
Author Topic: Fire Emblem: Awakening  (Read 11688 times)


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Fire Emblem: Awakening
« on: February 13, 2013, 09:01:54 AM »
So here we go, FE13.  Work in progress etc. also below this point potentially lie spoilers, this is your last warning etc. etc.

These are taken at 20/20 for the characters who can promote and 30 for the characters who can't. 

Stock FE stat explanation:
HP: the usual, lose it and die
Str: base for physical damage, and that's all it does in this one, FE13 doesn't have weight.  1 point of Str = 1 damage with physical weapons.
Mag: base for magical damage.  Does have a use for physical fighters, as all weapon types have a weapon that deals Mag-based damage now.  1 point of Mag = 1 damage with magical weapons.
Skl: Skill.  Each point of Skill is worth 1.5 Hit and 0.5 Crit.
Spd: Speed.  Each point of Speed is worth 1.5 Avoid.  With the abolition of weight, AS is no longer a separate stat.  FE13 requires 5 points of speed difference for the faster fighter to attack twice, up from 4 in previous modern installments.
Luck: Luck!  Each point of Luck is worth 0.5 Hit and 0.5 Avoid, and each point of Luck also lowers enemy Crit by 1.
Def: Defense.  1 point of Def = take 1 damage less from physicals.
Res: Resistance.  1 point of Res = take 1 damage less from magical attacks.

Avoid: Evasion.  Subtracted from attacker's Hit to arrive at actual (displayed) hit chance, blah blah blah True Hit.
Hit: Accuracy.  Base hit chance before the defender's Avoid is subtracted.
Crit: Critical hit chance against an opponent with 0 luck.  Critical hits do 3x damage like other FEs.
Atk: Str or Mag as appropriate plus weapon Mt.  Defense or Resistance is subtracted from this to calculate damage.

Though the last four don't matter yet as I have yet to go through and calculate those.

The given stats are rounded to the nearest tenth of a point.  If you want two decimal places, point your browser here:

Note that the spreadsheet *does not* include stats from class skills, beaststones or dragonstones, which are listed here for cross-reference purposes (and checking if I've fucked up transcribing from it):

Knight: +2 Def
Fighter: +5 HP
Archer: +2 Skl
Pegasus Knight: +2 Spd
Wyvern Rider: +2 Str
Mage: +2 Mag
Troubadour: +2 Res
Dancer: +4 Lck
Swordmaster: +5 Str when wielding a sword (or +5 Mag if Levin Sword)
Berserker: +5 Str when wielding an axe (or +5 Mag if Bolt Axe) [nobody has this class without reclassing]
Falcon Knight: +5 Str when wielding a lance (or +5 Mag if Shockstick)
Sage: +5 Mag when wielding a tome

Taguel: Str +5, Skl +8, Spd +8, Lck +6, Def +4, Res +2 for Beaststone+
Manakete: Str +11, Mag +6, Skl +5, Spd +4, Def +13, Res +9 for Dragonstone+

Note that base class skills are not lost on promotion, so Falcon Knights keep the +2 speed from pegasus knight for instance.

The following assumptions are made:
* The one child PC you're forced to recruit is assumed to be the child of Chrom and Sumia, since this is the pairing the game biases towards.
* I'm not figuring in any other children, since they're all optional and there aren't any canon pairings to fall back on.
* To that end, Chrom and Sumia are both assumed to be level 20 at that point, which I don't think is wholly unreasonable.
* The growths on Serenes Forest are assumed to be correct.  This is known to not be 100% true but no more reliable source exists at present as no one has hacked the actual game data yet.
* The game was played on Normal difficulty, which affects base stats for Gregor, Nowi, Libra, Tharja, Anna, Cherche, Henry, Sayri, Tiki, Basilio and Flavia as follows:
  * Gregor: +1 HP/Str/Skl/Spd/Def on Lunatic
  * Nowi: +1 HP/Str/Skl/Spd/Lck/Def/Res on Lunatic
  * Libra: +1 HP/Mag/Spd on Hard; additional +1 HP/Str/Lck/Def on Lunatic (cumulative)
  * Tharja: +1 HP/Mag/Spd on Lunatic
  * Anna: +1 HP/Skl/Spd/Lck on Hard; additional +1 HP/Str/Mag/Lck/Def on Lunatic
  * Cherche: +1 HP/Str/Skl/Spd/Lck/Def on Hard; additional +2 HP and +1 Str/Skl/Spd/Lck/Def on Lunatic
  * Henry: +1 HP/Mag/Skl/Spd/Def on Hard; additional +2 HP and +1 Str/Mag/Skl/Spd/Lck/Def/Res on Lunatic
  * Say'ri: +2 HP and +1 Str/Skl/Spd/Lck/Def/Res on Hard; additional +2 HP/Skl/Spd and +1 Str/Mag/Lck/Def/Res on Lunatic
  * Tiki: +5 HP, +3 Skl/Spd/Lck, and +2 Str/Mag/Def/Res on Hard; additional +5 HP, +3 Str/Skl/Spd/Lck/Def/Res, and +2 Mag on Lunatic
  * Basilio: +6 HP, +4 Str/Spd, +3 Skl/Def, +2 Lck, and +1 Mag/Res on Hard; additional +5 HP, +3 Str/Skl/Spd/Lck, +2 Def, and +1 Res on Lunatic
  * Flavia: +5 HP, +4 Skl/Spd, +3 Str/Lck, +2 Def/Res, and +1 Mag on Hard; additional +5 HP/Spd, +3 Str/Skl/Lck, +2 Def, and +1 Mag/Res on Lunatic
* For characters who get class skills that provide raw stat boosts, those boosts are included in the stats below; note that these bonuses can bypass caps.
  * This includes Swordfaire and its kin which give +5 to the stat of the matching weapon.  (Note that this +5 moves to Mag for mag-based melee weapons like Levin Sword)
* For Taguel and Manaketes, stat bonuses from their respective stones are included below.  (The + versions.)
  * This is Str +5, Skl +8, Spd +8, Lck +6, Def +4, Res +2 for Beaststone+ and Str +11, Mag +6, Skl +5, Spd +4, Def +13, Res +9 for Dragonstone+.
* Characters who don't promote in their base class are taken at level 30.
* Stats marked with a star are capped.  This rarely happens in FE13.

Finally, the Avatar (Robin) merits some discussion.  The stats given below for Robin are raw baselines before factoring in the Asset and Flaw chosen at the game's beginning.  The Asset and Flaw chosen modify both the Avatar's initial bases and his or her growths, as depicted in this table.  They also modify max stats, but since none of those are ever touched, we don't need to go into that.

(Bases)         HP      STR     MAG     SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES       
Asset           +5      +2      +2      +2      +2      +4      +2      +2
Flaw            -3      -1      -1      -1      -1      -2      -1      -1

For this table, if the stat is an asset, increase the growths by this number, and if it is a flaw, decrease the growths by this number.

(Growths)       HP      STR     MAG     SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES
HP              15                                              5       5
STR                     10              5                       5
MAG                             10              5                       5
SKL                     5               10                      5       
SPD                                     5       10      5
LCK                     5       5                       10
DEF                                                     5       10      5
RES                             5               5                       10

Since the Avatar receives a total of 38 levelups, 5% in a growth amounts to +/- 1.9 stat points, 10% amounts to +/- 3.8, and 15% amounts to +/- 5.7.  Because this is actually important, Robin's baseline stats below are given unrounded.  As such, here's the total net effects of each asset and flaw choice taking both bases and growths into account:

(Assets)        HP      STR     MAG     SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES
HP              +10.7                                           +1.9    +1.9
Strength                +5.8            +1.9                    +1.9
Magic                           +5.8            +1.9                    +1.9
Skill                   +1.9            +5.8                    +1.9
Speed                                   +1.9    +5.8    +1.9
Luck                    +1.9    +1.9                    +7.8
Defense                                                 +1.9    +5.8    +1.9
Resistance                      +1.9            +1.9                    +5.8

(Flaws)         HP      STR     MAG     SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES
HP              -8.7                                            -1.9    -1.9
Strength                -4.8            -1.9                    -1.9
Magic                           -4.8            -1.9                    -1.9
Skill                   -1.9            -4.8                    -1.9
Speed                                   -1.9    -4.8    -1.9
Luck                    -1.9    -1.9                    -5.8
Defense                                                 -1.9    -4.8    -1.9
Resistance                      -1.9            -1.9                    -4.8

So here, have some averages.

NAME            CLASS           HP      STR     MAG     SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES
Robin           Grandmaster     53.4    29.9    27.0    26.0    27.0    24.9    23.2    16.4
Chrom           Great Lord      57.3    33.8     4.8    32.8    32.8    31.6    27.1    13.5
Lissa           War Cleric      53.5    19.3    26.0    22.2    25.0    32.7    16.6    22.1
                Sage            47.6    12.5    34.0    25.1    27.0    32.7    13.6    21.1
Frederick       Great Knight    48.9    25.4     3.9    22.5    19.5    13.6    24.5     7.8
Sully           Paladin         58.5    30.4     9.4    32.2    32.2    28.2    26.7    18.2
                Great Knight    60.4    33.3     8.4    30.3    28.3    28.3    31.6    12.3
Virion          Bow Knight      57.6    30.3    11.1    38.0    32.2    21.8    19.0    14.1
                Sniper          52.6    33.4    12.1    40.9    30.2    21.8    24.9    15.1
Stahl           Paladin         64.2    35.1     4.7    29.4    26.5    23.5    33.2    13.5
                Great Knight    66.1    38.0     3.7    27.4    22.6    23.5    38.2     7.6
Vaike           Warrior         74.8    40.0     3.6    34.4    26.0    20.2    26.0     6.6
                Hero            68.8    35.1     4.6    38.4    30.0    20.2    27.0     6.6
Miriel          Dark Knight     56.5    12.6    30.9    29.9    30.9    25.0    20.5    20.3
                Sage            48.6     6.7    38.8    29.8    32.8    25.0    14.5    20.3
Sumia           Falcon Knight   50.5    30.1    14.5    40.6    42.6    30.8    18.4    25.2
                Dark Flier      49.5    23.2    18.4    37.7    40.7    30.8    17.4    25.2
Kellam          General         65.0    36.1     5.1    28.7    22.3    14.9    41.8    17.9
                Great Knight    63.0    35.1     5.1    27.7    24.3    14.9    40.8    14.9
Donnel          Villager        46.5    21.0*   10.2    19.0*   19.0*   33.0*   21.0*   11.6
Lon'qu          Swordmaster     52.0    33.3     9.0    40.3    42.3    26.3    19.5    14.7
                Assassin        53.0    29.3     7.0    43.2    41.3    26.3    18.5    10.8
Ricken          Dark Knight     62.5    17.1    29.9    26.1    24.1    33.4    26.6    16.7
                Sage            54.6    11.2    37.8    26.0    26.0    33.4    20.6    17.6
Maribelle       War Cleric      51.3    15.1    27.7    24.0    24.1    33.8    14.4    27.9
                Valkyrie        44.4     7.2    28.6    24.0    27.0    33.8    10.4    30.8
Panne           Taguel          52.0    27.4     4.6    33.8    36.0    23.6    23.0     9.8
Gaius           Trickster       53.9    27.5    12.7    40.8    40.9    17.9    16.2    14.8
                Assassin        56.9    33.4     5.9    44.8    42.8    17.9    18.2     9.8
Cordelia        Falcon Knight   57.8    35.2    11.4    35.2    36.2    23.4    24.4    22.2
                Dark Flier      56.8    28.3    15.3    32.3    34.3    23.4    23.4    22.2
Gregor          Bow Knight      67.4    32.4     2.9    33.9    28.5    21.1    24.6     8.4
                        [LM]    68.4    33.4     2.9    34.9    29.5    21.1    25.6     8.4
                Hero            64.5    32.4     3.9    34.9    28.5    21.1    27.5     9.4
                        [LM]    65.5    33.4     3.9    35.9    29.5    21.1    28.5     9.4
Nowi            Manakete        50.4    32.6    16.8    20.5    20.5    25.6    32.6    24.5
                        [LM]    51.4    33.6    16.8    21.5    21.5    26.6    33.6    25.5
Libra           War Monk        55.1    21.6    24.5    23.5    22.5    18.6    17.7    23.6
                        [HM]    56.1    21.6    25.5    23.5    23.5    18.6    17.7    23.6
                        [LM]    57.1    22.6    25.5    23.5    23.5    19.6    18.7    23.6
Tharja          Dark Knight     58.1    17.6    30.4    20.6    31.4    14.6    28.1    15.8
                        [LM]    59.1    17.6    31.4    20.6    32.4    14.6    28.1    15.8
                Sorcerer        55.2    12.8    32.4    18.6    30.4    14.6    26.1    18.7
                        [LM]    56.2    12.8    33.4    18.6    31.4    14.6    26.1    18.7
Anna            Trickster       50.2    19.6    25.6    33.4    31.5    40.2    14.7    17.6
                        [HM]    51.2    19.6    25.6    34.4    32.5    41.2    14.7    17.6
                        [LM]    52.2    20.6    26.6    34.4    32.5    42.2    15.7    17.6
Olivia          Dancer          39.8    14.6     8.3    28.3    29.3    26.4    10.3     9.3
Cherche         Wyvern Lord     62.0    38.9     6.4    28.9    26.5    21.5    32.9     9.1
                        [HM]    63.0    39.9     6.4    29.9    27.5    22.5    33.9     9.1
                        [LM]    65.0    40.9     6.4    30.9    28.5    23.5    34.9     9.1
                Griffon Rider   60.0    36.0     6.4    31.8    29.5    21.5    28.9     9.1
                        [HM]    61.0    37.0     6.4    32.8    30.5    22.5    29.9     9.1
                        [LM]    63.0    38.0     6.4    33.8    31.5    23.5    30.9     9.1
Henry           Dark Knight     60.7    21.7    28.5    34.2    24.9    20.8    30.5    13.2
                        [HM]    61.7    21.7    29.5    35.2    25.9    20.8    31.5    13.2
                        [LM]    63.7    22.7    30.5    36.2    26.9    21.8    32.5    14.2
                Sorcerer        57.7    16.9    30.5    32.2    23.9    20.8    28.5    16.1
                        [HM]    58.7    16.9    31.5    33.2    24.9    20.8    29.5    16.1
                        [LM]    60.7    17.9    32.5    34.2    25.9    21.8    30.5    17.1
Say'ri          Swordmaster     56.1    32.5    10.8    35.4    38.4    28.6    19.6    17.6
                        [HM]    58.1    33.5    10.8    36.4    39.4    29.6    20.6    18.6
                        [LM]    60.1    34.5    11.8    38.4    41.4    30.6    21.6    19.6
Tiki            Manakete        52.0    35.0    20.5    24.5    25.0    26.0    34.0    27.0
                        [HM]    57.0    37.0    22.5    27.5    28.0    29.0    36.0    29.0
                        [LM]    62.0    40.0    24.5    30.5    31.0    32.0    39.0    32.0
Basilio         Warrior         72.0    37.0     4.0    31.0    26.0    22.5    25.0    10.0
                        [HM]    78.0    41.0     5.0    34.0    30.0    24.5    28.0    11.0
                        [LM]    83.0    44.0     5.0    37.0    33.0    27.5    30.0    12.0
Flavia          Hero            57.5    30.5     7.0    35.0    32.5    26.5    27.0    14.0
                        [HM]    62.5    33.5     8.0    39.0    36.5    29.5    29.0    16.0
                        [LM]    67.5    36.5     9.0    42.0    41.5    32.5    31.0    17.0
Lucina          Great Lord      61.5    35.0     7.6    38.3    40.3    37.3    27.0    17.7
« Last Edit: August 11, 2013, 07:51:02 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2013, 04:03:03 AM »
General Assumptions

-I have assumed Hard Mode for this. This matters not just for enemies, but for PC stats in some cases. Why Hard Mode? A few reasons:
1) It is the only mode that a majority of the DL community, thus far, has played.
2) The game recommends it as the mode for players who have played previous Fire Emblem titles... which I imagine will be a majority of our voters.
3) The stats of the PCs on this mode are halfway in between the extremes of Normal and Lunatic... all three modes being available without needing to be unlocked.

-PC stats are taken at 20/20, which most PCs can reasonably reach by endgame. Basilio and Flavia are taken two levels lower, as they join 10 levels from max with only 3-4 chapters in which to gain exp, so 20/20 is probably a stretch for them. Robin is given three extra levels due to Veteran. PCs who don't promote are weird, in that they can Second Seal instead of promoting once they reach 30 to gain more levels in their existing class. Everyone can do this, technically, but unlike everyone else they gain Exp much faster after doing so. As such, just as with Robin, I give them three extra levels compared to everyone else, letting them reach 30/13 (equal exp would argue they get more, but this inflates the endgame spike a bit IMO). The exception is Tiki who joins quite underlevelled, so this fast exp rate is taken to just let her catch up to everyone else, and she is taken at 30/10.

-Child PCs, except Lucina, are not considered. Lucina is calculated as per Reiska's assumptions, i.e. that she is the daughter of Sumia and that her parents are Level 20 at her join time.

-Second Seals to change to a different class break character uniqueness and are banned. It also becomes very difficult to predict an "optimum" growth path with reclassing considered. This view is consistent with the stat topics for FE11-12, which similarly banned reclassing. This view screws over Donnel and Olivia, but I can't really bring myself to care since both are hideously bad combat PCs on join in-game anyway.

-PCs who can promote into two different classes are listed with both, for the reader to decide which is superior (sometimes it's fairly evident, but most often it is not, IMO). For calculating averages, I'll be first taking the average of each PC's two options should they have two, then using those to calculate the full-cast average.

-Damage, accuracy, and critical are taken against the endgame HM enemy stats, which are: 23 Def, 16 Res, 50 Avoid, 23 Luck, 49 Attack, 136 Hit. I'll also be listing doubling and doubled rates against the final chapter enemy speed spread, for those of you who vote on that. (I don't.) Physical and magical durability are calculated using enemy attack, not some arbitrary 40% figure (if you're curious, average enemy attack does 46% to average PC durability in the final map).

-For equipment, all reliably storebought stuff is allowed. Most of the weapons anyone would use cost a similar, and moderately pricy amount (1900-2400), so I'm not going to consider forging them above their base values, UNLESS the total cost of the weapon remains below 2400, which mostly matters for Javelins, Hand Axes, and Nosferatu. The exception here is the Beaststone+ and Dragonstone+, which cost 3200-3800 at base, but this is made up for by the fact that they are semi-unique and you are given some over the course of the game anyway.

-Plot/questionable claim stuff which I'm allowing:
--Anna has a claim to the Levin Sword. There are two to three in the game (the third in Sevara's paralogue), and everyone else does way, way less damage with it, or has better options for magic damage (i.e. Robin, Dark Knights), so the ability to use them effectively and usefully is semi-unique to Anna. Note that the Bolt Axe is considerably less legal, as there are more high-magic axe users (should Lissa and Maribelle promote that way) but only one Bolt Axe.
--Say'ri has a plot claim to Amatsu. It can only be used by her and Lon'qu, but it's her brother's sword and she has a lot of plot connection to him... plus, there's a 50% chance Lon'qu promotes to a class which can't use it, making it actually unique.
--That's pretty much it. Basilio and Cherche start with Hammers, but these are actually less damaging than Brave Axes even when striking weakness due to how high the Strength of these two PCs are, so it doesn't matter.

-The PC's listed default weapon for averages/etc. is always the one that results in the highest average player phase damage, without consideration for countering or draining. Other useful options will of course be listed.

-PCs are assumed to hit A rank in their primary weapon, and B rank in any weapons they promote into.

Averages up top!

HP: 58.6
Str: 28.3
Mag: 15.4
Skl: 31.9
Spd: 31.2
Lck: 26.5
Def: 24.9
Res: 16.8
Hit: 139.4
Damage: 37.0 (kill point: 92.5)
Damage, including accuracy: 34.9 (kill point: 87.3)
Damage, including accuracy and double rate (for Dhyer/etc.): 53.4 (kill point: 133.4)
-Should you use the final average and doubled rates, everyone's durability increases by 8.7% of their current value before factoring in the doubled rate. I can add the exact figures for individual adjusted damage/durability if there's interest.

Now, for the PCs. Not all weapons each PC can equip will be listed... see below for a complete list. For skills, to avoid clutter, I'll only provide descriptions for particularly important duelling skills. Descriptions of the bolded skills will be found further down. Note that stat-boosting skills are already factored in, including both the obvious Stat+X skills, as well as the -faire skill series.

Robin - Grandmaster (6 move, A swords/tomes) [20/20/4] [+Spd/-Lck]
55.8 HP, 29.5 Str, 26.5 Mag, 29.6 Skl, 34.6 Spd, 22.5 Lck, 24.4 Def, 17.3 Res
63.2 Avo, 15% Evade, 0.93 PDur, 0.97 MDur
75% double rate, 0% doubled rate
Skills: Veteran, Solidarity, Ignis, Rally Spectrum
-Robin has a 30% chance to add 13 damage to his/her physical attacks, or 15 damage to his/her magical attacks.

Brave Sword: 38 physical, 95.9% hit
Bolganone: 25 magic, 92.5% hit

Robin - Grandmaster (6 move, A swods/tomes) [20/20/4] [neutral] [not in averages]
55.8 HP, 31.6 Str, 28.5 Mag, 27.5 Skl, 28.5 Spd, 26.6 Lck, 24.4 Def, 17.3 Res
56.1 Avo, 8% Evade, 0.93 PDur, 0.97 MDur
38% double rate, 9% doubled rate
Skills: Veteran, Solidarity, Ignis, Rally Spectrum
-Robin has a 28% chance to add 14 damage to his/her physical attacks, or 16 damage to his/her magical attacks.

Brave Sword: 42 physical, 95.2% hit
Bolganone: 27 magic, 91.6% hit

Chrom - Great Lord (6 move, A swords, B lances)
57.3 HP, 33.8 Str, 4.8 Mag, 32.8 Skl, 32.8 Spd, 31.6 Lck, 27.1 Def, 13.5 Res
65.0 Avo, 17% Evade, 1.07 PDur, 0.87 MDur
53% double rate, 3% doubled rate
Skills: Dual Strike+, Charm, Aether, Rightful King
-Chrom has a 26% chance to hit twice for each attack, the first one healing him for half the damage he deals and the second one ignoring half the target's defence (+11 damage)

Brave Sword: 46 physical, 99.5% hit
Exalted Falchion: 29 physical (59 vs. dragons), 99.5% hit; can also be used to heal 20 HP
Forged Javelin: 16 physical, 1-2 range, 105.0% hit

Lissa - War Cleric (6 move, A staves, B axes)
53.5 HP, 19.3 Str, 26 Mag, 22.2 Skl, 25 Spd, 32.7 Lck, 16.6 Def, 22.1 Res
53.9 Avo, 6% Evade, 0.69 PDur, 1.14 MDur
25% double rate, 41% doubled rate
Skills: Miracle, Healtouch, Rally Luck, Renewal
-Lissa has a 33% chance to survive a fatal attack with 1 HP, unless she already had 1 HP
-Lissa regens 30% HP at the start of each turn

Silver Axe: 11 physical, 87.1% hit
Hand Axe: 1 physical, 1-2 range, 95.3% hit

Lissa - Sage (6 move, A staves, B tomes)
47.6 HP, 12.5 Str, 34 Mag, 25.1 Skl, 27 Spd, 32.7 Lck, 13.6 Def, 21.1 Res
56.9 Avo, 9% Evade, 0.57 PDur, 0.97 MDur
34% double rate, 22% doubled rate
Skills: Miracle, Healtouch, Rally Magic, Tomefaire
-Lissa has a 33% chance to survive a fatal attack with 1 HP, unless she already had 1 HP

Bolganone: 31 magic, 94.9% hit

Frederick - Great Knight (7 move, A swords/lances/axes)
48.9 HP, 25.4 Str, 3.9 Mag, 22.5 Skl, 19.5 Spd, 13.6 Lck, 24.5 Def, 7.8 Res
36.1 Avo, 0% Evade, 0.82 PDur, 0.62 MDur
0% double rate, 63% doubled rate
Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Fighter, Luna, Dual Guard+
-Frederick has a 23% chance to half the target's defence for any attack (+11 damage)

Brave Sword: 28 physical, 82.7% hit
Forged Javelin: 8 physical, 1-2 range, 98.8% hit

Sully - Paladin (8 move, A swords/lances)
58.5 HP, 30.4 Str, 9.4 Mag, 32.2 Skl, 32.2 Spd, 28.2 Lck, 26.7 Def, 18.2 Res
62.4 Avo, 14% Evade, 1.07 PDur, 1.05 MDur
53% double rate, 3% doubled rate
Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Fighter, Defender, Aegis
-Sully has a 32% chance to half damage from magic, bows, and dragons

Brave Sword: 38 physical, 98.8% hit
Forged Javelin: 13 physical, 1-2 range, 102.4% hit

Sully - Great Knight (7 move, A swords/lances, B axes)
60.4 HP, 33.3 Str, 8.4 Mag, 30.3 Skl, 28.3 Spd, 28.3 Lck, 31.6 Def, 12.3 Res
56.6 Avo, 8% Evade, 1.38 PDur, 0.88 MDur
38% double rate, 16% doubled rate
Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Fighter, Luna, Dual Guard+
-Sully has a 30% chance to half the target's defence for any attack (+11 damage)

Brave Sword: 44 physical, 97.8% hit
Forged Javelin: 16 physical, 1-2 range, 100.0% hit

Virion - Bow Knight (8 move, A bows, B swords)
57.6 HP, 30.3 Str, 11.1 Mag, 38 Skl, 32.2 Spd, 21.8 Lck, 19 Def, 14.1 Res
59.2 Avo, 11% Evade (86% vs. bows, 29% on own turn), 0.80 PDur, 0.89 MDur
53% double rate, 3% doubled rate
Skills: Skill +2, Prescience, Rally Skill, Bowbreaker
-Virion has +15 hit and evade on his own turn
-Virion has +50 hit and evade if his opponent has a bow equipped

Brave Bow: 38 physical, 99.0% hit (107.9% on own turn)
Silver Sword +1: 20 physical, 102.9% hit (117.9% on own turn)

Virion - Sniper (6 move, A bows)
52.6 HP, 33.4 Str, 12.1 Mag, 40.9 Skl, 30.2 Spd, 21.8 Lck, 24.9 Def, 15.1 Res
56.2 Avo, 8% Evade (25% on own turn), 0.90 PDur, 0.84 MDur
38% double rate, 6% doubled rate
Skills: Skill +2, Prescience, Hit Rate +20, Bowfaire
-Virion has +15 hit and evade on his own turn

Brave Bow: 44 physical, 117.3% hit (132.3% on own turn)

Stahl - Paladin (8 move, A swords/lances)
64.2 HP, 35.1 Str, 4.7 Mag, 29.4 Skl, 26.5 Spd, 23.5 Lck, 33.2 Def, 13.5 Res
51.5 Avo, 5% Evade, 1.60 PDur, 0.97 MDur
34% double rate, 22% doubled rate
Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Fighter, Defender, Aegis
-Stahl has a 29% chance to half damage from magic, bows, and dragons

Brave Sword: 48 physical, 96.0% hit
Forged Javelin: 18 physical, 1-2 range, 99.7% hit

Stahl - Great Knight (7 move, A swords/lances, B axes)
66.1 HP, 38 Str, 3.7 Mag, 27.4 Skl, 22.6 Spd, 23.5 Lck, 38.2 Def, 7.6 Res
45.7 Avo, 2% Evade, 2.29 PDur, 0.83 MDur
19% double rate, 47% doubled rate
Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Fighter, Luna, Dual Guard+
-Stahl has a 27% chance to half the target's defence for any attack (+11 damage)

Brave Sword: 54 physical, 94.1% hit
Forged Javelin: 21 physical, 1-2 range, 99.0% hit

Vaike - Warrior (6 move, A axes, B bows)
74.8 HP, 40 Str, 3.6 Mag, 34.4 Skl, 26 Spd, 20.2 Lck, 26 Def, 6.6 Res
49.1 Avo, 3% Evade, 1.33 PDur, 0.92 MDur
31% double rate, 25% doubled rate
Skills: HP +5, Zeal, Rally Strength, Counter
-Any non-fatal damage Vaike takes while at melee with his opponent is also dealt to the opponent

Brave Axe: 60 physical, 93.3% hit
Forged Hand Axe: 23 physical, 1-2 range, 99.8% hit
Silver Bow +1: 32 physical, 98.6%

Vaike - Hero (6 move, A axes, B swords)
68.8 HP, 35.1 Str, 4.6 Mag, 38.4 Skl, 30 Spd, 20.2 Lck, 27 Def, 6.6 Res
55.1 Avo, 7% Evade (81% vs. axes), 1.28 PDur, 0.84 MDur
38% double rate, 6% doubled rate
Skills: HP+5, Zeal, Sol, Axebreaker
-Vaike has a 38% chance to heal half the damage he does with an attack
-Vaike has +50 hit and evade if his opponent has an axe equipped

Brave Axe: 50 physical, 97.0% hit
Forged Hand Axe: 18 physical, 1-2 range, 102.7% hit

Miriel - Dark Knight (8 move, A tomes, B swords)
56.5 HP, 12.6 Str, 30.9 Mag, 29.9 Skl, 30.9 Spd, 25 Lck, 20.5 Def, 20.3 Res
58.9 Avo, 10% Evade, 0.82 PDur, 1.11 MDur
41% double rate, 6% doubled rate
Skills: Magic +2, Focus, Slow Burn, Lifetaker

Bolganone: 29 magic, 93.8% hit, 2% crit
Silver Sword +1: 4 physical, 98.8% hit, 2% crit

Miriel - Sage (6 move, A tomes, B staves)
48.6 HP, 6.7 Str, 38.8 Mag, 29.8 Skl, 32.8 Spd, 25 Lck, 14.5 Def, 20.3 Res
61.7 Avo, 13% Evade, 0.59 PDur, 0.96 MDur
53% double rate, 3% doubled rate
Skills: Magic +2, Focus, Rally Magic, Tomefaire

Bolganone: 37 magic, 93.7% hit, 2% crit

Sumia - Falcon Knight (8 move, A lances, B staves)
50.5 HP, 30.1 Str, 14.5 Mag, 40.6 Skl, 42.6 Spd, 30.8 Lck, 18.4 Def, 25.2 Res
79.3 Avo, 37% Evade, 0.69 PDur, 1.27 MDur
100% double rate, 0% doubled rate
Skills: Speed +2, Relief, Rally Speed, Lancefaire

Brave Lance: 38 physical, 101.3% hit
Forged Javelin: 13 physical, 1-2 range, 116.3% hit

Sumia - Dark Flier (8 move, A lances, B tomes)
49.5 HP, 23.2 Str, 18.4 Mag, 37.7 Skl, 40.7 Spd, 30.8 Lck, 17.4 Def, 25.2 Res
76.5 Avo, 33% Evade, 0.66 PDur, 1.24 MDur
97% double rate, 0% doubled rate
Skills: Speed +2, Relief, Rally Movement, Galeforce

Brave Lance: 24 physical, 99.8% hit
Thoron: 17 magic, 96.6% hit, 6% crit

Kellam - General (5 move, A lances, B axes)
65 HP, 36.1 Str, 5.1 Mag, 28.7 Skl, 22.3 Spd, 14.9 Lck, 41.8 Def, 17.9 Res
40.9 Avo, 0% Evade, 3.11 PDur, 1.16 MDur
19% double rate, 59% doubled rate
Skills: Defence +2, Indoor Fighter, Rally Defence, Pavise
-Kellam has a 29% chance to half damage from swords, lances, axes, and beasts

Brave Lance: 50 physical, 88.0% hit
Forged Javelin: 19 physical, 1-2 range, 98.2% hit

Kellam - Great Knight (7 move, A lances, B swords/axes)
63 HP, 35.1 Str, 5.1 Mag, 27.7 Skl, 24.3 Spd, 14.9 Lck, 40.8 Def, 14.9 Res
43.9 Avo, 1% Evade, 2.73 PDur, 1.00 MDur
19% double rate, 47% doubled rate
Skills: Defence +2, Indoor Fighter, Luna, Dual Guard+
-Kellam has a 28% chance to half the target's defence for any attack (+11 damage)

Brave Lance: 48 physical, 86.5% hit
Forged Javelin: 18 physical, 1-2 range, 97.6% hit

Donnel - Villager (5 move, A lances) [30/13]
59.1 HP, 21 Str, 14.4 Mag, 19 Skl, 19 Spd, 33 Lck, 21 Def, 16.4 Res
60.0 Avo, 12% Evade, 0.88 PDur, 0.99 MDur
0% double rate, 63% doubled rate
Skills: Aptitude, Underdog
-Donnel has +15 hit and evade against anyone higher than level 30, which includes the vast majority of lategame enemies, so is factored in

Brave Lance: 20 physical, 95.5% hit
Forged Javelin: 4 physical, 100.0% hit

Lon'qu - Swordmaster (6 move, A swords)
52 HP, 33.3 Str, 9 Mag, 40.3 Skl, 42.3 Spd, 26.3 Lck, 19.5 Def, 14.7 Res
86.6 Avo, 51% Evade, 0.74 PDur, 0.82 MDur
97% double rate, 0% doubled rate
Skills: Avoid +10, Vantage, Astra, Swordfaire
-The non-double portion of Lon'qu's counterattack becomes pre-emptive if he is below half HP
-Lon'qu has a 20% chance to deal 5 hits at half damage, consuming one weapon use

Brave Sword: 44 physical, 103.6% hit

Lon'qu - Assassin (6 move, A swords, B bows)
53 HP, 29.3 Str, 7 Mag, 43.2 Skl, 41.3 Spd, 26.3 Lck, 18.5 Def, 10.8 Res
85.1 Avo, 48% Evade, 0.73 PDur, 0.74 MDur
97% double rate, 0% doubled rate
Skills: Avoid +10, Vantage, Lethality, Pass
-The non-double portion of Lon'qu's counterattack becomes pre-emptive if he is below half HP
-Lon'qu has a 10% chance to inflict instant death with each hit

Brave Sword: 36 physical, 108% hit
Silver Bow +1: 21 physical, 108% hit

Ricken - Dark Knight (8 move, A tomes, B swords)
62.5 HP, 17.1 Str, 29.9 Mag, 26.1 Skl, 24.1 Spd, 33.4 Lck, 26.6 Def, 16.7 Res
52.9 Avo, 6% Evade, 1.14 PDur, 1.06 MDur
19% double rate, 47% doubled rate
Skills: Magic +2, Focus, Slow Burn, Lifetaker

Bolganone: 28 magic, 92.7% hit
Silver Sword +1: 8 physical, 98.3% hit

Ricken - Sage (6 move, A tomes, B staves)
54.6 HP, 11.2 Str, 37.8 Mag, 26 Skl, 26 Spd, 33.4 Lck, 20.6 Def, 17.6 Res
55.7 Avo, 8% Evade, 0.80 PDur, 0.96 MDur
31% double rate, 25% doubled rate
Skills: Magic +2, Focus, Rally Magic, Tomefaire

Bolganone: 36 magic, 92.6% hit

Maribelle - War Cleric (6 move, A staves, B axes)
51.3 HP, 15.1 Str, 27.7 Mag, 24 Skl, 24.1 Spd, 33.8 Lck, 14.4 Def, 27.9 Res
53.1 Avo, 6% Evade, 0.62 PDur, 1.52 MDur
19% double rate, 47% doubled rate
Skills: Resistance +2, Demoiselle, Rally Luck, Renewal
-Maribelle regens 30% HP at the start of each turn

Silver Axe: 7 physical, 90.2% hit
Forged Hand Axe: lol (20 atk vs. 23 average enemy def)

Maribelle - Valkyrie (8 move, A staves, B tomes)
44.4 HP, 7.2 Str, 28.6 Mag, 24 Skl, 27 Spd, 33.8 Lck, 10.4 Def, 30.8 Res
57.4 Avo, 9% Evade, 0.49 PDur, 1.62 MDur
34% double rate, 22% doubled rate
Skills: Resistance +2, Demoiselle, Rally Resistance, Dual Support+

Bolganone: 26 magic, 90.2% hit

Panne - Taguel (6 move) [30/13]
64 HP, 34.6 Str, 6.4 Mag, 42.2 Skl, 45 Spd, 28.4 Lck, 29 Def, 12.2 Res
81.7(+10) Avo, 42%(61%) Evade, 1.29 PDur, 0.93 MDur
100% double rate, 0% doubled rate
Skills: Even Rhythm, Beastbane
-Panne has +10 hit and evade during even-numbered turns

Beaststone+: 22 physical (42 vs. beasts), 99.9% or 107.5% hit

Gaius - Trickster (7 move, A swords, B staves)
53.9 HP, 27.5 Str, 12.7 Mag, 40.8 Skl, 40.9 Spd, 17.9 Lck, 16.2 Def, 14.8 Res
90.3 Avo, 58% Evade, 0.69 PDur, 0.85 MDur
97% double rate, 0% doubled rate
Skills: Locktouch, Movement +1, Lucky Seven, Acrobat
-Gaius has +20 hit and evade for the first seven turns (factored in)

Brave Sword: 34 physical, 120.2% hit

Gaius - Assassin (7 move, A swords, B bows)
56.9 HP, 33.4 Str, 5.9 Mag, 44.8 Skl, 42.8 Spd, 17.9 Lck, 18.2 Def, 9.8 Res
73.2 Avo, 28% Evade, 0.77 PDur, 0.77 MDur
100% double rate, 0% doubled rate
Skills: Locktouch, Movement +1, Lethality, Pass
-Gaius has a 11% chance to inflict instant death with each hit

Brave Sword: 44 physical, 106.2% hit
Silver Bow +1: 25 physical, 106.2% hit

Cordelia - Falcon Knight (8 move, A lances, B staves)
57.8 HP, 35.2 Str, 11.4 Mag, 35.2 Skl, 36.2 Spd, 23.4 Lck, 24.4 Def, 22.2 Res
66.0 Avo, 18% Evade, 0.97 PDur, 1.24 MDur
78% double rate, 0% doubled rate
Skills: Speed +2, Relief, Rally Speed, Lancefaire

Brave Lance: 48 physical, 97.8% hit
Forged Javelin: 18 physical, 1-2 range, 104.5% hit

Cordelia - Dark Flier (8 move, A lances, B tomes)
56.8 HP, 28.3 Str, 15.3 Mag, 32.3 Skl, 34.3 Spd, 23.4 Lck, 23.4 Def, 22.2 Res
63.2 Avo, 15% Evade, 0.92 PDur, 1.22 MDur
59% double rate, 0% doubled rate
Skills: Speed +2, Relief, Rally Movement, Galeforce

Brave Lance: 34 physical, 95.6% hit
Thoron: 14 magic, 87.6% hit, 3% crit

Gregor - Bow Knight (8 move, A swords, B bows)
67.4 HP, 32.4 Str, 2.9 Mag, 33.9 Skl, 28.5 Spd, 21.1 Lck, 24.6 Def, 8.4 Res
63.3 Avo, 15% Evade (90% vs. bows, 6% if countered), 1.14 PDur, 0.87 MDur
38% double rate, 9% doubled rate
Skills: Armsthrift, Patience, Rally Skill, Bowbreaker
-Gregor has +10 hit and evade during enemy turns (evade factored in)
-Gregor has +50 hit and evade if his opponent has a bow equipped

Brave Sword: 42 physical, 98.5% hit
Silver Bow +1: 24 physical, 98.5% hit

Gregor - Hero (8 move, A swords, B axes)
64.5 HP, 32.4 Str, 3.9 Mag, 34.9 Skl, 28.5 Spd, 21.1 Lck, 27.5 Def, 9.4 Res
63.3 Avo, 15% Evade (90% vs. axes, 6% if countered), 1.22 PDur, 0.86 MDur
38% double rate, 9% doubled rate
Skills: Armsthrift, Patience, Sol, Axebreaker
-Gregor has +10 hit and evade during enemy turns (evade factored in)
-Gregor has a 35% chance to heal half the damage he does with an attack
-Gregor has +50 hit and evade if his opponent has an axe equipped

Brave Sword: 42 physical, 99.0% hit
Forged Hand Axe: 14 physical, 1-2 range, 99.9% hit

Nowi - Manakete (6 move) [30/13]
64.8 HP, 40.4 Str, 21.6 Mag, 26.5 Skl, 26.5 Spd, 33.4 Lck, 40.4 Def, 30.5 Res
56.5(+10) Avo, 8%(19%) Evade, 2.70 PDur, 2.31 MDur
34% double rate, 22% doubled rate
Skills: Odd Rhythm, Wyrmsbane
-Nowi has +10 hit and evade during odd-numbered turns

Dragonstone+: 29 physical (53 vs. dragons), 88.9% or 96.3% hit

Libra - War Monk (6 move, A axes/staves)
56.1 HP, 21.6 Str, 25.5 Mag, 23.5 Skl, 23.5 Spd, 18.6 Lck, 17.7 Def, 23.6 Res
44.6 Avo, 1% Evade, 0.75 PDur, 1.29 MDur
19% double rate, 47% doubled rate
Skills: Miracle, Healtouch, Rally Luck, Renewal
19% double rate, 47% doubled rate
-Libra has a 19% chance to survive a fatal attack with 1 HP, unless he already had 1 HP
-Libra regens 30% HP at the start of each turn

Brave Axe: 24 physical, 74.9% hit
Forged Hand Axe: 5 physical, 1-2 range, 91.6% hit

Tharja - Dark Knight (8 move, A tomes, B swords)
58.1 HP, 17.6 Str, 30.4 Mag, 20.6 Skl, 31.4 Spd, 14.6 Lck, 28.1 Def, 15.8 Res
54.4 Avo, 7% Evade, 1.13 PDur, 0.95 MDur
41% double rate, 6% doubled rate
Skills: Hex, Anathema, Slow Burn, Lifetaker
-Enemies adjacent to Tharja have -15 evade
-Enemies within 3 squares of Tharja have -10 evade and crit evade (factored in, stacks with the above)

Bolganone: 24 magic, 85.6% hit (97.2% at melee)
Silver Sword +1: 9 physical, 99.9% hit

Tharja - Sorcerer (6 move, A tomes/dark tomes)
55.2 HP, 12.8 Str, 32.4 Mag, 18.6 Skl, 30.4 Spd, 14.6 Lck, 26.1 Def, 18.7 Res
52.9 Avo, 6% Evade (78% vs. tomes), 0.99 PDur, 1.01 MDur
38% double rate, 6% doubled rate
Skills: Hex, Anathema, Vengeance, Tomebreaker
-Enemies adjacent to Tharja have -15 evade
-Enemies within 3 squares of Tharja have -10 evade and crit evade (factored in, stacks with the above)
-Tharja has a 38% chance per hit of dealing extra damage equal to half her missing HP
-Tharja has +50 hit and evade if her opponent has a tome equipped

Waste: 56 magic, 40.9% hit (68.3% at melee)
Forged Nosferatu: 26 magic, 85.6% hit (92.2% at melee), half of damage becomes healing

Anna - Trickster (7 move, A swords/staves)
51.2 HP, 19.6 Str, 25.6 Mag, 34.4 Skl, 32.5 Spd, 41.2 Lck, 14.7 Def, 17.6 Res
89.4 Avo, 56% Evade, 0.63 PDur, 0.90 MDur
53% double rate, 3% doubled rate
Skills: Locktouch, Movement +1, Lucky Seven, Acrobat
-Anna has +20 hit and evade for the first seven turns (factored in)

Levin Sword: 23 magic, 122.2% hit
Brave Sword: 18 physical, 122.2% hit

Olivia - Dancer (5 move, A swords) [30/13]
48.8 HP, 19.4 Str, 11.3 Mag, 36.7 Skl, 37.7 Spd, 33.6 Lck, 13.3 Def, 12.3 Res
73.4 Avo, 28% Evade, 0.58 PDur, 0.71 MDur
91% double rate, 0% doubled rate
Skills: Luck +4, Special Dance
-When Olivia uses Dance, her target gets +2 str, mag, def, and res, in addition to the usual extra turn

Brave Sword: 16 physical, 101.9% hit

Cherche - Wyvern Lord (8 move, A axes, B lances)
63 HP, 39.9 Str, 6.4 Mag, 29.9 Skl, 27.5 Spd, 22.5 Lck, 33.9 Def, 9.1 Res
62.5(+15) Avo, 34->14% Evade (99%->89% vs. swords), 1.63 PDur, 0.83 MDur
38% double rate, 16% doubled rate
Skills: Strength +2, Tantivy, Quick Burn, Swordbreaker
-Cherche has +15 hit and evade on turn 1, lowers by 1 each turn
-Cherche has +50 hit and evade if her opponent has a sword equipped

Brave Axe: 60 physical, 101.1% to 96.1% hit
Forged Hand Axe: 23 physical, 1-2 range, 116.1% to 101.1% hit

Cherche - Griffon Rider (8 move, A axes)
61 HP, 37 Str, 6.4 Mag, 32.8 Skl, 30.5 Spd, 22.5 Lck, 29.9 Def, 9.1 Res
67.0 Avo, 19% Evade (93% vs. lances), 1.28 PDur, 0.80 MDur
41% double rate, 6% doubled rate
Skills: Strength +2, Tantivy, Deliverer, Lancebreaker
-Cherche has +50 hit and evade if her opponent has a lance equipped

Brave Axe: 54 physical, 98.2% hit
Forged Hand Axe: 20 physical, 105.5% hit

Henry - Dark Knight (8 move, A tomes, B swords)
61.7 HP, 21.7 Str, 29.5 Mag, 35.2 Skl, 25.9 Spd, 20.8 Lck, 31.5 Def, 13.2 Res
49.3 Avo, 4% Evade, 1.41 PDur, 0.92 MDur
31% double rate, 25% doubled rate
Skills: Hex, Anathema, Slow Burn, Lifetaker
-Enemies adjacent to Henry have -15 evade
-Enemies within 3 squares of Henry have -10 evade and crit evade (factored in, stacks with the above)

Thoron: 30 magic, 97.2% hit (103.2% at melee), 14% crit
Silver Sword +1: 14 physical, 123.2% hit, 4% crit

Henry - Sorcerer (6 move, A tomes/dark tomes)
58.7 HP, 16.9 Str, 31.5 Mag, 33.2 Skl, 24.9 Spd, 20.8 Lck, 29.5 Def, 16.1 Res
47.8 Avo, 3% Evade, 1.21 PDur, 0.97 MDur
25% double rate, 41% doubled rate
Skills: Hex, Anathema, Vengeance, Tomebreaker
-Enemies adjacent to Henry have -15 evade
-Enemies within 3 squares of Henry have -10 evade and crit evade (factored in, stacks with the above)
-Henry has a 66% chance per hit of dealing extra damage equal to half his missing HP
-Henry has +50 hit and evade if his opponent has a tome equipped

Waste: 56 magic, 82.2% hit (95.6% at melee), 3% crit
Forged Nosferatu: 26 magic, 99.5% hit (110.2% at melee), 3% crit

Lucina - Great Lord (6 move, A swords, B lances)
61.5 HP, 35 Str, 7.6 Mag, 38.3 Skl, 40.3 Spd, 37.3 Lck, 27 Def, 17.7 Res
79.1 Avo, 37% Evade, 1.14 PDur, 1.09 MDur
94% double rate, 0% doubled rate
Skills: Speed +2, Dual Strike+, Charm, Aether, Rightful KingQueen
-Lucina has a 29% chance to hit twice for each attack, the first one healing her for half the damage she deals and the second one ignoring half the target's defence (+11 damage)

Brave Sword: 48 physical, 106.1% hit
Parallel Falchion: 27 physical (51 vs. dragons), 106.1% hit; can also be used to heal 20 HP
Forged Javelin: 17 physical, 1-2 range, 111.1% hit

Say'ri - Swordmaster (6 move, A swords)
58.1 HP, 33.5 Str, 10.8 Mag, 36.4 Skl, 39.4 Spd, 29.6 Lck, 20.6 Def, 18.6 Res
83.9 Avo, 46% Evade, 0.85 PDur, 1.06 MDur
94% double rate, 0% doubled rate
Skills: Avoid +10, Vantage, Astra, Swordfaire
-The non-double portion of Say'ri's counterattack becomes pre-emptive if she is below half HP
-Say'ri has a 18% chance to deal 5 hits at half damage, consuming one weapon use

Brave Sword: 46 physical, 100.0% hit
Amatsu: 26 physical, 1-2 range, 91.5% hit

Tiki - Manakete (6 move) [30/10]
68.7 HP, 42.4 Str, 26.6 Mag, 32.5 Skl, 32.5 Spd, 36.2 Lck, 41.4 Def, 34.4 Res
66.9(+10) Avo, 19%(33%) Evade, 3.16 PDur, 3.56 MDur
53% double rate, 3% doubled rate
Skills: Odd Rhythm, Wyrmsbane
-Tiki has +10 hit and evade during odd-numbered turns

Dragonstone+: 31 physical (55 vs. dragons), 96.5% or 99.8% hit

Basilio - Warrior (6 move, A axes, B bows) [*/18]
75.8 HP, 39.6 Str, 4.8 Mag, 32.8 Skl 29 Spd, 23.6 Lck, 27 Def, 10.6 Res
55.3 Avo, 7% Evade, 1.40 PDur, 1.05 MDur
38% double rate, 9% doubled rate
Skills: HP +5, Zeal, Rally Strength, Counter
-Any non-fatal damage Basilio takes while at melee with his opponent is also dealt to the opponent

Brave Axe: 60 physical, 92.8% hit
Forged Hand Axe: 23 physical, 1-2 range, 99.7% hit
Silver Bow +1: 32 physical, 98.4% hit

Flavia - Hero (6 move, A swords, B axes) [*/18]
60.6 HP, 32.4 Str, 7.6 Mag, 37.6 Skl, 35.2 Spd, 28.4 Lck, 28.2 Def, 15.4 Res
77.0 Avo, 34% Evade (98% vs. axes), 1.18 PDur, 0.98 MDur
75% double rate, 0% doubled rate
Skills: Armsthrift, Patience, Sol, Axebreaker
-Flavia has +10 hit and evade during enemy turns (evade factored in)
-Flavia has a 38% chance to heal half the damage she does with an attack
-Flavia has +50 hit and evade if her opponent has an axe equipped

Brave Sword: 42 physical, 100.6% hit
Forged Hand Axe: 14 physical, 1-2 range, 105.6% hit
« Last Edit: June 17, 2013, 06:37:40 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2013, 04:03:33 AM »

Silver Sword +1: 12 mt, 85 hit, 30 uses, 2115 cost
Brave Sword: 2 attacks, 9 mt, 80 hit, 30 uses, 2100 cost, A rank
Killing Edge +1: 10 mt, 90 hit, 30 crit, 30 uses, 2205 cost
*Levin Sword: Magic damage, 10 mt, 80 hit, 1-2 range, 25 uses, Anna only
*Noble Rapier: 8 mt (x3 vs. beasts/armour), 85 hit, 10 crit, 25 uses,  Chrom/Lucina only
*Amatsu: 12 mt, 60 hit, 5 crit, 1-2 range, 30 uses, Say'ri only
*Exalted Falchion: 15 mt (x3 vs. dragons), 80 hit, 10 crit, unbreakable, can be used for a 20-HP self-heal, Chrom only
*Parallel Falchion: 12 mt (x3 vs. dragons), 80 hit, 5 crit, unbreakable, can be used for a 20-HP self-heal, Lucina only

Silver Lance +1: 14 mt, 75 hit, 30 uses, 2340 cost
Brave Lance: 2 attacks, 10 mt, 70 hit, 30 uses, 2220 cost, A rank
Javelin +2/+5: 4 mt, 85 hit, 1-2 range, 25 uses, 2100 cost
Killer Lance: 10 mt, 80 hit, 30 crit, 30 uses, 1680 cost

Silver Axe: 15 mt, 65 hit, 30 uses, 1740 cost
Brave Axe: 2 attacks, 12 mt, 60 hit, 30 uses, 2400 cost, A rank
Hand Axe +2/+5: 5 mt, 75 hit, 1-2 range, 25 uses, 2250 cost
*Short Axe: 7 mt, 65 hit, 1-2 range, 25 uses, Flavia initial
*Hammer: 10 mt (x3 vs. armour), 60 hit, 25 uses, Cherche/Basilio initial
Killer Axe: 12 mt, 70 hit, 30 crit, 30 uses, 1860 cost

(bows, all 2 range only, x3 mt vs. flyers)
Silver Bow +1: 14 mt, 75 hit, 30 uses, 2340 cost
Brave Bow: 2 attacks, 10 mt, 70 hit, 30 uses, 2220 cost, A rank
Killer Bow: 10 mt, 80 hit, 30 crit, 30 uses, 1680 cost

(tomes, all 1-2 range, elements are pure flavour)
Bolganone: 12 mt, 75 hit, 25 uses, 2000 cost, fire
Thoron: 14 mt, 65 hit, 10 crit, 25 uses, 2200 cost, lightning
Rexcalibur: 10 mt (x3 vs. flyers), 85 hit, 25 uses, 1900 cost, wind

(dark tomes, all 1-2 range, dark element by flavour)
Nosferatu +1/+5: 8 mt, 70 hit, 20 uses, heals attacker for half damage dealt, 1960 cost
Ruin +1: 5 mt, 60 hit, 50 crit, 20 uses, 2070 cost
Waste: 2 attacks, 10 mt, 45 hit, 30 uses, 2160 cost

*Beaststone+: 10 mt, 70 hit, Str +5, Skl +8, Spd +8, Lck +6, Def +4, Res +2, Panne only
*Dragonstone+: 12 mt, 70 hit, Str +11, Mag +6, Skl +5, Spd +4, Def +13, Res +9, Nowi/Tiki only

Skill descriptions

I was going to describe these individually, but I realise it's not really worth my time. The DL-relevant skills are already listed in PC entries, and if you want information on the rest, you can find them listed by class, at the Serenes Forest link here.


FE13 doesn't have status, so your call on how to take bosses vs. that. It does have instant death: most bosses are vulnerable, exceptions will be noted.

Gangrel (Chp. 11)
"Someone pinch me! No- let me pinch them!"

(PC averages: Lv 12.8/3.7, HP 31.3, Spd 15.5, Res 8.5, Dmg 16.5, Hit ~116)
(Enemy averages: Def 7.3, Res 4.0)

Starts on a fort [+2 def, +20 avo], but moves.

Gangrel: Lv 5 Trickster (6 move, B swords, C staves)
41 HP, 15 Str, 11 Mag, 24 Skl, 24 Spd, 18 Lck, 9 Def, 14 Res
23 Atk, 125(+20) Hit, 45(+20)[+20] Avo, 12 Crit
Reduces physicals by 10% [22%] and magic by 63%
Skills: Locktouch, Lucky Seven
-Gangrel has +20 hit and evade for the first seven turns

Levin Sword: 14.5 magic, 1-2 range, 99% (114%) hit

Comments: The big story boss of the game's first half is a trickster, yes. His speed is insane, one of the fastest bosses in the -series-. If he doubles, he hurts, just shy of OHKO to average. His physical durability is some shade of awful, but he'll get an attack in due to having ~80% evade until his first turn, and magic durability is kinda okay.

Cervantes (Chp. 20)
"Like a flimsy belt around the waist of defeat, you shall buckle here!"

(PC averages: Lv 10.3, HP 49.4, Spd 25.7, Def 21.5, Res 15.2, Dmg 23.8, Hit ~131)
(Enemy averages: Def 17.8, Res 11.6)

Cervantes: Lv 10 General (5 move, C lances, B axes)
63 HP, 32 Str, 0 Mag, 28 Skl, 17 Spd, 23 Lck, 30+2 Def, 13 Res
46 Atk, 133+10 Hit, 37+10 Avo, 14 Crit
Reduces physicals by 65% and magic by 5%
Skills: Defence+2, Indoor Fighter, Pavise
-Hit and evade +10 indoors; Chapter 20 is indoors, so this is factored in.
-Cervantes has a 28% chance to half damage from swords, lances, axes, and beasts

Forged Tomahawk: 24.5 physical, 1-2 range, 99% hit

Comments: Fairly traditional general boss, he's mostly here for Eph fanservice. Just misses a 2HKO, gets doubled a lot but counters. The physical durability is pretty good (especially if he gets a Pavise activation in there), magic is a big problem though.

Excellus (Chp. 20)
"You think I'm afraid? Of YOU?"

(PC averages: Lv 10.3, HP 49.4, Spd 25.7, Def 21.5, Res 15.2, Dmg 23.8, Hit ~131)
(Enemy averages: Def 17.8, Res 11.6)

Excellus: Lv 10 Sage (6 move, B tomes, C staves)
52 HP, 5 Str, 28+7 Mag, 24 Skl, 25 Spd, 21 Lck, 16 Def, 22 Res
52 Atk, 136 Hit, 48 Avo, 12+10 Crit
Takes 8% extra from physicals and reduces magic by 40%
Skills: Magic+2, Focus, Tomefaire

Forged Bolganone: 36.8 magic, 96% hit

Comments: He hits hard, but dies to a physical sneeze. May take a hit and outslug some mages due to counters, but can only beat really weak fighters. Speed is remarkably average.

Walhart (Chp. 20)
“Glory is meeting your enemy's eyes and watching the hope drain away with his life...”

(PC averages: Lv 10.3, HP 49.4, Spd 25.7, Def 21.5, Res 15.2, Dmg 23.8, Hit ~131)
(Enemy averages: Def 17.8, Res 11.6)

Starts on a throne [+3 def/res, +20 avo], but moves.

Walhart: Lv 25 Conquerer (8 move, A swords, A lances, A axes)
69 HP, 36 Str, 14 Mag, 31 Skl, 30 Spd, 26 Lck, 31[+3] Def, 21[+3] Res
55 Atk, 144(+15), 58(+15)[+20] Avo, 20 Crit
Reduces physicals by 61% [75%] and magic by 36% [48%]
Skills: Prescience, Aegis, Conquest
-Walhart has +15 hit and evade on his own turn
-Walhart has a 31% chance to half damage from magic, bows, and dragons
-Walhart is not weak to his class weaknesses

Wolf Berg (axe): 33.5 physical, 1-2 range, 99% hit (108% on own turn)

Comments: Badass. Just misses doubling average (if he does, you're dead). Pretty good stats everywhere, although magic durability is still a bit shaky. Still the most overall durable boss so far though, for sure. Even moreso if you strike him before he moves, though this is very difficult in-game thanks to his threat range of TEN.

Validar (Chp. 23)
"You WILL die here. Your future is already written."

(PC averages: Lv 13.1, HP 52.4, Spd 27.3, Res 16.5, Dmg 24.9, Hit ~135)
(Enemy averages: Def 19.4, Res 11.5)

Validar: Lv 18 Sorcerer (doesn't move, A tomes)
65 HP, 6 Str, 35 Mag, 27 Skl, 25 Spd, 23 Lck, 28 Def, 26 Res
49 Atk, 137(+10) Hit, 49 Avo, 13(+10) Crit
Reduces physicals by 68% and magic by 73%
Skills: Anathema, Vengeance, Dragonskin
-Enemies within 3 squares of Validar have -10 evade and crit evade (factored in)
-Validar has a 54% chance per hit of dealing extra damage equal to half his missing HP
-Validar halves all damage (factored into his damage reduction, above)
-Validar nullfies the skills Counter (fixed damage?) and Lethality (instant death)

Grima's Truth (dark magic): 32.5 magic, 99% hit

Comments: Better version of the Nergal/Lyon type. Dragonskin actually gives him a hint of durability, and he's not overly slow (though does have to watch out for doubles). Vengeance exists to potentially fuck over some people who he might otherwise not 2HKO, or maybe even grab OHKOs against some stallers.

Aversa (Chp. 25)
"Oh really now, how amusing... You're so cute when you try to be clever."

(PC averages: Lv 15.8, HP 56.2, Spd 29.1, Res 16.7, Dmg 27.4, Hit ~138)
(Enemy averages: Def 19.8, Res 16.5)

Aversa: Lv 20 Dark Flier (doesn't move, B lances, A tomes)
65 HP, 28 Str, 36 Mag, 34 Skl, 38+2 Spd, 33 Lck, 25 Def, 34 Res
57 Atk, 147 Hit, 76 Avo, 27 Crit
Reduces physicals by 19% and magic by 61%
Skills: Speed+2, Galeforce, Shadowgift

Goetia (dark magic): 40.3 magic, 98% hit, 2% crit

Comments: Haha, that offence is nuts. Mid 2HKO off +11 average AS? Crazy. Not too hard to take out with a good physical hit (her evade's good but not turn 1 good), though mages are of course much less happy. Better make that one hit count because four hits of Goetia leaves a lot of smoldering corpses.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 12:39:10 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2013, 06:36:01 PM »
So I ran some equal exp numbers. While I don't have numbers for the healers, I do have the following:

Frederick, Libra, Anna: 1 extra level
Henry, Lucina: 1 less level
Basilio, Flavia: 2 less levels

Most of this is a big pile of who-cares, I'm not even sure it's worth my time to adjust. Maybe for Basilio/Flavia since gaps will close further the more paralogues you do but you'll almost certainly do them before they join.

Robin, with Veteran hype for 1.4x normal exp (1.5x isn't reasonable for a number of reasons): 3 extra levels. Not saving him/her.

The main people who change dramatically (and this must be reflected in the stat topic in some fashion) are:

Donnel, Panne: 30/18 (doesn't really change Donnel of course)
Nowi: 30/17
Olivia: 30/16 (this assumes Olivia is gaining exp primarily from combat... she gets much less from dancing)
Tiki: 30/13

edit: That said I'm not sure what I feel about reflecting this fully. Will turn this over in my mind and discuss in chat.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2013, 07:21:02 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2013, 08:13:38 PM »
Allowing Robin to pickher Asset and Flaw like we do with Serph and co would help her more.

Tiki being that high surprises me, and I think Olivia must be considered with Dancing on mind somewhat.
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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2013, 09:42:08 PM »
What exactly is the exp formula that you're using, incidentally? I've never seen an exact one listed anywhere yet, though I've heard it's roughly the same as the one in FE11/12 except with the minimum exp for a kill raised to 8 and "internal levels" used to restrict the exp growth of reclassed units somewhat. Internal levels is actually a really big deal with reclassing and exp, but I need to look up how exactly it works with promoted class -> promoted class at the moment before commenting further.

I don't see any good reason not to let Robin pick an asset and a flaw, probably +speed/-magic (or maybe -luck) as long as he/she sticks with it permanently. It's unique to one PC and literally impossible to actually get a perfectly neutral Avatar in-game.

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2013, 01:04:30 AM »
I agree completely, and the only reason that the stat topic has not yet been updated to reflect an asset/flaw is it isn't really clear what the optimum build is. It's definitely coming.

For Exp formulas, they're here. The long and short of it is it's pretty much identical to FE8 besides the things you said, with fewer class-related exceptions. I have a lot to say about the possibilities of Second Sealing back to your own class and what it means in the DL, but the short of it is: nobody outside the units who level from 1-30 in a single class are likely to benefit significantly if at all.

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2013, 11:17:13 PM »
If it's not too much trouble Elfboy would you be able to get Donnel's stats if he reclasses? With the Villager's low caps and the bonuses he gets for reclassing it seems like the game intends for you to reclass him at some point. Reclassing him at level 10 or something seems much more representative of how the player would use him in game.   


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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2013, 12:21:29 AM »
Well that wouldn't be fair unless you allowed reclassing on everyone...


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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2013, 12:35:25 AM »
Well that wouldn't be fair unless you allowed reclassing on everyone...
That would be the case if he were allowed to reclass into any class, but Donnel can only reclass into Merc or Fighter. For me he seems pretty similar to Ross in that Villager is meant to be a trainee class from which he can branch off into two more advanced classes.

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2013, 12:39:25 AM »
Everyone else can reclass into two different classes too. If you allow it for him you should allow it for everyone.

Which is a valid view to take, but one that requires its own stat topic.

Edit: Furthermore, Second Seals aren't storebought until after chapter 16, so unless you expend a highly limited resource you can't do it before then (i.e. doing so isn't DL-legal). This is an especially large problem for Donnel who has no chance to hit A in a weapon if he doesn't Second Seal very early since none of his non-villager classes get lances.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 12:59:57 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2013, 01:20:26 AM »
Some random ramblings:

Allowing Robin to pickher Asset and Flaw like we do with Serph and co would help her more.

No DDS, but there's a Renaissance Man Serph in the topic as well which picked all stats equally, which I suspect I'd lean toward using were I a DDS voter.  (In fairness to Serph, at least the best Serph build in the DL is quite similar to the best Serph build in-game, the tank mage, unlike Robin...  well Robin when Brave Weapons exist.  I suspect that a topic using Chapter 23-24 as a cutoff would see Strength as a far less tempting asset than the endgame equipment set.)

On Veteran: There is precedent for reflecting this in stat topics; note that FE9 Astrid & Geoffrey are taken at level 20/20 rather than 20/15 in the equal levels topic.  The problem in FE:A is of course that there aren't any more levels left to gain without allowing Second Sealing back to your own class, which opens up its own weird can of worms (uber-Tiki apparently?!).  Basically Robin really wants a snapshot of the game a little earlier when he's a badass mage countering everything and he's 20/20 while everyone else is 20/12-20/15 or so.  The DL says "so sorry you get hosed at the very endgame here's a Kleenex" ('sup L2 Jean) already, so maybe that's just rough for Robin, but eh.

On Robin's asset / flaw: First, a detour to DL philosophy.  In games with really random level-ups like Xenogears / Chrono Cross / Fire Emblem, ideally a stat topic takes an average of the characters across several playthroughs.  It just happens that the FE level-up system, while random, is very well documented and simple, so there's no need to collect the average of playthroughs as a guess.  In other words, for games not FE9, Fire Emblem character stats are not from assuming the game is played on Fixed level-ups, but rather because it's the average experience of the character which can vary a lot.  Thus, I'm of the "assume Robin picked all 8 assets and all 8 flaws across 8 playthroughs and average them together" by default.  Yes Robin has control of the choice, but see Renaissance Serph, it's weird to pick the canonical answer.  This interp is practically the same as neutral Robin, mind, he gets +.25 HP & +.25 Luck, and +.125 everything else, who cares.  THAT SAID.  If I can't figure out a satisfactory way to throw Robin a bone for Veteran existing (phantom extra level-ups to 20/22?!?), letting Robin rotate asset / flaw, for all that this is impossible in-game, sounds fine.  (I'm kind of okay with character picking which class upgrade path on a duel-by-duel basis, so it's similar to that...  if you had to back up to the beginning of the game and had 56 choices...  okay so not THAT similar.)

On Donnel: Well, I agree he's like Ross in that Ross is not one of the more rankable FE characters out there. :(  Arguably he's only here to inflate the averages.  Seems a classic FF6 Relm case, he's not actually THAT bad but the DL denies him the tools he'd actually have in-game.  I'd just not nominate him even as a joke since he doesn't really deserve to be quite the Low Light the topic makes him out to be.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 01:23:41 AM by SnowFire »

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2013, 01:36:47 AM »
A note about Veteran, it only creates a 3 level lead at equilibrium, roughly. (You get 30 exp per kill normally. If you're 3 levels higher, you get 20. With Veteran, it gets back to 30. Non-kill and boss exp benefits more from this, but on the other side you won't likely get all your exp with Veteran, it balances.) 3 extra levels does not create some huge sea change in Robin's ability, whether it be him/her at 20/20 while others are at 20/17, or him/her at 20/20/3 while others are at 20/20.

As for the beastpeople (and others who cap at 30), they certainly deserve more than Level 30. They reach that 10 levels before anyone else hits 20/20. Giving them a Second Seal at that point is reasonable... they're storebought by then, and are equivalent in cost to the Master Seal we have spotted almost everyone else. Now, at this point, the weird thing is that they start shooting ahead in levels and get a level lead they never had until late. I can see disrespecting this resulting level lead. I am somewhat inclined to do so myself. However, at the very least, they deserve to be Level 30/10 (same amount of levels as standard 20/20).

edit: Also I strongly agree with Donnel being a bad idea to nom under any circumstances and would strongly discourage anyone from doing so.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 01:40:32 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2013, 02:12:32 AM »
The problem with just straight up allowing them extra levels is that I don't think they can reclass directly back to their old class. I haven't used Tiki that much, but Panne and Donnel can only reclass to wyvren rider/thief and fighter/mercenary respectively from their original class. I'm not sure how it works after that, but it wouldn't surprise me if Donnel can't reclass back to villager at all and even if he could he wouldn't want to due to the terrible class caps. Panne might want to reclass back to Taguel, but I'm not sure how her stats work out.   

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2013, 02:15:00 AM »
They can reclass if and only if they hit max level (this is true of anyone who wants to reclass into their current class). Doing so does not change their stats at all, it just causes them to gain levels again, at an accelerated rate because second seal use only saves half your levels for exp formula purposes. (edit: Note that this acceleration only occurs if you reclass into a tier 1 class. If, say, Robin reclasses back into Grandmaster, s/he gains levels as a Level 20/20 PC would. However the 1-30 classes count as tier 1 for this purpose.)
« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 03:05:54 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2013, 05:11:45 AM »
Elf: I agree that three levels aren't huge, but Robin will take whatever he or she can get.

Also: dude, Reiska's spreadsheet does list full stat loadouts for Donnel's upgrade options if you just want to see the stats.  (Warrior, Bow Knight, Merc->Hero, Fighter->Hero)


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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2013, 12:13:54 PM »
Re: Donnel - yeah he's fucked by caps under any DL-legal interpretation.  He's capped everything but HP, Mag and Res already at Villager 30; the extra levels will serve zero meaningful benefit for him.

I was bored this morning so I went ahead and ran numbers under elfboy's equal exp assertions given above (20/20/4 for Robin, --/20/2 for Frederick/Libra/Anna, 20/19 for Henry/Lucina, --/18 for Basilio/Flavia, 30/18 for Panne, 30/17 for Nowi and 30/13 for Tiki.  Olivia is not included due to uncertainty over how much of her EXP would come from combat vs. dancing.

Results are as follows.  These are HM stats, I didn't run NM or LM numbers.

Robin - 55.8 HP, 31.55 Str, 28.5 Mag, 27.5 Skl, 28.5 Spd, 26.55 Lck, 24.4 Def, 17.3 Res. 
Frederick - 50 HP, 26 Str, 4 Mag, 23 Skl, 20 Spd, 14 Lck, 25 Def, 8 Res.  No big deal.  (These are all exactly .00, no rounding involved.)
Libra - 57 HP, 22 Str, 26 Mag, 24 Skl, 24 Spd, 19 Lck, 18 Def, 24 Res.  Again no big deal.  (Again all exactly .00 too.)
Anna - 52 HP, 20 Str, 26 Mag, 35 Skl, 33 Spd, 42 Lck, 15 Def, 18 Res.  Again all exactly .00.
Henry (Dark Knight) - 60.7 HP, 21.2 Str, 29 Mag, 34.6 Skl, 25.3 Spd, 20.4 Lck, 31 Def, 12.9 Res
Henry (Sorcerer) - 57.8 HP, 16.5 Str, 30.9 Mag, 32.6 Skl, 24.3 Spd, 20.4 Lck, 29 Def, 15.8 Res
Lucina - 60.68 HP, 34.4 Str, 7.48 Mag, 37.64 Skl, 39.64 Spd, 36.6 Lck, 26.64 Def, 17.4 Res.  (Lucina's natural speed is 37.64; it's presumed she inherited Speed +2 from her mother.)
Basilio - 75.8 HP, 39.6 Str, 4.8 Mag, 32.8 Skl, 29 Spd, 23.6 Lck, 27 Def, 10.6 Res.  (Basilio has HP +5 skill.)
Flavia - 60.6 HP, 32.4 Str, 7.6 Mag, 37.6 Skl, 35.2 Spd, 28.4 Lck, 28.2 Def, 15.4 Res.
Panne - 69 HP, 37.6 Str, 7.15 Mag, 45.7 Skl, 48.75 Spd, 30.4 Lck, 31.5 Def, 13.2 Res.  This includes Beaststone+ stat bonuses, which do not respect caps (see above for the numbers on those).
Nowi - 69.6 HP, 42.95 Str, 23.2 Mag, 28.5 Skl, 28.5 Spd, 35.95 Lck, 42.95 Def, 32.5 Res.  Dragonstone+ stats included.
Tiki - 72.6 HP, 44.2 Str, 27.9 Mag, 34.1 Skl, 34 Spd, 38.6 Lck, 43.2 Def, 36.2 Res.  Dragonstone+ stats included.

No one hits any caps here still.

Three extra levels for Robin adjusts asset/flaw math like this:

(Assets)        HP      STR     MAG     SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES
HP              +11.15                                          +2.05   +2.05
Strength                +6.1            +2.05                   +2.05
Magic                           +6.1            +2.05                   +2.05
Skill                   +2.05           +6.1                    +2.05
Speed                                   +2.05   +6.1    +2.05
Luck                    +2.05   +2.05                   +8.1
Defense                                                 +2.05   +6.1    +2.05
Resistance                      +2.05           +2.05                   +6.1

(Flaws)         HP      STR     MAG     SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES
HP              -9.15                                           -2.05   -2.05
Strength                -5.1            -2.05                   -2.05
Magic                           -5.1            -2.05                   -2.05
Skill                   -2.05           -5.1                    -2.05
Speed                                   -2.05   -5.1    -2.05
Luck                    -2.05   -2.05                   -6.1
Defense                                                 -2.05   -5.1    -2.05
Resistance                      -2.05           -2.05                   -5.1
« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 12:18:39 PM by Reiska »


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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2013, 11:54:55 PM »
In the interest of possible 'true' reclassing interps, I need a few pieces of information that I don't personally have the wherewithal to compute myself:

1) There are four Second Seals obtainable before chapter 16 (in chapters 8, 12, 14 and 15).  Are there more than four PCs who would materially benefit from a reclass prior to chapter 16 for reasons other than simply being able to get extra levelups at unpromoted rate (in other words, the destination unpromoted class would need to have one or more skills that are superior to the skills he or she is possibly giving up from their usual promoted class, since they may not reach 20/15)? 

2) If the answer to the first question is no, under an equal EXP interpretation and assuming Paralogue 1 was done at the earliest opportunity possible, what level is Donnel at the end of chapter 8, and what level would he end up at if he reclassed at that level, then promoted at 20 in his new class?

3) If the answer to the first question is yes, under an equal EXP interpretation and assuming Paralogue 1 was done at the earliest opportunity possible, what level is Donnel at the end of chapter 16?  If he reclasses at that level, then promotes at 20 in his new class, what level does he end up at in the end?


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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2013, 12:33:31 AM »
There are way more than 4 PCs who want to reclass if you let them. Pretty much everyone who starts with swords and can reclass to Myrmidon->Swordmaster wants to do so for instance, since they have high speed and a really good DL skillset (Swordfaire, Astra, Avoid +10, hell even Vantage has its uses) that easily outweighs any loss in strength.

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2013, 12:59:41 AM »
Even people who don't start with swords (or the appropriate weapon) would want to reclass in chapter 8 if it led them to a better DL class. There are some classes which are obviously superior DL-wise and if you can get in one quickly then you can even hit A in the weapon type and get their Level 15 skill. As such the C8 seal is obviously completely illegal to everyone.

By C12/14 it starts to get more debatable since at that point you will likely no longer be able to hit Level 15 in your promoted class, or hit A in your chosen weapon. I'd have to think about how many people would still make the trade. Olivia and Donnel obviously, but who else? Would Fred want to get in paladin or wyvern lord around then, for instance? I'd have to sit down with numbers and check.

All of this kinda ignores the fact that a ban on reclassing could very much exist due to its dilution of uniqueness, as lots of people would become classes they aren't. I'm only going to be remotely amenable to the idea if not many PCs want it.

An additional problem is something Ciato raised in the interps thread, and it has to do with seal use. Seals are expensive. Why should anyone get two? If it's reclass OR promote, that would keep things under control a bit. Probably makes Frederick a little less terrible, makes Donnel and Olivia less terrible though still bad since they're in tier 1 classes, albeit high-levelled tier 1. If I allow reclassing to a different class at all, then I'd probably allow it under this restriction.

3) If the answer to the first question is yes, under an equal EXP interpretation and assuming Paralogue 1 was done at the earliest opportunity possible, what level is Donnel at the end of chapter 16?  If he reclasses at that level, then promotes at 20 in his new class, what level does he end up at in the end?

Sec, let me at my spreadsheet. EDIT: Donnel reaches 23/20/4 under this view. Note that this is due to Second Seal acceleration that he gains 44 levels where most gain 38, i.e. anyone else could replicate it with a similar reclassing (at the huge in-game cost to promoting way later, so you'd never do it in-game). I'd be more inclined to give Donnel the same 38 levels anyone else gets, i.e. 23/17/1. Or just plain 23/17 if you only allow one seal.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 01:17:31 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #20 on: March 06, 2013, 11:58:06 AM »
There are way more than 4 PCs who want to reclass if you let them. Pretty much everyone who starts with swords and can reclass to Myrmidon->Swordmaster wants to do so for instance, since they have high speed and a really good DL skillset (Swordfaire, Astra, Avoid +10, hell even Vantage has its uses) that easily outweighs any loss in strength.

I'm sure plenty of characters want to reclass, the question was whether there are more claims to the pre-shop Second Seals than there are of such items (4).  That said, looking at the class sets... "starts with swords and can reclass to Myrmidon" encompasses three PCs before chapter 16 (Sully, Stahl, and Olivia).  Still, it seems reasonably likely there are, so moving along -

Does Frederick actually hit level 10 on equal exp interps by either chapter 12 or 14?  Since he can't reclass to a promoted class before then.

As for the cost of seals, the ultimate questions there are 1) do we assume the DL run has completed all paralogues (including children) and gotten all treasures?  There are 9-13 'free' Master Seals in any run of the game, with the variance being how many of the children paralogues get run, and if I recall correctly C26 allows you to deploy 16 PCs.  So there would be 3-7 fewer master seals than PCs on the final chapter, but on the other hand, there is a non-negligible chance that one or more of the PCs the player uses are either prepromoted or non-promoting (honestly I suspect there's a flat 100% chance of the final 16 containing at least one prepromote for most players on a first run thanks to Anna).  I'm not sure how that should factor in, if at all, but it's an interesting data point.  The second thing I would wonder on the cost of seals is the question of just how much gold there is in the game assuming no skirmishes and no DLC grinding, which I don't currently have a figure for either.  And of course a third thing that could muddy this would be the question of whether you allow a 'free' seal (one of the 9-13 master seals, or 6-10 second seals) to someone who has already used a 'purchased' seal of the opposite type.

I can't really support artificially cutting off some PCs at 38 levels *in an equal exp interp* when equal exp dictates they would get more in-game; equal exp is equal exp, and if we take it as shortchanging PCs who suffer from EXP scaling like most prepromotes or have bad availability in the number of levelups they get, then we absolutely should take it as favoring PCs who are disproportionately benefitted by game mechanics as well.  I could possibly support the "only one seal ever" interpretation, although I'm not sure I feel it adequately represents real in-game conditions, even under a fair interp.  To that end I'd be more inclined to accept a 23/20/0 interp for Donnel than arbitrarily cutting him off at 23/17.  (That said, there's still not much point in attempting to rank such a Donnel interp, it would still be fucked by caps; FE13 PCs are essentially nonfunctional in the DL without a promotion.)  Similar logic applies for Panne, Nowi, and Tiki - if the game will give Panne 47 levelups under pure equal EXP conditions by reclassing into her own class, then that's what she should have; arbitrarily cutting her off at 38 makes it not an equal exp interp anymore.  Of course, if the goal is to produce a fixed level topic, then my view would change and they absolutely should be cut off at 38.

Personally, for what it's worth, I think the best approach to take for adjudicating reclassing in the DL (for simplicity of interpretation, more than anything else) is locking all reclassing to an arbitrary point, and you choose at that point whether you do it or not.  (The question of when is important, since some reclassing choices will change people's growths.)  There are essentially four possible breakpoints I see as particularly logical under this interpretation, and I would hold every PC to the same breakpoint if this design were used:

a) End of chapter 16, for obvious reasons.  Donnel and the non-promoting PCs almost certainly prefer this one, but a lot of other PCs probably dislike this one because it comes too late to reclass to an unpromoted class (you'd miss the L15 promoted skill most likely) and it comes too early to reclass to a promoted class (since you have to be x/10 to do that), leading to most of the cast likely not wanting to reclass at all.  That said, I am actually fine with this, and this is my favorite of the four options.
b) End of the chapter in which the PC hits 20/10 (or 30, for non-promoting).  The only PCs who would want to reclass under this interp are those whose primary promoted classes both have shitty level 15 skills, and they have a reclass option which has a better skill as a level 5 option, because they would not be hitting 15 in their new class.  (It has to be 20/10 and not 20/5 because you cannot reclass into another promoted class unless you're at 10+ in a promoted class.)
c) End of the chapter in which the PC hits 20/15 (or 30, for non-promoting).  This interp would probably see more PCs opting to reclass because they will still have a good shot at getting the new class' level 5 skill, so this is essentially the "Bonus Skill" interp.  I don't like it much, but felt I had to throw it out there.
d) End of chapter 25.  This essentially limits reclassing to a pure consideration of what class' base stats grant better DL results because there won't be any meaningful level gain in the new class, so none of its skills or weapons come into play.  I don't like this interp either, feels pointless.  But it was worth throwing out there.

That all said, I have one final equal-exp question pertaining to Donnel.  If you reclass him at end of C16 and promote him at 10, what does he end up at?

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #21 on: March 06, 2013, 03:44:33 PM »
I personally think limiting reclassing to an arbitrary point is much less elegant than just strictly limiting it; limiting it perserves uniqueness for the cast and offers a couple of options to a couple of characters, and that's pretty much it. I feel like this topic should not bend over backwards to try to make one or two PCs better. (Don't allow child paralogues myself.)
« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 03:48:26 PM by Luther Lansfeld »
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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2013, 03:49:30 PM »
) do we assume the DL run has completed all paralogues (including children) and gotten all treasures?  There are 9-13 'free' Master Seals in any run of the game, with the variance being how many of the children paralogues get run, and if I recall correctly C26 allows you to deploy 16 PCs.

It's virtually impossible to do all the child paralogues in any sort of direct/efficient playthrough. You'd have to constantly rotate your party in order to use all the adult combinations long enough to get them to have kids. This is in direct opposition to how every FE stat topic has been constructed, which assumes no PC is rotated out once he or she joins (else that PC would become underlevelled).

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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2013, 04:20:22 PM »
I think the best way to handle cost would be to use the same sort of approach that the Saga Frontier stat topic uses in that each PC is given a set amount of gold(7,500-10,000 maybe) that they can spread around between weapons, seals or whatever. A Master Seal/Second Seal and a brave weapon cost about the same so if a character isn't going to be able to get to A rank in their new weapon there's not going to be much of a net change in money used.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening (PCs only, really preliminary)
« Reply #24 on: March 07, 2013, 01:05:56 AM »
) do we assume the DL run has completed all paralogues (including children) and gotten all treasures?  There are 9-13 'free' Master Seals in any run of the game, with the variance being how many of the children paralogues get run, and if I recall correctly C26 allows you to deploy 16 PCs.

It's virtually impossible to do all the child paralogues in any sort of direct/efficient playthrough. You'd have to constantly rotate your party in order to use all the adult combinations long enough to get them to have kids. This is in direct opposition to how every FE stat topic has been constructed, which assumes no PC is rotated out once he or she joins (else that PC would become underlevelled).

I don't really think forcing fixed level or equal EXP has absolutely anything to do with allowing the paralogues to be run or not.  Yes, in-game, if you forced fixed level or equal EXP then you wouldn't be able to do that, but the reason we do that is to just have a fair baseline to compare the characters.  It's not like people actually play the game that way.  And I wouldn't expect them to.

Of course, I can see not considering them due to effort and time involved, but that's a completely different argument.  But that also includes other games where sidequests that give people skills may take effort and time as well.