai and others. However, it's inexcusable that she hasn't shown up since so you can't really count it in her favor. Seriously. Post more.

Thank you for the support, Tron.

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #68 on: September 16, 2010, 11:17:12 PM »
Forgot I was playing! This is a placeholder for no-modkilling, but I'm busy right now with a variety of fun paperwork activities. I will try to make a real post in 3.5 hours or so.

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #69 on: September 17, 2010, 03:22:00 AM »
So after trying to read the topic a couple times, I have come to the conclusion that reading this topic is really boring.

Tohsaka I actually forgot was in the game and I figured that people were talking about one of the other T-names in the game or something, which is generally a poor sign. It looks like she’s being dealt with in the same way that I would have been if I had continued my bad habits. Slit slit.

I find voting for people that you half-assedly think anything about is disingenuous and I always try to vote exactly the way I feel regardless of what anyone else thinks. I think Tanaka was bad, I still think Tanaka was bad. He echoes and lightly puts his touch on everything and just seems to be come off as exceptionally slimy in every post. I find him dissatisfactory in general.

Li seems like a misguided townie that seems to be talking out of her ass, and Maya seems crazy-obsessed with her case on Tron. I am not sure how I feel about this. I think that focusing on one case can leave you somewhat exposed to attacks in the event that your target actually dies, but those things are pretty easy to get around. I overall have a fairly negative opinion of her despite having a lot of content in her posts.

I agree with Mai/Rat for the most part about Helga and I think she has a strange assortment of people that she picks on. Do I think this is worse than my admitted gut-check on Tanaka being scum? It probably should, but logic is for pansies anyway.

##VOTE: Tanaka


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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #70 on: September 17, 2010, 05:37:59 AM »
I simply will not move away from the blindingly obvious cases. There is Helga, as I discussed earlier; I don't want to just excuse her for vanishing yesterday (as I said before, it would have been quite trivial and non-time-consuming to post something. I can't believe she couldn't have found the time somewhere.) In her last post she accepted a fairly strong counterpoint against her case on Li, then didn't actually re-evaluate things in the name of being 'purposeful'. Yeah this is mafia and there's a place for stubborness, but when a key segment of your case falls out from under you...

There is also Leia, who's last post seems rather lazy, since it's basically "I think Tanaka's bad, for, uh, some reason. Vote!!1" That is actually worse than Helga I must admit, who appears to be making some attempt to piece an actual case together. Yeaaah.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Leia, and you people tell me I'm active lurking? Uh.

Tohsaka is also amongst the ranks of lurkers. Her only post yesterday had basically wrong facts in it, same as the mistake Tanaka made... her case was on empty unvotes, which I guess is kind of not horrible, as long as it's actually true. She did look rather lazy though, pretty much stealing Tanaka's case wholesale, so. Kinda would lynch her too.

Remember, posting does not actually undo lurker status! Once gained, IT REMAINS WITH YOU FOREVER.

I would much rather focus on the people who do such obvious hiding tricks, it is statistically more likely to produce scum. At least, I think it is. I'll compile records sometime.

I don't like the way Li presents a case on me, obviously, it grates to be told 'you haven't commented on ANYTHING ELSE', which seems like a nice way of ignoring what I have said as though it's irrelevant. Maya has pointed out that much of the player base has lurked, yet targets Tron, who isn't- I can't get behind that. I really do view it as the single most important thing to start lynching people for come day 2 (in conjunction with whatever content they have being poor, duh.) Same kinda deal to Tanaka, Li has been around and that excludes him from my potentials, even if he has some fixation on nailing me to the wall for no reason.

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #71 on: September 17, 2010, 06:40:24 AM »
MY OBVIOUS HIDING TRICKS OF forgetting the game was going on. Awwwwwwwwww yeah I am a clever bastard. I think it's hilarious that you call me an active lurker when I haven't been active the entire game! Oh Rat we about to throw down fool.

I have no case on Tanaka that doesn't involve me pointing to the fact that he seems to regurgitate everything. Like, for realz, did anything his Day 2 post say anything approaching useful? I realize I haven't said all that much useful stuff either, but I ain't gonna vote for myself. That'd just be bloody stupid. I don't think Helga is as scummy because she seems to have at least thought of a case on her own.


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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #72 on: September 17, 2010, 07:04:25 AM »
My point with the active lurker comment is that you kinda sidled by right then with a lazy vote on Tanaka for no reason. That's not content, opinion was not backed up by really anything except 'he's slimy and he's doing stuff!' So yeah!

Yes your OBVIOUS HIDING TRICKS are OBVIOUS kthx, need I relink to that completely hilarious video to summarize my stance?


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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #73 on: September 17, 2010, 10:18:53 AM »
Oh!  Leia!  You know, if you were to kiss your brother again and film it, we could make a lot of credits together... doki doki!

No seriously though, the sliminess is intentional roleplaying, I'll tone it down I guess.  Sad face though. 

As for not coming up with cases uhhh I originated the Chiaki case day 1 and continued a serious case on Li today, I don't see what's bad about this and I'm not sure I like attacking people for "not saying anything new" when... there are good cases out there and not much to say that hasn't been said, at the time?

Though, gut call out of nowhere like that makes me gut Leia towards more townie.  Mm. 

Like Tohsaka, I really don't have anything to say about her other than based on her comments I guess her connection died for good? 

On the other hand Mairat's gutting a little worse on me now.  I really don't think I agree with once a lurker always a lurker, RL stuff does happen.  Game does just seem oddly dead though.

Tron Bonne

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Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #74 on: September 17, 2010, 11:04:01 AM »
Gutchecks don't get much mileage with me, so Leia's vote for Tanaka isn't helping her a great deal. The sliminess was clearly intentional as well and there will be sadfaces if he drops character completely. So I can't say I agree with that case or find that it improves her image markedly.

Yes your OBVIOUS HIDING TRICKS are OBVIOUS kthx, need I relink to that completely hilarious video to summarize my stance?

There's always cause to link that video. Anyway, off again, back during normal hours.