
Author Topic: Bravely Default: Tiz, Agnes, Ringabel, & Edea  (Read 5482 times)


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Bravely Default: Tiz, Agnes, Ringabel, & Edea
« on: October 19, 2014, 06:18:24 AM »
Long, long ago, in an Internet far, far away, the RPGP included FF5 characters in its tournaments.  Not a big deal, since the RPGP was half plot-power hype anyway, but the more system-oriented folks made up some rough ideas on how to vote them... Faris has a fiery personality, so let's give her the Fire Crystal jobs, Bartz is a travelling adventurer so he's obviously Wind, etc.  Bravely Default, aka FF5-2, is nice enough to give each job a default character.  I've bravely made a stat topic that gives these defaults as canonical options a character can set and use passive skills / secondary abilities from.

Here's the job draw (you can confirm yourself by checking D's Journal):

Tiz: Freelancer, Monk, Thief, Time Mage, Salve-Maker, Pirate
Agnès: White Mage, Summoner, Performer, Ninja, Arcanist, Conjurer
Ringabel: Black Mage, Merchant, Red Mage, Spiritmaster, Dark Knight, Vampire
Edea: Knight, Spell Fencer, Ranger, Valkyrie, Swordmaster, Templar

Nice & fair, each character gets 6 jobs.  The resulting cast is quite a bit more flexible than the single jobs topic Pyro wrote up.  In fact, it's a bit of an issue for figuring out sane DL averages, as characters can legally switch between (in-game) speedy builds, damaging builds, and tanky builds.  In any case, describing all the possible permutations is obviously crazy, and only picking one build would defeat the spirit of the interp, so I've listed a select number of builds per-character, with the proviso that these builds can usually be customized even more with equipment / passive juggling.  They should serve as a good guide to the options a characters has.  I've given them silly names for ease of distinguishing them - just "White Mage" or the like might be ambiguous with Pyro's class topic, while "Wind Cleric" clearly has legal access to off-class passives that Agnes gets that DL White Mage doesn't.  (And before I forget - this topic owes a huge debt to Pyro's work in compiling the stats for the original class topic.  Thanks!)

Options in this topic:
Tiz, Time Lord - Time Mage magic blitz
Tiz, Chronothief - Thief speedy spoiling & status
Tiz, Chempirate - Pirate debuffing into Compounding stalling
Tiz, Double Fist - Monk physical blitz

Agnes, Desert Ninja - Ninja physical spoiling
Agnes, Dark Vestal - Arcanist magic blitzing
Agnes, Wind Cleric - White Mage magic tanking & stalling

Rinagbel, Cashpire - Vampire hax
Ringabel, Blade of Shadow - Dark Knight physical blitz
Ringabel, Dark Wizard - Black Mage magical blitz
Ringabel, Crimson Master - Red Mage w/ Spiritism who spoils & stalls

Edea, Sentinel of Eternia - Knight w/ Sword Magic for physical tanking + damage + status
Edea, Anti-Mage - Spell Fencer w/ Chivalry - same as Sentinel, but built for magic tanking
Edea, Deadly Sniper - Ranger w/ Sword Magic to status out enemy ASAP

Status & Elemental blocking
Mostly the same as the class topic.  PCs can swap out their accessory - always Hermes Sandals here - for -10 Speed, and immune a status ailment of their choice.  Except Stop.  (Actually, they can halve an element off storebought accessories too, but that's a little broken to hand out to the cast, so I don't think anyone allows them.)   However, they can also swap out passives to make room for elemental halving & status immunities, all of which cost 1 slot.  Here's what everyone can do with passive shuffling:

Tiz: Poison, Blind, Stop Immunity; Abate Wind
Agnes: Charm Immunity; Abate Lightning, Water
Ringabel: Silence Immunity; Abate Fire, Dark
Edea: Paralyze, Confusion Immunity; Abate Earth, Light

DL stat averages
There are two major interps I'll cover:
A) Always use the "best build" for each character
B) For each character, take the average of their builds. 

Additionally, it's not clear what the "best job" necessarily is.  Agnes's Dark Vestal is the best in a naive slugfest against a goldfish, but she'll actually use her other two builds if she wants to get wins in Heavy.  Tiz can set a passive that makes him invincible giving him no incentive to equip for durability or speed.  To avoid accusations of average bloat, I've used the naive options, despite probably not seeing all that much use.  So the "A" average assumes Time Lord Tiz, Dark Vestal Agnes, Blade of Shadow Ringabel, & Sentinel of Eternia Edea.  (Dark Wizard is arguable for Ringabel if he wants sustained long-term damage at the cost of speed & durability, but eh.)  The "B" average averages every build for each character, then averages the resulting 4 "average" characters.

Short version: the A average has higher average defense & damage dealt (not shocking, that was optimized for), the B average has higher average speed (alternate builds often optimize speed for the likes of status / Utsusemi).  Happily, their HP and magic resist was almost identical.  Anyway, up to you which to use; the PDurability figures below include both an "A" and "B" value.

HP: 5700 (A-Defaults only), 5900 (B-every build averaged)
Defense (naive)*: 229 (A), 181 (B)
Defense (effective): 202 (A), 172 (B)
Magic Defense: 95 (A), 94 (B)
Speed: 76 (A), 83 (B).  Std. deviation: 8.2 (A), 9.1 (B), 20.2 (B, each build treated individually rather than averaged to the 4 characters first)

3-turn damage average (see below for chart): 34800 (A), 27600 (B).  2.5 Killpoint: 29000 (A), 23000 (B)

* These are inflated, Edea has overkill defense so the actual *damage taken* is as if the Defense averages are the "effective" values.  Also, physical durability figures assume enemy 380 P.Atk, same as Pyro's topic.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2014, 09:58:25 PM by SnowFire »


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Re: Bravely Default: Tiz, Agnes, Ringabel, & Edea
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2014, 06:18:41 AM »
Disclaimer: While I did do some testing myself, most of the other stats / assumptions are derived from Pyro's stats, occasionally with a quick sanity check.  Bravely Default's formulas are clear enough I'm pretty sure that the modified damages are correct, but possible something bad slipped through.

Most of these write-ups are rather terse and simply refer back to the BD stat topic.  This is quite intentional; I'd rather not duplicate 90% of Pyro's data but then have the 10% that's different sneak in under the radar, so I try to just focus on the relevant difference.  So you won't see equipment lists or hit stats or other things that are either irrelevant or identical.  (In the rare cases where a character equips something different than the "template" in Pyro's topic, I'll say so.  Otherwise assume it's just whatever the base class would use there.)

Also, defensive stats don't bake in Buff Up or Auto-Shell for sake of sanity.

You'd think that Tiz's prize passive would be Stand Ground from his iconic Freelancer job.  That is indeed a pretty good skill, but he actually has something even more broken that lets him unload amazing mixed offense without a care in the world...

Tiz, Time Lord
Time Mage w/ Medicine
HP: 5330 (0.94 PCHP), Def: 130 (PDur<A>: 0.67, <B>: 0.78), MDef: 103 (MDur: 1.03), Spd: 81
Time Slip (0), M.Attack 30% Up (3), M.Attack 10% Up (1), Speed 10% Up (1)
["Alternate" setup: Time Slip (0), Feel No Pain (3), M.Attack 10% Up (1), Something else.  Swap Red Cap for Lambent Hat, swap Hermes Sandals for an Amulet, use 2x Poison Rods.]

Meteor (99 MP): 9000 non-elemental magic damage over 4 hits. Targets random enemies (focuses in a duel).  (9999 damage if dual-Rods build used) (8400 under alternate setup)
Quarter Elixir (1150 pg): Restores 2500 HP and 250 MP
Half Elixir (6500 pg): Restores 5000 HP and 500 MP

See DL Time Mage, except slightly faster.  There is actually a continuum of builds that trade away damage for speed between Time Lord & Chronothief; throw off M. Attack Up passives for Speed passives, basically, then switch to Thief but put some M. Attack Up passives back on, then transition to pure Thief w/ Speed passives if he truly wants breakneck speed at the cost of damage. 

Of course it doesn't really matter because Tiz will probably just slap on Feel No Pain and unload 5 slightly weaker Meteors for 42K damage, ignoring his own speed & defense.  Better have some nasty status Tiz can't block to deter him from this, as unlike Double Fist, Time Lord has no moral qualms about equipping accessories.

Tiz, Chronothief
Thief w/ Time Magic
HP: 5347 (0.94 PCHP), Def: 178 (PDur<A>: 0.83, <B>: 0.97), MDef: 69 (MDur: 0.69), Spd: 150
Master Thief (0), Speed 30% Up (3), Speed 20% Up (2)

Godspeed Strike (2 BP): 9999 physical ITD damage.
Graviga: 50% chance to deal 75% HP damage to a target (max 9999)
Reraise (80 MP): Revive with low HP upon being KO'd.
Stop (10 MP): 75% chance to inflict Stop status on target
Veil (8 MP): Raise target's evade by 50% for 4 turns
Haste (8 MP): Raise one target's speed by 50% for 4 turns
Slow (4 MP): Reduce target's speed by 25% for 4 turns.
Regen (5 MP): Restore 3% of HP to one target at the end of each turn

See DL Thief, but potentially equip for evade (Mirage Vest & Black Cowl).  Can equip rods & a Black Robe if Chronothief wants to throw Meteors (unlikely).  Worse damage than Time Lord, but Chronothief uses their crazy speed to set up perfect evade vs. basic physicallers with Veil.  Chronothief can also try and play a Stop lockdown game - but considering the hit rate & duration problems, this only really works if you let Chronothief get mad doubles in a way that doesn't really happen in-game.

Tiz, Chempirate
Pirate w/ Medicine
HP: 6940 (1.22 PCHP), Def: 216 (PDur<A>: 1.33, <B>: 1.55), MDef: 71 (MDur: 0.92), Spd: 81
Adrenaline Rush (0), HP 10% Up (1), Speed 10% Up (1), Healing Lore (3)
[Alternate: Adrenaline Rush (0), P. Attack 20% Up (1), Healing Lore (3).  See DL Pirate for damages then.]

Defang, Skull Bash, Shin Smash, Shell Split, Scale Strip (9 MP): 1300 damage, reduce a stat by 25%
Double Damage (1/4 MP): 2600 damage
Amped Strike (1/2 MP): 5200 damage
Quarter Elixir (1150 pg): Restores 5000 HP and 500 MP

See DL Pirate, except that since this is fundamentally a stalling build, I've chucked Pirate's attack passive in exchange for HP & Speed.  (Can favor one or the other, too.)  Unloads brutal Piracy debuffs, but then heals up afterward.  Thanks to Quarter Elixirs fully restoring MP, too, Chempirate can be more liberal with Amped Strike than usual.  Might run out of money vs. sufficiently tanky bosses, though.

Tiz, Double Fist
Monk w/ Piracy
HP: 8817 (1.55 PCHP), Def: 71 (PDur<A>: 0.90, <B>: 1.04), MDef: 50 (MDur: 0.82), Spd: 70
Knuckle Lore (0), HP 30% Up (3), P.Atk 10% Up (1), Natural Talent (1)
[Alternate: Knuckle Lore (0), Feel No Pain (3), P.Atk 10% Up (1), Natural Talent (1)]

Defang, Skull Bash, Shin Smash, Shell Split, Scale Strip (9 MP): 4800 damage, reduce a stat by 25%
Quigong Wave (12 MP): 6000 damage
Double Damage (1/4 MP): 9600 damage
Amped Strike (1/2 MP): 9999 damage
Pressure Point (1 BP): 9999 ITD damage.

See DL Monk, except uses 4x Double Damage rather than Qigong Wave in his blitz, making his turn 1 damage quite a bit scarier.  Has the ability to swap out passives for Speed +30% at the cost of HP/damage, but if Tiz wants to stall he should surely just be a Chempirate.  Kept the HP over the speed on the theory he can tank a hit then kill; if a fight goes longer than a turn, stick with Chempirate.

Of course this is all academic because we all know he's really going to pick the Feel No Pain build every time and unload 2x Qigong Wave -> 3x Double Damage for 41K damage.  Ouch.


Agnes spoils a lot, which is good, because she isn't winning any 'fair' slugfests.  She & Edea don't really do damage, but at least Edea doesn't take damage either.  Luckily the brutal combo of Utsusemi & Reflect make Agnes a force to be reckoned with anyway.

Agnes, Desert Ninja
Ninja w/ [White Magic or Ritualism]
HP: 5360 (0.94 PCHP), Def: 101 (PDur<A>: 0.60, <B>: 0.71), MDef: 62 (MDur: 0.62), Spd: 86
Dual Wield(0), Buff Up (2), Support Amp (1), Transience (1), Absorb M. Damage (1)
[Alternate: Equip Hermes Shoes for 96 Speed.  Actually Ninja should really always do this, now that I think about it, but it'd require re-testing the now awful damage.]

Shippujinrai (16 MP): 2200 damage (including crits), initiative.
Utsusemi: Grants Utsusemi status, which will evade the next physical attack and be dispelled. Lasts until used up.  Gets *everything* physical.
Shunshin: Raise evade to 1.5x base for 6 turns.
<Transience counters>: 2200 damage.
Reflect (16 MP): Reflects magic back at caster for 4 turns.
Curaga (60 MP): 3300 healing
Curada (27 MP): 2100 healing

Transience & Shippujinrai should approximately double in damage under 150% P. Attack (untested, not really relevant).

See DL Ninja, except with growing stat buffs thanks to Performer passives.  If her opponent is faster than her she is likely screwed, but who's faster than a Ninja, anyway?

If her enemy has some piddly magical back-up, set White Magic and occasionally heal it off during the slapfight, or sneak in a Reflect somewhere.
Same as DL ninja, Agnes can equip for evasion (and evasion passives) then use Shunshin if she wants perfect evade, possibly useful for FE duelers and others with counterattacks that might screw up Utsusemi strats.
If you allow status-attack weapons to people with Arcanist's Status Amp set, then Assassin Dagger brave blitz offers some statusy goodness, although I'd be inclined to either not allow or nerf this despite allowing this for DL Arcanist.  (Maybe set the chance of ID to only be the boost given by Status Amp?  That'd still be pretty potent if allowed, the boost is huge.  Maybe.)
If you don't allow weapon shenanigans, there's still Ritualism & Corpse as a win condition if the target is ID-vulnerable.  Utsu, wait for a double or the target to not remove Utsu, Corpse, win.  (Or let the enemy kill themselves on Transience counters, that works too.)

Agnes, Dark Vestal
Arcanist w/ Singing
HP: 5347 (0.94 PCHP), Def: 81 (PDur<A>: 0.56, <B>: 0.66), MDef: 81 (MDur: 0.81), Spd: 80
Absorb M. Damage (0), Convergence (3), Steady MP Recovery (1), Support Amp (1)
[Alternate: Absorb M. Damage (0), Convergence (3), Angelic Ward (1), M. Defense +10% (1)]

Interment (1/4 MP): 5200 dark elemental magic damage (6500 @+35% M. Attack, 7300 @+50% M. Attack)
Sacrifice (1/4 HP): Raise M.Atk by 50% for 3 turns (can't be used if it would be fatal)
Corpse (4 MP): Places target in Doom state, killing them at the end of the next round (so enemy will always get 2 actions if this connects round 1)
Little Devil (24 MP): Raises M.Atk by 25% for 4 turns (MT) (35% thanks to Support Amp)

It's DL Arcanist.  Unload 21K damage and pray it's fatal.  In the unlikely event of Dark Vestal getting a 2nd turn, but not being able to afford to use Sacrifice, she can spend turn 1 on Little Devil to get +35% Magic, regen the MP, then unload 4x Interment for 26K damage.  Sacrifice or 2x buffs gets her 29K.

Agnes, Wind Cleric
White Mage w/ [Ninjutsu or Summoning or Conjuring]
HP: 5330 (0.94 PCHP), Def: 130 (PDur<A>: 0.67, <B>: 0.78), MDef: 118 (MDur: 1.18), Spd: 74
Self-Healing(0), Buff Up (2), Support Amp (1), Steady MP Recovery (1), M. Defense +10% (1)
[Alternate: Angelic Ward (1) for M. Defense +10% or Support Amp]

Holy (80 MP): 2200 holy magic damage (3600 @+50% M. Atk)
Curaga (60 MP): 4200 healing
Curada (27 MP): 2700 healing
Aeroga (45 MP): 1400 wind magic damage (2400 @+50% M. Atk)
Reflect (16 MP): Reflects magic back at caster for 4 turns.
Dispel (8 MP): Dispels Buffs/Debuffs.
Cura (9 MP): 1900 healing
Esuna (8 MP): Removes all status effects from one
Protect (5 MP): Raises P.Def by 25% for 5 turns (=forever w/ Buff Up)
Shell (5 MP): Raises M.Def by 25% for 5 turns (=forever w/ Buff Up)

Against opponents who are status-immune and can't be cheesed by Utsusemi / perfect evasion, aka boss mages, the Wind Cleric breezes in.  DL White Mage is a lot scarier when she has her M. Atk/Def/MDef eventually buffed to 150%, and has infinite MP to spam Reflect & healing with.  She can get better turn 1 M. Def if she shuffles some passives, too.  Remember that thanks to Brave & Default, if Wind Cleric is faster vs. a mage with weak physical backup, she can Brave out Curaga self -> put Reflect back up again.
Her secondary command gets juggled by match.  If her opponent blocks Holy & Wind, she can eventually kill with Summoning; if early physicals are a concern, Utsusemi can buy some time until her P. Def hits +50%; if doubles are a concern, Conjuring-> Hresvelger should keep that in check.
If her opponent is hoping for a low-percentage critical hit OHKO or the like, Angelic Ward can help, along with slashing the long-term damage taken of course.
Just like DL White Mage, she can swap in a White Robe for her Black Robe if she needs better healing (30% more on all of it) - notable since Steady MP Recovery only gives 30 MP a round, so in a true stallfest she wants to use Curada healing, not Curaga healing. 


Of every character, Ringabel's builds are probably the most familiar, simply taking a winning blitzing strategy from the class topic and replicating it, albeit against a higher damage average and looking frailer compared to Edea.  He's only really got 1 new interesting possibility...

Ringabel, Cashpire
Vampire w/ [Commerce or Spiritism]
HP: 6309 (1.11 PCHP), Def: 125 (PDur<A>: 0.78, <B>: 0.91), MDef: 84 (MDur: 0.99), Spd: 85
Genome Drain (0), Monster Ability Up (1), Drain Attack Up (1), M.Defense 20% Up (2), Auto-Shell (1)
[Alternate: Sub in Absorb P.Damage (1) for something.  Unlikely to matter, it doesn't help vs. OHKOs, and if Vamp doesn't get OHKO'd he usually wins on the spot…]

Battle Thirst (16 MP): Absorb 1 BP from target (2 BP with Drain Attack Up).  A target at negative BP cannot take actions. Doesn't work vs. bosses.
Fireball (16 MP): 2200 ITD fire attack (equip 2x Staff to get to 3200)
Takeover (4000 pg): 4000 damage, ITD typeless ignores Default
Full Leverage: For 5 turns, all ally/enemy damage/healing will be doubled, and the costs in BP/MP/HP (and pg) are doubled.

Hey it's DL Vampire.  Again.  Damage basically irrelevant, still tries to steal PC's turns forever, so uses the Staff/Shield setup.  Go-to PC killer, if he survives to take a single turn.  In the rare case of a boss who resists Dark/Fire/Ice/Lightning but has low HP, the ITD typeless Takeover may take it, depending on how much pg you spot Ringabel.

Ringabel, Blade of Shadow
Dark Knight w/ [Vampirism or Commerce or Spiritism]
HP: 5835 (/ 11670 Max)  (1.02 PCHP), Def: 218 (PDur<A>: 1.12, <B>: 1.31), MDef: 73 (MDur: 0.79), Spd: 80
Adversity (0), Maximize HP (3), Auto-Shell (1), Gloom (1)
[Alternate: Adversity (0), P.Attack 30% Up (3), Gloom (1), Auto-Shell (1)] (This is basically the DL Dark Knight, for maxing Dark damage.  Note that Abate Dark isn't actually needed to shrug off own Dark Nebulas.]

Dark Nebula (20% Max HP): 4000 dark damage to all (inc. allies), 1 damage to self  [9000 under Life or Death]  [7000 damage under alternate setup].  Very BD defense-subject (easily hits 9999+ vs. low defense, high defense chunks damage a lot)
Black Bane (30% Max HP): 2000 dark damage to all enemies [2600 dark damage under alternate setup]
Minus Strike (16 MP): Deal set damage equal to Max HP – Current HP.  Set damage, so ITD.
Absorb Magic: Initiative. Absorb all magic damage that round as MP (absorbs casting cost). Doesn't absorb status magic. Can be used in a brave chain.
Life or Death: Inflict 5 round doom on self. P.Atk, M.Atk, P.Def, M.Def +50% for 5 rounds.

Blade of Shadow has two setups.  He can be under the Alternate setup (what I originally had as his only setup) DL DK, again.  This is still his best option if he's going first or wants to maximize Dark Damage with a deadly Dark Nebula blitz, especially vs. those with subpar defense.  Pyro estimates his 4x Black Nebula blitz at 30.5 K dark damage (including Adversity boosts), and Life or Death -> 3x Dark Nebula is almost as good at 30K damage (probably better vs. high defense types).  Vs. dark-weaks or those with poor defense, 4x Dark Nebula can easily hit 40K damage.

However, Blade of Shadow has a new trick in Maximize HP which makes his Minus Strikes totally OP, especially if an enemy is unlucky enough to damage Ringabel first.  Note that there is no max HP cap at 9999, and all his sacrifice abilities drain off *max* HP, so Ringabel can lower his life really fast to get hugely damaging Minus Strikes.  In fact, Ringabel ends up more damaging if he gets beat up first now, rather than less.

I suppose if both DK & Vamp live to a turn, DK also kills faster after statusing someone out, if that makes a difference.  Stat buffs may be helpful too, although I doubt it, if DK gets an extra turn for beatdown it's hard for any Vampire buff/debuff to compete with Life or Death.

If Ringabel sets Spiritism, there is the always hilarious Convert BP -> Adaptation -> healing Dark Nebulas every turn for some sustain - at the downside of hosing Ringabel's physical defense (still better than Agnes!).  I did some minor testing:
Defense Amount taken/healed from Dark Nebula under P. Attack +30% setup

Note that thanks to Adversity, these will go up a bit as the battle goes on, so going to 120 defense should generally be sufficient to get nearly full healing.

Spiritism also offers some truly bizarre spoiling of pure mages - use Absorb Magic every turn, but brave out Convert BP.  If the enemy is a PC who refuses to cast magic, it's still 4 free turns to wreck them without fear of damage.  If the enemy is a boss mage who can't help giving Ringabel more MP off the Absorb, well, free win.

Anyway.  Pyro's list for the +30% P. Attack setup:
>80% HP: Dark Nebula x 4 for 30500
60-80% HP: Life or Death -> Dark Nebulax3 for 30000 damage
40-60% HP: 2 Dark Nebulas, 2 Minus Strikes: 27000 damage
20-40% HP: Dark Nebula, 3 Minus Strikes: 24000 damage
<20% HP: 4 Minus Strikes, 21000 damage.

Average: 27000

With the Maximize HP setup:
100% HP: 1x Black Bane, 3x Minus Strike (30000 damage)
70% HP: 1x Dark Nebula, 3x Minus Strike (33800 damage)
50% HP: 4x Minus Strike (35000 non-elemental ITD damage)
30% HP: 4x Minus Strike (39700 non-elemental ITD damage)
10% HP: 4x Minus Strike (40000 non-elemental ITD damage)

Average: 35700

Unlike DL DK, though, where it was reasonable to amp the damage average down some due to him dealing less damage when wounded, I'm not sure it's fair to ramp the damage average up due to Ringabel dealing more damage when wounded - certainly weird things would happen to casts like FF8 that have broken low HP limits.  So I've used the 100% HP damage average in the averages instead (which is still larger than DL DK).

Ringabel, Dark Wizard
Black Mage w/ [Spiritism or Vampirism]
HP: 5347 (0.94 PCHP), Def: 131 (PDur<A>: 0.67, <B>: 0.79), MDef: 99 (MDur: 0.99), Spd: 74
Black Resonance (0), Pierce M.Defense (3), Gloom (1), In the Red (1)
[Alternate: Black Resonance (0), Pierce M.Defense (3), M.Attack 20% Up (2)]

Dark (80 MP): 5400 dark magic damage (still 5400 under alternate)
Death (15 MP): Kills an enemy, nominally 60% chance but much higher.
Firaga/Blizzaga/Thundaga (45 MP): 4100 magic damage (Under Alternate setup)
Drain (8 MP): 2000 parasitic healing (Under Alternate setup)
Aspir (1 MP): 55 MP draining (Under Alternate setup)
Silence/Poison/Sleep (5/4/5 MP): The usual.

It's DL BM.  Again.  For when a magical blitz against the status immune is called for.  I suppose vs. bosses who resist physicals, but are spoiled by elemental resistance, Ringabel can throw up Spirit Ward then throw Darks at the boss until it falls over if he needs more long-term damage.  In the Red helps surge the 4x Dark blitz damage a bit, he can get 29.2K damage off it, a pretty respectable amount.  (Yes, I tested it, M. Attack 20% Up & Gloom are about equivalent for Dark damage, but Gloom lets Ringabel sneak in another passive.)

Ringabel, Crimson Master
Red Mage w/ [Spiritism or Vampirism or Commerce]
HP: 5820 (1.02 PCHP), Def: 168 (PDur<A>: 0.86, <B>: 1.00), MDef: 119 (MDur: 1.29), Spd: 80
Revenge(0), Pierce M. Def (3), Holy One (2)
[Alternate: Revenge(0), Maximize HP (3), Holy One (2)]
[Alternate: Revenge(0), Pierce M. Def (3), M.Attack 20% Up (2)]

Cura (9 MP): 4300 healing (5500 healing w/ a White Robe)
Aero (5 MP): 1500 damage

Drain (8 MP): 1600 draining damage
Aspir (1 MP): 50 MP drain
Fira/Blizarra/Thundara (15 MP): 2500 damage

Spirit Ward (16 MP): All elemental damage is nullified for 4 turns on the target.
Fairy's Aid (1 BP): All target's elemental attacks deal 1.5x damage for 5 turns.
Convert BP (25% MP): Gain 2 BP (+1 net BP gain)

Use DL Red Mage w/ Rod, Shield, & Black Robe as template [Holy One means physical beatdown is bad].

Well, there needed to be one weirdo build.  I'm not sure if this will ever be useful, but Ringabel *can* stall with Holy One cheap healing for a long time, and Pierce M. Def & a Rod makes RM's magic not totally suck and also should make Aspir useful.  As long as enemy MP holds out to be drained, Ringabel can keep the stall rolling.  Spiritism will spoil the odd fight as usual.

Crimson Master can also be super-tanky if he sets Maximize HP.  Don't ask me how he does damage with the Max HP setup though, since his damage & Aspir dive to pathetic levels without Pierce M. Def.

If Ringabel wants a true stallfest, he can set Commerce for Low Leverage (if a Takeover rush would work, it'd work better on Vampire).  Note this doubles MP costs and halves the results, so might have wacky use against an MP-reliant boss mage?!

Enemy Damage?  What's that?

Edea, Sentinel of Eternia
Knight w/ Sword Magic (Shield Magic?)
HP: 6277 (1.10 PCHP), Def: 486 (PDur: lol), MDef: 122 (MDur: 1.43), Spd: 64
Protect Ally (0), Dual Shields (1), P.Defense 30% Up (3), P.Defense 10% Up (1)
[Alternate: Protect Ally (0), Dual Shields (1),  P.Defense 20% Up (2), P.Defense 10% Up (1), Default Guard (1)]

Super Charge (1 BP): 8700 (6900 under Default Guard setup)
Death (30 MP) / Silence (10 MP) / Poison (8 MP): Imbues attacks with a 75%+ status chance.
Drain (16 MP): Imbues attacks with draining.

See DL Knight, except can spend a turn to throw on Drain Sword to maker her Super Charges full-heal her, or instant death out PC sluggers who don't OHKO her.  She can swap out PDef +10% up for various other possibilities at a slight cut to her Super Charge damage and still be phys-immune.  Biggest one she'll usually want is Default Guard, which will help for surviving against mages.  Not used as "default" due to dropping her damage a little though.

Edea, Anti-Mage
Spell Fencer w/ Chivalry
HP: 5805 (1.02 PCHP), Def: 300 (PDur<A>: 2.27, <B>: 2.65), MDef: 183 (MDur: 1.99), Spd: 74
Anti-Magic (0), Dual Shields (1), M.Def Specialize (1), P.Defense 20% Up (2), P.Defense 10% Up (1) [Yes, the combo of 20% & 10% is better than 30%, they stack on each other.]
[Alternate: Anti-Magic (0), Dual Shields (1), M.Def Specialize (1), P.Defense 20% Up (2), Default Guard (1)]
[Alternate: Anti-Magic (0), Dual Shields (1), M.Def Specialize (1), P.Defense 20% Up (2), Magic Armor (1)]

Super Charge (1 BP): 4900 damage (4400 under Default Guard / Magic Armor setup)
Death (30 MP) / Silence (10 MP) / Poison (8 MP): Imbues attacks with a 75%+ status chance.
Drain (16 MP): Imbues attacks with draining.
Holy/Dark/Firaga/Thundaga/Blizzaga Blade (45/80 MP): Halve the associated element, piddly extra damage. [Only with Magic Armor alternate setup]

Same strat as Sentinel, but built to optimize magic durability, albeit at the cost of damage.  Anti-Magic's +50% M. Def boost after eating the first spell is pretty silly and Anti-Mage still nearly full-heals herself with a Drain'd Super Charge.

Edea, Deadly Sniper
Ranger w/ Sword Magic (Bow Magic?)
HP: 5360 (0.94 PCHP), Def: 146 (PDur<A>: 0.71, <B>: 0.84), MDef: 63 (MDur: 0.63), Spd: 86
Hawkeye (0), Precision (2), Armor Lore (1), Multitask (2)
[Alternate: Hawkeye (0), Armor Lore (1), Dual Shields (1), Shield Lore (1), P.Defense 20% Up (2).  No damage, just ID.]

(Use DL Ranger as a template, but swap Adamant Armor in for the Adamant Vest)

Attack: 2900 physical damage (25% chance of double hit)
Multiburst (1 BP): 4400 physical damage over 4 attacks, unfocused.
Death (30 MP) / Silence (10 MP) / Poison (8 MP): Imbues attacks with a 75%+ status chance.
Drain (16 MP): Imbues attacks with draining.

Just look at the speed, that's the only relevant stat here for the ID/Silence blitz.  Use Sentinel if Edea is outsped anyway (barring something weird like an insta-double of Sentinel).
« Last Edit: November 08, 2014, 09:38:58 PM by SnowFire »


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Re: Bravely Default: Tiz, Agnes, Ringabel, & Edea
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2014, 06:18:59 AM »
Default slugging setups for the A average are bolded.

1. 150 Tiz, Chronothief
2. 86 Agnes, Desert Ninja
3. 86 Edea, Deadly Sniper
4. 85 Ringabel, Cashpire
5. 81 Tiz, Time Lord
6. 81 Tiz, Chempirate
7. 80 Agnes, Dark Vestal
8. 80 Ringabel, Blade of Shadow
9. 80 Ringabel, Crimson Master
10. 74 Agnes, Wind Cleric
11. 74 Ringabel, Dark Wizard
12. 74 Edea, Anti-Mage
13. 70 Tiz, Double Fist
14. 64 Edea, Sentinel of Eternia

Average Speed: 76 (A), 83 (B).  Std. deviation: 8.2 (A), 9.1 (B), 20.2 (B, each build treated individually rather than averaged to the 4 characters first)

3-turn damage average
Fair warning: Many of these movesets will be *pure fantasy* thanks to the bad durability of the non-Edea parts of the cast, as they assume getting to spend 3 turns unhindered on just damage.  Adjust as you will.  Also, "@XX%" means "wait for Buff Up / Support Amp to get the relevant attack stat that high."

1. 54000 Tiz, Time Lord (6x Meteor)
2. 46800 Tiz, Double Fist (3x Double Damage -> 3x Qigong Wave)
3. 40000 Ringabel, Dark Wizard (2x Dark -> 4x Dark w/ In The Red)
4. 30000 Ringabel, Blade of Shadow (trainwreck, see above, 35700 if you take the across-HP average)
5. 29200 Agnes, Dark Vestal (2x Little Devil -> 4x Interment)
6. 26600 Ringabel, Cashpire [w/ 20000 pg. allowed] (1x Takeover -> 1x Fireball -> [Full Leverage, 2x Takeover, 1x Fireball])
7. 26100 Edea, Sentinel of Eternia (3x Super Charge)
8. 24500 Agnes, Desert Ninja (2x Shippujinrai @30%, 4x Shippujinrai @45%)
9. 22500 Ringabel, Crimson Master (3x Convert BP, 9x Fira)
10. 20700 Agnes, Wind Cleric (2x Holy @30%, 4x Holy @45%)
11. 20300 Edea, Deadly Sniper (7x Attack [assumes 1 Multitask activation])
12. 20000 Tiz, Chronothief (2x Godspeed Strike)
13. 18200 Tiz, Chempirate (2x Amped Strike -> Quarter Elixir -> 1x Amped Strike -> 2x Double Damage)
14. 14700 Edea, Anti-Mage (3x Super Charge)

3-turn damage average: 34800 (A), 27600 (B).  2.5 Killpoint: 29000 (A), 23000 (B)

EDIT: Swapped in a new default setup for Blade of Shadow, which amps up the A damage average a bit.  Thanks to Pyro for pointing out the Maximize HP / Minus Strike combo of doom (for all that turn 1 damage at full health is still a bit better under the classic setup).
« Last Edit: November 08, 2014, 03:08:16 AM by SnowFire »