Author Topic: Cameo Fantasy III: That FF6 romhack Djinn's been on about  (Read 9806 times)


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Cameo Fantasy III: That FF6 romhack Djinn's been on about
« on: June 03, 2011, 02:41:30 PM »

Cameo Fantasy III is a tribute to JRPG series, taking the main characters of some of the genre's most famous series like Valkyrie Profile and Fire Emblem, and throwing them together in a mishmash world that's literally mashing together as time progresses. The newly-composite world is the main focus of the story and the characters who become aware of what's happening are our central players in the plot and gameplay.

The hack is designed to faithfully represent the characters' abilities and performances from their home games, while balancing everything to work within Final Fantasy III's battle system.

This hack was based on Meeple Fantasy 6, with the expressed permission of Meeple, and many of the core concepts are similar. However, all of the coding, sprites, and script are original. The main difference between the two is that MF6 was designed as a personal project with many in-jokes while Cameo Fantasy is made to be accessible to the average JRPG fan.


Animations: I really need help with spell animations. Particularly for the physical-type skills in Lenneth's and Vyse's skillset, and Ryu3's dragon spells.
Monsters: Boss selection is done, but I have a lot of monsters to change, and while I have a good idea for most of them, I could use some suggestions on what JRPG characters would make good random encounters!
Locations: Many of the towns need a facelift. I want them to represent towns and castles and dungeons from other JRPGs, but I've played so many RPGs that I really don't know which locations are very memorable for a wider audience.


General Gameplay Changes:
All characters, except for Terra and Kefka, have been replaced with cameo characters from other JRPGs. The main 14 are all main characters from their respective games.

All spells and skills are revalued. Characters only learn magic naturally or through unique equipment. The idea is to make all character's unique and represent the skills of their home games. All espers and monsters have been replaced with cameo characters from other JRPGs, most of which are from mainstream releases and very little obscura.

Evade is now a working stat. Poison element has been replaced by Dark element. Desperation Attacks have a 25% chance of activating any time Fight is used after the second round of combat.

Some event hacking has been done, such as making Cyan's Dream only activate when Virginia is in the party (after all, who else would the Dream Demon Beatrice be after?). Ike cannot die on the floating continent and is the one required to unlock the doors in Narshe. Claude is recruited where Sabin is in the WoR, and vice-versa for Luke with Edgar. Tir and Virginia's recruitment and dungeons are also switched from Cyan to Relm and vice-versa to better suit the characters. A few other minor event hacks are present, such as where some Espers/Weapons are obtained, but you probably won't notice them.


Terra Branford (Final Fantasy VI, black clothes version)
Ability: Magic (Natural), Morph (Plot-gained), X-Magic (lategame option on Terra's unique equipments)
Weapons: One-handed Swords, Shields, Flails
The Half-Esper girl is again our main heroine, but this time she's representing the entirety of the Final Fantasy franchise! And instead of fighting an evil empire, she's dealing with mad gods of Norse Mythology who just might trigger Ragnarok. As one of the original inhabitants of the composite world, Terra's very existence gives her a unique control over the  mystical forces causing the disaster. Obviously, there are a lot of people interested in controlling such a person.

In battle, Terra has unique access to a number of FF series trademarks, such as the Ribbon, Ultima, and X-Magic... eventually. At first, she is primarily a Fire-reliant mage and healer. She also gets fairly accurate fatal status with Break. Her physical options are not very strong compared to a lot of the physical powerhouses coming in from other worlds. She's also one of the slowest PCs, to make up for the sheer power of Morphed X-Magic Ultima.

Lenneth Valkyrie (Valkyrie Profile, replacing Celes)
Ability: Magic (Natural), Bows (reworked Tools skillset)
Weapons: One-hand Swords, 2-hand Swords, Shields, Bows
The Chooser of the Slain from Square's renowned Valkyrie Profile series. A large portion of the main plot deals with Gods of this series playing with the mere mortals of the composite world. The Aesir, in fact, set the events in motion which started merging the worlds into a single dimension in the first place, and now they seek to continue their war with the Vanir - an act destined to end in Ragnarok. Lenneth sees their disdain for mortals and turns against them, bringing the power of a minor deity to your side.

As a PC, Lenneth's role changes over time. At first, her multi-target Bow physicals make her good for clearing groups, but eventually her biggest contribution is going to be the gamebest-powered single-target skill, Nibelung Valesti level 3 along with the highest-powered weapon in the game, the Glance Reviver. She also brings her spell skillset with her from Valkyrie Profile 2, allowing her to play a support role in a pinch.

Yuri Volte Hyuga (Shadow Hearts, replacing Locke)
Ability: Fusion (Dance-based original skill)
Weapons: Gloves
The main character of the Horror-themed humorous PS2 RPG series, Shadow Hearts. Yuri is a Harmonixer, a person with the genetic ability to dominate a demon's power and in turn, transform himself into a demonic form by Fusing himself with its soul. In Yuri's home game, the love of his life, Alice, sacrificed her soul to save Yuri from being consumed by the demons inside him. Stricken with grief, he tries to resurrect her with the power of the forbidden Emigre manuscript. In Cameo Fantasy, he's dealing with much the same issue. And those annoying voices in his head keep telling him to overthrow the Aesir army!

His unique ability, Fusion, is based on the Dance skill. He can learn 8 different Fusions based on where he fights, and activating a Fusion causes him to automatically cast cost-free abilities of that specific Fusion. Unlike Dance, the best Fusions can only be gotten later in the game, and their related skills are much more powerful to make it worth using these skills at endgame. The best part is that Fusion never stumbles.
Additionally, his unique weapons teach him some of the Fusion spells so that he can always use them reliably, but at a very high cost.
Yuri is something of a jack-of-all-trades, but his greatest strength lies in his unique relics, the various elemental demon Souls that he uses in his Fusions, which allow him to customize various stats and elemental resistances.

Tir McDohl (Suikoden, replacing Cyan)
Ability: Silent Lake (Runic)
Weapons: Bo Staff
The first leader of the 108 stars of Suikoden fame is burdened with the curse of the Soul Eater Rune. The 27 True Runes of the Suikoden universe are semi-sentient avatars of various aspects of the natural world, such as Creation, Chaos, Fire, Water, Sun, Moon, and even the power of Life and Death itself. The True Runes feature heavily in the main plot of Cameo Fantasy, being the strongest forces in existance. Tir is the bearer of this uncaring sentient power of Death, and it feeds on the lives of those close to him if he can't control the power. When Kefka enacts a ritual that causes him to release the True Rune's power on the inhabitants of his castle, Tir joins the fight to return the composite world back to normal.

In battle, Tir is all about speedy Instant Death. His unique Rune equipment allows him to learn the best Instant Death abilities in the game that never miss outside of direct immunity. Coupled with powerful Ice- and Dark-elemental spells, and the Magic-stopping field effect Silent Lake (Runic), Tir makes a deadly random-slayer and a good support-player for boss fights.

Claude C. Kenni (Star Ocean 2, replacing Edgar)
Ability: Jump
Weapons: One-handed Swords, 2-handed Swords, Shields, Guns
An Ensign in the Earth Federation Space Fleet, serving in the shadow of his famous father, he gets transported to a faraway underdeveloped planet of swords and sorcery when he starts his journey. In Cameo Fantasy, he was brought to the composite world's area that all technologically-advanced dimensions merged into, where he quickly stumbled onto a device that transported him to a faraway castle of swords and sorcery where he begins his journey. The magical mishap caused his memories of his original world to return to him, and he immediately began working with those who sought to fix the composite world. During his stay in Castle Baticul, he has begun convincing Princess Natalia of Kimlasca, and her fiancee, Luke fon Fabre, to join their cause.

Claude comes from an Action-RPG, and so his unique ability reflects some of motion/position-based skills of the genre, with Jump. In particular, his Head Splitter ability from SO2 is almost a perfect replica of the skill. Additionally, many of his weapons will randomly chain extra spells/skills after a successful hit, similar to how SO2's combo system worked.
In addition to the best consistent physical damage in the game (though it requires giving up a turn to Jump), he also sports the awesome equipment options of Star Ocean 2, having access to blocking or resisting every element in the game, and being one of the few PCs with access to Shields.

Luke fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss, replacing Sabin)
Ability: Artes (reworked Blitz skillset), Steal (on some weapons)
Weapons: 2-handed Swords
The heir to a Ducal title in the Kingdom of Kimlasca, he is (somewhat unwillingly) engaged to the Princess Natalia. Due to be kidnapped at an early age, his parents kept him in the capital, constantly under strict guard, with only his sparring friend Guy and swordteacher Master Van as company. Somewhat spoiled, his life is turned upside-down when a chance encounter with the assassin Tear Grants sends them both transported across the world, where he has to learn how to survive in the real world, and deal with the real consequences of being a Replica - a magical clone - of the real Luke fon Fabre who was switched with him during his kidnapping. Just as in his home game, Luke spent his time training with his close friend Claude before Tear's attack on Master Van that sent him across the world. Claude and the others seek him out in return for Princess Natalia's military support, and they find Luke confronting his cloned self. Luke decides to work towards restoring the original worlds in hopes of understanding his nature as a magical Replica.

The Tales series set the standard for Action RPGs, and Luke's use of the fighting-game-like Blitz controls suit him perfectly. The reworked Artes skills use more simple inputs to simulate Tales' style, and the skills themselves are almost all physical damage, with the occasional elemental skill based on Luke's FOF effects. Luke is one of the faster characters in the game, and many of his skills are multi-hitting and multi-target, including a self-target Quick effect from his final Arte: Overlimit, allowing him to rack up damage quickly. His weapons also hit weakness against Human-species enemies, effectively making him very powerful in certain situations, despite the lackluster stats. However, His unique relic the Jewel of Lorelei, allows him the only access to the Regen status in the game, making him slightly more durable than he seems.

Ryu (Breath of Fire III, replacing Gau)
Abilities: Dragon (reworked Lore skillet), Dragon status (reworked Imp status, only available to Ryu)
Weapons: One-handed Swords, 2-handed Swords, Shields
The silent protagonist of the famous Breath of Fire III game, Ryu is a young transforming Dragon who was rudely cast out of his Chrysm egg and left to fend for himself in the wilderness until the softhearted beastman thief, Rei, took him in and raised him. As one of the few remaining Dragons, Ryu found himself at odds with the controlling 'goddess' of his world, who sought to wipe out the destructive power of the Dragons. In Cameo Fantasy, Ryu finds himself on his own, estranged from his friend Rei. After learning of the merging worlds from the others, he decides to help them in the hopes of getting his memories back and understanding the meaning of the strange dreams he keeps having.

Ryu the third has a lot of options, though doesn't quite excel in any one field, so his use fluctuates throughout the game. In his Dragon skillset, he has access to the unique skill Ascension, which gives him the Dragon (modified Imp) status. As a Dragon, all of his equipment becomes low-powered unless they are Ryu-unique equipment pieces, which become absurdly powerful, making him into a physical tank and damage machine. However, very few of his skills take advantage of his physical stats, so his wide array of Dragon spells aren't quite as powerful as they seem, though he can act as a great healer.
Just like in BoF3, Ryu can learn enemy skills if they are used on him, making him the most appropriate choice for a Blue Mage in the game. While most of his spells aren't particularly damaging, he does host a number of unique effects that make him a great pick in various specific situations.

Vyse Inglebard (Skies of Arcardia, replacing Setzer)
Ability: S.Moves (reworked SwdTech skillset)
Weapons: One-handed Swords (dual-wielded)
Airships: Albatross, Delphinus
From the famous Sega game on the Dreamcast/GameCube, and having another cameo in Valkyria Chronicles, Vyse is a Blue Rogue - an airship-riding Sky Pirate seeking adventure and hoping to discover new lands and new treasure. He gets caught up in a fight with the evil Valuan Empire to collect the Moon Crystals that can control the great beasts of their world. Much the same in Cameo Fantasy, when Vyse hears that the actress Rosa Farrell (of Final Fantasy IV fame) holds one of the Moon Crystals, he reluctantly sends word that he will be taking it, with or without her consent.

Battle-wise, Vyse is all about dual-wielding. Nearly all of his weapons allowing for holding a second sword, and a good combination of swords can make Vyse into a physical powerhouse with excellent speed. Balancing out his speed, his Special Moves use the same charging mechanism as SwdTech, making the player choose between a quick lower-power attack or buffing skill, or charging up to the best 4x-attack skills or self-target double-turning Quick effect.

Ike Gawain (Fire Emblem 9, Fire Emblem 10, replacing Shadow)
Ability: Axes (rebalanced Throw), Repede (reworked Interceptor)
Weapons: One-handed Swords, 2-handed Swords, Shield, Axes
The leader of the Greil Mercenaries seeks the peace and prosperity of his homeland Crimea and hopes to end the prejudice between Humans and Laguz beastmen. In Cameo Fantasy, he has become a wandering mercenary, seeking his missing friends and crewmates, honing his skills. Owing to his affection for animals, he travels with the mercenary dog Repede (from Tales of Vesperia), and eventually recovers his memories of his original world. He decides to fight for his friends and help the others return the composite world to normal.

Fire Emblem characters are known to very one dimensional, but if you can only do one thing, you can certainly do it well! All of Ike's unique equipment allows him to counterattack melee physicals. And with Ike's high physical power, 2-handed weapons, and the ability to ignore defense when throwing hand Axes, Ike's counters might take out more enemies than even the most concentrated smash from the other physical fighters.
Along with Repede, who can also counter attack, and occasionally steal items, Ike's strengths are clear and unmatched, just don't bring him to a magic battle.

Chaz Ashley (Phantasy Star IV, replacing Strago)
Abilities: Magic (equip-learned), Techs (reworked Magitek skillset, uses the 'unique' set of skills)
Weapons: One-handed Swords (some dual-wielded), 2-Handed Swords, Shields, Guns
Chaz hails from the classic Phantasy Star series, and is one of the first Hunters that are now so prominent in the series. He was an orphan who was raised by a 'big sister' hunter named Alys, and has worked hard to carry on her legacy after her brutal murder by the Dark Cultist Zio. Chaz hails from a space-travelling civilization of advanced technology and psychic ESP powers, but is destined to be one of the warriors who must seal away the embodiment of negative energy, the Profound Darkness.
As the main cast member from the oldest game featured, Chaz takes on Strago's role in the plot. He was merged into the composite world in the technologically advanced city of Filgaia, but the collective inhabitants of that city saw that technology was not advanced in other places and have taken to hiding their scientific prowess. He and Virginia were on the expedition where Claude stumbled into a mysterious device and was transported away.

Chaz shares the 'Techs' ability with the Gear (Magitek) units in the game, but he has his own unique list of skills within that ability. Like in Phantasy Star 4, Chaz has access to both MP-based Magic spells, and Techs that don't effect his MP resources, making him a versatile mage even under the Silence status effect or when his MP has been drained. Chaz joins the party very powerful - his Techs start with high base stats, but the downside is that most of his skills will grow gradually less powerful as stronger abilities appear. In addition to some healing and status, his most notable skill is Megid, a Holy-typed spell that deals 80% maxHP damage (doubled to 160% if hitting weakness). The only downside is that this 'Power of Rage' hits everyone on the field, and Holy immunity is rare for everyone except Chaz himself, so it's a difficult balance between damaging all opponents and making sure not to kill your own allies.

Virginia Maxwell (Wild Arms 3, replacing Relm)
Abilities: Medium (original ability), Replay (Mimic, used through equips), Capture (used through equips), Magic (equip-learned)
Weapons: Guns
The long-running Wild Arms series is an interesting hybrid of sci-fi/fantasy set in an old western. Virginia, abandoned by her father, sets out to become a Drifter and gets entangled with a crew of other Drifters that end up trying to save the world from inevitable decay. With her strong will, she was able to become a Medium who could summon the Guardians' power of the planet and help to restore life to the wasteland her father unwittingly helped to create. In Cameo Fantasy, she came to the composite world as a part of the hidden technologically-advanced city of Filgaia, easing into her life there with the other residents such as Claude and Chaz. When Claude and the others tell her of the dangers facing the composite world, Ginny just can't sit by and let another world face a future as a post-apocalyptic wasteland!

Virginia's unique ability, Medium (replaced Sketch), is a cost-free random-Summon skill, similar to the Magicite item. As one of the only characters to come from a game with Summons, it made sense to let her showcase her talent as a Medium. Additionally, her greatest strength lies in her versatile unique relics, the summoning items that grant her the Guardians' power in the first place, allowing her to customize her stats to different builds, as well as block elements or status effects in a variety of ways. The Guardian items also teach her a unique set of spells designed to show off her impressive magic stats. And her gamebest speed makes her one of the best healers in the game. Her long-range weapon also means that she never has a reason to leave the back row, so her durability is a bit better in practice than it appears.

Pikachu (Pokemon series, replaces Mog)
Ability: Endure (original ability)
Weapons: Pokemon Items
Everyone knows Pikachu. He's one member of a species of electric mice of the same name from the world-famous franchise Pokemon. While a few magically powerful Legendary Pokemon feature in the game as Espers, Pikachu represents the rest of his cast, replacing the Moogles. Brave and kindhearted, the small Pokemon isn't particularly strong, but helps the team when he can.

In battle, the name of his game is Speed. Pikachu is the 2nd-fastest PC in the game, and has a host of various status attacks to take advantage of it.  His unique ability, Endure, comes from TM58, and allows him to freely cast Life3 on himself with practically no waiting time. This is the only way to access the Life3 status in the game, giving Pikachu an interesting survivability niche that no other PC has.

Aigis (Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3 FES, replaces Gogo)
Abilities: Orgia (simplified Rage skillset), Tarot (reworked Slots skillset), Medium, Bows, Axes, Steal, WildCard Ability (Gogo's ability to change skillsets in the menu)
Weapons: Guns
Main characters in the Persona series have the unique ability to change the very face of their soul - to become an almost completely different character in terms of stats, elemental affinities, and skillsets, just by changing their Persona. Aigis, the combat robot with an artificial soul, is no exception, where she activates the Wild Card ability to access any Persona in the game.

In Cameo Fantasy, Aigis continues her fight against dark forces with the same skillset-swapping abilities as Gogo, only slightly less diverse since Aigis can't actually replicate all of the other PCs' abilities. In the original Persona 3, Aigis was unable to be controlled directly, so many of her abilities replicate that. The Orgia ability is a reworked (and greatly downsized) Rage skillset that lets Aigis show off her original P3 skillset, but causes her to become uncontrollable. The Tarot ability is another luck of the draw skillset based on the Slot command. And Medium (just like Virginia's) summons a random Esper, making Aigis a very unpredictable fighter for those who enjoy the thrill of abusing Luck-based skills.

Laharl (Disgaea series, replacing Umaro)
Abilties: None, it's Umaro
Laharl is the Overlord of the Netherworld from the crazy series, Disgaea. As a wild royal demon with no common sense, it's only natural that his attacks would be out of control. While he's used to dimensional-wall-breaking cameos from his own games, he is understandable perturbed that he's no longer the main character in this composite world and will do everything he can to restore things to their original order!

In battle, Laharl's big trick is that he can equip Everything. Just like in Disgaea, while there are certainly some items more suited for him, he can use nearly any weapon or armor in the game. With all the new passive effects on the various equips, the sheer number of broken setups are uncountable. Of course, they are all limited by the fact that Laharl can't be controlled directly.

Temporary Characters:
Fei and Abel (Xenogears and Xenosaga 3, replacing Biggs and Wedge)
Ability: Techs (Magitek)
Powerful Gear Pilots who look suspiciously similar. They recover their memories of their original worlds and decide to bring Terra to the True Rune in the caverns to try to restore their home dimensions.

Meena Mahabala (Dragon Quest 4, replacing Banon)
Ability: Tarot (reworked Slot skillset)
Weapon: Tarot cards
A psychic fortune-teller who remembers the original world immediately and begins gathering allies who wish to 'Return' to their original dimensions. She's been particularly persistent in getting the Harmonixer Yuri to join her cause, pestering him with constant psychic voices in his head.

Prinny Squad (Disgaea series, replacing Ghosts)
Ability: DOOD! (Possess)
Prinnies are the souls of dead sinners who are working off their bad deeds in the Netherworld. At the Red Moon, the Phantom Train comes to take them to their ultimate resting place. Prinnies are extremely volatile, and if thrown too hard, they explode!

Millenia (Grandia 2, replacing General Leo)
Ability: Spell-Binding Eye (Control)
Weapon: Bows
Millenia is a piece of the Dark God Valmar, and finds herself working alongside the other Gods, the Aesir, in the composite world. As a capricious, newly-formed soul, she just wants to enjoy what the new world has to offer. Like exotic jewels, ancient treasures, and legendary magical artifacts to let her make ever larger explosions. She does have something of a soft spot for humans though, putting her at odds with the Aesir at times, particularly that primadonna Freya. She seems to know more about what's going on than her flippant air would imply...


Schala Zeal (Chrono Trigger, replacing Old Man Argus)
The Princess of Zeal has been residing in the composite town of Alghetty, trying to help its downtrodden and confused people. Her particular area of interest is the True Rune that seems to drawing powerful magical creatures such as dragons to the already-impoverished mountain town.

Alice Elliot (Shadow Hearts, replacing Rachel)
Yuri Hyuga's former lover, she sacrificed herself for him and now he's doing everything in his power to get her back.


Kefka Palazzo (Final Fantasy VI)
The mad clown is as demented as ever, but this time he's in a similar position to Terra. As one of the original inhabitants of the composite world, Kefka has an unusual amount of control over the magics at large. Working alongside the Aesir as it suits him, he seeks to take over all of creation and make it his plaything.

Odin the Allfather (Valkyrie Profile, replacing Gestahl)
The King of the Norse Gods, the Aesir. Odin's foreknowledge of the destruction of his world caused him to seek out a solution to stop the inevitable Ragnarok. Upon finding the means, he began to merge the various dimensions together to alter the outcome of the destined war between the Aesir and the Vanir that would cause the End of the World.

The Rune of One (Suikoden Tierkreis-based entity)
One of the 27 True Runes of Power that created the universe. The Rune of One is an existence that seeks to collapse all of Infinity into a Single point. Once unleashed, it begins to merge the various dimensions together, meshing the inhabitants' minds and pasts together into a tangled new timeline that became the composite world. "One World, one Future."

Ultros (Final Fantasy VI)
The crazy octopus who just couldn't be left out!

The Goddess Trio Myria, Leknaat, & Ashera (Breath of Fire 3, Suikoden, Fire Emblem 10)
Well-meaning, but somewhat misguided, tyrannical Goddesses of power.

Ghaleon and the Vile Tribe (Lunar Silver Star Story, replacing the bosses of Narshe)
The former warrior of the Goddess Althena has arrived in the composite world as the leader of the Vile Tribe, who have taken up residence in the composite town of Alghetty in the mountains. Shunning the foolish actions of the Gods, they do not take lightly to the Aesir's mech-riding soldiers showing up at their gates.

Full Skill Sets (some notes on animations, too) :
Code: [Select]
Magic list:
Cure - What is says on the box~
Fira - I'm so clever, I used Japanese naming style.
Heal - A better Cure2
Arise - Life2
Firaga - More of that Japanese naming convention
D.Holy - Dark Holy, the only unique thing here, and pretty much what it says on the box. Black-colored Flare animation, though.
DA: Riot Blade

The long one:
Yuri (Shadow Hearts):
Fusion forms:
Czernobog (Dark Fusion):
ThirdKey (Hits 4 times) - could probably just use Pummel's animation
DrainWave-MPDrain - needs an animation idea here.
Revelation - MT Dark Attack (Dmg+25% ID) - needs an animation idea
Decel (Slow, same as Ginny's spell)
Seravi (Wind Fusion):
Accelerate (MT Haste) - Yellow Fenix Down animation
Purify - MT Status Heal - possibly use Remedy's ani
Fusion - Self-Target positive statuses - needs an ani
Wind Shear - MT Wind magic (Weak) - needs an ani
Lobo (Earth Fusion):
Strike - ST Physical - use Wombat ani
Fusion - same as Seravi's
Charge (MT Safe) - probably just use Safe's ani
Howling (MT MP Healing) - needs an ani
Sandalphon (Light Fusion):
Revive (MT Revival) - has an ani!
Sanctuary - MT Shell - probably just use Shell's ani
Pulse (MT ITD Multi-hit weak Light dmg) - needs a cool ani
Fusion - same as Seravi's
Forron (Fire Fusion):
Hellfire (MT Fire dmg) - could probably just use palette-swapped Fire's ani
Purify-MT Status Heal - same as Seravi
Ignition - ST Berserk - could probably just use palette-swapped Fire's ani
Inferno (ST multi-hit PhFire dmg) - possibly same as Luke's Devil Inferno ani
Egil (Water Fusion):
Flash Flood (ST Water dmg) - needs ani
Dragon Cry (MT Water dmg) - needs ani
Iris (MT Clear) - could probably use Vanish's ani
Holy Tears (ST 100% Heal) - could probably use Holy Water's ani
Amon (Non-Elemental Devil Fusion):
Demon Rays (ST NE magic dmg) - needs ani, possibly involving Aura Bolt or Fire Beam's ani
Mind/Body Revival (ST Full Revive) - Life2 ani?
Fusion - same as Seravi's
The End - uses Amon summon ani
DarkSeraphim (Non-Elemental Angel Fusion):
ThirdKey (4x physical) - same as Czerno's
ForTomorrow (High ST HPDrain) - needs ani
ForTheChildren (ridiculous MT NE damage) - uses Seraph summon ani
For Everyone (MT Haste/Safe/Shell/Image) - needs ani

Yuri's menu spells: (All need animations)
Czerno's DrnWv (MPDrain) - same as Czerno's fusion ani
ForTheChild (HighMP cost) - theoretically the same as the summon, except that the Esper sprite refuses to work for normal menu spells.
ForTomorrow (HighMP cost version)
Resure-MT Fullheal (HighMP cost version of Sandalphon's Revive)
Yuri Desperation Attack: Neo Amon - needs ani, anything cool-looking works, basically.

Tir (basically done)
S.Lake (Runic)

Menu spells:
D.Fing (100% Dark ID) - done
BlkShw(MT D.dmg) - done
Hell (MT Dark ID) - done, but could use revising?
Jdgmnt(MT D.dmg) - done
Breath (Ice2) - probably just use Ice2's ani
Heal (Cure2) - same as Terra's

DA: Dbl Leader - needs ani, hoping to use some combination of Will-O-Wisp's shadow image + Bum Rush's ani

Ike (aka, ZEEMIS HELP ME!)
Throwing Axes:
Hand Axe (need to modify the throwing animation of a weapon to look like an axe... Zeemis I will love you forever if you help me with this)
Short Axe - same
Tomahawk - same
Urvan - same
Durandal -same

DA: Aether - needs ani, anything big and cool-looking will do

Headsplitter (Jump) - done, but could probably stand to edit the Jump weapon's sprites (ZEEMIS HALP!)

Menu Spells:
Ripper Blast (ST ITD EarthPhys) - done!
Mirror Slice (MT ITD Phys nosplit) - needs ani, probably the hardest move in the game to replicate
Airslash (ST AirPhys) - done!

PhaseGun (weapon, needs to edit something's weapon animation to look like a laser gun, ZEEMIS HELP!)

Desperation attack
7StarDrgn (4x hit PhFire dmg) - could probably just use a palette-swapped version of Cyan's dragon sword move with the 4x tag

Artes (Blitzes): All need ani
Fang Blade (Phys, DU)
Coil (SelfT Bsrk, DD)
Guardian Field (Light Ph Atk, Minor Healing, RR)
Rending Thrust (Air Phys, LL)
Devil's Inferno (Fire Phys, DDLL)
Rending Fang Blade (AirPhys, DULL)
Shadow Fury (DarkPhys, LLDDU)
Overlimit (SelfT Quick, RRDDRR)

Menu Spells: done!
Airslash (DemonFang w/others)
Lightning Tiger Blade

Desperation attack
Radiant Howl (4x hit PhWind) - needs ani

Bows: mostly done

Menu spells: Just need Nibelung Valesti ideas
NibVal1 - needs ani, just use some sort of sword attack w/ a flash?
Shield (Safe) - done
Protect (Shell) - done
Life - done
NibVal2 - needs ani, just use some sort of sword attack w/ a bigger flash?
Heal - done
Remedy -done
Mute -done
Reflect -done
NibVal3 - needs ani, go all out, this is the strongest attack in the game.

DA: Code Break (PhysDmg+ID Chance) - probably just use Cyan's DA ani

Techs (Terra's M-Tek list): all need ani, probably can use the MTek beams with palette swaps for most?)
Tsu (ST Light dmg)
Zan (MT wind dmg)
Flaeli (ST Fire dmg)
Res - (ST 66% healing)
Rever - (ST 50% revival)
Rimpa - (full status healing)
Megid (All-target 80% Light dmg)
Earth (45% Stop, consider rename)

Menu Spells:
Airslash (shared w/ClaudeLukeRyu) - done
Crosscut - done
Explosion(ID) - needs ani
Rayblade - needs ani

DA: GiMegid (ST 100% Dark dmg) - big dark flashy ani needed

M-Tek (everyone else using the M-Tek skillset):
Fix Frame - Heal force ani palette swap?
Booster (Haste) - maybe use Haste ani?
Anemo Bolt - Bolt1 ani
Thermo Geist - Fire2 ani
Aqua Aroum - Ice1 ani

Ginny (Virginia):
Menu Spells:
Petrfy (Earth dmg) - done
Quickn(Haste) - done
Decel(Slow) - done
Xplode (ID) - same as Chaz's Explosion, needs ani
Distor(GolemWall) - needs ani, something with wavy effects, also, ZEEMIS HELP (I want to change Golem Wall's hand sprite to something more air-like)
Reflect - done
Mystic (MT FullHeal/Status) - best healing in the game
Impulse (NE magic) - mostly done
Force Charge (MPHeal) - done
Safe -done
Shell - done
Sleep - could probably stand to get a new ani

DA: Gatling -done

Weapons: she uses guns, I could really use a gun weapon sprite (ZEEMIS?!)

S Moves (SwdTech): ani is mostly done (because I didn't change anything)
Incremes (Safe)
CounterStance (Retort)
Pyres (MT nosplit weak Fire)
Cutlass Fury (4xAtk ITE)
SkullShield (MT Image!)
Rain of Swords (MT ITE/D damage)
Pirate's Wrath (4xITE damage)
~Prophecy (Self-T Quick)

DA: Blue Rogues (Multiple Status effects, H-Bomb Airship animation)

Menu Spells:
T.Bolt (Bolt2) - Bolt2 ani probably works
T.Wave (Slo2) - needs ani
Reflect - same as Virginia's
Quickn - ditto
X-Cut - same as Chaz's Crosscut
LTBld - same as Luke's Lightning Tiger Blade

Endure (Fast,no-cost, Self-target Life3) - ani done
DA: Thunder (ST dmg +Stop) - needs awesome ani

Orgia (Rages): all can use very generic ani
Pierce Attack - none needed
Dekunda -MT Dispel
Masukukaja - Hit/Eva up
Marakukaja - M/Def up
Matarukaja - Atk/Mag up
Diarahan - ST Fullheal
Samarecarm - ST Full Revive
Akasha Arts - 2xHit Phys
God's Hand - Phys dmg - this one needs to be a little cooler than the others

DA: Armageddon - needs fuckoff awesome ani

Ryu3 (the OTHER big one)
Dragon (Lore):
Bonebreak - Step Mine mechanics - needs a cool sword animation
Fusion - self-target Safe/Shell + Chant - use Berserk's ani?
Ascension - UserTarget Imp Status (modified, make sure only Ryu3 can use) - use some kind of Fiery powerup animation?
Howling - 90% MT Confusion - use Noiseblaster ani
Vigor - VT (practically) full-healing - generic ani needed
Shield - VT Safe - Safe's ani is fine
Kaiser Breath - Pearl Wind Damage spell ITD, ITE (make lategame unmissable) - his best spell, would like to see if I can use the Kaiser Dragon summon ani I made here.
Sacrifice - Exploder + chance of Death - could probably just use the Exploder ani
Frost Strike - Phys Ice dmg + 90% Sleep - Sword or Punching ani + blue flash ani?
Flame Strike - Phys Fire dmg - Sword or Punching ani + Red flash
ThunderStrike - Phys Bolt dmg + 90% Stop - Sword/Punching ani + white/gold flash?
Super Combo - 65% accuracy 4x hit phys - needs help here
Tsunami - AT ITR Demi - don't actually know what to do for this
Kyrie - 100% ID to undead (Bababreath?) - flashy ani needed
Sudden Death - same as Roulette mechanics - just copying Roulette here
(DragonBreath)Shadowwalk - ITE High Phys dmg (Critical if possible) - not even sure on the mechanics for this one, could use help
Snooze - MT HP/MP fullheal, inflict Sleep - actually, just use bubbles for this.
Sirocco - MT Fire/Wind magic dmg - Fire2/3+Tempest background works
Inferno - MT Fire mag dmg - Will-O-Wisp fire ani + red background?
Blizzard - MT Ice mag dmg - Ice3 works
Mjollnir - MT Bolt mag dmg - Bolt 3 woks
Intimidate - Dischord (halves level, which lowers Fight dmg significantly) - make enemy shake

Menu Spells: done
~Barrier - ST Shell
~Remedy - Cure all status
~Ressurrect - MT FullHeal (same as Yuri's Resure)
~Wind Strike (Airslash)

Desperation Attacks:
Terra: Riot Blade - ITD, ITE Phys Damage (Pretty much the best use of Terra's decent physical stats)
Yuri: Neo Amon - ITD Reflectable Non-elemental Magical damage (Based on his Shadow Hearts 2 Unique Fusion)
Ike: Aether - ITD Phys, Hits 4 times, Draining (Awesome desperation move, but the damage is capped by Ike's maxHP)
Tir: Dbl Leader - ITD, ITE Phys damage (Based on his unique Unite attack from Suikoden 2 with Riou.)
Claude: 7StarDrgn - Phys, Fire damage, Hits 4 times (Based on his ultimate attack from Star Ocean Blue Sphere, hits multiple times to emulate SO2's combo system)
Luke: Fon Drive - Phys, Wind damage, 4xHit (Based on his ultimate Mystic Arte)
Lenneth: Code Break - ITD Phys damage, 1/4 chance of ID (Based on one of her hidden techs in Valkyrie Profile 2 that occasionally causes Instant Death. Lenneth is already overpowered, so she really doesn't need an awesome DA.)
Chaz: GiMegid - Holy/Pearl magic damage, Reflectable, Inv.dmg to Undead (Based off of spells from Phantasy Star Online, since all of his actual skills were already used in his normal skillset)
Virginia: Gatling - ITD, ITE Phys damage, 8xHit (Virginia's physical is terrible, but 8x anyone's physical is pretty good, and it actually worked like a Limit break in WA3)
Vyse: Blue Rogues - ITD, ITE Draining magical damage, Reflectable, inflicts Sleep, Muddle, Seizure, Mute, Cancel DA (Based off of his ultimate team attack that summoned every member of his crew to either do some damage or inflict a status effect.)
Pikachu: Thunder - ITD Lightning damage, Reflectable, Inflicts Stop (Pretty self-explanitory)
Aigis: Armageddon - ITD, ITE ridiculous magical damage (Persona 3 has this skill, y'see... it's ridiculous. It does 9999 damage, when damage normally doesn't even break 3 digits.)

Full Esper List:
Code: [Select]
Summons FF6
Athos Ramuh
Slime Ifrit
JackFrost Shiva
Charizard Siren
KaiserDrgn Terrato
Dart Shoat
Maduin Maduin
Deis Bismark
Venusaur Stray
Reyson Palidor
Lugia Tritoch
Amon Odin
DarkSeraph Raiden
ZenithDrgn Bahamut
Raftina Alexander
Genesis Crusader
Ragnell Ragnarok
Blastoise Kirin
Chocobo Zoneseek
Asellus Carbuncle
Pamela Phantom
Lucied Seraphim
Foomy Golem
Keyblader Unicorn
Millenia Fenrir
BeastRune Starlet
Nall Phoenix

Full Boss List:
Code: [Select]
FF6 Boss    CF6 Boss    Series
Whelk    Ryu3Whelp    Breath of Fire3
Marshal/NarsheGuards/Dogs    Ghaleon/VileTribeGirls/WolfLaguz    Lunar / FireEmblem
MTekArmor    Gear Pilots    Xenogears
Vargas/Ipoohs    Asch/Replicas    Tales of Abyss
Ultros1    Ultros    FF6
ImpCampEnemies    Melfice/Geohounds    Grandia 2
Specter    Neclord/MoonRune    Suikoden
Siegfried    MonsterZed    Wild Arms
GhostTrain    PhantomTrain/SoulEater    Suikoden
TunnelArmr    Hrist    Valkyrie Profile
Rider/Guards    Dalton (Sends out Golems~)    Chrono Trigger
Kefka    Kefka    FF6
Dadaluma    Ness    Earthbound
Ultros2    Piastol    Skies of Arcadia
Ifrit/Shiva    JackFrost/Slime    DQ/Persona
Experiment    Tio    Grandia 2
Experiment    Indalecio    Star Ocean 2
Cranes    Sinistrals (Erim & GuardDhaos?)    Lufia (Tales of Phantasia?)
FlameEater    Lynx/TrueFireRune    Chrono Cross / Suikoden
Ultros3    Lucied    Wild Arms
Kefka/MTekArmors    Kefka w/ValmarHorn guards    FF6 / Grandia 2
ImpArmada1    Silmeria/Brahms    Valkyrie Profile
ImpArmada2    Althena/DrgnMstrAlex    Lunar (RPGMaker)
ImpArmada3    Sun Rune    Suikoden
Gigantos    Sword/Shield Runes    Suikoden
AtmaWeapon    Surt    Valkyrie Profile
Nerapa    Lezard    Valkyrie Profile
Phumbaba    CorruptMillenia    Grandia 2
Tentacles    Sovereign Rune Incarnation    Suikoden
Presenter    Yuber    Suikoden
Dullahan    Fina    Skies of Arcadia
DoomGaze    Freya (DoomGaze)    Valkyrie Profile
IceDragon    Fou-Lu    Breath of Fire4
Tritoch    Lugia/TrueDragonRune    Pokemon / Suikoden
MasterPugs    Etna    Disgaea
Umaro    Laharl    Disgaea
StormDragon    Magus    Chrono Trigger
Allo    Punishment Rune    Suikoden
SrBehemoth    Ashnard    Fire Emblem
Shadow(Colloseum)    Ike (Colloseum)    Fire Emblem
Chadarnook    BeastRune Incarnation (2 parts)    Suikoden
DirtDragon    Loki (OperaHouse)    Valkyrie Profile
Hidon    Teepo    Breath of Fire3
DreamStooges    Ozzie/Flea/Slash    Chrono Trigger
Wrexsoul    DreamDemonBeatrice    Wild Arms
MasterKatana    BenHyuga    Shadow Hearts
BlueDragon    SeraphicRadiance    Shadow Hearts
ZoneEater    TARTARUS(ZoneEater)    Persona
RedDragon    LAVOS CORE    Chrono Trigger
WhiteDragon    Zio    Phantasy Star
MonsterinaBox    DarkForce    Phantasy Star
MagiMaster    ProfoundDarkness    Phantasy Star
Goddess    Leknaat: T.Wtr, T.Wind, T.Charm, T.Ltg, T.Gate    Suikoden
Poltergeist    Ashera    Fire Emblem
Doom    Myria    Breath of Fire
Kefka    Kefka    FF6

True Rune Locations:

True Dragon (Fused w/ Lugia)
Soul Eater (Plot, on Tir, Form of PhantomTrain)
Blue Moon (w/ Neclord)
True Fire (Thamasa Burning House w/Lynx)
Sun Rune (Before FC)
Sword/Shield (Floating Continent boss set on Jowy/Riou)
Sovereign (Figaro Tentacles)
Yuber (Daryl's Tomb - Presenter)
Beast Rune (Owzer's Mansion 2-part Boss and Esper)
Punishment Rune (Veldt/Calm Lands Cave w/ Ike)
True Water (Plot, then Leknaat battle)
True Gate (Leknaat)
True Wind (Leknaat)
True Lightning (Leknaat)
True Charm (Leknaat, original, based on Jeane)
NightRune/StarDragonSword (Equipment)
Circle Rune (Zero Encounters Relic)
Rune of One (Original)

I'm coming up on a beta release soon, but I'm still working on spell animations, the script, and monster AI.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2011, 06:12:01 PM by DjinnAndTonic »

Random Consonant

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Re: Cameo Fantasy III: That FF6 romhack Djinn's been on about
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2011, 09:30:29 AM »
oh god chaz looks like he has a pornstache and no eyes

Past that looks like p. cool stuff, though I can't offer a whole lot of commentary right now


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Re: Cameo Fantasy III: That FF6 romhack Djinn's been on about
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2011, 09:03:44 PM »
Chaz with pornstache is awesome.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Cameo Fantasy III: That FF6 romhack Djinn's been on about
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2011, 12:24:53 AM »
Wait wait wait. Let me get this straight. You have both Chaz and Claude in the game. Two characters who look almost identical. And you don't have them as the brothers?



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Re: Cameo Fantasy III: That FF6 romhack Djinn's been on about
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2011, 11:46:13 AM »
Two characters who look almost identical. And you don't have them as the brothers?

Now they look as much brothers as John Holmes and Ron Jeremy do, except it is the stache that is the difference instead of the spare tire.
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Re: Cameo Fantasy III: That FF6 romhack Djinn's been on about
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2011, 12:17:52 AM »
Wait wait wait. Let me get this straight. You have both Chaz and Claude in the game. Two characters who look almost identical. And you don't have them as the brothers?


Actually that was the original reason I thought to choose them, but it didn't fit the flow of the story at all. Still, I liked how their skillsets worked, so I kept them instead of trying to find a better set of brothers. The Luke&Guy/Claude relationship ended up working out better for conveying the world I designed and fitting into the animations in the plot scenes. And I'm not totally ignoring the resemblance between Claude/Chaz. Thanks for so elegantly pointing it out.


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Re: Cameo Fantasy III: That FF6 romhack Djinn's been on about
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2011, 05:16:31 AM »
Djinn, is it just me, or is your Ashera looks a bit too much like Ultimecia?

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Re: Cameo Fantasy III: That FF6 romhack Djinn's been on about
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2011, 05:42:51 AM »
May just be you~
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Re: Cameo Fantasy III: That FF6 romhack Djinn's been on about
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2011, 10:03:18 PM »
I...can see what Niu is talking about in truth.  If you were to recolor the Ashera to resemble Ultimecia, it'd be almost identical to Ulti.  If Niu didn't bring it up, granted, I wouldn't have noticed, but now that he did, the similarities are very much there.

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Re: Cameo Fantasy III: That FF6 romhack Djinn's been on about
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2011, 11:26:35 PM »
Well, I didn't base any part of Ashera's sprite off of an Ultimecia sprite, so any similarity has more to do with the fact that there's only so many ways of drawing a female sprite with wings on her head than anything related to Ultimecia. Basically, Ashera and Ultimecia kinda have the same fashion sense, why are you complaining?