The RPG Duelling League

RPG Debate => Tournaments => Music Tournament => Topic started by: Yakumo on April 23, 2009, 09:36:49 AM

Title: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Round 2, Pools 13&14~
Post by: Yakumo on April 23, 2009, 09:36:49 AM
Only two pools remain in the second round, and here's the first of them for you all!  This pool will close in five days at midnight EST on Tuesday, April 28.

Main Title (Orchestral) (Panzer Dragoon) ( vs. Terrible-Monster Attacking Crew! (Wild ARMs 5) (
A Despair-Filled Farewell ~ Battle with the Colossus~ (Shadow of the Colossus) ( vs. Thema der Irismaschinen (RozenKreuzStillette) (
Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) ( vs. Karma (Tales of the Abyss) (
Murdering Princess (Wild ARMs ACF) ( vs. The Mountain of No Return (Wild ARMs 5) (

ICARO (Acoustic) (Shadow Hearts 3) ( vs. Into the Wilderness (Wild ARMs) (
Men of War (Breath of Fire IV) ( vs. Calling (The World Ends With You) (
Promised Pain (Xenosaga 3) ( vs. Mecha Dragon (Megaman 2: The Power Fighters) (
Prelude of Battle (Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song) ( vs. Cosmos (Dissidia) (

Eternity (Blue Dragon) ( vs. Gale (Chrono Cross) (

XTC (Witchblade) ( vs. Read or Die Theme (Read or Die OVA) (
Uninstall (Bokurano) ( vs. Aura (.hack//SIGN) (

Download links! and
Title: Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Round 2, Pools 13&14~
Post by: Tonfa on April 23, 2009, 02:42:37 PM
Main Title (Orchestral) (Panzer Dragoon) vs. Terrible-Monster Attacking Crew! (Wild ARMs 5)
A Despair-Filled Farewell ~ Battle with the Colossus~ (Shadow of the Colossus) vs. Thema der Irismaschinen (RozenKreuzStillette)
Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Karma (Tales of the Abyss)
Murdering Princess (Wild ARMs ACF) vs. The Mountain of No Return (Wild ARMs 5)

ICARO (Acoustic) (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Into the Wilderness (Wild ARMs)
Men of War (Breath of Fire IV) vs. Calling (The World Ends With You)
Promised Pain (Xenosaga 3) vs. Mecha Dragon (Megaman 2: The Power Fighters)
Prelude of Battle (Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song) vs. Cosmos (Dissidia)

Eternity (Blue Dragon) vs. Gale (Chrono Cross)

XTC (Witchblade) vs. Read or Die Theme (Read or Die OVA): I actually had to listen to both again, but that's because I had completely forgotten them.
Uninstall (Bokurano) vs. Aura (.hack//SIGN)

Hello (almost) zero effort pool.
Title: Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Round 2, Pools 13&14~
Post by: TranceHime on April 23, 2009, 02:59:10 PM

Main Title (Orchestral) (Panzer Dragoon) vs. Terrible-Monster Attacking Crew! (Wild ARMs 5)
A Despair-Filled Farewell ~ Battle with the Colossus~ (Shadow of the Colossus) vs. Thema der Irismaschinen (RozenKreuzStillette)
Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Karma (Tales of the Abyss)
Murdering Princess (Wild ARMs ACF) vs. The Mountain of No Return (Wild ARMs 5)

ICARO (Acoustic) (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Into the Wilderness (Wild ARMs)
Men of War (Breath of Fire IV) vs. Calling (The World Ends With You)
Promised Pain (Xenosaga 3) vs. Mecha Dragon (Megaman 2: The Power Fighters)
Prelude of Battle (Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song) vs. Cosmos (Dissidia)

Eternity (Blue Dragon) vs. Gale (Chrono Cross)

XTC (Witchblade) vs. Read or Die Theme (Read or Die OVA)
Uninstall (Bokurano) vs. Aura (.hack//SIGN)
Title: Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Round 2, Pools 13&14~
Post by: Cmdr_King on April 23, 2009, 05:06:54 PM
Main Title (Orchestral) (Panzer Dragoon) vs. Terrible-Monster Attacking Crew! (Wild ARMs 5)
A Despair-Filled Farewell ~ Battle with the Colossus~ (Shadow of the Colossus) vs. Thema der Irismaschinen (RozenKreuzStillette)
Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Karma (Tales of the Abyss)
Murdering Princess (Wild ARMs ACF) vs. The Mountain of No Return (Wild ARMs 5)

ICARO (Acoustic) (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Into the Wilderness (Wild ARMs)
Men of War (Breath of Fire IV) vs. Calling (The World Ends With You)
Promised Pain (Xenosaga 3) vs. Mecha Dragon (Megaman 2: The Power Fighters)
Prelude of Battle (Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song) vs. Cosmos (Dissidia)

Eternity (Blue Dragon) vs. Gale (Chrono Cross)- Hum.  Yeha, sure, saves time.

XTC (Witchblade) vs. Read or Die Theme (Read or Die OVA)
Uninstall (Bokurano) vs. Aura (.hack//SIGN)
Title: Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Round 2, Pools 13&14~
Post by: VySaika on April 23, 2009, 05:29:19 PM
Main Title (Orchestral) (Panzer Dragoon) vs. Terrible-Monster Attacking Crew! (Wild ARMs 5)
A Despair-Filled Farewell ~ Battle with the Colossus~ (Shadow of the Colossus) vs. Thema der Irismaschinen (RozenKreuzStillette)
Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Karma (Tales of the Abyss)
Murdering Princess (Wild ARMs ACF) vs. The Mountain of No Return (Wild ARMs 5)

ICARO (Acoustic) (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Into the Wilderness (Wild ARMs)
Men of War (Breath of Fire IV)vs. Calling (The World Ends With You)
Promised Pain (Xenosaga 3) vs. Mecha Dragon (Megaman 2: The Power Fighters)
Prelude of Battle (Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song) vs. Cosmos (Dissidia)

Eternity (Blue Dragon) vs. Gale (Chrono Cross)
Title: Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Round 2, Pools 13&14~
Post by: Sierra on April 23, 2009, 05:48:06 PM
Main Title (Orchestral) (Panzer Dragoon) vs. Terrible-Monster Attacking Crew! (Wild ARMs 5)
A Despair-Filled Farewell ~ Battle with the Colossus~ (Shadow of the Colossus) vs. Thema der Irismaschinen (RozenKreuzStillette)
Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Karma (Tales of the Abyss)
Murdering Princess (Wild ARMs ACF) vs. The Mountain of No Return (Wild ARMs 5)

ICARO (Acoustic) (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Into the Wilderness (Wild ARMs)
Men of War (Breath of Fire IV) vs. Calling (The World Ends With You): Don't care. Both are totally mediocre.
Promised Pain (Xenosaga 3) vs. Mecha Dragon (Megaman 2: The Power Fighters)
Prelude of Battle (Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song) vs. Cosmos (Dissidia)

Eternity (Blue Dragon) vs. Gale (Chrono Cross): Dark horse vote.

XTC (Witchblade) vs. Read or Die Theme (Read or Die OVA)
Uninstall (Bokurano) vs. Aura (.hack//SIGN)
Title: Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Round 2, Pools 13&14~
Post by: Lance on April 24, 2009, 01:30:43 AM
Main Title (Orchestral) (Panzer Dragoon) vs. Terrible-Monster Attacking Crew! (Wild ARMs 5)
A Despair-Filled Farewell ~ Battle with the Colossus~ (Shadow of the Colossus) vs. Thema der Irismaschinen (RozenKreuzStillette)
Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Karma (Tales of the Abyss) - On an unrelated note, "Bump of Chicken" may be the best band name ever.
Murdering Princess (Wild ARMs ACF) vs. The Mountain of No Return (Wild ARMs 5) - One of WA5's best, and probably my favorite track in this pool.

ICARO (Acoustic) (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Into the Wilderness (Wild ARMs)
Men of War (Breath of Fire IV) vs. Calling (The World Ends With You)
Promised Pain (Xenosaga 3) vs. Mecha Dragon (Megaman 2: The Power Fighters)
Prelude of Battle (Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song) vs. Cosmos (Dissidia) - Closest match of the pool, but Cosmos is really starting to grow on me. It's probably the only track here that can hold a candle to Mountain of No Return.

Eternity (Blue Dragon) vs. Gale (Chrono Cross)

XTC (Witchblade) vs. Read or Die Theme (Read or Die OVA)
Uninstall (Bokurano) vs. Aura (.hack//SIGN)
Title: Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Round 2, Pools 13&14~
Post by: SnowFire on April 24, 2009, 04:11:45 AM
Mm.  A few really good tracks, but the rest are somewhat meh in these pools.

Main Title (Orchestral) (Panzer Dragoon) vs. Terrible-Monster Attacking Crew! (Wild ARMs 5) - Huh.  I'm not sure the PD piece really gets anywhere, so the crew wins again.
A Despair-Filled Farewell ~ Battle with the Colossus~ (Shadow of the Colossus) vs. Thema der Irismaschinen (RozenKreuzStillette) - Irismaschien antivote.
Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Karma (Tales of the Abyss) - I might have been tempted by American Karma, but as is, no.
Murdering Princess (Wild ARMs ACF) vs. The Mountain of No Return (Wild ARMs 5) - The princess never returned.  Not particularly close.

ICARO (Acoustic) (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Into the Wilderness (Wild ARMs) - Both are excellent, so tossing a vote to the apparent underdog.
Men of War (Breath of Fire IV) vs. Calling (The World Ends With You)
Promised Pain (Xenosaga 3) vs. Mecha Dragon (Megaman 2: The Power Fighters) - Promised Pain is awesome.
Prelude of Battle (Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song) vs. Cosmos (Dissidia) - Sure.

Eternity (Blue Dragon) vs. Gale (Chrono Cross) - Much as I'd like to humor vote Eternity...  it's Gale.  No snarky comments.  Just sadness. :-(

XTC (Witchblade) vs. Read or Die Theme (Read or Die OVA) - XTC won?  Well this match is easy then.
Uninstall (Bokurano) vs. Aura (.hack//SIGN) - Uninstall won?  Well this match is really easy then.
Title: Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Round 2, Pools 13&14~
Post by: hinode on April 24, 2009, 05:00:44 AM
Uninstall (Bokurano) vs. Aura (.hack//SIGN) - Might get to other stuff later, but I actually recognized both of these previously.
Title: Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Round 2, Pools 13&14~
Post by: Talaysen on April 24, 2009, 06:08:43 AM
Main Title (Orchestral) (Panzer Dragoon) vs. Terrible-Monster Attacking Crew! (Wild ARMs 5)
A Despair-Filled Farewell ~ Battle with the Colossus~ (Shadow of the Colossus) vs. Thema der Irismaschinen (RozenKreuzStillette)
Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Karma (Tales of the Abyss)
Murdering Princess (Wild ARMs ACF) vs. The Mountain of No Return (Wild ARMs 5)

ICARO (Acoustic) (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Into the Wilderness (Wild ARMs)
Men of War (Breath of Fire IV) vs. Calling (The World Ends With You)
Promised Pain (Xenosaga 3) vs. Mecha Dragon (Megaman 2: The Power Fighters)
Prelude of Battle (Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song) vs. Cosmos (Dissidia)

Eternity (Blue Dragon) vs. Gale (Chrono Cross)

XTC (Witchblade) vs. Read or Die Theme (Read or Die OVA)
Uninstall (Bokurano) vs. Aura (.hack//SIGN)
Title: Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Round 2, Pools 13&14~
Post by: Idun on April 24, 2009, 04:35:28 PM
Main Title (Orchestral) (Panzer Dragoon) vs. Terrible-Monster Attacking Crew! (Wild ARMs 5) - Not really impressed by the music there.
A Despair-Filled Farewell ~ Battle with the Colossus~ (Shadow of the Colossus) vs. Thema der Irismaschinen (RozenKreuzStillette) - Expected beauty.
Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Karma (Tales of the Abyss) - Too low of a song for me for it to win.
Murdering Princess (Wild ARMs ACF) vs. The Mountain of No Return (Wild ARMs 5) - Muuuch better.

ICARO (Acoustic) (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Into the Wilderness (Wild ARMs)
Men of War (Breath of Fire IV) vs. Calling (The World Ends With You) - Again, no comp. Though they're both fairly short and repetitive.
Promised Pain (Xenosaga 3) vs. Mecha Dragon (Megaman 2: The Power Fighters) - XENOSAGA 3 <33333333
Prelude of Battle (Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song) vs. Cosmos (Dissidia)  - I liked Cosmos, but the male's voice sort of killed it for me.

Eternity (Blue Dragon) vs. Gale (Chrono Cross) - Uh?

XTC (Witchblade) vs. Read or Die Theme (Read or Die OVA) - Difficult choice, but I liked the flow of this better.
Uninstall (Bokurano) vs. Aura (.hack//SIGN) - Win.
Title: Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Round 2, Pools 13&14~
Post by: dude789 on April 25, 2009, 12:55:28 AM
Main Title (Orchestral) (Panzer Dragoon) vs. Terrible-Monster Attacking Crew! (Wild ARMs 5)
A Despair-Filled Farewell ~ Battle with the Colossus~ (Shadow of the Colossus) vs. Thema der Irismaschinen (RozenKreuzStillette)
Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Karma (Tales of the Abyss)
Murdering Princess (Wild ARMs ACF) vs. The Mountain of No Return (Wild ARMs 5)

ICARO (Acoustic) (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Into the Wilderness (Wild ARMs)
Men of War (Breath of Fire IV) vs. Calling (The World Ends With You)
Promised Pain (Xenosaga 3) vs. Mecha Dragon (Megaman 2: The Power Fighters)
Prelude of Battle (Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song) vs. Cosmos (Dissidia)

Eternity (Blue Dragon) vs. Gale (Chrono Cross)

XTC (Witchblade) vs. Read or Die Theme (Read or Die OVA)
Uninstall (Bokurano) vs. Aura (.hack//SIGN)
Title: Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Round 2, Pools 13&14~
Post by: Niu on April 25, 2009, 07:46:32 AM
Main Title (Orchestral) (Panzer Dragoon) vs. Terrible-Monster Attacking Crew! (Wild ARMs 5)
A Despair-Filled Farewell ~ Battle with the Colossus~ (Shadow of the Colossus) vs. Thema der Irismaschinen (RozenKreuzStillette)
Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Karma (Tales of the Abyss)
Murdering Princess (Wild ARMs ACF) vs. The Mountain of No Return (Wild ARMs 5)

ICARO (Acoustic) (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Into the Wilderness (Wild ARMs)
Men of War (Breath of Fire IV) vs. Calling (The World Ends With You)
Promised Pain (Xenosaga 3) vs. Mecha Dragon (Megaman 2: The Power Fighters)
Prelude of Battle (Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song) vs. Cosmos (Dissidia)
Title: Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Round 2, Pools 13&14~
Post by: WanderingMind on April 28, 2009, 04:13:32 AM
Main Title (Orchestral) (Panzer Dragoon) vs. Terrible-Monster Attacking Crew! (Wild ARMs 5)
A Despair-Filled Farewell ~ Battle with the Colossus~ (Shadow of the Colossus) vs. Thema der Irismaschinen (RozenKreuzStillette)
Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Karma (Tales of the Abyss)
Murdering Princess (Wild ARMs ACF) vs. The Mountain of No Return (Wild ARMs 5)

ICARO (Acoustic) (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Into the Wilderness (Wild ARMs)
Men of War (Breath of Fire IV) vs. Calling (The World Ends With You)
Promised Pain (Xenosaga 3) vs. Mecha Dragon (Megaman 2: The Power Fighters)
Prelude of Battle (Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song) vs. Cosmos (Dissidia)

Eternity (Blue Dragon) vs. Gale (Chrono Cross)

XTC (Witchblade) vs. Read or Die Theme (Read or Die OVA)
Uninstall (Bokurano) vs. Aura (.hack//SIGN)
Title: Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Round 2, Pools 13&14~
Post by: Yakumo on April 28, 2009, 04:33:55 AM
One more day left in this pool, get your votes in now!
Title: Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Round 2, Pools 13&14~
Post by: superaielman on April 28, 2009, 01:08:39 PM
Main Title (Orchestral) (Panzer Dragoon) vs. Terrible-Monster Attacking Crew! (Wild ARMs 5)
A Despair-Filled Farewell ~ Battle with the Colossus~ (Shadow of the Colossus) vs. Thema der Irismaschinen (RozenKreuzStillette)
Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Karma (Tales of the Abyss)[/b]
Murdering Princess (Wild ARMs ACF) vs. The Mountain of No Return (Wild ARMs 5)

ICARO (Acoustic) (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Into the Wilderness (Wild ARMs)
Men of War (Breath of Fire IV) vs. Calling (The World Ends With You)
Promised Pain (Xenosaga 3) vs. Mecha Dragon (Megaman 2: The Power Fighters)
Prelude of Battle (Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song) vs. Cosmos (Dissidia)

Eternity (Blue Dragon) vs. Gale (Chrono Cross)

XTC (Witchblade) vs. Read or Die Theme (Read or Die OVA)
Uninstall (Bokurano) vs. Aura (.hack//SIGN)
Title: Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Round 2, Pools 13&14~
Post by: Random Consonant on April 28, 2009, 05:30:24 PM
Main Title (Orchestral) (Panzer Dragoon) vs. Terrible-Monster Attacking Crew! (Wild ARMs 5)

A Despair-Filled Farewell ~ Battle with the Colossus~ (Shadow of the Colossus) vs. Thema der Irismaschinen (RozenKreuzStillette)

Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) vs. Karma (Tales of the Abyss)

Murdering Princess (Wild ARMs ACF) vs. The Mountain of No Return (Wild ARMs 5)

ICARO (Acoustic) (Shadow Hearts 3) vs. Into the Wilderness (Wild ARMs)

Men of War (Breath of Fire IV) vs. Calling (The World Ends With You)

Promised Pain (Xenosaga 3) vs. Mecha Dragon (Megaman 2: The Power Fighters)

Prelude of Battle (Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song) vs. Cosmos (Dissidia)

Eternity (Blue Dragon) vs. Gale (Chrono Cross)

XTC (Witchblade) vs. Read or Die Theme (Read or Die OVA)

Uninstall (Bokurano) vs. Aura (.hack//SIGN)
Title: Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Round 2, Pools 13&14~
Post by: Yakumo on April 29, 2009, 02:58:21 PM
Results!  I broke the ties myself this time since I fell asleep midday yesterday and didn't get up in time to actually vote. ;_;

Main Title (Orchestral) (Panzer Dragoon) [2] vs. Terrible-Monster Attacking Crew! (Wild ARMs 5) [10]
A Despair-Filled Farewell ~ Battle with the Colossus~ (Shadow of the Colossus) [6] vs. Thema der Irismaschinen (RozenKreuzStillette) [6, tiebreak by me]
Main Theme (Orchestral) (Parasite Eve) [12] vs. Karma (Tales of the Abyss) [1]
Murdering Princess (Wild ARMs ACF) [5] vs. The Mountain of No Return (Wild ARMs 5) [7]

ICARO (Acoustic) (Shadow Hearts 3) [3] vs. Into the Wilderness (Wild ARMs) [10]
Men of War (Breath of Fire IV) [6] vs. Calling (The World Ends With You) [7]
Promised Pain (Xenosaga 3) [8] vs. Mecha Dragon (Megaman 2: The Power Fighters) [5]
Prelude of Battle (Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song) [6] vs. Cosmos (Dissidia) [6, tiebreak by me]

Eternity (Blue Dragon) [5] vs. Gale (Chrono Cross) [7]

XTC (Witchblade) [6] vs. Read or Die Theme (Read or Die OVA) [4]
Uninstall (Bokurano) [4] vs. Aura (.hack//SIGN) [6]