Anyhow. These developments are vaguely confusing. I'd also like to clarify, if possible (mod shout here), if Haruhi's death was simply cosmetic or not,
An evil old rich man dabbling in the black arts and yet still actually among the living? Even Goldsmith could not endure so long, and that mad fool was still of a better breed than you.
Why do you attempt to speculate on deaths, what good comes out of it, hmmm? And you even turn that dowdy old stoic Gendo to your view, too! Why?
Charles, I assure you, your money will be repayed in full once I've retrieved it from my Swiss bank account. It really is amazing how easy it is to prey on human fear! It's infuriating that Mega Dweeb already cleared Dr. Light's name, but I got enough money out of the operation to cover your expenses.
##Vote: Gendo Ikari
What knowledge could possibly be gained from studying a Night 0 kill? Clearly you must have some blueprints laid out, if you're voting Clown Man for hand-waving the little girl's death. You're more than welcome to share!
Miss Suzumiya's demise was not entirely unexpected.Would you still claim the same with this in mind?
What's your favorite kind of butterfly, Bea? I understand that you're a fan as well! Maybe we can start a club.
As for the votes on Ikari-san, I'm wondering why he's escalating in suspicions, while Beatrice, who presented the original argument, has been mostly ignored. Ikari-san's logic of Joker "handwav[ing] away the thought of speculating on the casualties" seems like a logical argument to me, and I see no reason to see him as more suspicious than Beatrice. Could those voters please elaborate on this?
I do have to apologize, Gendo ol' chap, for taking part in this little game as much as I should.
Gorgutz (3): Light, Bowser, Beatrice
Gorgutz (1): Edna
I cannot help but see the value in Dahlia's initial theories concerning the first corpse's quantum state, but am disappointed by her lack of a vote now if nothing else.
The emerging dichotomy of Dahlia versus Gorgutz displeases me. Especially the position that the Joker forwards that seems primarily based on Dahlia simply acting in character.
but am disappointed by her lack of a vote now if nothing else.
I'm happy for you that you can, witch. Would you mind explaining those values to those of us that cannot see Dahlia's night speculation and lack of relevant content as anything worthwhile?
Tsk, tsk, tsk. People unable to even take a joke from the mod. If I were a hero, I might go on a nice little spiel about how analyzing nightkills is never a good or productive idea, but I guess we're all a little crazy here, aren't we?
She lacks a vote, she acts in a way that, in character or not, she must know will draw attention to herself, then she decries those who vote her. A very basic setup for a most unfunny punchline. This itself may be a weak jest, but we've got a deathly silent crowd out there tonight and it's better than anything else.
However, you. Egghead. You call on four-eyes for role fishing, (,4564.msg95687.html#msg95687) even though the red-head is the guilty one there. You better stop giving the man-cow a run for his money, or else you're next. Got it?
But if you must push, what pleased me most was the identification of the first corpse's quantum status, being both unreasonable to be an actual playing piece killed instantly and likewise to be an elaborate soulless piece dangled for so long. Much like how that fool Battler could not come to suspect his family or anyone else on Rokkenjima, but could not come to believe in me. Kihihihihi!
Let alone the context. Let alone it being the only course on the menu when dished up. Let alone that it has best resolved the confusion surrounding the game's genesis and killed the topic as it festered... as much as it then did instantly create a new one. Her eventual flailing pains me, but even there I'd grant more effort than I see elsewhere.
The word you're looking for, Bowser, is L-2. Anyways, votes needed to lynch should have been at the bottom, and if they haven't been before, they're part of the C&P now.
Junior, I must ask why you berate Guts Man for lack of input and yet claim the Dahlia case is bad when she's just as guilty of that crime.
@Wily: why?
With 13 non-potato votes active, it takes 7 to lynch.
Any reason for holding off on a vote now, Rudoooolf? It's not like they stick to people like a stake in the forehead. *cackle*cackle*
To Mr. Burns: while I do understand your busy life, but when you say "make of that what you will", I will have to ask openly: what are you hiding exactly? Why can't you elaborate on this piece? You could have reason to withdraw this information both as scum and as town, and . This doesn't ease my suspicion on you, although my guts openly say that "if he was scum, couldn't he play helpful and make up a role of sorts and answer it immediately?", which still makes me withdraw a bit. Delightful mindgames, those of Mafia. Still, I feel like I need to make this point. Hence the vote. I'm willing to give you the benefit of doubt if you're able to convince me - and there's reason you could. But the half-apology by itself won't quite do.
Doctor: [The game master claims that] all players have an actual role. Testimony to that tune in a flashback (,4533.msg95421.html#msg95421).
I generally am dissatisfied with Gendo’s logic trains.
Gendo has shown a lack of commitment into this day, removing his votes on people almost as soon as they make a post to explain their position, it may just be me, but I would not place votes on other members of this council unless I felt I could stick to that vote with at least some certainty! The unsure vote switching alone isn't so bad, but his latest actions are the worst to me, where he explains he wishes to place his votes on the people who are lurking more so then the person who he views as suspicious! Furthermore, with this action I find him putting me unnecessarily close to the number to be lynched relatively early in this day before I even have a chance to return to this council from my abbey visit to explain myself!
Gaston... If you are already doomed to die, would it not aid us to supply information on your night actions? These may help things go... JUST AS PLANNED!But hasn't he told us all about his power, with the potato? Or do you know something we don't, Yagami?
Hey, Spike. Next time, throw some hotpods my way, okay?
Your prized pie seems most curiously absent today. Don't tell me it fell off a cliff too! Kihihihihihihi!
I don't get the case on Edna either. I have a hard time holding her switch to Dark Helmet against her since there was only five mintues left in the day when she switched and she thought Dahlia was town. I'm not surprised that someone in that situation would post fast. I also like her most recent post. Someone's going to have to explain this one to me too.
I do understand the Wily wagon though and I support it. Finding reasons to switch between two town wagons is the kind of thing I would expect scum to do. The switches between the Dahlia and Dark Helmet wagons are weird.
I actually agree with what he's saying about Gendou. In my reread I noticed a lot of throwing suspicions around, but not a lot of conviction. It's like he's throwing stuff around to see what sticks. I also saw that he didn't always place a vote, which also strikes me as weird. I don't get why he says certain people aren't posting content and/or they're waffly (Light comes to mind here) either. You don't have to post a lot of words to have good content. ##Vote: Gendou
If it was just the switch, it could be understandable - day 1 shenanigans and all. However, she has a) a starling record in hardcore lurking; b) a very poor explanation of such lurking; c) her most recent post, justifying the switch, gives the impression that getting a lynch to go through was more important than lynching whoever she thought of as scum, which is reason enough to raise an eyebrow or two. And then, she merrily disappears into the ether -again-.
I don't have the absolute certainty that I'm always right and I don't magically know who is scum - there's a whole bunch of weird shit that needs mulling and muddling through and I tend to mull over it out loud. This is the way I find to actually try to put things on the table, and if I'm waffly, it's because there -is- reason to be waffly: the current situation is a mess, with multiple, dubious possible leads, and the vast majority of them are going to land us on dead townies while we don't know which one will. I'd love to be absolutely certain on who's who here, but I get no such pleasantries as crystal balls and prescience powers. All I have is wild theories and analysis.
Gaston-san has told us that he began with the potato, and that he passed it on. He has not mentioned why he chose to throw it to the Warboss, nor has he specified whether or not this is, in fact, his power. Confirmation of the latter, at the very least, would be appreciated.
You thought the same as Vegeta-san, Ryuk? Ah, my initial thought upon seeing the potato was that it was yet another joke from our moderator...
No time, so I'll make this quick. My current suspicions lie mostly with Gorgutz for having more posts today but not really saying anything (Why do you think Vegetable Head is innocnent?) but I'm not comfortable moving him so far ahead of anyone else. Also looking vaguely at Vegetable Head.
##SUMMON: Gaston
Sounds like he was put in a Xanatos of some sort, involving the potato killing when you pass it. (If it isn't his power)
Gotta go, Later!
Gaston (0.75): Summon
-Jaw-For-Brains is the only one to beat him out in my suspicions right now, but again, not comfortable with placing him that far ahead.
As bad as it is to make anti-flavor arguments vs Light? I tried to target him with a night action last night and my action failed. I do not know why. I assumed it was a roleblock, but then Beatrice claimed to be roleblocked as well, and no one claimed being blocked night 0, and the description I got was not clear in the slightest.I will clarify now that roleblocking is a side-effect of my role, if you will. I would rather not reveal my PLANS now by saying what the main effect of the role is, but I targeted you last night, so... my apologies, Joker-san.
The Xanatos killing power to one side, the posed potato argument is completely out of the question as well. Gaston claims to have acted with the potato on the night before the game began. Unless your theory allows for a Night -1, this completely mechanically removes interaction from all parties except from Gaston and perhaps the whims of the game master himself. Not that it matters as of Gaston's claim, I pointed out the potato connections (,4564.msg95576.html#msg95576) almost as soon as the pieces were placed on the board, not that you spotted the other, more obvious one. *cackle*cackle*.
By my light, I would place Siesta 1073741824 as Lady Lambdadelta's sole agent, and the vile furniture as one of Bernkastel's, the bunny edging out the vote because of what appears to be a very red-handed screw up.
And Goldsmith! Which alternate fragment are you playing from? Why are you making an argument based on Gig's power being exactly as claimed? Where is the notice that Gaston has been saved? Surely the game master would have sent a letter his way telling him as much when the summon took effect (,4564.msg96169.html#msg96169) (which was well before Gaston's latest missive)? Travelling from one fragment to the other is the realm of Lady Bernkastel, so I do not take well to such actions.
Now Kira, why do you want to bring up Dahlia here I wonder. My motivations? Same as anyone else: None. It was Night 0, no one said a word. I picked her as I could've easily picked anyone else. And you say I actually voted for her. You need to recheck the statistics, sir.
I just can't look away from this mise en scene between Gig and Dahlia.Some clarification on your reasoning would be appreciated.
Regardless of his alignment, Gaap's (Dr. Wily's) movements at the end of the first day are not scummy.
I don't like how Slash Man has thrown a bunch of rehash and buzzwords (but no explanations) at the case against me.
EBWOP: Since Slash Man is looking for reasons why people are voting Edna, he can find mine here with further explanation here.
and neglecting Edna's issues
Oh yeah. Before I forget. Do your pies do anything similar to what my summoning does, Spike?
I just can't look away from this mise en scene between Gig and Dahlia.
I maintain that the Saiyan's action was stupid, not scummy, and came into today prepared to vote for Edna for trying to shift attention his [the Saiyan's] way away from the two main trains.
Now then. I do indeed not trust you for trying to shift attention away from the Dahlia/Gorgutz competing trains, and the fact that Dahlia flipped town is irrelevant, there's nothing saying you couldn't try to shift attention away from a town/scum or town/town train duel onto another townie. Hell, I've done pushed away from town/town onto third town myself as scum in past games and gotten away with it. The idea is that pushing a stupid/inactive townie to the forefront prevents a flip of either of the notable competing trains, disallowing for great analysis of them the next day when all we have to look at was "yep, they sure were a moron/lurker!".
Sparing Gaston is obvious. He has a very simple expectation to live up to. Or not to. *cackle*cackle*. However! I scorn this wave that sparing Siesta 1073741824 is somehow advantageous. When Gaston inevitably does die, he need only claim that his power apparently does not save and we return to where we are now. If Gaston does somehow live then the most natural conclusion from me is still that Siesta 1073741824 is Lady Lambadelta's summoned serial killer.
Siesta 1073741824's role claim is terrible! Resolve that before you try and justify staying his execution. I shall likely only be contented otherwise with the wretched furniture being chosen by the key, but do not wish to yield ground here.
Yo, Wily. When did I ever use that as an excuse, hmm? Name it. Go on, I dare ya'.
Gorgutz seems to finally have woken up after that awful first day, and somewhat quelled my suspicions.this is kind of a funny thing to say when my most contentful post just prior to this was based on a premise that was entirely flawed and wrong.
I'z a mason with Vegeta and Gaston! They can back me up on this, naturally. They'z me loyal boyz!I thought we agreed that I would be the leader! Oh well no matter. It's true that Warboss and Gaston are my fellow warriors (a term I have been breadcrumbing for most of the game). This is the reason that I've been defending him 'on the grounds of flavour', as the schoolboy put it (also why I voted Dahlia, to push her train ahead of a fellow mason's).
We're edgy around Beatrice but decided she talks a good game for now.And she's good in the sack. Rawr.
What Milady Speaks Of || | What Milady Is Referring To, By This Game Board's Labels |
Lady Bernkastel | The scum, a member therein |
Lady Lambdadelta | Third party presence |
Stakes of Purgatory | The voting mechanism |
Twilights | Night phases, any time a player dies |
The Black Rose of Xanatos | The claimed slow-killing power |
Gaap, [old] Dr. Nanjo | Dr. Wily |
Rudolf Ushiromiya | Gendou Ikari |
Siesta 1073741824, bunny | Gig |
Kanon | Joker |
George Ushiromiya | Light Yagami |
Goldsmith | Montgomery Burns |
Vile/Wretched Furniture | Warboss Gorgutz |
Quote from: GendoGorgutz seems to finally have woken up after that awful first day, and somewhat quelled my suspicions.this is kind of a funny thing to say when my most contentful post just prior to this was based on a premise that was entirely flawed and wrong.
Quote from: GendoGorgutz seems to finally have woken up after that awful first day, and somewhat quelled my suspicions.this is kind of a funny thing to say when my most contentful post just prior to this was based on a premise that was entirely flawed and wrong.
This, however...this does look pretty bad.
Gaap! I have some questions for you, as though the Triad look cleanest, it's your opinion I trust the most in this human and sub-human infestation. Allow me to end this tea party here and call for another one just for those.
3. IF I DIE TONIGHT, A GREAT DEAL OF THE MYSTERY WILL BE SOLVED. SO if you lynch one mason and another DIES at night, then you are accomplishing not a goddamn thing by doing the lynching in the first place.
At the possibility of Gaston getting delayed killed... Gig's summon did prove effective seeing as Gaston did get saved. Now if it was planned or not, hard to say.
Gaap. Some difficult questions here.
Do you really consider yourself a villain? Because really, wilfully ignoring information regarding a piece's puppet master? A real villain should be using every last dirty trick up their sleeves to get what they want, and yet you have some solid information but wish not to use it for the sake of some intangible concept of fairness? Fuh. Now, what I really mean here is use your brain and use that information. How sure are you of this? Obviously I do not expect certainty - else you worry me of Lambdadelta's influence, *cackle*cackle* - but strong? I tell you why, this is brain versus gut here, and though my gut finds Rudolf amenable, my brain can't find the red text to back that up and all of the pieces causing me greater displeasure have resolved themselves. I'm unwilling to just let my gut have its way here (even the manner of the power claim read positively, but not in a way I can honestly back up), but I'm compelled by how strongly you feel based on information I don't have access to, being from the wrong fragment and all.
Ah, game master. I appear to have miscounted, as I had thought Rudolf to be on only five votes (tracking back, this is from trusting George's count, which was apparently wrong). I would not usually be concerned by the magic of L-1, but with some rather uncertain forces not currently voting for Rudolf I would rather have more breathing space again, especially as I am likely moving elsewhere anyway.
And are you certain Siesta 1073741824 currently has no vote? For it seems that he has been observed to have one.
Neither side might be scum. [..] The only way to prove that either side is right is to kill 'em, and I say we go after Jaw-For-Brains or Vegetable Head. If they don't flip scum, we can turn our attention to Four-Eyes.So if it's a town v town fight, the only way to solve it is to lynch the self-confirming masons, then lynch the other guy?
The trio might be masons, and Ikari town, at the same time. It's not mutually exclusive. The only way to figure this out is to kill Ikari and one of the trio.So you're saying that rather than looking for scum, we confirm that they're town by spending 2 days lynching them? Awesome strategy. Not.
I say we go for the trio first, though not Gaston, because I still need him to answer my questions from earlier about when he got warned of his death. If they flip mason/town/not-scum, we can turn our attention to Gendo.If x flips town, lynch y.
Just got called to lunch. Will return in a bit to decide just how awful I consider this logic.
Know what? Screw this shit. Too much relies on getting through the night. [hammer]Now wasn't that a convenient quickhammer? Grrrrrr.
MASONS: "5 AM North American time is the best time to claim, also we REALLY hate Gendo for some unfathomable reason"
Anyway. Regarding the third party player(s), based on what Light said yesterday I assumed he was a jailor or something similar (and wanted to smack him for the obvious softclaim), now I am back to having no idea why my night 1 action on him failed. Nothing untoward happened to me tonight though and my action went through fine so I guess that's that.
- Masons (this is important), what are your honest opinions on your two masonbuddies? I notice none of you said your alignments are confirmed to each other, and three town masons in a game this small seems very highly unlikely, plus you've been passing that potato around. During the night I was thinking about scenarios where Gaston was some sort of delayed SK or in league with Gig somehow but I guess we've got third party flip(s) now so ??
I think it's possible that Wily is scum, giving them two kills-ish, yes. We really haven't seen any known role crazy from the scum yet, they've got to have something up their sleeves. A double kill with one being delayed (and easily preventable assuming Gig's claim is true)? Sure.
I have no clue what to make of Burns. I've had a ??? read on him for most of the game. So who is scum? I don't know. Seriously this game makes no sense.
I'll be gone for about 10 hours. DO. NOT. HAMMER. I will beat the shit outta ya' if you do. I want to get my two-cents in before you shit heads make a terrible mistake.
How better to keep herself (Beatrice) alive, than to kill him (Gaap) before he could place it (the Black Rose) on her?
Vegeta - MeepleWhat :\
I thought believing all the masons were town was a retardedly bad assumption but I felt no pressing need to argue for it because people seemed to be being really stupid about the entire thing anyway.
Also blame Excal for not letting me write-in Joe Buck. :(
Bleh, I was hoping that I would play better on my first game on a new forum. Sorry for being spectacularly useless.