
Author Topic: What Games Are You Playing 2013?  (Read 202845 times)

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #450 on: February 12, 2013, 11:37:28 PM »
FEA:  Chrom and Sumia had a child.  Tragically the child was born with no feet.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #451 on: February 12, 2013, 11:41:22 PM »
Isn't that a trait inherent to all people in FE13?
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #452 on: February 12, 2013, 11:47:14 PM »
Chrom and Sumia were my pairing as well.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #453 on: February 13, 2013, 12:55:08 AM »
Suiko Tactics:

Corselia has the worst parents, but dear god her mother is the most horrible human being in this game, and this game has ISKAS. At least it's intentional, unlike XS3-style terrible human beings.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #454 on: February 13, 2013, 03:07:42 AM »
Add to my grading system:
- No feet
- Pink hair being completely normal
- A robot learning how to love

I remember now Zenny. Maybe Xenosaga beats KH in animeness. I'm sure there's some Nippon Ichi / Idea Factory game lurking somewhere that stomps them both though. I don't want to know.

Path of Exile: Beat the siren on cruel difficulty with masterful strategy. The strategy being creating a portal in the boss room then coming back over and over upon death.

P2 Innocent Sin pseudo solo: Fighting harpies in the music store.
Demons are doing 10HKO damage at most to all the other party members who have starting equipment / persona and a low level. I'm in the fifth or sixth dungeon, playing on hard mode. Just making other party members die might take a few minutes, and I'm always happy to see traps for that reason. Somehow there's an easy and a normal mode there for people wanting an easier experience?


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #455 on: February 13, 2013, 03:34:34 AM »
I would like to nominate physics-defying chest bounce for your grading system, Fenrir. That should be an instant +5 or so points.

Finished FE13 last night. I had 3 resets due to character deaths and 1 to realize how Tiki's paralogue worked. 21 was my favorite chapter to play on Normal, although the surprise reinforcements would've been an unpleasant surprise on any higher difficulty where reinforcements work FE6-style. More detailed writeup to come later, when I'm less tired from work.

More like over a day later. Clearly I have yet to learn to underestimate my own laziness.

Broadly speaking, Awakening is the Fire Emblem game that IntSys has stuffed full of the most content to date. The stage count matches Radiant Dawn's after you factor in all the paralogues, with even more available via DLC, including some crazy difficult de facto post game levels. The quantity of support conversations is absolutely massive, I think it outnames FE6-9 combined even after tossing out all the mostly generic father-child and sibling supports. Promoted classes are more diverse than ever, with cool weapon combinations like Lance+Staff Falcon Knight, Lance+Tome Dark Flier, and Sword+Staff Trickster (Thief promotion) that are either new or haven't been seen since the FE4. Radiant Dawn's third tier classes are not included, but reclassing via Second Seals serve a largely similar purpose and tier two class caps are higher across the board than FE10's third tier classes anyways. On Normal those caps are largely overkill but I've seen videos of postgame DLC/endgame Lunatic stages where generic enemies actually hit those caps, so they aren't for show. FE4's lover/inheritence system is back in heavily modified form, making it much less important to the overall game but also a million times less punishing for players who don't faq the whole system to avoid getting stuck with mages with 10% magic growth.

Between a world map with random battles for grinding (on lower difficulties at least), infinite levels via reclassing for skills/stats, the ability to toggle permadeath off and quasi-postgame stages this is definately the Fire Emblem that most resembles a conventional RPG/SRPG to date, which makes it more appealing and more accesible for people who aren't totally sold into the traditional Fire Emblem gameplay style of limited exp/resources (besides high risk arenas) and permadeath. There's still plenty to offer longtime fans so long as they can resist accessing some totally optional gameplay elements, which thankfully applies to pretty much all of the fanbase from what I've seen besides a few idiots on Gamefaqs. Some old gameplay mechanics that they didn't bring back will be missed by series veterans though, and with a lot of the new gameplay elements inapplicible to a "pure" FE experience isn't automatically the Best FE Ever for longtime veterans, despite the general internet reaction being largely that. Stages could've used a bit more variety overall, especially in terms of mission objectives, but the removal of Fog of War is a clear case of addition by subtraction for me. Seize missions to a lesser extent as well, since those are pretty much "kill boss" stages that then forced you to drag your lord over to the gate/throne at the end.

Rally was a really nice addition to FE gameplay, adding a bunch of buffs while still keeping the mechanics really simple; if anything, I'd like to see them get introduced earlier in the game, maybe with weaker versions to start with. Pair Up is a more complicated addition; it certainly complements the game's relationship system well and switching between two characters makes for interesting tactical decisions and flexibility, but the stat boosts in FE13 are so huge that they have huge ramifications on game balance. Normal difficulty just gets completely slaughtered by well-planned Pair Up usage since enemies can't handle your buffed stat gods; from what I've read, Hard gets pretty much defanged eventually while Lunatic is nearly impossible without proper Pairing Up. I enjoyed this well enough myself, but I'm also someone who's spent much of the past few years playing much easier SRPGs like modern SRWs not named A Portable; I can see how hardcore FE-diehards might have ambivalent feelings or even dislike this particular mechanic.

I also have some thoughts on all the PCs I used this run, but this post is pretty far in wall-of-text range as it is so I'll put them in a separate post later.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #456 on: February 13, 2013, 04:01:14 AM »
I remember now Zenny. Maybe Xenosaga beats KH in animeness. I'm sure there's some Nippon Ichi / Idea Factory game lurking somewhere that stomps them both though. I don't want to know.

Sounds about right.

Path of Exile: Beat the siren on cruel difficulty with masterful strategy. The strategy being creating a portal in the boss room then coming back over and over upon death.

Yeah, that... sounds about right.  I just beat Cruel and my strategy was to die until I wore down the boss. I'm a little worried about this strategy on Cruel where you take an XP penalty.  I need some elemental resistance gear with good links stat.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #457 on: February 13, 2013, 06:08:21 AM »
All of this talk of animeness and silent mains whom everyone is madly in love with has reminded me that I have been remiss in my duty to share the miseries of Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time, in a futile attempt to cleanse myself of the stink.  I already mentioned a few gems like the optional breast-groping "'sup you were dead but now you're alive" greeting, but there is much much more.  As noted before, perhaps the best summation is that LoH: Trails in the Sky is a very very anime tropey game but mostly with the good tropes, while G:WOT goes for the bad / creepy tropes. 

So, since Ephraim has shamefully let this forum down.  Let's talk Gary Stu.  The PSP version is an improved re-release of the game from the Japan-only PS2 version, and the main thing the re-release added was making sure that absolutely anyone with a heartbeat could be seduced by Our Hero.  Actually, no, that's wrong.  There are two to three different dead ladies you can seduce as well, along with your purely magical fairy familiar.  (Well.  Maybe, I assume she doesn't breath etc., but she did require some of your blood to make, so who knows.)  The way you're "supposed" to play through is presumably to finish about half the characters mini-plotlines (though it can be close to all if you FAQ heavily), then pick one to go on a romantic date with just before the endgame, which would be fine...  except that said mini-plotlines tend to involve the other side getting romantic thoughts fast, so it's not like you're just building friendships.  Definitely feels more like "whose heart won't you break you monster" to me, at least if I took these events seriously, which I don't because you have the inexplicably young princess whom everyone loves immediately getting all moony-eyed and spouting gibberish about how she's only really seen you now and can she just keep looking for a little longer practically immediately.  There's friendship meters as well, but since the game hands out Dandy Books which raise all the friendship gagues fairly liberally, it's not hard to max all of these for what little it matters.  Aside from making everyone admire him instantly when not outright falling for him, Gary Stu is a more general Stuy world savior as well.  For awhile he has to share the stage with two others with similar powers, but that eventually gets fixed by him taking all their powers unto himself because, um, okay even a character in-game says "WTF how was that even possible."  There are some tragic Stu consequences because using such power might KILL HIM but I wouldn't worry too much, if this power is too much for the human body to withstand, if we modify the power to be EVEN MORE POWERFUL then we'll be fine.  And so we are.

* Leona, our nekomimi.  Now there is nothing inherently wrong with catgirls.  Leona starts off as a rather uninspired one, bouncing her naked butt in front of the camera in the opening video, and being plotless aside from doing standard stupid "wild person being a moron" crap (you know, we need an excuse for all the robots to wake up and attack, so surprise catgirl smashes the controls 'cuz that's how she rolls).  Then she joins up for very unclear reasons and starts calling you "Master" because merely one character (your familiar) calling Gary Stu "Master" is not enough, Japanese shut-ins are really turned on by this or something.  (I think this is the appeal of the Fate/stay night series.)  Okay, whatever, she's never forced but it's harmless to have an extra warm body to mix up my party with, and you can see her hilariously misinterpreting people and saying "mrow" and whatever.  Then we get some stuff about her & her brother's backstory, where they're from another world, but humans who speak the same language are there too and RIP OFF poor catpeople but Leona believes in them or some crap, but they got dragged into our world 'cuz.  Then her brother gets all mad at her for calling Gary Stu "Master," because Leona is too young, and apparently this is a special term for, uh, sounds like husband pretty much.  Yes, because I am bad at telling catgirl ages, apparently Leona is young for her race, and she was just a tad lonely, which is why she latched onto Gary.  Of course, while disappointed, she still wants to keep up this Master thing...   yeah this is where I nuked that little miniplotline of keeping leading her on, by basically calling it off and letting her off easy.  (Props to the game for at least letting me to this rather than forcing me to be a cat pedo.)  Apparently I'm supposed to feed her acorns for doing tricks when she rends my enemies in twain or something to actually get the "I love my Master!" ending had I kept going.  Yeah no.

* On the note of people who call you "Master" all the time, I didn't realize until it was too late that I could romance my own fairy familiar.  I'd call it depraved, but on second thought this is some Time of Eve shit, as romancing a magical being made from your own blood whose literal reason for existence is to serve you is pretty much exactly analogous to romancing a robot programmed to love and obey you.  But yes, even from the parts of this plot I managed to get, she gets all apologetic about how she can't (serve?  I forget the verb) you "like other women, Master."  Apparently if I'd done it properly, this can be fixed via arranging her essence to be stuck inside a homunculus, which I could even adjust the weight & blood type of or something.  (This is actually not so bad, because the plot earlier does at least sort of recognize that fairies being psychotically devoted to one person, cheerfully trading their own lives for their master's, is a tad creepy.)  Also, before you even make her, you get to have silly conversations about how "Doll type familiars are the best" and hoping she turns out cute, etc.  After you get her, you have the "Dollhouse" for upgrading her, where you give her conversation or etiquette lessons or some such.  And can also change her dress to various options.  Yes I am secure in my manliness, what.  (Okay, I also gave her the respectable Edgeworth uniform + cravat the entire game which, rather than a swimsuit or the like.)

* Tricia.  So she's this character with wildly implausible breasts who seems to fall madly in love with Gary Stu faster than everyone else (although thankfully, the options allowed me to be fairly rude and uninterested and still recruit her anyway just from interaction!).  Fine.  But then you're separated for a long time, and she ends up in an army opposed to yours...  but yet her main thoughts, much later, are still along the lines of "Gee I hope I don't have to fight Gary."  Yes she can end up an ally by a many-months dormant unrequited love, not by any particular opposition to some bad things her side does.

* Maggie.  Yes, yes, Urushihara art, it is usually bad, but she's bad in a unique way.  Rather than having some kind of impossible breast-job-gone wrong, her clothing takes the cake for ridiculousness.  She's your engineer, and she runs around the entire game in some kind of flight suit with a trench coat over it - except the suit has been unzipped all the way to the waist, showing off her bikini.  Even when she's busy firing spellcannons or whatever.  It's like some kind of bizarre Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue at the Air Force base. for an idea (but the bare legs can't be seen in game, so it's easier to assume the green is everywhere else).

* Okay this isn't actually so bad, but I'd just like to say that the spoiled rich girl type you meet early on somehow ends up fighting you, and is higher level than you.  Humiliating.  (There's a reason for it, our villain has strange taste in allies to give superpowers to.)  Of course by the end she'll be all feeding you food she cooked while demanding you close your eyes and the like and talking about how she loves you as the ultimate big brother, but maybe something more, blah blah blah blah.

* Badass female knight commander type.  I'd presume she should be a tad too old for Our Hero, but no, if you play your cards right (I didn't, and am thankful), she apparently will get all weepy and break down and fall for you as well.  She gets all weepy eventually anyway, but at least it's to an old friend of hers in my playthrough, which makes a certain amount of sense.  (Even if said old friend is part of another trope I don't like: two silver-haired badass brothers, possibly meant for some yaoi, where one brother is the Responsible One and the other is the Irresponsible Unreliable Badass Playboy whom everyone loves almost as much as Gary Stu.)

* In the realm of spoilers, I'll be brief: Zombie adoptive sister.  Your lover if you want, since she certainly wants it.  And possibly if you don't want, merely doing her side plotline some gets you her demanding to sleep in your bed "like old times" or something.

Obligatory disclaimer: The game's plot otherwise has some rather good ideas.  I can only assume that there were at least 3 writers, 1 of whom was my type who writes some good politics & passable fantasy backstory, and another writer whose job was to come up with more tropes to "romance" with some bland flattery.

Gameplay wise, the game is still a bit too easy in that it doesn't appear to be balanced around the fact that you can walk into every fight with some ridiculous buffs already cast.  It does appear to be balanced around healing items being total hax when missions require you to keep NPCs alive, though.  That really hasn't been an issue lately, though.  There's also two awesome "exhibition matches" at the fighting arena that are fanservice done right, at least for members of the DL crowd: after you get your homunculus machine online, you get to fight the entire casts of Growlanser II & Growlanser III, both PC & villain.  These are pretty nasty fights too since you're badly outnumbered, and a stun lock can turn bad fairly fast.  Still, switching around my own equipment and using some broken lvl. 9 spellstones like "get two extra attacks", and entering the fight with Haste (Cycle Up) on, means I can reverse the who's-stunlocking-who as long as I can kill the groups fast enough before I get mobbed, so the fights were certainly winnable.  Nice design.  Enemy mages are entirely hosed by this point in the game, though, so it's not like Arieta or Riviera are going to scare me, but Wolfgang & Carmaine can certainly place a pile of hurt at good rate if they close.

Anyway, just have the final dungeon left, then maybe doing the alternate "join the bad guys" route (which thankfully has an option to immediately go "lol I just did this to kill you" upon arrival), then YouTubing other character endings.  We'll see.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #458 on: February 13, 2013, 04:31:15 PM »
Orcs Must Die 2- Beaten the Fire and Water map pack on Nightmare with no mana.  The first map was the hardest by far. You have very limited resources and two rifts to guard, which can be tough. I used maces in the central hall which helped to control things.

Loadout for first map: Crossbow (Fire), Tar, Grinder, Flame Scorcher, Healing Trinket, Guardian Trinket, Dwarf Bomber, Boom Barrel,  Swinging Mace, rift trinket,. I didn't really used the guardians or dwarves, you just don't have enough money/too many of the flame guys coming after you.

Loadout for second map:  Crossbow, Tar, Grinder, Flame Scorcher, Healing trinket, Defense trinket,  Wall Arrows,  Boom Barrel, Push Trap, Rift trinket.

Only one reset on the second map. Push traps are wonderful here- they handle the majority of the problems on rift facing the cliffs. Flame scorchers handle the heavies and the few water lords you are left to deal with.

Third map (West wing): Crossbow, Tar, Grinder, Dwarf bombers, Guardian trinket, barricades,  Zapper, flame scorcher, Boom Barrel, Rift Trinket. This was cake. You can make one single chokepoint here. When you can stack said chokepoint with a bunch of grinder and dwarves, you get total slaughter.  The lack of gnolls means you can spam guardians with impunity as well.

I may go to the Robot forums and brainstorm some, but I don't see how I can complete this challenge on the Yeti pack, so I'll skip for now.  The first map of family ties was really easy under this challenge as well (one chokepoint). Last level of it should be cake too. Breakneck triad will be tough, lots of gnolls and sappers. Going to be tough to keep my guardians alive.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #459 on: February 13, 2013, 06:14:13 PM »
Growlanser 4 :catstare:

I'm not sure I commend you for your bravery or just stare in awe of how horrifying your war logs about Growlanser 4 are. It's... impressive, that's for certain.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 07:13:07 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #460 on: February 13, 2013, 06:58:44 PM »
Growlanser 5 :catstare:

I'm not sure I commend you for your bravery or just stare in awe of how horrifying your war logs about Growlanser 5 are. It's... impressive, that's for certain.

He's actually playing Growlanser 4

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #461 on: February 13, 2013, 07:01:37 PM »
4, 5, Urushihara, #we'reallgonnadieanyway.

* Jo'ou Ranbu secretly edits the post.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 07:13:23 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #462 on: February 13, 2013, 07:20:17 PM »
RS3 Hack - I honestly believed God only appears in tower in this hack. Yet, the truth turned out that he appears in both the tower and the tournament.

And then, there he is, in the semi finals. Then he spams God's Right Hand, and I was obliterated with only Bei Mei Nyung left.
And what's wrong with his agility? Anything not magic can barely hit him, thank god Bei Mei Nyung can tank with the Snowman spell that I barely pull that fight out.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #463 on: February 13, 2013, 11:30:33 PM »
God in a tournament? That's cheating.

Ok Snowfire I take back everything I said when I implied that Tat being The Gary Stu. It's just the two main PC girls falling madly in love with him and a random NPC saying how smoking hot he is about every hour.
You win.

I forgot to say that I've tried FF4: The Complete Collection and went straight to the Interlude.
I'm actually some of those few people who does like some FF4 gameplay (I like the dungeons and the PC mages), but even I couldn't stand this. Going through the exact same old dungeons and fighting the same old bosses with slightly different characters. Except there are now new RPGMaker graphics that look even worse than the original and some fanfic story. WOW

I've also tried Dissidia 012[duodecim] Final Fantasy. (Square games on sale)
The title alone gave 4 anime points to the game, and the intro 7 other ones.
Paralyzed with fear, I temporarily went back to Persona 2.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #464 on: February 14, 2013, 12:10:30 AM »
The notable difference being that Growlanser 5 actually has good characters -and- plot, whereas Growlanser 4 is a sesspit of hentai tropes.

Suikoden Tactics (Mages-only playthrough) :

Final Area, part 1. So... Iskas is immune to magic, eh? ...Fuck. Luckily Lazlo exists. I also threw Pablo at him because I don't care if he dies, and dammit, Pablo WILL make himself useful! So Pablo spammed Earth Force, terrain-damaging the main boss for more damage than any of my non-Lazlo mages could do. Fuck off, SuikoTactics, how dare you make the Earth Rune useful for -one- fight.

It seems this map has enough uneven terrain that my Jump-less mages (Jeane and Simeon, most notably) can't reach half the map.

So the map has basically become Roget and Maxine kill everything, Corselia heals, and Lazlo could probably solo this place, but I have him beeline for Iskas. (Pablo also beelines for Iskas because it's funny.) Fuck you, Pablo. Katarina, Jeane, and Simeon are just kinda there. Kyril is also there and I used him on my first reset, but decided that was cheating on a Mages-only playthrough.

Part 2 is a little more straightforward - Lazlo explodes his face with Double Edged Sword, map ends!

Fun game. Found a use for Pablo! That's gotta be worth something.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #465 on: February 14, 2013, 12:12:00 AM »
It is worth a dollar, like most of your whores.
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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #466 on: February 14, 2013, 02:36:17 AM »
Pablo being useful is about as extreme a reaction to Iskas being magic immune one could manage.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #467 on: February 14, 2013, 03:28:11 AM »
The Growlanser titles are pretty amusing, because they're a case where the US localizers had perfectly good reasons to change things around.  Growlanser 4 PS2 never came out in the states.  Growlanser 5 was "Growlanser Generations" in Japan, but that was already the titles of the G2-G3 combo pack (since Sony forced Working Designs to release G2 & G3 only together or something?!), so it became "Heritage of War."  Growlanser 4 PSP was "Growlanser 4 Over Reloaded" in Engrishy Japanese, and since there was nothing to over reload in the States, G4 PSP just fell back to the PS2 title of Wayfarer of Time.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #468 on: February 14, 2013, 03:29:18 AM »
One thing I forgot to mention about FE13 yesterday is that Nintendo did a great job with the localized script, with tons of great lines in both the main plot and the supports. The latter in particular read much better than the fan translated ones on Serenes Forest, with better characterization all-around and a lot of the dumber anime tropes toned down (or excised completely in the case of Cordelia's breast size insecurity, which made no goddamned sense in the first place). The good writing helps make up for the fact that the core plot is ultimately nothing special, as usual for Fire Emblem.

Now, stats and comments for my main team members. Wall o' text ahoy:

Chrom, L20 Lord/L15 Great Lord/L3 Paladin : 60 HP/33 Strength/7 Magic/33 Skill/29 Speed/32 Luck/27 Defense/16 Resistance
Skills: Dual Strike+, Charm, Aether, Rightful King

Comments: Good bases for a non-FE10 Ike Lord and solid growths make Chrom a pretty good Lord, though not an amazing one. Hit S rank with Avatar ludicrously fast, especially since I didn't even pair them together for every single earlygame map, which raised his Dual Strike rates into the stratosphere for the entire game. He primarily served as support for the gamebreaking Avatar, but still picked up plenty of exp along the ways.

Female Avatar, L15 Tactician/L15 Grandmaster/L15 Dark Flier: 59 HP/33 Strength/31 Magic/31 Skill/45 Speed/26 Luck/21 Defense/25 Resistance (Speed asset/Luck flaw, in case it wasn't obvious)
Skills: Veteran, Solidarity, Ignis, Rally Spectrum, Galeforce (Rally Movement dropped for half a stage, will be reset for the postgame)

Comments: +50% exp gain with Pair Up activated + support the entire cast + near-full reclass capabilities = game MVP by a mile. Good cheap range 1-2 attacks in a game with severely nerfed hand axes/javs is a huge perk, to the point where I almost never used swords despite the RNG handing her a significant lead in strength for most of the game. Only drawback was low move compared to my army of fliers, and even that went away once I reclassed her to Dark Flier.

Rally Spectrum was obscenely good at the cost of sacrificing my best/second best offensive unit's turn; I imagine it'll be more useful on higher difficulties. Galeforce was only picked up halfway through the penultimate stage so it didn't really do much, although flying across half the map in a single turn and mass slaughtering the enemies on enemy phase was suitably hilarious at least.

Sumia, L18 Pegasus Knight/L16 Falcon Knight/L2 Dark Flier: 47 HP/26(+5) Strength/15 Magic/29 Skill/35(+2) Speed/21 Luck/17 Defense/19 Resistance
Skills: Speed +2, Relief, Rally Speed, Lancefaire

Comments: Lowish strength was an issue up until she got Lancefaire near the end, and her HP/defense could use some work as well. I pretty much hotglued Frederick to her from the moment she showed up, and it worked well enough to last through the entire game. Not as dominant as the rest of my god-squads, but she still had enough damage to reliably one-round pretty much everything but knights/generals/bosses throughout the game and dodged non-axes reliably after some levels (even axes were <50%, they just hurt a lot when they got through).

Frederick, L12 Great Lord: 38 HP/28 Strength/3 Magic/19 Skill/17 Speed/11 Luck/20 Defense/8 Resistance
Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Battle, Luna

Comments: Blows chunk as a combat unit lategame, but he provides Sumia some desperately needed physical muscle via Pair Up. Considering her limited support options I didn't have much of an alternative, and Sumia was good enough to keep using otherwise.

The Vaike, L10 Fighter/L10 Barbarian/L15 Berserker: 67(+5) HP/37(+5) Strength/1 Magic/24 Skill/32 Speed/20 Luck/18 Defense/3 Resistance
Skills: HP +5, Zeal, Despoil, Gamble, Axefaire

Comments: I fed him both my first Second Seal and my second Master Seal so he could make a beeline to Berserker, and holy hell was it worth the effort. The only thing better than a Berserker's offensive stats are the offense that they provide to other units: with those stats above, he provides a minimum of +8 strength/+6 speed to anyone, up to +10 str/+6 spd with an A or S rank support. S-ranked with Cordelia, who provides enough of an evade boost to make up for his shoddy defenses when he took point.

He also had some great battle dialogue, which stood out on a run where I didn't use Henry, Owain, or Heavy Weapons Guy during the main game.

Cordelia, L18 Pegasus Knight/L15 Dark Flier/L3 Falcon Knight: 59 HP/32 Strength/11 Magic/30 Skill/39(+2) Speed/23 Luck/26 Defense/17 Resistance
Skills: Speed +2, Relief, Rally Movement, Galeforce

Comments: Cordelia got a lot of 6 and 7 stat level-ups, and boy does it show. Throw in those aforementioned S-rank with Vaike and she was killing stuff all day long with Bronce Lances and Javelins, backed by great evade and solid defenses. Hands down my best non-Veteran abusing PC, especially when she picked up the almighty Galeforce for the last stage and a half (excluding Endgame, which I finished in one offensive action).

Stahl, L10 Cavalier/L10 Myrmidon/L13 Swordmaster: 50 HP/27 Strength/5 Magic/30 Skill/32 Speed/27 Luck/22 Defense/10 Resistance
Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Battle, Avoid +10, Vantage, Astra

Comments: Reclassing Stahl gave me a Myrmidon with more balanced stats than Lon'qu would have. 32 speed's plenty for doubling on Normal, and that strength is great for a Swordmaster. S-ranked with Cherche, with him providing her much-needed speed via Pair Up while she boosts his strength/defense/move when he takes point.

Cherche, L18 Wyvern Rider/L16 Griffon Rider: 55 HP/31(+2) Strength/5 Magic/30 Skill/25 Speed/17 Luck/28 Defense/9 Resistance
Skills: Strength +2, Tantivy, Deliverer, Lancebreaker

Comments: So you can probably tell that I like fliers at this point. <_< Her levels were a bit lower thanks to joining a bit late, but she was still great on everything but speed and res, and pairing up with Stahl fixed the former. Deliverer is a great perk, one of the best L5 skills in the game.

Marth, L19 Lord/L15 Great Lord/L9 Swordmaster: 62 HP/36 Strength/11 Magic/38 Skill/42 Speed/39 Luck/25 Defense/18 Resistance
Skills: Veteran, Dual Strike+, Aether, Rightful King, Astra

Comments: Joined with Veteran thanks to some planning and, well, you can see the results. Those stats put even Avatar and RNG-blessed Cordelia to shame, and Aether procs enough that she's not dying ever. A unique infinite use 12 MT weapon was great, but limited range 1-2 options (and to a much lesser extent, no Galeforce yet) meant she was "only" my second/third best PC despite the dominant stats.

She also has nearly a 75% chance of OHKOing the final boss on Normal mode with that skill setup, which is overkill but amusing.

Gerome, L10 Wyvern Rider/L9 Griffon Rider: 50 HP/30(+2 Strength)/1 Magic/24 Skill/25 Speed/17 Luck/23 Defense/5 Resistance
Skills: Strength +2, Tantivy, Deliverer, Astra

Comments: I recruited him mainly to support Marth and provide some big juicy stat boosts. He's actually reasonably competent at combat despite the lowish levels unlike Frederick, but Marth is so broken that I switch to him much less often then I do with the Cordelia/Vaike and Cherche/Stahl combos.

Anna, L8 Trickster: 40 HP/14 Strength/22 Magic/29 Skill/24 Speed/31 Luck/11 Defense/13 Resistance
Skills: Lockpick, Move +1, Lucky Seven

Comments: Thief + staves is a fantastic combination for a pure utility unit, and Anna fills the role perfectly. She had good move and good magic power right off the bat, and could take a few hit even without training. Damage blows without a Levin Sword and still isn't great with it, but who cares. Her support options were really limited, but that's not a big drawback for a support unit.

Olivia, L18 Dancer: 42 HP/12 Strength/4 Magic/18 Skill/19 Speed/15(+4) Luck/10 Defense/8 Resistance
Skills: Luck +4, Lucky Dance

Comments: She had some close calls on her starting stage, so I ended up stuffing every single Angelic Robe onto her from then on. Swords are a pure comedy option without significant grinding/reclassing, but FE Dance is always good. She was limited somewhat by her inability to keep up with all my fliers and limited numbers to form defensive formations with everyone paired up. Eventually I learned to use Rescue staves (including from my Falcon Knight) aggressively on her, which made her a lot more useful.

Libra, L7 War Monk: 42 HP/16 Strength/18 Magic/17 Skill/15 Speed/12 Luck/13 Defense/17 Resistance
Skills: Healtouch, Miracle, Rally Luck

Comments: Secondary staffbot. Not nearly as good as Anna (he's slow enough to get doubled sometimes, most significantly), but I had the slot to spare most of the time and a second Staffbot with Physic and Rescue was definately makes for a good filler unit.

I used the various late joining high level units like Sairi and Tiki as filler when I had the deployment slots, but none of them got more than 4-5 kills tops.

Right now I'm slowing grinding up the rest of my team, pairing up the leftover units and getting ready for the postgame-caliber Spotpass/DLC maps to get released. I'm also making preliminary plans for my next playthrough, which'll be Hard mode with a male Avatar. ChromxSumia and TharjaxGregor are definates, and I think I'll give Panne a shot. The rest of the team is mostly up in the air, and I need to finalize which magic-boosting female I'll be using to support Avatar.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #469 on: February 14, 2013, 04:28:19 AM »
The notable difference being that Growlanser 5 actually has good characters -and- plot, whereas Growlanser 4 is a sesspit of hentai tropes.

Uh what? Serious? Characters aside, GL4's plot is better than GL5 by miles.
GL5's plot spiral out of control by the point of Dragon Orb, and counting in GL6 as a collective whole, it just become one ridiculous mass.
Of course, if you mean GL4 by its newly added route, then yeah. That totally fails beyond belief.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #470 on: February 14, 2013, 05:08:16 AM »
Fenrir, that post was glorious.

FE13 - I'm at the second to last chapter. At this point I'll just wait until I'm done for detailed thoughts. It has one big flaw which keeps it firmly out of the discussion for best game in the series to my mind (FE6-style reinforcements can burn), and I don't think they did a great job with Pair Up either. Otherwise I have basically nothing but good things to say about the game for what it is.

Metroid Prime - Hey, they made Metroid into a 3D game, and they did a pretty good job of translating it! Then, as with Mario, I learned that Metroid (both its combat and exploration) doesn't really mix well with 3D. Oh well. Just got the gravity suit, kinda feeling ho hum about all aspects of the game but figure it's an important enough game for me to finish, especially considering my high opinion of the series.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #471 on: February 14, 2013, 05:28:27 AM »
You're still underrating Suikoden 2's cast in regards to design.  Things to consider:

-Flik, Jowy, and Luc, at very least, all  qualify very heavily under "Bishie" which is pretty much anime to a Tee (doesn't have to be a swordsmen, though 2 of those characters do use swords)
-Mascots: Suikoden has the 5 Squirrels and Gadget

Probably others, but there's no way Suikoden 2 earns a "0" in Design.

That said...

Fire Emblem 12: So I just took back Altea, got the A Rank Sword from a worthless Hero whose stats were worse than the minions aiding him, but I recruited anyway because extra PC for a map doesn't hurt or something.  Also got a Prepromo General!!! ...who has 15 Defense...umm...yeah, he got benched immediately after swiping his weapons.  What's with all these late game prepromos that just suck anyway?  I know I know, it's FE, but often those late game Prepromos show some level of competence!

...I'm aware Karla exists, yes.

DMC3 Fresh Hard: I was in the middle of the "HEY, PERMANENT DEVIL TRIGGER!" chapter until I was rudely interrupted with a Substitute Job Offer that I took, thus have to redo that mission!  Also, the "Race to the End" Secret Mission can bite me, mostly because of that one corner that looks like it's actually part of the stairwell, but really is an invisible wall or something, so I kept getting caught up on it *shakes fist*

Also, think I finally learned how to use Nevan properly <_<
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #472 on: February 14, 2013, 06:49:36 AM »
KH 358/2: Jesus CHRIST is the pacing in this game pisspoor. The game has more padding than shoulders in the 80's. Gameplay is a paltry shadow to BbS's too. This really needed to be 20ish hours tops, and they really needed to not have CoM's plot happen so early, fuck the canon timing. The variety was needed.

As usual, fuck you, Grefter.

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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #473 on: February 14, 2013, 07:07:50 AM »
How do you go into a KH game and not just assume there will be a metric fuckton of things you don't care about?


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Re: What Games Are You Playing 2013?
« Reply #474 on: February 14, 2013, 07:58:41 AM »
The notable difference being that Growlanser 5 actually has good characters -and- plot, whereas Growlanser 4 is a sesspit of hentai tropes.

Uh what? Serious? Characters aside, GL4's plot is better than GL5 by miles.
GL5's plot spiral out of control by the point of Dragon Orb, and counting in GL6 as a collective whole, it just become one ridiculous mass.
Of course, if you mean GL4 by its newly added route, then yeah. That totally fails beyond belief.

Admittedly, the lategame revelations of GL5 were kinda silly, but the game did such an awesome job at presentation. The multiple viewpoint chapters and timeskips really gave the world a 'complete' feeling, and it really helped me buy into all the silliness (and really, with Urushihara designs, some silliness is required or I'd want my money back).

Suikoden Tactics: Beaten!

Cool ending, bro. Needs more Goat.

SuikoEmblem was p. cool and all. I think my favorite part was the FE-esque levelling. Although instead of growths being completely RNG-based whether they would increase by one or not, Suikoden Tactics seems to have a baseline of 1 for each stat for every level up, with 'good growth' being a +2 to a stat. It's a good method for keeping the variety of FE levelling without making everyone so prone being RNG-screwed. When the PCs are all-but-guaranteed to have base stats at least as high as their level, it makes basic levelling a viable strategy and doesn't encourage the resetting that an empty level would in an FE game.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2013, 08:21:44 AM by DjinnAndTonic »