The RPG Duelling League
Social Forums => Discussion => Topic started by: Shale on December 18, 2007, 10:08:39 PM
Our third annual mass meetup is scheduled for July 24-27, 2008 in Pacifica, CA. Gatewalker has agreed to host.
Discussion/planning/RSVPing for the insanity goes here, unless it doesn't. Y'know, whatever.
Admin takeover! Compiling the list of attendees here:
1. QuietRain (hosting, duh)
2. Gatewalker (hosting, duh)
3. Laggy (semi-sorta hosting, duh)
4. Halbarad
5. Xeroma
6. superaielman
7. Grefter
8. Meeplelard
9. Dark Holy Elf
10. Shale
11. Ciato
12. Cmdr_King
13. Monkeyfinger
14. AndrewRogue
15. Excal
16. Hunter Sopko
17. Jo'ou Ranbu
18. Taishyr
19. SirAlex
20. OblivionKnight
21. Yakumo
If I've missed or misfiled folks, just post about it for now - it's not an exact match of Gate's list, but it's a lot easier to reference if it's in the first post of the topic. =P
Any more news from Canadian types?
Just to get the list going again, RSVP'ing here.
I'm pretty much confirmed to go, parents promised to pay for the trip and my uncle closest to Pacifica is willing to house me during the trip. Hell, he even wants to check out the con at some point, which I would normally be against but this uncle of mine is actually cool, so....
Still tentatively positive.
In short of severe ankle injury mark 2: This time it's on fire.
Still positive as of now, nothing majour has come up in terms of costs, I am several hundred short on the ticket, but I can card it if I can get sorted out where I want to fly to and how long I want to stay in which areas.
Definite maybe. Depends on a variety of factors which I can't really estimate from here, but... I am, at this point, likely to actually try and come, so.
Again, definitly plan on coming, and yes, I plan on doing the music quiz again! (Damn it, more people need to sign up for that...even if you have plenty of time >_>)
I will know if I'm coming on March 19th at 12:01 PM EST.
Still not sure if I'm coming by air or land, but definitely coming.
Still not sure if I'm coming by air or land, but definitely coming.
Damn! ::Scraps his seaborne defense strategy and begins plotting anew::
Still going as well.
I will have to kick you with some questions for possibilities NEB.
ALLLLLLLLrighty then. As the new year has offically started, I've been doing some webweaving to see what we have in the way of housing options. I'm trying to keep it in the realm of $450 a night (which I figured as $30 a person for 15 people). Now, we have 2 options and I'll post the best ones of both below.
NOTE: As I don't have to pay for Gate to fly to one of these things this time, I can actually use the money towards paying the deposits. So, no worries on that from anyone. No up front costs necessary. I'll get it back after the whole thing's over, anyway so no biggie (barring you all going stark raving mad and destroying things in which case I'll get it from you all in legal fees *grin*). So prices are JUST for the nights you guys are staying.
Also NOTE: We have room here for 3-4 peeps if you don't want to pay for a room. International peeps and girls get dibs.
There are a LOT of really bad hotels in the area. My company has a lot of people who stay over on business and unless you pony up the good bucks (ie: close to $50 a night), your options of decent and cheap are rather limited.
Best Western Lighthouse
For a room for 4 it's running about $110 a night. Not too bad.
Pacifica Beach Resort
For a room for 4 it's running (at the cheapest) at $150 a night. Not as good, but it's still nice.
Both of them have lots of amenities and open space to move about and get into troub-um, I mean explore beautiful Pacifica. Yeah. That's what I meant.
If I keep it to the same price, then there was only 1 I found that looked like the right size in the right area. It's a little north of us, but still really close by.
5 bedrooms, 3 baths. Runs $350-400 a night.
Now then, I'll continue to look and I'll post anything else I come across, but there's three options for you guys to begin debating.
The house looks nice (I'd really like to do that this time), but the quoted rates are for August through December, with nothing on the rest of the year.
Doubting I can come.
I'd like to, but given my mental health lately, and the numerous medical tests I've been through.... uhhh. Yeah. Things don't look good for attending DL-con unless I come into a windfall of cash (YHELLOTHARPOKER), and cease having panic attacks. I'd say chances for me showing up are slim.
Alright, here's the latest list from the old boards of DLC3 attendees.
Grefter-Most Likely
Excal-Most Likely
Yakko-Most Likely
See anything wrong on here, poke and let me know.
I'm probably in the "most likely" category right now.
Stick me in most likely. There's a few things I need to get nailed down first, but I'll be doing that this week, and they shouldn't be too much of an issue.
So new job pays off really well and doesn't make me want to kill myself, leaves me tired but the pay is good. Will probably look hard at buying plane tickets before next pay, while it will put me in debt, I am in a position to just accept that.
This brings me to, dammit guys where the hell am I flying to? Will I fly and stick around LA the whole time? Will I fly up to Vancouver, crash with someone there and drive/fly down (I can book a flight down to LA as part of my overall trip for a couple of hundred bucks, or I can have a break in my trip and try and order the same flight as someone else in the area or whatever)? Will I fly to another part of the country entirely (actually I should look up NY prices just for a laugh) and force myself on someone for a short visit? Enquring minds must know options and have to make some kind of decision.
Actually that brings up possibilities of Austin since I didn't get to see it last year...
But yeah I have the income to support a bit more of a real holiday this time and I would actually like to take one and see at least one other place this time (Vancouver comes up a lot because it is somewhere I want to see for University and lifestyle reasons, but as a student of humanities everywhere is worthy of study. Also Canadia has the whole mysterious elf thing and seems to be some kind of breeding ground for strange people).
Put me in Tenative for now.
I'd be willing to let you crash with me again, Gref, but I doubt you want a 5+ hour planeride to get to DL-Con after you come over from Austrailia. Austin would be a similar situation. No idea why you'd want to do that.
That reminds me. For those flying in, the prices vary greatly for the surrounding airports here. I can pick people up from the Oakland airport (~30 minutes from our place in bad traffic mainly because you have to go through SF and over the Bay Bridge to get there...beautiful view, though), SFO (South San Francisco ~10 minutes from our place) or SJC (San Jose ~45 minutes from our place). SFO is preferred, but I can certainly make the trip to either of the others if it would save you guys some cash.
I'm going to drop at San Francisco airport myself. Pathetically, travelling to São Paulo then going to São Francisco ends up cheaper than going straight to LA, and there are no straight to SF flights from here, so.
Gref: Not sure why you're trying to get down to LA, but if you do, you'll still need to get back up to San Fran at some point, since that's where the 'con is. (Apologies if you already knew that, I just saw no mention of SF in your post, so thought you were thinking the con was in LA)
I knew that, but was to distracted by LAX and last time's stop over of doom. Sooooo don't want to get stuck there again (have to fly through and do customs there unless something has changed, so most international travel is transerred onto domestic in LAX).
LAX is infinitely inferior to SFO, which is likely the best airport on the West Coast. That said, it's usually costlier to fly direct into SFO, but I'd be amazed if you couldn't do it.
Every airport sucks when you sleep overnight there with no luggage.
Buy a stripper to keep you warm at night. Problem solved.
That really works well after you have just spent all your money flying to another country.
Protip: If you kill her after you get the money back.
Protip: They ask for money up front if you look shady.
Protip: If you kill her after, you get the money back.
Protip: Just because he missed a comma doesn't make his advice any less true.
Also, warning for those who will be spending time at our place. We do have a chicken-in-a-cat-suit in residence. He will flee upon seeing anyone new (hence, the poultry flavor) so you may not see him, but if you have any sort of cat allergies, you will KNOW he lives there by the cat fur alone.
Oh. Hopefully we won't spend too much time at your place (Apartment, right) unless it's super spacey. Maybe we can rent one of the king sized rooms and use that as the hangout place?
I demand a beach trip as well.
February and still no plane tickets bitches. Someone help me sort this out.
Yay! Finally got word back on the beach house. It is available during those times. It's 500 a night. That's roughly 35 a night for 15 people. I think if you all decide to go this route then we'll cover the deposit & cleaning fee. So it's up to you guys. House works. Hotels are there too if you all decide to go that route.
Master BR #1 ...1CAL King
BR #2 ....1 Queen
BR #3.....2 Full beds
BR #4 ....1 Queen, 1 double futon, 1 sofa
BR #5.....1 Full bed and 2 twin beds
Hall ..1 sofa
Living room ..1 sofa
The 3 sofas are big enough for one person to sleep
comfortable on it.
Alright. We'll definately need to go poke around down there to see what the place is like before making a decision, but if we like it I'd certainly prefer to do the house over the hotels in this area.
Oh, Gref: related to your last post, get a hold of me on IRC as soon as you can, I'll be happy to whip something into place.
As a note to my earlier post:
Laggy, Andy, do you two want to be on in the house scoping expidition?
Just to clarify, getting the tickets is a non-issue, I pretty much know who I will fly with. I need to get ultimate destination set in stone before I spend a few thousand dollars though.
I'll be accompanying Gate and QR this Sunday to check out the house. Stay tuned for status report, etc.
Grefter: Again, if at all possible and not outrageous in price range, pick SFO. It is by far the closest and easiest access to transportation to where you'll want to be.
Join #dlc3 if you want to discuss con specifics and activities.
Okay, to recap:
Housing conditions!
So people know where they are. If something seems off here or you have your own plans, it'd be good to make us all aware of them.
3 @ QR/Gate's house: QuietRain, Gatewalker, Taishyr
9 @ beach house: superaielman, Meeplelard, Shale, Ciato, CmdrKing, Monkeyfinger, Excal, Soppy, Grefter
... plus Yakumo, OK, Ephraim, and Niu, if they make it
4 @ alternative housing: Halbarad, Laggy, Alex, Dark Holy Elf (?)
2 @ family/own housing: Xeroma, metroid composite, Andrew
- Confirmed count of con attendees: 19 (23 tentative)
I assume most if not everyone will be flying into SFO (something about crazy Canucks who might be driving down here though, who knows). It is an easy, leisurely 15-minute drive from the airport to QR/Gate's place. Both QR and myself will be providing ferry service. Obviously, as you get your itineraries, be sure to post them here - I will update this to keep track of arrival/departure times. We can fit 5 in a car each run, so we might wait a bit if your arrival time coincides closely with someone else to save some gas. Their house will be used a staging area where you'll go where you need to (usually the beach house, which is also very close nearby.)
- Arrival and departure times. Dates, too - some folks are staying longer and some are staying earlier, I know that much.
- Cell phone numbers. If you don't want them public, please PM them to Gate/myself at the very least so we can get ahold of you in case things get awkward at customs or whatnot. (For whatever reason if you need my own number, it is 707-812-2550)
- Where you're actually coming in from. Alternatives from here include OAK (Oakland International) and SJC (San Jose International), both a bit farther out from SFO but pick-ups are possible. If you're insane enough to actually be training or busing in, let us know details.
Saturday, 7/12
- 1:53pm Grefter (YVR)
Wednesday, 7/23
- 8:55pm - superaielman (SFO)
Thursday, 7/24 Con Starting Day
- 12:06pm - Meeplelard (SFO)
- 1:12pm - Halbarad, Alex (SFO)
Sunday, 7/27 Con Ending Day
Monday, 7/28
- 10:10pm - superaielman, Meeplelard (SFO)
Saturday, 8/2
- 4:39pm - Halbarad, Alex (SFO)
Monday, 8/4
- 5:45pm - Grefter (SFO)
Planned activities and fooding!
This is very much subject to change and a rough outline of what's been proposed so far. We need input here - join #dlc3 and chip in if you have ideas or want to plan something. Gaming and general hijinks (board games, real life Mafia, whatever) are a given.
The main con area will likely be the beach house, with Gate's place used as an alternative/staging area if the need arises.
Thursday, July 24th
- Most con members will be arriving today. The day will mainly consist of getting people where they need to be, aiel tormenting, and setting up at the house/unpacking/what have you.
- Food will likely largely be fast food with everyone grabbing a bite when they need to. There's enough to eat within easy walking distance, IIRC.
- Aside from general gaming and ish, the house (should it be decided upon) does have access to a beach less than a mile's walk away. This may be a good place to kill time in the evening.
Friday, July 25th
- Bowling alley nearby. This seems to be a DLC tradition, and it would be a good afternoon's activity.
- Dinner at the beachhouse, with chef Gatewalker presiding. The menu item is said to be his specialty. Don't miss out. Please bring $5 a person to cover grocery expenses, since he'll be making enough for 20+ people with leftovers. (Shale and Tai have agreed to assist in cooking!)
Saturday, July 26th
- The crazy people over at Soulriders are having their own meet around this time, and have proposed a link-up of the two communities on this day. The more the merrier.
- Dinner dining out at a local restaurant in Pacifica (TBA as food preferences and whatnot come up). Good chance SR folks will accompany us. Budget accordingly for how much you plan to eat, though it likely won't surpass 15-20 bucks a head (with drinks and frills).
Sunday, July 27th
- Clean-up at Gate's. This is something that didn't happen at DLC2, and we'd like to make sure it does this time, especially with an even higher turnout. Do your share!
- Departures as people come and go, again with QR and myself providing transportation to whatever airport you need to be at.
- If you plan to stick around past the 27th for whatever reason, let us know - a good number of us are (mainly Camp Hal and of course the local Gatewalkers) and having some more group outings would be cool.
Other things of note:
- Several other ideas are floating around (fighting game tourney, music quiz, DL jeopardy, etc.) that we'll likely put in the schedule as details are hashed out.
- If you have any ideas for group outings or have your own personal inquiries as to what's there to do in the SF area, feel free to drop me a line or stop by in #dlc3.
sometime in here to confirm you're still attending
(Yes, I still plan to go)
Okay, so housing report!
The biggest downside was that we weren't actually able to get into the house and take a look in the interior, because apparently someone had rented it out the day we went and are staying there for three days. Oops. That said, we did get a good look at the general area, and have an idea of the house's spaciousness.
- The house's view is spectacular. Here's a screenie standing on the street ( in front of the house: (Yes, that beach is within reasonable walking distance. It's not the most private beach ever but it's something.) There's a balcony ( to boot.
(By the way, do you see that weather? Fog in the distance, generally lookin' a bit chilly? That will be our weather in July. Dress WARMLY, folks. >_>)
- It's located within reasonable walking distance (15 minutes or so, through a hill and some lights) to a shopping center which includes a Safeway, Starbucks, deli, donut stop, Quinzo Subs, etc. etc. basically you're going to have no issues getting food or essentials.
- Speaking of beach, beach is indeed there and about the same distance of walk. Taco Bell right next to it too if you get the munchies.
- A bit over a mile away is the Seabowl Bowling Alley. Too far to walk (it involves highway travel) but the ease of access of driving y'all over there is a perk.
- Air hockey table. What more could you ask for? Doesn't suck up your quarters too!
- Distributed wi-fi throughout the entire house. That means that anyone hauling along their laptops should be able to get net (or desktops, if someone is generous enough.)
- Laundromat is available within the house.
- Four TVs: one in the main entertainment area (right next to the kitchen, and the gathering place in general, I think - here's a screenshot ( and three in the bedrooms. Hopefully the cables aren't locked in so they can be utilized for console use - we weren't able to check, but the question will be asked of the realtor.
- The house is on a hill. While this makes for a good view it's somewhat of a hassle to walk up and down it to get anywhere. Not a major concern but one worth noting, and when QR and I pick you up and drop you off we WILL be doing it at the base, because driving up that hill is a pain and mildly scary to park on.
- From a brief conversation with the folks who were renting the place out, while it will accommodate the projected 11-14 folks that will stay here, there will definitely be couch and floor sleeping involved. Think the count is something like seven beds total, although there's plenty of space to just sleep, it'll be a bit crowded. In the plus side, it's still far more space than DLC1 or 2 attendees reputedly ever got.
- Food access IS a fair walk and not a five minute detour. Group grocery/food trips may not be a bad idea since, unless you're aiming to get your exercise in, it's a bit more than casual to head down there and grab a sub.
- QR owned me in Uno. Actually she owned us all in Uno. ;_;
For those who aren't interested in staying at the house and want to make hotel arrangements: there's a Best Western Lighthouse ( in the same general area, also right in front of the beach and basically the best spot to be if you still want to be close to where the majority of the con is going to take place (likely the beach house). Stipulation: it's $150 a night, and that's a quote now (website says $190, easily could go up past 200 when summer rolls along.) As far as price efficiency goes, beachhouse has hotel beat squarely.
If there's something I didn't cover here that you'd like clarification on, feel free to poke. Again, I echo the need to know what everyone's housing plans are so we can set this up - the earlier the better.
Looks awesome. I am so in for the beach house.
I haven't really decided 100%, but baring any strange accidents I should be able to go. All I needed was confirmation of the dates so I can save $50 buying tickets early.
I am so in for the house...
...but damnit, need to wait until after March 19th at 12:01 pm. Fucking Canadian Residency Matching Service >_>
Beach house sounds sexy as a base of operations. Though with only 14 people, looks like some people will need to be in hotels anyway.
The Best Western is definitely a mite pricey, and I can't help but think the fact that it is on the sea has something to do with that. Is there anything else in the general area that might be cheaper? I may look into it myself when I have more time, but if any of you people in the area would know...
Put me down for an uncertain: There's a decent chance I could be able to go, and a decent chance I won't. Dunno yet. Lack of cash sucks. >_>
Beach House looks good to me too.
I'm fine with the Beach House. It'll be our own little Real World. Mad Real.
Oh, forgot to say this but...
If you don't mind me asking, what is the earliest for arrivals, and latest for leaving? I'm asking mainly so I know what kind of time frame to look at (and conversely, AVOID) for when buying my ticket.
Similarly, what Airport should I be flying into?
If this is the wrong place to bring this up, I apologize <_<;
Minor update: apparently this place I just started working at is pretty good about letting people get time off, and they let people request it three months in advance. So, that's about when I'll be able to tell you for sure if I'm going to make it, but it looks fairly good right now.
Oh, forgot to say this but...
If you don't mind me asking, what is the earliest for arrivals, and latest for leaving? I'm asking mainly so I know what kind of time frame to look at (and conversely, AVOID) for when buying my ticket.
Similarly, what Airport should I be flying into?
If this is the wrong place to bring this up, I apologize <_<;
Airport first: My preference is SFO (San Francisco), but if you can find a cheaper flight into SJC (San Jose) or OAK (Oakland) I can grab people from there as well. SJC's about a 45 minute drive from my place and Oakland can take upwards of that long even though it's close due to Bay Bridge traffic and having to drive through San Francisco proper.
Arrivals/Departs: The beach house will be ours on that Thursday-Sunday. Those arriving before or leaving after can stay at our place (bunk bed plus couch and floor space available-international peeps and girls get dibs) or grab a hotel room. I'm happy to pick people up or drop them off when convenient. My work hours are majorly flexible. I'm taking all of Thursday off to chauffer, but I can swing time off as needed to grab people on other days. So far I don't think we have any definate arrival/departure times for anyone, though.
Alright, my plane tickets are booked, my credit card is in debt. So I am coming for certains.
I am flying to Vancouver International Airport first and getting down from there however I have to, depart from San Francisco International Airport.
Will arrive in Vancouver on Saturday 13th July in the afternoon (Note to self, give complete flight details to person on the other end this time, like three times and in bold and underlined. Just so when I am running through everything I can see that I have sent it).
My flight out from San Francisco is on 4th August in the afternoon.
I have to spend a total of a bit over 10 hours in LAX over the whole trip. Thankfully it is the only stop over this time.... but 6 hours there is going to suck hard. I get in at 7 in the morning and don't leave until nearly 2. Boarding early hopefully.
Fuck LAX.
Check for the schedule, I should be able to come. Have a new job in summer, but I don't think it'll conflict the schedule. But even it does, it'll not conflict with the plab for those who are dropping by my town.
Grefter, exact arrival and departure times would be coo'.
EDIT: Though I just noticed you're flying into Vancouver. On uhh July 13th? (Remember, con date is July 24-27, Hal and Alex are only staying till Aug 4 because they, along with Snow and I, plan to do stuff in SF)
I am either presuming that you have had a sudden urge to tour British Columbia with elves and beavers or you got a date mixup. Hopefully the former, and that you also have transportation plans to SF itself from there.
As far as departure goes, yeah just make sure that you've got things to do from July 27-Aug 4. I doubt any of us other folks staying past the con mind the company but we won't be staying at QR/Gate, soo if you are planning on having company around go chat it up with 'em and Hal.
To Niu, and prospective others and those already confirmed - if you're not opting for the beach house and have alternate plans for housing, please be sure to state this... like... as soon as you're sure, so we have an idea on space, the share of the rent, and whatnot.
NEB: I'm sure I (or more likely QR) can take a broader look at hotels, but unless you're willing to drive to the con gathering place on a daily basis, finding a reasonably priced room isn't likely in the area, period. The particular Lighthouse quoted is extravagant due to being literally waterfront, yes, but expect at least upwards of 100-120 even for inland locations, and probably a 20 minute drive at the least.
Speaking of other options, what other options is around???
And for those who plan to drop by my town, how many days befor the con you plan to arrive?
Yeah I want to spend a bit of time up in Canada before coming down. It is a long flight, you badly need to do some real holiday things to make it worth it. I knew when the Con dates were. I figured leaving the 4th was a good enough time to abuse you, Hal, Alex and Snow if I felt like it or to abscond mc or whoever for a while.
Alright, specifics of my whole flight schedule.
Brisbane Departure 12 July 2008 11:05 AM Arrival Los Angeles 12 July 2008 7:00 AM
Los Angeles Departure 13:53 PM 12 July 2008 Arrival Vancouver 12 July 2008 16:48 PM
San Francisco Departure 04 August 2008 17:45 PM Arrival Los Angeles 04 August 2008 19:05 PM
Los Angeles Departure 04 August 2008 23:20 PM Arrival Brisbane 06 AUgust 2008 06:05 AM
Oh, I guess I never said, but the beach house sounds just fine to me, assuming I can make it.
Hey Gate/QR: I asked about this earlier, but I want to be sure. It'd save me over 100 dollars to fly out wednesday and leave monday night. Would that be fine? I'd be perfectly happy to help clean up/prepare as need be while I'm there during the extra time.
<amusement in voice> No nevah! </amusement>
Is fine. :) Wed-Mon should be fine. We'll have enough room I believe between bed/couch/floor space for everyone who needs to stay over before/past the dates of the con itself. (At least that have expressed an interst/need so far)
*Nods* I'll be buying my ticket this week. Need to talk to someone at school about things to make sure my class lines up (Summer school ends on the 29th)
Alright, on the Peeps At My House thing:
Wednesday: Snow, Laggy, Super will all be here. Tai might, dunno what time he's getting in.
Thursday: Tai
Friday: Tai
Saturday: Tai
Sunday: Super, Meeple, possibly Tai
Grefter, I know Laggy has you down as staying at my place for the duration of the Con at least, but I can't remember you ever saying that's what you were doing. If it's my memory acting up, slap me and I'll edit you in here, if not, what are your housing plans gonna be for the con itself? Beachhouse? Invade MC?
I hadn't really planned that far ahead. Assuming I can hold down this job for a while then I should have the funding to chip in at the house or a hotel room or whatever. I am pretty easy with what happens.
Edit - And it sounds like you will have a fair few people there on the Wednesday and Sunday, so I kind of wouldn't want to impose. Also depends when Vancouver types get down there and what their plan is.
I'm not staying at Gate's overnight on Wednesday in all likelihood so don't worry so much about that, especially if room is a concern. If international people want to book at the beachhouse, that's fine, just say so (I have them listed at Gate's as he said that people flying overseas get priority to save on housing costs.)
Like I said, I need to wait to clarify on when I'll be coming until mid-late March, but since I won't know for a while, should I just plan on rooming in a hotel, assuming that the house space will be taken up already? I guess I should probably wait for more people to weigh in first.
House only has 9 people in it right now. Even if everyone who's a tentative right now showed up, there'd still be enough room. Unless there's another jump of people planning to attend, it should accomodate everyone who hasn't already declared alternative housing.
QR/Gate: I'm landing at 8:55pm on Wednesday.
Still planning to be there; still potentially available for some hosting duties (though northwest San Francisco is a good hour's drive away from Pacifica).
Tentatively my plan is to attend my sister's wedding in Vancouver the week prior, then drive down with NEB and Grefter.
Confirmation that I'm coming!
Yeah, got my ticket ordered and everything. Anyway, here's the jist of it:
Leave at 8:45 EST AM from Newark on Thursday, so I should arrive at 12:06 your time (whatever that's called.) I'll call regardless whenever I finally get off the plane. Coming into San Fransisco.
I am returning Monday the 28th at 10:10 PM from San Fransisco as well. One day later than the con technically ends, yes, but its cheaper that way and all that.
EDIT: Airline I believe is Continental.
I can't help but wonder if you're on the same return flight as super.
He is. We're sitting next to each other.
Oh dear god.
Those poor, poor people.
Who knows, maybe with all that sexual tension in the air more than your average number of passengers will join the mile high club.
It has been brought to my attention that I am listed for the house?
I really shouldn't be counted there. I live fairly locally, so I don't think I'll be staying at the house.
Alright. we got to see the inside of the house today, so here's the important stuff.
Space: There is LOTS of it. No, really. More then you're imagining, I promise. A conservative estimate of sleeping space says that we can have ~16 people sleeping in there without any space issues. Yeah.
Speaking of sleeping space, it breaks down like this(keep in mind that my Floor Space estimates are conservative here, there is more then I'm telling you.):
Bedroom 1: Bed, Sofa, 1 person worth of Floor Space.
Bedroom 2: 3 Beds, 1 person worth of Floor Space.
Bedroom 3: Bed
Bedroom 4: 2 Beds
Master Bedroom: Bed, 2 people worth of Floor Space
Non-Bedroom Spaces: 2 Sofas, Loveseat
Now without counting floor space, that's room for 12 people to sleep. Pleeeenty of space.
Oh yeah, and there's also 2 bathrooms and the Master Bathroom. All full baths(toilet, sink, shower, you all know the drill).
Now as for the important stuff, gaming space:
Bedroom 1: Good sized TV, Desk for board games and such.
Master Bedroom: Good sized TV, computer desk.
Downstairs: Decent sized table for board games and such.
Upstairs: Air hockey table.
3rd Floor Diningroom area: Rather Large TV, frikkin' huge table for board games and such.
So yeah, plenty of entertainment space going on as well. There should be no issues about not having room to break out any game we want to break out.
Now that we've finally gotten a looksee at the inside of this place, we're going to be sending off the deposit for it tomorrow. We've got that covered, so no worries. However, those of you planning to stay in the house, please send me a PM saying so so I can get a good list of how many ways we're splitting this $500 a night bill. 12+ people would be ideal, of course. If we can't get at least 10 people staying in the house, I'll need to ask people with thier own housings to chip in bits for this anyway(we all are going to be using it afterall.)
Oh yeah, and Jenna took cellphone powered videos of the inside. She'll post those later.
I claim the air hockey table for sleeping.
Alrighty. Pics are up! Please note they were taken with a not-so-hot cell phone so the quality could be better. The files are .avi. If you can't see them, let me know because I can convert them to other formats if you'rer really that hot to see them. Takes no time, really.
I will do the house if there is that much space. We can try and sort something out for payment.
Okay. After mulling this over for a while, I decided I'm not going anymore. While fetching the money is still plausible in spite of the setbacks I've been having since the beginning of the year, the mental masturbation on whether I'll be able to or not is just wrecking me open, to the point my typical mental instability is beginning to take over. I'd just rather decide against going and save me the unnecessary grief than worrying whether I'll be able to or not. There's always next year, I guess.
Goddammit now I will have to travel further to hit you with a pipe.
In follow up to Snow's response, though for unrelated reasons, I'm now suddenly doubting my ability to come. Would like to talk to Gate/Jenna at some point, but... yeah. The primary problem is that I need to be out of China by the 13th of July.
This begins the 24th.
I'm not spending money to go home, fly out, and come back. I can't handle that right now - once I'm home I plan on being -home-. So... I need to seriously consider dropping this, myself. Irritable, that, but it may be saner.
Alrighty then. Due to realtor idiocy, I was informed on Monday that the house we were going to rent had been rented to someone else. SO, I found a replacement one. It's comparably priced and still in Pacifica. Below is the link to the house's website.
Now, for pricing, we're still going to be asking for $500 a night as the old one was priced. This one is actually 6 a night, but Gate and I are going to pick up the extra hundred a night since it was a last minute change up and I had to take it or risk losing out on any houses to fit this many people. And frankly, I wasn't seeing any hotels with enough space to house everyone and gave meeting space that didn't cost considerably more. So, if there will be 10 sleeping there a night, it's 50 a piece. More than 10 and we start chipping down that number.
The reservation on this one has been confirmed, though, so no having it drop out from under us like the last one. Bleh. The rent and deposit all have to be paid 2 months prior to the stay, though, so I'm going to go ahead and shell it out up front myself and then everyone can just cover it back to me when you all get here. I'm not in a hurry so you guys don't have to worry about shelling it out before you even get here. Just pony up when you arrive. ;)
Stance reversed yet again to "last thing to do is buy the tickets", thanks to Gate, QR and my dad.
I'll be wanting to talk to you two about it soon, but for now, thanks again and I promise to do what I can to help.
Okay. Do we have any time we've got people leaving on that Sunday?
If not, I'm going to start the trend and ask my dad to get me a flight out around 3:00 PM-4:00 PM. Leaves plenty of time in the morning to help clean up and all, and gets me back into Kalamazoo at a sane time for my dad to pick me up.
And tripleposting, mainly to keep this in everyone's heads to prepare but also to reserve a slot for details:
I leave on Sunday, the 27th, around 3:30 PM. Anyone else still scheduling, trying to leave around this time to save on trips will be a good idea, I guess? >_>
... I am *so* jealous now ;_;
My flight times have changed for my return trip.
Brisbane Departure 12 July 2008 11:05 AM Arrival Los Angeles 12 July 2008 7:00 AM
Los Angeles Departure 13:53 PM 12 July 2008 Arrival Vancouver 12 July 2008 16:48 PM
San Francisco Departure 04 August 2008 18:50 PM Arrival Los Angeles 04 August 2008 20:10 PM
Los Angeles Departure 04 August 2008 23:20 PM Arrival Brisbane 06 AUgust 2008 06:05 AM
Not much difference, just spend an hour longer in SF which thankfully means an hour less in LAX I guess.
Alrighty. Flight booked.
I'll be leaving from JFK on Wednesday July 23rd on Virgin America Flight 228 at 10:55AM, arriving at SFO at 2:05PM.
I'll be leaving from SFO on Sunday July 27th on Virgin America Flight 229 at 3:20PM, arriving home at 11:55PM.
Not bad. The plane is one of those new 320 Airbuses. Pretty snazzy and a good price too.
13 July from Beijing to Vancouver, I leave 4:20, get to Vancouver 12:20 PM.
From Vancouver, July 13, I leave at 3:45 PM and arrive in San Fransisco 6:05 PM.
Flight out is July 27, 2:45 PM. Not that you guys care, but I get back home at 11:25 PM. Woo.
Well damnit all to hell, I guess I'll be seeing you freaks in July after all.
Everything looks good for me to come as well, I'll probably pick up plane tickets after payday next week.
;_; But but it's a short bus ride!
Yeah, so here are the flight times so we all know:
I'd arrive at 11:19am on Wed Jul 23, leave Mon Jul 28 at 12:30am. Those are the plane leaving/arriving times. No one cares when I actually get back to or leave from Pittsburgh, so I won't mention that. The airport I am arrive/leaving from in CA is SFO.
Guess that new laptop I bought will get use afterall. Damn me buying a computer that can now run ePSXe without crashing every 5 seconds.
*prepares to install when it arrives*
So it's me, OK and super on Wednesday (not including the SF crew) so far?
Save me Jeebus ;-;
For all you folks coming in on Wednesday, there will not be overly much room in the house that day. People will be sleeping on floor space in the spare room, and the living room. Since Tai will be here as well, at that point.
As Gate, Cmdr.K, and Capt. K know well enough, I'm a big fan of the floor. A blanket and a pillow is all I need (or an inflatable mattress in place of the blanket).
By the way, since I am guaranteed coming barring the wrath of the almighty Tria, any assistance with cooking or anything else of the sort, I would be glad to help with. The bastard Italian chef in me can't miss a good chance at cooking for a group <_<
I'm also good with the floor. I've also been known to sleep on the odd windowsill if it's wide enough.
Alrighty, trying to get the logistics of chauffeuring down as we go along. I am going to keep this post updated as people put in their itineraries. Unless Laggy or someone else specifically says ‘Hey, I’m picking up or dropping off so-and-so at the airport so don’t worry about it’, I plan on doing that. The slots are just left blank in case someone else is specifically doing it. If you see something off or have an itinerary to add, please post it and I’ll update.
DLer Arrival time Picked up by Departure time Dropped off by
OK Wed 7-23 11:20am Mon 7-28 12:30am
Tai Sun 7-13 6:00pm Sun 7-27 2:24pm
Soppy Wed 7-23 2:05pm Sun 7-27 3:20pm
Grefter N/A (driving) Mon 8-4 8:10pm
Meeple Thur 7-24 noon Mon 7-28 10:10pm
Super Wed 7-23 9:00pm Mon 7-28 10:10pm
Niu Thur 7-24 3:00pm Sun 7-27 3:25pm
Hal/Alex Thur 7-24 1:12pm Sat 8-2 4:40pm
Yakko Thur 7-24 1:55pm Sun 7-27 6:20pm
I depart at the same time as Meeple. We have the same flight out of Sanfran.
Shoot me.
I intended to come down with the Vancouver types.
Yeah, I/Excal/Grefter/MC should all be coming by the same car.
Oh, just to have it said;
Probably not going to make it, finances this year have been substantially worse than I expected, etc. Sucks, but not much I can do. Sigh.
A big part of the problem is the distance, admitably. If I was more willing to be in a bus for two and a half days...each way...but I'm really not. (Maybe if it had been the first time and I didn't know what I was getting into/was meeting everyone for the first time and all, but...)
Yeah, I/Excal/Grefter/MC should all be coming by the same car.
Goddamn foreigners coming into our country.
Dey took er jerbs!
Kebert Xela.
Parents will buy the tickets after we move out to Arizona, so I'll be able to say what my flight times are sometime in June.
I just noticed everyone wants to cook. Is this out of helpfulness or a secret desire to show off mad cooking skills? Do I smell a DL Iron Chef Challenge?
Not in my kitchen. It's barely big enough for me, no way will it hold an Iron Chef cookoff.
The beach house's kitchen might be big enough. They don't have a picture of it on the website though...
Andrew's never going to remember to post this in time, so I'll do it for him:
Living over in East Bay and car-less, BART is the transportation method of choice (unless we rent a car). He's gonna need a ride between there and the ultimate destination, so it looks like he just needs to figure out when the most convenient time for that would be.
Flight booked
Arrived at SFO on the 24 at 3:00 PM
Departing at SFO on the 27 at 3:25 PM
BTW, how do we pay for the house?
We're putting everything down ahead of time, you guys just hand me money when you get here. Easier that way, then waiting on checks to arrive to pay for the house.
As for the amount we'll need from everyone...I'll poke Jenna about that because I forgot.
The rental is going to come down to $500 a night for you guys. How that gets divvied up depends on how many of you are staying at the house and how many of you that aren't staying there but want to help contribute can chop off that amount. If 10 are staying there, then it'll be $50 a night.
Gate and I are covering the extra $100 a night.
Xer/me/Gref/Meeple/Elfboy/Shale/Ciato/Cmdr/Excal/Sopko/Tai/Alex/Yakko/OK in the rental?
Huh, 14 of us? Sounds cramped, but easier on the wallet. And really, being forced into close quarters with random people you half know is part of the charm of these things anyways.
Xer/me/Gref/Meeple/Elfboy/Shale/Ciato/Cmdr/Excal/Sopko/Tai/Alex/Yakko/OK in the rental?
Xer's staying with family, NEB has stated a preference to find a hotel, Tai may or may not be staying at Gate's instead to save on costs due to being international, Alex's staying with Hal and myself at another hotel. Dunno if anything else is different offhand but yeah.
Also, QR, on the second page of this thread I listed some arrival and departure times I posted earlier. Some may be out of date but some are missing from your list, too, IIRC.
Thanks, Laggy. I added Hal & Alex into the mix.
Just to be sure, can we have everyone who plans to stay for the house (and thus help pay for the rent) post to confirm as such so we have an idea of a head count/how much it'll be per person? I don't want to make any assumptions. Thanks!
I'm in for it of course.
Confirming for the house.
I'll stay at the house, sure.
I will stay at the house yeah or at least help chip in either way.
Staying at house too
House and such.
Leon, don't derail this with pointless, spammy comments.
My flight times have changed again I know it will totally fuck everyones plans up.
Sat 12 Jul 08 11:05 Brisbane 07:00 Los Angeles
Sat 12 Jul 08 13:53 Los Angeles 16:43 Vancouver
Mon 4 Aug 08 18:50 San Francisco 20:10 Los Angeles
Mon 4 Aug 08 23:20 Los Angeles 06:05 Brisbane (Wed)
Thats right, I arrive a whole 5 minutes earlier to Vancouver (planned to, will not happen anyway). So the day is totally fucked.
But yeah, I feel compelled to give as accurate estimates as possible anyway.
So far Super, Soppy, Yakumo, Grefter, Niu, CK, Meeple confirmed for house. Others?
Yeah, I'm confirmed.
I THINK I can survive in the house with that group. Hopefully.
If not, I call dibs on Meeple and Niu's monies!
Despite what I alluded to earlier, I am in for the house.
I am going to need to invest in some liquor and a lighter when I get to Canada from the looks of things.
Why do I picture Grefter getting arrested at the border ala Fez from That 70's Show?
In for the house. Still have to set up my plane ticket, because it's contingent on arrangements with family in the SF area (I might visit them after the con).
my tickets are confirmed, if Gate and QR will still have me at their place that'd be awesome since finances just got even worse on my end.
We're still good to go. :)
And so far that puts the house @ 11 ppl. That's just under $50 a night.
Sign me up for the beach house. Tickets info will come in the next few weeks.
New times!
Sat 12 Jul 08 11:05 Brisbane 07:00 Los Angeles
Sat 12 Jul 08 13:55 Los Angeles 16:45 Vancouver
Mon 4 Aug 08 18:50 San Francisco 20:10 Los Angeles
Mon 4 Aug 08 23:20 Los Angeles 06:05 Brisbane (Wed)
Plane leaves LA 2 minutes later.
Flight information for my trip down to meet y'all again. Also, random tidbit I found out while searching for a good deal: Greyhound would have cost more. >_> Not that I would ever go near them again anyway, just saying. These flights are Virgin Airlines.
24-Jul-2008 VX 1737 SEATTLE, WA (SEA) 11:50AM SAN FRANCISCO, CA (SFO) 01:55PM
27-Jul-2008 VX 1738 SAN FRANCISCO, CA (SFO) 04:25PM SEATTLE, WA (SEA) 06:20PM
Looks like we'll get to hang out in the terminal, Yakko.
Moving my ongoing airport post further in the list so it's easier to find.
OK Wed 7-23 11:20am Mon 7-28 12:30am
Tai Sun 7-13 6:00pm Sun 7-27 2:24pm
Soppy Wed 7-23 2:05pm Sun 7-27 3:20pm
Grefter N/A (driving) Mon 8-4 8:10pm
Meeple Thur 7-24 noon Mon 7-28 10:10pm
Super Wed 7-23 9:00pm Mon 7-28 10:10pm
Niu Thur 7-24 3:00pm Sun 7-27 3:25pm
Hal/Alex Thur 7-24 1:12pm Sat 8-2 4:40pm
Yakko Thur 7-24 1:55pm Sun 7-27 4:25pm
CmdrKing Thur 7-24 11:26am Sun 7-27 9:40pm
Ciato Friday 7-25 11:10pm
Shale Thur 7-24 3:15pm
Pick ups at the airport will be at the baggage claim section because that’s prolly the easiest meeting place to arrange. So, times below are when I will be at the baggage claim area for pick up. All below assumes SFO (San Francisco). If I missed that you’re flying into OAK or SJC instead, post here and let me know.
Anyone landing who wants my cell number in case we have trouble meeting up, just PM me for it at some point before you leave. I’ll have my cell on me.
For departure times, I figured on dropping you guys off one and a half hours early for security stuff. If you want to be there earlier than that, just let me know.
Tried to consolidate picking up trips as best as I could without making people stay too long at the airport. I’m going to need to park and twice a day parking fees at the airport is about my comfort level. No one should be at the airport longer than an hour.
6:00pm - Tai
2:00pm – Soppy & OK
9:00pm - Super
noon - CK & Meeple
1:00 – Hal & Alex
3:00pm – Shale, Yakko & Niu
11:00 – Ciato
1:00pm – Tai
2:00 – Soppy & Niu
3:00 - Yakko
8:00 - CmdrKing
11:00pm – OK (*wince and sympathy at red eye flights*)
8:30pm – Meeple & Super
Is someone else giving Grefer, Alex & Hal lifts to the airport for departure or am I doing that? Just curious.
Noting that Yakko's departure time from SFO is 4:25. 6:20 is his arrival time in Seattle. (Hahahahaha Seattle...)
What are parking fees? We can (and should, probably - at least I will >_>) reimburse you for them.
It's $1 per 12 minutes (I mean really! Who thinks this stuff up!? Why not per 15 minutes?). For a single drop off it won't be but a couple of dollars at most. It's just adding up the totality of (so far) 5 different pick ups that I want to keep in my safe range. And not everyone has thier tickets yet, so there will be a couple stops more coming up possibly (depending on landing time).
I arrive at 11:09 PM on Friday night. Return flight won't be out of SFO.
Edited my post for Ciato's flying in time.
Went down to see the beach house this past weekend. You guys are literally a house away from the cliff overlooking the ocean. Your view is killer. Gate and I are going to go down sometime in the next couple of weeks to find the walk way down to the beach itself. I could see a couple of people walking down there so I know there's an entrance somewhere, it's just not really apparent standing on the cliff where that would be located.
Grocery store and deli within walking distance (even by my standards and I have all the walking stamina of a beached whale). Not too much fast food, though. Taco Bell is about the only thing close (not much farther than the grocery store & deli). There's also a rather decent chinese place there. Although by decent, I mean decent for the area which isn't saying much. You'd think with the asian population we have here, finding good chinese would not be a problem. But then, you would be wrong.
It's about a mile and a half STRAIGHT downhill from our apartment, too, so that's nice. And about a 5-10 minute drive to the bowling alley.
Sounds perfect. how many people do we have confirmed for the beach house now?
DLC3 Attendees!
Beach House (14)
* superaielman
* Sopko
* Yakumo
* Grefter
* Niu
* CmdrKing
* Meeple
* OblivionKnight
* Elfboy
* Shale
* Xeroma
* Andrew
* LadyDoor
* Dhyerwolf
Other Forms of Housing (9)
* Gatewalker
* QuietRain
* Taishyr
* Ciato
* Halbarad
* Alex
* Laggy
* Monkey
* metroid composite
Total attendee count: 23
Beach house pictures!
( (
The house itself. It looks small from the outside but I'm pretty sure it'll fit the twelve of you currently allotted for it comfortably, or so at least the realtor claims.
( (
Yeah, that's like 30 seconds down the street from the house. No actual beach access I saw, sadly, but the sidewalk runs along the cliff line and it's a view to kill.
View in the other direction down the street.
Plane tickets get!
Arrival is 3:12 p.m. on Thursday, on United Flight #217 from Washington, D.C.
I don't have a flight to catch on Sunday, but I'll be bumming a ride into SF if I can so as to meet family in town. I'll be staying with them for the rest of the vacation and flying home on Monday.
Northwest Airlines 343
Arrive: 11:26am
morning San Francisco, CA
San Francisco International (SFO)
Northwest Airlines 346
Depart: 9:40pm
evening San Francisco, CA
San Francisco International (SFO)
Yeah, I'm a little late, too absentminded for my own good.
From the looks of things, I'll be getting my tickets somewhere around the 11th to the 14th, depending on if my parents aren't too lazy when we get our paycheck.
QR is already aware, but just so everyone ELSE isn't shocked by it: Andrew and I decided to crash in the beach house with the rest of y'all. It'll be nice and cozy, I'm sure. <_<
long as you bums pay!
EDIT: I wouldn't mind doing an arm wrestling contest. Wonder if anyone can beat Gate?
Okay, after copious persuasion, Super has likely got me to come to this thing kind of. I'd stay with my best friend the first day, so real need to worry about arrival times. After that, I'd probably take show up at the airport the same time another person/group was being picked up. This whole thing isn't 100% yet, since I do have to do some more planning with her, but it hopefully should be pretty soon. Leaving times shouldn't be much of an issue since Southwest alone basically has a flight every hour, and I'd probably just need to get near a train station in SF because I'd be flying out of Oakland for crazy savings fun.
Oh awesome. Will be good to see you at least some of the time Dhyer.
Other Forms of Housing (11)
* Gatewalker
* QuietRain
* Taishyr
* Ciato
* Halbarad
* Alex
* Laggy
* Andrew
* LadyDoor
* Monkey
* metroid composite
Total attendee count: 23
Haven't kept up with the topic and catching up--what are the housing details on this lot? (Potentially if someone with a car stayed at my apartment that would work. Otherwise, public transportation to pacifica kind-of sucks, so I'll need to look for some kind of accommodation).
Us bums will be paying, which brings the cost per person down 2 more notches. Hooray!
Dhyer: There is a train system that runs near the Oakland airport (AirBART -> BART, the Bay Area subway) and goes all the way to Daly City/Millbrae/South San Francisco, which is where SFO is. I think it's possible (I hope, since Andrew and I rely on the same thing) to arrange some way to make that work with extant pick-up schedules.
metroid: Andrew and I are carless in Berkeley. Hooray. We're moving from "other forms of housing" to "beach house" though.
* Gatewalker and QuietRain - Con hosts
* Taishyr - Currently in China, is flying back in to US straight to this, IIRC is staying with QR and Gate.
* Ciato - Not sure, is she coming in with the Canada crew maybe?
* Halbarad, Alex and Laggy - Hal and I are staying at a hotel, many thanks to his parents' vacation plan, Laggy lives in the area but will be staying at the hotel with us for convenience. (We're all going to be hanging out in San Fran for a week after the con.)
* Andrew and LadyDoor - Now at beach house as per their posts
* Monkey - Lives near the area, not sure what exactly he's doing.
* metroid composite - International Man of Mystery
Arrive: 11:26am
morning San Francisco, CA
San Francisco International (SFO)
Depart: 9:40pm
evening San Francisco, CA
San Francisco International (SFO)
Yeah, I'm a little late, too absentminded for my own good.
Hey CK, just confirming because there weren't dates in the message. Arrival is Thursday, departure in Sunday? Let me know!
... yes. Man, i thought I had those in there. But yeah, arrival is Thursday 7/24, departure is Sunday 7/27.
Thanks! My chauffering post is updated. Let me know if anything's off in it, anyone.
Maybe I'm being dense, forgetful, a pest, etc. but...
Did we do anything about the transaction of Cellphone Numbers?
Afterall, it doesn't hurt to have some way to contact people.
Yeah, probably a good idea. Just post it here or, if you're worried about it being in public view, PM it to QR and myself.
I put it in the chauffering post, but I'll put it here again for reference. If anyone wants to PM me for cell/home numbers for Gate or myself since we're doing chauffering (well, I am anyway *grin*), please do so. I'm happy to provide them or to take cell numbers if you'd rather.
I'm sorry to say, but, due to some recent implosions, I will be unable to attend DL Con this year.
That said, I am still looking forward to meeting those of you who will be visiting Vancouver before, or after, the con.
So, per request in chat, more info on the house. They just sent me an EM this morning saying they got the last deposit so we're golden. And the notice also came with a long list of things about the house. Info below:
-Location: 110 W Avalon Dr, Pacifica, CA 94044
-There is a phone that can be used for local numbers there.
-There is wireless throughout the house. The code is written inside the house.
-The TV contains basic cable if you really get bored.
-The house is non-smoking inside.
-There are 4 bedrooms and 3 baths set up with beds for 12. Places on the floor/couches are unknown, but I'm betting there's a bit here and there. If not, we have tons of floor space up with us as well as space for 2-3 people to sleep on beds/couches. We're all of like a 3 minute drive to the beach house.
-We can not enter earlier than 4pm on Thursday (first I heard of that). Means we're going to have our place be a tad cozy with the first few picked up on Thursday until it's time to walk/drive down the hill to the house.
-We must vacate the premises before 10am on Sunday (first I'd heard of that one, too, bleh). Again, we'll just move the fun up to our place for the little while everyone is left here.
10am? Bah, that sucks. Oh well.
Cool thanks QR. I am going to be putting down that address for details of where I am staying in the states since I don't remember if I have really actually sorted anything solid out for after the Con >_>
So we currently have 14 peeps staying at the beach house. That puts the daily rate down to $36 a night. If we slip another soul in there (that'd be 3 people more than beds, though, not sure what kind of good idea that would be), it comes down to $34 a night. MC made a post earlier about accomodations. Not sure if that's the route you want to go or not.
We have bunks and a couch and love seat at our place that are pretty comfy if we have overflow peeps. Tai's got prior claim to one of those through his stay and Ciato will have claim to one when she gets here (yay!). Other than that, if the house proves smaller than advertised, we can work on shuffling people. I REALLY wish we'd been able to look in before renting the blessed thing.
I can sleep on the floor or in the bath, I really don't care.
Basically, either someone with a car will need to stay at my apartment, or I'll be wanting to stay at the beach house/sleep on a couch. The location of my apartment is excellent for public transportation if I want to go east to Downtown, but terrible for public transportation if I want to go south to Pacifica.
Flight times!
Wed Jul 23 786 Depart Phoenix(PHX) at 02:00 PM
Arrive in San Jose(SJC) at 03:50 PM
Sun Jul 27 3659 Depart San Jose(SJC) at 06:05 PM
Arrive in Phoenix(PHX) at 08:55 PM
Why SJC? Meeting up with an uncle for a day, he'll drive me over to Pacifica/pick me up when it's time to leave.
QuietRain, how do I pay for staying at the beach house?
Moving the chauffer list up again as it's 2 pages back now. Xer's stuff added in (but not for picking up/dropping off since he has that covered, just arival/departure times for reference).
OK Wed 7-23 11:20am Mon 7-28 12:30am
Tai Sun 7-13 6:00pm Sun 7-27 2:24pm
Soppy Wed 7-23 2:05pm Sun 7-27 3:20pm
Grefter N/A (driving) Mon 8-4 8:10pm
Meeple Thur 7-24 noon Mon 7-28 10:10pm
Super Wed 7-23 9:00pm Mon 7-28 10:10pm
Niu Thur 7-24 3:00pm Sun 7-27 3:25pm
Hal/Alex Thur 7-24 1:12pm Sat 8-2 4:40pm
Yakko Thur 7-24 1:55pm Sun 7-27 4:25pm
CmdrKing Thur 7-24 11:26am Sun 7-27 9:40pm
Xeroma Wed 7-23 3:50pm Sun 7-27 8:55pm
Ciato Friday 7-25 11:10pm
Shale Thur 7-24 3:15pm
Dhyer Sun 7-27 7:05pm
Pick ups at the airport will be at the baggage claim section because that’s prolly the easiest meeting place to arrange. So, times below are when I will be at the baggage claim area for pick up. All below assumes SFO (San Francisco). If I missed that you’re flying into OAK or SJC instead, post here and let me know.
Anyone landing who wants my cell number in case we have trouble meeting up, just PM me for it at some point before you leave. I’ll have my cell on me.
For departure times, I figured on dropping you guys off one and a half hours early for security stuff. If you want to be there earlier than that, just let me know.
Tried to consolidate picking up trips as best as I could without making people stay too long at the airport. I’m going to need to park and twice a day parking fees at the airport is about my comfort level. No one should be at the airport longer than an hour.
6:00pm - Tai
2:00pm – Soppy & OK
9:00pm - Super
noon - CK & Meeple
1:00 – Hal & Alex (Laggy to provide)
3:00pm – Shale, Yakko & Niu
11:00 – Ciato
1:00pm – Tai
2:00 – Soppy & Niu
3:00 - Yakko
5:30 - Dhyer (Oakland)
8:00 - CmdrKing
11:00pm – OK (*wince and sympathy at red eye flights*)
8:30pm – Meeple & Super
OK, next issue:
Payments. I can take cash or money orders/cashier's checks. $36 a night if someone with a car is staying at MC's place, $33 a night if he ends up having to stay at the beach house. All of this stuff has already been prepaid to the homeowner, so no worries about a timeline. Just sometime before you leave is good enough for me. I'm not really picky. I know where you're all staying. *grin*
;_; 11 on Friday. Have I mentioned how sad this makes me? MISSING HALF THE CON FOR WORK RESPOSBILITIES? UNHEARD OF!
Works sucks and is stupid, clearly.
Totally is. I have to make a scientific poster and stand in front of it for two hours. Oh come on, can't this shit be skipped~? I have Internet meetings to go to!
Edit - And I am off. Bye
Gate: at Vancouver Airport. Will be leaving here ~30 minutes later than expected, so you may wish to factor that in.
Also, as a warning, I have absolutely no clue where my appetite is or will be on arrival, so.
And picking up Tai reminded me that one VITAL piece of info I would like to ask that all folks flying in provide me: What airline you're flying. *grin* Luckily, I was able to do some facy search-fu and figured it out for Tai, but I'd like to avoid that if possible. Just edit your post with your flight info to include the airline info as well if it isn't already there. Thanks!
I am arriving on Frontier Airline.
Continental Airlines
Okay, my relevant flight info.
Arrival- I'd the same BART that Andrew and Ashley are using.
Departure- Sunday 27, 7:05 PM, OAKLAND airport (Figured it people are dropped off at SFO around 2ish, that should give me navigation time with public transportation). Note that I could bump this up or back depending on scheduling and such.
Southwest Airlines for me.
Pretty sure I said it, but Virgin Airlines.
Pretty sure I said it, but Virgin Airlines.
Yeah, I actually don't know >_>
I can't get into the email it's saved under here, and I couldn't find it last night, so...I'll let you know when I know! I believe it's Southwest.
So it is less than a week to a con and
a) I don't think everyone's posted airlines yet. This means we won't know which terminal to go to to pick you up, so unless you like getting lost in airports I suggest you do this!
b) I've gotten a grand total of one cell phone number. If you don't want to give up your number for whatever reason, that's fine, but compound this with (a) and we may never find you. It's not that far away anymore, folks, people need to get in and get organized like... now. Again, PMing this information to QR and myself would be grand.
Since it's been ages since I've participated in this discussion, refresh my memory: Where exactly do I go, and when? Recall, I live in the town we're doing this in.
Laggy, do you still have my cell phone number from last year when you were travelling up this way? It hasn't changed. I'll try and remember to PM it to you when I get home if you don't.
I took the liberty of forwarding Laggy the list of cell phone numbers OK got together last year. That includes Alex, me, OK, Super, Ciato, yours, Niu, Gate and Hal's numbers, unless any of them have changed since a year ago.
I've got it.
Post incoming to summarize up arrivals, beach house payment and such, sec.
Updated Attendance List
Total DLC3 Attendees: 23
Beach House (15)
ADDRESS: 110 W Avalon Dr, Pacifica, CA 94044
(Open at 4pm on Thursday 7/24)
(Must leave by 10am on Sunday 7/27)
* superaielman
* Sopko
* Yakumo
* Grefter
* Niu
* CmdrKing
* Meeple
* OblivionKnight
* Elfboy
* Shale
* Xeroma
* Andrew
* LadyDoor
* Dhyerwolf
* metroid composite
It is exactly $100 USD per person for house payment ($33.3 a night, totals up nicely with 15 people). Please be ready with this in cash or money orders/cashier's checks for QR, she really went out of her way to grab this place ASAP when it looked like we were out of housing options!
For the period of time that the beach house isn't open on start con day (Thursday) and end con day (Sunday) we'll have people at the Gate/QR residence. For those who aren't arriving by air, please consult with them personally on pickup/organization directions. (Some people are arriving by BART, others by car, etc.) I believe this applies to NEB, Xeroma, Dhyer, Andy, LadyDoor, MC, and Monkey.
Other Forms of Housing (8)
* Gatewalker
* QuietRain
* Taishyr
* Ciato
* Halbarad
* Alex
* Laggy
* Monkey
Arrivals and Airlines
2:00pm – Soppy (Virgin) & OK (Continental)
9:00pm - Super (Continental)
10:15am – Hal & Alex (Frontier)
noon - CK (Northwest) & Meeple (Continental)
3:00pm – Shale (United), Yakko (Virgin) & Niu (Southwest)
11:00 – Ciato (Frontier)
Xeroma is arriving by air on Wednesday but is being picked up by family, IIRC.
No cell phone on my end, but I would like to grab numbers for people in the area, at least Gate/QR.
Not sure when exactly we'll be arriving; my guess is after 4 though, so we'll head to the house? If earlier, I'll need to get in touch with Gate/QR for their address.
Wednesday, Laggy. And... I'll need to see if mom will let me borrow her cell, otherwise I won't have one.
Do not have a cell phone.
Andrew, Dhyer and I are arriving by BART in the late afternoon on Thursday. Already talked to QR about the arrangements.
Andrew and I have cell phones. Don't know how useful it is to anyone to have the numbers, but if you want them, just ask.
My airline is Southwest. I'd also like cell numbers too.
Flight list updated (QR, please check and verify numbers and right and you're good with everything!)
Hal's and Alex's flight times changed to 10:15am, edited accordingly, and I'm handling picking them up since they have alternative housing plans.
As of now, I have my final travel itinerary, and nothing has changed. So hopefully, barring any unforeseen ass, cavity searches, I should be ok.
Alrighty then. Just making sure here. Last call to correct me: Everyone except Xer and Dhyer are using the SFO airport to fly in/out. If you are using OAK or SJC, speak now or...walk a REALLY long way.
For those driving, Laggy gave the address of the beach house. Those stopping by ours, it's 324 Gateway Dr, Apt 121 in Pacifica (94044). Those driving in to our place instead of the beach house, please contact myself, Gate or Laggy because parking is no easy deal and we'll need to walk you through where to go.
One change in pick up times. OK, I will be picking you up at noon since I got to slip out of a meeting and thus leave work earlier that day. Yay!
Again, those flying in, I'm not sure if Gate or Laggy will be with me for what trips (and some I'll be making by myself). So, if you don't see them, look for the pudgy brunette with uber-long hair and glasses with a DLCon 3 sign next to her. OK, I know I'll be by myself for yours because I'll be coming straight from work.
CK & Meeple: You guys are flying in on different airlines, but you use the same baggage carousels for both your airlines, so I'll pick you both up there.
Yakko & Soppy: You guys listed that you're coming in on Virgin. When I went to the SFO website, it lists Virgin as only coming in on the International terminal. *_* Not sure what's up with that. Could you guys verify that I'll need to pick you up at the international terminal?
I'm supposed to grab Yakko, Niu & Shale at 3. If Yakko will be coming into the International terminal, I'll pick him up seperately (since he gets in about an hour before you guys) and then swing by and grab the two of you then. Niu, I'll be in your baggage claim when you grab your stuff. Shale, yours is in a whole nother terminal than Niu, so I'll pick up Niu and we'll Airtran over to your terminal to grab you at your baggage claim area. You land a tad later, so it should give us a bit of time to get there. If you don't see us, give my cell a call (I'll PM it to you) to see where we are en route.
Everyone else is flying in solo or driving, so no uber coordination needed.
Oh yeah. To make it easier for you QR, I'll be wearing a Green Bay Packers jeresy. (Green sports jeresy). Should be easy to pick me out with that if Laggy/Gate aren't there.
Re: QR
Yeah... thinking right now. I won't be able to do any ferry duty on Wednesday, and on Thursday morning I'm going to ship Hal and Alex over to the hotel - we'll have to check-in and set up. Since the beach house opens at 4, I was thinking that I could ferry the 3pm folks over, but my car only fits five (myself, Hal, Alex already take 3) so that's a no-go.
Considering you're doing pretty much every other ferry trip though I can handle picking up Ciato on Friday. The hotel we're staying at is closer to the airport than your house and we'd have to go towards the direction of the beach house in the morning for the con *anyway*. So Texas and Oklahoma for me, the rest of the sweet merry country for you.
By the way QR, you must label the con picket sign as we've discussed. Must.
Actually, Ciato's going to be staying at our place instead of the beach house, so it makes more sense for me to grab her.
And Laggy, I will include the update to the sign, but I disavow all culpability. ;) hehe
Man, am I not going to pick anyone up at all then aside from the duo Texans? That is :(
I could shove Niu in the trunk and fit the rest of the 3pm crowd, maybe!
I feel so loved :D
These board emotes need to die in an unholy pit of fire.
I can handle picking up Ciato on Friday
KILGA you are going to get me beaten up by Ashdla
Eh. Melsa doesn't bludgeon me for having an affair with Laggy, you'll do fine.
*drops Kilga into a vat of boiling acid with sharks, then spins Snow around it*
Just kicked your asses.
Ballroom dancing around a vat of acid sharks?
Fuck. Maybe I should start batting for the other team if they can pull off shit that romantic.
It never hurts to experiment and expand your horizons a little.
Well. Not too much. Depending. Maybe.
*drops Laggy into Touhou Mafia alongside 20 MotKers*
Just kicked your asses.
Aya would never kick my ass. She loves me too much. <3
You're clearly delusional. *Nods.*
You've clearly never been to Gensokyo.
Wait, delusional? Uh...
Uh, that's news to me on the International terminal thing, I'll look it up when I get home. >_>
From the map of the airport alone it doesn't look like you have to do anything different. Virgin gets in at Terminal A, which connects directly to the Main Hall, and you have to walk through it to get to one of the Domestic flights terminals. Yakko, if you see anything different?
Oh, general question to conference attendees:
Do you want me to wear pants or skirts?
I wore a skirt on the last day of DLC2 (when I was out of other warm-weather clothes) and was told afterwards that several people were sorry they missed it, or felt I looked much more like how they imagined me. Now, I'm comfortable wearing whatever, and have a good selection in my closet, so everyone else should say what they would prefer I wear for DLC3.
Grass skirt, coconut bra, colour your hair pink and green
The fact that you can ask a question like that so nonchalantly scares me >_>;
Grass skirt, coconut bra, colour your hair pink and green
I don't own any bras--don't you think I'm a tad young for that, OK?
If you guys do end up flying into the Int'l terminal (what is up with that anyway...), we'll just adjust.
Yakko, your pick up is the only one this complicates. If you could get on the Airtran after picking up baggage and head for Terminal 1's baggage claim area. That's where I'm picking up Niu before heading to get Shale. I'm not sure if it'll be the Red Line or the Blue Line you'll need to take (there are 2 AirTran tracks), but it'll be whichever one's next stop is the domestic terminals, not the garages. And if you get the wrong one, it's not that bad. They all loop around in a circle, so you'll just catch Terminal 1 the long way around.
And for Soppy, I'll just meet you in the Terminal A baggage claim. Since I'm picking OK up early, it'll be just you. No sense in making you go to the domestic terminal for no reason. :)
May I state for the record, Virgin Airlines is for the birds. ^_^ If either of you wants my cell number for airport snafus, PM me, and I have both of yours.
Oh, general question to conference attendees:
Do you want me to wear pants or skirts?
So awesome.
I would say pants just cause Pacifica gets so freaking cold. But if you don't mind the cold drafts, a skirt would prolly be more comfy.
Yeah, I've got like an hour to figure out where the hell to be, I'm sure I can figure it out. :P
Doesn't look too bad anyway.
Okay, all relevant phone numbers are acquired; thanks to Laggys and QRs.
As I said I expect I'll be showing up at the house if we are there after 4. I assume someone will be there at all times? Only danger is if we arrive at dinner time, so this post is mostly to ask what we are doing for Thursday dinner. Granted, worst comes to worst I will just phone, but yeah.
Earlier and I will phone Gate/QR for directions to their place.
Best to try my cell if you need directions. Gate has many skills. Navigation is NOT one of them. Dead serious.
I know Gate's planning Portugese Chicken for dinner on Friday or Saturday. And there was talk of going to some other group's meeting for dinner as well on the other one of those days. But further than that, I am clueless. Did anyone nail down dinner stuff in a previous part of the thread or the previous thread before we moved forums?
I would say pants just cause Pacifica gets so freaking cold. But if you don't mind the cold drafts, a skirt would prolly be more comfy.
Depends; is it warmer or colder than Downtown San Francisco / Richmond District?
One night dinner out, I think, was the plan before, with the Soulriders group. Some place local, obviously (your suggestion would probably be best there). Hal has details on the SR meetup, but it's on Saturday.
MC: Yes, it is. (Though I would vote skirt anyway.)
I would say pants just cause Pacifica gets so freaking cold. But if you don't mind the cold drafts, a skirt would prolly be more comfy.
Depends; is it warmer or colder than Downtown San Francisco / Richmond District?
It is a bit more chilly, a bit more windy and way foggier.
Best to try my cell if you need directions. Gate has many skills. Navigation is NOT one of them. Dead serious.
You have no idea how true this is. Seriously.
If there's a completed list of cell phone numbers, could someone PM it to me?
Okay! We have food news!
Wed-Thurs meals: Catch as catch can. Seriously, nothing planned for these days. There's a subway right across the street from my house, so that's something at least.
Friday Breakfast/Lunch: Same as last 'con. Meals aside from dinner weren't planned last time, and they aren't this time either. Much as Hal did last time, QR and I will be stocking up on drinks, chips, snackfoods, etc.
Friday Dinner: I'm cooking. Tai/QR assisting. Portuguese(sp?) Chicken, a somewhat spicy chicken stew of sorts with chorizo in it. It is yum. (If possible, bring like $5 a piece to throw at me for ingredients, please.)
Saturday Breakfast/Lunch: Second verse, same as the first. There's a store right next to the beach house, we can grab sammich stuff there, I suppose.
Satudary Dinner: Going out to eat somwhere? No idea where at the moment. QR and I tend to not actually go to The Local Places(as we've done so a couple times and got bad food by them), so we're actually not great people to ask about this. On the other claw, we could order pizza instead? There's actually a rather good pizza place across the street from us(at least I like thier stuff, QR not so much). They also have good italian sammiches and such, as well as pizza. That's a thought at least.
Sunday Breakfast: Okay, the SR folks are booked on Sat, but want to get together sunday morning. So those who want could go have breakfast with them on Sunday. I'm hoping Drac has somewhere in mind, as I sure don't.
Any other meals: Third verse, same as the second. You know the drills by now.
Any questions?
I can supply breakfast drinks[smoothies] if people are willing to hand me some extra cash for supplies. That is, if the beach house has a blender. Otherwise, I'll try to generically help out the best I can.
Oh yeah:
If you're going to the con, vote/do any ranking stuff before you leave. I want to spend as little time as possible doublechecking results/doing ranking stuff this week as possible.
Okay, so who is picking me up exactly? And I'll need the cell of the person doing to tell the person apart. I am not confident in remembering how people looks like.
Sounds good, QR. Maybe I'll wear my labcoat to stand out more >_>
Or, alternatively, if it looks like there's a guy walking like he's had a hand stuck up several orifices on his body searching for something, that's likely me >_>
Leave your sex life out of this OK.
Okay, so who is picking me up exactly? And I'll need the cell of the person doing to tell the person apart. I am not confident in remembering how people looks like.
Niu, with the exception of Alex & Hal (and Xer) I'm doing all the picking up. I'll PM you the numbers. And you don't need to remember what I look like. Just look for the DLCon 3 sign I'll have with me when I meet you in the baggage claim for just such a purpose.
My sex life has nothing to do with this. This is about POWER and CONTROL.
Now you're a bondage mistress?
No, he just hires one to abuse him at airports.
I think OK wants you to rape him? At an airport?
So I'm thinking I'll just head straight to the beach house at 4:00 tomorrow, without meeting up with anyone beforehand. Any problem with that?
Shouldn't be a problem, Monkey. If nothing else, I'll be there by then.
Also, OK and Soppy get. Still waiting on Super, his flight's been delayed from hell. I'll make a post when we get the call to go pick him up. -_-
Elfboy, Grefter, and I just arrived in my apartment. We will soon be sleeping, and spending tomorrow finding the Beach House and stuff.
I'm with my uncle and will head out to the beach house tomorrow, right on schedule.
Just repeating: Fuck Newark. Landing at 7pm PST tomorrow.
So yeah like mc said, we are here athis apartment. I have jacked someones unsecured Network to use the interblag. Guess we will find you guys sometime or something.
He-he. Poor Super. Hilarity.
I landed. Barely. But I landed!
Someone pass onto him that his phone was found. It's being mailed back. Apparently it somehow ended up in a post box and the mail office was nice enough to send it back.
*adds super into book*
Seriously yay about the phone. Nice people at the post office~
Ahhh good times. Super is going to be suitabley humbled.
Humbled? Haha, no. It takes a nuclear weapon to dent my ego.
If the airports where your return flight is booked suddenly have an atomic bomb dropped on them, I'll chalk it up to karmic backlash.
Whee, I'm back. Poor Soppy was still there when I left, weather apparently fucked all flights going near New York today.
Also, I have somehow managed to defend my bowling title yet again, as I squeaked by with a one-pin victory over OK. :P
Back from con. It was fucking awesome and I will walk, swim, and crawl to the ends of the earth wherever if it means I can go to the next one.
Everyone was so nice, and I was really, really glad that the games I brought had positive reactions.
Highlights of the con from my current[somewhat blurred/tired memory]:
1. Niu going JUST AS PLANNED during Guilty Gear.
2. Oddly little Brawl.
4. Niu tally-fying the DL with Ar Tonelico 2. MEEPLE GOT INTERESTED IN AT2. THAT SAYS IT ALL. [seriously though the game seems pretty decent]
6. KoF Max Impact 2 with Andrew.
7. Bowling. I failed horribly. Shock.
8. Game store. Got CHOCOBO'S MYSTERIOUS DUNGEON for the Wii. Seems decent. Also got Gate something.
9. OK totally failing it up when fighting Nyarlathotep in P2.
10. Ran hat.
There's a lot more, but I'm so excited that I can't shove it all here. Needless it was extremely awesome.
Sort of, not quite, Yakko. You still lost to me (again) and OK for your best single game score.
But the flight wasn't so bad. More just funny than scarring. Originally I was supposed to fly out at 3:20. That got delayed to 4:40 because storms earlier in the day in the northeast had backed up the flights. At 3:20, we were then told that we had a small window and would be leaving immediately. About 15 minutes later as we were getting ready to start boarding we then told that the window was cancelled and we were pushed back in the line for JFK. So we wait, 4 o'clock comes around and we're told it's going to be a 2 hour delay. So we start boarding at about 5, and we get bumped up 15 minutes and our final takeoff time ended up being 5:45. Got in at 2 and back to the apartment at 3:30, which is pretty amazing considering latenight trains. I got there at a good time and only had to wait about 5-10 minutes for both trains.
In retrospect, we should have left the house a bit earlier. There ended up being a 45 minute cutoff time for checkin for my flight, so before I found out about the delays, I went through a short but paranoid period at the airport while waiting in the line to check in. I squeaked the time limit, but it ended up not mattering.
So a 2 hour delay both ways. Not so bad. Least I didn't have to sleep over in an airport in Nashville. Good luck to Meeple and Super tomorrow that we don't have any more storms.
Impressions, stories, bowling scores and the rest will go in the other topic.
Hey, not once in any one of the three cons have I ever had the highest single game score. I'm just more consistent than the rest of you, I've always won the combined. <_<
Needs to be hosted by OK sometime. Pittsburgh is well within reason for me during any summer in the near future unless both of my parents move. Even then I could probably just stay with a friend's family back home before and after. No planes involved, so I can remain in a state of having never flown, which sounds like a real hassle.
There was talk of that being done next year.
A con in Pittsburgh would be solid. I'd definitely try to make it down for that.
Far away, but if I can afford it, I'd be down for a con in OKladyland.
Would anyone be traveling by vehicle to Pittsburgh from the east? If I don't own a car by then (not likely) I'll ask around to carpool and pitch in gas money and such. I'll take a train if I have to, of course, since I live in one of the key railroad cities of the eastern US.
Presuming I'm still in the area, I probably would. You're...near Philly, vaguely?
Nope. Do you know Altoona, State College, or Johnstown?
I went to school about an hour from State College. I haven't been to Altoona or Johnstown, but I can pick them out on a map.
I'm in Altoona, which is plenty full of landmarks - high school, Jaffa Mosque, various Sheetz, PSU campus, probably others. So, uh, I'll try to keep it in mind, since it won't matter for pretty much a whole year anyways, and I'll end up asking all over again anyways.