
Author Topic: Final Fantasy V: Bartz, Lenna, Faris, and Galuf/Krile  (Read 2469 times)

Dark Holy Elf

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Final Fantasy V: Bartz, Lenna, Faris, and Galuf/Krile
« on: October 29, 2014, 05:48:15 AM »
Inspired by Snowfire's Bravely Default "plot jobs" PC stat topic, here is the equivalent thing for the FF5 PCs. This is an interp which has been thrown around for over a decade, but has never before had a stat topic. Due to their access to many jobs, these setups are far more powerful than individual FF5 jobs, and also look more like in-game setups, too.


Everyone gets access to all the jobs of the crystals associated with their element (which is Bartz = Wind, Lenna = Water, Faris = Fire, Galuf/Krile = Earth). Everyone also gets access to Freelancer, since it's their initial job in all cases. (If you restrict access to that, setups get much more fluid, but also resemble in-game far less... I may get this if there's interest.)

I'm assuming everyone masters all their available jobs. Mastering 6 jobs probably isn't too practical in a normal playthrough, but 3-4 is, and typically that's all anyone needs for their setups anyway (e.g. Bartz has no reason to ever master Blue Mage or White Mage, and very little to master Knight or Black Mage). Arbitrary cutoffs could be made which would force some decisions but I don't feel comfortable making those.

Equipment claims are a bit tricky. With Freelancer in the mix, there is no unique equipment. Instead, I've decided to allow everything you can reasonably equip a full team with, or at least the full team which needs it. I'm ignoring any rare steals which are "guarded" by commons as getting these is incredibly annoying.

-The three best weapons for raw power are the Brave Blade/Chicken Knife (you can only have one), the Man-Eater (against human targets, i.e. most of the DL), and Masamune. Technically Masamune isn't quite third (it vs. Rune Axe depends on the magic stat), but its first strike ability would certainly propel it into the top three in practice. Thus, I've banned these three weapons, so that everyone gets a potential "fourth best" weapon (or fifth in the case of the one PC with Two Swords), such as the Rune Axe, Rune Blade, Excalibur, and Holy Lance.
-There are four weapons (two Main Gauches, Defender, Sasuke Katana) which grant 25% evasion to physicals. As such, I would see the weakest of these (the Main Gauche) as legal.
-The Sage Staff strengthens holy, which only Bartz has a use for. While Faris has a slim use for it as well (combined with Rapidfire it is her biggest damage against undead) I don't think that's enough reason to deny Bartz a boost to his best damage.
-Elemental rods and the Air Knife still strengthen elements, and are storebought so no issue there.

Shields: Same as the DL, the Crystal Shield is very solid and everything else interesting probably isn't legal. The only alternate worth noting is the Diamond Shield, which trades 2 Def and 10 evade for lightning halving.

-There are four Ribbons in the game (all from chests and townsfolk, even! You can get even more with steals) and they are certainly the game's best helmet for most purposes, providing solid defensive boosts, +5 to all stats, and immunity to a bunch of status.
-There are also two Gold Hairpins, which are notable only for halving MP costs, and only two of the four PCs in this stat topic use spells, so I'd see those as legal too. They are of course a stat hit compared to the above.
-Crystal Helm offers 2 more defence than a Ribbon but this is almost never worth it considering the former's stat boosts.
-Lamia's Tiara is also a corner option with confuse immunity and greater MDef/MEvade.

Armour: All the interesting things are storebought, and there isn't an obvious best.
-The Black Robe provides 14 Def/14 MDef/20 MEvade which is very overall solid, along with 5 Magic Power. This is the overall best armour for most setups.
-The Angel Robe offers 25 MEvade and immunity to poison (both element and status).
-The Diamond Armour halves Lightning.
-The Crystal Armour provides 20 Def, the best available, but 2 MDef/0 MEvade means it probably shouldn't be the default.
-The Rainbow Dress is a slightly more balanced version of the Crystal Armour, but also provides Confuse immunity and boosts Sword Dance on the PC who cares.
-The Black Garb provides 1 Agility, that is something I guess.

Accessories: Hermes Sandals are so obviously the best here that it isn't funny. If you allow accessories at all then they're the way to go: they block four statuses, have Auto-Haste (which would get eaten by scaling, YMMV if they also render Haste spells worthless), and even have decent defensive boosts. Nice job balancing this choice FF5. Angel Ring blocks a couple statuses and has slightly better defensive boosts I guess.

You can probably quibble the equipment, but it doesn't matter too much. Faris' damage fluctuates somewhat with what weapons you allow, and of course the cast hopes you don't frown on allowing them Ribbons.

Status immunities, for reference: Ribbons block Dead, Stone, Toad, Poison, Darkness, Aging, Berserk, and Silence. Hermes Sandals block Slow, Stop, Sleep, and Paralyse. Rainbow Dress stops Confuse and Angel Ring blocks Zombie, but these are not defaults.

Oh, and did you know that outside Bartz, FF5 official art/renders are awful and none of it, even more recent stuff, looks nothing like in-game? (My apologies to Amano fans.) I actually didn't, until I went looking for images for this thread. So I used fanart instead. If you own any of the art I randomly grabbed for this thread, consider yourself flattered, but if you don't want me using your art, just PM me or make a post and it'll be gone faster than you can say Quick Meteor Meteor Meteor Meteor Meteor.


Available jobs: Knight, Monk, Thief, White Mage, Black Mage, Blue Mage

Default setup:


Sage Staff (alts: Main Gauche, Rune Axe, Excalibur, various element-boosters)
Crystal Shield
Ribbon (alt: Gold Hairpin)
Black Robe
Hermes Sandals

HP 2257 [2934 with HP+30%] {110%} {132%}
MP 327 [425 with MP+30%]
Str 54+5 = 59
Agl 41+5 = 46 {103%}
Vit 53+5 = 58
Mag 56+10 = 66

Attack 45
Defense 34 [22, with Gold Hairpin]
M. Defense 19
Evade 45 [59, with Main Gauche]
MEvade 30
PDur 1.13 [0.96], MDur 1.10
(with HP+30%: PDur 1.36 [1.15], MDur 1.32)

Note: If Bartz drops the Ribbon for a Gold Hairpin, he loses 1/14 of his magic damage, 1/10 of his physical damage and 5 Agility along with the listed 12 defence, but his MP costs are halved.


Cover (Knight) - Automatically takes all physical damage for party members below 1/8 max HP
Counter (Monk) - 50% chance to counter physicals with his physical

Attack: 280 magic damage (4690 vs. undead) [220 with Main Gauche] [3075 piercing with Rune Axe, 90% hit rate, costs 5 MP] [1870 holy with Excalibur]

Holy: (20 MP) 4704 magical damage, holy-elemental (3024, if not using Sage Staff)
Curaga: (29 MP) Fully heals target. If multitargeted, heals 1260 to all targets.
Esuna: (10 MP) Heals all status effects
Blink: (6 MP) Inflicts Image, which blocks the next two physical hits.
Reflect: (15 MP) Inflicts Reflect. This wears off, but it lasts long enough (three-four turns?)
Protect: (3 MP) Inflicts Safe. Safe halves all incoming physical damage.
Shell: (5 MP) Inflicts Shell. Shell halves all incoming magical damage and halves incoming status odds.
Berserk: (8 MP) Inflicts Berserk. Unblockable.
Silence: (2 MP) Inflicts Mute, 75% base hit rate. Can wear off with time.
Mini: (5 MP) Inflicts Mini, 90% base hit rate. Mini drops defense to 0, Attack to 3 (practically, this means you won't be doing more than 1 damage to any endgame monster), and doubles evasion.
Confuse: (4 MP) Inflicts Confuse, 75% base hit rate.
Dispel: (12 MP) Removes positive status from target.
Arise: (50 MP) Revives with full HP.

!Blue (not silenceable, nor reflectable except where noted)
Aeroga: (24 MP) 1610 magical damage, wind elemental, reflectable (2590, with Air Knife)
1000 Needles: (25 MP) 1000 damage, fixed, ignores defense
Mind Blast: (6 MP) 1120 defence-piercing damage and always inflicts Paralysis. The paralysis lasts slightly longer than one turn.
Missile: (7 MP) Deals damage equal to 75% target's current HP, 75% base hit rate
Vampire: (2 MP) Drains half of missing HP from target, 99% base hit rate. GBA version makes this "all missing HP" instead.
White Wind: (28 MP) Heals entire party by amount equal to current HP
Mighty Guard: (72 MP) Inflicts Safe, Shell, and Float on all allies. Reflectable.
Moon Flute: (3 MP) Inflicts Berserk on all allies
Death Claw: (21 MP) Reduces target HP to single digits and inflicts paralyze, 66% base hit rate, misses Heavy-types.
Time Slip: (9 MP) Inflicts Sleep and Old, 90% base hit rate
Pond's Chorus: (5 MP) Inflicts Toad, 66% base hit rate
Liliputian Lyric: (5 MP) Inflicts Mini, 66% base hit rate
Flash: (7 MP) Inflicts Blind, 75% base hit rate. Darkness quarters accuracy.
Guard off: (19 MP) Halves target's defense and M. defense, 80% base hit rate
Magic Hammer: (3 MP) Halves target's current MP, 75% base hit rate

!Black (not the default, but is Bartz's best non-elemental/ITD magic damage and has a status or two which his default set misses. Numbers after the slash are with appropriate elemental rod only)
Flare: (39 MP) 3556 magical damage, non-elemental, pierces defense
Firaga: (25 MP) 2240/3528 magical damage, fire-elemental
Blizzaga: (25 MP) 2240/3528 magical damage, ice-elemental
Thundaga: (25 MP) 2240/3528 magical damage, lightning-elemental
Toad: (8 MP) Inflicts Toad, 80% base hit rate. Toad drops Attack to 3, Defense and Evade to 0, and renders the target unable to cast any spells but Toad.
Break: (15 MP) Inflicts petrify, 75% base hit rate.
Death: (29 MP) Inflicts instant death, 80% base hit rate.
Osmose: (1 MP) Drains 112 MP from target, defence-piercing, 99% base hit rate.

Nulls all physical damage until his next turn (not very useful thanks to Blink)

HP+30% (passive)
Bartz can drop one of his skillsets to raise his HP by 30%.

MP+30% (passive)
Bartz can drop one of his skillsets to raise his MP by 30%.

Double Grip (passive)
Bartz can double his physical damage at the expense of his shield. Notably a two-handed Rune Axe is his best damage, but not by enough to make it his default.

Comments: Bartz is above average speed with game-best durability (before opting to set HP+30%), with plenty of fatal status options (Mind Blast is the most deadly). Against the status/gravity immune he should dig in with his bevy of positive status and full healing. He can give up some stats to stretch his resources quite far indeed. His damage is pretty mediocre (4-5HKO) but could be worse. Heavy/Godlike.


Available jobs: Berserker, Mystic Knight, Time Mage, Summoner, Red Mage, Mime

Default setup:

Freelancer (alt: Mime, with !Mimic but no Ribbon)

Main Gauche (alts: Rune Axe, Excalibur)
Crystal Shield
Black Robe
Hermes Sandals

HP 2178 {106%}
MP 345
Str 46+5 = 51
Agl 40+5 = 45 {101.7%}
Vit 50+5 = 55
Mag 61+10 = 71

Attack 36
Defense 34 [22, with Gold Hairpin]
M. Defense 19
Evade 59 [45, without Main Gauche]
MEvade 30
PDur 1.09 [0.92], MDur 1.06

Note: If Lenna drops the Ribbon for a Gold Hairpin, she loses 1/14 of her magic damage, 1/17 of her physical damage and 5 Agility along with the listed 12 defence, but her MP costs are halved.


Magic Shell (Mystic Knight) - When lowered below 1/8 max HP, gain Shell status (halves magic damage and status hit rate) for rest of battle

Attack: 187 physical damage [2925 piercing with Rune Axe, 90% hit rate, costs 5 MP] [1615 holy with Excalibur]

Meteor: (42 MP) Deals 4 hits of non-elemental damage. Damage ranges from 350 to 2450. Average damage for entire attack is thus 5600. Each hit randomly targets an opponent, in a team setting. Max possible damage (matters due to Reset) is 9800.
Graviga: (18 MP) Deals 14/16 of opponent's current HP in damage, 99% base hit rate.
Quick: (77 MP) Immediately gives caster two free turns. If Quick is used on one of these free turns, it will fail.
Haste: (5 MP) Inflicts Haste. Haste doubles effective speed.
Regen: (3 MP) Inflicts Regen. On Lenna, this means 137 HP gained per turn.
Float: (10 MP) Inflicts Float. Float means immunity to ground-based attacks.
Return: (1 MP) Restarts battle.
Slow: (3 MP) Inflicts Slow, 95% base hit rate. Slow halves effective speed.
Stop: (8 MP) Inflicts Stop, 90% base hit rate. Lasts 2 turns.
Old: (4 MP) Inflicts Aging, 90% base hit rate. Old causes the target's Attack, Speed, and Level to gradually decrease to 1. This affects physical damage and sometimes magical damage.
Banish: (20 MP) Inflicts instant death, 50% base hit rate, misses Heavy types.
Void: (3 MP) Silent Lake effect, doesn't work on bosses.
Comet: (7 MP) Deals non-elemental magical damage ranging from 200 to 1400. Average is thus 800.
Hastega: (15 MP) Multitarget version of Haste.
Slowga: (9 MP) Multitarget version of Slow, 80% base hit rate.

!Dualcast (allows Lenna to cast two spells per action, from the list below. If she also sets !Time and/or !Summon, she can use those spells in her Dualcast, too)
Cura: (9 MP) Heals 675 damage
Protect: (3 MP) Inflicts Safe. Safe halves all incoming physical damage.
Sleep: (3 MP) Inflicts Sleep, 90% base hit rate.
Toad: (8 MP) Inflicts Toad, 80% base hit rate. Toad drops Attack to 3, Defense and Evade to 0, and renders the target unable to cast any spells but Toad.
Silence: (2 MP) Inflicts Mute, 75% base hit rate. Can wear off with time.
Mini: (5 MP) Inflicts Mini, 90% base hit rate. Mini drops defense to 0, Attack to 3 (practically, this means you won't be doing more than 1 damage to any endgame monster), and doubles evasion.
Confuse: (4 MP) Inflicts Confuse, 75% base hit rate.

!Summon (not default, but the spoiling options are notable. Post-slash damage is strengthened by a weapon)
Bahamut: (66 MP) 3375 magical damage, non-elemental.
Phoenix: (99 MP) 1200/1980 magical damage, fire-elemental. Also revives a dead ally to full HP and MP.
Shoat: (33 MP) Inflicts stone, 99% base hit rate.
Remora: (2 MP) Inflicts paralysis, 100% base hit rate. Paralysis wears off, but there's over a turn befor this happens so it can be spammed.
Odin: (48 MP) 80% chance of True Edge, inflicting unblockable instant death. If True Edge roll fails or opponent is heavy-type, deal 3450 ITE physical damage instead.
Golem: (18 MP) Casts a shield that absorbs all incoming physical attacks. The shield will take 3000 damage before disappearing.
Carbunkle: (45 MP) Casts reflect on entire party. This wears off, but it lasts long enough (three-four turns?)

Use a random summon at no MP cost. Not compatible with Dualcast.

!Spellblade (requires a sword or knife. Buffs the physical to have the following effect, and removes any previous weapon element or spellblade effect. Damage listed with Excalibur, since if she's using Spellblade for damage that's her weapon)
Flare: 4066 physical damage, pierces defence
Drain: Drains 1615 damage
Osmose: Drains 1/4 of target's current MP
Break: 100% chance of inflicting Stone on target if Attack command hits.
Silence: 100% chance of inflicting Mute on target if Attack command hits.
Sleep: 100% chance of inflicting Sleep on target if Attack command hits.
Poison: 100% chance of inflicting Poison on target if Attack command hits.
Firaga: Kill target instantly if weak to Fire. If target is weak to fire but Heavy-type, deal 8360 damage instead.
Blizzaga, Thundaga, Holy, Bio: As above, with different elements.

!Mimic (replaces the attack command in the Mime job)
Repeats last action at no MP cost. Dualcast counts as a single action for the purpose of Mimic, so e.g. Quick+Meteor, Meteor+Meteor, Mimic will result in five Meteors.

Comments: Dualcast + Quick + Meteor means an average of 28000 damage on her first turn. She can use Return to increase this even further. Unlike FF5 Time Mage she also has good stats, so yikes. This does use most of her MP, but she can go Mime to half her MP costs and/or use Mimic to stretch her resources further. With such ridiculous damage the rest of her skillset doesn't matter much, but there's some super-accurate status (Quick/Spellblade and Quick/Dualcast) and buffing in there too, albeit without the healing that Bartz has. Still uh she's insane. Godlike


Available jobs: Ninja, Ranger, Beastmaster, Geomancer, Bard

Default setup:

!Rapid Fire

Rune Axe (alts: Main Gauche, Excalibur, Enhancer)
Rune Blade (alts: Crystal Shield, Holy Lance, Enhancer)
Black Robe
Hermes Sandals

HP 1753 {85%}
MP 304
Str 43+5 = 48
Agl 41+5 = 46 {103%}
Vit 34+5 = 39
Mag 50+13 = 63

Attack 71+50 (actually 81+70, with MP)
Defense 26 [34, with a shield]
M. Defense 19
Evade 0 [45, with a shield; 59, with Main Gauche as well]
MEvade 30
PDur 0.78 [0.88], MDur 0.85


Dual-Wield (Ninja) - Can equip a second one-handed weapon instead of a shield. Note that two weapon attacks trigger two counters, in FF5.

Attack: Depends a lot on her weapon! Remember that she can use two at once, so add these figures up. As she'll usually use Rapid Fire instead, this section isn't too important. Note that attacks with Rune weapons can vary by +/-50% of their base damage... this averages out pretty well with Rapid Fire, but less so on individual attacks of course. They are also partially defence-piercing (target's def matters only 25% as much as normal).

w/ Rune Axe: 2700 physical damage, 90% hit rate. Costs 5 MP. Once out of MP, this does 1105 instead.
w/ Rune Blade: 2304 physical damage. Costs 8 MP. Once out of MP, this does 748 instead.
w/ Excalibur/Holy Lance: 1615/1596 holy physical damage.
w/ Enhancer: 1309 physical damage.
w/ Main Gauche: 187 physical damage.

!Rapid Fire
Attack four times at half normal damage, except that the attacks become ITD and ITE. Each attack strikes a random enemy target. The extra attacks granted by Rapid Fire do not trigger extra counters, although 1-2 counters are still triggered by the initial attack as usual.

/w Rune Axe + Rune Blade: (1458+1260)x4 = 10872 physical damage. Costs 52 MP. Once out of MP, this does (568+400)x4 = 3872 instead.
/w Excalibur + Holy Lance: (990+981)x4 = 7884 holy physical damage.
/w Enhancer x2: 816x8 = 6528 physical damage.
/w Rune Axe + shield: 1458x4 = 5832 physical damage. Costs 20 MP. Once out of MP, this does 568x4 = 2272 instead.
/w Main Gauche + shield: 288x4 = 1152 physical damage.

Note: She can also mix and match a Rune Axe and a non-Rune weapon to consume MP more slowly. (The Axe is strictly better than the Blade, doing more damage and consuming less MP.)

!Sing (Silenceable magic. Not subject to Reflect.)
Alluring Air: Inflicts confuse, 99% base hit rate.
Romeo's Ballad: Inflicts stop, 99% base hit rate. Lasts about 3 turns (double that if you consider Auto-Haste, but way less against Heavy types).

!Throw (Throws something. Fumas are expensive, as a warning)
Fuma Shuriken: 6479 ITE physical damage
Flame/Water/Thunder Scroll: 1235 MT magic damage of appropriate element. The non-water scrolls can be strengthened with an appropriate elemental rod, doing 2015 damage instead.

You can Catch a monster that's below 1/8 health, then Release it in a later fight. The monster will do an attack. OPB and requires pre-battle setup, so a big YMMV in how to take this, but I imagine most people would allow it. Monsters unavailable at endgame are starred, and I wouldn't allow those.

Great Dragon: (Fight) 9999 physical damage, ignores evade (one hit calculated as 975 + 9100 ITD)
Dragon Aevis: (Breath Wing) deals damage equal to 25% target's max HP, wind-elemental. Cannot be blocked or immuned in-game.
*Fairy Orc: (Curaga) Full healing.
Objet D'Art: (Break) Inflicts Stone, 75% base hit rate
Bandersnatch: (Blaster) Even odds of inflicting Paralysis or instant death, unblockable
Death Dealer: (Death) Inflicts instant death, 80% base hit rate.

Buffs self with Image, cancelling the next two physical hits.

Takes control of a monster, 40% hit rate (75% with a HypnoCrown, though that's one per game). Since the list of moves an enemy can use while controlled is completely arbitrary I generally suggest ignoring this.

Headache of a skillset, see the main stat topic for details. For magic damage, it's inferior to thrown scrolls, so the only use for this skillset is gravity.

Become untargettable, but can only use !Show on own turns to remove this effect. Doesn't work in a duel; causes Faris to run instead.

Comments: Hit things in the face until they die. While her damage is much worse than Lenna's it's still easily second best in the cast (a 2HKO). Unfortunately she's a bit on the fragile side, especially while opting for a two-weapon build. She also has Sing's status attacks, Image, and one shot of big damage even if she goes for a shield, so there's that. Heavy.


Galuf and Krile have identical claims to jobs, so there is no difference between them beyond a few stat points here and there. Since Krile is the endgame PC, I'm treating her stats and damage as the default (and they'll be the ones in the averages), with Galuf's in parentheses.

Available jobs: Samurai, Dragoon, Chemist, Dancer

Default setup:


Main Gauche (alts: Rune Axe, Holy Lance)
Crystal Shield
Black Robe (alt: Rainbow Dress)
Hermes Sandals

HP 1992 (2098) {97% (101%)}
MP 219 (208)
Str 44+5 = 49 (46+5 = 51)
Agl 33+5 = 38 (29+5 = 34) {93% (88.7%)}
Vit 43+5 = 48 (47+5 = 52)
Mag 27+10 = 37 (24+10 = 34)

Attack 36 [higher with other weapons]
Defense 34 [38, with Rainbow Dress]
M. Defense 19 [8, with Rainbow Dress]
Evade 69 [59, without Main Gauche]
MEvade 30 [14, with Rainbow Dress]
PDur 1.00 {1.04}, MDur 0.97 {1.01}

Note: If Krile (not Galuf) uses both a Rune Axe and Black Robe, her magic damage is increased by 11%.


Shiradori (Samurai) - Extra independent 25% chance to evade physicals (factored in)

Attack: 198 (187) physical damage. [2175 (2100) piercing with Rune Axe, 90% hit rate, costs 5 MP] [1512 holy, with Holy Lance]

3750 physical damage MT, spends 2000 * (number of targets) in Gil. Very defence-subject.

!Mix (consumes two items to do stuff, all singletarget. Three lists, YMMV with what's legal)

(storebought only)
Water of Life: Inflicts Regen. On Krile, this is 120 HP regained per round. (130 for Galuf.)
X-Potion: Full healing.
Half Elixir: Full MP healing.
Sampson's Might: Raises level by 10, to a maximum of 255. Each use of this adds 1500 to Zeninage's damage, and adds 10% to status accuracy and evasion. All other damage rises just under linearly with level (so each use is 25% of base).
Restorative: Heals Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk, Mute
Elemental Power: Boosts damage with elemental magic by 50%. Doesn't affect anything Galuf/Krile has.
Levitate: Inflicts Float.
Life Shield: Grants instant death immunity.
Resist Fire: Grants fire absorption
Resist Ice: Grants ice absorption
Resist Thunder: Grants lightning absorption
Kiss of Blessing: Inflicts Berserk, Image, and Haste. Ignores immunities to any of the statuses in the SNES/PSX versions of the game.
Resurrection: Revive with full HP and MP
Lamia's Kiss: Inflicts Confuse, perfect accuracy

(using items which are common drops from two very specific enemies)
Succubus Kiss: Drains 2070 damage. 99% base hit rate.
Dragon Breath: Deals damage equal to caster's current HP, fire/ice/lightning-elemental
Holy Breath: Deals damage equal to caster's current HP, holy-elemental
Dragon Shield: Grants immunity to fire, ice, and lightning
Dragon Armor: Inflicts Reflect, Shell, Safe, Regen
Panacea: Heals all status ailments
Dark Sigh: Inflicts Blind and Confuse, unblockable
Failure: Deals damage equal to 25% target's current HP, also inflicts Charm, unblockable
Split Shell: Halves target's defense and M. defense, unblockable
Bacchus's Wine: Inflicts Berserk, unblockable
Dragon's Kiss: Turns target into a Dragon and a Heavy-type target.
Goliath Tonic: Doubles max and current HP (note: this requires an Elixir in addition)

(using Dark Matters, which are quite difficult to acquire)
Shadow Flare: 2160 magical damage, non-elemental, pierces defense
Dark Ether: Reduces target's current MP by 75%
Death Potion: Inflicts instant death, unblockable
Toad's Kiss: Inflicts Toad, unblockable
Dark Gas: Inflicts Blind, 99% base hit rate

Instant death, 85% base hit rate using the magical status formula. Requires a 0.5-turn charge time, misses heavy types.

When used with Holy Lance, does 3024 holy physical damage, ITE. Requires a one-turn charge time, during which time Galuf or Krile is invincible. With a non-spear weapon this does the same damage as a normal attack and thus is virtually useless.

Drains 180 HP and 36 MP from the target. Magical damage (the MP component is piercing).

!Drink (consume an inexpensive storebought item for each effect, self only)
Goliath Tonic: Doubles max HP and current HP
Speed Shake: Inflicts Haste
Protect Drink: Inflicts Protect
Hero Cocktail: Raises level by 10, to a maximum of 255. Each use of this adds 1500 to Zeninage's damage, and adds 10% to status accuracy and evasion. All other damage rises just under linearly with level (so each use is 25% of base).

!Dance (chooses one effect from the following list, with equal probability. If a Rainbow Dress is equipped, Sword Dance instead has a 50% chance to kick in, and Tempting Tango will not occur)
Sword Dance (Rune Axe): 9048 ITE physical damage, costs 5 MP
Jitterbug Duet: Drains 180 HP from target, magical.
Mystery Waltz: Drains 72 MP from target, magical piercing.
Tempting Tango: Inflicts confuse, perfect hit rate.
AVERAGE: 4569 damage + 45 HP healing + 18 MP drain with Rune Axe/Rainbow Dress. No other setup should set Dance.

Comments: Well they have the worst damage (opting for Sword Dance helps, but not enough to be worth it normally), but has a bunch of buffs, healing, and status options. The one job set that ends up below average speed also hurts. Probably the worst dueller of the cast, but should still manage Heavy, especially if one allows more Mix stuff than I do.


All averages exclude Galuf, along with any bracketed setups.

Single-action, spammable damage: Lenna (11200) > Faris (10872) > Bartz (4704) > [Dancer Galuf/Krile (4569)] > Galuf = Krile (3750)
Avg: 7631
Kill point: 19078

Much like the original FF5 stat topic, this does not include potential nonsense with Quick. Interestingly, a 3-turn damage average is similar, as Lenna can't really average more than this over 3 turns without shifting to a Gold Hairpin.

HP: [HP+30% Bartz (2934)] > Bartz (2257) > Lenna (2178) > Galuf (2098) > Krile (1992) > Faris (1753)
Avg: 2054

MP: [MP+30% Bartz (425)] > Lenna (345) > Bartz (327) > Faris (304) > Krile (219) > Galuf (208)
Avg: 299

Agl: Bartz = Faris (46) > Lenna (45) > [Gold Hairpin Bartz (41)] > [Gold Hairpin Lenna (40)] > Krile (38) > Galuf (34)
Avg: 43.75

Def: [Rainbow Dress Galuf/Krile (38)] > Everyone else (34) > Faris (26)
Avg: 32

MDef: Everyone else (19) > [Rainbow Dress Galuf/Krile (8)]
Avg: 19 (obviously)

Evade: Galuf = Krile (69) > Lenna (59) > Bartz (45) > Faris (0)
Avg: 43
« Last Edit: October 29, 2014, 06:43:19 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Final Fantasy V: Bartz, Lenna, Faris, and Galuf/Krile
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2014, 11:20:46 AM »
Supplemental info on version differences follows.  NEB cited the only real important version difference between the SNES/PSX and the Advance versions of FF5 above (Kiss of Blessing ignoring/not ignoring immunity).  The mobile (iOS/Android) versions have a number of other mechanical differences which I'm cataloging here for people's reference (original credit is due to Djibriel for documenting these):

  • Blue Magic Vampire does the same damage as the SNES/PSX version (half of missing health), but it additionally now always fails on Heavy targets.
  • Monk's Kick ignores row, but no longer benefits from Kaiser Knuckles.
  • Using Dragoon's Jump with a Twin Lance now hits twice, just as if you'd attacked with the weapon, and on top of that, the hits do double damage because the weapon is flagged as a spear for Jump.
  • Samurai's Mineuchi does what it was supposed to do all along, which is 50% of normal attack damage plus inflicting Paralyze.  This is probably generally a downgrade.  (In all other versions of the game, it's a basic physical that ignores special weapon effects like procs, but also does not break Confuse, Control or Sleep.)
  • Beastmaster's Calm now only works on Magic Beasts, instead of working on everything but.  (It inflicts an unblockable Stop status, I don't know the success rate.)
  • Bee Swarm from Ranger's Animals now inflicts Poison.
  • Power Drinks (from Chemist's Drink) now work correctly.
  • Dark Sigh (from Chemist's Mix) is no longer unblockable.
  • Geomancer's Gaia ability acts as if the user were level 99 for the purpose of choosing which effect is used.  This changes the effect rates from being 11/41 effect A, 10/41 effect B, 20/41 effect C to being 11/100 effect A, 10/100 effect B, 30/100 effect C, and 49/100 effect D.
  • Stat boosts from Bard songs (Hero's Rime, Swift Song, Sinewy Etude and Mana's Paean) cap at a stat value of 255 and not 99.
  • Breath Wing and other similar MHP/4 damage moves from enemies aren't ITE.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 02:40:06 AM by Reiska »


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Re: Final Fantasy V: Bartz, Lenna, Faris, and Galuf/Krile
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2014, 12:47:12 AM »
A few fun points:

- There is a Mix that raises level by 20, Dragon Power. It is a Dragon Fang + Potion.

- The Time Magic Quick Spell stops time for everyone but the caster in that first turn... but Regen still processes for the caster! This means that if Regen status is active and Quick is cast, simply waiting for Regen to restore full HP before doing the first Quick action will restore the caster to full HP... With Mime and Dual-Cast...
(Regen, Quick) ->[Wait for fullheal on the regen] -> Quick->Meteor -> Mimic.

Now Mimic will cast Quick and Meteor, and the caster (Lenna) can just mimic again and again and again and just wait for the fullheal each time. Sure the Quicks will be wasted (So 3 meteors a quick chain instead of 5), but it'll be free due to mimic and fullhealing will go along with it. I recall this working. I think...