The RPG Duelling League

RPGDL Games => Forum Games => Topic started by: Excal on January 27, 2010, 08:15:53 PM

Title: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Excal on January 27, 2010, 08:15:53 PM
And so it was, that the villains came to meet.  And where villains meet, plotting always occurs.  In this case, it was made clear to all with dastardly deeds in the dark of night.

Haruhi Suzumiya - THIRD PARTY TROLL has been nightkilled.

And so it was that the villains found themselves in truly lethal circumstances.

Still Alive:

Warboss Gorgutz

Dearly Departed:
Haruhi Suzumiya - Third Party Troll     Nightkilled Night 0
Dark Helmet - Town Aligned Peeping Tom      Lynched Day 1
Dahlia Hawthorne  -  Town Aligned Chicago Voter     Nightkilled Night 1
Gendo Ikari - Town Aligned Mad Ranter     Lynched Day 2
Light Yagami - Third Party Mad Doctor     Nightkilled Night 2
Dycedarg Beoulve - Third Party Plotter     Xanatosed Night 2
Montogmery Burns - Scum Master of Misdirection     Kamehamehaed Day 3
Gaston -  Town Aligned Doom Legionaire     Darwinned Night 3
Edna - Town Aligned Information Broker     Xanatosed Night 3
Bowser - Town Aligned Entartiste     Plumbed Day 4
Dr. Wily - Town Aligned Xanatos Gambler     Megabusted Night 4
The Joker - Scum Master of Masks     Detonated Night 4

End of Day 1 (,4564.msg95931.html#msg95931)
End of Day 2 (,4564.msg96327.html#msg96327)

Day 1 will be 48 hours long.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Excal on January 27, 2010, 08:16:36 PM
Here is the vote count for those who are interested.

Gaston (1):  Potato
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Zerg Rush on January 27, 2010, 08:41:44 PM

##Vote: Bowser
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Li Syaoran on January 27, 2010, 09:12:50 PM
We're off to an auspicious start, I see.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on January 27, 2010, 09:29:31 PM

Of coooourse! One of the pieces should be dead before the game board is set!

*cackle* *cackle*!

I don't remember using potatoes in any of the uncountable locked room murders I have created, but its odd presence excites me further.

##Vote: Mr. Burns

An evil old rich man dabbling in the black arts and yet still actually among the living? Even Goldsmith could not endure so long, and that mad fool was still of a better breed than you.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tanaka on January 27, 2010, 09:49:41 PM
A potato? It needs more refining (and some slicing and cooking in oil) to become the PERFECT PLAN!
/me writes a note reading "Not now, Ryuk. We're being watched..."

##Vote: Gorgutz

I need loyal worshippers of Kira for my plans. Some 'warboss' is likely to be loyal solely to himself, and so he must fall so that I can become the GOD OF A NEW WORLD!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Asuka Langley on January 27, 2010, 10:02:16 PM
God of a new world, you say?  Hmph, only if you'll save the Queen.  The sun shall never set on the new British Empire!  Just like it probably won't set on this day if we don't get down to business.  Now let's take a look and...

.... why, you lot aren't even secret agents!  What is this?  This isn't Spy Mafia!  You're all... all... villains!

What's going on here?  I've got to get out, why ar-

Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Nathan Greaves on January 27, 2010, 10:03:24 PM
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Li Syaoran on January 27, 2010, 10:34:02 PM
Didn't take long for the madness to install within these quarters, did it?
/me fixes glasses.

Anyhow. These developments are vaguely confusing. I'd also like to clarify, if possible (mod shout here), if Haruhi's death was simply cosmetic or not, on a tangentially related note. Also, is the Joker swap here... dare I say... typical? Can't say this seems entirely trivial as of now.

The joys of Day 1, soldiers.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Maya Kumashiro on January 27, 2010, 11:45:57 PM
*smiles radiantly*

Hello everyone!  I, um...  I'm Dahlia Hawthorne.  I just want to say...  It's an honor for me to be here with such distinguished guests!  It's a horrible horrible shame that this Haruhi person was killed, but I entirely trust this noble court to figure things out.  Me, I'm just a humble witness, but with geniuses like Mr. Joker around, I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of this in no time!

...though I'm sure that some here would want to disrupt our testimony.  Like
##VOTE: Edna
She reminds me of that annoying defense attorney, a smidge older.  A little.  It can't be too bad a place to start.

Otherwise, Mr. Gaston?  It so happens I'm not really together with Feenie any more, and Dougie is dead, so my schedule is pretty available.  I hear you've been friends with other pretty, bookish girls before, so, uh, would you be interested in stopping by for tea?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on January 28, 2010, 01:09:15 AM

Anyhow. These developments are vaguely confusing. I'd also like to clarify, if possible (mod shout here), if Haruhi's death was simply cosmetic or not,

Don't give in to emotion and stop thinking, Rudolf. The game has already begun, right? *cackle**cackle**cackle*.

As the game master of many a board, I know just how easy it is to bring such corpses into existence. Why bother going to such lengths to fake such a character pre-game when it can be done just as easily as the game begins?

I may be unfamiliar with the blue truth, but let me attack with it here:

Haruhi Suzumiya was a real piece who was killed during night 0.

As for the potato, though I assume there to be no path connecting it to its master as early as this, the only hints I can see among us is the crisp-munching Light, and Prince Vegeta of the vegetable people.

But someone with a potato for a servant? What a truly interesting villain. Kikikikikikikikiki!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Li Syaoran on January 28, 2010, 01:30:26 AM
Yes, I guess I got a bit encumbered by wild guessing there. Occam's Razor is a better-suited tool for these affairs - which also means we shouldn't treat Haruhi's death lightly within this context either. We really need to get a dynamic going, though - it's already been a few hours and the majority of players haven't even done procedural posts yet. This certainly won't do us any good extracting the tumors out of this rabble.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tron Bonne on January 28, 2010, 01:34:07 AM
An evil old rich man dabbling in the black arts and yet still actually among the living? Even Goldsmith could not endure so long, and that mad fool was still of a better breed than you.

Bah! How preposterous. Why would I even need the use of that hocus pocus mumno jumbo when I have all the money in the world to help me.

##VOTE: Dr Wily

At least until he pays me back for all that uranium I've sold him.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Excal on January 28, 2010, 02:11:00 AM
The Joker - ??? Secret Agent has been telefragged by The Joker - ??? ???

Miss Suzumiya's demise was not entirely unexpected.

And now, a vote count.

Day 1 Vote

Gaston (1): Potato
Bowser (1): Gorgutz
Mr. Burns (1): Beatrice
Gorgutz (1): Light
Edna (1): Dahlia
Dr. Wily (1): Mr. Burns

With 14 alive, it takes 8 to Lynch

There are 42 hours remaining in Day 1.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Nathan Greaves on January 28, 2010, 02:39:09 AM
 ??? ??? ??? ???

##Vote: Beatrice

Dear, dear, what's this?  Why WOULD someone take that little girl's death as anything more than a ... joke?  The moderator of our little gathering is a man after my own heart, I see!  But you, witch, do tell.  Even had it been part of your so-called truth, so what?  Why do you attempt to speculate on deaths, what good comes out of it, hmmm?  And you even turn that dowdy old stoic Gendo to your view, too!  Why?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Chiaki on January 28, 2010, 02:42:54 AM
Pah, mere mortals stand no chance against the might of a true Saiyan prince! But still, I might as well have some fun before I destroy you all and your worthless planet(s).

This one in the Space Armor looks like he might put up a bit of a fight. Let's see how he deals with this... Saibamen, I choose you!


##Vote: Dark Helmet
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Margaret Houlihan on January 28, 2010, 04:59:25 AM
I don't understand why people would vote on ME so early.  I am but a simple Head Abbot, why would my intentions ever be to cause harm to such respectable people of high standing as the members of this council, including myself.

If anything, attention should be turned to the INHUMAN scum stenching up this council with their filth!  Why look at the warboss! He's clearly not of our species, so of course his true intentions must be to rid himself of us humans!

##Vote: Warboss Gorgutz
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Li Syaoran on January 28, 2010, 05:17:21 AM
Why do you attempt to speculate on deaths, what good comes out of it, hmmm?  And you even turn that dowdy old stoic Gendo to your view, too!  Why?

While I'd be loathe to point out logical flaws (although, given your lacking mental stability to the point where you would make a great pilot for NERV's top weaponry were you in your prepubescent years, this isn't an unexpected jump to make), like it or not, turning an analytic eye to the people who fell before our eyes and while we slept is one of the tonic elements of this little charade - it is, after all, one of the prime ways to extract information alongside cold logic and intelligent deduction.

Even if Haruhi's death has given us essentially no insight, until proven otherwise, it's best to treat it as if it was one of this mystery's elements. And saying otherwise by a whim of chance certainly doesn't look amazing when we already have so little info and need to mull out whatever we have. On the other hand, this is still day 1's first stage (for all it already wore its questionable welcome). Regardless, I still question the line of thought employed, be it character quirk or not - enough for me to cast a temporary vote:

## VOTE: Joker

And, as a matter of fact, anything in particular you have to say about the hijacking of the former Joker? It's not that likely to be of any relevance, but since this little ditty has been fairly confusing from the get-go, getting ourselves acquainted with the strangeness around could help.

ADDENDUM: most members still not present. I guess we're only 1/4 through day 1, but when 1/3 of the players haven't even shown up and most of the ones who -did- appear have only done the obligatory joke vote... although I suppose it's the nature of the beast.

/me crosses arms pensively, glancing at this mostly empty mad house. 
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Helga Pataki on January 28, 2010, 05:28:14 AM
I have a vote huh?  I knew people would eventually see it my wa-- What?  They're voting for WHAT?!  What IMPUDENCE is this?!  

##Vote: Warboss Gorgutz

Let's see how YOU like it. *mumbles*


So someone died huh?  That's weird.  I'm not sure what to think.  I mean, when I fell into a pit of lava all those times I always came back, but she's just laying there.  Seems like thinking about it too much will just make our heads hurt, so I don't see much of a point in thinking about it.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on January 28, 2010, 05:44:12 AM
Charles, I assure you, your money will be repayed in full once I've retrieved it from my Swiss bank account. It really is amazing how easy it is to prey on human fear! It's infuriating that Mega Dweeb already cleared Dr. Light's name, but I got enough money out of the operation to cover your expenses.

##Vote: Gendo Ikari

What knowledge could possibly be gained from studying a Night 0 kill? Clearly you must have some blueprints laid out, if you're voting Clown Man for hand-waving the little girl's death. You're more than welcome to share!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Li Syaoran on January 28, 2010, 06:01:21 AM
Charles, I assure you, your money will be repayed in full once I've retrieved it from my Swiss bank account. It really is amazing how easy it is to prey on human fear! It's infuriating that Mega Dweeb already cleared Dr. Light's name, but I got enough money out of the operation to cover your expenses.

##Vote: Gendo Ikari

What knowledge could possibly be gained from studying a Night 0 kill? Clearly you must have some blueprints laid out, if you're voting Clown Man for hand-waving the little girl's death. You're more than welcome to share!

I dunno, at least this is going to spur up some much needed discussion and actually let us start on a subject for getting this ball going? I admit that, within the current context (and maybe even in other contexts), there's just about nil to extract from a kill from before the game itself, but there's very little to do to gather information during the day besides making people actually talk about the issue at hand.

Also, what irked me is that he seemed to handwave away the thought of speculating on the casualties suffered as a whole, which is um -just the main way we gather clues in order to hunt scum-. I guess the best approach may just be what Bowser's doing, which is not thinking very hard about it, but the point does stand that it should at least be considered a part of the game rather than just flavor - even if the mod's word can be taken either way.

Anyhow, I should head to bed right now. Will check updates once I'm up, and hopefully the situation will be less depressingly empty than it is right now.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Chad Hutchins on January 28, 2010, 06:21:21 AM

I would LOVE to court a beautiful lady like yourself, Dahlia. ^_~
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Maya Kumashiro on January 28, 2010, 06:23:39 AM
Oh!  A butterfly!  How adorable!

As for the mystery of Miss Suzimiya's disappearance.  Since there is some debate on the issue, I shall state what seems obvious to me. 

First, that some dark coalition - call them the "Mafia" - were the ones who performed the deed.  It is, of course, also possible that a, hmm, how to say this, "vigilante" executed Miss Suzimiya, but to me it seems far more likely that poor Haruhi was never intended to be a "player" to begin with and was always destined to be a Night 0 death that gave us all an excuse to come to court today and punish the guilty.  If Haruhi's death was the work of a zealous town vigilante exercising his own free will, the Judge would not have said her death was "not entirely unexpected," so that leaves the mafia, or else a destined Night 0 suicide to stir the pot since Haruhi is a troll.

Secondly, that this bit of information is potentially relevant and should not to be ignored.  Haruhi was a player and thus a legal target for other Night 0 actions.  On the off chance a tracker / watcher exists, it is possible - albeit unlikely - that someone already has reliable evidence to work with related to her foul murder.  At least in the "murder" case if not the "suicide" case.

...I hope I didn't make any mistakes, Your Honor!  But that is the situation as I see it.

Since there are still a few testimonies missing, I thought I'd just comment on how wonderful butterflies are.  When you see a butterfly, you know you're going to have a great day!  What's your favorite kind of butterfly, Bea?  I understand that you're a fan as well!  Maybe we can start a club.


I think the classic Monarch butterfly is my favorite.  Beautiful, yet it protects itself with poison in its wings so that people know not to disturb them.  Nature at its finest.

Oh!  Gaston!  You didn't say you were a ninja, as well!  How dashing and multi-talented of you.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Zerg Rush on January 28, 2010, 08:18:11 AM
Oi! You buncha gits want ta' take on Gorgutz, huh? Great! I'll take yaz all on ad ownce!

Wots wiff all dis mucking about some dead 'un, anywayz? Y'can't WAAAAAAGH with deadies! 'ven if e's yellow-bellied, dat green guy'z and the humie mekboy got the right idea!


Now dat dere humie, she's ded silly. Talkin' 'bout deadies, and explainin' dat easy stuff any grot'd ged! Think ya so smart, do ya? Choppa'z got somethin' to say about smart onez!

##Vote: Dahlia
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Over 9000 on January 28, 2010, 09:28:51 AM
What's this? Vegeta thinks he can fight against me and win? I have the power over the Downside of the Schwartz! What does he have, Michigan J. Frog?

Dahlia's really something else, though. Claiming that the death on night zero was that of someone whose sole purpose was to be killed? I don't like this. Don't like this at all.

##Vote: Dahlia Hawthorne
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tanaka on January 28, 2010, 11:32:06 AM
These people... So ignorant as to the truth!

Helmet-san. You say that there's a problem with claiming that Haruhi existed solely to be killed?
Miss Suzumiya's demise was not entirely unexpected.
Would you still claim the same with this in mind?

My main problem here lies with the Warboss. You say Dahlia posted "easy stuff," implying you find no fault in her logic. You also say that she's a "smart one," implying she may be helpful to our cause. And you then find this reason enough to vote her.
As I had already planned ahead perfectly, I see no reason to move my vote.

As for the votes on Ikari-san, I'm wondering why he's escalating in suspicions, while Beatrice, who presented the original argument, has been mostly ignored. Ikari-san's logic of Joker "handwav[ing] away the thought of speculating on the casualties" seems like a logical argument to me, and I see no reason to see him as more suspicious than Beatrice. Could those voters please elaborate on this?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on January 28, 2010, 01:39:09 PM

So you have moves of your own to make after all, game master.

I enjoy the confusion you have let this sow, with some arguing that she was summoned soulless for this role, against those who see her as a poor piece much like themselves who has just fallen prey to the roulette. *cackle*cackle*!

For my own part, with the game master's testimony I do now find it hard to believe he has the cruel character to summon a soul for the sole purpose of killing them before they could even dance his tune. However! There is much to be said for Dahlia's angle of other night 0 actions, which makes the first death relevant regardless of whether the body ever had a soul or not, and her argument pleases me most. I would not see her sacrificed at the next twilight. At least, not currently. Kihihihihihi!

Much else I'm seeing is the confusion-driven rout between those disliking people for pursuing the first death and those disliking people for disregarding the first death. *cackle*cackle*cackle*. The five votes spread between Rudolf, Dahlia and myself being almost identical and the first sort, with Rudolf's, Light's and soon my own being the latter.

##Unvote: Mr. Burns
##Vote: Warboss Gorgutz

You please me least, furniture. You are not much unlike your fellows, but you go that little bit further in disparaging worthwhile input. Let's see if you can entertain me under the weight of four votes! *cackle*cackle*!

Dark Helmet, you should feel grateful that you have escaped my wrath at this juncture, for you are but a hair-breadth's behind the vile furniture. Your position may be of the same tone as 4>X>3 others, but by your late arrival you have singled out just Dahlia for a position she clearly shared with two others at that point. Poor attention at best, and defended only by similar precedence by the furniture.

Speaking of late, no one's observed Gig yet. Maybe he's fallen victim to some tiny food bombs. Kihihihihihihihi!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on January 28, 2010, 01:57:02 PM
What's your favorite kind of butterfly, Bea?  I understand that you're a fan as well!  Maybe we can start a club.

Why, my own golden butterflies, of course. Such a glorious form to be in.

Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Maya Kumashiro on January 28, 2010, 07:44:57 PM
( 4/dahlia13.png)
A vote!  A vote for me!  Judge!  Please, you've gotta help me.  Stop this harassment!  I can't testify in a hostile environment!

Gorgy...  do you mind if I call you that?  I think those comments are "easy" and obvious too, but people were still arguing about them.  So maybe it wasn't so obvious to those who aren't as capable as functioning on as high an intellectual plane as you and me.

Dark Helmet, well, see Light's quote.  You DID see the Judge note his lack of surprise at Haruhi's demise, correct?

Gaston, I realize you're more a man of action than a man of careful thought, but you are going to think at least once or twice, right?  I prefer men who  make things at least a little bit interesting.

There are plenty of votes on Gorgy already, so no vote, but I don't follow his logic at all.  Even beside the strange fact that it was even possible for a person to suspect as sweet and innocent person as me.

##Unvote: Edna
##Finger of SHAME: Warboss Gorgy
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Zerg Rush on January 28, 2010, 08:41:04 PM
Wot? You 'oomie gits dont geddit, do yaz? Y'got to think more orky!

Dis 'ere Dahlia jus wants people t'see she's all talky, y'see? So she talkies and talkies about stuff even grot'sd know! Haw! All dis muckin' about jus so we 'ere the sound of 'er voice!

Y'don't like it? Tuff roks, y'squid herder!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Excal on January 28, 2010, 09:30:43 PM
Day 1 Vote

Gaston (1): Potato
Bowser (0): Gorgutz
Mr. Burns (0): Beatrice
Gorgutz (3): Light, Bowser, Beatrice
Edna (0): Dahlia
Dr. Wily (1): Mr. Burns
Beatrice (1): Joker
Dark Helmet (1): Vegeta
Gorgutz (1): Edna
Joker (1): Gendo
Gendo (1): Dr. Wily
Dahlia (2): Gorgutz, Dark Helmet

No Vote: Dahlia, Gaston

With 14 alive, it takes 8 votes to Lynch

Day 1 will end in 22.75 hours.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Nathan Greaves on January 28, 2010, 09:56:05 PM
Tsk, tsk, tsk.  People unable to even take a joke from the mod.  If I were a hero, I might go on a nice little spiel about how analyzing nightkills is never a good or productive idea, but I guess we're all a little crazy here, aren't we?  Some people just haven't been in Gotham long enough to appreciate a good prank or two - the two being, of course, that unfortunate fellow who was trying to steal my name. 

SO I suppose I shall put that policy difference out of my mind entirely, wouldn't do to get all bogged down.  Alas that the grim players involved have not made much else manifest, but then again, neither have several others. 

Now we have Gorgutz and Dahlia providing entertainment on our merry stage, and I must say, Miss Dahlia looks positively... ripe for plucking.  Gorgutz's contest of her pleas of innocence strikes true.  Nobody's innocent, least of all here, wouldn't you think?  What a shrinking violet, making sure she tramples no other violets herself, then siding with the swarm of bees against the one trying to pluck her! 

It's called a decoy, fools.  Gorgutz is quite right.

##Unvote: Beatrice
##Vote: Dahlia
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on January 28, 2010, 10:45:19 PM
As for the votes on Ikari-san, I'm wondering why he's escalating in suspicions, while Beatrice, who presented the original argument, has been mostly ignored. Ikari-san's logic of Joker "handwav[ing] away the thought of speculating on the casualties" seems like a logical argument to me, and I see no reason to see him as more suspicious than Beatrice. Could those voters please elaborate on this?

...When did Dr. Light find himself a successor? Now I'm going to have to find one as well just to keep up!

My vote is for Gendo instead of the witch because the witch did not vote for Clown Man. Gendo did. I did not like how Gendo seemed to be suggesting we should look into the little girl's death as a source of information - only specialized robots would have any chance of knowing anything, and surely rolefishing (on Day 1, no less) is to be frowned upon - and I further did not like how he wasn't offering any suggestions of his own as to what it could mean. Calling for information is one thing, but calling for it while not giving it yourself is quite another. Compounding this with a vote for an opinion I agreed with did not at all sit well with me.

I'm h-h-happy ( to leave my vote on Gendo for now. Gendo claims Clown Man was suggesting we should ignore deaths entirely, but I don't see how one could possibly extrapolate more from Clown Man's statement than "don't look into night kills", which is pretty good advice, wouldn't you say? Night kill meta is a veritable fortress of WIFOM.

On the issue of Guts Man and Dahlia, I find myself agreeing with Guts Man. Dahlia's post was nothing but setup and night action speculation; I believe the technical term is "Information Instead of Analysis". Guts Man was quite right to call her out on this, and the OMGUS FoS combined with a now lack-of-vote amuses me. Dahlia will have to do much better if she wishes to escape my suspicion, should the deadline race be between her and Guts Man.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Li Syaoran on January 28, 2010, 10:59:02 PM
/me finally gets enough free time to actually watch this mad house crackling again.

The situation hasn't got much less depressing, I see. We still have one person who hasn't even posted at all and many of the people who did aren't even really present. Regardless.

I see there's a train just itching to get going here, and I don't like it. The debacle between Gorgutz and Dahlia is vaguely entertaining in a schadenfreude sense, but it just reeks of being an easy target for more malicious shenanigans than even this den of thieves is typically capable of. Which actually leads to what I'll do:

## UNVOTE: Joker
## VOTE: Dark Helmet

The fact Joker is in the possibly forming train deserves some attention, but I at least can -see- the reasoning he employed (an extension on Gorgutz's reasoning here, and I don't find it entirely unreasonable either: Dahlia's behavior, while talkative, isn't necessarily productive currently. Gorgutz's behavior itself isn't immaculate either, but it requires more observation. Suffice to say, they're not clean spots, but I don't think -either- warrants trainhopping right now).

However, Dark Helmet... didn't like how you could simply dismiss the death, thus voted for Dahlia, when Joker was the first one to actually dismiss the idea, with a more dubious wording at the moment? And then, simply disappears into a fine mist? Yeah no. This looks bad to me.

Ninja'd by Dr. Wily, it seems. I'll address him in my next post, which should be as soon as possible.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Li Syaoran on January 28, 2010, 11:04:47 PM
Anyhow. On Wily's words: I never had the intention to rolefish there, it was mostly mild confusion on my part. I also -will- admit at this point that I may have read more into Joker's words than they seemed to imply, but you'll forgive me if I'm not entirely willing to take everything at face value here, given the circumstances. I'll also give you the net result here of the speculation, at least: it didn't quite hit me at the point how much of a circlejerk this would end up being, but there needed to be -something- to get this goddamn ball going. Faulty modus operandi, I guess. 
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tron Bonne on January 28, 2010, 11:50:28 PM
I do have to apologize, Gendo ol' chap, for taking part in this little game as much as I should. I do have a nuclear plant to run, and it takes up a lot of my time. I do hope you allow me to spare some chit-chat, but having read what has been posted so far by the others, and the duel between the beauty and the beast is too good to put to a halt, I do feel compelled to agree with you regarding the Helmet issue. Small words hoping to go by unnoticed perhaps?

##Unvote: Dr Wily
##Vote: Dark Helmet
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tron Bonne on January 28, 2010, 11:53:30 PM
I do have to apologize, Gendo ol' chap, for taking part in this little game as much as I should.

for NOT taking part....

Still old typewrting knicknacks and this inter.... webnet thing. I still have to get used to this baffling so called technology...
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on January 29, 2010, 12:07:24 AM

Gorgutz (3): Light, Bowser, Beatrice


Gorgutz (1): Edna

You are incompetent! hi-hhihihhihihihihihihihihihihi!!

Explain Gig's lack of presence on the vote track. You couldn't have just forgotten him, riiiight? It's got nothing to do with the potato, riiiiiight? *cackle*cackle*

The emerging dichotomy of Dahlia versus Gorgutz displeases me. Especially the position that the Joker forwards that seems primarily based on Dahlia simply acting in character. Much worse with several around who have done little to nothing but such character pitches. I cannot help but see the value in Dahlia's initial theories concerning the first corpse's quantum state, but am disappointed by her lack of a vote now if nothing else.

I still disagree with the furniture's position, and support the other emerging train on Dark Helmet, his ill-felt presence not allowing further comment here.

The lead up to the first twilight rarely goes well for the pieces on the board, but it is most boring to see so little movement by several so far into the opening game.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on January 29, 2010, 12:12:48 AM
I cannot help but see the value in Dahlia's initial theories concerning the first corpse's quantum state, but am disappointed by her lack of a vote now if nothing else.

I'm happy for you that you can, witch. Would you mind explaining those values to those of us that cannot see Dahlia's night speculation and lack of relevant content as anything worthwhile?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Nathan Greaves on January 29, 2010, 12:23:05 AM
The emerging dichotomy of Dahlia versus Gorgutz displeases me. Especially the position that the Joker forwards that seems primarily based on Dahlia simply acting in character.

Nay, madam, it is for...

but am disappointed by her lack of a vote now if nothing else.


She lacks a vote, she acts in a way that, in character or not, she must know will draw attention to herself, then she decries those who vote her.  A very basic setup for a most unfunny punchline.  This itself may be a weak jest, but we've got a deathly silent crowd out there tonight and it's better than anything else.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Excal on January 29, 2010, 12:29:17 AM
Nothing to see here folks...

Day 1 Vote

Gaston (1): Potato
Bowser (0): Gorgutz
Mr. Burns (0): Beatrice
Gorgutz (4): Light, Edna, Bowser, Beatrice
Edna (0): Dahlia
Dr. Wily (0): Mr. Burns
Beatrice (0): Joker
Dark Helmet (3): Vegeta, Gendo, Mr. Burns
Joker (0): Gendo
Gendo (1): Dr. Wily
Dahlia (3): Gorgutz, Dark Helmet, Joker

No Vote: Dahlia, Gaston, Gig
No Post: Gig

With 14 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.

17.75 hours remain in Day 1
And since I can edit there, I will let you all know that Gig is now getting an inactivity poke.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Princess Leia on January 29, 2010, 12:54:37 AM
Godda--! Motherf--! That damn man-cow came and trampled all over my post!

Hmph. I'll make it short, so even the red-head can understand. She talks about Night 0 possibilities, and has a call out for people to role claim without actually asking. (,4564.msg95628.html#msg95628) As for the rest of the case, well, talk to the clown.

##VOTE: Dahlia

However, you. Egghead. You call on four-eyes for role fishing, (,4564.msg95687.html#msg95687) even though the red-head is the guilty one there. You better stop giving the man-cow a run for his money, or else you're next. Got it?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on January 29, 2010, 01:46:11 AM

I'm happy for you that you can, witch. Would you mind explaining those values to those of us that cannot see Dahlia's night speculation and lack of relevant content as anything worthwhile?

All too happy to stoke the division ever wider, aren't you, old man?

But if you must push, what pleased me most was the identification of the first corpse's quantum status, being both unreasonable to be an actual playing piece killed instantly and likewise to be an elaborate soulless piece dangled for so long. Much like how that fool Battler could not come to suspect his family or anyone else on Rokkenjima, but could not come to believe in me. Kihihihihi!

Let alone the context. Let alone it being the only course on the menu when dished up. Let alone that it has best resolved the confusion surrounding the game's genesis and killed the topic as it festered... as much as it then did instantly create a new one. Her eventual flailing pains me, but even there I'd grant more effort than I see elsewhere.

And to the Joker: I'll take your word for it. That's not how I read your previous stance, but I can see how a narrator may present it so, and will give you the benefit of the doubt here. Devil's Proof, after all. Kihihihihihihihihihihi!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Maya Kumashiro on January 29, 2010, 03:06:04 AM
Dr Wily.  Call it an OMGUS if you wish, but sweet Christmas has Gorgy been useless.  He's said precisely one thing of note this game: that he *agrees* with my argument and that he's voting me anyway because it's too easy.  Despite the blatantly obvious fact that people do in fact disagree with said apparently-not-uncontroversial analysis, and continue to do so for some reason.  The Haruhi matter is actually quite minor so I don't see agreement or disagreement a large issue, but voting someone at random for taking a side?  Right.

Gig. If you think I was rolefishing you're wrong.  Don't know what to say other than in order to refute a claim that Night 0 was irrelevant, you must bring up the fact that roles exist.

Now, for our other friend...

Tsk, tsk, tsk.  People unable to even take a joke from the mod.   If I were a hero, I might go on a nice little spiel about how analyzing nightkills is never a good or productive idea, but I guess we're all a little crazy here, aren't we?

To return to the original context of this debate... psychoanalyzing the nightkill of a non-player with no content is obviously *impossible*, and nobody's tried to do that.  However your claim that the nightkill should be *completely ignored* is idiotic.  This whole incident, call it a "game of Mafia," had a Night 0.  Therefore, night actions occurred on this Night, and there may be useful evidence in the mix this Day 1.  That is all that I, and others who disagreed with you, are saying.

She lacks a vote, she acts in a way that, in character or not, she must know will draw attention to herself, then she decries those who vote her.  A very basic setup for a most unfunny punchline.  This itself may be a weak jest, but we've got a deathly silent crowd out there tonight and it's better than anything else.

No vote?  Right.  Let's fix that.

##VOTE: Joker

There was not a recent votecount when I last testified, and several more Gorgy-votes had accumulated.  I believed Gorgy had 4 or possibly even 5 votes at the time.  No need to push someone so close to a lynch on Day 1, and my feelings were perfectly clear.

As for my perfectly rational and non-hysterical denunciation of those who would dare question anything I could ever do, yes that is in-character in a manner which should be completely obvious.  I don't even know what you're trying to get at her.  The point is that as a sweet and innocent college student there is absolutely no reason to suspect me so I see no reason to not to let my displeasure be known.










##UNVOTE: Joker

Had you going, didn't I?  A little prank.  I'm not liking the content of your posts, but there are considerably more lynchable targets still.  Gorgy has combined low-content with lurking, and Helmet is lurking + apparently didn't read very carefully.  I'm going to have keep with my original thought for now, I suppose.

##VOTE: Warboss Gorgy
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Maya Kumashiro on January 29, 2010, 03:09:11 AM
Tee-hee...  oops, your Honor!  A slight revision to my testimony.  In the tiny text that should be "here," not "her."

I'm sorry for seeming so angry and out of sorts up there!  I feel much better now.  I hope we can all get along and sort this whole mess out!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Excal on January 29, 2010, 03:14:57 AM
Umm...  ahem...  I mean, of course Miss Hawthorne.  The court would be happy to accept your revision!

And with your revision, we also have a vote count!

Day 1 Vote

Gaston (1): Potato
Bowser (0): Gorgutz
Mr. Burns (0): Beatrice
Gorgutz (5): Light, Edna, Bowser, Beatrice, Dahlia
Edna (0): Dahlia
Dr. Wily (0): Mr. Burns
Beatrice (0): Joker
Dark Helmet (3): Vegeta, Gendo, Mr. Burns
Joker (0): Gendo, Dahlia
Gendo (1): Dr. Wily
Dahlia (4): Gorgutz, Dark Helmet, Joker, Gig

No Vote: Gaston
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Princess Leia on January 29, 2010, 03:38:33 AM
Hmph. I still got my eye on you, girly. Although, speaking of lurking, where the hell are the other four?

"You mean Gaston, Bowser, Edna, and Vegeta?"

Yeah, those idiots. Heh. I bet they ran away like the cowards they are. After all, who'd want to stick around to face the baddest of the bad, the strongest of them all, the one, the only, the totally indestructible Gig himself! Heh.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on January 29, 2010, 05:11:09 AM
However, you. Egghead. You call on four-eyes for role fishing, (,4564.msg95687.html#msg95687) even though the red-head is the guilty one there. You better stop giving the man-cow a run for his money, or else you're next. Got it?

My good man, I was calling on Gendo for asking for discussion where I knew there to be none. I pointed out rolefishing as the only way we could possibly study the wreckage and figure out what went wrong, and (perhaps mistakenly) gave him the benefit of the doubt that he was not actually rolefishing. This is how I know there was nothing meaningful for us to glean from the little girl's corpse, leading me to conclude that Gendo was simply trying to look productive while not actually doing anything.

But if you must push, what pleased me most was the identification of the first corpse's quantum status, being both unreasonable to be an actual playing piece killed instantly and likewise to be an elaborate soulless piece dangled for so long. Much like how that fool Battler could not come to suspect his family or anyone else on Rokkenjima, but could not come to believe in me. Kihihihihi!

Let alone the context. Let alone it being the only course on the menu when dished up. Let alone that it has best resolved the confusion surrounding the game's genesis and killed the topic as it festered... as much as it then did instantly create a new one. Her eventual flailing pains me, but even there I'd grant more effort than I see elsewhere.

It pleased you that Dahlia effectively said "It might have been a scum kill, or it might have been a vigilante kill, or it might have been a mod action, and roles that might or might not exist might or might not have information as a result of the death, who knows"? It pleases you that she added no relevant opinions whatsoever to the game? I know I haven't gone senile yet, and I can't see a single string of meaningful data from Dahlia in that entire post. Again, trying to look productive while not actually doing anything.

##Unvote: Gendo Ikari

His explanation satisfies me for now.

##Vote: Dahlia Hawthorne

For saying nothing of meaning unless required in self-defense and only attacking people that find her suspicious (Clown Man, Guts Man).
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Chiaki on January 29, 2010, 06:16:16 AM
Pah, as if weak and foolish humans weren't bad enough, now a human woman dares challenge a mighty warrior? While that brute Gorgutz is nothing compared to my supreme power, I'd rather have any warrior around than a limp-wristed umbrella toting girlie, with her wussy pranks and bitching and whining!

Too many words from you, woman! Get back in the kitchen or my bedroom where you belong, and I'll deal with you after I've seen to some manly activities like training or fighting!

##Unvote, ##Vote Dahlia

Time to work on my punches. HA! HA! HO HA!

Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Li Syaoran on January 29, 2010, 06:41:18 AM

I really -don't- like the direction this is going. The train on Dahlia's formed fast and easy - and at a point where we have about four lurkers (note how Gorgutz conspicuously disappeared after gorging down on Dahlia. Dark Helmet is still nowhere to be seen. And where have Edna and Gaston been hiding since that first cerimonial post?) and the whole piling up on Dahlia honestly doesn't look any better than simply misguided OMGUS thrown out in self-defense. I know she's essentially thrown herself into a comfortably bad position, but I'm now feeling that we have at least half the scum train-hopping onto her and hoping for a quick hammer - and she's bound to only dig herself further in, further justifying the easy lynch. I don't know. Her behavior is bad, sure, but it looks less like actual scum behavior than it looks like outright poor play due to applied pressure. Maybe it'd be more productive to actually eye the lurkers at this point instead of jumping into yet another predictable pressure OMGUS-fueled lynch.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Princess Leia on January 29, 2010, 06:50:29 AM
Four-eyes is right. This train formed too damn quick and easy. The redhead looks bad, but it's just a tad too early to start the mayhem. Especially when we have so little to really go off of.

##UNVOTE: Dahlia

Vegetable Head came in and offered nothing new to the discussion, or even reviewed what we've already been talking about, but I'm not ready to do much with him before I know what the hell's going on around here. Yo, people! Speak up before I'm forced to kick all your asses myself!

Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on January 29, 2010, 06:51:01 AM
What logic and data support your decision, Saiyan? Your vote looks like nothing but a continuation of the joke phase.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Margaret Houlihan on January 29, 2010, 07:34:20 AM
Returns from a visit to the Abbey in her carriage.

What have we here?  I do not like the nature of either the Dahlia or Gorgutz trains, while neither likes entirely great in their own right, at least they have made an attempt to stir conversation in this disgraceful council.  My displeasure to be amongst all you miserable ruffians cannot be measured.

Back on track, I will agree to Dark Helmet giving a disdainful reason for his vote, with no other real reason other then he doesn't like what she said, he doesn't say why, he just says he doesn't like it.  Furthermore, it seems obvious that that helmet of his is simply not just for show, but also so that he can hide his emotions, clearly there is nothing to trust from someone who has something to hide!  I've worked with his type before, and they are nothing but a detriment to a council such as this!

Then we have an alien who contributes nothing but demean the stature of women such as myself.  His vote has no respectable backing, just like his words.  When we consider that the day is over half over, this is no time to be throwing around such baseless comments.  Furthermore, I will not allow another alien to try and control MY body, I'm not that easy!!

##Vote: Vegeta

On an end note I general don't see a problem in switching to Dark Helmet if it's needed to push him over the Dahlia or Gorgutz trains, though I rather attempt to get the most out of this day, and have chosen to vote Vegeta since I don't want a full lynch to form too quickly on Helmet while there is still time in this day to extrapolate information from everyone's posts.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Helga Pataki on January 29, 2010, 07:44:58 AM
A pipe exploded in my lair.  I make point to not hire any plumbers, so I've been kind of busy.  I've got some minions taking care of the problem now, so I should be able to talk about stuff here.  Anyway, it's hard for me to figure out exactly what's going on.  Who would have thought it would be so hard to pick out the bad guys in a group of...villains.  Oh... *cough*

Well, since everyone's talking about Dahlia I guess I should too!  I can't let you people outdo me!

The "IIoA" post about...I don't get why people are so upset about it.  I guess I would be if she brought it up out of nowhere, but people were talking about it.  I mean, I know that post really said a whole lot of nothing, but how much can you get out of a N0 kill?  That's why I said that there was no point in worrying about it.  People are worrying about this post waaaaay too much.  Her N0 thoughts don't seem to be any different than anyone else's, so I don't get why people are going for her and not really caring about Gendo and Beatrice who also posted mostly useless stuff about N0.  That OMGUS stuff with no vote is bad, but I think people are looking waaaaay too much into this again.  I agree with Gendo, the wagon got too big too fast.  I bet the people I'm hunting are on that wagon.

Okay, so all the people on it can't be scum, so who is it?

This Vegeta guy put her at L-3 by my count (@Mod: Can you say how many votes it takes to lynch in the vote count?) for no real reason.

I'm also not liking this Dark Helmet guy.  Other people thought that Haruhi might have been killed by this mod guy (Gendo did it before Dahlia if I'm remembering right) and the mod even said something about the kill.  The vote just looks really weird.

Those two are the worst voters.

##Vote: Vegeta
##Pie: Dark Helmet
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Excal on January 29, 2010, 07:52:01 AM
The word you're looking for, Bowser, is L-2.  Anyways, votes needed to lynch should have been at the bottom, and if they haven't been before, they're part of the C&P now.

Day 1 Vote

Gaston (1): Potato
Bowser (0): Gorgutz
Mr. Burns (0): Beatrice
Gorgutz (3): Light, Edna, Bowser, Beatrice, Dahlia
Edna (0): Dahlia
Dr. Wily (0): Mr. Burns
Beatrice (0): Joker
Dark Helmet (2.75): Vegeta, Gendo, Mr. Burns, Pie
Joker (0): Gendo, Dahlia
Gendo (0): Dr. Wily
Dahlia (5): Gorgutz, Dark Helmet, Joker, Gig, Dr. Wily, Vegeta
Vegeta (2): Edna, Bowser

No Vote: Gaston, Gig
With 14 alive it takes 8 votes to lynch

There are 12.5 hours remaining in Day 1.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Helga Pataki on January 29, 2010, 07:58:49 AM
The word you're looking for, Bowser, is L-2.  Anyways, votes needed to lynch should have been at the bottom, and if they haven't been before, they're part of the C&P now.

*palmface* That's the last time I post after midnight.  I have no idea how I skipped over that.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Excal on January 29, 2010, 08:54:57 AM
My fully staffed department of ninjas, of course.  Well...  maybe the fatigue thing, but I won't tell them if you won't.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Zerg Rush on January 29, 2010, 11:11:27 AM
GRA HAH HAH! Little bugs callin' Gorgutz a 'nurker when dey're so tinny and limpy? You oomie's make good 'uns, gra hah! I gotz to go keep the boyz in line, y'hear? Not gonna spend all day listenin' to yoo lot!

Wots all dis about OMGUSH? Gorgutz ain't OMGUSHED nobody, it's dat oomie gurl OMGUSHin'! Mite wanna check dem glasses, har har har!

Dat witchy gurl remind'z me of dem spikey boyz! De're all "DEFF TO DA FALSE EMPEROR" wen de're fightin' uz! Crazy! She dozn't like da nice brawl we got wiff me and da little gurl, but stayz in, eh?

##Unvote, ##Vote: Beatrice

Youze all a bunch of tricksy onez! Gonna need more dakka to get through y'all!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on January 29, 2010, 11:47:48 AM

A move truly worthy of such base furniture, which is to say one that truly bores me.

I made it quite, quite clear that it was the dichotomy that was abhorrent, not inherently all of the arguments within.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Zerg Rush on January 29, 2010, 12:12:58 PM
Den wasso bad about it, hoomie? Wot, either one'z skum, and it'z good, or we'z both proud sorts, so it'z bad and yer WAAAAAGH is poitin' da wrong way! Yer confuzing!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on January 29, 2010, 12:34:34 PM

Not when the prevailing wind then blows squarely in Dahlia's direction.

But you are right that I also worry of the latter case, for which Dark Helmet and the old doctor would top the list. But then it's hard to see when there are so many deserving of being chosen by the key. Why can I not select six for the first twilight as ever? *cackle*cackle*
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Zerg Rush on January 29, 2010, 12:51:07 PM
So yer sayin' dat yer runnin' at me coz y like the hoomie girl, not 'cuz y'think Gorgutz 'ere is skum? Or even just dat yer not thinkin' Gorgutz is the skummiest?


Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on January 29, 2010, 01:07:20 PM

If I were allowed my right to six victims for the first twilight, they would be as follows:

Vile furniture Gorgutz, for jumping on Dahlia at the wrong point for reasons strongly contended, and now that her panic has granted some actual reasons to be displeased with her, attacks her more but then moves to me. None of this can I understand. A weak point over a stronger one, even granting the limited scope given to Dahlia in the first place. No word of recourse on the Dahlia unvote. From an established train to a completely new one this late on, which is not bad by itself assuming a strong or sufficiently-founded case, but when combined with the other points is most suspect, if confusing, as the worrying point is how it brings the trains closer to a tie with the end in sight, but then his own train is among them.



Must you insist on interrupting me so often, with tricks so base they wouldn't even fool Maria? My vote is with you because you please me least, furniture. I resolve your contradiction and you throw it back at me twofold? You have taught me only that I should not share my doubts with the likes of you, as you will clumsily try to turn them against me.

Perhaps you read me incorrectly. It would not be surprising. When I speak of winds blowing towards Dahlia, I mean the shift of votes. Is that too deep for furniture like yourself? And since when would popular opinion among the pieces change my own? You assume too much, furniture.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on January 29, 2010, 02:18:37 PM

No doubt the irritating fool will show up again. How low of me to allow myself distracted by something sub-human. To return to better spirits, I point out to those present that the furniture claimed truthfully that he had not enacted OMGUS... but in the same post then votes for me, with my stake of purgatory Satan of Wrath already pointing at him, for a pitiful reason. Kihihihihihihihihihihihi! No, I mean it as a minor point compared to the rest, but I will draw entertainment out of the fool one way or another. *cackle*cackle*!

I had been considering a move to Dark Helmet if it would have given the roulette worse odds of landing on Dahlia, as he stands directly behind the vile furniture in my sight, admittedly hoping for more input before then. But I feel that the furniture has made my position all too clear now, and the best course of action is to offer him up as the first twilight.

However! I will still list those I would have share the first twilight with the fool should I have had my right.

Dark Helmet, for reasons already listed, and an absence to boot.

Gig, for the manoeuvring around Dahlia. I pardon his position somewhat, but the L-1 panic has left him without a vote and little to say for himself. I am particularly displeased with the 'wait and see' view offered on Vegeta.

Vegeta, for failing to exist but being an active hindrance.

Gaston, for simply failing to exist at all.

And Old man Burns, for... failing to exist. What is it with all of this distraction from so many inactive pieces? Even Light now seems to have slipped away.

The old doctor I find aggressive and needlessly stubborn, but my head furniture Ronove tells me that, though we may not see eye to eye, from a less biased viewpoint I should find far less to take issue with.

I will not be around for the clock striking midnight, bringing a life to an end. I shall attempt to be around for another tea party before then, but if not I feel secure to leave Satan of Wrath with the furniture.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Princess Leia on January 29, 2010, 02:36:17 PM
The hell is wrong with you? Hey, Jaw-for-brains. You do realize that even with hag Mk. II attacking you, you were safe, right? She had no damn case on you! But then you go off and abandon the only train with more votes than you to vote for hag Mk. II, who has no votes on her. What, you retarded or something? Damn. Almost none of you are looking alright, now. All these people with suspicious votes...

"It's just Vegeta, Gorgutz, Edna, and Bowser, though."

Yeah, but that's still four too many for my tastes, kid. Hmm. Now for the real kicker. What do I think is worst? A vote without much else to say in the day, the random-ass switching onto a worthless target, or that damn pie and its counting towards the vote count?

##VOTE: Gorgutz

Because damn, if I'm gonna have someone explain themselves over and over, I don't want it to be him and his ass-backwards grammar. Also puts us at an interesting position, with two trains formed. Heheh...

By the way, lady. It wasn't just on Vegetable Head. I wanted some of those damn lurkers to come out and say something first. Can't exactly be a Master of Death if the audience's souls aren't around to harvest. Come on, even the stupid man-cow could have figured that one out!

(@ Mod: What's the deadline before an inactivity poke/modkill?)
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Princess Leia on January 29, 2010, 02:44:16 PM
Oh, yeah. In case I didn't make myself clear. Frog-face, Spike. Why the hell are you both so ready to just dismiss both trains that have formed, and go straight for the only other two under any real suspicion, hmm? Seems to me like you guys are trying to look all nice and helpful, without hopping onto a train, since that might have us start looking at you. I mean, neither of you says more about the trains beyond, "OH my! I don't like this." And then bam, skipped. And you, Spike. The hell did that pie thing, do?

You know, I'm a little disappointed you didn't catch any of this stuff, lady. Here I was thinking you might have been able to match even that pathetic old hag, but... Guess not. By the way, I hear there are some great doctors out there who can help you with your vision problems. Unless you already have a prescription for your tunnel-vision, that is.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on January 29, 2010, 03:29:06 PM
My great mind has spent some time analyzing the Saiyan wreckage, and I have actually concluded (for now) that he is not scum. I question the idea that such a post was made by a member of an informed minority - surely a colleague or two would have been screaming at him to build something far more substantial. This makes me raise an eyebrow at Edna and Slash Man for their speedy change, though little more.

I find myself wanting to move to Dark Man - for all little Dahlia has posted, at least she has posted something, posted more than once, and posted in the last 24 hours. Dark Man's vote and subsequent absence lends itself to scum lurking, and his vote's reasoning is subpar, as several others have already pointed out.

I've got some free time in the lab today, so I think I will indeed do just this. I will have time to change my mind should new data come in.

##Unvote: Dahlia Hawthorne
##Vote: Dark Helmet
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tanaka on January 29, 2010, 04:37:12 PM
No, they're expecting me to fall to their level here.

Of course I can't! These simple arguments - these 'Day One' discussions, if you will - are... simply terrible. I've better things to do with my time.

Thoughts? My thoughts are mostly unchanged. The case on Dahlia is as bad as it was to begin with, and I am still displeased with the Warboss' lack of input. The Saiyan is just as bad as Helmet-san, with low content outside of one horrendous argument.

Hm? I guess I'd be happy voting for any of them. When's our deadline?

I should be able to attend at that time. Alright, I'll change my vote later on then.

...More apples? Shit, Ryuk, we can't risk being captured...
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on January 29, 2010, 05:13:26 PM
Junior, I must ask why you berate Guts Man for lack of input and yet claim the Dahlia case is bad when she's just as guilty of that crime.

I must head out to the bank - Burns still wants his money - but I will be back in a half hour or so. Don't blow up the fortress while I'm gone!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on January 29, 2010, 05:30:02 PM
Blasted Saucer won't start! Guess I'm stuck here for the rest of the day.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Nathan Greaves on January 29, 2010, 06:12:13 PM
Chaos, madness and insanity!  How comfortable!  Except not, for living.  Dahlia, Beatrice, Gorgutz, they all join hands and go who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?  Not me!  Then who?  And the hot potato is tossed to Dark Helmet, who fails to so much as show up to toss it away.  How curious.

I do not think Dark Helmet is the best lynch right now, BECAUSE of their lurking!  Dealing with that is the mod's job, and a lurker lynch day 1 doesn't give us much to go on in the future.  There, there's my sane sentiments for the day, have to pay the dues.  The question remains, of course, which cookie thief should be dealt with?  I still dislike Dahlia out of the popular talkers, and see little reason to change my potato throwing.  Light, as well, raises my hackles here with his "Oh I'll vote anyone at deadline" attitude, but that may just be because he posted, and therefore is on my mind - others haven't. 
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Maya Kumashiro on January 29, 2010, 06:30:43 PM

I'm around for the moment.  Won't be here come deadline, though, so I hope this nasty misunderstanding will be gone by then.

Excuse me while I read up on this new testimony that's been entered into the Court Record; a longer statement will come shortly.  Not averse to changing my vote on Gorgy, but not sure who to vote instead if so.  The lurking is definitely a concern, but agree with Joker that the Judge should deal with these witnesses who refuse to testify.  If they're innocent they have nothing to hide.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Maya Kumashiro on January 29, 2010, 07:04:37 PM
I prepared a very angry rebuttal, but on second thought I'll leave it be for now.  I fail to understand why those such as Gendo call a vigorous prosecution of fools and idiots...  er, wonderful yet misguided people "bad play due to applied pressure," but that's just one of those mysteries of the courtroom.

Instead I'll be quick and precise: I find the case on me *objectively* bad.  The N0 ramblings is obviously a matter of different playstyles; we likely would have had the exact same discussion if we were all normal villains witnesses.  It wasn't a bad topic to get the gears moving on Day 1, though.  However everything afterward has been a trainwreck.  Let's recap:
* Gorgy votes me for saying nothing.  Yet since we're all *still* arguing about N0 it obviously wasn't nothing.
* Joker and Wily seem to dislike me for disagreeing with my N0 post.  (And, in Wily's case, exagerrating / misreading it- I made a very specific claim, "a mafia member killed Haruhi but were given no choice about it by the Mod," not a giant whiffle.  I discussed all the possibilities to dismiss some.)  I don't approve but there's vaguely some Day 1ish argument here.
* Lurkers and everyone else vote me for my later actions, notably attacking Gorgy and not having an immediate vote.  Perhaps the lingo is different around here, but in my courtrooms "FoS" is equivalent to a vote, just one that isn't officially entered into the Court Record.  Already explained why I didn't make it official, thought Gorgy was closer to L-1 then he was.

This is a strange hypothetical, but if my soul was in a different entity's body, I'd be voting the same way.  I'm standing behind the original post as about as on-topic as is possible to get early Day 1.

In any case.  That's my piece on my own personal persecution train.  As for who to suggest instead...  first, unofficial votecount.

Gaston (1): Potato
Gorgutz (4): Light, Beatrice, Dahlia, Gig
Beatrice (1): Gorgy
Dark Helmet (3.75): Gendo, Mr. Burns, Pie, Dr. Wily
Dahlia (4): Gorgutz, Dark Helmet, Joker, Vegeta
Vegeta (2): Edna, Bowser

Correct me if I'm wrong?

Actual thoughts to follow, this took long to write already.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Maya Kumashiro on January 29, 2010, 07:14:58 PM

It is perhaps too late to switch the train since I must soon depart, but I think my current suspicions lie most with Dr. Wily.  The OMGUS angle is obvious, and I'll admit that the disagreement may have colored my thinking, but Wily switches to a lurker after Gendo points out that the lynchtrain took off like a bat out of hell as if the Mafia were trying to seal the deal.  Could be a way to make Wily look like a good guy if I'm convicted while he's safely on someone else.

If there are others interested, speak up now.

Dark Helmet...  he should be getting a modkill if he doesn't post very, very soon.  Mod clarification would be helpful here.  I'd be willing to switch my vote to him out of self-preservation if the modkill is not forthcoming, however.

Gorgy is an obvious choice.  I feel that my previous complaints stand, though Gorgy is at least lurking less.  I just disagree entirely with all his points.  As it stands, Gorgy can switch his vote back to me if it comes down to myself and him, so I'd be somewhat nervous about this train.  But satisfied with it.

Vegeta has ruthlessly lurked but won't be modkilled.  Also, he hopped on the simulatenously bad (to me, at least) and "easy" Dahlia train.

Judge?  You around?  If Dark Helmet will be modkilled without a further post this Day, that may change my vote.  But for now, I'm going to have to say...

##UNVOTE: Warboss Gorgy
##VOTE: The Little Prince Vegeta

Will change vote out of self-preservation later if necessary.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on January 29, 2010, 07:25:19 PM
Dahlia, I didn't (and still don't) necessarily disagree with your musings early Day 1. What I find objectionable is that any stupid robot picked at random could have produced what you did. It was nothing but "this might have happened or this might have happened or this might have happened and I think this one particular event happened" which is all very well true and possible! But it's still meaningless. It was a bunch of hot air with nothing relevant in terms of opinions on living players. In short, looking like you're contributing without actually contributing.

I can't say reaching this conclusion requires my vastly superior intellect, given Guts Man saw the same exact thing, so I'm at a loss as to why listing a bunch of possible events was a good thing worthy of praise (I'm looking at you, witch).
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Excal on January 29, 2010, 07:34:21 PM
Day 1 Vote

Gaston (1): Potato
Bowser (0): Gorgutz
Mr. Burns (0): Beatrice
Gorgutz (3): Light, Edna, Bowser, Beatrice, Dahlia, Gig
Edna (0): Dahlia
Dr. Wily (0): Mr. Burns
Beatrice (1): Joker, Gorgutz
Dark Helmet (3.75): Vegeta, Gendo, Mr. Burns, Pie, Dr. Wily
Joker (0): Gendo, Dahlia
Gendo (0): Dr. Wily
Dahlia (3): Gorgutz, Dark Helmet, Joker, Gig, Dr. Wily, Vegeta
Vegeta (3): Edna, Bowser, Dahlia

No Vote: Gaston
With 14 alive it takes 8 votes to lynch

And, there are 45 minutes left in Day 1.

I repeat, 45 minutes left.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tanaka on January 29, 2010, 08:01:47 PM
Junior, I must ask why you berate Guts Man for lack of input and yet claim the Dahlia case is bad when she's just as guilty of that crime.

Wily-san. Ms. Hawthorne has been berated herself specifically for her input, has she not? Her contribution is there, regardless of how obvious the argument was. Her defences have been, as far as I can see, satisfactory and she has responded well throughout. The Warboss, on the other hand, seems to play on this... flavour, shall we say? His actual posts have contained few words, little logic and seem to be there solely to give the appearance of contribution. I'm less content with 'active lurking' than I am with people simply not being around.

Assuming this pie doesn't count towards the final vote count, we have a 4-way tie as things stand. If we fall into a situation where the time limit has been reached, I shall be willing to change my vote, with current choices being Warboss > Saiyan > Helmet-san.

Moderator-san, can we have some information on whether or not Helmet-san will be removed?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Excal on January 29, 2010, 08:03:35 PM
Helmet is...  on low availability for yesterday and today.  Assuming he lives, he will be back to full availability tomorrow.  I hope.  He will be given a poke during the night regardless.

Also, 12 minutes left.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Excal on January 29, 2010, 08:04:12 PM
And that 12 minute warning reminds me, Dark Helmet is currently leading, so a warning may not be necessary for him.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Nathan Greaves on January 29, 2010, 08:07:36 PM
... wow, 10ish minutes left?  How delightfully insane.  I'm not a fan of Dark Helmet going right now, I think it's a scum train on a lurker to distract from the real trains of the day, so if something doesn't happen I'm going to switch to... I guess Gorgutz, seems more informative.  Vegeta hasn't really made any impression on me either way and seems like another train on someone for not posting much or intelligently.  Anyone here?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Excal on January 29, 2010, 08:10:46 PM
I am, 5 minutes.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Over 9000 on January 29, 2010, 08:10:53 PM
Wow, I'm surrounded by assholes!

Don't like how the Gorgutz train vanished.

##Vote: Gorgutz
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on January 29, 2010, 08:11:59 PM
##Unvote: Dark Helmet
##Vote: Dahlia Hawthorne

Rather her than Gorgutz. Aside from the end of the Beatrice argument I don't find much wrong with the guy.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Nathan Greaves on January 29, 2010, 08:12:15 PM
.... you got time to say anything else?  That almost makes me want to flop to you anyway!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Over 9000 on January 29, 2010, 08:12:32 PM
To clarify: a lot of activity, and then a push on a lurker. I don't like how the day fell apart into chaos, and I'm against everyone who thinks that I deserve voting for being the second person to vote Dahlia for a LEGITIMATE REASON just because Joker pointed it out first. What kind of reasoning is that?

##Vote: Dahlia Hawthorne

Still prefer a Dahlia lynch.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on January 29, 2010, 08:13:35 PM


Joker, I'm up for a switch back to Helmet if you are.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Over 9000 on January 29, 2010, 08:13:51 PM
@Wily: why?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on January 29, 2010, 08:14:05 PM
]b]##Unvote: Dahlia Hawthorne
##Vote: Dark Helmet[/b]
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Margaret Houlihan on January 29, 2010, 08:14:17 PM
It seems my preferred choice will not happen, moving to secondary, will explain next day.  Don't agree with Dahlia lynch at all.

##Vote: Dark Helmet
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Over 9000 on January 29, 2010, 08:14:40 PM
Roleclaim Tracker

Saw Burns visiting Dahlia last night btw.

##Vote: Vegeta
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on January 29, 2010, 08:14:51 PM
@Wily: why?

Because your random leap onto Gorgutz and then complete 180 makes absolutely no sense. If we get overtime I'll explain more.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Over 9000 on January 29, 2010, 08:15:43 PM
Random leap onto Gorgutz is to save myself, you senile fool! Second pick for Scum, but I would rather lynch the person I think is Scum than the person who might be Scum!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Excal on January 29, 2010, 08:15:58 PM
No way this is close to a tie.

Time's up, stop talking.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Excal on January 29, 2010, 08:23:48 PM
Day 1 Vote

Gaston (1): Potato
Bowser (0): Gorgutz
Mr. Burns (0): Beatrice
Gorgutz (3): Light, Edna, Bowser, Beatrice, Dahlia, Gig
Edna (0): Dahlia, Dark Helmet
Dr. Wily (0): Mr. Burns
Beatrice (1): Joker, Gorgutz
Dark Helmet (4.75): Vegeta, Gendo, Mr. Burns, Pie, Dr. Wily, Dr. Wily, Edna
Joker (0): Gendo, Dahlia
Gendo (0): Dr. Wily
Dahlia (2): Gorgutz, Dark Helmet, Joker, Gig, Dr. Wily, Vegeta, Dr. Wily, Dark Helmet
Vegeta (3): Edna, Bowser, Dahlia, Dark Helmet

No Vote: Gaston

Dark Helmet - Town Aligned Peeping Tom has been lynched.

It is now night 1, Night 1 will end when all night actions are received, or 24 hours have passed.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Over 9000 on January 29, 2010, 08:29:49 PM
Good job.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Excal on January 29, 2010, 11:34:20 PM
For general knowledge, you can, in fact, change your night action right up until the moment I give you your results.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Excal on January 30, 2010, 01:27:01 AM
When they came the next morning, they hoped that there would be no more bad news.  But this was not to be, for the butterfly did not come.  When they checked, all they discovered was decisive evidence that someone had pushed Dahlia Hawthorne off a cliff in the middle of the night.  Surprisingly, this time they did find a body.

Dahlia Hawthorne - Town Aligned Chicago Voter has been pushed off a cliff.

Day 2 Vote Count

Gorgutz (1): Potato

With 13 non-potato votes active, it takes 7 to lynch.

There are 72 hours remaining on Day 2.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on January 30, 2010, 02:17:24 AM

First off, I shall wield the red truth: I, the Golden Witch Beatrice, was roleblocked last night. This is clearly an act of Bernkastel's agents, for who else would dare stand against me. This is of little immediate impact to the game, but important to note regardless.

I see little reason not to continue where I left off:

##Vote: Warboss Gorgutz

The Dahlia kill surprises me greatly given the circumstances, but I shall not question the roulette, and her innocence does little but strengthen what resolve I already had. The potato... is a delightful curiosity that I still cannot second guess.

Several pieces yet evade my sensibilities. I do not wish to vote based solely on absence, yet multiple pieces fall foul, most notably Gaston. I do not wish to vote based solely on pure idiocy, yet Vegeta falls foul. Would they correct their errors we would be better off, yet they cannot simply be excused of such sins, as they would lead us to catastrophe. I certainly dislike the old doctor's dip into the bottomless pool of WIFOM to excuse Vegeta, as much as the position will often be correct.

The havoc at the end of the day was unsurprising, if delightful. *cackle*cackle*. There's a lot of entrails and candy to be pulled out of that mess, although I'm unsure where. Of perhaps minor interest is that Vegeta's train is now all but dead. Edna's vote was key in tipping Dark Helmet over Vegeta, but only after so much dealing elsewhere, and it must be the old man's (Burns) vote on the train that stands out as worst. Else I'm back to looking at weird positioning like Gorgutz's late and meaningless shift. I was going to call out the Joker for disappearing in the final minutes, but then it truly was only three minutes between his last call and the clock striking midnight. The pie's eventual significance - I'd foreseen this potential but had not expected it to be the breaking factor in a four way tie so close to the end - was also of concern, though again it seems hard to blame this on Bowser.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on January 30, 2010, 02:23:31 AM

With 13 non-potato votes active, it takes 7 to lynch.

The game board was set up with 15 pieces.

Up to this point, three pieces have been observed to die since the game began: Haruhi Suzumiya, Dark Helmet and Dahlia Hawthorne.

Confirm again the number of non-potato votes. Suuuuurely there's been no error in judgment, riiight? Kihihihihihihihihihihihihihi!!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on January 30, 2010, 02:30:58 AM

And finally, while it may be late, I found the perfect music ( to accompany the final tea party of the day. Now, if only there could have been some credits to roll over at the end! *cackle*cackle*!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Li Syaoran on January 30, 2010, 02:32:13 AM
/me grimaces, fixing his glasses with a displeased semblance.

Oof. The last hour in the end of day 1 was absurdly ugly. Work shanghai'ed me before it got going into the disaster it turned to be and I could only even get the time to read by the time it had already ended. However inexplicable Dark Helmet's behavior was, though, now we know he was town - and now that we know Dahlia was town as well, we have two trains to look at - the Dahlia train and the Dark Helmet train. And honestly, I can't shake the feeling that there was at least a bit of heavy-handed scum maneuvering on the goings of the Rick Moranis train. I will not exempt myself from the fact I was the first one who voted for him, though, but I had my reasons (poor reasoning for his vote jumping into a train, heavy lurking and basically no substance) - and, in a sense, Dark Helmet only helped himself into the abyss further with the incomprehensibly hostile attitude and manic operations. It doesn't change the fact that the way it panned out was a mess that I'm certain scum took advantage at.

So, I'll take a look - particularly on the DH train, since it's the one I feel trainwrecked most badly. I'm still mulling over Dahliabussing, but I honestly want to see Gorgutz's hindsight on it - and he's certainly not made any favors for himself in reliability so far.

Anyhow, Dark Helmet. The one to ultimately seal the Helmet's fate was... Dr. Wily. However, I don't think he's immediately to be put into the boardwalk because of that: DH behaved hilariously badly, and that kind of attitude almost inevitably gets people lynched in the way the games roll. I'm not sure I find Wily's approach to be very agreeable in the game, but I'm willing to give them the benefit of doubt for now - particularly Wily, due to his actually participative stance. However, there are a few more people who warrant a look among those who voted on the Helm, and those worry me more.

First, Mr. Burns. He disappeared for most of the day, then reappeared and affably gave a nod to my argument on the Dahlia train being too fast and simple, just to lay his vote and then disappear back into the shadows. That was the last we heard of him for Day 1, and there's the fact he -did- visit Dahlia on Night 0, as said by Dark Helmet (if nothing else, it's been confirmed he's town, and the description seems to match his claim. I'm going to bite here). We have two possible leads coming from him here - and suddenly, I realize killing Dahlia night 1 makes sense for scum coming off from this angle: this means we won't be able to get a feedback from her to figure this picture out, so the figure is half-complete. Probably less than half-complete if Burns is scum, because then we'll have to deal with further misdirection.

Second, Edna: all she's done was basically hop from train to train, and sitting on an explanation that's yet to come. Besides that, the typical bad combo of low posting and low content overall, which doesn't help the picture. Tangentially, I wonder where did the Pie vote come from. But her issues are basically a repeat of just about every hardcore lurker in the game as of now who's in the safe range from inactivity prod/modkill. Vegeta, who was in the Dahlia train, is just as guilty of this sin, and definitely needs pressure added to the hard side of his head. Bowser also sparks a red light here. Gorgutz, honestly, seemed manically inconsistent for the whole stints of activity we had, and unabashedly reactive - even moreso than Dahlia, which can bring out some red flags given the current context (now we know Dahlia was town, he started the train. Food for thought, but not something to be relied upon until we get more content from him).Gaston essentially hasn't existed for the whole game and that is ridiculous - however, I think he's more likely to be dealt with by the mods than by us, given how long he's been inactive. I'd rather focus on the people we have.

Ninja'd by Beatrice, by the way (and she emphasized better than I could why Edna looks bad in the train-hopping business). Many people I want to extirpate, but only one vote. In order of suspicion for the ones I singled out, I'm going Mr. Burns > Edna = Vegeta > Bowser = Gorgutz so far. I very much want to hear Mr. Burns out on this wealth of current info, and an explanation from everybody else would be appreciated as well.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Nathan Greaves on January 30, 2010, 02:36:53 AM

At the end of the day, I wanted to vote off Dahlia and onto Helmet with Wily, but on preview I saw a ninja roleclaim and reconsidered thinking "well that's provable", and then was going to go to Gorgutz but got ninja'd again, this time by the mod ending the day.  Too many ninjas in this city.  I hate, hate, HATE people with ninja training, don't you?

Gaston, Gig, Light, Edna - too many pieces on the chessboard whose movements I cannot discern well.  I must say the end of day scramble benefitted Gorgutz like an extravagant ball, especially thanks to Bowser's influence, but it seems to have done so without the conscious involvement of either of those parties.  My mind is still drawn towards Gorgutz, yet part of it says otherwise, crazily.  

AND BOY AM I CRAZY!  So I'm going to vote for those four people today barring extraordinary evidence elsewhere.

##Vote: Edna

Explain, as promised!  Take a stand!  Do something!

PS to the witch almost as crazy as I am - is it still not clear that Haruhi never was a player in the first place?  If I was allowed to bring in that insufferable fop to off as a joke with no relevance to this little tete-a-tete, and I was, I cannot help but see her as more of the same.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Excal on January 30, 2010, 02:38:40 AM
Mod Note: You will notice the wording was a very specific active non-potato votes.  There are presently 13 votes that count towards lynching thresholds.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on January 30, 2010, 02:42:27 AM

Any reason for holding off on a vote now, Rudoooolf? It's not like they stick to people like a stake in the forehead. *cackle*cackle*

Joker: irrelevant. It could be phrased as 14 pieces with 2 down without Haruhi. My point is that the game master claims that we have 13 voices between us when I can count only 12.

Ninja game master: And aha, this observation has now proved quite interesting indeed.

Fix the topic title while you're at it, though. No potato-related excuses to be had there! Kihihihihihi!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tron Bonne on January 30, 2010, 02:53:02 AM
I do agree that some explanations are in order, ol' chap. First order of business: inactivity. I'd stick with that I said yesterday about me running the nuclear plant (aka full time job, not much time to be online, I even have to work sunday... >_<; and there's also the fact that I'm on American soil, which makes timing very bad regarding the end of day 1) Secondly, it is indeed unfortunate to see that young girl at the bottom of that cliff now. And of course that makes me a suspect seeing as I did see her on N0, I will admit to that. Maybe it's just be or my paranoia, but that just seems too convenient. And maybe not, who knows! Feel free to think of me what you will, nothing can change what happened.

And despite what happened yesterday, I don't want to pronouce myself too hastily, except for this temprorary vote:
##Vote: Bowser

You said it all too well, Beatrice. There's a non-potato vote missing. You seem to forget about the pie that gave an extra .75. Right now, if anything, I'm weary of people with extra votes. And the only one we know of is Bowser.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Li Syaoran on January 30, 2010, 03:08:27 AM

Any reason for holding off on a vote now, Rudoooolf? It's not like they stick to people like a stake in the forehead. *cackle*cackle*

If you insist, Milady:

##VOTE: Mr. Burns

I'd say my withdrawal stemmed partly from paranoia over how the Dark Helmet train went, as I feel somewhat responsible for starting it in a sense, partly because I'm still gathering thoughts - and I also know that any misstep in my voting patterns could be used against me into a mad spiral much like Dark Helmet's. In my last post, I haven't even addressed other amazingly suspicious-looking people such as Light Yagami, who managed to border on safelurking for the near entirety of day 1 while being almost entirely non-commital. He also needs attention much like Edna/Vegeta/Bowser do, and it scares me that the lurking quotient in this game is so high.

To Mr. Burns: while I do understand your busy life, but when you say "make of that what you will", I will have to ask openly: what are you hiding exactly? Why can't you elaborate on this piece? You could have reason to withdraw this information both as scum and as town, and . This doesn't ease my suspicion on you, although my guts openly say that "if he was scum, couldn't he play helpful and make up a role of sorts and answer it immediately?", which still makes me withdraw a bit. Delightful mindgames, those of Mafia. Still, I feel like I need to make this point. Hence the vote. I'm willing to give you the benefit of doubt if you're able to convince me - and there's reason you could. But the half-apology by itself won't quite do.

Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tron Bonne on January 30, 2010, 03:17:38 AM
To Mr. Burns: while I do understand your busy life, but when you say "make of that what you will", I will have to ask openly: what are you hiding exactly? Why can't you elaborate on this piece? You could have reason to withdraw this information both as scum and as town, and . This doesn't ease my suspicion on you, although my guts openly say that "if he was scum, couldn't he play helpful and make up a role of sorts and answer it immediately?", which still makes me withdraw a bit. Delightful mindgames, those of Mafia. Still, I feel like I need to make this point. Hence the vote. I'm willing to give you the benefit of doubt if you're able to convince me - and there's reason you could. But the half-apology by itself won't quite do.

We're all open to our opinions, are we not? The "make of it what you will" part says just that. You just said it yourself: "if he was scum, couldn't he play helpful and make up a role of sorts and answer it immediately?" That's precisely the reason why I didn't disclose any further information.

Furthermore, a thought came up to mind. Allow me to elaborate on my vote. We all know that Bowser had that extra vote. Now why did he use the pie on Dark Helmet, when it was clearly a tiebreaker at the time, and focus on Vegeta instead?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Li Syaoran on January 30, 2010, 03:30:28 AM
I suppose, yes. I'll accept that justification for now, as I'm mulling and becoming less and less confident on the possibility of you being scum for the moment.

##UNVOTE: Mr. Burns

Now, the tiebreaker deal from Bowser does deserve some contemplation, yes. I do think that, at best, this is a fairly gross lack of foresight at best - and inelegant scum maneuvering at worst. Furthermore, while Vegeta looks terrible, assuming Scum!Bowser, this could be a maneuver to deviate focus and look better in the train while Vegeta still lives, and still have the free lynch on Dark Helmet guaranteed. Given how he already has a poor record so far...

##VOTE: Bowser

If nothing else, he desperately needs to clarify this behavior and offer his own thoughts.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Maya Kumashiro on January 30, 2010, 03:34:52 AM

..  (

..  ..  (

..  ..  ..  (

##VOTE: Prince Vegeta
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on January 30, 2010, 03:40:35 AM

The old man would have us connect the dots ourselves! *cackle*cackle*cackle*

'Think of me what you will,' was it? Kihihihihi! What an amusingly terrible defence that is indeed! Belphegor of Sloth would be destined for you now if not for Satan of Wrath's need at the wretched furniture's head.

And what's this, votes for Bowser simply for bearing strength? Let's sacrifice the potato for the next twilight while we're at it! Hiiihihihihihihihihi!

And my, my, my! The dearly departed Dahlia shows her now less than lovely face! Kihihihihihihihihihi! How thrilling this day seems set to be.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on January 30, 2010, 04:18:13 AM
The witch disappoints me in continuing a Day 1 case, despite her attention to train detail. I approve of the costume change, though! Those are pretty hoppin' threads.

I maintain that the Saiyan's action was stupid, not scummy, and came into today prepared to vote for Edna for trying to shift attention his way away from the two main trains. Admittedly, I was giving Bowser a bit of leeway due to his apparent extra three-quarters vote, but with all the extra chicanery going around (the potato, Dark Man's snooping, Dahlia's postmortem voting (well done, dear girl! Your proficiency in contingency impresses me greatly), the witch's phantom blocked role, Charles' phantom role) I'm starting to wonder if we may not be dealing with standard affairs, which would lend itself to the idea of giving scum something so out-of-the-ordinary. I must mull Bowser over for a bit. Genius intuition still suggests Edna, but we're in no rush to make a decision.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Chad Hutchins on January 30, 2010, 04:27:30 AM
I apologize for the long absence.

First of all: Dahlia's death. People seemed confused by her death but as I began to read the theory floated by Joker, I think that is the simplest explanation-- whoever killed her believed she was a jester or something and didn't want her to get lynched.

Second of all, I think that Helmet looked the worst in Day 1 even if it turned out wrong. His logic was pretty faulty and seemed to key in on really weird stuff.

Third of all, the potato. On Night 0 I had a choice to throw the hot potato at someone else. I chose not to because of the lack of information on any subject. I decided to throw it at someone I found moderately suspect Night 1.

I will post something more substantive in a bit, but I prefer not being modkilled, it is quite lovely. I'm off for a couple of hours to watch a movie and then I will make a larger and hopefully more in character post.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on January 30, 2010, 04:32:01 AM
No, upon reread, I'm unconvinced that Slash Man deserves my wrath more than Edna. Nothing of his stands out as worse than hers.

##Vote: Edna
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on January 30, 2010, 04:56:32 AM

Doctor: [The game master claims that] all players have an actual role. Testimony to that tune in a flashback (,4533.msg95421.html#msg95421). And for the wretched furniture, aside from the case at hand there is also the tremendous gain it found as the clock ticked towards midnight, and that train analysis still floats the vile thing near enough the top as can be. As fine as it would be to ignore furniture entirely, the wrath here is most calculated.

Dahlia: I fear your mouth to be too smashed up now (I fell off a cliff once myself, but it made me feel faaaar better! *cackle*cackle*) to be of any elegant use to us, but if it proves possible for you I'm most interested in whether you had any impression about the old man visiting you pre-game as we now know must have been the case. If, as seems likely, it proves impossible, your vote for Vegeta shall be interpreted as a sign that you either have no knowledge of the visit or that you hold no definite ill will against he who acted on you. Better than nothing at all, at least.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on January 30, 2010, 05:00:24 AM
Doctor: [The game master claims that] all players have an actual role. Testimony to that tune in a flashback (,4533.msg95421.html#msg95421).

Real engineers don't need instruction manuals.

This does convince me that giving Slash Man any benefit of the doubt due to his extra three-quarters vote is misplaced, but I still believe Edna the one more worthy of my vote.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Helga Pataki on January 30, 2010, 05:17:06 AM
I always vote for scum: in this case Dark Helmet just wasn't mafia.  There's nothing I can really say about him.  He was my second choice (that's why I threw the pie at him and voted for Vegeta) and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get back online before the deadline (I am a busy king of evil).  Yeah, the pie was just a tie breaker, but I had no problem putting it on Dark Helmet.  If the Vegeta wagon didn't take off like I wanted it to then I wanted to make sure Dark Helmet got lynched instead of Dahlia because I didn't think she was scum.  For those of you that seriously think that I used the pie as a distraction...Look at the vote count that was posted after I voted and threw the pie (,4564.msg95815.html#msg95815).  My pie put Dark Helmet .75 votes ahead, but they were very close.  I don't get why some of you think that I could have planned that my second choice would get lynched over my first choice.  I know I'm a even genius, but COME ON.

As for small amount of posts, I DO have more important things to worry about than you people.  I even managed to take time out of my dad's birthday party to come post here tonight!  Geez, I know why you want me to say more, but after that pipe explosion and unexpected family problems I've been having trouble getting online.  I'll try to have a greater presence today.

Anyway, I need to reread the thread, but I don't have time to do that right now.  From memory Vegeta still looks bad to me so

##Vote: Vegeta

I'll have a better post up tomorrow.  I don't want to ignore my father for too long.  I mean, if you think I get angry when things don't go my way you should see him!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Princess Leia on January 30, 2010, 07:53:35 AM
Hmph. I still have a bit more reading to do from this mess you ass-monkeys created, but I'd be delighted if the girl-man would care to share some information about the potato. And by 'some' I mean 'all or else I'm going to rip your throat out and feed it to you.'
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Princess Leia on January 30, 2010, 08:23:59 AM
The hell happened last night, anyway? I was off fighting one of those rowdy World Eaters, so I was just a tad preoccupied.

I'm not even sure what to make of all that shit you guys flung. Damn. Let's start with the Star Wars reject's train, shall we? Four-eyes has some shifty logic there that I don't quite follow, and attempts to dismiss it as A-OK. The old man has already been covered, so I think we can skip that. The pie too. (Hey, Spike. Next time, throw some hotpods my way, okay?) Then we have Dr. Wily, flip-flopping solely between the two trains that have been confirmed as town. Not looking good. Definitely gonna have to look into that one, further. Then, we have Frogger. Not sure what to make of her, except that she's even stupider than she is ugly. And believe me, that's impressive.

Next up is the red head's train. Jaw-For-Brains kicks things off, and the reject, clown-face and I follow suite. The "Good Doctor" joins in, with Vegetable Head shortly afterwards, kicking the train dangerously close to an auto-lynch. Then, the doc, and the reject again. Blah blah blah.

The "Good Doctor" is top of my list until I see some good reason for his flip-flopping, and Jaw-For-Brains is on the chopping block for barely being around, and pursuing someone with such an obviously ass-backwards case. Especially when they had no votes! The rest should be fairly obvious.

Here's how things look to me right now:
The "Good Doctor" > Frogger = Jaw-For Brains > Vegetable Head = Japanophile (For the reasons four-eyes mentioned)

##VOTE: Dr. Wily

Oh, yeah. Old man. Why don't you just tell us what you were doing? Unless you're saying that you're actually scum. Heh. Silence gives consent, they say...

Phew. Gave a little too much energy up in that battle... I'm just gonna... lie down for a bit, ok kid?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Chad Hutchins on January 30, 2010, 09:20:05 AM
*flexes muscles* Now I shall woo you all!

The people who I am suspicious of are those who continue to pursue weak Day 1 cases in light of new situations; Beatrice and Bowser. I am uncomfortable with people just going about continuing with the Day 1 stuff and not taking any sort of context into Day 2. Bowser basically seems preoccupied with voting for Vegeta and that’s about it. Beatrice’s posts are just very long and full of fluff, but right now I feel like she is giving a lot of thought into her posting so I give her the benefit of the doubt even if I disagree with her methods..

I think the rationale behind hypothesizing things about Mr. Burns is pretty weak. I guess my problem is this: What are people hypothesizing happening with this? The mod said that everyone in the game has a role, so it’s not like someone visiting someone else at night is a huge deal. I know there are a lot of different roles here but I think something like scum rolecop is out of the question. Someone seemed to imply in their post that, in this wild conspiracy theory, that they found something about Dahlia and decided to kill her. I think this is pretty unlikely given her role. I don’t think Mr. Burns has been too suspicious. I think that if Dahlia were hit with something that was overtly scummy that she would be voting for Mr. Burns right now.

I generally am dissatisfied with Gendo’s logic trains. I have a hard time swallowing basing your entire debate on voting for someone who, well, stupidly got himself killed. I admittedly suspect a couple of the members of the DH train though; mainly Edna and Dr. Wily. I can’t really judge Edna too much but her only post of substance seems like a barely staying afloat post. Regurgitation. I think that, well, what I did kinda sucked (the last time I checked the topic before it closed was when I posted before, I had a very long affair yesterday that I slept like a baby when I was done with it, so no time! But I got some really important IRL stuff done so whatever, life is good!), but Edna feels like she is attempting to not be a lurker while being a lurker. Bleh.

I will think more about Dr. Wily when I am not ready to pass out.

What does the potato do? Well, it adds a vote to a person’s vote total for the entire day. I, the great Gaston, do not deserve such a curse and thus I passed it on. I kept it for a day just due to inadequate information on who to toss it to.

So anyway,

*shines white teeth*

##VOTE: Edna
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Li Syaoran on January 30, 2010, 11:26:39 AM
I generally am dissatisfied with Gendo’s logic trains.

That makes two of us, honestly. It makes me uncomfortable that I run into so many tangents, and I tend to pick odd details out - which gets exaggerated with the rather uncommon setup we have here. I do feel the need to toss out those odd thoughts, however, as I still kneejerk they're not irrelevant, one way or another. For Mr. Burns' night action, it still unsettles me that it must remain shrouded in mystery. However, the reasonings for it draw into a bottomless WIFOM pit that will simply draw us away from the matter at hand in the end of the day, especially now when the puzzle pieces are mostly missing, which is why I -did- ease on that line of thought for the moment. However, I'm not dismissing the idea that scum were involved with the DH train either: he certainly got himself killed like a little bitch, but those kinds of suicide blowouts are also ripe for plucking for a safe scumbet. The willingness of townies to shoot themselves in the foot is one of scum's greatest weapons against us.

Upon rereading the topic and analyzing thoughts thrown around throughout this time, I think the more I look, the less sure I am on who's deserving the most of a vote, but I think this is warranted:
##UNVOTE: Bowser

I feel his explanation is satisfactory enough for now, and I'll readily admit that I was second-guessing a bit too much over his circumstances. Still worth observing, though.

Looking at it, I already know the current lurkers (Edna, Vegeta, Gorgutz and  Light Yagami) look egregiously bad, and are honestly worth lynching right now just for the sake of LAL policy - Edna and Gorgutz looking the worst for those purposes. Edna for being so obviously trying to stay afloat while trying not to look entirely like a lurker and hilariously failing, alongside being in the infamous DH train, Gorgutz for only existing to lash out in OMGUS fashion against Dahlia and later Beatrice and providing absolutely nothing else.

Light's absence is also unsettling, as well as his content - as I mentioned before, his entirely non-commital attitude towards the day 1 debacle as a whole doesn't sit right with me. Vegeta still seemed to be stuck in joke phase with the Dahlia vote, and he managed to provide about as much content as Gorgutz while being about as idiotic with even less presence.

Inspecting closer, there's something very much off with how the end of the day panned out regarding Joker and -particularly- Dr. Wily - but I'm still willing to give, for today, the benefit of doubt on it partly resulting from Dark Helmet's hilarious meltdown if only due to how his current target looks on the chopping block and due to how many useless roots we need to cull here. Gig's concerns over Dr. Wily feel very much valid, but the circumstances make me way too uncomfortable to give a full judgment on the doctor right now.

So, I'll follow on that LAL policy and pick up the one I feel is most unsettling within these bounds:

##VOTE: Edna

You definitely need to speak up, woman. Gorgutz is a close second in this situation.

Question to mod: are any of the current lurkers (Vegeta, Gorgutz, Edna, Light) within mod prod range? I'm asking this mainly regarding Gorgutz, who feels like he disappeared the longest.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Li Syaoran on January 30, 2010, 11:36:27 AM
Also, I'll give the warning with a fair headway: in about six-eight hours from now, I'm going to be absent from the game due to real-life reasons - I won't be at home from that time to Monday morning. I'll be as present as I can until then, but I can't guarantee I'll be able to post on Sunday, albeit I'll try my hardest. If I suddenly disappear midway through the day, this will be why. This also very likely means I won't be here to see deadline pan out, which is most unpleasant, but.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tanaka on January 30, 2010, 12:21:17 PM
I apologise for the lack of posting, Ikari-san. I'm afraid I have had other plans to attend to.

As much as it may be odd for me to be saying this, I am agreed on the case on Edna; my main concern is her "I'll post more tomorrow!" post with no presence into this day - I'm wary of those posts regardless, although the timing of it makes it less criminal.
I'm still uncomfortable with the Warboss. His D1 posts were pathetic, with little behind them, and, once the pressure on him had mostly trailed off, so did he.

The D1 end was NOT AS PLANNED, and now we have to look at what exactly went wrong. One thing that stands out to me is Wily-san's posting record. He posts asking Joker to move back to Helmet-san, then 30 seconds later posts his vote-change. Why ask somebody else to change vote if you've no intention of waiting? I can understand that the deadline was nearing, but then why not simply change your vote back with brief reasoning then? Seems careless and panicked to me, and it inevitably led to Helmet-san's lynch.

I will withhold my vote for now, at least until there has been a count. Edna and the Warboss stand at the top of my suspicions as things stand, but I will wait for their Day 2 content before making a decision.
Also, on the real-life warnings, I will be absent in about 8 hours for approximately 22 hours. After that, I shall return here to post before suffering from a heart attack. I will be around for the majority of the next 8 hours, and will still return long before the deadline regardless.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Zerg Rush on January 30, 2010, 12:49:51 PM

I'z not sure why youze thinkin' I been laklusta'. I'z not some jabberin' gretchin! Y'd do well ta' listen karefully when I'z speakin', 'coz a few words say lots! I'z not been lurkin, y'gitz!

You'ze say da case on da witch is bad but it'z a kontradikshun y'can't resolve jus by lookin' ad it. Now I ain'tz gonna WAAAAGH at 'er more now, but at da time she'z totally looked like she'z sayin' one thin' and doin' the opposite.

I'z no idea why thing'z got all scrambly at da end dere. Wot I do know iz dat Light guy'z gone on and on 'botu 'lack of input' right after I input. Ez' obviously deff or somthin'.

I'z thinkin' that Gig guyz' pretty skummy for playin' both the dahlia and the gorgutz train, m'self! And ez' sayin' it'z a grammar thing, 'eh? So y'can't read, 'eh? Funny dat e'z sayin' a doktor's flipfloppin when ez' done da same thing, y'see?

##Vote: Gig

Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tanaka on January 30, 2010, 03:10:32 PM
Warboss, I believe you misunderstand my plans. Your 'input,' at that time, consisted of 3 posts which contained little more than a weak defence and pointing out that Beatrice didn't like her Day One case. Even your newest note is long and contains only one argument of any substance.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Zerg Rush on January 30, 2010, 03:39:17 PM
Fwee posts! Dat's plenty! Y'got some exaggerated expektashuns! 'swot you get wen y'think killin's all about WRITING. We orks do things proper!

And dat one argiments good enuff fer me, so it's good enuff fer you too!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Chiaki on January 30, 2010, 03:42:14 PM
I'm back from training! I shall use my scouter to evaluate your scum level. Just gotta wait for it to calculate. Your power levels are so small it might take a while to find them! Hahahaaha!

Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Margaret Houlihan on January 30, 2010, 04:26:15 PM
WHAAAT!!??!!  People are training M-MEE?  What could I have ever done to deserve this.

I-I'm sorry for not h-have posted more, but this Abbot had many errands to run around the time this day started.  As for my explanation, as I stated yesterday, I had good reason to think that Dahlia was not scum.  Her trained smelled of fouler blood then most of this council and therefore I wanted to try and avoid her lynch at all cost.  When I had logged on during that frightfully chaotic hour, she had still looked to be in danger, and since Helmets play was poor, I switched to him in a moment of panic and hastily laid down my vote with disregard for ninja's since I was afraid I would not make my post in time.

I personally regret not staying on Vegeta after seeing that he would have been the one to be lynched if I had stayed, but alas.  People make mistakes, I'm innocent of my accused treachery I say!

As for my current thoughts on today.  I am still finding the barbarian with pointy hair to be untrustworthy, but for now I await his explanation since he seems to have given a customary "I'm still alive post."

As for people I find relatively suspicious on this day.  The current top three on my list are Gendo, Burns, and Wily.

Burns so far is the worst to me, heavy inactivity day 1, and now today he he attempts to justify his vote on the Kappa due to his power instead of his actions.  He made one post shortly thereafter to try and clear his name with Gendo, and has since re-disappeared into the shadows.  His posts strike me as a way to try and draw focus away from himself in the most unobtrusive way possible.

Gendo has shown a lack of commitment into this day, removing his votes on people almost as soon as they make a post to explain their position, it may just be me, but I would not place votes on other members of this council unless I felt I could stick to that vote with at least some certainty!  The unsure vote switching alone isn't so bad, but his latest actions are the worst to me, where he explains he wishes to place his votes on the people who are lurking more so then the person who he views as suspicious!  Furthermore, with this action I find him putting me unnecessarily close to the number to be lynched relatively early in this day before I even have a chance to return to this council from my abbey visit to explain myself!

I do not trust the doctor, he dismisses the barbarians behavior as if it's near irrelevant, when the barbarian, out of all of us, is the one contributing least, and has done nothing so far to prove he is not on the council's side.  He also says he does not trust ME for trying to shift attention away from the Dahlia train, one of the two trains of confirmed town, onto the Vegeta train.  His actions strike me that he is trying to justify and protect the barbarians poor play while throwing the blame around on others.  He is also taking Mr. Burns misplaced thoughts into account and contemplating holding someones power against them, instead of their actions.

Currently waiting to see if the Barbarian can come up with anything meaningful, else he is still right up there.

##Vote: Dr Wily

I find him most suspicious of my top three, with Burns in second and four eyes in third.

With all that said...P-P-Please d-don't l-lynch m-m-me, I-I'm i-inocent. I-I'll do anything!!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on January 30, 2010, 04:27:16 PM
I will address Gig and Junior's concerns at the same time.

We received our 5 minute warning and Dark Man reappeared with a vote for Guts Man; attached was some pile of junk about how he didn't like how the Guts Man train vanished. I found this reason odd, given one of the reasons it died was because Dahlia herself, the other major train, had moved off of him. Given Dark Man had expressed prior suspicions of Dahlia, I thought it weird that he'd find Guts Man suspicious for Dahlia moving away from him. I voted for Dahlia for reasons stated in that post - rather her than Guts Man. Dark Man then shifted right back to Dahlia himself with a "still prefer a Dahlia lynch", which just came across as crazy blatant train-hopping to me after his one-liner about Guts Man the post prior. I did ask Clown Man if he was interested in changing back, then realized after I made that post that I should put my money where my mouth was, so I decided to switch back regardless of what Joker did (I also assumed he'd see my vote and possibly follow suit). My vote and post after were made ignoring all ninjas, because I knew the deadline was rapidly approaching and I wanted to make sure I got my thoughts out there. I came back from my explanatory post (,4564.msg95925.html#msg95925), saw the role claim, went "oh christ" and started thinking about whether or not I believed it (sadly, the "that's provable, let's give him the benefit of the doubt" mentality did not actually occur to me), and in this midst of my thought process Dark Man came back with a line about how his Guts Man vote was in self-preservation, which was not at all what he had claimed it was when he cast it. This just confused me further and I ended up getting cut off by the deadline before I could form a proper conclusion.

I think this covered everything, but I'll be glad to explain anything further should either of you (or anyone else) desire it.

Ninja'd by Edna finally appearing! And with a vote for me, no less! Let's see what's to be had here.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tanaka on January 30, 2010, 04:51:15 PM
Hm.. As much as I may look, there appear to be no major problems with Wily-san's actions. His other actions have also been satisfactory thus far, meaning he is no longer likely to be a hindrance to my plans.

My plans require some assistance, Ryuk. I need to eliminate those who will not stand with us.

Edna's initial suspicion is partially cleared, although she herself raises a point as to why her plans still fall through - if she had not moved her vote, then her desired target would have been eliminated instead. Her latest post contains an odd, albeit minor contradiction, where she states that Burns-san is the worst so far, before suddenly changing to Wily-san by the end of the post. Whether or not this is a scumtell remains to be seen, but the FoS is there.

As for the Warboss, he continues neglecting to post anything of worth. At least Ryuuzaki made this difficult, but you? I say you have posted a lot while saying nothing relevant. Your response is to point out that you have posted a lot. I say you have made one solid argument in two days, and your response is that one argument should be enough? We need contribution. We need results. We do not need excuses and bad planning.

Vote: Warboss Gorgutz

Just under 2 more hours until I'm gone for about a day. Anyone accusing me of lurking after that will have to deal with Ryuk.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on January 30, 2010, 04:56:13 PM
re Edna: I'll open by pointing out that you say Charles "so far is the worst to [you]" and your post concludes with a vote for me and not him.

Now then. I do indeed not trust you for trying to shift attention away from the Dahlia/Gorgutz competing trains, and the fact that Dahlia flipped town is irrelevant, there's nothing saying you couldn't try to shift attention away from a town/scum or town/town train duel onto another townie. Hell, I've done pushed away from town/town onto third town myself as scum in past games and gotten away with it. The idea is that pushing a stupid/inactive townie to the forefront prevents a flip of either of the notable competing trains, disallowing for great analysis of them the next day when all we have to look at was "yep, they sure were a moron/lurker!".

I'm not sure at all what you're talking about in regards to Charles' powers or me holding anyone's powers against them. The only thing I can think of that you might be referencing is my summation of Slash Man, which went from "I'll give him the benefit of the doubt" due to the extra vote to "well, maybe not" after realizing this might be a role madness game to "okay, definitely not" after the witch so kindly points me to the game's manual. I'm certainly not saying "Slash Man has an extra vote he must be scum!" and I don't know why you think I am. I also don't know why you think I'm saying anything about Charles when the one time I remember mentioning him was in the long list of abilities.

Ninja'd by Junior, who has a long way to go in following Dr. Light's footsteps if he's already forgetting the practice of the Double Pound Theory Of Voting.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Li Syaoran on January 30, 2010, 04:58:20 PM
Gendo has shown a lack of commitment into this day, removing his votes on people almost as soon as they make a post to explain their position, it may just be me, but I would not place votes on other members of this council unless I felt I could stick to that vote with at least some certainty!  The unsure vote switching alone isn't so bad, but his latest actions are the worst to me, where he explains he wishes to place his votes on the people who are lurking more so then the person who he views as suspicious!  Furthermore, with this action I find him putting me unnecessarily close to the number to be lynched relatively early in this day before I even have a chance to return to this council from my abbey visit to explain myself!

Well, milady, excuse me if there's heavy overlap in the immediate, straight suspicion/heavy lurking equation in the current context, but I can do nothing about this: it's just how the situation has lined up. I do agree with you in that Burns'... subsequent lurch into the shadows, even if justified partially by unfortunate timetables, is worrying, as is the mysterious role played there. However, both this and the Wily conundrum are immensely hazy -as of now-, and Occam's Razor dictates it's best to look where glaring problems -are prowling around in the open-.

Speaking of glaring problems in the open, why were you so desperate to make a lynch stick, from what you're trying to tell? As mr. Yagami noted, your desired target would quite possibly have gone through had you kept your vote - however, the switch essentially ensured Dark Helmet's lynch. It doesn't look exactly stunning on your already poor record, either, and if you find Burns the most suspicious - once again, in a ninja by Light - why are you laying down your vote on Wily? This looks more like a desperate, and honestly underhanded attempt to stay afloat, much like your entire record so far. And as much as Warboss manages to remain just as awesomely useless as he was on day 1, I find your justifications unconvincing at best. As willing as I am to lend an ear and be convinced otherwise (and some may say I'm easily convinced due to second-guessing), I'm not feeling it. My vote remains where it is.

This is also probably my last post until I have to leave. Hopefully, I'll be able to see more of this through tomorrow.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on January 30, 2010, 05:05:00 PM
Hmph, I messed up a bit in my pre-post editing and deleted a little too much. I did not mean to list town/town as the only train duel possibility - town/scum was/is certainly viable as well.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Chiaki on January 30, 2010, 05:20:54 PM
First things first, I already said this but I'll say it again: out of the big green oaf and the wussy girl, I chose the ogre thing. Why? He's a fellow warrior, and a true warrior doesn't turn down kindred for strange women!
Warboss Gorgutz and Dahlia were both at 5 votes; I didn't want to see Gorgitz dead over Dahlia, so knowing that I probably wouldn't be around for hammer, I voted Dahlia. It's as simple as that.
Even simple minded Earthlings like you should be able to get it.

Hah, it seems she's back from the dead, what a petty woman, I must have really pissed her off. I'm assuming her vote is an actively counted vote, but that can only be confirmed with a votecount. Anyway, a woman that can't fight is bad enough, let alone one that can't even talk. Actually, I kind of like her better this way, hopefully she can cook too. The perfect woman!

This Light kid is an annoying brat. Just because he has some magic book he thinks he can go toe-to-toe with the big boys? Pah. Look how weak he is, 'withholding his vote' indeed. I disagree with his stance on Warboss, but agree with his stance on the ugly woman, yes she does need to come back and explain a few things.

The one with the beard and the gloves and the giant robots is looking dodgy. There's all that WIFOM dodgy second guessing scum's night actions, which is worse than useless. Also switching votes so easily is one thing (Burns/Bowser/Edna.. actually switching votes is unmanly too. No conviction, no pressure, just fighting the easy targets. Letting others do all the work for you), but advocating a LAL strategy is another. LAL is easily harnessed by scum. Fighting those who aren't around to defend themselves? What will you do when they come back? Change vote and retreat again? This is not the Saiyan way, I won't stand for it! I'll show you how a true Saiyan fights, face to face!
##Vote Gendou

And now I must get some rest, so that my Saiyin power will regereate.

~Argh blasted ninjas! That's what happens when I spend so long powering up my attack! Well then, I'll blast them all away!
I'll blast them all hahahahahah

So Edna is back. Completely unimpressive 'explanation'. I expected a lot more.
The old Doctor's explanation isn't much better, I'd better keep an eye on him or he might start making androids or something. He seems harmless for now though.
Pfft, Light voting Gorgutz huh, I guess I'm not surprised.
Gendou's points on Edna are better, but doesn't clear him of prior scummy behavior.
Now it's past 4am, gotta get up soon, fuuuuuuck. Busy life :(
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tron Bonne on January 30, 2010, 06:00:26 PM
*yawns* My my, look at what happened overnight. Dahlia's return from the grave, a quick train formed on Edna based on a little inactivity, and what's this. Light making so called statements on others, yet still insists on voting for the same old person. This is all too entertaining.

First order of business:
##Unvote: Bowser

In spite of what's been said so far, I'd like to take a look back at the Day 1 votes. Why is it that Gorgutz was the only remaining vote that wasn't affiliated with a train? Sound like scum that doesn't want to draw attention to himself.

##Vote: Gorgutz
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tanaka on January 30, 2010, 06:18:20 PM
"So called statements," Burns-san? My posts have looked at Wily's D1 actions, and that query has been answered, and at Edna, who continues to remain suspicious (albeit now for mostly different reasons), but has amassed quite a number of votes. Until we get a vote count, I'm happy voting for the Warboss. As things stand, both rank highly in my suspicions, and I would be happy to see either eliminated.

And you're voting for the Warboss yourself based on his lack of decisive vote. I presume the fact that he essentially started one of the major trains means nothing to you then? Ryuk is telling me that I should assume that vote was there solely due to absence - a lot of votes did change in the last hour of D1.

Looking back again, this potato, deliverer of POTATO CHIPS, has caught my eye. Gaston-san, you mentioned those you found suspicious at the time you posted. Can you explain, then, why the Warboss does not make an appearance in your post, yet was worthy enough to pass the potato to?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on January 30, 2010, 06:20:35 PM

Kikikikikikikikiki! How far removed from reality this second iteration of the first day is! How wonderfully backwards everything is! And how sticky the whole thing has suddenly become! Hhihihihihihiiihihihiihiii!

Multiple pieces simply disregarding my case!

The ill-present Gaston hurling the potato at the wretched furniture during the night and yet immediately coming out voting for Edna instead! Even while heading his case with two entirely different names (my own among them, how foolish) and not actually backing up the thoughts behind the potato pass! That great fool Battler may love to turn the chessboard around to make his silly theories, but Gaston seems to love just flipping the chessboard right over! Kihihiihihhihihihihiiiihi!

Edna ranking the old man worst and then voting for the old doctor instead!

The prince of the vegetables justifying a previous arbitrary reason with a new arbitrary reason!

The furniture's quiet retreat while maintaining the position that was apparently so deserving of a vote yesterday that it was worth defying all sense!

The doctor receiving votes for how often he moved at the end of the day! If Bernkastel's agents desired Dahlia's blood so badly then he would have had her lynched instead. Contrarily, if the 'tiny food bombs' level of intellect behind the jester theory were true or at least a worry in Bernkastel's mind, then he would not be on her at all! It is hardly enough to in any way clear him, but it certainly makes me feel a lot better about the old fool than worse. Such an easy reason to stay on Dahlia! So much risk otherwise.

Such delicious chaos that I hardly know where to start! *cackle*cackle*cackle*cackle*!

The furniture's actions continue to warrant Satan of Wrath's careful marking, yet it is Gaston's most perplexing behaviour that has made him an apprentice to the vile furniture's displeasure. Yes, I feel that Asmodeus of Lust would be more than a measure for you should it be called for. *cackle*cackle*.

This is over Vegeta's base stupidity, and Edna's muddled return. While I find Edna's position repulsive, it does at least parse with a measure of honesty and consistency - the contradiction far more likely to be a simple Whim on writing the post.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on January 30, 2010, 06:30:32 PM

George, it was most impolite for you to pre-empt my call out on Gaston by mere seconds. Perhaps it should do some good to recognise the same thoughts that we have had are in fact at least modestly independent.

I almost forgot! The greatest affront to my glory was Gaston's accusation of fluff. As much liberty as I will have with fun - and entertainment is what I seek most after a thousand years of life - this should not cause smoke and mirrors around my own positions. And how offensive this is, for what should an Endless Witch need of smoke and mirrors when I have actual magic at my command? *cackle*cackle*
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on January 30, 2010, 07:05:17 PM

Good day, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Ronove. I am the 27th earl of hell, and I serve as the Golden Witch Beatrice's butler and head furniture.

What Milady forgets is that no one else is party to her own ongoing conflict at Rokkenjima, and her thoughts from there that have overlapped here have become so numerous that it is perhaps hard to follow. But then, she's always been this foolish. Please, allow me to explain these terms. Would you perhaps like a cup of tea while I do so? These notes have no direct impact on the game beyond the cosmetic, but will allow Milady to continue in her element, her mood unspoiled. She is a very sore loser, after all.

As a witch, Milady wields the red truth. Everything spoken in red is the truth. The simple, definite truth that need not be supported with evidence to justify. In these circumstances, Milady has also taken to using the blue truth. You should think of statements in blue as key theories, intended as truth unless cut down by contradictory red text. Of course, the game board here does not work in the same way as Rokkenjima and it has no deeper base in the rules than cosmetic, but it is how you should understand what Milady intends when she makes use of the red or the blue, no matter how clumsily.

You may simplify any discussion about the Stakes of Purgatory as a rather charmless reference to voting. Though Milady has seven stakes under her control, she still only has one vote, as simple as can be.

That aside, she seems far more nostalgic for Rokkenjima than she lets on, as she has attached names from Rokkenjima to several of the pieces here.

Dr. Wily of Dr. Nanjo, or simply the old doctor.
Gendo Ikari of Rudolf Ushiromiya, for they are both fathers of 'the third [grand]child,' who in turn are supposedly the principal protagonists.
Light Yagami of George Ushiromiya, both quick of wit for their age, if lacking George's taste in younger women.
Montgomery Burns of Kinzo Ushiromiya, otherwise known as the Goldsmith or simply the old man.
Warboss Gorgutz of a base summon, which are known to her as furniture.

Further regression is entirely possible, for she is a hopeless sort without Battler around, but I do believe this is currently the limit of her delusions. And now I must leave before her wrath turns on me instead.

Good day.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Nathan Greaves on January 30, 2010, 07:12:07 PM
Well, this day is delightful trainwreck.  My resolve to concentrate attention upon the lurkers is already faltering, since Gorgutz seems to be trying his best to get lynched.  Grundy was a real stand up guy too, but... actually I don't know where I was going with that one!

Then again, Gorgutz himself is targeting Gig, one of yonder lurkers I wouldn't mind seeing more from.  Or death to.  The three way madness spiral between Gendo, Wily and Burns, however, I want no part of.  Burns in particular I think is safe for now, as he has a night claim to pin him down and our departed Dahlia seems to not hold it against him.  As much as anything in this town is safe.

So nice of Gaston to show up!  Show up more.  And Edna and Bowser, too!  Vegeta, Light and Beatrice are posting much, and I like that at least.

##Unvote: Edna
##Vote: Gorgutz

Ah, you expected me to stick to voting lurkers?  I changed my mind.  
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Excal on January 30, 2010, 07:28:33 PM
With everyone voted, there will be no need for inactivity prods.  When I return, there shall also be a "message" of sorts that Dahlia's estate wished passed along.  Unfortunately, while it may answer a question, it is the management's humble belief that it also won't be of any use.

In more traditional matters.

Day 2 Vote

Gorgutz (5): Potato, Beatrice, Light, Mr. Burns, Joker
Bowser (0): Mr. Burns, Gendo
Mr. Burns (0): Gendo
Vegeta (2): Dahlia, Bowser
Edna (3): Joker, Dr. Wily, Gaston, Gendo
Dr. Wily (2): Gig, Edna
Gig (1): Gorutz
Gendo (1): Vegeta

No Vote: Noone
With 13 active votes in play, it takes 7 votes to lynch.

There are 54 hours left in Day 2.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Princess Leia on January 30, 2010, 07:32:26 PM
Ahh, what a nap! What's that, kid?

"You missed a lot while you were asleep."

So I did, so I did. Looks like you retards finally started doing something. No time to read it all, but if Jaw-For-Brains had noticed the voting record, the "Good Doctor" has two votes on both the reject and the red head. I had one on each train, and switched once, halfway through the day.

OOC: I'm going to be gone for hours at a time, as you've already seen. It's not lurking, it's life. I'll try to get to this when I can, but it's a lot of reading with very little time to actually post, often. I also need to leave right now, and won't be back for a good... 8 hours or so? So, yeah. Sorry, but life calls.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Chad Hutchins on January 30, 2010, 07:51:27 PM
So I found out that I will be DEAD at dawn tomorrow. Tralala.

HOW COULD SOMEONE KILL SOMEONE AS ... HEROIC AS GASTON? So handsome... so charming... *smiles into the nearest mirror* I... This is more humilating than when I was thrown in the mud!!

Man, you people talk too much.


I hate reading.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on January 30, 2010, 07:54:42 PM

A letter from the dearly departed? Oh, how I love letters in conspicuously sealed envelopes. Kihihihihi!

I have not said so before, but I have come to agree with Joker's position on the old man's activities late at night before the game truly began, which I must resign has also been partially forwarded by Gaston. This does not exempt the old man of his other sins, but they no longer draw my immediate attention.

My list of the topsy-turvy was incomplete! It missed in particular the curiosity of Rudolf's flaccid voting style! *cackle*cackle*! So easily pushed from one to another, and how fluid the suspicions are. I have found myself overlooking this from amicably allowing the sort of piece that may act thus and having unwittingly taken a liking to him, but realise how dangerous this thinking is.

And ah, Siesta 1073741824. The game master has caused time to flow at slower than one-third speed on this game board with almost those exact circumstances in mind. Time is a fickle thing, yet here there should always be enough for you, in a fashion.


Gaston. If you aim to confuse us more, then you have most certainly succeeded. *cackle*cackle*. Any chance you can expand on this, or are your lips likewise sealed by some power?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Chad Hutchins on January 30, 2010, 08:02:33 PM
Apparently I was hit with a killing power that kills one day after the target is marked. Delayed vig/serial killer/scum(?) of some type. I don't really know beyond that other than it sounds like no doctoring can save me.

Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on January 30, 2010, 08:20:38 PM

That's quite the powerful move. Certainly strong enough to completely remove you from suspicion for today, as much as I expect the claim to be completely truthful.

Any reason not to mention it at the start of the day? And do you know enough of the potato to be certain it is not leaving the killing seed in some way? That would certainly bring a wonderfully sinister edge to its presence.

From my own thoughts, I believe that this supposed killing power is the work of a party unaffiliated to Bernkastel, known by the game rules as a Serial Killer. An agent from Lady Lambdadelta, perhaps. Especially given that the game master has confirmed the presence of at least one third party other than the dead troll, this would fit neatly, and would be fitting for Gaston being the target, which it wouldn't be if directed by the righteously villainous or by an agent of Bernkastel. Though I'd be guessing further regarding the inner workings of the potato, if the killing is the work of Lady Lambdadelta then I believe the relevant night actions deny the possibility of death by potato.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Chad Hutchins on January 30, 2010, 08:35:32 PM
There was some mis-communication between myself and the moderator, primarily. I misunderstood something and had no access to him.

 I am pretty sure the potato did not do it, it was implied that it was a person. I think scum makes little sense to do it -- why waste a powerful killing power on someone who has contributed minimally? Scum's best interest, at least in my assessment, is to keep people with poor attendance like myself around. SK theory makes sense to me.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Zerg Rush on January 30, 2010, 10:39:12 PM
light: excuses and bad planning - what everyone who voted for all those dead townie people is stuck with.

burns: you actually are scummy, "Oh look he survived clearly he is scum" no no no no no that's stupid. think about why this occurence actually happened. BUT WIFOM screw wifom scum never NK anyone but people dangerous to them or 'people who's deaths won't tell people much'. and dahlia was wordy enough to seem the former and the kill is screwy enough to seem the latter. i'd vote you. actually I will gig's kinda not looking as bad now. also known targeting role that didn't die overnight = probable scum. BUT GORGUTZ IT'S ROLE MADNESS AND SCUM MAY BE TRYING TO FOOL US yeah no. have you ever played scum? ever? ##Unvote, ##Vote: Burns

gig remains scummy for vote flipflopping between the two major townie trains yesterday for non-reasons.

beatrice is probably town. my gut is telling me she is town. my gut is more right than my brain in this game.

it must be nice to say 'he's not saying anything' when I am. ha ha ha.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Excal on January 31, 2010, 03:01:26 AM
Alright, there's apparently some sort of malfunction with the forums, and you guys certainly aren't holding back with the activity, so...

Until the forums are running properly (or I know all members have access again) the clock is stopped.  There will be no progress on the timer from about 12:30, leaving us at...

53 hours to go when the clock resumes.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on January 31, 2010, 03:13:36 AM

I am no stranger to living in a land frozen by time, game master. That this very time-plane may not exist at all excites me all the further! Fufufufufufufu!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Excal on February 02, 2010, 06:28:14 AM
Alright, now that the board is back, the game clock will be resuming as of noon tomorrow morning west coast time.  This should give a nice spread of 5-8PM for day end in NA.  Also give you guys some time to catch up before the clock gets ticking.

Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 02, 2010, 07:02:00 AM
I don't suppose we'll be receiving that transmission from the Hawthorne lab?

I can't make nuts or bolts of Guts Man's latest post. Where did Charles accuse you of being scum for surviving the night kill? I can also see why scum would skip over eliminating Charles in favor of Dahlia, if Charles is town he still presents scum a mislynch opportunity while Dahlia looked pretty townie after all of the day's end nonsense. I don't think Dahlia would have put her own train in front (by taking a vote off of you) and then disappear so late into the day were she scum. Even if she were banking on a partner to save her (Edna, for example) they'd be far too tied together to get away with it for very long.

If Gaston's warranty is truly set to expire soon, I can only hope he decides to be more helpful for the rest of the day than he has been.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Excal on February 02, 2010, 09:27:22 AM
Ah yes.

Ms. Iris Hawthorne has kindly provided us with this transcript (  from the case files of one Mia Fay.  Hopefully it will prove informative.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tanaka on February 02, 2010, 10:33:58 AM
/me laughs maniacally.

A pleasant joke from our moderator here. I presume this means Dahlia will be unable to enlighten us on the details of her power, though.

The Warboss at least posted some content, even if the content itself is questionable. As Wily-san mentionds, Burns-san never mentions you surviving being a reason for looking scummy.
No, you're right, Ryuk. That last line does seem intended to make us look worse, despite it being his first post with good content.

Gaston... If you are already doomed to die, would it not aid us to supply information on your night actions? These may help things go... JUST AS PLANNED!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Chiaki on February 02, 2010, 11:06:05 AM
Gaston... If you are already doomed to die, would it not aid us to supply information on your night actions? These may help things go... JUST AS PLANNED!
But hasn't he told us all about his power, with the potato? Or do you know something we don't, Yagami?
I am confident that a brave warrior like Gaston is telling the truth.
As for a bratty schoolboy like you.. explain yourself!

Good thing these blasted forums are back up. Hmp, human technology is weak.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Helga Pataki on February 02, 2010, 11:17:10 AM
Yeah, I couldn't get on the forums at all for the past few days.  This weird blonde girl was there trying to get me to buy stuff instead of the forum.  Anyway, catching up and rereading since I couldn't do it before. 
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Tanaka on February 02, 2010, 11:26:53 AM
Gaston-san has told us that he began with the potato, and that he passed it on. He has not mentioned why he chose to throw it to the Warboss, nor has he specified whether or not this is, in fact, his power. Confirmation of the latter, at the very least, would be appreciated.
You thought the same as Vegeta-san, Ryuk? Ah, my initial thought upon seeing the potato was that it was yet another joke from our moderator...
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 02, 2010, 11:59:39 AM

Yet again I find myself agreeing with George. Perhaps he is most fitting of inheriting the Ushiromiya gold after all.

But no! One step short this time, and that won't cut it. *cackle*cackle*.

Indeed I had come to the conclusion that the potato is unrelated to Gaston's power and most likely another whim of the game master based on Gaston's description, which really should be unmarked by Bernkastel's influence. However! This is no means a good time to call for his power. He is doomed to die at the end of the next twilight, and there are yet power which would have meaning during the twilight even with his subsequent demise, and calling on those would simply attract Bernkastel's agents all the more easily.

Gaston! I propose that if your power has brought you any information useful for town, then let it be known. However, if your power is yet useful even given your imminent demise or it benefits us nothing to know of it, withhold such information. Bernkastel may know how to play on such luck, but her agents will not be able to determine which quite so easily. And quite, though I would love nothing more than to see you twist and turn in the anguish of the knowledge of the inevitability of your death so soon from now, it would still be best to get your affairs in order. Let your stances be clear in your will so that at least we have greater information when later turning back to confirmed 'innocents'.

And forget not that you could yet avenge your death on this very day. Now there's a deliciously entertaining concept! Fuhahahahahahahahahahaha...!!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Zerg Rush on February 02, 2010, 12:03:32 PM
I totally misread Burns' post earlier somehow and it seems that he's annoyed that I wasn't on any of those trains. My bad.

Hey so what? I tossed a vote on Beatrice a good 12 hours before deadline, as I no longer felt Dahlia's case had meaning and Vegeta is probably the towniest townie ever, look at him, he's a manly warrior and everything!

The potato can be passed on at night to other people and will probably vanish if I die or something. I don't really want to give it to anyone else in case they're scum, since they would easily be able to play table-tennis with it and push LYLO ahead by having an effective doublevote.

Anyway back to Gig then. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Gig
Post by: Maya Kumashiro on February 02, 2010, 01:17:49 PM


##UNVOTE: Prince Vegeta
##VOTE: Gig
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Helga Pataki on February 02, 2010, 02:17:00 PM
OOC: It's early, I couldn't sleep, I'm really tired so I apologize in advance if this post is hard to read.  I would have considered waiting until I wasn't so tired, but I didn't want to wait any longer to post this.  I haven't said nearly enough.

Quote from: Gig
Hey, Spike. Next time, throw some hotpods my way, okay?

What, my pies aren't good enough for you?!

Anyway, I'm not understanding the Warboss wagon at all.  I do think he was over reacting when he voted for Dahlia, but nothing was really happening then.  IIoA is a good enough reason to vote someone when there's nothing else to go on.  He's made a couple of odd switches (most notably Dahlia to Beatrice, I still don't get that) and it's really hard to read what he's saying (I disagree that he's not saying anything, it's just hard to read), but he hasn't done anything that looks that bad to me.  Can someone explain the case on him again?  I don't get it at all.  The only thing I don't like is the weird switch to Beatrice.

I don't get the case on Edna either.  I have a hard time holding her switch to Dark Helmet against her since there was only five mintues left in the day when she switched and she thought Dahlia was town.  I'm not surprised that someone in that situation would post fast.  I also like her most recent post.  Someone's going to have to explain this one to me too.

I do understand the Wily wagon though and I support it.  Finding reasons to switch between two town wagons is the kind of thing I would expect scum to do.  The switches between the Dahlia and Dark Helmet wagons are weird. 

Vegeta's most recent post makes me feel better about him.  I was voting for him because of an unexplained vote on a now confirmed townie (looked like shamless bandwagoning to me before he explained it) and because he just wasn't saying anything.  ##Unvote Vegeta

I actually agree with what he's saying about Gendou.  In my reread I noticed a lot of throwing suspicions around, but not a lot of conviction.  It's like he's throwing stuff around to see what sticks.  I also saw that he didn't always place a vote, which also strikes me as weird.  I don't get why he says certain people aren't posting content and/or they're waffly (Light comes to mind here) either.  You don't have to post a lot of words to have good content.  ##Vote: Gendou
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 02, 2010, 02:35:37 PM

And so the butterfly lover makes the rules behind her ghostly presence quite clear indeed, or at least until the next twilight. It also seems plain to see that she has at worst a neutral view on Goldsmith for the action spent on her the night before the game began.

My lowly opponent Battler Ushiromiya likes to depend on a form of reasoning known as 'chessboard thinking,' whereby you turn the chessboard around and try to work out a foe's thoughts through their actions. Pitiful humans see this as strong, but it has its limits. Noise from sub-optimal play is one, but what if your opponent is playing by different rules to you that you're unaware of? You can never win against a witch at chess. *cackle*cackle*cackle*.

It is with these limits in mind that I then suppose that Goldsmith is incredibly unlikely to be Lady Lambdadelta's serial killer - and she is the Witch of Certainty, after all - and implausibly Bernkastel's villainous roleblocker, for if Dahlia knew she was roleblocked then there is little doubt that she would have mentioned it during the first iteration of the first day, and would probably have indicated so in her zombie rage on today, the second iteration of the first day.

Therein lies the noise... I lack the game master's rules to this game to be certain she would have known whether a power like her own was blocked: I can only assume it probable. Otherwise, we have a tracker's, not a watcher's, word for the actions, so perhaps even if she does know she has realised that she cannot be certain it was Goldsmith. In that case there still seems no reason for her not to have mentioned it yesterday,

Regardless, my conclusion is that if Goldsmith lacks powers akin to a roleblocker, then I cannot foresee what power Bernkastel could have set on Dahlia that night, for a power akin to rolecop would surely not have led to her murder the very next twilight. Though he shall not be invited to the Golden Land for such a human argument, for at least now I find myself satisfied.

The wretched furniture's new position tests me, but explains little. Yesterday's vote still looks terrible, gut readings never sit well and while the potato logic may be sound, it is meaningless if he is an agent of Bernkastel and intending to do precisely what he warns us of. I shall look through history again once more at some point soon, though, as the likely suspects become clearer and this position feels stale, with both of my previous secondary targets now being clearer in my eyes.

For better or for worse, the old doctor pleases me all the more on re-evaluation. To celebrate this pact, I shall come to call you Gaap instead... for no... particular reason. Wahahahahahahaaah!!


Oioioioi, here comes Bowser, with an almost completely opposed set of opinions. How amusing that is! *cackle*cackle*! I shall reply to you fuller in a later tea party, but for now I wish for more information about your food fights. Your prized pie seems most curiously absent today. Don't tell me it fell off a cliff too! Kihihihihihihi!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Helga Pataki on February 02, 2010, 04:20:24 PM
Quote from: Beatrice
Your prized pie seems most curiously absent today. Don't tell me it fell off a cliff too! Kihihihihihihi!

What can I say?  Pies take time to bake.  If I'm going to do something I'm going to do it right.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Li Syaoran on February 02, 2010, 04:20:42 PM
I don't get the case on Edna either.  I have a hard time holding her switch to Dark Helmet against her since there was only five mintues left in the day when she switched and she thought Dahlia was town.  I'm not surprised that someone in that situation would post fast.  I also like her most recent post.  Someone's going to have to explain this one to me too.

If it was just the switch, it could be understandable - day 1 shenanigans and all. However, she has a) a starling record in hardcore lurking; b) a very poor explanation of such lurking; c) her most recent post, justifying the switch, gives the impression that getting a lynch to go through was more important than lynching whoever she thought of as scum, which is reason enough to raise an eyebrow or two. And then, she merrily disappears into the ether -again-.

I do understand the Wily wagon though and I support it.  Finding reasons to switch between two town wagons is the kind of thing I would expect scum to do.  The switches between the Dahlia and Dark Helmet wagons are weird.

Yet, you find absolutely nothing wrong with Edna's poorly justified wagon-hopping? There are reasons to consider Wily suspicious and I even agree with you in a vacuum - and Edna didn't hop from wagon to wagon, so his looks fishier. But condemning someone for a crime while letting another person more or less guilty of the same go is faulty (as you seem plenty satisfied with Edna). I also must note that Edna, in essence, did what Light intended to do when he just went "anyone's fine! Where's the deadline?", which is what particularly set my heckles - simply getting a lynch through for the sake of getting a lynch shouldn't take precedence over actual scumhunting, particularly when both walk in tandem.

I actually agree with what he's saying about Gendou.  In my reread I noticed a lot of throwing suspicions around, but not a lot of conviction.  It's like he's throwing stuff around to see what sticks.  I also saw that he didn't always place a vote, which also strikes me as weird.  I don't get why he says certain people aren't posting content and/or they're waffly (Light comes to mind here) either.  You don't have to post a lot of words to have good content.  ##Vote: Gendou

I don't have the absolute certainty that I'm always right and I don't magically know who is scum - there's a whole bunch of weird shit that needs mulling and muddling through and I tend to mull over it out loud. This is the way I find to actually try to put things on the table, and if I'm waffly, it's because there -is- reason to be waffly: the current situation is a mess, with multiple, dubious possible leads, and the vast majority of them are going to land us on dead townies while we don't know which one will. I'd love to be absolutely certain on who's who here, but I get no such pleasantries as crystal balls and prescience powers. All I have is wild theories and analysis.

As for current analysis... I still am not satisfied with Vegeta, and I stated my position on Edna. Gorgutz seems to finally have woken up after that awful first day, and somewhat quelled my suspicions. I'd be very shocked if Beatrice was scum at this point, and I'd like to know where have Joker and Gig gone to. Wily and Burns remain in that same delicate position they were before. Still not comfortable with a vote switch yet, either. I need to reread this topic again.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Princess Leia on February 02, 2010, 04:22:25 PM
Alright, Jaw-For-Brains. Now I'm pissed. What makes you think I'm so scummy, huh!? Because I have two votes in Day 1, and they both happen to be on two trains? So what? I saw good reason to vote for both of them, and if you'd take a minute to learn how to read, you'd notice I gave reasons for both my votes. Now get out of my face before I kick your ass, you worthless piece of shit. God! Explain yourself once in a while, too, why don't ya'?

No time, so I'll make this quick. My current suspicions lie mostly with Gorgutz for having more posts today but not really saying anything (Why do you think Vegetable Head is innocnent?) but I'm not comfortable moving him so far ahead of anyone else. Also looking vaguely at Vegetable Head.

##SUMMON: Gaston
Sounds like he was put in a Xanatos of some sort, involving the potato killing when you pass it. (If it isn't his power)

Gotta go, Later!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Helga Pataki on February 02, 2010, 04:43:50 PM
Quote from: Gendou"
If it was just the switch, it could be understandable - day 1 shenanigans and all. However, she has a) a starling record in hardcore lurking; b) a very poor explanation of such lurking; c) her most recent post, justifying the switch, gives the impression that getting a lynch to go through was more important than lynching whoever she thought of as scum, which is reason enough to raise an eyebrow or two. And then, she merrily disappears into the ether -again-.

A) I don't think lurking's a scumtell
B) I don't see an explanation for her lurking.  The closest thing is the "I'm busy" mention in her most recent post.  Being a busy king myself, I can't fault someone for being busy. 
C) I think she justifies the switch just fine.  She had stated that she was okay with a Dark Helmet lynch earlier and she didn't want someone she thought was town (Dahlia) to be lynched.  What's the problem here?

I think that also answers the next thing you said.  If it doesn't let me know.

Quote from: Gendou
I don't have the absolute certainty that I'm always right and I don't magically know who is scum - there's a whole bunch of weird shit that needs mulling and muddling through and I tend to mull over it out loud. This is the way I find to actually try to put things on the table, and if I'm waffly, it's because there -is- reason to be waffly: the current situation is a mess, with multiple, dubious possible leads, and the vast majority of them are going to land us on dead townies while we don't know which one will. I'd love to be absolutely certain on who's who here, but I get no such pleasantries as crystal balls and prescience powers. All I have is wild theories and analysis.

I don't expect you to magically "know" who the scum are.  I do expect you to speak like you really think you're hitting scum.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 02, 2010, 05:09:44 PM

*cackle*cackle*cackle*cackle*! Kufufufuhahahahahahahaha...!! (

So much wisdom ignored, such humanly flawed arguments taken in their place!

Regardless of his alignment, Gaap's (Dr. Wily's) movements at the end of the first day are not scummy.

I have graced this topic before (,4564.msg96063.html#msg96063), and am displeased that this has been ignored to make way for the same flawed arguments again. Let alone the absurdity of an agent of Bernkastel knowingly dancing between two 'innocents' and then immediately revealing to the rest of us that both were indeed 'innocent'. Now, I do indeed remember in at least one game board past where such a piece danced such and turned out to be evil (without the instant reveal, though!), so I expect it not to be a great tell of 'innocence' either, but there was truly no gain for Bernkastel for her agents to dance such and then skewer the runner up. What's the purpose? What's the gain? Tell me that through chessboard thinking! Kihihihihihihihi!!

Vegeta's stupidity does not clear him of suspicion.

Even if you wish to take the altogether dubious position that his day one actions were too stupid for an agent of Bernkastel when his fellows would have room to correct him, it forgets the existence of Lady Lambdadelta's serial killer. What? He's too stupid to be that either? Then he's also too stupid to be an 'innocent'! *cackle*cackle*cackle*cackle*!

Though Gaston could yet provide further clarification, it has already been strongly claimed that the potato is innocent of murder!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Excal on February 02, 2010, 05:14:30 PM
Day 2 Vote

Gorgutz (5): Potato, Beatrice, Light, Mr. Burns, Joker
Bowser (0): Mr. Burns, Gendo
Mr. Burns (0): Gendo, Gorgutz
Vegeta (0): Dahlia, Bowser
Edna (3): Joker, Dr. Wily, Gaston, Gendo
Dr. Wily (2): Gig, Edna
Gig (2): Gorutz, Gorgutz, Dahlia
Gendo (2): Vegeta, Bowser
Gaston (0.75): Summon

No Vote: Noone
With 13 active votes in play, it takes 7 votes to lynch.

And with this, I restart the clock with 55.75 hours left in Day 2.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 1
Post by: Chad Hutchins on February 02, 2010, 05:14:37 PM
Gaston-san has told us that he began with the potato, and that he passed it on. He has not mentioned why he chose to throw it to the Warboss, nor has he specified whether or not this is, in fact, his power. Confirmation of the latter, at the very least, would be appreciated.
You thought the same as Vegeta-san, Ryuk? Ah, my initial thought upon seeing the potato was that it was yet another joke from our moderator...

It is not any type of power as far as I know, just a potato which gives a vote that I was given by the moderator to pass around.

No time, so I'll make this quick. My current suspicions lie mostly with Gorgutz for having more posts today but not really saying anything (Why do you think Vegetable Head is innocnent?) but I'm not comfortable moving him so far ahead of anyone else. Also looking vaguely at Vegetable Head.

##SUMMON: Gaston
Sounds like he was put in a Xanatos of some sort, involving the potato killing when you pass it. (If it isn't his power)

Gotta go, Later!

A Xanatos Gambit was in fact was what my death was called. >_> It's possible that the potato caused it.

I think Gendo points out something that I find true; I don't see why scum has a reason over town to switch from one townie wagon to another.

I still think Edna is the scummiest and I will continue to keep my vote on her until she actually says something useful. >_>


*falls in the mud* FUCK!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 02, 2010, 05:23:29 PM

Gaston (0.75): Summon


Siesta 1073741824, what madness is this?

Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Chiaki on February 02, 2010, 05:39:33 PM
Mind explaining that Gig? Looks like there's a lot of extra votes floating around.
More like 'why would you .75 vote Gaston, the towniest warrior to ever town?'.

Hey chatty bitch, call me stupid one more time and I'll vaporize you! You're the stupid one for not recognizing our warrior spirit!

Hmm, where's that fool Nappa when you need him.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 02, 2010, 05:56:18 PM

Surely you should be praising my glorious name on high for treating you as an equal to the other pieces. Should your wrath not instead be with the others, who stubbornly believe you to be completely beneath suspicion? Well, how does it feel to find your fellows treating you in contempt as a non-threatening non-entity whose blundering fighting spirit is held in regard by none? Frustrating, right? Makes you writhe, riiiiight? Apologise and kiss the tips of my boots and I may yet find a place for you. Surrender is but a momentary shame. All that's left is the joy of giving in... *giggle*giggle*, *cackle*cackle*cackle*ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 02, 2010, 06:00:16 PM
I don't like how Gig has now posted twice since I addressed his concerns and he did not acknowledge my report either time. I want to know why he has the time to drum up suspicions of Guts Man and the Saiyan and yet does not have the time to respond to my explanation or move his vote off of me onto one of them (theoretically the Saiyan given his excuse for not voting Guts Man).

I don't like how Slash Man has thrown a bunch of rehash and buzzwords (but no explanations) at the case against me.

I don't like how Edna continues to remain silent, but I'll admit my watch has been thrown off thanks to the power outage.

I do like the witch and Clown Man, they're the towniest to me right now. Leaning town on all of Junior, the Saiyan and Gendo as well (the last is admittedly a gut call), though I won't discount the idea of the Saiyan being a third party. Not sure what to think of Guts Man or Charles, the former confuses and the latter doesn't post enough. Not too happy with Slash Man or Gig. Suspicions of Gaston seem highly irrelevant at this point.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 02, 2010, 06:04:14 PM
EBWOP: Since Slash Man is looking for reasons why people are voting Edna, he can find mine here (,4564.msg96010.html#msg96010) with further explanation here (,4564.msg96055.html#msg96055).
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Princess Leia on February 02, 2010, 06:11:51 PM
Well if you idiots would mind giving me a minute to attempt to finish my thoughts from earlier, I'd be able to help tie up some of the loose ends.

##UNVOTE: Dr. Wily

##VOTE: Vegetable Head

-Jaw-For-Brains is the only one to beat him out in my suspicions right now, but again, not comfortable with placing him that far ahead.
-Jaw-For-Brains and Vegetable Head are clearly buddying up here, and it's not one-sided, either. Do none of you other idiots notice this?
-As the "Good Doctor" pointed out, I'm not a fan of the "He's a warrior, so he's A-Okay!" line of thinking.
-I'll admit that a lot of the day I've had to skim over, so you'll excuse me if I don't directly quote anything or the like, right? Right. (OOC: Your response to my accusation is a tl;dr until I have more time to read the topic. Unfortunately, my time was drained by the site going down)
-I can summon people out of Xanatos Gambits and Roulettes.
-The potato (And JUST AS PLANNED) are totally Light's things. Care to explain yourself?
-Wish I could do better explanations, but I have to go again.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Chad Hutchins on February 02, 2010, 06:46:46 PM
So does this mean I'm not gonna die anymore? >_>
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 02, 2010, 07:49:31 PM

No no no, there's something very wrong here indeed.

A slow killing power that can be stopped at the drop at the hat? Well let's do a jig and come to the good apothecary whenever we feel the oncoming death syndrome. Maybe he could just dole out cures to everyone at the start of days just to be safe. No no no, I don't see that.

A power that can only create votes on people already doomed to die? Plus some other presumably unlikely situation? And it's not even a full vote. I don't see that.

What I do see is Siesta 1073741824 mentioning the Xanatos connection before Gaston did. No prior attempts at testing the role out or anything like that, either. The whole thing reeks of Bernkastel's influence.

##Vote: Gig

You're going to have to try harder than that.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Nathan Greaves on February 02, 2010, 08:11:48 PM
Oh hey forums are back.

.... what the Solomon Grundy is going on.  I'm too drained to even try to stay in character that much.

- Someone MAYBE delaykilled Gaston.  That would be retarded for scum to do, pretty retarded for an SK to do, and understandable for a townie vig but townie vigs being delayed is weird.
- OR MAYBE NOT since Gaston, with full knowledge he was going to die, didn't say so at the beginning of the day, didn't roleclaim beyond the potato (and I have a sneaky suspicion that's not all he's got), and didn't dump information and suspicions and helpfulness, just kind of voted Edna.  That's kind of weird for someone who knows they're on their last legs.
- Except he wasn't after all, thanks to Gig coming in!  With a "summon" that saves people from delayed kills?  But it also puts a 0.75 vote on them?
- OR DOES IT?  This whole thing is incredibly fishy, I think neither Gig nor Gaston are telling the whole truth here, and they seem to be using it to do things like cast a flavor argument at Light.  But I can't see it as being a wholly scum gambit either.  I don't know what to think, except that I'm not extending any credit to either of them and "Light is from Death Note and uses Xanatos Gambits in that so he must be behind it" is really silly.

Tempted to vote Gig for that flavor stuff but I don't know.  I don't get the actual case on Vegeta.  Edna came out and made a coherent post or two but then vanished again, I'm suspicious of that but then again the forums being down messed up everyone.  Wily and Beatrice seem to have their heads on straight.  Ambivalent on Gendou.  Bowser needs to get back in here and post more.  Gorgutz... keeps dropping the ball and saying things like "Whoops misread ignore my whole previous argument" and "Pfft three posts are enough for anyone shut up".

I don't know what to make of anything right now!


As bad as it is to make anti-flavor arguments vs Light?  I tried to target him with a night action last night and my action failed.  I do not know why.  I assumed it was a roleblock, but then Beatrice claimed to be roleblocked as well, and no one claimed being blocked night 0, and the description I got was not clear in the slightest.  It could be a roleblock, it could be my role randomly failing (it doesn't say it can fail, but there's some Joker flavor mixed in which might be interpreted that way (but does that lend actual credence to the flavor vs Light?  Ugh)), or it could be some other interference from Light or someone else acting on him or me or something.  It's weird!  This is why I held off on claiming it a bit, there's not too much that I can see to get out of it, but there it is.

And beyond ALL of that?  Light's posting just doesn't strike me well.  Voting him for now, I don't really get "SCUM" vibes from him or anyone but I guess my gut would like to see him gone more than anyone else.  Except maybe Bowser... argh second guessing.

##Unvote: Gorgutz
##Vote: Light

Beatrice ninja - I'm also up for Gig if we don't get some better explanation of all this madness.  I guess.  I'm getting paranoid that Gaston and Gig are a pair of town roles or masons or something trying to pull a crazy gambit with how convenient this all is... but argh why nothing makes sense.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Princess Leia on February 02, 2010, 08:25:55 PM
Try harder than what, you ugly old hag? I can summon people out of harm's way. (so long as there isn't a damn Crimson Tear involved) You got a problem with that? 'sides. It only works with Xanatos Gambits and Roulettes. If your tiny little brain still can't process the why, well, here it is. I didn't want to throw around a partial vote that might or might not have put a bull's-eye on me before I knew it would do any good. Once I saw that the original potato-holder was to die the next day, after tossing the potato, I realized something was up. Get it now? I didn't want to reveal my hand before I knew what it could do. It's still a dangerous tool, giving that tie-breaker to whoever I use it on, but hey. A little chaos is good for the soul, right soulmate?


Anyway. More important matters to attend to. There might be some brains in some of you, after all. (OOC: Makes sense, Wily. Not looking scummy any more) Although I'm still waiting for the pretty boy to come back and tell us just what this whole potato thing is about. Or did nobody else have the teeny-tiny bit of brainpower needed to make that connection? Y'know, the part where the potato chip lover, user of Xanatos Gambits, might be related to the possibly potato-related Xanatos Gambit? No? Didn't think so.

I'm also disappointed that nobody else has mentioned the buddy-buddy teamplay going on between Jaw-For-Brains and Vegetable Head. You. Hag. If you're done pointing fingers at the guy trying to keep (some of) us alive, then maybe you could take a look at something beyond your own shit-for-brains.

Oh yeah. Before I forget. Do your pies do anything similar to what my summoning does, Spike?

OOC: Again, low on time now. (I'm coming here whenever I damn well can, so chill out. Some of us have lives, after all) But the potato seemed very likely to be a Xanatos, as it's something that gives a full vote on the holder, and the last holder signed his death warrant when he threw it away. The potato, and the delayed death, fit Light's character. Still not liking Vegeta and Gorgutz. Gorgutz has no real case on me, either, as he said I had no reason for either of my votes day 1, when I did. Better?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Zerg Rush on February 02, 2010, 10:02:47 PM
Quote from: Gig
-Jaw-For-Brains is the only one to beat him out in my suspicions right now, but again, not comfortable with placing him that far ahead.

do people have some issue with voting people they think are scummy or something, this game shouldn't be rocket science

unless in fact you DON'T think I'm scummy


It's nice that you're giving me more reasons to think so though, it only tells me that my ORKY INTOOISHUN is on the ball.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Tron Bonne on February 02, 2010, 10:30:17 PM
My, another meltdown to add to the record and a lot seems to have it. I need to read up a bit. Just wanted to let you all know that these old bones of mine are still alive.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Tron Bonne on February 02, 2010, 10:30:33 PM
"have it".... --> happened >_<
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Nathan Greaves on February 02, 2010, 10:50:41 PM
Normally I wouldn't do this but considering the time considerations and general nondirection of the game at this point: 

Gorgutz, are you gonna claim something or what?

You're obviously drawing attention and votes to yourself, so unless you're some sort of day 2 jester, you've got something up your sleeve that makes you confident you won't be lynched to the point where you're actively trying to piss people off.  I don't really think putting town through the wringer like that is worth it right now so how about you just come out and say it?

Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Princess Leia on February 02, 2010, 11:08:07 PM
I've already tipped my hand, clown. There's nothing left to reveal.

Though I gotta admit. That stupid piece of shit called "Gorgutz" is starting to piss me right the hell off. He now claims I'm suspicious because I didn't want to give him a huge headstart in terms of trains? The hell is wrong with you!? You've been flailing at me from your first post of Day 2. If you want me to die so bad, why don't you just come the hell out and say why, you ugly old sack of shit? And if you really don't have any other reasons, then back off before I'm forced to kick your ass, once and for all. Got it? Good.

But seriously. Back the hell off. It's obvious you're flailing, and all you're doing is making me want to lynch you now, instead of waiting.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Li Syaoran on February 02, 2010, 11:27:35 PM
Okay, after doing some rereading, I think I've come to a few realizations, as well as a few theories. Bear with me.

In my head, the idea that one of Warboss/Vegeta/Bowser almost had to be scum was brewing in my head (and quite possibly all of them being scum). Warboss and Vegeta's uncomfortably obvious backrubbing, as pointed out by Gig, is an alarm call in my head in a lot of senses, and Bowser's willingness to give both Vegeta and Warboss the time of the day (Vegeta moreso) and neglecting Edna's issues while hammering Wily's waffling. Vegeta's only claim for being townie is being braindead stupid, which makes me want to stab live kittens and doesn't make me feel he's any more of a townie for that. The witch is right. And then, there's Gorgutz borderline trolling the whole thing, as if he simply -wanted- to get caught (and makes me want to stab live ponies in broad daylight). However, Joker's idle mumbling honestly hit a nail with my logic processes.

Gorgutz's behavior is -amazingly- odd to the point of this being an elaborate ruse. This suddenly makes the buddying with obviously inept - and quite possibly dangerous - members make sense. This makes the hilarious flailing in Day 1 make sense... which also throws a wrench in the theory about the jaw-for-heads people being scum. doesn't really clear Bowser/Vegeta -at all-, but it's enough for me to draw away from those two for a moment, especially since the whole behavior really reeks of WIFOM in that "they would think the buddy-buddying is too stupid for scum to try" way.

So, assuming Gorgutz isn't scum, but just being jester-like or something else. It leaves way, in my mind, for the Gig/Gaston/Light mess. I... honestly feel like Gig clarified himself satisfactorily in this little play, as much as I don't like the whole metagaming on the potato and the Light argument. On the other hand, something about Mr. Yagami threw me off since the beginning, and he seems entirely content in not making way for any clarification - even to openly dismiss the whole thought process aimed at him. His particularly non-commital, Edna-like approach to day 1's lynch also sits poorly with me even now. All those factors, paired up with Joker's claim cast a very unsettling light to him, and I'm going to follow suit on Joker's cue here:

##UNVOTE: Edna
## VOTE: Light Yagami

Urgh, this trainwreck.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Tron Bonne on February 02, 2010, 11:38:36 PM
Well, what I'm looking at now:

At the possibility of Gaston getting delayed killed... Gig's summon did prove effective seeing as Gaston did get saved. Now if it was planned or not, hard to say. I do think that it was quite gutsy for Gig to pull that stunt of his. I mean, why bother actually saving Gaston? He hasn't posted much on Day 1, and today it's been only about that potato business. His behavior was suspect, so why not just let him die? Plus, if you hadn't saved him... With the whole thing coming out of the blue like that, can't say I believe that the delayed kill would actually happen, just brought some attention onto the two of you.

And as far as the train forming itself on Light right now... I don't like the potato argument used on him. After all, roles are supposed to be random and not have much to do with our personas; Dahlia being an exception here. But I don't know... the focus is on Light right now and I do feel tempted to join in, I just can't look away from this mise en scene between Gig and Dahlia.

##Unvote: Gorgutz
##Vote: Gig
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 03, 2010, 12:33:09 AM

That does nothing to dispel the overarching issue, Siesta 1073741824, that you're claiming that there's a slow-acting killing power out there rendered useless so long as we come crying at your door. Else you're claiming you don't actually save them in which case your power serves only to add votes to the condemned, and not even full votes. A pox on both the options.

The Xanatos killing power to one side, the posed potato argument is completely out of the question as well. Gaston claims to have acted with the potato on the night before the game began. Unless your theory allows for a Night -1, this completely mechanically removes interaction from all parties except from Gaston and perhaps the whims of the game master himself. Not that it matters as of Gaston's claim, I pointed out the potato connections (,4564.msg95576.html#msg95576) almost as soon as the pieces were placed on the board, not that you spotted the other, more obvious one. *cackle*cackle*.

And now you're answering questions that were forwarded to the wretched furniture? You're not going to make a theory like Kanon = Shannon next, are you? Kihihihihihihihihi!

By my light, I would place Siesta 1073741824 as Lady Lambdadelta's sole agent, and the vile furniture as one of Bernkastel's, the bunny edging out the vote because of what appears to be a very red-handed screw up.

The smoke and mirrors leading votes elsewhere draws my eye. Joker has enough credit and credence for it to slide, but Rudolf continues to slowly worry away at me, amusing though his attempts at logic may be. What was thaaat? 'Gorgutz can't be scum because it'd be too obvious'? Fu, fufufufufufuhahahahahahahaha!!!! No wonder you leave the thinking to Kyrie!

And Goldsmith! Which alternate fragment are you playing from? Why are you making an argument based on Gig's power being exactly as claimed? Where is the notice that Gaston has been saved? Surely the game master would have sent a letter his way telling him as much when the summon took effect (,4564.msg96169.html#msg96169) (which was well before Gaston's latest missive)? Travelling from one fragment to the other is the realm of Lady Bernkastel, so I do not take well to such actions.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Excal on February 03, 2010, 12:39:10 AM
Note from the management: While it is great that you guys have a bunch of completely incomprehensible names for each other, any votes made using nicknames WILL NOT COUNT.  Votes must be made for the official name so that there is no ambiguity as to who you are aiming for.

Also, to answer a question I have received.  Roleblockers can target any active player.  But that player will only be told they were roleblocked if they have an active role to be blocked.

Day 2 Vote

Gorgutz (2): Potato, Beatrice, Light, Mr. Burns, Joker
Bowser (0): Mr. Burns, Gendo
Mr. Burns (0): Gendo, Gorgutz
Vegeta (0): Dahlia, Bowser
Edna (2): Joker, Dr. Wily, Gaston, Gendo
Dr. Wily (1): Gig, Edna
Gig (4): Gorutz, Gorgutz, Dahlia, Beatrice, Mr. Burns
Gendo (2): Vegeta, Bowser
Gaston (0.75): Summon
Light (2): Joker, Gendo

No Vote: Gig
With 13 active votes in play, it takes 7 votes to lynch.

There are 48.4 hours remaining in Day 2.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Tron Bonne on February 03, 2010, 12:54:14 AM
Granted, it wasn't specifically said that Gaston was saved. But from what I understood while reading that Gig posted, one goes with the other. If the summon was successful, as shown in the vote count, than the Xanatos must've been removed. Granted, we have no warranty of the summon actually saving Gaston. Not sure if he's to receive a letter to that effect as well. I'm just relying on what I understood from Gig's statements.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 03, 2010, 01:04:01 AM

Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Li Syaoran on February 03, 2010, 01:12:01 AM
By my light, I would place Siesta 1073741824 as Lady Lambdadelta's sole agent, and the vile furniture as one of Bernkastel's, the bunny edging out the vote because of what appears to be a very red-handed screw up.

The smoke and mirrors leading votes elsewhere draws my eye. Joker has enough credit and credence for it to slide, but Rudolf continues to slowly worry away at me, amusing though his attempts at logic may be. What was thaaat? 'Gorgutz can't be scum because it'd be too obvious'? Fu, fufufufufufuhahahahahahahaha!!!! No wonder you leave the thinking to Kyrie!

I feel I need to clarify myself - upon reread, I see I skimmed a few corollaries. First, I didn't say "Gorgutz isn't scum outright" - and the obviousness issue isn't meant necessarily for Gorgutz, but more at Vegeta, although the backpatting applies two-fold in that conundrum. I meant that this theory would fly in case Gorgutz wasn't scum. However, this is yet another case of WIFOM (is this just a given in a game of role madness? It... really just nags at me because of the sheer amount of loose threads going on here). And that's the problem. The more I -try- to think about this, the less sense it makes in this thing.

As a tangent, regarding the Gig thing... honestly, I only believe we can call out for his blood with certainty once Day 2 resolves - then, we can make actual analysis on the claims. I don't know, but trying to crucify Gig before we can actually have -some- clues to whether he's telling the truth or not feels like potentially missing a link, although, if he -is-, I can't really say he has very good odds of getting out of Night 2 alive. I really don't want to close -this- case hastily, and I feel we need Night 2 to happen with him alive for a stronger read.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Tanaka on February 03, 2010, 01:20:58 AM
Apologies for my absence, I have had other... PLANS!
And, on this note, my talk of plans is no more than mere flavour, much like the flavour of... POTATO CHIPS! The potato has nothing to do with me, and I can clarify what my role does entail.
As bad as it is to make anti-flavor arguments vs Light?  I tried to target him with a night action last night and my action failed.  I do not know why.  I assumed it was a roleblock, but then Beatrice claimed to be roleblocked as well, and no one claimed being blocked night 0, and the description I got was not clear in the slightest.
I will clarify now that roleblocking is a side-effect of my role, if you will. I would rather not reveal my PLANS now by saying what the main effect of the role is, but I targeted you last night, so... my apologies, Joker-san.
Ikari-san. Where have I "dismissed an entire thought process" against me, as you say? Raise the concerns, and I will tell you why your argument is misplaced.
Burns-san, please reassess your view on Gig/Gaston, considering we have had no evidence that this summon has gone... JUST AS PLANNED!

My vote remains on the Warboss. The only ones to have raised suspicions during my absence have been those without much of a presence, and Gendo's WIFOM logic for dismissing him does not sit well with me at all.
Yes, Ikari-san is suspicious as well. Not only does he clear the Warboss based on WIFOM, he then uses the fact that he's dismissed the case to dismiss those on the Saiyan and Koopa-san without providing any actual argument.
They're called ninjas, Ryuk. They intercept our discussions with their own, it seems...

Burns-san, I'm curious as to your reasoning for voting. Gig and Dahlia? Day 1 reveals many people affiliated with the case on Dahlia, so what exactly is it you are referring to? And if you believe Gaston has already been saved, would it not be wise to keep hold of the person capable of doing it?
Another meaningless post from Ikari-san. WIFOM arguments are mostly meaningless, and the fact that you are aware of this does not help your position. I am, however, agreed on leaving Gig/Gaston alive overnight, at least. If we are to look at role information, we should do so with the most information available possible, and there are more viable lynching targets today.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Nathan Greaves on February 03, 2010, 01:34:12 AM
Ahaaaaaaaa.  Yeah, I'll buy that, Light.  Not sure I'm agreed entirely on leaving Gaston/Gig off till tomorrow but there are certainly other cases.  Bowser and Edna really need to show up, and Burns and Gorgutz are BOTH doing their level best to get lynched now.  Burns has a role reason to not die right now, so...

##Unvote: Light
##Vote: Gorgutz
until or unless I get a reason to take it off.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Tron Bonne on February 03, 2010, 01:51:47 AM
First off, I would admit that my better nature got the best of me. Ask questions first, shoot later as they say? Not so sure an actual truth will be learned tomorrow, but if the consensus approves...
##Unvote: Gig

Now Kira, why do you want to bring up Dahlia here I wonder. My motivations? Same as anyone else: None. It was Night 0, no one said a word. I picked her as I could've easily picked anyone else. And you say I actually voted for her. You need to recheck the statistics, sir.

Heh... I need to see things through again it seems.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Chad Hutchins on February 03, 2010, 02:01:34 AM
The Xanatos killing power to one side, the posed potato argument is completely out of the question as well. Gaston claims to have acted with the potato on the night before the game began. Unless your theory allows for a Night -1, this completely mechanically removes interaction from all parties except from Gaston and perhaps the whims of the game master himself. Not that it matters as of Gaston's claim, I pointed out the potato connections (,4564.msg95576.html#msg95576) almost as soon as the pieces were placed on the board, not that you spotted the other, more obvious one. *cackle*cackle*.

By my light, I would place Siesta 1073741824 as Lady Lambdadelta's sole agent, and the vile furniture as one of Bernkastel's, the bunny edging out the vote because of what appears to be a very red-handed screw up.

And Goldsmith! Which alternate fragment are you playing from? Why are you making an argument based on Gig's power being exactly as claimed? Where is the notice that Gaston has been saved? Surely the game master would have sent a letter his way telling him as much when the summon took effect (,4564.msg96169.html#msg96169) (which was well before Gaston's latest missive)? Travelling from one fragment to the other is the realm of Lady Bernkastel, so I do not take well to such actions.

Actually, I passed the potato on Night 1, not Night 0. I specifically said I did not pass it on Night 0 because I didn't know what to do with it.

I think that lynching someone who can potentially save people from being lynched is illogical and I don't understand why anyone is doing it.

I didn't mention the Xanatos Gambit thing originally because I figured Light would get some shit for the entire thing when it is probably unrelated. From what I interpreted, I got it naturally or whatever, before Night 0. That's why I don't think it has anything to do with Light.

I have gotten no word with regards to the status of the death sentence. I guess it didn't work?

Mr. Burns' logic on Gig is particularly ridiculous; trying to piece together the puzzle is a good enough reason to reveal an ability that (in his belief) serves no other purpose, so why use this as a really crappy argument for voting someone? Your Gig/Dahlia argument is just nonsensical. Taking back the vote won't save you. You are just a follower.

##UNVOTE: Edna
##VOTE: Mr. Burns

The main reason I haven't been involved is: Day 1 I happened to be busy for one entire day, which is like 24 hours during the non-joke phase of the 48 hour day. Day 2 I am told I am going to die at the beginning of the next day, and I can't handle reading all these posts with nonsensical names that annoy me and people like Warboss who are just incomprehensible. By the time I could get into the game I am already death sentenced. Meh.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Tanaka on February 03, 2010, 02:05:32 AM
Now Kira, why do you want to bring up Dahlia here I wonder. My motivations? Same as anyone else: None. It was Night 0, no one said a word. I picked her as I could've easily picked anyone else. And you say I actually voted for her. You need to recheck the statistics, sir.

Burns-san, may I request that you read the notes carefully? I was asking about you voting for Gig based on the fact that he had voted for Dahlia when many others had, and that was based on this statement:
I just can't look away from this mise en scene between Gig and Dahlia.
Some clarification on your reasoning would be appreciated.
Looking back, it looks like you may also be referring to Dahlia's vote? This came at a time when Gig was highly suspicious, so I see no reason to take more from this than any other vote.
Yes, Gaston-san is the newest ninja, Ryuk. We'd both assumed that the reason for absence, at least into Day 2, was apathy regarding the death sentence. I'm going to assume, having seen the joys moderator-san finds in tormenting us, that we won't know if this summon has saved you until the Night. Perhaps he truly is a Shinigami! An apple, Moderator-san?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Helga Pataki on February 03, 2010, 02:09:04 AM
Quote from: Beatrice
Regardless of his alignment, Gaap's (Dr. Wily's) movements at the end of the first day are not scummy.

Hm...I'm going to need to think about this some more.  Give me awhile to reread D1 again.

Quote from: Wily
I don't like how Slash Man has thrown a bunch of rehash and buzzwords (but no explanations) at the case against me.

I was saying "I agree."  People always seem to ask me what I agree with when I say that, so I thought I should say what I agree with.

Quote from: Wily
EBWOP: Since Slash Man is looking for reasons why people are voting Edna, he can find mine here with further explanation here.

I don't see an explanation on Edna in either of those posts.

Quote from: Gendou
and neglecting Edna's issues

I still don't get the case Edna.  I told you how I saw it.  What am I missing?

Quote from: Gig
Oh yeah. Before I forget. Do your pies do anything similar to what my summoning does, Spike?

I dunno.  Mine also adds the .75 vote to someone.  But I don't summon pies out of a Xanatos Gambit and they don't save anyone from a delayed kill.


I want to make this clear: I am NOT clearing Vegeta. 

I'm going to reread the thread again.  I feel like I'm missing somethng.  I don't think I'll be able to do that before tomorrow though.

OOC: I think I'm coming down with the flu.  I'm going to do my best to play well, but my brain isn't functioning and I feel absolutely miserable right now.  Please bare with me.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Maya Kumashiro on February 03, 2010, 02:19:24 AM

##VOTE: Prince Vegeta
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Excal on February 03, 2010, 02:38:07 AM
By request.

Day 2 Vote

Gorgutz (3): Potato, Beatrice, Light, Mr. Burns, Joker, Joker
Bowser (0): Mr. Burns, Gendo
Mr. Burns (1): Gendo, Gorgutz, Gaston
Vegeta (1): Dahlia, Bowser, Dahlia
Edna (1): Joker, Dr. Wily, Gaston, Gendo
Dr. Wily (1): Gig, Edna
Gig (2): Gorutz, Gorgutz, Dahlia, Beatrice, Mr. Burns
Gendo (2): Vegeta, Bowser
Gaston (0.75): Summon
Light (1): Joker, Gendo

No Vote: Gig, Mr. Burns
With 13 active votes in play, it takes 7 votes to lynch.
44.5 hours remaining.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Tron Bonne on February 03, 2010, 02:45:00 AM
I just can't look away from this mise en scene between Gig and Dahlia.

How the F*** did that get in there. The Mafia dare hack into my account???? I was meant to be referring to Gig and Gaston there >_<

Gaston, granted my argument for Gig was... well... there really was no argument, I concede. But to brand me as a follower? Granted I showed little activity on Day 1, and voted for someone who already had some votes to his account. And Gorgutz today? A bunch of reasons have been given already today, surely you won't want me to go through them all. What next, you'll continue rambling on about that if I vote for someone since everyone has at least a couple of votes?

Fine, let's just put out some reasoning:
1) Usually, talkers are town because the day is town's strength, they stir up discussion and it's the best way to get things done. That takes out Gendo and Beatrice.
2) The potato incident. It's best to keep you alive. So that takes out voting for Gig and Gaston.
3) Wise reasoning = Joker, Light (even though he doesn't take much action towards those he suspects)
4) Wily and Vegeta haven't been around much, but for now, they don't seem to be too harmful.
5) Edna has barely been around, still need to hear from her.

Feel free to correct me if I've misinterpretated things, or missing things. As far as I know, there are 44 hours left in this day. Pretty pointless now for me to vote without having things develop a bit.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 03, 2010, 02:52:49 AM
Guts Man/Gig baffles me to no end. I must admit Guts Man making his identity so incredibly obvious is tainting my view of him because his attacks on Gig (and posts in general) are exactly what I'd expect from him when he's town, but given who it is that means I expect precisely the same thing from him when he's scum. Frustrating.

I do agree that Gig should have his vote down on Guts Man if he thinks Guts Man is the most scummy. I can understand why he held off initially but this post (,4564.msg96207.html#msg96207) really should have contained a vote change since two people had just hopped off of Guts Man.

If I had to pick one right now...I think I would pick Gig, because of that little non-vote wurgle as well as being able to see where Guts Man is coming from in his posts aside from the Charles misread.

Slash Man, my apologies, my second link was wrong. This (,4564.msg96057.html#msg96057) is the correct post.

Just to make sure there is no further confusion (my first link was correct), here is a transcript of my records:

I maintain that the Saiyan's action was stupid, not scummy, and came into today prepared to vote for Edna for trying to shift attention his [the Saiyan's] way away from the two main trains.

Now then. I do indeed not trust you for trying to shift attention away from the Dahlia/Gorgutz competing trains, and the fact that Dahlia flipped town is irrelevant, there's nothing saying you couldn't try to shift attention away from a town/scum or town/town train duel onto another townie. Hell, I've done pushed away from town/town onto third town myself as scum in past games and gotten away with it. The idea is that pushing a stupid/inactive townie to the forefront prevents a flip of either of the notable competing trains, disallowing for great analysis of them the next day when all we have to look at was "yep, they sure were a moron/lurker!".

These are my deductions, and they can be found in both linked post. Edna also has the additional charge of claiming Charles looks the worst to her and yet putting a vote down on me.

Speaking of Edna, it pains me to see her train has all but disappeared and that she did not actually do anything to make that happen.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 03, 2010, 02:53:44 AM

Sparing Gaston is obvious. He has a very simple expectation to live up to. Or not to. *cackle*cackle*. However! I scorn this wave that sparing Siesta 1073741824 is somehow advantageous. When Gaston inevitably does die, he need only claim that his power apparently does not save and we return to where we are now. If Gaston does somehow live then the most natural conclusion from me is still that Siesta 1073741824 is Lady Lambadelta's summoned serial killer.

Siesta 1073741824's role claim is terrible! Resolve that before you try and justify staying his execution. I shall likely only be contented otherwise with the wretched furniture being chosen by the key, but do not wish to yield ground here.

George's lesser claim of power effectively confirming a second roleblock of the twilight reads mildly pleasantly, if only because the notion of Bernkastel sending two agents of the same nature seems unlikely (but far from impossible with this game board!) and I stand in my pride convinced that I have taken the direct hit from the blasted Witch of Miracles. Joker! I ask only whether you are now convinced that your letters from the game master do indeed point squarely to roleblocking and not some other means and we can leave this to rest for now. In my case it was quite, quite clear.

Gaston! That is indeed what I meant by acting with the potato on the night before the game began! Everything I speak in red is the truth, after all! Your latest rationale is effectively exactly the position I already held, so let's be merry and say you clarified it.

Goldsmith! You seem to be utterly dejected that I had removed my suspicions from you! This is the only reason I can imagine why you've suddenly started desperately fishing for votes. It's adorable, but I must insist that you stop it.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Princess Leia on February 03, 2010, 03:03:53 AM
Haha. Hahahahaha. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You really are that stupid, aren't you, you ugly old hag? Look around you. We're all villains! Bad guys. What's so unlikely about one of us having a slow-kill? And what's so much more unlikely about one of us having a power to take us away from it? When I summon someone, I make them stronger. That strength makes for suspicion is just a side-effect. Also, when Haruhi was killed in the middle of Night 0? She interacted with the knife that got her.

Although, thinking back on it, I might have jumped the gun a bit. No way to know if I can save someone after they've tossed the potato (By then, it may be too late. I hope not, or else my ass is grass, but hey), or even if the potato does have anything to do with it. But, hey. How better to figure something out than to jump into it head-on, right? Oh, and about that "Let Gassy die" thing? Not cool. Just. Not. Cool. If Gassy isn't around, then boo-hoo. If he's scum, he'll be found out through the lurking eventually. If he's town, I just let town die, as well as, quite possibly, my only chance to figure out the potato thing. (Especially since Jaw-For-Brains even admitted that he wasn't about to toss the thing to anyone. Though, if I can save someone after they've tossed the potato, I'd certainly appreciate it being tossed my way. That way, I don't even need to expend the effort.) If you're gonna berate me for trying to figure things out in a world of chaos and mystery, then you may as well bark at the sky for being blue, and hotpods for being delicious!

And with that...

##VOTE: Gorgutz

I see some of you learned Fade Out while I was away. Not gonna lie. My role is terrible. What of it? If you'd point your "red truth" to before this little game had begun, you'd notice that our friendly neighborhood Excalman said that some roles would be rather weak.

And you, Wily. I haven't had a chance to check the vote count until just now. Remember that whole "having a life" thing, idiot? I've been busy trying to get my thoughts out before that idiot man-cow comes back, time after time, with more shit trailing him. Now, if that's all?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Princess Leia on February 03, 2010, 03:10:42 AM
Damn, this stupidity must be contagious. I completely forget to ask when you got that death warrant. Had anybody said anything? Or was it right as Day 2 started? Had you said anything?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Nathan Greaves on February 03, 2010, 03:18:15 AM
Beatrice:  Not a roleblock exactly, but I'm fairly sure I know what happened now, yes.  No need to speak more of it at this time.

Burns:  You are so scummy it...

wait for it

wait for it


That's probably bad policy but it really had to be said.  The only reason I'm not voting you right now, and I bet others are the same, is that Dahlia pointedly isn't.  Which means you're probably inexperienced town.  You gotta get on the ball here and make some cases and do some things.  Waiting for the consensus and going where it goes is what scum do.  Don't do what scum do, even if you have a good roleclaim or whatever.  Especially, in fact.

Wily:  Is right.  Where are you all, my little pretties?  Where have you gone, Edna?  What are you doing, Bowser?  What have you to say, Gorgutz?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Li Syaoran on February 03, 2010, 03:27:41 AM

Sparing Gaston is obvious. He has a very simple expectation to live up to. Or not to. *cackle*cackle*. However! I scorn this wave that sparing Siesta 1073741824 is somehow advantageous. When Gaston inevitably does die, he need only claim that his power apparently does not save and we return to where we are now. If Gaston does somehow live then the most natural conclusion from me is still that Siesta 1073741824 is Lady Lambadelta's summoned serial killer.

Siesta 1073741824's role claim is terrible! Resolve that before you try and justify staying his execution. I shall likely only be contented otherwise with the wretched furniture being chosen by the key, but do not wish to yield ground here.

No matter how terrible it is, given the record in roles in Mafia games we've had, it's not an unreasonable claim to make, and there are enough multiple ramifications that justify it for tonight. Wiping the evidence before it is usable won't work.

This said, just screw this noise:

## UNVOTE: Light Yagami
## VOTE: Warboss Gorgutz

Bah, I hate how I'm playing this game. But I guess I -have- to bite into the obvious at some point. If nothing else, Gorgutz's behavior -needs- explanation, and by this point, the only way we'll get any answer at all is by a lynch if he's going to remain unhelpful. Not to mention my rationale was fucking terrible anyway.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Li Syaoran on February 03, 2010, 03:28:29 AM
Correction: instead of "how terrible it is", I meant "how terrible it sounds". Bah.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 03, 2010, 03:39:40 AM

I have no concerns with people earnestly searching for answers or ways to draw answers from the game. I do have trouble with idiocy and those pieces who are just outright wrong.

You seem to pick at my concerns for the entirely wrong reasons. I should not be so surprised.

I, the Golden Witch Beatrice, believe in the existence of a slow-killing ability. I have not said otherwise. What I don't believe in is the existence of a power that completely blocks it practically free of charge basically guaranteed. What I find particularly peculiar is that you think that such a power would be weak! I would find such a power overly strong and out of place. I said that I find your power hopelessly weak if it comes without the saving effect.

And that is the crux. When I say that your claimed power is terrible, it is because it is unbelievable, not because it is weak.

And stop picking on the potato. Your incessant arguments about it are objectively incorrect, regardless of your own power. The only way it can even possibly be causing the slow kill, a position I oppose most strongly anyway, is if Gaston was chosen randomly by the game master at the start of the game.

You bore me though, Siesta 1073741824. It is like arguing a book of logic against an opponent several chapters behind. And possibly in another language, given your inability to pick up on so much.

I have come up with the means to test you, though I imagine you will resist. If you have the power to make multiple summons in a day, be it in series or consecutive only, then do so, with gaps to allow for interaction from the game master to confirm the effect of each such step. This would prove your claims of who this power may effect. If you do not surprise me and claim that your stature allows for only one summon per day, then I mean you to do so tomorrow on someone it should not work on, in a manner decided sensibly by those who remain at the time.

I believe you to be the very perpetrator acting on behalf of Lady Lambdadelta with these slow-kills, however.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Chiaki on February 03, 2010, 03:45:17 AM
Only a jester would rely on the vote of a weak bitch from the next dimension. Seriously Joker, because some retarded ghost hasn't voted Burns, you think he's cleared?
I only rely on flesh and blood, warriors, people I can hit with my fist!

Burns you old fool, perhaps you should get off the battlefield and into a retirement home, this is no place for seniors moments. Anyway you're not worth my effort.

Bigger fish to fry!
Gig looked town to me earlier, but lately he's been raising my shackles, what with all this role business. Anyway there's no use looking into it until we see whether or not the pretty warrior Gaston croaks.

Annnnd Gendo again. Pushing my warrior friend Warboss to L-2.
Let me imitate Gendo: "Fluff fluff words WIFOM fluff, these people are cleared because xyz is stupid, fluff words."
And now jumping on the tail end of a train. I'm happy to see this guy obliterated.

Beatrice, you're a stronger willed woman than I thought. Not bad for a human, perhaps you'll rival a Saiyan female. Fine, you're up to my standards, you may await me in my royal bedchambers. Leave the bitchyness and clothes at the door.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 03, 2010, 03:49:16 AM
I really hope I'm not the only one growing tired of Gig using time as an excuse over and over again.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Princess Leia on February 03, 2010, 04:01:54 AM
...Alright, fine. If this is going to be a day of tests, though, and I'm arguably going to die tomorrow, then I'd like for Jaw-For-Brains to keep the potato. If he does so, and a Xanatos Gambit still comes up, I'll leave it well enough alone. Sound good?

As for your talk of my power and where I stand on it, I wasn't expecting it to be so damn easy to find a Xanatos Gambit. I figured that I'd go this whole game with nothing but a tie-breaker. Besides. I've already admitted that it may not be free of charge. It puts a partial vote on the person, and for all I know, it really is too late.

Now why don't you tell me why you find it so hard to believe that somebody tossed a potato his way on the first night? Just because he interacted with it? Why can't somebody have given it to the game master to place in his lap? Your mind is awfully closed for somebody trapped in a dimension of chaos, y'know.

Yo, Wily. When did I ever use that as an excuse, hmm? Name it. Go on, I dare ya'.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Princess Leia on February 03, 2010, 04:04:15 AM
...waitwaitwaitwaitwait. You don't believe me when I say that I can save someone from a Xanatos Gambit, yet you think I have the ability to place a tie-break on someone and slow-kill them? You've gotta be kidding me, right? Right?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Tanaka on February 03, 2010, 04:10:44 AM
So many people, so few votes...
Burns-san's bad play, Ikari-san's WIFOM, the Saiyan's lack of an explanation for defending the Warboss and the confusion surrounding Gig's roleclaim. All of these are problematic, but with the Warboss refusing to help and his weak logic throughout, I find myself keeping my vote steady.

Saiyan, would you explain why you continue to defend the Warboss? He's put forward little and helped even less, yet you continue to ignore him or dismiss arguments against him on grounds of flavour.
No, I'm not understanding this one either. Gig seems to be claiming that he hasn't used time as an excuse. I've been fine with it, but it's definitely there.
He also seems to be ignoring that Gaston himself stated that he didn't throw the potato during Night 0, but had the choice. I think that would imply very strongly that he began with it, unless the potato can be thrown multiple times in a night, which can easily be clarified by the Warboss.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Princess Leia on February 03, 2010, 04:20:52 AM
We're not gonna get anywhere until the others get back, unfortunately. Even you idiots must see that we're just going in circles. Though I will say that I am not claiming the potato as a definite slow-killer. I'm saying it's a possibility, and one I'm not willing to write off until I know for certain. Also, if you're so bright, why don't you[/u] tell me where I should look for where that Xanatos Gambit came from, hmm?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 03, 2010, 04:25:38 AM
Yo, Wily. When did I ever use that as an excuse, hmm? Name it. Go on, I dare ya'.

You used it as an excuse earlier for taking forever to read me over (,4564.msg96182.html#msg96182) and then again just now as an excuse for not voting Gorgutz sooner than you did. (,4564.msg96253.html#msg96253) I'll admit I thought there were more but my memory was colored by you making several references to time cutting posts short or explaining about how real life was in the way.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 03, 2010, 04:34:55 AM

No, Siesta 1073741824, the simplest answer down that path is that you are Lady Lambdadelta's serial killer, slow-killing by some means of Xanatos, and that you have a cover power that allows you to place a single partial vote as you see fit. My proposed test would clearly fail if as a serial killer you were able only to summon those you had marked with the black rose of death, as ridiculous a concept as that may be.

And George has gone over why the potato is most likely free of bloodshed (so curious that we must defend a potato so vigorously against murder charges, kihihihihihihi!), but I had thought this clear already when I said that it would take a Night -1 to set up. Still some chapters behind, I see. *cackle*cackle*.

Oh, and Xanatos's power of the black rose seems most obviously to be coming from a third-party serial killer working on behalf of Lady Lambdadelta. Surely this point has been mentioned so many times that it could not possibly have escaped your grasp, riiiiight?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Princess Leia on February 03, 2010, 04:40:47 AM
Yeah, whatever. I already agreed to your stupid test, and I'll admit that I mistook what kind of "time" you guys were talking about. I'm gone for a few hours, or until somebody/something new shows up. This shit storm is bad for the health.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Zerg Rush on February 03, 2010, 07:45:35 AM

I'z a mason with Vegeta and Gaston! They can back me up on this, naturally. They'z me loyal boyz!

We all pretty much kinda think Gendo is scummy and we're startin' to think that scum-Gig is just utterly senseless. We're not all that fond of Burnsie either and on my end at least it's because he didn't get NK'd like he should have. For now our consensus is that we want Gendo dead. Lots of rehashing and reporting out of him, a bit of wifom, and Gaston doesn't like the way he smells or something. Plenty of comedy here as well-

Quote from: Gendo
Gorgutz seems to finally have woken up after that awful first day, and somewhat quelled my suspicions.
this is kind of a funny thing to say when my most contentful post just prior to this was based on a premise that was entirely flawed and wrong.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Gendo

We're edgy around Beatrice but decided she talks a good game for now.

Gaston did get told he was gonna die so you'll have plenty of confirmation tomorrow unless Gig is telling the truth in which case I guess you might not. we shall see
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Chiaki on February 03, 2010, 08:21:13 AM
I'z a mason with Vegeta and Gaston! They can back me up on this, naturally. They'z me loyal boyz!
I thought we agreed that I would be the leader! Oh well no matter. It's true that Warboss and Gaston are my fellow warriors (a term I have been breadcrumbing for most of the game). This is the reason that I've been defending him 'on the grounds of flavour', as the schoolboy put it (also why I voted Dahlia, to push her train ahead of a fellow mason's).

So, would you kindly remove your vote from Warboss? Unless you think we're a scumteam, in which case you'll probably see we're not when Gaston (maybe?) flips after the (supposed) slowkill. Gaston isn't lying, but we're really not sure about the whole Gig/Xankill role thing.

We're edgy around Beatrice but decided she talks a good game for now.
And she's good in the sack. Rawr.

Anyway just posting to confirm Warboss's claim so we can get on with the process of finding scum. By which I mean Gendou. HA! *blasts Gendou*
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Tanaka on February 03, 2010, 11:02:06 AM
...Seriously? The Saiyan and the Warboss have been very scummy so far, and now we have a three-way Mason claim?
Alright, I'll bite. For now, at least. Ikari-san hasn't looked much better.

##Unvote, Vote: Gendo Ikari.

Makes it 4 votes for the Warboss and 3 for Ikari-san still, by my count. I'm curious as to why you've announced all three now, as opposed to just hinting towards a third, though, and why Gaston was not used to confirm, seeing as he's potentially dying during the Night as it is.

That's a good point, actually, Ryuk. I'd forgotten that Wily was playing, yet he doesn't seem too suspicious otherwise. I guess I should make some PLANS to check over him again when I have more time.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Zerg Rush on February 03, 2010, 11:42:57 AM
Gaston will back it up soon enough.

I didn't see any value in not claiming everyone at once, anyhow.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 03, 2010, 01:28:38 PM

Kihihihihihihihihihihihihihi! (

It's just so crazy that I can actually see that! You've left the game board so messy that it could so easily be a trap of most clunky designs, in particular concerns like the vegetable only breadcrumbing to Gaston in this the second day leading to a third party recruiting mason theory (in which case I suppose the Black Rose of Xanatos would be an 'innocent' power)... but you've done well in Gaston, and the timing. No matter the plan, tying yourselves to a man doomed to die at the next twilight would be madness by any means. Unless Siesta 1073741824 is also complicit or Gaston has held back on the knowledge that he has been saved... but I think not. The first option is madness, certainly. And it's yet to early in this game of wolves and sheep for sowing confusion to pay off, even should Gaston survive the Black Rose.

In short, you're tied down by too many observable facts. Lady Bernkastel may be the Witch of Miracles, but I see no hope in the deal made here. Though this claim may go far in clearing you from Bernkastel's taint, it does nothing to explain your own loutish and flawed actions! *cackle*cackle*cackle*cackle*! Kufufufuhahahahahahahaha...!!

Claiming all three at the same time is elementary, George. If but Gaston and one other claim, Bernkastel's hand may reach for the other during the next twilight, leaving the third with a weaker claim the next day, even if the effect is lessened by Vegeta's own aggressive breadcrumbing. But then that very same move would make them obvious now if only a partial reveal is offered. I cannot foresee any gain they could hope to have with only a partial reveal with their moves made thus.

I suspect Siesta 1073741824 of being Lady Lambdadelta's serial killer, not an agent of Lady Bernkastel, so certainly, cases to the latter look most unwise indeed. The whole standpoint is that if he is lying then it's regarding the Black Rose of Xanatos, which must be a gift from Lambdadelta rather than Bernkastel unless we theorise that Lambdadelta's Certainty is the faster acting, which seems most unlikely. This being said, he pleases me in his anguish under pressure, in that he has not crumbled as I had expected. It's leading me towards the conclusion that he simply is that ignorant about his power and hadn't considered the theory surrounding it.

I am unconvinced of this, but there is now enough observation that it can now wait until after the next twilight if nothing else.

##Vote: Gendou Ikari

My stance on Rudolf is much the same as others and you will observe has been growing for some time. Goldsmith is a shade safer by previous power musings and feeling far more like a simple bungling 'innocent'. So many pieces being saved by their own incompetence! *cackle*cackle*! Kiiiiihihihihiihihi!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 03, 2010, 01:58:13 PM

Good day, ladies and gentlemen. Ronove at your service once more. Some tea?

Milady seems so absorbed with Rokkenjima that her references are relentless. Soon her babbled code will becomes so dense that none of you will be able to follow it, I'm sure. With that last garbled mess in particular, I thought it was about time to recap what she actually means.

The red can speak only the truth. The blue should be taken as key theories.

What Milady Speaks Of ||What Milady Is Referring To, By This Game Board's Labels
Lady BernkastelThe scum, a member therein
Lady LambdadeltaThird party presence
Stakes of PurgatoryThe voting mechanism
TwilightsNight phases, any time a player dies
The Black Rose of XanatosThe claimed slow-killing power
Gaap, [old] Dr. NanjoDr. Wily
Rudolf UshiromiyaGendou Ikari
Siesta 1073741824, bunnyGig
George UshiromiyaLight Yagami
GoldsmithMontgomery Burns
Vile/Wretched FurnitureWarboss Gorgutz

I believe that is currently exhaustive.

Good day.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 03, 2010, 03:36:06 PM
I really don't like how absolutely everyone seems to have forgotten about Edna, who has yet to post since power was restored almost 36 hours ago. Abhorrent behavior today with a lone dubious post combined with suspicious maneuvering on Day 1 and I'm the only vote for her?

Gendo...I'm really not sure on anymore. I'm going to say something very taboo here, but Gendo is another who has made no effort to hide his identity, and his scum game is much, much better than the bumbling pile of uncertainty he's been in this game. I need to give the guy a re-read, I guess, but gut is jerking me toward town and I'm almost positive I won't be voting for him over Edna regardless of what my re-read turns up.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Chad Hutchins on February 03, 2010, 03:40:37 PM
Yes as a specimen I am intimidating!


I'm the leader, idiots. Who would let you nincompoops form a GREAT alliance such as ours? An unbreakable pact between the manliest of men! And naturally I am the leader of it! ME!

So yeah. We all decided in sekrit that Ikari was a bad dude, slimy and suspiciously defending the Warboss for reasons not even his ally understands! In fact, if we weren't allies I would have lynched him! True story. Also WIFOM and writing a lot while saying little. All crimes of the, what's the crazy witch lady call 'em, the Bernkastel.

I think Burns is a pretty bad dude as well, his arguments tend to be flawed and he's very good at picking out only what he wants to hear. Beatrice seems like she's been playing very townie but for whatever reason I am getting Samurai Jack vibes from her; the hyper-posty and helpful scum which are usually the ones that are hardest to track. I think the Joker has been a little suspect too. For the most part I think positively of my allies (of course) as well as Dr. Wily, Gig (there is no real logical reason for him to come out and claim that as scum and voting for him under the basis that we are SCUM-hunting, not hunting people who take actions that are strange). Edna really needs to show up again for me to say anything about her; most of her posts have been pretty suspect but I won't draw too much of a conclusion from limited exposure. Light is whatever.

##UNVOTE: Burns
##VOTE: Ikari

Vegeta probably didn't breadcrumb me because I only posted in the joke phase in Day 1. I don't really believe in breadcrumbing myself, so whatever. Saying it is due to a third party conspiracy would be more valid if that weren't the case. In fact, it feels like Beatrice has been really clinging to wild-eyed ideas about a variety of third-party related things. Please watch out for her in the future.

Not sure how much time is left, hope that I am not dead tomorrow but I will try to be around some of the day.

Edna is in mod-kill range at this point, right now I wouldn't worry about her so much.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 03, 2010, 04:45:46 PM
Mrf. This is most infuriating.

I can see an argument that Gendo's flailing with his vote everywhere but to me he's doing it in a confused-and-aggravated-townie fashion rather than a scum-that-can't-find-a-foothold fashion.

I don't agree with the "speak lots say little" accusation, I find Gendo's posts to be mostly relevant content.

Quote from: Gendo
Gorgutz seems to finally have woken up after that awful first day, and somewhat quelled my suspicions.
this is kind of a funny thing to say when my most contentful post just prior to this was based on a premise that was entirely flawed and wrong.

This, however...this does look pretty bad. I had brushed this off at first because Guts Man had actually admitted his mistake and switched back to Gig before the statement he quoted was made, but I went back over that whole sequence and looked at all the non-Charles stuff Guts Man had said, tried to piece it into something I'd feel comfortable saying "yeah Guts Man looks better for all this" assuming I was prepared to vote for him at the time, and realized I was have a hard time justifying saying something like that to myself.

I'm still keeping my vote on Edna (Excal has set a very lenient precedent regarding modkills so I'm not going to depend on her simply getting zapped and neither should you), but...I guess I'd be okay voting Gendo at the end of the day if necessary. Player meta is screaming at me to not do so but that's player meta and I know I really need to ignore it.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Li Syaoran on February 03, 2010, 05:01:06 PM
Okay, so I see there's a train formed my way. I doubt this will help much in my survival, but I think this at least will be relevant for town, so:

I am a townie Mad Ranter. Every night, I send a paragraph of text to someone I choose - but this paragraph has to be done at least partly in stereotypical mad villain fashion. This role obviously could be useful in the right hands, but, as anyone who has received a message from me so far, it'll be rather obvious that I waffle in them as much as I waffle here in the game (I won't deny I've been playing very poorly due to getting lost in WIFOM worse than I was scum trying to seem lost in WIFOM. That's how I sadly mentally roll - looking at tangents and the weird details instead of focusing in the big picture, and this proved to be openly detrimental to town). I've sent messages to two people: Edna, on Night 0, and Beatrice, on Night 1. Edna, I simply tossed a mad rant at. To Beatrice, I ranted on how I felt I distrusted Dr. Wily and Joker, mainly due to the Dark Helmet madness. I believe at least Beatrice should be able to testify this content, as Edna is absolutely nowhere to be seen.

Quote from: Gendo
Gorgutz seems to finally have woken up after that awful first day, and somewhat quelled my suspicions.
this is kind of a funny thing to say when my most contentful post just prior to this was based on a premise that was entirely flawed and wrong.

This, however...this does look pretty bad.

I can't deny that either. I honestly fucked up in this one, and I'm in no way going to try to pretend it didn't happen. It was a gross, even if honest mistake, and I don't really expect to be forgiven for it. But at least, I'll put my situation in the open here. Feel free to think it's not enough, were I in a different situation, it's likely I wouldn't either. But I -am- telling the truth here, and I have nothing to hide. I'll leave it up to y'all.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Li Syaoran on February 03, 2010, 05:02:52 PM
Also, to clarify: I didn't say in my paragraph I distrusted Wily and Joker -due- to the DH stuff. I only said I distrusted them, but that was my reasoning back then. And honestly, I would've thought otherwise in the goings of today. Wily and Joker, now, hardly register as scum to me.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Princess Leia on February 03, 2010, 05:47:50 PM
Damn. Now this is entertaining. So I guess it's between Jaw-For-Brains and Four-Eyes, eh? And both sides claim to be innocent, with others able to back them up? Wicked. And I can certainly see the "may as well vote Ikari. If he's really town, we can go after the trio!" logic, but I'm curious as to whether or not anyone has thought this through yet: Four-Eyes is only a theory on their part. Neither side might be scum. And if that's the case, why are we about to take down someone who, while he may be rambling, certainly isn't the largest idiot of the bunch. The only way to prove that either side is right is to kill 'em, and I say we go after Jaw-For-Brains or Vegetable Head. If they don't flip scum, we can turn our attention to Four-Eyes. But Four-Eyes is contributing (even if just in theories) and I'd like to keep Gassy around, because I still want some damn information out of him.

Of course, this only matters if one, or both of, the hags backs Four-Eyes up.

OOC, because I'm not sure I can follow myself up there...: Just because they claimed to be a trio doesn't mean they can't be a scum team. This is supposed to be a game of madness. Same is true for Ikari. But the trio only suspects Ikari, is the thing. The trio might be masons, and Ikari town, at the same time. It's not mutually exclusive. The only way to figure this out is to kill Ikari and one of the trio. However, if the trio is scum, then we bust one now, and we're on the trail of two others. Also, trio hasn't really been contributing much, compared to Ikari.

Ikari, if we bust, we've got... one person, if neither Edna nor Beatrice back him up. (Though if he does flip scum under those circumstances, I'll be looking at those two for possible bussing. WIFOM, yes, but hey. Gotta start somewhere) Ikari has also been contributing, so long as you can understand that it's a lot of tangents and whatnot.

I say we go for the trio first, though not Gaston, because I still need him to answer my questions from earlier about when he got warned of his death. If they flip mason/town/not-scum, we can turn our attention to Gendo. Though, really, the only way to confirm this is to have him send a paragraph to someone we can confirm as not!scum. I say one of the surviving trio, if they don't flip scum. If they do, well... that's what we'll have to debate.

Thus, I keep my vote on... actually, no. I'd rather Vegeta go first, because out of the trio (Gaston included), he seems to contribute the least, far as I'm concerned. Gonna take the safe route here.

Does this sound like a good plan? Y'know, confirming/busting both sides in one day/night? Yes? No? Either way, I'm keeping my vote on Vegeta unless someone can convince me of a better plan. If something in all that doesn't make sense, just let me know what, and I'll do my best to clarify.

##UNVOTE: Gorgutz

##VOTE: Vegeta
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 03, 2010, 06:18:57 PM
Uh, I think we should lynch for scum intead of lynching for info.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 03, 2010, 07:06:32 PM

So little time since my last tea party here, and yet so much done in the meantime.

Siesta 1073741824, I don't think you could be further from the mark. Let me present you with the Gouda's Tiny Food Bombs award for dedication to the pursuit of logic harmful to all mankind. Kikikikikikikikikikiki...!!

It will surprise no one that I, the Golden Witch Beatrice, received the letter that Gendou Ikari has spoken of. I ignored the contents as worthless, and though I have no doubt that Rudolf sent me that letter, it is a complete null tell to me as to his allegiance.

Gaston! Hating on the Ciddy is so last year. And I look for Lady Lambdadelta's influence for we know it to be present, and a different sort of malevolence to Lady Bernkastel's. If you would look, you would see that my only theory is simply that she has sent a single serial killer, armed with the Black Rose of Xanatos. I only raised the Triad's possibility of allegiance to the Lambdadelta as part of the theory to clear you, as well I should. I was perfectly clear that I absolved you of working for the Witch of Certainty then and there (and everyone knows that third party recruiting masons are lame anyway).

The game master behind this game board, Excal, is amongst the most reluctant to make mod kills. It is very unlikely that Edna shall ever simply be taken off of the board, and it is sublime folly to assume the mess will be dealt with for us. For my own part, I had shelved her for later twilights after gracing her the Devil's Proof for her conduct, but with no observation since then and so much movement in the lines of suspicion, it seems ever more foolish.

Gaap! I have some questions for you, as though the Triad look cleanest, it's your opinion I trust the most in this human and sub-human infestation. Allow me to end this tea party here and call for another one just for those.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Chad Hutchins on February 03, 2010, 07:13:13 PM

That is completely illogical.

1. A power that allows for sending messages is hardly a purely townie thing even if it is true.

2. No, the only way to figure out if we are both town is to lynch a lot of people, the same bloody way you find out everyone else is town. If all four people are town then you just lynched two townies for basically no reason.

3. IF I DIE TONIGHT, A GREAT DEAL OF THE MYSTERY WILL BE SOLVED. SO if you lynch one mason and another DIES at night, then you are accomplishing not a goddamn thing by doing the lynching in the first place.

4. A scum gambit involving revealing all of its members is the stupidest thing anyone could ever do.

This logic is so bloody awful that it makes me want to vote for you.

Just got called to lunch. Will return in a bit to decide just how awful I consider this logic.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Excal on February 03, 2010, 07:18:19 PM
Top o' the day to the lot of you.  Except you Gendo.  No one likes you, you big jerk!

Day 2 Vote

Gorgutz (2): Potato, Beatrice, Light, Mr. Burns, Joker, Joker, Gig
Bowser (0): Mr. Burns, Gendo
Mr. Burns (0): Gendo, Gorgutz, Gaston
Vegeta (2): Dahlia, Bowser, Dahlia, Gig
Edna (1): Joker, Dr. Wily, Gaston, Gendo
Dr. Wily (1): Gig, Edna
Gig (0): Gorutz, Gorgutz, Dahlia, Beatrice, Mr. Burns
Gendo (6): Vegeta, Bowser, Gorgutz, Light, Beatrice, Gaston,
Gaston (0.75): Summon
Light (1): Joker, Gendo

No Vote: Mr. Burns
With 13 active votes in play, it takes 7 votes to lynch.

There's 27.75 hours left in Day 2.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 03, 2010, 07:30:57 PM
Gaap! I have some questions for you, as though the Triad look cleanest, it's your opinion I trust the most in this human and sub-human infestation. Allow me to end this tea party here and call for another one just for those.

Of course, my dear witch, my great intellect will be more than happy to assist you. General maintainence work is calling me, however, so I am not available for too much longer.

3. IF I DIE TONIGHT, A GREAT DEAL OF THE MYSTERY WILL BE SOLVED. SO if you lynch one mason and another DIES at night, then you are accomplishing not a goddamn thing by doing the lynching in the first place.

In fairness to Gig, he does not expect you to die tonight. The rest of your points are dead-on, however (and pretty obviously so).
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Princess Leia on February 03, 2010, 07:34:54 PM
Wily: I don't trust a single damn one of you. I still believe there's scum to be had somewhere in all of this. Don't misinterpret me when I bring up possibilities. The fact that I brought up the possibility of both sides being innocent doesn't mean I believe it. Damn. Why the hell are you shitheads so against keeping your god damn minds open? You just keep pissing me off, you know that?

Hag: Why are you still so god damn obsessed with the idea of me being a serial killer? I'm town, damn it! I told you all I know!

Gassy: What solution do you have to figure this out? I see a lot of people telling me my logic is flawed, yet not offering anything else. Put your money where your mouth is, or shut the hell up. And WHY THE FUCK HAVE YOU NOT ANSWERED ME YET? WHEN DID YOU GET THAT GOD DAMN MOTHERFUCKING LETTER? That's two posts you've had, without once addressing the question. All you're doing is making me more and more suspicious of this claim.

Besides. Who's to say that, just because it's a bloody stupid move, they didn't do it just for that reason? Open your god damn minds, people! "Oh, hey, look! We're looking pretty scummy to these guys, and we're gonna be lynched if we don't think of something!" "I know! We'll claim something that would be an idiot move to make as scum!" "Sounds good. Masons?" "Masons." Really. Is it that hard to believe?

...I'm guessing I'm the only one who disbelieves the power claim more than they do the claim of side, huh? Fine.

Ninja'd by mod: I think you have an error in that post.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Princess Leia on February 03, 2010, 07:35:52 PM
Know what? Screw this shit. Too much relies on getting through the night.


##VOTE: Gendo

I'll take my damn lumps tomorrow.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Excal on February 03, 2010, 07:37:54 PM
And that, my friends, is hammer.

Siddown, shaddap, and drink yer god damned tea!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Excal on February 03, 2010, 07:43:50 PM
Everyone had broken into a rousing chorus of "Lynch the Warboss", with lyrics not totally dissimilar to "Kill the Wabbit", and few men had voices loud enough to break through that.  Good thing for Gorgutz that he wasn't a man.

"Oi!  I'z been workin' wit me crew and we'z all sez it's that glasses berk y'want!"

"Now, I'm sure we can work out a more reasonable outcome.  Surely you cannot believe even I'm that villainous."

The mob closed in, and with a final "You fools!  You'll rue the day you dared to cross me!" Gendo Ikari was lynched.

Gendo Ikari - Town Mad Ranter has been lynched.

It's now night time.  Send in your night actions.

Day 2 Vote

Gorgutz (2): Potato, Beatrice, Light, Mr. Burns, Joker, Joker, Gig
Bowser (0): Mr. Burns, Gendo
Mr. Burns (0): Gendo, Gorgutz, Gaston
Vegeta (1): Dahlia, Bowser, Dahlia, Gig
Edna (1): Joker, Dr. Wily, Gaston, Gendo
Dr. Wily (1): Gig, Edna
Gig (0): Gorutz, Gorgutz, Dahlia, Beatrice, Mr. Burns
Gendo (7): Vegeta, Bowser, Gorgutz, Light, Beatrice, Gaston, Gig
Gaston (0.75): Summon
Light (1): Joker, Gendo
No Vote: Mr. Burns

Also - Due to inactivity, Edna is getting a poke for inactivity.  If she does not return on Day 3, she will be modkilled.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Excal on February 04, 2010, 06:54:06 AM
When everyone met the next morning, they discovered one of their number would never be seen again.  When they arrived, best anyone could tell was that Light had had a heart attack in the night.

Light Yagami - Third Party Mad Doctor has been noted.

But, that's not all.  For aside from the scum, there is another diabolical plot, gears within gears, traps hidden in traps, and a vast machinery of unwitting pawns, all closing in on one unwitting target's demise.  When the plot was done, the unfortunate victim was missing far more than just a nose.

Dycedarg Beoulve - Third Party Plotter has been killed.

With that, it is time for Day 3.

Vote Count:

Gorgutz (1): Potato

With 11 active votes, it takes 6 to lynch.
There are 72 hours left in Day 3.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Nathan Greaves on February 04, 2010, 07:24:01 AM
And now, a dramatic reenactment of the end of the last day:

JOKER:  "Well, I haven't posted in a while, but I don't really have anything new to add.  Mainly waiting for Gorgutz to come back, which he hasn't yet.  Hmm there's 48 hours left, I'm going to enjoy the evening and sleep."

MASONS:  "5 AM North American time is the best time to claim, also we REALLY hate Gendo for some unfathomable reason"

EVERYONE ELSE ESPECIALLY GIG:  "Yeah that's cool let's all blindly turbo with the masons and hammer before noon!"

JOKER:  "Wow, good night's sleep, meh day's work, let's check Mafia.... what."

So about that sudden turbo when players hadn't even shown up in the day yet, very funny joke guys, you're learning well!  Ha!  ha!  ha.

Anyway.  Regarding the third party player(s), based on what Light said yesterday I assumed he was a jailor or something similar (and wanted to smack him for the obvious softclaim), now I am back to having no idea why my night 1 action on him failed.  Nothing untoward happened to me tonight though and my action went through fine so I guess that's that.

Except for Dycedarg.  What.

Things I would really like to know today:
- Gig, what is up with that hammer?  What is up with... you, in general? 
- Masons (this is important), what are your honest opinions on your two masonbuddies?  I notice none of you said your alignments are confirmed to each other, and three town masons in a game this small seems very highly unlikely, plus you've been passing that potato around.  During the night I was thinking about scenarios where Gaston was some sort of delayed SK or in league with Gig somehow but I guess we've got third party flip(s) now so ???
- Edna and Bowser, who do you think is scum?
- Dahlia, can you still vote, or was that a one day only special?  (With an apparently serious flip of someone not listed in the game, I'm not assuming anything anymore.)
- Wily, why are you bringing up player meta?

##Vote: Gig
This is almost obligatory even though I guess Gaston isn't dead.  Just.  What.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 04, 2010, 07:27:54 AM


Gig's end-of-day shenanigans cutting off the witch when she was so obviously preparing a post for me is very frustrating, especially since we still had a full day with which to work. (I suppose he will, once again, chalk ignorance up to lack of time.) However, his killstop has indeed seemed to work, so I don't know how prepared to vote for him I am.

Roleclaim time: I am town's Xanatos Gambiter. Everyone considering that it was Light for flavor reasons needs to review my seventh encounter with Mega Jerk. Apologies to the witch for letting her pursue her mistaken third-party Gig theories, but I didn't want to claim until today for two reasons: I wanted to see how my Gaston target would play out and I wanted to make sure I drew no attention to myself from scum going into today. I've targeted Edna for death and sincerely hope Gig does not once again step on my toes by shutting my role off a second time. I was well aware of the modkill warning when I made my choice, but I refuse to bank on Edna getting zapped, as there's nothing preventing her from popping in for one post and disappearing again. Thou shalt not suffer scum to live, etc.

For the curious, I chose Gaston Night 1 to light a fire under his ass. Whether or not it actually helped is up for debate but at least he's participating now.

I have no real information why Dycedarg's OP flavor says he was Xanatos'd. The best I can guess is that Gig's role moved my Xanatos from a real player to a flavor dummy rather than quelch it outright.

With Junior dead and uncertainty surrounding Gig I'm almost positive I'll be voting one of Slash Man and Charles. Let me do a quickie re-read of their Day 2 actions before I make my choice.

Ninja'd by Clown Man. I brought up player meta because it was honestly holding me back from really thinking Gendo was scum. Player meta is unreliable blah blah blah I'd rather be open about my thought processes than make up a bunch of bullshit reasons why I think one way or the other because that doesn't help anyone.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 04, 2010, 07:33:56 AM
Probably should bring more to the roleclaim table than just a name.

The exact details of my abilities are thus: Each night, I may choose to target someone for death. They will be notified that their fate has been sealed, and they will be killed the next night. Gaston is correct, doccing will not save them. HOWEVER in the nature of Xanatos Gambits I may choose to change my mind and spend the night stopping my own kill instead of submitting another choice. (I cannot stop a kill and submit another one in the same night.) I also have the choice to sit back and do nothing (I did this Night 0, with no information at all it was pointless at best and detrimental at worst to mark someone for death).
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 04, 2010, 07:39:10 AM
I suppose I should also do the obvious and open up kill choices to the public, effectively giving us a second lynch for as long as I'm allowed to use this. I will do whatever we deem the appropriate action for each day.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Nathan Greaves on February 04, 2010, 07:56:49 AM
Fair enough.  I guess that mostly confirms Gig, since his power works and I have a hard time seeing scum having the power to stop a kill like that.  Takes care of Edna too.

##Unvote: Gig

What it does not do in the slightest is confirm Wily as town... but he's been good in discussion so far.

##Vote: Bowser

Next on my hate list, after Edna, who is now dealt with.  I strongly suggest that Gig let Edna die, there's not much she can do to salvage herself in my eyes at this point, and it'd be nice to have a bit of proof that these Xanatos kills actually exist as advertised.  I also strongly suggest that Wily (if town) use his own judgment for gambits and not follow a vote, directing a vig is always asking for trouble. 

Actually now that I think about it the fact that Wily would ask for a vote on his kill is a large point of suspicion against him to me.  But we'll see how that goes.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 04, 2010, 08:09:27 AM
Charles' EoD vote record: Day 1 vote on town lynch train, Day 2 vote nowhere
Slash Man's EoD vote record: Day 1 Vote on town lynch train, Day 1 pie on claimed mason, Day 2 vote on town lynch train

Charles opens Day 2 with an incredibly weak Slash Man vote, elaborated upon in his next post as "a thought occurs". This really comes off as "oh hey I found something to back up my vote let's point it out!" which we all know is bad news. He then unvotes with no explanation and shifts to Guts Man for weak train-related reasons. Shift from Guts Man (without explanation) to Gig in a post that does nothing to actually say why Gig is scummy and actually gives him guts credit for saving Gaston. Removes the Gig vote without placing it elsewhere argh why. Outright admits he had nothing on Gig shafugufjksaf and then lists a bunch of reasoning for Lord only knows what. Looks like why people aren't scum I guess. Doesn't include everyone but makes sure to poke Edna for her inactivity. Not sure why he couldn't at least lay a vote down there, and not just because I think Edna is scum.

Conclusion: A whole bunch of mindless, unsubstantiated hopping, and hanging with no vote when the hammer dropped is just terrible, even given how early and unexpected it was. I do not believe Dahlia's opinion should be the be-all-end-all in this regard; if Charles were, say, a roleblocker, her role heavily suggests she wouldn't have noticed him targeting her Night 0.

Slash Man opens day 2 with a Saiyan vote and admits he hasn't had the chance to reread and that it's based in memory of Day 1. Eh. (Side note: Nothing of note in this post that I can see to explain Charles' switch from Slash Man to Guts Man). Switches from the Saiyan to Gendo after a while, with a post full of actually decent reasoning even if I disagreed with most of it and the end result was a vote on a mislynch train. Posts that follow are decent for discussion, his response to Gendo looks okay but his last post is meh.

Conclusion: Leaning scum purely by weight of numbers since someone HAS to be and I would not put him higher than Clown Man, the witch or the mason trio on the townie scale, but does not look nearly as scummy as Charles.

##Vote: Mr. Burns

Ninja'd by Clown Man again. I must disagree, I think giving the entire group an effective second lynch is to town's benefit, and it also keeps me in check in case anyone does not trust me (which would be understandable given I've just claimed a killing role in a game where third parties are confirmed to exist).
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 04, 2010, 08:31:21 AM
Well, as long as my personal voting notes are up there for everyone to see, I'll pre-empt the rest of you and correct myself about Bowser's Day 1 vote/pie combo being backwards.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Zerg Rush on February 04, 2010, 09:10:42 AM
Me boy'z are good un's! I'z yelled at 'em and dey'z yelled at me and we'z not good at lyin' to each udder's face! I know'z who they are, they couldn't fool me! We'z gonna stand togeda!

We'z not had da time ta talk since d3 started'z up, but we'z thought burns was skummy before. ez' votin' for silly things! Like pie! Or not bein' on any of a buncha townie trains! And e'z soft-confirmed Gig and Gaston back in day 2 'ere when he shouldn't 'ave-

Quote from: Burns
At the possibility of Gaston getting delayed killed... Gig's summon did prove effective seeing as Gaston did get saved. Now if it was planned or not, hard to say.

Now we'z not having known if Gaston'd been saved den, do we? But but but we know'z scum'z gonna believe any claim town put's out, roight, 'cuz town would never eva lie 'less dey were some legendary hero, roight?

##Vote: Burns

Dat bowzer ain't dat orky enough either! Lots 'uv agreement! Not much content!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 04, 2010, 10:48:45 AM

A good day to you all, I am the new Golden Witch Beatrice. Treat me kindly (, won't you? *giggle*giggle* ahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 04, 2010, 11:20:17 AM

What a welcome, what a welcome! I, the Golden Witch Beatrice, was roleblocked last night! Exactly like my predecessor! And not only that, but I, the Golden Witch Beatrice, was mad doctored last night! To be explicit, I was said to be doctored, but with the same action bewitched such that I would be unable to harm George Ushiromiya that twilight. How dare he tell me what to do! And look what it got him anyway! Hahahahahaha! No doubt the Joker has some boring testimony for the previous twilight to the same degree now.

Ahahahahahaha! Lady Lambdadelta sent a pawn to aid me? Well of course! She is my guardian, after all! It's a surprise to no one that she would far rather spend the time chasing Lady Bernkastel than interfere with the Golden Witch's plans.

##Ejection from the universe: Gig

Oioioi, what are we to do with you? Shall I boil you in honey? Explode your entrails from the inside with candy? Squash you with an enormous cake? All of the above and more, of course! Why limit you to just one death when there's all the depth of an Endless Witch's magic to have fun with?! You are incompetent! Your idiocy knows few bounds! I want nothing to do with you when you cannot even reason like the basest of furniture!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 04, 2010, 11:32:13 AM

Good day ladies and gentlemen, Ronove at your service once more. Some tea?

Before Milady goes any further... and the new mistress is taking her time to settle in to her new found powers, it would seem... allow me to quell the concerns that have no doubt suddenly grown. The succession of the Golden Witch Beatrice is, under the construct of this game board, of cosmetic effect only, and unrelated to any powers. You should treat her the same as the previous Lady Beatrice, though I fear my new mistress is even more cruder than the last.

It should go without saying that Beatrice lacks the power to eject players from the universe, at least in this game board. One might say that was just an act of frustration.

Good day.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 04, 2010, 01:20:34 PM

Some musings before I proceed, for it seems you fools miss even the simplest of clues.

There are ten live pieces on the board. There are eleven active votes in play. It doesn't take the might of an Endless Witch to work out that Dahlia is still around. There's no fun in logic so cheap!

Gaap! I need little confirmation for something so obvious, but your power is only that of the Black Rose of Xanatos, is it not? No mention of the roulette that the stupid rabbit has also spoken of (,4564.msg96182.html#msg96182)? For that is a mystery as yet unresolved. The wording was of interest to my predecessor, for she happened (,4564.msg95656.html#msg95656) to refer (,4564.msg95841.html#msg95841) to roulette (,4564.msg95989.html#msg95989) before the claim, as much as it has nothing to do with the power of a Golden Witch.

The potato is innocent of murder! Well of course, fun though it would have been! *giggle*giggle*. Can the monster potato fantasies now leave the game? I won't ask twice.

Triad! Call it blind curiosity, but by what name does your faction... your power... your role go by? Simply Mason?

As much respect as I may have for my predecessor, her plan of trials for the rabbit are flawed. The summoning power could just as easily leave a vote on any player, even if they are not afflicted by the Black Rose of Xanatos or under the thrall of the roulette, so this could be taken as no sign of guilt. But a golden opportunity! How apt! Now that I would simply love to see the Black Rose of Xanatos take effect, let us take the time to fiddle around and play with the summoning power.

Take note. Take very careful note. For once.
Though you have not stated such, I feel certain that you may use the power only once daily.
Do not use it in opening play.
Wait until we are quite, quite sure that we want Edna to perish at the hand of the Black Rose. I can't begin to imagine why anyone would want to miss such a delightfully entertaining spectacle, but the possibility exists. I am the Golden Witch, not the Witch of Certainty.
When you do use it, be sure that it goes to someone who at least believes themselves not to be under the thrall of the roulette. I have no reason to believe that I am, but I shall not be surprised if you wish to test it elsewhere.

To confirm! This is no trial of guilt, for I think that impossible through simple observation. All that this may serve to do is determine whether such summoning may leave suspicion on someone outside your now proven bounds of saving. It is of little great importance, yet of potential impact given Bowser's pies. It serves to entertain me if nothing else.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 04, 2010, 01:52:28 PM

My predecessor was rudely interrupted by the stupid rabbit bringing forward the twilight unduly. It is a most boooring duty of the Golden Witch to report the little tea party that was interrupted, and something that I cannot prove was constructed after the fact, which will be of some suspicion due to how precise it is at painting my predecessor in such a light. But here it is, saved using the great spell of Notepad:

Quote from: The Former Lady Beatrice

Gaap. Some difficult questions here.

Do you really consider yourself a villain? Because really, wilfully ignoring information regarding a piece's puppet master? A real villain should be using every last dirty trick up their sleeves to get what they want, and yet you have some solid information but wish not to use it for the sake of some intangible concept of fairness? Fuh. Now, what I really mean here is use your brain and use that information. How sure are you of this? Obviously I do not expect certainty - else you worry me of Lambdadelta's influence, *cackle*cackle* - but strong? I tell you why, this is brain versus gut here, and though my gut finds Rudolf amenable, my brain can't find the red text to back that up and all of the pieces causing me greater displeasure have resolved themselves. I'm unwilling to just let my gut have its way here (even the manner of the power claim read positively, but not in a way I can honestly back up), but I'm compelled by how strongly you feel based on information I don't have access to, being from the wrong fragment and all.


Ah, game master. I appear to have miscounted, as I had thought Rudolf to be on only five votes (tracking back, this is from trusting George's count, which was apparently wrong). I would not usually be concerned by the magic of L-1, but with some rather uncertain forces not currently voting for Rudolf I would rather have more breathing space again, especially as I am likely moving elsewhere anyway.


And are you certain Siesta 1073741824 currently has no vote? For it seems that he has been observed to have one.

I know! How hilariously deliciously ironic that post with such content was cut down by the stupid rabbit doing exactly what she worried about! The discussion with Gaap was interrupted with the game master's state of play, and moving with that in mind was then stopped by the stupid rabbit's next move. George's vote count (,4564.msg96297.html#msg96297) was indeed incorrect, and my predecessor was foolish to trust the genius with simple addition. And no! Highly disagree with the Joker's position on metaPuppet Masters! Not with the strength and conviction Gaap was clearly restraining! Absolutely would have followed Gaap with such a lead, given the circumstances, though most likely not on to Edna.

My predecessor did not fill me in on everything she meant to ask of Gaap, but other than Rudolf's Puppet Master, her main purpose was to sound out thoughts on the possibility of Joker working as an agent of Bernkastel, as arguably the most successful lurker of all. My predecessor had been toying with the thought for some time, but desired more input before it could be taken seriously. What an indecisively guarded woman! She should have just acted on impulse and taken what she wanted! *giggle*giggle* Ahahahahahaha!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 04, 2010, 03:02:42 PM

And here I now stand, with such a boringly small list of pieces to toy with.

The triad of oafs are cleared in all but the lack of red text declaring so. Would Bernkastel really have them pen themselves in further and further, now with the furniture claiming that they know each other to be true to the cause, removing an excuse for them should one turn out to be an agent of Bernkastel? Perhaps you could say this is a gambit worthy of the Witch of Miracles, but to go for it so strongly from the minute the game board was set up? To push so fervently with no investigative powers other than a tracker flipped? What crazy gamble would that be? One more fitting for the gambling power of the Golden Witch or Goldsmith than Bernkastel, for sure.

No. They may be tiresome to the sight, but they don't give me the sudden urge to have them swallow molten apples or drown them in jelly. *giggle*giggle*.

The rabbit I believe to be completely incapable of working for Lady Bernkastel or Lady Lambdadelta. Too stupid to follow even simple logic, and yet didn't break down under interrogation from my predecessor. Had the wretched thing anything to hide it would have surely revealed itself by now. As much as I hunger for rabbit stew, it must wait until Bernkastel's agents are most thoroughly killed.

Gaap I also retain as a true ally. This goes for times past, and only solidified further on discovering she owns the delightful Black Rose of Xanatos. I can see no shadow of Bernkastel anywhere in it, short of potential long-term gambits. But no.

This leaves so depressingly few targets! Bowser, Edna, Joker and Goldsmith! Why, I could have the Siestas fire at random amongst the four of them and expect to strike a blow to Bernkastel! How boooooooring. I came for the fun of the chase, for the fun of the kill, for the thriiiill of exerting Endless powers on the helpless! *giggle*giggle*giggle*giggle*giggle*! Waaahahahahahahahahahahahaha...!!

But I must attend this duty, boring though it may be. Gaap already has Edna marked with the Black Rose, and Joker has earned at least the benefit of the doubt at the start of this cleansing process. If I must edge one over the others, then I feel that my predecessor's lingering affection for Goldsmith has excused too much. In his case, unlike the rabbit's, stupidity can only go so far to cover the blunders.

##Vote: Mr. Burns

Call the move a mark of caution against the Joker as well, if you will.

And what mysteries does this leave me to toy with? Well, Bernkastel's lust for George's blood in the face of several imposingly cleared 'innocents' for one thing, not that I should question the roulette, especially with an implied claim of jailer. Otherwise, I'm yet to see how this game board is balanced, for it still feels ever so boringly unbalanced.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Margaret Houlihan on February 04, 2010, 03:16:05 PM
I'm really starting to get tired of the roadblocks these blonds are putting into my plans!  And then I return to find that I'M the target of some deadly Xanatos? How absurd! Do you people not realize that I'm one of the GOOD guys?

Anyways, my apologies for the lack of presence for the second half of day 2, I had intentions to be more active in the second half of day two after we had finally removed that smug blond from our path, however the day was ended short of 24 or so hours by gig.

Dr. Wily no longer looks so bad to me.

Not really liking Gigs logic.

I don't like the idea of a three way mason,  I feel like it's too likely that one or more of them is in a non town related party.  The only one I really find to be decently good is Gaston, and deciding who of masons might be bad is just ugggh.  It could also be a really bold scum ploy, but I'm hesitant to believe to believe that right now.  Mostly do to my next point.

Mr. Burns has done nothing to redeem himself in my eyes so far this game, I also find his role description to sound rather dubious,  Mr. Master of Deception!

Allow me to elaborate, since my life is now in the hands of the fool Mr. Wily.  I see no point in withholding my role.  I am a Townie Information Broker, which allows me to determine one person's role each night.

I inspected Dahlia N0, learned she was a Chicago voter, while I admit at first I thought the potato might have been from her, I did not find her actions scummy in nature and was severely against her train since in part it would make the information I had gathered useless.

I can also confirm receiving Gendo's random paragraph on this night, though that is now pointless.

On N1 I inspected Mr. Burns, to find out he is a Master of Deception, I had plans for day 2 to pay close scrutiny to him in particular since his role title did not sound the least bit helpful for town, and form a case if I had found him the least bit scummy.  I did find his case on the pie power atrocious however, I was hesitant to place a vote on him immediately until I had better evidence, so I admittedly grasped at straws on the Wily Case, though I honestly did not trust Gendo.  Since I wanted to make sure I had a good case on Mr. Burns I halfheartedly placed a vote on one of the other two, with it ending up on Wily.  I was in the process of reading the thread over on day 2 since it had looked like Burns had made more bad moves, but the day was promptly ended early by gig before I could attempt to make my case.

I inspected Light for night 3 but unfortunately he was killed the same night.

So anyways

##Vote: Mr. Burns

This is more a staying alive post then anything, I'll have a post on my full thoughts regarding the situation and everyone in a bit, with better explanations.

P-P-Pleeaaassee, I B-beg y-you! Don't kill me!!!

Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 04, 2010, 03:34:50 PM

*giggle*giggle*cackle*giggle* Hahahahahahahakiiihihiihihihi!

Really, Ednaaaaa? Thaaaat's your move? It looks awfully like you're claiming two dead pieces and a scumbuddy set up as your power to meeee! Especially with a story I don't bite. The only cause to stumble at all is the defence of Dahlia, given that Bernkastel took her head immediately after anyway.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Princess Leia on February 04, 2010, 03:56:10 PM
Hmph. L-2 already? Hope you don't mind if I hold back here. Also, since you guys clearly don't want me around, I won't be. Unless I'm needed, that is. Otherwise, I'll be over at the hotpods.

Though I will say this. I don't believe you for a second, hag. That power just doesn't add up. Game would be too unbalanced, if it were. As for Wily, I believe the claim, but I doubt you're town. Third-party maybe, but... hmm.

Whatever, I'm gone. Holler if ya' need me. (As if)
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Chad Hutchins on February 04, 2010, 05:19:03 PM
We are called the Legion of Doom, lady! I am sorry that Vegeta has offended your sensibilities. I thought he was only good at power level detecting, not lady charming! If you want to date a real man it should be GASTON!


Being misogynist is my job, VEGETA!

Why did she call us the oaf triad? I can never imagine why...

Dr. Wily, you dirty whore. I should beat you with my boots once we're all through! Kill the Wily! Kill the Wily! GET THE PITCHFORK!!

Uh, srsly, I don't see his ability as third-party at all. Delayed vigilante with the ability to take it back isn't that potent. Delayed vig is of dubious value period, especially if it can be interfered with by Gig. Unless that's not true. I was about ready to all-out kick the moderator in the balls for telling me I will die and yet I am still alive, but... I guess this makes sense. I have been deceived! Tears.

What I do think is true is that Edna is a scumbussing frog hag. I may be biased because she is trying her hardest to implicate THE LEGION OF DOOM! but now I can qualify her as unhelpful instead of just non-present which makes me happy. If you are a rolecop and you find a role that sounds bad, you should vote for that person! Leaving a record that you in fact investigated someone is quite important!

Man, Gig. I won't rag on you any more than others have, but please don't do something so shocking to the system next time, kay? I was in the process of writing up the post you were asking for in your post and then you pull the plug on the party, man. What does bother me about Gig is that he seems to be throwing around shit. Shit-slingin' if you will. This is role madness!

Ikari... I'm sorry that the lynch turned out to be bad, but when the main argument for you is "He plays scum much better than this!" from D.W... It is hard for me to swallow an argument which involves assuming scum are better than townies at Mafia. The way ya catch scum is with stupid mistakes, etc.

I basically told my underlings that if I died to lynch Mr. Burns. I'm not willing to place a vote on him yet due to him not being able to even defend himself yet and he has a lot of votes. So either his scumbuds think he is a sinking ship or we are being majorly tricked. Edna's post basically confirms this.

Now I am second-guessing my assertions with frog-hag. Bah.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 2
Post by: Chiaki on February 04, 2010, 05:41:40 PM
The post I wrote pre-day 3 (Gig-hate):
Neither side might be scum. [..] The only way to prove that either side is right is to kill 'em, and I say we go after Jaw-For-Brains or Vegetable Head. If they don't flip scum, we can turn our attention to Four-Eyes.
So if it's a town v town fight, the only way to solve it is to lynch the self-confirming masons, then lynch the other guy?

The trio might be masons, and Ikari town, at the same time. It's not mutually exclusive. The only way to figure this out is to kill Ikari and one of the trio.
So you're saying that rather than looking for scum, we confirm that they're town by spending 2 days lynching them? Awesome strategy. Not.

I say we go for the trio first, though not Gaston, because I still need him to answer my questions from earlier about when he got warned of his death. If they flip mason/town/not-scum, we can turn our attention to Gendo.  
If x flips town, lynch y.

And then:
Just got called to lunch. Will return in a bit to decide just how awful I consider this logic.
Know what? Screw this shit. Too much relies on getting through the night. [hammer]
Now wasn't that a convenient quickhammer? Grrrrrr.

Written more recently~
Gaston is still alive, though I don't see how that clears Gig. In a game with a third party mad-doc and a mason team, I'm not prepared to make any assumptions about roles anymore.
Anyway ignoring Gig for now because TEAM MASON is on the offensive!
..and I would vote Burns, but he's at L-2 or something so I'll follow Gaston's lead and CHARGE MY LASER!

I agree with Beatrice/Gaston re: Edna. Nothing more to add.

Well I'm going to sleep, won't be around for a good 8-10 hours please >.> tiiired.

This has clearly come down to a stripping contest. And I am RIPPED! Slow down ladies, three at a time please.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 04, 2010, 05:50:56 PM
Well this is fanciful. The two players I trust the most have now questioned my use of player meta, one for using it at all and the other for not using it enough.

Clearly, I cannot win.

My dear witch, I know nothing of the Roulette power of which both yourself and Gig have spoken. If it's a part of my role it's a part I wasn't told. All I have conscious control of is the Xanatos kill.

Regarding that player meta, I apologise for not naming names at the time and helping others make their own judgments, but I figured doing so would have gone against the spirit of the game. I had also assumed multiple people had figured out who Gendo was, given his player is notoriously easy to spot (as is Guts Man's (and the Saiyan's, as long as I'm listing bad actors)) and this case had been no different. For what it is worth, I was, of course, not 100% positive Gendo was town, but the feeling was strong enough that even his total gloss of Guts Man wasn't enough to convince me he was probably scum.

Edna's post is far too easily explained as "scum rolecop bussing buddy" to help her in the slightest.

Contrary to Clown Man and the witch, I do not believe Gig should be cleared based on his role. I will answer the obvious "Do you really think scum would have a role like that?" with "In a role madness game? Sure, why not?" and "Why would he come out and save Gaston?" with "To possibly get in good with someone he knows isn't scum, as well as force you to ask that very question while debating whether or not he is scum". A good case against Gig exists in its own right, see Clown Man and the Saiyan or really just read second-half-of-Day-2 Gig over for yourself, and, from my point of view, it is only enhanced by the numbers game, because removing Gig from the equation basically forces a Slash Man/Charles/Edna team and that just seems far too easy, even with Edna and Charles looking pretty well like scum buddies right now for reasons other than the numbers game.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Chad Hutchins on February 04, 2010, 06:05:45 PM
I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with player meta, I just think that it was essentially the only thing Gendo had going for him and that's a pretty bad sign for him. (If you were addressing me. If not I will just shut up!)
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 04, 2010, 06:13:12 PM
I was mostly addressing the witch, since she had asked me directly, but it was there for your sake as well.

Your concern is valid, and I openly admit that player meta is unreliable by nature. I was giving this one so much consideration, however, because there seemed to be no reason based in intentional deception to act as badly as he did when we've all seen him play scum very well on multiple occasions.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Chad Hutchins on February 04, 2010, 06:33:32 PM
So I've been thinking about Edna's roleclaim a bit more. If she thinks that the idea of the three masons is so suspicious, then why did she investigate Light instead of one of us? That's the big piece of the puzzle that doesn't make much sense to me. Attempting to help bolster the claim of three people seems innately valuable, moreso than investigating someone randomly. That is the biggest strike against her I feel; she has served to basically confirm the roles of two dead people and is jumping onto a runaway train when I don't feel that investigating Light was an especially good use of her time, especially since she completely failed to leave a paper trail with regards to her claim on Burns. Those two things simply don't add up.

Gig is a clusterfuck of emotion and impulse that I really have no idea on but I think his intentions are good. I have nothing to really back this up; his play has been erratic and a little nutty.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Excal on February 04, 2010, 08:01:58 PM
Management requests that even those so sexy it hurts please, please, PLEASE keep their shirts on.

Day 3 Votecount

Gorgutz (1): Potato
Gig (0): Joker
Bowser (1): Joker
Mr. Burns (4): Dr. Wily, Gorgutz, Beatrice, Edna,

No Vote: Bowser, Dahlia, Gaston, Gig, Mr. Burns, Vegeta,
With 11 active votes in play, it takes 6 votes to lynch.

There are 59 hours left in Day 3.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Nathan Greaves on February 04, 2010, 08:38:14 PM
So Edna is essentially scumclaiming.  ... that's nice!  Die scum.  Tons of paranoia launched by the recent posts though.  I'm afraid of something like an Edna/Wily/Burns scumteam gambit going down here.  And then I'm afraid of Beatrice and her multi-post rant that clearly didn't read the discussion from Wily and me beforehand.  I suppose she had it typed up during the night, but still. 

I was NOT given any message about mad doctoring.  The flavor I got when I tried to target Light was of two parts.  The first part confirmed that I had used my ability, as best I knew.  The second message said, slightly paraphrased, "Well you sure THOUGHT you did your thing with Light but when morning rolls around you realize you actually hadn't done it at all!  Whooo mystery!"  Highly unclear and definitely nothing even hinting at mad doctoring or not being able to harm another player.  The fact that Beatrice did get such a message naturally increases my paranoia that she has a role that is capable of killing, which is to say, potentially scum.

Those points aside, though, I REALLY want to hear back from Bowser now.  I feel like he's been coasting along on very little content because people keep getting caught up in big loud cases of the day like Gorgutz and Vegeta and Gendo and Gig, and I find this very worrisome.  I'm concentrating on him right now and not Mr. Burns because of this, and... well this might be an error in judgment or bad to admit, but honestly my thought process on Burns always goes straight to "Real scum couldn't possibly play that bad."  Yes, I realize they could, that's just what my gut tells me.  Definitely interested in seeing his inevitable claim, though.

I also notice only one mason has answered my question so far.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Chad Hutchins on February 04, 2010, 08:47:16 PM
MASONS:  "5 AM North American time is the best time to claim, also we REALLY hate Gendo for some unfathomable reason"

Anyway.  Regarding the third party player(s), based on what Light said yesterday I assumed he was a jailor or something similar (and wanted to smack him for the obvious softclaim), now I am back to having no idea why my night 1 action on him failed.  Nothing untoward happened to me tonight though and my action went through fine so I guess that's that.

A lot of third parties are immune to night actions to compensate for being a solo artist. I suspect that may be what it is but Beatrice said specifically that the mad doctor targeted her and as a result she couldn't target him. Were you targeted by him at all? This does confuse me a little bit as well.

5 AM NA time is really early. zzzzzzz

- Masons (this is important), what are your honest opinions on your two masonbuddies?  I notice none of you said your alignments are confirmed to each other, and three town masons in a game this small seems very highly unlikely, plus you've been passing that potato around.  During the night I was thinking about scenarios where Gaston was some sort of delayed SK or in league with Gig somehow but I guess we've got third party flip(s) now so ??

I trust the other two masons. They've given me no reason to doubt them. So yeah, I am coo' with Warboss and Vegeta.

We basically decided together that we thought Gendo was the scummiest person on the board (perhaps with the exception of Edna). We figured having a unified effort against one person was a good way to go, but apparently not when you are an oaf/incompetent. I didn't realize the rest of the members of the game would be so content with following people who they had deemed up until that time as untrustworthy.

Ninja'd by the person I was responding to. Curses.

EDIT: So if Wily is scum do you believe scum has two sets of killing powers, one delayed? Because that's pretty gross if so.

EDIT 2: Question answered. Well, it still holds an opinion so I will keep it there.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Nathan Greaves on February 04, 2010, 08:53:28 PM
Light said that he targeted me that night, yes, and whatever he did "roleblocked and something else". 

I think it's possible that Wily is scum, giving them two kills-ish, yes.  We really haven't seen any known role crazy from the scum yet, they've got to have something up their sleeves.  A double kill with one being delayed (and easily preventable assuming Gig's claim is true)?  Sure.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Zerg Rush on February 04, 2010, 09:22:19 PM
I'Z DA BIGGEST, SO I'M DA BOSS! Get dat through yer 'eads or I'll knock 'em together, boyz!

I'z not seein' why scum-Gig'z gonna save anyone with dat powa, least of all Gaston! I'z not skared of a Burnz lynch either, 'ez up and vanished! 'as haz Bowzer! I'z got nothin' else if de'z not showin'!

And I'z buzy t'day! Got a big WAAAAAAAAAAGH to deal wif! I'z always wif me boyz in spirit, though!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Maya Kumashiro on February 04, 2010, 10:26:56 PM

##VOTE: Montgomery Burns


##UNVOTE: Montgomery Burns
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Helga Pataki on February 04, 2010, 11:00:49 PM
I work all day on Thursdays, I'm sick and majorly stressed.  Geez, cut me some slack.  Anyway, this game makes no sense.  At all.  I've got some role claims I can look at though.  Looking at them just makes this game make less sense though. 

I'll start with the Masons.  When I hear "mason" I think "confirmed."  Before I think too hard is this correct mason team?

Second Gig.  At this point it's obvious that he's not lying since Gaston is still alive.  I don't see any point in scum using this ability regardless of what was going on.  I mean, I don't see much point in scum saving a townie if Gaston is town.  If they're scum together then saving him would just be stupid.  So, I'm going to assume Gig is town.

Next is Wily.  If he were scum or an SK I think he would use the extra kill every night including N0 unless it was a 1-shot ability or something.  Since he used it on Edna too it doesn't look 1-shot.  The fact that someone can easily stop it confuses me, but I see no reason for scum to not use it all the time.  And he's probably not lying because what I think is Gig's summon died and no one's counter claimed.  I'm going to assume Wily's town too.

Finally Edna.  The claim is horrible.  I agree with Gaston, if she thought the masons were weird she could have investigated them.  It's also very nice that two of her targets happen to be dead.  If she really investigated Burn's N1 then I don't get why she wouldn't vote for him and push a case on him.  I guess I've got major egg on my face for this one.


Okay, so I'm going to assume that the masons are confirmed until they tell me otherwise.  That means that Beatrice, Joker and Burns are the only suspects left to look at.  Beatrice just looks town.  Joker doesn't look good or bad.  I have no clue what to make of Burns.  I've had a ??? read on him for most of the game.  So who is scum?  I don't know.  Seriously this game makes no sense. 
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 05, 2010, 12:04:39 AM
I think it's possible that Wily is scum, giving them two kills-ish, yes.  We really haven't seen any known role crazy from the scum yet, they've got to have something up their sleeves.  A double kill with one being delayed (and easily preventable assuming Gig's claim is true)?  Sure.

Bold obv. mine.

You really think a delayed vig is scum's ace in the hole when a role apparently exists purely to nullify it?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Nathan Greaves on February 05, 2010, 12:15:11 AM
I have no idea.  I was just saying it shouldn't be dismissed on grounds of "That would be too powerful, Excal wouldn't give scum two kills." 

Masons are not confirmed and are all stonewalling my questioning along that line, I'm taking that as signs of fear and wish they would be more open.  Not much to be done there now though. 

Dahlia is doing her best to say "Don't lynch Burns" and between that and Bowser's post there I'm definitely feeling Bowser as probable scum.  One thing I agree with Bowser on is that today sucks IRL, I could phrase this all more elegantly but am very unmotivated due to work and family stress.  Long and short is I recommend lynching Bowser.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 05, 2010, 12:17:55 AM
I think Dahlia is saying she supports the Charles lynch but doesn't want to put him at L-1 before he has a chance to speak. If she didn't want to lynch Burns she'd have voted someone else (Bowser, for example).
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Princess Leia on February 05, 2010, 12:25:40 AM
Someone say my name?

Just a quick note about the hammer: I thought that there were only a few hours left in the day, and that by the time anyone new had come in and said anything (like, say, Burns or Edna or Bowser) then it would have just been in the crazy last couple of damn hours, in which they could come into Day 3 and have their shithead moves dismissed as "oops, I was just in such a rush!" My bad, should've double-checked.

As for cases, well, I'm re-reading the topic for anything new, but I do agree with Gassy and Spike about Edna, and as such won't be saving her sorry ass.

Not a fan of lynching the old man before he can even role claim, but as things stand now? I'm down for the death of Edna, and Burns if he can't save his sorry ass.

Since when the hell do clowns know Fade Out!? Alright, seriously here. Why the hell are you taking the ghost's word as law? Is there something you're not telling us here, or are you just full of as much shit as I think you are? Looking back on it, you've been trying to sway the votes each day by talking about "Dahlia seems to want this, so let's do this! Oh, now she wants this. Better change to that." Last time I checked, she was just a damn ghost with the ability to vote. Nothing more, nothing less. Unless you're going to claim that your role is the ability to speak with spirits, and she's somehow able to receive information that would otherwise be unavailable to her.

Clown, you just went on my "kick their ass" list, right above Drazil.
Godda--! Motherf--! What the shit is wrong with you!? Alright, Vitali. No more teaching people how to do that, got it!?

...why the hell are we discussing this stuff? She can't tell us, so how are we to know? We're just manipulating the corpse's actions to fit our own agendas. I swear. Next person to try to use the red head's voting to back up their point of view, I am going to kick their ass so hard, they'll be shitting out their face.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 05, 2010, 12:36:06 AM

Hide and seek, hide and seek, Hide And Seek, HIDE AND SEEK! It's just no fun when there's no gold involved, you know? My gold. I have my gold already, so why would I want to play any more? Why do you think I'd want to seek while you hide?! Why do you hide?! I'm looking for answers in the open! Why would you hide from them?!!

Gaston! Vegeta! I care not for mere opinions! Feelings! The bond of brotherhood! I have seen betrayal waged on much closer terms than these. Stop running from the Joker's most relevant question! Are you beyond doubt, beyond all doubt, Beyond Absolutely All Doubt about the allegiance of your 'fellow warriors'? A branding from the game master, nothing less! The furniture has heeded the summoning most clearly, why not you? Do you not see how important this is for us to know of? How the very basis of this game is rocked to its base with this little switch of an answer? Yes. No. Yes. No. YES. NO. Tell us, tell us, TELL US.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Tron Bonne on February 05, 2010, 12:45:03 AM
Looks like I've some explaining to do here. Where to start.

Warboss, I have a life. I think I made that clear in the previous days. I can't be online when you want me to. And not being on a Town train? As far as I know, Day 1, you need to recheck your files, sir. As far as I know, aside from the joke vote, my vote was for Dark Helmet, a mistake as we can see today, but meh. Day 2: Sure, I kept switching votes (but who doesn't), used not so good arguments, but me not being active on Day 2? Come on, who here thinks that the day would've actually end the day it did, and at a time where I wasn't able to come online.

Now as far as arguments, here goes: The number of Mafia games I've played, I only need fingers on one hand to count them, will soon need a 2nd hand for that. I apologize for not being up to your standards here, but I'm doing the best I can!

And Edna, Edna... if you weren't about to die tomorrow, you'd be getting a vote from me right now. Not sure if your actual role is true or not, but thing is... How can you actually mess up my role name? I have... absolutely no clue where you got that name, but as far as I'm aware, the role name that I have is Retro Rocket. So, yeah, roleclaim time since my back is against the wall here. The reason I didn't before is that, looking at Excal's night posts, as far as I can tell, I didn't make a right choice in targets since I don't see any impact it's done. Basically, I can save someone, and have the option of sending the kill back to its sender if I want to. So there.

Now as to who to vote for... I got no clue, really. If anyone...
##Vote: Beatrice

Why go through me if you want to go for someone else?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Maya Kumashiro on February 05, 2010, 12:46:08 AM




##VOTE: The Joker
##UNVOTE: The Joker
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Excal on February 05, 2010, 12:51:24 AM
Day 3 Votecount

Gorgutz (1): Potato
Gig (0): Joker
Bowser (1): Joker
Mr. Burns (4): Dr. Wily, Gorgutz, Beatrice, Edna, Dahlia
Beatrice (1): Mr. Burns
Joker (0): Dahlia

No Vote: Bowser, Dahlia, Gaston, Gig, Vegeta,
With 11 active votes in play, it takes 6 votes to lynch.

There are 54 hours left in Day 1
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Princess Leia on February 05, 2010, 12:52:10 AM
OOC: I'm bad with doing the math of scum vs town in terms of numbers. How many scum would be in this game? 3? 4?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 05, 2010, 12:56:39 AM

Goldsmith! Goooooldsmith! That's great! Fantastic! It's perfect (!

Never before have I heard such a load of nonsense, and I've just been listening to Edna! *giggle*giggle* kyakakakakakakakaka!!


Rabbit! One minute if you will! I was just about to come to that! In short, there are three scum, almost guaranteed.

Game master, game master, Game Master! You'd tell us if we were in LYLO or pseudo-LYLO, riiiiiiiight? Of course you would! Confirm anyway.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Nathan Greaves on February 05, 2010, 12:58:36 AM
No, Gig, I just didn't think Burns was scum.

Now I do though.  Dark Helmet saw Burns act on Dahlia night zero, his claim makes no sense, I eat crow.  Wow.  Hahahahahaha!

##Unvote: Bowser
##Vote: Burns
for the -1
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Princess Leia on February 05, 2010, 01:18:14 AM
I... damn. That's just too much, even for me. The claim is just so god damn terrible in every single way, but at the same time, him trying to distance himself from the frog-hag, despite both their death warrants being as good as signed, just makes no god damn sense. Why bother, when they're both gonna die? I suppose you could say that it was done for this exact purpose but... damn.

I'm still against lynching the old man right now. Too much time left in the day, and there are still questions about others that need answering. (Most notably, the Mason Mess still needs a little more cleaning up)

Motherf-- The more I think about it, the less certain I am of anything involving either of you two. (Clown and Old Man) You have some faulty logic there, Clown. The red head was killed Night 1, not Night 0. The old man could well have targeted her Night 0, and she was still killed on Night 1. Retro Rocket, from what he says, does not put up some sort of warding. There is nothing telling us, for certain, that his role claim is as shit as it sounds. And I'm still wary of you, because you seem to be grasping at straws a little bit, every now-and-then, in order to paint someone in a bad light. Damn it, that's the second person I'm gonna have to look over again.

The old man's claim to be green-thumbed at this game is contrary to his post, however. I sense absolutely no flailing in that post. Far as I can tell, it's perfectly planned, and he's saying exactly what the hell he wants to. Someone new to the game just... it doesn't feel like they should be that calm at L-2 with no other trains even being thought of beyond passively.

...Give me some more time to think this shit over.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 05, 2010, 01:23:25 AM

I'll curse bloody murder Goldsmith is the dirty fiend who's been visiting me over the twilights and tied me and my predecessor up! Old habits die hard, do they, you rapist? Kill kill Kill KILL KILL!!

Assume we're not in LYLO or pseudo-LYLO. Then Lady Bernkastel cannot have sent four agents, for we could - and almost certainly will! - be left with eight or fewer live pieces, so even with Dahlia's crushed face zombie vote the threshold for lynching would be merely five, which would be instantly possible with four agents and the ever-threatening potato, should it be with a piece uncontrolled by Bernkastel, which it could. The odds are hard to measure, but pseudo-LYLO works much like Bernkastel herself: it's interested and in play so long as the odds aren't zero.

No pseudo-LYLO now, no fourth agent! Much for my impatience to ask for confirmation from the game master.

And then! Then! So long as we can decapitate an agent of Bernkastel between Goldsmith and Edna - and their internal squabbles now all but guarantees this - Then we can be certain of the allegiance of the Legion of Doom!

But but but! Only if they can confirm for us, CONFIRM For Us, that they know each other to be true. Otherwise the board is turned on its head and almost a return to the roulette should there be a need to work out which one of the triplets works for the Witch Of Miracles.

A three-pronged attack from Bernkastel from Goldsmith, Edna and Gaap? No no no, this fails, this fails! Goldsmith dead today, Edna during the twilight (or chopped immediately should she mysteriously be saved). Count the days, twilights and actions, Joker. Go on. You'll see. Edna may be around to act for Bernkastel for this twilight, but no more. With Gaap then acting as her avatar thereafter, there'll be no time for the Black Rose Of Xanatos! And too soon! Too soon! It will have run out before the game can end!

What's this? L-1 and the rabbit is around and looking jittery? Guess I'd better get this out while I can, then. *giggle*giggle*.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Nathan Greaves on February 05, 2010, 01:29:51 AM
The point is that his claimed role would have no reason to be able to act at all on night zero.  No kills then.  Not only that, it doesn't gel with the Xanatos kills at all, since "sending them back to the killer" could simply be undone by the killer the next night, if Wily's claims are all accurate.

I admit I've been flailing a bit all game too and the whole Burns mess is very frustrating to me.  I never really know what to do with people playing that badly.  But this is just too much.

Beatrice, I can't make heads or tails of your post there, I'm sorry. 
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 05, 2010, 01:43:03 AM


One of your concerns was the potential set up of Edna, Goldsmith (Burns) and Gaap (Wily). This fails! Fails completely! If it's true we can let it happen!

Ten pieces on the board now. We lynch Goldsmith, Edna acts for Bernkastel and kills one during the twilight but then succumbs to the Black Rose of Xanatos. Gaap places a new Black Rose.

Seven pieces on the board. We lynch someone, and now Gaap herself must act for Bernkastel and so cannot place a new Black Rose. The previous victim from the third twilight Black Rose marking still succumbs.

Four pieces on the board. Gaap must claim to have placed the Black Rose, but has not done so! It seemingly becomes a final decision between her and whichever of her fellows she claims to have placed it on, who of course claims otherwise. But this fails for Bernkastel! In this case the correct action is to lynch Gaap regardless! Either way Bernkastel loses! Either Gaap was Bernkastel's agent, or she was telling the truth and had Black Rosed Bernkastel's agent, in which case Bernkastel's agent dies during the next twilight, only able to kill one of the remaining two pieces.

One piece too short for Bernkastel. No no no.

Read it through again but instead assume that Edna somehow survives and you'll see it fails for Bernkastel again. Even more so, even assuming that Gaap is somehow still able to place a new Black Rose on this upcoming twilight.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Excal on February 05, 2010, 01:52:28 AM
There will be notice when LYLO, or potential LYLO comes about.  It has not yet come about.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Excal on February 05, 2010, 01:57:40 AM
Also, word may or may not have leaked yet.  I have recently gained seasonal employment, effective tomorrow.  While I will still be able to run the game, I will not be able to overwatch as effectively as I would like.  To that end, I have asked Darkholyelf, and Halbarad to keep on eye on this.

So, they'll be doing vote counts and ending the day and all the rest of that good stuff.  Or, pausing the game if something that needs my attention comes up, and I'll give this a once over when I get home each day. (No guarantees about the mornings though).

Hopefully this won't affect the, erm...  smooth running of the game.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Nathan Greaves on February 05, 2010, 02:11:19 AM
Right, right, I see now.  But that rests on the assumption that we compel Wily to continue using his Xanatos kill late in the game, which... sounds like a pretty bad idea offhand except to disprove him being the last scum.  Unless he just fixes it on alternating nights and so doesn't actually kill anyone else?  Ehhh okay, sure, I can go for that.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 05, 2010, 02:16:10 AM

Or was any of the rest unclear as well? Surely it is clear that not being in pseudo-LYLO now removes the possibility of a fourth agent from Lady Bernkastel! Surely it is clear that if we can be sure of only three such agents and one of them dead at our feet in the form of Edna and/or Goldsmith ensures that the Legion of Doom is completely clear so long as they are well branded! The construct is so simple!

And there! Game master, my thanks. *giggle*giggle*. I was sure of it anyway, but this frees me to use the red truth. There are no more than three agents of Lady Bernkastel on this game board!

So much to fall out depending now on so few words and actions! A thrilling time to be about!

Rabbit! Goldsmith is claiming to be a power superior to that of a doctor, when we already have a doctor confirmed, no matter the fact that he was working for Lambdadelta! I personally know for certain that George was protecting me as a doctor, as well. Not to mention that town already seems overpowered without such a claim, and all tied up in a pretty bow that is the silly name! Such a silly name. His actions are from resignation, it all fits. The only unreal thing here is how daintily both he and Edna have gone out of their ways to offer themselves up on a silver platter.


Joker! And why ever would we not be making use of additional kills at least laid to offer at our feet? For fear that with a kill we draw the game to a close more quickly? Then why, we should stop this filthy lynching business as well! *giggle*giggle*!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Nathan Greaves on February 05, 2010, 02:28:11 AM
Some case is bothering me though. 

Ah yeah here it is.  If Wily is town and delaykills a scum, the scum could lie and say they aren't slated for death, leading us to a 50/50 on "Is Wily the last scum and actually unable to delaykill".  Thoughts?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Chiaki on February 05, 2010, 02:31:02 AM
Quick note: Yes I trust my fellow warriors; I assumed Gaston made that clear enough so I wouldn't have to bother my great Saiyan self with such trivialities. You would be sentenced to death on Planet Vegeta for such insolence! I wouldn't have stuck my neck out for Warboss on D1 otherwise.

Congratulations, Lord Frieza (Excal).

Right, time to READ.

I feel bad about direct linking to stolen art, but the pic was too cute to ignore. And Vegeta never reads! He's too manly for that.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 05, 2010, 03:05:56 AM

Already covered, Joker! Read read read read read! Take the previous case and reverse the guilt! So easy so easy soooo boooooring.

In such a case, lynch Gaap. She's innocent, oh dear! Why would that stop the Black Rose? I suppose you may need to have her confirm that to make this solid, but it seems clear enough that the Black Rose would not require her to live to enact its beautiful death on Bernkastel's agent. At worst, should this happen with three players left, this leads to mutual annihilation as Bernkastel loses her final agent as it kills the other remaining piece. However, we're currently paced to hit that with four players, which would leave Bernkastel a piece short and the game loss to her name.

Any earlier than that, and we have the space to lynch the piece claiming to be Black Rosed and lynch Gaap should it result in an 'innocent' flip. There's a lynch going spare in the previous designs. There it would go.

In fact yes, it's simple. Forget the timing otherwise. Out of mind. Irrelevant. If Gaap is alive with two agents down and her latest target feigns ignorance of the Black Rose, then it is safe (or at worst mutual annihilation) to lynch Gaap, as she either is the remaining agent of Bernkastel, or is about to kill the agent. The trouble with the timing - the key here being two agents dead by the time the fourth twilight begins - is that without that condition Gaap will be able to maintain the Black Rose of Xanatos long enough even if she is working for Bernkastel, something that doesn't definitely resolve.

Which is why it definitely resolves if Bernkastel's three agents are Goldsmith, Edna and Gaap, but not immediately for all sets of three containing Gaap.

That answers your question.
Doesn't answer the extended, implied question.
No, Gaap seemingly cannot be cleared through red text alone.
Maybe I'll think more and see what else drops out. Such puzzles have ever intrigued me, and this can be no harder than the epitaph. *giggle*giggle*.

There are other random machinations that can happen, for instance the new Black Rose being placed on the same person Lady Bernkastel's agents kill that twilight. But such bizarre acts only serve to waste their potential mis-lynches and limits the rate of dead innocents, so can only lead to a swifter loss for Bernkastel.


Vegeta! I shall take that as a yes! The wording isn't the best, but you must be aware of the importance. With that confirmation and Edna and Goldsmith's squabbling I now officially declare you all but completely cleared in my book. Just one Bernkastel flip to seal the deal with wax, but I am so very sure we are hitting at least one now.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 05, 2010, 03:28:01 AM

Gaap! Gapgapgapgapgapgapgapgapgapgapgap!

Were I to have my way, I would have you use the Black Rose of Xanatos on Joker tonight, or maybe the rabbit. Would the latter even make sense? Could he summon himself out of it? Anyway! My point is that I largely suspect one of Bernkastel's agents to have a role active during the day so that he can deal the killing blow during twilights, which could potentially be the rabbit but looks far more likely to be Bowser. Bowser's right near the top of the chopping block anyway.

I don't want you to Black Rose Bowser.
I want him available for lynching.
Why? Why?! Insurance against you. Just to be safe!
If Goldsmith and Edna both turn out to be working for Bernkastel then all is well, but if only one of them is loyal to her cause then I want to maximise the odds of two of her agents being dead before the fourth twilight is upon us.

I'm sure you'll be understanding. *giggle*giggle*!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Princess Leia on February 05, 2010, 03:48:51 AM
Yo, old hag. Have you gone off your rocker? You're making no sense anymore. All you do is babble to yourself, day in and day out... You're worse than four-eyes!

Anyway, I just came back to see if there was anything else we needed handled today, or if we could get on our way?

By the by, don't even think of putting me in a Xanatos Gambit. It'll be a waste of time, since I'll just summon the kid out of it!... or someone else to take my place. (Not quite sure which side of the coin the mod has the summoning at) I say, if we're going to direct the Xanatos, we do it on somebody that will undoubtedly end up being a boon to the town... in their death, that is. Though, I'm not one for planning where to throw a plan.

Hag, speak clearer.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 05, 2010, 04:23:36 AM
I have operated under the assumption that my attack order would not be reversed by my death, and that my target would indeed be eliminated.

I was going to target Slash Man tonight given I trust him the least of those not slated to die today, but I can get behind hitting Clown Man's emergency destruct button, he's said some very odd things today that have me trusting him a lot less than I did yesterday and the Slash Man push looks unproductive at best (also giving Charles a pseudo-pass for being new is barely different from me giving Gendo a pseudo-pass for playing so differently from his normal scum game, there's nothing saying the apprentices have less of a chance of drawing scum than the masters). Never planned on targeting Gig (though I fantasized about it and how satisfying it would be were it feasible) because I assumed - apparently rightfully so - that he'd just undo it.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Nathan Greaves on February 05, 2010, 04:44:32 AM
I would prefer Beatrice be the target.  Beyond the obvious "Uh don't kill me dude thanks" reason, I don't like her tone in the slightest.  Her roleplaying does nothing to hide her being extremely smug, too smug for a townie right now I think.  She's:
- supporting what is essentially a plan of chaining lynches (never a good idea)
- and directing the vig (also never a good idea, especially for a vig of unknown allegiance and unusual mechanics at that)
- is clearing the masons (which I think is horribly premature)
- and has always been in front of the game yet I can't actually finger her with any major decisions. 

Reviewing the reasons my brain defaults her to "townie-ish," they consist of "talks a lot" and "was roleblocked."  But no one we know of was roleblocked night zero, I was definitely roleblocked in some form by Light (by his own admission if you don't believe me!) and the information I got about it was vague, inconclusive, and doesn't match any of her claims.  She avoided Dark Helmet's train and stayed on Gorgutz until the mason claims, then followed their lead day 2 to the present.  Never even brought her up before due to lots and lots and lots of distractions, but the more I think about it and the more I read back on her the worse I feel. 
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Chiaki on February 05, 2010, 04:46:19 AM
My scouter has calculated that there is a high probability of a Burns/Edna/x scumteam, where x is one of Joker, Bowser, Beatrice, or either Gig or Wily (roughly in that order).
Gig's D2 actions were super scummy, but the meta is clearing him (as much as I hate to rely on role meta in a game like this). The possibility of Gig and Wily on the same team boggles my mind.
Beatrice reads town to me.
Burns/Edna case is obvious, no need for rehash, it's all been said before.
I'm hazy on the others.

I'm really not feeling too good IRL, so I probably won't be back on the computer again today. Ugh.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 05, 2010, 12:32:53 PM

Oh how the worm twists and turns and writhes and burns! Such desperate lashing in agony... are you sure you're thinking straight? *giggle*giggle*.

You wish to direct the Black Rose to me for trying to direct the Black Rose? Kyakahahahaha!

Would Bernkastel be shutting down so many avenues of doubt, trapping herself ever tighter in her own machinations, slowly suffocating the life out of her? No, I rather think her preferring to see the doubt spread yet further, much more like your own play.

'But Great Lady Beatrice, it is wise to consider all of the possibilities!'? No no no, that's not what's happening here. Spreading doubt within the possibilities, oh yes, how cautious, how wise. But spreading doubt in the impossible?

How is the Legion of Doom not clear? They've claimed to be completely clear from within. There are no more than three agents of Lady Bernkastel on the game board. They can only be the entire force that Lady Bernkastel has sent or all true to the cause. And look, look! Look at Edna and Goldsmith! Look at their wretched remains, not only horrible in their own right, but strangling each other as they lie. Can you look upon that scene and tell me that there is no influence from Bernkastel there?

And no, of course you won't, for your vote lies now on Goldsmith. What you want to sow is more doubts that perhaps there is but one member of the legion to doubt. An impossibility. More doubt. More options to mislynch. More escape routes and secret passages. No no no No NO, I say to you this is wrong.

You speak ill of me out of place, and most wildly. Need I even respond to more of it? I scent sweet, sweet desperation in the air.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Excal on February 05, 2010, 02:39:50 PM
Alright, I think I was expecting there to be more to do, but here goes, likely the last update before busybusybusy.  Which just means I'll be seeing you guys again around 11:15 or so my time.

Day 3 Votecount

Gorgutz (1): Potato
Gig (0): Joker
Bowser (0): Joker
Mr. Burns (5): Dr. Wily, Gorgutz, Beatrice, Edna, Dahlia, Joker
Beatrice (1): Mr. Burns
Joker (0): Dahlia

No Vote: Bowser, Dahlia, Gaston, Gig, Vegeta,
With 11 active votes in play, it takes 6 votes to lynch.

Mr. Burns is still sitting at L-1, and I will pre-emptively send his flip to Hal so that you guys can make informed night decision choices in the case of day end while I am gone.

There are 38 hours, 20 minutes left in Day 3.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Zerg Rush on February 05, 2010, 02:40:15 PM
I'z seein' dat dat witchy girl i'z half da game, explainin' all dat deduktive logik stuff. I'z sorta seeing da jokah's GUT which iz fine, she'z lookin' to make as much prezence as possible. But I'z only got two extremes 'ere thanks to da others in da game; constant prezence or no prezence. Wat's da deal? I'z thinkin we can safely lynch all da most likely suspects now anywayz, and by dat I mean, beatrix, joker, and bowza (az well as burnsie and edna who are dyin' anyway, roight?) Dere's all dat worryin' about lining up a lynch I guess, but it'z wot I'm thinkin' anywayz.

Az for dat potato, I'z gonna toss it away on someone we'z likely ta lynch next turn, probably dat bowzer.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 05, 2010, 03:32:40 PM
I plan on targeting one of Clown Man and the witch for termination tonight, and I feel Slash Man looks worse than Gig, so yes, throw it there.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Chiaki on February 05, 2010, 03:33:44 PM
Right, back now. Considering hammering, since not much has happened. Any objections?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 05, 2010, 03:37:28 PM
I'm fine with it. Gig will be displeased with this statement, but I think Dahlia has made where her suspicions lie clear, and I can't think of anyone else I need to see urgent reports from before the work day ends.

Of course I'd wait for more assessments than just mine before you actually do it.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Chiaki on February 05, 2010, 03:39:55 PM
I have all of team mason behind me on hammering. I'll wait a little longer in case anyone else is idling, but then I'll drop it.
*goes to Google image search*
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Chad Hutchins on February 05, 2010, 03:43:09 PM
I say go with your intuition. Be unpredictable so scum can't interfere.

Hammer is fine to me as well.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Excal on February 05, 2010, 03:46:10 PM
I'm here for another ten minutes.  So a hammer before then will get fast results.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 05, 2010, 03:47:50 PM
Okay, yeah, just do it.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 05, 2010, 03:49:48 PM

No complaints here either. Potato passing resolves some lingering doubts of end game madness, and so actively offering it is yet another sign of clarity for the Legion of Doom.

In before hammer. Little to add otherwise, bar the Black Rose doubts.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Excal on February 05, 2010, 03:51:11 PM
Scratch that.  Improvements in Bussing technology have added a whole half hour to my time estimates!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 05, 2010, 03:52:22 PM

Oh, and yeah, both Goldsmith's and Edna's absence does nothing but pronounce their guilt louder, so absolutely nothing to hold back here. I think it's just a matter of whether one of them is working for Lambdadelta instead.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Chiaki on February 05, 2010, 03:54:23 PM
THE LEGION OF DOOM has decided.


( ##Vote Mr Burns

Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Excal on February 05, 2010, 04:02:13 PM
"It is obvious, can you not see?  Goldsmith is an agent of Bernkastle."

"Of course...  but he's most ingeniusly fled.  We'll never find him now."

"Hah!  No problem for me!" Vegeta boasted as he flew into the sky, and let loose a Ki blast that annihilated all of Springfield, presumably catching Burns as part of the blast.

Montgomery Burns - Scum Master of Misdirection has been obliterated from orbit.

It is now night, send in your actions.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 3
Post by: Excal on February 06, 2010, 08:01:17 AM
The next morning all that could be found of Gaston was a single note left at his place.  "It's said the manliest of men can survive walking through a jet turbine."

Ah well...  not even his admirers said the guy was bright.

Fortunately, Edna herself managed to avoid unscathed.  After all, she had a plan, and she'd never let herself get manipulated unlike some others.  And so, she managed to show up unharmed when everyone met.  Just in time to stand under a completely unexpected grand piano which had fallen from a great height.  Oddly enough, the piano's loss was mourned more than her own.

Gaston - Town Doom Legionairre has been Darwinned.
Edna - Town Aligned Information Broker has been crushed by a Grand Piano.

It is now Day 4.

Bowser (1): Potato

With 8 active votes, it takes 5 to lynch.
It is not LYLO.

There are 72 hours remaining.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 4
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 06, 2010, 08:35:25 AM

Game four? That means it's Goldsmith's time to shine! Oh desire!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 4
Post by: Chiaki on February 06, 2010, 09:14:07 AM

Fear not Gaston; when I get my hands on those Dragon Balls, I'll wish you back to life. In the meantime, you will be avenged.

Did a re-read of Burns and people who talk about him.

Interesting points:

Burns moves from Bowser to Warboss,4564.msg96061.html#msg96061 (,4564.msg96061.html#msg96061)

Joker placing a lot of faith in Burns' 'role' and Dahlia's ghost (throughout the game)

Burns says that Beatrice and Gendou are town, and cheerleads Joker:,4564.msg96249.html#msg96249 (,4564.msg96249.html#msg96249)

Bowser looks particularly dodgy in this post:
I have no clue what to make of Burns.  I've had a ??? read on him for most of the game.  So who is scum?  I don't know.  Seriously this game makes no sense. 

And that's about all I could come up with from Burns analysis.

Warboss & I over in masonchat agree that Bowser looks the worst.

##Vote Bowser
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 4
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 06, 2010, 09:51:52 AM

I think not! Kinzo, you are already dead! Why don't you get back to being dead in a fire? Kihihihihihihihihihi!!

I have much to speak of. As my power on the board is now completely useless, I have no reason to hold this move back any longer: I, the Golden Witch Beatrice, am a Town Aligned Minion Master. Of course I am! Look upon my furniture and quake in fear!






Apparently the game board's very construct cannot take the might of my power, for it shakes so much that even a simple Preview spell now takes a minute to cast when it should but take an instant. Allow me to organise a quieter tea party to explain what this actually means.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 4
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 06, 2010, 10:39:52 AM

Before anyone asks, I wouldn't give that pig Ange-Beatrice the time of day, let alone acknowledge her as my successor. Not since she acted as Lady Bernkastel's piece, anyway. So back to the classics! The true thousand year witch is best, after all! *cackle*cackle*.

My power as Minion Master should have been of great use, but now seems able only to constrict me. Should any fool try to act on me at night, my furniture shall instead see to it that it happens to them instead. There are yet powers that may affect even a Golden Witch (though, unsurprisingly, I know not which), but all lethal ones will be blocked. This may seem immense at first sight, yet it basically boils down to Bulletproof with random fringe benefits/curses that amount to not much, especially given that roleblocking worked as normal (again, unsurprising). I imagine Rudolf's message would have failed, but I'd find it interesting to see if George's power would have saved himself from the second twilight had I not been roleblocked.

I sense two 'Gotcha' arguments gearing up, so let's take care of those now. The lesser one is that the only confirmed agent of Bernkastel also had 'master' in his name, but I shall trust you smart enough not to actually hold that against me, especially with the rolecop dead (oh Edna, why did you not at least try and explain yourself?) and out of the way of me claiming whatever I like. The greater one is that my role is completely passive, and there was the decree (,4564.msg96221.html#msg96221) earlier from the game master regarding roleblocking and active roles. Perhaps we are defining 'active' differently, but this does look like a contradiction to me. If anyone takes issue with my furniture having been tied up for two nights in a row because of this, do say and we can think of a way of asking the game master in a way that can be fairly responded to.

As any good bulletproof should, I tried my best to attract the wrath of Lady Bernkastel directly, knowing it to waste her time. Twice receiving the consolation prize of being roleblocked, especially with the still very dubious first kill of Dahlia, is a great insult to my pride! As soon as the Legion of Doom came to prominence, it became obvious that my life would not be targeted during the twilights, but I did not reveal my power even then - even gambling on Gaap not trying to mark me with the Black Rose - because of the final information I could get: a third roleblock. The roleblocked would surely aim for no other, for it would practically clear me outright, but would probably not act if knowing my power to be passive. Being roleblocked would then completely clear Gaap for me, for if Bernkastel was acting that night with a kill and a roleblock, then the Black Rose could not be one of her gifts.

However, I, the Golden Witch Beatrice, received no notices regarding the third twilight. This of course means that Gaap did not attempt to mark me with the Black Rose, but also means that the roleblocker is no longer in play, be he Goldsmith or the agent now killing.

And no, I know that even assuming my power to be taken on face value it in no way clears me.

Next, on to others. In particular, that we are not in LYLO is quite interesting. I feel like this should at least clear Gaap, but allow me to muse on it momentarily.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 4
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 06, 2010, 11:17:59 AM

In fact, most intriguing indeed! There are but seven pieces on the board. Should, in addition to Bernkastel's kill in the fourth twilight, both the lynch and the Black Rose take out 'innocents' and the potato remains in play and is on an 'innocent' after the fourth twilight, then we would be at four pieces. Even though Dahlia would still also be around, with two agents of Bernkastel and the potato the game would already be over in the name of the Witch of Miracles.

Now, I realise how unlikely this scenario would be, for we have even purposely schemed our way around this possibility. However, thus is not the nature of potential LYLO, which should act like the Witch of Miracles herself and be announced even at such unfathomable odds.

So I must ask, game master: are you quite sure that we're not in even potential LYLO?

If we are not, then this is most entertaining! We would certainly be looking for only one more agent from Lady Bernkastel. The mystery would then be whether or not we would be looking for another agent of Lady Lambdadelta as well, the existence of which I forget how would mess with the concepts of LYLO and potential LYLO. Gaap would be cleared of acting for Bernkastel as soon as the Black Rose is confirmed, but would become the obvious suspect for acting for Lambdadelta.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 4
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 06, 2010, 11:45:53 AM

Except no, there's a hole in that theory.

We would also not be in potential LYLO even with two remaining avatars of Lady Bernkastel if the Black Rose is currently not marking anyone, or is currently marking an agent of Bernkastel. In the latter case, even if the Black Rose was removed or otherwise stopped, we would at worst pass the fourth twilight with five pieces on the board, requiring four votes to lynch given the delightful Dahlia, a feat that Bernkastel would be unable to force even if the potato was drafted to help.

This case of course makes Joker look all the worse, assuming that is indeed where the Black Rose currently sits.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 4
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 06, 2010, 01:29:12 PM
I gave the order to have Clown Man eliminated last night. I felt confident enough in picking him over the witch after all the things he said yesterday that made me raise an eyebrow (most notably trying to misdirect Dahlia's vote "message").

I'm going to be gone most of today, but I feel I (and others) already gone over this enough, so I feel fine putting it down.

##Vote: Bowser
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 4
Post by: Zerg Rush on February 06, 2010, 02:09:21 PM
I'z also 'ere! And I'z ready to turbo dis train' wif da fast stuff!

Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 4
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 06, 2010, 02:29:59 PM

The furniture and Vegeta are absolutely clear. If Bernkastel lies among them then either the game master or the 'innocents' among them

Gaap has always pleased me, but ever more so now, for I now cannot envision both she and Joker being Bernkastel's remaining influence here when suggested the equal option of marking me with the Black Rose as he. Were she partnered with Bowser it does not matter, and with Siesta 1073741824 is so bizarre I can't imagine it - though I suppose technically possible if they've both lied about how their roles work. The only real remaining avenue for trickery would be through her being an unexpected agent of Lady Lambdadelta by the previous musings, but I can't take that seriously.

Siesta 1073741824 would take such contriving. It would burn deeply if he is an agent of Bernkastel and has manoeuvred this so well, but I really can't see it.

The only itching problem with a Goldsmith/Bowser/Joker team is Joker's edging of Bowser over Goldsmith yesterday.

Gaap! The Black Rose is alas useless to our cause as of the Joker's death, given that, assuming Bowser's lynch, your choices will be the two remaining masons, Siesta 1073741824 and my glorious self, by which we mean two definite innocents and two people it won't work on. I insist that you use it on someone so we can clear you if Bowser works for the Witch of Miracles but the Joker does not, but I think from an objective standpoint you're best off passing it to Siesta 1073741824, because you should be guarded against the possibility of my power being true but working for Bernkastel nonetheless, for that's the only way I can see a position following the fourth twilight where someone can deny having been Black Rosed and the 'innocents' not winning by just lynching you. Contrarily you may wish to place it on me to test that I do have my power, which if I were in league with Bernkastel could be a lie, but this seems like far less of import in comparison.

I am town and my power would stop the Black Rose, but I see no reason why you shouldn't be taking the precaution.

Siesta 1073741824! Don't misinterpret the above! I'm not asking you to be Black Rosed to death. I fully expect you to save yourself. It just needs to happen to go towards confirming Gaap.


I am obviously more than supportive of the Bowser lynch. My vote is not there already was to at least allow everyone to say their piece. Otherwise sure.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 4
Post by: Excal on February 06, 2010, 04:00:45 PM
I have reviewed my Math and....  actually, yes.  Town is in potential LYLO.  My apologies for the mistake.  I forgot to account for our friend Mr. Xanatos, and the permutations he adds in.

But first, a vote count.

Bowser (4): Potato, Vegeta, Dr. Wily, Gorgutz

With 8 Alive it takes 5 to lynch.

There are 64 hours remaining in Day 4.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 4 Potential LYLO
Post by: Princess Leia on February 06, 2010, 06:33:03 PM
Yo, hag. That makes no sense. Why wouldn't he target you, if all it's going to do is fizzle. If he targets me, then in order to save myself, I have to give myself a partial vote. I'd be all too lynchable!

...hey, hey, hey, HEY! Hold up a second here! Why the hell are we so gung-ho to effectively lynch two people per day? All that does is hasten LYLO! And then, scum has us do a little jig before... BAM! We all lose.

Clown, Spike. Get your asses out here and speak up for yourselves!

I'll be gone for about 10 hours. DO. NOT. HAMMER. I will beat the shit outta ya' if you do. I want to get my two-cents in before you shit heads make a terrible mistake.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 4 Potential LYLO
Post by: Nathan Greaves on February 06, 2010, 06:54:46 PM
Good morning, I am indeed Xanatos'd, and I would like to request that that be removed at the earliest opportunity.  

I am the town's Master of Masks, having the ability to pull off the masks anyone wears, even Batman, and look at their true sleeping face, seeing their deepest intentions!  In other words I am a cop.  Investigations!

Night Zero - Vegeta (Villain, aka town)
Night One - Light (Mysterious failure, as described previously.  I thought I went to his house and looked at his sleeping face, but in the morning I realized I never went anywhere and couldn't remember anything.)
Night Two - Wily (Villain)
Night Three - Beatrice (Villain, but with odd flavor regarding an ominous force which now makes hella sense)

This should hopefully all be self explanatory reviewing my play.  Vegeta was obviously chosen at random, Light because he was hanging back and blending in, Wily because of his being high profile but not too high profile, and Beatrice since my suspicions got the better of me last night.  I was slightly suspicious of Wily yesterday despite investigating him because of how he was acting (player meta, really?) and the possibilities with his role, along with fear I might be naive or otherwise failure prone.  However I think the godfather/mother has been nice enough to outright claim her power now so... yeah!

I am 99.9% sure now that Beatrice is the scum godmother, there never was a roleblocker, and her other underling is .... one of Bowser/Gig/Wily.  I want to say Bowser is most likely based on how he's played, but Beatrice's attitude worries me a lot since if it's NOT Bowser we are up Gotham River without a paddle if he is lynched and I am allowed to die.  Hence I again request saving ASAP!  (Fortunately I think it's all but impossible for Wily to be scum now, so he can pull me out).  I would prefer a Beatrice lynch today, and... well okay I'll be dead tonight but hopefully the rest of you can have much more leeway from there!  Assuming Beatrice flips scum, Wily poisons Bowser, lynch Gig, and done, assuming Gorgutz is also town (which I now do believe).  Gig as scum actually makes a lot of sense looking back, able to cure any scum hit by the delayed vig and his behavior... yeah.

Unfortunately I am pretty busy today but if you have questions ask and I'll be around every few hours!

##Vote: Beatrice

Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 4 Potential LYLO
Post by: Nathan Greaves on February 06, 2010, 06:59:07 PM
I'll be gone for about 10 hours. DO. NOT. HAMMER. I will beat the shit outta ya' if you do. I want to get my two-cents in before you shit heads make a terrible mistake.

Oh god the irony.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 4 Potential LYLO
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 06, 2010, 07:21:23 PM

Siesta 1073741824! I explained why previously. The point is that given that it doesn't matter it would serve to be defensive against me. If you don't see the need, then sure, have it thrown my way.

Joker, what. Why would you be able to scan a scum godmother like that? I wouldn't be surprised if you tried to claim I was third party based on that, but if you aren't acting for Bernkastel then I'd take that as a sign of my power reflecting back on you.

But no, I thought my power was a bit too powerful not to draw attention, but you go and claim cop?

And then you say you've cleared Gaap, and then suspect her, even a little, as a potential co-conspirator? Double godmother or something?

No, I think you've messed up a fake-claim. We're already far too overpowered. If you are an 'innocent', let's kiss and make up in the Golden Land.

##Vote: Bowser

I don't trust Siesta 1073741824 not to get cold feet and save Joker. If there's any scum left for tomorrow, my action should hopefully explain itself. Even with the potential LYLO statement, I'm really quite sure of Joker, and I don't want the rabbit screwing it up, as the fact it could be Bowser but not Joker based on Joker's start to day 3 worries me.

Gaap, I hope you see things to be true and don't save the fool. The fourth twilight will thus be followed with four people, and if Joker happens not to be scum then you will be cleared by him and it'll thus be a choice for whichever two of the three confirmed 'innocents' survive between myself and the rabbit, which would be the rabbit, but I'll see if we get there. If he's scum but Bowser isn't then it's a bit messier.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 4 Potential LYLO
Post by: Halbarad on February 06, 2010, 08:10:20 PM
That is HAMMER, stop talking.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 4 Potential LYLO
Post by: Excal on February 07, 2010, 07:49:41 AM
Little did Bowser know, the Orcs always had plumbers on duty.

Day 4 Votecount

Bowser (5): Potato, Vegeta, Dr. Wily, Gorgutz, Beatrice
Beatrice (1): Joker

No Vote: Gig, Dahlia, Bowser

Bowser Koopa - Town Aligned Entartiste has been stomped.

It has been night 4 for a while now.  Please get in your actions ASAP.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Night 4 Potential LYLO
Post by: Excal on February 07, 2010, 04:13:18 PM
The next morning, while Wily's location was known...  it was also behind several cordons of robocops, with several reporters interviewing a santa clause look alike and a blue robot standing beside him.  It seems the (not) good Doctor has been apprehended yet again.  And while his escape is certain, it won't be in time for anything but the sequel.

Dr. Wily - Town Xanatos Gambler has been busted.

Naturally, as much as anything is natural for him, the Joker decided to show his sympathy by pulling out a conductor's baton, and leading a rousing, if imaginary, rendition of the 1812 overture.  No one was certain if it was the Joker or someone else who planned for the bomb to come from nowhere and blast him to bits when he hit the BOOM BOOM part, but they all agreed it was probably the way he'd want to go.

The Joker - Scum Master of Masks has been detonated.

It is now Day 5.  It is still potential LYLO.   Just...  more so than the previous day, for all that it is still not certain today will be the last day.

Here is the current vote count.

Beatrice (0): Potato

With 5 Active votes, it takes 3 votes to lynch.

There are 72 hours remaining in Day 5.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 5 Even More Potentialer LYLO
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 07, 2010, 05:04:56 PM
Milady Beatrice won't be back at the game board for a small number of hours. Due to the urgency of the situation, she has asked me (a 'housemate' for her here at Rokkenjima) to relay this message were the game to resume in her absence, as she believed she would have critical information depending on the results of the fourth twilight. She asks in irony that her presence is awaited before decisions are made.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 5 Even More Potentialer LYLO
Post by: Princess Leia on February 07, 2010, 05:07:52 PM
##VOTE: Beatrice

She's been leading the entire game, she's the only one left (unless one of the trio really is scum, in which case I'll be very upset at how well they've played it) aside from me, and by god, I know what you shit heads are thinking. That my power to summon people out of harm's way is a counter-part to the doctor's, and he's town, so therefore I must be scum. First off, think of who pronounced that earlier. Secondly, think of my power. I have to use it out in the open, and it gives someone a partial vote. We saw how much shit that stirred up, earlier. It would be the worst possible thing to do to bring it out. I would've been much better off if I had never used it, and instead stayed out of the limelight.

Next, the hag lied with her so called "red truth." There is no role blocker. We know this. My power has still been verified by Wily (He used it on Gaston Night 1, and Gaston was not killed Night 2, because I used my power on him), so I can't be a role blocker. Neither of the remaining masons are role blockers. Beatrice lied, and is scum. She has been trying to orchestrate this entire game, coming up with all the theories, using her "red truth" to say whatever she wanted, and whenever somebody else came up with a theory, she'd discard it.

Ninja'd by 'Beatrice.' Oh god, the irony. It hurts! I ask for the exact same damn thing yesterday, and she denies it. And now she asks us to wait.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 5 Even More Potentialer LYLO
Post by: Princess Leia on February 07, 2010, 05:10:50 PM
*the hag lied (,4564.msg95989.html#msg95989)

Forgot my link.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 5 Even More Potentialer LYLO
Post by: Maya Kumashiro on February 07, 2010, 06:51:02 PM

##VOTE: Gig
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 5 Even More Potentialer LYLO
Post by: Princess Leia on February 07, 2010, 07:27:34 PM
Alright, alright. Think about this, too. We know I can save people from Xanatos Gambits. We do. So if Wily had put one on me, I could easily have saved myself. Beatrice, however, might very well have lied about her power. In which case, had she thought that Wily would then place a Xanatos Gambit on her, she knew she would die, because of her role claim. How better to keep herself alive, than to kill him before he could place it on her? Better yet, she knows that she looks better than me, so leaving me alive was a safe bet in any circumstance.

Now think about all of the NK targets, last night. There was me, Wily, Beatrice, and the two masons. In any circumstance, save a Mason Scum or the one I proposed up there, the NK that makes the most sense is one of the masons. Why? Because they're the only genuinely confirmed townies that are alive. Leading a case against them would be moronic. If I were scum, I'd have killed a mason, because I can save myself from Xanatos. If Wily were scum, he also probably would have killed a mason, because he could easily claim that he decided not to Xanatos anybody, as the only targets were me and Beatrice, and that would have been pointless.

Beatrice, however, if she were scum, would probably have lied about her power to keep her from being targeted by Wily. What she could not say, however, was "do not target me." The best she could do after her claim was "targeting me is a waste of time, target the rabbit." She was probably hoping he would, and that I wouldn't object. But I did, and so she was forced to say "go ahead, target me, then, if you really think it's worth anything." Now we have her not trusting Wily to target me, and not her, as she has lost control of the 'board.' She is the only one, in a scum circumstance, who would have any reason to target Wily at night, and not a mason.

The reason targeting masons for NKs is so prevalent there, is because they are confirmed townies, and again, leading a train on them is pure idiocy. This will, however, leave one mason for tomorrow, presuming you lynch town (me) and another mason is killed tomorrow. At which point, she goes "it's all a trap! One of the masons really was scum! The perfect plan..." and tries to persuade Dahlia to vote against the mason.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 5 Even More Potentialer LYLO
Post by: Princess Leia on February 07, 2010, 09:04:22 PM
I'm gonna be gone for the rest of today (IRL), but... Look. I know things look terrible for me, but I can guarantee that the hag is scum. If she isn't, you can damn well lynch me tomorrow. Hell, I'll even provide a vote-and-a-bit on myself. But you just gotta trust me today, okay? Just for today.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 5 Even More Potentialer LYLO
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 07, 2010, 09:33:55 PM

Ahaha (! *cackle*cackle* (!

Oioioi, I most certainly wasn't expecting to wake up to this.

Kanon was a pawn of Lady Bernkastel after all. Wretched furniture should know its place.

Siesta 1073741824, you are exasperatingly incompetent. This gambit is stupid and flawed. I can see that your aim is to get me lynched today, but pray tell how you were expecting to win tomorrow? And if not for the fact that you've already sealed your own fate by leaving the two remaining members of the Legion Of Doom alive, you've decided to be delightfully helpful by offering yourself up on a platter today. You do realise that analysing Lady Bernkastel's actions during the twilights quite like that is a fifth level WIFOM spell that is innately tainted by Bernkastel's influence, riiight? Why don't you point out that the other two pawns of Bernkastel had 'Master' in their names while you're at it? I'm sure that will be the true piece de resistance of your argument! Kihihihihihihihihihi!

The only part of your argument I feel is even worth addressing is regarding the roleblocking. That ploy isn't going to convince anyone. I'm not certain enough to use the red truth, but it seems most clear that Goldsmith was the roleblocker, and spent the first two twilights letting old habits die hard by tying me up. I've been quite clear on each day as to what has happened to me, and I was quite observably only roleblocked when the old bastard was still alive.

To the formalities: I, the Golden Witch Beatrice, was attacked with the Black Rose of Xanatos last night. I am in the midst of seeking clarification from the game master just to check for certain that this will not actually kill me, but the description implies that one of my many minions was ensnared in its grasp in my place, which makes sense given my power on this board. I am unclear whether the game master would then report of the minion's death come the theoretical end of the fifth twilight, but it seems irrelevant seeing as all it would do would be to prove my bulletproof nature.

Also, I, the Golden Witch Beatrice, received the cold potato last night. I am told it does nothing, and have received no instructions on passing it. I'm considering inviting it to the Golden Land, for all the good it's done! Kyakakakakakaka!

Does anyone other than the stupid rabbit want me to argue at all? My first level argument would run along the lines that only an idiot would kill Gaap last night, and I only see one idiot here. I have plenty to go behind that, but I don't expect to need to use it, with Bernkastel's final pawn prostrating himself at our feet so readily.

Legion of Doom! One last time from the top: both of you confirm for me in the simplest and clearest language that you are both confirmed 'innocents' to each other. That is the last thing I ask of you before I vote for the stupid rabbit. Then off to the Golden Land, where the deserving belong.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 5 Even More Potentialer LYLO
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 07, 2010, 11:19:18 PM

Ihihi! Looks like I have some fans out there who would be sad without my presence at this turn of the game.

Very well! I, the Endless Sorceror Battler, shall now act on behalf of the Golden Witch Beatrice, though my powers seem to be wasted here with such a predictable end game in sight.

Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 5 Even More Potentialer LYLO
Post by: Excal on February 08, 2010, 01:40:12 AM
Alright, so having had a bit more time to think things over, I have decided this day is more LYLO than Potential LYLO, so no time limit unless this game stagnates.

Also, a vote count!

Beatrice (1): Potato, Gig
Gig (0): Dahlia

With 5 active votes, it takes 3 votes to Lynch.

It is almost certainly LYLO, there is currently no limit to Day 5
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 5 Almost Certain LYLO
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 08, 2010, 02:00:56 AM

LYLO, huh. That sure is interesting. Something that could break a innocent, pawn of Bernkastel and zombie finale? The rabbit's obvious desperate pleas to be trusted for just one more day are certainly suspect, but I'm not sure how. It's obvious that he could do it if he could somehow turn his 0.75 into 1, but then it raises the question over how we weren't in potential LYLO earlier - at the point Beatrice declared there could not be four agents of Bernkastel, the same ought to have gone for three agents including a double voter.

Regardless of the rabbit's intended method, I can't think that changes what must be done, but it does at least explain what his plan was supposed to be.

It has now been confirmed that the Black Rose intended for Beatrice will instead kill only a minion. No surprises there.

The cold potato can be transferred at night. Not that it does anything. I don't want to give it up either! Ihihi!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 5 Almost Certain LYLO
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 08, 2010, 02:50:38 AM

And so the Golden Saints defeat the Blue Colts. How apt!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 5 Almost Certain LYLO
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 08, 2010, 03:30:33 AM

What do we have here?

How better to keep herself (Beatrice) alive, than to kill him (Gaap) before he could place it (the Black Rose) on her?

You've actually got the rules of the game board wrong here. Don't you know that... oh no, you've gone and summoned Death Sentence Dlanor.



CheckFINISHED checkFINISHED checkFINISHED checkcheckcheck FINISHEDFINISHEDFINISHED checkcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheck FINISHEDFINISHEDFINISHEDFINISHED FINISHEDFINISHEDFINISHEDFINISHED <Die The death!> <Sentence to death!> <Great equalizer is The Death!>

Know that, being night killed does not stop a player from using their power!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 5 Almost Certain LYLO
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 08, 2010, 03:43:24 AM

Know that, being night killed does not stop a player from using their power that night!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 5 Almost Certain LYLO
Post by: Zerg Rush on February 08, 2010, 06:51:39 AM
you better not screw me on this one

##Vote: Beatrice


Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 5 Almost Certain LYLO
Post by: Chiaki on February 08, 2010, 06:51:44 AM
##Vote: Beatrice

Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 5 Almost Certain LYLO
Post by: Excal on February 08, 2010, 08:00:20 AM
Beatrice - Town Aligned Minion Master[/b] has been lynched.

Game is almost certainly over, and just waiting to see who won.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 5 Almost Certain LYLO
Post by: Excal on February 08, 2010, 08:05:05 AM
On that note, please do send in your player guesses, they shall be revealed, oh...  probably when I get back from work tomorrow.  PM here or on IRC would be grand.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 5 Almost Certain LYLO
Post by: Excal on February 08, 2010, 08:47:31 AM
Gorgutz hadn't started off working with Vegeta, well...  anymore than necessary.  But him and his boys eventually came around.  And so it was that Gig got pushed outta the way, and no Ghost could stop the invasion.

Gig - Town Xanatos Joker has been killed.

Vegeta and Gorgutz - Third Party and Scum Legionaires have won a joint victory.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 5 Almost Certain LYLO
Post by: Chiaki on February 08, 2010, 08:49:23 AM
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Day 5 Almost Certain LYLO
Post by: Maya Kumashiro on February 08, 2010, 08:49:42 AM

##VOTE: Gaston
##VOTE: Gaston
##VOTE: Gaston
##VOTE: Gaston
##VOTE: Gaston
##VOTE: Gaston
##VOTE: Gaston
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Nathan Greaves on February 08, 2010, 08:58:19 AM
*rips off mask*

 :D :D :D
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Excal on February 08, 2010, 09:05:52 AM
Alright, here's the first bigass post, these are the role PMs I sent out.  You may notice two missing ones.  This is because Dycedarg and Haruhi were both joke characters.  Haruhi was always meant to die night 0, while Dycedarg was part of my intention to have deflected Xanatos Gambits hit unused sign up characters.  And honestly, my favourite part of Dycedarg's death was the way it rattled the scum, who were feeling a little too triumphant at the time.

Why were they feeling so good?  Well, read the role PMs and find out.

Dahlia Hawthorne

You are the villainous, vile Dahlia Hawthorne.  Notorious for using everyone in order to get what you want, you're utterly furious that whoever's wrecking the party is doing so without you!  In revenge, your goal is to muck up their fun no matter what happens to you.  And if something does happen to you?  What does death mean to an initiate of the Kurain School of Chanelling?  Should you die, you can no longer speak, but you can still vote!  You can only vote once per post, and can only post once per five posts.

Town Chicago Voter, vote when dead!


Who's the biggest badass of the land!  Who's the baddest dude to crush them all!  That's right, it's the totally indestructable Gig, that's who!  Man, if you had your full power, it'd be easy to crush all these fools in a single blow.  But sometimes you gotta make do with what you've got.  And, well, all you've got is the power to summon folks.  It'll save 'em from any Xanatos Gambits or Roulettes they're in, but there's also a price for this power.  You slap 'em with half a vote that'll last for the rest of the day, letting them win any tiebreaks come deadline.  And all you need to do all this is a simple ##Summon command.  It's so easy even a moron like the incredible man-cow could do it!

Town Xanatos Joker, bust gambits and break ties!

Dr. Wily

Those fools, they think that genius can be stopped by morals.  And that the rightful place of the most intelligent man in all the ages is anywhere but as the ruler of the world.  But you know better, and you'll show them all!  At least...  you will one day.  But, given that you're used to facing off against an unstoppable force, you've gotten crafty enough to always return and annoy that infernal Dr. Light any way you can, which makes you crafty in ways others cannot deal with.  It...  just takes time is all.  You have the power of the Xanatos Gambit, giving the fool you target a slow death, and letting them know death is coming.  And no mere Doctor can hope to stop your eventual doom either, all they can hope for is your nonexistant mercy and your choosing to stop your nefarious scheme!  Of course, knowing all about teams, you work with one, and win with them.

Town Aligned Xanatos Gambler


These rubes dare take centre stage while you're around?  Well, unlike that scoundrel, Weisheit, and these usurpers, you know how to work as part of a team.  Of course...  it's always useful to know more about everyone else than they know about you.  As such, each night you can pick one person and find out what their profession is.  Naturally, you win when the council does.

Town Aligned Information Broker

Gendo Ikari

Those meddling fools, can they not understand the peril, the necessity of doing what must be done in these troubling times?  And yet now is when they dare get in your way?  Well, no matter, for you are the cool and collected Gendo Ikari, master of all you survey.  As part of team town, you shall use your not inconsiderable intellect to calmly crush those who stand before you.  Of course, this stoic image you portray is merely a facade hiding the real you for you are secretly the...


Each night you choose one other player, and PM me (the Wondrous Excal, Game Mod) a paragraph of text, which must at least partially be steriotypical mad genius rambling.  It will then be delivered to the target via nailing it on their door.

Town Aligned Mad Ranter


You, the great Gaston, have arrived to save the day.  Such a hero you are that even Villains wish to spend time with you!  And so, you have formed your own group of heros in training so you can show them how to be manly, get drinks for free, and pick up chicks.  Your pupils are some space alien thing named Vegeta (Dread Thomas) and a Warboss Gorgutz (Carthrat)

Of course, you are not just the leader of a merry band, you are also a Hot Spud.  That's right!  You are the proud owner of a slightly irradiated potato.  What does it do?  Whoever holds it has one vote that they can never get rid of.  Of course, during the night you can chuck it around, passing it on to some unsuspecting fool before it gets you hung, or causes your hair to fall out.

Town Aligned Legionaire/Hot Spud


As much as I wish I could give you a cool flavoured intro like everyone else, herein lie the dangers of the write in.  Ah well, so long as the game's fun, right?  Anyways, let's talk roles and alignment, shall we.  Your alignment, Town.  You win when the rest of the schlubs do.  Your role?  Minion Master.  Somehow, you have a lot of flunkies.  This means that most night actions that would normally happen to you, happen to them instead..  Some can get through this, but all lethal ones will be blocked.

Town Aligned Minion Master

Dark Helmet

Curses!  If it isn't that dastardly Lonestar ruining your day, it's always something!  But, with the Power of the Schwartz you're bound to succeed.  Of course, you also have an advantage none of the other villains have: access to a copy of Villainous Anonymafia: The Home Movie! (Now on Blue-Ray and DVD)  So each night while you have your official Spaceballs Whisky in its Official Spaceballs Glass, you can choose watch one person's adventures, seeing either you they visit if they head out, or who visits them if they stay at home.

Town Aligned Peeping Tom (Tracker if they leave home, Watcher if they stay home)


Villains and heros come
Seeking to conquor my land.
They shall all eat pie!!!

What's this?  A villainous plot to claim YOUR princess?  And all you have to defend yourself with is pies?  Well, if there's anyone who can make a pie dangerous, it's you!  After all, with your trusty ##Pie: Target action you can give anyone .75 of a vote whenever you like!  Even better, devious as you are, you've got tracking spells on 'em, so you can tell if they head out in the night!  And did I mention the no limit to how often you can do this?

Of course, pie crusts and the humiliation slamming one into someone's face brings is a fickle thing.  Whenever you do it to a new target, your old one loses their vote.  Even worse, you only get one tracker so that stays on the first person you hit with a pie!

Town Aligned Entartiste


These weak fools think they can stop you?  Well, that'll never happen, especially now that you've found the greatest team of conquorers you could find on this rock.  And once you clear out those who can stop you, the world shall be yours, and then the galaxy!  You've teamed up with some clown called the Joker (Sir Alex) and an eccentric millionaire called Mr. Burns (Feure).  However, there's always fun to be had with teams, and so you joined two!  You're also part of a Legion of Doom with this manly man jerk Gaston (Ciato) and some orcish swine by name of Warboss Goregutz (Rat).  Naturally, you can also kill each night as part of the team, and you win when you outnumber everyone who isn't you.

Scum Legionaire


What's this?  A peaceful meeting of villains, out to...  work together?  How wonderfully...  BORING that is!  Clearly, you'll have to do something to fix all this, and what better way than by setting all against each other!  You've joined up with an alien with a most delightful inferiority complex called Vegeta (Dread Thomas) as well as a most delightfully twisted old man called Montgomerey Burns (Feure).  Of course, unlike them you have so many tricks up your sleaves.  For starters, if you do nothing you show up as Town to Cop investigations.  You also have unlimited uses of other delightful powers such as the

Spies - Find out someone's role name.
Xanatos Roulette - Docbusting Kill.  Takes place the night after you use it, and target is aware of his impending doom (it's not fun otherwise!)
Mad Ranter - Send paragraph to game control, must contain at least some mad ranting, will be posted on their door overnight.

Scum Master of Masks

Montgomerey Burns

So, these ne'erdowells seem to be gathering, and thinking they're the bees knees, do they.  Well, you shan't let them get away with it so long as you're around.  To this end you're working with this Nipponese chap named Vegeta (Evil Tom) as well as this pecuiarily quaint fellow who calls himself a Joker (Sir Alex).  Together you'll show them all how things should be.  Of course, you're not entirely without kindness.  Each night you can replace one person's newfangled tool with a proper one from your own time, and let them prove their own incompetance as they're unable to use it.

Scum Master of Misdirection

Warboss Gorgutz

Dude!  You totally picked someone I know absolutely nothing about!  So you just get the tl;dr version!
Third Party Legionaire, you win as a survivor!  Or, you can get a solo victory by engineering a LYLO with just legionaires alive!
Login info: Unchanged

Light Yagami

In order to defend the land, someone has to do the things others cannot.  And just because some call you evil just means they're too short sighted to see the truth, and therefore cannot suitably judge you anyways.  Of course, as judge, jury, executioner, you must stand alone, and all who would dare judge you must perish.  You are third party, and you win if you survive when there's just two people left.  Accordingly, you must prevent either side from winning until you can win yourself.  It's a difficult task, but for someone of your genius, it's certainly doable.  It also helps that you also have the ultimate tool, the Death Note.  It...  doesn't seem to be working right right now, but that doesn't seem to have weakened it.  Notably, instead of killing people, now it...  saves lives?  Indeed, each night you can pick one person and prevent any direct nightkill on that person.  However, you can then also control their actions from that point on until the end of the next night, preventing them from taking any action that would harm you.  This includes everything from nightkills to voting.

Third Party Mad Doctor  Win when you're alone
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Excal on February 08, 2010, 09:20:03 AM
Alright, before I sleep, night actions.

Night 0

Burns - Block Daliah Hawthorne
Dr. Wily - Nothing
Edna - Investigate Dahlia
Gendo - Ranting at Edna
Joker - Investigate Gendo
Light - Doc the Joker
Dark Helmet - Peep on Burns

Night 1

Burns - Block Beatrice
Dr. Wily - Xanatos on Gaston
Edna - Investigate Burns
Gaston - Potato on Gorgutz
Gendo - Message Beatrice
Light - Protect Dr. Wily
Joker - Message Light
Scum - Kill Dahlia

Night 2

Burns - Block Beatrice
Dr. Wily - Kill Edna
Edna - Investigate Light
Gorgutz - Keep Potato
Light - Protect Beatrice
Joker - Nothing
Scum - Kill Light

Night 3

Dr. Wily - Kill Joker
Gorgutz - Pass to Bowser
Joker - Night Kill
Scum - Kill Gaston

Night 4

Dr. Wily - Kill Beatrice
Scum - Kill Dr. Wily
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Tanaka on February 08, 2010, 09:24:42 AM
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 08, 2010, 10:15:40 AM

Really rather annoyed by that ending, as we were doomed from the moment that Gaston crapped up.

It doesn't help that the rabbit led out with the scummiest LYLO attack ever (and if he hadn't been all 'trust me for one more day' I might have actually thought about why it had to be LYLO), but the game was already over then by rights of his instant voting and disappearance.

I'll take the consolation prize of doing about as well as possible given those limits.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Tanaka on February 08, 2010, 10:51:42 AM
Beatrice for Town MVP. Well PLANNED.

It's worth noting that I was seriously worried you'd target me - rightfully so, apparently! - to the extent that I figured "It's not necessary to save myself!" (It was the fact that I was mildly low-profile, yet you completely skimmed over me - no comments whatsoever, which seemed really odd to me. I also thought, of course, that you had a power role. ;o)
I seriously considered saving myself, though, and.. apparently that was the right choice too. NOT AS PLANNED, etc, etc.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Carthrat on February 08, 2010, 11:08:09 AM
I'm surprised you didn't save yourself basically every day. o-O
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Tanaka on February 08, 2010, 11:38:43 AM
Seeing as Joker was (according to my sources) a Rolecop, that may have been a bad plan. If any of Cop/Rolecop targeted me, I was doomed, and I figured at least one would (correctly! Yay!)
It was a good role to survive with, actually. I just had to try to choose when to save myself and when to block others. I should have realised the Jailer claim was problematic to the Mafia on both sides of the coin, and known I was doomed to die.

Edit: And now I read the role PM and see that he could be a rolecop, he just wasn't when it came to targeting me. Still, the thought was there.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 08, 2010, 11:47:49 AM

Beatrice had you pegged as a likely top power role, George, so didn't want to draw attention in your direction. Kanon was also really starting to get under her skin at about that point (on that note, I'm really surprised you caved in quite so badly the instant I put pressure on you, Alex). Also, as was mentioned at the time, I think if that bastard Goldsmith hadn't tied her up that night then you would have saved yourself, just to make the choices sting that bit more.

And damn, so close to getting the linchpin to the whole thing lynched day one. Gaap or Edna not swapping would have been good enough.

Kanon! You think yourself some sort of Super Paper?

And trust Lady Lambdadelta to team up with Lady Bernkastel to kill Beatrice on the fifth iteration. She says she's here to help Beatrice so that she can defeat Bernkastel at any cost, but then the two of them still seem to have tea parties and sleepovers despite supposedly being the worst of enemies.


Oh, and yeah, the same could be said for any game of mafia, but my first goal for this game was to just to have a lot of fun, far more than winning, so went full on with the role-playing side. I can't say that I'm not disappointed with an ending that was out of my hands and a bit of an anti-climax  - at one brief point during the fourth twilight, I completely lost my nerve, thought that maybe Kanon was telling the truth and that it was a Gaap / Siesta 1073741824 team remaining with Gaap as godmother, made some paranoid rant to the game master (as I did during most twilights), and then envisioned an epic showdown whereby I had to make some very precise arguments to make sure that everything went well, zombie voting was going to save the day and I'd end up as the only piece left alive, winning it for town... but then realised that no, Kanon was still most likely lying, and was still correct to have the Black Rose kill him regardless as it was effectively a bonus lynch that we wouldn't have got otherwise - BUT

BUT... I had a fantastically fun time nonetheless. I think it's almost certainly the most fun game I've played on the fragment that is the DL.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Tanaka on February 08, 2010, 12:09:25 PM
As much as I shouted in RAGE when my informant told me who the third Mafia member was, I still had a lot of fun both playing and reading through this game. When I saw my role, I (well, firstly asked a lot of questions on the specifics, but THEN) laughed hysterically and thanked Moderator-san. The role PM was hilarious, and having a creative role was fun; considering I've played about 15 Mafia games now, and only had roles in 3 of them - 1 of which I had to drop out of - I was really happy to get an interesting role!

Beatrice, Joker and, to an extent, Warboss. Congratulations on the roleplay. You three stood out to me as the best here, although I can safely say that everybody was damn good.
Oh, and sorry for picking on the roleplay to build a case on you, Rat. ;)
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 08, 2010, 01:32:05 PM
This game was a blast to play and read (kudos to Beatrice both for being town MVP and making those posts such a joy to read through. Dr. Wily also gets props). Sorry about being such a bad townie, guys. The role madness sorta grabbed me by the legs to boot. Still, this was probably the most fun I've had in a Mafia game.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: EvilTom on February 08, 2010, 02:30:05 PM

I had fun :D
My condolences to Ciato ^^;
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 08, 2010, 03:07:22 PM
I want it on the record that I feel dirty as hell for spending so long buddying up with the Umineko player.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Tohsaka Rin on February 08, 2010, 03:20:25 PM
Also player list!

Beatrice - Hal LD
Bowser - NEB Captain K
Dahlia Hawthorne - QR
Dark Helmet - Ephraim
Dr. Wily - VSM
Edna - Corwin
Gaston - Shale
Gendo Ikari - Dhyer
Gig - Otter
Haruhi Suzumiya - Super
Joker - Tai
Light Yagami - Andy
Montgomery Burns - Gate
Vegeta - Meeple
Warboss Gorgutz - Yakko

100% serious.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 08, 2010, 03:24:13 PM
/me thwaps Wily.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Chad Hutchins on February 08, 2010, 03:32:41 PM
Apologies? That was the funnest game of Mafia I've ever played. I think the surefire approach of enjoying myself instead of trying to find scum worked BRILLIANTLY. For my sanity, not the other players. I knew Rat was third-party the entire game and didn't really feel the need to share this information with anyone since I wanted at least someone in the masons to win.

It was role madness, what do you guys expect. >_> I thought believing all the masons were town was a retardedly bad assumption but I felt no pressing need to argue for it because people seemed to be being really stupid about the entire thing anyway.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: EvilTom on February 08, 2010, 03:36:47 PM
Vegeta - Meeple
What :\
I thought I was blatantly obvious.
And Meeple?

Kudos to Ciato :D
Enjoyment = #1
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Margaret Houlihan on February 08, 2010, 03:37:28 PM
Yeah, sorry for playing badly, first time with a role not named vanilla townie, so I wasn't entirely sure how to go about playing it.  I pretty much thought to myself that I was screwed when I found out I was marked for death, and the person I inspected got killed the same night.  Apologies for the apathy on day three, everyone had convinced me that there wasn't an argument I could make to dig myself out of that, so I just kind of let things happen.

Hopefully I've learned some things about playing power roles though <.<.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on February 08, 2010, 03:41:46 PM

Oh, I have a couple of complaints about the game:

Delayed nightvig is really really bad. It basically ensured that I would never actually get into the game; one day of being busy with GETTING MY PHD. PROJECT on Day 1 and I was already out but not really out of the game. If you insist on having someone die via vig Night 1, at least just put them out of their bloody misery.

I was given basically the worst role in the game, objectively. No powers, completely screwed over by a setup that I inherently distrusted the masons. It was like a ----- power role. Role madness sucks.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Magetastic on February 08, 2010, 03:41:57 PM
Didn't really enjoy the last two days. that was a really silly thing to do (have a scum be in two chats and actually on a team with town, as well as having the Xanatos Gambler be town with the Xanatos Joker).
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on February 08, 2010, 03:45:51 PM
I have no real problem with the roles in the game, I feel like the setup was decently balanced and adequately served to trick town , which is the goal of role madness.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on February 08, 2010, 03:54:57 PM
Oh, and Dr. Wily is MVP!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Jo'ou Ranbu on February 08, 2010, 03:55:58 PM
/me gnaws on Ciato.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Bardiche on February 08, 2010, 03:59:33 PM
Beatrice was amazingly fun to read. Doesn't help I'm an Umineko fan so I was rooting for Beatrice the entire time.

Good show everyone. That's the funnest Mafia game I've ever read.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Excal on February 08, 2010, 04:02:27 PM
Mage, the point of Role Madness is not to have the roles replace the actual playing.

Ciato, yeah, sorry for what happened to you.  Unfortunatly, there's not a whole lot I can get from your comments since some roles in role madness have to suck, and...  an informal poll I did after your mid-game comments show that most people actually prefer getting slow killed over the standard night kill.

Anyways, glad to hear that people had a blast, since that, first and foremost, is what I was aiming for.

Also, since people are asking, and I'm too busy to actually do stats for guesses and what not, the cast of this fine play.


Snowfire - PW guy/gal   Chicago Voter         *
Mick - Gig      Xanatos Joker         *
Kilga - Dr. Wily   Xanatos Gambler      *
Glen - Edna      Information Broker      *
Snow - Gendo Ikari   Ranter            *
Ciato - Gaston   Legionaire, Hot Potato   *
Xanth - Beatrice   Minion Master         *
Alice - Dark Helmet   Peeping Tom         *
Kitten4u - Bowser   Entartiste         *

Evil Tom - Vegeta   Legionaire         *
Alex - Joker      Master of Masks
Feure - Burns      Retro Rocket         *

Third Party
Rat - Warboss Gorgutz   Legionaire
Yoshiken - Light Yagami   Mad Doctor         *
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 08, 2010, 04:06:14 PM

I thought believing all the masons were town was a retardedly bad assumption but I felt no pressing need to argue for it because people seemed to be being really stupid about the entire thing anyway.

I asked, it was answered. I'm not going to hold it against you in the face of fun, but that was an active decision to choose town to lose. As soon as you were NKed and flipped town there was no reason to distrust you at all.

Siesta 1073741824! While I'm being mean, you really truly deserve the Gouda's Tiny Food Bombs award for dedication to the pursuit of logic harmful to all mankind. If Ciato's apathy towards town was most of the nails in town's coffin, you were the one trying to hammer them in with a banana. At least freeze the banana first next time! Ihihi!

Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 08, 2010, 04:08:47 PM
It's hilarious that all that kerfuffle about player meta on Day 2 ended up being wrong, as I was convinced Gendo was Xanth.

Apologies for lack of real roleplay, I am ass at RPing in general.

Also blame Excal for not letting me write-in Joe Buck. :(
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on February 08, 2010, 04:35:18 PM
Also blame Excal for not letting me write-in Joe Buck. :(

Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Shale on February 08, 2010, 05:07:03 PM
Hey, even in villain mafia, there have to be limits.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Joe Buck on February 08, 2010, 05:19:21 PM
Gaston drops back.

Under pressure.


Fires the potato downfield.

Gorgutz is there.

Caught against his helmet.

Stay tuned for an all-new American Dad after the game.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Sierra on February 08, 2010, 06:27:14 PM
What is Gorgutz from, anyway?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 08, 2010, 06:43:32 PM
Looks like 40K. I thought it was WarCraft myself.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Maya Kumashiro on February 08, 2010, 07:38:49 PM






Pearls, do your psychotic half-sister a favor and let her talk.




French Doom Man
Betrayed by whom?
His brothers

I wrote a paper on the relationship between senryu poetry and the criminal underworld, but never got to unleash appropriate poetry!  (Aside from the sign-in thread.)  Alas.  (Also senryu writing is hard.)

Anyway.  This game was a blast.  Objective 1: Draw a NK as soon as possible.  Mission Accomplished!  Objective 2: Make sure town wins.  Uh...  see Light.

For Objective 1, I figured the best way to draw a NK was to make it seem like I had a powerful role.  But roleclaiming doctor who can't protect self on Day 1 would make me look like a lunatic.  So that's why I had those ramblings about Night 0 and roles who "knew things" - I wanted to send the impression that I thought that this would be a very role-heavy game with powerful abilities left and right, and maybe you should take my opinion seriously because I found something Night 0.

I briefly considered fakeclaiming Beautiful Princess because wow, would that be incredibly in-character for our serial perjurer or what, but Excal told me potential LYLO would be announced.  The proper way to address a BP claim is probably to wait until potential-LYLO "should" roll around and if it doesn't, lynch the claimed BP.  Since that would be a sure wasted lynch, I decided against it (if I wasn't killed, it'd only be because I misled town about the number of scum).  Plus when I left I wasn't sure I'd be the lynch target anyway and I didn't want to claim unless I was sure.  [In favor of the fakeclaim, I had a rare role where a town rolecop would immediately see I was town - vote while dead is an ability never in the hands of scum in a sane game.]

If I'd stayed above suspicion more on Day 1 I had some more flavor fluff to throw on.  For starters, we need to be alert to solve this case, so if everybody drinks this coffee I'm sure the mafia will be dead within no time!  Also, after succesfully soliciting a butterfly picture out of Beatrice, I was hoping to found my own secret organization even better than the Doom Legionaires - the mysterious "Butterfly Club."  Of course as a requirement if this is your Butterfly Club Day 1 you must bring a butterfly.  My unfortunate demise meant I held rule 1, not talking about Butterfly Club, a little too strongly.  It was pretty obvious I was angling for Gaston to join but alas, distractions arose.  On the Gaston note, if Gaston had died before me, I'd have claimed to have married him the night before in a secret ceremony.  And then gone to visit his wealthy father but shockingly be unable to find him!  So I guess it sure is lucky Gaston married before dying so that someone could oversee his family's estate.

On the later days...  I couldn't entirely shake my suspicions of Dr. Wily.  Thought he was a Bulletproof Serial Killer or something who'd decided to vig for town out of pity.  The masons worried me because, as noted, it seemed like they made town too overpowered...  but... but...  they're self-confirming, and if they were all scum it was the most psychotic scum gambit ever.

Mr. Burns, well, I figured that if he did something to me night 0 and he was scum, it was either rolecop or roleblock.  But scum who knew anything about voting in Chicago would never ever NK me, so that means it couldn't have been rolecop.  And if he was town then he should be given time to compile some investigations / protections / whatever to bring forward as a confirmable record before deciding the case.  This pretty well worked out, don't think there was any harm in pressing the case on Burns later rather than sooner.  Also: There totally needs to be a role named "Retro Rocket" in some future mafia game.  I'm not sure what it'd do, but the mental image of Mr. Burns with his legs straddling a rocket inexplicably moving the reverse direction of its thrusters was great.

Day 4, y'all put Bowser at L-1 before I could release a butterfly. :-(  While Bowser never read suspiciously to me [I didn't understand the "He split his vote which is scummy!" argument] Gig and Bea read actively towny and Joker already had a death sentence, so I couldn't even do a Vote / Unvote safely.

Day 5 Shenanigans: Eh, I can't agree with Beatrice about blaming Gig here.  When Gig placed his vote it was "More Potential LYLO" and all of me / Gig / Bea thought the game was surely Town's.  Actually mildly surprised at how seriously Gig/Bea argued,it was clearly a "at worst lynch both of us, win" case.  I was convinced that scum's gambit of shooting Dr. Wily would backfire horribly, but then...  nobody is accusing the masons [Kinda necessary for scumGig / scumBea to win]?!  Then Excal changed it to "almost certain LYLO" which I knew was a sign that something was deeply, deeply wrong.  Obviously one possibility was the masons were scum, but Gig had already placed his vote, so that was water under the bridge.  Otherwise...  um...  the only thing I could think of was that Beatrice was scum and had the power to reignite the potato.  But everything about Beatrice screamed town, including her questioning of the mod as to what could possibly stop a Townie / Scum / Dahlia endgame.  So.  Uh.  ???

Excal may have said too much when he noted to me on how people would be surprised at what the masons "really were" around Day 3 or so, but even that's unclear, and could mean it was a third-party alliance that'd decided to play for a town victory.  Which would also be good with us.  Oh, well.  Looking at the role PMs...  I'm confused?  Ciato, if you thought that the town masons were confirmed, I'd understand, because that's what the PM sounds like.  If I read that I'd assume a confirmed masonry too because that's the default kind.  But you thought that an all-town masonry was a "retarded assumption" but...  didn't tell us?  I do think that the flavor behind unreliable masons was perfect for a villains game, at least, just I wish this was more clear.

Anyways, good game to all.  Beatrice gets a special nod for both playing a fantastic game for Town as well as being hilarious - I found myself thinking in her weird set of terms.  Hooray for the [Robotic?!] Black Rose of Xanatos.   On a last acknowlegements note: the place I stole icons from did request credit, so my fine selection of Dahlia faces is from pocketmolecule (  The Dahlia "Alas poor Yorick" picture with lightning bolts in the background was conveniently posted just recently here ( (found both of the above from the LJ community (  My messenger butterflies carrying my commands across the river Styx were from Wikipedia, notably the Pieridae family ( - which includes the small whites that are my favorite.  And apparently agricultural pests as well that eat cabbage.  Huh.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Carthrat on February 08, 2010, 08:37:10 PM
Gorgutz is from Dawn of War, he's an.. ork. They're all pretty much the same.

I shoulda picked Revolver Ocelot though.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Kitten4u on February 08, 2010, 09:04:29 PM
Bleh, I was hoping that I would play better on my first game on a new forum.  Sorry for being spectacularly useless. x:  Anyway, I was pretty bummed that I didn't get much use out of my ability. *shakes fist at people that hammered so quickly*  Technically I could have thrown it whenever, but I couldn't move the tracker, so I wanted to wait as long as possible before deciding so I would track the right person and they wouldn't just die.  By the time all the claims were through I had town reads on just about everyone (the ??? read on Burns was the only exception), so I started to get majorly apathetic/frustrated.

Anyway, I <3 Beatrice's posts too.  They were a lot of fun to read.  Really, once I got used to RPing and Mafia being in the same setting I had a lot of fun (I didn't even mind those several re-reads I did).

Good game everyone~
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Yoshiken on February 08, 2010, 09:08:11 PM
Maaan. Xanth, Kilga and Snowfire tend to be awesome at this roleplay thing, from what I've seen.

Ocelot would have been AWESOME. Yes.

So, we've had sidekicks and villains. Is it HERO MAFIA next, Excal?!
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Dark Holy Elf on February 08, 2010, 09:27:14 PM
Thought town pretty much screwed up the last two days by rushing them and not stopping to think about the situation because it felt like it was a decipherable role puzzle at that point (day 5 especially). Mad props to Vegeta for lying at the end of day 3 and getting away with it because he killed Gaston before he could raise a contradiction and he knew Gorgutz wouldn't. I actually totally missed that post until a late day 4 reread myself (and was wondering why nobody was suspecting the masons as such!) and afterwards I get why town thought the masons were confirmed even though if they'd thought about it for long enough they would have realised this was impossible. Still, Tom played very well to boot and came off legitimately townie, so yeah, he deserves the win.

Dr. Wily wins Town MVP for using his role about as well as possible; lurker kickstarting then taking out scummy players. (Sorry Glen. :( )
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Bardiche on February 08, 2010, 09:43:43 PM
Bleh, I was hoping that I would play better on my first game on a new forum.  Sorry for being spectacularly useless.

Don't worry, on my first game I pulled a cop claim against two townies because I was insane. Harmed town more than I helped. :D

Planning to run another game, Excal?
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Ranmilia on February 08, 2010, 09:52:48 PM
Thanks to people all around, game was fun.

Balancewise, it's hard to say but I think the game was roughly even.  Scum had the incredibly useful mason traitor, but then a roleblocker of middling-low usefulness in this setup, and my role, which was a very nasty trap.  We also had a low breakpoint of numbers with Dahlia's vote around, and a lot of self-confirming townie roles to bust through.  In the end the mason traitor pulled through, but it was reasonably close and could have gone the other way with a few key town plays or a bit worse luck for us.

Night 0 we rolecopped Gendo and determined that rolecopping was useless.  I was already paranoid about the risk of dropping godfather, so no more rolecopping.  Night 1 I tried to send a message to Light, and it indeed mysteriously failed... and by day 2 Gendo claimed and then I realized what was up with my role and that there probably wasn't even a traditional cop anyway.  Entirely a trap, designed to get me embroiled in a claim conflict with the townie rolecop, messenger or poisoner.  We really lucked out of not falling into it and having me lynched sooner than I was.

Day 1 was standard stuff.  Day 2 was looking bad for us, thought Burns might have to go then and there, but thankfully town decided to turbo elsewhere with the masons.  Day 3 was trainwreck central... but also filled in all the rest of the roles for us.  With full knowledge of the setup in hand, it wasn't too hard to engineer a victory relying on Dread Thomas and town trusting the masons too much, or at least more than they trusted the nonmasons.

- Tom and Rat, obviously.  You guys won the game for us.
- Feure.  When I first saw who our other partner was, I was like "Ah man this guy is probably either going to no show or be a total goof."  Not so!  Yeah you made a lot of newbie mistakes and got into a lynch trap, but that's fine, you still showed up and gave a really impressive performance for someone who as far as I know had never played before and didn't even know anyone here.  (I'm getting told in IRC that you knew Yoshiken, okay).  Welcome to the DL, thank you so much, I hope you had fun, and I hope you'll stick around for future shenanigans!
 - Wily.  Town MVP in my book.  Consistently solid and managed to get nearly to endgame despite a roleclaim that made you a huge target for all sorts of negative attention.  
- Beatrice's roleplaying.  Fun to watch, and even got me to throw in a bit at the end.  (This is remarkable since I can't stand Umineko!)
- Gaston.  Thanks for hanging in there, you got screwed pretty bad but dealt with it admirably.

- Turbos and ninja hammers.  Day 2, 3 and 4 all could have gone differently and pressed us much harder if town had stopped to think a little more.  As it was, day 2 saved Burns for a while, day 3 got heat on Gig and day 4 got heat on Beatrice, leaving the end of the game a virtual certainty.  I think Tom and Rat could have given a decent defense if pressured, but as it played out, we didn't even have to try.  (in fact, without getting Beatrice lynched, I think we mathematically couldn't win!  She can't be nightkilled and her+Dahlia's vote would always beat a lone scum.)  The end of day 4 especially was what.
- Me.  I played poorly.  Very poorly.  Did the bare minimum of helping to ensure the masons were clear and then that was about it.  This was half due to lack of caring since Tom was carting the victory home anyway, and half due to various life things kicking me in the face and destroying my motivation after day 1 or so.  Sorry about that.

Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Yoshiken on February 08, 2010, 10:38:56 PM
Yeah, to clarify, Feuer's a friend from another site. I've run a fair few Mafia games there, and I've often said about how much harder and better (and faster and stronger) DL Mafia is, so he came on in to find out for himself.

Funny coincidence: When Excal ran HenchMafia, I ran a Villain Mafia over at TTA, where Feuer played as Light. >_> (Except there he was a Cop and that game was a total trainwreck where he got rolecopped Night One and managed to survive to the end regardless with no Doctors (yay scum inactivity!) and then claimed late and nobody believed it in LYLO and argh scum win.)
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: SnowFire on February 08, 2010, 11:59:03 PM
As a random thought, the evil-o-meter varied drastically in this game.  On one hand where softies who won't / can't hurt a fly (Bowser, Dr. Wily, Dark Helmet) hanging out with psychotic mass-murderers (Light, some versions of the Joker), and a variety of shades between.  An interesting mix.

Dark Holy Elf: The only thing that made that puzzle possible to figure out was the fact that the moderator changed it from potential LYLO to almost-certain LYLO....   after Gig had already placed a vote that allowed a scumhammer.  So I'd agree mildly that town could have won if Excal had said "This is probably LYLO, really, think on that" from the outset *and* Gig had held off his vote because of that *and* Gig and Beatrice both noticed that they were both willing to kill the both of them to solve the issue, which should have set off alarm bells.  Still, it's really dangerous territory to say "This is so illogical scum couldn't have done it!"  I could see a scum Bea / scum Gig killing Wily, getting the other lynched Day 5, then acting really shocked on Day 6, playing the "if I were scum I'd never have done this" card, and hoping for the best.   ...not a GOOD strategy, but possible, and [assuming true town masons] the situation looked pretty desperate for scum such that they might be willing to try such a gambit.  In fact, if scumBea had pulled this, I might just have believed it after her canny play + why did she shoot Wily when she was likely the towniest of Wily/Gig/Bea.

And as for the masons...  well, when Gaston was asked point blank if the masons were confirmed, she responded (,4564.msg96458.html#msg96458) "I trust the other two masons. They've given me no reason to doubt them. So yeah, I am coo' with Warboss and Vegeta."  I commented to Excal at the time about why people aren't saying "Yes, we are confirmed masons" or "No, we are not confirmed masons, but I think they're town anyway," but it sounded like a roleplaying / avoiding in-game terms way of saying "Yes, confirmed."  And there's no reason to be evasive either in such a circumstance, the role's already been announced.  I looked this up on Day 5 after Excal made the switch to "almost certain LYLO" to check my masons-are-scum suspicions, and it seemed pretty definitive.  Oh, well.

Sir Alex: Thought your Joker play was pretty good, FWIW.  It's true that you got caught but you were pretty high on the non-mason townie list, and on the way down you managed to further discredit the masons-are-scum vibe by pushing it yourself.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Luther Lansfeld on February 09, 2010, 12:01:14 AM
I thought that Joker was quite townie.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Yoshiken on February 09, 2010, 12:26:59 AM
I.. remember spotting one or two problems, but one or two problems is damn good by my reckoning. ;o
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Dhyerwolf on February 09, 2010, 07:59:34 AM
Beatrice FTW! Made the game for me (as uh...a casual reader!)
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Excal on February 09, 2010, 08:08:06 AM
Yeah, my apologies to you guys for that.  I realised after I started the day that if I let Dahlia keep Town alive then it was impossible for Scum to win if they ever got reduced to one person.  It was, somehow, a scenario I had never fully thought through, and at the rate things were going, I didn't have the time to think it through until it happened.

Honestly, when I updated you guys, I should have also wiped the vote.  Just, too busy with work to do so.

Anyways, currently trying to work out how to do the Alignment Mafia, and since someone seems to have picked up Hero Mafia, I'll let them complete the trinity.  I think for my next game, I'll find a way to reward the most entertaining play, possibly even making it possible to win even if you're on the losing team if you manage to be awesome enough.
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Bill Hellsnake on February 10, 2010, 10:04:30 AM

Yoshi: really? My previous experience of role-playing here has been to draw a character I don't know very well or don't much like, try something a little abstract with them, draw flak from other players during day 1 for being too confusing, and then drop the role-playing entirely before day 1's gone to preserve my skin. That was the real difference here - I made sure it was a character I loved and had a large stock of material to refer to (steal from). Part of my theory was in fact that the effort into actually trying to role play would make people think it wasn't me, even with swathes of posts.

Oh, and I was originally going to sign up as Eva-Beatrice, but then decided that she had too few sprites to pull off more than a day or so with her and so went with the whole succession thing instead.

Anyway, the only reason I'm actually still posting here is because Excal hasn't posted the random bonus stuff. I personally received two PMs of note during the game, but may as well post my night 2 message as well. You'll see why I didn't react to Rudolf's message...

Night 1:

Well, you certainly drew some attention.  Some of your poor minions spent the poor night tied up, but with no clue by who.  Their role, sadly, having been blocked.  As for some others, they got woken up by some fool posting a note on their door in the night.  When you meet them, they hand it to you.

"Those IDIOTS! Unaware of their untimely demise, slowly crawling into their doom! I will rise from the ashes and conquer this sad conundrum! But first, I must watch those distrustful pigeons. Dr. Wily, Joker... keep a close eye on them! Yes, yes!"

There is nothing else that happens to you in the night.

Night 2:

The same minions as the previous night have been roleblocked, again.

In addition, you don't know how, but someone managed to get to your most trusted minions, your body double, and...  doctored them.  However, that wasn't all, your superb magics have discovered they were also ensorceled so that they could not harm in any way Light Yagami.

Night 4:

During the night, one of your minions is enmeshed in a Xanatos Gambit.  They will die with the coming of the next night.

Also, you gained a new role.

You suspect this lump of tuber used to be irradiated.  But now, it's just kinda unimpressive.  Does nothing.

Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Bardiche on February 10, 2010, 08:27:08 PM

I thought there were a bunch of sprites for EVA, but it might just be that there's too many edits flying 'round seacats. You definitely made Funnest PLayer To Read, though. :D (PS: Shkanon is a lie)
Title: Re: Villainous Anonymafia - Game Over SCUM WIN
Post by: Yoshiken on February 10, 2010, 10:16:22 PM
Xanth: Roleplay with you is mostly based on Animafia, where you were awesome.