Soppy- Gloria Goldberg
El Cid- Amanda Sharpe
Tal- Vincent Lee
Random- Hank Samson
Mage- Ursula Downs
Strago- Finn Edwards
Graveyard: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/a/ab/Ghost.png)(http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/4/4a/GhostBack.png)
Silver Twilight Lodge: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/e/e6/DarkYoung.png)(http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/f/f3/DarkYoungBack.png)(http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/9/94/Nightgaunt.png)(http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/1/14/NightgauntBack.png)(http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/b/bd/Cultist.png)(http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/b/b1/CultistBack.png)(http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/9/94/Nightgaunt.png)(http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/1/14/NightgauntBack.png)(http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/b/bd/Cultist.png)(http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/b/b1/CultistBack.png)
Church Green: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/e/ee/ElderThing.png)(http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/9/9c/ElderThingBack.png)(http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/d/d3/DeepOne.png)(http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/7/7b/DeepOneBack.png)(http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/0/01/HighPriest.png)(http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/a/ad/HighPriestBack.png)(http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/6/60/DeepOneHybrid.png)(http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/2/26/DeepOneHybridBack.png)
Factory District: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/4/4e/Vampire.png)(http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/4/43/VampireBack.png)
Y'ha-nthlei: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/c/c3/Zombie.png)(http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/c/ce/ZombieBack.png)(http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/3/37/HoundOfTindalos.png)(http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/3/31/HoundOfTindalosBack.png)
Silver Twilight Lodge: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/thumb/8/86/GMYuggoth.png/120px-GMYuggoth.png)
The Esoteric Order of Dagon: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/thumb/d/d5/GmTheAbyss.png/120px-GmTheAbyss.png)
Graveyard: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/thumb/5/54/GMTheDreamlands.png/120px-GMTheDreamlands.png)
Y'ha-nthlei: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/thumb/d/d5/GmTheAbyss.png/120px-GmTheAbyss.png)
Open Gates: 4/6
Monster Limit: 7/9 (7 in Innsmouth)
Outskirts: 0/2
Terror Track: 3/10 (General Store Closed) (Next Rise in Terror is prevented)
Deep Ones Rising: 3/6
Feds Raid Arkham: 0/2 Yellow, 0/2 Green, 0/2 Blues
Dust Deck 1: 4 Cards Remain
Dust Deck 2: 4 Cards Remain
Dust Deck 3: 4 Cards Remain
Bank of Arkham
Bank Loan: Instead of having an encounter here, you may take out a Bank Loan if you don't have one yet.
Arkham Asylum
Psychiatric Care: Instead of having an encounter here, you may recover sanity by receiving psychiatric care. You may either regain 1 Sanity for free, or pay $2 to restore your Sanity to its maximum value.
Curiositie Shoppe
Shop: Instead of having an encounter here, you may draw 3 Unique Items and purchase one of them for its list price. Discard the other two items.
Police Station
Deputized: Instead of having an encounter here, you may spend 10 toughness worth of monster trophies, 2 gate trophies, or 5 toughness worth of monster trophies and 1 gate trophy to become the Deputy of Arkham. Take the Deputy of Arkham card.
General Store
Shop: Instead of having an encounter here, you may draw 3 Common Items and purchase one of them for its list price. Discard the other two items.
Science Building
Dissection: Instead of having an encounter here, you may spend 5 toughness worth of monster trophies or 1 gate trophy to gain 2 clue tokens.
Classes: Instead of having an encounter here, you may pay $8 to draw 2 Skills. Keep one of them and discard the other.
Silver Twilight Lodge
Inner Sanctum: If you have a Silver Twilight Membership, then you look at the Inner Sanctum entry when having encounters here.
St. Mary's Hospital
Medical Care: Instead of having an encounter here, you may recover Stamina by receiving medical care. You may either regain 1 Stamina for free, or pay $2 to restore your Stamina to its maximum value.
Ma's Boarding House
Recruit:Instead of having an encounter here, you may spend 10 toughness worth of monster trophies, 2 gate trophies, or 5 toughness worth of monster trophies and 1 gate trophy to take any 1 Ally of your choice from the Ally deck.
Ye Olde Magick Shoppe
Magic Lessons: Instead of having an encounter here, you may pay $5 to draw 2 Spells. Keep one of them and discard the other.
South Church
Blessing: Instead of having an encounter here, you may spend 5 toughness worth of monster trophies or 1 gate trophy to have any investigator you choose be Blessed.
River Docks
Shady Character: Instead of having an encounter here, you may spend 5 toughness worth of monster trophies or 1 gate trophy to gain $5. This location counts as an Aquatic location.
Unvisited Isle
This location counts as an Aquatic location.
Innsmouth Jail
Jail Break: Each investigator in the Jail Cell during the Arkham Encounter Phase makes a Sneak(-1) check and draws one encounter card, plus one additional card for every success rolled, encountering one card of his choice and discarding the others.
Sawbone Alley
Outside Help: Investigators imprisoned in Innsmouth Jail gain one extra success on their Jail Break roll for every investigator in Sawbone Alley. This is a street location.
First National Grocery
Food and Gossip: Instead of having an encounter here, you may spend $1 to search the Common Item deck for a "Food" or "Research Materials" card.
Gilman House Hotel
Uneasy Sleep: After having an encounter here, if you are still at this location, you may gain 1 sanity or 1 stamina.
Falcon Point
Boat Charter: During the movement phase, you may spend $2 to move to any aquatic location and have an encounter there(if applicable), or to move any other investigator in an aquatic location to Falcon Point. Investigators may not move any further after moving with this location ability.
Devil Reef
Accursed: Investigators must end their movement upon entering Devil Reef. Flying monsters may move into Devil Reef as though it were a street area.
Inaccessible: Investigators may only enter Y'ha-nthlei from Devil Reef or when returning to Arkham from an Other World, regardless of other game effects. This is true even if there is an open gate here.
It began with a murder. It would not have been that odd in this town, if it weren't for the method. The victim? He'd turned to dust. Just disintegrated right out of his clothes. Rumors started going around about withcraft before we could stop them. We weren't sure if we wanted to. Something was going on. All we could hope was that God would have mercy on our souls.
Now One Can Help You Now
Environment (Mystic)
Gate Opens: The Unnamable
Clue Appears: The Woods
Gates cannot be sealed, although they can still be closed.
You may begin. I'll fine tune the displays as we go. Join #rpgdlarkham for plotting.
Sopko is first player (Bolded). Remember to choose whether or not to discard clues to throw off the hunter.
I'll draw from the dust pile and head on over to Hibb's for another Clue.
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 6/6
Stamina 4/4
Speed 1 [2] 3 4
Sneak 3 [2] 1 0
Fight 0 1 [2] 3 +1
Will 5 4 [3] 2
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 5 4 [3] 2
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
3 Clue Tokens
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Food (Discard Food to reduce any Stamina loss by 1)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Flesh Ward
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Personal Story: Pass: Possess 5 Clue Tokens (3/5)
Fail: Driven Insane
Tommy Muldoon
Special Abilities:
Hero - Mythos Phase: Before a mythos card is drawn, Tommy may make one or more monsters adjacent to his location move to his location, regardless of their normal movement.
On The Force - Any Phase: Tommy can never be arrested. In addition, it only costs him 1 gate trophy or 5 toughness worth of monster trophies to become Deputy of Arkham.
Sanity: 6/6
Stamina: 4/4
Speed: 1 2 3 [4] [+1]
Sneak: 3 2 1 [zero]
Fight: 2 3 4 [5]
Will: 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: zero 1 [2] 3
Luck: 6 5 [4] 3
Focus: 1
2 Clue Tokens
Map of Arkham (Exhaust to gain 1 extra movement, $2)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6) (Traded to Soppy/Gloria)
.18 Derringer (1H Weapon, +2 Physical Combat, cannot be stolen or discarded unless allowed, $3)
Obsidian Statue (Discard to negate any Stamina/Sanity damage dealt from any one source, $4)
Speed Skill (+1 Speed, Clue Tokens spent on Speed checks yield an extra die)
Personal Story:
Pass: Become devoured (obviously not yet fufilled)
Fail: Terror Level reaches 5 (0/5)
Gonna move to the Uptown Streets, tossing Soppy/Gloria my spare rifle on the way there. Tal/Vincent can feel free to grab my Map of Arkham and the derringer if he wants it.
Amanda Sharpe
Sanity: 5/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 3
Speed: 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]
Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1
Lore: 1 2 3 [4]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]
Studious: Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.
2 clue tokens
Dark Cloak (common item, +1 to evade checks, $2)
Elder Sign (unique item, lose 1 sanity and 1 stamina to close gate and remove 1 doom token from track, $5)
Dread Curse of Azathoth (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 2, exhaust for +9 to combat checks, 2H)
Luck (skill, +1 luck, roll 1 bonus die when spending clue tokens for luck checks)
Expert Occultist (skill, exhaust to reroll a spell check)
Personal story:
Pass: Draw three unique items (effect: maximum sanity and stamina increased by 1)
Fail: Two open gates to R'leyh (effect: devoured, replaced by Deep One, add 1 token to Deep Ones Rising track)
Amanda goes to Independence Square for clue acquisition.
Vincent Lee
Location: Woods
Sanity: 5 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5
Speed: 0 1 [2] 3
Sneak: 5 4 [3] 2
Fight: 0 1 [2] 3
Will : 4 3 [2] 1
Lore: 2 [3] 4 5
Luck: 4 [3] 2 1
Focus: 2
Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.
3 Clue Token
Common Items
Dark Cloak - Bonus: +1 Evade check / Price: $2
Old Journal (Exhausted) - Type: Tome / Movement: Exhaust and spend 1 movement point to make a Lore (-1) check. If you pass, gain 3 Clue tokens and discard Old Journal. If you fail, nothing happens. / Price: $1
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Map of Arkham (Exhausted) - Movement phase: Exhaust to get 1 extra movement point. / Price: $2
Unique Items
Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.
Voice of Ra - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Flesh Ward - Casting Modifier: -2 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens.
Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn. Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.
Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.
Current Action
Move to Woods. Taking .18 Derringer and Map of Arkham from Tommy on the way. Exhausting map to gain a movement point to spend on trying to read Old Journal.
[2010-10-04 18:16:12] * Hatbot --> "PamelaIbis rolls 2d6 and gets 4." [2d6=1, 3]
And fail. I still get the 2 clues there though!
Ursula Downs
Sanity: 4/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 2
Speed: 2 [3] 4 5
Sneak: 3 [2] 1 0
Fight: 1 2 [3] 4
Will: 4 3 [2] 1
Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]
Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
5 Clue Tokens
.38 Revolver (1H, physical, +3 to combat, $4)
Knife (1H, physical, +1 to combat, $2)
Nameless Cults (Spell, Exhaust and spend 1 movement point to make a Lore(-1) Check. If you pass, draw 1 spell, lose 1 Sanity, and discard Nameless Cults. If failed, nothing happens) Whatever my new spell is.
Holy Water (2H, magical, discard to gain +6 to combat, $4)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Personal Story:
Pass - When Ursula has at least 3 Monster Trophies (0/3) and 3 clue tokens (5/3), she draws 5 Unique Items and chooses 2 to keep. The rest are discarded.
Fail - If Ursula goes insane, or the Terror level reaches 3 (0/3), Ursula is Cursed.
Moving to Historical Society for Clue, and then remembering the delicious, delicious kool-aid of some random cult, bringing with it mighty new power in the form of shiny spell.
<Reichertastic-OKistheMcDonalds> Oh, hey. I has booc too. Anybody here to watch me try and remember some cults with good kool-aid?
<PamelaIbis> no
<+RandomConsonant> kay
<Reichertastic-OKistheMcDonalds> K, Lore is at 3, it has a -1. That's a pool of 2
<Reichertastic-OKistheMcDonalds> 2d6 for some good kool-aid
* Hatbot --> "Reichertastic-OKistheMcDonalds rolls 2d6 for some good kool-aid and gets 7."12 [2d6=5, 2]
<Reichertastic-OKistheMcDonalds> Yum~
<+RandomConsonant> Mmmm, kool-aid
Finn gets slowed down a little attempting to read the Cabala of Saboth. Doesn't get anything out of it, this time. Pity. So he heads to Administration to buy some larnin'. Eight dollars for a new Skill, please. Oh, also I defaulted on my Bank Loan and can never get another one. But I'm Finn, so I don't actually lose all my possessions. Fun.
> Lovely.
> Well, first I'm going to burn 2 of my 6 movement to give the Cabala of Saboth a try.
> Lore set to 4, check is -2, gogogog
> 2d6
* Hatbot --> "Strago rolls 2d6 and gets 4."12 [2d6=2, 2]
> Booo.
* Reichertastic-OKistheMcDonalds continues to hold booc supremacy
Finn Edwards, the Bootlegger
- Status -
Sanity 4/4
Stamina 6/6
Slippery - Mythos: When moon monsters move, Finn may choose to move as a normal moon monster. He does not need
to make any Evade checks when doing so.
Holdout - Any Phase: Finn never has to discard items or lose money, even when he is knocked unconscious or
driven insane. He must still pay costs as usual.
- Skills (Focus: 1) -
Speed 3 4 5 [6]
Sneak 5 4 3 [2] +2
Will [3] 2 1 0
Lore 1 2 3 [4]
Luck 4 3 2 [1]
- Inventory -
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Tommy Gun (physical weapon, 2H, +6 to Combat checks)
Research Materials (any phase: discard instead of spending 1 Clue token)
Whiskey (any phase: discard to reduce any San loss by 1)
Cabala of Saboth (movement: exhaust and spend 2 movement points to make a Lore (-2) check. If you pass,
draw 1 Skill and discard Cabala of Saboth. If you fail, nothing happens)
Dragon's Eye (any phase: exhaust and lose 1 San after drawing a gate or location to draw a new card in its place)
- Personal Story, "Payback" -
Pass: If Finn has 3 or more Monster Trophies, including a Cultist, put "Best Served Cold" in play. [0/3]
Fail: If the Terror Level reaches 3, put "Cut Your Losses" in play. [0/3]
Soppy- Gloria Goldberg: Pass a Luck (-1) check or a pickpocket cleans you out. Lose all your money!
El Cid- Amanda Sharpe: There are gypsies camped out in the park. They are master thieves and you are their target. Pass a Luck (-2) check or lose one item of your choice.
Tal- Vincent Lee: You meet an old wise man in the grove who offers to share his wisdom with you. If you accept, lose your next turn and make a Lore (-2) check. If you pass, you may draw 1 Skill, or draw 2 Spells, or gain 4 Clue tokens. If you fail, nothing happens.
Random- Tommy Muldoon: Its the streets. What could happen here?
Mage- Ursula Downs: Your reading allows you to learn WITHER. You encounter a friendly old professor from Miskatonic University. If you spend 1 gate trophy, he introduces himself as Professor Armitage and offers to join forces with you. Take his Ally card if it is available, otherwise draw 1 Unique Item.
Strago- Finn Edwards: You learn BRAVERY.
Sorry, but doesn't Administration's skill-buying let me draw two and choose one of them? Not that Bravery isn't pretty decent, I just want to see what else I might get.
I pass with flying colors and keep all mah yens~
<Strago> 'lo.
<Soppy-CHUCKISNOTON> Witness for roll?
<Soppy-CHUCKISNOTON> Current luck is 3 + 1 for the Lantern. The mod is -1. So three die
<Strago> Kay.
<Soppy-CHUCKISNOTON> roll 3d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-CHUCKISNOTON rolls 3d6 and gets 13." [3d6=2, 6, 5]
<Soppy-CHUCKISNOTON> Yay. I don't lose all my money.
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 6/6
Stamina 4/4
Speed 1 [2] 3 4
Sneak 3 [2] 1 0
Fight 0 1 [2] 3 +1
Will 5 4 [3] 2
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 5 4 [3] 2
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
3 Clue Tokens
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Food (Discard Food to reduce any Stamina loss by 1)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Flesh Ward
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Personal Story: Pass: Possess 5 Clue Tokens (3/5)
Fail: Driven Insane
I would have to spend clue tokens to make this roll and ew no. They can have my cloak.
Ha, hahaha, no. Nice meeting ya', Prof!~
I decline.
Strago: Sorry. You learn BRAVERY or FIGHT.
I'll go with Bravery.
It wasn't much, but there was definitely a certain tension in the air.
Gathering Storm!
Gate Opens: Devil Reef
Clue Appears: The Esoteric Order of Dagon
Monster Movement: Moon White, Cross Black
The situation in Innsmouth continues to worsen. Add one token to the Deep One's Rising track.
Do you draw a card from the Dust Deck, Sopko? Or do you spend the clues?
I draw from the dust deck. I bump my speed up to 3 and head to the Graveyard for another clue.
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 6/6
Stamina 4/4
Speed 1 2 [3] 4
Sneak 3 2 [1] 0
Fight 0 1 [2] 3 +1
Will 5 4 [3] 2
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 5 4 [3] 2
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
4 Clue Tokens
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Food (Discard Food to reduce any Stamina loss by 1)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Flesh Ward
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Personal Story: Pass: Possess 5 Clue Tokens (4/5)
Fail: Driven Insane
Tommy Muldoon
Special Abilities:
Hero - Mythos Phase: Before a mythos card is drawn, Tommy may make one or more monsters adjacent to his location move to his location, regardless of their normal movement.
On The Force - Any Phase: Tommy can never be arrested. In addition, it only costs him 1 gate trophy or 5 toughness worth of monster trophies to become Deputy of Arkham.
Sanity: 5/6
Stamina: 3/4
Speed: 1 2 3 [4] [+1]
Sneak: 3 2 1 [zero]
Fight: 2 3 4 [5]
Will: 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: zero 1 [2] 3
Luck: 6 5 [4] 3
Focus: 1
$2 (may be traded to Finn/Strago)
0 Clue Tokens
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6)
Speed Skill (+1 Speed, Clue Tokens spent on Speed checks yield an extra die)
1 Monster Trophy (Byakhee, total toughness: 1)
Personal Story:
Pass: Become devoured (obviously not yet fufilled)
Fail: Terror Level reaches 5 (0/5)
Tommy walks up to The Unnamable and busts up some otherworldly ne'er-do-wells, offering his $2 to Strago/Finn should he pass him by in the streets. He succeeds in taking a bite out of crime, but is left with naught but his trusty rifle as he plunges into the Plateau of Leng.
[21:27] * RandomConsonant looks at the current turn of events
[21:27] <RandomConsonant> Well this is mildly unpleasant
[21:27] <PamelaIbis> Quite.
[21:29] <PamelaIbis> You're going into the gate at The Unnamable?
[21:29] <RandomConsonant> Most likely
[21:30] <PamelaIbis> Hm, okay.
[21:32] <RandomConsonant>Gonna toss Finn my $2 on the way if he wants to get to Innsmouth, though someone else is probably going to have to handle the gate at Devil's Reef
[21:32] <RandomConsonant> Because hey, not like I need money where I'm goin'.
[21:33] <RandomConsonant> At any rate, time to lay down THE LAW
[21:34] <Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Leave a clue on the board for me next turn, I'll be able to pass my PS
[21:34] <RandomConsonant> Well.
[21:34] <Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Well, one I can reach.
[21:34] <RandomConsonant> If I die, you get five clues is what I'm thinking.
[21:34] <RandomConsonant> Though we'll burn that bridge if we come to it.
[21:34] <Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> I'm already at 4. I just need 1 more
[21:35] <RandomConsonant> Anyways, first, the Byakhee.
[21:35] <RandomConsonant> Can't pass Horror, -1 San for me.
[21:35] <RandomConsonant> 10 dice against its one toughness
[21:36] <RandomConsonant> roll 10d6 to enforce flying regulations
[21:36] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 10d6 to enforce flying regulations and gets 37." [10d6=1, 2, 5, 6, 6, 1, 5, 3, 4, 4]
[21:36] <RandomConsonant> Byakhee is downed, on to the Servitor.
[21:36] <PamelaIbis> Who is best fit to take on that gate?
[21:36] <PamelaIbis> Splatted.
[21:36] <RandomConsonant> Again, can't pass Horror, discarding Obsidian Statue to prevent the sanity damage.
[21:37] <RandomConsonant> Its prowess gives me 8 dice against its three toughness, and I have two clues
[21:37] <RandomConsonant> roll 8d6 to enforce immigration laws
[21:37] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 8d6 to enforce immigration laws and gets 25." [8d6=2, 4, 5, 4, 2, 1, 1, 6]
[21:37] <RandomConsonant> roll 1d6 for clue the first
[21:37] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 1d6 for clue the first and gets 1." [1d6=1]
[21:37] <RandomConsonant> roll 1d6 for clue the second
[21:37] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 1d6 for clue the second and gets 5." [1d6=5]
[21:37] <RandomConsonant> Barely, but I live.
[21:37] <RandomConsonant> Into the gate I go~
[21:38] <PamelaIbis> Yay~
Vincent Lee
Location: Southside
Sanity: 5 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5
Speed: 0 1 [2] 3
Sneak: 5 4 [3] 2
Fight: 0 1 [2] 3
Will : 4 3 [2] 1
Lore: 2 3 4 [5]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]
Focus: 2
Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.
6 Clue Tokens
Common Items
Dark Cloak - Bonus: +1 Evade check / Price: $2
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Map of Arkham (Exhausted) - Movement phase: Exhaust to get 1 extra movement point. / Price: $2
Unique Items
Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.
Voice of Ra - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Flesh Ward - Casting Modifier: -2 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1
Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn. Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.
Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.
Current Action
Read Old Journal to get 3 clues. Head to Uptown and stay there. EDIT: Exhausting map and heading to Southside, hand Ursula $6 in exchange for Wither.
[2010-10-06 20:49:28] <PamelaIbis> Bumping Lore up to 5, so 4 dice.
[2010-10-06 20:49:33] <PamelaIbis> 4d6
[2010-10-06 20:49:34] * Hatbot --> "PamelaIbis rolls 4d6 and gets 15." [4d6=2, 5, 5, 3]
[2010-10-06 20:49:44] <PamelaIbis> Clues get!
Finn will go ahead and use his special ability to move in to the Miskatonic U. Streets during the Mythos phase. He will pass Tommy Muldoon in the streets on his way to the Train Station, where he will pay the requisite $1 for a business-class seat to Innsmouth. He will use his remaining movement to mosey over to the Esoteric Order of Dagon and pick up the two Clues someone left lying around.
Finn Edwards, the Bootlegger
- Status -
Sanity 4/4
Stamina 6/6
Slippery - Mythos: When moon monsters move, Finn may choose to move as a normal moon monster. He does not need
to make any Evade checks when doing so.
Holdout - Any Phase: Finn never has to discard items or lose money, even when he is knocked unconscious or
driven insane. He must still pay costs as usual.
- Skills (Focus: 1) -
Speed 3 4 5 [6]
Sneak 5 4 3 [2] +2
Fight [zero] 1 2 3
Will [3] 2 1 0
Lore 1 2 3 [4]
Luck 4 3 2 [1]
- Inventory -
2 Clues
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Tommy Gun (physical weapon, 2H, +6 to Combat checks)
Research Materials (any phase: discard instead of spending 1 Clue token)
Whiskey (any phase: discard to reduce any San loss by 1)
Cabala of Saboth (movement: exhaust and spend 2 movement points to make a Lore (-2) check. If you pass,
draw 1 Skill and discard Cabala of Saboth. If you fail, nothing happens)
Dragon's Eye (any phase: exhaust and lose 1 San after drawing a gate or location to draw a new card in its place)
- Personal Story, "Payback" -
Pass: If Finn has 3 or more Monster Trophies, including a Cultist, put "Best Served Cold" in play. [0/3]
Fail: If the Terror Level reaches 3, put "Cut Your Losses" in play. [0/3]
Ursula Downs
Sanity: 4/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 2
Speed: 2 3 [4] 5
Sneak: 3 2 [1] 0
Fight: 1 2 [3] 4
Will: 4 3 [2] 1
Lore: 0 1 [2] 3
Luck: 5 4 [3] 2
Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
5 Clue Tokens
.38 Revolver (1H, physical, +3 to combat, $4)
Knife (1H, physical, +1 to combat, $2)
Holy Water (2H, magical, discard to gain +6 to combat, $4)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Personal Story:
Pass - When Ursula has at least 3 Monster Trophies (0/3) and 3 clue tokens (5/3), she draws 5 Unique Items and chooses 2 to keep. The rest are discarded.
Fail - If Ursula goes insane, or the Terror level reaches 3 (0/3), Ursula is Cursed.
Passing Vincent in Southside to sell him my Wither for some quick cash, then continuing on to the General Store to buy some stuffs as well as have an encounter.
Since I don't know when El Cid will be around, I'll note here that if Amanda happens to pass through the Miskatonic, Merchant District, or Northside streets and wants to toss Finn a dollar, then I'd definitely be able to jump in the Gate at Devil's Reef next turn.
Not a necessity, but it seems like it's worth mentioning.
Amanda Sharpe
Sanity: 5/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 3
Speed: 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]
Fight: 1 2 [3] 4
Will: 4 3 [2] 1
Lore: 1 2 [3] 4
Luck: 4 3 [2] 1
Studious: Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.
3 clue tokens
Elder Sign (unique item, lose 1 sanity and 1 stamina to close gate and remove 1 doom token from track, $5)
Dread Curse of Azathoth (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 2, exhaust for +9 to combat checks, 2H)
Luck (skill, +1 luck, roll 1 bonus die when spending clue tokens for luck checks)
Expert Occultist (skill, exhaust to reroll a spell check)
Personal story:
Pass: Draw three unique items (effect: maximum sanity and stamina increased by 1)
Fail: Two open gates to R'leyh (effect: devoured, replaced by Deep One, add 1 token to Deep Ones Rising track)
Amanda is willing to indulge her bootlegger friend and lend him a dollar (possibly in exchange for some moonshine to ward off the dreams) before picking up a clue at the Unvisited Isle.
Hmm. Finn is generally willing to sell booze to minors, but I know that he's going to be taking 2 Sanity damage when he beats up the Elder Thing next turn, leaving him at 2/4 as he jumps in to a Gate. Not to mention that the Esoteric Order of Dagon strikes me as a place wherein I might very well go a little crazy. I think I might want the extra assurance of Whiskey, there.
Haha. I didn't genuinely notice that you had booze in your inventory, I was just speaking for flavor. Keep it man, you need it more than I do if you're gate-jumping.
Soppy: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/9/9f/SmallDustCard1-2.png)
Soppy- Gloria Goldberg: A monster appears! SHI-
El Cid- Amanda Sharpe: Looking up at the night sky from the island, you see constellations that you've never seen before. The entire sky is different here! Lose 1 Sanity and gain 1 Clue token.
Tal- Vincent Lee: The streets are quiet tonight. At least they are down here.
Random- Tommy Muldoon: Your peril clears your mind. Pass a Will +0 check to restore your sanity to its maximum value.
Mage- Ursula Downs: You notice that some of the locals have an odd, fish-like quality to them that sets your teeth on edge. Lose 1 Sanity. Of course, that won't stop you from SHOPPING! http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/Ancient_Tome
Strago- Finn Edwards: There Was an encounter here
. It is gone now.
Strago- Finn Edwards: You are invited to take the first Oath of Dagon. If you refuse, lose 1 Stamina and move to the street. If you accept, lose 2 Sanity and make a Lore (-1) check, gaining a Clue token for each success.
+1 Sanity is me.
[00:31] * RandomConsonant checks, sees PERIL
[00:31] <Mari> PERIL?
[00:31] <RandomConsonant> PERIL! Of the mind-clearing variety, it seems.
[00:31] <RandomConsonant> I can do that real quick, only one die for the check though
[00:32] <RandomConsonant> roll 1d6 for PERIL!
[00:32] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 1d6 for PERIL! and gets 5." [1d6=5]
Finn refuses the creepy fish-priests.
Amanda Sharpe
Sanity: 4/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 3
Speed: 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]
Fight: 1 2 [3] 4
Will: 4 3 [2] 1
Lore: 1 2 [3] 4
Luck: 4 3 [2] 1
Studious: Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.
4 clue tokens
Elder Sign (unique item, lose 1 sanity and 1 stamina to close gate and remove 1 doom token from track, $5)
Dread Curse of Azathoth (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 2, exhaust for +9 to combat checks, 2H)
Luck (skill, +1 luck, roll 1 bonus die when spending clue tokens for luck checks)
Expert Occultist (skill, exhaust to reroll a spell check)
Personal story:
Pass: Draw three unique items (effect: maximum sanity and stamina increased by 1)
Fail: Two open gates to R'leyh (effect: devoured, replaced by Deep One, add 1 token to Deep Ones Rising track)
Just posting updated sheet.
Did Gloria ever mention that she was an author of KUNG FU NOVELS?
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> So
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> One dice
<RandomConsonant> Well if Flesh Ward gets used I will laugh
* HazamaHatOnly is now known as AndrewRogue
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> 1d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-ClearGenderRoles rolls 1d6 and gets 5." [1d6=5]
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> HA.
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> HA.
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Bitches.
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 6/6
Stamina 4/4
Speed 1 2 [3] 4
Sneak 3 2 [1] 0
Fight 0 1 [2] 3 +1
Will 5 4 [3] 2
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 5 4 [3] 2
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
4 Clue Tokens
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Food (Discard Food to reduce any Stamina loss by 1)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Flesh Ward
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Personal Story: Pass: Possess 5 Clue Tokens (4/5)
Fail: Driven Insane
Ursula Downs
Sanity: 3/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 2
Speed: 2 3 [4] 5
Sneak: 3 2 [1] 0
Fight: 1 2 [3] 4
Will: 4 3 [2] 1
Lore: 0 1 [2] 3
Luck: 5 4 [3] 2
Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
5 Clue Tokens
.38 Revolver (1H, physical, +3 to combat, $4)
Knife (1H, physical, +1 to combat, $2)
Holy Water (2H, magical, discard to gain +6 to combat, $4)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Ancient Tome (Tome, Spend 2 movement to make a Lore(-1) check. If success, draw a spell and discard Ancient Tome. If fail, nothing happens. $4)
Personal Story:
Pass - When Ursula has at least 3 Monster Trophies (0/3) and 3 clue tokens (5/3), she draws 5 Unique Items and chooses 2 to keep. The rest are discarded.
Fail - If Ursula goes insane, or the Terror level reaches 3 (0/3), Ursula is Cursed.
Creeped out by fish-dudes, Ursula is gonna grab an Ancient Tome to distract her.
Is it possible that there was some ulterior motive behind everything that was going on? Could it be the result of some mastermind? Or were these just the paranoid thoughts of burgeoning madness?
Plans in Motion
Gate Opens: None. Instead, two Doom Tokens are added to the Doom Track.
Clue Appears: Nowhere
Monster Movement: Dash/Triangle/Star/Cross/Circle White, Square/Diamond/Moon/Hexagon Black
Ongoing Effect: At the end of every Mythos Phase (beginning the turn after this card enters play), roll a die. On a 1 or 2, add one uprising token to the Deep Ones Rising track.
Pass: If the Feds Raid Innsmouth track is filled, resolve it, then return this card to the box.
Fail: If the Ancient One awakens, return this card to the box.
CURRENT RUMOR: Plans in Motion
Due to monsters taking a trip into the vortex, 2 tokens have been added to the Deep Ones Rising track and the Terror Level has increased by 2. As a result, Ruby Standish and Eric Colt will no longer be attending the festivities.
Do you draw a card from the Dust Deck, Sopko? Or do you spend the clues?
Tommy Muldoon
Special Abilities:
Hero - Mythos Phase: Before a mythos card is drawn, Tommy may make one or more monsters adjacent to his location move to his location, regardless of their normal movement.
On The Force - Any Phase: Tommy can never be arrested. In addition, it only costs him 1 gate trophy or 5 toughness worth of monster trophies to become Deputy of Arkham.
Sanity: 6/6
Stamina: 3/4
Speed: 1 2 3 [4] [+1]
Sneak: 3 2 1 [zero]
Fight: 2 3 4 [5]
Will: 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: zero 1 2 [3]
Luck: 6 5 4 [3]
Focus: 1
0 Clue Tokens
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6)
Speed Skill (+1 Speed, Clue Tokens spent on Speed checks yield an extra die)
1 Monster Trophy (Byakhee, total toughness: 1)
Personal Story:
Pass: Become devoured (obviously not yet fufilled)
Fail: Terror Level reaches 5 (2/5)
Shifting Lore/Luck over one, farting around in the Plateau of Leng.
Finn fails once again at reading the Cabala. He drops his two Clue tokens on the Yellow track, then heads to the Marsh Refinery, picks up another Clue, and awaits a marshy encounter.
Finn Edwards, the Bootlegger
- Status -
Sanity 3/4
Stamina 5/6
Slippery - Mythos: When moon monsters move, Finn may choose to move as a normal moon monster. He does not need
to make any Evade checks when doing so.
Holdout - Any Phase: Finn never has to discard items or lose money, even when he is knocked unconscious or
driven insane. He must still pay costs as usual.
- Skills (Focus: 1) -
Speed 3 4 [5] 6
Sneak 5 4 [3] 2 (+2)
Fight [zero] 1 2 3
Will [3] 2 1 0
Lore 1 2 3 [4]
Luck 4 3 2 [1]
- Inventory -
1 Clue
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Tommy Gun (physical weapon, 2H, +6 to Combat checks)
Research Materials (any phase: discard instead of spending 1 Clue token)
Whiskey (any phase: discard to reduce any San loss by 1)
Cabala of Saboth (movement: exhaust and spend 2 movement points to make a Lore (-2) check. If you pass,
draw 1 Skill and discard Cabala of Saboth. If you fail, nothing happens)
Dragon's Eye (any phase: exhaust and lose 1 San after drawing a gate or location to draw a new card in its place)
- Personal Story, "Payback" -
Pass: If Finn has 3 or more Monster Trophies, including a Cultist, put "Best Served Cold" in play. [0/3]
Fail: If the Terror Level reaches 3, put "Cut Your Losses" in play. [2/3]
Vincent Lee
Location: Science Building
Sanity: 5 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5
Speed: 0 1 2 [3]
Sneak: 5 4 3 [2]
Fight: 0 1 2 [3]
Will : 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: 2 3 4 [5]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]
Focus: 2
Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.
2 Clue Tokens
Common Items
Dark Cloak - Bonus: +1 Evade check / Price: $2
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Unique Items
Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.
Voice of Ra - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Flesh Ward - Casting Modifier: -2 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1
Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn. Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.
Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.
Current Action
Move Speed and Fight over one. Spend five Clues to pass my PS, then head up to Merchant District to hand Amanada the Map of Arkham and $2. After that, go to Science Building to grab the clue there.
[02:05] <AndrewRogue> Who is posting for Cid?
[02:05] <RandomConsonant> Hm?
[02:06] <AndrewRogue> Cid's gone for the weekend, so you all have communal control
[02:06] <AndrewRogue> Just need to know someone who will officially post for him
[02:07] <RandomConsonant> Ah.
[02:07] <RandomConsonant> Guess I will if there aren't any objections?
[02:09] <Strago> Fine by me.
So yeah. If Cid objects to this course of action he can feel free to beat me senseless with some large blunt object.
Amanda Sharpe
Sanity: 4/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 3
Speed: 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]
Fight: 1 2 [3] 4
Will: 4 3 [2] 1
Lore: 1 2 [3] 4
Luck: 4 3 [2] 1
Studious: Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.
4 clue tokens
Elder Sign (unique item, lose 1 sanity and 1 stamina to close gate and remove 1 doom token from track, $5)
Map of Arkham (Exhaust to gain 1 extra movement, $2)
Dread Curse of Azathoth (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 2, exhaust for +9 to combat checks, 2H)
Luck (skill, +1 luck, roll 1 bonus die when spending clue tokens for luck checks)
Expert Occultist (skill, exhaust to reroll a spell check)
Personal story:
Pass: Draw three unique items (effect: maximum sanity and stamina increased by 1)
Fail: Two open gates to R'leyh (effect: devoured, replaced by Deep One, add 1 token to Deep Ones Rising track)
Amanda exhausts the Map of Arkham, goes to the Train Station, buys a ticket to Innsmouth, and moves to the Innsmouth Shore in anticipation of dropping some clues on the Feds track next turn.
I draw from the Dust Deck yet again! I also shift my speed to two and hop into the Black Cave for the clue to pass my PS, which adds another +1 to my Fight!
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 6/6
Stamina 4/4
Speed 1 [2] 3 4
Sneak 3 [2] 1 0
Fight 0 1 [2] 3 +2
Will 5 4 [3] 2
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 5 4 [3] 2
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
5 Clue Tokens
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Food (Discard Food to reduce any Stamina loss by 1)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Flesh Ward
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight
Ursula Downs
Sanity: 3/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 2
Speed: 2 3 [4] 5
Sneak: 3 2 [1] 0
Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1
Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]
Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
5 Clue Tokens
.38 Revolver (1H, physical, +3 to combat, $4)
Knife (1H, physical, +1 to combat, $2)
Holy Water (2H, magical, discard to gain +6 to combat, $4)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Spell (Does spell-type stuff. I dunno, I'm waitin' for my shiny new spellz, yo)
Personal Story:
Pass - When Ursula has at least 3 Monster Trophies (0/3) and 3 clue tokens (5/3), she draws 5 Unique Items and chooses 2 to keep. The rest are discarded.
Fail - If Ursula goes insane, or the Terror level reaches 3 (2/3), Ursula is Cursed.
Ursula reads a good book to distract herself from the fish-dudes so she can get back to buying stuff and having encounters, and is successful at doing so, earning her a spell!
<Reichertastic_CthulhuBurger> witnesses?
<%Smashy> beep?
<Reichertastic_CthulhuBurger> Cool. Reading book.
<Reichertastic_CthulhuBurger> Lore is now at 3, don't need to move anywhere, check is at -1, I believe? So that's 2 dice
<Reichertastic_CthulhuBurger> 2d6 to distract myself from creepy fish dudes with a good book.
<%Smashy> Lore-1 yes
* Hatbot --> "Reichertastic_CthulhuBurger rolls 2d6 to distract myself from creepy fish dudes with a good book. and gets 9."12 [2d6=6, 3]
<Reichertastic_CthulhuBurger> Success!
<Reichertastic_CthulhuBurger> Apparently explorers are the most literate people in the world. Awesome.
Soppy: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/7/73/SmallDustCard1-3.png)
Soppy- Gloria Goldberg: In the darkness you happen upon the remains of a previous spelunker. Make a Luck (+0) check and consult the chart below:
0) The body begins to bloat and splits open, releasing the horror within. Lose 1 Sanity and a monster appears!
1) The body has been ripped apart as if shredded by a powerful monster. Lose 1 Sanity.
2+) Searching the body you find something intersting. Draw 1 Common Item.
El Cid- Amanda Sharpe: The coast is quiet.
Tal- Vincent Lee: A chemical brew bubbles on a nearby Bunsen burner. It smells delicious. If you drink it, make a Luck (+0) check. If you pass, the strange liquid fortifies you. Roll a die and gain that many points, split between your Stamina and Sanity however you like. If you fail, the liquid turns out to be coffee. Gain 1 Stamina.
Random- Tommy Muldoon: A vast stirring rumbles through the Plateau. Pass a Sneak (+0) check or roll a die and lose that much Stamina.
Mage- Ursula Downs: The shopkeeper notices one of the items you're carrying and his face lights up. "Say, I've been looking for one of those. You wouldn't mind parting with it, would ya? I can pay well." You may sell any of your Common Items for twice its listed price.
Strago- Finn Edwards: Jacob Marsh greets you warmly. "Of course I know you! I know know do i KNOW u? IA! IA! IA! The eye of the dragon sees sees sees all.
From the catwalk above, you have a clear view of the assembly line and the shambling, monstrous workers. Make a Lore (-1) check to realize what they really are. If you pass, gain 1 Clue token and lose 1 Sanity.
Whee free ticket to gjland. Good thing I only had the rifle so I don't lose anything.
[22:46] <RandomConsonant> roll 1d6
[22:46] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 1d6 and gets 6." [1d6=6]
[2010-10-10 21:57:46] <PamelaIbis> I will roll for lulz then.
[2010-10-10 21:57:53] <PamelaIbis> roll 1d6
[2010-10-10 21:57:53] * Hatbot --> "PamelaIbis rolls 1d6 and gets 1." [1d6=1]
Finn knocks back some Whiskey to lessen the Dragon Eye's unpleasant effects.
> Lore check for my encounter!
> 4 Lore, -1.
Back: Away for 56mins 57secs
Away Deactivated:4 Auto Away reactivated
> 3d6
* Hatbot --> "Strago rolls 3d6 and gets 7."12 [3d6=4, 1, 2]
> Ah well. Neither Clue nor Sanity loss.
Ursula Downs
Sanity: 3/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 2
Speed: 2 3 [4] 5
Sneak: 3 2 [1] 0
Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1
Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]
Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
5 Clue Tokens
.38 Revolver (1H, physical, +3 to combat, $4)
Cross (1H, Magical, +3 to combat if against Undead, +1 to Horror Checks, $3)
Holy Water (2H, magical, discard to gain +6 to combat, $4)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Heal (Spell, Casting mod +1, Sanity cost 1, cast and exhaust to give one investigator in the area stamina equal to the successes I roll; stamina cannot be divided)
Personal Story:
Pass - When Ursula has at least 3 Monster Trophies (0/3) and 3 clue tokens (5/3), she draws 5 Unique Items and chooses 2 to keep. The rest are discarded.
Fail - If Ursula goes insane, or the Terror level reaches 3 (2/3), Ursula is Cursed.
Bartering off my Knife for that shiny Cross he has on display, and... one more dollar would be nice, too. Yeah? Awesome.
I search that corpse like it was OK at an airport!
<Soppy-RobIsTharkad> Hola muchachos
<Soppy-RobIsTharkad> Anyone here?
<AndrewRogue> Yo
* Ciddead has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Soppy-RobIsTharkad> Rolling!
<Soppy-RobIsTharkad> Luck+0 check. Luck is currently 3, +1 from the Lantern, so 4.
<Soppy-RobIsTharkad> roll 4d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-RobIsTharkad rolls 4d6 and gets 17." [4d6=3, 5, 5, 4]
<Soppy-RobIsTharkad> Draw 1 Common item!
<AndrewRogue> I will check what that is in a moment
<Soppy-RobIsTharkad> K
<AndrewRogue> Sopko: You acquire WHISKEY
Sanity 5/6
Stamina 4/4
Speed 1 [2] 3 4
Sneak 3 [2] 1 0
Fight 0 1 [2] 3 +2
Will 5 4 [3] 2
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 5 4 [3] 2
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
5 Clue Tokens
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Food (Discard Food to reduce any Stamina loss by 1)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Flesh Ward
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Whiskey (Discard Whiskey to reduce any Sanity loss by 1)
Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight
Sopko acquired Whiskey. Fitting.
There was something new in the air. Something... comforting.
Noden's Favor
Environment (Mystic)
Gate Opens: The Witch House
Clue Appears: The Black Cave (enjoy, Sopko!)
Monster Movement: Dash/Triangle/Star White, Hexagon Black
It costs 2 fewer clues tokens to seal a gate.
CURRENT RUMOR: Plans in Motion
The plans have yet to come to fruition. No token is added to the Deep One's Rising track.
Do you draw a card from the Dust Deck, Sopko? Or do you spend the clues?
AHEM. Random should actually be LiTaS. Sorry about the error. Will correct this a bit later.
Draw the card! Shifting my speed to 3 and taking a run at the gate at the Witch House.
Anyone got a magic weapon I can borrow? Exchanging one of my Flesh Ward spells for a Cross.
Update: I then bitchslap the monsters after taking some damage from the Shoggoth. Used the Food.
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Letsa goooooooo
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Taking on the Ghost first
<Cidward> I always figured you could swap weapons basically at will, so.
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Horror check. -2 mod. 3 will plus one for the Cross
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> So 2
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> roll 2d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-ClearGenderRoles rolls 2d6 and gets 6." [2d6=5, 1]
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Pass
<Cidward> gloria ain't afraid of no ghosts.
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Combat! -3 mod. 4 total fight +3 for Cross, so 4
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> roll 4d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-ClearGenderRoles rolls 4d6 and gets 16." [4d6=3, 6, 6, 1]
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Splorch
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Switching to the Rifle for the Shoggoth. Does that round up or down?
<RandomConsonant> uo
<PamelaIbis> Phys resist? Up.
<RandomConsonant> *up
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> K. Horror check. -1 mod, 3 will, so 2 again
<PamelaIbis> Most things round in your favor I think.
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> 2d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-ClearGenderRoles rolls 2d6 and gets 5." [2d6=4, 1]
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Obviously I need to add roll
<Cidward> Owww.
<PamelaIbis> Scary~
<RandomConsonant> Doesn't the cross give a bonus regardless?
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Only if equipped, I thought?
<PamelaIbis> It does.
<RandomConsonant> Nope
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Oh
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> So one more
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> roll 1d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-ClearGenderRoles rolls 1d6 and gets 5." [1d6=5]
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> HA
<PamelaIbis> Ha.
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> -1 combat mod. 4 fight + 3 from Rifle after Resist. So 6 die
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> roll 6d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-ClearGenderRoles rolls 6d6 and gets 12." [6d6=2, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1]
<RandomConsonant> That is not so good.
<Cidward> Hatebottery.
<PamelaIbis> ...
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Now THAT is a whiff
<PamelaIbis> gj
<Cidward> You, uh, can take one hit of that, at least...
<RandomConsonant> And then... wait, Shoggoth doesn't have Overwhelming
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Hmm. I think I'll eat some food and reduce that to 2 and try again. Not gonna use clues until I have a chance
<Cidward> Nightmarish.
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> roll 6d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-ClearGenderRoles rolls 6d6 and gets 25." [6d6=6, 6, 1, 2, 5, 5]
* Soppy-ClearGenderRoles flips off Hatbot
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 4/6
Stamina 2/4
Speed 1 2 [3] 4
Sneak 3 2 [1] 0
Fight 0 1 [2] 3 +2
Will 5 4 [3] 2
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 5 4 [3] 2
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
6 Clue Tokens
4 Toughness in Monster Trophies (Shoggoth, Ghost)
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Cross (1H Weapon. +0 Combat Checks (+3 if against Undead). +1 to Horror Checks)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Whiskey (Discard Whiskey to reduce any Sanity loss by 1)
Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight
Ursula Downs
Sanity: 3/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 2
Speed: 2 [3] 4 5
Sneak: 3 [2] 1 0
Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1
Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]
Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
5 Clue Tokens
.38 Revolver (1H, physical, +3 to combat, $4)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Holy Water (2H, magical, discard to gain +6 to combat, $4)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Heal (Spell, Casting mod +1, Sanity cost 1, cast and exhaust to give one investigator in the area stamina equal to the successes I roll; stamina cannot be divided)
Personal Story:
Pass - When Ursula has at least 3 Monster Trophies (0/3) and 3 clue tokens (5/3), she draws 5 Unique Items and chooses 2 to keep. The rest are discarded.
Fail - If Ursula goes insane, or the Terror level reaches 3 (2/3), Ursula is Cursed.
Exchanging my Cross for a Flesh Ward before the Gloria and Ursula Literacy Squad gets to work on those gates. I'm heading to the Plateau of Leng, down by The Unnamable.
Amanda Sharpe
Sanity: 4/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 3
Speed: 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]
Fight: 1 2 [3] 4
Will: 4 3 [2] 1
Lore: 1 2 [3] 4
Luck: 4 3 [2] 1
Studious: Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.
2 clue tokens
Elder Sign (unique item, lose 1 sanity and 1 stamina to close gate and remove 1 doom token from track, $5)
Map of Arkham (Exhaust to gain 1 extra movement, $2)
Dread Curse of Azathoth (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 2, exhaust for +9 to combat checks, 2H)
Luck (skill, +1 luck, roll 1 bonus die when spending clue tokens for luck checks)
Expert Occultist (skill, exhaust to reroll a spell check)
Personal story:
Pass: Draw three unique items (effect: maximum sanity and stamina increased by 1)
Fail: Two open gates to R'leyh (effect: devoured, replaced by Deep One, add 1 token to Deep Ones Rising track)
Amanda will drop a couple clues during upkeep to fill up the green slots in the feds track (my understanding is the colors can be hit in any order, so) before taking a walk to the hotel to await an encounter, and finishing off the feds track next turn.
Vincent Lee
Location: Silver Twilight Lodge
Sanity: 5 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5
Speed: 0 1 2 [3]
Sneak: 5 4 3 [2]
Fight: 0 1 2 [3]
Will : 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: 2 [3] 4 5
Luck: 4 [3] 2 1
Focus: 2
Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.
3 Clue Tokens
Common Items
Dark Cloak - Bonus: +1 Evade check / Price: $2
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Unique Items
Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.
Voice of Ra - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Flesh Ward - Casting Modifier: -2 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1
Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn. Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.
Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.
Current Action
Move to Silver Twilight Lodge and pick up the clue token there.
Finn will drop his Clue Token at the Marsh Refinery, adding one token to the Blue Feds track. He also added two to the Yellow Feds track last turn, which I don't think has been reflected on the board yet.
He also fails to read the Cabala of Saboth -- again -- and moves to the Gilman Hotel for an encounter.
Finn Edwards, the Bootlegger
- Status -
Sanity 3/4
Stamina 5/6
Slippery - Mythos: When moon monsters move, Finn may choose to move as a normal moon monster. He does not need
to make any Evade checks when doing so.
Holdout - Any Phase: Finn never has to discard items or lose money, even when he is knocked unconscious or
driven insane. He must still pay costs as usual.
- Skills (Focus: 1) -
Speed 3 4 [5] 6
Sneak 5 4 [3] 2 (+2)
Fight [zero] 1 2 3
Will [3] 2 1 0
Lore 1 2 3 [4]
Luck 4 3 2 [1]
- Inventory -
0 Clues
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Tommy Gun (physical weapon, 2H, +6 to Combat checks)
Research Materials (any phase: discard instead of spending 1 Clue token)
Cabala of Saboth (movement: exhaust and spend 2 movement points to make a Lore (-2) check. If you pass,
draw 1 Skill and discard Cabala of Saboth. If you fail, nothing happens)
Dragon's Eye (any phase: exhaust and lose 1 San after drawing a gate or location to draw a new card in its place)
- Personal Story, "Payback" -
Pass: If Finn has 3 or more Monster Trophies, including a Cultist, put "Best Served Cold" in play. [0/3]
Fail: If the Terror Level reaches 3, put "Cut Your Losses" in play. [2/3]
Soppy: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/4/40/SmallDustCard1-1.png)
Soppy- Gloria Goldberg: You stare into the face of madness. Roll 1 die for each point of Sanity you have. Lose 1 Sanity for each die that does not roll a success. If you do not go insane, gain 1 Clue token for each die that rolled a success.
El Cid- Amanda Sharpe: Joe Sargent is willing to give you a ride to Arkham in his bus, provided you haven't learned too much. If you have 3 or less Clue tokens, you may move to any location in Arkham and immediately have an encounter there.
Tal- Vincent Lee: Brushing up against a strange object in the hall, you feel stretched and thin, like your skin is too tight. Pass a Luck (-1) check or you are Cursed.
Random- Tommy Muldoon: Its so dark. So dark. So dark. So dark. So dark.
Mage- Ursula Downs: Your mind and body are toughed by your experiences. Pass a Will +0 [2] check to draw 1 Skill.
Strago- Finn Edwards: The desk clerk stops you as you go by. "This just came in for you." He hands you a telegram that reads "GET OUT OF INNSMOUTH STOP YOU KNOW TOO MUCH STOP." If you heed the telegram, move immediately to the Train Station. If you ignore it, further investigation yields 1 Clue token.
Amanda declines, having unfinished business in Innsmouth.
Ooh. Finn will stay and take a Clue token. And since he sleeps the night away, he'll also gain one Sanity.
No new skill for me.
<Reichertastic_Olaneriffic> Witness?
<PamelaIbis> Witness.
<Reichertastic_Olaneriffic> Will is 3, check is neutral, need 2 successes.
<Reichertastic_Olaneriffic> 3d6 for serious skillage
* Hatbot --> "Reichertastic_Olaneriffic rolls 3d6 for serious skillage and gets 4."12 [3d6=2, 1, 1]
<Reichertastic_Olaneriffic> ...or not.
Vincent Lee
Location: Silver Twilight Lodge
Sanity: 5 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5
Speed: 0 1 2 [3]
Sneak: 5 4 3 [2]
Fight: 0 1 2 [3]
Will : 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: 2 [3] 4 5
Luck: 4 [3] 2 1
Focus: 2
Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.
1 Clue Token
Common Items
Dark Cloak - Bonus: +1 Evade check / Price: $2
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Unique Items
Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.
Voice of Ra - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Flesh Ward - Casting Modifier: -2 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1
Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn. Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.
Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.
Current Action
Screw you Hatbot.
[2010-10-13 10:12:26] <PamelaIbis> I need to make a roll as well.
[2010-10-13 10:12:48] <Reichertastic_Olaneriffic> witness
[2010-10-13 10:12:51] <PamelaIbis> 3 Luck, -1 check
[2010-10-13 10:12:56] <PamelaIbis> 2d6 to not be Cursed
[2010-10-13 10:12:58] * Hatbot --> "PamelaIbis rolls 2d6 to not be Cursed and gets 5." [2d6=4, 1]
[2010-10-13 10:13:35] <PamelaIbis> 1d6 clue the first
[2010-10-13 10:13:37] * Hatbot --> "PamelaIbis rolls 1d6 clue the first and gets 3." [1d6=3]
[2010-10-13 10:13:54] <PamelaIbis> 1d6 clue the second...
[2010-10-13 10:13:56] * Hatbot --> "PamelaIbis rolls 1d6 clue the second... and gets 6." [1d6=6]
Amanda declines, having unfinished business in Innsmouth.
Onlooker's kibbitzing: Does the usual definition of "in Arkham" - which is to say, anyplace that is not an Other World - apply here?
Soppy's forgotten encounter: The unending blackness terrifies you. Pass a Will (-1) check or lose 1 sanity and 1 stamina from fear and exhaustion.
Going for the one that gets me clues. I gain 1 clue, using the Whiskey to negate 1 Sanity loss.
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Going for the clue one
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> So current Sanity is 4
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> 4 Tal dies
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> roll 4d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-ClearGenderRoles rolls 4d6 and gets 11." [4d6=5, 3, 1, 2]
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> One clue, still using the Whiskey, so 2 sanity left
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 2/6
Stamina 2/4
Speed 1 2 [3] 4
Sneak 3 2 [1] 0
Fight 0 1 [2] 3 +2
Will 5 4 [3] 2
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 5 4 [3] 2
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
7 Clue Tokens
4 Toughness in Monster Trophies (Shoggoth, Ghost)
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Cross (1H Weapon. +0 Combat Checks (+3 if against Undead). +1 to Horror Checks)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight
Witch Burning Anniversary!
Gate Opens: Unvisited Isle
Clue Appears: Science Building
Movement: Moon White, Cross Black
An ancient curse strikes Arkham, releasing 2 monsters into the Rivertown streets.
CURRENT RUMOR: Plans in Motion
The plans do not go into motion.
Soppy: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/8/88/SmallDustCard2-2.png)
Keeping stats where they are and waiting for my next gate encounter.
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 2/6
Stamina 2/4
Speed 1 2 [3] 4
Sneak 3 2 [1] 0
Fight 0 1 [2] 3 +2
Will 5 4 [3] 2
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 5 4 [3] 2
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
7 Clue Tokens
4 Toughness in Monster Trophies (Shoggoth, Ghost)
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Cross (1H Weapon. +0 Combat Checks (+3 if against Undead). +1 to Horror Checks)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight
Amanda Sharpe
Sanity: 5/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 3
Speed: 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]
Fight: 1 2 [3] 4
Will: 4 3 [2] 1
Lore: 1 2 [3] 4
Luck: 4 3 [2] 1
Studious: Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.
1 clue token
Elder Sign (unique item, lose 1 sanity and 1 stamina to close gate and remove 1 doom token from track, $5)
Map of Arkham (Exhaust to gain 1 extra movement, $2)
Dread Curse of Azathoth (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 2, exhaust for +9 to combat checks, 2H)
Luck (skill, +1 luck, roll 1 bonus die when spending clue tokens for luck checks)
Expert Occultist (skill, exhaust to reroll a spell check)
Personal story:
Pass: Draw three unique items (effect: maximum sanity and stamina increased by 1)
Fail: Two open gates to R'leyh (effect: devoured, replaced by Deep One, add 1 token to Deep Ones Rising track)
Refreshed from her stay at the Gilman, Amanda rewards the hospitality of her hosts (and distant relatives!) by calling the wrath of the fed down on their fish-lovin' asses. Then she uses her last dollar to book it back to Arkham. Ending turn at the train station for an encounter.
Tommy Muldoon
Special Abilities:
Hero - Mythos Phase: Before a mythos card is drawn, Tommy may make one or more monsters adjacent to his location move to his location, regardless of their normal movement.
On The Force - Any Phase: Tommy can never be arrested. In addition, it only costs him 1 gate trophy or 5 toughness worth of monster trophies to become Deputy of Arkham.
Sanity: 6/6
Stamina: 1/4
Speed: 1 2 3 [4] [+1]
Sneak: 3 2 1 [zero]
Fight: 2 3 4 [5]
Will: 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: zero 1 2 [3]
Luck: 6 5 4 [3]
Focus: 1
0 Clue Tokens
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6)
Speed Skill (+1 Speed, Clue Tokens spent on Speed checks yield an extra die)
1 Monster Trophy (Byakhee, total toughness: 1)
Personal Story:
Pass: Become devoured (obviously not yet fufilled)
Fail: Terror Level reaches 5 (2/5)
Oh hey back from gjland. Let's celebrate by doing what may be a suicidal jump into the gate at Devil Reef.
Vincent Lee
Location: Merchant District
Sanity: 5 / 5
Stamina: 4 / 5
Speed: 0 1 [2] 3
Sneak: 5 4 [3] 2
Fight: 0 1 2 [3]
Will : 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: 2 [3] 4 5
Luck: 4 [3] 2 1
Focus: 2
Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.
1 Clue Token
Cultist Trophy (1 toughness)
Common Items
Dark Cloak - Bonus: +1 Evade check / Price: $2
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Unique Items
Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.
Voice of Ra - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Flesh Ward - Casting Modifier: -2 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1
Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn. Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.
Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.
Current Action
Attempt to evade the Cultiist in Merchant District... But the Cultist blocks the way! And then I explode it.
[2010-10-15 14:44:54] <PamelaIbis> Attempting to nin nin~ past a Cultist.
[2010-10-15 14:45:27] <PamelaIbis> 3 Sneak, +1 Dark Cloak, -3 mod
[2010-10-15 14:45:32] <PamelaIbis> d6
[2010-10-15 14:45:33] * Hatbot --> "PamelaIbis rolls d6 and gets 3." [d6=3]
[2010-10-15 14:45:38] <PamelaIbis> bah
[2010-10-15 14:46:47] <PamelaIbis> Will just blow it up. 3 Fight, +2 Derringer, +1 mod
[2010-10-15 14:46:54] <PamelaIbis> 6d6
[2010-10-15 14:46:55] * Hatbot --> "PamelaIbis rolls 6d6 and gets 28." [6d6=5, 4, 6, 6, 2, 5]
[2010-10-15 14:46:58] <toro-LFTmaybe> <_<
[2010-10-15 14:47:02] <Cidward> Dead x4.
[2010-10-15 14:47:02] <PamelaIbis> ...explodey.
Hey, gang. I'm going to be more or less unavailable until tomorrow night, so here are Finn's stats. Please do with him what you will until I'm able to reclaim him.
Finn Edwards, the Bootlegger
- Status -
Sanity 4/4
Stamina 5/6
Slippery - Mythos: When moon monsters move, Finn may choose to move as a normal moon monster. He does not need
to make any Evade checks when doing so.
Holdout - Any Phase: Finn never has to discard items or lose money, even when he is knocked unconscious or
driven insane. He must still pay costs as usual.
- Skills (Focus: 1) -
Speed 3 4 [5] 6
Sneak 5 4 [3] 2 (+2)
Fight [zero] 1 2 3
Will [3] 2 1 0
Lore 1 2 3 [4]
Luck 4 3 2 [1]
- Inventory -
0 Clues
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Tommy Gun (physical weapon, 2H, +6 to Combat checks)
Research Materials (any phase: discard instead of spending 1 Clue token)
Cabala of Saboth (movement: exhaust and spend 2 movement points to make a Lore (-2) check. If you pass,
draw 1 Skill and discard Cabala of Saboth. If you fail, nothing happens)
Dragon's Eye (any phase: exhaust and lose 1 San after drawing a gate or location to draw a new card in its place)
- Personal Story, "Payback" -
Pass: If Finn has 3 or more Monster Trophies, including a Cultist, put "Best Served Cold" in play. [0/3]
Fail: If the Terror Level reaches 3, put "Cut Your Losses" in play. [2/3]
Could I please get a post confirming Ursula's stats aren't changing and what Finn will be doing? Thank you.
Well, since it's deadline time...
Finn reads the heck out of the Cabala of Sabboth and moves to Falcon Point for an encounter.
[23:41] <AndrewRogue> Okay. Need stats for Ursula during the Upkeep and a decisiion on Finn.
[23:41] <AndrewRogue> Someone post those and I'll update
[23:45] <RandomConsonant> Well, first, Cabala of Sabboth reading check
[23:45] <RandomConsonant> roll 2d6 to acquire mad skillz
[23:46] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 2d6 to acquire mad skillz and gets 11." [2d6=6, 5]
[23:46] <RandomConsonant> Mad skillz have been acquired
[23:47] <RandomConsonant> Then I guess the remaining 3 movement gets used to move him to Falcon Point? Nothing else was suggested
[23:48] <AndrewRogue> I give you permission to take action for him, so sure.
Soppy- Gloria Goldberg: Backing up against the cliff, you must either face the horrible creature in front of you or leap into the choppy waters below. If you face the monster, draw a monster from the cup. If it has less than 3 toughness, return it to the cup and draw again until you either draw a monster with 3 or more toughness or you have drawn 5 times, in which case you fight whatever monster you have drawn, regardless of its toughness. If you jump, roll a die. On a success you are returned to Arkham. On a failure, you are devoured.
You sleep fitfully and awaken to the sound of your own voice, chanting something. Make a Luck (-2) check. If you pass, you are able to retain what you are saying. Draw 1 Spell and gain 2 Clues. If you fail, the chant attracts something unsavory. A monster appears!
El Cid- Amanda Sharpe: A stranger in a turban steps off the Boston local train with a crazed look on his face. Make a Luck (-1) check. If you pass, the man pulls a strange object from beneath his cloak and gives it to you. Draw 1 Unique Item. If you fail, he pulls a poisoned blade out of his cloak and stabs you. Roll a die and lose that much Stamina.
Tal- Vincent Lee: Street. Street. Street.
Random- Tommy Muldoon: A ripple in the air passes over you. Make a Lore (-1) check or lose 1 spell as it is burned from your mind.
Mage- Ursula Downs: A glimpse of home gives you hope. Gain 1 sanity.
Strago- Finn Edwards: "Fish teem in the waters past Devil Reef, but off Falcon Point? Barely any!" The old man spits. Pass a Will (-1) check to keep him talking and gain 1 Clue token.
[01:34] <RandomConsonant> roll 2d6 for satisfaction
[01:34] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 2d6 for satisfaction and gets 12." [2d6=6, 6]
[01:34] <RandomConsonant> Hooray, I keep a spell I don't know
> .... so now I have two Sneaks and two Braveries.
> Huzzah.
> Alright, encounter.
> 3 Will, -1.
> 2d6
* Hatbot --> "Strago rolls 2d6 and gets 8."12 [2d6=2, 6]
> Hey hey.
<RandomConsonant> Excelente
> Nice, a Clue.
I retain the HELL out of what I'm saying.
<Soppy-GingaBishounen> Hokay
<Soppy-GingaBishounen> I think I'll go with that sleep one
<Soppy-GingaBishounen> Anyone around?
<AndrewRogue> Yo
<Soppy-GingaBishounen> So Luck is currently 3, + 1 for Lantern. Mod is -2
<Soppy-GingaBishounen> So 2 dice
<Soppy-GingaBishounen> roll 2d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-GingaBishounen rolls 2d6 and gets 11." [2d6=5, 6]
<Soppy-GingaBishounen> Spell and cluez plz
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 2/6
Stamina 2/4
Speed 1 2 [3] 4
Sneak 3 2 [1] 0
Fight 0 1 [2] 3 +2
Will 5 4 [3] 2
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 5 4 [3] 2
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
9 Clue Tokens
4 Toughness in Monster Trophies (Shoggoth, Ghost)
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Cross (1H Weapon. +0 Combat Checks (+3 if against Undead). +1 to Horror Checks)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight
Yay, sanity~
Ursula Downs
Sanity: 4/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 2
Speed: 2 [3] 4 5
Sneak: 3 [2] 1 0
Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1
Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]
Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
5 Clue Tokens
.38 Revolver (1H, physical, +3 to combat, $4)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Holy Water (2H, magical, discard to gain +6 to combat, $4)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Heal (Spell, Casting mod +1, Sanity cost 1, cast and exhaust to give one investigator in the area stamina equal to the successes I roll; stamina cannot be divided)
Personal Story:
Pass - When Ursula has at least 3 Monster Trophies (0/3) and 3 clue tokens (5/3), she draws 5 Unique Items and chooses 2 to keep. The rest are discarded.
Fail - If Ursula goes insane, or the Terror level reaches 3 (2/3), Ursula is Cursed.
Updating character sheet, 'cause it's been almost 2 full turns.
<Cidward> Yo.
<Cidward> There is life y/n.
<RandomConsonant> m
<Cidward> Good enough.
<Cidward> So, luck is at 2, +1 from skill, -1 mod.
<Cidward> roll 2d6 to not get stabbed
* Hatbot --> "Cidward rolls 2d6 to not get stabbed and gets 6."12 [2d6=4, 2]
<RandomConsonant> :/
<Cidward> Er.
<Cidward> I could clue it. I'd get two dice.
<RandomConsonant> Go for it
<Cidward> And I do want unique items!
<Cidward> Okay then.
<Cidward> roll 2d6 this is my only clue I am clueless now noooo
* Hatbot --> "Cidward rolls 2d6 this is my only clue I am clueless now noooo and gets 8."12 [2d6=2, 6]
<Cidward> Okay, item get.
Soppy: You were all on about http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/Red_Sign_of_Shudde_M%27ell
Cid: Instead of shanked, you get a http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/Ruby_of_R%27lyeh
Academics. Even at a time like this...
Egyptian Exhibit Visits Miskatonic U.
Environment (Urban)
Gate Opens: Which house? Which House? The House on the Hill? The House on the Right? Househousehousehouse
Clue Appears: The Black Cave (I failed to mark this on the map)
Monster Movement: Cross White, Moon Black
Any investigator who ends his movement in the Miskatonic U. streets may pass a Lore (-1) check to gain 1 Clue token by reading the strange hieroglyphics on the artifacts in the exhibit.
CURRENT ENVIRONMENT: Egyptian Exhibit Visits Miskatonic U.
Tommy Muldoon
Special Abilities:
Hero - Mythos Phase: Before a mythos card is drawn, Tommy may make one or more monsters adjacent to his location move to his location, regardless of their normal movement.
On The Force - Any Phase: Tommy can never be arrested. In addition, it only costs him 1 gate trophy or 5 toughness worth of monster trophies to become Deputy of Arkham.
Sanity: 6/6
Stamina: 1/4
Speed: 1 2 3 [4] [+1]
Sneak: 3 2 1 [zero]
Fight: 2 3 [4] 5
Will: 4 3 [2] 1
Lore: zero 1 2 [3]
Luck: 6 5 4 [3]
Focus: 1
0 Clue Tokens
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6)
Speed Skill (+1 Speed, Clue Tokens spent on Speed checks yield an extra die)
1 Monster Trophy (Byakhee, total toughness: 1)
Personal Story:
Pass: Become devoured (obviously not yet fufilled)
Fail: Terror Level reaches 5 (2/5)
Gogo next zone, hopin' I don't die
Raising my Fight to max to prepare for gate closing. Also pre-emptively rifling that Shambler
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Hmm
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Should I take care of the Shambler now so I can move next turn?
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Anyone? Andy?
<AndrewRogue> Well
<AndrewRogue> The big risk is accidentally getting punted
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> 5 Fight + 5 Rifle. 1 success on 8 die plus clus
* Yakumo has joined #rpgdlarkhamhorror
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Hmm
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> I'd take the sanity damage. Don't want to waste a clue on that
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Hell with it. I'll do it. I need to hit hospital or asylum anyway and don't want to waste too many turns
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> So I take 1 Sanity damage
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> -2 mod on 10 dice, so 8
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> roll 8d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-ClearGenderRoles rolls 8d6 and gets 23." [8d6=2, 4, 6, 1, 5, 1, 1, 3]
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Dead Shambler
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 1/6
Stamina 2/4
Speed 1 2 [3] 4
Sneak 3 2 [1] 0
Fight 0 1 2 [3] +2
Will 5 4 3 [2]
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 5 4 [3] 2
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
9 Clue Tokens
5 Toughness in Monster Trophies (Shoggoth, Ghost, Dimensional Shambler)
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Red Sign of Shudde M'ell (Casting Mod: -1. Sanity Cost: 1. Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to lower a monster's toughness by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and ignore one of its special abilities other than Magical Immunity until the end of this combat.)
Cross (1H Weapon. +0 Combat Checks (+3 if against Undead). +1 to Horror Checks)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight
Finn, lacking much of anything else to do and wanting to stay in Innsmouth in case shit starts to go bad, heads over to the First National Grocery for an encounter.
Finn Edwards, the Bootlegger
- Status -
Sanity 4/4
Stamina 5/6
Slippery - Mythos: When moon monsters move, Finn may choose to move as a normal moon monster. He does not need
to make any Evade checks when doing so.
Holdout - Any Phase: Finn never has to discard items or lose money, even when he is knocked unconscious or
driven insane. He must still pay costs as usual.
- Skills (Focus: 1) -
Speed 3 4 [5] 6
Sneak 5 4 [3] 2 (+2)
Fight [zero] 1 2 3
Will [3] 2 1 0
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 4 3 [2] 1
- Inventory -
2 Clues
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Tommy Gun (physical weapon, 2H, +6 to Combat checks)
Research Materials (any phase: discard instead of spending 1 Clue token)
Dragon's Eye (any phase: exhaust and lose 1 San after drawing a gate or location to draw a new card in its place)
- Personal Story, "Payback" -
Pass: Have three monster trophies, including one Cultist. [0/3]
Fail: Terror level reaches 3. [2/3]
Ursula Downs
Sanity: 4/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 2
Speed: 2 [3] 4 5
Sneak: 3 [2] 1 0
Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1
Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]
Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
5 Clue Tokens
.38 Revolver (1H, physical, +3 to combat, $4)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Holy Water (2H, magical, discard to gain +6 to combat, $4)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Heal (Spell, Casting mod +1, Sanity cost 1, cast and exhaust to give one investigator in the area stamina equal to the successes I roll; stamina cannot be divided)
Personal Story:
Pass - When Ursula has at least 3 Monster Trophies (0/3) and 3 clue tokens (5/3), she draws 5 Unique Items and chooses 2 to keep. The rest are discarded.
Fail - If Ursula goes insane, or the Terror level reaches 3 (2/3), Ursula is Cursed.
Finishing up visiting "ma and pa" in the good ol' Plateau of Leng before I wander back through the gate. Mm, that was good inter-dimensional pie~
Amanda Sharpe
Sanity: 3/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 3
Speed: 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]
Fight: [1] 2 3 4
Will: [4] 3 2 1
Lore: 1 2 3 [4]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]
Studious: Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.
0 clue tokens
Map of Arkham (Exhaust to gain 1 extra movement, $2)
Ruby of R'lyeh (unique item, gain 3 movement points, $8)
Dread Curse of Azathoth (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 2, exhaust for +9 to combat checks, 2H)
Luck (skill, +1 luck, roll 1 bonus die when spending clue tokens for luck checks)
Expert Occultist (skill, exhaust to reroll a spell check)
Zombie (1 toughness)
Deep One Hybrid (1 toughness)
Personal story:
Pass: Draw three unique items (effect: maximum sanity and stamina increased by 1)
Fail: Two open gates to R'leyh (effect: devoured, replaced by Deep One, add 1 token to Deep Ones Rising track)
Amanda flails at some monsters and they fall over for some reason. Then she gives Vincent an Elder Sign for being such a good audience.
<El-Cideon> So I should probably take my turn.
<El-Cideon> who's around?
<RandomConsonant> .
<MishaArsellecLune> ~
<El-Cideon> Okay!
<El-Cideon> These are pretty wimpy monsters, but I have no weapons and wish to be in decent shape for next turn in case that gug jacks me. Figure I'll use dread curse to ensure splattering and thus ensure no stamina damage happens.
<El-Cideon> Maxing will and lore. Casting roll: 4-2 = 2. Math!
<El-Cideon> roll 2d6 teach me, Azathoth-sensei?
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 2d6 teach me, Azathoth-sensei? and gets 7."12 [2d6=4, 3]
<El-Cideon> Expert Occultist gogogo. Reroll!
<El-Cideon> roll 2d6 okay Azathoth fine be a jerl
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 2d6 okay Azathoth fine be a jerl and gets 7."12 [2d6=5, 2]
<El-Cideon> Jerk, even.
<El-Cideon> Anyway, -2 sanity, +9 fight for all combats. Yay.
<MishaArsellecLune> jerl
<RandomConsonant> Think it's just one?
<El-Cideon> It just says combat checks.
<El-Cideon> Which I assumed meant all in a round.
<El-Cideon> Notably less worth using if it's just one!
<RandomConsonant> Nope, it's for just one combat
* AndrewXFiles (~terrybras@adsl-76-254-20-227.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
<El-Cideon> So that was probably wasted sanity.
<El-Cideon> But oh well.
<El-Cideon> Let's smoosh a zombie since he actually has a combat modifier.
<El-Cideon> ...Actually, knowing that would've made me put the sliders elsewhere, I figured I should maximize will rolls since the monsters would just get overkilled.
<El-Cideon> Watch my distant cousin there send me to the hospital now.
<El-Cideon> Oh well!
<El-Cideon> roll 3d6 not scared of zombies?
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 3d6 not scared of zombies? and gets 13."12 [3d6=3, 5, 5]
<El-Cideon> No.
<El-Cideon> roll 9d6 zombie stomp
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 9d6 zombie stomp and gets 31."12 [9d6=1, 5, 5, 5, 1, 3, 1, 6, 4]
<El-Cideon> Right.
<El-Cideon> Depp One Hybrid, same horror check.
<El-Cideon> roll 3d6
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 3d6 and gets 16."12 [3d6=6, 5, 5]
<RandomConsonant> This is going to be grim.
<El-Cideon> Now we see how many times he hits me, yes.
<El-Cideon> roll 1d6 epic book-smacking going on here or something?
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 1d6 epic book-smacking going on here or something? and gets 6."12 [1d6=6]
<El-Cideon> Looks like it.
<RandomConsonant> hahaha what
<El-Cideon> So that turned out okay.
<El-Cideon> and I hand Vinnie my elder sign.
Vincent Lee
Location: Great Hall Of Celeano
Sanity: 5 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5
Speed: Sneak: [5] 4 3 2
Fight: 0 1 2 [3]
Will : 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: 2 [3] 4 5
Luck: 4 [3] 2 1
Focus: 2
Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.
1 Clue Token
Cultist Trophy (1 toughness)
Common Items
Dark Cloak - Bonus: +1 Evade check / Price: $2
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Unique Items
Elder Sign - Any Phase: When sealing a gate, lose 1 Stamina and 1 Sanity and return this card to the box. You do not need to make a skill check or spend any Clue tokens to seal the gate. In addition, remove one doom token from the Ancient One's doom track. / Price: $5
Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.
Voice of Ra - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1
Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn. Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.
Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.
Current Action
Use Physician on myself, move sliders, and then jump into the Great Hall of Celery in The Unvisited Isle. Also giving Amanda the Flesh Ward/
RC/Tommy: Sometimes violence is the answer. Pass a Fight (-1) check to break free of your captors and return to Arkham.
Soppy/Gloria: Can you do it?
Strago/Finn: Please check for Martial Law (Sneak +1), then we'll determine your encounter >_>
Mage/Ursula: Can you do it?
Amanda/Cid: Wipe that monster goo off you.
Tal/Vincent: The strain is too much for your mind. Lose 1 Sanity.
[00:14] <RandomConsonant> Oh man
[00:14] <RandomConsonant> Action sequence time
[00:14] <RandomConsonant> roll 4d6 to get the heck outta dodge
[00:14] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 4d6 to get the heck outta dodge and gets 11." [4d6=2, 1, 6, 2]
[00:15] <Cidward> Amount of heck in Dodge: 0.
[00:15] <RandomConsonant> err no, I had 3 dice on the check, my bad
[00:15] <RandomConsonant> roll 3d6 for realsies
[00:15] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 3d6 for realsies and gets 12." [3d6=2, 4, 6]
Vincent Lee
Location: Great Hall Of Celeano (1)
Sanity: 4 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5
Speed: Sneak: [5] 4 3 2
Fight: 0 1 2 [3]
Will : 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: 2 [3] 4 5
Luck: 4 [3] 2 1
Focus: 2
Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.
1 Clue Token
Cultist Trophy (1 toughness)
Common Items
Dark Cloak - Bonus: +1 Evade check / Price: $2
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Unique Items
Elder Sign - Any Phase: When sealing a gate, lose 1 Stamina and 1 Sanity and return this card to the box. You do not need to make a skill check or spend any Clue tokens to seal the gate. In addition, remove one doom token from the Ancient One's doom track. / Price: $5
Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.
Voice of Ra - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1
Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn. Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.
Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.
Current Action
<RandomConsonant> hi
> Oh, blerg.
> Martial Law.
> Sorry.
> 6d6
* Hatbot --> "Strago rolls 6d6 and gets 21."12 [6d6=6, 1, 5, 1, 4, 4]
> I pass my check.
Ursula Downs
Sanity: 4/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 2
Speed: 2 [3] 4 5
Sneak: 3 [2] 1 0
Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1
Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]
Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
0 Clue Tokens
.38 Revolver (1H, physical, +3 to combat, $4)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Holy Water (2H, magical, discard to gain +6 to combat, $4)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Heal (Spell, Casting mod +1, Sanity cost 1, cast and exhaust to give one investigator in the area stamina equal to the successes I roll; stamina cannot be divided)
Personal Story:
Pass - When Ursula has at least 3 Monster Trophies (0/3) and 3 clue tokens (0/3), she draws 5 Unique Items and chooses 2 to keep. The rest are discarded.
Fail - If Ursula goes insane, or the Terror level reaches 3 (2/3), Ursula is Cursed.
Sealed the gate.
<Reichertastic_Olaneriffic> witness?
<+RandomConsonant> nitwess.
<Reichertastic_Olaneriffic> 3 Lore, -1 mod
<Reichertastic_Olaneriffic> 2d6 to stop Gate
* +Hatbot --> "Reichertastic_Olaneriffic rolls 2d6 to stop Gate and gets 7."12 [2d6=6, 1]
<+RandomConsonant> why are you using lore
<+RandomConsonant> oh well Gate is stopped
I close AND seal the gate!
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Anyone around?
<Puniyo> Punii~?
<Reichertastic_Olaneriffic> Yo
<Reichertastic_Olaneriffic> Time to put a stop to Gate, once again?
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Yep
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> 5 fight, -3 mod
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> roll 2d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-ClearGenderRoles rolls 2d6 and gets 10." [2d6=6, 4]
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Done and sealed
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 1/6
Stamina 2/4
Speed 1 2 [3] 4
Sneak 3 2 [1] 0
Fight 0 1 2 [3] +2
Will 5 4 3 [2]
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 5 4 [3] 2
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
4 Clue Tokens
5 Toughness in Monster Trophies (Shoggoth, Ghost, Dimensional Shambler)
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Red Sign of Shudde M'ell (Casting Mod: -1. Sanity Cost: 1. Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to lower a monster's toughness by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and ignore one of its special abilities other than Magical Immunity until the end of this combat.)
Cross (1H Weapon. +0 Combat Checks (+3 if against Undead). +1 to Horror Checks)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight
Strago: Brian Burnham, the young manager of the store, offers you a bargain. Draw 1 Common Item — you may purchase it for $1 less than its list price.
I do not purchase it.
The Stars, the stars...
Planetary Alignment
Environment (Mystic)
Gate Opens: ...
Clue Appears: The Black Cave
Monster Movement: Square/Diamond White, Circle Black
Thanks to the mystic energy generated by the planetary alignment, all Spells have a Sanity cost of 0.
CURRENT ENVIRONMENT: Planetary Alignment
Sopko: Spending clues or drawing from the Dust Deck?
Tommy Muldoon
Special Abilities:
Hero - Mythos Phase: Before a mythos card is drawn, Tommy may make one or more monsters adjacent to his location move to his location, regardless of their normal movement.
On The Force - Any Phase: Tommy can never be arrested. In addition, it only costs him 1 gate trophy or 5 toughness worth of monster trophies to become Deputy of Arkham.
Sanity: 6/6
Stamina: 1/4
Speed: 1 2 [3] 4 [+1]
Sneak: 3 2 [1] zero
Fight: 2 3 [4] 5
Will: 4 3 [2] 1
Lore: zero 1 2 [3]
Luck: 6 5 4 [3]
Focus: 1
0 Clue Tokens
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6)
Speed Skill (+1 Speed, Clue Tokens spent on Speed checks yield an extra die)
1 Monster Trophy (Byakhee, total toughness: 1)
Personal Story:
Pass: Become devoured (obviously not yet fufilled)
Fail: Terror Level reaches 5 (2/5)
Tried to evade the Formless Spawn. It did not go well, and Tommy is somehow punted to St. Mary's Editing because somehow I forgot to account for the fact that Fight/Will was at 4/2 last turn.
[01:50] <RandomConsonant> Shifting Speed/Sneak to 3/1 because fail Focus is fail, let's ninja past the formless spawn.
[01:50] <RandomConsonant> roll 1d6 nin nin nin~
[01:50] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 1d6 nin nin nin~ and gets 4." [1d6=4]
Ursula Downs
Sanity: 1/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 2
Speed: 2 [3] 4 5
Sneak: 3 [2] 1 0
Fight: 1 2 3 [4]
Will: 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]
Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
0 Clue Tokens
.38 Revolver (1H, physical, +3 to combat, $4)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Heal (Spell, Casting mod +1, Sanity cost 1, cast and exhaust to give one investigator in the area stamina equal to the successes I roll; stamina cannot be divided)
Gate Trophy (Plateau of Leng)
Gug Trophy (3 toughhness)
Byakhee Trophy (1 Toughness)
Personal Story:
Pass - When Ursula has at least 3 Monster Trophies (2/3) and 3 clue tokens (0/3), she draws 5 Unique Items and chooses 2 to keep. The rest are discarded.
Fail - If Ursula goes insane, or the Terror level reaches 3 (2/3), Ursula is Cursed.
Apparently Ursula is the Near-Insane God of Battle and Boocs. Gug and Byakhee polished off without a single point of Stamina damage taken~
<Mage> Alright, time to see how horribly I die
<Mage> Flying Monstrosity or Many-Armed Horror, first?
<+RandomConsonant> If you're sneaking, do the hard one first, if you're fighting, do the easy one first
<Mage> It's harder to sneak, and either way, I die if I lose once to the hard one. >_>;
<Mage> So I'm thinking pump fight and just beat these sonsabitches to death.
<Mage> Funnily enough, I'm in no danger of Sanity death thanks to seeing Home before I came through the Gate, and also because the Stars are Lined Up.
<Mage> So I'm going to have 1 Will, and 4 Fight for this.
<Mage> Both Horror Checks I fail automatically. Whoo~
* Mage takes his 1+2 San damage, respectively
<Mage> 4 Fight, +3 from .38, -0 from Byakhee
<Mage> 7d6 to say Bye Bye, Birdie~
* +Hatbot --> "Mage rolls 7d6 to say Bye Bye, Birdie~ and gets 21."12 [7d6=3, 4, 2, 6, 3, 1, 2]
<Mage> Close, but that's a kill. >_>;
<Mage> Taking San damage from Gug then (the +2 mentioned earlier)
<Mage> 4 Fight, +6 from Holy Water, -2 from HOLY CRAP SO MANY ARMS WHAT IS THIS
<Mage> 8d6 to notdiepleasedon'tdieohmygodpleasedon'tdie
* +Hatbot --> "Mage rolls 8d6 to notdiepleasedon'tdieohmygodpleasedon'tdie and gets 30."12 [8d6=4, 3, 6, 3, 6, 5, 1, 2]
<Mage> ...
<+RandomConsonant> Splorch
<Mage> Now to see if I ignore Overwhelming because Flesh Ward is hax.
<@Ranmilia> You killed the Guggernaut! (bitch)
<Mage> 3 Lore, -2 from haxx
<Mage> 1d6 to become the near-insane God of Battle and Boocs
* +Hatbot --> "Mage rolls 1d6 to become the near-insane God of Battle and Boocs and gets 6."12 [1d6=6]
<+RandomConsonant> what
<+RandomConsonant> FLESH WARD
Spending two clues to pass the first player token, upping my speed to 4 and hightailing it to the hospital for some $2 actual non-brain bandaids.
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 1/6
Stamina 4/4
Speed 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak 3 2 1 [0 ]
Fight 0 1 2 [3] +2
Will 5 4 3 [2]
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 5 4 [3] 2
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
2 Clue Tokens
5 Toughness in Monster Trophies (Shoggoth, Ghost, Dimensional Shambler)
1 Gate Trophy (R'lyeh)
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Red Sign of Shudde M'ell (Casting Mod: -1. Sanity Cost: 1. Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to lower a monster's toughness by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and ignore one of its special abilities other than Magical Immunity until the end of this combat.)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight
Vincent Lee
Location: Great Hall Of Celeano (2)
Sanity: 4 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5
Speed: Sneak: [5] 4 3 2
Fight: 0 1 2 [3]
Will : 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: 2 [3] 4 5
Luck: 4 [3] 2 1
Focus: 2
Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.
1 Clue Token
Cultist Trophy (1 toughness)
Common Items
Dark Cloak - Bonus: +1 Evade check / Price: $2
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Unique Items
Elder Sign - Any Phase: When sealing a gate, lose 1 Stamina and 1 Sanity and return this card to the box. You do not need to make a skill check or spend any Clue tokens to seal the gate. In addition, remove one doom token from the Ancient One's doom track. / Price: $5
Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.
Voice of Ra (Exhausted) - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1
Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn. Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.
Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.
Current Action
Casting Voice of Ra.
[2010-10-25 18:16:34] <Puniyo> Well, 3 Lore, -1 mod on Voice of Ra.
[2010-10-25 18:16:41] <LittleBobbyTables> Spent 2 at the hospital
[2010-10-25 18:16:56] <Puniyo> 2d6 for anshunt egiptian lazer beemz
[2010-10-25 18:16:58] * Hatbot --> "Puniyo rolls 2d6 for anshunt egiptian lazer beemz and gets 7." [2d6=2, 5]
[2010-10-25 18:17:12] <Puniyo> beem
[2010-10-25 18:17:20] * RandomConsonant looks up, nods
[2010-10-25 18:17:24] <Reichertastic_Olaneriffic> beem GET
Amanda Sharpe
Sanity: 3/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 3
Speed: 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]
Fight: [1] 2 3 4
Will: [4] 3 2 1
Lore: 1 2 3 [4]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]
Studious: Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.
0 clue tokens
Map of Arkham (Exhaust to gain 1 extra movement, $2)
Ruby of R'lyeh (unique item, gain 3 movement points, $8)
Dread Curse of Azathoth (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 2, exhaust for +9 to combat checks, 2H)
Flesh Ward (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 1, exhaust to ignore all stamina loss from one source)
Luck (skill, +1 luck, roll 1 bonus die when spending clue tokens for luck checks)
Expert Occultist (skill, exhaust to reroll a spell check)
Zombie (1 toughness)
Deep One Hybrid (1 toughness)
Personal story:
Pass: Draw three unique items (effect: maximum sanity and stamina increased by 1)
Fail: Two open gates to R'leyh (effect: devoured, replaced by Deep One, add 1 token to Deep Ones Rising track)
Amanda heads to the Library for an encounter, passing Gloria along the way to pick up some traveling money for next turn (and a cross to hand off to Ursula).
Finn will... hang out and wait for another encounter, I suppose. And I easily evade the fuzz.
> Well, for frak's sake. Finn's largely useless again, then?
<RandomConsonant> More useful than I am right now <_<
> Yes, well.
* Taishyr (~ferixstad@adsl-76-235-180-43.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
> I guess I'll just take another encounter in Innsmouth, then.
> Witness for my Sneakc check to evade the ol' Martial Law?
> Sneak, even.
<Puniyo> Witness.
> 6d6, then
* Hatbot --> "Strago rolls 6d6, then and gets Error: Numeric values only."12 [6d6=2, 6, 6, 2, 5, 2]
> Yup.
Finn Edwards, the Bootlegger
- Status -
Sanity 4/4
Stamina 5/6
Slippery - Mythos: When moon monsters move, Finn may choose to move as a normal moon monster. He does not need
to make any Evade checks when doing so.
Holdout - Any Phase: Finn never has to discard items or lose money, even when he is knocked unconscious or
driven insane. He must still pay costs as usual.
- Skills (Focus: 1) -
Speed 3 4 [5] 6
Sneak 5 4 [3] 2 (+2)
Fight [zero] 1 2 3
Will [3] 2 1 0
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 4 3 [2] 1
- Inventory -
2 Clues
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Tommy Gun (physical weapon, 2H, +6 to Combat checks)
Research Materials (any phase: discard instead of spending 1 Clue token)
Dragon's Eye (any phase: exhaust and lose 1 San after drawing a gate or location to draw a new card in its place)
- Personal Story, "Payback" -
Pass: Have three monster trophies, including one Cultist. [0/3]
Fail: Terror level reaches 3. [2/3]
Tommy/RC: Wipe yourself off. You dead.
Ursula/Mage: A monster and a gate appear! A monster and a gate appear!A monster and a gate appear!A monster and a gate appear! A token is added to the Deep One's Rising Track.
Gloria/Soppy: Band-aids!
Vincent/Tal: You are lost in a labyrinth of high walls. Pass a Lore (-1) check or stay here next turn.
Amanda/Cid: Idly flipping open a tedious-looking novel, you discover that its binding is false — this is no novel, but something much more dire! Make a Will (-1) check. If you pass, take the first Tome from the Unique Item deck. If you fail, lose 2 Sanity.
Finn/Strago: The First National Grocery is well-stocked today. You may spend up to $3, gaining 1 Stamina for each $1 you spend.
<Cidward> So hey, I've got a will check to omake?
<RandomConsonant> Do you now.
<Cidward> Looks that way.
<Cidward> Luckily, will is maxed right now.
<Cidward> 4 - 1 = 3 dice.
<Cidward> roll 3d6 come one Hatbot help Amanda pass her personal story
* Hatbot --> "Cidward rolls 3d6 come one Hatbot help Amanda pass her personal story and gets 9."12 [3d6=5, 2, 2]
<Cidward> Yay.
[2010-10-27 19:53:54] <Puniyo> Ugh mazes. At least there are no FOEs in sight.
[2010-10-27 19:54:06] <RandomConsonant> or so you think
[2010-10-27 19:54:24] *** Taishyr is now known as FOEtoro.
[2010-10-27 19:54:27] <FOEtoro> F O E
[2010-10-27 19:54:34] <Puniyo> 3 Lore, -1 mod, +1 EGIPSHUN LAZOR BEEMZ = 3 dice
[2010-10-27 19:54:39] <Puniyo> 3d6 for no foe
[2010-10-27 19:54:40] * Hatbot --> "Puniyo rolls 3d6 for no foe and gets 13." [3d6=4, 6, 3]
[2010-10-27 19:54:41] <Mage> Time for MAN VS. WALL: VINCENT EDITION
[2010-10-27 19:54:46] <Puniyo> No FOE.
[2010-10-27 19:54:55] <FOEtoro> ;_;
Eh. No expenditure for Finn. Might need that dollar to ride the boat at Falcon Point.
Amanda acquires the http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/Cultes_des_Goules
They're everywhere! EVERYWHERE!
Innsmouth Invasion
Gate Opens: Esoteric Order of Dagon
Clue Appears: Devil Reef
Monster Movement: Hexagon White, Dash/Triangle/Star Black
The city of Innsmouth is suddenly crawling with monsters. A monster appears in the Church Green streets, the Innsmouth Shore streets, the Factory District streets, Sawbone Alley, and Devil Reef.
CURRENT ENVIRONMENT: Planetary Alignment
Amanda (unless you have some clues I can't see): (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/8/88/SmallDustCard2-2.png)
Due to a monster taking a trip into the vortex, 1 tokens has been added to the Deep Ones Rising track and the Terror Level has increased by 1. As a result, Duke (and Ruby Standish and Eric Colt) will no longer be attending the festivities.
Hopping over to the Science Building, grabbing clue there. Also spending 5 toughness of monsters to buy two clues. Just noting that now so you don't draw an encounter for me there.
Also noting that the Gug was killed by Ursula last turn.
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 1/6
Stamina 4/4
Speed 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak 3 2 1 [0 ]
Fight 0 1 2 [3] +2
Will 5 4 3 [2]
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 5 4 [3] 2
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
5 Clue Tokens
1 Gate Trophy (R'lyeh)
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Red Sign of Shudde M'ell (Casting Mod: -1. Sanity Cost: 1. Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to lower a monster's toughness by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and ignore one of its special abilities other than Magical Immunity until the end of this combat.)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight
Tentative plan for Finn is either to kill the Mi-Go, or try to Sneak his way past all of these monster-dudes and hop in the Gate. I'll be back tonight to confer with y'all and make some rolls.
Tommy Muldoon
Special Abilities:
Hero - Mythos Phase: Before a mythos card is drawn, Tommy may make one or more monsters adjacent to his location move to his location, regardless of their normal movement.
On The Force - Any Phase: Tommy can never be arrested. In addition, it only costs him 1 gate trophy or 5 toughness worth of monster trophies to become Deputy of Arkham.
Sanity: 5/6
Stamina: 1/4
Speed: 1 2 3 [4] [+1]
Sneak: 3 2 1 [zero]
Fight: 2 3 [4] 5
Will: 4 3 [2] 1
Lore: zero 1 2 [3]
Luck: 6 5 4 [3]
Focus: 1
0 Clue Tokens
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6)
Speed Skill (+1 Speed, Clue Tokens spent on Speed checks yield an extra die)
2 Monster Trophies (Byakhee, Zombie, total toughness: 2)
Personal Story:
Pass: Become devoured (obviously not yet fufilled)
Fail: Terror Level reaches 5 (3/5)
Tommy shuffles off to the Easttown Streets, where in an epic battle with the local undead, he engages in narm and blows its head off, collecting some rotten meat as a trophy. This is the life.
[13:41] <RandomConsonant> Mrf.
[13:42] <El-Cideon> Yeah, indeed.
[13:42] <El-Cideon> That's a lot of monsters on the board.
[13:42] <El-Cideon> and most of them right in the way of where Iw anted to go.
[13:42] <RandomConsonant> a-yup
[13:42] <El-Cideon> I could kill something to make it easier for Strago to sneak to a gate if he wants?
[13:42] <RandomConsonant> Sure why not.
[13:42] <El-Cideon> since there's no way I'm making it by all of them in the near future.
[13:43] <El-Cideon> Even if I pumped up Sneak.
[13:43] <RandomConsonant> I was thinking about killing that zombie in Arkham. Since there's not a whole lot I can do and all.
[13:43] * El-Cideon nods.
[13:43] <RandomConsonant> Me doing so won't accomplish much, but it'll make me feel better.
[13:43] <El-Cideon> You were the one I was giving the cross to, no?
[13:43] <RandomConsonant> No
[13:44] <RandomConsonant> I think that was Soppy?
[13:44] <El-Cideon> No, I took it from him.
[13:44] <RandomConsonant> Magey, then.
[13:44] <El-Cideon> Yes.
[13:44] <RandomConsonant> Or whoever it was that isn't me.
[13:45] <RandomConsonant> Anywho~, moseying up to the zmobie. It is scary looking and I only have one die for the horror check.
[13:46] <RandomConsonant> roll 1d6 to not engage in bad VA moment
[13:46] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 1d6 to not engage in bad VA moment and gets 4." [1d6=4]
[13:46] * RandomConsonant engages in a bad VA moment
[13:46] <El-Cideon> A what now?
[13:46] <RandomConsonant> bad voice acting
[13:47] <El-Cideon> (I thought Mage was gonna kill that to complete his PS.)
[13:47] <RandomConsonant> Terror level just pinged at 3
[13:47] <El-Cideon> I figured voiceacting, I just don't get the reference.
[13:47] <RandomConsonant> It is failed
[13:47] <RandomConsonant> There is no particular reference
[13:48] <RandomConsonant> Anywho, time to redead the redead.
[13:48] <RandomConsonant> 4 fight, rifle, -1, 8 dice
[13:48] <RandomConsonant> roll 8d6 to get rotten meat drop
[13:48] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 8d6 to get rotten meat drop and gets 37." [8d6=6, 4, 4, 6, 2, 4, 5, 6]
[13:49] <RandomConsonant> rotten meat get
If Finn wants to jump into a gate, I can march up there and try to nuke the vampire or the ghost (depending on which gate Finn's aiming for) with some help from Azathoth. Both of them have nasty awareness modifiers and it'd be easier for him to get by without them in his way. And I sure as hell can't reach an Innsmouth gate right now, which was originally my plan.
Ursula Downs
Sanity: 1/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 2
Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 3 2 1 Fight: 1 2 3 [4]
Will: 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]
Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
0 Clue Tokens
.38 Revolver (1H, physical, +3 to combat, $4)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Heal (Spell, Casting mod +1, Sanity cost 1, cast and exhaust to give one investigator in the area stamina equal to the successes I roll; stamina cannot be divided)
Gug Trophy (3 toughhness)
Byakhee Trophy (1 Toughness)
Personal Story:
Fail - Ursula is Cursed.
Exchanging the Plateau of Leng to the friendly Father Mulkahey so that God will smile on my efforts~ (and taking an encounter there as well, now that my curse is gone)
Amanda Sharpe
Sanity: 3/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 3
Speed: 1 [2] 3 4
Sneak: 4 [3] 2 1
Fight: [1] 2 3 4
Will: [4] 3 2 1
Lore: 1 2 3 [4]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]
Studious: Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.
0 clue tokens
Map of Arkham (Exhaust to gain 1 extra movement, $2)
Ruby of R'lyeh (unique item, gain 3 movement points, $8)
Dread Curse of Azathoth (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 2, exhaust for +9 to combat checks, 2H)
Flesh Ward (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 1, exhaust to ignore all stamina loss from one source)
Luck (skill, +1 luck, roll 1 bonus die when spending clue tokens for luck checks)
Expert Occultist (skill, exhaust to reroll a spell check)
Cross (magical weapon, +3 combat against undead, +1 horror, 1H, $3)
Cultes des Goules (unique item, exhaust and spend 2 movement points to make a lore check at -2, draw 1 spell/1 clue token/lose 2 sanity and discard on success, $3)
Zombie (1 toughness)
Deep One Hybrid (1 toughness)
Ghost (1 toughness)
Personal story:
Pass: Draw three unique items (effect: maximum sanity and stamina increased by 1)
Fail: Two open gates to R'leyh (effect: devoured, replaced by Deep One, add 1 token to Deep Ones Rising track)
Amanda enlists in the Innsmouth branch of the Ghostbusters.
<Cidward> Okay. Fight/will is at 1/4, lore is at 4 to make casting spell actually possible. Horror check is 4 - 2 = 2, combat check will be 9 + 1 - 3 = 7. If I failed the spell I guess I can still use the cross as a weapon to at least get 1 fight.
* xorn-derpderpGemCraft shrugs. Right. Sounds good?
<Cidward> Time to see if Azathoth is my buddy today. 2 dice, free reroll if necessary.
<xorn-derpderpGemCraft> >_>
<Cidward> roll 2d6 calling upon the power os FRUE DESTRUCTION please don't make me do another combat with one dice
* Hatbot --> "Cidward rolls 2d6 calling upon the power os FRUE DESTRUCTION please don't make me do another combat with one dice and gets 7."12 [2d6=4, 3]
<Cidward> roll 2d6 c'mon dammit reroll reroll buuuurp copying Hikari
* Hatbot --> "Cidward rolls 2d6 c'mon dammit reroll reroll buuuurp copying Hikari and gets 7."12 [2d6=5, 2]
<Cidward> There we go.
<xorn-derpderpGemCraft> <_<
* ChanServ sets mode: +v RandomConsonant
<Cidward> roll 2d6 ain't being afraid of no ghosts
* Hatbot --> "Cidward rolls 2d6 ain't being afraid of no ghosts and gets 8."12 [2d6=2, 6]
<Cidward> I'm not afraid!
<RandomConsonant> Hooray
<Cidward> roll 7d6 should be gruesome
* Hatbot --> "Cidward rolls 7d6 should be gruesome and gets 24."12 [7d6=3, 3, 5, 3, 2, 5, 3]
<Cidward> Deader.
<Cidward> Hah, I forgot the cross bonus and made the horror check anyway.
<Cidward> Oh well!
* Cidward collects ectoplasm.
<xorn-derpderpGemCraft> <_<
<Cidward> Man, I hope Planetary Alignment stays up for a long time. It's the only way I can fight things.
<xorn-derpderpGemCraft> <_<
<xorn-derpderpGemCraft> heh.
<RandomConsonant> Did you make a fuzz evasion check
<Cidward> Oh bother. At what point in the round does that happen?
<RandomConsonant> After ending movement
<Cidward> So, if I fail it, the above combat is actually not a thing which happened because I'm in jail?
<RandomConsonant> I think the combat still counts
<Cidward> Okay.
<Cidward> Well, I don't want to go to jail, so speed/sneak can be at 2/3 for this (I didn't use focus on anything else this round and items give me +4 movement so this is feasible).
<Cidward> 3 sneak, +1 mod.
<xorn-derpderpGemCraft> don't die
<Cidward> roll 4d6 I fought the law
* Hatbot --> "Cidward rolls 4d6 I fought the law and gets 11."12 [4d6=2, 2, 5, 2]
<RandomConsonant> heh
<Cidward> Phew.
Finn sneaks by the Mi-Go, takes a boat out to Devil Reef, slaughters a Maniac and hops in to a Gate.
> Hello!
<RandomConsonant> hi
> Does taking the boat at Falcon Point cost a movement point?
<RandomConsonant> uhhhh...
> Looks like... not.
> Alright.
> Witness me sneaking and fighting.
<RandomConsonant> Yeah you just can't resume moving
> Cool.
> Migo's awareness check is -2, my Sneak is +4, with +2 from my skills.
> 4d6 to EVADE
* Hatbot --> "Strago rolls 4d6 to EVADE and gets 14."12 [4d6=1, 4, 6, 3]
> Nice.
> And I hop on the boat and shoot at a Maniac.
> 0 Fight, +6 for Tommy Gun, +1 for the Maniac being a wuss.
> 7d6
* Hatbot --> "Strago rolls 7d6 and gets 24."12 [7d6=2, 1, 6, 5, 1, 4, 5]
> Huzzah.
<RandomConsonant> Maniac is indeed wussy
> And I jump in to the Gate.
Finn Edwards, the Bootlegger
- Status -
Sanity 4/4
Stamina 5/6
Slippery - Mythos: When moon monsters move, Finn may choose to move as a normal moon monster. He does not need
to make any Evade checks when doing so.
Holdout - Any Phase: Finn never has to discard items or lose money, even when he is knocked unconscious or
driven insane. He must still pay costs as usual.
- Skills (Focus: 1) -
Speed 3 [4] 5 6
Sneak 5 [4] 3 2 (+2)
Fight [zero] 1 2 3
Will [3] 2 1 0
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 4 3 [2] 1
- Inventory -
0 Clues
1 Monster Trophy (Maniac, 1 Toughness)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Tommy Gun (physical weapon, 2H, +6 to Combat checks)
Research Materials (any phase: discard instead of spending 1 Clue token)
Dragon's Eye (any phase: exhaust and lose 1 San after drawing a gate or location to draw a new card in its place)
- Personal Story, "Payback" -
Failed! Finn loses all of his Clue tokens, and receives one less Movement point per turn than usual.
Vincent Lee
Location: Unvisited Isle
Sanity: 4 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5
Speed: Sneak: [5] 4 3 2
Fight: 0 1 2 [3]
Will : 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: 2 3 4 [5]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]
Focus: 2
Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.
1 Clue Token
Cultist Trophy (1 toughness)
Common Items
Dark Cloak - Bonus: +1 Evade check / Price: $2
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Unique Items
Elder Sign - Any Phase: When sealing a gate, lose 1 Stamina and 1 Sanity and return this card to the box. You do not need to make a skill check or spend any Clue tokens to seal the gate. In addition, remove one doom token from the Ancient One's doom track. / Price: $5
Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.
Voice of Ra (Exhausted) - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1
Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn. Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.
Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.
Current Action
Casting Voice of Ra.
[2010-10-31 15:11:37] <Puniyo> Going to cast Voice of Ra because no reason not to.
[2010-10-31 15:12:11] <Puniyo> 4d6 for RA RA
[2010-10-31 15:12:13] * Hatbot --> "Puniyo rolls 4d6 for RA RA and gets 18." [4d6=2, 6, 4, 6]
[2010-10-31 15:12:22] <Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> C'MOOOOOON PUFFY!
Soppy/Gloria: You buy that information, girl.
RC/Tommy: Tommy the Undead Slayer.
Mage/Ursula: Whatever else might be wrong in Arkham, you feel safe here. Gain 1 Sanity.
Cid/Amanda: Who they gonna call? You apparently
Strago/Finn: Wedged beneath a fallen stone is a scroll. http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/Enchant_Weapon
Tal/Vincent: Close that gate, homes.
Vincent Lee
Location: Unvisited Isle
Sanity: 3 / 5
Stamina: 4 / 5
Speed: Sneak: [5] 4 3 2
Fight: 0 1 2 [3]
Will : 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: 2 3 4 [5]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]
Focus: 2
Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.
1 Clue Token
1 Monster Trophy (Cultist, 1 toughness)
1 Gate Trophy (Great Hall Of Celeano)
Common Items
Dark Cloak - Bonus: +1 Evade check / Price: $2
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Unique Items
Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.
Voice of Ra (Exhausted) - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1
Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn. Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.
Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.
Current Action
Using my Elder Sign to seal the gate.
Updating that I now have 2/5 Sanity. Woo~
I can hear them... in my sleep... in my dreams...
Things of Darkness
Environment (Mystic)
Gate Opens: Silver Twilight Lodge
Clue Appears: Graveyard
Monster Movement: Diamond/Square White, Circle Black
Mythos Ability: Ghouls, Formless Spawns, Shoggoths and Flying Polyps have their toughness increased by 1
Amanda: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/c/c4/SmallDustCard2-3.png)
Hightailing it to the Asylum and spending the 2 dollars for brain-bandaids.
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 6/6
Stamina 4/4
Speed 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak 3 2 1 [0 ]
Fight 0 1 2 [3] +2
Will 5 4 3 [2]
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 5 4 [3] 2
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
5 Clue Tokens
1 Gate Trophy (R'lyeh)
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Red Sign of Shudde M'ell (Casting Mod: -1. Sanity Cost: 1. Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to lower a monster's toughness by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and ignore one of its special abilities other than Magical Immunity until the end of this combat.)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight
Finn mosies on over to City of the Great Race Pt. 2.
Finn Edwards, the Bootlegger
- Status -
Sanity 4/4
Stamina 5/6
Slippery - Mythos: When moon monsters move, Finn may choose to move as a normal moon monster. He does not need
to make any Evade checks when doing so.
Holdout - Any Phase: Finn never has to discard items or lose money, even when he is knocked unconscious or
driven insane. He must still pay costs as usual.
- Skills (Focus: 1) -
Speed 3 [4] 5 6
Sneak 5 [4] 3 2 (+2)
Fight [zero] 1 2 3
Will [3] 2 1 0
Lore 1 2 3 [4]
Luck 4 3 2 [1]
- Inventory -
0 Clues
1 Monster Trophy (Maniac, 1 Toughness)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Tommy Gun (physical weapon, 2H, +6 to Combat checks)
Research Materials (any phase: discard instead of spending 1 Clue token)
Dragon's Eye (any phase: exhaust and lose 1 San after drawing a gate or location to draw a new card in its place)
Enchant Weapon (casting mod 0, 1 San cost, cast and exhaust to make one Physical weapon a Magical weapon until
the end of this combat)
- Personal Story, "Payback" -
Failed! Finn loses all of his Clue tokens, and receives one less Movement point per turn than usual.
Sanity: 2/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 2
Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 3 2 1 Fight: 1 2 [3] 4
Will: 4 3 [2] 1
Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]
Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
3 Clue Tokens
.38 Revolver (1H, physical, +3 to combat, $4)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Heal (Spell, Casting mod +1, Sanity cost 1, cast and exhaust to give one investigator in the area stamina equal to the successes I roll; stamina cannot be divided)
Gug Trophy (3 toughhness)
Byakhee Trophy (1 Toughness)
Personal Story:
Fail - Ursula is was Cursed.
Because nobody's going there, I'll meander around the Graveyard and find out why all these undead be spawnin, yo.
((EDITED: Sanity count, action, clue count))
Well near as I can tell I have two options, three if no one feels like going to grab that triple clue at the Graveyard (unlikely). First option is to try to do something about the monster party going on in Innsmouth, which I can probably do but have very little room for error on since there is no way I can make Horror against those Elder Things and if I flub up against the vamp at any point I wind up wasting a turn *again*. Second option is to grab a bank loan and do something about this whole borderline dead thing I've got going on. Not really sure what I should do at this point, though.
Tommy Muldoon
Special Abilities:
Hero - Mythos Phase: Before a mythos card is drawn, Tommy may make one or more monsters adjacent to his location move to his location, regardless of their normal movement.
On The Force - Any Phase: Tommy can never be arrested. In addition, it only costs him 1 gate trophy or 5 toughness worth of monster trophies to become Deputy of Arkham.
Sanity: 5/6
Stamina: 1/4
Speed: 1 2 3 [4] [+1]
Sneak: 3 2 1 [zero]
Fight: 2 3 [4] 5
Will: 4 3 [2] 1
Lore: zero 1 2 [3]
Luck: 6 5 4 [3]
Focus: 1
0 Clue Tokens
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6)
Speed Skill (+1 Speed, Clue Tokens spent on Speed checks yield an extra die)
2 Monster Trophies (Byakhee, Zombie, total toughness: 2)
Personal Story:
Pass: Become devoured (obviously not yet fufilled)
Fail: Terror Level reaches 5 (3/5)
Trotting over to the Bank, where Tommy will apply for a Bank Loan.
Amanda Sharpe
Sanity: 2/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 3
Speed: 1 [2] 3 4
Sneak: 4 [3] 2 1
Fight: [1] 2 3 4
Will: [4] 3 2 1
Lore: 1 2 3 [4]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]
Studious: Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.
0 clue tokens
Map of Arkham (Exhaust to gain 1 extra movement, $2)
Ruby of R'lyeh (unique item, gain 3 movement points, $8)
Dread Curse of Azathoth (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 2, exhaust for +9 to combat checks, 2H)
Flesh Ward (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 1, exhaust to ignore all stamina loss from one source)
Luck (skill, +1 luck, roll 1 bonus die when spending clue tokens for luck checks)
Expert Occultist (skill, exhaust to reroll a spell check)
Cross (magical weapon, +3 combat against undead, +1 horror, 1H, $3)
Cultes des Goules (unique item, exhaust and spend 2 movement points to make a lore check at -2, draw 1 spell/1 clue token/lose 2 sanity and discard on success, $3)
Zombie (1 toughness)
Deep One Hybrid (1 toughness)
Ghost (1 toughness)
Personal story:
Pass: Draw three unique items (effect: maximum sanity and stamina increased by 1)
Fail: Two open gates to R'leyh (effect: devoured, replaced by Deep One, add 1 token to Deep Ones Rising track)
Not a heckuva lot else to do at the moment, so I guess I'll head back to the library for more encounterness.
Vincent Lee
Location: Train Station
Sanity: 3 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5
Speed: 0 [1] 2 3
Sneak: 5 [4] 3 2
Fight: 0 1 2 [3]
Will : 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: 2 3 [4] 5
Luck: 4 3 [2] 1
Focus: 2
Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.
1 Clue Token
1 Monster Trophy (Cultist, 1 toughness)
1 Gate Trophy (Great Hall Of Celeano)
Common Items
Dark Cloak - Bonus: +1 Evade check / Price: $2
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Map of Arkham - Movement phase: Exhaust to get 1 extra movement point. / Price: $2
Unique Items
Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.
Voice of Ra - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1
Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn. Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.
Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.
Current Action
Using Physician on myself, swiping the Map of Arkham from Amanda, and sitting at Train Station for an encounter.
Gloria/Soppy: Brain band-aids. To heal zombie wounds.
Finn/Strago: The stars are right...
Glancing behind you, you see that the beasts are still chasing you. Pass a Speed (-1) check or be Lost in Time and Space.
Ursula/Mage: "Testifying" Cooter Falwell latches onto you and rambles on about his spiritual beliefs. Make a Lore (-1) check. If you pass, then somewhere in Cooter's words you find a clue to the Mythos threat. Gain 1 Clue token, but lose 1 Sanity. If you fail, move to the street while you listen to Cooter ramble on about pure nonsense.
Tommy/RC: Best pay it back, or they shall be breaking your legs.
Amanda/Cid: You look up to see Abigail Foreman leaning over you with hands on hips and a frustrated look on her face. Make a Will (-1) check. If you pass, she helps you find the book you were looking for. Take the first Tome from the Unique Item deck. If you fail, you've made too much noise. She escorts you out of the Library. Move to the street.
Vincent/Tal: A well-dressed man is standing on the platform. He turns and greets you by name. Although he seems oddly familiar, you don't remember ever meeting him before. Then he steps off the platform into the path of a speeding train. Make a Speed (-1) check. If you pass, he vanishes as you leap right through him. On the ground, you find yourself clutching a scrap of paper. Gain 1 Spell. If you fail, he is obliterated before your eyes. Roll a die and lose that much Sanity.
Vincent Lee
Location: Arkham Asylum
Sanity: 1 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5
Speed: 0 [1] 2 3
Sneak: 5 [4] 3 2
Fight: 0 1 2 [3]
Will : 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: 2 3 [4] 5
Luck: 4 3 [2] 1
Focus: 2
Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.
1 Monster Trophy (Cultist, 1 toughness)
1 Gate Trophy (Great Hall Of Celeano)
Common Items
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Unique Items
Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.
Voice of Ra - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1
Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn. Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.
Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.
Current Action
[2010-11-07 21:06:12] <Puniyo> I guess I should try my luck with a clue? My odds of going insane are pretty high if I don't...
[2010-11-07 21:06:25] <RandomConsonant> Go for it.[2010-11-07 21:06:52] <AndrewAmnesia> I havea feeling you will pass
[2010-11-07 21:07:08] <Puniyo> roll 1d6 for illusions
[2010-11-07 21:07:10] * Hatbot --> "Puniyo rolls 1d6 for illusions and gets 1." [1d6=1]
[2010-11-07 21:07:16] * Puniyo eyes Andrew.
[2010-11-07 21:07:24] <Puniyo> That wasn't even close.
[2010-11-07 21:07:34] <AndrewAmnesia> I apparently should say that more often[2010-11-07 21:07:38] <Puniyo> diaf
[2010-11-07 21:07:52] <Puniyo> 1d6 for how much crazies
[2010-11-07 21:07:52] * Hatbot --> "Puniyo rolls 1d6 for how much crazies and gets 5." [1d6=5]
[2010-11-07 21:07:59] <Puniyo> fuck you hatbot
[2010-11-07 21:08:02] <RandomConsonant> Entirely too much crazies.
[2010-11-07 21:08:09] <AndrewAmnesia> And Tal gets covered in dude
Dropping the map and cloak I guess. Unless anyone else has a better idea...
Finn is a speed demon.
> Witness?
<RandomConsonant> witness
> 3d6 to avoid being Lost in Time and Space, then.
* Hatbot --> "Strago rolls 3d6 to avoid being Lost in Time and Space, then. and gets 12."12 [3d6=4, 5, 3]
> Hoorah!
Sanity: 1/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 2
Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 3 2 1 Fight: 1 2 [3] 4
Will: 4 3 [2] 1
Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]
Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
4 Clue Tokens
.38 Revolver (1H, physical, +3 to combat, $4)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Heal (Spell, Casting mod +1, Sanity cost 1, cast and exhaust to give one investigator in the area stamina equal to the successes I roll; stamina cannot be divided)
Gug Trophy (3 toughhness)
Byakhee Trophy (1 Toughness)
Personal Story:
Fail - Ursula is was Cursed.
I'm an idiot, poop, sorry.
<Cidward> Hey hey!
<Cidward> Who's around?
<Cidward> No one, really?
<Cidward> Booo.
<RandomConsonant> hi
<Cidward> Yay.
<Cidward> So I have a will check to make.
<Cidward> It's at 4 right now, -1 for the roll.
<Cidward> roll 3d6 do I complete my PS?
* Hatbot --> "Cidward rolls 3d6 do I complete my PS? and gets 13."12 [3d6=6, 1, 6]
<Cidward> Huzzah.
Amanda: http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/The_King_in_Yellow_%28item%29
Thank God for the police...
Police Step Up Patrols in Northside!
Gate Opens: Silver Twilight Lodge
Clue Appears: Graveyard (Enjoy, Ursula!)
Monster Movement: Circle White, Diamond/Square Black
Mythos Ability: All monsters in the Northside streets or locations are returned to the cup.
Amanda: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/0/0b/SmallDustCard2-1.png)
Vincent Lee
Location: Arkham Asylum
Sanity: 1 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5
Speed: 0 1 [2] 3
Sneak: 5 4 [3] 2
Fight: 0 1 [2] 3
Will : 4 3 [2] 1
Lore: 2 3 [4] 5
Luck: 4 3 [2] 1
Focus: 2
Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.
1 Monster Trophy (Cultist, 1 toughness)
1 Gate Trophy (Great Hall Of Celeano)
Common Items
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Unique Items
Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.
Voice of Ra - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1
Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn. Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.
Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.
Current Action
Taking $1 from Tommy and going back to the Asylum for full sanity healing going to the Science Building to trade my gate trophy for clues.
Using Physician on Tommy too.
Tommy Muldoon
Special Abilities:
Hero - Mythos Phase: Before a mythos card is drawn, Tommy may make one or more monsters adjacent to his location move to his location, regardless of their normal movement.
On The Force - Any Phase: Tommy can never be arrested. In addition, it only costs him 1 gate trophy or 5 toughness worth of monster trophies to become Deputy of Arkham.
Sanity: 1/6
Stamina: 2/4
Speed: 1 2 3 [4] [+1]
Sneak: 3 2 1 [zero]
Fight: 2 3 [4] 5
Will: 4 3 [2] 1
Lore: zero 1 2 [3]
Luck: 6 5 4 [3]
Focus: 1
0 Clue Tokens
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6)
Speed Skill (+1 Speed, Clue Tokens spent on Speed checks yield an extra die)
Bank Loan (Roll a die each turn on upkeep, on a 1-3, pay $1 or discard all items and become unable to get another Bank Loan for the duration of the game. Pay $10 to pay off the loan and discard this card.)
4 Monster Trophies (Byakhee, Zombie, Elder Thing x2, total toughness: 6)
Personal Story:
Pass: Become devoured (obviously not yet fufilled)
Fail: Terror Level reaches 5 (3/5)
Tommy flubs his loan check and pays $1 in interest, hops on a train to Innsmouth and engages in some gory combat action against horrible things. Also I have no dice to roll against Martial Law and I don't care because I'm Tommy.
[22:55] <RandomConsonant> But enough talking more killing.
[22:55] <MishaArsellecLune> Die monster you don't belong in this world?
[22:55] <RandomConsonant> Gonna spend a dollar to hop over to Innsmouth where I find horrible creatures at the bus station.
[22:55] <AndrewAmnesia> 2
[22:55] <RandomConsonant> Shock and horror.
[22:55] <RandomConsonant> Just one for the train
[22:56] <RandomConsonant> oh right not that the gates sorry
[22:56] <AndrewAmnesia> I'm kinda curious what the next mythos is gonna be
[22:56] <RandomConsonant> Anywho, the Elder Things are very scary and Tommy screams like a little girl, but manages to hold on.
[22:56] <AndrewAmnesia> But I can't roll it ;_;
[22:56] =-= Smashy is now known as ScreamOVision
[22:57] <ScreamOVision> Scream
[22:57] <RandomConsonant> Elder Thing the first! Two toughness vs. my nine dice.
[22:57] =-= ScreamOVision is now known as Smashy
[22:57] <RandomConsonant> roll 9d6 for boomies
[22:57] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 9d6 for boomies and gets 38." [9d6=6, 1, 4, 6, 6, 1, 5, 6, 3]
[22:57] <Smashy> Boom
[22:57] <AndrewAmnesia> Dear lord
[22:57] <MishaArsellecLune> boom
[22:57] <Smashy> Headshot
[22:57] <RandomConsonant> Elder Thing #1 has been exploded.
[22:57] <AndrewAmnesia> NOT BILLY
[22:57] <AndrewAmnesia> YOU MONSTER
[22:57] <RandomConsonant> Second verse, same as the first.
[22:57] <RandomConsonant> roll 9d6 for more boomies
[22:57] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 9d6 for more boomies and gets 34." [9d6=3, 4, 2, 3, 6, 4, 4, 2, 6]
[22:58] <Smashy> Boom
[22:58] <Smashy> Headshot
[22:58] <RandomConsonant> Not as exploded, but still dead.
[22:58] <AndrewAmnesia> THOMAS
[22:58] <AndrewAmnesia> ;_;
Finn hangs around and gets ready to close the Gate.
Finn Edwards, the Bootlegger
- Status -
Sanity 4/4
Stamina 5/6
Slippery - Mythos: When moon monsters move, Finn may choose to move as a normal moon monster. He does not need
to make any Evade checks when doing so.
Holdout - Any Phase: Finn never has to discard items or lose money, even when he is knocked unconscious or
driven insane. He must still pay costs as usual.
- Skills (Focus: 1) -
Speed 3 [4] 5 6
Sneak 5 [4] 3 2 (+2)
Fight [zero] 1 2 3
Will [3] 2 1 0
Lore 1 2 3 [4]
Luck 4 3 2 [1]
- Inventory -
0 Clues
1 Monster Trophy (Maniac, 1 Toughness)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Tommy Gun (physical weapon, 2H, +6 to Combat checks)
Research Materials (any phase: discard instead of spending 1 Clue token)
Dragon's Eye (any phase: exhaust and lose 1 San after drawing a gate or location to draw a new card in its place)
Enchant Weapon (casting mod 0, 1 San cost, cast and exhaust to make one Physical weapon a Magical weapon until
the end of this combat)
- Personal Story, "Payback" -
Failed! Finn loses all of his Clue tokens, and receives one less Movement point per turn than usual.
Moving Fight/Will to 1/4 and grabbing the Ruby of R'lyeh and Cross from others. I slip through the opening made by Ursula and head into the Lodge, taking out a Ghost on the way and gibbing to a Nightgaunt to head directly into the gate and not collect $200.
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> K. Mage looks like he cleared that Elder Thing out
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Time to grab that Cross back and have some fun at the Gate
<AndrewAmnesia> Yo
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Moving Will/Fight two to the left
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Ruby allows me to get to the Lodge
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> So. Decision time. Take out Ghost first or just gib to Nightgaunt
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> And wow. Mage is an idiot
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> He could have just taken the one damage and rerolled instead of using those clues
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Oh well
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Anyway
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Eh. Ghost time
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> 4 Will + 1 Cross. -2 mod. 3 dice
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> roll 3d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-ClearGenderRoles rolls 3d6 and gets 9." [3d6=6, 1, 2]
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Pass
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> 3 Fight + 3 Cross - 3 mod
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> 3 dice
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> roll 3d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-ClearGenderRoles rolls 3d6 and gets 9." [3d6=6, 1, 2]
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Dead Ghost
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Okay. Nightgaunt time
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> 5 for will - 1. 4 dice
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> roll 4d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-ClearGenderRoles rolls 4d6 and gets 17." [4d6=3, 4, 4, 6]
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Pass
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Not using any weapons. Fight is 3. -2 mod. 1 dice. Two toughness monster. Autolose. I go into gate
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Bada bing, bada boom. Crazy, Keith-like plan works for Soppy
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 6/6
Stamina 4/4
Speed 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak 3 2 1 [0 ]
Fight 0 [1] 2 3 +2
Will 5 [4] 3 2
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 5 4 [3] 2
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
5 Clue Tokens
1 toughness of monster trophies (Ghost)
1 Gate Trophy (R'lyeh)
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Red Sign of Shudde M'ell (Casting Mod: -1. Sanity Cost: 1. Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to lower a monster's toughness by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and ignore one of its special abilities other than Magical Immunity until the end of this combat.)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Ruby of R'lyeh (Gain 3 movement points)
Cross (Magical weapon, +3 combat against undead, +1 horror, 1H, $3)
Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight
Sanity: 1/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 2
Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 3 2 1 Fight: [1] 2 3 4
Will: [4] 3 2 1
Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]
Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
2 Clue Tokens
.38 Revolver (1H, physical, +3 to combat, $4)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Heal (Spell, Casting mod +1, Sanity cost 1, cast and exhaust to give one investigator in the area stamina equal to the successes I roll; stamina cannot be divided)
Gug Trophy (3 toughhness)
Byakhee Trophy (1 Toughness)
Elder Thing Trophy (2 Toughness)
Personal Story:
Fail - Ursula is was Cursed.
Continuing to take down monstrosities while on the brink of insanity.
<Magesona> So.
<Magesona> Grabbing the cross off Soppy, pumping Will to 4, -3 mod
<Magesona> 2d6 to have seen this show before
* Hatbot --> "Magesona rolls 2d6 to have seen this show before and gets 6."12 [2d6=1, 5]
<Magesona> Whee~
<Magesona> So. No mods from the dude, 1 Fight, +3 from .38, and I have no other weapons unless Soppy has a one-handed weapon he'd like to toss my way.
<Magesona> 4d6 to come up with a witty one-liner
* Hatbot --> "Magesona rolls 4d6 to come up with a witty one-liner and gets 9."12 [4d6=1, 1, 1, 6]
<+RandomConsonant> ...
<Magesona> And this is where clue tokens come in! >_>
<Magesona> 1d6 to get a clue
* Hatbot --> "Magesona rolls 1d6 to get a clue and gets 4."12 [1d6=4]
<Magesona> 1d6 clue token the second
* Hatbot --> "Magesona rolls 1d6 clue token the second and gets 4."12 [1d6=4]
<+RandomConsonant> Oh dear
<Magesona> 1d6 seriously, Hatbot. SERIOUSLY?
* Hatbot --> "Magesona rolls 1d6 seriously, Hatbot. SERIOUSLY? and gets 6."12 [1d6=6]
* Magesona nods. Only took 3 clue tokens, but that sucker is down.
Amanda Sharpe
Sanity: 2/6
Stamina: 6/6
Focus: 3
Speed: 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]
Fight: [1] 2 3 4
Will: [4] 3 2 1
Lore: 1 2 3 [4]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]
Studious: Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.
4 clue tokens
Dread Curse of Azathoth (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 2, exhaust for +9 to combat checks, 2H)
Flesh Ward (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 1, exhaust to ignore all stamina loss from one source)
Luck (skill, +1 luck, roll 1 bonus die when spending clue tokens for luck checks)
Expert Occultist (skill, exhaust to reroll a spell check)
Cultes des Goules (unique item, exhaust and spend 2 movement points to make a lore check at -2, draw 1 spell/1 clue token/lose 2 sanity and discard on success, $3)
Zombie (1 toughness)
Deep One Hybrid (1 toughness)
Ghost (1 toughness)
Personal story - Passed:
Pass: Draw three unique items (effect: maximum sanity and stamina increased by 1)
Fail: Two open gates to R'leyh (effect: devoured, replaced by Deep One, add 1 token to Deep Ones Rising track)
Amanda heads out into the streets to pass some stuff to Gloria, pauses to study 1x tome of cluegiving, then uses her remaining movement point to go see what's up in the administration building.
<Cidward> Anyway, 4 lore -2 = 2 dice.
<Cidward> roll 2d6 to hang in the court of the not-crimson king
* Hatbot --> "Cidward rolls 2d6 to hang in the court of the not-crimson king and gets 8."12 [2d6=3, 5]
<Cidward> Clues get.
<LucaTrulyworth> Hurray!
Tommy: Wipe the goo off those buses, man.
Finn: Close, close, close the gate.
Gloria: Suddenly you notice something you had previously missed. Gain 1 clue token.
Ursula: Wipe yourself off.
Amanda: Pass a Will (-1) check to get the Dean to offer you a retainer to write a manuscript for the college. Gain a Retainer card.
Vincent: Get a clue, man.
Supposed to get a second encounter, but I highly doubt it'll be better than free clue. I'll remind you next time.
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 6/6
Stamina 4/4
Speed 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak 3 2 1 [0 ]
Fight 0 [1] 2 3 +2
Will 5 [4] 3 2
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 5 4 [3] 2
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
6 Clue Tokens
1 toughness of monster trophies (Ghost)
1 Gate Trophy (R'lyeh)
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Red Sign of Shudde M'ell (Casting Mod: -1. Sanity Cost: 1. Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to lower a monster's toughness by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and ignore one of its special abilities other than Magical Immunity until the end of this combat.)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Ruby of R'lyeh (Gain 3 movement points)
Cross (Magical weapon, +3 combat against undead, +1 horror, 1H, $3)
Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight
Amanda flunks out of school.
<Hikari> He lives...again.
<Hikari> So hey, I may as well deal with that encounter since the bot's back.
<Hikari> Who shall witness?
<LucaTrulyworth> witness
<Mykasi> Pi ka
<Hikari> Right. 4 will - 1 = 3 dice.
<Hikari> roll 3d6 for da monies
* Hatbot --> "Hikari rolls 3d6 for da monies and gets 8."12 [3d6=2, 3, 3]
<Hikari> L i t t l e m o n i e s.
<LucaTrulyworth> hatin'
Finn finally does something semi-useful and closes a gate.
> Hello!
> Witness?
<RandomConsonant> hi
> Huzzah!
> Alrighty. 4 Lore, City of the Great Race is +0.
> 4d6 to GATECLOSE
* Hatbot --> "Strago rolls 4d6 to GATECLOSE and gets 13."12 [4d6=1, 3, 5, 4]
Sorry. I've been feeling a bit sick/distressed. Fixing right now.
Even the gangs were pitching in...
Gangs clean up Easttown!
Gate Opens: The Witch House
Clue Appears: The Black Cave
Monster Movement: Circle White, Diamond/Square Black
Mythos Ability: All monsters in the Easttown streets or locations are returned to the cup.
Amanda: Spending clues?
Tommy Muldoon
Special Abilities:
Hero - Mythos Phase: Before a mythos card is drawn, Tommy may make one or more monsters adjacent to his location move to his location, regardless of their normal movement.
On The Force - Any Phase: Tommy can never be arrested. In addition, it only costs him 1 gate trophy or 5 toughness worth of monster trophies to become Deputy of Arkham.
Sanity: 1/6
Stamina: 2/4
Speed: 1 2 3 [4] [+1]
Sneak: 3 2 1 [zero]
Fight: 2 3 [4] 5
Will: 4 3 [2] 1
Lore: zero 1 2 [3]
Luck: 6 5 4 [3]
Focus: 1
0 Clue Tokens
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6)
Speed Skill (+1 Speed, Clue Tokens spent on Speed checks yield an extra die)
Bank Loan (Roll a die each turn on upkeep, on a 1-3, pay $1 or discard all items and become unable to get another Bank Loan for the duration of the game. Pay $10 to pay off the loan and discard this card.)
2 Monster Trophies (Byakhee, Zombie, Elder Thing x2, total toughness: 6)
Personal Story:
Pass: Become devoured (obviously not yet fufilled)
Fail: Terror Level reaches 5 (3/5)
Lost a dollar to loan interest, heading to Falcon Point for a generic encounter of genericness.
Kicking Speed/Sneak and Fight/Will to 3/1 and 2/3 respectively and waiting for my next encounter in Yuggoth PHASE 2! (Remember, draw two I pick one)
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 6/6
Stamina 4/4
Speed 1 2 [3] 4
Sneak 3 2 [1] 0
Fight 0 1 [2] 3 +2
Will 5 4 [3] 2
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 5 4 [3] 2
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
6 Clue Tokens
1 toughness of monster trophies (Ghost)
1 Gate Trophy (R'lyeh)
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Red Sign of Shudde M'ell (Casting Mod: -1. Sanity Cost: 1. Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to lower a monster's toughness by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and ignore one of its special abilities other than Magical Immunity until the end of this combat.)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Ruby of R'lyeh (Gain 3 movement points)
Cross (Magical weapon, +3 combat against undead, +1 horror, 1H, $3)
Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight
Vincent Lee
Location: Arkham Asylum
Sanity: 1 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5
Speed: 0 1 [2] 3
Sneak: 5 4 [3] 2
Fight: 0 1 [2] 3
Will : 4 3 [2] 1
Lore: 2 3 [4] 5
Luck: 4 3 [2] 1
Focus: 2
Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.
2 Clue Token
1 Monster Trophy (Cultist, 1 toughness)
Common Items
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Unique Items
Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.
Voice of Ra - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1
Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn. Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.
Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.
Current Action
Going to Arkham Asylum and spending $2 to get full sanity back.
Sanity: 1/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 2
Speed: 2 3 [4] 5
Sneak: 3 2 [1] 0
Fight: [1] 2 3 4
Will: [4] 3 2 1
Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]
Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
2 Clue Tokens
.38 Revolver (1H, physical, +3 to combat, $4)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Heal (Spell, Casting mod +1, Sanity cost 1, cast and exhaust to give one investigator in the area stamina equal to the successes I roll; stamina cannot be divided)
Gug Trophy (3 toughhness)
Byakhee Trophy (1 Toughness)
Elder Thing Trophy (2 Toughness)
Unique Item From Mi-Go
Personal Story:
Fail - Ursula is was Cursed.
Monsters, brink of insanity, battle god, etc.
<Magesona> So what'd I miss?
<+RandomConsonant> The Mi-go has landed.
<+RandomConsonant> Right next to you, in fact.
<Magesona> It... has?
<Hikari> Yeah, that jerk.
<Magesona> Huh.
<Magesona> Well, I, uhm, have no way to sneak past it, so...
<Magesona> 4 Will, -1 mod
<Magesona> 3d6 to not go insane
* Hatbot --> "Magesona rolls 3d6 to not go insane and gets 7."12 [3d6=1, 5, 1]
<Magesona> Success!
<Magesona> 1 Fight, +3 from gun, and no monster mod
<Magesona> 4d6 for a shiny new pair of shoes. Or a booc. Or something.
* Hatbot --> "Magesona rolls 4d6 for a shiny new pair of shoes. Or a booc. Or something. and gets 9."12 [4d6=1, 6, 1, 1]
<+RandomConsonant> good grief 1 is a popular number tonight
<+RandomConsonant> But the 6 is all that matters
<Magesona> And Hatbot flirts with danger as I get that something I needed. >_>;
<Magesona> Yay for new unique items~
Finn fills some wimpy monsters full of lead.
> Who would like to witness me smashing some monsters?
Back: Away for 1hr 14mins 33secs
Away Deactivated:4 Auto Away reactivated
<Taishyr> yo
* Mage (~blahblah@ has joined #rpgdlarkhamhorror
* Magesona (~blahblah@ Quit (Ping timeout)
> Woot.
> Alright, we'll start with the easy Cultist.
> 0 Fight, +1 from Cultist wussiness, +6 from my Tommy Gun.
> 7d6
* Hatbot --> "Strago rolls 7d6 and gets 28."12 [7d6=3, 5, 6, 1, 4, 4, 5]
> There we go.
> On to the Deep One Hybrid.
> Horror check! 3 Will, -1 for scariness.
> 2d6
* Hatbot --> "Strago rolls 2d6 and gets 4."12 [2d6=3, 1]
> Bravery! Re-roll.
> 2d6
* Hatbot --> "Strago rolls 2d6 and gets 10."12 [2d6=6, 4]
> Righto, no Sanity damage.
> 0 Fight, +6 from the Tommy Gun, no mod from the enemy. I need one success.
> 6d6
* Hatbot --> "Strago rolls 6d6 and gets 28."12 [6d6=5, 4, 3, 5, 5, 6]
> Wow. Yep.
Finn Edwards, the Bootlegger
- Status -
Sanity 4/4
Stamina 5/6
Slippery - Mythos: When moon monsters move, Finn may choose to move as a normal moon monster. He does not need
to make any Evade checks when doing so.
Holdout - Any Phase: Finn never has to discard items or lose money, even when he is knocked unconscious or
driven insane. He must still pay costs as usual.
- Skills (Focus: 1) -
Speed 3 [4] 5 6
Sneak 5 [4] 3 2 (+2)
Fight [zero] 1 2 3
Will [3] 2 1 0
Lore 1 2 3 [4]
Luck 4 3 2 [1]
- Inventory -
0 Clues
3 Monster Trophies (Maniac, 1 Toughness / Cultist, 1 Toughness / Deep One Hybrid, 1 Toughness)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Tommy Gun (physical weapon, 2H, +6 to Combat checks)
Research Materials (any phase: discard instead of spending 1 Clue token)
Dragon's Eye (any phase: exhaust and lose 1 San after drawing a gate or location to draw a new card in its place)
Enchant Weapon (casting mod 0, 1 San cost, cast and exhaust to make one Physical weapon a Magical weapon until
the end of this combat)
- Personal Story, "Payback" -
Failed! Finn loses all of his Clue tokens, and receives one less Movement point per turn than usual.
Amanda Sharpe
Sanity: 2/6
Stamina: 6/6
Focus: 3
Speed: 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]
Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1
Lore: 1 2 3 [4]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]
Studious: Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.
3 clue tokens
Dread Curse of Azathoth (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 2, exhaust for +9 to combat checks, 2H)
Flesh Ward (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 1, exhaust to ignore all stamina loss from one source)
Luck (skill, +1 luck, roll 1 bonus die when spending clue tokens for luck checks)
Expert Occultist (skill, exhaust to reroll a spell check)
Cultes des Goules (unique item, exhaust and spend 2 movement points to make a lore check at -2, draw 1 spell/1 clue token/lose 2 sanity and discard on success, $3)
Zombie (1 toughness)
Deep One Hybrid (1 toughness)
Ghost (1 toughness)
Personal story - Passed:
Pass: Draw three unique items (effect: maximum sanity and stamina increased by 1)
Fail: Two open gates to R'leyh (effect: devoured, replaced by Deep One, add 1 token to Deep Ones Rising track)
Lacking anything better to do, Amanda heads to the Black Cave to pick up a clue. Also, spending two clues to pass the dust deck on to Vinny.
Amanda: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/8/8e/Rivertown7.png)
Finn: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/5/52/InnsmouthShore10.png)
Gloria: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/Image:Gate12.png) or (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/Image:Gate47.png)
Tommy: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/4/48/InnsmouthShore3.png)
Ursula: http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/Enchanted_Blade for you.
Vincent: Brain Band-Aids
Sanity: 1/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 2
Speed: 2 3 [4] 5
Sneak: 3 2 [1] 0
Fight: [1] 2 3 4
Will: [4] 3 2 1
Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]
Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
2 Clue Tokens
.38 Revolver (1H, physical, +3 to combat, $4)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Heal (Spell, Casting mod +1, Sanity cost 1, cast and exhaust to give one investigator in the area stamina equal to the successes I roll; stamina cannot be divided)
Gug Trophy (3 toughhness)
Byakhee Trophy (1 Toughness)
Elder Thing Trophy (2 Toughness)
Enchanted Blade (1H, Magical, +4 to combat, $6)
Personal Story:
Fail - Ursula is was Cursed.
Gloria chooses to fight off her fear, being unable to steal space mead ;-;
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> My encounters aren't showing up ;-;
<Magesona> Because they hate you.
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> SPACE MEAD
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> Too bad my sneak suuuucks
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> Looks like I'll take the Will check one
<Magesona> What are they? They aren't showing up for me. >_>;
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> First: Exposure to fear weaken your mind. Pass a Will -2 check or lose 2 spells of your choice or 2 sanity.
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> Second: Your only hope is to steal a byakee and some space mead! Pass a Sneak -2 check to escape. Return to Arkham and gain 2 clue tokens. If you fail, you are lost in time and sapce
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> So... Will is 3, so 1 die
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> roll 1d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-EatAtJohtos rolls 1d6 and gets 6." [1d6=6]
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> Booya
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 6/6
Stamina 4/4
Speed 1 2 [3] 4
Sneak 3 2 [1] 0
Fight 0 1 [2] 3 +2
Will 5 4 [3] 2
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 5 4 [3] 2
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
6 Clue Tokens
1 toughness of monster trophies (Ghost)
1 Gate Trophy (R'lyeh)
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Red Sign of Shudde M'ell (Casting Mod: -1. Sanity Cost: 1. Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to lower a monster's toughness by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and ignore one of its special abilities other than Magical Immunity until the end of this combat.)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Ruby of R'lyeh (Gain 3 movement points)
Cross (Magical weapon, +3 combat against undead, +1 horror, 1H, $3)
Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight
I fail the check and am driven insane.
[01:39] <RandomConsonant>> Anyways, can I get a witness for an impending Luck check before my internet inevitably fails once more?
[01:39] <Meu> No.
[01:39] <RandomConsonant> Jerk.
[01:39] <RandomConsonant> Anyways, Luck's at 3, so two dice for this
[01:40] <Meu> Been hanging out with Zelos too much I guess.
[01:40] <RandomConsonant> roll 2d6 for The Footlocker From The Black Lagoon
[01:40] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 2d6 for The Footlocker From The Black Lagoon and gets 4." [2d6=2, 2]
[01:40] <RandomConsonant> well fuck you too, Hatbot.
[01:40] <Meu> :(
Amanda gambles with her brain and comes out on top somehow.
<Mari> Hm.
<Mari> <Soppy-EatAtJohtos> I think it was this one:
<Mari> <Soppy-EatAtJohtos> You find an old book. If you read it, make a Lore (+0) check and consult the chart below:
<Mari> <Soppy-EatAtJohtos> Successes:
<Mari> <Soppy-EatAtJohtos> 0) Evil forces assault you. Lose 1 Sanity and 1 Stamina.
<Mari> <Soppy-EatAtJohtos> 1) You find the diary of a lost soul who died in the caves long ago. Lose 1 Sanity and gain 1 Clue token as you read his horrible tale.
<Mari> <Soppy-EatAtJohtos> 2+) The book is a spellbook. Take the first Tome from the Unique Item deck.
<RandomConsonant> I think that's right
<Mari> Assuming that's accurate, may as well roll for it now. I won't be around for the next couple days anywho.
<Mari> Lore has been at 4 for ages, I know. So, 4 dice
<Mari> .
<Taishyr> nitwess.
<Mari> roll 4d6 book
* Hatbot --> "Mari rolls 4d6 book and gets 15."12 [4d6=2, 2, 6, 5]
<RandomConsonant> Booc
<Mari> Indeed.
Will resume updates (finally) shortly.
Andy's currently recovering from the plague. He'll update as soon as he can. Tonight? Tomorrow night?
The High Priest in Arkham should be a Cultist. Dunno what the hell went wrong there.
Popping out at the party at the Silver Twilight Lodge. Shifting Fight to 3 in preparation for the gate closure.
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 6/6
Stamina 4/4
Speed 1 2 [3] 4
Sneak 3 2 [1] 0
Fight 0 1 2 [3] +2
Will 5 4 3 [2]
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 5 4 [3] 2
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
6 Clue Tokens
1 toughness of monster trophies (Ghost)
1 Gate Trophy (R'lyeh)
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Red Sign of Shudde M'ell (Casting Mod: -1. Sanity Cost: 1. Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to lower a monster's toughness by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and ignore one of its special abilities other than Magical Immunity until the end of this combat.)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Ruby of R'lyeh (Gain 3 movement points)
Cross (Magical weapon, +3 combat against undead, +1 horror, 1H, $3)
Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight
Sanity: 5/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 2
Speed: 2 3 [4] 5
Sneak: 3 2 [1] 0
Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1
Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]
Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
2 Clue Tokens
.38 Revolver (1H, physical, +3 to combat, $4)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Heal (Spell, Casting mod +1, Sanity cost 1, cast and exhaust to give one investigator in the area stamina equal to the successes I roll; stamina cannot be divided)
Gug Trophy (3 toughhness)
Byakhee Trophy (1 Toughness)
Elder Thing Trophy (2 Toughness)
Enchanted Blade (1H, Magical, +4 to combat, $6)
Personal Story:
Fail - Ursula is was Cursed.
Paying for Premium Brain Brand-Aids, then gonna wander the Asylum and see what mischief I can get up to.
Reminder for Andy that I picked up a tome last encounter.
Tommy Muldoon
Special Abilities:
Hero - Mythos Phase: Before a mythos card is drawn, Tommy may make one or more monsters adjacent to his location move to his location, regardless of their normal movement.
On The Force - Any Phase: Tommy can never be arrested. In addition, it only costs him 1 gate trophy or 5 toughness worth of monster trophies to become Deputy of Arkham.
Sanity: 1/6
Stamina: 2/4
Speed: 1 2 3 [4] [+1]
Sneak: 3 2 1 [zero]
Fight: 2 3 [4] 5
Will: 4 3 [2] 1
Lore: zero 1 2 [3]
Luck: 6 5 4 [3]
Focus: 1
$5 (spending $2 on encounters, trading $3 to Cid/Amanda)
0 Clue Tokens
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6) (trading to Cid/Amanda)
Speed Skill (+1 Speed, Clue Tokens spent on Speed checks yield an extra die)
Bank Loan (Roll a die each turn on upkeep, on a 1-3, pay $1 or discard all items and become unable to get another Bank Loan for the duration of the game. Pay $10 to pay off the loan and discard this card.)
4 Monster Trophies (Byakhee, Zombie, Elder Thing x2, total toughness: 6)
Personal Story:
Pass: Become devoured (obviously not yet fufilled)
Fail: Terror Level reaches 5 (3/5)
Failed bank loan roll *again*, trading $3 and the rifle to Cidmanda once he gets to the asylum, and paying $2 for electroshock because I'd like to do *something* before I inevitably bite the dust because goddamn.
Amanda Sharpe
Sanity: 6/6
Stamina: 6/6
Focus: 3
Speed: 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]
Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1
Lore: 1 2 3 [4]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]
Studious: Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.
3 clue tokens
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6)
Dread Curse of Azathoth (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 2, exhaust for +9 to combat checks, 2H)
Flesh Ward (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 1, exhaust to ignore all stamina loss from one source)
Luck (skill, +1 luck, roll 1 bonus die when spending clue tokens for luck checks)
Expert Occultist (skill, exhaust to reroll a spell check)
Cultes des Goules (unique item, exhaust and spend 2 movement points to make a lore check at -2, draw 1 spell/1 clue token/lose 2 sanity and discard on success, $3)
Zombie (1 toughness)
Deep One Hybrid (1 toughness)
Ghost (1 toughness)
Personal story - Passed:
Pass: Draw three unique items (effect: maximum sanity and stamina increased by 1)
Fail: Two open gates to R'leyh (effect: devoured, replaced by Deep One, add 1 token to Deep Ones Rising track)
Amanda heads to Arkham, nabs some stuff from a suicidal deputy, and then pays for brainaids.
Vincent Lee
Location: Graveyard
Sanity: 5 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5
Speed: 0 1 [2] 3
Sneak: 5 4 [3] 2
Fight: 0 1 2 [3]
Will : 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: 2 [3] 4 5
Luck: 4 [3] 2 1
Focus: 2
Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.
1 Clue token
1 Monster Trophy (Cultist, 1 toughness)
Common Items
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Unique Items
Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.
Voice of Ra - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1
Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn. Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.
Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.
Current Action
Spending 2 clues to not draw from Dust Deck. Heading to Graveyard to grab that clue token.
Whoof. I guess I move to Y'Honna-Lee or whatever it is and grab that Clue token.
Finn Edwards, the Bootlegger
- Status -
Sanity 4/4
Stamina 5/6
Slippery - Mythos: When moon monsters move, Finn may choose to move as a normal moon monster. He does not need
to make any Evade checks when doing so.
Holdout - Any Phase: Finn never has to discard items or lose money, even when he is knocked unconscious or
driven insane. He must still pay costs as usual.
- Skills (Focus: 1) -
Speed 3 [4] 5 6
Sneak 5 [4] 3 2 (+2)
Fight [zero] 1 2 3
Will [3] 2 1 0
Lore 1 2 3 [4]
Luck 4 3 2 [1]
- Inventory -
1 Clues
1 Gate Trophy (City of the Great Race, +0)
3 Monster Trophies (Maniac, 1 Toughness / Cultist, 1 Toughness / Deep One Hybrid, 1 Toughness)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Tommy Gun (physical weapon, 2H, +6 to Combat checks)
Research Materials (any phase: discard instead of spending 1 Clue token)
Dragon's Eye (any phase: exhaust and lose 1 San after drawing a gate or location to draw a new card in its place)
Enchant Weapon (casting mod 0, 1 San cost, cast and exhaust to make one Physical weapon a Magical weapon until
the end of this combat)
- Personal Story, "Payback" -
Failed! Finn loses all of his Clue tokens, and receives one less Movement point per turn than usual.
Finn: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/a/a4/InnsmouthShore7.png)
Vincent: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/8/8e/Rivertown7.png)
Gloria: Close that gate, girl!
Amanda: Brain band-aids!
Tommy: They are so great!
Ursula: You enjoy them AND... (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/a/a7/Downtown35.png)
Gate is CLOSED. Location is SEALED.
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> So.
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Time to close
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> 5 fight, -2 modifier
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> roll 3d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-ClearGenderRoles rolls 3d6 and gets 10." [3d6=1, 4, 5]
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Gate closed
<HaplessHero> Well then
<Soppy-ClearGenderRoles> Location sealed
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 6/6
Stamina 4/4
Speed 1 2 [3] 4
Sneak 3 2 [1] 0
Fight 0 1 2 [3] +2
Will 5 4 3 [2]
Lore 1 2 [3] 4
Luck 5 4 [3] 2
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
1 Clue Tokens
1 toughness of monster trophies (Ghost)
1 Gate Trophy (R'lyeh, Yuggoth)
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Red Sign of Shudde M'ell (Casting Mod: -1. Sanity Cost: 1. Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to lower a monster's toughness by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and ignore one of its special abilities other than Magical Immunity until the end of this combat.)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Ruby of R'lyeh (Gain 3 movement points)
Cross (Magical weapon, +3 combat against undead, +1 horror, 1H, $3)
Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight
Sanity: 5/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus: 2
Speed: 2 3 [4] 5
Sneak: 3 2 [1] 0
Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1
Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]
Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
4 Clue Tokens
.38 Revolver (1H, physical, +3 to combat, $4)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Heal (Spell, Casting mod +1, Sanity cost 1, cast and exhaust to give one investigator in the area stamina equal to the successes I roll; stamina cannot be divided)
Gug Trophy (3 toughhness)
Byakhee Trophy (1 Toughness)
Elder Thing Trophy (2 Toughness)
Enchanted Blade (1H, Magical, +4 to combat, $6)
Personal Story:
Fail - Ursula is was Cursed.
Relating to the poor guy, I manage to calm him down.
<XornmasTree> I hear I've been promoted to psychiatrist?
<HaplessHero> Sure
<XornmasTree> 3 Will, -2 check.
* Hatbot --> "XornmasTree rolls 1d6 for INTERN PSYCHIATRIST POWERS and gets 5."12 [1d6=5]
<HaplessHero> Well then
Tal/Vincent, you gain the trophy of BARNABAS MARSH! (Andy approved)
(http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/9105/barnabasmarsh.png) (http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/7882/barnabasmarshback.png)
Family Found Butchered!
The terror track rises to 4 due to this. Tom "Mountain" Murphy has packed up and left town!
A gate to the Dreamlands opens at the Graveyard, sucking in Vincent and spawning a Cultist and a Ghost! Moon monsters move on White, sending the Vampire to the Factory District Streets. Cross monsters move on black, sending that mass at The Universal Order of Dagon to the Church Green Streets.
A clue appears at The Unnamable
Dust Deck or Clue Tokens in the face?
I have no clue tokens, so I guess I will be taking a Dust Deck to the face.
I pump my Lore to 4 in preparation for the fight. Gloria then pulls a Keith and blows the monsters away with her rifle. Flawless victory.
<Soppy-TideIsTheDuggler> ARE
<Soppy-TideIsTheDuggler> YOU
<Soppy-TideIsTheDuggler> READY
<Soppy-TideIsTheDuggler> TO
<Soppy-TideIsTheDuggler> FIGHT
<Soppy-TideIsTheDuggler> Sop Pilgrim vs The World
* Soppy-TideIsTheDuggler is now known as SopPilgrim
<SopPilgrim> Too bad the Nightgaunts wouldn't send me to the Abyss anymore
<HaplessHero> Oh boy
<SopPilgrim> So
<SopPilgrim> 2 Cultists, 2 Nightgaunts, 1 Dark Young
<LucaTrulyworth> Gonna try to kill them all?
<SopPilgrim> Yes
<LucaTrulyworth> 'Kay.
<HaplessHero> Gotta kill 'em all!
<SopPilgrim> 5 fight, 2 Will + 1 for Cross.
<SopPilgrim> Cultist #1. No Horror check
<SopPilgrim> Using rifle
<SopPilgrim> 10 and +1 mod
<HaplessHero> Cultists: just that good
<SopPilgrim> roll 11d6
* Hatbot --> "SopPilgrim rolls 11d6 and gets 42." [11d6=5, 6, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 2, 4, 5]
<SopPilgrim> Dead
<SopPilgrim> Cultist 2
<LucaTrulyworth> lolcultist
<SopPilgrim> roll 11d6
* Hatbot --> "SopPilgrim rolls 11d6 and gets 46." [11d6=3, 2, 3, 1, 6, 4, 6, 5, 5, 5, 6]
<SopPilgrim> Dead
<LucaTrulyworth> lolcultist
<HaplessHero> HORROR
<SopPilgrim> 3 minus 1 mod
<SopPilgrim> roll 2d6
* Hatbot --> "SopPilgrim rolls 2d6 and gets 9." [2d6=5, 4]
<SopPilgrim> Pass
<LucaTrulyworth> not scary
<SopPilgrim> 10 minus 2 mod
<SopPilgrim> roll 8d6
* Hatbot --> "SopPilgrim rolls 8d6 and gets 29." [8d6=6, 1, 4, 5, 3, 4, 2, 4]
<SopPilgrim> Dead
<HaplessHero> Blammo
<SopPilgrim> Horror 2
<SopPilgrim> roll 2d6
* Hatbot --> "SopPilgrim rolls 2d6 and gets 6." [2d6=1, 5]
<SopPilgrim> Pass
<SopPilgrim> roll 8d6
* Hatbot --> "SopPilgrim rolls 8d6 and gets 27." [8d6=1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 3, 3, 6]
<SopPilgrim> Dead
<SopPilgrim> Hokay. Dark Young
<SopPilgrim> Casting Red Sign of Shudde Mell on t
* Smashy has quit IRC (Quit: )
<SopPilgrim> Lore is 4 (Boosted it during mythos)
<HaplessHero> Stupid Dark Young and their phys resist
<SopPilgrim> 4 minus 1 mod
<SopPilgrim> roll 3d6
* Hatbot --> "SopPilgrim rolls 3d6 and gets 9." [3d6=6, 1, 2]
<SopPilgrim> Pass
<HaplessHero> Hooray killability!
<SopPilgrim> Dark Young has 1 less toughness and no more Physical Resistance
<SopPilgrim> I lose sanity
<SopPilgrim> a
<SopPilgrim> 3 and no mod
<SopPilgrim> roll 3d6
* Hatbot --> "SopPilgrim rolls 3d6 and gets 12." [3d6=4, 5, 3]
<SopPilgrim> Pass
<SopPilgrim> 10 minus 1 mod
<SopPilgrim> roll 9d6
* Hatbot --> "SopPilgrim rolls 9d6 and gets 33." [9d6=4, 6, 5, 4, 2, 1, 5, 4, 2]
<SopPilgrim> DEAD
<SopPilgrim> FUCK. YES.
<HaplessHero> Flawless victory
<LucaTrulyworth> Victoly!!
<HaplessHero> Gloria is a fucking badass.
<SopPilgrim> Tal
<SopPilgrim> THAT is how you play Keith
<SopPilgrim> Oh. And I take one extra sanity damage from the Dark Young from Nightmarish
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 4/6
Stamina 4/4
Speed 1 2 [3] 4
Sneak 3 2 [1] 0
Fight 0 1 2 [3] +2
Will 5 4 3 [2]
Lore 1 2 3 [4]
Luck 5 4 3 [2]
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
1 Clue Tokens
10 toughness of monster trophies (Dark Young, 2 Nightgaunt, 2 Cultist, Ghost)
2 Gate Trophy (R'lyeh, Yuggoth)
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Red Sign of Shudde M'ell (Casting Mod: -1. Sanity Cost: 1. Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to lower a monster's toughness by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and ignore one of its special abilities other than Magical Immunity until the end of this combat.)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Ruby of R'lyeh (Gain 3 movement points)
Cross (Magical weapon, +3 combat against undead, +1 horror, 1H, $3)
Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight
Sanity: 5/5
Stamina: 1/5
Focus: 2
Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 3 2 1 Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1
Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]
Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
0 Clue Tokens
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Gug Trophy (3 toughhness)
Byakhee Trophy (1 Toughness)
Elder Thing Trophy (2 Toughness) x2
Enchanted Blade (1H, Magical, +4 to combat, $6)
Personal Story:
Fail - Ursula is was Cursed.
Ran off to get my ass handed to me by a High Priest. Dropping Heal and the .38 (because Flesh Ward is so much better) and licking my idiotic wounds in the Hospital, I s'pose.
<Mageroni> That... makes me consider where my sliders will be, then.
<LucaTrulyworth> Just start over I guess.
<Mageroni> Yup.
<Mageroni> I'll keep Fight at 2, Will at 3, because he may be a dick, but there's still a Deep One to fight.
<Mageroni> And a High Priest.
<Mageroni> Alright, 2 san damage from Elder Thing
<Mageroni> 2 Fight, +3 from gun, +4 from Blade, no mod
<Mageroni> 9d6 YOU. ARE. A. DICK.
* Hatbot --> "Mageroni rolls 9d6 YOU. ARE. A. DICK. and gets 36."12 [9d6=5, 3, 3, 6, 4, 4, 2, 4, 5]
<HaplessHero> wait
<HaplessHero> you have 0 sneak
<Mageroni> Yes, and?
<HaplessHero> and martial law is in effect
<HaplessHero> this is a bad plan
<Mageroni> What happens when I'm caught?
<HaplessHero> You get arrested
<HaplessHero> In Innsmouth
<Mageroni> And then? Can I sneak out?
<HaplessHero> Where you have to roll Sneak checks to draw cards for a chance to escape unscathed
<HaplessHero> Or die.
<Mageroni> ... I can do that.
<Mageroni> Apparently I have stealth. Despite having terrible sneak.
<LucaTrulyworth> Getting arrested in Innsmouth is bad.
<HaplessHero> Jail Break: Each investigator in the Jail Cell during the Arkham Encounter Phase makes a Sneak(-1) check and draws one encounter card, plus one additional card for every success rolled, encountering one card of his choice and discarding the others.
<Mageroni> And I can discard encounters with a clue token, because I am Ursula. >_>
<Mageroni> Moving on.
<Mageroni> High Priest: 3 Will +1 mod
<Mageroni> 4d6 to not be scared of Guy With Bag On His Head
* Hatbot --> "Mageroni rolls 4d6 to not be scared of Guy With Bag On His Head and gets 17."12 [4d6=3, 3, 5, 6]
<Mageroni> 2 Fight, +3 from gun, blade is nulled, -2 mod
<Mageroni> 3d6 to Shoot Some Dude
* Hatbot --> "Mageroni rolls 3d6 to Shoot Some Dude and gets 10."12 [3d6=5, 1, 4]
<HaplessHero> That isn't very good dude shooting
<Mageroni> 1d6 Clue Token The First
* Hatbot --> "Mageroni rolls 1d6 Clue Token The First and gets 4."12 [1d6=4]
<Mageroni> I have no clue how to shoot a dude. I am no Rob.
<Mageroni> 3 Lore, -2 mod from Flesh Ward
<Mageroni> 1d6 to not be shot, either
* Hatbot --> "Mageroni rolls 1d6 to not be shot, either and gets 6."12 [1d6=6]
<HaplessHero> ...
<HaplessHero> FLESH WARD
<Mageroni> Excellent
<Mageroni> 3d6 to TRY THIS AGAIN
* Hatbot --> "Mageroni rolls 3d6 to TRY THIS AGAIN and gets 12."12 [3d6=4, 5, 3]
<Mageroni> He is the guy to be giving me problems, isn't he?
<Mageroni> 3d6 DO IT RIGHT< DAMNIT
* Hatbot --> "Mageroni rolls 3d6 DO IT RIGHT< DAMNIT and gets 12."12 [3d6=6, 3, 3]
<Mageroni> Ok, 1 health.
<Mageroni> Can I do this? Let's find out!
<Mageroni> 3d6 to keep my streak of not dying!
* Hatbot --> "Mageroni rolls 3d6 to keep my streak of not dying! and gets 7."12 [3d6=1, 3, 3]
<HaplessHero> Fail.
<Mageroni> It's... not worth the clue tokens, is it?
<Mageroni> screw it, I'm going down to 1, may as well test the waters.
<Mageroni> 1d6 Clue Token The First (Of Saving My Ass)
* Hatbot --> "Mageroni rolls 1d6 Clue Token The First (Of Saving My Ass) and gets 6."12 [1d6=6]
<Mageroni> 1d6 Clue Token The Second (Of Saving My Ass)
* Hatbot --> "Mageroni rolls 1d6 Clue Token The Second (Of Saving My Ass) and gets 3."12 [1d6=3]
<Mageroni> 1d6 Clues clues clues
* Hatbot --> "Mageroni rolls 1d6 Clues clues clues and gets 2."12 [1d6=2]
<Mageroni> Dropping Heal and .38
Vincent Lee
Location: The Dreamlands (1)
Sanity: 4 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5
Speed: Sneak: [5] 4 3 2
Fight: 0 1 2 [3]
Will : 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: 2 [3] 4 5
Luck: 4 [3] 2 1
Focus: 2
Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.
6 Clue token
2 Monster Trophies (Cultist, 1 toughness) (Barnabas Marsh, 2 toughness)
Common Items
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Unique Items
Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.
Voice of Ra (exhausted) - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1
Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn. Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.
Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.
Current Action
Surprise gate. Casting Voice of Ra.
[2011-01-12 21:53:54] <LucaTrulyworth> Can I get a witness for spell casting?

[2011-01-12 21:54:08] <Random-CiatoIsPartyToThePlot> No
[2011-01-12 21:54:19] <LucaTrulyworth> :(
[2011-01-12 21:55:53] <LucaTrulyworth> Going to cast ancient egyptian laser beems. 3 Lore, -1 mod.
[2011-01-12 21:55:59] <LucaTrulyworth> 2d6
[2011-01-12 21:56:01] * Hatbot --> "LucaTrulyworth rolls 2d6 and gets 10." [2d6=5, 5]
[2011-01-12 21:56:06] <Random-CiatoIsPartyToThePlot> beem~
[2011-01-12 21:56:13] <LucaTrulyworth> DUAL WIELDING ANCIENT EGYPTIAN LASER BEEMS
EDIT: Gained 5 clue tokens from Tommy's PS too.
Just. As. Planned.
As the Terror Level was below 5 prior to Tommy's devourment, his PS is PASSED. Tal/Vincent gets five clues, one doom token is removed from the doom track, and the next terror increase is prevented.
Amanda Sharpe
Sanity: 4/6
Stamina: 6/6
Focus: 3
Speed: 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]
Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1
Lore: 1 2 3 [4]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]
Studious: Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.
4 clue tokens
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6)
Dread Curse of Azathoth (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 2, exhaust for +9 to combat checks, 2H)
Flesh Ward (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 1, exhaust to ignore all stamina loss from one source)
Luck (skill, +1 luck, roll 1 bonus die when spending clue tokens for luck checks)
Expert Occultist (skill, exhaust to reroll a spell check)
Zombie (1 toughness)
Deep One Hybrid (1 toughness)
Ghost (1 toughness)
Personal story - Passed:
Pass: Draw three unique items (effect: maximum sanity and stamina increased by 1)
Fail: Two open gates to R'leyh (effect: devoured, replaced by Deep One, add 1 token to Deep Ones Rising track)
Amanda wanders over to Independence Square to have an encounter, sits down on a park bench to read a book while she waits and nabs 1x clue + 1x spell. Also reminder that I'm still owed a tome for my last encounter.
<Cidward> Anyone around?
<DeadHero> maybe
<Cidward> Well, not a ton of ideas to do with my turn right now. I guess I'll just read Cultes des Goules and have an encounter somewhere.
<Cidward> I can't reach the Innsmouth monster swarm or have much chance of killing them, so.
<Cidward> Unless anyone else has suggestions. Anyway, that's alore check at -2. 4 - 2 = 2. Yay basic math.
* Hatbot (~Hatbot@cpe-24-28-0-36.austin.res.rr.com) has joined #rpgdlarkhamhorror
<Cidward> Alrighty then.
<Cidward> roll 2d6 for more spellz
* Hatbot --> "Cidward rolls 2d6 for more spellz and gets 8."12 [2d6=6, 2]
<Cidward> spellz got
<DeadHero> spellz
Just. As. Planned.
As the Terror Level was below 5 prior to Tommy's devourment, his PS is PASSED. Tal/Vincent gets five clues, one doom token is removed from the doom track, and the next terror increase is prevented.
Went ahead and rolled for you. Your choices ARE
Hank Samson - http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/Hank_Samson
Sister Mary - http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/Sister_Mary
Hank Samson for farmboy supremacy.
Gloria: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/e/eb/FrenchHill33.png)
Amanda: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/f/f1/Downtown7.png)
Vincent: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/1/14/Gate43.png)
Tommy: Dusty, Dusty~
Ursula: Let me know if you want an encounter at the hospital
Finn: (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/wiki/images/7/71/InnsmouthShore12.png)
Gloria apparantly used all her luck last battle.
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> Anyway
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> My Fight is currently 5
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> -1 mod
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> Ruby moved out of town, so for a Unique Item!
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> roll 4d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-EatAtJohtos rolls 4d6 and gets 8." [4d6=3, 2, 2, 1]
<Soppy-EatAtJohtos> Fail ;-;
<LucaTrulyworth> no shinies
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 4/6
Stamina 4/4
Speed 1 2 [3] 4
Sneak 3 2 [1] 0
Fight 0 1 2 [3] +2
Will 5 4 3 [2]
Lore 1 2 3 [4]
Luck 5 4 3 [2]
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
1 Clue Tokens
10 toughness of monster trophies (Dark Young, 2 Nightgaunt, 2 Cultist, Ghost)
2 Gate Trophy (R'lyeh, Yuggoth)
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Red Sign of Shudde M'ell (Casting Mod: -1. Sanity Cost: 1. Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to lower a monster's toughness by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and ignore one of its special abilities other than Magical Immunity until the end of this combat.)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Ruby of R'lyeh (Gain 3 movement points)
Cross (Magical weapon, +3 combat against undead, +1 horror, 1H, $3)
Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight
Vincent Lee
Location: The Dreamlands (1)
Sanity: 4 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5
Speed: Sneak: [5] 4 3 2
Fight: 0 1 2 [3]
Will : 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: 2 [3] 4 5
Luck: 4 [3] 2 1
Focus: 2
Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.
6 Clue token
2 Monster Trophies (Cultist, 1 toughness) (Barnabas Marsh, 2 toughness)
Common Items
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Unique Items
Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.
Voice of Ra (exhausted) - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1
Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn. Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.
Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.
Current Action
Evading the Byakhee.
[2011-01-22 23:57:08] <LucaTrulyworth> Gonna do my evade roll I guess unless you think I should fight it.

[2011-01-22 23:59:03] <Soppy-EatAtJohtos> Go for it
[2011-01-22 23:59:33] <LucaTrulyworth> 4d6 for nin nin~
[2011-01-22 23:59:35] * Hatbot --> "LucaTrulyworth rolls 4d6 for nin nin~ and gets 13." [4d6=1, 2, 5, 5]
[2011-01-22 23:59:44] <LucaTrulyworth> WOOSH~
[2011-01-22 23:59:48] <Soppy-EatAtJohtos> Woo
Finn Edwards, the Bootlegger
- Status -
Sanity 4/4
Stamina 5/6
Slippery - Mythos: When moon monsters move, Finn may choose to move as a normal moon monster. He does not need
to make any Evade checks when doing so.
Holdout - Any Phase: Finn never has to discard items or lose money, even when he is knocked unconscious or
driven insane. He must still pay costs as usual.
- Skills (Focus: 1) -
Speed 3 [4] 5 6
Sneak 5 [4] 3 2 (+2)
Fight [zero] 1 2 3
Will [3] 2 1 0
Lore 1 2 3 [4]
Luck 4 3 2 [1]
- Inventory -
0 Clues
3 Monster Trophies (Maniac, 1 Toughness / Cultist, 1 Toughness / Deep One Hybrid, 1 Toughness)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Tommy Gun (physical weapon, 2H, +6 to Combat checks)
Research Materials (any phase: discard instead of spending 1 Clue token)
Dragon's Eye (any phase: exhaust and lose 1 San after drawing a gate or location to draw a new card in its place)
Enchant Weapon (casting mod 0, 1 San cost, cast and exhaust to make one Physical weapon a Magical weapon until
the end of this combat)
- Personal Story, "Payback" -
Failed! Finn loses all of his Clue tokens, and receives one less Movement point per turn than usual.
Current Action: I an speedy enough to not slip on rocks! Wait.
[13:38] <+LucaTrulyworth> Hi Strago.
[13:38] > My Speed is 4, so 3 dice.
[13:38] > roll 3d6 balance dance
[13:38] * Hatbot --> "xorn-SnowsWorstNightmare rolls 3d6 balance dance and gets 9." [3d6=2, 2, 5]
[13:38] > And balance is retained.
[13:39] <DeadHero> whoo~
Sure, I'll take an encounter.
Amanda Sharpe
Sanity: 4/6
Stamina: 5/6
Focus: 3
Speed: 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]
Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1
Lore: 1 2 3 [4]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]
Studious: Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.
5 clue tokens
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6)
Dread Curse of Azathoth (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 2, exhaust for +9 to combat checks, 2H)
Flesh Ward (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 1, exhaust to ignore all stamina loss from one source)
Luck (skill, +1 luck, roll 1 bonus die when spending clue tokens for luck checks)
Expert Occultist (skill, exhaust to reroll a spell check)
Zombie (1 toughness)
Deep One Hybrid (1 toughness)
Ghost (1 toughness)
Personal story - Passed:
Pass: Draw three unique items (effect: maximum sanity and stamina increased by 1)
Fail: Two open gates to R'leyh (effect: devoured, replaced by Deep One, add 1 token to Deep Ones Rising track)
Amanda gambles with clues, quits while she's ahead. 1 stamina/1 clue spent on gaining 2 clues and a spell.
<Cidward> So hey.
<Cidward> It seems I'm likely to get sucked into a gate.
<Cidward> Since my luck is at 1.
<Cidward> I wouldn't care if if I had one more clue, since I could just seal it when I got out, but alas.
<Cidward> Is extra gate opening bad enough right now that I should burn my clues on preventing it instead?
<LucaTrulyworth> Probably.
<LucaTrulyworth> Hard to be sure since I don't think the first posts are updated...
<Cidward> they aren't.
<Cidward> It is unfortunate.
<Cidward> Well, I have four clues. Not terrible odds.
<Cidward> And I get two new ones on success.
<Cidward> So I guess I'll give it a shot.
<Cidward> roll 1d6 to hide from Gate and the punnery brigade
* Hatbot --> "Cidward rolls 1d6 to hide from Gate and the punnery brigade and gets 5."12 [1d6=5]
<Cidward> Cool.
<LucaTrulyworth> Net gain!
<Cidward> Yes.
<Cidward> Now I CAN seal a gate.
<Cidward> If I can reach one.
Sanity: 3/5
Stamina: 1/5
Focus: 2
Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 3 2 1 Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1
Lore: 0 1 2 [3]
Luck: 5 4 3 [2]
Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
0 Clue Tokens
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Gug Trophy (3 toughhness)
Byakhee Trophy (1 Toughness)
Elder Thing Trophy (2 Toughness) x2
Enchanted Blade (1H, Magical, +4 to combat, $6)
Personal Story:
Fail - Ursula is was Cursed.
[insert massive amounts of obscenities here] Sorry, accidentally edited this. Was just me failing to foil Dr. Meeple, though.
Finishing out this turn, we have new character and mythos!
Random, here's your stuff for Hank: Axe (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/Axe), Map of Arkham (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/Map_of_Arkham), Lamp of Alhazred (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/Lamp_of_Alhazred), Speed (http://www.arkhamhorrorwiki.com/Speed_%28skill%29)
A gate to the Great Hall of Celaneo appears in the Woods, spawning a Fire Vampire and a Cthonian. No monsters move. Amanda picks up another clue.
Finn idles in place on Devil Reef. Not like he can do much anyway. Fight/Will shifted right one.
Finn Edwards, the Bootlegger
- Status -
Sanity 4/4
Stamina 5/6
Slippery - Mythos: When moon monsters move, Finn may choose to move as a normal moon monster. He does not need
to make any Evade checks when doing so.
Holdout - Any Phase: Finn never has to discard items or lose money, even when he is knocked unconscious or
driven insane. He must still pay costs as usual.
- Skills (Focus: 1) -
Speed 3 [4] 5 6
Sneak 5 [4] 3 2 (+2)
Fight zero [1] 2 3
Will 3 [2] 1 0
Lore 1 2 3 [4]
Luck 4 3 2 [1]
- Inventory -
0 Clues
3 Monster Trophies (Maniac, 1 Toughness / Cultist, 1 Toughness / Deep One Hybrid, 1 Toughness)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Tommy Gun (physical weapon, 2H, +6 to Combat checks)
Research Materials (any phase: discard instead of spending 1 Clue token)
Dragon's Eye (any phase: exhaust and lose 1 San after drawing a gate or location to draw a new card in its place)
Enchant Weapon (casting mod 0, 1 San cost, cast and exhaust to make one Physical weapon a Magical weapon until
the end of this combat)
- Personal Story, "Payback" -
Failed! Finn loses all of his Clue tokens, and receives one less Movement point per turn than usual.
Hank Samson
Special Abilities:
Thick-Skulled - Any Phase: Hank does not make a Horror Check when he first encounters a monster. Instead, he only makes a Horror Check if he fails a Combat or Evade Check against a monster.
Sanity: 5/5
Stamina: 6/6
Speed: 2 3 [4] 5 [+1]
Sneak: 4 3 [2] 1
Fight: 2 3 4 [5]
Will: 3 2 1 [zero]
Luck: [4] 3 2 1
Focus: 2
1 Clue Tokens
Food (Common Item: Discard to prevent the loss of 1 stamina. $1,)
Map of Arkham (Common Item: Exhaust to gain one point of movement. $2.)
Axe (Common Item: 1H Physical Weapon, +2 Combat, may be used 2H for +3 Combat. $3.)
Lamp of Alhazred (Unique Item: 2H Magical Weapon, +5 Combat. $7.)
Speed Skill (Skill: +1 Speed, clue tokens spent on Speed Checks yield an additional die.)
1 Monster Trophy (Cultist. Total Toughness: 1.)
Personal Story Status:
Pass: Spend 5 Clue Tokens at the Train Station (1/5)
Fail: Fail a Horror Check against a monster (not yet met)
I am fucking amazing.
[18:39] <Soppy-EatAtJohtos> Wait
[18:40] <Soppy-EatAtJohtos> Did you actually roll for the Sneak check? You still have to get away from the cultist before you move
[18:41] <Soppy-EatAtJohtos> So... your entire move may be invalid so far
[18:44] <RandomConsonant> oh wait.
[18:44] <RandomConsonant> asdfjarble
[18:44] <RandomConsonant> didn't see it on the map
[18:45] <RandomConsonant> GOOD FUCKING JOB, ME
[18:46] <Soppy-EatAtJohtos> Yep
[18:47] <Soppy-EatAtJohtos> Andy hasn't updated the map yet
[18:49] <RandomConsonant> Okay then.
[18:50] <RandomConsonant> Since no I am not trying to sneak by something with one die
[18:51] <RandomConsonant> equipping lamp to stick in eye, 5+5+1-1 for 10 dice
[18:51] <RandomConsonant> roll 10d6 for pain
[18:51] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 10d6 for pain and gets 27." [10d6=1, 3, 4, 2, 6, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2]
[18:51] <Magesona> That is... close.
[18:51] <RandomConsonant> ONE SUCCESS
Moving to the Science Building to spend 5 toughness of monster trophies (2 Nightgaunts and a Cultist) for clues.
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 4/6
Stamina 4/4
Speed 1 2 [3] 4
Sneak 3 2 [1] 0
Fight 0 1 2 [3] +2
Will 5 4 3 [2]
Lore 1 2 3 [4]
Luck 5 4 3 [2]
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
3 Clue Tokens
5 toughness of monster trophies (Dark Young, Cultist, Ghost)
2 Gate Trophy (R'lyeh, Yuggoth)
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Red Sign of Shudde M'ell (Casting Mod: -1. Sanity Cost: 1. Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to lower a monster's toughness by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and ignore one of its special abilities other than Magical Immunity until the end of this combat.)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Ruby of R'lyeh (Gain 3 movement points)
Cross (Magical weapon, +3 combat against undead, +1 horror, 1H, $3)
Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight
b]Sanity:[/b] 3/5
Stamina: 2/5
Focus: 2
Speed: 2 3 [4] 5
Sneak: 3 2 [1] 0
Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1
Lore: 0 1 [2] 3
Luck: 5 4 [3] 2
Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
0 Clue Tokens
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Gug Trophy (3 toughhness)
Byakhee Trophy (1 Toughness)
Elder Thing Trophy (2 Toughness) x2
Enchanted Blade (1H, Magical, +4 to combat, $6)
Personal Story:
Fail - Ursula is was Cursed.
Going back to the hospital for free heals, and an encounter.
Vincent Lee
Location: The Dreamlands (1)
Sanity: 3 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5
Speed: Sneak: [5] 4 3 2
Fight: 0 1 2 [3]
Will : 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: 2 [3] 4 5
Luck: 4 [3] 2 1
Focus: 2
Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.
6 Clue token
2 Monster Trophies (Cultist, 1 toughness) (Barnabas Marsh, 2 toughness)
Common Items
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Unique Items
Expert Occultist (exhausted) - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.
Voice of Ra (exhausted) - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1
Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn. Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.
Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.
Current Action
Casting Voice of Ra again. Had to exhaust Expert Occultist.
[2011-01-26 18:28:00] <Raspberyl> Witness?
[2011-01-26 18:28:34] <RandomConsonant> What are we witnessing
[2011-01-26 18:29:08] <Raspberyl> Ancient Egyptian Laser Beams, hopefully.
[2011-01-26 18:29:50] <Raspberyl> 3 Lore, -1 mod
[2011-01-26 18:29:54] <Raspberyl> 2d6
[2011-01-26 18:29:55] * Hatbot --> "Raspberyl rolls 2d6 and gets 5." [2d6=3, 2]
[2011-01-26 18:30:16] <Raspberyl> Exhausting Expert Occultist for another oll I guess.
[2011-01-26 18:30:20] <Raspberyl> 2d6
[2011-01-26 18:30:21] * Hatbot --> "Raspberyl rolls 2d6 and gets 7." [2d6=6, 1]

[2011-01-26 18:30:31] <RandomConsonant> beems
[2011-01-26 18:30:35] <Raspberyl> beem
Amanda Sharpe
Sanity: 4/6
Stamina: 5/6
Focus: 3
Speed: 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]
Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1
Lore: 1 2 3 [4]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]
Studious: Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.
7 clue tokens
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6)
Dread Curse of Azathoth (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 2, exhaust for +9 to combat checks, 2H)
Flesh Ward (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 1, exhaust to ignore all stamina loss from one source)
Luck (skill, +1 luck, roll 1 bonus die when spending clue tokens for luck checks)
Expert Occultist (skill, exhaust to reroll a spell check)
Zombie (1 toughness)
Deep One Hybrid (1 toughness)
Ghost (1 toughness)
Personal story - Passed:
Pass: Draw three unique items (effect: maximum sanity and stamina increased by 1)
Fail: Two open gates to R'leyh (effect: devoured, replaced by Deep One, add 1 token to Deep Ones Rising track)
Amanda heads to the Unvisited Isle to add to her clue collection because, well, why not?
Gloria: No encounter.
Amanda: A group of hooded cultists are having a meeting among the standing stones on the island. Pass a Sneak (-1) check to hear what they have to say. Gain 2 Clue tokens.
Vincent: You wander the frozen wastes. No encounter.
Hank: No encounter.
Ursula: The corpse you are examining isn't quite dead yet. It reaches you out and grabs you by the throat. Lose 1 Sanity. If you pass a Combat (-1) check, you defeat it and gain 1 Clue token. Otherwise, move to the street.
Finn: A young man from Falcon Point has been snooping out here, but now finds himself struggling to stay afloat just off the reef. Make a Fight (+0) check to pull him out of the water. If successful, gain 1 Sanity as you drag him to safety. If not, lose 2 Sanity as the man disappears beneath the wavees.
I fail the check, dude drowns, I lose 2 Sanity.
[07:41] <Cidward> Yo.
[07:42] * Ranmilia is now known as Ransleep
[07:42] > Alright, I've got a Fight (+0) check, so I get one die.
[07:43] <Cidward> Good luck with that!
[07:43] > roll 1d6 to not let somebuddy drown
[07:43] * Hatbot --> "torotorotoro rolls 1d6 to not let somebuddy drown and gets 4." [1d6=4]
[07:43] > Drownded. I lose 2 San
[07:43] <Cidward> :(
More failing of checks by 1.
<Cidward> So I have to make a sneak check. At -1. With sneak set to 1.
<torotorotoro> ... <_<
<Cidward> I figure I may as well drop 1 clue on this since I can get 2 if I make it.
<Cidward> roll 1d6 to listen on secret plans of creepy Ko cultists
* Hatbot --> "Cidward rolls 1d6 to listen on secret plans of creepy Ko cultists and gets 4."12 [1d6=4]
<Cidward> Boo.
<Cidward> Oh well.
<torotorotoro> <_<;
Does an environment card affect locations, like the hospital? Either way I fail, but clarification would be nice.
Closed Mouths
Environmental (Urban)
While this card is in play, clue tokens do not appear on the board when Mythos cards are revealed.
No Monsters move.
No clues appear.
A Gate to the Abyss appears at Y'ha-nthei.
Rinse and repeat, more clues for monster trophies.
Gloria Goldberg
Sanity 4/6
Stamina 4/4
Speed 1 2 [3] 4
Sneak 3 2 [1] 0
Fight 0 1 2 [3] +2
Will 5 4 3 [2]
Lore 1 2 3 [4]
Luck 5 4 3 [2]
Focus: 2
Unique Ability:
Psychic Sensitivity - Other World Encounter: When drawing gate encounters in Other Worlds, Gloria draws two cards that match the color of one of the Other World's encounter symbols, then chooses whichever one of the two she wants. This ability does not work when drawing location encounters in Arkham.
5 Clue Tokens
0 toughness of monster trophies
2 Gate Trophy (R'lyeh, Yuggoth)
Fight skill (+1 to Fight, roll an extra die for each clue spent on Fight checks)
Lantern (+1 to Luck checks)
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Red Sign of Shudde M'ell (Casting Mod: -1. Sanity Cost: 1. Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to lower a monster's toughness by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and ignore one of its special abilities other than Magical Immunity until the end of this combat.)
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat)
Ruby of R'lyeh (Gain 3 movement points)
Cross (Magical weapon, +3 combat against undead, +1 horror, 1H, $3)
Personal Story: Pass: Gain +1 Fight
Zombie at Y'giggity killed, Hound distracted, I gatejump into the Abyss.
[10:03] > ahaha
[10:03] <Raspberyl> Yeah not too likely.
[10:04] > Okay, so Zombie. First, horror check, will 2 so 1 die, I get two rerolls.
[10:04] > roll 1d6 try 1 to not be deathly scared
[10:04] * Hatbot --> "Taishyr rolls 1d6 try 1 to not be deathly scared and gets 6." [1d6=6]
[10:05] > okay no rerolls needed, I ain't fraid.
[10:06] > Next, combat check, 1 Fight 6 Tommy Gun -1 Zombie so six dice total, one success needed
[10:06] > roll 6d6 rat-a-tat-tat
[10:06] * Hatbot --> "Taishyr rolls 6d6 rat-a-tat-tat and gets 21." [6d6=1, 3, 6, 3, 3, 5]
[10:06] > Success get, gooey zombie.
[10:06] <Raspberyl> gross
[10:07] > Alright, I have six Sneak thanks to bonuses, -1 from Hound, so five dice.
[10:07] > roll 5d6 ain't nothing but a hound dog
[10:07] * Hatbot --> "Taishyr rolls 5d6 ain't nothing but a hound dog and gets 18." [5d6=2, 6, 6, 2, 2]
[10:07] <Raspberyl> Nin nin~
[10:07] > Pass, Hound gets a noseful of moonshine.
Finn Edwards, the Bootlegger
- Status -
Sanity 2/4
Stamina 5/6
Slippery - Mythos: When moon monsters move, Finn may choose to move as a normal moon monster. He does not need
to make any Evade checks when doing so.
Holdout - Any Phase: Finn never has to discard items or lose money, even when he is knocked unconscious or
driven insane. He must still pay costs as usual.
- Skills (Focus: 1) -
Speed 3 [4] 5 6
Sneak 5 [4] 3 2 (+2)
Fight zero [1] 2 3
Will 3 [2] 1 0
Lore 1 2 3 [4]
Luck 4 3 2 [1]
- Inventory -
0 Clues
3 Monster Trophies (Maniac, 1 Toughness / Cultist, 1 Toughness / Deep One Hybrid, 1 Toughness)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Sneak (+1 Sneak, when spending a Clue token on a Sneak check add one extra die)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Bravery (exhaust to re-roll a Horror check)
Tommy Gun (physical weapon, 2H, +6 to Combat checks)
Research Materials (any phase: discard instead of spending 1 Clue token)
Dragon's Eye (any phase: exhaust and lose 1 San after drawing a gate or location to draw a new card in its place)
Enchant Weapon (casting mod 0, 1 San cost, cast and exhaust to make one Physical weapon a Magical weapon until
the end of this combat)
- Personal Story, "Payback" -
Failed! Finn loses all of his Clue tokens, and receives one less Movement point per turn than usual.
Vincent Lee
Location: The Graveyard
Sanity: 3 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5
Speed: Sneak: [5] 4 3 2
Fight: 0 1 2 [3]
Will : 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: 2 3 4 [5]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]
Focus: 2
Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.
6 Clue token
2 Monster Trophies (Cultist, 1 toughness) (Barnabas Marsh, 2 toughness)
Common Items
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Unique Items
Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.
Voice of Ra - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1
Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn. Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.
Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.
Current Action
Hank Samson
Special Abilities:
Thick-Skulled - Any Phase: Hank does not make a Horror Check when he first encounters a monster. Instead, he only makes a Horror Check if he fails a Combat or Evade Check against a monster.
Sanity: 5/5
Stamina: 6/6
Speed: 2 [3] 4 5 [+1]
Sneak: 4 [3] 2 1
Fight: 2 3 4 [5]
Will: 3 2 1 [zero]
Lore: [zero] 1 2 3
Luck: [4] 3 2 1
Focus: 2
0 Clue Tokens
Food (Common Item: Discard to prevent the loss of 1 stamina. $1,)
Map of Arkham (Common Item: Exhaust to gain one point of movement. $2.)
Axe (Common Item: 1H Physical Weapon, +2 Combat, may be used 2H for +3 Combat. $3.)
Lamp of Alhazred (Unique Item: 2H Magical Weapon, +5 Combat. $7.)
Speed Skill (Skill: +1 Speed, clue tokens spent on Speed Checks yield an additional die.)
4 Monster Trophies (Cultist, High Priest, Deep One Hybrid, Deep One. Total Toughness: 6.)
Personal Story Status:
Pass: Spend 5 Clue Tokens at the Train Station (0/5)
Fail: Fail a Horror Check against a monster (not yet met)
Hank kills some members of the Innsmouth community and gets arrested for it.
[15:10] <RandomConsonant> Yeah the only other options I see at this point is milling about at either the Newspaper or the Train Station or taking out a bank loan
[15:11] <RandomConsonant> this said I can actually make it there with 5 move instead of 6 as I previously thought, so.
[15:13] <RandomConsonant> Okay, THIS TIME I will go after the High Priest first with an axe
[15:14] <RandomConsonant> roll 6d6 for choppies
[15:14] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 6d6 for choppies and gets 27." [6d6=4, 6, 1, 6, 6, 4]
[15:14] <RandomConsonant> ~
[15:15] <RandomConsonant> Switching off to the lamp, going after uh shit this one isn't Curtis
[15:15] <RandomConsonant> roll 10d6 for just who was that guy anyways
[15:15] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 10d6 for just who was that guy anyways and gets 30." [10d6=2, 1, 1, 3, 4, 2, 5, 6, 1, 5]
[15:15] <RandomConsonant> Okay, that was Larry.
[15:15] <RandomConsonant> Deep One time
[15:16] <RandomConsonant> roll 9d6 for no you are not curiously attractive for a fishman
[15:16] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 9d6 for no you are not curiously attractive for a fishman and gets 32." [9d6=4, 2, 4, 4, 2, 5, 2, 4, 5]
*section removed due to derp*
[15:17] <RandomConsonant> And now, to evade THE LAW
[15:17] <RandomConsonant> Sneak's at 3, no modifier
[15:17] <RandomConsonant> roll 3d6 nin nin nin~
[15:17] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 3d6 nin nin nin~ and gets 8." [3d6=4, 2, 2]
[15:17] <RandomConsonant> roll 1d6 NIN NIN NIN~
[15:17] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 1d6 NIN NIN NIN~ and gets 3." [1d6=3]
[15:18] <RandomConsonant> fuck
[15:18] <RandomConsonant> This was not in the plan.
Amanda Sharpe
Sanity: 4/6
Stamina: 5/6
Focus: 3
Speed: 1 2 [3] 4
Sneak: 4 3 [2] 1
Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1
Lore: 1 2 3 [4]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]
Studious: Whenever Amanda draws one or more cards from the Skill deck, she draws one extra card and then discards one of the cards.
6 clue tokens
Rifle (2H Weapon, +5 Physical Combat, $6)
Dread Curse of Azathoth (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 2, exhaust for +9 to combat checks, 2H)
Flesh Ward (spell, casting mod -2, sanity cost 1, exhaust to ignore all stamina loss from one source)
Luck (skill, +1 luck, roll 1 bonus die when spending clue tokens for luck checks)
Expert Occultist (skill, exhaust to reroll a spell check)
Zombie (1 toughness)
Deep One Hybrid (1 toughness)
Ghost (1 toughness)
Personal story - Passed:
Pass: Draw three unique items (effect: maximum sanity and stamina increased by 1)
Fail: Two open gates to R'leyh (effect: devoured, replaced by Deep One, add 1 token to Deep Ones Rising track)
Amanda heads back to Independence Square because why not, it worked out pretty well last time.
Ursula: The doctor escorts you behind a curtain where some unfortunate investigator has been laid. The corpse has been torn to shreds. Pass a Will (-1) check or lose 1 sanity. If you pass, you may also search the body and find a helpful item. Draw 1 Unique item. If you fail, you run screaming. Move to the streets.
Amanda: Make a Will (-1) check. If you pass it, Anna Kaslow the fortune teller offers her help in your investigation. Take her ally card if its still available. Otherwise gain 2 Clue tokens. If you fail, nothing happens.
Vincent: Close that gate.
Hank: Streets.
Gloria: No encounters.
Finn: The feeble glow and warmth of the candle is enough to restore you a bit. Gain 1 Stamina.
Charisma failure. No ally for Amanda.
<Cidward> Is there life.
<Yakumo> Maybe.
<Cidward> Quasi-life is good enough.
<Cidward> So, will check at -1 for ally.
<Cidward> Will is at 3, so 2 dice.
* Hatbot (~Hatbot@cpe-24-28-0-36.austin.res.rr.com) has joined #rpgdlarkhamhorror
<Yakumo> I was just about to do that. <_<
<Cidward> roll 2d6 ally y/n
* Hatbot --> "Cidward rolls 2d6 ally y/n and gets 8."12 [2d6=4, 4]
<Cidward> No.
<Cidward> Oh well.
Well time to see what fate awaits our less-than-stealthy farmboy.
[14:47] <RandomConsonant> Well Hank is (or should be) in jail, gonna try to see if I can bust out
[14:48] <Soppy-SheepaLounger> OH
[14:48] <Soppy-SheepaLounger> RIGHT
[14:48] <Soppy-SheepaLounger> He was arrested
[14:48] <Soppy-SheepaLounger> Go ahead and roll
[14:48] <RandomConsonant> Sneak -1 for cards, I believe
[14:48] <RandomConsonant> roll 2d6 for more cardz to avoid a ghastly fate?
[14:48] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 2d6 for more cardz to avoid a ghastly fate? and gets 6." [2d6=1, 5]
[14:48] <RandomConsonant> Whoo bonus chance
Vincent Lee
Location: The Graveyard
Sanity: 3 / 5
Stamina: 5 / 5
Speed: Sneak: [5] 4 3 2
Fight: 0 1 2 [3]
Will : 4 3 2 [1]
Lore: 2 3 4 [5]
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]
Focus: 2
Unique Abilities
Physician - Upkeep: Dr. Lee may restore 1 Stamina to himself or another character in his location. He cannot raise a character's Stamina higher than that character's maximum Stamina.
1 Clue token
2 Monster Trophies (Cultist, 1 toughness) (Barnabas Marsh, 2 toughness)
1 Gate Trophy (The Dreamlands)
Common Items
.18 Derringer - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +2 Combat check / .18 Derringer cannot be lost or stolen unless you choose to allow it. / Hands: 1 / Price: $3
Unique Items
Expert Occultist - Any Phase: Exhaust to re-roll a Spell check.
Voice of Ra - Casting Modifier: -1 / Sanity Cost: 1 / Upkeep Phase: You may cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn.
Wither - Casting Modifier: +0 / Sanity Cost: 0 / Any Phase: Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat. / Hands: 1
Personal Story
Pass - Discard 5 Clue tokens in a street area during Upkeep.
Effect - Gain 2 extra movement points each turn. Physician can target any investigator in the neighborhood.
Fail - Have 3 or more monster trophies.
Effect - Maximum Sanity is reduced by 1.
Current Action
Sealing the gate.
[2011-02-06 13:52:32] <LucaTrulyworth> I need to close a gate or something. Anyone around
[2011-02-06 13:52:34] <LucaTrulyworth> *?
[2011-02-06 13:53:05] <Soppy-SheepaLounger> Yes
[2011-02-06 13:53:26] <LucaTrulyworth> Mine's +1, right?
[2011-02-06 13:53:36] <RandomConsonant> Dreamlands should be +1 yes
[2011-02-06 13:53:54] <LucaTrulyworth> 5 Lore so 6 dice
[2011-02-06 13:54:12] <LucaTrulyworth> 6d6 to outsmart a gate
[2011-02-06 13:54:13] * Hatbot --> "LucaTrulyworth rolls 6d6 to outsmart a gate and gets 18." [6d6=1, 3, 4, 4, 5, 1]
[2011-02-06 13:54:19] <LucaTrulyworth> ...barely.
[2011-02-06 13:54:24] <Soppy-SheepaLounger> One success! All that matters!
[2011-02-06 13:54:25] <RandomConsonant> Wow that's a pretty clever gate
[2011-02-06 13:54:27] <Soppy-SheepaLounger> One more seal
[2011-02-06 13:54:33] <RandomConsonant> Not clever enough but still
Near the cells you find a small medical kit. It appears as if its never been opened. Gain 1 Stamina.
A pungent odor is emanating from the filthy jail cells. Pass a Will (-1) check or lose 1 Stamina.
I take the medkit. Whee useless stamina boost~.
Magey-poo runs screaming like a little girl~
Sanity: 2/5
Stamina: 3/5
Focus: 2
Speed: 2 3 [4] 5
Sneak: 3 2 [1] 0
Fight: 1 [2] 3 4
Will: 4 [3] 2 1
Lore: 0 1 [2] 3
Luck: 5 4 [3] 2
Quick-witted - Arkham Encounter: Ursula may have an encounter at a location even after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.
Adventurer - Arkham Encounter: After reading her Arkham encounter, but before making any die rolls, Ursula may spend 1 Clue token to cancel the encounter entirely.
0 Clue Tokens
Flesh Ward (Casting Mod: -2. Sanity Cost: 1. Cast and exhaust to ignore all Stamina loss being dealt to you from one source. Discard this spell if the Ancient One awakens)
Stealth (Skill, exhaust to re-roll evade check)
Gug Trophy (3 toughhness)
Byakhee Trophy (1 Toughness)
Elder Thing Trophy (2 Toughness) x2
Enchanted Blade (1H, Magical, +4 to combat, $6)
Personal Story:
Fail - Ursula is was Cursed.
Andy, those encounters you gave Random were normal jail encounters. He was arrested, so he's using the cell encounters instead.
Based on the cards that Andy drew, your actual encounters are:
Get beaten with sticks. Get delayed and lose 1 Sanity and 1 Stamina.
Choose wisely.
...really, Andy, really?
Hank is gonna blow this popsicle stand and move to Sawbone Alley, then.
It's been about a month since this was updated. I know you've been busy with changing jobs and stuff, Andy, but what's the status? Could you give this to someone else to run or should we just call this one and let Soppy do his, or are you going to be able to get it moving soon? Do the players still want to play?
Actually I don't know why Soppy couldn't just do his anyway but that's up to him I suppose.