The RPG Duelling League
Social Forums => Discussion => Topic started by: TranceHime on November 04, 2011, 11:25:52 AM
Survey here (
Good day everybody, I have here this survey which I would like to be answered for a research paper I am doing for uni. I admit it's a bit of a juvenile way to go about things, but I would appreciate it if I could collect the opinions of as many consumers/users as possible, I have already disseminated this in quite a few places.
But in particular I would also like to see what your own thoughts are on DRM; basically I am trying to get evidence that DRM is sort of this bad thing, and I would like to see just who out of you are quite passionate about the topic in question! It would be great to get some discussion on this going. Cheers!
I'd take the survey, but it feels designed for people who are much more knowledgeable about the subject than I am (which is to say, knowledgeable at all).
Done and done.
On the whole, I appreciate what DRM is trying to accomplish, but I think it defeats the purpose far more often than it serves it.
For a graphic version of my feelings on DRM and rights management in general, see:
A textual version of my feelings: "Goddamnit, iTunes!"
To be fair, I have mixed feelings about copyright in general. I'm not such a fan of the way it functions. So a system which was built explicitly to protect copyright, well...
This survey asks about DRM as a whole, but not all DRM are created the same. The biggest fear for DRM for me is if the source of authentication goes dead - are you *renting* music or *buying* music for example? Do I need a constant connection to the Internet? These kinds of fears help nuke any source I don't trust, but probably would not be a big deal with old iTunes, for example.
Also, something like Steam is perfectly fine for DRM. I'm only going to be playing games on Internet-connected desktops and laptops, and Steam's DRM saves me a trip to the store and offers pretty big discounts on older games. The only problem is, say, booting a laptop on a plane, but Steam lets you keep old authenticated sessions, so it's not a big deal.
DRM is plainly a "disadvantage" when looked at alone, but you have to ask what the DRM is getting you. In the case of Steam, it's obvious - cheap digital download games. For old iTunes, it's moderate - you don't get THAT big a discount off store prices. For random other small things, it's probably not contributing enough and is actually bad. So yeah, not really a one-size-fits-all answer.
The problem with digital-delivery and digital-control DRM is that the trend is now to license the material. It may always have been that way, but there didn't used to be a way to revoke licensing privileges. Now there is: someone can pull back your DRM product, take away the thing you paid money for, because THEY control the access, and they get to decide that.
See: Amazon pulling versions of Kindle books, EA/Origin killing online access accounts and thus preventing access to newly purchased games, etc.