Author Topic: Wild Arms 2 (PSs/Medium stat boosts)  (Read 5853 times)


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Wild Arms 2 (PSs/Medium stat boosts)
« on: November 24, 2013, 05:39:56 AM »
Why look at the Wild Arms 2 topic after all these years? I replayed it on PSN and realized that the stat topic badly overrated ARMS. In WA2 you boost damage on non-ARMS attacks by taking the 'Up P/M Attack' personal skill and having a variety of stat boosts... from Mediums and from accessories. Let me point out the core differences here...

-For this topic, Everyone is assumed to be using the Medium "Chappanga" for stat boost purposes. This medium's boosts are the average of endgame medium boosts... 15% to all 4 core stats. This tends to raise Non-ARM damage to look more like what it should.

- A default accessory was allowed to represent stat boosts better. Fighters want the Gauntlets (+15% Dfp) for a small defensive boost. Mages want the Secret Sign for a magic boost (20%). There are several stat boosting accessories in this vein and these are the average/middle copies. Necromicons exist (+50% magic) as drops from an endgame enemy but they are a little more in line with aftergame/taking on the optional bosses.

- No ultimate weapons because a Superboss fight is required to get each of them. While these are doable at endgame, at that point it'd be advisable to allow Necromicons and take a higher level average (those bosses give lots of exp). This also means no L3 and L4 force powers for Marivel.

- I'm including the HP assuming the PS "Up HP" is taken when first available. This makes Brad/Ashley/Lilka look better and Marivel look worse. Tim/Kanon lose a hair of relative HP. I'll include numbers with/without this.

So I'll just get started.

HP: Lose these and you die.
FP: WA2 resource points. PCs start the battle with FP equal to their current level. HAVING these is required to use most original skills, but they are not consumed by using them. The exceptions are Force Powers, which consume 25, 50, 75, or 100 FP to use. Ashley requires 20FP to use DeadOrAlive for example, but the FP aren't consumed from this. But if he uses Accelerate (A Force Power), then he loses 25 FP.
STR: Strength. Increases Attack power by 1 for every point of Str.
VIT: Vitality. Increases defense power by 1 for every 2 points of VIT.
RES: Response. Turn-based speed.
SOR: Sorcery. Used to determine magic healing and damage.
ATP: Attack Power. Used to determine physical damage dealt (Not ARMS) and is just Str+Weapon power
DFP: Defense Power. Reduces incoming physical damage by this amount or so. Very, very, very weak stat. Almost laughable.
MGR: Resistance. Reduces incoming magic damage by this amount or so. Very, very, very weak stat. Almost laughable.
PRY: Parry rate. This is physical evasion and it is approximately RES/10 -1.

-FP Gains:
* Being attacked grants (4 + %HP/2.5) FP. Where %HP is the percentage of max HP lost to the attack.
* Attacking with a physical generates 16 FP. Regardless of whether it breaks defense. It doesn't grant FP if evaded, however.
* Dodging an attack grants 12 FP
* Defending doubles the FP generated from being attacked and dodging. It reduces damage by ~45%

- An Important note about FP gains: FP is gained from an attack immediately but PCs can only utilize the gained FP the next round. Put simply, if an opponent is faster the FP generated from their attacks is only usable AFTER they act. So for example Tim's Full Heal (50 FP, which is more than the 46 he starts with) isn't usable his first turn regardless of how hard an enemy hits him before he acts.

- Luck. Luck is a randomly generated stat from the following table... Worst, Bad, Normal, Good, and Best. For this topic I assumed all luck levels were "Normal". This affects status rates, which I've listed assuming Normal. Luck is reset whenever a PC gains a level or sleeps at an inn.

- There are status blockers in the game, but only 1 of each kind and 1 Full Libra (which is full-status immunity). If you are generous you may let PCs drop the default Accessory (sacrificing defense or damage) to block one of Poison/Silence/Paralysis/Confusion/Sleep/Petrification/Disease. The idea being that 2/3 front-line PCs can negate the status (and you can switch equips with PCs if you swap mid-battle)

- WA2 statuses of note:
*Sleep: Puts a target to sleep, usually for 2-3 turns including the one it was cast on. This makes it of rather questionable use on a target that is faster than the user, since they have fewer cancelled turns.
*Silence. WA2 silence is straight-up awesome and permanent. It cancels the ability to use all abilities, physical, magical, force powers, unique overkilling boss moves... anything. When inflicted on an enemy the only thing the target can do is use basic physicals. (or Items on the PC end).

- Level taken at 46. A tad high but you can get there easily enough if you use the Lucky Cards you find throughout the game.
- Damages taken against the Kobold King, who has 200 Dfp/Mgr. Higher than most randoms, and about normal for most bosses...

- Averages:
HP: 4965 [4204 without HP Up]
RES: 309.83 (stdev: 44.81)
DFP: 483
MGR: 284
PRY: 29.83%

Damage Average(explained at bottom): 2933 (2.5x Kill-point of 7331).

Ashley Winchester:
-Arm setup:
*Max Accuracy for DeadOrAlive's Instant Death.
*Max Attack on RisingNova/FantomFang.
*Max Ammo on Shotweapon for FullClip damage.

HP:5935 (120%) [4204 (113%) without Up HP]
STR: 333
VIT: 550
SOR: 265
RES: 300 (-.22 stdevs)
ATP: 461
DFP: 586
MGR: 232
PRY: 29%

Obelisk Gun
Nine Lives
Texas No.

Attack: 1475 physical damage, +16 FP.

DeadOrAlive (20 FP): 950 damage. 40% chance of Instant Death. (5 Ammo, 97% Acc)
FantomFang (30 FP): 2503.2 damage (3 ammo, 77% accuracy)
Rising Nova (50 FP): 3022 damage, (2 Ammo, 75% accuracy)

Accelerator (25 FP): Ashley goes first the round this is used. Can't use other Force Powers in the same round.
Full Clip (75 FP): Empties a Bayonet of ammo to do massive damage to a target. ShotWeapon: 10800 damage. Ignores Evade.
Access (100 FP): Turns into Knight Blazer. Doesn't heal Ashley. In general he should never use this but I'll list Knight Blazer's stats at the bottom.

Comments: Ashley wins fights by using Full Clip or using DeadOrAlive until the opponent takes the ID. Full Clip can be used on turn 2 if Ashley uses a physical on turn 1 and takes 22.5% damage from an attack on turn 1. So to get around Full Clip in a slugfest by 3HKOing Ashley, someone faster who doesn't flat out 2HKO would want to chip for less than that much before completing a 3HKO. Of course for such people Ashley has Accelerator and DeadOrAlive to try and save the day. He just hopes they don't have evasion. Those slower than him who 2HKO him are almost certainly getting Full Clipped. Statusers that can get him before his third turn may have him, though he'll likely try to throw a wrench in that game with Accelerate and DeadOrAlive. High Middle? Kind of a quirky dueler for someone so dependent on two moves.

Brad Evans (Billy Pilder):
- Max Attack on his Arms. He wants the damage and doesn't care about Accuracy because of Lock-On.
HP: 7032 (142%) [5648 (134%) without Up HP)
STR: 400
VIT: 663
SOR: 265
RES: 270 (-0.89 stdev)
ATP: 554
DFP: 706
MGR: 232
PRY: 26%

Giant Fist
Braver Vest
Dead Heat

Attack: 1844 physical damage. +16 FP.

Heavy Arms:
Mini Scud (25 FP): 2368 damage (4 ammo, 70% accuracy)
Pineapple ( 11 FP): 1945 damage to a group. (5 ammo, 79% accuracy)
EZ Missile ( 55 FP): 2244 damage, MT. (2 ammo, 79% accuracy)
Sky Eye (31 FP): 2105 damage, MT. (3 ammo, 79% accuracy)
Railgun (99 FP): 3356 damage (1 ammo, 50% accuracy)

Force Powers:
Lock-On (25 FP): Uses an ARM with 1.5x damage and perfect accuracy (ignores evade)
(Lock-On Mini-Scud: 3552 damage, ignores evade)
Arm x 2 (75 FP): Uses two Arms in succession. Due to accuracy, this is often worse than Lock-On!
Boost (100 FP): Uses an ARM with 3x damage and perfect accuracy (ignores evade)
(Boost Railgun: 10070 damage. Ignores evade)

Comments: Brad has durability. He can 2HKO the frail with Lock-On Mini-scud. If he isn't 3HKOd and his speed doesn't give the foe a 4-3 he can hope to see Boost Railgun to end the fight in a hurry... but that probably doesn't happen much. A low Middle. The durability and damage the first two turns is decent.

Lilka Eleniak:
- Lilka has two special 'crests' that grant bonuses to a spell she grafts them to. The S Crest increases damage of a spell by 50%. The E Crest halves the required FP for a spell. As default I am assuming Lilka has the S Crest on her 'Saber' spell and the E Crest on her 'Reflect' Spell. This can be modified as need be.

HP: 4447 (89.6%) [3573 (85%) without Up HP]
STR: 232
VIT: 387
SOR: 379 [323]
RES: 330 (+0.45 stdev)
ATP: 322
DFP: 362 [412]
MGR: 389 [361]
PRY: 32%

Pulbo Cablo
Secret Sign [Gauntlets]
Bridal Gown

Attack: 484 physical damage. +16 FP (1864 topped out after 4  Hypeweapons)

Crest Sorcery:
L1 Element spells (12 FP) (Earth/Fire/Ice/Water/Thunder/Wind): 1590 magic damage of that element.
L2 element spells (50 FP): 2797 magic damage of that element.
Saber (S-crest) (40 FP): 3575 non-elemental magic damage.
Rise&Shine (10 FP): Removes sleep status and immunizes against sleep attempts.
(E crest) Reflect (65 FP, halved to 32 FP): Reflects the next 3 spells offensive spells directed at Lilka. This includes anything from Lilka/Tim/Marivel's skillsets as well as combo magic (big MT damage) that enemies can use and a handful of enemy-only stuff. So more extensive than you might think.
Heal (5 FP): Heals 2436 HP.
Hi-Heal (55 FP): Heals 6259 HP.
HypeWeapon (70 FP): Adds 202 to ATP.
Field (10 FP): Randomly selects a single element (Fire/Ice/Water/Lightning/Earth/Wind/Light/Dark) and halves that for the recipient of this buff. Largely worthless on account of being undependable.
Quick (15 FP): Adds 50% of base RES to RES, and adds 50% of base PRY% to PRY%. For Lilka this is 145 RES and 14% PRY. Worth noting: This is like the only TB speed buff ever that takes effect instantly/retroactively rather than starting the next round. If Lilka Quicks an ally slower than her, that ally gets their turn at the Quickend speed (usally right after Lilka Quickens them).
Protect (8 FP): Adds 1/8 of SOR value to MGR. Almost worthless.
Shield (8 FP): Adds 1/8 of VIT value to DFP. Almost worthless.
Revive (10 FP): Revives with 37% HP
Hi-Revive (60 FP): Revives with full HP
Restore (9 FP): Removes status effects.
Dispel (8 FP): Doesn't remove buffs from target. Or silence target. I think the game is glitched and made it impossible for PCs to apply Dispel (enemies can do so with Anti-Magic, while Marivel can't with her version) .If it DOES do something, it has 50% accuracy...
Irresist (70 FP): Lower enemy group's MGR by 25%. 50% hit-rate. (useful for ultra-high Mdef enemies)
Def-Down (70 FP): Lower enemy grou's DFP by 25%. 50% hit-rate.
Slow-Down (70 FP): Lower enemy group's RES by 50%. 50% hit-rate.

Force Powers:
Mystic (25 FP): Makes standard usable items MT. Such as Healing berries, status restoratives, and the like. There are a few items that this has a special effect for.
Mystic Life Orb: Casts Hi-Heal, MT.
Mystic Holy Grail: Casts Thanatos X (MT ID Immunity buff).
Mystic Elemental Ring: Casts the equivalent of a Level 1 spell of the corresponding element. Gives Lilka a bit of GT Light/Dark damage.

Extend (75 FP): Increases ST spells to GT and GT spells to MT. Was supposed to multiply damage by 1.5x but it is glitched and does not.
Dual-Cast (100 FP): Casts two spells in succession. L1 and L2 element spells combo into an MT spell of that element, but does less than two L2 element spells back to back (especially when S Crest is involved). Note that Lilka can't put Sabers back-to-back as it triggers an MT non-elemental spell that does only slightly more than a single Saber.

Comments: Can heal forever and has a good speed buff. That right there is usually enough for Heavy. Lilka also brings good base speed, Reflect to help cover status/damage mage vulnerabilities, an ID immunity buff, Sleep immunity when that can't be reflected, and solid damage of any element she wants. If she wants to slam an elemental weakness she can either put her S Crest on the Hi-element spell of that type or can put an E-Crest to start doing so right away. Ultimately you want to put Lilka away with an OHKO or unreflectable/faster-than-her status. I suppose a hyperfast 2HKO such that she couldn't Lap with Quick would work, but only if a double occurred fast enough that she couldn't get off a Dual-Cast if that would one-round. Easily the most versatile cast member, and probably the outright best in a duel. Heavy.

Tim Rhymeless:
HP: 3661 (73.7%) [3124 (74.3%) without Up HP]
STR: 232
VIT: 385
SOR: 561 [478]
RES: 270 (-0.89 stdevs)
ATP: 322
DFP: 361 [411]
MGR: 418 [377]
PRY: 26%

Fate Staff
Secret Sign [Gauntlets]
Nisaba Wing

Attack: 468 physical damage. +16 FP.

Shaman Magic:
First Aid (24 FP): 1963 MT healing. Has initiative.
Full Healing (50 FP): Full healing to one. No speed boost.
L1 Element spells (12 FP): 1855 Fire/Ice/Water/Thunder/Earth/Wind/Light/Holy damage.
L2 Element spells (55 FP): 2529 Fire/Ice/Water/Thunder/Earth/Wind/Light/Holy damage.
Valkyrie (50 FP): 1855 Non-elemental magic damage to all.
Cosmic Ray (75 FP): 2529 non-elemental magic damage to all.
TurnUndead (4 FP): Kills target if it is undead.
Bold Lance (80 FP): 4200 non-elemental magic damage to one target.
Speed Down (70 FP): Reduces target's RES and PRY by 50%. 50% hit-rate.
Lucky Word (7 FP): Ups Luck by 1 level in battle.
Goldhammer (77 FP): Does damage based on Gella... Not significant.
Arcana 13 (20 FP): 40% chance of Instant Death to one target.
Thanatos X (12 FP): Grants immunity to Instant Death for the team.

Force Powers:
FP Split (25 FP): Grants 25 FP to the Tim's allies.

Combine (50 FP): Summons equipped medium. Mediums can be swapped mid-battle. The best use of this for Tim is damage...
(Schturdark) Assault Tide: 4367 water damage, MT.
(any other damage medium): 3925 damage of the appropriate element, MT.

Divide (75 FP): Halves target HP. Can also turn monsters into different types of monsters but ignore that for DL purposes...
Hi-Combine (100 FP): Summons a Gold Medium. They are as follows:
(Justine) Justine Attack: 6252 non-elemental damage to all. VOLTRON.
(Zephyr) Terra Faust: 6296 omni-elemental, applies weaknesses/resists to 1/8th of the damage per element (Halving half the elements = taking 1/4 less damage).
(Dan Dairem) System Chronos: Ends the turn, and allows for 3 turns where only Tim can act... but the 100 FP cost is taken immediately so it kinda sucks.
(Raftina) Seraphim Goat: 50% Chance of Instant Death on all enemies and Fullheals party in addition to granting Auto-Life status.
(Chappanga) Lucky Shot: 1250 damage and forces target to drop its item at the end of battle.

Comments: Tim has a big skillset, and stats that just *waste* it. That durability/speed combo isn't pretty at all and confines him to Light. That said if he can spam First Aid he may make it out of a fight in good shape. Starting at 80 FP he can do solid enough damage. But the switch from First Aid's initiative to Tim's ordinary slowness is a bit of a painful one. Actually managing to eke wins out this way may prove problematic.

Kanon (Aisha Bernadette Valeria):
- Quick note, her Gats are all subject to evade.
HP: 4788 (96.2%) [4311 (103%) without Up HP]
STR: 266
VIT: 495
SOR: 212
RES: 389 (+1.77 stdev...)
ATP: 358
DFP: 528
MGR: 195
PRY: 37%)

Quick Knife
Coiste Bua

Attack: 1098 damage. +16 FP.

Bionic Arm:
Left Edge (20 FP): 1043 physical damage.
Pike Kick (40 FP): 1331
Drive Cut (45 FP): 1595 .
Wire Fist (50 FP): 1878
Arc Kick (70 FP): 2185
Vortex Cut (75 FP): 2364
Phalanx (90 FP): 2723
Eagle Claw (99 FP): 3549

Force Powers: Note that Kanon must have the FP for the individual moves themselves, not just the Force Power.
Gat Lvl 1 (25 FP):
Left Edge: 2025
Pike Kick: 2384
Drive Cut: 2477

Gat Lvl 2 (50 FP):
Wire Fist: 3082
Arc Kick: 3356

Gat Lvl 3 (75 FP):
Vortex Cut: 3879
Phalanx: 4710

Gat Lvl 4 (100 FP):
Eagle Claw: 6966

Comments: Kanon is really straightforward. Fast and hits things with progressively better physical damage as the fight goes on. The problem with her is that her physical damage is kind of bad to start with. She can work up to Gat 4 Eagle Claw in a slugfest, but it will involve using two weaker physicals first. I should mention that Kanon is really really fast. +1.77 standard deviations may be a record for a cast this small. The speed lets her play around in Middle some.

Marivel Armitage:
- Marivel's status is quite a bit better if you allow higher than 'Normal' Luck, I believe. As is the rates tend to be ~50%
HP: 3934 (79.2%) [3808 (90.6% without Up HP)]
STR: 264
VIT: 440
SOR: 376 [318]
RES: 300 (-0.22 stdev)
ATP: 450
DFP: 354 [411]
MGR: 238 [211]
PRY: 29%

Hob & Nob
Secret Sign [Gauntlets]
Bloody Cape

Attack: 722 physical damage, +16 FP.

Red Power:
Life Drain: 546 damage to target. Heals Marivel by that amount.
L1 Spell (12 FP): 1515 Fire/Ice/Water/Lightning/Wind/Earth/Light/Dark/Non-elemental damage.
L2 Spell (55 FP): 2285 Fire/Ice/Water/Lightning/Wind/Earth/Light/Dark/Non-elemental damage, MT.
Erg Phasor (90 FP): Deals wildly varying damage based on HP... Quite a lot at full HP, and quite a lot at very low HP (<10%), while being middling between there.
Power Seal (8 FP): 50% chance of inflicting Silence. This stops all actions that aren't a basic physical. Quite good.
Sleep (8 FP): 50% chance of inflicting sleep, which typically lasts for 2-3 rounds. A 2-round sleep would cancel 1 action for a foe faster than Marivel, and 2 actions for one slower.
Guillotine (4 FP): 40% chance of instant death.
Canceller (25 FP): 50% chance of cancelling target's turn and inflicting 1851 magic damage.
Def-Down (85 FP): Reduces DFP and MGR by 25%
Status Lok (30 FP): Grants immunity to status effects.
Anti-Magic (25 FP): Field effect. Makes all magic ineffective for the rest of the turn (it 'misses' no matter what). Should dispel effects but dseems to be glitched...
Esc Down (80 FP): Reduces target's PRY to 0%
GellaCrazy (99 FP): non-typed damage equal to the last 4 digits of the party's Gella. Costs that much Gella to use (making this OPB). Average is then 5000.

Force Powers:
Quebly (25 FP): 2161 damage to all.
Asgard (50 FP): 2833 damage to all.

Comments: Marivel is not a good dueler, unfortunately. Her status rates need to look a lot better to actually stand up in a fight. Sleep is especially kind of useless against foes faster than her. Silence is awesome in-game but probably not as crazy good vs. an average fighter. She likely won't live to get an Erg Phasor off and it is highly unreliable anyway. As is she can pull out some wins but they will be in Light. It's a shame her draining wasn't better.

Damage Averages: Going for a wholistic 3-turn. Generally assume +10 FP/turn from enemy attacks, exceptions noted. Being a stickler to +10FP/turn for everyone, three turn damage average won't tend to rise much.
Ashley: Wants to get Full Clip BAD. So much so that he shouldn't rely on help generating the FP for it.
Physical->Physical->Full Clip: 13750 (4583/turn)
Lilka: Typically wants her E-Crest on Reflect, and Saber is good reliable damage from turn 1.
S-Saber -> S-Saber -> S-Saber: 10725 (3575/turn)
Brad: Lock-On you long time.
Lock-On Mini Scud-> Lock-On Mini Scud-> Physical: 8948 (2983/turn)
Kanon: Will probably live to get something good off.
Physical -> Arc Kick -> Gat 3 Vortex Cut: 7161 (2387/turn)
Marivel: Not necessarily in Tim's situation on speed/durability, so a three turn will do well enough.
L1 Spell -> L2 Spell -> Asgard: 6633 (2211/turn)
Tim: Does not generally live to see turn 2/3 attacks off with that HP/speed. His damage/turn is his turn 1 damage...
L1 Element: 1855/turn.

Damage Average by this method: 2933 (2.5x Kill-point of 7331).

- Knight Blazer is Ashley with apparently +~80% base stats. So here they are.

HP:5935 (120%) [4204 (113%) without Up HP]
STR: 565
VIT: 933
SOR: 449
RES: 508 (+ a boatload stdevs)
ATP: 693
DFP: 777
MGR: 324
PRY: 49%

Obelisk Gun
Nine Lives
Texas No.

Attack: 2936 physical damage, +16 FP
Mad Lucied (4 FP): 5013 phys damage.
Gun Blaze (25 FP): 6817 fire damage.
Banisher (50 FP): 9340 damage. Reverts Ashley to his normal form.
Last Burst (99 FP): 14110 damage. Reverts Ashley to normal form and reduces Ashley's HP to critical.

Comments: Is Knight Blazer. Would be awesome if it weren't so hard to turn into him and he didn't start with 0 FP.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2013, 02:48:54 PM by Pyro »


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Re: Wild Arms 2 (PSs/Medium stat boosts)
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2013, 03:11:05 AM »
Does taking the PS Damage+ Skills instead of accessories help Kanon at all? And out of curiosity, any notes on hit rates on different luck levels? Given that you can steal Tiny Flowers (although I have no idea on what rate!), I wouldn't be averse to seeing that be a bit higher.
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Re: Wild Arms 2 (PSs/Medium stat boosts)
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2013, 04:30:14 AM »
The PS Damage + Skills are included here. They help Kanon less than the mages as a % of damage boosted (no idea WHY but WA2). Helps more than the ARMS users (who don't benefit). Kanon's damage was hurt a bit relative to the other topic because she is using the Quick Knife instead of the Violater which requires beating one of the Superbosses like all the optimum weapons. Beating all the superbosses would put endgame level more at like 55+, and at the point of tackling superbosses the Acc used would be Necromicon  instead of the Mystic Word (+50% vs. +20% Sor, infinitely available drop).

If you're asking to remove boosts to stats, just reduce damage by the stat hit (15% Medium + 20% Accesory, stack additively). That doesn't capture mages very well though, who perform better because the stat boosts favor them (and Kanon).

Tiny Flowers and Inn-whoring can boost luck, but it is reset upon a level-up too. In fairness there ARE two Luck-boosting Accesories... one +1 and one +2 (so if the party goes for average boosting allowing the Luck+1 accessory in exchange for damage would be fair).  I'll fiddle around with it later. I think it might be just +10%/level. Good-Best luck would make most people happier.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2013, 12:20:12 PM by Pyro »


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Re: Wild Arms 2 (PSs/Medium stat boosts)
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2013, 02:16:56 AM »
So these numbers were Damage Stat+Accessory+Medium then (I guess probably the accessory is what I personally wouldn't include myself). Certainly might see Tim/Marivel opting for the Luck accessory as a theoretical, so I would be interested to know what impact "Good" Luck was on status.
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Re: Wild Arms 2 (PSs/Medium stat boosts)
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2013, 03:56:01 AM »
There are 3 mag boosting books +10/20/30. makes perfect sense to go middle-of-the-road there. There are also only 3 frontline slots and you can move equips around.  these are a big and easy-to-accommodate factor. No need to ignore them.

I will do some Good Luck status tests. Hopefully Marivel will look better. Though she would sacrifice damage to get it.


Marivel's (Good Luck) Sleep went ~60% against Wojanoid enemies whereas before (Normal) it had gone ~50%. I did 58 and 21 tests, respectively, so I can't say for sure it improves status odds much.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2013, 01:30:08 AM by Pyro »

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Re: Wild Arms 2 (PSs/Medium stat boosts)
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2013, 04:31:52 AM »
I'm not sure what's up with this hoping Marivel looks better business, because reasons related to

Quote from: Meeple's in-game use thread
Ashley Winchester: 5.81
Lilka Eleniak: 6.90
Brad Evans: 7.32
Tim Rhymeless: 4.68
Kanon: 5.90
Marivel Armitage: 2.49

Seriously though, good work on this.

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Re: Wild Arms 2 (PSs/Medium stat boosts)
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2013, 11:43:00 AM »
Marivel can be good for the optional bosses! Sleep works on Ragu. SIlence works on Ghost/Xenon, and some of the other ones have holes she can nail.

Also, 6th PC for the final sequence doesn't hurt.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Wild Arms 2 (PSs/Medium stat boosts)
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2013, 03:31:56 PM »
I'm so glad she is better than an empty party slot, and has some value against things which are completely optional. (The one I actually feel sorry for is Tim, since First Aid is *good* and doesn't really translate.)

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Re: Wild Arms 2 (PSs/Medium stat boosts)
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2013, 05:35:35 PM »
First Aid saves Tim's hiny as a dueller.

Without it anyone who can 2HKO him ( <75% durability...) and is faster (again... -0.9 stevs) just kills him before he can do squat. With First Aid Tim can heal until he is in a position to attack and switch back to healing. This is pretty good!  Especially since if ge is beaten up for a while he can access Bold Lance and summons.

This strat fears criticals but is a huge boon to his duelling worth.