The RPG Duelling League
Social Forums => General Chat => Topic started by: Lezard Valeth on May 23, 2009, 02:44:32 PM
So what's your opinion on it. Mine is it's so so but since its the only true Crossover (1) S-RPG its better than nothing.
Here is the link.
(1) Pardon the error.
>Chaos Wars
>Only True S-RPG
Well, Chaos Wars had a good battle concept... but it wasn't executed very well.
Blame Idea Factory.
Ew, it has BoF5 movement system? No.
You posted a Chaos Wars topic and no gay Yuri? That's the best part of the game.
Played it. Was fine, nothing special, but playable. Was sad that Yuri doesn't know Alice, but it allowed them to play off each other again. Hiro was also fun.
The game has a problem with required characters though. It wouldn't be bad if leveling were a little faster, but it isn't. For the talk about skill mutation, you're ALWAYS better off locking skills and buying new ones instead of letting skills mutate. The skill comboing IS nice, but it costs a Super bar, which is sometimes better off used for a Super move. If you know what you're doing though by midgame you can combo super moves pretty easily.
Yuri is totally broken, Alice is broken, Koyuki is broken, Hiro is slightly broken. Grave, Okita, and the main character are good. Most characters are usable if you focus on building them, but with 5 people normally allowed in the party and 8 or 9 people being required characters at certain points of the game, it's best not to use more than one of those extra people. Fortunately, it only requires one or two at most in a given battle so you can make up for their weaknesses with your normal party, but there's a battle lategame which requires 3 that would be a bitch if you don't use any of them.
The game has little challenge until the last chapter, of which is... pretty damn good, actually. I had resets on a few battles there, and the final took me three tries.
Trance gets it right. Total IF game. Great concepts, mediocre to poor execution.
I knew that was going to show up eventually. Surprised it took this long.
Is it Stat Topic-able?
I mean, alternate form for SH2 characters and Alice could be cool.
Is it Stat Topic-able?
I mean, alternate form for SH2 characters and Alice could be cool.
Only if you're masochistic. I'd be prepared for pain. Lots and lots of pain.
I have a cool idea, let's talk about Beyond the Beyond next time.
I have a cool idea, let's talk about Beyond the Beyond next time.
Ugh. At least Chaos Wars is playable.
Then let's talk about Hoshigami instead? The only game where getting the best ending is easier in a solo challenge than by actually trying to use a full party.
Wait, what?
That actually makes me want to play Hoshigami a little. Just to see the broken.
Explain this?
Also, change the title of this topic from 'Chaos Wars' to 'Let's talk about bad games'. >.>;;
It's not so much broken as an extreme case of level as the God Stat.
Yeah, from what I recall a three or four level difference makes the character with the higher level essentially untouchable. And the max level for each plot encounter is fixed, so you can just grind a little above that and Fazz is like unto a cheesy god. The best ending just involves having all of the plot characters alive at the end of the game, so you never use any of them but the main (because good compatability, a one level advantage, and three attacks in a round (or just being weak to magic) can lead to plot characters being effectively one shotted in a game with permadeath.
Hoshigami v Stella Deus
Which is better?
Hoshi, Super has beaten Hoshi.
No, I didn't beat Hoshi. Neither game is worth playing.
It's funny, I should feel gypped for beating both games twice (And I finished the Hoshi DS remake once) but for some reason I don't.
Even if the two games suck beyond belief (though I KINDA liked Stella Deus's characters. Kinda)
Well, maybe it is my tendency towards shitty games.
Oh well, Hoshi still has caused more direct pain for you Super, that makes it better.
From what I understand, Stella Deus is Hoshi, but its remotely playable.
By which I mean people who aren't me can actually stomach the game enough to play it without gouging their eyes out. Somehow, I have immense tolerance for fail, hence how I actually got through Hoshi...
...I also regret doing that too.
From what I understand, Stella Deus is Hoshi, but its remotely playable.
By which I mean people who aren't me can actually stomach the game enough to play it without gouging their eyes out. Somehow, I have immense tolerance for fail, hence how I actually got through Hoshi...
...I also regret doing that too.
If your tolerance for fail is "immense" because you got through Hoshi... (well, and ; ; too)
I guess I'd just be a blithering idiot.
And Stella Deus is Hoshi except with stupid retardedly annoying method of gear improvement
Hey, let's go grind a single dungeon to get 64 copies of the same item and use them all to make a super item.
Speaking of horrible game design, I was messing around Lunar DS yesterday. (Reason: I recently lost a Japanese DS game when it fell out of my pocket. Now I'm paranoid about bringing extra DS games with me unless they are safely in the DS itself. I figured if I lost Lunar DS, I wouldn't be that sad.)
Anyway, so we were travelling and my friend (the driver) had the window down. I quickly discovered that even with low-sensitivity set on the DS mic, Lunar DS interpreted even the slightest touch of moving air as a mic command.
Lunar DS uses the mic for one purpose - to escape battles. This led to a horrible series of events while I was in a dungeon where I would run into a monster, start putting in commands when suddenly the message 'escape failed' would appear and I'd be stuck standing there getting pummeled by beasts. Died twice before I even realized why it was making me run away. Closed the window and the problem was fixed, but my friend and I decided the open window was better than anything the game had to offer.
Also, after a long string of bosses, I ended up facing a -bigger- boss, followed by a long string of cutscenes that took me to various locations, then into a solo battle against what was obviously a scripted loss... I mean, I didn't even get a chance to heal or save... so of course, game over.
So much wrong with this game.
Speaking of horrible game design, I was messing around Lunar DS yesterday. (Reason: I recently lost a Japanese DS game when it fell out of my pocket. Now I'm paranoid about bringing extra DS games with me unless they are safely in the DS itself. I figured if I lost Lunar DS, I wouldn't be that sad.)
Anyway, so we were travelling and my friend (the driver) had the window down. I quickly discovered that even with low-sensitivity set on the DS mic, Lunar DS interpreted even the slightest touch of moving air as a mic command.
Lunar DS uses the mic for one purpose - to escape battles. This led to a horrible series of events while I was in a dungeon where I would run into a monster, start putting in commands when suddenly the message 'escape failed' would appear and I'd be stuck standing there getting pummeled by beasts. Died twice before I even realized why it was making me run away. Closed the window and the problem was fixed, but my friend and I decided the open window was better than anything the game had to offer.
Also, after a long string of bosses, I ended up facing a -bigger- boss, followed by a long string of cutscenes that took me to various locations, then into a solo battle against what was obviously a scripted loss... I mean, I didn't even get a chance to heal or save... so of course, game over.
So much wrong with this game.
Sounds like you managed to find a way to improve the game.
"Not playing it?"
Not being able to control it and then just dieing. It beats playing Lunar DS properly.