##Vote: Tai
Mindy is the progenitor of all that is evil.
Whoa whoa whoa wait a minute why the hell is everyone jumping on Rat. If Noyn's vote count that puts him at L-3, and if scum haven't already tossed their votes onto him they can easily pile on for a mislynch right this second.
So, uh. What the hell guys.
Mäh forgot I could ask the Vote count, I blame my lack of sleep due playing all night (04.00am here. xD).
But yeah Vote count, please.
Thought and also just in case it's a bastrad Mod joke.
##UNVOTE: Carthrat
##VOTE: Kilga
Don't take it bad, just figured if it is as Makkotah said and my vote actually will be counted it could lead to mislynch.
So I'll rather vote someone who has no vote yet, just in case. If it's actually counted I'll unvote you right away, if not no it's fine anyway.
Either way no harm done. :>
Thaks for piintign that out Makkotah, again I blame my lack of sleep fro not seeing that. >_>
Mäh forgot I could ask the Vote count, I blame my lack of sleep due playing all night (04.00am here. xD).
But yeah Vote count, please.
Thought and also just in case it's a bastrad Mod joke.
##UNVOTE: Carthrat
##VOTE: Kilga
Don't take it bad, just figured if it is as Makkotah said and my vote actually will be counted it could lead to mislynch.
So I'll rather vote someone who has no vote yet, just in case. If it's actually counted I'll unvote you right away, if not no it's fine anyway.
Either way no harm done. :>
Thaks for piintign that out Makkotah, again I blame my lack of sleep fro not seeing that. >_>
Just so you know, if you try to post when someone else makes a post before you're done, you will get a
Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.
Given that Excal typed up a votecount while you were typying that post, you probably should have reacted to his votecount. (Obviously I'm not implying a scum tell or anything; this is your sixth post on these forums and they work a bit differently than other forums; no big).
Carthrat (3): Snowfire, Taishyr, Taishyr, Metroid
Noyn is actually at 0, but even Mods need their jokevotes!
Though it seems srs bizness started strangely quickly this game! So on the more serious note... I'm not sure what to make of this, but looking back Noyn said he'd be voteless for two days. The opening post says that such effects "rarely" last beyond a single day. Well, rarely isn't never, and I don't think Noyn is lying or even mistaken about this, since we'll find out very quickly on Day 2 if you are... just a weird fact to file away.
Each Day Phase will last 72 hours, at which point Kefka and Luca get bored and will consult with their partner in crime, Nyarlahatbot in order to decide tie breaks, or will simply off whoever has the most votes.
Poooondering more serious votes; there's some straws I could grasp at, but they're very, very, very flimsy straws at this point, so I'm not sure I should.
okay. two things of note: Noyn seems to end up with a modvote whenever he tries to vote today, and Noyn's logic is at least passable (we've had far more trainwrecky cases of not noticing before, so hardly gonna chastise him, esp. since the vote wasn't sure to count anywho). no other comments just yet.
Poooondering more serious votes; there's some straws I could grasp at, but they're very, very, very flimsy straws at this point, so I'm not sure I should.
Flimsy straws are still better than pure gags. No reason not to chase them.
Yeah, no. I mean sure I understand why the hesitation on the speed of Rattrain but this seems a bit overreacting, both as to severity overall and as to immediacy of the situation (panicmongering, actually - "right this second"? is that supposed to send my heart aflutter or something?). THAT being said, calling out Noyn just a touch for the vote isn't a terrible idea (MC seems still solidly jokevote).
Thus, I want to hear from Noyn regarding vote placement decision logic, even if only in brief. Vote stands for the moment, in accordance with above statement.
Jokevotes Alice
Says his post will turn serious in 24-48 hours.
Zenny, we're not in danger at L-3. Alice pressure still stands.
Admits D1 lazy
Will not rely on modkills for pressure; wants srs business to start early
Fine with drawing early votes due to LAL stance if it gets people to take a stand.
Agrees with Tai on Zenny, and mentions Rat lack of content.
Points out Excal gave an explanation about Alice; switches vote to Carthrat.
Jokevotes Carthrat
Provides more flavour for carthrat jokevote.
Eek, L-3! Unvote Carthrat!!
Oh, there's a power that lasts two days. rejokevotes Carthrat! (#3 jokevote train)
Votes Laggy for lazy-declaration
Jokevotes Laggy
Jokevotes Carthrat (#2 jokevote train)
Jokevote switches to Kilga, then back to Carthrat (#2 jokevote)
Zenny we're not in danger from an L-3. Pressure Noyn for reasoning. No pressure on metroid composite.
Noyn's story holds up.
Read mc's post as entirely jokevote; noticed the early train but felt it was pretty random
vote Zenthor based on "DANGER FROM L-3"
Agrees with Laggy on Rat
Jokevotes self
Anti LAL stance--particularly dislikes Laggy metagaming. vote Laggy.
Jokevotes Ciato
OMG Carthrat at L-3! WE ARE IN DANGER!
Okay, maybe we're not in danger. Oh, I saw Alice in IRC today but no post....
Supports LAL; does not move jokevote, though....
Jokevotes Tai
LAL votes Alice
Jokevotes metroid comoposite
Declares metroid composite vote to be serious on grounds of not pursuing flimsy straws.
Jokevotes Kilga
metroid composite:
Jokevotes Carthrat (#3 jokevote train)
"Hi, welcome to the forums, here's how they work"
"Should grasp at a flimsy straw?"
OMGURule-votes Taitoro
Claims voteless for the next two days, tries to vote Carthrat.
Eek L-3! Unvote Carthrat, Vote Kilga.
"Reason for my vote placement was copy/paste vote above me" (story checks out)
"I wonder if these mod votes against me will hurt later?"
Will post tomorrow to confirm no-vote.
Jokevote OMGUS for metroid composite (#2 on jokevote train)
I'll contend that MC's misrepresented this post
votelessness for two days(?!) feels like a scum ability off the cuff to me and while that will not excuse absence/further lack of content, they -have- provided info on the (probable) existence of that role.
Re: voteblocker: I won't get into it right now, and I'm hardly laying off Noyn entirely if I'm asking for content from them, am I? But it still reads far more likely to me as scumvoteblock over anything else. Doesn't have to be, no. But likeliest scenario of what I see thus far, yeah, that's my gutcheck.
Also I -really- dislike people going "scum could use powers on scum!" yes, it's possible. yes, it could be done for the sake of a gambit.
I don't like the summary of what's happened from MC, especially because it comes with no opinions whatsoever. Last post is much better for that, at least, so it's a null read, I guess.
With all that said:
##Unvote, ##Vote: Laggy
Easily the worst of the LaLers today. Pressure voting is good early in the day, but now we need some actual content, and so... he removes his vote.
It also ends with "I'll wait and see what else happens" which kinda defeats the purpose of a summary post.
Discussion starting is good, yes, and I can't see where I even implied that prodding people for content is bad - that's not what you've done, though, you're just prodding for anything.
yet, until your last post, you'd done nothing but LAL
and even the vote against me seems to be because I'm ignoring LAL to vote on content instead.
We already have a Hitler of lurkers, so now we're going to have a Burgdorf of lurkers, a Koller of lurkers, a Schenck of lurkers...*snicker*
So. I don't really agree with Carthrat's last post. The part about requiring some time to pass to qualify as a lurker is self-evidently true, of course, but meh, and the "reporter" accusation is the weakest one against MC. And that's about it as far as content. Could be an active lurk if I squint.- "It's self-evident, but meh"? How does that somehow invalidate his point that LAL right now is bad?
this post (http://www.rpgdl.com/forums/index.php/topic,4995.msg108560.html#msg108560) doesn't contain much, but it's better than the previous ones - some talk of your opinion on metagaming, a push against Xanth. This was the post I meant was better, in comparison to the two before it
If someone is happy to LAL at the start of D1, are they going to be reluctant to on D5, assuming nothing else? I should damn well hope not.
Your next point asks for evidence, and I'll point to the core of my argument: he votes Rat here (http://www.rpgdl.com/forums/index.php/topic,4995.msg108527.html#msg108527), Rat posts this (http://www.rpgdl.com/forums/index.php/topic,4995.msg108544.html#msg108544) which is essentially "MC is reporting, LAL is bad" which was fairly obvious, IMO, and then this post (http://www.rpgdl.com/forums/index.php/topic,4995.msg108548.html#msg108548) basically gives Rat a pass for his post, removing the vote two posts later (with the post in between containing a prod to remove it.) There is practically no comment on Rat's post other than "It is a typical Rat response" which says nothing about whether it is townie or scummy, and it just reads as an easy way to look like scumhunting while doing nothing. Also, no vote after that just makes it seem as though he has nothing outside of LAL, when there was easily enough to vote on by that point.
Umm...quite possibly yes? Particularly one person on the LAL train, Quiet Rain, calls LAL the "tool of last resort" and thus probably won't push it D5. (Not to mention, don't most people here have a decent feel for each other's playstyles by now? "This is my playstyle" won't necessarily be new information to most people here.)Not really. We still have some players who've not been around for too long (hi! Also, Noyn) and some people who don't play Mafia often (Laggy, QR). Playstyle discussion is still discussion, and is better than nothing at all (and seems to have produced a decent amount here)
Yoshi's complaint about SnowFire promising more content last night, and not having it delivered by 6am the next day? Silly. (Still not feeling Yoshi=scum so much as Yoshi=unobservant, though).Because timezones do not exist and I did not just see it as "brief reply while I look at other cases" followed by 10 hours of silence. (Idly, checking SnowFire's profile, it looks like that came at 10.30pm and my post was at 8am there.) So yeah, maybe that wasn't much of anything, but the "It's a good point, but meh" still bugs me.
I did indeed only skim content at the time
I continue to struggle to see how your vote remains on Xanth despite continued professions of distaste for many other people.
I'm okay with my vote on Xanth for the time being, though for different reasons. Rereading...Xanth's sum content is a verbose playstyle argument, and a defence of said verbose playstyle argument, and a vote on Laggy based on playstyle arguments. Basically, nothing I can work with; I don't really want to let low-content off the hook the moment I see "ooh, weak logic! Squish it!"
If this was your reasoning for voting Xanth, why didn't you say so when you first voted him?
#51 (http://www.rpgdl.com/forums/index.php/topic,4995.msg108528.html#msg108528) (Metroid's big player action summary): very much in Rat's (#55 (http://www.rpgdl.com/forums/index.php/topic,4995.msg108544.html#msg108544)) camp with regards to this, except more so as a convenient vehicle for misrep than it is for reporting (not to understate the reporting that is present). I count two and a half pieces of incorrect information on myself alone, and that's being generous.
not to mention that quickhammers have occured here in the past
there almost certainly are Scum on the wagon
Laggy's behaviour: first he votes me over lurking, while complaining about the Rat train, then he backpedals stating that "oh hey maybe voting Rat to L-2 might be a good idea after all for we get useful information this way!"
More seriously, re your comment - and I don't pretend to have any special SCUM RAT INSIGHT here - Rat is a good player, he's not likely to make any howler of a mistake if he did draw scum. Henchman Mafia I was on Rat's case for exactly "Rat is making sense but BAD SENSE" - "Rat is posting content which is consistent but I don't like it, and there's not much of it." And he actually was scum that game! (Then again maybe I was just lucky with a shot in the dark. Who knows.)
I'm still not really comfortable with Carthrat, so I'm sticking with my vote for now. While I'm not feeling towny-MC as strongly as before, now that I look at Carth's posts again... MC is actually almost the only player he's talked about. A little bit on Laggy vs. Alice and that extra role speculation on Noyn is unhelpful (which I agree with) but otherwise Carth has avoided dropping opinions on anyone else, even to say "And I have no idea about others." Could be RL-distraction, I guess. But still getting a bad vibe here.
Yoshiken in particular did not look like he was really flailing to me, so I do not understand how she could put so much effort into talking about how uncomfortable he makes her
My case on Rat is slightly more direct: Tunneling + low content is suspicious no matter who does it.
(And as long as you're going down that road, you fail to account for the idea that Rat could be an Insane Cop.)
Aside from that, still don't see why D1 LaL for pressure is bad, etc., saying "D1 LaL for pressure is bad because D1 LaL is bad" doesn't mean much to me coming from non-confirmed-town people playing in this game.Too much talking in Day 1 is very very bad. Kilga will attest to this, but in MotK the worst games are inevitably the ones where Day 1 takes up half the post count. The simple fact is that it's freaking Day 1 - there isn't a mountain of content to discuss, and as a result there are players who simply out of playstyle try to avoid saying too much. And of course, scum benefits from this because people will argue semantics over tiny points that aren't really all that scummy.
Reporting is bad if it is hiding not having an opinion on anything. I feel that I have an idea of where MC stands on people and there's a paper trail to hold against her if there's any whipsaw position changes.You're going to have to clarify this paper trail, because personally I can't see any real opinions from MC beyond 'lurkers are bad, so is Yoshi but not bad enough to vote for!'
Rat is a good player, he's not likely to make any howler of a mistake if he did draw scum.What sort of reasoning is this? 'Rat is a good player, so the instant he does anything that's even remotely scummy it must be a scum slipup'? Never mind the fact you admit yourself that this idea of yours might not have any weight.
Okay, seriously. What does saying this accomplish, exactly?
Makkotah then pulls an anti-Laggy and picks out Lurker!Alice to focus his attention on. Jeez, man, the game's been up for about 8 hours. People have other things to do than play Mafia, believe it or not.
No original content here; disagreeing with the MC case and nodding his head along with Kilga. Desperately trying to look like he's contributing when really he isn't.
Explain exactly why you needed to come to Xanth's defense here. I'd have assumed Xanth was a better speaker of Xanth than you, and he's a big boy who can look after himself.
His vote was still lying on Ciato that whole time, and Ciato doesn't come up in his suspicions at all, even for a throwaway 'needs to post'.
Then we have this.
Quote from: Makkotah
Aside from that, still don't see why D1 LaL for pressure is bad, etc., saying "D1 LaL for pressure is bad because D1 LaL is bad" doesn't mean much to me coming from non-confirmed-town people playing in this game.
Too much talking in Day 1 is very very bad. Kilga will attest to this, but in MotK the worst games are inevitably the ones where Day 1 takes up half the post count. The simple fact is that it's freaking Day 1 - there isn't a mountain of content to discuss, and as a result there are players who simply out of playstyle try to avoid saying too much. And of course, scum benefits from this because people will argue semantics over tiny points that aren't really all that scummy.
Anyway! Noyn is probably the main person to discuss today: I pretty much agree with Kilga here, I'm not sure it gives a nice swing alignment-wise. Also, because the opening post stated that such events "usually" only lasted one day does not mean that they universally will - and I'm also extremely perplexed at Laggy's behaviour: first he votes me over lurking, while complaining about the Rat train, then he backpedals stating that "oh hey maybe voting Rat to L-2 might be a good idea after all for we get useful information this way!"...um, why, how? It's Day freaking One.
even if I think he might be slightly overblowing it based on how I read the overall flow of Alice's post
I see what you're trying to say MC, but be warned that a lot of this looks like "Wine in Front of Me" arguments. Would scum do action X? Well, maybe not normally, but if everyone thinks that, then maybe scum will do it to look towny.
Alice/Kilga/Tai read best to me so far. Laggy > SnowFire > QR > Zenny/MC for worst, methinks.The list of worst suspects isn't so unreasonable outside of SnowFire as his #2. Wait...what the hell? Yoshi: why did Alice read as the most town to you? W.T.F.?
the Rat train built excessively rapidly, and, unless Excal's even more of a bastard mod than Snow is, not everyone on that wagon is going to be Scum
not to mention that quickhammers have occured here in the past - so I fail to see why it would necessitate Scum to have "guts" to try to cram such a thing through
Anyway! Noyn is probably the main person to discuss today: I pretty much agree with Kilga here, I'm not sure it gives a nice swing alignment-wise. Also, because the opening post stated that such events "usually" only lasted one day does not mean that they universally will
- and I'm also extremely perplexed at Laggy's behaviour: first he votes me over lurking, while complaining about the Rat train, then he backpedals stating that "oh hey maybe voting Rat to L-2 might be a good idea after all for we get useful information this way!"...um, why, how? It's Day freaking One.
I assumed that Scum were on the Rat jokevote train from a simple statistics argument, come on here, people, given a wagon that builds that rapidly and that easily, there is almost certainly at least one Scum on it simply because there are a nontrivial amount of Scum in the game to begin with, and it's exceedingly likely that one of them decided that hopping onto Rat was a good idea.
Glen's latest post is awful
No, I wasn't voting Snow for wishy-washiness, I was voting him for agreeing with Rat's post, then throwing its content out because of (and I quote) "meh", and then voting Rat for no appreciable reason.
Lern2read. Your entire post is awful, all of your opinions read like something along the lines of "maybe X but also perhaps Y and perchance also Z really I'm not sure now come to think of it". Also - you spend most of your post slamming m_c, and then vote me over...two lines complaining that you disagreed with my reasons for voting Snow (which you also got wrong, see above). Le what, monsieur?
Somewhat tempted to actually vote him if it weren't for the fact that it all comes off far more as "completely clueless noob" than someone actually Scummy.
Oh, come on now Glen, you can't seriously be stating that a single short paragraph in my opening game post that basically was to the effect of "yeah, I agree with Kilga, the Noynsense is pretty much closed for now" is somehow an attempt to restart discussion around him? Seriously? I will admit my opening sentence was sort of badly worded, but you can see from reading, y'know, the rest of that paragraph, that there's not much more to discuss here.
correct me if I'm wrong here but I was under the assumption that m_c was, at one point, a regular player here.
Anyways, time to claim, FE7 Mathew, my power is each night I can convince one person they owe me a favor, and prevent them from targeting me with a night action. Laggy did not use this power n0.
Anyways, time to claim, FE7 Mathew, my power is each night I can convince one person they owe me a favor, and prevent them from targeting me with a night action. Laggy did not use this power n0.
I...what? Okay, scratch what I said about feeling uncomfortable on a Glen lynch. Why would you not use this power night 0? I mean, why not use it night 0, just so that someone else could confirm your power if you needed to claim?
I am unable to really process a case on Alice at the moment (and the people on it seem to have trouble really identifying issues with him I can easily understand anyway)
Ciato attacks me for the SnowFire train which I was never on. I said he was suspicious for promising content and not delivering, which MC pointed out the times on, so I took that part back (although dismissing Rat's post entirely was still bad.) I am in no way supporting a SnowFire lynch today, and I have no idea why this has gained so much attention. (This is also funny, since Ciato says she basically disagrees with everything I said, yet the previous post... mostly agreed with what I said. hah.)
(Yeah, hypocritical because I have a defence post of my own, but I figure that's okay since I have analysis posts on everyone else too >_>).
Not seeing anything from Alice beyond being Alice
My case on Rat is slightly more direct: Tunneling + low content is suspicious no matter who does it.
States a dislike of Yoshi's posts (http://www.rpgdl.com/forums/index.php/topic,4995.msg108587.html#msg108587), but stays on Xanth on an initial vote (http://www.rpgdl.com/forums/index.php/topic,4995.msg108560.html#msg108560) that strikes me as simply asking for clarification, and there are no posts from Xanth imbetween for her to change the reason to anything other then clarification. Not understanding logic of sitting on a vote for someone you simply want clarification on when there is someone you actually find suspicious.
As Laggy, votes Alice during jokevote phase for lurkering, sticks to vote and justifies based on this having been a scum tactic for him (http://www.rpgdl.com/forums/index.php/topic,4995.msg108505.html#msg108505) (referencing, I do believe, MotK games where Alice has lurkscummed heavily before). Notes Rat has shown up unlike Alice, but hasn't said anything further down in page 2. Does some mild responding in page 3 including the unvote of Rat, votes Yoshi for contrariness. here (http://www.rpgdl.com/forums/index.php/topic,4995.msg108571.html#msg108571), then Glen subs in, votes for MC here. (http://www.rpgdl.com/forums/index.php/topic,4995.msg108727.html#msg108727) Feels like the vote misses the point of what MC noted about SnowFire's callout of Rat, posts page 6 (http://www.rpgdl.com/forums/index.php/topic,4995.msg108769.html#msg108769) with a paragraph and then "uhhh I guess I don't have as much as I thought, abandon target!" And goes for Alice. And... there's been a mess but it's all on this page, you can read.
##VOTE: Laggy/Glen Veil[/b]
I'm still not confident on this (hey I'm not taking a strong stand Yoshi?!?) but of the current people I'm favoring him over Alice/Rat/MC. I should reread Alice, but. For now, gonna take a short break, will be around on-off for most of the time up to deadline if not all the time.
Intended accomplishment: Getting Carth out of L-3.As Tai would put it, why? L-3 on ED1 is hardly a death sentence, because a quickhammer that early in the day is point-blank suicidal.
Addressed this already in one of those posts you couldn't be bothered to address. Reading is fun.A Ctrl+F of your posts gives no results for Ciato between your vote and your unvote. I'm afraid you're going to have to present where you addressed this prviously, because I can't see anything like an explanation as to why your vote was still on Ciato despite all your complaints about Alice.
I was talking about something I thought was interesting and then explaining why it was still a null tell to me. It was *very* early Day 1 without much content to legitimately talk about.Which is why we definitely need people taking up long arduous paragraphs explaining in graphic detail points that they themselves don't agree with. Because when there's nothing to work with, of course it's a good idea to fill the topic with useless fluff!
Zenny, scum piling onto Carthrat to pull a sudden end to D1 via train? Really? Come on. I'd give props to scumteam if they played that blatantly.This looks like 'voting Alice over lurking while complaining about the Rat train'.
Actually, to the contrary, Zenny, you get all sorts of interesting reactions when people are at -3 or -2 to hammer, which leads to a lot more Relevant Things being said than not. It's important to note that (especially on Day 1) this is usually no firm indicator that person is actually going to be the lynch. This is a game where trains develop and how people play off of them is how you piece together the puzzle.And this is Laggy backpedalling to say WAIT L-2 IS OKAY before dropping a vote on Carth. I don't see where he's being dishonest, really. (You've since noted this point in #195, but mentioning it at the end of the day JUST WHEN LAGGY IS ABOUT TO DIE makes it look a lot less sincere.)
"SnowFire doing X"--where X is not what SnowFire did.This is a very...general assault. I'm looking over Alice's posts again, and I'm seeing nothing that really qualifies as Snowfire misrep. What exactly are you accusing him based on?
The list of worst suspects isn't so unreasonable outside of SnowFire as his #2. Wait...what the hell? Yoshi: why did Alice read as the most town to you? W.T.F.?Those three were in no particular order. They were all contributing at that point, and none had said anything I could disagree with. (This is, in other news, why Tai was on that list, only for me to make a note to reread later on - while I couldn't think of anything I disagreed with, I couldn't remember anything of note.)
(using the standby "you're just prodding for anything!" on Laggy (though this was defended well later, it was still used with little backing initially which makes me leery of letting him loose on that), backing off and admitting MC did provide opinions when I pressed even if he tried to cage it, then proceeding to misrepresent me by saying I'd had no strong stances).To cover these three in order:
(It's important to explain yourself, at least to me.) I prefer to be fully understood than to have confusion sprout since I said too little, but.Apparently, I'm not the same. I try to stay concise and apparently that led to some confusion in the original post.
Rat, what is up with the switch off of MC? (http://www.rpgdl.com/forums/index.php/topic,4995.msg108733.html#msg108733) You seem all gung-ho on keeping your vote on MC ("naysayers be damned") but then just kinda flop over to Glen in the same post. You say Glen just listed MC's actions; while he did indeed list several of her actions, he accompanied most of them with the issue he had with them. In particular:
I am unable to really process a case on Alice at the moment (and the people on it seem to have trouble really identifying issues with him I can easily understand anyway) and prefer the Glen lynch.
WIFOM does not work that way, WIFOM is for two choices which appear equal with opposing payouts,
and scum has more to gain from being on the wagon than Town gains from scum not being involved. Alice himself rammed this through my head in an earlier trainwreck game.
While every was certain he couldn't be an imposter, they checked anyways, coming to the shocking discover that he was actually trying to unite both sides against Kefka and Luca Blight. Or, at least, to get everyone involved running some kind of shop over at Budehuc.
Okay, since it seems we're claiming this kind of stuff....
I was 'powered up' last night. Sounds like a similar effect to what hit Xanth. The result was positive.
Er, thanks, mysterious benefactor. I don't think I'm going to claim the effect just yet either, and no need to claim who did it.
mc: I suspected it was you, but. There was no need to claim it just yet! Oh, well.
I might be missing something here but I don't see why you're worried about confirmation?
Just for the record, there are two levels of power over your base, and one under, for all standard roles in this game. You will be given either strong flavour, directly told, or some combination of the two as to what level you happen to be on if you change from base. This may not be the case for non-standard roles.
That said, all bastardry is reserved for the setup, and trying to keep the meta from being a simple open and shut if everything is made public (or, as much as you happen to know right now is made public). I will not lie, or even mislead in PMs after the Role PM, and will give clarification on any point of the gameplay if asked.
Makkotah 132:Quote from: MakkotahIntended accomplishment: Getting Carth out of L-3.As Tai would put it, why? L-3 on ED1 is hardly a death sentence, because a quickhammer that early in the day is point-blank suicidal.
Addressed this already in one of those posts you couldn't be bothered to address. Reading is fun.A Ctrl+F of your posts gives no results for Ciato between your vote and your unvote. I'm afraid you're going to have to present where you addressed this previously, because I can't see anything like an explanation as to why your vote was still on Ciato despite all your complaints about Alice.
Re: MC. Of course I didn't move my jokevote off. I'm far more cautious about that than other people seem to be about it. I was wary of people training on Rat before he even posted. What bloody reason would I have to hop on another lurker train? Admittedly, I didn't see Excal's note about Alice maybe needing a replacement, but in hindsight I'm glad I didn't move my vote.
(she voted me, explaining that I seemed unwilling to put any pressure on her. Which was, at the time, true)The problem I had was that she basically stated that people would inherently want to protect her because of her character. It was a blatant appeal to meta that didn't even exist given that (from what I've seen) this is MC's first game.
I *do* agree with what I wrote here? I'm just saying it's a null tell due to circumstances.The basic summary of that post is 'Laggy's case on Alice is okay BUT WE NEED TO WAIT FOR MODKILL except Excal probably won't modkill BUT I'M VOTING LAGGY ANYWAY BECAUSE HE WANTS TO BE LAZY ON DAY 1'. Also unimpressed with the fact you've basically said 'yeah I agree with Tai' the instant he produces a case against me in what feels like a pseudo-OMGUS.
I was wary of people training on Rat before he even posted. What bloody reason would I have to hop on another lurker train?Except, uh, that was a joke wagon from RVS. You were making genuine points on Alice well after the RVS had ended and you were still voting Ciato.
I thought the train on Laggy was stupid, the prominent reasoning (anti-earlyLaL) behind it was asserted but never satisfactorily justified, and guess what folks, looks like I was right.Nothing I can say about this other than that I think you're wrong and I'm pretty sure several other people do too.
Carthrat: Whole argument against LaL day 1 is "IT IS NOT A LEGIT TACTIC" but quite frankly given Alice's history you saying that isn't that convincing, at least regarding him. And, exactly what do you propose to do at a point where there's 2 pages and only one of it has anything other than jokevotes? If nothing it puts pressure on people to start talking ASAP.
Second post: Uhhh what. There's a huge difference between "Alice gets away with lurking scum or town, vote" and "MC always posts in that style not enough to vote". You conflating the two doesn't sit well at all with me. Then there's more "LaL is bad because I say so" and "MC's reporting is bad because it lacks strong opinions."
Third post: Kind of redeems himself by pointing out that MC's reasoning for having a vote on Xanth is silly. However he says that this is the issue with MC's posts, which I guess explains the "strong opinions" bit in the last post. Still disagree with everything else he's said.
(Side note: Advice Dog made Insomnia look much easier than it actually is.
And the entirety of his case on me is that "I don't have a case on him, also he's only responding to things and not coming out with new content."Yes that's pretty much it, I think it's pretty strong actually since scum have a tendency towards reactive play (i.e. let the townies lynch each other, producing made-up content is hard!). The fact that you only vote today after I vote for you, i.e. OMGUSing, as you suggested really only serves to show how close to this style you're actually playing.
MC has now posted several times and ignored my case on her entirely beyond the clarification of WIFOM, so what now?
As for your 'but there are other lurkers!' point, does it even make sense for scum as a team to gang up on one or two lurkers?
Plus less than a paragraph later, you proceed to accuse Alice of misrepping Laggy on two points that he actually made.Quote from: LaggyZenny, scum piling onto Carthrat to pull a sudden end to D1 via train? Really? Come on. I'd give props to scumteam if they played that blatantly.This looks like 'voting Alice over lurking while complaining about the Rat train'.
And this is Laggy backpedalling to say WAIT L-2 IS OKAY before dropping a vote on Carth.
Quote from: MC"SnowFire doing X"--where X is not what SnowFire did.This is a very...general assault. I'm looking over Alice's posts again, and I'm seeing nothing that really qualifies as Snowfire misrep. What exactly are you accusing him based on?
QuoteNo, I wasn't voting Snow for wishy-washiness, I was voting him for agreeing with Rat's post, then throwing its content out because of (and I quote) "meh", and then voting Rat for no appreciable reason.
When did...SnowFire EVER agree with Rat? SnowFire is pro-early-LAL (disagrees with Rat) and feels that my summary post actually has a fair bit of content (disagrees with Rat).
...but whatever. I... probably forgot about this since I did the reread and went "wait, shit, Glen reads town to me" and did that last-minute move.
Feels like the vote misses the point of what MC noted about SnowFire's callout of Rat, posts page 6 with a paragraph and then "uhhh I guess I don't have as much as I thought, abandon target!"
Having a hard time skim-understanding the Roukan case, possibly because Page 9 is a veritable deluge of words (not that the Insomniac has any right to complain about walls of text). Will need to look that one over when I get back.
random crap like how you've distanced yourself as much as possible from responsibility regarding the LagGlen mislynch
On the other hand, I think Roukan's issues with Zenny hanging onto his Ciato vote for so long stem from repeated MotK play, where everyone is gung-ho to make sure they get a serious vote out as soon as they can. No one over there really takes a wait-and-see-until-I'm-pretty-sure approach to Day 1, so of course it's going to look weird to him.
No original content here; disagreeing with the MC case and nodding his head along with Kilga. Desperately trying to look like he's contributing when really he isn't. (http://www.rpgdl.com/forums/index.php/topic,4995.msg108555.html#msg108555)
I can't be bothered linking the 3-4 posts he makes which achieve little beyond further defending the Alice case, which, for the record, he never even placed a vote on. His vote was still lying on Ciato that whole time, and Ciato doesn't come up in his suspicions at all, even for a throwaway 'needs to post'.
something that's been needling at me for most of the game but only really become worth vocalizing is how much he has blended into the background
MC: What, I make you feel uneasy because no one really thinks I'm suspicious?
* Next post: here. Okay, where to start? Misrep of MC's case on me (she voted me, explaining that I seemed unwilling to put any pressure on her. Which was, at the time, true) though the rest on MC isn't bad. Most people seem to miss the point of Laggyvote for Alice (Alice -always- seems to lurk, Rat doesn't but has different times. (Sorry, Alice~)). Stating that recording disagreement with the MC case isn't original content on Zenny's part, when it at least commits him to that paper trail. (Zenthor replied to the rest of the issues there, IIRC). SnowFire commentary I'm not honestly positive on accuracy, would need to reread SnowFire's comments. But that post doesn't impress. Switches vote to MC at end of this.
Carth Ninja. O...kay, so MC was reporting before because she kept her vote on Xanth, but now on a re-read it's not that reportery? Riiiiight. I do accept the logic that newscum would lurk harder, though, so... I guess that's a valid enough point, though.Think Kilga mentioned it, but my point was that up until when I changed my vote on MC, her posts had generally fit the reporting mold. Afterwards I believe there was a marked improvement, thus I am moving away from lynching her presently.
Given the amount of people that jumped onto anti-LAL I'm willing to suspect that the scum likely gravitated into that option
Roukanken. Did QR get anything tasty N0? Not asking you to claim any effects or anything else that happened that night right now, just asking if she got anything tasty. Yes, this leads into a partial(ly worthless) roleclaim.Huh. Yes, I got something tasty N0.
Kilga, I'm honestly confused as to why Town WOULDN'T want to get out of RVS as soon as possible. A 'wait and see' strategy only works if there's something to actually watch, so obviously there need to be people acting. Plus, a strategy like that is a good excuse for scum to contribute nothing for half of D1 on the basis of 'waiting for a real case to show up'. It's Day 1, people. Cases aren't coming from nowhere.
Xanth: No, Laggy's case from start to finish on Alice had been that he will lurk forever until prodded to do so.
I will not rely on modkills to handle anything (not voting someone because their inactivity warrants a modkill is silly until the modkill actually happens) and I will use metagame galore to confer that Alice's lurkiness has been a great cover for scum play before and, in the absence of other tangible leads at the moment, I will continue to follow up on it.
I will use metagame galore to confer that Alice's lurkiness has been a great cover for scum play before
Carthrat: Given the amount of people that jumped onto anti-LAL I'm willing to suspect that the scum likely gravitated into that option. One point I forgot to note is that QR was willing to go LAL - and yes, differences in playstyle, it proves nothing, but the willingness to reverse opinion at a point where "anti-LAL" was at its peak is interesting to me.
Quote from: TaiGiven the amount of people that jumped onto anti-LAL I'm willing to suspect that the scum likely gravitated into that option
Well sure okay, but I don't think 'a majority/several/some number' of people believing a thing makes believing that thing inherently scummy?
NINJA Rat: Nnnnn kinda? The more people that take an opinion, the more easily it can be used/subverted for scum on average, and the more suspicious a swelling opinion like that becomes. At least that's the way I reason things.
Maybe I'll respond to your new semantics in the morning, but it's got to the point where I swear you're just rewording things to make it seem like you don't understand something slightly different (or not at all different) for a sense of satisfaction that it makes sense for you to be able to vote for me, rather than actually giving two figs about whether I'm scum or not ("I really think he's scum! Oh, but no one else is voting for him, so eh, I guess I'll just give up" is not good for town, as depressing as it may be to be in that position).
OK, for the record. 'I overreacted' is NOT an acceptable response, because otherwise it'd be a viable scum play to say any extension that they get called out on was an overreaction. Even then, that's a relatively small part of the argument which you're blowing out of proportion.
As for the unvote - you've gone off on a tangent. Explaining why you didn't do it isn't the problem, it's just the fact that you DIDN'T do it that is the problem. And there's nothing subjective about that, because anyone who wants to read through your posts will be able to verify that for half of Day 1 your vote was completely useless.
His vote was still lying on Ciato that whole time, and Ciato doesn't come up in his suspicions at all, even for a throwaway 'needs to post'.
Why are you cautious about using your vote on Day 1? Because you're afraid people will agree with you and start a wagon? If you weren't convinced that Alice's lurking was a genuine scumtell - or at least something good enough to kick off D1 discussion - why'd you bring it up in the first place?
Offhand I think I dislike Xanth more than Tai, this woe-is-me, reactionary play does not seem natural at all.
I cannot say I'm wholly against the lynch of either party at the moment, and really the whole thing seems somewhat contrived.
In all seriousness, Rat's in Aussieland and probably just now coming around. Give 'em time.
* First post for Alice in the game! (http://www.rpgdl.com/forums/index.php/topic,4995.msg108603.html#msg108603) Begins with a misinterp of what Laggy said (it -would- take guts for scum to quicklynch from that train, as a response to Zenthor), has the weird Noyn line that just kinda means nothing, critiques Laggy's comment about the L-2 thing (answer: because it gets reactions, which help us get info), and then comments on the votes/unvotes/revotes/Xanth->Laggy case, jumps on MC for reporting without acknowledging the Yoshiken work at all or why it doesn't count for anything.
One: Three scum max. 4 scum: Modkill Noyn, 10 players 4 scum, mislynch me, 9 players 4 scum (mislynch town, whatever, I'm vote leader or close enough right now so easiest example), NK someone, 8 players 4 scum, scum win so today would have to be LYLO. It's not unless mod is ditzy. 3 scum max. Tomorrow is likely LYLO.Now, there are a couple of points in this. Firstly, we've potentially got two more modkills here, and it's still not LYLO. That means one of those three is scum, at least. What caught my eye is Tai saying "Modkill Noyn, [...] 4 scum" - reason to believe Noyn is Town there, Tai? He then says "mislynch me" with the note in brackets to clarify 'or anyone else who's town' - just reads plain weird to me. If you were reading back and noticed that, wouldn't you just change 'mislynch me' to 'mislynch town'?
... Xanth, Kilga, MC, Zenny. Could I ask for honest rereads of content of Rat and Alice? Specifically, -how much of their content was stated by people before them-, and would you gauge them to be lurking on average at this point? In other words, are they pulling active lurking?Reads very much as railroading Town towards Rat/Alice (which seems to have happened, if we ignore suspicions on Rou!) (I'm also wondering why Zenny was included in this, to be honest. It looks like you picked the three people you were assuming to be Town... but I can't see any reason to assume Zenny is Town at this point.)
I can't be bothered sitting down to respond to Makkotah, but I'll say this - your case against me revolves around the fact that I can't read. Shouldn't you be looking for players who are scummy rather than careless?
However, the more pressing concerns are Snowfire and Zenny. Neither have produced much of anything that I like, but I feel Zenny is very effectively pulling off an active lurk here, so:
##Vote: Zenny
As best I can tell, he cherrypicks a couple of Zenny posts for his +/- stuff (the first of which, at least, gets overblown with the "everything" emphasis given the entire post is dedicated to responding to one person) and then makes the broad sweeping "(hasn't) produced much of anything that I like" combined with the active lurking accusation without doing a whole lot to substantiate either statement. I don't think the posts he highlighted properly support a don't-like-anything statement.
The Ciato swap-factcheck
I don't terribly like Yoshi's attack on Snowfire and it makes me somewhat leery of the Snowfire train building. I find the attacking MC over the reporting to be inane -- I think a lot of players do this (Cranbud, Mage) just as a force of habit and I don't think MC's any different. I basically disagree with everything Yoshi says and I think he is consistently trying to stick charges on others.
this post in general, here (http://www.rpgdl.com/forums/index.php/topic,4995.msg108929.html#msg108929) which I think you're not giving due credit re: Yoshiken's Zenthor justificiation. Frankly this seems like the best callout of Zenthor yet (the two links up top, specifically)
Would actually appreciate Zenny clearing some of this stuff up, if possible.
But seriously, Kilga? I return from missing at least 24 hours of content and state I'm doing a huge reread and you demand that I change vote ASAP? I'd rather, y'know, FINISH THE REREAD FIRST, thanks.
We then get a minor rolefish, it looks like - what with the +/- powers in effect, I'm really not liking that, since it reads as scum looking for hints on who to kill. Reading into that way too much? Probably! But that reads terribly to me. He then says in the next post (http://www.rpgdl.com/forums/index.php/topic,4995.msg108938.html#msg108938) that it's not actually important, but he still wants an answer. Brb, hitting head on wall.
Post kinda sorta continues here (http://www.rpgdl.com/forums/index.php/topic,4995.msg108983.html#msg108983) but... what. The switch off Rat seems completely ridiculous, with "Still don't like Carth at all, but I don't have anything tangible on him." Uhh. What about the post before this? >__> Also gives way too much credit to Rat's defence post before that (which is pretty terrible, but more on that later!)
This post (http://www.rpgdl.com/forums/index.php/topic,4995.msg109028.html#msg109028) presents the case on Rou a little better, but... well, I don't think Zenny's defences were particularly good, which makes that defence mean fuck-all.
Aasdfdsgfdhgfj the pain (http://www.rpgdl.com/forums/index.php/topic,4995.msg109136.html#msg109136). No, seriously. Read through Zenny's opinions that have been stated in this post. Earlier, he stated that he could definitely see the logic behind the 'cherry-picking meta,' yet here, he says Laggy 'pretty clearly addressed why' he did it. Now, look at the * paragraph (and the clarification of the meaning later in the post), and then at the paragraph on Xanth. He says that Tai has misrep'd Xanth majorly, then goes on to say that it's "odd that [Xanth is] accusing [Tai] of twisting words around to make them fit his case."
Pure semantics, and that's not good to be basing a case on.
He then goes on to potentially dismiss that case as not understanding Alice's playstyle.
* Votes me off what's either a [huge misunderstanding / intentionally critical misreading] because I can agree with part of Rat's statement and still vote him? If somebody posted "Rainbows are pretty" I don't need to say "NO THEY'RE NOT" to vote them. Post has a fairly excitable tone as well (I'm "disregarding everything Rat says").Um, no, you can't? If you agree with more-or-less everything he said (and again - where was the disagreement in that post?), then your vote was just as good as a vote made for no reason at all, only more perplexing.
Yoshi: Maybe this is just me personally, but if I'm returning from a long absence the first thing I'm doing is checking the status of my vote to see if it's still valid or not. My vote is the most powerful thing I have and what people are going to judge me on more than any other individual thing so I'm going to be giving it top priority. I guess you feel differently? Playstyle difference, I suppose. Still think my way is better, though.Cut the 3rd para because irrelevant. For the first one, yeah, I guess. I don't want to switch vote to someone without certainty, only to have to change it again 10 minutes later because, oh, hey, they weren't so bad on a reread.
Regarding Ciato's use of "consistently", maybe yes she did mean more than your latest post. How does her thinking you'd been trying to stick charges on others contradict her agreeing with you about Early LAL being lazy?
And what, pray tell, are Touhou vibes? What differentiated Touhou from, say, Wily or Hazel or the Axems? (And what constitutes "a while"? I notice this sentiment hadn't been expressed before I started pressing you - in fact, you appeared to really like me in your +/- list - and that you've been focusing on other players in your re-read instead of me as far as I can tell.)
Quote from: SnowFire* Votes me off what's either a [huge misunderstanding / intentionally critical misreading] because I can agree with part of Rat's statement and still vote him? If somebody posted "Rainbows are pretty" I don't need to say "NO THEY'RE NOT" to vote them. Post has a fairly excitable tone as well (I'm "disregarding everything Rat says").Um, no, you can't? If you agree with more-or-less everything he said (and again - where was the disagreement in that post?), then your vote was just as good as a vote made for no reason at all, only more perplexing.
Since it wasn't answered the last time, has she played here before?
We KNOW he's an insomniac, and if he's an intrinsic insomniac I'm more inclined to think that he's town (though admittedly that is bad scumhunting and I must ignore that voice in the back of my head), whereas someone who got insomnia from someone else has no such benefit.Arrrggh. Don't like that, but then, you don't seem to either. And the rest of that was explained decently enough.
Please, you can read better than that. Rat explained the switch off MC to my satisfaction (whether it's to your satisfaction or not is irrelevant to my thoughts at the timeSure, but that doesn't make me see it as any less scummy, and it looks like a really easy way for you to switch votes. Considering I was mildly suspicious of both you and Rat before my reread, and, while I've not reread Rat yet, the ones I have looked at have just pushed that a little further, I'm really not liking what looks like an easy jump.
But you said yourself that Xanth was accusing Laggy of cherry-picking meta (or misrep, as you've said it here), so it should be damn obvious what Tai meant. This also doesn't change the fact that you earlier said you understood the case on Laggy.QuoteAasdfdsgfdhgfj the pain (http://www.rpgdl.com/forums/index.php/topic,4995.msg109136.html#msg109136). No, seriously. Read through Zenny's opinions that have been stated in this post. Earlier, he stated that he could definitely see the logic behind the 'cherry-picking meta,' yet here, he says Laggy 'pretty clearly addressed why' he did it. Now, look at the * paragraph (and the clarification of the meaning later in the post), and then at the paragraph on Xanth. He says that Tai has misrep'd Xanth majorly, then goes on to say that it's "odd that [Xanth is] accusing [Tai] of twisting words around to make them fit his case."
Eh? In that post I said I don't know why TAI said XANTH was Cherry Picking Meta and wasn't sure what he meant by it. I also said I didn't like either's misrepresentation of either party, and didn't think much of Xanth's case on Laggy. Also, if you're going to quote me, quote the whole fucking sentence.
And the quote you used, at least, could be read either way. I also don't remember seeing a counter-quote to show that he said otherwise, which could definitely sway my choice. (Would look, but argh headache from writing/reading WoTs. Probably deserved.)QuotePure semantics, and that's not good to be basing a case on.Pure semantics it is not. Huge difference between "why u vote ciato" and "why u no move vote". One's accusing me of voting for someone while never addressing them, the other's a pure difference in playstyle.
You know, it's getting harder for me to tell if you're intentionally misrepping me or I'm just writing in heiroglyphics or some shit. I didn't dismiss Snow's case as not understanding Alice's playstyle, you cunt. MC (I think it was MC?) said earlier that she didn't understand why Rat couldn't "process a case on Alice." I excused THAT because of RAT's potential familiarity with Alice....Right. Definitely didn't see that in the context, but okay, that's fair enough.
But you said yourself that Xanth was accusing Laggy of cherry-picking meta (or misrep, as you've said it here), so it should be damn obvious what Tai meant.
And the quote you used, at least, could be read either way. I also don't remember seeing a counter-quote to show that he said otherwise, which could definitely sway my choice. (Would look, but argh headache from writing/reading WoTs. Probably deserved.)
I'm not talking about Xanth's use of cherry-picking. You claimed that Xanth misrepped Laggy by only using specific parts of his post. Tai claimed the exact same thing. You also said you don't see what Tai meant by Xanth cherry-picking. Am I missing something here?But you said yourself that Xanth was accusing Laggy of cherry-picking meta (or misrep, as you've said it here), so it should be damn obvious what Tai meant.Because knowing what Xanth means when he uses the term and specifically to where Xanth refers means I know what Tai means when he uses the term, and specifically to where he refers. Wrong.
Ahh, that's a fair point. Seeing you in a somewhat better light now, which... argh. Kinda leaves me pondering over my rereads again, and considering a Rat lynch despite the circumstances. At the very least:QuoteAnd the quote you used, at least, could be read either way. I also don't remember seeing a counter-quote to show that he said otherwise, which could definitely sway my choice. (Would look, but argh headache from writing/reading WoTs. Probably deserved.)And he was CRTL+Fing for Ciato. Implying that he thought I had some reason to leave my vote on Ciato, not that I was wrong for not moving my vote, something he clearly could have read in the post he linked etc etc etc etc I'm repeating myself at this point.
m_c ninja: see my reply to Snow above, it comes down to playstyle now, namely that both lurking and active lurking need more than D1 for them to be defined. So while I will (gasp!) agree with you that Rat could be plausibly construed as Active Lurking for his posts so far, D1 is not the time to vote people for Lurking, Active *or* Inactive. But yeah.
- The m_c reporting charge is weak? How so? A good amount of her posts feature a bunch of statements about what occured in the game and when, with zero opinion and analysis of them. This type of posting is worthless at doing anything beyond giving the illusion that one is contributing to discussion, i.e. it is classic tell-tale Active Lurking.
(Tai's Stupid Logic (I said it was stupid before we started this, but we got more people to present opinions on Rat/Alice so even if it's full of fucking holes I won't feel terrible.
It might seem suspicious to lead dialogue but they're people I was heavily gutchecking against at the time):
11 people/3 scum/1 ITP. Presume Xanth is town, Kilga is town (hum)/myself as town (this is my [s]story[/s]logic)/Noyn doesn't matter, likely isn't scum (scum would keep Noyn active; if he's scum end conclusion adjusts slightly.).
Reduces down to 7.
I personally have Zenthor and MC as town mentally at this point, think I've explained this.
Down to 5, 3 must be scum (or 2 if Noyn's one, accepting all other conditions of this logic.)
Now, SnowFire, Rat, (and by extension Zenthor and Kilga). SnowFire I crossed off the list at the time due to not seeing how ambivalence on Xanth/Tai benefits scum at all.
Easier to lay down suspicions and try to begin leading into lynching one of us and then the other (again, presuming town/town, which means you have to trust me, but I worked this logic for my own sake more than for you, so cool it for a moment).
Zenthor did the same thing. (Both expressed slightly more concern over Xanth but if they had tried to lead on it I think Kilga/town would have called them on it, which is why I think it's more of a town motion).
Rat considered both of us far worse, he can't be cleared by this logic. (Kilga considered/considers it possible that one or both sides are scummy still but again, making a case on Kilga, this would be probably a lynchpin and it'd be a [b]hella shitty one[/b]. Opinion on him stands right now.)
SnowFire's out, 4 out of 3: Alice/Rou/Rat/Yoshiken. Of these, I felt Yoshiken was fine (at the time) (as stated earlier)
This gave me a scumset (not by interaction, just by logic) of Alice/Rou/Rat (if Noyn's scum, two of the three, and I had no further jump to make).
And that's why I asked the people I consider town or felt to be decently likely town their opinions of Alice/Rat - I wanted to see where people would end up placing those two.
There's a ton of ass in these assumptions, this is hella flawed and I'm probably opening myself up to 900 bajillion cases, but yeah, that's what lead into that question set, this chain of logic provoked those two questions and little more. I didn't want to lead into the question with this logic because I wanted people to try and do a fresh read of them and give honest feedback on the two, but in a topic this big that's kinda hard, in fairness. Rou's exclusion from the list was because I was reading him semi-okay and, honestly, wasn't comfortable at the time confronting the one person who could back up my partial roleclaim at all - but then it occurred to me that if he had lied I would have hammered him like the fury of a thousand suns, and -obviously- Glen knew what Laggy did N0 so Rou also got that update and -couldn't- feign ignorance. So he had to back me up, and I should've tossed him in. Oh well.So here, Alice, have a vote for active lurking and lack of content D2, as well as attacking easy case (MC) and pitnicking SnowFire while accusing Glen of doing the same to you, as I wonder if you were just waiting for one of Xanth or myself to noose up completely:...
I can now confirm that I was acted upon Night 0. Shame, I was hoping that effect was inherent, but so it goes. Bard, did you get a nifty little effect on Night 1 that seemed town in origin based on what it was? I don't recall MC claiming anything of the sort, just that she acted on SnowFire, but given what it was she may not have been inclined to mention it.
"Your honour, this pig is clearly insane!" Luca stated, with his brand new blue suit (of armour) and a new, different, spikey hair cut. "Anyone can see the bunny ears, clearly demonstrating that she can only be a bunny pig!"
Taishyr case: I've never been able to quite get a handle on Taishyr, but Noyn's flip does make him look bad to me at least. He's on the record as having powered-up Quiet Rainkanken N0 and Noyn N1 (maybe? Tai said he was confused then, though)... and Rou just happens to be my number 1 suspect. Then there was the epic Xanth / Tai clash which... blargh. That kind of bullheaded rush on one towny IS kind of odd for scum to pull, but hardly unheard of, and more generally I think Kilga has a point that Tai has helped make cases about minituia and pixelbitching over ultimately minor points.
There are several powers in play which can raise or lower the power level of other people. These changes rarely last more than one night. You will be told if you are so effected, and it will take effect on the next night.
I'm Kogasa, town dog (S3)
Also Bard, did MC power up Kilga on Night 0? Kilga asked that question earlier if you missed it.
Rou... well. I'll wait to see your next post.
Don't think he can be scumbuddies with Tai the way today has gone, don't really want to see Tai lynched as a result.
Basically, I don't want it to be possible to find scum tie the lynch at 3-3 come deadline, or even mislynch me outright if Roukanken is in fact town outright who wants me dead.
- His role was an outright copy of someone else's weirder role in a ROLE MADNESS game.
And lynch ragequitters (who aren't lynched by mod)? Yes. Same goes for people who extreme-lurk during LYLO: both aren't around and thus don't have to say anything. Town can't ever set a precedent that this is okay, or else scum will always do it, disappear, and win with it. I'm serious.
Though ugh now feeling bad if it's Rou / Tai like originally assumed rather than Tai / Rat. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh no no no screw it, walking out door now, not looking at thread for another hour or two
If it's not obvious I'm pretty much at the end of my rope. Sorry. Being the main "alternative" on the lynch train to Rat / Rou / Tai and all is really stressful.
Okay, and now I'm gone.
Kilga could've done a better job tunneling. After all, he called out both scum in one post in night 1, but seemed determined to talked about EVERYONE.
frankly, he's tied with Zenny for town MVP here. just only so much two good townies can do when drama and explosions and stress occur.
[me]saves that just to use for future topics.[/me]
Now, back to doing everything I can to avoid Mafia. :V
Then on Day 2 he declares he's voteless again (due to depression from Bad Badger shooting) and the town power-downer says "Crap! Somebody else out there must also be a level-downer!"Damn right he does. Good to know that was wrong too. >.>
Now, back to doing everything I can to avoid Mafia. :V
This is good advice for everyone.
Guys, I gotta say, maybe it's because I haven't played more than 2 mafia games in the last year, but I really don't see how the case on Rou wasn't more solid than anything out there