The RPG Duelling League
RPG Debate => RPGDL Discussion => Topic started by: superaielman on February 25, 2008, 09:38:54 PM
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We've had various incarnations of this topic over the years, measuring how much you like a game's cast/what'd you rank from the game/how much you respect the duellers, etc. Well, we haven't had one of these in a while so I figured I'd restart the topic to give us something to talk about during the downtime. Archived topics are listed above. Feel free to bump up and vote on older topics.
FF6- If FF7's not the DL's best draw, it's FF6. A game with success at all levels and plenty of star power (Terra, Kefka), it's also a game that has been very heavily argued on and a title that generates it's fair share of hate. Certainly more interesting than FF7 and CT in the DL, that's for sure.
OB's been a small game over the years. Most notable for Rashidi's early success and the popularity of the Dragoons, it hasn't been at the forefront of the DL. It's tread the fine line between being an okay draw without suffering from robs like a few titles in that range do.
Final Fantasy 6
Favorite dueller:
Least favorite dueller:
Strongest dueller:
Weakest dueller:
Favorite moment in the DL with this game:
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game:
A character you'd like to see added to the game:
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game:
Any other notes/thoughts about the game?
Ogre Battle
Favorite dueller:
Least favorite dueller:
Strongest dueller:
Weakest dueller:
Favorite moment in the DL with this game:
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game:
A character you'd like to see added to the game:
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game:
Any other notes/thoughts about the game?
Also, suggest ideas for what to use in the next round.
Final Fantasy 6
Favorite dueller: Celes. Her skillset is one filled with tricks that to me, just highlights the awesome of the FF6 magic command. She has awesome armour which rounds her out. Ends up serviceable in Godlike despite only slightly above average damage and 25% healing.
Least favorite dueller: Cyan. Kinda sucks, and has a rob or two!
Strongest dueller: Kefka. Best raw offence in the DL? Quite possibly. A bit spoilable but not easily.
Weakest dueller: Uh. Gogo?
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Ultros winning Heavy, and his role on BtS in general.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Cyan beating Melody.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: The Goddesses are fun but I don't really support them too seriously any more.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Gogo is a bit questionable, I guess? Whatever.
Any other notes/thoughts about the game? Really glad that one of the big draws ends up interesting.
Ogre Battle
Favorite dueller: The dragoons? Wish they were better pencilled down, though.
Least favorite dueller: Rashidi. Hyping SRPG bosses as getting a drain game going is not really something I can get behind.
Strongest dueller: Rashidi probably. While the durability does not impress, the damage potential does, and he's less wallable than Endora.
Weakest dueller: Uh. Yushis?
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Rika beating Rashidi.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Rashidi vs. Guido.
Any other notes/thoughts about the game? Bleh to it in general. Subpar vote draw spliced with poor documentation is not very Elf-friendly, though.
Final Fantasy 6
Favorite dueller: Terra- Boom Magic, MP Efficient Magic, Drain Magic, and a passable physical with man eater against magic immune fighters.
Least favorite dueller: Gogo- In game is fairly cool, but DL wise... awful
Strongest dueller: Kefka- Insane damage and speed... get's even stupider if you fail to OHKO.
Weakest dueller: Gogo?
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Ultros wins!
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Terra not only losing to, but getting slaughtered by Chris.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: Wrexsoul! (RPGP humor!)
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: It's fine
Any other notes/thoughts about the game?-Nothing that need be said
Ogre Battle
Favorite dueller: They're all fairly two dimensional... I guess Rashidi for having actual elemental options?
Least favorite dueller: None really
Strongest dueller: Rashidi- Endora is a high heavy/weak godlike and Rashidi has 2x her firepower.
Weakest dueller: Norn/Aisha/Yushis do not translate well.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Dragoon rampages!
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Rashidi's .000001 pchp hype.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: DIABLO'S RIGHT HAND ONLY!
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Destin... 4 versions of him and yeah
Any other notes/thoughts about the game?- Owns
Also, suggest ideas for what to use in the next round.
Final Fantasy 6
Favorite dueler: Terra. Duh.
Least favorite dueler: Ultros
Strongest dueler: Terra
Weakest dueler: I'm pretty lenient on Gogo's abilities, so I'll say Banon
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Terra winning the Godlike title. It hasn't happened yet, but when it does, that will be my favorite moment with this game.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Terra losing to Ryu3 in season 24 by two freaking votes. God damnit.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: Doom Gaze, maybe? He was kinda memorable.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: General Leo
Any other notes/thoughts about the game? Allow me to reiterate that I am a total Terra fanboy and I am anxiously awaiting the day when she finally wins the Godlike championship. That will be a day of much jubilation and hullabaloo.
Ogre Battle
Favorite dueler: Either Endora or Rashidi. They're both pretty cool.
Least favorite dueler: Norn. For the life of me, I still don't remember anything about her.
Strongest dueler: Rashidi
Weakest dueler: Yushis, probably
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Fogel vs. Jack in season 27. I'm still proud of the writeup I submitted for that match.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Fenril beating Rudy
A character you'd like to see added to the game: Nah
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Norn, I guess. Although I'm sure she's plenty memorable to others.
Any other notes/thoughts about the game? The Sky Knights kick ass and Gares is fun to mock. Also, yay for Middle champ Tristan.
Suggestions for next time: Wild Arms 2 and Chrono Cross
Final Fantasy 6
Favorite dueller: Sabin.
Least favorite dueller: No one really...
Strongest dueller: Kefka.
Weakest dueller: Gogo.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Ultros BtS.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: meh
A character you'd like to see added to the game: meh
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Leo.
Final Fantasy 6
Favorite dueller: Terra, Minvera/Ultima/Morph arguments be damned.
Least favorite dueller: Celes? Kefka? Gau? Nah, I'll go with Ultros. Midgame bosses who get hype for earlier forms with rare, rare exceptions piss me off, and he's no different.
Strongest dueller: Kefka
Weakest dueller: Gogo. This is pretty much unquestionable without morphs, Banon can at least outheal weak damage dealers. Gogo just fails at life and is appalling on defense and damage.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Albert Simon beating Gau.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Ultros making it to Godlike. Disgraceful.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: NA.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: General Leo, but we got him already. Everything else is fine for me- yes, personal opinion of Ultros aside, he's an awesome rank and generally what you want from a midboss.
Any other notes/thoughts about the game- Love it as a game, hate it across the board in the DL pretty much.
Ogre Battle
Favorite dueller: Rashidi.
Least favorite dueller: Saradin. Lich hype is a no go.
Strongest dueller: Rashidi.
Weakest dueller: Saradin. Norn's not horrible in the DL thanks to three swings, Saradin's frail and slow and awful at damage. Lyon's just pathetic as well but we didn't rank him.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Rashidi going to the finals.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Rika vs Rashidi, or 'lol Rashidi has like .00001 HP'. See Mep.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: NA. Still thinking avoiding the TO characters was the right move here. Lans.. eh, has an outside argument but no .
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Aisha? I opposed the generics, but group voting has changed on that over the years so it's fine.
Any other notes/thoughts about the game?- OB's pretty well documented now as far as the DL goes, so I can't see that being an issue. It's a fun game otherwise- some nice heavies and Rashidi/Endora are different from the usual run of the mill godlike.
Re: Mep- Destin has a canon form which also happens to be his best in the DL, so that shouldn't bother too much.
Final Fantasy 6
Favorite dueller: Gogo. A Heavy stuck in Light is funny. I honestly like nearly everyone below Godlike, which is cool. Umaro is also insane for being a Godlike stuck in freaking Middle. Just love some of the stuff this cast pulls with arguments too - good times and memories.
Least favorite dueller: Mmm...Terra or Celes. Just...the old Minerva arguments of the past spring up to me, and I'm never sure what to do with them. MBlock is even more fun to work with. Celes probably wins it, I guess.
Strongest dueller: Kefka. Duh.
Weakest dueller: Uh...mmm...probably Locke, the way I take things.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: I...uh...
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: I...uh...struggle to think of one for either of these.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: None, really. Think the game was good, though Biggs/Wedge are doable.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: None.
Any other notes/thoughts about the game?
Pretty standard fare and a gold standard of the DL. 7/10.
Ogre Battle
Favorite dueller: Blargh. Aisha, for fun puniness.
Least favorite dueller: Rashidi. Did not deserve to beat Guido at all, and generally gets loads of respect when he's...not that spectacular against what he's fighting. Also suckass in-game. I really felt more threatened by Endora.
Strongest dueller: Rashidi, I suppose. Still wish I knew how I took their actions.
Weakest dueller: Aisha.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Uh...none really.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Rashidi beating Guido.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: Oddly, some of the TO characters I think would have been good ranks.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: For all that I don't like it, can't see much to boot.
Any other notes/thoughts about the game?
Not a fan of the game much, not a fan of it in the DL. Just...bleh. 2/10.
Next round, Persona 2 and Lunar 1.
Final Fantasy 6
Favorite dueller: Terra or Strago. Terra is an awesome godlike PC with all sorts of tricks besides damage, and Strago has a cool, if often impractical, skillset.
Least favorite dueller: I... tend not to like Locke as much as the rest, I guess?
Strongest dueller: Kefka. Smashes. Face.
Weakest dueller: Gogo, I guess.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Ultros champing Heavy!
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Urrr... Terra losing to Ryu3.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: No one.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Good rank.
Any other notes/thoughts about the game? Ignoring silly arguments - most are either about Minerva, or letting Ultros use Lete River form recently - it's a great game in the DL with lots of variety.
I'd also like to hype Cyan for light champ, on account of me playing every FF ever in Wait mode... >_>
Really! He'd be a decent middle if he had Wait mode on! Sadly can't justify voting that way even to myself though...
Final Fantasy 6
Favorite dueller: Mmm. Edgar, I guess, mostly because I like Edgar as a character and he's a fun (if unlucky) status whore.
Least favorite dueller: I want to say Gau, because in-game the tricks he does in the DL are just psyduck. In fact, he's just kind of psyduck in game in general, and gets this insane DL hype (which seems... fairly deserved? like I'm going to research FF6 mechanics to find out). I also dislike Terra because her being allowed Ultima was one of those moments where I was just like "What the fuck?" to the general concensus when I learned about it, but it's not a huge deal since she get another spell that is similarily potent, although her statusing hype also comes off of overlevelled (at least Stone is, IIRC) spells, which really bothers me. Cyan robs people, but since Melody was one of them I forgive him. And because he got smacked down by Sigurd right after that. <_<
Note to Meeple: No, I don't want to argue about Gau's in-game worth. Let's talk about Megaman. ^_^
Strongest dueller: Kefka. Kind of a no-brainer unless you really disrespect his HP. And I certainly don't, I probably have more respect for him than most.
Weakest dueller: Gogo. He just doesn't really do much unless you allow him other people's skillsets. Which I haven't really thought about, but probably not.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: As much as I'm not a huge Kefka fan, him thrashing Luca was an awesome end to an insulting Luca run.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Celes vs. Citan. Hate.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: ~
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: ~
Any other notes/thoughts about the game? Not really.
Ogre Battle
Favorite dueller: Fogel, although his awesome doesn't translate as well as it should, since it doesn't take like 100 physicals to kill him. Still an unholy tank from hell. He's kind of like one of those High Heavy tank bosses that I love, except he's not a boss. (Well, he is, but I'm not taking his boss form. :P) Endora is also very neat, and I like her a lot.
Least favorite dueller: I like all of them.
Strongest dueller: Rashidi. Endora's just a weaker version of him and everyone else is clearly worse.
Weakest dueller: The clerics. I don't allow people to switch rows mid-fight.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Fenril getting to the finals was pretty badass.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: See Mep. The HP antihype got pretty ridiculous.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: Lans, Warren, Canopus, Deneb. Why they aren't ranked and trash like Aisha and Yushis are is something that has always mystified me.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: I think the rankings should be less retarded, but that could be changed by the suggestions above rather than unranking people.
Any other notes/thoughts about the game? Nope.
Lunar 1 and FF9 next.
Final Fantasy 6
Favorite dueller: Terra. Fanboyism I guess.
Least favorite dueller: Kefka. *Warning: rant* Hey, I know! Lets take Havok Wing against a front-row party and hype speed that if it actually mattered you would match just by using storebought stuff!!!! Hey I know! LETS CALL PEOPLE LIARS WHEN THEY CLAIM TO HAVE INSTANT-DOUBLED HIS FIRST TURN. YEAH! LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!!!! [/bitterness] I'm tempted to keep his auto-action upon being knocked below 55% HP (thereabouts) being Goner. Like Dario, only funnier. Combine with forced Fallen One opening for frue Godlike comedy!
Strongest dueller: Kefka. Speed+Boss immunities+OHKO damage. Not quite as crazy as I've seen said.
Weakest dueller: Cyan. Or possibly Locke. One or the other.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Uhh... Terra almost winning a championship? Celes having a well-disputed match with Jessica?
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Kefka beating False Althena. Or maybe Sabin beating Cameela? ;_;
A character you'd like to see added to the game: Ranked fine as is.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Leo is gone, its all good.
Any other notes/thoughts about the game? I like it! Even guys like Setzer are neat. I don't like the Kefka hype, and so help me if anyone ever, ever hypes Ultros Dive-healing his way to a win I will rip the blasphemer's head off and stick hot pokers down his neck.
Final Fantasy 6
Favorite dueller: Edgar. Doesn't rely on illegal equips, the voter being an utter retard with battle formations, hype for abilities gotten only at ludicrously above end-game levels, or other related crap.
Least favorite dueller: Kefka. Hype for a character with overhyped offense with shitty durability is insane.
Strongest dueller: Terra? None of the cast breaks High Heavy.
Weakest dueller: Gogo. No question, really.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Leo getting the boot.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Kefka champing over Fou Lu.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: None, it's already overrepresented by a midgame boss
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: UTLROS. GOD FUCKING ULTROS.
Any other notes/thoughts about the game?
The interpretations most people have come up for with this game are horrible.
Final Fantasy 6
Favorite dueller: Uhhh Gau. Definitely Gau.
Least favorite dueller: Kefka.
Strongest dueller: ...With FF6a's equips, as I play through it? Gau has a definite argument, now. Without it, Kefka.
Weakest dueller: ...Cyan? I give Relm Control and Gogo skill choice. I... think that makes him the worst?
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Kefka ending Luca.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Ultros champing Heavy.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: --
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: --
Ogre Battle
Favorite dueller: Rashidi or any of the Dragoons.
Least favorite dueller: The Lights.
Strongest dueller: Rashidi.
Weakest dueller: The Lights except for the Wizards, who I think I lean toward giving Lich form.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: --
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: --
A character you'd like to see added to the game: --
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Uhhhhhhhhh some of the less memorable/forgettable Lights, looking at the random Clerics and Angels and Valkyries you get beginning-mid game.
Final Fantasy 6
Favorite dueller: Terra, I think.
Least favorite dueller: Kefka for sure. Mostly on the speed hype. I used to not be all that fond of Strago or Celes since Vanish can be kind of urk, but not really mind them anymore.
Strongest dueller: Kefka
Weakest dueller: Cyan. I also give Gogo skill choice! And I hope he never gets in!
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Terra doing well is good!
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Ultros or Kefka being in.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: None
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Ultros. Early boss with inconsitent forms=a type of dueller I don't like! Especially when I can't really plot wank any reason for the differences
Ogre Battle
Favorite dueller: None really.
Least favorite dueller: Rashidi. Ugh, multi acting bosses tend to get on my nerves a lot.
Strongest dueller: Rashidi
Weakest dueller: Someone
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: I did like Tristain doing well, just because he was cool in Middle.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Rashidi beating Guido was pretty out there.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: None.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: You's not like I specifically remember the characters from in game, so I feel extremely unfit to speak on this category.
Any other notes/thoughts about the game?
Sometimes the character have elemental weaknesses. That is cool.
-, I ....forgot Gau existed. Chalk one up to my ability to forget things I hate with a passion >_>
Need to edit.
Final Fantasy 6
Favorite dueller: Edgar. Just like him.
Least favorite dueller: Uh. To be frank, I can't think of any good reasons to hate any of them. And all the ones I dislike are too close to call one.
Strongest dueller: No clue whatsoever! And thus I weasel out of the question.
Weakest dueller: ...Banon, I think.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Ultros w/Behind the Scenes for a copout answer.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: No clue.
A character you'd like to see ranked from the game: CRANES
A character you'd like to see deranked from this game: Don't have a problem with anyone currently ranked.
Ogre Battle
Favorite dueller: I don't think I have one to be honest.
Least favorite dueller: Gares. For being annoying ingame.
Strongest dueller: I guess that's Rashidi. Sigh.
Weakest dueller: God only knows.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: NO
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: NO
A character you'd like to see ranked from the game: I find myself compelled to say that witch that I forgot the name of.
A character you'd like to see deranked from this game: I see no-one worth deranking.
Final Fantasy 6
Favorite dueller: Hmm...Mog? Sure. Tankity tank with a semi-random moveset that can let him NOT DIE TO ANYTHING EVER is fun.
Least favorite dueller: Celes. She gets alot of status whoring hype, and I don't like status whores. There are probably some in the cast more offensive about this, but she gets more hype then they do.
Strongest dueller: Kefka. SMASH and such.
Weakest dueller: Uh...Banon? I'm not sure what I give Gogo, really. Keep waffling on him/her/it/whatever and whether I allow skills or not.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Mog vs Marisa. Sure, he lost that fight, but I had a ball writing up that result, and it was a good fight.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Hmm...dunno.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: Think we got everything we can from this.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: And none of it's worth tossing. *punts Ultros hate*
Any other notes/thoughts about the game?
Ogre Battle
Favorite dueller: Fogel. As I'm sure anyone who's played RPGmon with me can attest to. <_<
Least favorite dueller: Don't really have one. Nobody from OB annoys me.
Strongest dueller: Rashidi. Offense respect checking in, and I don't see his durability as nearly as bad as alot of people seem to. He's not durable, especially by Godlike standards, but he's not made of frikkin tissue paper either.
Weakest dueller: Uh, Yushis, I guess? I let OB folks swap positions between rounds, so the Clerics aren't that bad.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Winning more then 1 RPGmon as Fogel? Seriously though, I'll say Tris finally getting that championship. 'bout time.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: 'lol Rashidi has like .00001 HP' is pretty obnoxious, yes.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: Quoth the Ciato-Lans, Warren, Canopus, Deneb. Why they aren't ranked and trash like Aisha and Yushis are is something that has always mystified me.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Also see Ciato.
Any other notes/thoughts about the game?
Final Fantasy 6
Favorite dueller: Shadow. He's a fun heavy with his various tricks. Physical walling, Interceptor, ID weapon, evade piercing and so on all make for a strong dueller.
Least favorite dueller: KEFKA. Oh hi, Havoc Wing can hit hard! That's great, just ignore everything else! HP? What's that? I just say I kill everyone instantly HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Strongest dueller: You know, I really don't know. I don't allow the Minerva and I have zero Kefka respect, so it's like a 6 way race.
Weakest dueller: Cyan. He's godawful, but at least in Light he has a prayer.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Kefka losing to Belial. I'm not a fan of Belial, but that was a nice fuck you to another season of Kefka hype.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Shadow vs Nel. No matter who won someone awesome came up on top.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: General Leo.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Ultros. The hype he gets is the epitome of DL issues.
Any other notes/thoughts about the game?
I like FF6 in the DL on the average, it just happens to have some -really obnoxious- views around it.
Ogre Battle
Favorite dueller: Debonair
Least favorite dueller: Mmm. Endora. I feel like she's a spare cog in Godlike. My opinion of her has steadily dropped.
Strongest dueller: Rashidi.
Weakest dueller: Norn. All those clerics wish she could be pretty princesses instead.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Fenril nearly winning Heavy. Tough luck with KOSMOS.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Eh.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: None. It's reasonably represented.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Aisha. We only need one shitty cleric in the DL. This isn't critical.
Any other notes/thoughts about the game?
It's decent in the higher ranks, boring in the lowers. This balances out.
Weakest dueller: Norn. All those clerics wish she could be pretty princesses instead.
No, they wish they were Muses. Princess are worse than Clerics in the DL.
Weakest dueller: Norn. All those clerics wish she could be pretty princesses instead.
No, they wish they were Muses. Princess are worse than Clerics in the DL.
Princesses were worse Mages (The rank that gets MT, forget name) that had an element to roxor the Dark alligned characters is all. (Diablo) Pretty much all the MT whores suck in the DL unless you allow Lich.
Umaro is also insane for being a Godlike stuck in freaking Middle.
Curious here OK. Is this something from FF6a or am I seriously missing some Umaro hype?
OK is on what they call drugs. Or maybe EVILTYPE UMARO HYPE? Or something.
OK is on what they call drugs. Or maybe EVILTYPE UMARO HYPE? Or something.
Even with a vast amount of drugs that's pretty crazy... unless you say no equipment for anyone, meaning Umaro (who comes with it) is teh godlike character! (Of course by this logic Kefka is now an unbeatable godlike with 200% speed, 300%PCHP damage, and good durability.)
I'm betting EvilType hype, myself.
Actually, EasyType Umaro.
...I need to actually get to finishing and releasing that.
Final Fantasy 6
Favorite dueler: Terra. If you didn't see this coming, you REALLY don't know me.
Least favorite dueller: Gogo, I guess. Complete lack of tricks + interp issues regarding skills sometimes come up that makes him about 10x better suddenly, and he sucks.
Strongest dueler: Kefka. Massive damage + Speed output, some status on the side with Train, counters, the works.
Weakest dueler: Gogo. Banon w/ more speed, but less evasion and no Healing. LOSING TRADE.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Ultros in BtS works for me.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Cyan beating Melody works too. Much of an FF6 fan as I am, no way in hell he deserved to win that fight.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: Goddesses, though like Elfboy, I am not going to push for them.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: None offhand, well ranked and such.
Ogre Battle
Favorite dueler: The Dragoons. They all kind of meld together, for all that Fogel > Slust > Fenril feels obvious for worth, but yeah. Decent duelers and not offensive.
Least favorite dueler: MIZAL! ...who isn't ranked; I say this purely cause Super keeps trying to kill me with her <.<
On a more serious note, Rashidi. Gets annoying hype in ways I don't get, such like having a shred of HP respect...
Strongest dueler: Rashidi. For all that he's still better than just about all duelers in the game anyway.
Weakest dueler: Yushis. Feels like she's the Monks, except without any healing, and completely Holy Based damage.
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Celes beating Endora. Showed that the hype she was getting wasn't QUITE enough.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Rashidi vs. Guido. I don't have to explain this one.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: Ranked well enough and such.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: See above. I guess one of the filler PCs we have ranked or something but...yeah.
Chapin, for reference, OK is a Pharmacy student. That should be saying enough.
Can't see half the thread due to annoying library security net issues but good stuffs so far. Yay for FFVI and discussions. Too bad I can't play it due to the PS2 not playing PSX games ;_; I think that last thing I was doing was playing a low level game so that I could make the most of esper stat boosts later. Had just got Relm and was spell building with espers irrc.
Final Fantasy 6
Favorite dueller: Terra and/or Shadow and Mog.
Least favorite dueller: Celes/Sabin/Cyan/Locke
Strongest dueller: Ignoring Kefka - Terra?
Weakest dueller: Gogo w/o skill sets/stats. Haven't decided on what the hell to do with him either <_<
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Ultros defeating Maria. Or maybe it was Maria defeating Ultros, can't remember. Either way intresting match. Nel vs Shadow was cool too yes.
Least favourite moment in the DL with this game - I must have blocked the horror of Cyan beating Melody out of my mind ;p Now that I remember it though yeah ...
A character you'd like to see added to the game: Goddesses
Will possible expand on this post when I have access to home PC at weekend.
Final Fantasy 6
Favorite dueller: Terra, for being a great main duelist without being overpowered. Strago, cause -someone- has to love Blue Mages... they're so... Blue.
Least favorite dueller: Gau, for destroying everything I love about Blue Mages. Also, Locke, for having no skillset worth mentioning.
Strongest dueller: Terra and Kefka are both up there. As much as I like Kefka, I don't have a lot of FF6 boss respect.
Weakest dueller: Gogo - a lovable, useless DL Puny!
A character you'd like to see added to the game: The Goddesses. This game has high enough draw to support them. My normal stance is 'less is better', but I could actually get behind this idea.
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: I also wouldn't be against booting a lot of the ranked characters. Depends on what the voting trends are like. All the non-Kefka bosses could be ditched. Gogo and Umaro too, as much as I love 'em.
Any other notes/thoughts about the game? This game still feels like the quintessential RPG. My ideas of RPG stat mechanics, party setup, distance in a TB system, dungeon design, elemental systems, and sidequests all stem from the basic ideas presented in this game. Feels right at home in the DL. When I'm mentally comparing two characters from wildly different games, they tend to be translated as directly as possible into the FF6 system and then a match ensues.
Ogre Battle
Favorite dueller: Fogel, for all that it took me a game genie to finally get him, I enjoy his matches.
Least favorite dueller: The clerics.
Strongest dueller: Rashidi, I suppose.
Weakest dueller: Yushis maybe?
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Tristan champ. As much as I would have enjoyed a different outcome that season, I was still happy for Tristan.
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Don't much enjoy any of Rashidi's appearances, though I have nothing against him.
A character you'd like to see added to the game: I would argue Deneb, simply for being the OB mascot. Also, unique starting class. I also like Warren...
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: Aisha.
Any other notes/thoughts about the game? Just recently replayed it, so I'm happy it hasn't been forgotten, though a lot of the characters feel too similar or too obscure. A smaller rank would make its more famous characters stand out more. Though really, as long as the unimportant characters just stay out of the main tournament now that they've gotten their token matches while the popular characters keep getting in, it's about the same...
Deneb's a generic in normal OB. Witches are entirely worthless in the DL.
Wasn't the main reason she WASN'T ranked was cause she was in other games in the series? I seem to recall one of the criteria for OB ranks were "Does not appear in later games in the series like TO" if only to avoid all those BS "Hey Canopus has a TO form! HE WINS WITH THAT!" interps and such.
Final Fantasy 6
Favorite dueller: Celes
Least favorite dueller: Umaro and Gau
Strongest dueller: Kefka
Weakest dueller: Cyan, I allow Gogo at least the default 3 party members skillsets, and one of those is tools
Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Relm winning matches!
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: cant think of one
A character you'd like to see added to the game: None
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: well Leo was booted, and Banon is fine, so its fine the way it is now.
Any other notes/thoughts about the game?
Wasn't the main reason she WASN'T ranked was cause she was in other games in the series? I seem to recall one of the criteria for OB ranks were "Does not appear in later games in the series like TO" if only to avoid all those BS "Hey Canopus has a TO form! HE WINS WITH THAT!" interps and such.
Yeah, Lans/Warren/Canopus/Deneb not ranked despite the first two being the easiest 2 people to get. Problem is that Canopus in OB is a low middle (Good evade, no damage), whereas I think he's low godlike in TO? Headaches and what not.
Chapin, for reference, OK is a Pharmacy student. That should be saying enough.
Makes sense.
As for Rashidi... I don't think people give him HP hype, I think it's more like "Doesn't have worst HP ever." OB fights are team on team, meaning scaling isn't really necesary for bosses... they come with their own support. This gives Rashidi 320ish HP to a 230 team average. He does only have 2 support units though, so he could be fighting 3 on 5 if you want to scale him to that. Either way, the point is that Rashidi has PCish HP at worst (Unless you wanna count Tarot Cards... meaning all OB bosses are lights.) PC HP + 6 attacks per round of any element is where the hype comes from. (No PC gets more than 3, meaning Rashidi is by all means FAST.)
Either way, he's only a mediocre godlike. The most generous scaling (none) gives him 1.4 PCHP, which a good deal of godlikes can OHKO. His blitzing isn't the best despite his speed too. From my last playthrough it seemed like 3 attacks was kill for him, 2 for my lowest HP unit. Soo... even with his 3x average attacks, he is still only dishing out 1.2 PCHP per turn.
All in all... 1.4x HP and 1.2x Damage, with boss immunities, is a decent godlike. Not champion material barring a good draw, but also not total OHKO fodder like some people hype. (Fuck drain hype, since it didn't seem like a move of choice of his in games, and much like I don't let Jade spam BoltX I wouldn't let Rashidi spam drain.)
With no scaling at all Elmdor is nearly 2PCHP, and Dycedarg breaks past it after defences. Fuck "no scaling at all" for SRPG bosses, these guys die way faster than Kefka in-game, support be damned.
As far as I know he's never been hyped for 0.0001PCHP or whatever nonsense this is (though maybe the same people who consider BoF5 bosses OHKOed by everything do? Blah to that), but sub-PC? He sure as heck sounds like it. The only OB boss I fought had Lambda-level HP as far as I'm concerned (godawful even by SPRG standards!), but Warren so doesn't count. <_< (Disclaimer that Elfboy takes a hard line on boss HP holds, but yeah.)
It's referring to the idiotic levels of antihype his HP has gotten.
Obviously .000001 was hyperbole! Still, barring Tarot Cards Rashidi doesn't die that fast in game unless you have a row of Ianaku's (sp?) in the back along with a princess leader.
I can see taking him as slightly below PCHP if you have evil interps, but even then his silly int/str/castle make up for that. He's definately no tank, but he's also not uber OHKO bait is all I'm saying.
Bah. Tarots are a big part of fighting bosses in the game, and it's not like you don't have plenty access to them by the final/second-to-final boss. I think one should be factored in especially for him being the person whom you SAVE them for. And unlike BoFV's trump card, there's no penalty for them... (Note: I am not saying that he should be scaled to Judgment tarot spam, just that it shouldn't just be ignored.)
Even slightly sub PC HP isn't OHKO bait in Godlike since when?
Godlike's not without it's slugging style bosses or unlimited status whores that would fail to OHKO Rashidi (Assuming he's comperable to Belial or so. I have no idea obviously), although his damage doesn't sound high enough to lay waste to them before they do kill him. He's pretty much toast against Godlike PCs (who tend to OHKO as a rule, barring super spoilers like Celes), and obviously the upper crust beats the tar outta him.
Which is exactly my point. The textbook golike PC has near OHKO damage. Most good heavies can even pull in 2HKO under most circumstances with the fairly one dimensional ones pulling in very strong 2HKO giving them a good chance of doing some nasty damage to him as well.
Sub PC HP on a boss in godlike is something worth mocking.
His strength is passable so physical damage isn't quite as good as it seems. The big thing is his 255 int score, which IIRC makes his magic defense pretty awesome despite his mehish resists. Obviously this doesn't fly against the likes of Terra and co, but the likes of Citan (fear 2HKO damage after buffing!) and Rika (Nothing on paper? although dunno her game) are fairly insulting.
Obviously we all have different interps, but Citan... come on now. Citan is 2HKOing at best, is getting doubled every turn pre haste, doesn't have good healing, and pffft. You have to see Citan either OHKOing, which means Rashidi has like 60% HP, or see Citan 2HKOing, surviving 3 attacks, and not letting Rashidi use even a single drain.
Despite bad HP in Godlike, he still loses some silly matches. At least his most recent loss seems legit from everything I've heard about Xorn.
Well yeah of course he has things that put him in godlike. His raw HP is still something pathetic for the bracket.
All in all... 1.4x HP and 1.2x Damage, with boss immunities, is a decent godlike. Not champion material barring a good draw, but also not total OHKO fodder like some people hype. (Fuck drain hype, since it didn't seem like a move of choice of his in games, and much like I don't let Jade spam BoltX I wouldn't let Rashidi spam drain.)
There's a good reason for him not using Life Drain. (He has zero AI restrictions on what to use, same as a PC OB mage). It's not usually his best damage against a full team of enemies and it's his only ST attack. Why would he use that when he can hit five units with Thunder Flare or Jihad? It's perfectly legit as a move and there's no AI or in game use reason to restrict him for it.