Author Topic: CK's Cartoon Corner  (Read 47213 times)


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CK's Cartoon Corner
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:01:16 AM »
So lately I've been investing far more into my other hobby than the vidya games, and thought that having a place to organize and preserve thoughts on what I've been watching would be nice.  I'll give any entry (generally, each season of a given show) its own post to facilitate skimming past potential spoileriness, because entire posts in tiny text would sorta defeat the purpose of having a topic I can easily read and refer back to.

Archive of Available Works:

Table of Contents Holy Crap This Kept Going

Page 1

Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (Season 1)
Batman: The Animated Series (Vol. 3/The Adventures of Batman and Robin)
Justice League (Season 1)
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (Season 2)
The Legend of Korra (Book Four: Balance)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Season 3)
Justice League (Season 2)
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
Justice League Unlimited (Season 1)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Season 4)
Justice League Unlimited (Season 2-partial)

Page 2

Batman: The Brave and the Bold (Season 1)
Adventure Time (Season 1)
Daria (Season 1)
Daria (Season 2)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (Book 1: Water)

Page 3

Daria (Season 3)
Daria (Season 4)
Daria: Is it Fall Yet?
Daria (Season 5)
Daria: Is it College Yet?
Avatar: The Last Airbender (Book 2: Earth)
Mike Judge’s Beavis and Butthead (Vol. 4/Season 8)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (Book 3: Fire)
Inside Out
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [2012] (Season 1)
Tiny Toon Adventures (Season 1, Vol. 1)
Teen Titans (Season 1)

Page 4

Young Justice
Superman: The Animated Series (Vol. 1)
Planet Hulk

Page 5

Adventure Time (Season 5)
Batman: The Animated Series (Vol. 2)
Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker
Big Hero 6
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths
The Princess and the Frog
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Season 1)
Dungeons & Dragons
Aria: The Animation

Page 6

Beauty and the Beast
Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Season 2)
Wonder Woman
Superman: Doomsday
Over the Garden Wall
Star Wars Rebels (Season 1)
The Nightmare Before Christmas
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Friendship Games
How to Train Your Dragon 2

Page 7

The Little Mermaid
Spectacular Spider-Man (Season 1)
The Incredibles
Wreck-It Ralph
The Slayers
Lilo & Stitch
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Season 1)
Slayers Special
Slayers Excellent
Star Wars: Ewoks
The Good Dinosaur

Page 8

Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods
Star Trek: The Animated Series
The Iron Giant
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Season 2)
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
Batman and Mr. Freeze: Sub-Zero
Kung-Fu Panda

Page 9

Summer Wars
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
The Slayers Next
Thor: Tales of Asgard
Teen Titans (Season 2)
The Prince of Egypt
An American Tail
Tokyo Godfathers
Tiny Toon Adventures: How I Spent My Vacation
Millennium Actress
Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Page 10

Finding Dory
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Season 5)
The Pirates of Dark Water
Hotel Transylvania
Bob's Burgers (Season 1)
Batman: The Killing Joke
Sausage Party
Kubo and the Two Strings
My Little Pony Equestria Girls: The Legend of Everfree
The Lego Batman Movie
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
Despicable Me
The Great Mouse Detective

Page 11

Despicable Me 2
Star Driver
The Sword in the Stone
Chicken Run
Robin Hood
Futurama: Bender's Big Score
South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut
Despicable Me
Alice in Wonderland
Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders
My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Magical Movie Night
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme

Page 12

The Little Prince
« Last Edit: September 22, 2017, 05:34:15 PM by Cmdr_King »
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2015, 09:29:12 PM »
Avengers: Earth's Mightest Heroes (Season 1

Probably the biggest takeaway from EMH is that it's uneven as fuck.  There is quite a lot of good stuff going on in this show, with a rock solid cast dynamic and in particular an especially nice take on the Hulk, as well as being the only adaptation I'm aware of that features Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne so prominently.  At the same time there's a lot of relative duds in the episode lineup too.  The five introductory episodes are... just not terribly interesting, much focused on name-dropping elements for future use without being terribly interesting in how they do it.  The Cap episode, having an actual plot rather than being all "Named villain!  Important quest object!  SHIELD!", is alright but nothing too great.  After that point they kinda alternate between small arcs for a major villain to fight, and single episodes that are adding up to the season ending conflict.  Those are fairly split on quality; Kang and Ultron are pretty good episodes, while the Leader's Gamma World bits can go jump in a hole.  The Masters of Evil episodes range from 'please don't tell me we are playing this storyline so straight' (Everything's Wonderful) to 'weeeeee' (Masters of Evil), although the final payoff is about right.

It's odd in general.  Ultron and Loki are the only real A-List Marvel villains on the show (no Doc Doom, no Thanos, no Galactus, no Magneto (although that at least makes sense), no eastern european track suit guys, Red Skull is basically a cameo), and unlike the natural comparison point for this show not a lot of effort is spent making the lesser known villains stand out in any particular way.  Like, I happened to watch Hulk vs Thor right after finishing the series, and learned about as much about Enchantress' abilities, motivations, and personality from that 45 minute movie she was a secondary character in than this show where she's the most visible villain for most of the show!  Christ, at least have her yell "About your performance... IT IS MAGNIFICENT" or something.

Also, and I almost forgot about this, fuck Maria Hill in this continuity.  You do not get to be THAT lawful stupid in the middle of a gang war between HYDRA and AIM.  Shoot the Avengers in the back later, stop the goddamned supervillains now, thanks.

Still, the team is handled well. To my knowledge this is the only adaptation of a marvel work where Black Panther is a major character, and I do find myself wanting to read some of his older stories and seeing how they measure up.  They do a great job getting across not just how broken Hank is, but showing the cognitive dissonance that leads him to be such a human wreck.  Add in the aforementioned 'cool take on the Hulk' and most of the cast is not just interesting, but someone we don't usually get in these shows.

Best Episode: I'm torn between A Day Unlike Any Other, just for the great imagery of the Avengers flying to Asgardia upon winged steeds with the Valkyries, and Breakout pt. 2 for being a great fight that really sold how these people might work together.  Bonus points for Graviton being pretty fun to watch despite being someone I seriously never knew existed. 

Weakest Episode: Gamma World pt. 2  Oh good the heroes mutated so not only do we have a bunch of wanna-be hulks but we don't want to HURT them.  Christ.  Normally in a mind control story you at least have decent fights because you see how people who normally work together can be used against each other.

Grade: 6/10 I think.  I did order season 2, so depending how the breadcrumbs here go and how the existing villains are handled I might raise my opinion on the series as a whole.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2015, 10:41:16 PM by Cmdr_King »
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2015, 07:49:17 AM »
Batman: The Animated Series (Season 3/The Adventures of Batman and Robin)

So everyone knows Batman:TAS.  Season 3 is a bit tame overall, although in part I think it's because the later DCAU got considerably more sophisticated than Batman really had a chance to.  That said at least in this season you can really see why they decided to go with the revised animation style in later shows and the last season of this one.  There's a lot of off model moments, especially with more kinetic characters, that don't happen much in later stuff like Batman Beyond.

Anyway, some surprises this season were mostly induced by researching things after the fact.  Like, it turns out every appearance from Ra's al Ghul in this series is actually in this season, which is strange to me because I remember him as the number two overall villain behind the Joker.  Though actually on the whole the Joker doesn't get much action in this season either, so I guess that might be where the impression came from.

This is also the point they seemed to realize that they could do some serious continuity in the series.  They were about 60 episodes in going into this season, so they had enough material to actually do a lot of continuations of previous stories or bringing back previous characters as experts for the duo to consult.  Basically I feel like this is sort of the foundation for what the DCAU eventually became, but a lot of the individual pieces definitely show their age.

Best Episode: There's a few good but not outstanding episodes to pick from.  I'm going to single out House and Garden though.  I dunno, Poison Ivy is so often the most sadistic villain on the show, so her more vulnerable side being on display here is pretty nice to see.

Weakest Episode: Harley's Holiday.  Those comments about being off model above are to a large extend inspired most by this episode.  As well, a lot of Harley's dialog and peppiness are honestly a bit grating in this one, which was pretty damned disappointing.

Grade: 6/10.  No episodes stood out as much as, oh, Heart of Ice and while it's cool to watch the show transform into the DCAU more or less it's still a bit just okay unto itself.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2015, 10:40:47 PM by Cmdr_King »
CK: She is the female you
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2015, 09:12:18 AM »
Justice League (Season 1)

Hello again DCAU.  So Justice League plays differently from any other DCAU entry, due to all episodes (well, except the Christmas one, but that's next season) being a multi-parter.  Kinda a feel of always trying to be epic.  But then, with the premise of the show, a certain amount of that is needed.  Logically speaking, every enemy has to be so threatening that Superman cannot beat them alone, which automatically sets the bar high.  By and large they get that part right even if other stuff sometimes goes wrong.

Season 1 improves almost linearly, sometimes for production reasons and sometimes for storytelling ones.  Production is simple, new episode format, increased need for VA cast, few other things, they took a while to work out the kinks.  The storytelling ones are a bit self-inflicted.  Despite being the fourth series in the DCAU, with the previous 3 completing their runs, 4/7 of their primary cast were actually new characters, and one of the remaining three was actually a one shot cameo who I don't know was confirmed as actually the same Flash (although I believe that Flash was indeed Wally West.  THEN AGAIN.  Season 1 of JL does not actually address Flash as Wally West at any point so.)  So a big chunk of the first half or so of the season is highlight episodes for GL, Wonder Woman, and Martian Manhunter.  Flash and Hawkgirl are sorta skipped over but the latter is probablly intentional (and it works since her presented personality is pretty straightforward and fun anyway).  Season 1 Flash is kiiiinda a dipshit though.  They figure him out later but yeah, pretty weird going back to this season and seeing him.

The pick of first episode villain is weird.  Is this a straight callback to the original JLA #1 or something?  I've never seen reference to it before.  The next couple are more kinda exploring the scope of the show and testing waters as it were, so all told we get to about episode 8 before a particular good storyline shows up.  Unsurprising of course: continuity is the DCAU's friend and it having so much to draw on is why it ultimately became the standard for animation, at least for me.  Once we get past that first quarter of the season or so the show largely maintains a pretty reasonable standard of quality, roughly equal to the TASes overall.  That later seasons of the show are, at least to my memory, a step up from this... well refer back to previous statement I suppose.

Best Episode: The Savage Time.  I'm not sure single episodes of the JL multi-parters stand out like they did in other series, so I'll just nod the full serial here.  Anyway, great concept, lots of good moments, both on epicness and poignancy, and seeing Bruce Timm geek out about comic history is always a treat (relatedly I thought about giving Legends the nod but not featuring the full cast is a small hit there).

Weakest Episode: Secret Origins.  The introductions of the heroes feel very forced and don't really establish their characters in an interesting way.  They also burn too much time setting up the premise and only having Supes and Bats which would make sense if this was made as I pilot and the rest of the series commissioned later, but from the dates and comments I don't think that's true.

Grade: 7/10.  Thought about going up to an 8 since it ends pretty strong but it feels a bit too uneven for that.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

Captain K

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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2015, 03:06:11 AM »
*waits patiently for Justice League Season 2 review*


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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2015, 07:53:13 AM »
I'm not actually going in any particular order, just doing stuff as I watch (or rewatch) it.  I actually don't have JL season 2, but it'd been about 10 years since I've seen it so I picked season 1 up last week and actually just ordered season 2.

Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (Season 2)

The season has a major downside which I want to address first.  While the really overt "oh this team member is off in another country today" nods in season 1 were kinda distracting, they also tended to be, y'know, just for a couple episodes.  Season 2 has, variously, Cap, Hank Pym, Thor, and Hulk disappear for 10-13 episode stretches.  ie half the damn season.  Now while they do provide story justifications for all these, in a show whose primary appeal was team dynamic spending essentially the entire season with the team missing at least one major member is pretty lousy.  Cap being gone by itself is fine, it's setting up a long-term plot they pull a lot of drama from, and watching Skrull!Cap's attempts to emulate the original kept the overall team dynamic from breaking down too much.  The others are less workable.  I know Hank's thing is being an empty husk of a human being but you could have... y'know, not put that in this continuity.  Something more productive than "spend 20 consecutive episodes sulking" over the whole Ultron thing could have been thought of. Thor and EMH Hulk are my favorite characters in the lineup so just having less of them in general is sad times.

Otherwise this is the superior season overall.  While Secret Invasion is a pretty good episode, there unfortunately was a price to be paid in dreary WHO CAN YOU TRUUUUSTTTT episodes leading up to it.  And there is a stark (pun intended) difference in the focus between seasons; Season 1 was Iron Man, Season 2 is Cap.  So having a fake in the first half blunts the whole point of the thing.  Once he's back the whole "Humans are Special" counterpoint to the daily alien invasions can actually be made properly and the season functions as intended more or less.  Given the major baddies of the season are alien invaders who Cap FUCK YEAHs in the face and the Red Skull just seals the point.  It's Captain America time baby. 

I had this thought in the first season, but the second season here really cemented it, and ties in nicely to having watched Batman:TAS S3 in the interim; I think Marvel when they were working on this wanted to do a Marvel Animated Universe, with this, Wolverine and the X-Men, and Spectacular Spider-Man forming a loose continuity, although since both those shows ended less-than-ideally right before this one started means it didn't quiiiite line up.  And then Ultimate Spider-Man and Avengers Assemble started and derailed the whole thing.  I gather those two shows ARE in continuity with each other, except nobody really cares because Ultimate Spider-Man is just okay and Avengers Assemble is... less than okay.

Anyway, so one of the things that works is they have enough continuity now to make stories about Enemy Mine situations and stuff actually work, which felt forced in the first season and had a lot of <Iron Man> "Oh sure I know about [thing that hasn't actually been on the show before], I had to deal with that in [fight that apparently happened off screen, possibly between episodes]."  Now when they call back they have something to call back TO.  Although sadly this meant the felt the need to pull "Previously On X-Men Avengers".  Like in the first episode I was okay with it, back from the season break and all, but every episode, even ones it didn't make a lick of sense in like the last one?  C'mon guys.

Luke Cage and Iron Fist are great.  Carol Danvers actually being a regular feature on the show was also welcome, because look having Jennifer Hale to punch evil in the face is an unequivocal Good Thing.  Even if her seeming inability to recognize when she's being played and when she's not is a bit of a downer.

I miss the theme song.

Best Episode: Acts of Vengeance.  It ties up a lot of the loose ends from season 1, let's each of the Masters of Evil show off in a way they never really did before, has probably the best use of the "Skrull!Cap is giving himself away but nobody's noticing" aspect for the first half of the season, and ends on a nice cliffhanger note even if they did not actually get around to Ragnarok.

Weakest Episode: Yellow Jacket.  Hank is back!  Wait no it's an empty husk of a man who's a jackass because reasons.

Grade: 7/10.  The series never quite achieved a real "holy shit this is GREAT" moment but it was steadfastly entertaining throughout.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2015, 10:40:13 PM by Cmdr_King »
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2015, 07:40:56 PM »
The Legend of Korra (Book Four: Balance)

Best season of Korra.

Okay fine.  It finally hit me what, through good times and bad, Korra had really been missing.  That missing piece maaaaay have caused some tearbending.  I mean, due to internets I didn't get to watch this until it hit blu-ray, long since knew the major spoilers, knew that it happened, but still got me. 

What the series was missing was Toph.  I mean, not specifically Toph necessarily (although again, tearbending), but rather that no character in the show fulfilled her place in the overall character dynamics.  To be gruff, to say what needed said, to remind the rest of the cast when they were being dunderheads.  We did have Varrick, and he fullfils some of those functions, but he's a very different character and more importantly an outsider to the group.

Moving on.  Everyone was great this season.  Well.  Bolin and Tenzin's family fell out of focus after being the real stars of book three, but otherwise Korra, Asami and Mako have never been written better on the show, Varrick continues to be great, Zhu-Li out of nowhere to be a great and enjoyable character.  I favor Zaheer as a character, but Kuvira is still a fine villain, and more importantly presents the threat the show as a whole needed despite being less of a direct threat to Korra than each of the previous villains.  Amon's charisma, Vaatu's raw power, and Zaheer's cunning were dangerous and world-threatening... but that's the issue, they were all clearly terrible threats that had to be stopped.  Everyone knew what needed to be done.  With Kuvira there isn't so clear-cut an answer, and while she presents a substantial threat to the characters physically, she more importantly presents a moral threat to Korra.  Would you not have taken similar actions?  Can you devise a more effective solution for lasting peace in the Earth Kingdom?  Vital questions that do a lot more to highlight the differences in the two shows than what came before.  Aang always knew he was right and needed to find the strength to act on it and believe it was his duty to do it.  Korra embraced being the avatar, but never understood what she was actually supposed to do.

It's sorta odd that there wasn't a major highlight of the different family clans after the climax, since family had been such a major theme of the series to this point.  I suppose Remembrances touched on it, and the back half of The Last Stand did have a wedding (Do the Thing!), but still a bit weird.  Maybe they weren't sure they could get all the actors back in the booth for a line and a half at the end because budget.

So... the thing.  There's about six scenes throughout the season that really sell on it, although I'm sure it was a thing in Book Three and will have to watch for them on the rewatch.  The only especially telling one was in Korra's letter... I believe she reads it in Korra Alone?  Hope so.  Anyway,... actually.

Best Episode: Korra Alone.  I love The Calling, Remembrances, and Operation Beifong, but I have to nod Korra Alone for raw emotional punch.  We see something in Korra we never, ever see before, emotional vulnerability.  Her response to Asami is basically the first time we see her admit to feelings that aren't frustration to someone that's still alive, and as noted above "Nice to see you again, Twinkle Toes"?  Tearbending.

Weakest Episode: And for the first time it's super obvious why I chose this phrasing.  There are not bad episodes in Book Four.  So the weakest episode is just the one that I wasn't in love with, which is After All These Years.  A lot of it is exposition, and the serious emotional weight of it is thrust off to the next episode, ie the one I called the BEST episode of the season.

Grade: 9/10.  Korra on the whole is not quite so good a show as Avatar.  Without a rewatch, I'm probably going to hand out 7/7/8/9 on Korra, while Avatar would be closer to 8/9/9.  But basically unlike any other tv producers I know of, the Avatar team know how to end a goddamned show.  They GET that if you know in advance the show is ending, you set up your cards, save a little back to do it justice, and let those engines loose for the finish line.  The fact that both shows had, after their first seasons, a firm idea of how much show they'd be able to do helps a lot I'm sure, but no, Korra just has an excellent finale even if I like an earlier episode more.  Big scale, big confrontation, feels like a real conclusion to the major arcs, characters end in a better place than they started, there's a sense of both reflection and looking forward, and of course, you always have a nice emotional moment riiiiiight before you fade to 'The End'.

God damn.  I might have to buy some Avatar comics.  After all the rewatches for this topic I mean.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2015, 10:39:14 PM by Cmdr_King »
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2015, 09:09:25 PM »
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Season 3)

So short season is short.  I get the sense in this one they were essentially trying to change the format of the show from one-shots that acknowledge continuity to ongoing continuity-driven storytelling, so the shortness of the season was them finding a balance they liked.  Or they had to steal the budget of this season for the first Equestria Girls.  One of the two.

So most of the season is spent following up logical extensions of stuff they'd had in previous episodes but never really followed up on.  Luna's return as a Princess, Rainbow's aspiration to join the Wonderbolts, and of course the culmination of Twilight's studies.  On the whole probably one of the stronger seasons, although there is a disproportionate amount of pouting which is a little off. 

Best Episode: Well, I should probably cite Sleepless in Ponyville or Keep Calm and Flutter On, but nah.  Magic Duel.  Trixie is basically the best and her torments of various extras and the like were pretty entertaining.  It's also one of the rarer cases where Twilight being clever seems like more than her just having an inexplicably encyclopedic knowledge of a library full of encyclopedias, but her actually thinking of what her opponent is doing and how to gt them to defeat themselves.

Also yes basically I watched Turnabout Storm and Trixie is one of my favorite MLP characters. 

Weakest Episode: One Bad Apple.  That this season also has Sleepless in Ponyville makes just how stock and crummy a CMC episode this is stand out.  Also hurts that... well, most CMC episodes are extra special Aesop driven, and the one for this episode is nonsensical.  Like, yesss, sure, they made Babs feel put out because of their over the topness, but setting up Babs to embarass herself is not some outrageous disproportionate act of evil on their part.
It also highlights the recurring weakness of most CMC episodes, how the BLUE FUCK are Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon able to get away with a fraction of the shit they do?  Unlike a modern setting, there is actual,l active adult supervision of children in Equestria, seeing them able to so overtly and terribly savage other kids with seeming impunity is distractingly unlikely.

Grade: 7/10.  On the one hand there's quite a few good episodes, but on the other I find the season sorta hard to remember a lot of specifics from without a wiki assist.  I think mostly the big episode for the season is just kinda okay so while it has strong slice of life bits it lacks big epic "hells yeaaaaaaahhh" moments.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2015, 10:38:41 PM by Cmdr_King »
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2015, 03:46:18 AM »
Justice League (Season 2)

Helloooooooo DCAU.  The true question here for me is, is this peak DCAU, or will it instead go to JLU Season 1, because it's a nuanced and difficult question.  One I'll probably have to come back to after a healthy rewatch of JLU 1, despite having seen that a lot more times than the Justice League seasons.  Anywho, episodes in this season, excepting one set, fall into two basic catagories: great and SUPER great.  As always in DCAU works, we come back to continuity.  We start off resolving lingering plot threads from Superman TAS, draw heavily from extant continuity from the last season of this show, feature the last appearance (in production order) of The Joker, and retroactively have the two parter that sets the foundation for ALL of JLU but we'll get to that in due time.

They also managed a much better character balance this time around (where Season 1 was basically GL's show sometimes costarring J'onn J'onz), and thanks to knowing in much more detail how Starcrossed was going to shake down from the outset actually made a season-long arc out of Hawkgirl's background.  There was a minor undercurrent of just how fragile the League was to go along with it, making it feel much less serial in general which, well, refer back to DCAU Point 1.

They also snuck in a straight up goddamned Christmas Special, which I think is the first since like Batman TAS Season 1 which at THIS point is 12 years prior for them.  And it was weirdly good.

More than anything else every episode felt like it served a purpose and told a story that was enriched by the story's surrounding it.  There's not too much else to say.

Best Episode: Hereafter.  It's not even a contest which is not a statement to make lightly in this season, but yeah.  Starcrossed is bigger, Wild Card is perhaps the perfect Joker episode, A Better World is the episode the franchise had to have to go forward, The Terror Beyond is a hella fun ride, Secret Society is the first time the series made proper use of having so many villains and making them effective together.  And it doesn't matter because in Hereafter they killed Superman, built in a reasonable explanation for why he wasn't actually dead, made him have to earn his way back to the realm of the living, had a great use of a villain type I've always been a sucker for, told a reasonably effective post-apocalypse tale.  In 45 minutes they hit every emotional beat they were ABLE to hit and it works every.  Single.  Time.  And I mean, Lobo was there too.  C'mon now.

Weakest Episode: Eclipsed.  Also no contest, because it's the only episode that isn't great.  So everyone is possessed instantly by the magic diamond and come the fuck on.  No internal struggle, no sleight of hand, just rarr ancient lizard race kill puny humans jesus fuck.  The only remotely redeeming aspect is it degenerates into Flash vs Everyone Else and is the first serious demonstration that yeah, Flash is actually the strongest Leaguer and is too cripplingly terrified of his own abilities to realize it most of the time.

Grade: 9/10?  Yeah, I think so.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2015, 05:11:15 AM »
JL Season 2 is really really good. I still find myself watching some of the clips from time to time despite it being about 10 years old now. Batman vs Batman in A Better World I think has my favourite Batman speech (the one in the Justice League movie is a close second) and second on pretty much all the episodes were strong. Good choice on Hereafter as well as the best episode of the season. I think my personal favourite is For the Man who has Everything, but they are all excellent.
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2015, 06:33:36 AM »
For the Man Who Has Everything is actually from JLU Season 1, so technically wasn't eligible for that post.  That said I've long since already had JLU1 so I can rewatch and write up that with relative ease.  But actually in general the New Stuff category has dried up for now so while some idle rewatches to keep active are going to happen, if people have stuff they'd rather have covered sooner than later (on the off chance people, like, read these) then suggestions are welcome.

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks

Hello my little barbie.  But we'll save that rant for the original EQ.  Anyway, welcome again to Canterlot High, Equestria's dumping ground for dangerous magical beings who we're totally pretty sure will lose their magic in human land.  But hey, if we had a magic mirror to another realm we'd probably dump nuclear waste into it, so "mostly non magical land that will depower our magical foes" is relatively responsible.

Back off topic.  The movie spends an unfortunate amount of time on the inter-group tensions, which makes me think that they'll be using EQ, among other things, as a dumping ground for friendship lessons that don't really make sense five seasons into the character development on the main show.  However, the villains directly encouraging this to feed on it is at least SOME attempt to make it palatable, and the villains are pretty effective in general, so we'll let that slide a bit.

What the show lacks in engaging character bits it does make up in two main areas.  Sunset Shimmer becomes reasonably likable here, so that's good.  But more directly they put some real effort into some of these songs.  The main villain song, Battle, is pretty fun in a sort of Backstreet Boys meets Spice Girls way.  Actually, in general they clearly put a lot of thought into giving everyone a distinct and recognizable musical style, and that endlessly catchy callback with just a hint of sex appeal and darkness is so perfect for these villains, it seriously pulls the movie together. 

Otherwise, as noted while the early going with sorta pat and strained character interaction was a bit of a miss.  But they certainly knew how to END the movie, so 'sall good.

Grade:  7/10.  Pretty typical of MLP stuff... exceppppttt

Prequel Shorts

Yessssss.  These are uniformly great and remind me a lot of Tiny Toons, except with much better established and more consistent characters.  Makes me wonder if having more episodes of the show which do shorts in this way, perhaps with some of the lesser cast members, wouldn't be a great idea because doing quick joke sequences is something they clearly know how to pull off.  Although I've read they more or less ARE doing this for one of the upcoming Season 5 episodes.

Grade: 8/10.  Yeah, the shorts definitely pull the movie up a point. 
« Last Edit: November 01, 2015, 10:38:04 PM by Cmdr_King »
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2015, 06:55:31 AM »
Where is Brave and the Bold?
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2015, 12:01:58 AM »
While JL season 1 is certainly watchable, it's also a little dull.  The pacing is on the slow side, and quite a few of those hour long episodes could have been handled in 30 minutes.

JL season 2 is, to me, the peak of the DCAU.  The pacing is stepped up greatly, the villains are much more of a threat, the whole thing is just seat-of-your-pants fun.

You covered why most of the episodes are good, but I want to mention a couple you left out.

Tabula Rasa:  This is the first time we see the JL get straight up jobbed.  They don't win, they can't win.  The villain just leaves because they're just not worth his time anymore.  The action is great in this episode.  The android makes far better use of the mace than Hawkgirl ever does.

Only a Dream:  Noteworthy for the villain's wife actually dying, a taboo that you just don't do on tv cartoons.  The individual vignettes with the superheroes in dreamland were great (how scary is Superman without control of his powers?), and Batman winning in the end the way only Batman can.

Twilight:  Superman villains working together = twice the oh shit value as usual.  And you see Superman really bust loose.  Burning a hole in Darkseid's feet makes me giggle.

I actually really love Eclipsed.  The mind control being spread so easily and casually is what makes it work as a Flash showcase.

Favorite episode for me is Wild Card.  Least favorite is Maid of Honor - it's a season 1 episode in season 2 (slow pacing and non-threatening villain).


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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2015, 11:36:43 PM »
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls

And so we come to My Little Barbie. 

So… when you go back to the resurgence of American animation in the 80s, basically what you find is that the Regan administration happened to loosen up a lot of the laws on programming aimed at children, meaning it was actually possible to make 22 minute toy commercials where it hadn’t been for something like 20 years (I’ve never formally looked up the laws involved, so don’t quote me on that, but I have seen just enough pre-60’s cartoons to know they had the same marketing bent as the Hasbro lines in the 80s).  What happened through the 90s, and we can almost directly attribute this to Batman TAS (although Warner Animation in general was responsible since other contributing factors were Tiny Toons/Animaniacs) is that cartoonists decided to make stuff they could be proud of and enjoy.  The relationship shifted from the toy line telling them what needed to be in the show and the writers going “uh sure we can work that in” to picking and choosing what elements they could expand on and make good while taking elements that weren’t fully workable and finding ways to marginalize them.

Equestria Girls has two major problems, and the foremost goes back to that concept.  Hasbro said to themselves “hey, other companies are actually finding a market niche for knockoff Barbies, we can finally get in on that action.”  Then some marketing team went over their properties and said “Yup, Friendship in Magic is by FAR the one that’ll draw the most money”, at which point they went to the writers who went “uh sure we can work that in”.  The whole thing is very jackhammered into the setting and comes off as very artificial because of it.  The idea seems to have been to try and wink at the audience enough to get them to brush it off, hence spending most of the movie on weird “yeaaah Twilight totally think she’s still a pony, hands are hard guys” humor.  And even then you had them clearly struggling with things like how to work 7 distinct outfits for each primary character into the movie with highlight scenes for each as dictated by marketing.

Descending from that to create the second problem though, the rest of the cast is the same as the pony cast… pre character development.  The human cast has issues that would have been strained and backslidy even in season 1, which logically follows because late-teenaged ponies are clearly full-fledged members of society in Equestria while in human land they’re, y’know, teenagers.  But being logically viable doesn’t make it any more fun to watch.  And sure, this is partly a personal thing; more developed characters can be placed in more sophisticated stories, I’m a sucker for ongoing continuity in my children’s cartoons, I dunno what to say there.

That’s not to say it’s all bad.  They made good use of the movie to address a small but important bit of Twilight’s season 4 arc and kick off her development ‘off-screen’ as it were.  It’s a doubt that has no real basis in reality, but that logically someone in her situation would have, and wouldn’t really be able to seek advice from her friends or mentor because it was so internal.  Thrust into a new situation as she was gave her an opportunity to learn the lesson on her own.  More important of course was Sunset Shimmer, who actually has a different dynamic for a character on the show and ties bits of the movie together that otherwise would just flounder.  I’m mostly glad I saw both existing movies before writing this up, because knowing that the next focuses more on her, and realistically what’s probably going to happen is she becomes the ‘main’ character of the human world stories going forward means they stand a good chance of being distinct but still quality.

Grade: 5/10.  While the seeds for a decent story are here, and they’re used better in the next movie, this one is overall somewhat tedious and never really comes together.
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2015, 02:28:13 AM »
Justice League Unlimited (Season 1)

I basically go by sets for these breakdowns, so JLU Season 1 encompasses what the internet tells me is actually two seasons, which DOES fit with how the season shakes down.  I gave definite consideration to following that just to give myself a second best episode vote, buuut I guess I should just follow the pattern I have.

So as previously discussed, Justice League had a goddamned amazing run of television between Twilight in JL Season 2 and Epilogue at the end of this season.  The most negative I have to say about it is individual bad episodes, and there ain't many of those.  JLU season 1 sees the fullest use of continuity in the DCAU, and it's glorious.  Everyone remembers the Cadmus arc of course, but it goes well beyond that.  Followups to Justice League episodes (Cadmus itself is one to For a Better World of course, but there's also ones for Starcrossed, Terror Beyond, Paradise Lost, Tabula Rasa, Twilight...), Batman Beyond writ large, the outright fucking continuity porn that is Epilogue itself... this season is a reward for the faithful, and yea it was good.

So CK Loves Continuity aside, what's going right here?  There's broadly two sorts of episodes going on.  Ones to highlight characters in the expanded roster and how the sheer might of the league is affecting the balance of the world, and ones showing the League as a whole struggling with the world's new perception of them.  So we got two things that lead to good stories: showing how new characters interact with established ones, and showing characters struggle with their own morality against the reality of their world.  Overall the first half has more of the first and is a bit weaker, but still has some amazing emotional moments.  And For the Man Who Has Everything, which is one of the best remembered episodes in the series and the only Alan Moore adaptation he's actually reputed to enjoy.   High praise indeed.

But naturally the major highlight of the season is Cadmus.  One of the things that always stood out to me about it is the entire arc feels out of place in a DC universe.  Like, guys, Superman is going to say fuck it and take over the world?  But they do put a lot of work into earning that fear (Continuity strikes again!) so it works for purposes of the story.  And watching Justice League from start to finish again does mitigate some of the "really Supes?  Overreact much?" aspects because you can actually see the entire story starting to weigh him down gradually.  Batman's interaction with Amanda Waller remains a highlight as well, although his calling the League out for... banishing Doomsday to the Phantom Zone of all damn things is still odd.  They do an excellent job ramping up as well.  Clash is great as the sort of breaking point, where everyone involved is Over This Shit and this happen.  Question Authority, Flashpoint, Panic in the Sky, and Divided We Fall are functionally a four part episode with steadily escalating action, great moments for every character involved, the amazing culmination of Flash's series-long character development, and surprisingly enough only the second time in the whole DCAU we see a villain die for keeps.  (sure, they MIGHT have brought Brainiac in a sufficiently long-running version of the show, but realistically it would be YEARS before they'd be willing to undo something as awesome as Flash destroyed Brainiac molecule by molecule after delivering multiple punches power by circumnavigating the globe.  You don't bring someone back from he dead casually after that.)  But...

Best Episode: The main contest here is between two unlikely candidates for me, Ultimatum and Epilogue.  Ultimatum is a combination of "Bruce Timm is a complete comic book history geek yo" and condensed tragedy, which is an excellent cross section of things.  But I gotta give it to Epilogue.  I know some folks don't care for making explicit what they feel worked better as unstated or symbolic, but I'm willing to allow it for the story moments it provided.  The teenaged Terry is likable and all that, but what they give us here is a chance to see a Terry that's spent half his life fighting the neverending battle, and struggling with just what he gave up to do that.  He's not burning for revenge or fighting to please people now, but the grinding realization that he doesn't have to actually die to give up his life to the cause and the turmoil he's trying to work through because of that is presented incredibly well here.  As well, the vignette with Ace is just great, a perfect summary of who Batman should be.

Weakest Episode: Initiation.  Just sorta tedious, in particular the needless character friction for Supergirl, Captain Atom, and Green Arrow, although it does the narrative job of introducing the expanded league that it needs to.

Grade: 9/10.  Yeah, I think I do like this more than Justice League Season 2.
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2015, 03:12:23 AM »
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Season 4)

Ah ah ah ah

Season 4, ie the one that pissed off the fanboys with Princesses.  But fuck those guys.  So instead, Season 4!  ie the one where the show fully shifts into predominantly continuity based storytelling with occasional slice of life rather than the other way around.  While for this show it was either that or start focussing way more on non-main characters at this stage in the game, it is nice to see such transitions.  The other major distinguishing mark of this season is that when it decided to go shonen, it went full on Dragon Ball Z which is honestly pretty amazing, but that's just me.

Anyway so I do want to note that the whole box thing is kinda... dumb.  As in specifically what is in the box is really dumb.  Why is there a castle and superpowers in a box.  Hopefully Season 5 does a bit better in justifying the whole thing than Twilight's Kingdom itself did.  However, Princess Twilight Sparkle and the five Key episodes are a reasonable backbone for the season as a whole, so in that respect the box is fine for tying the season together in this strange continuity-laden world.  Of course, there's not only another plot thread through various episodes, but it ties into an episode... IN THE PREVIOUS SEASON!  GASP.  The Equestria Games thread is kinda weird, especially since most of the season was actually done in 2013, while Equestria Games itself would have been summer 2014, meaning at no point did the buildup actually coincide with an actual Olympic Games.  Weird.  But it's a cute idea, and most of the tie-in episodes were decent.

The remaining episodes were uneven on the whole.  It includes some good ones like Filli Vanilli, or at least I really enjoy that one, but also two rather tedious CMC episodes and my least favorite episode of the season.  Season also has some just.. strange episodes.  What even with Bats! ?  I'm not sure what the inspiration was there.  Then again that immediately followed Power Ponies.  Between that and the superpower forms from the box...  Did... Hasbro like dump some of the paint your own pony designs on the writers and say "These gotta be in the episode"?  If so then I guess props for working them in as palatable a way as you could.

Best Episode: Oddly... I gotta give the nod to Testing Testing 1, 2, 3.  It's rare for aesop episodes to get my attention but... holy fuck that is a message that I am very, very happy to see.  The season has a lot of episodes that are solid to good, and among those being pretty decent while also being an immensely rare and also VITAL message like that is just enough to stand out a bit.

Weakest Episode: Simple Ways.  So anyone watching the show enough will probably tell you that the weakest combination of three characters is the CMC.  'cause y'know.  But for my money the weakest combination of two characters is Applejack and Rarity, because the writers seem incapable of giving them a dynamic beyond Country Gal/Prissy Pants culture clash that every combo episode between them since season 1 has featured with the same tedious bullshit each time.  Just, dammit, no.  Stop that.  Either don't make them feature together by themselves in episodes or give them an updated character dynamic that fits their more developed characters.  It doesn't have to be THAT different even.  Like, Castle Mane-ia, in part, had an Applejack/Rainbow Dash dynamic that was pretty similar to their season 1 episodes.  Except the conflict in those episodes was that they were taking it very personally, which isn't true in the Season 4 episode.  Just... yeah.  We're five seasons in, don't recycle old Season 1 scripts, you're not going to pull it off now.

Grade: 7/10.  Overall good, a small handful of weak episodes and no true standouts.  Probably slightly worse than season 3 overall, but not meaningfully so.
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2015, 05:36:49 AM »
JLU is worse than Season 2 to me, although it certainly has some great moments.  I think there's a couple of problems:

1) The shift to 30 minute episodes.  This wouldn't have been so bad if they were using the existing cast, but to try to introduce a new hero *and* wrap up a villainous plot is too much to cram into 30 minutes.

2) The existing JL are more interesting than the new second-stringers.  This results in the episodes with the old JL far outshining the new JL.

Best episode is the one where they are changed into babies.  Because it is totally babies.  Worst is the one with Hawk and Dove, because they are possibly the most boring superheroes ever made.


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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #17 on: April 20, 2015, 06:12:47 AM »
The opening episodes of JLU season 1 were pretty weak overall. A couple of second stringers they do focus on though did grow on me (Green Arrow and Question in particular are <3). It got gradually better once they reached the one with the Ultramen and you got to see more of Cadmus. Batman's bits with Waller were the highlight for me overall across the season. Like you get the feeling they want the same thing but they are clearly not seeing eye to eye on the issues, which is great. The speech she tells him when he interrupts her shower is particularly great IMO.

Agreed on Epilogue, which is IMO, the best episode of the whole season. Even though the action was relatively limited. Just a very poignant way of ending Batman Beyond as well as what Batman's reason for fighting is really about.
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2015, 12:14:28 AM »
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Sounds about right. I think I'm overall a bit softer on it than you (I like the dumb horse humor, what can I say?) Not much to say here otherwise though. The movie was a functional vehicle for what Hasbro wanted and the writers at least produced something vaguely entertaining. Plus, Shimmer is legit fun.

Though man, does her existence ever fuck with continuity. When was she Celestia's student? When was she kicked out? When did she use the mirror? How long has she been in the human world? How long has she been at that high school? >:|

My Little Pony: Rainbow Dash is Kind of an Asshole - Eh... I think the intergroup tensions are perfectly functional here, particularly given the villain plan. Definitely agreed that Shimmer was a high point and I'm kinda sad they didn't do a little more with her. Those "No offense"s she had to dish out needed a bigger pay-off. Songs were definitely better (all the Sirens' songs are fantastic and Let's Have a Battle (of the Bands) is beyond fantastic). The fanservice stuff was excellent.

I am a little surprised you liked the shorts so much, though. Didn't find them too particularly outstanding outside of Music to My Ears (which is great!).

My Little Pony S3 - No love for Magical Mystery Cure? I found that episode to be a pretty clean winner for "best episode of the season" for a number of reasons (nice, tight story concept, solid payoff, great use of the musical structure, great music in general). Magic Duel is a pretty excellent choice, though. Gets some more fun screentime for Zecora and Trixie coming back is nice. May she make a reappearance in S5.

Kinda disagree with your thoughts re: One Bad Apple. The point of these sorts of morals is to promote understanding as opposed to lashing out at people who are (or you feel are) wronging you. Of course, this gets into the territory that bully morals are always kinda hard, because the situations are so variable and any one answer is going to be ineffective.

Also, outside of S4, I have no idea where you get the impression children in Ponyville are that closely supervised. <_< CMC are out doing their own shit independently all the time.

My Little Pony S4 - This is a weird one. I agree with all your broad points, and utterly disagree with your episode choices. >_>

Definitely agreed that the random swap to full Shonen for one episode was fun. Everyone loves laser death battles, boys and girls, young and old alike. Though the Rainbow Power designs are awful and hope they never recur again. Ever. Please.

As far as episodes go, yeah. This season felt like it was more erratic. I'm actually pretty lukewarm on the season for most of the first quarter of the season, then things suddenly get quite good.

I think I like the CMC a lot better than you. I actually enjoyed most of their episodes this season and find their past episodes generally passable at worst. Flight to the Finish and For Whom the Sweetie Belle toils are nearer the top of my list for this season, and I unashamedly love Twilight Time for no good reason whatsoever. I can sorta understand disliking them (they do aim towards the kids thing pretty heavily in their episdes), but, on the whole, they've never really bugged me. Which two episodes did you find tedious, out of curiosity?

Kinda surprised to see Simple Ways hit the bottom for you (it is actually nearer the top for me). While it is, ostensibly, another exploration of the same dynamic they've been using with them, I think the fact that it focuses more on Rarity (and Trenderhoof's) complete inability to understand Applejack's lifestyle more than any direct conflict is interesting and covers a lot of fun concepts.

Also, this season had It Ain't Easy Being Breezy. Which is my choice for show worst episode by a mile. Fantastic moral, absolutely obnoxious and irritating episode.


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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2015, 05:22:21 AM »
Captain K- I think the only episodes I find dull for that reason are Initiation (which had other problems) and Hawk and Dove (which I can SOMEWHAT forgive because I am always a sucker for classical/norse mythology in my super hero stories.)  The others that focus a lot on introducing new characters are Fearful Symmetry, which has a lot else going on and further it's the Question who is great in JLU, and the Cat and the Canary, which I can see disliking but I got no problem with it.  Mmm.  I guess you could say Double Date fits that format too, and it ranges from cute to insufferable at various points so I guess I'm okay with it but maybe others can't stand it.

Andrew- I like Flight to the Finish actually, and Twilight Time is alright (stock message, but I can forgive the girls getting swept up that way and they do try to put a stop to things when they notice it going too far to their credit).  For Whom the Sweetie Bell Tolls and Somepony to Watch Over Me are the ones I find irritating, for opposite reasons.  Sweetie Bell is so vindictive in this episode it feels out of character and force for the sole purpose of the message.  Apple Bloom is actually good in her episode, but the stuff they have Applejack do for comedy is just a chore to sit through.

It Ain't Easy Being Breezy is miles better than Feeling Pinkie Keen.  I'm okay with it as an episode on its own merits, mostly owing to showing the struggle Fluttershy is having over the whole thing very well.  But in a Series Worst contest you'd have to do quite a lot to outsuck Feeling Pinkie Keen for me.
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2015, 07:00:11 PM »
Applejack out of character was extremely jarring. Of all the ponies, she has the sturdiest sense of self and rightness. Her devotion to family is definitely one of these things, but absolutely nothing leading up to that episode suggests she goes crazy as hats over protecting her sister. There is some precedent for going overboard for her family in general -- Apple Family Reunion -- but the face-sucking clinginess and eschewing work to pursue it made no sense.

It Ain't Easy Being Breezie: No, screw this episode. I can't forgive the squeaky high faux Irish accent. Why? Why would they do that? What POSSIBLE reason justifies speech like nails on a chalkboard? Sell toys all you want, Hasbro, but try to make me want to buy them. Unless their plan was to make me buy them solely so I can destroy them.

For Whom the Sweetie Bell Toils: I like Sweetie Belle more and more as the show goes on, and Luna has always been best princess, so this episode gets my thumbs up on the cast alone. I don't find it out of character for her to get so brutal; in fact, it's one of the first times I can recall (outside of Diamond Tiara) kids acting like kids, i.e., sociopaths. Sweetie Belle has had a complicated relationship with her sister the whole time, most notably in Sisterhooves Social. It makes perfect sense for her to lash out at her sister for stealing the spotlight (which would be an act of self-centeredness that is definitely in line with what SB hates about Rarity). She learns the appropriate lesson in the end.

Feeling Pinkie Keen: Not sure what it is you hate so much about this episode. I won't defend it heartily because it's not one of my favorites, but ... worse than Breezies?!

(Do you hate Pinkie Pie? Or really love her? Because either of those might explain it.)
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #21 on: April 22, 2015, 04:32:23 AM »
Feeling Pinkie Keen is mostly a shakey concept married to abysmal execution.  Pinkie's oddities driving Twilight nuts and causing her to investigate sorta makes sense, but immediately suffers from making Twi seem rather judgmental so it'd take excellent execution to avoid falling into that trap.  Instead the show immediately descends into the worst, most transparent fake psuedo-scientific gibberish, not even bothering to try and make Twilight's comments reflect actual methodical inquiry.  Twilight spends the entire episode sounding like an idiot, coming across as an asshole, while the show is trying to pretend she's a smart and rational person and that's why she's doing this.  Even allowing that she's supposed to look silly, the whole thing is a giant smack in the face for the audience's intelligence.
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #22 on: April 22, 2015, 03:45:58 PM »
Are you covering shows like Adventure Time and things like it? I'm a bit behind on that kind of stuff so I'd like to see opinions on it since no one I've talked to can really describe why they like it well.


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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #23 on: April 22, 2015, 05:49:40 PM »
I follow Adventure Time myself so yeah, I can definitely cover it.  For the most part pretty much anything goes if I can reasonably get access to it and it falls under the heading 'cartoon'.
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Re: CK's Cartoon Corner
« Reply #24 on: April 23, 2015, 03:54:03 AM »
Justice League Unlimited (Season 2)

Owing to some sort of printing error, I don't actually have the entirety of season 2.  So instead of offering up a season summary or grade, some thoughts on the individual episodes.

The Great Brain Robbery- A great deal of fun.  Because Luthor is evil, y'see.  Yes.  Luthor is pleased.  Mostly though this episode is the main setup for the series finale, and while it does highlight a bizarre issue the DCAU as a whole has, their seeming inability to effectively feature Green Lantern villains is pretty minor in the final analysis.

Grudge Match- What's fun about this one is that moment of dawning horror when Black Canary, Huntress, Vixen, and Shayera realize oh god we have to fight Wonder Woman now.  And Diana basically mops the floor with the lot of them.  Otherwise an unbashed sequel to Double Date, but stronger than that episode by a good margin. 

Far From Home- There's not really a lot to this episode except some odd questions I spent most of it mulling.  I suppose that at this stage they knew they weren't getting another season, hence writing Kara out of the show.  Because if not why exactly do you write out one of the very few characters carried over from previous series that you actually have permission to use?  Seems out of character for the show.  Also, exactly how much weaker is Kara supposed to be than Superman?  Like, John is explicitly called stronger than Supergirl, and while sure she's not as strong as Superman he's consistently been an order of magnitude stronger than anyone else on the show, even in the early going.  Why would she be that much weaker exactly?  I guess it could just be that the show does a poor job showing Green Lanterns as exceptionally strong in general (in general GL mythos seems to be a weak point of the DCAU writers, as noted earlier with Sinestro and Star Sapphire being b-plot characters even at their most prominent)?  Just weird.  And you think about that sort of stuff because the plot itself is pretty thin and Supergirl gets a way better showing back in Panic in the Sky.  Or Fearful Symmetry for that matter.

Ancient History- Cute callbacks guys.  Good ending overall; Hawkman realizing how stalkery and weird he's been and bowing out, John being straight about his feelings, and most especially "Tell me about my son".  Otherwise pretty danged forgettable.

Alive!- Best episode of the set.  JLU Season 2 is very much the villain season to start with, and at this stage they've used enough of them that they can carry an episode pretty handily.  All fightan no waitan.  Then at the end Darkseid's return to Apokolips is downright chilling.  We are SCREWED I tell you S.C.R.E.W.E.D.

Destroyer- This is basically what Final Crisis was like except with Mind-Slaves right?  Which is funny because I'm pretty sure Final Crisis didn't actually come out until a year or so after this aired.  But yeah, here's some perspective for this episode.  One of the features on the dvd is... playing this episode with only the music tracks.  Hell of a way to close out the series, with the last standing major villains taking each other out, and the Adventure Continues.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.