The RPG Duelling League
Social Forums => General Chat => Topic started by: Ayra on September 08, 2008, 03:18:39 PM
Every Monday morning I come here to read the "behind the scenes" writeup, the previous week results and vote on the new matches. There's always tons of entertaining writeups, huge statistics topics about most games, good discussions on the forums about the matchups...
I know it's a lot of work and effort, so as a casual voter that doesn't contribute anything but simple votes (That are often wrong or misguided since I don't exactly understand everything in those stat topics, or didn't think when I made my vote about some factors of the battles), I want to give a big thank you :)
*Nods* Always glad to see fans come here and give feedback!
Welcome! Don't be afraid to join the discussions and contribute to stat topics yourself.
If you have any questions on stat topics, people are generally more than happy to answer them. Also, updates are usually up on Fridays, so you don't have to wait until Mondays, unless you face the evils of spotty internet connections. But yes, welcome!