The RPG Duelling League
RPGDL Games => Forum Games => Topic started by: Ranmilia on December 21, 2009, 05:13:52 AM
In signups please indicate willingness/preference of following setups:
1. Large generic role madness (see also: Smash Mafia)
2. Choose your own role (players submit whimsical titles (not actual mafia roles), mod assigns mafia roles based on choices. Good for anonymafia, would probably be such, can have varying levels of balance/rolemadness)
3. Draft your own role (generous list of roles available in game, players can pick from the list in a random draft order, but if you pick something someone before you already took, you get vanilla)
4. RPG (custom gimmicks and systems on top of normal mafia, players get "stat points" to assign to themselves to be good at various things and have various powers. Systems required put a lot of overhead above the normal mafia gameplay.)
4 sounds the most interesting of the lot, and would definately be interested in giving that a try.
After that... probably #2. Would be neat afterwards to see what got turned into what.
#1... I think you're the only person where I'll join a role madness game these days. So yeah, that's also cool.
But #3? I just know I'll somehow be the only person stuck as vanilla town. And fuck no to that shit.
1 > 3 > 2 > 4, and I say this with the sentiment that I feel I would fully enjoy playing a 4 game.
If 3 cannot be modified for Anonymous purposes, then 1 > 2 > 3 > 4.
3 > 4 > 2 > 1. I can dig systems, being a D&D nut, and I can dig drafting, being an MtG nut~
1 > 4 > 2 > 3. Large gap in preferences here, as I'd actually like to do 1 a lot, 4 would be neat, I could do 2 I guess, and hell no on 3.
Curious; why would people prefer 1 over 2?
Players shouldn't have any way of picking their own role.
I don't think it really counts, since they pick titles devoid of rules.
No frills for me - the more gimmicky it becomes the more it kills my interest. In the specific options forwarded, 4 sounds outright terrible without severe reassurance, and 3 sounds like it would get bogged down in a lot of player-meta, even if it was anonymous (for those who can actually figure out who's who). 1 and 2 would probably be fine (not sure I understand the mechanical difference, other than 2 was favoured for anonymous).
4 > 1 > 2 >>>>>>> 3 here. It'd suck if you had too many/too few roles in the draft, so it'd take a lot of work to sort out. I'm basically the opposite of Xanth - the more roles and twists, the more I tend to like it.
1 > 4 > 2 > 3.
Role madness and kookiness are things I enjoy.
1=4>2>3 here.
Looks like I share others' misgivings about a #3, but I've always been a bit of a sucker for unconventional mafia-ish games. Though, I'll probably join whatever gets hosted here.
1>2>4>3 here. 4 actually sounds like an interesting setup idea, but I'm not sure if I'd prefer playing in it over playing in a classical setup such as those defined in 1/2.
Also, hi Kilga.
I may actually play again for 1 or 4. 2 could be amusing. 3 holds little interest for me.
I'd want to know more about 4 to have an idea. Notably, part of the fun of RPGs is to make your own character, but that's... really impossible no matter what the system is because town might accidentally make a very suboptimal setup (say 3 people buying a cop role with their points yet multiple other townies dumping no points in their charisma stat and becoming millers). The results would be swingy as heck. Flip side, you can design a balanced character setup for town & mafia, but then it's not quite RPG customization.
Basically 2 >> 1 >> 3 for me, with 4 a question mark.
I just know I'll somehow be the only person stuck as vanilla town. And fuck no to that shit.
Says the person who managed to become vanilla TWICE in role madness games.
I like 1), then 4). Two and three don't sound too interesting, actually, but it may be me.
1 > 2 > 3 > 4
Smash was awesome and there needs to be more like it. Two sounds like it has potential for some amusing surprises.
So it looks like 1 and 4 are generally winning the vote.
An example of 4... hm. One of the games I've seen run that way was a Wild West setting. Everyone got a certain number of stat points to distribute among Gunslinging, Horsemanship, Integrity, Reputation and Luck, in addition to having normal mafia roles. In addition to the normal Mafia gameplay standards, there were...
- a shootout that could be invoked a few times during the game by certain roles, during which every player could choose to take cover or shoot at another player, shot success determined by gunslinging skill, whether or not the target took cover, and several other factors
- a Sheriff role, known to the public, that could organize posses to go out and kill players. Participating in a posse required horsemanship, but could be sabotaged by the scum.
- every player got an amount of money determined by their role and reputation, money could be used to purchase items and trinkets from the mod's stores (mainly useless or +1 to a stat), or to bribe other players to temporarily control their vote or roleblock their night action. High integrity protected a player from being bribed.
Luck affected dice rolls when two players' skills clashed.
Very complex, clearly. Even more complex than a "normal" role madness setup. There won't be any way to make yourself useless, that's for sure.
Edit vv
There won't be any vanillas! I get it. >_>
4 with rules I liked > 1 > 2 > 4 with rules I disliked > 3
I probably wouldn't play in anything 2 or below on that chart due to time constraints, whereas I'd make time for a good 4 or a 1.
If we do another role madness game, though, would it be possible to have NO vanilla townies, so no one gets left out of the madness and ends up feeling useless? Or is there a reason why having at least some vanilla is necessary for an even remotely balanced game?
So it looks like 1 and 4 are generally winning the vote.
An example of 4... hm. One of the games I've seen run that way was a Wild West setting. Everyone got a certain number of stat points to distribute among Gunslinging, Horsemanship, Integrity, Reputation and Luck, in addition to having normal mafia roles. In addition to the normal Mafia gameplay standards, there were...
- a shootout that could be invoked a few times during the game by certain roles, during which every player could choose to take cover or shoot at another player, shot success determined by gunslinging skill, whether or not the target took cover, and several other factors
- a Sheriff role, known to the public, that could organize posses to go out and kill players. Participating in a posse required horsemanship, but could be sabotaged by the scum.
- every player got an amount of money determined by their role and reputation, money could be used to purchase items and trinkets from the mod's stores (mainly useless or +1 to a stat), or to bribe other players to temporarily control their vote or roleblock their night action. High integrity protected a player from being bribed.
Luck affected dice rolls when two players' skills clashed.
Very complex, clearly. Even more complex than a "normal" role madness setup. There won't be any way to make yourself useless, that's for sure.
Clearly you need to invent a Touhou theme for this.
BC: I think by this point everyone's agreed that the token vanilla townie in a role madness game is a horrible idea.
If we do another role madness game, though, would it be possible to have NO vanilla townies, so no one gets left out of the madness and ends up feeling useless? Or is there a reason why having at least some vanilla is necessary for an even remotely balanced game?
Scum need to be given some solid safeclaims, in that case.
Not like claiming vanilla in a role madness game isn't suspicious enough on its own.
Yeah, I know in the Smash Game, the complete BS role I made up, something abut being able to pick someone and make them immune to all forms of night protection, was considered far more plausible than what I actually was, aka, Vanilla Town. It's one of the reasons why I'm fairly bitter about that game, and still have some loud and angry opinions about it. So, I'm not actually too worried about the scum because they can make stuff up, and it doesn't even have to be useful or normal because it's role madness.
Reminds me, I should drag out that old FF class role madness game I had. It used generics FF3/5 classes and had a load of vote-changing/post-changing/relatively original roles mixed in with a few standard ones. Would probably need a look-over though, to check for balance, and I'm also not sure what people think of one of the things it contained - post restrictions based on role.
I, personally, find the idea of post restrictions on more powerful roles to be brilliant. Although that'd lead to a painful amount of meta, I guess.
I would like to have a go. I promise I know how to play Mafia.
2 > 3 > 1 > 4
I've always wanted to play in a 2-style game. I could live with role madness though.
Sorry, I'm out.
2>3=>1>>4 here. I'd probably be in for any of them though, even 4, unless the french revolution game was going to overlap.
(Go figure I'm new and want to get started playing).
No offense new guy, but you might want to look at the post dates in the topics you've been posting in. They've both been dead for months.
If you do want to play, odds are the next signup topic that will actually matter will pop up near the end of the current game, or shortly after it. We tend to only have one game going at a time these days.
Hah, indeed. There was I assuming that a thread on the first page would still be live. Will hang around and sign up in the next signup thread, then.