The RPG Duelling League

Social Forums => General Chat => Topic started by: superaielman on July 22, 2009, 03:56:17 PM

Title: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: superaielman on July 22, 2009, 03:56:17 PM
Easy enough. Always interesting to see what people browse and why.

1. -Duh
2. - I read the football forum pretty religiously. Rest I don't care for too much, but the sports stuff is good.
3. Sports news. Some of the opinions are *Snort* worthy, but it's good at giving you a lot of information in a hurry.
4. -Easy way to keep track of family and friends.
5. Tons of Packers news and a fairly thoughful set of writers

Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Captain K. on July 22, 2009, 04:03:08 PM
1.  -  Pretty much my home, been there since before it was called Gamefaqs.
2.  - no idea what's here
3.  -  daily updates are a beautiful thing
4.  - Pokeymans news and lots of crosslinked references
5.  Currently because of Pokemon research, but since I'm out of the competition there's not much need to continue going there will probably be the new number 5.
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Xeroma on July 22, 2009, 04:14:54 PM
1. - Well dur.
2. - I watch videos a lot.
3. - I keep myself up to date on gaming news when I can.
4. - Mail.
5. - Funny site that has some really nice info about capcom stuff, ran by people working at the company.
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Hunter Sopko on July 22, 2009, 04:22:51 PM - Duh - Still a regular on the A&M boards
Yahoo- E-mail and general news and sports.
One Manga- For my manga needs!
AnimeSuki- For my anime needs!
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Monkeyfinger on July 22, 2009, 04:38:51 PM
In order of activity, right now:

1) - I've always loved civ4, but I became really active there when I got into its big time mods. You really need to hang out on their forums to get the most of them.
2) (once known as LUElinks) - a declining place, but it was excellent for several years so I keep coming back, like a battered spouse wishfully thinking the good old days will return. And it's not all bad now, just... worse.
4) - the home of the TF2 community I play with most of the time. Big drop from #3.
5) Been covered. Big drop from #4.

A year back LL would have been on top. 2 years back, the DL.
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Dunefar on July 22, 2009, 04:45:59 PM
2. - Gaming website, I run a few games there. It's declined into a personal hangout for a few dozen people, though.
3. - LP and the football forum are great.
4. - Makers of Hearts of Iron, Europa Universalis and so forth. Great games, forums are good for finding mods.
5. - If all else fails, google can get you there.
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Yoshiken on July 22, 2009, 06:00:23 PM
Well, having 24 homepages makes listing a top 5 somewhat difficult, but I'll try...

1. - I think I check the forums for new posts 1-3 times an hour...
2. - Triple Triad Advance (TTA). Online version of TT from FF8, with a pretty awesome community.
3. - I blame the TranceHimes.
4. - If it isn't on Facebook, it's not real!
5. - Don't have to be able to draw to post on dA - I'm a poet!
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: AAA on July 22, 2009, 06:19:47 PM
1. RPGDL's my homepage

2. That Top ____ List site that gets linked every now and then. I've been frequenting the forums for years, since back when it was

3. SA. Let's Play and Lassiez's Faire mostly

4. GameFAQs. I think you know where.

5. QuakeLive is a website, so that counts.
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Veryslightlymad on July 22, 2009, 10:06:06 PM
This changes from month-to-month. Right now it looks like this

1) ~ Goons are awesome. There are quite a few forums that I look at from time to time.
2) ~ Hey, it's us
3) ~ This is a new one to the list. It wouldn't be on here but I'm tearing through Seasons 1-3 on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
4) ~ What people said. Also, I have a friend I talk to daily through this service. ^_^
5) ~ I am a basketball nutcase fanatic. This is often one of the higher stops on my list, but the past few days have been kinda slow for big news.
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Cotigo on July 22, 2009, 10:11:52 PM
The DL: duh.
Facebook: It's a virus. Mostly the World News, Science, and comics listings. 
gmail:  AIM replacement mostly.  See Trips.
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Grefter on July 22, 2009, 10:32:56 PM duh WoW shit. WoW shit that is actually pretty awesome if you are into the whole WoW thing. The Exile, everyone should have been there once by now at this point with how often I link there. xkcd
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Fudozukushi on July 22, 2009, 10:34:37 PM
GameFAqs: Probably the only site I go to dozens of times a day.  Karma whoring alts ya know?
SoL: I have to mod shit.
SA: Mainly for LP.
OneManga: I read too much of this shit.
My Dump Board: Where I store all the shit I don't want on the computer.
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Anthony Edward Stark on July 22, 2009, 10:50:12 PM - Apparently, when I'm not there it's boring. There's just a few of us with panache. - Fact checking that is slightly faster than Google. - For work on getting my cert, yay? - Keep tabs on people, and all. - like TV, but better?
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 22, 2009, 10:54:17 PM - zomg - This is mostly due to work. Lots of fact-checking (or "fact-checking") needed. - Same as above. - I like having my soul sucked for hours at a time out of a single click, what can I say. - xkcd.
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: NotMiki on July 22, 2009, 11:14:32 PM - shocker. - yay liberal news - yay somewhat liberal news - yay very liberal news - yay daily updates (or xkcd might be in this slot)
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Idun on July 23, 2009, 12:14:36 AM
Unincluding my e-mail, and not in order at all. - forums - educational art stuffs - American art news site - active in the French/art relevant editing; But. Majority of it is spent on random facts or searches, like, shopping cart :P - career intensive site

Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on July 23, 2009, 12:50:03 AM
Not e-mail or Google:

1. Shocking
2. I like random facts a lot, which makes Wikipedia a bit of a heaven for me. I also use it to give me an idea what's out there in terms of the research I do for school.
3. I grab info frequently, lurk on Board 8, and torture myself with the FE community. Good times.
4. I am shamelessly an FE nut. Large drop from the top 3, though.
5. feed:// News feed for education in BC. I get my other news via newspaper and radio, mostly. Might be higher but it's a pretty dormant feed in the summer, understandably. (online RNG) and Backloggery (see sig) probably deserve honourable mentions.
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Bardiche on July 23, 2009, 01:54:05 AM
No particular order.

1. xkcd -- ... yeah.
2. Pixiv -- Randomly browsing for arts? Count me in!
4. -- What can I say, I'm not a native English-speaker, but I still want to use synonyms and understand some of my buddies.
5. Google
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Taishyr on July 23, 2009, 02:09:17 AM
MS Paint Adventures
are the top three. The remaining two shots are shuffleboard games with these four:
4chan / Feministe / Soulriders / Pixiv.
Runner up to the above four:
Gamefaqs. Often have +5 windows of this open when I'm actually using it! Never have it up otherwise.
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Ultradude on July 23, 2009, 02:28:01 AM
Giant in the Playground (Order of the Stick)
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: ThePiggyman on July 23, 2009, 04:01:34 AM
1. - I never tire of this place. =)
2. - See Yoshi's post. Great place.
3. - Friends, family, communications. Eh.
4. - A forum where some friends and I are making a sequel to Fire Emblem 7.
5. - Awesome bands, awesome merch.
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Cotigo on July 23, 2009, 04:12:01 AM
MS Paint Adventures

Holy crap that comic still updates?  I stopped checking it because I was fairly sure it died.
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Shale on July 23, 2009, 04:30:36 AM
Died and came back with a new, far more punctual, story. Hussie's been an updating machine ever since he started the Problem Sleuth comic last year.
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Grefter on July 23, 2009, 10:26:57 AM
You haven't read Problem Sleuth the Zenny?  Read Problem Sleuth.  Problem Sleuth is the reason the internet was invented.
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: TranceHime on July 23, 2009, 12:30:30 PM
In no particular order:

2. - Blame Smashy. This is the lolbrowsergame you might see being thrown around randomly on occasion even though I have a separate channel for it.
3. - Sort of Touhou forum.
4. - But of course. Without this site I wouldn't know release dates and game announcements!
5. - An English EO fansite. I'm an active member of its community.

Honorary mentions have gotta be:
Danbooru - has a lot of NSFW shit but I honestly don't mind.
Pixiv - pixpixpix - Fire Emblem Tactics Online. It's FE. Except online. And kind of funny. I quit a couple of months after its conception but am making my debut in the new version, being the person who owned the game's very first official 20/20 character. ._.!
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Scar on July 23, 2009, 10:53:17 PM
Uhm, in terms of most browsed... : Where all the exiles of the Animenation Forums fled to. I think I got banned eight times at AN. Good times.

The RPGDL is a close second. I must say my activity here has increased over the past couple of months.

Facebook: I check it at least once a day, and throw any random pics I may have taken whenever possible. It serves as a picture archive for me and my friends.

Wikipedia: Just for useless information that catches my ADD like attention at the time. Prolly used it the most for comic book characters information.

ESPN: Because I love all sports.
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Niu on July 23, 2009, 11:54:57 PM
1. - A mad house and the birthplace of China FE
2. Gamefaqs- Needs no explanation
3. Fast game news, PSP hacking tech supports, codes, and bunch of other things.
4. It is 2ch, enough said.
5. KHER- Favorite KH yaoi side, unlike most KH yaoi sites, the site master of this place updates her art diligently.
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 23, 2009, 11:55:50 PM
/me expected more Adachi/Dojima yaoi sites, is thoroughly disappointed iwith Niu. =I
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Niu on July 24, 2009, 12:04:42 AM
Despite I like sexy old men, they are still a step down compare to bishies. Plus, Dojima aside, I can't stand the ways how most fan girls draw Adachi.
I can recommend some decent Yosuke/Kuma ones though.
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on July 24, 2009, 12:17:38 AM
I'd rather not, Teddie/Yosuke do -not- hit my right notes. Problem with Dojima is that he just doesn't have much to pair up with (Dojima/Souji = jailbaityaoicestgodno, even though Souji is remarkably hot for a 16-year-old, and the alternatives that are closer to his own age are absolutely nonsensical and mostly squicky to boot, except for... Adachi). Adachi is just the only one who doesn't give me unhealthy migraines.
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Niu on July 24, 2009, 12:47:25 AM
I would not argue that, but still, most fangirl's take on Adachi is simply ridiculous.
Flen/Yuri probably is the only thing worse...... did I mention how the fangirls deserve court martials for what they have done to Flen/Yuri??
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Lance on July 24, 2009, 01:59:16 AM
1. Google ( - Dur
2. Foxkei ( - My Internet home away from home.
3. Backloggery ( - My second Internet home away from home. Also just a darn cool site.
4. Wrestleview ( - Loves me some wrestling.
5. FMyLife ( - It helps me get through the day.

Not in the top five: ( *pelvic thrust*
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: DjinnAndTonic on July 25, 2009, 01:52:24 PM - zomg - This is mostly due to work. Lots of fact-checking (or "fact-checking") needed. - Same as above. - I like having my soul sucked for hours at a time out of a single click, what can I say. - xkcd.

Yep. I'm original.
Title: Re: Top five websites you visit?
Post by: Otter on July 31, 2009, 09:43:27 PM
Most used off the top of my head are Facebook, Dinosaur Comics, Wikipedia, Quake Live, and Demonoid.  Shouts out go to The Onion and Tom Francis's blog (