The RPG Duelling League
Social Forums => Discussion => Topic started by: OblivionKnight on July 19, 2010, 05:14:44 PM
hay guize i here u liek gaymz
So yeah, what are people bringing?
I'm going to bring Bang!, just so I can get an orgy of people banging each other this time. I assume Ash and Andy are bringing Arkham? What else is coming along?
I'd also like to bring along some movies or DVD sets or something if people are interested.
Yup. We'll bring Arkham and all its expansions (including the newest one, The Lurker at the Threshhold).
Andy's got more knowledge of all the stuff we have that people might be interested in, but aside from vidyah games our collection hasn't expanded too much from what it was last year (or even the year before -- boo). We have a PS3, a PS2, a Wii, two DS's, and various accessories (ie, controllers) we'll be happy to cart along, and access to a delightful array of fine gaming retailers (electronic and otherwise). You'll have to poke Andy re: specific games.
Can we adjust the title into a more generic "DLC5 Events" topic? As in, more than just talk about gaming! keep it a unique title if you want <_<
That said, I demand we have our annual DL Bowling!
Loaner stuff I'm bringing: Ruled Britannica and Counting up, counting down for Ashley, the days of infamy series for OK, and several of Meeple's PSP games. I don't care too much about video games, but I do want to play Arkham.
Activities? Going to the beach would be fun and I'm sure we'll hit a game store, but otherwise I'll go with the flow.
Silly Meeple and your hate of Firefly references! Gorram for life!
OH. Does anyone own the Wii version of Dr Mario? <__________<
OH. Does anyone own the Wii version of Dr Mario? <__________<
This just in: Super wants to play Doctor with someone's Wii.
As for being on topic, we do definately intend to have DLC Bowling night if enough people want to. We can probably get a "head down to the beach" group going as well. I've got no interest in that myself, and I'm sure I'm not the only one, but nothing says we can't split off and do different stuff from time to time. I'll post in here again about the beach once we get over there and see how accessable it is from the house.
Outside of Apples to Apples which I'm pretty sure someone in the SF group owns (>_>), does anyone have Fluxx by any chance? It might be amusing to see how the DL plays the game.
I'm bringing Betrayal at the House on the Hill, as usual. And Gloom, but I think Jenna has that already. A little redundancy can't hurt.
Activities? Going to the beach would be fun and I'm sure we'll hit a game store, but otherwise I'll go with the flow.
After what happened to super LAST time we did this, how can I say no <.<?
I'm bringing Betrayal at the House on the Hill, as usual. And Gloom, but I think Jenna has that already. A little redundancy can't hurt.
Yep, I have Gloom (plus the newest expansion). And Apple to Apples as well. I'll supply that one.
We have Betrayal if you don't mind a beat-up copy that may or may not be missing a piece or two. <_<
Will be bringing a modded PS2, like last year.
Outside of Apples to Apples which I'm pretty sure someone in the SF group owns (>_>), does anyone have Fluxx by any chance? It might be amusing to see how the DL plays the game.
I have Zombie Fluxx I know for sure, so I can bring that. When I get home tomorrow, I'll do inventory.
If you can fit it, Key to the Kingdom ;-;
Also, if you think you're missing pieces, Ash, I'll just bring mine. It's no bother.
If you can fit it, Key to the Kingdom ;-;
I'll do what I can - I'd like to travel fairly light, as the airline I'm going on charges $20 per bag, but it shouldn't be a problem. No one cares if I actually bring clothes to wear, right?
Cutting back on stuff this year. Will take requests though, but don't expect a giant drive full of random Grefter Games this time.
Will have a laptop and a portable hard drive if people need it for some kind of PC gaming though.
Oh yeah I just remembered, might as well stick it here so I will keep remembering.
OK!! Bring the Suiko3 transfer save I intended to get a year ago? >_>
Yes. Will bring it >_>
Don't forget to get it this time!
Went to Osaka this weekend and picked up about ~$200 worth of miscellaneous game- and anime-related goods from Ye Olde Otaku Shoppe to use as prizes and souveniers.
What I did not get:
A Vivi plushie. I'm sorry, they just aren't easy to find.
A Peppita Figure. I found one, but it was like $60 and I just didn't have that much on me at the time.
The NIeR soundtrack. I looked all over for this thing. And it should be pretty freakin new and I -still- can't find a shop that has it.
A Thousand Arms artbook.
People specifically requested things and I couldn't get them, I'm sorry.
What I DID get:
Buncha artbooks and Japanese RPG game guides
Bunch of small figures of various RPG characters
A small collection of anime- and game-character plushies
A few Japanese PSP, DS, and GBA games (region-free). Mostly platformers and RPGs.
The Super-Special-Awesome Meeple Prize.
MWAHAHA! VIVI IS ALL MIIINE!! It will be coming to DLC5 =)
OH. Does anyone own the Wii version of Dr Mario? <__________<
I will acquire it and bring the modded Wii for :3 aiel antics
MWAHAHA! VIVI IS ALL MIIINE!! It will be coming to DLC5 =)
Good. We'll need a stand-in mascot for the missing Punching Puppet Ghaleon ;-;
I would think Headless Ovelia would be better then <_<
Alright, list of stuff I can be asked to bring, along with stuff I will be bringing:
Will bring
My computer (so all the music on it is fair game - I odd mix of everything, loads of musicals, video game stuff, popular music, classical, etc.)
Zombie Fluxx
That's all the stuff I am definitely bringing. Sorry, Sopko - Key to the Kingdom is with my sister up in Rochester (as is Persona 4, if anyone was interested in that, though I've had no takers for months, so...) ;_;
Stuff I Can Bring
Board Games:
- Risk 2210
- Risk original
- Axis and Allies
- Battle Masters (if I can fit it into the damn suitcase...although it is missing the Ogre Champion Cards, somehow ;_;)
- Weapons and Warriors (another "if I can fit it" thing)
- Tarot Cards (...what?)
Video Games:
- uh...just ask >_> My collection is still as large as it was, so it's easier to ask me than for me to list them >_> Notables...I might try to show off Baten Kaitos Origins, except that the old Gamecube I was going to bring with all my saves is gone, so...>_> Otherwise, loads of stuff, just ask. Also...XER, YOU STILL HAVE FIRE EMBLEM 10, RIGHT?!
- Uh...lots of stuff, again. Might be fun to watch. I have horrible ones that are awesome (Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter), awesome movies (Zombieland), and shitloads more
DVD Sets:
- Again, loads. Avatar the Last Airbender, Glee, Firefly (WATCH FIREFLY DAMNIT), Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles (combines the best parts of the book and the movie into a CG adaptation...sadly never got a finale ;_;), Buffy, Angel...list goes on
- Lots of Turtledove and others (Worlwar series, Man with the Iron Heart, Darkness - I'm on the first book, but if you'd like to read it, I can finish that up so you can borrow it - Starship Troopers, lots of fantasy and fiction, etc.) Just ask!
Let me know as soon as possible - I need to grab stuff from home in the next few days.
OK I'm not going this year, so even though I still have FE10 I can't really give it back yet :/
;_; Alright, not an issue - I think we have enough from other people to loan it out.
Also, someone bringing Cettlers of Satan? I must show off my awesome sheep-hoarding skills.
I don't know how many tabletop roleplayers we have floating around the DL, but Laggy seemed to think there'd be interest in playing some sort of short con-style one-shot D&D adventure, probably 3.5e. If so, I'd like to know at least a bit in advance so I can prepare some sort of adventure notes and have an idea of just how many people would want to do that sort of thing. Obviously if any of them are people who are also staying at Laggy's then there's a bit more time to get through an adventure if one sitting doesn't cut it. So as not to clutter this thread, interested parties should probably contact me directly, I'm usually lurking in #rpgdl these days or I'm on AIM as Archmage144.
I can also bring a copy of Betrayal at the House (with all pieces intact) and have some self-constructed Yomi decks.
I'd be totally up for that if it's 4e; I'll pass otherwise, though.
I'd be totally up for that if it's 4e; I'll pass otherwise, though.
I'd play regardless of system.
I'd play regardless of system.
This. I'd need to be taught 4e but eh, I learn fast.
I want to play YOMI!!!1one
I'd be willing to play or run 4th.
Might be willing to play 3.X.
So is this the new nefarious plan of we board gamers? Now that the casuals have invaded our territory, we slink off further into the shadows with D&D?
It's that time again, when Djinn has to do all his game-shopping in a few short weeks.
So I'm putting what I can remember off the top of my head of the list here in hopes that others will add some quality suggestions.
Atelier Iris 2
Mana Khemia 2
Sakura Taisen 5
Chaos Wars
Wizard of Oz
Knights in the Nightmare
SMT Devil Survivor
SMT Strange Journey
Atelier Annie (maybe.. was this game any good?)
Dragon Quest 5
Pokemon Platinum or SoulSilver
KH 358/2 Days
Disgaea Visual Novel
Ys 7
Yggdra Union
Hexyz Force (finishing up the Sting Trifecta)
Persona 3 Portable (I guess)
Dragon Age (I don't know what system this is for)
Valkyria Chronicles
Disgaea 3
Last Rebellion (not sure about this one)
Cross Edge
Trinity Universe
Resonance of Fate (not sure about this one)
Arc Rise Fantasia (maybe)
ToS2 (Though I'd prefer to just borrow this one)
I feel like I'm missing a lot...
How long will you be in the states? Birth by Sleep miiiiight be out by then. On the other hand, if it's only a couple weeks, you may not be here for Valkyria 2 (it's not until the last week of August) Otherwise...
The DS Atelier game is Atelier Annie.
If you're getting DQV, you may also be interested in DQIX.
Lufia 2 remake is not out over here yet, that I know of.
The Disgaea visual novel is out on PSP, if that's something you'd be interested in.
I believe Nier is a PS3 game. *research* ah, dual system release. So either way.
Dragon Age is PC/360/PS3, so whatever floats your boat there. The first expansion is also out.
I don't think Tal really liked Last Rebellion? He's the only resident player I know of.
He and Tide, however, did like resonance of fate.
ToS2 is really good! Feel free to buy.
On the rarity scale... AI2, Knights in the Nightmare, and ToS2 are games I haven't seen in stores in a while. The rest are recent or unpopular-but-well-printed enough to be in stock, at least for me locally.
Additionally... Mana Khemia, Sakura Wars, Oz, Strange Journey, Hexyz Force, P3p, Arc Rise fantasia and the PS3 crossover games will probably have be be picked up new.
Otherwise, they only game I've played in the past year that you don't have listed there is non-RPG stuff. That said, Edgeworth is a worthy buy.
I find myself very uninterested in DQ9, and only barely interested in DQ5.
I would scratch Last Rebellion off my list but I hear it's a NIS-developed game?
Disgaea Visual Novel and new Phoenix Wright games need to be added to the list. Oh, and I guess I'll get the new KH DS game even if BbS isn't Englishified yet. No VC2 makes me kind of sad.
VC2 is the 31st of August. BbS is the 7th of September.
Dragon Age is for PC. That is the only correct answer.
The only correct answer if the question is "how to make Djinn not play it" at least~
It really is far and above the best way to play the game, as someone that likes it I can't reccomend it for other systems and that isn't be being the PC dude that I am. I haven't heard of anyone playing it on Console that realy enjoyed wrestling with it. It is kind of endemic enough that Bioware announced that the console and PC versions of the sequel are going to have completely different combat systems.
Yeah, my PC is crap, so playing a modern game like Dragon Age on it is basically out of the question. It's gotta be 360 or PS3.
So who actually has Pokémon D/P/P and plans to bring it and a DS for potential battles?
Oh yes. Anyone have poker chips and a deck of cards? If not, I can go out and get them.
I have cards and a few poker chips. Not a big set of them, though.
I'll pick up a cheap set of chips then.
Atelier Annie (maybe.. was this game any good?)
It's pretty fun, but it's not like the other Atelier games that came over here. It's more a mix of an RPG and something like... Harvest Moon perhaps? Atelier Iris 3 is the closest one we got here.
Just gonna point out that the PS3 version of Nier is the same here, as far as I know.
Last Rebellion (not sure about this one)
Don't bother. Last Rebellion is an incredibly mediocre and short game. It's not worth the money, and arguably not even worth the time. While I wouldn't necessarily call it bad, it's just... bland.
Also regarding Resonance of Fate: I find it okay so far but nothing great. So CK is kind of wrong there!
On that note, any games people want me to bring or anything? I assume all systems will be available there? Might bring Nier and Trinity Universe then. Unless anyone is interested in seeing Arc Rise Fantasia in action too? I haven't got far in that so it'll be early game stuff... actually can Wii saves even be transferred?
I could bring Last Rebellion too if Djinn wants to see it in action before deciding to buy it or not.
I'm bringing Suikoden II for Tai to borrow. Just noting this so I will remember it. Also bringing someone a Suikoden save file for transfer, I forget which.
Ciato: Bringing me it. >_>
Staying with Andy now, so I've already picked up a few games. And more importantly, seen some of the prices for games that I only kind of wanted. If anyone's willing to let me borrow some of these, please speak up?
Atelier Iris 2 - Would like to borrow.
Mana Khemia 2
Sakura Taisen 5 - Purchased (the Wii version, actually!)
Chaos Wars - Would buy, but seems hard to find and would like to borrow in case I can't find my own copy.
Wizard of Oz
Knights in the Nightmare
SMT Devil Survivor - Would like to Borrow.
SMT Strange Journey
Atelier Annie (maybe.. was this game any good?) - Would like to Borrow, but definitely not gonna purchase it.
Dragon Quest 5 - Would like to Borrow, but I could buy it for less than $30.
Pokemon Platinum or SoulSilver HeartGold - Damn these are expensive even Used. Have decided I would prefer HeartGold.
KH 358/2 Days - Purchased
Disgaea Visual Novel - Purchased
Ys 7
Yggdra Union
Hexyz Force (finishing up the Sting Trifecta)
Persona 3 Portable (I guess)
NEW!Half-Minute Hero - Purchased. This is the best game ever.
Dragon Age (I don't know what system this is for)
Valkyria Chronicles
Disgaea 3 - Purchased.
Last Rebellion (not sure about this one) - Not gonna buy this. Would like to see it in action a bit if Tal doesn't mind bringing it though!
Cross Edge - Would like to Borrow, but will purchase if not possible.
Trinity Universe - Would like to Borrow, but will purchase is not possible
Resonance of Fate - Purchased for the 360. Hope it's not a buggy port.
Arc Rise Fantasia - Definitely would prefer to Borrow. It's waaay too expensive, even Used.
ToS2 - Would prefer to Borrow, especially since I haven't seen a copy yet.
Stuff I can let you borrow (assuming I have room to pack them):
Atelier Iris 2
Mana Khemia 2
Atelier Annie
Nier (PS3)
Haven't finished Chaos Wars and Arc Rise Fantasia, so can't let you borrow those. Same with Valkyria though I'm not really planning on getting back to that any time soon so maybe? Cross Edge and Trinity Universe I plan on getting to stat topicing eventually, but I could let you borrow those and just get to that afterwards I guess. I probably won't get around to it for awhile anyway. >.>
Last call for packing and me bringing anything...except the speedo - that's already packed!
If anyone wants me to bring something, now's the time to mention it.
Good thing Ciato is bringing S2...I'm going to have to play the clear save for Tonfa does not like S2 graphically
So who wants to play some computer TBS games? We've got access to heroes of might and magic and alpha centauri at the least. (reserve SMAC factions now!)
Atelier Iris 2 - Would like to borrow.
Mana Khemia 2 - Purchased
Sakura Taisen 5 - Purchased (the Wii version, actually!)
Chaos Wars - Would buy, but seems hard to find and would like to borrow in case I can't find my own copy.
Wizard of Oz
Knights in the Nightmare
SMT Devil Survivor - Would like to Borrow - Ended up purchasing this.
SMT Strange Journey - Purchased.
Atelier Annie (maybe.. was this game any good?) - Would like to Borrow, but definitely not gonna purchase it.
Dragon Quest 5 - Would like to Borrow, but I could buy it for less than $30.
Pokemon Platinum or SoulSilver HeartGold - Damn these are expensive even Used. Have decided I would prefer HeartGold.
KH 358/2 Days - Purchased
PW4 - Purchased
Disgaea Visual Novel - Purchased
Ys 7
Yggdra Union
Hexyz Force (finishing up the Sting Trifecta)
Persona 3 Portable (I guess)
NEW!Half-Minute Hero - Purchased. This is the best game ever.
Dragon Age (I don't know what system this is for)
Valkyria Chronicles - Purchased.
Disgaea 3 - Purchased.
Last Rebellion (not sure about this one) - Not gonna buy this. Would like to see it in action a bit if Tal doesn't mind bringing it though!
Cross Edge - Would like to Borrow, but will purchase if not possible.
Trinity Universe - Would like to Borrow, but will purchase is not possible
Resonance of Fate - Purchased for the 360. Hope it's not a buggy port.
Arc Rise Fantasia - Definitely would prefer to Borrow. It's waaay too expensive, even Used.
ToS2 - Would prefer to Borrow, especially since I haven't seen a copy yet.
This is Djinn as Tal quoting Djinn. Very meta.
Atelier Iris 2 - Would like to borrow. Borrowed from Tal
Mana Khemia 2 - Purchased
Sakura Taisen 5 - Purchased (the Wii version, actually!)
Chaos Wars - Would buy, but seems hard to find and would like to borrow in case I can't find my own copy.
Wizard of Oz
FFTA2 - Purchased
Knights in the Nightmare
SMT Devil Survivor - Would like to Borrow - Ended up purchasing this.
SMT Strange Journey - Purchased.
Atelier Annie - Borrowed from Tal.
Dragon Quest 5 - Would like to Borrow, but I could buy it for less than $30.
Pokemon Platinum or SoulSilver HeartGold - Purchased HeartGold
KH 358/2 Days - Purchased
PW4 - Purchased
Disgaea Visual Novel - Purchased
Ys 7
Yggdra Union
Hexyz Force (finishing up the Sting Trifecta)
Persona 3 Portable (I guess)
NEW!Half-Minute Hero - Purchased. This is the best game ever.
Nier - Borrowed from Tal
Dragon Age (I don't know what system this is for)
Valkyria Chronicles - Purchased.
Disgaea 3 - Purchased.
Last Rebellion (not sure about this one) - Not gonna buy this. Would like to see it in action a bit if Tal doesn't mind bringing it though!
Cross Edge - Would like to Borrow, but will purchase if not possible.
Trinity Universe - Would like to Borrow, but will purchase is not possible - Borrowed both from Tal.
Resonance of Fate - Purchased for the 360. Hope it's not a buggy port.
Arc Rise Fantasia - Definitely would prefer to Borrow. It's waaay too expensive, even Used.
ToS2 - Would prefer to Borrow, especially since I haven't seen a copy yet.
No Wild ARMs of Oz for the Djinn, I see.
He was heading out to one of the other area gamestops (he'll be with andy and LD the rest of the week), the one nearest the house gave him a number for one that had a copy. Granted, they could be misleading him.
We stopped by the fourth or fifth or sixth GameStop of the weekend yesterday, and Djinn found the rest of what he cared to buy, including his super-special-awesome fanboy requisite (Wizard of Oz).
Also, he got awesome game he never knew he wanted, and we dueled with mad PuzzleQuest DS skillz. He (and Chiaki) kicked my ass. :(
Also, Andy and I dragged DJ Plus One to the local gameshop for TCG night and made DJ play -- he got third or fourth place, enough for a prize, yay!