The RPG Duelling League

RPG Debate => RPGDL Discussion => Topic started by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 11, 2009, 05:51:55 AM

Title: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 11, 2009, 05:51:55 AM

Zophar (Lunar:EBC) vs Shania (SH3)
Jade (BoF1) vs Rubicant (FF4)
Ice Queen Avril (WA5) vs Terra Branford (FF6)
Souji Seta (P4) vs Yuna (FFX)


Ness (EB) vs Nina (BoF1)
Tana (FE8) vs Yuki (G3)
Chie Satonaka (P4) vs Agrias Oaks (FFT)
Demi (PS4) vs Carlie (SD3)


Rudy Roughknight (WA1) vs Rena Lanford (SO2)
Junpei Iori (P3) vs Scythe Riebauer (WA4)
Axl (MMXCM) vs Rauny Vinzalf (OB)
Raijin (FF8) vs Cador (Brig)


Tempest (L:SSSC) vs Aeris Gainsbourgh (FF7)
Nina (BoF3) vs Aguro (L1)
Connie (S3) vs Chu-Chu (XG)
Garet (GS) vs Kahn (BoF4)
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Dhyerwolf on July 11, 2009, 06:03:14 AM

Zophar (Lunar:EBC) vs Shania (SH3)
Jade (BoF1) vs Rubicant (FF4)- Rubicant would take it for me without ChillX
Ice Queen Avril (WA5) vs Terra Branford (FF6)
Souji Seta (P4) vs Yuna (FFX)- Auto-Sukukaja is very easy to get on Yoshi. Yoshi is faster. Go first, OHKO.


Ness (EB) vs Nina (BoF1)- Hmm, how good is Nina at keeping up that Paralysis lock in game?
Tana (FE8) vs Yuki (G3)- ITE, Wind Damage, Evasion Trick. Tana hates this match up.
Chie Satonaka (P4) vs Agrias Oaks (FFT)
Demi (PS4) vs Carlie (SD3)- Unless Demi immuned stat downs?


Rudy Roughknight (WA1) vs Rena Lanford (SO2)
Junpei Iori (P3) vs Scythe Riebauer (WA4)- Scythe evades the turn 2 attack; Without that, Junpei's chip and smash strategy would likely work though.
Axl (MMXCM) vs Rauny Vinzalf (OB)- Are the HATs ITE?
Raijin (FF8) vs Cador (Brig)- Raijin for Light and such.


Tempest (L:SSSC) vs Aeris Gainsbourgh (FF7)- Tempest is pretty average overall, which is enough here.
Nina (BoF3) vs Aguro (L1)
Connie (S3) vs Chu-Chu (XG)
Garet (GS) vs Kahn (BoF4)- Use 1 status on turn 1, then the Stun on turn 2, I guess. That would work for hitting Kahn.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: OblivionKnight on July 11, 2009, 06:06:03 AM

Zophar (Lunar:EBC) vs Shania (SH3) - Zophar.  Not close at all.
Jade (BoF1) vs Rubicant (FF4) - Jade.  Bah.
Ice Queen Avril (WA5) vs Terra Branford (FF6) - IQA.  Wow, these are easy.  
Souji Seta (P4) vs Yuna (FFX) - ...HAH.  


Ness (EB) vs Nina (BoF1) - Ness.  Wow this takes forever, though.  
Tana (FE8) vs Yuki (G3) - Yuki.  Yay perfect evasion.
Chie Satonaka (P4) vs Agrias Oaks (FFT) - Chie.  
Demi (PS4) vs Carlie (SD3) - Carlie.  I suppose she likes how I take the damage in SD3, which gives her like 2x average or so.


Rudy Roughknight (WA1) vs Rena Lanford (SO2) - Rena.  Yay healing.
Junpei Iori (P3) vs Scythe Riebauer (WA4) - Scythe.
Axl (MMXCM) vs Rauny Vinzalf (OB) - Axl.  
Raijin (FF8) vs Cador (Brig) - Raijin.  Wow, these are all easy.


Tempest (L:SSSC) vs Aeris Gainsbourgh (FF7) - Aeris.  Allowing storebought everything, yeah.
Nina (BoF3) vs Aguro (L1) - Nina.  
Connie (S3) vs Chu-Chu (XG) - Chu-Chu.  Upgrade, already.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Ultradude on July 11, 2009, 06:14:08 AM
Ice Queen Avril (WA5) vs Terra Branford (FF6) - Pocket.
Souji Seta (P4) vs Yuna (FFX) - EDIT: Yeah... guess he nails a turn 1 status. Wasn't sure where I saw P4 status effect accuracy, but it is pretty good, especially if it's on a high Luck Persona.

Chie Satonaka (P4) vs Agrias Oaks (FFT) - *Points at Proving Grounds*

Junpei Iori (P3) vs Scythe Riebauer (WA4) - Messy.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Dhyerwolf on July 11, 2009, 06:33:04 AM
Souji Seta (P4) vs Yuna (FFX) - If you see Pain as blocked by Dark immunity (haha nulling Light), he still also needs to null physicals to avoid status attacks from Anima, without being weak to Fire, Ice, or Lightning. Not as tall an order if you allow extensive inheritance, but still unlikely. This is assuming that Yuna dodges the first turn, which I think she would. Granted, Rakukaja or Sukukaja on the right Persona could tip it...

One of Yoshituna's ancestor Personas has Auto-Sukukaja as a learned skill (On top of DL Yoshituna's 70+ Agi thanks to Paper Armband).

I'm not even sure you need extensive inheritance to get that resistance breakdown anyways. Wouldn't be surprised if it could be accomplished with just 1 layering of skills.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 11, 2009, 06:37:41 AM

Zophar (Lunar:EBC) vs Shania (SH3) - Gogogo EBO.
Jade (BoF1) vs Rubicant (FF4) - Dear lord.
Souji Seta (P4) vs Yuna (FFX) - I guess. He goes first, Die For Me! is turn one for me. And he needs no skill inheritance to start with Yoshitsune then swap to Alice. This ain't even getting into Auto-Suku shenanigans, which just seal the deal more decisively.


Ness (EB) vs Nina (BoF1) - Silences, Idles and very slowly chips him down - which she can do indefinitely with her MP regen weapon. Ness without his skillset is awful. Also, Nina can keep the paralysis lock forever (although Ness may immune it). The game sorta tells you when it ends.
Tana (FE8) vs Yuki (G3) - Spoils.
Chie Satonaka (P4) vs Agrias Oaks (FFT) - Yeah no. Agrias lacks the damage to 2HKO Chie (unless she wants to get IMMUNED).
Demi (PS4) vs Carlie (SD3) - Demi immunes stat downs. Past that, probably lasts longer. EDIT: this isn't a knock on Carlie's resources - rather, it's a look at Demi's own resources, really. She just has that durability/damage edge that lets her apply more pressure than Carlie.


Rudy Roughknight (WA1) vs Rena Lanford (SO2) - Yeah no.
Junpei Iori (P3) vs Scythe Riebauer (WA4) - Junpei is terrible at damage control and probably gets overwhelmed anyway.
Axl (MMXCM) vs Rauny Vinzalf (OB) - Yeah.
Raijin (FF8) vs Cador (Brig) - Raijin blows.


Tempest (L:SSSC) vs Aeris Gainsbourgh (FF7) - Aeris sucks so badly.
Nina (BoF3) vs Aguro (L1) - 2HKOs, isn't 2HKOed.
Connie (S3) vs Chu-Chu (XG) - The horror.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Ultradude on July 11, 2009, 06:38:22 AM
I've been disallowing inheritance in general, though considering allowing single generation inheritance.

Yeah, I'll come back to that one, probably end up changing my vote.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Lord Ephraim on July 11, 2009, 08:00:55 AM

Jade (BoF1) vs Rubicant (FF4) - Hey, a match won without BoltX spam
Souji Seta (P4) vs Yuna (FFX) - Goes first OHKO.  Yuna loves those


Ness (EB) vs Nina (BoF1) - Crystal Charms blocks paraylsis and Silence is only temporary (unless it can be refreshed before it wears off, fuck if I ever use BoF1 status).  Nina1 might run out of AP before Ness does, considering she has to heal more often.
Tana (FE8) vs Yuki (G3)
Chie Satonaka (P4) vs Agrias Oaks (FFT)


Rudy Roughknight (WA1) vs Rena Lanford (SO2) -Might OHKO? Rena sucks
Junpei Iori (P3) vs Scythe Riebauer (WA4) - WA4 boss durability


Tempest (L:SSSC) vs Aeris Gainsbourgh (FF7) - Oh what the heck
Nina (BoF3) vs Aguro (L1) - what
Connie (S3) vs Chu-Chu (XG) - fuck chu chu
Garet (GS) vs Kahn (BoF4) - Wasn't Kahn vunerable to blind?
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Rozalia on July 11, 2009, 10:21:43 AM
Jade (BoF1) vs Rubicant (FF4) - Can't Rubicant immune Ice with his Cape? Regardless he still loses most likely.
Ice Queen Avril (WA5) vs Terra Branford (FF6) - IQA vs PC.
Souji Seta (P4) vs Yuna (FFX) - Don't allow inheritance at all. Regardless either one will be beaten by IQA anyway.

Chie Satonaka (P4) vs Agrias Oaks (FFT)


Rudy Roughknight (WA1) vs Rena Lanford (SO2) - Nukes.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Taishyr on July 11, 2009, 12:35:49 PM

Zophar (Lunar:EBC) vs Shania (SH3) - Shania's one advantage over Yuri is her capability to pump out PCHP damage turn 1. The hands can't go fast enough to stop her, Status Ball meets SH status blockers.
Jade (BoF1) vs Rubicant (FF4) - ...need to think, here.
Souji Seta (P4) vs Yuna (FFX) - Yoshitsune -> Alice works well enough. Or Yoshitsune -> Daisoujou, though Dai might not get innate Hama boost? Either way, it's Souji's match to lose, even without inheritance.


Ness (EB) vs Nina (BoF1) - EDIT: SMAAASH won't OHKO, eh. Alright, nevermind.
Chie Satonaka (P4) vs Agrias Oaks (FFT) - uhm. kneejerk is Chie, but no Miori Shirt makes this closer and FFT chars that aren't Alma like my equip leniency. Lemme think.
Demi (PS4) vs Carlie (SD3) - Though... if someone wants to math this out, I'd listen. Carlie's got a pretty okay resource pool, Demi... might have a few issues? Iunno.


Rudy Roughknight (WA1) vs Rena Lanford (SO2) - Not thinking about this.
Junpei Iori (P3) vs Scythe Riebauer (WA4) - See Eph.
Axl (MMXCM) vs Rauny Vinzalf (OB) - I... think?


Tempest (L:SSSC) vs Aeris Gainsbourgh (FF7) - uh
Nina (BoF3) vs Aguro (L1)
Garet (GS) vs Kahn (BoF4) - uh
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 11, 2009, 12:40:10 PM
Ness (EB) vs Nina (BoF1) - Ness immunes paralysis, likely gets turns in where he can heal since Mute wears off? Eh, works.

If Hold can be reapplied before it runs out, Silence should be able to as well. That sorta doesn't bide well for Ness, since this means he's not realistically getting turns out of Silence. Particularly not under Idle, which, as far as I know, doesn't run out.

EDIT: This also ignores the fact that Nina spoils Ness' status with Dispel (this affects her healing, but it mostly means that Ness can't really status her out) or Wall (which doesn't affect her healing, and it just means she wins if he tries that route), and regens MP by hitting him. Even if he gets turns unsilenced, he... doesn't -have- much to use them with, Nina just shuts silenceable mages down too well, and you know how infinite vs. finite resources tend to go.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Taishyr on July 11, 2009, 01:10:16 PM
Mmm... Actually, my vote was based on gutchecking that a SMAAASH physical would, once it landed, OHKO. But I don't think it would, here, actually, she's not as bad on durability as 2/3/5. Yeah, vote switch.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 11, 2009, 01:12:26 PM
Not to mention SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH! crits actually aren't too impressive! 999 damage on a damage scale that isn't much below the 800 range. Above average damage and usually mean that Ness doesn't have to take a million years to kill things with his physical (thus being a viable resource saver on his many stallfests, because Psi Rockin' is really expensive), but not a healer buster per se.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Taishyr on July 11, 2009, 01:13:22 PM
Yeah, was misestimating both EB damage curve and Nina1 durability. So.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 11, 2009, 01:15:23 PM
/me nods.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: superaielman on July 11, 2009, 02:50:44 PM

Zophar (Lunar:EBC) vs Shania (SH3)
Jade (BoF1) vs Rubicant (FF4)
Souji Seta (P4) vs Yuna (FFX)- Status isn't resisted by MDef in either game. Yuna fries. And see what everyone else said, Souji doesn't need skill inhertience here.


Tana (FE8) vs Yuki (G3)- No SP.
Chie Satonaka (P4) vs Agrias Oaks (FFT)- Classic Chie win. Go first, power charge--->smite.
Demi (PS4) vs Carlie (SD3)- Abstaining.


Rudy Roughknight (WA1) vs Rena Lanford (SO2)
Axl (MMXCM) vs Rauny Vinzalf (OB)- ONe of his AT's was ITE, which is enough. I definitely could be argued on this one, as Axl doesn't have much room for error.  
Raijin (FF8) vs Cador (Brig)


Tempest (L:SSSC) vs Aeris Gainsbourgh (FF7)- Aeris offense.
Nina (BoF3) vs Aguro (L1)- Nina 3 is a bad joke.
Connie (S3) vs Chu-Chu (XG)
Garet (GS) vs Kahn (BoF4)- Statuses Kahn out easily enough.

Tempest (L:SSSC) vs Aeris Gainsbourgh (FF7) - Aeris sucks so badly.

How are you  scaling Aeris's limit gain rate? Tempest can't chip at all, if you see it low enough he is likely very dead.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 11, 2009, 03:03:29 PM
He's dead with what? He sorta 3HKOs IIRC, that's enough to avoid a L3 to me. Paralysis runs out and Aeris damage doesn't kill -anything- before it does. The L1 healing gets outpaced because 50% healing off a 50% HP limit just fails. So no, don't think that works out for her. I guess you're right, with a generous enough limit scaling method, Tempest might continuously ram into a L3 or something, but I don't think I roll that way.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: superaielman on July 11, 2009, 03:06:13 PM
That's why I asked about limit scaling, not for the L3 but the L1. The healing is a free action sooo yeah.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: 074 on July 11, 2009, 03:08:03 PM

Jade (BoF1) vs Rubicant (FF4) - once the cloak goes up, it's back to BOLTXBOLTXBOLTXBOLTX.  His lack of originality is meme-worthy, really.
Ice Queen Avril (WA5) vs Terra Branford (FF6) - 4D Pocket.  It eats PCs.  They taste good.


Chie Satonaka (P4) vs Agrias Oaks (FFT) - Sukukaja's evasion boost might not help here, but the accuracy boost should be enough to get around the shield for one shot.  Agrias...gets crushed.  Quite literally.
Demi (PS4) vs Carlie (SD3) - Yeah, that's one of those things you'd miss if you weren't really familiar with PS4; androids immune statdowns (check DF3's Shadowbind hitrate versus Wren).  That in place, it's a long slugfest that Carlie ultimately loses.


Junpei Iori (P3) vs Scythe Riebauer (WA4) - I'll have to math this out.  Junpei is rather unimpressive on most fronts, though.


Connie (S3) vs Chu-Chu (XG) - Is not a suikodog.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 11, 2009, 03:09:11 PM
That's why I asked about limit scaling, not for the L3 but the L1. The healing is a free action sooo yeah.

Well, 50% healing off a 50% range limit to me. Doesn't work out too well, Tempest can outdo that with a physical+tech most likely, and Aeris keeps getting further from winning the more she uses that limit. Tempest's triggering the healing by his second turn and already outpaces it the way I see it.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on July 11, 2009, 03:36:15 PM
What if you allow characters to start with half-filled Limit Meters? I'm pretty sure Tempest runs into the L3 after the 2nd hit there?
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 11, 2009, 03:48:28 PM
He does, but then Aeris has to be beaten into 85% HP lost range to use it again. It does nothing but stall for time, and this... doesn't help much, given Aeris offense.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: superaielman on July 11, 2009, 04:01:37 PM
Chie Satonaka (P4) vs Agrias Oaks (FFT) - uhm. kneejerk is Chie, but no Miori Shirt makes this closer and FFT chars that aren't Alma like my equip leniency. Lemme think.

No Midori shirt doesn't matter here, Agrias damage is ITE. She's also taking a hit from getting hier Ice Brand setup immuned. Without that she doesn't have a ghost of a chance of breaking average damage.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 11, 2009, 04:29:20 PM
Miori Shirt doesn't matter for evade, but it matters for accuracy. Agrias has some evade, and without Auto-Suku, God's Hand missing isn't an unreasonable possibility.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: superaielman on July 11, 2009, 04:32:51 PM
Chie's well above average accuracy thanks to her AGI score. Missing shouldn't be a problem on the first swing.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 11, 2009, 04:35:43 PM
That ranges on FFT equip evade respect, in fairness. I don't give it a lot of credit myself (don't see Chie missing even without Auto-Suku, for instance), but some may. Just something that can turn the match around a bit, and Agrias evade probably would turn respectable even to me with a Feather Mantle+Aegis - which I suspect Tai allows.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: superaielman on July 11, 2009, 04:37:41 PM
Agrias may not even 3HKO in that case. Bracers/magic gauntlets in the average shoots damage way up, and she's hurt by not being a ble to use her ice brand in the first place. Holy Explosion does 144 damage in that case, which is really pathetic.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Taishyr on July 11, 2009, 04:39:57 PM
super: The main internal debate is back to whether or not I allow stat changing accessories, which would make Chie emo here (why halo tharr inane evade, though I'm not sure how good she can actually get it). I'm on the fence regarding Feather Mantles n' shit, so. (Also see super's point, but if I allow the Feather Mantle it's really pretty shiny evade, Chie's gonna have problems nailing through it even with the AGI.

This being said it's still possible that Chie nails turn 1 and that's all she needs, since Agrias' damage is kinda suck as it stands here.

(If Chie had Miori Shirt this wouldn't even be an issue, high respect for Sukukaja. But.)
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on July 11, 2009, 06:20:13 PM

Zophar (Lunar:EBC) vs Shania (SH3): Zophar eats harmonixers, part 2.
Jade (BoF1) vs Rubicant (FF4): They're very similar outside HP, which is very different.
Ice Queen Avril (WA5) vs Terra Branford (FF6): 4D Pocket. Ice Queen Avril has not inherited Belial's luck, it seems.


Tana (FE8) vs Yuki (G3): :(
Demi (PS4) vs Carlie (SD3): After buffs are in place, Demi still needs one less hit to kill (3 vs. 4), and with sleep, she makes the gap even wider. Carlie needs to work on that damage.


Rudy Roughknight (WA1) vs Rena Lanford (SO2): OHKOs with Fury Shot, can't be silenced or otherwise stopped from doing this.
Raijin (FF8) vs Cador (Brig): Cador is good enough for this.


Tempest (L:SSSC) vs Aeris Gainsbourgh (FF7): Probably Tempest? He either 3HKOs or 4HKOs, which isn't very good, but Healing Wind is a very bad limit and I think he has the oomph and chipping options to dodge a L3. Close, may rethink this.
Connie (S3) vs Chu-Chu (XG): I choo-choo-choose to not think about this match too hard.

Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Talaysen on July 11, 2009, 08:21:50 PM
Souji Seta (P4) vs Yuna (FFX) - If you see Pain as blocked by Dark immunity (haha nulling Light), he still also needs to null physicals to avoid status attacks from Anima, without being weak to Fire, Ice, or Lightning. Not as tall an order if you allow extensive inheritance, but still unlikely. This is assuming that Yuna dodges the first turn, which I think she would. Granted, Rakukaja or Sukukaja on the right Persona could tip it...

Abaddon is Null Fire, Resist Ice, Weak Light, Reflect Dark, and learns Null Physical later.  That do the trick?

Mara's Absorb Fire, Resist Wind, Weak Light, Reflect Dark, and learns Abosrb Physical but that seems worse.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on July 11, 2009, 08:42:29 PM
More thoughts on Carlie vs. Demi, assuming stat downs work on Demi (since I don't think it's much of a fight if they don't):

Both PS4 and SD3 stat spells erase any previous modification to that stat, so Barrier and the MDef part of Black Curse compete against each other directly. Demi response to Black Curse with Barrier, and can do this 10 times (AND she's much faster than Black Curse-using Carlie so she'd get doubles in while this happened), meaning Carlie would need to spend 66 MP to keep Demi in MDef Down status. This wouldn't leave her with enough MP to win a slugfest. Suffice to say then that Carlie will be up against Barrier'd Demi, who is rather magically tanky. Not really worth it to spam Unicorn against her as such, especially since it eats MP.

So instead she's using her physical game, enhanced by Dark Sabre, against Demi's lowered Def. Stat topic doesn't say exactly how much damage using Black Curse adds, but before it does, Carlie's physical game is below half average damage, AFTER Dark Sabre. Since Demi has above average pdur before Black Curse, this seems like it'll have a lot of trouble putting pressure on. On the other hand, Carlie can heal more times (about 30 times vs. 22) and... may be faster at healing, Heal Light is cool like that. On the other hand, Phonon isn't particularly stat reliant so Demi is still dealing more damage, and then there's the possibility of a sleep win...

Leaning Demi here but open to arguments.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: dude789 on July 11, 2009, 10:46:18 PM
Does thunder saber affect specials because if they do I think Carlie's best bet would be going for a OHKO with a thunder sabered lvl 3.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 11, 2009, 10:51:46 PM
Thunder Saber doesn't affect special skills. And if she's going for Light Path she can kiss her best bet at slowing Demi down goodbye. Don't think her physicals get any worse than Necromancer in Bishop, but.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on July 12, 2009, 10:37:29 AM
Again, Carlie's physicals are half average offence. Thunder Sabre will increase that, but not to even average, and now she's getting 2HKOed (no Black Curse), which makes a victory via sleep an easy thing to pull off.

Anyway, crunched some numbers. Assuming Black Curse adds 80 to all of Carlie's damage (I think that's what it should do, looking at the stat topic), and takes 33% off both Demi's Strength AND Attack, and assuming a SD3 turn is 2 seconds, and assuming Black Curse is viable...

With Dark Sabre cast, Carlie needs 4 turns to kill Demi. Regular physicals are 6HKO, killer turn with her L3 is low 2HKO. Demi needs 3 turns to kill Carlie. Two of those need to be Phonons.

Here's Demi's strategy. Hit Carlie once. Carlie won't heal now because even if you let her heal and attack on the same turn she'll run out of resources waaay too fast since she only makes Demi heal once every 3 turns and their MP pools aren't that different, as discussed. Demi is now two turns from victory. When she gets her chance, she uses sleep. She has enough uses of sleep that, sooner or later, it WILL cause Carlie to lose 2 turns (note that since Demi is faster, it always makes Carlie lose 1 if it hits). Two Phonons and it's over.

Needless to say the fight is laughable if Black Curse does not work. To give you an idea of the scope of the failure, Carlie now needs 6 turns to kill Demi, while as mentioned, it's 2 in the other direction.

Don't think I'm missing anything, so vote confirmed.

Loose ends: After Barrier, Carlie 4HKOs with magic, same as with physicals... this just burns through her MP faster.

Also, OK commented he sees Carlie with 2x average damage. I can't think of an average that gets her that high. The best I can see for her is the following: everybody gets one attack, regardless of recharge time (classic view says the fighters get in two swings per "turn"). I'll additionally throw out Deathspell entirely since IIRC OK doesn't allow it for some reason, and will assume the L3s take too long to cast, sticking Angela with Dark Force.

Angela: 431
Carlie: 381
Lise: 353
Hawk: 296
Kevin: 186
Duran: 95

Average: 289 (Disclaimer for people not reading closely: I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS CURVE FOR GENERAL USE)

Not especially close to 2x, really. Note that this average additionally is a one-turn one and does not account for backended damage via techs or stat mods. Note also that, if you use this interp, then Carlie and Angela should logically be very, very slow... after all, the fighters get two attacks in before they get off one spell, and Hawk/Lise's spells have almost as large a speed advantage. Still, humouring this idea and assuming all speeds are equal and Kevin fails at offence... Carlie now 3HKOs post-Barrier with Ghost. 2HKOs if she tries to keep Black Curse in place, but again, she just can't win that way, as Demi just heals until Carlie is out of MP. If both are 3HKOing, I still think Sleep will tilt it, though it's closer now. Although if you've thrown charge speed out then you probably shouldn't give Carlie credit for super-fast Heal Light and she's screwed again. Sooo yeah.

Funny, the more I look at this match the less close it gets.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Monkeyfinger on July 13, 2009, 10:11:48 AM
Thunder Sabre will increase that, but not to even average

When you say this, does this include Demi's weakness or no?

Put another way, how long does it it take Thunder Sabered Carlie to be able to heal lock Demi with a physical?
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 13, 2009, 04:28:38 PM
Well. With 1.5x weakness hitting, Carlie physicals would deal around 33% to average pdur. Demi is well above that, so a heal-lock is sorta inviable.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on July 13, 2009, 06:29:01 PM
Again: Carlie's physical game is below half average. Thunder Sabre is a 10% power boost (same as Dark Sabre), then makes the physical lightning... but not the L3 tech, which is where a lot of her damage comes from. Depending on how you take Demi's weakness vs. subtractive damage this could affect exactly how bad this is, but it's 3HKO at best against someone who 2HKOs. Thunder Sabre (which involves a non-Black Curse form) isn't viable at all.
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: OblivionKnight on July 13, 2009, 09:13:25 PM
Also, OK commented he sees Carlie with 2x average damage. I can't think of an average that gets her that high. The best I can see for her is the following: everybody gets one attack, regardless of recharge time (classic view says the fighters get in two swings per "turn"). I'll additionally throw out Deathspell entirely since IIRC OK doesn't allow it for some reason, and will assume the L3s take too long to cast, sticking Angela with Dark Force.

Angela: 431
Carlie: 381
Lise: 353
Hawk: 296
Kevin: 186
Duran: 95

Average: 289 (Disclaimer for people not reading closely: I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS CURVE FOR GENERAL USE)

Not especially close to 2x, really. Note that this average additionally is a one-turn one and does not account for backended damage via techs or stat mods. Note also that, if you use this interp, then Carlie and Angela should logically be very, very slow... after all, the fighters get two attacks in before they get off one spell, and Hawk/Lise's spells have almost as large a speed advantage. Still, humouring this idea and assuming all speeds are equal and Kevin fails at offence... Carlie now 3HKOs post-Barrier with Ghost. 2HKOs if she tries to keep Black Curse in place, but again, she just can't win that way, as Demi just heals until Carlie is out of MP. If both are 3HKOing, I still think Sleep will tilt it, though it's closer now. Although if you've thrown charge speed out then you probably shouldn't give Carlie credit for super-fast Heal Light and she's screwed again. Sooo yeah.

You're right, I was mis-remembering numbers.  Thought she was closer to 2x or so, but I guess I forgot that Lise had magic there >_>  Yeah, I do take the average as one attack, ignoring charge time (like for pretty much all games, since I default to turn-based for everything in the DL), but I do allow Deathspell, just don't factor it in to the damage average for anyone but Angela (since it's about 3x better than the best of the others, and about 2x her best), though, at one point, I didn't factor it at all since it was level-based...but decided against that.  Also don't assume Kevin's wolf form, but that modifies it barely.  And forgot Hawk had some spells as well that raised it!  Yay never using them for offense in-game >_>


289 average, so Ghost from Carlie (382) is about 1.32x.  ANGELA, on the other hand, is 3.5x with Deathspell, and 1.7x with her elemental spell as noted above.  With Deathspell factored in, it reaches 2.7x average damage (for Deathspell...average jumps to 374 if you factor it in)
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: AndrewRogue on July 15, 2009, 08:32:47 PM

Jade (BoF1) vs Rubicant (FF4)


Ness (EB) vs Nina (BoF1)
Chie Satonaka (P4) vs Agrias Oaks (FFT)


Raijin (FF8) vs Cador (Brig)


Connie (S3) vs Chu-Chu (XG)
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Pyro on July 16, 2009, 12:08:49 AM

Zophar (Lunar:EBC) vs Shania (SH3): The Voice > fanservice.
Jade (BoF1) vs Rubicant (FF4): Beats Rubi in everything that matters.
Ice Queen Avril (WA5) vs Terra Branford (FF6): This makes me sad.
Souji Seta (P4) vs Yuna (FFX): Auto-Suku -> kill works.


Ness (EB) vs Nina (BoF1): I'm just gonna shrug and go along with the crowd.
Tana (FE8) vs Yuki (G3): This is not pretty.
Chie Satonaka (P4) vs Agrias Oaks (FFT): PC->Kill
Demi (PS4) vs Carlie (SD3): As NEB goes...


Rudy Roughknight (WA1) vs Rena Lanford (SO2): Heal lock till 100 FP works?
Junpei Iori (P3) vs Scythe Riebauer (WA4): Junpei - spoiling.
Raijin (FF8) vs Cador (Brig): Kneejerk. Thats about all I can EVER do with Brig.


Tempest (L:SSSC) vs Aeris Gainsbourgh (FF7): Seal Evil or something else works.
Nina (BoF3) vs Aguro (L1): I'm just going to vote and walk away. Anyways, Aguro is slow, Nina is fast, and she can probably 3HKO his horrible Res, even though he has HP?
Connie (S3) vs Chu-Chu (XG)
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 16, 2009, 12:15:48 AM
Pyro: Nina3 isn't... very fast. She's just somewhat above average, nothing fancy (Nina4 is the awesome speedster). I'm not sure if Aguro's RES outpaces that game-best HP, it -could-. If he is even close to average mdur in practice, Nina3 is unlikely to win, since I have serious doubts about a 3-2 there, and she's eating a 2HKO there.

Why do I care, though. >_>
Title: Re: Season 53, Week 1 - Welcome to the Hong Kong Monty Python Comedy Club.
Post by: superaielman on July 16, 2009, 07:36:25 PM
I'm not sure Nina3 even 3HKOs there (BoF3 damage curve) on top of all that.