Author Topic: 2012 Gaming in review  (Read 7235 times)


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2012 Gaming in review
« on: December 29, 2012, 06:24:27 AM »
What games did everyone play in 2012?  Pretty much the followup to the 2010 & 2011 topics...


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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2012, 06:30:25 AM »
A very consistent set of games in 2012 for overall quality for me, even if the reason it came out such was wildly different.  I played a whole ton of 8/10 games by my own personal scale, but finished fairly few games flawed enough to qualify for worse than an 8/10.  (In my 2011 recap, which I never posted because Captain K jumped the gun and started the topic way too early in December, I have 4 9/10 games, all better than the low 9 here, two 5s, two 4s, and a mighty 3...  I'll post that later, perhaps.)

Also, as per usual, this was a season of portable gaming with some Steam on the side.  5.5 PSP-on-Vita-via-PSN games, 1 DS game, 3 PC games, 1.5 PS3 games, and 1.5 Wii games.

Notable unfinished games
Final Fantasy 13-2, The Last Story, & Growlanser: The Wayfarer of Time.  All are currently cruising for a 7/10 - FF13-2, I don't like how they changed the battle system (leader death != game over aside) and the game isn't quite as compelling as FF13; "fugitives on the run" makes me want to see what happens next more than "timeline bullshit problems, let's, uh, hurry up and solve them?"  Serah is decent at least even if Noel is lame.  The Last Story, well, that score can change a lot based on how the Story which is last turns out.  Gameplay is clunky and awkward but still enjoyable so far.  Growlanser WOT is a potentially 9/10 game with both a solid overall plot & battle system that loses massive points for pathetic otaku pandering like whoa.  Bayonetta is literally aiming higher in the "games to be embarrassed to play" category.

In dramatic reverse order:

Decent but flawed
Ys I & II Chronicles
Boring combat, bad dungeon design, level is the god stat, plot that focuses in on the latest "get this magical item which will allow you to proceed" and ignores things like character development for either heroes or villain, add in a dash of old-school trolling in scenario design & hidden items...  yet, all-in-all, I liked Ys I & II and would recommend it (as a 6/10, granted).  Why?  Well, the music is awesome.  The plot, while BAD, is something to bounce off of, more so than average Zelda-esque minimalist plots.  Some of the boss fights are interesting, like the Ys I final.  It's reasonably short and doesn't outstay its welcome.  Did I mention the music was great?  And finally, the games just have charm.  Hard to express but despite all the terrible, outdated ideas, the game clearly got some love, and it shines through.  I'm willing to overlook some flaws for that.

Played on Easy because Undo!  Undo!  Undo! is so sanity-preserving.  I usually preferred the game when it was heavier on time pressure than on perfect block manipulation / puzzling.  Anyway...  I'm glad that Japan was willing to make a game about late-twentysomethings in awkward relationships, even if it ended up melodramatic as all hell (as might be expected).  Actual sinister plot reveal was pretty hilarious, I'll grant.

Puzzle Agent 2
A very high 7.  Don't care about the puzzles, but actual plot resolution!  Minnesota accents!  Short & sweet!  Docked half a point for blatantly rushing the ending, again, but at least the mysteries of Scoggings are mostly cleared up.  Sort of.

Tactics Ogre: Let us Cling Together PSP
Biggest upgrade ever, since TO PSX is so god-awful.  Anyway, I love strat-RPGs on a map, and the larger party sizes of TOLUCTPSP help it stand out from the crowd.  Some interesting twists too - I liked how "deaths" were handled, different schools of magic was a neat idea, game shows damage projections against anything, take-backs, etc.  And of course for every neat idea there was a flawed idea - item crafting, skill progression, new classes starting at level 1, level being so godlike due to subtractive defense, some of the whole class-progresses-as-a-whole balance issues, hiding so many classes in the late game after it's inconvenient to experiment...  but whatever.  The plot has its low points (Catiua!) and its weird parts (the suicidal Galgastani commander who betrays his own troops and gets them killed so as not to sully his own honor as a traitor or something), but it's very ambitious and I love the script, so I'll focus on the positive here.

Ranks below the next games because despite having 3 pathways, I really don't feel a compelling need to replay the game, since adjusting the difficulty I'd face is so awkward with the whole classes-level-together thing. 

Ys Origin
Hey it's more Ys.  Great music.  Idiotic plot... but at least the two mains in Hugo & Yunica are decently written as they ram into the stupidity that surrounds them.  More importantly the gameplay is great, if you're willing to compenstate for the usual flaw that the bosses are balanced so much harder than the randoms such that the randoms are basically irrelevant and harmless if it's reasonably possible to take the boss on.  (And the whole Ys level = god stat thing.)  Ranks slightly below Oath because A) the art is worse in Origin, and B) Adol's swordplay feels more relevant there.  Maybe Toal will be better on this, but Hugo is more about positioning + pew pew (Which is fine), while Yunica's specials kind of overwhelm any trickiness you can do with her axe in general.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution
More Deus Ex, updated for modern sensibilities.  I'll take it!  Villainy could have been better - needed a screen-stealer like Bob Page - but it's Deus Ex gameplay with the ability to skip it and do constant takedowns from hiding if you want.  I'm one of the people who *liked* the boss fights, too.  Plot basically worked for me as well.

Portal 2
The first third of Portal 2 is fantastic, 9/10 territory.  Falls off a tad in the middle, though, and the twist in your helper for the last third was a bit awkward.  Oh well.  Fun puzzling at least, and some reasonably awesome lines as expected.

Ys: The Oath in Felghana PSP
Yet more Ys.  See Ys Origin, except plot & gameplay are slightly better, albeit replays don't get to change up to a new character like Origin.  2 and a half playthroughs of each game shows they did something right - it's not quite portable Devil May Cry, but close enough, good fun.  Insert obligatory music hype as well.

Ys 7
Secret of Mana+.  Works for me.  The gameplay is actually worse than Origin & Oath IMHO - items are too easy a safety valve for the bosses (although it does make long boss fights more sane), and while the special move selection is cool, ultimately winning fights comes down to spamming the dodge button a lot.  That said, I will give it an ever-so-mild overall edge on Oath because the plot doesn't fail as usual, but is actually sort of decent.  Uber-generic in parts, yes (take a pilgrimage to THREE SHRINES, then complete FIVE DRAGON TRIALS, then COOK SEVEN EGGS etc.), but the game is so very close to an actually decent Ys villain.  The endgame does its best to undermine the potential villains by suddenly deciding everyone is awesome despite all the muder & such, but oh well, there's clearly something to work with here.

Last Window: The Secret of Cape West
If Oath is all gameplay no plot, Last Window is the reverse, since the gameplay is practically nonexistent.  Plot takes its freaking time to get into gear with Kyle Hyde, apartment busybody for the first half of the game, but when it eventually does, it's solid.  As in Hotel Dusk, your reward at the end of the game is the truth and nothing more...  but it's enough.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
It's a Fire Emblem game, I like the gameplay, and now I'm not limited to 1 forge per mission.  Cool, we're already 8/10.    RD certainly could have been a 9/10 game...  it's got an epic plot, which I like.  Big, sweeping, touches both the lowliest and highest born of Tellius...  but dang if it doesn't derail in Chapter 3.  My dislike of the general idea of Chapter 3 is strong enough to counteract my general liking of Chapter 1 & Chapter 2.  And Chapter 4...  okay, there are some really cool ideas here, and I certainly was not expecting the goddess of chaos & destruction to be on OUR side.  Lehran's plot is also reasonably neat.  But Chapter 4 also includes some of the stupidest plot twists (Micaiah's lineage, Ike understanding that Mr. Black Knight is a noble dude after all because murdering a single father out of some petty anime PROVE MYSELF THE BEST rivalry actually makes perfect sense) once again undercutting itself some.  I personally would have liked it more had the plot not decided Yune was just really misunderstood or something too, and given her some entirely merited scariness.  And lastly, have more darn 1-star flavor conversations!  It's a good thing FE9 exists, because otherwise the number of lines some characters get borders on Shadow Dragon levels, which is not a good place to be.  Bah.  If I cared more about replays I suppose RD might have made 9/10 anyway since it's good for that, but there's a big difference between a 6-hour replay of Oath in Felghana and a 60 hour replay of Radiant Dawn.

Diablo 3
I thought I was Diablo-d out.  I was wrong; Diablo 3 is different enough from D2 that it was worth hiking through Inferno, and I'm sure I'll eventually do more off-class playthroughs as well.  The gameplay is smooth and better than "stand still while drinking health potions and clicking the left mouse button;" I got to feel like a badass Vaulting out of the way as a Demon Hunter before dropping some Caltrops and unloading arrowy death into monsters.  The skillset switching means you can play around with different builds and abilities.  The multiplayer integration is second-to-none - it's amazingly easy to walk into a friend's game or see who's on.

Oh yeah, I guess there's DIABLO PLOT too.  Well.  The animation is great, and there are some decent twists, but overall, yeah, DIABLO PLOT.  But when the game is fun to play, who cares?

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
Trails plays to my biases.  It's an RPG with a setting that feels like an actual entity, and furthermore an actual entity at peacetime, that nevertheless never gets boring and yet never feels like it's breaking the supposed calm of "yup, everyday normal stuff here, the drastic emergencies are along the lines of arson rather than world-deverouing snake."  Well, in the first 3/4 of the game at least.  There's a metric ton of script in conversations that constantly update to feed your OCD if you want, but it's eminently skippable along with the more fetch-questy side missions if bored, so perfect.  The battle system is mostly straight RPG with some minor positioning to care about, but it's fun, there's customization, you can steal bonus rounds with a special meter, etc.  It's also nice to have an FFX-esque constantly updating initative track.  The characters, while anime tropetastic as all hell at times, are charming and distinctive and humanized.  The plot is a decent excuse to watch characters meet & grow & laugh & fight, and it has its own interesting bits, but this is most definitely a game that is carried by its localization & writing, which are just damn good.

Really, my only complaints are that the game is a tad on the easy side (the option to choose Hard mode before a complete runtrhough would have been nice...) and that this is very much an incomplete story on its own - if Trails Second Chapter turns out to be really stupid in its plot (if it ever gets to North America!) then that can retroactively push Trails First Chapter down some.  This is a borderline 8-9/10, but I'll be generous for now.


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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2012, 06:34:24 AM »
And oh yes.  The strategy annex, which feels different enough to not be on the list.  I played eighty bazillion hours of single-player strategy games growing up (Civ, Civ2, HoMM2, HoMM3, MOO2, SMAC, etc.), so yes I like them, but my patience for bad ones is kinda gone, I've played enough.  Kinda hard for me to rate them now, actually.  I've played 2 good strategy games but neither enough to know a score for sure, and briefly played 4 other Steam-maybes that sucked.  I guess these are incomplete too?

StarCraft II, Magic: The Gathering Online.  Nothing much to be said here, though I didn't play nearly as much SC2 as in 2011.

Civilization V, w/ Gods & Kings: Fun stuff.  I do like the new army combat a lot; far less tedious, more interesting things to do, etc.  I like the tradeoffs they added to combat ICS; culture is really good, happiness is a big problem, so just the standard ooze-across-the-map approach has some huge drawbacks.  I just need to, um, finish a game.

Endless Space: MOO2 with less insane micromanagement, and more epic space battle rock-paper-scissors.  Sold.  Although MOO2's allegedly branching tech choices were totally broken, I do wish the various races played a little bit more differently - the race-specific tech picks don't have quite as great an impact as they "should" it feels like.  That and there are some beyond worthless buildings that seem to exist only to clutter up the build options.

Spellforce 2 The Order of Dawn - The artwork made this seem like "for RTS fans who want more naked dark elves in their game" and playing the first hour or so of the campaign confirmed it.  I was hoping for a WarCraft III variant, and I guess it is, but StarCraft II has spoiled me on older RTSes.

Disciples 3 Renaissance - The most boring possible battle system you can imagine for a Heroes of Might & Magic esque game.  You have a whole level-up system for your characters...   that makes them switch from "hit" to "hit harder" by and large.  WTF.  How about some relevant special abilities?

Hearts of Iron III - Looked at the interface and the amount to keep track of for 2 minutes.  Walked away.  No, I am not going to play the Fuhrer's logistics ubermensch juggling individual tank divisions.

King Arthur - Boring combat that is a chore.  Theoretically possible it improves when your heroes have more relevant things to do than chill & chop stuff up, but I doubt it.

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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2012, 07:05:27 AM »
I'll put my recaps in their separate topic as usual because I'm an attention whore, but for now I'm amused at how well you encapsulate in one sentence how I feel about FF13-2.

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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2012, 12:04:46 PM »
Hearts of Iron 3 is garbage, play HoI2 instead.

Just listing the new games I played that I remember. I don't think I am forgetting anything.

Orcs Must Die 2- Sequel to OMD,which I loved. It makes Nightmare mode much more playable, adds coop, and gives you more options in how to play the game. I approve.

Tales of Graces- Hit all the right notes with me. Fully adjustable challenge? Check. Unique growth system that  rewards side questing and using different moves without being grindy? Check. Good character work? Check. Best game in the Tales series.

Final Fantasy 13-2- A massive step down from FF13 in terms of gameplay. Plot is like FF13's (real bad). The game does a decent job on character work. That and the ending save it from being a waste of time,but ugh. This should have been a 10/10 title. They already had an amazing battle system from 13, and fucked it up royally with screwing up class balance and adding monsters to the mix.

Tactics Ogre PSP-  Unfinished and likely to stay that way.  TO's combat system just does not catch my attention at all. Oh boy, let me wait for my mages to slowly gather MP while my fighters toddle into front lin combat! (Thank goodness for Archers) I think some of the remake changes are baffling as well- the marks system encourages the player to stay in a few classes for the entire game, and really hurts special characters.

I did very little in the way of playing new games this year. Travelling abroad is a culprit there, but nothing really caught my eye even before that.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2012, 12:26:02 PM by superaielman »
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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2012, 08:02:06 PM »
I'll give a legit post when the year actually ends, because I'm trying to squeeze finishing two last games in the next few days!

...I did the exact same thing last year with Sonic Adventure 1, where I think I literally finished it on December 31st, but could be mistaking. 

Though, that does make it easy to remember what game I started this year with!  Yeah, I intend to view each game in order I played them, roughly, and give an outline, because I had an...interesting and varied year?  Yeah, let's go with that.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2012, 09:27:28 PM »
Meanwhilst I'll just spam up this topic because reasons.

14. Sonic Generations (3DS)

Sonic Generations drops the ball even straight out of the gate.  First thing you realize is that you're playing Green Hill Act 1... and it's literally the same stage copied over note for note into the 3DS engine.  This is also true of Casino Night and Mushroom Hill.  Well okay, but the modern stages are fine and Sonic controls really well and the game looks good, so maybe it was just a little homage to ease fans in? 

Then you hit the first rival battle and it's basically just a doppleganger race.  Those were bad enough in the good Generations when they were optional fluffy bits.  Required 'boss' fights where the rival can actually interfere with you and basically cheat their way to always be ahead?  c'mon.  Silver mixes things up but not just being a straight clone of Sonic, but in the worst way possible and the stage basically requires perfect execution to complete.

You get through the Dreamcast stages and finally get something a little different, only to see the third bit of the game is only two zones.  The best you can say for the game is that they shipped it 6 months early and they just patched the game over so it functioned.  The equally likely scenario though is that this is a lazy cash in with just enough differences to sucker people into thinking it's good because the Sonic fandom is the worst.

On the upshot Dimps' love of Sonic 2's special stages finally produced a good variant where the goal is to maintain a continuous Boost, ie what you're probably doing anyway.  So maybe they really did just not get a chance to finish it.

4/10.  It never really produces a real antipathy despite having little good to say about it.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2012, 09:29:11 PM by Cmdr_King »
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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2012, 11:40:45 PM »
Games I beat in 2012 listed from least favorite to favorite.

36.) Jaws
35.) Final Fantasy II
33.) Onimusha: Warlords
31.) Professor Layton’s London Life
30.) Onimusha 2: Samurai’s Destiny
29.) Muramasa: The Demon Blade
28.) The Simpsons Arcade Game
27.) Mega Man 7
26.) Mega Man 8
25.) Yume Nikki
24.) Punch-Out!!
23.) Mega Man 5
21.) Onimusha 3: Demon Siege
20.) Mega Man 3
19.) VolChaos
17.) Skullgirls
16.) Abobo’s Big Adventure
15.) Mega Man
14.) Mega Man 4
13.) Super Mario World
12.) Mega Man 6
11.) Professor Layton and the Last Specter
10.) Seiken Densetsu 3
8.) The TEMPURA of the DEAD
7.) Final Fantasy XIII
6.) Mega Man 2
4.) Greed Corp
3.) Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
2.) Borderlands 2
1.) Katawa Shoujo

Plus a replay of Persona 4. I was a busy boy this year.


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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2012, 05:38:40 AM »
13. Final Fantasy XIII (360)

I debated really adding this, because I finished it mid-January so it's hard to be sure now if I really played a meaningful amount this year or if it mostly carryover, but eh, whatever.

So this game.  It should either have been way better or quite a bit worse than it was.  The battle system has no right to work at all on paper, considering it's a system where class roles are rigidly defined, battles are so fast paced it's actually more efficient to let the game play itself, you can only control one character, that character cannot die without provoking game over, the system is built around changing classes on the fly but you can only do so if you determine before hand which ones you're going to use AND actually changing classes lets enemies get the jump on you, abilities are stipped down to bare essentials, and teh only meaningful way to get stronger involves a complete money sink in making weapons in a game where enemies do not actually drop money.

Yet the game gets away with it because every enemy is very tightly designed.  There's two or three good ways to tackle any given enemy and careful observation and playing smartly will let you pick up on them and gives every fight a distinct flow and nuance to it.  Well.  That's not true.  Every enemy once the game actually starts is that good.  Up until chapter 9, or roughly 2/3rds of the game, enemies are complete jokes because surprise, 20 hours of the game are basically tutorial.

On the opposite end, the story should have been good.  Cocoon is an interesting setting, the fal'cie have potential as the force of magic in the world, nevermind the deeper goddess stuff, and the premise gives us a good dynamic for character growth and a compelling narrative.  None of which ever comes into a coherent whole because Toriyama cannot write his way out of a paper bag.  All the elements are there but it's like someone went through and left the plot on a the cutting room floor... in a fucking video game, which can be as long as you fucking need it to be to tell the fucking story you're telling if you take the time to find the right order and manner to present it.  People like to complain about Square since the merger, but it's bullshit.  It's not that they don't care, or that they're shovelling whatever out the door, or that they're just pandering to the crowd in the lamest way possible.  No, it's that nobody they've got left on staff has a fucking clue how to correctly use the medium to convey a story.  And I don't mean arbitrary bullshit 'choices' or some indie stupidity about not using dialog at all because the entire story has to be told by gameplay.  I mean using all the tools you have to enrich, enhance, and tie together the story you want to tell.  Sometimes that's a boss fight, sometimes that's a cutscene, sometimes that's even just literally putting text on the screen to pretty music.  But nobody who worked on this game knew any of those things.

For all that though, the thing is I was well into the game before I realized that they hadn't thought this shit out.  And by that point actual gameplay actually worth my time came along.  So it's not really a bad game.  Just one with more wasted potential than I even want to think about.  5/10.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2012, 07:02:22 AM »
In no order...

Ys: Ark of the Napishtim- Not bad. I can see why people would like Ys games from it, even if it wasn't entirely entralling. Simple, fun, but just a little bit lacking in every department that doesn't quite bring it up to average.

Growlanser 2- Another game which doesn't quite live up to the sum of its parts. I can't point out serious flaws other than a lack of depth- gameplay and storywise. But I can see why they do that here for the latter, with the sheer amount of branching story paths. Just doesn't work for a single-playthrough guy like me.

Atelier Rorona- Fun, fluffy, another game with the same problems as above. The characters and dialogue can be entertaining at least.

Enchanted Arms- A game that does average right! For whatever that means... despite cribbing a little bit from Narutoplot, I actually enjoyed this game. Doesn't try to do too much, manages some genuinely good moments, but just suffers from the effort and budget that went into it.

Persona 4: The Golden- Sits somewhere in between a straight port and top-down remake like WA:F, a lot of effort was put into it and it shows. The graphical details are enhanced, gameplay issues were addressed, some decent new content. It's absolutely worth playing even if you've played P4 vanilla a lot. Not quite happy with the nerfbat to Yukiko and Kanji's dungeons/bosses, but eh. The new content is also infected with some of the anime's influence, which makes it kinda funny most times but you cringe all the same.

Persona 4: Arena- Totally a good side-storyesqe sequel to P4. Story mode was really good, if a bit repetitive. It was interesting getting a feel for events and characters through characters other than Souji, even if said anime influence reared it's ugly head sometimes. Labrys' story alone is worth the price of admission. Game also introduces concepts that will hopefully be explored down the line. Oh, and it's a fun fighter too.

El Shaddai- Preeeeeeetty. But... shallow. But preeeeeeetty. And batshit crazy at times too. It just never lives up to anything it tries to be.

Dark Souls- Everything advertised. A bit easier to get into than Demon's Souls, to me. Having fun with it though even if it's been put down for the moment in favor of P4:G.

Heavy Rain- At times, accomplishes exactly what it means to and does it damn well, at others entirely frustrating and shits the bed. Just not enough was done to make the story gripping enough to contend with the system. A great first attempt at something like it though. Would really like to see the genre developed, even if it seems like it won't be.

Persona- The first Persona. It's uh. A thing. Flawed, not too great but manages to keep me playing.


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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2012, 08:14:39 AM »
12. Sonic Colors (DS)

I can't bring up much to say about this one.  It's... competent.  The levels are a bit braindead, you can really just run your way to the goal without particular thought or creativity in it.  But not really because the levels are predictable or badly done, they're just... breezy.  The whatchacallit gimmick is okay, there's a good balance between levels built around it and just straight Sonic levels.

The last two stages of the game do introduce VOID, and VOID is an amazingly terrible idea, especially for a Sonic game.  the first instance is pretty short and you can muscle through it, but the last stage of the game is just suffering.  it's a stark contrast to the rest of the game and I really considered giving up on it, but many continues later that was done.  Fortunately the final boss is actually quite fun and cancelled that out more or less, so we're left with just a fluffy timekill of  a game.  5/10.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2012, 07:52:29 PM »
11. Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War

I've come to the conclusion that some folks don't really play games that exist.  Well, consume media that exists.  But games.  Anyway, if you present them with a game, when they play it they aren't playing the same game you would.  They're playing the idea of the game. 

Like, here's an example.  In one of the Discworld books, they mention Vetinari does not listen to music.  He instead sits in his office and reads sheet music.  He refuses to listen to the music played because, he claims, that would introduce flaws and diminish the music.  What he hears in his head reading the music is the only proper way to enjoy it.

FE4 is a game that inspires a lot of these sorts of people.  They aren't really playing this game where every map takes 4 hours, where the inherent map design makes every unit that's not mounted functionally useless, where every battle eventually boils down to "point divine weapon at it, win", where each mission boils down to capture castle, fight enemies that spawn from next castle, repeat.  They're playing a game they imagine, an epic tale that shows you fighting your way across the continent, of love and betrayal down the generations, a story between battles of characters building lives for themselves and laughing together.  A game where thinking carefully about your units and how work together is rewarded, where the scope of fighting an entire army across a nation is realized.  A game where each character is their own and has their own story waiting to be told.

So, y'know, it's an SNES game.  One whose ideas were largely left fallow for nearly 10 years and 4 entries in the series.  I'd really like to see a remake of this with more modern sensibilities, but seems unlikely.  Ah well.  6/10.
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Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #12 on: December 31, 2012, 04:15:02 AM »
Hmm. Interesting review!

The big maps don't bother me since you can permasave everywhere, but that's the boring answer. They also don't bother me because they give the game an amazing scope? Between battles, you see the usual SRPG "world map with a lot of arrows showing which side is fighting which and where". But in the real game you actually explore a very large portion of that world map, and at the end of the game you will have explored pretty much all of it!

I just did an Internet search and found this:

It is the best part of the game (gameplay sure isn't), but in the end, it is completely shallow and fits with everything you just said. But don't a hell of a lot of videogames artificially add grandeur in such ways to immerse the player more / add grandeur to the game? (when everything is just made of pixels anyway) And is it really a bad thing?

I feel that people fell from Red Dead Redemption (GotY everywhere) for that very same reason. Awfully boring gameplay, but riding into the sunset on your horse is cool. The game's charm has never worked on me though, unlike FE4's.


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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2012, 04:48:31 AM »
Yeah.  Despite the negative tone of the review, I do like the game overall and that's really why; it tried to be big and, while it fell short, I can still see the game it wanted to be and respect it for that.  Which is weird for me, but whatever, sometimes games like that click and sometimes they don't.

10. Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor

This is a game I more just finished this year than played, since I was up to Day 5 the year it came out, but I played enough this year to have something to talk about at least.  So... I think if I had finished this in 2009, it'd have been higher on that year's list.  the basic premise is fascinating and the approach really sells the atmosphere, and limits the ways SMT Bullshit can really intrude on the game.  The core gameplay is simple but with room for variation.  The problem is I buzzsawed the sequel and thought "well shit, I should finish up the first rather than do half a replay of the second" and holy crap I didn't remember how just slow and bogged down and obtuse the original could be.

The last bit is really a shame too.  I was shooting for the most neutral ending (Gin), and despite hanging out with him every time he came up I must have missed a few things because by the end my only ending options were Ayame and Yuzu, one which is intentionally designed as a Bad End and the other which is highly contrary to my own views.  The trouble is there's nothing, mechanically, in the game to let you know how you're doing with each character and what events to prioritize.  Goofy and abstract as it is, bringing in SOCIAL LINK GO in the form of Fate levels in the sequel was a complete godsend, and that game isn't nearly as complex in terms of endings.

Anyway.  On its own Devil Survivor is a neat experiment that I'd really recommend to anyone just to see how they like it.  But like so many games of that series, it has a lot of throwback appeal (it's probably most reminiscent of a PS1 game) and those factors keep me from really embracing it.  It's an intellectual curiosity far more than a truly good game.  6/10.
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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2012, 06:48:14 AM »
9. Sands of Destruction

Sands of Destruction is an amazingly unmemorable game.  ANd really it relates back to the main problem with it.  Nothing in this game is really taken and developed beyond a bare outline.  It's really goddamned weird to actually play through, because it's like... it's almost like reading a story board to an unfinished movie more than playing a video game.

The thing of it is, I can't tell based on that if it's a good story or not.  Like, it's really more.... weird than anything else.  You're out to destroy the world because... Morte is fucked in the head.  Except nothing we see actually shows her being fucked in the head.  So apparently wanting to destroy this world is a completely rational response to this world.  What the fuck man.

The gameplay is one of those fun little things where it was balance around the player having no goddamned idea what they were doing.  I mean, maybe not actually  balanced, but it SEEMS balanced right up until that point you realize how... uh damn I'm forgetting my terminology.  But once you start linking together flurry attacks the game falls apart entirely.  Nothing else is worth doing, and characters are easily ranked based on how many flurry attacks they can pull off without being stuck with a finisher.

And yet, it has a weird charm.  There's just this little hook that jumps out at me and says "Look at me, I'm trying to be a magical Xenogears equivelent!  See my desert craft and jesus main!?"  I know, that sounds really shallow, but I'm not sure I can put it any more coherently.  Beyond that, well, I am a sucker for games that break themselves for you, gotta admit.  6/10.
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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #15 on: December 31, 2012, 10:47:39 PM »
8. Z.H.P.: Unlosing Ranger vs Darkdeath Evilman

So this game I completely ignored on release.  Despite not really being let down by any NIS mainline games, what amounts to a Disgaea-flavored Roguelike just seemed so far removed from my tastes it was silly.  What I hadn't considered is that this is a PSP game where you always get ahead.  So by whatever whim I picked it up at all, once I started playing progress was pretty steady because picking it up and playing for half an hour, even if I completely botched whatever the active dungeon gimmick was, still meant I picked up a few levels and maybe snagged another base power levelup. 

More than that though ZHP just has a good sense of what it is, and how to pace itself.  The individual dungeons aren't really that long once you're sufficiently powerful for them, there's never an area that's just straight slugging your way through, which would get boring fast in a game with no skillset, the game keeps itself short but still has a full arc in both gameplay and story, it's just really well thought out.

The plot rides the line between being too obvious and being genuine, and by that I mean less that it stays on the line and more that it rapidly hops between the two most of the time.  So a lot of times the more effective moments are undercut a bit by the next scene, both in serious and humorous moments.

It's not really something I'd ever play again, but it works for what it is and has a general fluffy enjoyability factor.  6/10.
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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #16 on: December 31, 2012, 11:51:00 PM »
Get to the moneyshot already, CK.


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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #17 on: January 01, 2013, 12:09:38 AM »
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #18 on: January 01, 2013, 09:31:33 AM »
7. Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2

So I spent half the DS1 review talking about why this game makes it look worse.  Still, in a lot of ways this game is cliche as hell.  You could run down the list of Persona cast members and pick out which one the DS2 character is mimicking, and it's really prone to random anime cliche bullshit.  but in a way this works to its advantage.  Monster of the Week anime, and that's what this is (well specifically it's most closely related to Evangelion, but anyway), translates well to video games.  The battles, while they can really tease you at times, are fun to play with and generally speaking you can muscle through if you want to just level a bit, rather than just blasting you in the face until you work out the gimmick, always a plus in an RPG because otherwise what's the fucking point.  What's nice is that they give us a very self-contained continuity, but still present the usual SMT tropes.  Because by not being burdened with the usual characters and traits of SMT's big figures, but having the same core philosophies, they can actually put each one in an interesting light that works well with the more Persona-inspired cast.  It's telling that, presenting this game for the first time to most people, the most common ending they pick AO's, functionally the Lucifer equivalent.

There's not a whole lot of meat to the game, but what's here is quite enjoyable and you have some wiggle room to really gnaw on it if you so desire.  Pretty much all I can reasonable ask of a DS game.  7/10.
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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #19 on: January 01, 2013, 09:42:02 PM »
6. Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story

I can think of nothing meaningful to add for this one.  7/10.

5. Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy

So this is the first time I've really played a Rhythm game.  The bulk of them depend on either using special multi-button add ons that make no sense to me, or depend on positioning in addition to timing, meaning I completely suck at it.  This game is a bit more like timed hits, but more than that it's music that I actually know and can find the beats in from memory without much reinforcement.

So y'know, it's basically completely awesome.  The addition of level up systems to a rhythm game makes a lot of sense, but what they really are is a safety valve, a buffer between you and failure.  Being able to alter that in such a minute way works really well, surprisingly enough.  Beyond that, with one exception the song selection is pretty great, the different alternate modes make perfect sense in context of the game, and I would buy the shit out of DLC for this except I can't.

Seriously, just go try this out.  8/10.
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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2013, 02:15:54 AM »
4. Tales of Hearts

So back in 2010, when it became clear that Namco had decided to abandon their faithful few and ignore the Tales series, I got a fever and had run out of the only cure.  So I paid like double retail for a DS RPG I couldn't read.  Good life decisions I know.  Anyway, being a Tales game how much reading actually matters is kinda debatable to start with.  I mean, sure, Skits, but other than that the plot's pretty easy to follow.  Until I got to the point where I couldn't just follow the obvious pathways to my next destination and had to figure out where I was supposed to go on the world map.  So then I stopped playing it for two years.

After a good hatbotting, I poked around at it for a bit and realized that what I took to be a sign saying "here is port for the sailing on boats" was actually a giant golden "go here you idiot" marker!  And there was much rejoicing.

So... despite not actually knowing a damn thing that's going on, I find myself really enjoying this cast.  Hisui's a bit of a wash I guess?  And Kunzite's a lamer.  But Shing brings  a lot of energy to his role, the plot setup basically rigs the game in terms of liking Kohaku, and regardless of anything else about her, I did a double take when I looked it up and Beryl was not, in fact, voiced by Megumi Hayashibara.  I swear the woman is actively doing a Lina Inverse impression.  And when you remind me of Lina Inverse the rest is sorta irrelevant.  Creed's a total wanker, but shock, awe, Tales villain fails.

So shallow praise for a plot I can't even freaking read aside, there's something about the combat that hooks me in a way most Tales games don't.  Like... in most of the series, I generally set a short term combat goal (1 more level, learn this ability, etc) and then avoid enemies as much as possible and wait for boss battle.  For about 90% of ToH I was actively seekign out enemies.  Some of this is just the level up system; it's this weird thing where you collect items and use them to buy stats and skills, like some sort of bizarro world item crafting system.  So you have to kill stuff to get items to keep that up to date obviously.  But even without that, there was something viscerally satisfying about learning the correct juggles on enemies to keep them tied up, even though due to lack of reading I was using the same two or three moves for the whole game.  I don't get it either.

But yeah, once I figured out enough of the system to actually progress I was glued to this thing.  I'm told they're making a Vita update.  If that actually comes over, Sony has sold me a goddamned Vita.  8/10.
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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2013, 07:21:12 PM »
3. Persona 4 Arena

I suck at fighting games.  I have no internet connection worth mentioning in context of video games.  Repeatedly playing a fighting game has never given me an appreciable increase in skill at fighting games.  So when I talk about P4A, I don't mean the fighting game by Arc System Works, I mean the visual novel by Atlus.

So there are problems with this, which I've probably gone over a few times.  Yosuke, Yukiko, and Chie retread far too heavily, both in that their stories in this game are mostly the same and in that their character work is way too similar to their P4 arcs.  Once you get past them and being kinda lame, this is a really great story.  It plays out a lot like one dungeon would in Persona 4 proper, but the bad ends are a lot of fun, the little memetic character moments are delightful, and I find myself really caring about Labrys and helping her, which is always the mark of doing something right in this kind of story.  Nevermind the way endgame resolves works me up about anticipating a game in a way that hasn't happened in a long, long time.  Not just fun, but highly nostalgic.  Crazy feeling to get considering we're talking Persona 4.

Dreams are Awesome.  8/10
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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2013, 07:53:21 PM »
one sentence reviews the only reviews

BEEP - bad indie game
EDGE - bad indie game
Critical Mass - bad indie game
Lucid - bad indie game
Disney: Epic Mickey - bad Wii platformer with Pete so it's better than bad indie game

Half-Life: Blue Shift - 4 hours of some random dude FPS, at least it didn't glitch on me like the other HLs
Mister Mosquito - Infinitely more hilarious than everything else but too short and bad
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker - the easiest game ever, unironically, then it goes on forever
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron - Pretty and drug-filled then it ends instantly
Half-Life: Opposing Force - Glitching through the elevator, the game

Assassin's Creed - so you do the same thing 9 times but at least that thing is fun the first couple of times
Half-Life - this is cool until you have to noclip yourself out of a pipe, literally, the polish overwhelms me
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - the most average 10/10 game ever
Persona 4 Arena - less bad fighting game plot, decent gameplay, but hacking PS3 gives it CK syndrome
Yakuza 3 - play as yakuza, solve childrens problem for first 25% of game
« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 08:12:45 PM by Nitori »
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2013, 08:42:31 PM »
2. Tales of Graces f

If I didn't make it clear, I am all about the Tales series.  Graces is very much a Tales game on the whole, but approaches the usual tropes in an odd way that helps it stand out a bit.  Where most of the series feels like they plotted out the world and character arcs and just hope they find a good place for them in the finished game.  ToG is much more deliberately constructed and makes a real effort to ensure everything they're doing makes sense in respect to the story so far.  It's sorta like a reconstruction, except none of the Tales games (or none of the available ones) really deconstruct the series.  Weird.

The biggest problem (... well, second, the return of Tales Series Fails At Villains pushes every other issue down a notch) is some key storylines are dropped midway when there was really some potential there.  One of the things this game really banks on is the first chapter selling you on the characters while the next several take them some really dark places before going back to traditional Tales lightheartedness, and when you look at how Cheria and Hubert's plots resolve it feels like a damn waste because they set up the conflict between each of them and Asbel then... just... hit a peak and completely forget about it, never showing the rebuilding of relationship that really pays everything off.

But really, that's just the game could have been better.  It still has the usual perks.  Pascal is a delight, the way Sophie plays off the rest of the cast is great, the Malik and Richard Trolling Hour is amazing.  There's still good character moments.  Just... y'know, could have been better.

I feel like I didn't play the same game as everyone else at times.  Most of the time there didn't seem to be a real logic on how to combo and what moves to set, you just tossed on whatever had the sort of movement/AoE you wanted and spammed the fuck out of it.  If there was a natural progression to how you were supposed to exploit enemy weaknesses it soooo didn't matter on Normal.  Decent enough playthrough, and there's something absolutely addictive about Titles as the levelup mechanic, but I'm just not seeing this as some grand evolution of the Tales battle system.

Definitely the best PS3 game I've got my hands on.  Whatever that says.  8/10.
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Re: 2012 Gaming in review
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2013, 09:42:16 PM »
Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice - who needs real SRPGs when you have ridiculous melodrama and lift/throw
World of Goo - a good indie puzzle game, the world must have ended
Yazuka: Dead Souls - play as yakuza, shoot zombies for 100% of the game
Pokemon White Ver. 2 - notably good pokemon single player, now let me talk about competitive or i could kill myself
Brave Fencer Musashi - Laggy approved gaming, with cheese

Serious Sam TFE - good oldstyle fps, although the skeleton bulls will rampage over me forever
Vanquish - move really fast and shoot people, when everyone else plays take cover and shoot people
Ib - good survival horror, though bitch ate my candy
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - Ubisoft actually adding polish to a series, amazing
Assassin's Creed II - See above, except AC1 is awful so it looks much better, plus Ezio is swagtastic

Hatoful Boyfriend - I loved the birds, and the birds loved me, tenderly
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow - Good CV is fun, random drops less fun
Ys: The Oath in Felghana - It's so hard, and so satisfying, and so pretty
SaGa 2: Goddess of Destiny - The real best SaGa game, what is this SaGa Frontier nonsense I keep hearing
Shadows of the Damned - Garcia Fucking Hotspur and the dick jokes adventures, it ends up pretty awesome

<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]