The RPG Duelling League
RPG Debate => RPGDL Discussion => Topic started by: Pyro on October 25, 2008, 06:02:41 AM
Empyrea, Fenril, MOMO, Imoen vs. Zenon, Millenia, Zidane, Chisato.
Heavy/Godlike: X-Death, Rashidi, Ness, Rolf, Fenril, Millenia
Middle/Heavy: Sarah (S3), Mary, Menardi, MOMO, Zidane
Light/Middle: Diego, Rassius, Red Wizard, Feraligatr, Imoen, Chisato
Team Empy's my kneejerk.
Pools: H/G- Rolf>Rashidi>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Millenia>X-Death>Fenril
M/H- Zidane=Dryst>MOMO>Menardi>Sarah>Mary
Dryst/MOMO is arguble but eh, think his physical's good enough there. This pool is so, so bad.
L/M: RW>Imoen>Diego>>Chisato>Ras
Think Zenon wins this. Millenia's SBE should take care of Empyrea's speed... Then Zenon smash MOMO and Zidane deals with Fenril (Doom hype and all that). Chisato can add damage against anyone. Think they can pretty much ignore Imoen for now.
Empyrea, Fenril, MOMO, Imoen vs. Zenon, Millenia, Zidane, Chisato.
Gut. Empyrea kills Millenia and it goes downhill from there. Imoen can probably help more by buffing her team as the enemy is status/mages. Zidane tries to disable someone, Chisato deals with Imoen and Zenon goes on the offensive... but whoever Zidane didn't go for and Empyrea get to act at this point and it goes downhill badly from here.
Team Empyrea, I imagine.
Empyrea one-rounds Millenia with ease. MOMO confuses Zidane. After that, Empy seems to have way better help than Zenon despite them being the losers. Go figure.
I'm not so certain Empyrea kills Millenia in time. Her first action is likely before Millenia, sure, but there's decent odds that both her actions won't be before Millenia. (EDIT: Okay my recollection was off on this one. Oh, well.) However, it doesn't actually matter, because Empyrea + Fenril can certainly 2HKO Millenia, and Fenril isn't that slow. As others have noted, once Millenia dies, team Zenon is extremely screwed (not knowing Zenon, but knowing that it lost to Empyrea before in a duel means that things won't go better here.)
Re the pools:
I think Millenia loses to Exdeath? I have some Exdeath HP respect, so I'm not sure SBE-> 2 Fallen Wings will do the job here (since Claws is bad due to Exdeath being multipart).
Rashidi loses to everybody, even if you have HP respect for him. Sure, his first action is fast, but he's not OHKOing anyone here, and the other side's first action should seal the deal for everyone else. (Okay, I guess he might beat Exdeath, depending on how you see OB turns-> normal RPG turns. I don't have Rashidi HP respect so the point is moot.) It's especially clear cut for Fenril - a team of 5 Fenrils all mysteriously in the front row vs. Rashidi are going to wipe the floor with him after his first turn even with no Tarot Cards.
I didn't play PS2 endgame so I can't say for sure, but Megid is holy elemental, right? Fenril has pretty decent Holy Resist (stat topic says .5, and the average of 44.7 sounds a little high to me), so it sounds like she might have a shot of taking down Rolf.
Imoen beats Red Wizard I think? She doesn't care about Ruse, and her status gets around RW's healing. Even if RW 2HKOs, she's got a good shot.
Snowfire: Her doubleacts are locked together.
H/G- XDeath>Rolf>Ness>Rashidi>Millenia>Fenril
M/H- Menardi>Zidane>Dryst>MOMO>Mary>Sarah
Sarah is a borderline L/M. Mary is also marginally better, I think. Both of them would be beaten by both our Light finalists, I think.
L/M: Imoen beats everyone left thanks to Stoneskin or anti-ST magic. Chisato beats everyone but Rassius, who has like 3+ PC HP Pdur. Rassius then beats everyone. Feralgatr beats the final two, and then Diego beats RW, I think.
Imoen 4-1
Chisato 4-1
Rassius 4-1
Feralgatr 2-3
Diego 1-4
Red Wizard 0-5
Oh, pools. H/G is... uh... Millenia vs. X-Death for me! Whoever goes first wins. Probably will end up voting Millenia; if people can consider Auto-Haste at all in FF9, which is on some optional accessories and needs to be learned, then it seems like there's a good case to factor in FF5's storebought double-speed-and-blocks-most-status-Ribbon-doesn't equip.
M/H fails so much.
L/M has Diego countering Chisato, everyone beating RW. Need to look up Fera's exact damage and what Chisato can do about water, but guessing he'll sweep the pool.
Worst pools ever.
Need to look up Fera's exact damage and what Chisato can do about water, but guessing he'll sweep the pool.
Chisato can halve Water with storebought equipment, and probably as importantly, can dish out 9500 Thunder damage (And 38000 SO 2 damage should handily 2HKO Feral).
9500 Thunder damage is a 3HKO, but yeah, with water halving that's certainly good for a win.
Well, technically that 9500 is 19000 against Feraligatr!
Team Zenon > Team Empyrea, because Zenon's hitting the entire opposing team with his damage during the "pick off the support" phase of the fight and no one on team Empyrea is doing the same. (Well, Imoen could in theory with Chaos, but that's hard to do when Zidane has stoned you or when Millenia has SBE'd you, depending on which one lived to see a turn.)
Not touching the pools for now.